HIIEIRILjID extra. THE HERALD THURSDAY. MAY 21. 1874. MJ11ASS & STIIING BAND. J PROF. FRANK ALBEE mnounces to the public, that he has organized a FINE BAND ! both BUASS and ST1JINC. at Louisville, Cass County, And is now prepared to play for l'AKTIKS all ver the County, at very REASONABLE TERMS. A caller will go with the Band. 4-ly A.tldrt, F. AI.BKK. Louisville. Neh. jyBLACK PRINOni! will stand the ensuing season on Mondays, at the Stable or (ieo, latnam. in btinwoou rrc cinct. Tuesdays, at Weeping Water . Falls. Wednesdays, at the Stable of Reuben Clisbe, tl-rce miles east of the Falls. Thursdays. At the old Livingston Kanche, in Louisville nre- einet. r riu s ana saiuraays. at me bis u.e of the Pro pi "6 tor at South Bend Station. GEO. 1. MATT I SON. . This horse Is a true descendant of t iwk Morgan stock on the side of u M his dam was a French Cana He is 6 years old. measures over weighs 1.200 lbs. ami is a jet black in -knowledged by good Judges, to be horse as stands in the Slate. 'in. 83 to Insure. 4--Jm 1,000,000 'eet Potato Sprouts, Yellow and Red Nansemonds. Brazilian Vhite. new. and Bennudah lied. All the same rice. 40 cents ier loo ; 3.oo per iu" ; v. per .ooo. no.ooo Early Jersey Wakefield, and Fottlers improved Brunswick Cabbage Hants, twice aiisplanteil. is ceni.s er no.en, no jn-r iw. , for delivery bv the Uth of April. taulitlower 'Plants, crown in the same tanner. 'Si cents per dozen, 1..V) lcr Ion. tKi.nuu Tomato Plants; Canada lcior. me irliest Tomato yet grown b ten days. M cents r dozen. Also Trophy and General Grant. Also. Celery. Kgg. Pepier. and any amount of ViMr Cabbage Plants in season. All orders filled with dispatch and delivered IKxprsss Office free of charge on receipt of fdi orders. v egetables In season ; also l.ono.ouo Osage AZRO SMITH, Rock Bluffs, Canst Co.. Neb. General llrick Work. rick. Hock Work and Plastering attended to for Farmers and citins.ez BY ETEKSEX & HANSEN. e propose to give our whole attention to this kind of work both in fflOUNTY and CITY this suti.mer, and respectfully solicit the Patronage of the People, " in our line PETERSEN. - - G. HANSEN'. Inquire at the Platte Valley House. ltnS II. A. Howe, Prest. T. Kotmax. V. I. A Sec ! NIAGARA FIRE Insurance Company. 201 BROADWAY, Y. Cash Assets Jan'y 1st, 1S74. CaKh in Bank I.j.iwi Loans on Stocks and interest due iM.r.K;:7 Loans on Bond and Mortgage and Inter est du l.W.t;-.' Cnited State Bonds, market value Ti'i.Tso State Bonds and Stocks 2.'.ooo N'ew York and Brooklyn Bonds 31, nun ReaIKstatedA-a.se) M.Km l'reiniums lue 1i'7,!d I si.301.21 i . . $t.o:'.s.oo7.i: Tn.701 .r,7 at 4.57K.OO Losses Paid in it vear " " Portland, lxK... " " Chicago. 1S71.... " " Boston, 1M7J Dwelling and Farm Property Insur ance, a specialty with this Co. H. E. PALMER, Agent. t7m. Plattsmoutll. Neb. New York U n (1 e r w r i t er 's A gen cy . Acgretfate AtMft. :i.s:t5.4:J0.3.1. Statement of the condition of the Cermania IT re Insurance Company, .of the Cily of New orti, on liie :usi i;sy oi i tccemocr, ixr.i. CAPITA I. Cash Capital and Surplus, $li"i,loi.Xi ASSKTS. United Slates Securities 4ki,l:7..V Ixatis fin Bond and Mortgage 4M.nai.lm Cash in P.ank ami hands of Agent I.vj.kt.I.i-i Keal Kstate .:wii ." Iiaus on Stocks, payahic on demand.. ..Vi.xi.on :Iit Securities t.;.wi:.:;t 41.J.k.Ki.'j:j I I.IABILITIKS. I ltssea in process of adjustment 57.24S..V; St atfm knt of the condition of the IIANO YKi: KIRK I.NSCKANCK COMPANY, of the Cilv of New York, on the :itsl dav of lecemler. 173 : CAPITAL. Cash Capital and Surplu $!.is.-.,.t::7.5 ASSKTS. Cnited States Securities r.l7.7"l.-iS 1-o;m on luniit and Mortgage 2-r,JtH.oo Cash in Bank and hands of Agents" lu7.Wi.:m Iiaus on sIock. payable on demand.. . iflS.Min.m state and N. . City and County Bond aiw 4 if L'rr J.I1.ID. JV. lit UJUUi WORKER IN HAIR. , : i . ... 1 1 . . t . . I. : . . I . nnM'n, tuns, rvtuciie i uu.s, Aim tin koiiis & t i Hair work promptly ana neatly made iv i MRS. KNEE. Orders left at MRS. KENN'KIYS Millinery Store. Ou Main St. 1 door e;ist of Clark & llunuucrs. 4r.m:t Chi-nyo f- North- Wt-stir n Railtruy. BUY YOUR VIA T1IK Chi'ttyo tf- Notth-W'fste. it Railway. For CHICAGO. llnli;-,l!i)jMiljs. lU'SINKSS NOT AFFKCTE1K Th rervnt depression in lu?inep ItiWs not afiVctetl tin piissenger trullic of the :st. I.oni5. Kansas City & Northern Short Ijine, as they continue to nut ix fast express trains two more than any other Hue Ix-tween the Missouri and Mississippi Uiver. This road enjoy m I ;re;tt . immunity from accidents, lv reason of iintnensc expenditures, in the last two years, of over two million dol lars, besides earnings in wonderful im- j provemetits, in relay itio; their line with ! new steel and iron rails, on broad, new ties, in new rolling stock supplied w ith all modern appliances for comfort ami safety, and as another safeguard, em ploy night ami day watchmen to in spect the road Iefore and after the passage of each train, to see that every thing i in order. Conspicuous among new improvements is the substitution for ordinary cars, of new reclining chir coaches, elegantly carjeted and litted with dressing rooms for ladies, gentlemen and families, without any , ejrtra vharyc. The M. Louis. Kansa i City & Northern and the Kansas City, i St. Joseph & Council UlufFs KailroarJ, j form the only line running through i Pullman Palace SleejHTS between i Omaha and St. Louis. The shortest line letween the West and the East is ; over the St. Louiu. Kans;id City i Northern Short Line, either through St. Louis, the great metropolis of over i 450.000 inhabitants, or through Chica ' go, ria the Chicago & Alton Short j Line, over the Louisiana Jlridge now : open for passage of through trains. - Tifkot Vfroiitw jif ft iti nirt i 1 1 ir vn:i(14 ail. Via M;nli-Mi. RaralMMi and Kirov, an I it is the j .. . ' i, ' ' only route ninning fuilman Palace ! bug through tickets to the Last. North Cars, through ix-twccu ! or South, will furnish tickets bv this Chicago and St. Paul. ! i.vdl.iir Mm. V..r i.. n. i.irx'nbn i time cards and infirmatiou relative J'orliaml. Niagara Falls. Pittslicrgii. ( inciiiuali. Ailiany. sioux City. Oeiroit, Montreal, Toledo, Cleveland. Buffalo, Boston. New Virfik. P.looiiiiiilou. Philadelphia. Soriugtield. Baltiiuoie. VCasliingtoii. Timintu, Cairo. Yanriou. MILWAUKEE Sheboyuan, Mtiniiowoc, Clinton, .lanesville. Miilon Junctioii. W A T K K T ( W N , Minnesota .Junction. BUSNETT. FOND DU LAC, () S II K O S II , Applctoit. Meuasha. Oreeu liy. Kseanaha. Ne gaunee, Islipeining. Maripieite, lAiise. anil the Shores of lake supehio::. It is the only Route From CIIICACO TO ST. PAI L. M UiVI.V Ill'CII I IT. tien'I llrt W. II. M'KNMd', .enl Paiafc'r Ajf.t. Other S'ciirities tlMtK.V.To tji I. ."A l.ov..:::7.ti LIABILITIES. Ioskcs in process of adjustment . i.fu;t.!i7 II. K. PAI.MKK. Azent. OKKICK Kl-out Room over Post OfJiee. PIhIIs liioiith. N'elu-iwka. il-l.tt 31acliine Sliop. II "ay inn n t Curtis, PLATTSMOCTIf. NKB.. Repairers of SIkjiiii Engines, lioilers. Sa'.v and Grist Mills. Cas and Steam Fittings. Wrought Iron Pipe. Force and Lift Pumps. Steam tillages. Safety Valve Coventors, and all kind of Brass Engine Fittings Furnished on short notirw. Farming K&chinery w Store ! ew" Stock ! Mi:. William (J. "YVooorcff - I to rates. &c Jipply to or tuidress Ly ! man McCartv. Kansas Citv, Mo., or I : I J. Croat. St. Louis. Mo. 44tf having taJcen the Store formerly occupied l Mr. Kaion. will keep a full and com plete stock of FAMILY GROCERIES. All kinds of country produce taken in EXCHANGE FOR GOODS I proitose to sell low. and keep a STttCK (tF N 1731 11 lilt ONE (.'(tops. and hereby invite li.v friends to call and exam ine the new outfit. i rangers especially invited to call and get prieesjiefore ordering gooi!syi:y i from hou'ie. I propose to CALL AT I)iI; Strcirhtm Livery, Feed & Sale Stables, Corner uh and Pearl su. PLA'ITSMOCTII, ... NKB. Unpaired lrt iitfe. -tf. Nebraska Intelligence Agency Persons in any part of Nebraska desirous of advertising in the Kant, frku or h arok. the inducement offered by their locality for onv business, enterprise, profession, trade or calling whatever, or for irood cheap homes for people coming to our State, will apply to as Sromptly. enclosing stamp, for blank reiMrt-s. tate in what paper you saw this advertisement. Jo. M. Bbadfohp & Co., Lincoln, Net. 3lt6 Horses Boarded by the Day Week or Month. i HORSES ROUaiIT,SOLD, OR TTZA I VKD, FOR A FAIR COM- i MISSION. ! L I VER Y A T 'A 1.1. TIMES. WILL1A31 1IEK0LI) ! Particular Attention Paid to SELL TO GRANGERS, At Chicago 1t;i!es. WM. !. Wn. F. ItKXNirrr. tTerk. WOO!Kt FF. I-Sni Keeps one of the Largest Grocery Stocks IN TOWN. GO TO OUS. HEK0LI)S FOR CL0THIN Driving and Training Trotting Stock. PLATTSMOUTH PLATTSMOUTII. nm. CONRAD IIEISKU PrvprieM FIXH'K. CORN MBA I.. FKKO. , Alway on hud, and for ais at lowwt I'mmh price. Ilf-The Hifheat prieM pid Uw WhiMkt m4 Corn. rvtimilar ftttantioa rivi ta CuVm work.