I) I f H THE If ERA L I). H'- iss&. J I J. JL MACMUitpniT- .-. ... Karros. - - CLUB BAtliS FOR 175. j , Big Inducements toSubsrribo Aoctt for the- Herald. s ' Papers Free for Two Months. r Road onr Nevr Clab List. .i . i Tb time is now approach In when we receive our annual projolilon from the eastern papers tuid magazine for elubhjnjr purposes. We have -ecelved but few a yet. We give a partial list thin week and alo our offers to subscribers for the Incoming year. ,.j f H'B RATES : TnF. llr.HALT) and Uarper's Bazar, Weekly, or Marine $4.80 " Demorest's Monthly 3 60 Young America 2,35 Weekly Inter Ocean ?-T5 end" " ' i Oileago Tost Mail, dally... 7.35 weekly 2.73 Galaxy 80 AH Herald golns outside of the county joust add posta. to these rates it cents a year. It will also be observed that the rates are slightly higher abroad, owing to their having to pre-pay postage, otherwise they are Jasilow as can be made, aud by this means the poorest fainllyn aeare home news and one or two foreign papers for little more thau the price of one good paper singly. Anl still more the Heram offers all old sub scribers that pay uplnow back dues and oi.c year In advance a reduction f 10 per cent on ac count and new subscripUOii.rAll new subscrl ler paying In iktmnee will receive the IIekald and all the papers clubbed therewith from now to the first of January next, except dailys, kree To any one sending In two other new names, in addition to his own, with the cash, for a yesr. we will give a One steel engraving. This offer wlil kIso apply to any old subscriber who may renew for a year. To any one sending five new subscribers, with the cash, we will give the Ueh aui tree, or a handsome Chromo. These term gdod to tb first of January only Hend In your orders at once, rostinastsrs respectfully asked to take. an In eiest In the matter and help us to new sub scribers. ' . - The IliistingH Journal does not like store-pipes stuck through barn roofs and out of old vjruUnvs, &c &c. (J rand Masonic Chapter at Nashville, Tenn. I. II. Wheeler, Custodian, is in attendance, and that accounts for Dan's alBence from his usual haunts. A terrible storm passed through a larjfe section of the eastern States on Monday last, amounting to a tornado in Tennessee. Some loss of life arid severe damage to property. Senator Hitchcock will leave for Washington the first of next week, so its to be present at the sitting of Con grens, which takes place on Monday, the 7th of December next. A bill has passed the Oregon Senate which provides that husbands and wives without children may be consid ered divorced by simply ceasing to live together. This would receive the ap proval of the most advanced free lovers. Ex. lion. John Taffe, editor of the Rf publican has an original letter fron Abraltfim Lincoln in Saturday's Repui lican. It is dated Springfield, IIU Au gust 19, 1859, and treats of Dough. position on the slavery question and the- admission of Nebraska. The three persons proposed by the Democrats for the speakership of the next House were all back paysters we believe Kerr, Wood and Banks. How's this for reform and honester men ? The Ashland Times man notices our foreman (W. Shryock) and ourself handsomely, ironically, peculiarly, and good naturedly. Well, he knows how it is himself. You may well thank your stars that you were not around when Will returned and editor Mac came to pay off Saturday night. If it wasn't for Saturdays we would'nt mind running a newspayer on nothing xo much. During our late visit at Lincoln we were introduced to Col. II. M. Van Ar man, an old resident of the State who informed us lie used to live at Platts rnoutli, and that he was shortly going to California &c &c. The Colonel is rather a portly, middle aged Gno look ing gentleman bearing the personal marks of numerous good oyster stews and sich and sich, and we hope he'll hav better luck in California than he has had in Nebraska and grow better and fatter. There were seven test votes on the salary-grab bill. Every time N. P. Banks, of Massachusetts, voted for the bill, four times, Dan Voorhees, of In diana, voted for the bill ; the other three he did not vote at all. Three times Fernando Wood, of New York, voted for the bill, the remaining four times be dodged. These are the three men that are mentioned in connection with the Speakership by the Democracy. What a blessed change this democratic victory is going to be. Cincinnati Ga The Herald had a very pleasant visit at Lincoln on Tuesday and Wed . itesday pf this week. We savf our old townsmen, II. D. Hatlrafway, puffing the pipe of peace aud yi&rtif in the Journal Office, Mr. (!ere, tha Jvdftor. wry? halant as ever, but one of the best writers and politic al Editors in the State. Bos St inch comb rolled up in a big muffler and wide awake for news in the Local De partment. Dan Lauer "mit" a -stick full of pi or something else, happy and jubilant as ever and lots of other good fellows of days gone by whom we are always glad to see and have a good laugh and chat with. At the Blade of fice, the Editor Ma j. Caffrey, was ab sent but Beardsley, the irrepressible, zoas on hand and for Auld Lang Syne -re took one good "chaff turn and turn about and.wft don't know who come off best Small, oar old Smails of the Statesnan is still- jbout and gave us a hearty hand shajceid then and then, why we went home and had supper at ie f vjmerv'i.it, &v course. , Lantry played smash with that "baby" an,i the "headache." It has otie All over the State that we're a "rffotllerOh Gracious! Lantry did you e'vcf read Artemus Ward ? It isn't us ; it is our wife's relations, and like Ar temus, we are willintr to sacrifice all the female relatives she has on that headache, but, please the pigs, we don't want any in ours. (JEN. KILPATRICK. The Herald has not enjoyed itself in a long while so much as in listening to the eloquence of this world re nouned soldier. In 1801 Capt. Kilpatrick raised and equipped the first squadron of Volun teer Cavalry received by the Govern ment in the late war, and the Editor of this paper, helped to recruit and lit out said squadron. It was afterwards raised to a Bat tall ion, called after it's first leader's name, "Kil Patrick's Mounted llifle3," and as a regiment un der Col. Dodge, did good service through the war. It was in command of the Harris Light Cavalry however, that Kilpat rick gained his greatest fame, and with whom he marched to the sea. By universal request the General re turns to visit us in January next, and will lecture in Lincoln again, about the 15th. He will also lecture in Neb. City, and elsewhere in the State if proper engagements can be made. He certainly talks as well as he fights, and it is a real pleasure to listen to him. ELECTIONS ItEl UKXS. The following from the State Jour nal, are the returns from forty-one counties, of this State: A little over 31.000 votes were cast in these forty one counties. Crounse, republican can didate for Congress, has a majority over all of about 7,000. and over Sav age, Democrat, 11,50. We estimate the remaining organized counties Will return about 5,000 votes, of which Crounse will get 4,000, giving him 10, 000 clear majority over all. The following are the counties not represented in the figures we have above givn: Antelope, Clav, Colfax, Dawson, Dodge, Howard, Franklin, Furnas, Keith, Madison, Nuckolls, Sherman, Stanton, Valley and Wayne. We presume no election was held in Chase, Dundy, Greeley and Phelps, but if so very few votes were cast. Roberts, rep., for Attorney General, has a majority so far, over Montgom ery, of 3,300. which will probably be increased to 5,000. The vote for the Prohibition State ticket will fall below 1200. SQUATTER, STATE OF NEBRASKA. RESIGNATION. JL'DAS ISCARIOT!! SENATORIAL. Of Interest to All. The Centennial Calendar, dated July The Nlnkins Saved. The combination of tonic, alterative and stim ulating properties in Hostel tor's tstomach liit- Manv of our exchanges are exercis- ing themselves over the next U.S. Sell-1 t. 1874 good for one hundred years, ; SSSS7&K,Sr& K..KV?"VK ator. We give a batch of opinions j and a monthly almanac, embracing t fiS elsewhere j months,-from July 1st 18i4, to Dec. ; sia. and liver complaint, and in chronic consti- ... . . . ... ait. ia7.-.nnnf.,!n;n tr.,,,.1. inform, , pation aud other obstinate diseases. It U beyond j. lie iir.KALD, naving no pet canui- v.umu., ..9 ........ au comparison me oesi reiueuy mat can te ihncii. ii a tu ri'i,ii ui ititr Mrciiiu and ilal energy of person who ure sinkitie un der llie dt-liiiua'tin ellecls of paiuiul disorders, this standard veget-iblc in vtzorunt is confess edly iineqiulled. The permanent tonics includ ed in th !rep:irttion are associated with a dif fusion; stitiitiient alHltilrl v Ixire. :ml wholly i On returning from Lincoln Wednes day afternoon, the following unique and original document struck the Her ald man square in the eye. We give it in full, it is too good to be lost: Lincoln, Neb. Nov. 25, 1874. To His Excellency, Tip Top, Squatter Governor of Nebraska : Dear Silt: The people of Lancas ter county, this fall, called upon me to sacrifice the honorable position I held as member of the Third House and to accept a position as member of 'tother House. As they called so very loud.to wit, 533 majority and S3 per day, I' have concluded to accede to their re quest, and hereby tender to you my resignation, and in doing so allow me to thank you for the many acts of kindness and courtesy and for gobbling all of the money placed at our disposal. I also have to acknowledge the receipt of a partial reprt from Grant Ensign, chairman of committee on conduct of members. From that you will see that Gen. Thayer, one of the Pages of the hist third house is still seeking office, which matter must be looked after at your coming session; also, Painter, the other Page, has gone and joined the Grangers, but still shells corn by hand. But time forbids; you will soon be called to the Capitol city lor duty; in the language of Dr. Graff, stern duty. And now, in retiring, allow me to ex press the hope that you will march boldly up to duty, and when you shall have completed your labors and a TJ. S. Senator elected, future generations will rise up and call you blessed. Yours, truly, A. G. Hastings. Self-elected ami self-appointed, and now self resigned Speaker of the Lobby. Brother Hastings, you are resigned, we thank you for holding on to the of fice so long, and deny getting any mon ey or any beer while holding this office. We never could get chance at either while you remained on our staif. You won't be half as happy where you are going, and, moreover, the Herald will have a chance at you now, whereas, while jou remained in our honorable body honor forbade us from giving you fits as you deserved. We never heard "as how" the Gov ernor elected the U. S. Senator, still we earnestly hoie the legislature will leave it to us. If they should, Lord, old boy, but j-ou'd hear a howling 'round Lincoln some morning, eh? Finally, lastly, and unequivocally, good bye, "self-elected, self-appointed" &C and may "grace, mercy and peace" follow . you ever as it has surrounded j-ou in all former scrapes, and if you undertake any new nest-hiding, egg tinding, or any other devilment in the -spear" to which you have "arose", may the vengeance of an indig(n)ent, grasshopper suffering Sergeant-at-Arm3 enfold you in his hungry maw and bear you to regions beyond the ken and power of this or any other Squat ter Governor's reprieve. So mote it be. Given undor my hand and seal on the Thanksgiving day of the year 1874, ! at this 'our home where the mighty Missouri rolls down to the sea. f : TIP-TOP. S;Q. G. State of Gntsshopperers. Little story about a St. Louis church j usher: A man indifferently dressed went to his church. The usher did not notice him, but seated several well dressed persons who presented them selves, when finally the man addressed j tha usher, saying, "Can you ttll me ! whose church this is?" "Yes. this is Christ's church." " He in?" was the next question, after which a seat was not so hard to Qnd, j dates to advance, desires simply to see the ablest and purest man we have, sent there. On this selection rests very largely the future of this State. It's material welfare can be greatly aided by a wise and judicious selection for Senator, and it's intellectual status will most assuredly be guaged by the cali bre of the men we now send abroad to represent us. Our Legislature must see to it, that the "Barbaric Yawp!" of tle east is heard no more, in regard to the timber of our public men; nor do we want our "average intelligence," (they talk so much of,) estimated by the mediocre talent of some sharp and cunning po litical aspirant, and then flung in our teeth to all time. More than all the success and power of the Republican party in this State, depends very greatly on the kind of man this Legislature show themselves capable of appreciating and sustaining. We may as well look the thing in the face and each man can make up his mind that the next U. S. Senator must be a pure man, an able man, and an in dependent man. Not independent of all party ties, or a foolish egotist ; but a man of real independence of thought and action. The people of this State j will hold this Legislature responsible for such a man. No old settlers with miisf v rpforfl of r1irr5irfiil tivn nl..i I schemings will do. Xo credit Mobi Her entangle-ments, or back pay subterfuges.m ust surround the Repul li can candidate for this high office. "state "items." Elder Shinn of Omaha aged 66, took unto himself a wife aged 25, on Mon day last. Mr. C. B. Palmer, principal of the Beatrice School, and editor of the Ne Iraska Teacher, has an offer of 61,500 to go to North Platte and take charge of the school. Mr. P. is a finished scholar and a successful t-.-a.- ii r. It seems to us Beatrice cannot afford to lose as good a teacher and useful citi zen as Mr. Palmer at that price. The bell presented by Emperor Wil liam of Germany to the German Lutli- j erans of jFebing, Nemaha Co. which was cast from cannon captured from the French, was dedicated on the 15th inst. A congregation of a thousand or more gathered to witness the services. Gov. Furnas made an address. The weight of the bell is 1521 lbs. Douglas Co. attached the O. & N. W. It. R. engine for taxes. Augustus Marbach, who murdered a German woman named Metzkentz, and seriously wounded her husband, plead guilty of murder in the second degree and was sentenced to twenty years in the State prison. The inside of the depot at Sterling was burned on the 17th inst, but the flames were subdued before the frame work was consumed. The claim or Nebraska for five per cent on Government sales of Indian lands h:i3 been allowed. It will be ov er 660,000. So says the Lincoln Jour nal. Miss Lucy A. McFadden is perform ing the duties of county school super intendent of Clay county, during the sickness of the Superintendent. A large portion of the iron for the extension of the M. P. It. R. south from Nebraska City, is at Phelps, a station! on the C. B. & St. J-k. opposite- i: r- j ville. Journal. A well 87 feet deep and six fc '! ! diameter, has been put down in J-iTiu-L.-i ; at the steam mill, and the water is s; 1 to be in sucli quantity as to t;ir:ii: ; enough for the whole tow.i. Jcnru-iL j Wallen Cameron has jc.-t anive.; j from Ohio with a large invoice ui i blooded stock, consisting mos Jy of cat tle and sheep. Among the cattle is a Durham bull said to weigh three thous and pounds, and to be one of the best in the United States. The sheep 7a in number, are mostly Merino and Cots wold the be3t in the country. Schuy ler Register. A fine new hotel has just lxen open ed in Fremont, the Occidental. The Lincoln Blade asks the State pa pers to copy the following: For Sale. As the presence of Hie editor of the Bbitlc is required for a time in Iowa, he therefore de.s.iv.s to sell a half interest in the oiii-e. If in cannot secure a partner he will sell the entire office. Applications should be made at once. In the case of M. II. Hathaway against the county, the demurer that the county government was nr.t liable for failures to keep bridges in repair, was sustained by the court. Counsel for plaintiff moved to file amended pe tition within thirty days, and the cae will be taken on error to the supreme court. Seward Reporter. PAPElt MILL. Some of our people are taking a live ly interest in the new manufactories to be established here. This is right, ev ery man that has a dollar to spare should take stock in this enterprise, as nothing will build up the town and county fiuster than manufactories. Think of it citizens of Cuming coun ty, from two to three hundred thous and dollars worth of taxable property, added to our now increasing wealth; while the living of from one to two hundred factory hands, will make you a market for your surplus vegetables, and much of the flour which you now ship away. Then the money now sent off for manufactured articles you spend here at home, while thousands of dol lars will be brought into your midst to pay for your goods. Let every man put his shoulder to the wheel and give a helping hand to the enterprise. Wt understand that the machinery for a patter mill has already been offered, and it now only r: mains to get us the building and other material to establish this one industry. Let the good peo ple work in concert, and a mill wo will have to start with. Wert Print Rp. I tinn rplatincr in th rtntpninal Oflflr!i- tion of 1876, and the valuable proper ties of Simmons' Liver Regulator. Four million are printing and all for gratuitous distribution. Send a one cent statu p for a copy to J. II. Zeilin & Co, Philadelphia. Druggists supplied upon application. THE U. S. SENATOUSIIIP. Dure, and the tendouev of tht-se elements is modified by the iireenee T alterative ingred ients slower In their operation and capahh of irodiieiiiK more bistirK local and general etfeets. 'or feeble convalescents and in all phases of dehilit v.it is the best as well as the most agree able of restoratives. STOltE A XI) MILL AT (From the Btc) The Senatorial fight is waxing warm er in the eastern part of the State. The counties along the Missouri is the battle ground. Hitchcock and Dundy Crounse and Thayer, is the way the skirmishers are divided. Western Ne braskian. What's the matter with our confrere the Tecumseh Chieftain! It came out last week in favor of Algernon Sidney Paddock for U. S. Senator. No you don't come it over Pawnee or Pawnee's Representatives in that style. Mr. Chictain. ratrwe publican. Well, you set- the way that was the "Gov." nasaerl throwih Tecumseh 1 . 1. t TV . T . I last wet'K. lie e;tiue u jiown- i ville, too, an ! we -did tit br-st we could j Connection With Our Store. for him under the cii'i-um--t.tuces. But ! probably he didn't d 'i ivs as imi'-h as to the f'it'-j (-'ii. wis .it's the use Mr. ; wpl be guaranteed to be satisfactory. We em- Republican, of one's travi-iinsj around Rock Bluffs. We have purchased the BOOK BLUFFS STEAM FLOURING, ANI SAW MILL, And will hereafter run the same In lection With Our St CUSTOM WORK to spf editors without making arrnnye- j vitnts that is if one is a candidate for the I". S. S. liro'cnrille Advertiser. Proaf Wanted. ! Several of our Slate papers are at tacking General Thayer, personally be canse he is an aspirant to Senatorship in opposition to others. We are sorry to see this indulged in by republican journals, heretofore supposed to know better and to have a higher respect for honorable journalism. We especially regret to see the Beatrice Repress takes the lead in this direction against Gen. Th-ivcr. It charges that he has "joiiud hands with a despotic and impudent political ring" at the Capital, and is the "enemy of all citizens in this State." Wouldn't it be bettr for the Express to bring forward some proof in sup port of these assertions? Such empty charges sound familiar in the '-Indepen dent and "llefornt" journals, but in respectable republican paper it would look better to be substantiated by something tangible. If the Omaha Herald, the Ashland Times, the Platts mouth Watchman, or the Fremont Herald would make such assertion, we would not bother them for proof, but in your case we demand it. Saunders County Rcjtublican. Gracious Moses! Last evening about early dark, two gentlemen well known in this town were seen trudg ing up sixth street, with a two bushel basket of toys, presents Christmas and Thanksgiving fixings combined, won dering and amazed the IIekald rush ed out and asked the meaning of this. "We're a going to give them to Lon Cunningham's boy" was the answer before we could get our mouth shut to ask further questions they hollered back "Say Mac, its a girl; we forgot" And so it is. "Mother ai d I.on" are do ing well. ployed the BEST we could flud, vte : It. U. liiickmitk, whoo- reputation is well known, ar.d it in jirii posed that the farmers u;id uii r.ihc:- have Cs-oocL Spies us? if they bring Good Wheat ! ! CLARK & PLUMMER'S This well-known firm have just received a large Stock of Bleached anil Brown Mus lins at very low prices. Another lot of those fine Jaconet Embrorderies just arrived Call and see them. Call at Clark Flu miner's for Queens ware and Glassware. t i The highest market price paid for the Best Wheat and Corn. OUR STORE is Chock Full of Goods THIS FALL, and we mean to sell them At Low Bales pjrc-liasc a I.tr Having been enabled to stock Uncommonly Low, They will be sold to all. EQUALLY LOW. NOW IS YOUR' TIME TO ZBTTIT. H.Shera, ItOt li IILuI S S, KEU. .lit f nxirnnxx I. A Flour . . W iieat. . Ii'iii Oats Ifve li'irler.. rattle .. 1 loirs -v i I i 1 V, .ri:sr mhcaso mai:ki:ts. Co I.: ;. Nov. 7. 7p r . M 1.19 I iHf''.i..' Bti n-'KSM '! BJb G ! ! !: GL0 SHAFER'S Wagon and Blacksmith Shop. .iiORSE.:siio..':i..vi;-! VT2 ruling and Repairing ALL KINDS OK FARM IMPLEMENTS 1 vi rriw ;!(;: red to furnish the best unit-'..:.-d i-.ir TWK'E EVEKY DAY, I'o i':. 7. iities noiifyinj; me ; pirrr.K Mi Jin a Co. M fat Market! .' e w .v. t o c k o f d r i c d Fr ui t a ju.-t received. Cheap. Zii eon Soap Try it. California Flour at & Plummer's. CI an Spring lower piicis Wheat than Flour at an v where else at Clark tfc PI mum er s , Three car loads of Salt in the barrel, at old rates on freight, for sale cheap. Far mers, now's your time. Coal Oil bv the barrel cheaper than can be bought atChicago and shippped hero. Call and free Clark & Plum mets Silica's, by the barrel, before purchasing elsewhere. It will do vou crood. II ATT, THE BUTCHER -o- r- Mt Jided a:i l FLc-rt. New Waons made to :lrr. K it- l'ii- and work giiaranU ed. rr.ATTSMfUTTff. flu W.n'.tiiwtiMi Av... NEB. f near 7'.ii i. 3ly m. a Thpeclal attention of all person harinp Lands or Town Lots for Sale. ia Cam County, is called to the fact that SMITH & WINDHAM will pive prompt attention to the disposition of all properly placed in their bands for that pur pose. If yon hare Unimproved Lands for sale they will sell it for yon. if you want to pureiiase they will give you a bargain. If you have an Improved Farm you desire to dispose of they will (lnd yno a customer. 11 you wiau 10 ouy one mey supply you. Oldest and best established Meat Market in the place. o IIatt Always to ke Found There. Not i'!ians:in;r eonstantiy. but the Old Reliable Soot. iiriv you cmi jrit your Steaks, ltoasts, (j.tiiK-. I-"ish iiiid Fowl in season. SOI Til SIDE OF .MAIN STREET, One Door West of Herald Office, 35-1 y. I'latts"iot7TH. Neb. A large lot of Teas just re ceived from the Importers, at Xew Y"ork. To be sold for the benefit of the people here. mmm Funerals attended on Short Notice. also dealer in Furniture, Chairs, Bed cling, &c, Main street, next door to Rrooks House. P L A TTS MOUTH. - - . - - NEB NHW BOOT AfD SHOR STORE Opposite the Brooks House. I Propose to sell to my friends and acquaintances throughout the Co. a superior quality of goods at reason able prices. Having had a lifelong experience in the tanning business I consider myself qualified to select goods to satisfy the demands of the people. W. H. POOL. Plattsmouth, - - - Neb. 27-1 3t. THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHE APE T For your Groceries go to J. V. Weckbach, Corner Third and Main street, HatUmoutb. (fiuthmann'H old stand.) He keeps on hand a larjje ar.d well selected stork of FANCY (SROCERIES. COFFEES. TEAS. SUGAR. SYRUP, ROOTS, SHOES, &e., &e., &e.. &e. In connection with the Grocery U a Bakery and Confectionary. Highest price paid for Country Produce 1T-A full stock at all times, and will not be un dersold. Tako notice of the sixn "EMPIRE BAICRUY AND GROCERY. niyl. .1 Machine Shop. John IVayman, Sncvsnorto Wayman & CnrtKl rLATTSMOUTII, NBC. Repairers of Steam Engines, Bollera, Baw ud Grist Mills. Gas and Steam Fittings. Wrought Iron Pipe, Force and Lift Iumw, Steam Cuages, bafety Valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings Furnished on short notice. Farming Machinery Repaired on short notlee. i-tf. Chicago it North-Westem Railway BUY YOUR VIA THE Chicago tfe JV or th- Western Railway. For CHICAGO. ) polls. Montreal. Cleveland, 1 last on, liloomiiiton. Springfield, aslilnton, Cairo, Indl.uiot l'oitlani Ning.ira P&lll, Ilttshurgh. Cincinnati, AlliaDjr, bioux City, Detroit, Toledo, llwlTalo. New YoPk. Philadelphia, ltaltiinore, Toronto, Yauctou, MILWAUKEE Sheboygan, Manitowoo, Clinton, Jauesvillc, Miltou JuncUou, f A T E K T OWN, Minnesota Junettnn, BURNETT. FOND DU LAC, O S II K O S II , Appleton, Menasha. Green Hay. Eseanabsi, N uaiince, Isliiicuiing. Marquette, L. 'An.se, and the Shores of LAKE SUPERIOK. It is the only Route From CHICAGO TO ST. PAUL, Via Madison, Ttarahoo and ntroy, and It la th only route running Pullman Palace Cars, through between Chicago aud St. Paul, MAKVIX Hl CHITT. W. II. HTKNNItT. GenT Snp't. GeuT Pass'r An.t. 57 F. JOHNSON. DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, AN D Wall Paper. 7A77" CALL AT Str eight JortCH9 Livery, Feed & Sale Stables, Corner Cth and Pearl sta. Horses Boarded by the Day Week or Month. All Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER I2f Books, Stationary, Maga zines, And Latest Publications. Prescript ins carefully eompoundd by n ex peiiciiccd Druggist. Remember the place, cor. 0th u Main travl,. riattsnioMtti. - 14. WILLIAM IIEltOLD Keeps one of the Largest Grocery Stocks IN TOWN. HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD, OR TRA BED, FOR A FAIR C03I MISSTOX. LIVERY AT ALB TIMES. Particular Attention Paid to Driving and Training Trotting Stock. :yl McELWAIN & H0DAPP, House, Sign, Carriage, and Ornamental Graining PAPER HANGING, A Specialty. (Shop on Cth St. bet. Main & Pearl.) S A TISFA CTION G UA RANT E ED. 3ltf WEEPING WATER ADS. Hubbard II oust, IIUliUAKD, - - Puo. Main street, WepInK.TValer. GOOD ACCOMODATIONS FOJt TRAVELERS. 419. NEW DRUG STORE. KKKP1SU WATER. VJtC. T. L. POTTER, DEAI.KIt IN DRt'OS. MEDICINES. PA1JTW. OILS. VAKN1SH. rKKI-lMEUK, ST ATM IN EH V. NOTION:, CKiAHS. TOHAC'C'O, AND GLASS. Prescriptions carefully prepared. Ifltt Woods ISros., DEALERS IN Agricultural Implements, Hardware. Tlnwar. Pumpa, Iio kafV.' Once more remember t.'hirk Sc IMununer's, on Main 1 j St., Plattsmout-h, Nebraska, ! if von want to buv clieai) tor easli r.io :vavont Homo Romcd' Is eminently a Fatuity Medicine : and by heiui; kept ready for iiiiiued'iatc resort will save many an hour o'f Milli-i in;; a::d iii.uiy a dollar iu time and doctor's hi. Is. After over Forty Yean' trial it is still receiv ing the most unqualified testimonials to its vir tues from ihi-so!is of the highest cnaracter and resjHinsibilty. Eminent physicians com mend it as the most Kl'FECTirAL SPECIFIC For all diseases of the Liver. Stomach anil Spleen. The symtoms of Liver Complaint are a bitter or bad i:ist in tlie iiiouth ; Pain in the ltaek. sides or Joints, otten mistaken for Uheumatisui ; Soursl0111ac.il; lxss of Appetite; llowels al ternately costive and lax ; Headache : loss of memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which ouirht to have been done ; Debility, low spirits, a thick yellow nilearance of the skiii and eyes, a dry cough often mistaken tor consumption. If you have Property to Rent they will rent it for you. And w :!l rdy J.d,ii.C3 I'Jl nUil-rtcfciUciiLS Sometimes many of these symtoiiis attend the j dis. m-, at others verv few ; but the liver, the andf ir:ii-i any ::ad .ui i r 1 f. j i- 1 h.ii a.- to ! 1 1: orau pi tlie body, is jtenerallv the heat Value. Localitjr, and Prices 0: Ileal Estate. Buv, l, or Kent, ..c;i t. :e' 'iu a Ci-.';. or dist,o j? i.f well :o ive . . PLATTSMOUTH, fv !:i - - XEli. iif ii.e tiisea.M. and if not regulated 111 time. ureal suliViiiii;. wretchedness and death will i-nin'. Fir- Dvspepsiri, constipation, iaundice. bil-1:1.1:- :tuek!.iek headache, eolie. depression of -'i.iius, tniur stomach, heart burn, &e.. &c. T!.r re(t pent, Pttrext ami lrxt Fttmity Liniment in th WurVt! Manufactured only by J. IT. ZEILIX A CO.. Macon, Oa.. and Philadelphia. , I -tine !.. t14 t H lnifrsrt ONCE MOKE. AVe are selling largely by the unbroken package; Mus lins by the bolt, Groceries by the barrel, keg, or original package, Thread by the doz en spools, and so on. It is the best way to buy, for ev erybody, and we call atten tion to this new feature of our trade, and invite all to give tli$ method a. trial. 21-6m REAL ESTATE. POLLOCK & BEARDSLEY, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, AND NOTARIES PUBLIC ! ! Having formed a partnership for the purpose o. doin a General Real Estate Business, We are prepared to s t end to the same In all its Branches. Oar list of Lands Is LAKGE and CHOICE, Some at EHY LOW PRICES. AVE If AVE AN Abstract of REAL ESTATE TITLES, For Cass County, which We have Careful y Compared WITH THE ORIGINAL RLC0RDS, And will give Special Attention To the EXAMINATION 5 TITLES TO FURNISHING Certified Abstracts, and to V n teijn nc i n AXD NOTARY WORK, Clock, over 1st Na.lon- Hcartlfcley. Repairing lorto to Order and Satisfaction Guaranteed. VE DEFY COMPETITION. 60-iy New Firm in Weeping Water. Fleming & Raco, (Successors of J. CLISDK CO.) WEEPING WATER, NEB. Tills new firm have just laid In a larga o4 varied stock of goods, ENTIRELY NEW, and will now ofTer them for sale at tl. oJd Stand In Weeping Water. They respectfully solicit the patronnge of rK people, and propose in sen coon rooom as cheap as anv mm iu the Mil - KCl. Try Us Once, arid See. eyl Weeping Water High School, will ores November 12th, 1S74. Tuition. SS.OO IerTerm. 0,T:c in al i 34-ir- Aided ly a good oorpfi of Intrurt-oM, THIS INSTITUTION Offer as GOOD ADVANTAGES As any chool In the County. For further particulars, Address either of tho undersigned, at Weeping Water. ?ltf E. L. HEED, U. W. FAKLET.