THE HERALD. LOCA L A I) YERTIS EM E NTS. Transient. cents a line. Eeci:l:r ndver- flur.i lfi (,iu t...r Hn No :l(!vri :ln.:.r-f lit I1 J. f"i this ofiice; 7-3 ctii Is P-f li. '.' ri il. Co to IT. A. Waterman & Son, for Lumber at the lowest rates. 23-2t I.f tinl adv.-rti-icrncnts will le charged to the tnies h:ntiiig tln'iti In. j LOCAL XEWS. j Fresh Oysters at I lumpers. A little child of Mr. Hansen's was Inn ittl un Monday last. IJiittery still keeps that sotla foun tain goin?. Mr. Mt-Miirtrie has been seriously ill for sum:; days, but we are glad to hear lie is bt .Iter. Common Lumber of all kinds jier M.. at II. A. Waterman & Son's. Hatt the. buteher, slaughtered an Iowa steer, on Monday, that dressed 1,0:) founds. i " AVe are in hopes this nice cool weath er will check the sickness so prevalent. Trof. T. L. "'otter's Conceit Hand ;;ave a musieal entertainment in Ashland on Tuesday last. Solomon & Nathan are bound to sell twenty-five per cent, cheaper than any bisily elsi' in town. Fresh Oysters, the, fir?st of tho season, at Ileinpel's. l'role is ever watching the efferves cent sparkles of that cool and delicious soda at lluttei j-'s. AVe acknowledge the receipt of some very lino sweet potatoes, from Mr. Iles ser, the finest we have had this season. Look at our rates for common Lum ber, and then conn-, arid buy, for you'll not lind it cheaper elsewhere. Siv II. A. Watermam &. Sox. One of three or four emigrant wag ons passing through town eastward one day this week, had a tame elk tied behind. In the list of delegates to the Con vention last week we gave by mistake Crant Fleming instead of 1). C. Flem ing which it should have been. Mr. Ceo. S. Smith handed us a branch from a plain tivu on his pla-e, contain ing six splendid great large plums; va riety unknown. We enjoyed them hugely. Salomon x- Nathan are again coming out in a huge advertisement of their summer stock. Julglng from their .st'uy, now would be a good time to purchase. .Jos. Terry. County Clerk of Frank lin county, and well known in Cass comity, died last week. lie had many fi lends, both lu re, and in tiie place lie hose ;is his new residence in Nebras ka. noth-f. All persons indebted to me will call umi set: te insi le of four weeks, as I urns' have money. X'iitJ C. A. VOX IlKIMRl'RO. Wall paper, Win low Shades, Chro- i inos. and all kinds of upholstering good, at Frank Sr,iTi:ii's. x.'-'tf Central lilock. I-'AIi.'-IEKS ATTENTION ! lulius Tepperberg. Cigar Manufac turer, opposite the 1 1 i:u a li office, on Main .Vi., Tiattsmoiiih, Neb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and American To liaeeoes. for smoking purposes, For yittl". Test ijualities of pi ug-smoking tobacco ahvavs on hand. "Mlf. Our old friend and townsman, and whilome editor of this paper, (leo. E. Scholt, late lV-dal Clerk on the 1. T. K. 1!., has been advanced to the posi tion of Head Clerk of his division, with a permanent resting place for the sole of his foot in Omaha. Ty the way, Ceoige is down here on a visit this week. Goto Fleming 5. Kim!. all's, Water. Tlieir business is constantly increasing and so i-i 1 heir ;!;!; of oods.luit not their prices. They V iH j;'.c:tse you. IK) I FOIi Till: CI KIT ! About titty of our townspeople went up to Omaha, on an excursion train, to the circus, on Monday evening. From one of the number we learn there was such a crowd at the show, that many could not iiet in. So much for a circus. AVe had ijuite a little chunk of a horse-race on the Fair (S round Track, on Monday morning: Dick Streight's black mare, Win, Jones' roan mare, Charley Holmes sorrel pacer, and lleese's roan Colt all tried a hand we mean a foot and the roan colt (1 leese i came out ahead; whereby many Tlatts itiouth spirts were badly sold. AVe paid a visit to Hon. John JJrown last week and were very much pleassd to see him so improved in health and so hopeful of the future. If Johnny boy gets well, and there is scarcely a doubt of it now. his friends will have something to say at our County Con vention soon to come off. AVe most sincerely hope that Mr. Trown will be on his pins, and among us.bright, hopeful and sanguino as ever bv that time. LOST ! The Keys to oae of the Doors of this onu-e. WARRANTED STRlCSLY PURE 0 DRUGS Al MEDICINES; Ilempel has some of the bluest and fattest Oysters that Ave have ever seen. (Jive lii in a call. I'OK THE COUNTY FAIR. Special Premiums.' I offer to the young lady, not exceed ing IS years of age, who will exhibit the best " pounds of butter, one set of Jewelry, valued at $10; and for the best loaf of bread made fromCass Count wheat one silver Coblet, valued at .?; the. judges to be the same as in classes lt and 17. The above prem iums are on exhibition at the T. (). Jewelry Store. Frank Cakki'TII. The Agricultural & Mechanical Association will iffer as a special premium for the best Wind Mill Tump put up in working order on the fair grounds S- .0U; second best 1 5.00. The above premiums have been of fered since the publication of the reg ular premiums for Cass county and will stand in the Herald until fair time. ltf THE CONCEIiT. The Concert given last Friday eren ing by Miss Ella Crocker, assisted by Miss Simpson, Mr. Skill, and others, was a success as far as the singing &c. went, but the people did not succeed in turning out to hear it, very exten sively. AVe make some allowance for sickness, which was very prevalent then, but think that even despite that, oar people ought to turn out more largely as they are driving everything of the kind from their midst, by their lack of patronage, and only a minstrel show or a circus can succeed in draw ing a crowd. Miss Crocker's voice shows most de cidedly the effect of cultivation, anil the change since she left us nearly two years ago, is almost marvelous. With coital perseverance in the future a3 in the past, she must inevitably succeed in attaining whatever goal she may set lierself. AVe heartily wish her success. No testimonial is needed to the skill of Miss Simpson who has appeared be fore our citizens several times previous to this. Mr. Skill's management of violin and piccolo, is also welL known and appreciated. They did themselves full justice on this occasion. Lack of space prevents our speaking of the programme in detail, and all was so good we can hardly discriminate in favor of any particular piece. 31 AltliLVCJES. .'LINTON HETWILER In Omalia. Auk. 31, at tin residence of Hurt on Detwiler, Esq., by Rev. .1. Ii. Chise. prist or of the Consrrepr'tion al church of Woepin;; Water, Mr. Fkki. Clinton and Mi?s Jo"i:pii:ne Detwilkr, I'otii of Weeping Water. TOHNSONRAILEY Thursday August 27th, at the residence of Win. Herol:l, by Judjre El lison, Mr. Fit.vxK Johnson, to Miss Molly EAII.KV ; all of l'lattsmouth. E 1) E A T II S . STAHELMANN Friday, August astli, 1874. at 7 :isn i. hi., Euan k, infant sen of William and Martha J. Studcluianu ; aged s months. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining ia t'.ie Ikittsmouth Tost O.IIpc on 1st. 1ST! : L'.air R II Lanwrnte S R Russanl C W MeKarHnd Mrs E Reuedict V A IViky V Harrow Mrs Ella E.-ynolds Col S G Rentier .T Raynoldi Charles Conner C A Stanton Sam. Coleman AH Sniittt C Y CC.Iono A Smith L V K Cord well (leo Scarl Albert Durfee J II Sjmkjii AV M Fldler ("has Trimmer J K Fish Chas Thompson S C j Cn-rliai t J (I W iliiams Rarhory I.-iuipmaii Lst r James Lany R Wheaum Saiul J Lamb John Waltt-i Franz Ij'.cy (I Y V.'atson Louisa L AVhen calling for any of the above letters lle:ise say advertised. J. W. MARSHALL I M. Some young rascals came up the stairway to the IIkrald olfice, last week, and stole the keys to the work room door, which had been left there during noon spell. It has put us to great inconvenience, and may cause ns to get two new locks and duplicate keys. If they will now return the same, we shall be obliged and let them off, for this time. If not and we ever lind out who did take the keys, and ; some other things, it will go hard with them. I'arents please take notice. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. rLATTSMOUTlf, NkP... ) Sept. "Jd, 1874. )" This certifies th it I have this Hy sold all mv interest in tin Orocerv and Confectionery, known under the liim name aud stvle of K. A. Hi!ley & Co., to 15. C. Maynard. And said tirm is dissolved by mutual consent. Said R. C Maymird is to pay all indebtedness of said firm, ami receive all dues on book, and other ac counts due ihe firm. 2J-Jt .1. R. im.i.F-r. B. C. Maynard. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNEIl-SIIIP. The co-partnership heretofore existing be tween E. V. Lane and Silas E. Greenslute, un der the firm name of Lane & Greens'.ate. is. bv mutual consent this day dissolved. Either member of said firm is authorized to settle ihe samu. - E. W. Lane, Silas E. (Ikeevlate, Elmwood. Cass Co., Neb., Aug. liith, '74. The business of the old firm will be carried on In the same place, by the firm name of iiwi i;kef.nsi.atk, If you want something1 nice call on scn Ilempcl and 2ct some or those nice fresh Oysters. NEW UOODS. Fleming & Kimball, of Weeping Water are constantly receiving new poods and would In vite the attention of those in their vicinity to the low prWs at whb-h they arc disposing of them. They keep a pood and varied assort ment ol everv ihli'K in their line. 2312 a iioV. Jerry is up again before the pub lic, in his role of a fighting character, i w hich lie seem inclined to till freu,uent- J Iy. On Wednesday afternoon he went into Julius Pepperberg's and demand ed some cigars, refusing to pay for them, t'pon Pepperberg's declining to give them, he began to curse and swear, and lVpperberg ordered him out of the shop, when Jerry gave him a rousing blow on his head, knocking him from his chair and dragging him out on the pavement by the throat. The by-stamlers here interfered, and amidst the cries of children, rushing of men, and balking of dogs, Jerry was marched fust to Justice Haines' office where he again struck Pepperberg, and then to the place where all such good folks should go, where lie now medi tates in the retirement of his cell, y iiii the way of the transgressor, which in his cas, ought to be much harder than it is. Later. Jerry had his trial before Justice Haines, and was bound over in .?!!) bail, to appear at the next term of court; failing tp obtain bail he yet meditates in retirement. DR. G. li. CHAPMAN'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE. ALL TIIE LEAMNU PateiitMeiliciiics the tlay, FRESH AND XKW. A LARCE STOCK OF TERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, FAINTS. OILS, (in cluding all kinds of LUBRICATING OILS,) VARNISHES. WINDOW GLASS, and rt'TTV. HOOKS, STATION ERY.and INITIAL PATER, GOLD FENS, TIIE LARGEST AND REST ASSORTM ENT IN TIIE WEST. IT RE CANDIES. CHOICE TEAS, AND FINE CIGARS. PURE COLD ARCTIC SODA WATER. EVERYTHING NEW, CHOICE AND ELEGANT. One Door West of the l ost Office. lilt. CHAPMAN. 9-3111 AT Till: IILUALIJ OFFICE. For Sale! One Orey Mare seven years old, sound and kind good Itoadster. One good Pony, gentle for children. One good Sulky. One new Sewing machine. Come on all of you. Nebraska Ntate lt'jritter. A -JO column pajxT. iml.lislicd at the State Capital : full of Slate news ; independent in everything, neu tral in nothing ; a year. Conesnondents and Apents wanted in every town. W M. C. I'miyii, Lincoln, Neb. itf SPECIAL NOTICES. ADVANCE YOl 11 STATE. The Land Department of the Rurlinpton & Missouri River ltailroad Company are engaged in procuring the Itest samples of the agricultur al, mineral and other products of Nel'iaska. Tlieir purpose is to use these samples in illus trating through the East the resources of this portion f our State. All persons who have samples which can serve the ahove purpose, particularly samples of the crop or 174, should address the Depart ment. The full value will he paid for all ar ti ;es supplied, and they can he forwarded by express at the expense of the Company. All packages and correspondence should he addressed to L.YN I CommissioXKU, li. Hi M. R. J:., liurlington, Iowa. 19-4t TEA CHE US EXAMINATON. Fxamiiiations Tr granting certificates will be held at the times and places named below : At I'latlsnioulh .lulv oHt, ISTt, At " Sept. 4th. IKTt. At " Oct. 2d, 1ST4. At Greenwood (Waters School HouseH)et. l"th. At Stove Creek School House, Oct. 20lh. 1ST 4. At Weeping Water Oct. L'Jd. isTt. At l'lattsmouth Oct. aitli. 1ST4. At Mount l'leasant Nov. 5th. 1S74. At l'lattsmouth Nov. UTth, !s74. All persons who promise to apply for certifi cates will please avail t hemselves ot one of these oplMirtunities. No other opiMirtunities will lie ollered as the Superintendent will he absent from home visiting schools. And no certitieales will he renewed except on re-examination. i'lattsinoiith, .July Hh, 1ST. !S-t8 Its terrible to notice how the summer goods came down at Merges Shoe Store. 18tf. CHILDREN OFTEN LOOK PALE AND SICK From no other cause than having worms in the Stoimiril. RROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child, being perfectly VYJtlTK. and free from all col oring of other injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparations. Cr u ris t Eisown, Proprietors. No. lo Fulton Street, New York. Sold by Druggists and Cheuu.-l.s and dealers in Medicines at -'5 cents a box. unviy FOR SALE. lfn acres of unimproved land, four mi'i; from Plattsmotitli : good locality : can he bought reasonable. Call at tiie ollieo of ,L'tf SMITH & Wl.MIHAM. Easiness is business, and so are the Cigars r.t the 1'. O. RooU Store. 6-tf. AH order for f(cd. flour and meal, left at Streight & Dilley's will receive prom it atten tion. L-MtfJ -' liKlSEL. FOR SALE. A valuable farm near Weeping Water Falls, cultivated, with water and timber, &c.. For particulars, call at the ofiice of otf Smith & Windham. FOR SALE. 80 acres of on desirable terms. 100 rash in hand, balance on time to suit purchasers. Forjiarticulars, call at the office of MI Smith ,t Wixiiiam. FOR SALE. K'.o acrei of unimproved land near Eight Mile Grove. Can be purchased on reasonable terms. For particulars call at the oliice of 4;f Smith & Windham. FOR RENT. The large and commodious warr-room, cellar and ofiice, on second Boor ol building, formerly occupied by Jacob Vallcry, Jr, in Masonic Ilioek. Enquire of R, K. Livinoston or -tf E. T. Dl'KK. Call, examine and price goods at Merges Shoe Store before purchasing; elsewhere. I will never be undersold. IStf A RARE OPPORTUNITY. The use of a farm for 4 years : the party rent ing to do some breaking and pay taxes no otner expense. Call at the oliice of oltf Smith & Windham. FOR SALE. 120 acres of land, in Mt. Tleasant precinct. or terms, call at the ofiice of 42t f Smith & Windham. FOR SALE. A desirable resilience, in Plattsmouth. for sale. SJOO down, balance on time to suit pur chasers. bargain. Call at office of 5itf smith & Windham. FOR SALE. 120 acres of land in Otoe county, near Palmy ra: 4n acres cultivated ; water and timber con venient ; joins improved farms ; verv desirable ; on time to suit purchaser. Call at ofiice of 5Uf Smiiii & Windham. FOR SALE. 160 acres of land belonging to Cass County Nebraska being the South West onarter of Section No. Five (5) Township No. Eleven (11 North of Range No. Thirteen (13) L":ist of tixth Principal Meridian, SitLaied near Eight Mile Grove. For Terms of sale see L. IL.lAMKS 1 Timothy Clauil or ;-Co. Comr's. 3tf M. L, Wuitk. READ ! READ ! .' The summer goods came down awfully at Merges Shoe Store. Call and charge for showing them. I8tf PUBLIC S A L E At the Keil Farm in Weeping Water, near Foldcu's Mill, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th, 1874, The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, the following described property to-wit : b head of Work-Horses, some Colts, 4o"head of f':itt! all grades, among the about 10 head of early winter Milch Cows; Farming Implements consisting of 1 Reaper & ami Mower. 1 Seeder. 1 Corn Planter, &c, ic. Also about 'Si cords of dry Wood. Terms ok Sale! All sums P.-..nn and under. CASH : over JS'i.oo, 12 month's time, at ten per cent, interest, with approved security. MRS. D. SIIAFER. D0ANK COLLEGE: YEAR 1874-0. Fall Term, Sept. Gd. to Nov. 25th. Winter Term, Dec. 3d, to March loth Spring Term, March lsth to June isth. TUITION. In the College, per term 7.00 Prepai atory Dep't, , $3.00 to 5.00 M usic, 24 lessons , 10.00 Use pf Instrument 2.00 Rooms will he provided,, f,nd arrangements for hoard, either in clubs a- private family, can bf.niade at cheap rules. For particulars apply to rrt P. H. 1'KltHY Crete, Nebraska, Centaiii Liiiiiuciil. There Is no pain which the Centaur Liniment wiil not re lieve, no swelling it will not subdue, and no lani 'iiess which it will not cure. 1 his is strong language, but it is true. Where the parts are not gone, its effects marvellous. It has produced more cures of rheumatism, neu ralgia, lock-jaw. pidsy, .sprains. nwellings. ear-ache, caked-breasts, scalds. burns, salt-rheum, &c, upon the human frame, aud of strains, spavin, galls, &c. uiHin animals lu one year than have al other pretended remedies since the world began. It is a counter-irritant, an all-healing pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame walk, poisonous hites are ren dered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a scar. It is 110 humbug. The recipe is selling as no article ever before sold, and it sells because it does Just what it pretends to do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve t suffer if they will not use Centaur Liniment, more than loon certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs, chronic-rheum. itism, gout, running tumours. have been received. We will send a circular containing certificates, the reeie, &c, gratis to to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yel low wrapper 'Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for foundered orsweenied hor ses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners this liniment is worth your at tention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. J. I!. Eosk & Co., New York. 4o-ly Castokia is more than a substitute for Cas tor oil. It is the only safe article in existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. 4o-ly HOUSEHOLD PANACEA AND FAMILY LINIMENT. 24wiy Why Will Vou Sutler If To all persons suffer ing from Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cramps in the limbs or stomach. Pillions Colic, Pain in back, bowels or side, we Would SH V, TH K IlOl SK IIOI.D 1'ANACKA AND Family Limmk.nt is of all others the remedy you want for internal and external use. It has cured the above com plaints m thousands of cases. There is no mis take about it. Try it- Sold by all Druggists. THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE OF AN OLD NURSE. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Is the pre scription of one of the best l-eniale Physicians aud Nurses in the Coiled states, ami has been used for thirty years with never failing safety and success liv millions of mothers and child ren, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother ami child. We believe it to he the Rest and Surest Remedy in the World, in all cases of Dysentery and Diarrhea in children, whether it arises from Teething o. any other cause. Fi:i direc tions for using will accompany each bottle. None tieiiuine unless the nr ttimilc of Cl'RTiS & PERKINS is 011 the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicino Dealers. 24wly FOR SALE. Two houses one for cash and one on time. For full particulars apply to E. G. Dovey. 50 tf Remember that the exclusive Shoe Store is the best and cheapest place to get your foot gearing. istf PETER MERGES. FOR RENT. One house. Apply to E. G. Dovey. 5ntf Hand-Book of Politics for 74, BY HOX. EDWARD McPIIEltSOX. Clrrk of Jfoiwe of Reprtscntatirct V. S. This accurate and impartial Volume gives the full record on the "increase of Salary Act" and its reiM-al. on Transportation. Civil Rights, and Financial Questions, including the act of lst5'J creating "Legal Tenders" and coin interest mi Bonds, aud the various Exoaiidingandcontract ing acts since. President Grant's Messages and Memorandum. Interviews. Proclamations, and Action in Alabama. Arkansas. iAiuisiaua and Texas. Supreme Court Decisions. Illinois and Wisconsin Railroad Laws. Constitutional Amendments, made ami pending, in States, and Nation. "Rack-pay" Statistics, Tables of Ap propriations, Debt, Elections, Currency Distri bution by States and Sections, ,e. Invaluable for eanipaiun. Cloth. SJ.-Mi. post-paid. Address CKO. FRS. DAWSON. 22tt P. O. Rox 434, Washington, D. O. 3000 us. Peaches FOR SALE CIIEA1?. I have 3,000 bushels of Peaches, extra fine fruit, which I will dispose of at low figures at my Orchard 18 miles south of Xeb. City, and Vo miles north of Brown ville, in Douglas Precinct, Xcmaha Co. Neb. JOIIX MALEY. LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriff's Sale. Ry virtue of an execution issued out of the District Court, in and for Cass County. Nebras ka, and to me directed, I will on the i' day of Sept., A. D. ls74. at one o'clock P. M. of said tlay. at the South Door of the Court House, in the City of Plattsmouth. in said countv, sell at Public Auction the following described Real Estate to-w it : The East Half (E V,) of the South-east Quar ter (S. E. ') of Section Eight tS) Township Eleven (II) North of Range Ten (to) East of Six o P. M. in Cass county, Nebraska. The same having been levied upon as property of Jacob Disliony, to sat isfy jm execution in my hands, in favor of Yallefy & RuHner. PlaUsinoulh, Neb., Aug. 'J4. 1ST4. M. R. Cl'TLER. 22-t5 Sheriff Cass Courry. Neb. Sheriff's Sale. Ry virtu: of an order of sale issued out of the District Court, in and for Cass County, Nebras ka, and to me directed, I will on the 20ih -day of September, A. D. 174. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the south door of of th Court House, in the city of Plattsmouth. in sain Co.. sell at public auction the following described Real Estate, to-wit. : The west half wJl of lot No. eleven 111 in Mock No. thirty Riti and lot No. twelve 12) in block No. forty-four 441 in the City of l'latts mouth. Cass County, Nebraska, to satisfy a Judgment obtained by Arthur Calkins against Willet Fotieuger aud Ten y 1". Gass. M. R. CUTLER, Sheriff Cass County Nebraska, l'lattsmouth, Ang. iSth. 1S74. 22-5w Registrar's Notice. Notice is heteby given to the voters of the 1st Ward in the city of l'lattsmouth. county of Cass, and State of Nebraska, that the undersigned Registrar of said Ward, will sit for the purpose of registering the voters therein, at my ofiice on Monday September 7th, 1S74, from n o'clock a. ni. to 5 o'clock p. in. except one hour at noon. And furthur notice is given that I will sit at the same place on Monday, t Ictober nth, for the punwjse of corre ting said Registration list. Oeo. II. Rlack. Registrar 1st Ward. Registrar's Notice. Notice Is hereby given to the voters of the 2d Ward in the city of Plattsmouth. countv of Cass, and State of Nebraska, that the undersigned. Registrar of said Want, wiil sit for the purose of registering the voters therein, at lfeiel's Mill on Monday Septemlier 7th. Is74. from o'clock a. in. to 5 o'clock p. in. except one hour at noon. And uotice U further given that I will sit at the same place on Mon.ray October for the purjiose ol correcting said Registration list. l'-Ut J. R. DILLEY, Registrar 2d W ; rd. Registrar's Notice. Notice is hereby given to the voters of the 3d Ward in the city of Plattsmout h. county of Cass, and Mate of Nebraska, that the undersigned. Registrar of said Ward, will sit for the purse of registering the voters therein, at the office of Michehvait & Sharp, on Monday September 7th 1874. from h o'clock a. ni, to 5 o'clock p. m., ex cept one hour at noon. And notice is further given that I will sit at the same place on Mimday, Uctouer, for the purpose of correcting sai Registration list. . V.ta P. V, GASS, Registrar 2d Ward. Registrar's Notice. Notice is hereby given to the voters of the 4th Ward in the city of Flattsmoutii. county of Cass, and Slate of Nebraska, that the undersigned Registrar of said Ward Will sit for the purpose of Registering the therein, at the oliice of Wheeler & P.ennett.on Mon-iay S ptember 7th, is;4. from a o'clock a. in. to b o'cIock p. in. except one hour at noon. And notice s further given that I will sit at the same place on Monday, October sth, for the purpose of correcting said Registration list -Mta A. L. CHILD. Registrar 4th Ward. Notice, Relative to change of flace in holding elec tions in Cass County. The eastern portion of Cass County "having been lately re-distiieted thereby changing the lines and altering the limits of some precincts, it is hereby ordered by the County Commis sioners that all persons interested in'the matter, living in the precincts so altered and changed by such late re-districting, do present tlieir pe titions to the Roard of County Commissioners on or before the Htli day of September next : designating such places within each pre cinct as thev may desire to have made voting places in the future, in order that the petitions mav be acted Usn and the places designated ami understood before the comingFall elections. Rv order of Roard Countv Commissioners. niil D. W. MrKiSNo.v, Clerk. PROFESSIONAL CAKDS WHEELER & REN NETT Real Estate nnd " Tavpaying Agents. Notaries Public. Fire and Life Insurance Agents, Plattsmouth. Neb. Executors Sale of Real Estate Ry virtue of an order of sale from Judge of District Court (and under the seal of the same) in and for the District i 'ourt. Second Judicial District, in the County of Cass aud State of Ne braska, aud directed to the undersigned, in an action wherein Lloyd D. Rennet!, surviving ex t cutorof the last will and testament of shep herd Duke, deceased, is i'laiiuitf, and Lavina Duke and others are Defendants, 1 will at 10 o'clock a. in., on the ISth lay ot July. 174 in front of the Court House in the City of Platts mouth and State of Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder the lauds and tenements hereinafter described, on terms following, to-wit : cash in hand. Said lands be long to the estate of Shepherd Duke, deceased, and are described as follows, to-wit : A subdivision of lot eievoii 111) In section twenty-nine town twelve ll'.'J and range fourteen 141, containing eight sj acres, said tract of land lying and being in Cass County and state of Nebraska: also the following lots in the city of Plattsmouth. in said Cass County, lots four 4, tive r, and eleven 111 in in block live (.11, lot lour 41 in block forty-four 441 ; also the following lots lying and being in Duke s Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, aforesaid, that is to say lot four (4 in block three (.'!, lots one (I.) two(-.i three (.t) four (4) tive (1) six (f.) nine isn ten (lf eleven (tl) twelve G2) thirtecen (13) fourteen (14) fifteen (15) sixteen (li;; seventeen (17) eighteen (Is) and nineteen (l'o, in block four (4), lots six (ii) seven (.7) eight (s nine (fi) ten (to) eleven ( 11 ) twelve (m thir teen (13) fourteen (14) fifteen (13) sixteen (in) seventeen (.17) eighteen (is and twenty (JO) in block live (."), lots four (4) live (5) six (;) seven (7) eight (S) nine (9) ten (in) eleven (11) and twelve (li) in block six (t;, lots one (1) two (!) three (;i) four (4) live (5) six (r) in block seven (7), lots three C5) and four (4) in block nine ( lots two (2) three (:d four (4) live (.) six () seven (7) eight (S) nine ()) ten (H) eleven (11) and twelve 1 12) in block (leven (11). all of block twelve (12) being lots one (1) to twenty-two ( inclusive, all of block thirteen (i;: being lots one I) to twenty-two (22) inclusive, lots one (l)and two (2) in block four teen 114, lots one 1 two 2 three (3) four (4) five C) and six 5j in block lifteen (1"., lots thro (3) four 41 and fhe r in block eighteen nineteen til), all of block twenty (20) except lot (IS), lots one II two 2J three :M seven 7) eiglit J nine ya and weive 1 12 in tnocK twelve 12J being Ids one t to twenty-two (22) inclusive except lot twelve 1 12.lotsone 1 1 three :tl four 4) ten lioj lifteen S in block twenty- one 21J. lots one two 21 liiree .tj lour 4J live 5 six H) seven (7) eight s nine () teen 10 hiee 23, lots one 11 two 2 three 31 four 4 six GJ seven 7) eight si nine i'.J ten in eleven 11) and twelve !2 in block twenty-seven 27, all of block twentv-eight (2S except lot seven teen being lots one 1 to twenty (2 inclusive, except lot seveteen (17); lots six ti seven (7) eight fs nine (;) ten in) eleven (11) and twelve (12) 'in block twentv-nine RS. lots one 1) two 2 three .J) four 4 tive oj six i; seven 71 ami eight 11 in block thirty 3!, lots three a four lij tive p six Lii seven ; and eight sj in block thirty-one 31, lots one tl) two (2) three (3 four (4) five (.r) seven (7) niucuo ten ( 10) eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block ten (10). lots one(l) two (2) four (4) live (") seven (7)eight(S) nine () ten (in) elevtn (11) twelve (12) in block twenty-two (22). Its three (ai and four ( I) In block eight (). Said sale will continue from 10 o'clock a. 111., until sundown of the said day, if necessary, and it will be adjourned from day to day until all are sold ; Plattsmouth, June 22. l7l. Llovi D. Henxktt. Surviving Executor of the last will and testa ment of Shepherd Duke, deceased. WHFKLKR & STIXCHCOMH, l3-4t Attorneys for Executor. The above sale is hereby adjournded until September 5th, 1874, at 10 o clock a. in. l'lattsmouth Aug. sth ls74. LLOYD D. REN NETT. Surviving Executor of estate of Shepherd Duke OMMAIIAADDS. Wyoming Hotel, OMAHA, - - XEI5IIASKA. A. W. TENNANT, Proprietor. Union Pacific Ticket and Sleeping Cur Office directly opposite. House newly furnished and renovated throughout. Grand Central Hotel OMAHA, NEB. Largest anJ Finest Hotel between CJii cagoand San Francisco. GEO. THRALL, Proprietor. ROCK BLUFF ADS. ROCK BLUFFS Dry Goods & Grocery J. t$- II. SHERJI. ROCK BLUFFS, CASS CO., NEBRASKA, Keeps Everything! HATS, CAPS, HOOTS, SHOES, CALICOES, SITA n'LS WOOLEX OOODS. srnurs. COAL OIL, GROCERIES, DRIED FRUITS. AlsofiO.noo pound of Bacon, Ham and Shoul ders, for SALE CHEAP : and all that a farmer NEEDS, OR WANTS, from a COUNTRY STORE. Call and Nee The 111. 1 17-Jm . O. F. JOHNSON. DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, AND Wall Paper. fj"'7-C' "CP All Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IN Cooks, Stationery, 3Ias;a ziiies, And Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by an ex perienced Druggist. liememhertlie place, cor. 5th & llain streets, riattsrao'.ith, - - - 'eb. 1 R. LIVINGSTON. Physician and Surgeon, Tenders his profes-doaal services to the citizens of Cass county. Residence southeast coi ner of Oak and Sixth streets ; oliice on Main street, one door H of Lyman's Lumber Yard, l'lattsmouth, Nebraska. CKO. K. SMITH, It. It. WINDHAM, NMITII A lVlMUl Vfl, Successors to Mariuett, Smith, & Starblrd, .-1 1 to rtu ys a t La w cC- Ilea I Fst 1 te Brokers I'l.ATTSMOl Til, - - - Special attention piven to Collections, and all matters affect in;; the 'litle to Real Estate. Office 0:1 2d floor, over the Tost Office. Dr. SchihlkiK-cht, Eclectic & Homoeopathic Physician. ISOFFICE AND RESIDENCE,- J Corner of Cth and Vine Streets, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. fiyl CALLS ATTKN IKI AT ALL HOUK.S. Justice of the Pence. Ofiice 011 Main Street Plattsinouth, Neb., near ly opHsiu the Hkkat.i oliice. Rusincss hours from ( A. M.. to s. P. M. All Countv business itsually transacted be fore a Justice of the Peace, will be attended to bv the Subscriber. General Collector of Debts. 8-ly J. VT. HAINES. lMattMinoulh .Hills. CIIEISEL. Proprietor. Have recently been repaired anil placed in thorough running order. lOo.noo Rushels of Yeat wanted imme diately for which the highest market price will be pan I. G. A. von Heimburg, Veterinary Surgeon. OJJice south side Main Street, hit ween 'Third and Fourth St.. PLATTSMOUTH. - NEIL PLATTSMOUTH MILLS PLATTSMOUTH, CONRAD IIEISEL, Proprieto FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, Always on hand, and for sale at lowest Cash prices. r?TThe Highest prices paid for Wheat and Corn. Particular attention riven to Custom work. Singer Sewing Machines, FOR SALE RY F. J. METTEER, With all the EA'TRAS, ATT A C II ME NTS, NEEDLES, dc Also, Plows, Cultivators, Wagons and farm Implements for sale. Mrs. A. II. r. m;i:, WORKER IH HAIR. Rraids. Curls, Switches Puffs, and all kinds of Hair Work promptly and neatly made by MRS. KNEE. Orders left at MRS. KENNEDY'S Millinery Store. On Main St. 1 door east of Clark & Flunimcrs. 4."in.3 GO TO GUS. HE HOLD'S FOR CLOTHING. PLATTSMOUTH Grain Company. E. G. DOVEY, Pres't. E. T. DUKE, Treas. FRED. G ORDER, Ruyer. This Company will buy grain at the highes market rates at all times. Scales and office at K. O. Dovey, Store, lower. Main Street. Plattsmouth. Neb. 2Jlv L. GOLDING, Dealer in CLOTHINO, FURNISHING OOODS. HATS, CAPS, ROOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES. CARl'ET EAUS, &c, &c, &c, &c. One of the oldest and most Reliable nouses In Plattsmouth. Main street, between Fourth aud Fifth. tST-EEMEMEER THE TLACE. 118-tf. -YEn ADVERTISEMEN T. E. A. DILLEY & Co. Just opened on Main St. OPPOSITE DOVEY'S STORE. Plattsmouth. ... - Nebraska. GROCERIES. FRUITS. CANDIES. TOBACCOS. and CIGARS. GOODS SOLD CHEAP. Warranted fresh and frond, and patronage re spectfully solicited by the firm. ALSO, An Ice Cream Parlor. Cool, Comfortable and Commodious. Where you can get Ice Cream at TiiiN CENTS A DISH ! AND THEN 'Vc have a SODA FOUNTAIN, and SYRUPS, Cool and Pure, Lemonade, &c, &.C., CALL. AND TRY THEM. ir;ni6 William Stadelmann has oa hand, one of the largest stocks of Clothing and Gents' Furnish ing Goods for Spring and Summer. Invite everybody in want of an'-thingin my line to call at my store. SOUTH SIDE MAIX, Between 5th & 6th St's. And convince themselves of the fact. I have asaspeetaltv in my Retail Department, a stock of Fine Clothing for Men and Boys, to which we tuvlte those w ho want goodo. tSI olso !;.ep on hand a large and well se lected Stock of Hats, Ca"s,'Eoot, Shoes, &c. J.iQ I yl SAM. M. fHAl'MAX. K. T. MAXWKLL. C IIAIMIAX & MAXWI'LU ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Solicitors in ChaiM-erv. Office in FitzgeralJ's Rlock, Platta niouth, Nebraska. A. I Spkagi-e, T. K. Wilsox. NIMtAll'F. & 1VIL!MV, Attorney! at Law. PLATTSMOUTH. - - N ERR ASK A. CuiU-rtioiia Promiitlu AntU-nJetl to. 1.1-ly Fiinenils attended on Short Notice. ALSO DEALER IX FURNITURE, CHAIRS, BEDDING, Main Street, next door to Rrooks House, Plattsmouth. Neb. SPUING AND SUMMER GOO Down Go the Prices AT SGHWASSE GO'S, Celebrated Htm YOfcJC STofU Southwest Corner "Main Street, Plattsmontli, Xebra-ska. AND SO THE PEOPLE THINK WHO BUY ;S3 EH If GO-OB Dress Goods, Prints, Boots and Shoes, Delaines, Ginghams, Urown Sheeting, Bleached Cottons, JJalmorals, Carjietn, Clark's new Thread, C' ALonY In the Grocery line wo keep the Fixest anil II, t Tea, Coffee, Sugar, "Molasses, Dried Fruits. .Spices, etc., etc. In fact for Your Groceries, jr.ird Queens ware, "Wooden Ware, Glassware, Yankee Notions. Hats and Caps, JiOo'.s- and t"i GO TO 2Vtf. D. &MNASSE cf- CO.'S. CEDAR CREEK ADS. J. 1MIELDKR cV SOX, Dealers in Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and GROCERIES Of all kinds, at the lowest possible rntes, Also Dealers in Grain, for which the highest cash prices are paid. Hides and produce of all kinds hought at rea sonable rates. Inhclder'H Hint Ion, Cedar Creek.) Sitf. Cass t'oiinty, Nch. CEDAR CREEK MILLS, AI5K IX Good liimnin? Order and keep on hand the best assortment of Flour, Corn Meal, &c. Especial attention is piven to custom work. Satisfaclion guaranteed, in exchamring Flour for Wheat. C. SCJILUXTZ, Prop. Also keens a Flour Pow.f, at CLARK & I'LI'M MEE'S, in PLATTSMOUTH, Where will be found Flour, Crnln, Corn Me:.l, and Feed, at AV HOLES ALE & RETAIL and at REDUCED PRICES. f?All orders within the city limits, prompt ly tilled herafter, from this Depot. 4-ty People's Market ! ! At the I'eople's Market you can And and BUY FOR CASH! anything usually kept In the. MARKET LINE. I pay CASH, and I must sell for CASH, and to my Customers I Sell, and only ask SMALL PROFITS, but I expect prompt and sure pay. Ptf II. E. ELLISON. Sto ver's Wind Engine. For lTJirixci Water, CTTTIXW Feed, And For Farm I Me. The lest and eheriest in use for Supplying Water lor all general purposes. For sale by T. THOMAS & SONS. Flattsinoiith, Cass Co.. Neb. Co to Thomas Wiles', one mile west of l'latts mouth, w here you can see one in full ojH-ni-tion. J-iy Meat Market! IIATT, TIIE BUTCHER, Oldest and best established Meat Market in the place. O IIatt Always to be Found There. o Not chancing constantly, but the Old Reliable Spot, where you can Eet your Steaks, Roasts, Game, Fish aud Foul m seaXou. - south sideof main street. Oxe Loor We-st of IIkrald Office; 35-ly. Tlattsmoc ru, Nee. THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST For your Oroceries pi f J. V. Weckbac! Corner Third and Main street. I'hittt'io i (Cutiimann's old Rtand.j He keeps on hand a lar; and veil '' stock of fancy OROCKRiES. coi Fi:::s. i ; a;j SUOAR, SYRl'I, R OTS, SIIOI'..-, 4C, &c. In connection with the Grocery l.i a Bakery and Confectionar1 Highest price pnld for Country Froduc ;-A full stock at all times, nndw III !n,t I"; lersidd. Take notice of the slun "EM FIRE BAEERY AND GROCJ lii'. -niyl. CARPENTER WORK ! W. L. TUCKER, BUILDS HQUSES does all kinds of Country Carpenter Work, and is ready for jbo at all times. Careful Work and prom, attendance to Calls. 1-ifShop on Oth Street, north Fitzgerald's llcx k. 4 -1 y ij.'. .5r' : - -i-' '-. finft. L. F. JOHNSON. l-Opioslte the Ilatte Yally Hou In :!,:: ter's Jeweler Store, Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb. AGENT FOR ST. LOUIS, DECKER HROS., J. A. DUL LER A CO'., DUItDET, SitlTirS AMEBIC AX, ASU UiKiTOX n a-m. xkj ma And other Frst-clasi Pianos an.1 tlivr.i. Wholesale and R-lail Dealer in Mv:ii, MirM Music, and all kinds of .Musical Mi.-jch.ii :..-. tMl'SICAL INSTCMENTS Turid ;md Repaired Satisfaction (iuarantc.-d J 1:1 1 yl WILLIAM UKiWlA) Keeps one of Ihc Largest Grocery Stocks IN TOWN. Machine Shop. John Waiman, Successor to Wayman & Cr.i;. -.j riJWTTSMOl'TH, NEB., Repairers of Steam Euinc5, 15iite:s. s.-irv an': Grist Milis. Gas and Steam Fittinps, Wroicht fir1. Force and Lift Pumps. Stenni Gua. '-s, Sat-, ty Yalve Governors, and ail kiuds of Brass Engine Fitting FuniLsheU on short notice. Fanning Kacnirn Repaired on short notice.