T II H IT E li A M. J. a. maomukimiy, r.iHTou , rf.ATTSHOI'TIT.SKPT. 21. 1ST I. Republic ah ticket. i" ir 1:1 !.. ! r . f Coniv-s : i.'Vi;kni:o c::rNsK. f N ;rl:::r:t" cmiTily. I'l.r i 'iiticr f I 'on;: : l'.-s s, unlit in.ut -i; I jwtiuck n. ii a u r.-s 'f !'", county. STATE TICKIiT. l"ur tloveriior. M1.AS A. i i:r.KK. I Webster ". Fit Secret :iiy of Slat", iikinm TKsui'rcii, f Sarpy eo. V'r Treasurer. .j. c. m m:n::. For Sup't cf P.iMie Iutr.i' ti i:i, .1. m. m.-m:nzii:, a f Nc!ii;i!i:i co. 1'iirSl.i!'' I'lj.-ioii Inspector, .s. s. roKTKi:. t livn !. I'.ir Attorney Cci.er..!. ;i;i;:;i: n. i:or.i:s. js. of K-d Vi!!-rv co. Foi lN!li. ! Ationi-y- 1st lhl. C. .f. !l I.WdK I n, lf I'll.ipS Co. 1... r.sti-t Attorney- .! lust. W. .f. ( .NNi:i.I., of I ;;i;i.s ". I statu r.-.u:.. j mi-, u u.-, wav iiu-oM ..,ht m ' " ' ",j; ,,Riu '!"-! jTSSSEl on th..' ..t.i (,f S"!-t., noxt I u.-s.l.-iy. ; Cariscltc, making n !---eh on tlio Lou- put across Tour Mile Cm k by Win.! ivd fr. sh iniik , delivered daily at every OMAHA ADS. ' 1 ...... . '..... ....... .. : T . 1 .. 1 I . . . . . . - I . . - . 1 . . 1 n.i - , ii c iinjit- i ,ls, l.mill will tut ill-M, i in:i !r.i:l . i3.u 1 i j 1.- ..! r.f il.i-d- I I'lirtfT. 1 1 i It It 1 "OII I THC I. J lf'T 111 ' anl sh')v the North I'l.iUe fo!!;s Unit: j ,.;iv (.f.(.verv mm in tliis crowil ! loiitli t a cost of without ' it is-!..t only on our own san.l 1 swearns I'ai.i willii'.cr to ?wo:tr,' that ' l",sts- l'.10 ol. vailin-c -s-t on u,,-. f.U ni.I will l,.--iv..n fo i,r.t.rt. t.lti runt- f-'1"11""' "' l" irl"'- n a " ------ - i hill that can uin prciniunis. V.V lovote a l.irc '! ! inn of our cd itoiiiil pa r" tliis v-ck t the answer of (oii!iiii-i( tier White to ")M Si-tt!t 1" (in the W'alrf, mi: in on 1 he J JiMe it:.s tii n. The M'nli !i uin n man will have to h;n: Vliite over aaht witli a het- I-' f J.oiiiKi:ia and lij'hol. t!:i-m in this .stre.lo wiii'.-h they will nuiintain :iLr:iiii.-t the authorities ami against the llovernnient of the l7nite.l Mate.s. If the I'reMil.'iit semi his minions there, h-t the President's minions heware for th'y may he damned. And this: new iiritre. I cite these instances to . : shtw '()M Settler" that. compared with ! : past expenditures, l.y the county, there ' i is not the extravagance imagined and I cii:'i'-d, r.nd I may add here, that in ' , addition to the cost of huildim these i ; lui li;es. I cause excavations to he ! 1 made, the width of feet at each end I ; of the hridges, for the tressels, from 3 j t"rt1y'H iioiiio in FiiiilsiiHMit'.i, if t'i:-y want i:, ty J. F. BeaunioistCM'. Sfiul In ;.our o:1its ami I will try anil give Ml :vuil sci ( uii r-'jculaily. XXW STYLES. F. L. ELS1ER, Merchant Tailor lll-lV. ! ter rope, lie talks too lively for a dea l 1 He idiots in me .xoiui nae , to 11 iVet in depth, and in all cases put ! ;,., uiem.seive io t.j.uiK oi .u.; m-mn .u 4i,,v!i heiow the Led of the stream. ' ' i civil war winch these things m the ; Ti,js work j ,Io u,1(jt.r tho inspection .... ,- ,, r t ! SoIlth hetoken. The north will 1 and suhject to the approval of the oth- ; Why Kello- (.overuor of Lou.s.- lllirp Us jm l)f thi, hsint.ss, It, .,,, , t,r rulllJiais,iollers. MIn s iIoi : ana, wants to parley and make or ae- .- tcslvi time.Lomscille , i,ave notxceedCil the law. which nro- : cpt propositions from the men Peun ; rurv-r:hnnuil, iScpt. 1TK ; vi,,.s tj1:,t this " mill special tax. "shall j .md Mcl'm-i-v u. c:i'in,.f cn'icfi vi'. True this fellow i-! half crae'eed hut '. he exclusively annlied to huildinir ur .... - : . . . ' ... .1 1,- ! .ull.i.!1(.u.r..n.1...fi.iilrli,.fl.i.i.lmi.. . ClulllS ' (T I'lOlllitU t) t ills fitV. W llilll I Ulll ; J hev are I.otli violators ol the Jaw and cl ne ma;, iw miscuiei we once ; e," 'r'" V :; :. ' ! pniiaiva to make up in tin-Uaot St Ic-.. Fall Is ii) rorcipt of the finest suul 11 EST A S.SORTMEXT TASSIMKKKS. FFOTirs. VFSTINOS. SFOTCII ;oois, UCISil fi:ifsks, &r. In f.i'-t, tUo larjiest am! tit't iissnrtmrnt of Wyominir Hotel, OMAHA, - - XEIMIASKA. A. W. THNXANT, IVopricttir. Fitio.i Pacifii' T:-!v(-t ami Slci-fin Car Ofi,-e ilin-t lly iiii:ti'. House newly fuiT.isl:cl ami rcnova'toil Uiiou'!imU. Grand Central Hotel OMAHA. XER. iAU'j'st and Fiwst Jfuttl btlireeil Chi ctt'jn and Sin ErancLs;i. CEO. T II HALL, rroprhlor. L o urs YILL E a m. Ml, .1. .11. WATICKHAX' PHYSIO MKHIFAI. IIJ A ( 'TITION V.V.. I.ouisvilli-. Fasi Co.. Xe'). Mv.ays ;:t tin ofliee on Saturdays. s such tliev shoidd le handed thought tin: t any man who talked of a iitifhr the direction of the Countv Commissioners." And if '"Old Settler" I it 1 nil ! s. over to Ike proper author- j sepaiauon oi uin, fouuii was a nair ; tuni t() thl, rViWiu of Cass county ities for trial. One would think Kel- , brained fool, hut it seems that even the he will tind that in years past, this j ! lo.ur had hcen I. fought u; in soiitheni ' scnsilde Com Ur Journal edited by one ! county has expended over 6100,000.00 j i training ; l tho nblest men (so thon-Iit) in the ! ' " ' " ' '"V 1 ' V , ! i ... . : ors, lor low priced, and low located ! ,r! Tr ' TZ ' T" i i newhpaper line, says the most that ran ; hrMi:(.tl whU.h lloW have to be rel(1.lc. i 1 he luv.u, al Omana, has c.an-ed , i;1ppt.n to the south is to have Orant j ed. Also if '-Ol.l Settler" would set ; Hands. li.e seven orpaltn-s lett, o. i for :iu j.;,,u.ro. -MSM the original thirteen, sold out to some- E, T. DUKE & CO. At the foot of Main Street. "Wholesale and Kelail Healers in a.'ain. civil war j with the hoard tf Commissioners for ir.ii'ihvive 'Hill (IlltllM'V ; months, and listen to the curses loud i 11,11 4l" tUL tl,IU body, and i:. X. Sw eet of West I'oint j Docs anv sane mn:i think it is time and deep, showered upon the Supervis- ! becomes the IMitor. Hon. Oeo. W. l rost , is e.ntin mo paper pro it-tn, un- V( j(s poWci til Mr. Sweet can move down. It is i - For I :: 1 0 t A:t.ni-y -." .M F.. HOXIF. i.f ( 'oll.iv u;'i:y. 1 i :i.ii..i.i i... j. ..' ni.i- )U T30NS,.lM)PTi:i AT LINCOLN, j reported that our old friend "Vn" is en j,riuei viutx tie; West I'oint Hpuhlb ni, Sweet's old paper. Hey dey, how the world turns round. ors of the different districts, he would sTOYF.s, TIN" w A HIT, I the IJepublican iariy died, or ilelea- .see that the present board of Countv j IKON. NAILS, Commissioners are correct, in aiming hoes, i:akes. it once to remedy tms prowing evil. I shovels. AXES, COUNTY r.KIDf.hS. I'he WaU hnt'in pitches int the M'.intASKA, SKri'IIMKKIl ;M. lsjl. " oal bonds" proposed to be voted for by the Co. Commissioners this fall. If ; Kiutoic "IIi:i:am": Xotiein a communication signed by one "Old Settler," in the Wai -Innan of Sept. the 10th, which seems to be in reply to Your i comments upon the bridge question svhh:ka. T!i. i: i'.i!'.i -r n .-uty. l.y its j the Wal hman. would ever look a no-'i'ii--i- f.n- l!ie p.i' I !nil-i!i far- a' ; I - - ilmni- i . . ,. ... r i i i.f't i.. :i .;! :-. -aiioi. of'iiw inite.i M.-.tev. oieiit at the statutes of h:s State, lie iia.a':..;! -. t 1 V0. 'i!:'!! V.'l vi.'V-Vi' T-'.'-lt .'-s ! would (i ud that whenever ten Trcehold- 1 ::c '.rid. a 1 ei -irl v. ii ii ii la . lie. serutitiv. an t .vi:i;!'-np ail hiMry for. : (-rs petition the Commissioners to call i. u alli-i i i !-.-!: ei : Isiiiiiaiii l y. ami e-ialii-ii:-g . . a in hi i:ii " t --e; iiia -ia l.y Ho-i'e"i'ie foi I lor a vote on that question, the)- are . i..iijii'- ; a.i-i iih:k-. Ii- -i-v.--.al a-ls in j.r.--i r hi:: F.i liin.'i in iii.ini"-ii: ' ,-iikI str.-iiMniillii: aeuiii- ..... . i ! i lie ll:i-' am I "'.v.-rnni sins i-ej.ui. 1..- ii.-.- pavs.-.i ii. i; -'i-u ryaini en.-ii- ; (,,. c-ik's oilice, and the IIi:;:ai.i is 1 t -1 . .t tin- !:.;.!!.. i - in sent iiii.;i of . . ' a-e. iiieieii.re i . .-.em au es i uie ; crei u my i u i or nice i i nar most oi me pe t;.-:iio. i.-a.i ari v oi .m-. and as we have to take the resoonsibil- i ity and curses in any event, we pro- ! pose to see that lasting and durable structures are iven to the countv. Now Mr. Kditor to conclude, I know several "Old Settlers" who never think j of polities except in such emergencies as the present, have charged that the board of Commissioners are putting j these bridges in the western liortioii of ! ........ - - - r-i ' - - - - I i K XI YES AX1 FOKKS. &e. &e. i made some time m August last, ami deeming an answer to "Old Settler" tlue the county where people pay little or the people of Cass Countv, as well as '' tuxes as compared with old set- ut i.i un i lie; inti u n.ive in-cu met All khulsof Ti u tva ro 3In mi fa c t urcd . 4.1! f obliged to do s. and the ten have nreh i t' oi i such a petition and it is on hie in the , a. in eon volition a-- ! titioiiers are democrats. UEOKKIA rmm Tin: Atlanta NIAVS. Patience! This acuisd lladical the County Commissioners, I have to request that through the columns of your paper you give your many read ers my answer, as published in the W'al'hinan, a copy of which I liere- ' w ith hand you: ! In your paper of the 10th inst., I m- tice a communication from "Old Set j tier," on the bridge question, and from ' the position taken by "Old Settler." md tor aught I know by his neighbors nul his neighbor's neighbors through- . 1. 1.. I . . -.....!... :ii t- lo-A -i. 1. : lt. l'.iat li (!-1 lauor si!io;;,i ee I1 l' ; ', . an.l i-t 'A i it - f--i vew;;-l.. , .1 M. 1 tl .it ue e.mn!yilein' thai tlieereihlt.f ! inir rii'ii -iii shall I"- liiiuly nia'iii.iiiieil, iii j t:i:'t la.- eoitmiereia! ami nolu-tiial mn r- j -"t i. s l ie e.i;iiry i. say not sntler injoty ly , flu. tii:ili ;i i i values or l.v iiniiaii'iim in any tie- ! trieetiiai roiohleiiee. wiiieli. ikav prevails in iv- j government -aniiot last ;il ways. jMPl to our eireiiiai.n iiieui.ini. :i; n hi- no;.. ...II -,i in. .Ii t-.-iT (i:iv. lie lei-eil IIHOII Inelalll iniea v. Hi- re.o :;ne.l iiium y oi i,ie won. I. I siieai ill llg Ol ouglil oil r FieseilC irolIK- i.,.:,t,r,. ..,,..,.;,.,, wil.l cm,,,-' ! ,.,,-,i v .m,l i....,..i .1 Fm.rr'.f - :,i ih it v.v 1.1-iiev that l.anlha- moll r u 1 i :u ii, .m..v r,i,iiu; 'V-- '' -"....v ...... .... , weii'-'ii.ir.le.i i,a:i..i.:,l sV,iem .,it..i.i i- fro,., ; ! ; "V 'in K 1"1" ,u'1' ! out with the. assertion, that the people i the ground. jh.i we iii-'-i i-fiorai ;e..i eronoiiiy in all ie- , lint lgn it ics. t lie terrorism and the ties- : jiaV(. airc;i(iv- "ami tnoinjh to ioni'iii'n I These bridges are now nearly eom- u. lesoi , , . ' . 1 . .. . ... .'i . 1. ... i i l'ollslll or W ll tell Olir Ueople are the Vic- fhnt ,..,. ,.m,((,J(, nlete.1. jmi1 w hen comoleleil .! .letaile.l tilllS to-la. ; .,.., f I;tt1i3 ht,l im,it ni.il it, !, st:itement will lie ri.iil..n.il flu. r-omilv out till' ('oti!itv I desire th.it ivitvihii II it 1 sh:ill know iust wh.'it the ( 'oimnissinii- is to lard, the same sword whose un- j oy (lf ... . . r,.,,tv .,r). .l.a,,,, with this argument again and again)) : and are consequently doing these old J 'L settlers a wrong. Xow the county j (,'omuiissioners simply aim to put these j j? bridges where most needed, deeming j the producer ii m Salt Creek entitled I to a road to market just as much as j q though he resided in liglitMile Town- i ship, or nearer the river, and owned j his broad acres in fee simple. Have i aimed to give the people so far as the present levy will go bridges where they are most needed. We have not drawn one dollar from the Treasury, or issued one warrant in advance of work actually rendered the o CD erf CD o o CD ft .i tin' oi l. lie il.M in iu-li :i ;-.y ami so rain.i IV. as ii i i iv bo il .ae w Itlimt! i.iijioiiili; hiilili'lis lii'ion tin- in" hi;! : ot 1 lie 'oi;;::i y. 4:h. I h i! e (leoi-ei'l a ii,-.i.l aeeo'.i:ilahi!:t v in H O CO I 9? 5 CD 2 5 ihj --i -rs a zz 2 o - x 3 h They seem very anxious for a sword i brilji u alrcn; Ijiiiit tl..- iii-.ii .iru'" of mill i.tt on ti.:- .,,ri oi ah SuIne kind. perhats the sword of I -Now the question is, is tins true.-' o:liee-!io!.ieis. wliein. t Mate or haiioaal. ami , . I before t he ( 'oni in issiniii j coi.itnriice,! 1 I .1 ..1... . .L'.r iii eohs I'l'eliU He i 1!!1 ll'l' Willi i 'I tl s VV I Till I I' VKIW iiisi:iV..r:iit.vM-iiti..iiliy v.ilii. r i.-r iiM.o;';.-t ' ' , . . the expemlitures for the j.reaent brMg- i.nhiie ...'ii.inls, in whatever eaj.aetty they inay . -".i. t:i: mihiii t-.tnuot ui j,, uf Cas5 county, Conceded to be the "" oni.oje-.. ...a .... Will IHt .See that She brillirs al her must-, nceilv eminlv in Xi.br:isl.-;i iii I'n. ."iLii. 1 il.it ul. reeo :nie : eeiai tin-:ui.-.!iia---es .lenve.i l.y Hie j.e..i;e iioi.i a t rouble on hers.-l f. IJv justsueh lion- i sjuct to her bridges they advertised r,::: '!. 'IM!."; .'v;' .in; rV,;? n- , .v.V'::::'.: she shuts out e.ai.li,,,,. keens i bids giving "Old Settler," new set- i-el-vient to the leihli.; to I. 'I lint 'vhii'i .e ti- ; . , , , . . . 1 . . i . .. ; ..ii! ii.il'il ri.ii.itiv iii-n'.iirl i' ill coi i it ;'. Vow a:: V Isosiii tl v low am i :t: ; i :i ei: ! i ni. i "... o.r1"11' ' " 1 1 1 1 I - " l. -.-.- v, .' -el .ii ii ii'ir ileli . ii: laat ! a In 1 .-!! l.y law - till lii.-.llis ill! e:IOi IS l.l iiiiiio-... .;. eo e ui e- , t.rihiri:.. : : :.iim -.i i ai ion t.n.w. : n.ce and terrorism all the time till! l.!lIl.iS.ii.tIllllM,-"i:-'lliIU,.l'i"("-lll- ' J -, . . V. k 1 i I 1 i,, el- s i.ivoi,t.v : we there- i not iiossible to lav all their trouble.; to i es li.r S,i0 per linear foot, cash. '. . ... i ...i; ..i i.. rri...i. x-.l .v..l..:i. i..ii ire o.-ui ent siieii - iiion.ii anu r.i;'i" ie,isia- , . .. .. ., , t l' . tai iv, oi.i eoiaMa nrnigt: iiiiiiuer. .neoi ex- :u"1 keeps her people in poverty, tlis- tler, Mr. Supervisor, and the public, an opportunity to come in and bid for this work." The "King I, ridge Co.," It is ' competing, proposed to build the bridg- II. when I will gladly .submit to the criti cism of "Old Settler" upon the bridge question. M. J,. WHITE." Sept. -J-.M, 171. tion as v, ih eo.iiel inilroails an.l a! l olior nn- uu- i.iii-nriniiT i -M'i i nci .i c.ui';.L baggers. Ol'Ii COrNTY CDNVKNTION. Oti Saturdav next our Countv hgis- i for the same bridges, bid .7,'iO, cash. Walter J. White, bid Sii,so; all pine, or $s,sot pine ;tnd oak, in orders. After examining these bids the Com- i missioners. lrom ast experience, 1 knowimr that at. least one of their lative Convention meets. We are t ) j number would be compelled to give the select 1 Stale Senator and 2 Ih-presen- ; matter his personal attention, In any tatives, K-.des a Cutintv Commission- t'Veiit. c included to put these bridges j up themselves, being satisfied that they l could do so and save the countv inonev It is of the greatest importance that ; (,penition. Consequeritlv the .-! voieei iiie (.eotiie. ..... v(. for oil v st :i !i; 1 :inl beruers the I n i nluii rno. 1 ton!.- the ,.. .11 r;i of I,, l.iit- lmli. Tar.: tii.-miwiiMeii law enaer.-a ny t;ie : " - I ... . , . , " v"- The abov; statement has been exam ined by ourselves, and is correct. L. A. James, T. Clakk. riii:.Mu :.i i'Ai::.is awarded. o o -3 jior.itioii io pay liif '..iiae ln-Oj'-e.-! 1. ..'i 01 ia is i:a)o-...l oa ini!i i:l::.-i!s. Tt li- Tlial v.e tavor tin- jirooer eeri ise of ):. ii.iw.ts " oaferi . .I i;(.on t he nut 1011a! iroveriiinesa hv the -on ! il nioli lo letllalo eotnlileree l.e tweentl'.e Sidles. ami to lliis e:'l we leinlu liieiel ili-it t he novel simt-itt eslal-lih ami ojier ;.te .1 liieil ie track railway trout the .MisNuiiri river l" th:' Atl inii.' seahoarl. i Mil. 'll-.at we earnesiiy re.!i"l that our Sen- ! lor s ,ei 111 1 lie ia-.sue.e of (1 oiin.-. '.s raiiroa l Jaml l.i hiih j :th. I ll.ll we favor the alilell'llilellf of lae ) eoiisthTfi -ii of the Fuite.l stales jiroviilni t.r 1 t he el-.-f! ion of Fresiilent. Viee Fresiileiit. t liilid j States ei.eil ors. .1 mi all ol ln-r feiieial olil. ers l , t 'le ii e. The sixteen farms offered last year b the State Hoard of Agriculture as lMHLADLi'lUA ST0KK. Solomon & Nathan, iKAi.r.i:s ix FANCY t GOODS, NOTIONS, LADIES FURNISHING GOODS. premiums for the best essays on the! Largest. Fheaiiest. Finest, ami hest As..rtel 'vaiiin!e o' I he F. i hT l liis t oiiir I V 111 .l. e,r,i- i.i: a re -e!ee! inn I u t ho I lnr.l Fivsiilont 1.1I term, y is as ri.iero'ni'r as Ihoii 'li li was ineoriiorai"tl best, truest and ablest men we have. I m - oridges such as bid upon where ....... 1 . .1 : 4 t . , - - - ii... In ti e li-rht of the late events :it the '"'?' nee.tco 11. uie , oum, 101 me natural advantages and resources of Nebraska, have been awarded and dis tributed. Mr. O. V. Davis yesterday ' presented to (Jen. James S. llrisbin j deeds to two of these farms. The first i located in Saunders county, near Ash- j land, and valued at Sli per acre, and j the other located at Waterloo, Doug las county, and valued at 811 per acre. The other persons who receive farms are J. A. MaeMurphy one at 81G per acre, James Morris one at 814 per acre, J. C. Ambrose one at .?! per acre, A. Stock in the "ity. V are invtmsca to seil cheaper than tltey ean he innehased elsew here. GIVE US A CALL and examine onrgooils. jS!ore on .Main street, hetween 4th ai'il "th sl reels. Flattsiiiomh Neh. h:tf. New Store ! Sew Stock ! Mk. William (I. AVoodf.uff i i;:.V!:.iare'r 'U'', l U'' - , j South the man that dreams the Kepul j ,K, pai(l in (,HUl('v warrants. This I I McDonaglM.ne at io per acre. O. T. U. -tr. Lato,,. keep a full and c,m- .li.h '; ' fl in suppose should dispose of the cry that yiiliams one at :i per aero J S. liar- . to the in. U. .us or iro'eeiioii to the frontier must be a traitor at heart, or a fool in i the Commissioners arc paying cxtrav- rism one at sss per acre, II. M. anAr- j ij lvlllj Y UrxlUOiiilvlriO. ';:i ;,'iS-:iin" ' ; . v ;,,i,i!,,t agant prices tor liaiiling, etc., but man oni's, per acre, in: nenner one o the iiirHiaienie.it ot tae Indians to die W.n . intellect. . 1 . , . " . . .... . v i-... j. a n t. i,i ,f ,,,t,e ,.,.,i...... .,l i Ie.ariii:e:it. .... , . . j liiav Here sav that I Dave liatl to pav at co pei acie, t n-.o! . ivciil one ;.i j ..j ....... ... ..o ... uth. That we favor th- re e,.;.oii,iieiit of J lie safe. y and continuance of K'v- , f( .. , ,,,. i (1.i t ti -(.so.rn $ er acre, Helen Mctiowan one ;it 61 i nvrnTnunr -r?.r-n nnnnn TilX'lVuJn nuwnt, the value of home ami nation- portion of Cass county, at the rate of .ay e.uiMMe.it with oi.r juvs.-ui niii.fai,., end ai credit, and rolection for life ami .WO ler thousand feet; and for pint; ll!vl-Jderu::;';;:":;:e ti C Vrorty in tliislantl evhh.ntlvdepen.Js ! Knnber just one half of that amount, -le at He-lime the i.ro,...M d new eoiisii;ti;ii.n is j and I stand readv and willing to dis- vete.i iM.on. tne .nes!ions ot : Froii ii.iiion," i on t he success ol t lie Kepii l ii it -a n pa it y. ; (.j i;1 r...(, ,n . . ,r(..si;;it helo and hire "Old ... . ...... ii ..... ...... .. . - rnr." .w"i i v i'K ! - in i.rnvl i:T u I i l; n l il Vitioti' i;ih. Inat we ai'i'l"'.e I he nets of t undress S-.-ttler" at a less figure, if he wants the in this matter, our opponents, the, old j job. are moving every power, gain, for a On the question of extravagant ex- ! penditure, let us for a moment com- w hieh c'Hs t he i i -'hts of ah it ; lis under pro- teeiioo i 1 1 h" National a:;l !ior.! ies w hen t !: V ! are a.s..:i,te.l !v hostile legislation. r ly lue io- Uemocrac v i. , ..t !i ...i .. . . , .. . i-,..i..?- ... ..it oi I irini-.ii .1'i.itii .ei" i.iu":e, .......... . .. . eerei.an.l.i.viewelt,..reee.il.onIra-;esI,,uie , u.iu,, fvn. .n.i.i.ooe kuiu, joi :,,..,. t he ,.v net!. 1 i t it res of Cmss er.m.tv rtheiaw-CVhVu'the.se'VeVu.s maV' "e s.'-I-'tuvlv lemocratie Legislature this winter ami during the past vear, under the guid- ;.n. I ai.ij.lv pioi.--ie l w h. n.-ver and wh. i. w rj it behooves Cass Countv llepublicans ance of Jacob Vsillerv Jr., senior Com invade, i : w d... however, disprove ol all tile I - 1 , . . , , . , . ' , . !::ieo;;si!tni-oii:,i i.isiaiion fertile eare of any to throw tiside all petty or personal I missionei", toi bridges m (.ass county EXCHANGE FOR GOODS I tirojiose to sell low, and keep a of the d.-ol dels t . society, oi eviis w ilicll i t - I vail in om i.cnl. ai dU'-i,,': ' ; hi to .,ir Ne- front to the enemy. hiaska needs i.na:i-:r.:li-.i. t ': : a t i.s v.it arieul tiiral. niiti. ral :. l 1 ntanitf.iet .i! wz. re sources I... 1 .ie,....,.t ll inal.e te.i Slat, s ;.s l:,!';e as M i .sachiiset !s. atol n soil i!isi!t-j. ; for fertt.ity. We t'ive a ; l-.earl v v . h-oiiie io t lie dow :-.-l i ...Id. -'.t in.is .es of i the Old World, jii'd as;;:.e Iheia tliat they shall ' lie seen c j. lin ir lives. Iil.ert y and propi-ity I Jtlid free to I: 1 1 and etress I heir reunions an.l f poht tea! ophiio: w il lioiit reslramt. ' 1."lh. I'tial retxiiiir c.pin the i.i!cl!ience of ': the (eoi !e of o::r oiii!:; a. id pro-peroi:s eom- . lnonwi eUh. w hie'i is s.M.i to t .i-.e liiuli rank in ' the irreat l..::ii:v of Slates, we herel.y ! new our i e i...i ...:n i... j i .... ... i ii ....i ....;. ii ..ii....... .uu.. ..ii 1.IO. j i....tv.. .iii.i j'l. .7i.il. ..'.l.l iiii'i nine, it aiieeian -ec. l ie j.ariv xV..e,,,:le,.,er ,... .. ; - - ; , .;.,,, ,(, , , ; .. i ,r . .. , ... ,., e.li upon an cashes, aau eon. noons oi men e. i .. t . ..,,,1 1 he OrofessiOllS. 1U Ureter-: , " 1 . . V : . ' ' : . unite wioitism jicrpeinatinz t. to i. ess, oi to snow ui.u i tie i otnmissionei's were i she.? eiu" :dl!-on:ro!u!'e ' t,IKe Ut fmmn-' U l,tc:l;;st t!,e ho,ne ! to blame for any mismanagement, but iiy!v.'U. e"r":it i.od'v of oi-.r M-'oo!e. "' " ' ' " ' ion the farm is not made at- ! to show t hat their present course is ! 'VT!'-'1" person could take as nianj' as four larms ly having the lour best articles. Only one contestatant, (leu. J. S. IJris bin, took more than one farm, his arti cles being found the second and sixth best, drew the second and sixth prem iums. J. A. MaeMurphy, of l'latts mouth, editor of the I'lattsmouth IIi:it a Li), wrote the best of all the one hun- i dollar, less than the present levy, Cass i tired and three articles entered, on the mt y by letting contracts to "bridge ! advantages ami resources of Nebraska. ; builders. "and doing the very best the I and he accordingly received the lirst j Commissioners could do, put in 12 I premium, a farm valued at ;?ll per j bridges in Cass Countv, of a total I acre, and located near the Capitol, Jan- i length of m) fet, for the' sum t:J,7!7.- j coin. UmrJta Ilcral l. 13, a small amount of which was ex- 0,"'?s- 1 1 '-..-j ! pended for grading. I here desire to TRci ?iT R.K ih'PS i say that the present structures are i One, and the principal reason v by j deemed bv men of experience, far sn- HOMt: MAltKI- rs. 1 - - Keported by "Winn:. & Daf.uaii. I'"1 70 T ier acre, 15. M. Urake one at 43 per iir-re, liss ll. Clark one tit j?:?,.j( per acre, N. 1 1. Ilemiup one at $l,'2r per acre. There were sixty-four contest- STOCK OF NUMBER ONE GOODS, tints lor the sixteen premiums. One and hcrehy invite my friends to call and exam ine the new outfit. Crauzcrs especially invited to call and ret . prieosbcfore ordering cuixSs.a way from hoino. 1 propose tt, SELL TO GRANGERS, Fro.n fov. Furnas' speeeh at our Founty Fair A WOKDTOTHEIIOYS. Hoys, SIh-k t: the Farm. young folks, and especially the boys, perior to the bridges put in last year. . ' le ive the farm sef kin'.- the towns and Ulltl WC Will now loOK ill SOUie Ot llieSO ontract, not i Wheat W.M. 1" At Fhieai,") Fates. M'OOUUFFF. 1-yl VM. ( P.knnktt, Flerk. II. A. WATi:U3IAXA;S0X Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Pine Lumber, LATH, SHINGLES, Sash. Doors, Blinds, &c- We acknowledge a ticket to the Dis trict Fair at Lincoln. ; tractive, and the surroundings desira I b'.o. How fe w farm houses are adorn ; ed with even shade trees, to say noth- llo-s . d . i .i r . i .i.in.iiiiru iivni j..i.-t 't i iciiui", i.ii.i Fia S is much ehenoer :nnl belter The present structures, "are plated! LATFst MCW' YoiiK M af.kkts. upon whiti'-oak posts ss. saturated 4".n VJi.T.". ,l'-ei,Ji Nk.v Vo:: Sept. We have to thank Senator Hitch- ! m ol liu ''weruis sinuo ana ciimo- j with gas tar, ami warranted to stand '" '' -V' -v..'- C -..xii.) - il-i ildi. i.Ml.lie i oi'ii- o'l; i inc. uu m.oii .iiiiii,, .n.u um- ....... - ... , ........ -coc. o. sa.n. liable pabln doui j . rooms t.ntil.t.lv .le.titute of a single ! builders the bridges futished with I.atfst chicaco m.i:K!:ts. ments. . . ..i o,, .,!!.. i, ,..,-! wrought spikes, securely bolted; and Cmcvoo. sent, g -- - ---- i i.V.i..i.ii. riu.m .i ..i i.j . I 4i 1....1, 41... 11 The luhr-Ormn thinks Kello had ! stldom the strain of vocal or mstru- j l"; ' , ,ul ! I;''"'"- jm. uiro oet. i.iinw.1 unit M ii.iii ! .,,,..: ! saturated with the tar preparation. i wheat i h iuated than to abandon Vanner:md1iis wife in very h -i-" i .v::::. .v; . v;::::.::.:::;:. ::. his tiost. How easy to give advice! ,.., .,.;.. ....... ...;,, ,...Jt soiial, caret ul inspection of the county, j ue What does Kellogg think about it. ! odium upon, or to say the least, lower ! ' the standard of respectability which ! bv the Commissioners and the Countv i :!r!',"y Engineer, ami are aimed to be built Cattle tr.t1 1 m; !1 I.e.: Cn Main Street em:er 5lh FLATTSMOFTH ... SKI DON'T BUY Fntil yuit lnive CAREFULLY EXAMINED OUR NEW TnAEZ&szim MARK T:,.- mc. ri, r those ..1.1 - tlvs" .it i ..H....1. ; . reoiol 1 n :-e ... Who I -'Ul Ollft IOOl ilOOVe lllg.l W.lier tliaiK. j . . t i . ' I, ,. i.o ,,,i ,,f Y,nK,iii, Mii.l his I lhe engineer universally J J-l. liCOlge 1.. lliiCl .louiu no v . wm.-. . -nhl ol Hers:" in th .. . - . ,vir.. I,..;,i.rf,lrii. liri. lmvs frrowilor ! dtlVll t' Ot t HI M 1 1 UU s, Ml Ul it to h:m he always mtr.iages to toree . :'"... '- ,r, . i iate vicinity of each brid-e located, as , , ... up, anu soon 10 go out, noon mes sea .. , . , e i . a personal quarrel on . .me one a:o:,t u thih. own 1)altli; lva SOn about ! th l"t w:U,er' ipWiieii titiic.s ::'h! .l-servi-.s n .mar- ' it !.,' ti.t !.. t' .-.o ci..,ri, : loned by spring freshets, and extraor- - ' i.i ...... . i-.. . ... . .............. , . r r .,.:.. l l. cl lllll.llV UU' "la. 1.H-I1 loot ill llt'lglll Ol i I vaier tnai K. j . taking thejTH()S.WA SlIRYOCK, he mimed-i 4 $ l.-.r ; sharped, sniarle.-1 o! our bovs, we'll ! VI,1,,,,- u!'" 'V V , V, -V" ;:Y&WZm?j rr ; educate him and qtutlifv him 'for the 1 ihi' ,I,;,I'S Cvs f f'ast f'"0; I -f'l A WeRh-v young Knglish widow, ' pn,fc sion of 1 aw, me iic'ine or the pul- ; seiuently every foot above the height j : i rTlMTilrfe whose passion is small feet, offers to : .it. .lames has a good mathematical : "pessary, is jtwt that niuch out ot the ; l&A marrv the man who is over live feet j head, u natural turn of mind in that ' J""" s pocket. A Inch here leads ine V; tall an I can wear her s!iotNo. 3. ! wav, he'll make a go.l civil enginer, or ? 'Tk 5 ,Si,.y.n that 1 l1"1 tiS Come avotri l this wav Mis. Wid.lv, ierhaps tin inventor, h-t us turn i,n s the U m;m bridge cartoon of last AV- ;-. ;,. , , j ,. ! nthat direction, and so on down to i week, is a little hard on the poor Mi-j tf M- e li v.'eiu oai .Nil tluee.s. ,,....a n... .!.,n.,i,t . pervisors who fail to put in the proper i.Av'.iri''y r r. -r ------- - , ' stupid of the familv, both parents ! Ilroaehes to these bridges as there ?v.,. The IiMependen. caud mate fo. : im.JhiX,)Xlii p, :reeing that he is ' is on a m u u huo , (.fSZT&M Treasurer luis . m-. cnri-ms ideas on re- , hl, tUl(,,, ,ul. t!,;. f.lnu; v:lxlse for. of tCC .; per annum, from land, road j r hphi ligio:i as well as on tinanee, we uraler- i both. being str. i.g and muscular he and poll tax, due to each road .hstrict j f:'-' iM . , ,c . .... "; i i . , i ,,,,,.1, .....l .j... in Cass countv, for the Supervisors to L:! . '-J'fri;'ri..'-t.r... s .V1; J Htaml If rep-uts are true.it is verv can d g and hoe, plough anil coop. . ., . , . . p--Nv-3.- -tf-Jitj v isl.i.iu. ii it-p .ii.i .oe iiu.,1. i.i mi y- b ., .ir. ,.i , i i keep their bridges m repair. fvH rC4 -t ".-.i One ot ti noIi,s. "a,.,! mo,t " Z. Jil T, " S;", "h "of utU City ... . I tl.ii.kl t.io tTA. t-.ii -.', i.A n ui ii i liiitlioi 10 me WA - t::- -. s - . ... .--..-si '- . . , -. i -" 41 council .l- .i,... v.;. . iiresent structures Tint no l.v thf mm.. eral.T. R. Webster s letter, declining a j J.et me say to tlie larmer ooys, suc ; -- - ,vs ;i ri;t5S ui:.ur,ui v .111 nomination on the Prohibition ticket. It has a clear itily come from a; It's logic is irresis Kelkg? has proved .'esse!. to the farm These five bridges have a length o true ring, that couM each, and cost the city j -iyr . . , tieotue in me w oiiu. i .iiiirim .uiuis ol (ln1... ,i..0 ttL - f' t honest mans heart, j and Mothers make your homos attract-, ltT!aei- contract, whefe the luiu- , f tible.- tive, pleasant and desirable; and t ,.,. nt, ,n.,rr.vi ,ls wn. .lelivrP.l i.v ----- . : mhCT that it is not your dullest boys j , , " all tllP cost of trans'- j - t - t.v r 'in f-iiii iiiiri ' s. - t lllinseir a fltv.: om i' r n. i irt,,4:,. ijV ti,im!. Also thp br dr. ! . , ,i c - . .11 .1. ' v. ...v.. .. . ......... .... . - - ,...,-. "... n. i ..: i.t,. .4- :r ..1 1 ' I'oi luuuii - louna. .n-.. . Old DeiF liutler would never ; ;L", i " i n ! ross Stove Creek, built ISst year. of ............. .... ....... ,-.1... ,,j t !fl Tir.ni.llf ' cut; .unr ui.iia.ui ...5 ." ...... ; Funerals attended on Short iave bt?n driven to the Custom House ! Vi jere it s:,ould be "or m-o'eetion. The best thing f.'rant ALSO DFALFH IN" j strtictures. except that it is placed tip- j FlirilitUrC, CliairS, lied ! on 4 siules of oak, not saturated with , 7 7 e 1 tar. antl very much inferior to the i (llll, &C5 ;an do. is to ai.pOihrU. F. Rutler mili-; Those men who an; total abstinane ary Covernor of Lonisiana, and we'll 1 iiri-veiything want jest about as mutch ; )resent material used; not near so ?.;aiu. ii i ,..,.., ' clusv-iv'atch.ing as anv men I kno o i thoroughly braced. or stdyel.or bolted; I n.ATTs 11 1 Jl.l.f t... .Ir. TT. . . I street, next floor to P.mofc Iloiise, MTSMtjF'rir. - :;ni LOV KESERVOIR k' '-Cut. i . i ...'.v..!f-- '- As we have 12 goo. I reasons why t!uy will do j your worK. QUICK' AND EASY, CHEAP AND CLEAN. BECAUSE They are elieaj.est to luiy, They are cheapest to use. They hake evenlv oml iiiiek'y, Their operation is perfect. They hnve. always a j;imm ilrait, Tliev are made of tile hest material, Tliev roast perfectly. They require hut little fuel, They are very low prieeil. llir. .tl.: r.i.' ni.ium;.-.., . Tliev are .suited to ali localities. Every Stove guaranteed to give Satisfac . turn I SOLD IJV j EXCELSIOIi MAX'G COMPANY 1 ST. LOUIS, Mil., AXI) - E. T. DUKE & Co. rf TTS.M0UTH, "FJ?. 4-r FOX & GLOVER, Sells the P.KST COOPS at the Lowest Friees at I.OCISVILI.E, CASS CO., XEI5. General Dealers in DryGoods,Groceries HATS, CAPS, HOOTS & SHOES, Ready 31 si do Clothing, NOTION'S. CKOCKFKV WAIlIi, AND Farmers Supplies Generally. Call and give.thein a trial. Also deal in. GRAIN & COAL. 20-Cni Farmers Lumber Yard. Having made arrangements in 'hi eago, ami elsewhere, with extorsive dealers, I am prepared to furnish on short notice all kinds of Lumber Doors Sasli Shingles, tfcc, at a reasonahh1 rate. T also keep con stantly on hand a full assortou-nt of Xails, Ilinrjfes!, Locks, Hardware, of till kinds. Those wishing to build will please call and see my stock. E. XOYES, LOUISVILLE, XEIJ. FA K3IEirs EXCHANGE. B. G. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, NEBRASKA. Keeps coiistaialy on hand all Staple Articles such as COFFEE, SUGAR, TOBACCO, MOLASSES Dry Goods, Hoots, Shoes, t:c. In fact, everything usually Uej.t in :. Variety Slure. w liieli'wiil lie solil".n Miia'l profits f"i CASH. All kimlsif rroduce taken hi exchange fr t-Mxids, and the Highest Market Prices ytctn in Cash fur Grain. 11) CLARK 6k PLUMMER'S FOREIGN A9S. IndHtlnrt Alliiit-nt. This well-known linn have just received a laric Stock of Bleached and Brown Mus lins at very low prices. Anotlier lot ol those line j Jaconet Embrorderies just arrived Call and see them. Call at lark & Plummer's for Queensware and Glass-Avare. Xew stock of dried Fruits just received. Cheap. Zircon Soap Try it. Then' are irtatij Jdlstresslnx nyinptnins .f ?!. ease the eauses of which are uncertain. Dehi Ity, n or vious i nil at Ion, mental stujuir, and head a.-he. fur instance, may pnss.'ldy he sytii. t om.it -ie i! ehronie disease in sinh irticular or'aii ; yet, in a l,ir;:e inajerily of ea-.-s. at le.Tt, tliev arise iidiii niih'ie.si lDii.and inui lud cunihii'ins i.t Hie liver an.l liowels en.-Iidered hy a fm stoiuaeh. When this Is tli- 'ase a few i!.es oi llixlelter's St. .mi. u li Hitters ill iHiiallJ elfeet aeiiinplete em r.lnit shiiuhl the .xviliptolil-. he oi'K mitigated wilhmlt heiiii; elitilei'v remne.l, hy .1 hiief course if the leini'dy, h-t it he eiiiilliiiie.l until every trace of ihsea ,e has aiiished. J pepsia Is a Hiniiteittil iiilinle. It lliiitntes with ..tartlhiu aeeiiracy the hullct ions ,t lieait ill I'.im'. lil'alil disease, kidnry dist-ase, and half ,i dozen .rher fri'-'htful allnieuts. ami when il. doctors have snieiimlv announced the i v iten. of one or ol her of these complaints, half a iui en doses of I he Hitlers will, hi most c.lscs. ex plode their l heories l.y em un; tlie palien! . -M A DAY GUARANTEED utina our l4. WELL AUC!R & DHILL In nni1 MJ territory. Endortcd by Grvernor cflOWA, ARKANSAS & DAKOTA Ci;.:;-.o !. T.CIir3,Ct.Lr-f,lli. Manhood; How Lost, How Restored. "3l ',ls' puhli'heil. a new e.litl-'tiot iiSi- Dr- Culverweir Celebrata.1 E. - .. .... ...Ml. ... 1 III." IV.IIIIIT ineillchie) ol M-KIIM Toltllli I i. Wi':i L' lii'ss I ii i-i.t 1 1 ii i i- : .1 - iii.u.ii Losses. I m iiiKM . mental and physicid hieu paeily. Impi'iliiiieiiis to Marriage, rle. iiImj, t onm Mi l i... Ki ii ki sv. and l rrs. Indue d hy self iudulp.ence or sexual extravagance. -l'rli-e hi a sealed envelope, onlv ti cents. The eelcl. rated aut hor. in this aillnii ;iM. say. clearly deinoiistrales from a thirl y ve;.r successful practice, that the alaiinin ; ,e- ipietices of .s.-lf -alius.-, may lie radically euied without the ilanjreroii.s use .f luternat medicine or the application of th... kuile ; poiulin out the mode ! cure at ihiiv simple. eellaiu, .-md elTcctual. ty means of which every sutlcrcr. no mailer vih.il his on. In ion may he. may cure hiiusrlt tivupiy privately and radically. ; fr"l Ids Lecture should ho In lhe liatnls of tv Very youlh and man In Hie land. Sent under seal, hi a plain en vclopc, post -paid to any address, nu the receipt ol six evnls, or two posai:r stamps. Also Dr. Culver's ".Marriage diiide," j ri cents. Address tln l'uhlishers. (HAS. .1. ('. HUM". (K. l.'T r.nwerv. New V(ilr. sepl-ly 1'i.Nt timer lt. Seluiual California Flour at Clark & Plunimer's. CEDAR CREEK ADS. J. 1XHELDEU is. SOX, Dealers In Clothing, Dry Ooods, Boots, Shoes and. GROCERIES Of all kinds, at the lowest possihlc rates. Also Dealers in Grain, for which the highest cash prices are paid. Hides and produce of all kinds bought at rea sonable rates. InlM'Itler- Station. (Odar Creek.) ."ltf. eass County, Neb. Spring "Wheat Flour at lower)i ices than anywhere else, at Clark 8c Pluminer's. Nearly all diseases originate from Indigestion and Tortiiilii y ol the Liver, and relief is alwaj anxiously sought alter. If the Liver Is I(cl:ii1u ted in its action, heal! ll is almost hi variably km cured. Want of action in the Liver uuses Headache. Const ipal ion Jaundice. I'ain In tbu Miouhh rs. Coii.uli. -hills. Dizziness. Sour Stom ach, had tasle in the mouth, Pinions attack, palpitation of (he heart, depression of spirts, or the blues, and a hundred other sviutmiis, for which SIMMONS' Ll LK Kl.lil I.Vlllli is th bfst remedy that has ever been discovered. 11 acts mi i 1 1)', ill'.-cl iially.an.l I icin a simple veg etable coiiipouiiil, can do no injury In am ipian tilit s that It may be taken. Ills harmless hi every v ay : it li.'.s iieen used fur -1(1 years, and hundreds of Hie j;ood and ereat from all part of the country will vouch for its bcin? the puiest .-indbcst. ' Siiuinoii'a Lin r R "julator, r Metliein Is harmless. Is 110 dr.islie violent incdieine. Is sure to cure it taken regularly, Is a fault less family medicine. Is t hi-cheapest nie'dicine 111 the world. Ispvili with safely and w il h t he happic4 re sults to Hie most delicate infant. Does not interfere v illi business, Does not disarraiiL-e the sysirin. Takes the lace of J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . and Kiltaji i wf arm y kind. Contains the simplest and best remedies. For Sale hy all Iruusit. 1 rE FI 'INGWAT E R ADS. Hubbard 2 louse, IiriiUAUD, - - l'liwi-. Main Street, Weeping, Waler. GOOD Al'COMODATlONS FOR Tit A VELERS. 41m (3. CEDAR CREEK MILLS, A IS K IV Good liiinuing Order and keep on hand t!; hest assortment of Flour, Corn Meal, &c. Especial attention Is sriven to custom work. Satisfaction guaranteed, in exchanging Flour for Wheat. C. SCIILTJXTZ, Prop. Also keeps a Flour Depot. ;t CI.A1JK & I'LUXI- :.ifi:s. in PLATTSMOUTH, Where will 1 found Flour. Hrain. Corn Meal, and Feed, at WHOLKSALF. & KKTAIL and at REDUCED PRICES. J f?All orders within the citv limits, prompt ly filled heialter, from this Depot. 4 'y BOCK BLUFF ADS. Three car loads of Salt in the barrel, at old rates on freight, for sale cheap Far mers nows vour time. Coal Oil bv the barrel cheaper than can be bought atChicago and shippped here. Call and see Clark & Plum mer's SiLlj ill's, by the barrel, before purchasing elsewhere. It will do you good. ROCK BLUFFS Dry Goods & Grocery J. 45- n7SHERjln F.OCIC r.LVFFS, CASS CO., misraska. Keeps Everything! I TATS, A large lot of Teas just re ceived lrom the Importers, at Xew York. To be sold for the benefit of the people here. NEW DRUG STORE. WKl.l'IXli WATK!!, M.I!. T. L. POTTER, DKAI.KIt IN Dhl'CS. MI'DICIXCS. FAIN'iM, oils. vai;Ms, ii:i;riMi:uv, s r x 1 1 o 1 : p. v. M 1 1 1 s, CKiAl.s, TOKACCO, AND liLASS. r-"I'reseriptions carefully prepared. 1CIL I)i:ai.i:i:s ix Agricultu rl linplonioiits, Hardware. Tin waru. 1'lllllpS. Don. Nu:!. StoViv. etc. Iifpaiiiii"; dono t On ter ami Satisfaction Guaranteed. WE DEFY COMPETITION. rw-ly New Firm in Weeping Water. Fleming & Kimball, (Successors of J. CLIS!;'-: ."c CO.) WEEPING! WATER, XER. This new firm have just laid in a- lan." tid varied st-k of irno.I ., ENTIRELY NEW, and will now offer them for sale at the old S'ai.d in Weeping Water. Theyresj.rctfnllvsoli.it the patronage of ffK? p.-ople. and ploioS4- to sell ioitl omlM as cheap as anv one in tin -Market. Try Us Once, and See. Cyl r.i ps. HOOTS. .S7OK.S, Once more remember Clark Sc Pluminer's, on Main Tlie siiecial attention of nil persons having Lands or Town Lots lor Sale, CALICOES, SIT A U'LS WOOLEX OOODS. SYHL'I'S, COAL OIL, OHOrEIllES, VP. I ED riil'ITS. Alsoco.noo pounds of Haeon. Ham and Shoul ders, for S-VLK CIIKAI' : and all thai farmer NEEDS, OR WANTS, from n COUNTRY STORE. (nil and Srr Tiifiu. 17-f.in Ben Hempel. nr: s thi: man, KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE. OX LOW EK MAIN' HTKEKT. PL ATTS MOUTH, - - - NEB. St. Plattsinuuth Nebraska, ! in C:iss rm",,y' is ':llI',, l" u' f;ul t,,;a I if vou want to buv cheap! om11 ""' I l ! uill v!va nr.,..t 'irt..rtt lis, t hn .1 I j... .-i f i.... t ..... p.. . .,....,....,. ........ I- .1... ...r"..IU-H. for Ca.-sll. I property placed In their hands for that pur- ! .se. If you have. Unimproved Lands for sale they w ill selhit for you. if yoti want to j purchas. they will givo you burain. j If yon have an V I Improved Farm j you desire to dispose of they will find "yon a j oxci-: mokk. iir ... , i customer. If vou wish to buy one they -ran U e are selling largely bv ! suppiv v0.i. Jleals at all hours. lee (. ream bod.i AVafer, & I-nionafl". to Ccoi You. the unbroken packa-c; Mils-j youliave lins by the bolt, Groceries hy Property to Rent the barrel, keg", or original ' th''y ,vi" n "1 u f"r"- And win i.acka-e. Thread bv thdo-! pay Taxes for Non-Residents A. I J ' . - cn spools, and so on. It is the best way to buy, for cv- and furnish uny and all information as to Value, Locality, and Prices of Real Estate. ery body, and we call atten ! tion to this new featuro of! Those who wish to Go-,. I square Meals, nice Lunches, &c, &c, to , . , , . , BllV Sell. Or Rent, warm you. I Olll trade, ail(l HlVltC all tO I ' OXjU- ' , ! 1 or dispose of their property tn any w ay y u. SyrtreV5 "SC" giVQ this method a trial. ' catoglvetUeiua call . PLATT.-.MOUTII, Ales. V reasonably B. UEMrEL, rrr- 1 do