THE -HERALD. LOCAL AIVn.RTISKMF"TS. Ttniwlent. 25 cents a line. Regular adver tisers. 10 cents per lino. No adveiti.teinent in sert ed tor less than -ir, cent. U-pnl advertisements will be charged to the parties handing them in. COMM t MCATIONS. As our space 1 limited, nil communications must be brief and to the point. with uo waate of words. NEWSPAPER DECISIONS. 1. Any person who takes a paper regularly from the postotflee, whether directed to hit name, or w hether he W a subscriber or not is responsible fur tiie pay. 2. If any person orders his paper diconthi neJ, he must pay all arrearages, or the iillislier may continue to send it until payment Is made, and collect the whole amount, whether the pa lr Is taken from the otlioe or mil. 3. Tliecouits have decided tnat refusing; to tnke newspapers and periodicals from the ost Mfhce. of retnove and leaving them uncalled for. is prima Jtu-ii evidence of. intentional, Kit wit. LOCAL NEWS. t OOL, t 03IFOItT.V;tLK A UXMX Ire Cream Parlor above I'ot Oflice FIXEUT ICE VltEAM i.V THE CJTV, Warranted Strictly Iure DRUGS AND MEDICINES, ,-at-. Dr.C. b. C?hpman' rilENCRII'TIOXDRl'Ci STORE. All t!ic leading P At it NT MEDICINES, of the day r?KV ANI FRESH. A targe stock of Perfumery and Toilet Article. Paint. Oil, (in cluding Jul kinds of lubricating oils,) VarnisWs, Window-Glass, and Putty. Hooks, Mationai f , anr Initial l'aier. Ald Penn, the largest and best as sortment In the West. Pure CaudieN, Cholee Ten. Arid Tine i;nr. PL'RK COLD ARCTIC SODA WAT ER. Every new choice anil elegant. ne door West of the Post Office. 8-31U IJK. O. 15. L'HAPMAS. Talk about this being a dry country. We should-think not. Ask the little boy. that fell in the gutter in three feet of water Tuesday. Cap. Palmer, the Iloudan man, has just returned from an extensive trip South and East and leaves us again for the West. The Captain is a great tiaveler and also a great chicken man. Families, Parties, and Festivals supplied at short notice and on reasonable terms. Remem ber the I'oxt Ojpce Ice Cream I'ai Vnr. II. j. STREK'HT. It8 " W. II. DARU.VIL Azro Smith brouglit us the finest new potatoes of the season yesterday. IIOl)l"sKIUTS. do to Mrs. Crocker's and see the new ntyle of hoop skirls, very cheap. I Teaser the great Horticulturist has gone to lay ana to get some Fuschias or fishes, we dont know which. The Tost Office Ico Cream Parlors keep the most luscious cream all mix ed with Strawberries. Streight has a new idea on the matter and has ex perimented on it until the very perfec tion of Ice Creamery has been readied. The editor can't eat cream, but the folks all .shouted with delight after the first spoon full last Wednesday night. Did the senior member of the new derman class, spend Sunday out of town or what? Eddy Kirkpatrick says he raised seventeen stalk of wheat from one grain. Hows that for wheat prospect. FESTIVAL. The liaptist Sociable, Ice Cream, and Strawberry Festival takes place this evening at Parmele's Hall; remember! A few bushels of corn or oats will be taken on subscription, at this office. It is reported that a pair of horsese near Girenwood belonging to a Mr. Payne were struck by lightning and killed during the recent severe thun derstorm. llev. Mr. Chase and Mr. Harrows, of Weeping Water with their familws were journeying to Xeb. City last week a stroke of lightning struck both horses ami rlose call. killed one. That was a Fllti: MELTING I ! J I ! The Members of the Plattsmouth Fire Department are hereby snmmon nl to appear at the Engine Hoom on Tuesday evening. June :23d, at 7:30 1. M. Uusiness of Importance. W. IJ. Shryock, Sec. F.V Order. Such a hurrying, scurrying :is there was from the Methodist Church on Sunday before the shower. Pit-pat. lip-rap, with a hop skip and puff they fame up sixth street, men women and Holders. den. D. II. Wheeler, secretary of the State Hoard of Agriculture, lias favor ed us with a copy of premium list for 171. We hope to see the next State fair largely attended by the good people of Otoe county. The promised District fair does not interfere with it. Xeb. City Chroni-f; This thing is getting monotonous. Murk T trail. lion. Timothy Clark, member of the legislature from Cass county, is in the ity to-day. Xeb City Prrss. Away from home you "git" your glory. C;iss County Commissioners have sent one of their number down to the classic bottom lands of Indiana to purchase several car loads of white oak timber with which they propose to build their own bridges. all for the good of the country. Dlair Times. How news spreads? FOUND June 12th on or near the Crab Tree herd ground, one pass hook with some money in. The owner will please call at Theodore D. Duck's and prove prop ertv and get the same. PERSONAL. Mr. J no. Don elan, of Kansas brother of our Dr. Donelan is visiting us for a short time. lion. T. M. Manjuett just hobbled by our office last week. We hardly got a glim pes of him. Last big thunderstorm the lightning paid its attentions to den. Thayer's Mansion. This time Dan. Wheeler catches it. These lightning strokes so long before election begin to look sus picious. II. C. Gushing, one of our great rail road men, and a city councilman to boot, has gone South to spend the summer and dig down some of the hills of Tennessee. A small load of hay taken in sub scription at this office. DIED. Thomas II. Young died at the resi dence of his son, Cass County Xeb. June 11th 1874, in great peace, in the Seventy fifth year of his age. One Florence Sewing Machine for sale at this office. Oood Cow and Calf for sale. Enquire of l--3t Hank SruKionr. Tost Office. Mm. d. Woodruff our new and enter prising grocer has bought out the en tire stock of Mr. Schluntz, besides THE SCHOOLS. The annual examination of the city Schools, commenced on Monday of this week. The first Ward, under the charge of Miss Marcia Lincoln, was examin ed on Monday, by Prof. Wise, ami May or Livingstone, Mr. Carruth and Mr. Pollock of the Council were present more or less of the time, but no par ents or other visitors. The school passed a fair examina tion, and was especially good in num erals, lloman and Arabic. THE SECOND WARD school, teacher, Mrs. Arnold, was ex amined on Tuesday. Present, Prof. Wiso, Mayor Livingston, Councilman Johnson, llev. Mr. Arnold and the edi tor. We would like to tell all the lit tle folks said, and notice each scholar's good points, if we had time and space. Xot having these two requisites at our command, we must simply say we were very much pleased indeed, with the little folks. THE THIRD WARD school, Miss Caddie Foster, was exam ined on Wednesday. Present Prof. Wise, Mayor Livingston, Councilmen Johnson, Newman and Carruth. The examination was fair. THE FOURTH WARD will be examined to-day, as we go to press. We will give a report in our next, and also of the High School ex amination, which will take place the ensuing week. The absence of parents and visitors, except those connected in an ofiicial way with the schools, has been very noticeable, and was commented on by buying a large and varied assortment i the ex:unillin?; board and teachers, who of new goods from Chicago. His store is now full and overdo wing, and he cordially invites all his old friends to come and see and buy and pay and go awav satisfied. feel hurt that the parents exhibit so little interest in what has been done for the children. AVe sincerely hope the High School examination next week will be better attended. Maturate a Pieee of Rread or Meat with gastric juice, audit trill livvtlre. This is digestion. Adil to such a mixture a little alco hol, and it ici ntt iliwulre. This is imliyextiim. F.eware. then, of tinctures, or tonics, or decoc tions containing spirituous liquors. Shun Jill rum "tonics' and rely solely on Hit. Wauer's VisriiiR I'.ittkhs. 'the finest di-'estivp invij; orant known, and free from the fiery curse of Alcohol. UU. HALL ON THE EVENING OF THE j FOURTH. The fireman of this city propose to j give a ball in this city on the even- ing of the 4th. The lire department is j CITIZENS MEETING. Pi.ATTSMorTH, June 17. Mn Editor: At a meeting last night, called for the purpose of per fecting arrangements for the celebra tion of July, A. D. 1874. Rev. Arnold was chosen Chairman, and Thos. Marsland was elected Secre tary. The meeting was then formally opened by Chaplain Wright. Reports of committees were then a volunteer one, and it. should be re- called tor: uev. Bartle, as President of membered that they bear all their own j Committee on permanent Temperance expenses. The boys are still a little in j organization, reported progress, and debt and we hope our citizens will be j the time for committee to report was public spirited enough to give them a ! good attendance, next week. Full programme I?0?S WILL HE BOYS. Streight has put up a bell in the Post Office, connecting by a wire through the hall above to the It4 Cream Parlor over tho Drug Store. Monday evening some boys hitched a long cord to the wire in the hall and then stationing themselves across the street, how the bell rang. Tinkle, tin-kle-elle-ellle, rip, snip, snap, tinkle,-le-le-le. Streight was away, C;ipt. Mar shall thought the Ice Cream outfit must be on fire, so he locked the Post Office and rushed up stairs only to to find no one thef6. After some search lie found the boys' cord, and tracing it down stairs hi commenced hauling in. A perfect roar of boy shouts told the story at the other end. Cap. has about a hundred feet of good cord. Notice to Farmers and Granyers. F. J. Metteor lias Just received bis third car load of Marsh Harvesters and will hac plenty to supply the market this year. N? danger of running short ; send la youi orders. 12t3. FOURTH OF JULY CE LED RATION. Coins! Come!! Come!!! To the Sunset house where we sell clothing cheaper than anybody. lo not take my word for il but come ami see. We are bound to sell. If we cannot sell for cost. We will sell you a nice suit for 910 at Win. Stadelmanns. Hats cap. boots and shoes. Jents f untisliitlg goods of ail kinds cheap for cash at Win. Stadle inaiins. 12tf. FIREMAN'S Ball 1 Pic-Nic OX TIIE FOURTH of JULY. Turn out everybody. GOOD MUSIC ! will be in attendance. SPECIAL NOTICES. Centaur Liniment. There Is no pain which the Centaur Liniment will not re lieve, no swelling It will not Ktihdtic.and no lameness which it will not cure. This Is strong language, but it is true. Where the parts are not gone, its effects arc marvellous. It has produced 'more cures of rheumatism, neu- JXrflVpcz ralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, ear-ache, caked-breasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, &c, upon the human frame, and of strains, spavin, galls, &c. upon animals in one year than have al other pretended remedies since the world began. It is a counter-irritant, an all-healing pain-reliever. Crlpjdes throw away tlieir crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a scar. It is no humbtnr. The recipe is selling as no article ever before Sold, and it sells because it does just what it pretends to do. Those who now suffer from thev.matism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if tltey will not use Centaur Liniment, more than 1000 certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs, chroiiic-rheumalism, gout, running tumours, Sc. have been received. VYe will send a circular containing ccrtith-ates. the recipe. &e., gratis to to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yel low wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for foundered or sweenied hor ses :uid mules, or for sTew-worm in sheep. Stock-owners this liniment is worth your at tention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. J. It. Kosrc & Co., New York, -ic-ly C autoria is more than a substitute for Cas tor Oil. It is the only safe article in existence which Is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural sdeep. It contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. 4iMy Notice. United States L?r n Office, LINCOLN. tllRASKA, f- May L"'lh, 1874. ) Notice is hereby given that by a letter ree iv cd from the Commissioner, Oeneral Land office. Washington. I. C. under date of March mst, 1ST4. in which he orders a hearing to be had in the case involving the right to the South-east section it, township 10, North of range 11 l'.ast, Cass Counfv Nebraska. ti' same being pre-empted anil proved up upon hv Alexander .Johnson, and a protest being instituted against the entrv by .lesse W. Cook, lie it therefore understood "that we have set aside .Tune Zl, 1ST4. at 1 o'clock 1. M.. as a day in which we will take the testimony in the case. SILAS GAltllER. Ceo. I'.Titkfh. ltegister. 9t4 Keeivcr. Go to Ren. Ilemple's for Soda Water and Ice Cream, this Summer. tf. CHILDREN OFTEN LOOK PALE AND SICK From no other cause than having worms In the stomach. r.KOWX'S VEKMIFl'GK COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child, being perfectly WHITE, ami free from all col oring of other injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparations, Cvktis & Huowx, Proprietors, No. -J15 Fulton Street. New York. Sold by Druggists and Chemists and dealers in Medicines at 25 cents a box. 24wly All order for ft ed, flour and meal, left at Streight & Dillev's will receive pronn t atten tion, t-'ttf C. Heiseu. TIIE BEST, TIIE CHEAPEST, THE LARGEST STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, AT THE SHOE STORE, Between the P. O. fiivl Brooks House, of PETER MERGES. The sale of the Marsh Harvester has been perfectly wonderful. East year enough could not be obtained from the factories to supply the demand, but the Manufacturers have taken time by the fore-lock this season and the sup ply will be ample. Mr. Metteer.of this place informs us that he is on his third car load his sales already having ex ceeded those of last year. Mr. C. Schluntz has closed his store in this place and hereafter the Depot ; patriotic 'souls and" hearts of the true extended to June 23d. Committee on correspondence and invitation reported favorably from Mt. Pleasant, Eight Mile Grove and Weep ing Water. Committee on grounds reported pro gress and asked leave to report at an other day. A general managing committee was then appointed, also a committee on music. An imitation was extended by the Ladies Temperance Society of the citv of Plattsmouth to all lovers of their country and their country's interest to turn out on this memorable dav and partake and participate in a Grand Old Fourth of July Picnic. This, above all others, is the day that awakens the Farm for Sale. One of the BEST FAKMS in Cass county. I offer for sale my old and well known farm, of lOO Aeres, at C.lendale. About ino acres of it are under cultivation, and about 4" acres of young, thrifty timler, consisting of oak, hickory, silver maple, walnut, eottonwood, &c, &e. Also a young orchard of fruit trees, evergreens, &e. The farm is partly inclosed by a Honey Locust hedge. Is well yatered for all uses. There is also six acres of island timber four and a half miles distant. There are two railroad stations at 4 and 4'i mile distant. The Glendale I'ostofflce and a school house on the Mi nb Trice, $4,000 ; one fourth down ; fof the balance, any time re quired will be given by paying interest in ad vance. Apply to the subscriber, Ai L.- Child, or To V. Tl. .1- Co. or 4trf Smith A Wikdham. FOR SALE. io acres of unimproved land, four miles from riattsmoutb ; gotnt locality ; can be bought reasonable. Call at the office of iirtl Smith & Windham. Business is business, and so are the Cigars at the I O. Book Store. 5-tf. FOR RENT. - The large and commodlrrns ware-room, cellar and office, on second floor' of building, formerly occupied bv Jacob Vallery. Jr. in Masonic Block. Enquire of H, li. Livingston or 4Vtf K. T. Duke. . FOR SAME. for flour, feed, meal, &c. from his mill will be at Clark & Flummer's store. and good people of the American na tion to meet together to celebrate and A valuable farm near Weenins Water Falls. 1 cultivated, with water and timber, &c. For particulars, call at the office of 5tf Smith & Windham. Anyone desiring to buy flour in quan- i Teic over . the glorious privileges ?L n i , I which we enjoy. A soliciting cornmit- tity can get it there at greatly reduced tee wa3 appointed, consisting of Mrs. rates, and orders will will be promptly i Newell, Mrs. Pollock, if rs. Boeck and f.lled any where within the city limits. : iii5S Baker. Mr. Scbluntr's books will be left at i Te -S t&en adjourned to meet Clark & Plunder's and those owing SSZJl"? FOR SALE. SO acres of land on desirable terms .cino cMh I in hand, balance an time to suit purchasers i Forpartic-!ii3. call at t!:e oESce of smith & Windham. tit FOR SALE. NOTICE TO SCIIOOL-TECUERS: Applications In writing will be received by the undersigned, up to the Mt day of August next for the following positioiis, to teach in the schools of this city to-wit : Principal of High SchT sal. pr month S0 00 1st and -lid Or jm'r Sch'l teaehers, per ino. CO 00 1 bland 2nd Interm'iato " ' 60 00 3rd and 4th I'rimary t 00 1st 6i Jnd Primary grades, of the 1st 2d 3d and 4th Ward Schools 40 00 The applicants for these positions must state their ages.whereeducated.wnet ler graduated or not. bow many year's experience they have had 111 teaching, designating each place, and length of time te. idling at each. hat branches they have taught, and what branches they believe themselves competent to teach, wheth er they understand obiect-teachin calesthen Ics&c.and their applications must be accom panied by certificates of ability, and good mor al character, or resp:table references must be given. Ckywn F. William. Clerk, lt4 of the Board of School Commissioner. FOR SALE. Two houses one for cash and one on time. For full particular apply to E. G. Dovcy. 50 tf A CHALLENGE. I Challenge the whole northwest in low down prices. Lead the figures and judge : Women's Serge Gaiters, $1. 1 Serge Waiters, $2.25. No Shoddy. Men's Brogans, S1.2j. " Boots. $3. Good whole stock. Everything t'lse in proiortion. Call and examine before purchasing else where. Will be pleased to show them. Main street, 3 doors east of Post Office. Ttf. rETF.R Merges. FOR RENT. Ono house. Apply to E. G. Dovey. 00 tf TIIIRT Y YEA RS" EXPERIENCE OF AN OLD NURSE. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Is the pre scription of one of the best b emale l'hysieians and Nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never failing safety and success bv millions of mothers ami child ren, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves lnd colic, regulates the bowels, and fclves rest, health nnd comfort to mother and child. We believe it to be the Best and Surest Kemedv in the World, in all cuses of Dysentery and Diarrhea in children, whether it arises from Teething 01 any other cause. Full direc tions for using will acl'diiirtuny each bottle. None Genuine unless the far PI mile of Cl'KTIS & l'EBKINS is on t lie Outside Wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. 4vviy FOR SALE. A desirable resilience, in riattsiriHuth, fof sale. S300 down, balance on time to sut pur chasers. A bargain. Call at office of 5UI Smith & Windham. FOR SALE. 120 acres of land in Otoe county, near ralmy ra : 40 aires cultivated ; water and timber con venient ; joins improved farms ; very desirable ; 011 time to suit purchaser. Call at office of 51tf SMITH & WlNKHAM. HOUSEHOLD PANACEA -AND FAMILY LINIMENT. 24wly Why Will You KufTer To all persons suffer ing from Bheumalism, Neuralgia, Cramps in the limbs or stomach. Billions Colic, l'ain in back, bowels or side, we would say, the HofSK- HOI.II i'AXACKA AND Family Liniment is of all others the remedy you want for internal and external use. It has cured the above com plaints in thousands of cases.. There is no mis take about it. Try it. Sold by al! Druggists. FARMERS. GRANGERS AND ALL OTHER MEN. Go to Frank Stadter and have a stencil plate cut to mark your movable property. That's business ! 4:;tf LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an Order of Sale, Issued out of the"District Court, in and for Cass County, Ne braska, ami to me directed. 1 will "D the 20lh day of July, A. D. Is74, at 10 o'clock A. M.. of said day, at the south door of the Court House in the City of I'iattsmouth ol said .Couiltv sell at 1'iiblie Auction, the following Kt'al Estate to-wit : Lot number nine (in. in Mnek twenty-nine i situated in the city of l'lattKiitoutli. Cass County. Nebraska, together with all the privileges and appurtenances there to belonging ; to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by John Tallon, l'btintitf. against El bert T. Duke, and Lloyd I). B.uinett, executors and legal representatives of the estate of Shcp ard Duke, deceased, and Lavina Duke. M. B. (TTLEK, Sheriff. Cass County, Neb. Chapman & Maxwell. Atfvs for ITff. riattsniouth. June"l7th. 1874. 12t5 Legal Notice. In the District Court, 2nd Judicial District, In and for Cass County, Nebraska. Calvin Stewart, i Plaintiff. vs. y James Jerome, ) Defendant. You will take notice that I did, on the I7th dav of June. A. D. 1S74. file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court, 2nd Judicial District in and for Cass 'County. Nebraska, a petition against you, the object and prayer of which is to comoel Defendant to place a certain warran ty deed, executed by you. to Plaintiff, conveying the east half e'i). of the narth-west quarter (iiv'4), of section thirtv-two (32), in town ten (10, range fourteen (14) east, 111 Cas County, Nebraska, and placed in your hands by tins Plaintiff, to be placed upon record ; and that in the event of your failure to place said deed up on record, that the District Court will decree the full and complete title, both equitable and legal to be in this Plaintiff, and that the cloud cast upon Plaintiff's title to said real estate, by reason of the failure of said Defendant to place said deed upon record be removed, and that the Sheriff of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska, as special muster may be ordered to make, execute, and deliver a deed to Plaintiff. Calvin Stewart, for said Heal Estate, in conformity to. and with the decree of the Court. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the 2eth day of July, 1S74, or default will be taken against von iipon the same. CALVIN SlEWAltT. by Chapman & Maxwell, 1214 His Attorneys. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of and order of sale, issued out of the District Court, in and for Cass County, Ne braska, ami to me directed. I will on the 14th day of July, A. D. 1874. at M o'clock A. M. ot said day at the south door of the Court House in the city of Plattsmouth. in said County, sell at public auction, the property described in said order to-wit : Lots one d two (2) three (: in block three (3), lots one (1) two (2) three 3 four (4) live (.r) nine (!) ten (lo) eleven O 1 1 twelve (12 thirteeen tl.'J) tiftecu (l.) .sixteen (IB) seventeen (17) and eigh teen (ls. in block four 4), lots six () seven (7) eight s nine t'.n ten (10) eleven (11 ) twelve (12) t hirteen (13 fourteen (14) fifteen sixtcjn (16) seventeen (17) eighteen (18) twenty (20) twenty one (21 ) and twenty-two (22) in block five (."), lots two (2) three (3) four (4) Ave (5) six (C) seven (7) eight (S) nine (0) ten (Ml ami twelve 1 12) in block six t'ii), lots one (1) two (2) th:ee (3) four (4) five (5) six (6) seven (7) eight () in block sev en (7 lots one )l)two(2) three (3 four (4i in block nine (9), lota one (I ) two (2) three (3) four (D five (") seven (7) eight (s) ten (10) eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block ten (Hi), lots one (1) two (2) three (3) (our (4) live (." seven (7) eight ( nine (9) ten (to) eleven 11) and twelve 121 in block eleven (11), lots one ( I) two(2) three (3) four (4) five (") six (61 seven (7) eight ) nine (0) ten (bo eleven (II) twelve (12) thirteen 13) fourteen ( 14) fifteen (1 sixteen ( lb) seventeen (17) eighteen (1$) nineteen (19) twenty (20) and twenty-two (22) in block twelve (12). lots one (t) two (2) three (3) four 4) five (oisixd'o seven (7) eight (S) nine (ft) ten (ini eleven (11) twelve (12) thirteen i l3) fourteen (14) fiiftcen (l.") sixteen (pi) seventeen (17) eighteen (18) twenty (20 'twenty-one (21) and twenty-two 22 in block thirteen 13J, lots one 1 J and 12 in block fourteen 114), lots one 111 two 21 three 13 four (4j five (5J six 6 seven 7 eight 18 nine 19 ten I lo I eleven 11 and twelve 12 in block fifteen l.V). lots three 3! four 4J and five 5 in block eighteen 11, lots one 11 two 2J three 3 four 4 five . seven 7 eight s nine 9 eievt u 1 1 1 ami twelve 1 121 in oitx-K nineteen lis 11 iree 131 four 4 live 5 l"J lots one 1 1 i two 12 six bi seven i. nine 9J ten 110) eleven lourteen in 1 tuteen its) sixteen i61 seventeen 17J eighteen Its) nineteen ll! twenty 1201 twenty one 21 ami twentv-two 221 in block twenty 1 20, lots one I j five 5 six seven 71 eight si ten 10 eleven 11 twelve (121 seven teen 17 eighteen Is nineteen 19J and twenty 120 in block, twenty-one 121 J. lots one 1 two 2 four 141 five 5 seven (7J eight 18 nine 9 ten lo eleven 11 and twelve 121 in Mock twenty-two 22, lot oue Uj two 2 three 3 four 41 five 151 six ffil seven gin I in block twentv-three 12T two 2 three 131 and foi I ei lots one x ID our 160 acres of unimTrove1 land near T.'c ht mhi. i Grove. Can be purchaser oil reasonable terms. ! Fo- ?Lrt?c csli rt 'oe of!iee 4 in mock twenty-four 24, lots one 1 two 2 three 3 and four 4 in block twenty-five 25, lots one 1 two 2J three 13J seven 71 eignt nine 9 and ten 1 in block twenty sixl2i, ots one 111 two 2 three 3J four 4 six 6J eight 81 nine 191 ten fiol eleven 111! and twelve I19I in block twenty-seven 1271. lots one 111 two 12 three 3J four 4 six n seven 17 eight 8 nine 19 ten 10 eleven 111 twelve 112 thirteen 13J fourteen 14 fifteen 15 sixteen lJ eighteen ! nineteen 19 and twenty 20 in block iwenty-eigni i28j, lots one 1 two 12 three 3 five 5 nine 9 ten to eleven ancl twelve 12 in block twenty-nine 29, lots one 111 two 12 five 5j six 6 seven 7 and eight 8 In block miny 1:50 j, lots nve 5J six 6 syen 7 and eight 81 in block thirtv-one 3fj, being two hundred and fifty-nine 2.r9 lots in Duke s Ad dition to Plattsmouth City. Cass County, Ne braska, to satisfy a decree of said court recov ered by the First National E?.nk, of I'iatts mouth, Netraska. against E. T. Duke ffnd Llovd D. IVennett, as Executors of the estate of S. Duke, deceased, and Llovd D. Bennett. " M. B. Cl'TLERr Shf n.T Cass Co., Neb. Tli' snv.'it, June sth, 1S74. V.'z. Au,rr-f,v f. IT.Tt'fTs. Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of an order.of sale, Ksued out of tlM District Court. In and lor Cass County, Nebl v ka, and to me directs' I will on the thirteenth. (13th) day of July. A. D. 1874. at tl o'clock A. M. of day at tlv. aouth door of the Court House, in the city af I'iattsmouth. In said County, sell at public auction the property d ' scjied In said order to-wit : The south half ('). of the north-west quarter (nwStK of sec tiou number thirty-two (32). town twelve 2 range nine (9). Cass i'ounty Nebraska ; to sat isfy a judgment recovered by the Molme Plow Company against K. i- Doom, nnd Everton Doom, comprising the firm of Doom Bros. & Co. and Elizabeth Doom. - -M B. Cl'TLEK, Sheriff, Cass Co. Neb. Plattsmouth, June 9,1874. ll-3t Chapman & Maxwell, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an ordff rf sale Issued out of th District Court, in and for Cass county, Nebras ka, and to me directed, 1 will. 011 the thir teenth (13th) day of July, A- D. 174, at one o'clock P. M. of said daV; at the South door of the Court House, in the 'City of Plattsmouth In said County, sell at public auction the property described in said order tit-wit ; One-half acre of land. situated in the south-west corner of the south-west quarter of section ten lo, town ten (Hi), range ten ( Id) cast, sixth (Gth) principal me ridian, Cass County, Nebraska, to satisfy a judg ment recovered by Thomas F, Bobbins against John lLHogau. M. B. CL'TLEK. Sheriff. Cass Co. Nebraska. Plattsmouth, June 9th 1874. ll-5t Chapman & Maxwell. Attorneys for Plaintiff. " Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court, in and for Cass County, Nebras ka, and to me fliructed. 1 will 011 the thirteenth (13th) day of July. A. D. 1874. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the South door ot the Court House, in the cily of Plattsmouth, in said Conn ty. sell at public auction, the proinrty describ ed in said order to-wit : Iot number nine (9. in block number tweiitv-oiie (21), in Duke's addi tion, to the city of Plattsmouth, Cass County. Nebraska; to satisfy a judgment recovered by John Fitzgerald against 11. C. and A. E. lUtu dall. M. B. CUTLEU, Sheriff. Cass Co. Nebraska. riattsroouth, June 10th 1874. 11 -St Chapman & Maxwell. Attorneys for Plaiutiff. Probate Notice. To vnhnrn it may concern: Take notice that Andrew Stum Jr., has filed a petition in the Probate Court) and made ap plication for the apKiintnient of an administra tor on the estate of Audrew Stum Sr., deceas ed, and that said matter is set for hearing on the 2t;th day of June. A. D. 1874. at 10 o'clock A, M. of said day, at which time all person inter ested , may appear and show cause if any they nave, wny ine prayer 01 saiu petition snouiu not be granted. W ituess my hand and official seal this the 2nd flat tf May, A. L. 1874. II. E. ELLISON. Idtl IVobate Judge. Legal Notice. Albert Bacon vs. David Bauniont. In the District Court of ihA JuUir'Ial District of Nebraska, in anil for Cass County. Notice is hereby given to the above named defendant David Baumont. that upon the mo tion and showing filed on the 2d day of June A. I). 1874. in this ease the Plaintiff will, cn the 2oth day of July, A D. 1S74, apply to the above court to modify and correct the record of the decree of said court heretofore rendered In this case. The object of said motion is to correct a mistake and an irregularity in the description of the land sought to be named in said decree so that the same land maybe in the decree that is described in the petition and the mortgage in this case. You can appear and resist such motion. ALBEUT BACON, By his Attorneys. I0w4 Stevenson & Havwahd. Notice to Purchasers of B. & M. R. R. Lands. Lincoln, NehhaskA, t May 25th, 1874. f Notice is hereby given, that we are prepared to take up the Pre-emption Certliieates under which, parties obtained lands from us prior to July 1st 1852, and replace the same with regular contracts as required by said certificate. Parties holding such certificates are notified to present the same for excharge at the B. & M. Ijmd office at Lincoln. Neb., within sixty days from the date thereof, or. tiie certificates may be sent by mail when contracts will be returned in the same manner. Address. AKTlir K GOBTI AM, Ass't I -and Coin'r. 9-f)t Lincoln Neb. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an Order of Sale, issued out of the District Court for Cass County, Ne braska, ami to me directed. 1 will on the Gth dav of July, A. 1). 1S74. at 10 o'clock A. M.. of saul day. at the South door of the Court House, in the city Plattsmouth, in said County, sell at Public Auction tile property described in said order to-wit : The south half of the south half of the south-east quarter of section number four, and the north-east quarter of section num ber nine, all in township twelve, north of range thirteen east 6th of principle Meridian. Cass Co., Nebraska : to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by Kobert il. Doom, against Henry II. l'ettit, Eliza L. Pettit. and John Fitzgerald. M. B. CUTLER. Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb. riattsmouth, June 2nd. 1S74. io-t Ci'atman & Maxwell, jtt''inr'rIor Plaintiff. Legal Notice. In the District Court of the second Judicial Dis trict of Nebraska, within and for Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. , Benjamin F. Elbert, "I rialntiff. vs. John D. Simpson and f r)PfP11(i.,nt'' Kate Simpson, J cienuans. To John 1). Simpson and Kate Simpson, non residents of the State of Nebraska. Yon will take notice, that said Plaintiff, Bcnjamiiki. El bert, did on the first day of June. 1874, me his petition in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against you. the said John D. Simp son, and Kate Simpson, setting forth that you did, on the tith day of May, A. D. 1873, make, execute, and deliver to him, the said Benjamin F. Elbert, a deed of mortgage on lot No. one (1) in block No. thirty-one (31), in the City f Plattsmouth, County of ('ass, and State of Ne braska to secure the payment of six hundred and seventy-five doilars, and interest thereon, according to the terms of a certain promissory note referred to in said mortgage, and claiming that there is now due and owing on said note and mortgage the sum of seven hundred and forty-two dollars and fifty cents, together with interest from may 0th 1874. and praying that an account may be taken of the amount due there on, and that the said land and tenements may be sold to pay the same, unless the said John D. Simpson, ami Kate Simpson, pay said sum, interest, and costs by a day named by the Court. And the said John D. Simpson, and Kate Simpson, are notified to appear and an swer said petition on or before the 13th day of Julv, 1874. BENJAMIN F. ELBE 1ST, By Wheelek a- Seaton, Plattsmouth, June 1st, '74. Pl'lls' Att'ys. lo-4 Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of James Minshall deceased. Iu the Probate Court. T trhiim it ma if Cimcern: Take notice that Geo. E. Prongor has filed a petition in the Probate Court to have an Ad ministrator appointed on the estate of James Minshall. deceased, nnd that said cause is set for hearing on the 2t;th day of June, A, D. 174. at 1 o'clock p. in. of said day. at which time all persons interested may appearand show cause, if any they have, why" the prayer of said peti tioner be not granted. Witness my hand and official seal this the 1st dav of June. A. D. 1874. II. E. Ellison. 10w4 Probate Judge. New Finn in Weeping Water. Fleming & Kimball, (Successors of J. CLISBE & CO.) WEEPING WATER, XEB. This new Ann have Just laid in a large and varied stock of goods, .ENTIRELY NEW, and will now offer them for sale at the old Stand in Weeping Water. They respectfully solicit the patronage of the people, and propose to sell good goods as cheap as any one in the Mar ket. Try Us Once, and See. HORSES ! ! HORSES!! DR. W. D. JONES, will stand two of the Pnert houses Ever brought to this State, during the season of 187L "NORMAN," an !rm grey Stallion, 6 years old. sired bv a full blooded Norman Horse, and raised by Thos. Patten, of Mercer Co., 111. "TALARAN' sired by Libertv and running back tt f EIVC. ; the Kentucky 'Horse, is a taprled bay, lO'i j hands high, and is given up by horsemen to le laic uiirai nurse ever ormi;,ui 10 ;iss vouniy. PROFESSIONAL CARDS TERMS : To Insure, $10 WHKEf Elt & BENNETT Real FjilitS ih"4 Taxfayh'K Agents. Notaries Public. Fire and Life Insurance Agents. Plattsmouth, Neb. KJ!. LIVINGSTON. Physician and Surgeon, Tenders his professional services to the Citizen of CJfc couirtv. Residence southeast corner ul Onk ad Sixth streets ; otllec on Main ptr-a. oue ilc'ir wtst of Lyman's Lumber Yard, Plattsmouth, NcLraska. SAM. 3f. CHAPMAN. K. T. MAXWELL. .CRsipnian & Maxwell. ATTORN EYSv AT LAW and Solicitors In Chancel v. Office in Fitzgerald's Block, PUtU mouth, Nebraska. C.KO. 8: SHJfTlf, R. . WINDHAM. S!lif ll St1?IM!HM. Successors to Marquett, Smith, & Starblrd, Akbmrysat Law A-Real Estate Brokers rLATTSMOUTH, - NEB. Spechd attention given to Collections, and all matters affecting the litlc to Real Estate. Office fin 2d floor; over the Post Office. Dr. Seliildknecht, Eclectic 4 Homoeopathic Physician. tZr-OVriCK AN D RESIDENCES 3 Corner c'f till ahtl VliitJ Streets, Plattsmouth, Ncbfisfc. rsLi-a .tTTExukn at .All ilcirjrisi. T1 Justice ot the Peace. Offlcf! on Main Street Plattsmouth. .b., near ly opposite the llntAi n office. Business hours from A.M.; to 8.. P.M. , .... All County business usually transacted be fore a Justice of the Peace, will be attfcihlc l t by the Subscriber. General Collector of Debts: 8-iy J. W. HAINES. V-e1rUa Ktatr UcKlter. A 40 column palter, published at the Stale Capital ; full of State news ; independent iu everything, neu tral ta nothing; Sl.:o Vr. Correspondents and Agents wanted iu every town. i. C. ('LOVlt, Lincoln, Neb. 5'" IMattsmoiitli Mills. CHEISEL. Proprietor. Ilave recently been repaired and placed in thorough running order. 100.000 Bushels of Wheat wanted imme diately for which the highest market price will be paid. G UEENHO l TE A N I 1JE DOING PLANTS. Time and money saved by ordering of me. I have the lanrcst and best collection of J lants ver offered for sale in the West. Catalogues free. Sweet Potato. Cabbage. Tomato, and oth er Plants for sale in their season. Address W. J. HESSER. Plattsmouth. Neb. Hubbard House, HUBBARD, - - Prop. Main Street, Weeping'.Waler. HOOD ACCOMODATIONS FOR TBAYHtERS. 41 mt. BARNtffi'S HOTEL, Cor Broadway ettd Twentieth Street, NEW YORK. ON BOTH AMERICAN & EUROPEAN PLANS. Complete with all modern improvements f rooms en mite, and single ; private parlnrs, baths, elevators, &c. l,ocatioti uxsulpasaCdi being in the very centre of fashion and brilliant New 'York life. In proximity to Churches and places ot Amusement, and Ixrd & Taylor's. Arnold & Constable's and J. & C. Johnston s Dry Goods palaces. The hotel Is under the management of A. S. Bamum. formerly of Bar iium's Hotel, Baltimore; 1. N. Green, of Day ton. Ohio, and recently of New York, and Free man Barnum.of Baruum's Hotel, St. Louis. 21-tf. . NEW DRUG STORE- WEEPING WATElt, NEB. T. Ii. POTTER, DEALER TN DRl'GS. MEDICINES. PAINTS. OILS. VARNISH. PEltFIMERY, STATIONERY. NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND GLASS. ijSrrescriptions carefully prepared. 16tf. IJiToodtS Bros., DEALERS IN Agricultural Implements, Hardware. Tinware, Pumps. Iibn ynilfl. PttjC.; etc. Repairing done to Order and Satisfaction Guaranteed. WE DEFY COMPETITION. Bo-ly J. 1M1ELDER & SON, Dealers in Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and. GROCERIES Of all kinds, at the lowest possible rates, Dealers in Grain, 1. for which the highest cash prices are paid. Hides and produce of all kinds bought at rea sonable rates. Inhelder'a Station. (Cedar Creek.) 51 tf. Cass County, Neb. NEW STYLES. P. L. ELS1ER, Merchant Tailor Is ill receipt of the finest and BEST ASSORTMENT 1ASSIMERES. CLOTHS, VESTINGS. SCOTCH GOODS, IRISH FRIESES, &c. In fact, the largest and best assortment of Cloths ever brought to this city, which I am prepared to make up in the Latest Styles. Call and examine (roods. aprilis. PLATTSMOUTH Grain Company. E. G. DOVEY, Pres't. E. T. DUKE, Treas. FRED. G ORDER, Ruyer. This Company will buy grain at the high cs market rates at all times. Scales and office at E. G. Dovey, Store, lower. Main Street, I'iattsmouth, Neb. 2flyl At Plr.t'sn.niit h Thi'rvd:)V5 FH.'nvj .t- tirdjya of each v.-W. aM it Ko k Bluffs. Mo.i- U. V. MATHEWS, On 4th Street, and dealer in Hardware and Implements. Nails. Iron and Horse Rakes. McCortnick and Buckeye Reapers and jiowers. Sweep Stake Threshers, Corn Planters, CULTIVATORS, Gai'deii City Mid Morrison Plows, Wagon Wood Stock, Garden, field FLOWER SEEDS. Funerals attended oH Sh?rt Notice. A I -so DEVLF.R IN FURNITURE, CHAIRS, BEDDING, && Main Street, next door to Brooks House, l'latlsmouth. Neb. SPRING AND SUJIMEll GOODS; Uolbtl Go the Priccn ! AT NEW (jo (eb rated Southwest Corner Mitin Street, Plattsmouth,' Nebraska. AND SO TIIE PEOPLE til INK WHO BUY 33 3ES. If E& S,- Dress Goods, Prints, jfodU atid Shoes,' Del-lines, Ginghams, Drown Sheeting, Dleachcd Cottons, Dalmorals, Carpets. , Clark's new Thread, CottouT'irnr? In the Grocery line we keep the Finest and Rest Tea, Coffi'C, . - . Sugar, Molasse'; Dried Frliits, Spices, etc., etc. . In fact for Your Groceries, IlardWfvTO Qticensvrare, . , Wooden Ware, Glassware, , Yankeo Notions, Ifftte and Caps, Di'otii and &tioei CO TO 2r,-tf. D. StjriNAHRE A co:s. intention t r Look to yriur Interests by buying Agricultural Implements OF MICKELWAIT & SHARP, Agents for the justly Celebrated. Law, Adams & French Harvester. Carriages THIlItE Binders wben necessarv. uses no Belt, Canvass oj I'ullyos In elevating tho Orain: Also audits for the Omaha isfew Manny Reaper and .Mower, Kkgle Cultivator, Thomas Corn Har row, Studehaker aon, Graf id Detour or Dixon Sterling and'lfmikiih? tttftts, Jlnper, irolirf'lrii Tvoi'Uf find I'jffy'fifi JlrfJ JiaKeS'&C, tSr-OFFICE-Souih side Main street, tc'n'bf M Plntt-lf'riuth,' JieDi ( Sin MARSH MiLELlT3S3STESS5.S FOR SALE BY F. J. METTEER, Two doors south of Main street on west side of SixtlL Call ondioe antt get a lacnine. - ; V- ir-.r.A--.v'--- r ..