Ill H E IULD. LOCAL STEWS. LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS. tuT.'?1'.25 c'n,, a n- K"gular adver ted SOer'1 e &' puvd!I?gLTh,,e,r,r. wui be chared t0 tbe Try John Simpson's oysters. Old papers for sale seventy-five cents a hundred. Doc Jones has got the handsome roan mare back again. If you want a nice overcoat for $4.00 call at Win. Stadelmann's. Keisel & Ripple are making good Lager Ueer again. We have a scholar here named Lil lie Lilly, how sweet she must be, Dick Straight has gone to Chicago to Imy a new winter livery rig. For of all queer things, by tongue or ien, the queerest is Uncle Jake V happy again. The Presbyterian sociable on Tues day evening, was a very pleasant occasion. Weckbach lost a pair of gloves, stolen from the store last week, and the thief was arrested. We avoid names for the present. Miss Josie S : The pear ap-pear- c 1 very fine, and we arc very much ob'igel; our better and bigger half hooked three-quarters of it, though, app(e)arently. One day this week a fine portly man stepped into the Heuali ollice, and when he left the boys found a keg of Jieer under the Hank. That Beer is marked II. & II., and it's petter as goot. Temperance House John Simpson Oysters and Lunch at all honrs. If you want a nice suit of Clothes for 6S.03, call at Win. Stadelmanu's. Wall paper. Window Shades, Chro mos. and all kinds of upholstering good, at Fkaxk Stadtek's, X'.Hf Central Block. BOO I S .te SHOES. Call and examine the low-down pri ces of your winter foot-gearing, before purchasing elsewhere, I won't be un dersold east of the Jlocky Mountains. l'KTEK MeKOES. FARMERS ATTENTION! Julius lVperberg. Cigar Manufac turer, opposite the IIki:ali ollice, on Main l'lattsinouth. Neb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and American To lacccs. for smoking purposes, For Stile. Best qualities of ilug-smoking tobacco always on hand. 2utf. Mr. fJaston, the great Democratic vegetable r.iiser of I'lattsutouth, sends the IIk'iald somu very fine specimens f Chinese winter Radish. We need .some kind of salad to soothe i s after t lie news from Mass. Many thanks, friend (I. A2CRO SMITH'S PEANUTS. Mr. Smith, of Rock Bluffs, sends us a pegk of the largest and luuadsomest peanuts we ever saw raised in Nebras ka. He says he can raise a hundred bushels to the acre and they are much more profitable than corn, wheat or oats. Come up in the Herald office and see a specimen of Nebraska Smith peai.ti. We receive and print the High .School report for October, and we are proud to see the standing and scholar ship of our young folks. It is a good credit mark to the town. We must make a suggestion to the maker or sender of the report though; ;uid hereby, to all public o!2icials send ing reports to newspapers: Please write on one side of your paper, only. If paper is so scarce, the IIeuald will loan the city aud county some. RE AO ! READ ! ! The largest assortment. The best assortment, The cheapest assortment, of Boots & Shoes iit the exclusive Shoe Store. Call and examine; no charge. Pete it Merge. STATE ITEMS. A deer was killed only eight miles f rum LincoJn. A party of Chinese students passed through Omaha a few days since en route for the east- The largest, best, mast sensible, and cheapest lot of Christmas toys ever brought to Plattsmouth, on exhibition, in tine style at Feaxk Stadter's. ATTENTION FIRE LADDIES. Arrangements for Auother Ball. There will be a called meeting of the Plattsmouth Fire Department, on Wednesday evening, Nov. ISth, 1874, at the Council Chamber, for the purpose f attending to some Important old business. Financial matters, and new business. Every member of the Com pany is requested to be present. Meet ing at 7 o'clock sharp. By Order. J. A.MacMURPHY, li. O. Fellows. Pres't. Sec'y. Persons having" pictures that need framing will do well to take them to T. W. Shryock, who has just received a large assortment of Mouldings and Frames. SERIOUS ACCIDENT. A man about 50 years of age, named Michael McCarthy.' was badly injured by falling from a car on the Brush train at East Plattsmouth, on Thura day evening last. He was trying to get on to go to work. injuries: The left knee crushed and thigh bro ken, wrist of left arm broken. Limbs are badly crushed, but the Doctors are trying to save amputation with fair hopes of success. McCarthy was one of McEntee's men and has two daugh ters married in Omaha. Drs. Livings ton and Juo. Black are attending him. RECEPTION. The members of the M. E. Church gave a reception their new pastor, Rer. Mr. Adair, and family last Tuesday evening. The members of the church had spent Monday and Tuesday in fix ing and arranging the parsonage, bo that when Mrs. Adair arrived at noon on Tuesday she found the house ready for her to go into and a number mt friends to welcome her to her new home. After some introduction and congratulations the company repaired to the dining room where a handsome collation had been spread by the ladies of the church, which was enjoyed by alL In the evening nearly all the members of the church and lots of the young folks met at the parsonage to welcome their pastor and passed a very enjoyable evening. In the course of the evening Mr. Adair made some very sensible and appropriate remarks, thanking the company for their kind ness and hoping the pleasant relations between the pastor and members, so auspiciously opened, would continue to the end, and that they might all be mu tually benefitted therebj After sing ing and prayer the company wended its way to their several homes, each mentally resolving to put their shoul ders to the wheel and help make the present conference year a pleasant and profitable one. I buy the Largest stock of Boots & Shoes, and consequently buy and sell cheaper than any one in Cass county. Call, examine, and be convinced. Peter Merges. LIST or Remaining in the ri:ittsniouh Post Office, Nov. 1st. 174 : Ucnltow L P Mauley J W Brown Clias W Mullen Jaa Bowman Mw K Miller F A Barber III nun Mendenhall W Black E J Xewlon M Babiel Rob Peak Mattle Copple .John Pearson Edwin Clark T J Russell F E Carey Emma Spencer Annie Carey .f Roberts W 11 Davis F W Smith Mary Duett Christian Stott John Ericksou Andrew Thnrnian J W Evans George Tallon J Frisbe Fred S Vanderwater Nellie Fagin Thomas White Mary E Farr J D Wright Chester Geear T "Wilford Moses Ktrwin Tt Walsh Jos King John Westhelmer J GeijeJ Peter Wilcoxen J W Hast Abram Youngman Mrs Ellie When calling for any of the above letters, please say "advertised." J. W. MARSHALL, P. M. rLATTSMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL. The Report for October IS 74. Number of School (lavs 20 Number Pupils emolled.: 218 Average daily attendance 209 No. of visits from School Officers 3 Patrons 10 Whole number of visits 24 ROLL OF HONOR. The Koll of Honor comprises all those Pupils whose average standin; rearhes or exceeds 95. 100 being pt-rUvt : XAMES. Louisa Sfcryock Kale llolibs Carrie Blvniver, Olive Oa.s... Number enrolled 12 A verage ji U endance 11 2nd cniMMAit : Sophia Gyirer Olive Horning Nellie Lazcnby Xdith LaziMiby fenny l'atlTTkmi, 1 William Wise,... - Jasper Young - Number enrolled 21: 1st C.HAM M . -ilife Tucker, K DCTJKTJIFNT. Kmma Kussell I iilie lleisel Katie Doom Edith Shryock Alice Pollork Emma Skirvln Alvin Gass No. enrolled 21 Average attendance L0 Miss Julia Gearhart, TeMtfr. 2nd iNT'ME'Tr. depahtment. Average standing 97 Hannah Miller, Delia Graves Nellie Parinele Nellie Hartle, Albert Keinawekle Allie Eaton Haltie Hillings, Laura Olseu Myron Wheeler Mammy TWovenaI John Duke Alice Graves Katie Dorrington George Donovan Emma Hohbs. olive Wintersteiii, Ed. McEntee Martha Vass Katte Gorrell, Ella Kenedy No. eurolled. 40 Average attendance 3a Gertie Johnson. Teacher. 1st INT'ME'TE IEPAIITMENT. Mary Cauticld, Maggie Doom Cclia Goos Amelia Heisul, Cclia Moore Annie Nchluntz - Jessie Smith Frank Conn James Donnelly, Ernest Ellison. Charley Gyger, Jomes Pollock, John Vallery Henry lleroid Charles Pellee No. enrolled 3.r Average attendance 31 Maggie S. Gilchrist. Teacher. fourth mi MA a V. ReUie Cook Libbie Karri tt .I;iiiim l:iMrum. . -. . . - John McEntee Cordelia Carnes Emma Selmlof Minnie Balsinger, '. No. enrolled 38 Average attei'dauce, 3J .Miss Oecie Johnvrn, Teacher. 3rd r in MA it Y. Maggie Champion Lelia Clark Willie Draiu. Lizzie Eidman, Chas. Herold. George Heisel Carrie Isham Gardner Jones Nettie Nichols Henrietta Shuloff, -. ... Cora Wells Annie Holilschuh Herman Hohlschuh, Lillie Lilly A. S. Whetstone, Teacher. 1st and 2nd primary. Bertie Pollock. ... Walter Holmes, Pearl Holmes Lizzie Newell Bessie Johnson, Eddie Gyger No. enro.led, 36 Average attendance, 17 Mary L. Kuby. Teacher. 91 PI " 90 J0 !2 88 y 1-7 Si i a ioo ioo loo. ui 100 100 loo 91 I ioo: 94 ioo' yy ioo 94 IOO V) ir. Jin looj 100 100 loo i i 99 99 99 99 i 97 98 97; H7 7 97 97 98 97 9; 99 99 9 96 90 9". 96 S 9" 90 S9 93 8.-. 97 91 Wi 91 So 9: 1M 100 100 100 ioo loo J 00 iro 90 9S 97 9rt 95 9(1 98 90 90 9G V-5 y 9ri 93 92 92 89 80 88 1VV ioo ioo : ioo 97 j 97; IOO 100 97: llHI 100 ! 100 too. I IOO: ioo ko 5i IOO loo 100 100; U!0 looj jon ioo no ioo ioo ioo inn ioo ino ioo ioo ioo loo ioo' ioo !6 100 loo, &T 90 i 100 loo i i sTf lou 97 j loo 97' 95 loo; l(A 97! 98 100 i 95 lOOj 90 100' HO ioo ! t 100! 1(0 IOO' HO vol ioo 95! 100 100 90 100' 90 95) KX 90 ion 95! 100 90' 100 100! iro ioj: km) 1001 100 100 I 10 10 1 100 100; 100 100 100 Kj no 100 90 j 100 io! no 100 1 90 100, 90 I 97; 100! (K)! 100 ! 95 95 95 9o 10f 100 95 95 Patrons and friends are most cordially invited to visit our school roo:n home. Coma aud see us, and if weeaftnot do yon good, your presence will cheer the hearts of the workers there to more vigorous and faithful effort. The great problem of our Nation In the pres ent age is the education of her children. In that edueation lies the success of our Govern ment, and the happiness of mankind. Teachers may do much In establishing and sus taining j successful school; but it is only through the active co-operation of patrons and school officers, that the highest good is obtain ed. Then give us a helping hand, that your school may be worthy of your city, and tha cause in which we labor. n. A. STCRGES, -Not. 2nd. 1871. rrlnclpaL Old papers for sale at the Herald officd seventy-five cents per one hundred. If you want a nice pair of boots for 83.75, call at Wm. Stadelmann's. Born, to the house of SilafeT before breakfast on Friday last, a daughter. Ask Frank Guthnian for particulars, he told us. SIMPSON'S OYSTER DEPOT. PRICE LIST. Rowe's celebrated eagle brand- 65c. " " " medium 75c. " " " select 90c. The Episcopal Sociable of the Ladies Aid Society, will meet at the house of Mrs. Elbert Duke, on Tuesday evening, Xov. 17th. A general invitation is extended. Just received, a splendid assortment of Women's, Misses and Children's, fine sewed shoes. Give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. W. II. Pool. PERSONALS. Mrs. Frank Marshall, wife of Capt. Marshall, our Postmaster, was. taken very suddenly with Inflammatory Croup on Tuesday evening last. She is better now. Mr. Charles Seeley, one of the at tachees of the Omaha Republican office, showed his handsome face in our town last Saturday. He came down to see some friends and stay over Sunday. He left for Omaha Monday. AVe received the following card the other day, 0. P. Austin, Local Depart ment, Daily Star, Cincinnati," and a copy of the paper with Gen. lirisbin's heroic efforts in behalf of the grass hopper sufferers. We are much obliged to Mr. Austin and glad to hear of his welfare. X. G. Robb, Esq., from the western part of the county, dropped in to see the Herald on Saturday. He is a welcome visitor at our office alwas's. Billy Stadelmann sends us a chunk of the rale ould soil of the town square of Bloomington and we've got a share there, too. Our young friend Lawyer McCal lum, is working his way upward to fame, and competence, slowly and surely. He most always has a client in his ollice when the Herald goes there. Taylor, the insurance man was in the city this week. The people might as well insure their lives first as last, as there is no other way to get rid of him. Ashland Times. That's so! same here. ILJtAJWJMi DEATHS. WENCKE Died, in this city at the residence of A., on the 6th iust.. Miss Mary Weneke, aged 1G years, after a short illness of four days. IIE1L Pied, onltae 2d Inst., of Typhoid Pneu monia, Margaret Heil, aged 15 years, daughter of Adam and Anna Maria Hcil. Centaur Liniment. There is no pain which the Centaur Liniment will not re lieve, no swelling it will not subdue, and no lameness which it will not cure. This is strong language, but it is true. Where the parts are not gone, its effects are marvellous. It has produced more cures of rheumatism, neu- KeityscE ralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, ear-ache, caked-brcasts, scalds, bums, salt-rliujii, &c, upon the human frame, and of strains, spavin, galls, &c, upon animals in one year than have al other pretended remedies since the world began. It is a. counter-irritant, an all-healing pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their crutches, ibe lame walk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a scar. It is no humbug. The recipe is selling as no article ever before sold, and it sells because it does jt what U pretends to do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer If they will not use Centaur Liniment, more than looo certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs. chronic-rheumatism, gout, running tumours, &c. have been received. We will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe, &c, gratis to to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yel low wrapper OcaUaor Liniment is worth one hundred dollars far foundered or sweenied hor ses und mules, er for srrew-worui in sheep. Stock-owners this liniment is worth your at tention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. J. 1$. Rose & Co., New York. 46-ly C astoria is more lii an a substitute for Cas tor Oil. It !s th fy safe article in existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wi4 oolic and produce natural sleep. It contains neitfcec minerals, morphine or alcoboJ, aud is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. 46-ly ECXJBEnS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. After Xov. 17th I shall have. In connection with my Boot and Shoe Store, a No. 1 Shoe maker to do all kinds of Boot and Shoe repair ing. Come and have your repairing done with neatness and dispatch. W. II. POOL. FOR SALE. Two houses one for eash and one on time. For full particulars apply to E. G. Dovey. 50 tf Business is business, and so are the Cigars at the T. 0. Book Store. 5-tf. VebraHka State Kesris ter. A 40 column paper, published at the State Cs nital ; full of Slat news; indeiendent in everything, neu tral in nothing ; $1.50 a year. Correspondents and Agents wanted in every town. Wm. C. Cloyu. Lincoln, Neb. 61 tf FOR RENT. The large ad cwinmodious ware-room, cellar and oflic,m second floor of building, formerly occupied by Jacob Vallery, .Jr. in Masonic Block. Enquire f U, tt- Livingston or 43-tf E. T. Dl kk. FOR SALE. 160 acres of land belonging to Cass County Nebraska being the South West quarter of Section No. Five o) Township No. Eleven (11) North of Kange No. Thirteen i3) East of Sixth Principal Meridian, Situatt d Eight Mile Grove. For Terms of sale see L. H. James ) Timothy Ci.AitK.or Co. Comr's. 3tf M. L. White. ) FOR SALE. 120 acres of land, in Mt. Pleasant precinct. for terms, call at the office of 42tf smith & Windham. FOR SALE. 80 acres of land on desirable terms, S loo cash in hand, balance on time to suit purchasers. For particulars, call at the office of 5tf smith & Wixdhak. Kverv Farmer and Stock Eaiser, and every body that keeps a Horse, a Cow, Poultry. Sheep or Swine whether he lives in City, Town or Couutrv, wants the LIVi: STOCK. JOl'RXAL. Monthly. ?l.f0 per year. In it-s Mh Voluino. Beciiiiiully illustrated. The best instructor up on every &nss of Live Stock. National giving equal attention to the Stock Interest of every Statd Treats, by practical writers, upon the Farm, the Dairy," Horses. Cattle, Sheep, Swine. Poliltrv, Bees, Fish and their diseases, together with aii interesting Fireside Department, mak ing it the most ccnoplte and interesting Jour nal of its class in the coUmry. Specimen coy 1( cents. Address, Live Stock Jou nal Co., Buf falo, N. Y. (iood pavto Agents. Agents waut at evtry post-efacej ? 15t LEGAL NOTICES. Estray Notice. Taken up by the undersigned at his residence in Plattsmouth Precinct. Cat county Nebraska, on September 2ith, 1874. one red steer, with white spots and white tail, supposed to be two years old. Akdukw Hesstobpeb. September 26th, 1874. 0315 Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale, issued out of the District Court, in and for Cass County, Nebras ka, and to me directed, I will on the 7th day of December, A. D. 1S74. at 10 o'clock a. in. of said day, at the south door of the Court,House.inthe city of Plattsmouth. in said county, sell at l"ub lic Auction, the property described in Raid or der to-wit : The north half n'4of the south west quarter (swi) of section twenty-eight 2S) town ten (lft range eleven (11) in Cass county, NebrasKa ; To satisfy a judgment recovered by David Mcllvoy and Nathan Simpson, against Jesse H. Clements. Plattsmouth, Cass County. Nebraska. Novem ber 3d, 13:4. M. B. CUTLER. 32t5 Sheriff. LEGAL NOTICE. In Diftrirl flourt, 2nd Juilictal DUtriet, in and or Cast I Ounij. JVeb. George A: Seybolt, i Plaintiff. . vs. V A. S. Fowler, J Defendant. A. S. Fowlvr will take notiee, that I did, on the 2nd day of October, file my petition in the ofllce of the clerk of the District Court, in and for Cass County. Nebraska, the object and prayer of said petition being th foreclosure of a certain mortgage, executed by saiil A. S. Fow ler, to plaintiff, upon the undivided one-half (i), of the west half (wli, of the south-east quarter (se1). of section Number five (5). and th undivided half of the undi vided half "t) of the east half (el) of the south east quarter (se'4) of section No. five (51. all being in town ten (10. range four teen (I4. sixth (.Gthl Principle Meridian: you are required to answer said petition on or be fore the :i0th dav of November, 187. or default will be taken au'ainst you upon the same. GEO. A. SEYBOLT. By Chapman Jk Maxwki.u HisAtt'ys. 30W4 Executors Sale of Real Estate By virtue of an rder of sale from Judge of District Court (and mderthe seal of the same) in and for the District Court, Second Judicial District, in the County of Cass and State of Ne braska, and directed to the undersigned, in an action wherein Lloyd D. Bennett, surviving ex ecutor of the last will and testament of Shep herd Duke, deceased, is Plaintiff, and Lav in a Duke and others are Defendants, I will at 10 o'clock a. in., on Hie lMth Day ol July. IM74 in front of the Court House in the City of Tlatts mouth and State of Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder the lands and tenements hereinafter described, on terms following, to-wit : c;ish in hand. Said lands be long to the estate of Shepherd Duke, deceased, and are described as follows, to-wit : A subdivision of lot eleven fill in section twenty-nine (2 town twelve 112 and range fourteen 1141. containing eight Is acres, said tract of land lying and being in Cass County and state of Nebraska : also the following lots in the city of Plattsmouth. in said Ca-ss County, lots four 41, five 15, and eleven 11 in in block five ), lot four 4 in block forty-four 441 ; also the following lots lying ami being in Duke's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, aforesaid, that is to say lot four (4) in block three (3), lots one (1) two (2) three (3) lour (4) live (5) six (6) nine (9) ten (10) eleven (11) twelve (12) thirteeen (13) fourteen (14) fifteen (15) sixteen (16) seventeen (17) eighteen (I) and nineteen (19). in block four (4), lots six (B) seven f7) eight (8) nine (St) ten (10) eleven (11) twelve (12) thir teen (13) fourteen (14) fifteen (15) sixteen (16) seventeen (17) eighteen (18) and twenty (20) in block five (5), lots four (4) five (5) six (6) seven (7) eight (S) nine (9) ten (10) eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block six (G), lots one (1) two (2) three (3) four (4) five (5) six (U) in block seven (7), lots three (3) and four (4) in block nine (a), lots two (2) three (3) four (4) five (5) six (f) seven (7) eight () nine (0) ten (10) eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block (leven (11), all of block twelve (12) being lots one (ll to twentv-two (22) inclusive, all of block thirteen (131 being lots one(l)to twenty-two(22) inclusive, lots one (l)and two (2) in block four teen 114. lots one 111 two 2 three (3) four (4) five (5) and six p in block fifteen (15), lots threj (3) four 4 and five 13 in block eighteen (is, lots one 111 two 21 three 3 seven 7 eight is nine ! and welve 112 in block an oi uiock twenty (2) nineteen flfll. all of block twenty (2o) except lot twelve 12 being lots one 1 to twenty-two (22) inclusive except lot twelve 12J.lotsone I three 3 four 4 ten Llo fifteen to in block twentv one 121 J. lots one two 2 three 3 four I five 5J six i6 seven (7) eight 81 nine (it) teen 10 eleven 111) and twelve 12 in block twentv hree 123, lots one II two 2 three 3 fourf4 six 6i seven 7 eight si nine 9J ten to eleven 11 and twelve 12 in block twenty-seven 27;, all of block twentv-eiglit (28) except lot seven teen being lots one 11 to twenty (20) inclusive, exceiit lot sevcteen (17): lots six l(il seven (7) eight 8 nine (!i) ten lo eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block twenty-nine (29). lots one 11 two nve r six nty-i r 4 121 three 131 fou and eight 81 in block thirty 30), lots three IG seven four 4 five 51 six 6 seven 7 :ind eight 18 in block thirtv-one 1311. lots one (l) two (2) three (3) four (4) five (:) seven (7) nine (0) teu(10) eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block ten (10). lots one (1 ) two (2) four (4) five (5) seven (7) eight ( nine () ten (10) elevtn (11) twelve (12) in block twenty-two (22). Lots three (3) and four (4) In block eight (s. Said sale will continue from 10 o'clock a. in., until sundown of the said day, if necessary, and it will be adjourned from day to day until i'.ll are sold ; Plattsmouth, June 22, 1874. Lloyi D. Bfnnptt, Surviving Executor of the last will and testa ment of Shepherd Duke, deceased. Whkkleii & Stinchcomb. 13-4t Attorneys for Executor. The above sale is herebv adiournded until November 14th. 1874, at 10 o'clock a. m. Plattsmouiu Aug. 8th ls74. LLOYD D. BENNETT, Surviving Executor of estate of Shepherd Duke McELWAIN & HOD API', House, Si Carriage, and Ornamental Graining AND PAPER HANGING, A Specialty. (Shop on 6th St. bet. Main & Pearl.) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 31 tf '74-5. Marvelous Prize ! 74-5. $13 in value for $3. $33 in value for $4.50. Onr Extraordinary OfTer for 174-75! Furnishes just what you want most. The" best Magazine ami the best Laudscaie parlor pic tares in America, quite equal to oil paintings worth 600 each. Pictures that combine the Marrelmis in Beauty, Extraordinary in Size, liich in St iitimfut, Khaatu.e in Style, und Superb in Artixtic Mtrit; and Demoiest's Illust'd Slonthlj", THE MODEL MAGAZINE. Greatly enlaiged and containing the essen tials of all others. Profusely illustrated, and a splendid volume, when hound, tor the parlor table. The circulation of this monthly is larger than any other magazine of the kind iir the World. "It is prihted on line paper and got up in the most artistic manner, presenting an ar ray of brilliant stories, interesting correspond ence, valuable essays, household matters, mu sic, musical, dramatic and literary criticisms, spicy items, beautiful illustrations, full sized patterns, etc., etc., and the only Keliable Fash ions from original costumes, published in Amer ica. Great as are the present attractions of Denior est's Monthly, new and valuable features are constantly being added, no time or expense be ing spared to keep it ahead of all competition, and to present such an array of valuable fea tures ami artistic attractions as to entitle it to the generous econiums that have been so uni versally bestowed upon it. Yearly subscription, $3, with a premium worth - five times the amount paid. The choice of THE CAPTIVE CHILD, or "THE OLD OAKEN' BUCKET," Or, both for $1.50 extra. Size 17 by 26 inches. The choice of these large and truly splendid chromos, which were origin ally sold" for $15 each, are now offered in all their original beauty and excellence as a prem ium to each yearly subscriber to Demorist's Monthly. Subscription price, three dollars per year. Our offer cannot he rqun'Ud, or eren approached btjr its mareclawt liberality. The Chmnio is sent securely packed on a rol ler, postage 10 cents extra ; or mounted on can vass and stretcher, as an oil painting, fifty cents extra; (which includes transportation): or mounted on canvass, in an elegant 21, inch gilt frame, with Arabesque corners, three Yards of crimson cord, aud packed for $3, making the whole complete (including frame, Chroino, Mounting, and subscription to the Magazine), only 0 ; or to include both Chromos framed, etc., all complete, for $10. Now ready ! and sent anywhere in the United States on the receipt of the amount of subscrip tion and postage on Chromos. Subscriptions may commence with any number. Also the Celebrated Cnroms. uniform in size with the "Old Oaken Bucket" and "Captive Child." "Home, Sweet Home." after Jerome Thompson, as a premium for 1870. "After the Storm." by F; M. H. DeHaas. for 1R77. Either or all ol these superb Chromes sent immediately on receipt of subscriptions fur the years as indicated. Agents Wanted Ercryichert, to ichom extraor dinary inducement trill he offered. SEND FOK CIRCULAR. In re'mtttrn'gV'mall amounts can be sent in IT. S. Currency, bnt a post-office order Is undoubt edly the most secure and convenient : or money nrry be sent in a registered letter, or by a draft flfrsde payable to our order. Address. W. JENNINGS DEMOREST. 17 Eart iftn street, N. Y. CLARK & PLUMMER'S This well-known firm have just received a large Stock of Bleached and Brown Mus lins at very low prices. Another lot of those fine Jaconet Embrorderies just arrived Call and see them. Call at Clark Plu miner's for Queensware and Glassware. Xew stock of dried Fruits just received. Cheap. Zij con Soap Try it. California Flour at Clark & Plummer's. Spring Wheat Flour at lower pi ices than anywhere else, at Clark & Plummer's. Three car loads of Salt in the barrel, at old rates on freight, for sale cheap. Far mers, now's your time. Coal Oil by the barrel cheaper than can be bought atChicago and shippped hero. Call and see Clark & Plum mer's Sugars, by the barrel, before purchasing elsewhere. It will do you good. A large lot of Teas just re ceived from the Importers, at Xew York. To be sold for the benefit of the people here. Once more remember Clark & Plummer's, on Main St., Plattsmouth, Nebraska, if you want to buy cheap for cash. ONCE MORE. We are selling largely by the unbroken package; Mus lins by the bolt, Groceries by the barrel, keg, or original package, Thread by the doz en spools, and so on. It is the best way to buy, for ev erybody, and we call atten tion to this new feature of our trade, and invite all to give this method a trial. 2l-6m PROFESSIONAL CARDS "t HEELER & BENNETT-Real Estate nnd ' Ifaxpayiiig Ageuts. Notaries Public, Fire arid Life Insurance Agents, Plattstliouth. Neb. KR: LIVINGSTON, Physician and Surgeon, Tenders.. his professional services to the citizens oi Cass county. Residence .southeast corner of Oak and Sixth streets ; office on Main street, one door fcre of Lyman's Lum ef Yard, Plattsmouth. NebrasMa. . - 8AM. M. CHAFMAIC. K- i. MAJtWKLt CII.4PHAX A. SAXWF.LL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW arid stylcl! h'ra ln; Chancery. Office In Fitzgerald's BlotR; Matts luouth, Nebraska. A. L. Spkauck, T. B. Wii-so. NI'RAUI K A WII.SOX, Attorneys at Law. PLATTSMOUTH. - - NEBRASKA. Collrctumt Promvtly Aatteiuled to. 13-ly OHO. B. BMITH, R. B. WINDHAM, SlliTII St WIXDIIAM, Successors to Marquett, Smith, & Starblrd, Attorneys at Law A Real Estate Brokers PLATTSMOUTH, - NKB. Special attention given to Collections, and all matters affecting the Title to Real Estate. Office on 2d floor, over the Tost Office. iifi Schildknccht, Eclectic Homoeopathic Physician. fcJT-OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Comer of Cth and Vine Streets. Flattsmouth, Nebraska. CALLS ATTENDED AT ALL HOURS. cyl Justice of the Peace. Office on Main Street Plattsmouth. Neb., near ly opMisite the Hkkai.d ollice. Business hours from 8 A. M.. to 8. I. M. All County business usually transacted be fore a Justice of the Peace, will be attended to bv the Subscriber. General Collector of Debts. 8.,y J.W.HAINES. Plattsnioutli Trlills. C HEISEL. Proprietor. Have recently been repaired and placed in thorough running order. 100.000 Bushels of Wheat wanted imme diately for which the highest market price will be paid. G. A. von Heimburg, Veterinary Surgeon. Office south side Main Street, between Third and Fourth sts. PLATTSMOUTH. - - - - M-P. PLATTSMOLiTU M ILLfc PLATTSMOUTH. NIK. CONRAD HEISEL. Proprietor FLOUR. CORN MEAL, FEED, Always on hand, and for sale at lowest Cash prices. tf-The Highest price paid for Wheat and Corn. Particular attention given to Custom work. Singer Sewing 31achines, FOR SALE BY F. J. METTEER, With all the EXTRAS, ATT AC II HE NTS. NEEDLES, d-o. Also, riows. Cultivators, Wagons and farm Implements for sale. Mrs. A. II. . MSB, WORKER IN HAIR. Braids. Curls, Switches Puffs, and all kinds of Hair Work promptly and neatly made by 3IRS. KNEE. Orders left at MRS. KENNEDY'S Millinery Store. On Main St. 1 door east of Clark & Tlummers. 4SI113 GO TO GUS. IIEHOLD'S FOR CLOTHING PLATTSMOUTH Grain Company. E. G. DOVEY, Pres't. E. T. DUKE, Treas. FRED. G ORDER, Buyer. This Company will buy grain at the market rates at all times. Scales and office at E. O. Dovey, Store, lower. Main Street. Platl-sinouth. Neb. 2flv L. GOLDING, Dealer In CLOTHING, FURNISHING- GOODS. HATS, CAPS. BOOTS, SHOES. TRl'NKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, &.C., &.., &c, &c. One of the oldest and most Reliable Houses in Plattsmouth. Main street, between Fourth and Fifth. t-REMEMBER TOE PLACE. n8-tf. William Stadelmann has on hand, one of the largest stocks of Clothing and Gents' Furnish ing Goods for Spring and Summer. f7T Invite everybody In want of anything in my line to call at my store. SOUTH SIDE MAIN, Between 5th & 6th Si's. And convince themselves of the fact. I have as a spectalty iiunv iietail Departments, a stock of Fine Clothing for Men and Boys, to which we invite those who want goods. fT olso keep on hand a large and well se lected Stock of Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &e. jan 1 yl L. F. JOHNSON, tyOpposite the Tlatte Vally House, in Schla ter's Jeweler Store, Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb. AGENT FOR ST. LOUIS. DECKER BROS., Q. A. MIL LER A CO'., BUtWETT, SJIITITS AMERICAN, ASLt BOSTOX And tHhf Frst-class Pianos and Organs. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Strings. SlieeC Music, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. rp-MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Ttlned and Repaired Satisfaction Guamatcod Jan 1 yl Good fresh milk i delivered dally at every body's hoire in PliUlsmouth, if they want It. by J. P. Beamifeistfcr. Send in your orders anil t wfll try and give you Pure IMilkj and serve you regularly. 19-ly. NEW STYLES. tf. L. ELS1ER, Merchant Tailor la In receipt of the finest and REST ASSORTMENT USSIMERES, CMVTIfs'. .VESTING. SCOTCH GOODS, IRISH FRIESES, Ac. In fact, the largest and best, a&oi-lment. .of Cloths ever brought to this ctty; which I am prepared to make up Iff the latest Styles: -Call and examine Goods. api ftjs. E, T. DUKE & CCL At the foot of Main Street. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hardware and Cutlery, STOVES, TINWARE. IRON, NAILS. HOES, RAKES. SHOVELS. AXES, KNIVES AND FORKS. C. 4c. All kinds of Ti n ware Ma n ufact ured . 4.ttf DON'T BUY Until you have CAREFULLY EXAMINED OUR NEW TBUBT f T OMAHA ADS. L W RESERVOIR As we have 12 good reasons why they will your work. QUICK AND EASY, CHEAP AND CLEAN. BECAUSE They are cheapest to buy, They are cheapest to use. They bake evenly ond quickly. Their operation is perfect. They have always a good draft. They are made of the best material. They roast perfectly. They require but little fuel. They are very low priced. They are easily managed. They are suited to ali localities. Every Stovw guaranteed to Satisfac tion SOLD BY EXCELSIOR MAN'O COMPANY ST. LOUIS, MO , AND E. T. DUKE & Co. PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. 8-8m 9 2- ert CD o o B LO t ra CO in S S - P 55 n 3 -x CO r? 5" 5 CO r CD 3 CD - CO CD V3 H 3 T3 ra 1 'A S3 s o XT. o c 1 p 3 B. r o 6a eg he PIIILADLP1IIA STORE. Solomon & Nathan, DEALERS IX FANCY t GOODS, NOTIONS, LADIES FURNISHING GOODS", Largest, Cheapest, Finest, and best Assorted Stock in the City. We are prepared to sell cheaer than they can be purchased elsewhere. GIVE US A CALL and examine our goods. T"Store on Main street, between 4th and 5th streets, Platlsinouth Neb. lotf. New Store ! Sew Stock ! Me. William G. Woodruff having taken the Store formerly occupied by Mr. Eaton, will keep a full and com plete stock of FAMILY GROCERIES. All kinds of country produce taken in EXCHANGE FOR GOODS I propose to sell low, and keep a STOCK OF NUMBER ONE O00DS, and hereby Invite inv friends to call and exam ine the new outfit. Grangers eseclally invited to call and get priees.before ordering goods.away from honie. 1 propose to SELL TO GRANGERS, At Chicago Rates. WM. G. WOODRUFF. Wm. F. Bksxett, Clerk. 1-yl II. A. WATERMAN & SON Wholesale and lletahl Dealers in Pine Lumber, tATU, SHINGLES Sash DoorSr Blinds, &c- Wyoming liotcTV OMAHA; - NElIItASKA: A. W. TEN N A NT, Proprietor, Union Facile Ticket and Sleeplflu tar omc directly opposite- House newly furnished via renovated tltronghout. Grand Central Hotel OMAHA. NEB. Largest and Finest Ilclel btiocen ChV cago and 8m Franrisoo. GEO. THRALL, Proprietor. LOUISVILLE ADS. On Main Street coher BtfV PT.ATTSMOtTH - KEB. 1H, J. W. WATKHJI AX PHYSlO-MEDICAL PitACTITION ER, Louisville. CHM.&.. Neb. .Always at thfe raee oft f?iturday. FOX & GLOVER, Sells the BEST GOODS at the Lot Prtoea af LOUISVILLE, CASS C0-.NEU. General Dealers ill Dry GoodSjGrocerieS HATS, CAIS, HOOTS & SHOES, Ready Made Clothing NOTIONS, CKOCKERV WARS, -AND Farmers Supplies Generally; Call and give them a trial. Also deal In. GRAIN & COAL; 20-cm Farmers Lumber Yard. Having made arrangeruonU In Chl capo, and flsewherej .wjlh . extensile dealers, I am prepared to furnish on short notice all kinds of Lumber Doors' Sasli Shingles, cfec., at a reasonable rate. I also keep con stantly on hand a full assortment of NVils, Hinges, Locks, Hardware; of sill kinds. Those wishing to bulhi will please call and see my stock. E. NOTES, LOUISVILLE, NEIk 1 CEDAR CREEK ADS. J. LMIELDEK & SON, Dealers In Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and GROCERIES Of all kinds, at tho lowest powlhle rate. Also Dealers in Grain, for which the highest cash prices are paid. Hides nnd inoduce of all kinds bouKht at feif' sonahle rates. Inhelder'n Mtatloa. (Cedar Cree-k.) 51 1 f. Cnss County, Neb. CEDAR CREEK HILLS ARE IX Good Running Order and keep on hand the hest assortment of Flour, Corn Meal, &d Especial attention Is Riven to custom work. naiisiaciion KUaranieeu, in for Wheat. exchanging Vlou C. SCIILUKTZ, Prop. Also keeps a Flour Depot, at CLAEK ft TLVM Mlilt'8, In PLATTSMOUTH, Where will he found Flour, Grain, Corn Meal. and Feed, at WHOLESALE UETAIL and al REDUCED PRICES: tT"A orders within the city limits, prbmpli lvillelJiejjaUeTJ STREIGHT i 3IIL17EU, Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS. and all kinds 6t harness stock, constantly on-hand. Fruit, Confectionery, AN1 Grocery store j KUTS, CANDIES; TEAS, SUGAR?, COFFERS. TOBACCOE8, FLOUR, te. Itememher the place, opposite E. O. Dovey'i, on Lower Main Street. STREIGHT & MILLER. Ben Hempel. TIE'S THE MaK, KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE, ON LOWER MAIN 8TSEKT, PLATTSMOUTH, - - NED. Meals at all hours. Ice Cream hoda Water. Lemonade, to Cool Too. Good square MmIs, nice Lunches, r, in warm you. Ales, Wines and rooiI Liquors to be ueJ reasonably for your 1-eneflt If you deelre. dlyt B. HEMPEL, Prop. STATE AGENT MM Halladay's Patent Wind Mills. Double and Single acting Force and Farm Pumps, Feed Mills, etc. The Halladay Mill has stooilthft test for !x -teen years, both In the United States and Eu rope and f the only one generally adopted ty all Frincfpar Railroads and Farmers, Terms Liberal. Send for Catalogue and Prie- Li-rt. A. I.. HI KAMI. Liueelu,