THE II Ell A LI). rLATT3M0UTn; Nfe. THURSDAY. JUXFl IS, 184. 2. A. MACMlTf IPl! V, Editor. 'Where arc of! hose Mennoiiites?" the Western editors. "Yes, where are all you men o'nights echo the edi tors wives. Ex. The (J rand Island Times has enlarg ed to nine eolumn paper and claims now to be the largest paper, all pub lished at home, in the State. J, Sterling Morton can't orate at nt Itlaironthe 4th. of July, and the Times says Dr. Miller, of the Omaha Herald, has been invited to spread the' Eagle. The Cincinnati Gazette thinks the new Secretary of the Treasury, Col. Bristow, has more brains than any one who has filled the position since Chase. Hope he has. In Indiana and Illinois the IVtato bugs are represented as sitting on the fence offering men 81, 50 a day to plant more potatoes, they having devoured the present crop. (Jrasshoppers are also bad in many portions of Iowa Minesota Illinois Indiana. THE STORM AT LINCOLN. Thtj rain Saturday evening proved a pretty lively flood for Lincoln, inun dating the low lands in the western parts of the city and filling up cellars generally. S0 it is said will not rover the damage done. The rain last ed twelve hours. It is worthy of notice that the Dem ocrats in Congress have not voted to gether on any question for a long time except against the Civil Rights Hill. The Chicago Times (Democratic) insists that the real live Democratic party, if there is such a thing, is held together by nothing but a deep seated prejudice against the colored man. At the old settlers annual pic-nic to be held this month, in Otoo County. The following singular committees have been apiointed Mon squatters rights-Butter milk and corn dodgers Injun fighting Cat Fish Picking greens and telling yams." Hoopla! Wish we was there. A large and enthusiastic meeting was held at the Cooper Opera House on Monday night last to hear the re lort of the Fourth of July Committee. Nearly $300 was reported as already subscribed to defray incidental expen ses. It is expected to make this the finest display and celebration ever yet held in the county. We give elsewhere theproceedings of the meeting. lUair Times. Thats the way to get up a Fourth of July. The Citizens, all persons, should be invited and a fund raised adequate to pay the bills. For shame Flatts mouth, to let a little 600 man power town beat you so badly in Freedom's cause. DIED nt Imcoln, Neb; on Tuesday, June 12th, at 11 a. m. fleo. Harris, Land Commissioner of the B. Sc M. R. R. Mr. Harris was wrecked in the Steamer Met., over a year ago, lieing left seven hours in the water, and he received a chill from which he never recovered. In the past seven years Mr. II. has sold over Seven Million dollars worth of land for the 15. & M. R. R. He was one of the most corteous and gentle manly men, in a public position, that we ever met, a number one business man, a goinl neighbor and a sincere christian and the whole state has reason to morn his loss. The papers throughout the state are already begining to make nominations for state officers, subject to the action their respective party conventions. From the West Poiut Republican we get the nomination of Hon. Frank Welsh, of Norfolk, for Governor. Now, it is useless for the Republican to waste its blank cartridges on any suggestions for candidates north of the Flatte, as that section has the Repres entative in Congress and the people south of the Flatte will have an indis putable right to name a man for Gov enor from their section. We shall soon trot out our candidate, and we have not the least doubt, but what he will take everything by surprise. Sew ard Reporter. Won't anybody in C:iss County come and tell the Herald who is going to He thr aext governor representative or senator. All the other newspaper men know all about it and "their fellows" come in and apply for "sits" as public servants, and the editors crow over it, and poor little Cass hasn't ary a candi date so far. , THE LOUISVILLE FOURTH. Louisville, Neb. ) June 15th. '74. ( ' Ed. Herald: The fires of patriot ism and independence kindled by our fathers almost a century ago have not ceased to burn. We are asured of this when we look around us and see the many smiling faces, glowing with patriotic pride; their countenances speakfng plainer than words can tell thJlt theyffuUy realizethat the blessings of Liberty are theirs. Theirs to enjoy ; theirs to-protect and theirs to trans mit to future generations. Our last meeting held June 13th- was enthuastic and to the point. A full report from the executive committee was read and adopted, which locates the grounds 4 mile S. E. from 2d. Street bridge, on a south slope and in a shady grove, uonvenient to an abundance of water. A pole will be raised on the highest and most conspicuous point in the vicinity and our banner will be -streaming o'er us." At day break the "cannon's pening roar" will burst upon the sliuibering enhabitants. The procession will f&rra in front of Depot at 9 a. m. and headed by the Louisville Cornet Band, march to the. grove. Exercises of the day will begin at 10 a. nn. dinner at 1 p. m. The String Band aud Glee Club are amply pre pared to add to the festiyes of the day, and we look for it to go oSE as merry as a marriage feast. Fire works and a balloon ascension in tfee evening will conclude the whole. An invitation is lereby extended to all who wish, to spejid tlic day pleasantly. I r uthf alL JxiJS Jr. Railroads and towns. "Kansas in her railroad policy is re peating the mistakes of Iowa, by aid ing a system of roads which builds up large cities in other States and makes her own towns depr mlewies. Iowa, rich as she is in agricultural resource, and embracing within her borders a million and a half of people, cannot to day boait of a city of more than 35,000 inhabitants, iler wealth, energy and productiveness have contributed to the upbuilding of Chicago. Every farmer in Iowa pays his regular tribute to the metropolis of Illinois, and all lecause Iowa projected and sustained a system of railways centering in an other State." Leavenworth Times. Here is the whole nub of the Trans fer question. IJuild your Trunk road North and South on the Nebraska side make your towns here and your tax able property here. That's the point enrich your own state, when practiable by your own railroads. A London edition of Scribners Montlir ly Mugnzine has been issued, and the great magnates of English Literature actually receive it with some appear ance of favor. The Oxford Herald says it "bears the palm from all our own Magazines for the beauty of its illustrations," an opinion which is re echoed in a modified form in nearly all the reviews. Mr. King's papers on the "Great South" appear to be especially attractive to English readers. The prevalent opinion seems to be that of the Roclidale Observer, which rather likes Scribner because "there is some thingoriginal and 'Yankee about him." THE GREAT VEST ! Travels, Trials and Tribulations, or Six 1'ennsjlTaniaians on a Nineteen Day's trip over the once so call ed American Desert. FkiendMac: I propose to give to the readers of the Herald a daily ac count of our wonderful deeds and ex ploits, from the 10th day of May until the 7th of June. We all started our little band, numbering six ; myself, my Father, Robert Meetter, E. N. Tenny. Ferry Lewis and Fred. W. Tenny, all in good spirits and health, from the City of Flattsmouth. We wended our way South-west. The first I will note is an apple-orchard of some extent, of as fine trees as we ever saw, all in full bloom, and years past has yielded a vast quantity of fine fruit. Near this is a Church building, belonging to the United Brethren. As we pass along we can see a broad expanse of country, for miles around; we see fine farms in all directions, with large fields of wheat and corn, with an average of 50 or 60 acres on each farm, and looking well ; we see fine groves of natural and artificial timber scattered in every di rection; seven miles out of town we pass the 1st Baptist" Church, of Cass Co., Nebraska: a fine building 30 by 45, all seated with chairs, at a cost of 2,- 800; next on the list is Eight Mile Grove Church, ten miles from town, belongs to the Methodists, cost about 62,000; also a fine School-building, cost 81,500; fifteen miles otit, we came on the unbroken l'rairie, a large tract belonging to parties in the east, Avhich is held for sale on reasonable terms. Here we saw about 800 head of cattle, grazing in the usual Nebraska style, guarded by boys on the prairies. Pas turage in this style, costs 25 cents per month a head. Next comes the beau tiful little town of Weeping Water, mostly built of stone, of which there is an abundance here, in the valley of the Weeping Water, stone that Penn sylvania might feel proud of. Two Churches, four stores, three (louring mills and numerous other buldings, comprise this town, twenty miles out from Plattsmouth. Here we take dinner then on we drive, passing fine farms and large herds of cattle. Arriving at Elmwood we halted a few moments, and were kindly entertained by my friend Win. E. Lane. We then drove down in the beautiful valley of the Nemaha, in Otoe Co., where w en camped for the night, and anxiously awaited the morning to devour the prairie chickens captured during the day. MAY 20th, 1874. This morning we started on our way westward, leaving the Nemaha in the rear. We wended our way to-wards the State Capital, passing similar to those yesterday. Presently we came in sight of Salt Creek valley, which we could see each way as far as the eye could reach, with its belt of Maple, Walnut, Oak, Elm and Cottonwood timber which marked the place where the stream took its course. At noon we reached Stephens Creek, where we took dinner, and again feast ed on chicken. From here we drove to Lincoln, Lancaster Co., the State capital, a city of about 8,000 inhabi tants and about eight years old. They have a fine capitol-building. State Pris on, Lunatic Asylum, State Universi ty, and other public buildings of note. Lincoln is the centre of three lines of railways ; the B. & M. in Neb., Mid land Pacific, Atchison and Nebraska, and other lines in contemplation. They have an Artesian well over 900 feet deep, throwing a continual stream of water about five feet high, almost salt enough to preserve meat; also a salt basin where they manufacture salt of a good quality. The town is situat ed on Salt Creek, a stream of consider able size. We halted all night and viewed the city by gas-light, as it is well supplied with that article; it is represented by Churches of all denom inations, and as fine school buildings as we eTer saw. MAY 21st. We started fnom Lincoln, crossing an iron bridge which spans Salt Creek. It is a fine structure, and cost $4,000. On we went until the rain began to fall, which made our progress slow, and camping at noon on a tributary of Salt Creek, near a fine brown stone house. The most of country so far from Lincoln is unsettled prairie, held by the State for sale, the proceeds for the use of public buildings, &c One of the boys, Mr. P. D. Lewis, says that our wagon with its cover and bows re minds him of an old fashioned shaker bonnet. After dinner we learned that the farm belonging to the gentleman here covered 1,040 acres, with the most of it under cultivation. Onward we traveled, and in due time reached the village of Park; a B. & M. R. R. station. Nothing of note drawing our attention here we passed on, giving it only a passing glance, soon coming in sight of the far famed valley of the Big Blue River. This is a stream of considerable size, running in a south-easterly direction, the banks on either shore lined with timber. As far as the eye could reach we could see farm houses in eyerv direction. v. Here in this valley is situated the town of Crete, Saline Co., a place three years old, 1,200 inhabitants, and fast increas ing in population and wealth; there is at this place a R. R, junction with the the BM, one going west, the other south, to MarysTille, Kansas; also at fine wagon bridge across the river which we crossed and encamped for the night on the heights opposite, and in fair view of the town and the valley below; onr cook dressed some more chickens, we ate our supiht, and fell asleep to the music of a brass band. MAY 22nd. We arose early much refreshed by our night's reiose, and plodded on our journey, passing Dorchester, a town three years old, 150 inhabitants, with several stores and numerous other buildings. The country around so far as the eye could reach, is very level. We passed many an old sod-house ruin, replaced by comfortable frame dwell ings. Friendville, is a town three months old, which boasts of two stores, two hotels, one blacksmith-shop, lumber yard,&c.,and surrounded by a very beau tiful rolling prairie, and we took dinner here. Exeter, a nice little town sit uated on a slight elevation; this place boasts of four stores, two hotels, shops. Churches, schoolhquse and other build ings of the town, and R. R. Co., and still more nevv buildings going up. It is only one year since it was laid out for a town; seven or eight miles farth er, after going through the same kind of country as before, we arrived at Fairmount, in Filmore Co., where we encamped for the night. The earliest observation of an eclipse was of the moon, made by the Chal deans, and recorded 721 B.C. THS MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. Reported by White. & Dakkah. Wheat VYpM Corn Shclld 4(V& Oats -H&4.r Kye 60 Barley &.l,a) LATEST NEW YOltK MARKETS. New Yokk. June 1 7 Money. Cold.. 2S3jor cent l 11 LATEST CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago. June 18 Flour Wheat ! Corn L Oats . Rye Rarloy Hi 47 'Jl 1.15 AT T. W. Shryock's Agents Wanted anT Catholic, with IHctionnry. Hook of the Illhle. etc.. fully illustrated. Sam ple copy at whole sale priocs. VOST, Publish er, Bus market street, Philadelphia. I2w4. 25 A DAY GUARANTEED using our WELL AUGER & DRILL in good territory. Endorsed by Governor of IOWA, ARKANSAS & DAKOTA CV-l:g-l-. w".0ILI3.St.lsIi,Ha. -KIIKOWIIAniV.-' A new book on the art of Writing bv Sounl ; a complete system of Phonetic Short-1 land, the shortest, most sim ple, easy und comprehensive, enabling anyone in a short time to report trials, speeches." ser mons, Ac. The Lord's Praver is with 4 strokes of the pen. and 140 words per minute. The unemployed should learn this art. Price KO cets. Agents wanted. Ad (Ires T. W. EVANS & CO.. 13J 7th St., Philadelphia. Pa. 12w Forewarned, Forearmrd. To be fore armed now when you are threatened with all the ailments caused by debilitating Spring and Summer weather, is to make free use of which will make the Liver active, assist IpI- fetiou. Pnrlfy the blood, strengthen the terlne and lpiniry organs, invigorate the Myntetn, and make vou enjoy life as you ought. Price 1 a bottle. Jon Q. Kkli.cmx;, Agent, New York. I w4. 200 PIANOS and ORGANS Xew and Hecond-IIand. of FirMt-OaM Sinker, will be sold at IiOwer Irlee for cash, or on liiMtallmentt. or for rent in 4'ity or"onn try, miring this month, by II O It AC K WATKIM&NOX. Xo. 4HI Hromlwny. than ever before offered in New York. fcttF.-FIAIiTY:-rinos and Orenns to Iet until the rent money pays the price of the Instrument. Illustrated Catnlosiien mail ed. A ltree Discount to )IininterM, C'hnrcheM, Mehool. I.odsew, etc. I2w a.OOO Outfit ordered In Advance! rE" 44 TELL IT ALL" P.y Mrs. Stenhouse, of Salt Lake Citv.25 vears the wife of a Mormon High Priest. "With in troduction by Mrs. Stowe. Over 3.000 outfits of this extraordinary work were ordered byoH Agent, in Adranre, w ho are now selling 25 to 40 a day! Its sale is vrithmit parallct. One Agent (lady) sold 20 fn one virtk. Terms big: sales poritirvty immense. Complete outfit free to all agents who mean business. Circulars free. Ad dress. tjUEEX CITY PUB'Ng CO.. I2w4 Cincinnati, Ohio. Farmers Lumber Yard. Having made arrangements in Chi cago, and elsewhere, with extensive dealers, I am prepared to furnish on short notice all kinds of Lumber Doors Sash Shingles, fcc, at a reasonable rate. I also keep con stantly on hand a full assortment of Xails, Iling-es, Locks, Hardware, of all kinds. Those wishing to build will please call and see my stock. E. XOYES, LOUISVILLE, XEB. WILLIAM 1IER0LD Keeps one of Ihe Largest Grocery Stocks IN TOWN. V Mrs. A. II. KNEE, WORKER IN HAIR. Braids. Curls, Switches ruffs, and all kinds of Hair Work promptly and neatly made by MIIS. KNEE. Orders left at I'.IZS. KEXNEDY'3 Millinery Store. On Main St. 1 door east of Clark & Hummers. 45m3 General Brick Work. Brick, Rock Work and Plastering attended to for FARMERS and CITINS,EZ BY PETERSEN & HANSEN. We propose to give our whole attention to this kind of work both in COUNTY and CITY this sun nier, and respectfully solicit the Patronage of the People, in our line II. PETEHSEX, - - G. HANSEN, Inquire at the Platte Valley House. PLATTSMOUTH MILLS PLATTSMOUTH, kb. CONKAU 1IE1SKL, ... Prpriftt FLOUK.COKX MEAL, FEED, Always on hand, and for sale at lowest Ci prices. jy-TJie Highest prices paid for Wheat and Corn. Particular attention eiren to Custom work. Meat Market! II ATT, THE BUTCI1EK, o Oldest and best established Meat Market in the place. o IIatt Always to be Found There. o Not chancing constantly, but the Old Ifeliable Spot, where you can get your Steaks, lloa.sts. Game, Fish and Foul in season. south side of main street. One Dook West of IIekald Office, 3.-ly. Plattsmouth, Xkb. B0OT& SHOEMAKER New Outfit, New Place. Thin iXwtnu Machine girr tne txxt aatuinutum to tlie ner, i juidl fnr vumt readily, aiui i the hent of all to ell. If thrre ia nr "Domestic" Agent in ymirtmcn, apply tn THMtESTIC S. Jf. CO.. JVetr 1'orfr. I.AIHKM HEMt Tor 1 egant Fashion Hook. l.'wt. FOR Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and all Throat Diseases, USF Wells' Carbolic Tablets. PUT LT ONLY IN ltLl i: BOXES. A TRIKU AM Hl'RK UGHEDY. Sold by Druggist. 12w4. OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. HAPPY Kelief for Young Men. from the ef fects ot Errors and Abuses in early life. Man hood restored. Iniediments to marriage re moved. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Hooks and Circulars sent free in sealed envelopes. Address. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth Street. Philadelphia. Pa. an Insti tution having a hijih reputation for honorabU conduct and professional skill. 20 Cm CEDAR CREEK MILLS, ARK IV Good K mining Order and keep on hand the best assortment of Flour, Corn Meal, &c. Especial attention is given to custom work. Satisfaction guaranteed, in exchanging Flour for Wheat. C. SCHLUNTZ, Prop. Also keeps a Flour Depot, at CLARK & PLUM MEIi'S, in PLATTSMOUTH, Where will be found Flour. Grain. Corn Meal, and Feed, at WHOLESALE & FJETAIL and at REDUCED PRICES. tAIl orders within the city limits, prompt ly filled herafter, from this l)eiot. 44-Jy William Stadelmann has on hand, one of the largest stocks of Clothing and Gents' Furnish ing Goods for Spring and Summer. Invite everybody in want of anything In my line to call at my store. SOUTH SIDE MAIN, Between 5th & 6th St's. And corrrfTTce tfiemelres of the fact. 1 have as a spectaltv hi m v Retail DejarTTnents, a stock of FiDe Clothfng for Men arrf Boy, to which we invite those whffwant goodo. fI olso keep on hand a large and well se lected Stock of fitat. Cap? , Eots . Shoes. Jaals1 'George Karcher. (Formerly Karcher & Klingbell.) Has removed his Boot and Shoe establishment up town, on the south side of Main street. OP I'DSITK the Postoflice. and next door to Henry Pa-ck's Furniture Store, inP lattsmouth. Neb. C.OOD WORK WARRANTED, AND FAIR PRICES. Call and see the new place, gentlemen. All old customers respectfuly invited to leave their work as before, and new'trade solicited. I shall try to give you as good work at as low prices as any one in town. tJEO. KARCHER. GO TO T GUS. HEKOLirS FOR CLOTHING, Machine Shop. Waijman f Curtis, rLATTSMOL'TH, NEB., Hepnirers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills. Gas and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron Pipe, Force and Lift Pumps. Steam J wages. Safety Valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings Furnished on short notice. Farming Machinery Repaired on sbrt notice. 8-tf. FARMER'S EXCHANGE. B. G. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, NEBRASKA. Keeps constantly on hand all Staple Articles such as COFFEE, SUGAR, TOBACCO, MOLASSES Dry Goods, Hoots, Shoes, fec. In fact, everjthfng nsnally kept In a Variety Store, which will be sold on small profits foi CASH. AJ kindaof ProdtlkB In exchange for goods, and the HipbestJilcTtetPTirespivenin Cash for Grain. 19 ENLARGED! ! Two Stores in One. SOLOMON NATHAN Still in the "We have just leased the entire lower part of the building we now occupy, un derneath the IIekald office, and having thrown the two rooms into one, we shall fill them both with goods in our line, consisting of Dry Goods, Laces, Shawls, m en s Furnishing Goods, AND J The east room will be de voted mainly to Fancy Goods and Gents Furnishing Goods, while in the west room we shal 1 keep Staple Dry Goods, Dress Goods, and the ' Millinery Department OF Miss Sweeney. Look at Prices for Summer 1874. Latest Style of Larties' Suits from $3.50 up. Ladies' Silk Parasols, 81.25 up Ladies Summer Poplins, 15c up. Corsets 50c up. Silk Pongees 90c per yard. French Merinos 90c er yard. Alpacas, 25c up. Fans from 5c to 85. Hoop Skirts, 75c up. Kid Gloves, SI up. White Marseilles goods 25c up. IJest Standard Prints, 10c per yd. Best Muslins, 9c per yd. up. Summer Shawls, $2 up. Summer Skirts, 81 up. A nice line of Embroider ed Trimmings, Laces, Edg ings, Marseilles Trimmings, Fringes, Guipure Lace, Tur quoise, Velours, Velvets, all colors, besides a nice line of Men's Furnishing Goods and a complete stock of Millinery Goods, too numerous to give in detail. Come in and see for yourselves. We are bound to sell people these goods this summer if they want any. RRiSS & STRING RANI). PROF. FRANK ALBEE announces to the public, that be has organized a FINE BAND! both ERA83 and STKINrt at Louisville, Cass County, And la now prepared to play for TAKTIES all over the County, at very REASONABLE TERMS. A caller will go with the Band. Addrcs, F. ALBEE. 4-ly lxmisville, eb. 1,000,000 Sweet Potato Sprouts, ellow and Ked Nansemonds. Brazilian hite. new. and Itertmulnh Ued. All the same priee, 40 cents per 100 ; S3.50 per 1000 ; $:.oo per 10.000. 50.000 Early Jersey Wakefield, and Fottler's Improved Brunswick Cabbajre Hants, twice transplanted. 13 cents per dozen. $1.00 per loo, ready for delivery by the 18th of April. Also Cauliflower Plants, grown In the same manner, 25 cents per dozen, si.60 per loo. 25.000 Tomato rlants ; Canada Victor, the Earliest Tomato yet grown by ten days, M cents per dozen. Also Trophy and General Grant. Also. Celery, Kkr. I'epper. and any amount of Winter Cabbage Plants fn season. All orders filled with (iisnatcli and delivered at Express Olllce free of charge on receipt of cash orders. Vegetables in season : also J ,000,000 Osage 11.. .1 ,i . . . f ncmt 1 is .o. 1. AZRO SMITH, Rock Bluffs, Cass Co., Neb. Good fresh milk J delivered dally at every body's homo hi riatbtmotith, if they want It. by J. F. Beaumeistcr. Send in your orders and I w ill try and give you Pure KaiI3y and serve you regularly. . 19-ly. J. PEPPEKBEKU, Has re-opened his Cigar Manufactory in riattsmouth once more, and now offer to our citizens, and Uic trade, CHARS, TOBACCO, &c, at the low est wholesale and retail prices. Call and see them before purchasing vise where. JI I.U'S PEITEKUKIUI, 2f.yl Proprietor. , E. T. DUKE & CO. At the foot of llalu Street. Wholesale and Retail Dealers la Hardware and Cutlery, STOVES, TINWARE, IRON. NAILS, HOES, RAKES. SHOVELS, AXES, KNIVES AXI FORKS. &e. &c. All kinds of THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST For your Groceries go to J. V. Weckbach, Corner Third and Main street, riattsmouth. (Guthmann's old stand.) He keeps on hand a large and well selected stock of FANCY GROCERIES. COFFEES. TEAS. SUGAR. SYRUP, BOOTS, SHOES, &c, &c, &c.,' &c. In connection with the Grocery Is a Bakery and Confectionary. Highest price paid for Country Produce 1 5A full stuck at all times, and will not be un dersold. Take notice of the sign "EMPIRE BAKERY AND GROCERY." niyl. The special attention of all persons having Lands or Town Lots for Sale, in Cass County, is called to the fact that SMITH & WINDHAM will give prompt attention to the disposition of all property placed in their hand for that pur pose. If you have Unimproved Lands for sale they will sell it foryou, if you want to purchase they will give you a bargain. If you have an Improved Farm you desire to dispose of they will find you a customer. If you wish to buy one they. can supply you. If you have Property to Rent - they w ill rent it for you. And will Pay Taxes for Non-Residents and furnish any and all information as to - Value, Locality, and Prices of Real Estate. Those who wish to Buy, Sell, or Rent, or dispose of their property in any way will do well to give them a call. PLATTSMOUTH, .... XEB. n3l-yl. Tinware Manufactured. 43tf It J. s - -1 fa c-t-O o o 3 C3 I 5s t I CO 1 CD o CD CI CD 3 5 Ei tr jo "" 3 1 S J "5 IT'S 5 5 jrp: s I rn 3 3 CD 3 o 3 V CD O , -1 T 2 r- v. 5; '"Z c 2 JrsT 2. 2 ? 3 0 PcopleVMnrkct ! ! 1 - . At the People's Market you tan flndaLfJ BUY FOR CASH! anything usually kept la th MARKET LINE. I pay CASH, ail J I Must sell for CASH and to my Customers I Sell, and only ask SMALL PROFITS, but I expect prompt and suro pay. II. E. ELLISON. 8tf Singer Sewing Machines, FOR SALE RY F. J. METTEER, With all the E A' T R A S, ATT A V II M E NTS , NEEDLES, dr. Also, 1-Ws. Cultivators, Wagons and rrni Implement lor wale. CAlfl t W. L. TUCKER, BUILDS HOUSES, does all kinds of Country Carpenter Work, and is ready for a job at all limes. Careful Work and prompt attendance to Calls. $$TShot on 61 h Strett, north of FitzyerahVx block. 4.1 y DON'T BUY Until you have CAREFULLY EXAMINED OUR NEW S3 PHIL A 1) LP II I A STOIU:. Solomon. & Nathan, IKAI.Klt. I.N FANCY I GOODS, NOTIONS, LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, largest. Cheapest. Finest, and best Assorted Stock in the City. We are prepared to sell cheaper than they can be purchased elsewhere. GIVE US A CALL and examine our goods. t-Store on Main street, between tth a-d Mh streets, I'lattynioutli eb. Jfitf. AND LOW RESERVOIR As we have l good reasons why tlicy wild. your work. QUICK AND EASY, (.'HEM' AND CLEAN. 0. F. JOHNSON. DEALER IX DRUBS. MEDICINES, AND WALL PAPER. ' Also a fine and well select ad assortment of AND Pocket Cutlery. Once more we invite all our friends and patrons to visit our new stores, SOLOMOX & XATIIAv, 10-4w ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. ALSO DALB IN Books, Stationery, Magazines, And Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by an perienccd Druggist. Kemember the place. OornerFifth and Main Streets. I'Lattsmouth. Neb. New Store ! New Stock ! Mit. William (1. Woodruff having taken the Store formerly occupied by Mr. Eaton, will keep a full and com plete SIOCK OI FAMILY GROCERIES. All kinds of country produce taken in EXCHANGE FOR GOODS I propose to sell low, and keep a STOCK OF NUMBER ONE GOODS, and hereby invite my friends to call mid exam ine the new outfit. Grangers esjM'ciallv Invited to call and get priees.befurc ordering goods.away from home. I propose to SELL TO GRANGERS, At Chicago Kates. WM. O. WOODRUFF. Wm. F. Bkxjtett, Clark. -Zm BECAUSE They are cheapest to buy, They are cheapest to use. They bake evenly ond iii-klv. Their operation ix perfect. They have nlwavs a I draft. They are made if the best 1114I wi'lul. They roast perfect I v. They require but lil'lle fuel, They are very low priced, They are easily maii.iged, They are xuited to all locallth. Every Move guaranteed to give Sutif -tlou SOLD RV EXCELSIOIl MAN'O CO.Ml'AXV ST. LOUIS, MO., AM) E.T. DUKE & Co. I L A TTS M O UT 1 1 , NEU. 6 sir Manhood; How Lot. How Restored. 'fZlWrrt usijuinsiiel. a new edition "l i'lSifb Dr. Culverwell'i C.lehrHr,) I s. H. A. WATERMAN & SOX Wholesale ami Retail, Denlers in P i n e L u m b e r, LATH, SHINGLES, Sash Doors, Blinds, &c- tar 011 the radical cure mitln.i.t medicine) of M-KieiAin:nn r. or Seminal Wakncs. involuntary iScmiiial Iosscs, I.mpotkm:. mental and physical lnc -nacity. luijicdiiiiciiis to Marriage, etc. ; uUo, Const mitiuv. Kfii.Ki'HV, and Fus. iudiicc; by self indulgence or extravagance. t ifTM'rlce in a scaled envelope, onlv t; cciit. The celebrated author, ill l)i in admirable -;-say. clearly demons! rates from a thirty year'.- successful practice, that the alarmini; rouse -(jtiences of self-abuse, may be radlc;i!)y ruicd without the dangerous use of inlci 11.1; medicine or the application of the knife , poiiii'mg out the mode ol cute at once simple. certain, and effectual, by fuciu of which every sufferer, no matter wlmS his condition mav be. may cure himself ch xylj privatelv and radically. CTfiis Lecture should be In the hand of er vcry youth and man in the laud. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, post - to any address, on the receipt of sli ceiit. of two postage stamps. Also Dr. Culver's "Marriage Julde, prlo ." cents. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KI.IXR, & CO. W7 Howcrv. Sew Vol. scp?-ty INot Office lio. On Main Street eoncr 5th ri.A TTS MOUTH -NEB. Wines, Liquors and Cigars. A. LAZENBY. . Corner Main and Sixth Sts. I'LATTSMOUTII, NF.U. 1 . ".J Ayr - cL Good pure Wines, Lliiuors and Cigars wnole sale and retail. I'ure liquors for armers use. AH goods sold for cah and at low down pricg. Giv us a calL layl. STATE AGENT I am now prepared to furnish the best una chrfCerated milk TWICE EVEKY DAT To all parties notifvinj mc FETCK GOOS. at u "T?rr-' Halladay's Patent Wind Mill5. Double and Single acting Force and Farm Pumps, Feed Mills, etc. The Halladay Mill has stood Jthe test for six teen years, lKth in the United States and Ku rop and tethe only one generally adopted by at I i'rincipal Railroads and Farmers. Terms Liberal. Send for Catalogue and Price l.tot. A. L. STKANG. Lincoln. Neb. The Favorite Homo Remedy. This unrivalled Medieinn is M arranted not Uj contain a single particle of Mercury, or tuiy liv- Jurious mineral substance, but is Purely Vegetable. Containing those Southern K00M nd llci!s. which an I'rovidenee has placeil in coun tries wliere Liver Diseases most prevail. It will cure all Diseases caused bv Deranifement of llic Liver and IJowels. Simmon's Liter Reyvlutor, or Medtcin, Is eminently a Family Medicine : and by bHiig kept ready for iminuijiite resort will save inany an hour of siifferiug and many u dollar in UnUr and dM'tors Mils. After over Forty Lears' trial it Is still receiv ing the most unqualified testimonials toils vir tues from persons of the hrglict rliaiactir Mid resonsil)ility. Eminent pfiyjucfccne comn.'Hi.S in as the most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC For Dyspepsia or Indigestion. With this Antidote, all climated and el jng es of water and food may be faced w ltlioot fe;tr. As a Keinedy in Malarious Fevers, llowel Com plaints, lU-stlcssness, Jaundice, Nausea, IT HAS XO EQUAL. It Is the Cheapest. Purest, and Best F.nn'.TV Medicine in the World. Manufactured only by J. II. ZEIIAN A CO., MACON, OA., an PHILADELPHIA. 5ly Priee, f l.oo. 5old by all Dmgffists. Ben Hemple. HE'S THE A?s, KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE. ON LOWER MAIN STREET. PLATTSMOUTH, - - - NED. Meals at all honr, Ice CreasM Soda Water. A IX'tnoiiade, to Cool You. Good souare Meals, nice Lunches, ir., ac, to warm you. Ales. Wines, and good Liquors to be e.'i.j reasonably, for your benefit if you desire. 311 B. HEMPI.E, Vrok,