T il E H K JU L1). LOCAL NEWS. LOCA I . ADVKKTISKMK.MS. Transient. :r cents a line, ltcgular adver-tl.-M.-is. lo t ents per line. No dteiUciiienl in kciU'J (or les man i cents. I(i:tl advertisements will be charged to the parties huiidiii;; thciu in. board wAyrisn. Loardin:: wanted In a private family. A lib eral r!-j will Ik- paid for good accommodations l'lcase address through the J'lwt Oflicc, or call at the Brooks House between and 7 o'clock, p. U,. M. !'. ('EM-KVIIAM. . Only $!2 ior thousand for best Clii vugo lumber at "Waterman & t'o's. 28-4 1. My stars how our merchants are lay ing in goods this fall. Head our baby travels done up iu "werse" this week. Streight, Post Office .Streight, has more than got a house full of new roods. Sam Barker & Co. shipped about 000 head of fat hogs to Chicago last "Wed iwsda . TINY T01DLEIiS TKAVKLS. Tiny toddb-r "lother day, clipped his halter f r a p'.ay; Head quite bare and feet the same, 'Most as naked as he came. Free from mother's watchful glance. Grandma busy, now's the chance ; Down sixth street he patters quick. Sidewalk gaps creeiw over slick. Stands at last oa Main street crossing. Oh ! what tiny hands for bossing ; Such a crowd goes surging by. See them part and all fight shy. The men, the boys, the horses, yield. And Tiny Toddler has the field ; Ulght and left he scans it o'er. Makes a break for saloon door. Twenty willing hands were near. Strong men watched the babe's career ; Here comes Grandma down the street. Shawl on head, w ith hurrying feet. Suit she glances 'round about, l'.ia with news t lie youngsters shout : "There's ycr baby." with a wink. "Gone to AmV to get a drink." T. T. Solomon & Nathan have the, side walk full of loxes of goods, to say nothing of two stores full. White & Kussell are selling out a large stoek of gKls very low. Call and try for yourselves. Clark & 1'lnmmer have just received a new stock of fall goods. Mr. Plum mer having returned home a few days -ig- Henry lieck, the furniture man, has jgot a new handsome red wagon with a green box and Henry and the big horse j just laugh all over iimw. His stock of furniture is large and varied. Business must be brisk in l'latts Jiioiith. the street is crammed with teams daily. In far t we don't see any other lace in our travels that looks any more like substantial prosperity than our own town iu spite of some grumblers. I buy the largest stock of Boots & Shoes, and consequently buy and sell cheaper than any one in Cass county. 4 'all, examine, and be convinced. Pktkk Mekoes. Waterman & Son are selling common lumber at twenty dollars per M. 2H-4t. CEMENT. One car load of Cement, just receiv ed, at K. T. Duke & (Vs., will be sold 4-heap. lb-member the place. Wall paper. Window Shades, Chro nii'S. and all kinds of upholstering good, at l'ir.NK Stadtkk's, 22tf Central Block. ir. . vi ol. Exclusive dealer in Boots and Shoes. Book for the sign south .side Main St. I'lattsmoitth. S'eb. 27-tf. FA K M EUS ATTENTION 1 .lulius Pepperberg. Cigar Majiufac turer, opposite the IIkkalij ollice, 4n Main St., Piattsmowtii, Neb. Cigar 'lijipingsif Spanish a:i dAiiK-iieaii To baeeoes. for smoking purposes. For .Sale. Best qualities of plug-smoking tobacco alwavs on hand. -Utf. Ier IJahy. So help me gracious efery day I laugh me w ild to see der way My sclunall young baby drle to play Dot funny little baby. YhenI look off dhem little toes, I'nd saw dot funny little nose, I'nd heard der vay dot rooster crows, I sehmile like I vas grazy. t'nd vlien I heanl der real nice vay, Dhem peoples to my wife dhey say, "More lige his father eTery day." I vas so proud like Mazes. Sometimes der comes a little scluruall, Dots veil le vindy vind vill crawl. Kight in its little stomock sclunall. J Jot's too bad for der baby. It makes him sin. at night so sehweet lnl grtrryliarric he must ead, I'nd I must shump shbry cm my feet, Ter help dot leetle baby. He bulls my nose and kicks my hair, I'nd grawls me ofer efery vare, Cud schlobbcrs vot for do I care? Dot vas my small young baby. Around my licad dot leetle arm Vas schqiM-czing me so nice and varm Oh ! may dhey never come some harm To dot sclunall leetle baby. Dot vas me himself. -Ex 1'red Elster our genial and enterpris ing Merchant Taylor has had to move into new quarters, opposite Herald ollice, to accommodate his rapidly in creasing business. White and Russell have bought T. Schnasse out and are going to sell the rest of their big stock out at less than cost in the next 30 days. Farmers and all now is the time tobuv. Miss Katie Johnson has opened a con fectionary in part of the room occupied by her father as a Drug store, and has on hand a nice stock of sweet-meats which she is selling cheap. Success to yon, Katie. Uncle Jason Streight after renting his nvoms to a succession of strangers, who came and went like pictures in a traveling show concludes to move in there, and keep house himself. So you see Stiif.igiit & Miller's confectionary, fruit and "niek-nax" stand is now open. PATENT FIX) I'll ! PATENT FLOUR!! What next, patent mouths we guess to eat it, well some of them come pret ty near that now, thanks to Dr. McCrea. Xo matter. Doc Wiley has patent flour for sale and it is nice, nicer nicest; buy some and irv. I! IN TIN (J. Ib inemb-r White & Btissell have bought the stoek of 1). Schmisso & Co. and will sell the same out at loss than ost timing the next o) days. Streight &; Miller the enterprising Isr.u'ss manufacturers of this town hav e opened a new warehouse for their goods on the lower door of the build ing where their shop is. sale or ii iTusi: ;i.):.i b)i);s. The Itev. C. McKelvey, will sell at private sale at his residence near the 1st ward school, the whole of his fur Jiitnre, household goods, etc. Also a new full cabinet case (walnut) Sewing Machine. Persons wanting anything in this line will do well to call earl)'. APPLES! F. S. White will receive a car load of Michigan Winter Apjtlex in a few days which he will sell cheap by the barrel. Now is your time to lay in vour ap ples for the winter. Hurry up and speak for your turn before they are- all gone. FIREMEN ATTENTION. Regular meeting of Plattsmouth Fire I)ep't next Wednesday night, Oct. 2 Business of importance to be attended o, and a full attendance wanted. JXO.A. MACMFRPHY, R. O. Fellows, Pres. Sec'y ACCIDENT. m last Tuesday afternoon Olney iraham, one of the hands on the Vice President, was turning the windlass raising the "Apron" for letting the cars n to the boat, the handle slipped and l! ing around struck him on the head, knocking him oil the platform on to the rocks below. He was knocked senseless and injured very badly, but not seriously. Dr. John Black was ailed in and relieved the sufferer. ;i:nts LA 1)1 Kb" BOYS MISSKS' A XI) CIIILF.RKXS BOOTS AXI) SHOES The best and cheapest stock in the City, I can buy as cheap and sell as -heap, as any man west of the Mississ ippi. Will Pool is just that kind of a loy. C-. C" o-- CO Xow is the time to make up for grasshopper losses only 822 for good 'hicago lumber and Fencing. Water man !c Co. 28 4t. j Senator Hitchcock. Surveyor Wiltse, j Dr. Warren, and a lot of our own bovs all went out hunting on Tuesday, and shot well they shot a good many times, but it won't need an express train to bring in the game. They're all good shots, but the three who head j this list, are better at bringing down men than geese. - . PERSONALS. Frank Carruth is home again, and lots of new jewelry and ornaments il luminate his show case. Hank Streight is just more than fill ing up with goods this fall. John Fitzgerald, Esq, is home again for a short time. M. M. Shipinan, an old resident of Cass county and a Xo. 1 man, goes east this week lo reside for the winter. We shall expect Mr. S. hack to Nebraska next year better satisfied than ever. Our diminutive friend, Jimmy Win terstein, a brother-in-law of W. L. Van Alstyne, arrived here on Wednesday evening. Jim is a first-chiss "print," and started for Red Cloud this morn- I ing to work on the Chief. He is direct from the Plattsmouth Herald. Adams Co. U -AZtAte. Win. Darrah has gone to Detroit Michigan on a visit Hope he will have a pleasant time. Jimmy Dawkins, Xephew of "Wm. Brown, ex-treasurer P.. & M. II. R. has gone to La Salle. Illinois, to live. Suc cess in your new home, Jimmy. Wm. Xeville has gone to Omaha to "sit on the Grand Jury." D. H. Whpeler, E. K. Cunningham, F. M. Dorrington and Wm. L. Wells have gone to Lincoln to attend Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. Augustus .Sixers, formerly a mer chant of this place, and now of Jewell county, Kansas, is back visiting us for a few days. Senator Hitchcock paid Plattsmouth a visit this week.the guest of Gen. Cun ningham we believe. Chauncy Wiitse showed his well known face here on Tuesday, accom panied by Dr. Warren, and some other friends. They say they are after geese. Billy Stodelmatui shot a goose and wrung its head off to make sure of him. HEAD! READ ! I The largest .assortment. The best assortment. The cheapest assortment, of Boots fc Shoes at the exclusive Shoe Store, fall and examine; no charge. Peter Mf.rgf.-. DEATHS. MAKSLAXIV Died. Monday. Octolerlth.l:i. I AMES LOIID. youngest eon of Thomas and Mary Maryland, aged 6 iiu-ulhs ami 4 days. Hcjshall gather the Lamtes iu His arn and carry thein in His bosom." BOOTS Si SHOES. Call and examine the low-down pri ces of your winter foot-gearing, before purchasing elsewhere. I won't be un dersold east of the Rocky Mountains. Peter Merges. A DarkpyS Opinion of th' Scandal. "You j-.c", it's jis like a gaiiu o' draw. Bcccher it was his blind; everybody took a hand. Miss Woodhull she makes de fuss play ; den dis man Ba con he come in. When Bacon come in Mass' Tilton follow, 'cos he had good ban'. Mass' Moulton he follered in 'cos he thought Tilton was a-goin' to lie robbed dropped in kinder quiet like. Then de small fry, them fellers with deuces an' trays, they came in 'cos it looked like a good pot. Mass' Beecher pick up his ban' an' tind a fow (four) Hush. Bein' his blind he think he play smart and raise 'em all out so he raise e'm the limit. Dev all pass out cept Tilton and Moulton. Tilton he draw one card, two par, nines and sixes, an' don't botter'em. Moulton he draw two cards to free aces and took in par jacks. Beecher he draw one card. Tilton he feel kinder weak on his ban, an' bet white chip. Moulton he know Beech on de blulf, so he jes follers wid a white chip. Beecher he don't look at his ban 'tall, but jes goes rite back de limit. Tilton he feel kinder weak den. He feel he can beat Beecher, but he t'ink Moulton can beet Beecher too, but he f raid Moulton get skeered and pass out. Finally Tilton he call, kind er hesitatin' like, and den Moulton he jes bounce Beecher. Dat kinder startle Beecher, an he look at his han. He draw a club and fo' hearts an got nuf fin but bobtail Hush. Mass Beeher can't play bluff wid dent fellers. Dey eat him "up blood raw." Cincinnati Commercial. LEG AI, NOTICES. i LEGAL NOTICE. In District Court. Jri'f Jurfu-ial District, in and fort'iti's Cf Hilt jf. XeU. Ocorge A. Seybolt, i riaintirt. vs. V A. S. Fowler, ) Defendant. A. S. fowler will take notice, that I did, on the 2nd day of October, file my petition in the otliee of the clerk of the District Court, in and for Cass County. Nebraska, the object and praver of said petition twing the foreclosure of a certain mortsraire. executed bv said A. S. Koiv- liiv ,tl.iii.tilT nrwkii tliM liln) i t'tilna ftlin-tlTltf t l 'ldltltlll( -" nv. ,iitiai.i ...... ------ ' i v ..f II... ......it li-.lf u'l-l t.f tliit iiitt ll .:lvt quarter Csc'.j). of section Number live "). and the undivided half (!,) of the undi vided half (',) of the east half icli of the south east quarter isel) of section No. five ( )). all beinu in town ten (10. ranj;e four teen (Hi. sixth oth) Principle Meridian; you are required to answer said petition on or be fore the :Hh day of November. l7t, or default will be taken against you upon the same. ;eo. a. sevuolt. Bv Chapman t Maxwki.i, HisAtfys. 3uw4 Centaur Liniment. There is no pain which the Centaur IJuimeiit will not re lieve, no swelling it will not subdue, and no lameness which it will not cure. This is strong l;ir.j.'ii:me, but it is true. W here the parts are not :one. its effects are marvellous. It h;u produced more cures vi rheumatism, neu- KC?Tpcr ralj;ia, lock-jaw. palsy, sprains, swellings, ear-ache, caked-breasts, scalds, bums, salt-rheum, &e., uin the human frame, and of strains, spavin, galls, &c. upon animals in one year than have al other pretended remedies since the world began. It is a counter-irritant, an all-healing pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, anil the wounded are healed without a scar. It is no humbug. The reciie is selling as no article ever before sold, and it sells because it does just what it pretends to do. Those ulm now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling dew-rve to suffer if they will not use Centaur Liniment, more than looo certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs, chronic-rheumatism, gout, running tumours. Sc. have beeu received. "We will tend a circular containing certificates, the recipe. Sc., gratis to to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yel low wrapper Centaur Lhdmeiit is worth one hundred dollars for foundered or sweenied hor ses and mules, or for screw-worm iu sheep. Stock-owners this liniment is worth your at tention. No family should he without Centaur Liniment. J. B. Kosk & Co., New York. 4fi-ly Castorta is more than a substitute for Cas tor oil. It is the only safe article in existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may re.t. 40-1 y SPECIAL NOTICES. Woods Bros, have a good line of Tinware and building material which is going off 1:1st at low rates. 29-2t. MUSIC! MUSIC!! MUSIC!!! Mrs. Kate Simpson has been induced to re commence her class iu music. Thorough -Bass Harmony and Classic Music a specialty. Kesideuce corner Vine and Second streets, riattsaiouth. Neb. 2:it3 COOK I NO d- HE AT IX G STOVES. Woods Bros, have a new and good .stock of cooking ami heating stoves 'which they are sell ing very cheap. 29-2t. NE ir BOOT& SHOE STORE. I intend to devote my entire attention, to the purclia.se and sale of boots and shoes. Conse quently cjin buy ebcaper, sell cheaper and give better saii.f;u:tioii. V. 1L l'oou. Uf FOR SALE. Two houses one for cash and one on time. Tor full particulars apply to E. C Duvey. M tf Business is business, and so are tin? Cigars at the 1 O. Book Store. 5-tf. Vrhrnskit .tato ITeciwter. A 4 ctilmiin ' paper, published at the State Capitil; full of Slat-- news ; indei-ndeut in everything, neu tral iu nothing ; tft-io a year. Correspondents and Agents wanted iu every town. Wm. C. Clovi, Lincoln, Neb. Cltf FOR RENT. The large and commodious ware-room, cellar and otlice, on second tloor of building, formerly fx-cupied by Jacob Vailery, Jr. iu Ma-sonie Block. Enquire of It, It. Livixosto.v or 4:5-If 1- T. Di kk. FOlTsALE. l-r acres of laud belonging (o Cass County Nebraska lK-ing the .South West quarter of Section No. Five 3 Township No. KJeve.'i(ll) North of Bange No. Thirteen 13 East of Sixth Principal Meridian, Situated ne.tr Eight Miie Grove. Eor Terms of sale see L.1L.IAMK ) Timothy I'lauk or -Co. Couir's. 3if M. L. Wiiiik. ) FOR SALE. too acres of unimproved land, four miles from riattsmoutb ; good locality ; can bo bought reasonable. Call at the otlice of .L'tf smith & Windham. FOR SALE. A dessralde residence, in riattsmou'.lt. for sale. .?.i0 down. Imiance on time to suit pur chasers. A bargain, fail at oflice of 511f SMITH & WJXIUIAM. FOR SALE. 8-1 acres of land on desirable terms, sloo rash in baud, balance on lime to suit purchasers. Fornariiculais, call at the office of bit smith & Windham. FOR SALE. ion acres of unimproved land near Eight Mile f?rove. Can be purchased on reasonable terms, l-'or particulars call at the ofiice of 4-'tX Smith & Windham. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. The use of a farm for 4 years : the party rent ing to do some breaking and pay taxes no other expeJ1e- Call at I lie ollice of :lf smith & Windham. FOR SALE. ljn acres of land, in ML rieasant precinct. Tr terms, call at the oflice of 42il Smith & Windham. FOR SALE. A vahi.nble farm near Weeping Water Fa'ls, cultivated, with w;iu-r and tiiuoer, te.. l-'or particulars, call at tiie o!iice of itl smith & Windham. FOR SALE. 120 acre's of land in Otoe county, near Palmy ra : 40 acres cultivated ; water and timber con venient ; joins unproved farms : very desirable ; on rime to suit purchaser. Call at ollice of Mtf .Smith & Windham. FOR SALE. An improved farm, four miles from Tlatts inouth, weil watered. 1 acres under Improve; incut, t an be bought for part cash iu L.uid, alaiu-c on long time. Inquire of bt.'tf Smith & Windham. 'iic house. FOR RENT. Apply to K. ('.. Dovev. WW Kvery Fanner and Stoek l!aier, snd evrrv loily that keeps a llore. a Cow, Poultrv, Sheep or Swine whether he lives in City, Town or Coiuitrv. wants the 1XU. STOCK JOI UVAL. Monthly. .l..V) per year. In its Mh Volumo. Beautifully illustrated. The best instructor up on every class of Live Stock. National giving equal attention to the Stoek Interest of every State. Treats, by practical writers, upon the Farm, the Lairv. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Swine, Poultry, Beys, f-'i.h and th-ir diseases, together with ail interesting Fireside Department, mak ing it the most complute ai;j interesting Jum nal of its class in the county. rijKH-imen copy 10 cents. Address, Live SU- JwUi nal Co., Buf falo. N. V. flood PyJO Agei. Agents want at evrrv pot -office. " -4-1 W Legal Notice. To James Fletcher, and Harvey Douden, non resident defendants. You are hereby notified that I did. on the f.th dav of August, A. ll. 174, tile my iK-tition in the District Court of the Second .Judicial District, iu and for Cass county, Nebraska, against you. The object and prayer of which said petition is to quiet i he title to the north-east quarter ami the west half of the north-east quarter of sec tion twenty-two in township eleven 111 north. range number twelve U-'l east, sixth tith principal meridian, iu Cass county, Nebraska, and to compel you to place upon record a cer tain deed to said real estate, made, executed and delivered to you by one Harvey Douden, and that I. Anselmo "B. Smith, may be decreed to Hsess the full and complete title to said real estate. And that you are required to answer the said petition on or before the Kill day of November, A. D. 1S74. or default will lie taken against you iiimjii the same. ANSELMO B. SMITH. Bv Chapman & Maxwki.u his Att'ys. Dated, riattsmoutb. Neb., Oct. 5th, '74. 27t4 Probate Judge. Notice Is hereby given to all persons having accounts against the estate of John W. Livings ton, deceased, to file the same in the ofiice of Probate Judge, Plattsmouth. Cass county, Ne braska, on or before the 1st dav of April, A. D. 175. H. E. ELLISON. Sept. 23, 1874. 27t4 Probate Judge. Executors Sale of Real Estate By virtue of an order of sale from Judge of District Court (and under the seal of thesame) in and for the District Court, Second Judicial District, in the County of Cass and State of Ne braska, and directed "to the undersigned, in an action wherein Lloyd D. Bennett, surviving ex ecutor of the last will and testament of .shep herd Duke, deceased, is Plaintiff, and Lavina Duke and others are Defendants, 1 will at lo o'clock a. m.. on 'he Xf, lMtli Iay ot July. 1S74 in front of the Court House in the City of I'latts mouth ami State of Nebraska, offer lor sale at public auction, to the highest bidder the lands and tenements hereinafter described, on terms following, to-wit : cash iu hand. Said lands be long to the estate of Shepherd Duke, deceased, and are described as follows, to-wit : A subdivision of lot eleven Mil in section twenty-nine l2Jl town twehe frj) and range fourteen 1141. containing eight h) acres, said tract of land lying and being in Cass County and state of Nebraska: also the following lots in tiie city of I'lattsmouth. in said Cass County, lots four III. five 31, and eleven 1111 in in block live , lot lour 4 in block forty-four 141 ; also the following lots lying and neing in Duke's Addition to the City of riattsmoutb. aforesaid, that is to say lot four (4 iu block three (3. bus one (l) two (2) three (3 four (.4) rive (." six ;) nine t'. ten (lo) eleven (II) twelve (12) thirtcceu (13 fourteen ( 1 1) lift ecu (13) sixteen (li;i seventeen (17) eighteen (Is) and nineteen (I'.o. in block four 4), lots six (; seven (7) eight nine (i) ten ( 10) eleven (11 ) twelve (12) thir teen (13) fourteen (14 tifteeu (131 sixteen (It!) seventeen (17) eighteen (ISi and twenty (20) in block five ", lots four (4) live (5) six (',) seven (7 eight 8nine (9) ten(lo) eleven (II) and twelve (12) in block six ;. lots one (1) two (2) three (3) four (4) live i.5 six () in block seven 7), lots three (3) and four (4) in block nine (0). lots two ( three (3i four (4) five (") six (i;i seven (7) eight (S) nine (! ten (10) eleven (ll)and twelve 12) in block ileven (11), all of block twelve (12) being lots one (D to twenty-two (22) inclusive, all of block thirteen (13) being lots onetl lo twenty -two (22) inclusive, lots one ( D and two (2) in block four teen ! HI. lots 1 1 two 2 three (3 four (4) live (.".v and six ." in block fifteen (13). lots threo (3) four 4 and live ;j in block eighteen (IS), lots one lj two 12J three 3l set en 7J eight Is) nine id and welve 12 in block nineteen lyj, ail of block twentv (2o except lot twelve 1 121 being lots one 11 1 to twenty-two (22) inclusive except lot twelve 12, lots one 1 1 three 3 four 4 1 ten lo fifteen (13) in block twentv one 121 1. lots one two 2) three 3J four 14J five ." six t .seven (7) eight s nine ;) teen in eleven III and twelve 121 in block twenlv hree 123J. lots one II 1 two 2) three 31 four 141 six G seven 7j eight 11 nine i ten in eleven 1 1 1 1 anil twelve I2 in block twenty-seven 27J, ail of block t went v-eight (2S) except lot seven teen being lots one t to twenty (2D inclusive, except lot seveteen (17); lots six tij seven (7) eight s nine (!) ten lo eleven (11) and twelve 1 12 iu block, t went v-nine 2!1, lots one 111 two 2J three 3 four 41 live . mm seven 7 and eight J in block thirty 3o, lots three 3 four l five 3) six U; seven 71 aud eight 8 in block thirtv-one 31. lots one 1) two (2) three (.fi four (4) live (", seven (7) ninc;i ten (10) eleven (It) aud twelve (121 in block ten (to. lots one (I) two (2) four (4) live (3) seven (7) eight (S) nine H) ten (tot elevt.it (11) twelve (12) in block t wenty-two (22). Lots three (3 and four (4) in block eight (8). Said sale will continue from in o'clock a. m.. until sundown of the said day, if necessary, and It will lie adjourned front day to day until all are sold ; riattsuiouth, June 22. is"l. Li.ovd D. Bennktt. Surviving Executor of the last will and testa ment of Shepherd Duke, deceased. W'HKKLKU & STlNt ttfOMIl. 13-4t Attorneys for Executor. The above sale is hereby adjournded until October 24th, 174, at 10 o'clock a. in. I'lattsmoutn Aug. 8th 1S74. LLOYD D. BENNETT, Surviving Executor of estate of Shepherd Duke The Favorite Hoei8 Remedy. Is eminently a Family Medicine ; and by lieing kept ready tor immediate resort will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar in time and doctor's bills. After over Forty Years' trial it Is still receiv ing the most unqualified testimonials to its vir tues trout persons of the highest character and icspousibihy. Eminent physicians commend it as the most i;iT WTl'AIi SPECIFIC For all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. The symtoms of Liver Complaint are a bitter or bad t:iste in the mouth ; i'ain in the Back, sides or Joints, often mistaken forKheumatism ; Sour stomach : Iaiss of Appetite; Bowels al temalely costive and lax ; Headache; loss of memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done ; Debility, low spirits, a thick yellow apjH-aranee of the skin mid eyes, a dry cough oilen mistaken for consumption. Sometimes many of these svmtoms attend the disease, at others very few ; but the liver, the largest organ lit the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not regulated in time, great suffering, wretchedness and death will ensue. For DysjK-psia, constipation, jaundice, I i'. huiis attacks, sick headache, colic, depression of Spirits, Sour stomach, heart burn, &c, &c. The CJieopf.sf, Pio-rs-f onff text Family Linimci.t in ihe TY ld! Manufactured only by J. ir. zeilix t co., Macon, (la., and Philadelphia. Trice $1.(0. Wold by nil VrusxetttM. tf CALL AT PROFESSIONAL CAKDS Probate Notice. In the Probate Court. Cass County, Nebraska. To all whom i niau nmcirn: Take notice that Mary Amison. and John AV. Shannon have made application to the Probate Court, for the appointment of an administrator on the estate of Hetirv Amison : that said mat ter u ill be heard on the eth da of November, A. D., 1S74. at in o'clock a. m., when all parties interested in said matter are requested to at tend at the time and place aforesaid, and they shall be heard, and show cause if any they have tvhv Marv Amison and John W. Shaunan shall not be appointed Administratrix and Adminis trator of said estate. Witness mv hand and official seal, this the 14tit day of October, A. D. 1S74. II. E. ELLISON, 20U Probate Judge. CARPENTER WORK! W. L. TUCKER, BUILDS HOUSES, does all kinds of Country Carpenter Work, Careful Work and prompt attendance to Calls. ZWShop on Gtli Street, north of Fit Z'jtrf Id's blv k, 4.Ay Str eight 4 Jones9 Livery, Feed & Sale Stables, Corner Cth and 1'earl BU. Horses Boarded by the Day Week or Month. HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD, OR TRA BED, FOR A FAIR COM MISSION. LIVERY AT ALL TIMES. Particular Attention Paid to Driving and Training Trotting Stock. 2!)Vl WEEPING WATER ADS. Hubbard House, IIUIU1AIJD, - - Pkop. Main Street, "WeepingWater. GOOD ACCOMODATIONS FOR TEA VELERS. 4 1 m. NEW DRUG STORE. WKKI'ING WATEK. N En. T. L. POTTER, DEALER IN DKCOS. MEDICINES. PAINT. OILS. VAKNISH. FEKFC.MEKY, STATION EH Y. NOTIONS, CIUAKS. TOBACCO, AND 12 LASS. JjETreseriptions carefully prepared. tetf. DEALERS IX Agricultural Implements, Hardware. Tinware. Pumps, lion. Nails. S Yes. at. Repairing done to Order aud Satisfaction Guaranteed. WE DEFY COMPETITION. 50-ly New Firm in Weeping Water. Fleming & Racs, (Successors f J. CLISBE A CO.) WEEPING WATER, NEB. This new firm have just laid in a largo and varied stoek of t;oods, ENTIRELY NEW, and will now offer them for sale at the old Stand in Weeping Water. They respect fully solicit the patronage of the people, and pi oiHise to sell good goods us cheap as anv one in the Market. Try Us Once, and Sec. cyi Chicago tt Nortli-Wtstern Railway BUY YOUR VIA THE Chicago tC- North-Wtstctn Hail tea y. For CHICAGO. Detroit, Montreal, IndianoiK.lis, Toledo, Cleveland, Portland. BulTalo, Boston, Niagara Kails, New YoOk, Bloominton, . I'ittshnrgli. Philadelphia, Springfield, Cincinnati, Baltimoie, ' .Washington, Alhany, Toronto. Cairo, Sioux City, Yanetoii, MILWAUKEE Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Clinton, Janesville, Milton Junction, W A T E R T O W X , Minnesota Junction, BURNETT. FOND DU LAC, O S II K () S II , Appleton, Menasha. fJreen Bay. Eseanaha. Ne gaunee, IsliiM-ming. Manpielts, L'Anse, and the Shores of LAKE SUPEKI0R. It is the only Koute From CIIICAfJO TO ST. PAUL, Via Madison. Kara boo and Elroy, and it is the only route running Pullman Palace Cars, through between Chicago and St. Paul, Marvin IT roiiiTT, AV. II. Stennet, (len'l Sttp't. lien'l 1'a.ss'r Ag.t. WILLIAM KER0LD Keeps one of Ihe Largest Grocery Stocks IN TOWN. Machine Shop. Joh n lt y man f Successor to Waytnan & Curtis. rLATTSMOL'TII, NEB., Repairers of Steain Engines, Boilers, Saw and (2rist Mills. 2;w and Steam Fittings. Wrought Iron Tipe, Force and Lift lumps. Steain (iuages. Safety Valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings Furnished on short notice. Farming Machinery Repaired on short notice. 8-tf. O. F. JOHNSON. DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, AND Wall Paper. AU Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IN Books, Stationary, .Maga zines, And Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by an ex perienced Druggist. Remember the place, eor. 5th & Main streets, Plattsmouth, - Neb. VHEHLEi: & BENNETT Real Estate and ' i':;xt;:yinar Agen:s. Not -tries Puh!h Eire anil Life Insurance Agents, I'lausutouih, Ntb. V T I IVIXKSTOX. I'hvsielsn nrt Siirvron. j JV. Tenders his professional services to the citizens of 1 ass eonntv. Resilience soutneast corner of Oak ami Sixth streets ; orllce on Main street, one door west of Lyman's Lumber Yard, l'laitsmouth, Nebraska. SAM. M. CIIAPM.VX. K. T. MAXWKU. C II A I'M AX A. MAXWKI.L ATTORN F.YS AT LAW and Solicitors in Chancerv. Oilice iu Fitzgerald's Block, Platts mouth, Nebraska. A. L. Sl ltACL K. T. B. WlIJiON. NPKACil'G ! WILHO, Attorneys at Law. rLATTSMOL'TII, - - NEBRASKA. CoIIccfioiui PntmittlH AattemUxl to. 13-ly GEO. 8. SMITH, K. It. WINIH1AM, N3IITII JL. lVIXhII VM, Successors to Marquett. Smith, & Starbird, Attorneys at Law d- Real Estate Brokers PLATTSMOUTH, "KB. Special attention given lo Collections, and all matters affecting the Title to Real Estate. Office on 2d floor, over the Post Office. Dr. Schildknecht, Eclectic 3k Homoeopathic Physician. tSf-OVFlCE AND RESIDENCEJ Corner of Cth and Vine Streets. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. cyl CALLS ATTENDED AT ALL HOVItS. Justice of the Peace. Office on Main Street I'lattsmouth. Neb., near lv opM)site the Hkisalu oflice. Business hours from 8 A. M., to 8. P. M. AU County business usually transacted be fore a .1 usi ice of the Peace, will be attended to bv the Subscriber. General Collector of Debts. -i y J. "NT. HAINES. IMattsinoiitli mills. CHEISEL, Proprietor. Have recently been repaired and placed in thorough running order, loo.ooo Bushels of Wheat wanted imme diately for which the highest market price will be paid. G. A. von Heimburg, Veterinary S u r scon. Office south side Main Street, between Third and Fourth Sts. PLATTSMOCTH, .... NER. PLATTSMOUTH MILLS rLATTSMOCTH. kb. CONRAD HEISEL. Proprietor FLOUR. COKN MEAL, FEED, Always on hand, aud for sale at lowest Cash juices. pp-The Highest prices paid for Wheat and Com. Particular attention triven to Custom work. Singer Sewing 3iachines, FOK SALE BY F. J. METTEER, With all the EXTRA S, ATTACHMENTS, NEEDLES, dc. Also, Plows. Cultivators, Wagons and farm Implements for sale. Mrs. A. II. ..M:E, WORKER IN HAIR. Braids. Curls, Switches Puffs, and all kinds of Hair Work promptly and neatly made by MRS. KNEE. Orders left at MRS. KENNEDY'S Millinery Store. On Main St. 1 door east of Clark & Plummers. 4.-.m3 GO TO GUS. HEROLirS FOR CLOTHING. PLATTSMOUTH Grain Company. E. G. DOVEY, Pres't. E. T. DUKE, Treas. FRED. GORDEIl, Buyer. This Company will buy grain at the billies market rates at all times. Scales and ornce at E. (!. Dovey, Store, lower. Main Street. I'lattsmouth. Neb. 2.ily L. GOLDING, Dealer in CLOTH I NO, Fl'KNISHINO fiOODS, HATS, CAPS, ROOTS. SHOES. TKLNKS, VALISES. CARPET RAUS, &c, &c., &c., &c. One of the oldest Jind most Reliable nouses in Plattsmouth. Main street, between Fourth and Fifth. ty REM EMBER THE TLACE. n8-tf. William Stadelmann has tin hand, one of the largest stocks of Clothing and Gents' Furnish ing Goods for Spring and Summer. r-I Invite everybody in want of anythingin my line to call at my store. SOUTH SIDE MAIX, Between 5th & 6th Si's. And convince themselves of the fact. I have asa specialty in my Retail Departments, a stock of Fine Clothing for Men and Boys, to which we invite those v; ho want good5. olso keep on hand a large and well se lected Stock of Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c. jan 1 yl L. F. J0IIXS0X, t2rOpposite the Platte Vally House, In Schla ter's Jeweler Store, Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb. AGENT FOR ST. LorrS. DECKER BROS., G. A. MIL LER fc CO ., DURDETT, SMITirS AMERICA X, AXD IIOSTOX And other Frst-cla.ss Pianos and Organs. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Strings, Sheet Music, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. rf-MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Tuned and Repaired S.-jf isfaction Guaranteed jan 1 jl rtHm-mr Ociod fronh uvMi ,r,l tViily nt ry liixiy'i Ininn in Platt!.nMih. it f y IT, l.y J. F. lieaumoister. Snd in your onlcn and I will try and give you Pure STEills, and serve you regularly. l'J-ly. NEW STYLES. F. L. ELST ER, Merchant Tailor Is in receipt of the finest and BEST ASSORTMENT JASSIMERES. CLOTHS. VESTINdS, SCOTCH (iOODS, IRISH FRIES ES, Jte. In fact, the largest and best assortment of (. lotus ever liroiiKiit to tins city, which i am prepared to make up in the Latest Styles. Call and examine Goods. aprlllH. E. T. DUKE iu CO. At the foot of Main Street. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hardware and Cutlery, STOVES, TINWARE, IRON, NAILS, HOES. RAKES. SHOVELS. AXES, KNIVES AND FORKS. &c. &e. All kinds of Tinware Manufactured. DONT BUY I'ntil vou have CAREFULLY EXAMINED OUR NEW ----- ' V-- - , AND LOW RESERVOIR --::tfrfr rz::UbUii? OLJTSk-:: As we have 12 good reasons why lhy will do your work. QUICK AND EASY, CHEAP AND CLEAN. BECAUSE They are cheapest to buy. They are cheapest to use". They bake evenly ond ipiickly. Their operation is perfect. They have always a good draft. They are made of the best material. They roast perfectly. They require but little fuel. They are very low priced. They are easily managed. They are suited to ali localities. Every Stove guaranteed to give Satisfac tion SOLD BY EXCELSIOR MAN'G COMPANY ST. LOUIS, MO., AND E. T. DUKE & Co. rLATTSMOl'TH, NEB. 8-8m CD n o CO 5- 3 teas' - o ET V C s3 r EI. Cfl x s S S 1 . 5- ? CO 5 CO CP O m fa a 3 CD C3 3 S8 PIIILADLPHIA STORE. Solomon & Nathan, ItRAT.F.llS I.V FANCY t GOODS, NOTIONS, LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, Largest. Cheape';t. Finest, and best Assorted Stock in the 'it y. We are juepared to sell cheaper than they can le purchased elsewhere. GIVE US A CALL and examine our goods. ti?Stoie on Main street, between 4th and nth streets. Plattsmoulli Neb. lOtf. Xew Store ! ew Stock ! Mr. William (I. AVoodkuff having- taken the Store formerly occupied by Mr. Eaton, vl!rkcep a full and com plete stock of FAMILY GROCERIES. AU kinds of country produce taken in EXCHANGE FOR GOODS I propose to sell low, and keep a STOCK OF NUMBER ONE GOODS, and hereby invite mv friends to call and exam ine the new outfit. Craugers eseelally invited to call and get prii-esjiefore ordering goods.away from home. I propose to SELL TO GRANGERS, At Chicago Rates. AYM. O. WOODRUFF. Ym. F. BrasETT, Clerk. 1-yl II. A. WATERMAN & SON Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Pine Lumber, LATH, SHINGLES, Sash. Doors, Blinds, &c- On Main Street eoner 5th rLATTSMOCTIl . - NEB. I 'OMAHA AL13. Wyoming Hotel, OMAHA, - - . .NEJJUASJKX A. V. TEN N A NT. ProprWtor.'' - " Vnlon Paclnc Ticket and Sli-fmn; Car Offlct directly ojniosite. Hotisv newly turtiUhed n) renovated throughout. Grand Central Hotel oMaiia. neb. Largest and Finest HoUl It-ttneert Chi' cago ahd Sin Frannsro. GEO. THRALL, Projrietor. LOUISVILLE ADS. in.a. si. watkrhav PHYSIO--MEDICAL PRACTITIONER,' Louisville, Cass Co., Ncb. Alwys nt the oflice 011 Saturday. FOX & GLOVER, Sells the BEST GOODS at the Lowest Prle at LOUISVILLE, CASS CO.,NEll. General Dealers In - DryGoods,Groceries HATS, CAPS, ROOTS & SHOES, Ready Hade Clothing, NOTIONS. CROCKER V WARE, AND Farmers Supplies Generally. Call and give them a trial. Also deal in.. GRAIN & COAL ao-fim Farmers Lumber Yard: Ilavinp; made arrangements in Clilr cagco, and t-lsewhere, with extensivo dealers, I am nre pared to furnish on short notice all kinds of Lumber Doors Sash Shingles, tfcc, at a reasonable rate. I also keep con stantly on hand a full assortment of Xails, Hinges, Locks, Hardware of all kinds. Those wishing to build, will please call and see my nU-k. E. XOYES, LOUIS VILLI:, NER FARMER'S EXCHANGE. B. G. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, NEBRASKA Keeps constantly 011 hand all SU1 Article such as COFFEE, SUGAR, TOBACCO, ' MOLASSES Dry Goods, ISools, Shoes, &o.. .1 In fact, everything usually kept In a Vnrietjr'' Store, which will he Bold 011 miiall prodt.t foi CASH. Allkindsof Produce takeu in czchuiiKv for (,rools, ami the Highest Market Prices given in CasTk tor Grain. 10 CEDAR CREEK ADS. J. 1MIELDER & SOX, Dealers in , Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and GROCERIES Of all kinds, at the lowest possible rate. Also . , Dealers in Grain, for which the holiest cash prices are paid. Hhles and produce of all kinds bought at ne gotiable rates. Inhelder'N Htat Ion, (Cedar Creek, Cltf. Cans County, Neb. CEDAR CREEK MILLS, 4 It K IX , :' Good Ruiuiiii Order ' and keep on hand the best assortment of , Flour, Corn Meal, &cv Ksecfal attention Is rItcti to cfisThtn work.- Satisfaction Buarantced, in exclaiming Iflout for Wheat. C. SCIILUNTZ, Prop. Also keeps a Flour DeiKd, at CLAKK & I'LL'M AI KU'S, in PLATTSMOUTH, Where will be found Flour. Grain. Corn Meal, and Feed, at WHOLKSALK & KKTAIL and ai REDUCED PRICES. r7All orders within the city limits, prompt ly filled herafter. from this Deiot. 44-ty HOCK BLUFF ADS. ROCK BLUFFS' Dry Goods & Grocery J. 4- H. SHE RJt KOCK BLUFFS, CASS CO., KF.BKASKA. Keeps Everything!' JTATS. CAPS, IUJOTS, shoes. CALICOES, SUA IT LA WJOLKX UOOIfS, SYRUPS, COAL OIL, GROCERIES, DRIED FRUITS. Also 60.000 pounds of Bacon. Ham and Shoul ders, for SALK CHF.AP : and all that a fartne NEEDS, OR WANTS, from a , - COUNTRY STORE. 17-& n Call anU e Them. Ben Hempel. HE'S THE MAN, KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE. ' ON LOWE It MAIX STKFET. PLATTSMOUTH, - - - NEB. Meals at all hours. Ice Cream Soda Water. & Lemonade, to Cool You. Good square Meals, nice Lunches, 40., e., I warm you. Ales, Wines, and pood Liquors to be used reasonably, for your benefit if you desire. . B. HEMPEL, Prop.