t r i - Hi Til li lUl LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Transient, cenu ;v Ii:io. Regular adver tisers n, touts per lino. No adveiiisonient In serted lor less titan i'. cciii. Picture Frames of every style at ru NHKYOl'KX New and beautiful Music by good artists Friday evening. Lunches Meals day board I3en L-f::il advertisements will b charge d to the ! llciliplc. paitics hamli:: llii iii In. I VOMMIMCATIOXS. ! Come to the shoe store for the best i ttjl illl-(tUiwt 1 Ik I I II f '.I fi I 1 l-S II T '111.1 . . .. . till1 I iimii" fi ,...,....,, ..,., .. i , .14 1 V our spnoe N limited, roiiiiiiurili-ations : - . . i . -.i . . mut he bru t ana n tuo point, with no w.wtc of pairing done neatly and with dispatch, "ordj. ; o-'tf P. ilKKULS. NEWsrAI'ER DECISION'S. ... . - . 7 , . , ! It is astonishing how many boys and 1. Any per-.nn who takes :i paper iv;;ularlv j , ... . from tin- tioi!if. whether iiin-i i.ii to in- ; young gentlemen will gather around tiaiiio, r whi'liicr lie is a subscriber or not is i , . , , , . . . . responsible tor t in- iay. I any kind of water-works that promises 2. If any person i.nh is Lis paper disooiit in- ,, t .,..,1 ti.r,., c ,.,.ll.,; MM. he must pay a!! ane..i :i-es, or the publisher ; 'l l'l"1 no l'1l tuCn- S,:e Wl'lllg iii.-iv o.i.tiH.m ios.-i.-i it until payment is ma.;.-, ; windows at Slatklniann's or Frank H1KI Collect 111? V.lioli' atllollllt, WUotlllT the pa per is taken tit.a; t in- mho- or not. White's. 3. 'I lie com Is have !-; U-il t nut refusing to i -.. t'lke ih: a-; ijici-'i ami pci ioilii-.ils lioni tin-pnsi - I . . , . .!li.-.or rciiioin:; ami b-avimj them in..:ti! ! j A mail in lOWil broke 111.- leg ill tWO vul,t.'rim't -""'lc t'vi','J"!''- li " '"- jllacl.3 wljiU. lJUHig off hj3 boot, and LOCAL NEWS. Picture Frames at ?"!u '!.. the editor says it must have been a tight bout, or a mighty weak ley. Some prowler entered the house of A. li. bniith, the other morning. Dr. (.'haimaus .Soda Water will : through tlio oj-eii front door, and find quench your thuist. "-tf ! ing nothing else handy took a pistol T 7, T ., I from a drawer. .lust then a little bov liemember the origan fund r riday ...... came m. 1 earing discovery tne rogue threw the pistol in the bushes and lit See Ilesser's line specimens of flreen ; out. Moral: J.ook out for your doors House plants at Vivian's every day. whih you're out gardening, Ac. Smith i tliinks we may be a second class city, evening. Look out for a pair of handsome j ut Ui.lt . . ;l u i(.k black Mans on the road to Omaha iiaxt wet-k. Tiolters, thev rr.v j Vivian's grocery store, on Main ! street, b lw the IIr.n.i.u cflice. j Frc-.li vegetables, fruits and every- A r.:n tw.iy t 'tui hc.i tcred a load of 1. t .1 .... ! I .ft ..... .1.,,, l..-t t- ; thing good for the table. Prop in. bu'. did no further d tmagc, we l.elievc. j C'hr.ili" I'.yrnc of Plattsmouth passed the Sal bath in l)iiuihii.itjiuLli-'fn. Its a wav he's got. Par! i-'s having Pirtnro.s to fratnt will do well ! to call on T. V. Miryock. 7tl. Messrs 'Wood Dro's. of Weeping j Wat'T arc hauling out tin- goods to t their place lively. Xo doubt they will j buil l up a good trade there. j For yo:r Tahl.-s. Chairs. Iieilstoads, 15filli:i, P.uroatis. Chilil n-n's Can ia;.'t-s. Picture I'ranies, ft.:., call on T. V.'. SHKVOCK. 7t, Lines sugeitcd ly the deata or Julia Kmnin. youngest tlaulitt r of John ami Sarah M unlock. Of Mt. Plcas;inl, Nebraska. Dearest Emma, must thou leave in "Weepiim. lonely and forsaken ; Life's dreary path alone to trrd. Wlille t;.ii to heaven art tah"it? :'adly we wont 1 have Ciee retained, Bu: thou a better home hast pained. Thy presence mach our hearts wnu'il cheer. As o'er life's sea we sw if:ly ;rlide ; Slou'.l storms ami c'oud.s await us here. Thy lamb-like soul would help us guide Our fragile b irk to heaven above, The Eden of eternal love. Thou wer't a flower of beauty rare. Too beautiful on earth to bloom ; As the ioso. so fragrant and so fair. Thou left behind a sweet perfume. Which will with us forever stay. To guide our feet in wisdom's way. A plant, too precious here lo grow. On the low grounds, where grief abounds, And ever- joy is mixed with woe. And sins most with'ring curse is found Transplanted now. unfold thy powers. In fairer climes, and pleasant bowers. As from the tomb we turned away, With aeliing heart and tearful eyes I hear the .stricken parents say Through graee we'll meet thee iu the skies. God grant you grace, your vows to pay. And dwell with her in realms of day. Dear parents. wiie your tears away. Weep not for her though from you torn ; May Heaven all your grief allay ! Ami crown you w ith a golden crown ! She'll not return to you below, Put you to her must shortly go. Mt. pfeasant. G. P. C. Never undersold at Merges' Shoe Store, fall and examine goods and i prices. Will be pleased to show them, and no charge. o-Jtf j puixt or ixti:j:st. Dr. Chapman has now one of tin finest stores in the west and keeps a We call especial attention to the new "ad"' of Mickehvait & Sharp this week. They are lively, enterprising men and sell goo i machines. ! full line of strictly Pure Drugs and ! Medicans Paint Oils Glass Ac, to which ! every one is invited when in want of j any thing in the drug line. 7-tf IV ifi- Lunch? Heniple. Meals dav board Ben Friday evening High School Enter tainment Fitzgerald's Hall. Halt, the Hatcher, still sits and tiiiih'j in that doorw ay, and behind him are arrayed the finest, fattest beeves, lambs, chickens and sich, that ever giaced a butcher's place. Fresh Fish have been ;uite plenty lately; thanks to good management and lucky hauls 0:1 the part of Mr. Streight. Sr. Mr. West has more truck on his acre of jroiind u; here, than any other man we ever .vaw. Among the rt, is an apple-tree with '! different kinds of fruit 0:1 it; each lhnb bears a separate varietv. .7. Ph. Young, with Vabery & Ituffner. Local Agent for "Our j Fireside Friend." Subscribe with him now. 7-2t Now's your time, help yourself and help m Ice Cream and Soda Water Hen II ei 11 pie. Dick Streight, the livery man, lias been enlarging, beautifying, buying, and hanging out shjus around his place until it looks like a small carav.;n dwelt there. It's getting to be quite a place on Dick's corner, and he has some very tine horses and carriages, but what a checker-board, six bottles, three brushes, and two fish-hooks on the south side of the barn, has to do with livery, we can't see for the life of us. H:Urrv- da water call and trv it. Ciood syrups, pure soda, and clean t umlders. A postal card from 11. S. Childs on the Ilepabliean. Their little band has a-rived safe at Ilarton's H"nd, Furnas Co. A heivv settlement is fast earn ing in. there. Childs wants a IIevsald out CASS COUNTY MOCKING K1KDS. Vivian is getting up qite a collec tion of animals. Last weekheaddid on the donkeys, and this week he puts out some handsome varieties of Cai-s county mocking lards. The. big dog is about, and Mr. V. sells groceries cheap er than ever delivers them free and is good natured all the time, no matter how many g ods you look at and don't buy. JIAKKIAtaiS. Dt'Cfinil .WMM PUTIN'S On M0nd.1v. May lH'h. wt, t.v II. P. Paison. Mr II. F. D'l'FKit h.m m to Mfss Jri.iA .MlKTi.vs, all of Cass County. Nebraska. Ve editor' was not present, but a by-standT reports that In his opinion Jude Kllison does up a little the slickest and briefest wedding job of ar.v le'ral gentleman he ever listened to. Centaur Liniment. 1 There is no pain which the M Ceuiaar Liniment will not re--.Lam. li' ve. no swelling it will not J J subline, ami 110 lameness w iiicu rf ii. "ill not cure. This is strong j 1: ugui'ge. bin it is true. Wh"ie ifAf t''" pans are m.t gone, its effects a. are marvellous, li has produced n.o:e cures of rheumatism, neu ralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains. swellings, ear-ac'ie, eaked-breasts. scalds, bains, salt-rheum, &x, upon the human 1'r.itiK'. and of strains, spavin, galls, &c, upon animals in one year than have al i-t!i.r pretended remedies since the world began. It is a counter-irritant, an all-healing pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their crutches, t'10 lame walk, poisonous lutes are ren dered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a scar. It is 110 humbug. The recipe is selling as no article ever before sold, aJid it sells because it does just what It pretends to do. Tims-; w ho now suiter from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if they w ill not use Centaur Liniment, more than KM) certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs, chronic-rheumatism, gout, running tumours, &e. have been received. Wc will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe, a, gratis to to any one re'iuesting it. One bottle of the yel low wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for foundered or s'.veenied hor ses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners this liniment is w orth your at tention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. J. C. Kosk & Co., New York. 4C-ly Warranted Strictly Iure .DRUGS AND MEDICINES, at Dr.C. B. Chapman' PltDifltll'TldX Iltl' WTORE. All the leading PATENT MEDICINES, of the day NEW AND rr.KSH. A large stock of IVrfunifry ami Toilet .trlM'Irn, I'aint.t. Miw. (in cluding all kinds of lubrieai tng oils,) Varnishes. Wimlow-lilass. and 1'utty. looks. Stationary, ami Initial laer, 4oltt Imi. Hie migest and best as sortment in the West. I'ure Caudles, Tioic Teas, ami l-'iii 'is;ar. l'LTtli COLD AKCTKJ SODA WAT KK. Kvery new ch I -e and cleg tut. One door West of tin" l'osl Oiiicc 8-3m Dr. ti. H. Chapman. t HAMiE OF IT ML On the IJ. & M. II. 11. in Nebraska, tak ing effect Monday, May 11, 1S74: Kearney Junction Express leaves 11:23, a. in.; arrives from West 2:33 p. tn. OMAHA TRAINS. LIFE INSl'IMNCi: PAID. Matt -mouth April 4, 1374. This ii to certify that upon the or ganization of the local board of Direct ors, for Cass County for the Equitable Ei fe Assurance Society 01 the L , nited .states organized at Flattsmouth March PKOFESSIOXAL OA III Wlll:EI-E" & ttKNNKTT-Ial T.-.talo .m.t ' laTpating Agents. Notaiies Public, Kir and Life Insurance Agents, rtatt-smoutli. Neb. K. It. LIVINGSTON, Physician and Supgeon. lcmlers Ills pmiessl"iiat servics to uie 23th 1S74, composed Of tllO following : Cl izens of 'n chunty. I'esidenee soutbea-st .... a . : co ner vt Oal a;id Sixth streets ; oliiee on Main mniHii is, j st eet. one door west of Lvmau a Lumber Yard, I . M. Marquett, 1'. E. Ruff ner, i l-.attsmoutn, Nebraska. I sac lies, j Charles Lazenby, I J. Vallery Jr., W. 1 Ilobbs, j E. ivian. Alvey Drew, Stephen Wiles, M. E. White, Thomas Wiles Jr., E. E. Cunningham. A claim was submitted to them for adjustment which was paid in full as j uko. s. smith. SAM. Mi HAC.MA.V. It. T. MAXWKLI. Clinpuan & Maxwell. ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Solicitors in Chancery. Oilice iu Fitierld's Ulock, l'lutts. mouth, Nebraska. K. II. WINDHAM, Ee. Platts. Freight, C:30 a. m. I'assgr., 1:43 p. m. . Ee Omaha. I'assgr ., 10:30 a. m. Freight, 5 p. in. Ar. Omaha 9 a. m. 3:10 p. m. Ar. Platts. 12:10 p. m. 7 p. m. 7-tf. per decision rendered by said board in tkn days fiom date of said adjust ment. Signed, M. E. White, Pres. J. Vallkky Jr. V. Pres. J. W. Uaunks, Secty. 2-2m. LEGAL NOTICES. Lewellyn A. Moore, FLORIST AND BOUQUET MAKER. l'articular attention will be given to cut lowers, from small bunches to the most elaborately arranged baskets and hand bouquets. An extra assortment of Green house. Redding plants, ;ind summer Flowering bulbs, such as Gladioli, Tube roses, Tignidias, and Madeira vine. Rustic vases, hanging baskets, and wire baskets of all sizes made to order on reasonable terms. Also a few nice 'Trophy tomato plants. Greenhouse and Residence in Duke's Addition just west of John I James. Orders can be left at Frank Stadter's in Plattsmouth, Cor. Gth and Main Sts. Plattsmouth, Cass Co., Nebraska. 5t4 SPECIAL NOTICES. i;o to lion. Ilemple's for Soda Water and lee Cream, this Summer. 7tf. Notice to Bridge Contractors. Notice is hereby given, that sealed proposals w ill be received at I lie County Clerk's oilice in I'batsniouth, Cass County Nebraska, until the 2nd day ot June, 17-1. tor building bridges in said count v : One to lie built across Salt Creek, at Shelter's crossing, span eighty feet, with two approaches of twenty feet each, liids received for either lion or Howe Truss. Also, live .smaller bridges, of wood, ranging from thirty-six feet tosixty feet each, including approaches. 1-or lurtlier particulars, see plans and specifi cations at Clerk's oilice. Approved security required of contractors, in double the amount of conn act price, ami all bids received, subject to bo rejected by ttie Hoard of County Commissioners at their pleas ure. By order of the Board of County Commis sioner's, this (itlt day of May. A. D. 1S74. D. W. McKl-NNON-. fit Clerk. Estray Notice. Came into my enclosure May 5th, a brind'e heifer 3 years old. w bite spot on shoulder, bel ly while", hind legs white, from ganibrel down : no other marks perceptible. The owner is requested to come and prove property, pay chaiires. and take the same a wav. Idas. S. Smith. 7-Ct 1'lattsmouth, Neb. Sheriffs Sale. " Bv virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court, for Cass county, Nebraska, ami to me directed, I will, on the thirtieth laoth) day of May, A. 1) 174, at ten fun o'clock v. si. of "until il-'iv. sit the south door of the Court House, in the city of l'l ittsniouth in said conn- ; ty, sell at public auction Hie following real I estate, to-wlt : lo;s seven (7) eight (K) and nine I : ill block number five (" : also at eleven (11 I I o'clock A. si., on same day of the month and j veal, UI iu. iil ine s.iinc 'i.n r, mi uuno'ci inn.- STMTII & WIS DM AM. Successors to Marquett, Smith, & Starbird, Attorneys at Laic & Real Estate Brokers rtATTSMOl'TH, ... SEB. Special attention given to Collections, and all matters affecting the litle to l;eal Kstate. Office on 2d floor, over the l'ost Office. Dr. Sdiildkneeht, Eclectic & Homoeopathic Physician. Crr-OFFICE AND KESIDENCKSr J Comer of Cth and Vine Streets, I'laUsiv.outh, Nebraska. CALLS ATTENDET AT AM. HOURS. s" ;:.:-.-:'. Funerals alteiided on Short Notice. ALSO DEALEi: IN - . -j FURNITURE, CHAIRS, BEDDING, Main Street, next door to Brooks House, riatlsmouth. Neb. fl ust ice of the Peace. Office on Main Street riattsmouth. Neb., near lv opposite the Hkuali oliiee. Business hours f rom s A. M., to 8. I. M. All County business usually transacted be fore a Justice of the I'eaee, will be attended to by the Subscriber. General Collector of Debts. 8ly J. VT. HAINES: VebrawUa Htat Itesritor. A 4( eolumri a! paper, published at the State Camtal ; full jwI.i. I.U-J.S iinieiienileiit iu evervthing. neu tral ia nothing; Si". a year. Correspondents and Agents wanted in every town. C1.0YK, Lincoln. Neb. W.M. C. 'Alt lIatsnionl"i Mills. IIE1SEL. rroprietor. Have reeently been renaiied and t.bued in thorough l imning order. Iiki.ihmi Bushels of heat wante't imme diately for w hich the highest market price w ill be paid. SPRING AND SITMMUR GOObS Down Go the Prices it c. Celebrated NEW YOK STORf BEDDING (JUEEXIIOUSE AND PLANTS. TAuic and money saved bv ordering of me. I liaTc the largest and best collection of Blants ver offered for sale hi the N est. Catalogues free. Sweet I'ot ato. Cabbage, Tomato, and oth er Plants for sale in their season. Address YV. J. HICSSEK. riattsmouth. Neb. Castouia is more than a substitute for Cas tor Oil. It is the only safe article in existence which is certain to assimi;.i;c the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind coiie and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is ploa.sant to take. Children need not erv and mothers may rest. 4' ly PAY VOI K CITY TAXL.S! H,one the li.uh'-r. h is h 'c:i ctc:u! in uii. I refitting liis little cHl'-e, until j Ok-erve the wlmiltanre on Friday ;pciii::r only 2-Jcts. a scat. Kcservtd inli:!:.uc;it Cily Taxos Z The taxes f.-.r 1 '7J lmcame delliupieni on the 1-t i;iv of May. and l.y t!ie new law I am !b!igeil lo entdice the clleci io:;s of said taxes aL o:ice, 1111V5.. they are pai -I p! .iiiij'tiy. There are also some c;--' due on the y-'ar is.'-j, w hich nrist be paid '! oree or tliey will be pat in the hands of a;i oiricer for co!U- iion. l'l. msc come toiwar.l jtii-l save me trouble ami yourselves expense. WM. Vixtk.km'i:k. Ill City '1'reaMir r. M'.'itS 50c ts. it siiiiics like a new brass l;'t t h-, and j Dr. Untlcr of Vejinjr Water re the inr'iMW-mfnt is fn .h'i f ul. It j moved a tajo-wonn from a party near looks like t'.u1 d'rand ('t.-ntral at Ouri- j there, that inoastires over 45 feet now h i. as it lies in ths aleohol, and large Trv Dick S t it i fill's new wao'i, on hofnu'i liraeo sjrins. (lood for hi'.iit H. an 1 li-iiin p irties, pi.r-iiie's. and to settle yonr dinner, we know. 1 i.uin .1 oi l fellow must havo been 1 lniehtv ne;tr a linndred feet. Oh mv! i we il rather crusade than have that I fellow about us. I'leture M-'imiiics :'.t T.Z. Tlio. W f.irjioeii. h. Ilutterv's sod. 1 fountain is now on the run. (lood cool drink for pleasure j or fun. I j Fifty more families passed through ' here for the settlement of C'ozad not : Ions: since. So lluss( 11 savs. Quartette sinking' at Ilih School F.nteitainnient 1'ridav eventii";. IMIOPI.E'S MARKET. At the People's Market you can find and buy for cash ttnything usually kept in the market line. I pay ea:-.h 15iHy Studelmann is fixing up the old : and I must sell for cash : and to my Dilly Neville place, and it begins to ; customers J sell and only ask small look as it' somebi d.. lived there. They j profits, but I expect prompt and sure talk of putting a head on things gener- ; pay. - H. E. Ellison. ally, but in Plattsmouth they ought to ! stO say, 1 m a new jt -jiil on nun. i-verj- 1 1hIv is getting ;t new front 0:1 this A. VV. White has removed Ids (iro cery store to Whit" ov Spiers old stand recently oceupitd by J. D. Tutt. ilo and see him. ii :i:-c am oi'ssisii. Mr. Fred Stadelmann will open his Ice-Cream Parlors to-day, Thursday, May 21st., and invites all to call on him. A very pleasant ladies Ice-Cream Parlor on the second floor. One Florence. Sewing Machine for sale at this oilice. A small load of hay taken in sub scription at this office. A few bushels of corn or oats will 1 e t: ken on subscription, at t'.iis office, stf spn Ug,'. llesser's new (liven Houses at the Pie Nie (J. miens are in full bloom now and will amply repay a visit down there to all who love dowers and beau tiful plants. Plattsmouth is fixing up wonderfully this spring. The young trees, new out houses, and brand new fences of the older settlers looks well for enterprise, and every now and then a new dwel ling house pops up. silently but surely, somewhere about town. Asthesteam- We call attention to the opening day of Mr. Fred. Stadelmann's lee-Cream Pallor. Tie has the rooms very hand somely fitted up. and we advise every one to give him a call to-day and many times in future. The 1Ii:i:alu is in hot waterall over, Keod Bros, and Plattsmouth Merchant are after us and now conies Mr. Mc Guire and states that fie feels agrieved because we said he was "dead broke" and says that a Sarpy County man came over "a pupposs," out of smpathy (lo to Vivian's! Fresh oranges, fruits and vegetables daily. Gnveries, china ware and garden seeds; now's the tiiiK 111 NA'.YAYS. Two second class runaways this week; one bl.p-k team with a load of hay, and the other a bay team with an emptv wagon. No damage. 1 ..ff. 1.: k 1 rt'k 4-.. 1. i 1.:.., j. boat man would sav, we are "cumins , uur"u , ,7 I ,., - j and we are in a bad tix. Do let up on ahead quite last. The country looks . . . . , J I us gentlemen we are poor erring inor- just inagnihepnt. Ine fruit prospects i . , , , ., , , ! tills anj way. are good and the farmers seem all busv ! and happy. Fair crops, fair prices, fair weather and fairest hopes all com bine to make us feci good this spring. THE IJ.HJ1I MTI(fI, MKNT. Notice. Notice is hereby given, that the City Council of the city of Plattsmouth, as per previous notice, having met and ENTERTAIN- ; adjourned from time to time, as a ! Hoard of equalization, for the purpose ji 1:11 u.iiiiiui; uic assessment IISIS OI CHILDREN OFTEN LOOK PALE AND SICK From no other cause than having worms in the stomach. r.UOWX'S VEItMIFl dE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child, beim; perfectly WHITE, and free from all col oring of othe'r injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparations, Ct 1:11s S; I'.uown. Proprietors. No. -zV, Fulton Stn-et, New York. Sold by Druu'fiists and Chemists ami dealers in Medicines at 1'5 cents a box. 2-iwiy All order for ft cd, flour and meal, left at Streight & lilley's wiil receive prom t atten tion, ir.ltfj C. Hkisicl. Soda Water, Ice Cream, Lunches and Meals at all hours at lien. Ilemple's. Vt f. . .1 CHALLENGE. I challenge the whole northwest in low down prices. Kead the figures and judge : Women's Serirc (Jailers. SI. is Serjjc Gaiters, i?2.V. Xo Shoddy. Jlen's P.roans, si. ..). loots, .;. Oood whole stock. Everything else in proportion. Call and examine before purchasing else where. Will be pleased to show them. Main street, 3 doors east of l'ost Office. 7tf. 1'etki: MEKCEJ. Auction Sale of Condemned Government Projierty. HKl'OT Ql'AKTKRM.STKl:'S OFFICF. I Omaha, Nklhaska, May 4th, 1871. I On Wednesday, the ."d ilay .f June, 174, liicre wiil be sold at public Auction, at the (Quarter Master's Depot, at the intersection of lath and Webster Streets, Omaha. Nebraska, condci.med Government property, as follows, viz : 7 horses ; 2 mules ; IS army wa'rous ; 1 ambu lance : iV saddles ; 214 saddle blankets ; st sin gle sets harness; 1K stoves, (as old iron, by weiuhtl : aoofeet rubber hose : .S ;i7i grain sacks, and various miscellaneous articles ; s-ic!i as tools, etc. ; also f wall tents, with tlies : itf shov els : r. spades; 'M axes ; 5 Sibley stoves; 2 iron bunks, etc. I lie sale to commence at 13 o'clock A. M. Terms CASH. V.y order ol Brigadier-General Ord. J. II. BELCH EK, 5t4 Assistant Quartermaster U. S. A. FOR SALE. b;n acres tf unimproved land, four miles from riattsmouth ; jrood locality ; can be bought reasonable. Call at the oliiee of vJtl Smith & Windham. Studcbaker wagons at E. G. Dovey's. wagon in this part of country. Best CtJ Business is business, and so arc the Cigars at tlie 1 O. Book Store. 5-tf. FARMERS. GRANGERS AND ALL OTHER MEN. (to to Frank Stadter and have a stencil plate cut lo mark your movable property. That's biisim-s i '. 4..:if iu block number twenty-nine cJ:i) all in the city of 1'lattsmouth. ('ass county, Nebraska, togeth er witii all the privileges and appurtenances thereon or thereunto belonging, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by John Tal lon. plaintiff, against Elbert T. Duke ami Lloyd 1). Beiiiieit, executors and legal representatives of the estate of Shepherd Imke. deceased, and Iivina Duke. SI. B. Cltler, Sheriff Cass Co. Netna-ska. Flattsmouth City, April 27th, l7i. tto Estray Notice. Taken up, two estrays at Factory i'le, Cass County, Nebraslca. on ilie April A"! T isr4. Dii.-i i:icrio. : One t wo-year old l-ay mare colt, with wliiie face. H iving attached to its two four legs, two pieces of leather with rings, also one one-yearold bay horse colt. The same can be had bv proving property and paving ex penses. Apply to J.xo. MntriN', J. r. Factory ville Cass Countv, 7-5t 'eb. Legal Notice. It is hereby ordered that the March term, 1S74, of the District Court for Cass County, be and the same is hereby adjourned to the third Mon day of July next, at which time Jurors, Suitors, Witnesses and all other interested persons wiil be in at-tendance. By order of GEO. B. LAKE, Attest : Judge. D. W. Mi KIxxnx, March 3d, 1871. Clerk Dist. Court. 19-3m New Firm in Weeping Water. Fleming & Kimball, (Successors of J. CEISBE & CO.) WEEPING WATEK,XEB. This new firm have just laid in a large and varied stock of goods, ENTIRELY HEW, and will now offer them for sale at the old Stand in Weeping Water. They respectfully solicit the patronage of the people, ami piojiose to sell good goods as cheap as any one in the Mar ket. Try Us Once, and See. cyi HOUSEHOLD PANACEA AXD FAMILY LINIMENT. 2twly AVIiy Wall Yoa Silfer! To all p -i-sons sulTer ing from Kheuiuatism. .Neuralgia, Cramps in the limbs or stomach, lliilions Colic, I'ain in back, bowels or side, we would say, Til K HorsK Itllt.ll l'AAI'K AND Family Limmf.xt is of all others the remedy you want for internal ami external use. it lias cured the aboe com plaints in thousands of eases. T icre is no mis take about it. Trv it. Sold by all Drujgists. FOR SALE. Two houses one for cash and one on time. For full particulars apply to E. (i. Dovcy. 50 If ; lo-morrow cwmiijr some of the s.iid ritv. ilid nr. their -i-., .ni;,,,, V" j" V 1.1.111,, jouiif; poonlc of IMattsinouth uive tin ! May 18th, 1874, order that notice FOl'NNP. : cntfiTaiiiiiient at Fitzgerald's Hall, for i a-:iin W iven tllilt t,ey would ad- On Secoipl street, a handsome gold j the benefit of the High Sehool organ j Th wll e'TheSl onlvo,! breastpin. The owner can have the , 1 and. A short and very amusing , tunity for redress; and all persons feel sanie bv applvinir to (I. H'inhackel's j piece, called the Spirit of 'Tti, in which ing themselves aggrieved by said ; s ess harness liot and paving for this ad- j is represented the supposed status and I mt'nt lu'l-v appear before the Board on - - i ... . t?i:it ii:v- :in! thpn:iltoi' mi ;ii.nlw.i i: ! llOSltlOll OI men Mini women mil r tlio ! ""V ' i ciiisniiciii. ; - - uiis re at ive to the rei net on of t new dispensation of "women's rule," is ; u-iii i,P pntrtained Bv tl.o Cnnnii 13y order of the Board. FOR SALE. An improved farm, four miles from Platts mouth. well watered, MO acres under improves meiit. Can be bought for pirt cash in hand, balance on long time. Inquire of 4Jtf Smith & Windham. THIRTY YEARS' EA'PER IENCE OF AN OL 7 NURSE. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the pre scription of one of the best Female I'liysicians and Nurses in the United States, and lias been used for thirty years with never failing safety ami success by millions of mot hers ami cnild reii, from the ieehie infant of one week old to tlie ailuit. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and ... i it ; . The saddest young person in tui , the priliej!)ai P(lI-t cf the nroirrammp city is the girl who has been compelled i;..tw(.eI1 tjie act3 ;U1(1 tim.ili;? the even. by the weather to wait three weeks to j iug some verv tine instrumental and put on tlie Spring suit which she j vucal llUIsiu wn hQ ivvlu We llolie knows would outshine that of every : our j)eo,,ie tum out and patronize -ill of her class in Sunday school. I this cxi,ibitur largely, both because magniiieent, has bec.i "Jt iu. mcii u isgivnta one, and tilso that the tions relative to the reduction of taxes t 'V!'? r'1h .he.aJvii ami comfoi-t to motiierand ,.-itl I.Q o.,urf n.,.ul 1,,- l.Q ;i i ciiiut. e Oclieve it to be tlie Best and Surest Kemeiiy in the World, in all cases- of Dvsent-iy and Diarrhea in children, whether 'it ariies from Teething o any other cause. Full direc tions for using will accompany each buttle. C. F. Williams, City Clerk. 'EWMl'SIC. We havo received from D. P. Faulds, Publisher of Music, Xo. TO Main Street, Louisville Ky. a piece of Music entitl ed "On the lieautiful Ulue Danube," a T it lll l'llliiceill. 1 .13 I'lTil i .... 1 .. i. verv lautuioic aroun-i again, ana our ga me,, - , ( arranged to lhe melody from the like a tropical paradise. One can see ; l"- a ;Ung thutin lu e ; town of a "l"tvei u-i naiu to present a nne pic- j ' 11. 1.5 ICi; IIUC. tracks all over r'ning; he blazes his path by the ' ture ot real imaginary life to their j ,-er-oots he leaves. Well, its a j audience. Xo one who has not tried We a I lesser's mornin: flower-pots he leaves. Well, its iii',u,"u,u; -o one no nas not tried j a e are sure our readers will thank pleasant way to make ones course ; ""s ".... w umu. Mm.i : us ior caning their attention to the thiou-h life bv leavinga streak of hap- j :i:ul ,iani work 0Iie ot these little plays very handsome advertisement of the viness in the wake. j cost to the performers, and as it is a j Excelsior Manufacturing Co. of St. ! r"'e y'11- "on, iiiem especially ior L.ouis, as it would be useless for us to I the benefit of the children, now and ! trv tn cv anvtsint, ' I "J - "J ill UOUl OL lilO one (ienuine unless tlie fuc simile of CL'iiTlS I r.KM.N.s ,s on the outside wrapper. S by all Medicine Dealers. rapper. :soll Wwiy One house. FOR RENT. Apply to E. G. Dovcy. 50Jf Farm for Sale. HOUSES!! HOUSES!! Dlt. W. D. JONES, will stand two of tlie finest HORSES Ever brought to this Stale, during the season of 1S74. 'NORMAN," an iron grey Stallion. 6 years old. sired by a full blooded Norman Horse, and raised by Thos. Fatten, of Mercer Co., III. "TALARAX," sired by Liberty and running back to MF.DOC. the Kentucky Horse, is a dappled bay. 16" j bands hiidi. and is riven up by horsemen to be the linest Horse ever brought to Cass County. TEKMS : To Insure, StO. At riattsmouth. Thursdays, Fridays, and Sat urdays of each week, and at I Cock HlulTs, Mon days. Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, durinji the season. ' l-3m U. Y. MATHEWS, On 4th Street, and dealer in Hardware and Implements. XaiN. Iron and liel-e r.akes. Mctii; -i.i -k ami i'.i!'--; "ve Koane)-. and .'low CIS. c.-p itake Ti-resiier, Corn Planters, CULTIVATORS, Garden City and Morrison Plows, Wagon Wood Stock, GARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS. "-."ui Meat Market! Hubbard House, HUBBARD, - - Vnov. Main Street, Weeping' Water. GOOD ACCOMODATIONS FOR TRA VELERS. 4 1 m 6. NEW DRUG STORE. WEErlXG WATEK, SEB. T. L. POTTER, DEU.EIi IX DRVCS. MEDICINES. TAINTS, OILS. VAIIMSH, l'Eltl-rMEUY, STATU )N EUY. NOTIONS. CH.SAHS. TOBACCO, AND GLASS. Prescriptions carefully prepared. 16tf. DEALERS IN Agricultural Implements, Hardware. Sr ware. s Tumps, lion K'ails. Stoves, etc. Repairing done to Order and Satisfaction guaranteed. WE DEFY COMPETITION. so-ly J. 1N1IELDEU & SOX, Dealers in Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and GROCERIES Of all kinds, at tlie lowest possible rates, Also Dealers in Grain, for which the highest cash prices are paid. Hides and produce of sill kinds bought at rea sonable rates. luhelder's Station, (Cedar Creek.) 5Uf. Cass County, Neb. Southwest Corner Main Street, riattsmouth, Xi branka. AND SO THE PEOPLE THINK WHO BUY S3 12. IT 13 3. Dress Goods, Prints, Boota and Slios, Delaines, Ginghams, Brown Sheetihfj, Bleached Cottons, Balmoral, Cari4d. Clark's new Thread, Cotton Tartr; Iii the Grocery line we keep the Finest and IJpst Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Dried Fruits, .Sjiicts, etc., etc. In fact for Your Groceries, Ilardwnio Queens ware, AVoodtn Ware, Glassware, Yankee Xotioi:-, Hats and Caps, Boots and SIio GO TO 2."i-tf. D. SfjriNASSE t- CO.'S. Look to your Interests by buying Agricultural Implements T ' f' ' : r.v?i ' T. NEW STYLES. F. L. ELSiER, Merchant Tailor Is in receipt of the finest and BEST ASSORTMENT 5ASSIMEHKS. CIXITIIS, VKSTIXfSS. SCOTCH GOODS, 1KISH FKIliSKS, &e. In fact, the largest and best assortment of Cloths ever brought to this city, which I am prepared to make up iu the Latest Styles. Cail and examine Goods. airrill8. L. GOLDING, Dealer in CLOTinxo. Fi'iixismxr, good?;, hats, CAl'S. ISO! IT1. SIIOKS.TKl.NKS. VALISES. CAP.PK I' r.AGS, Kl'... fcC, v:'. One of titc obi.? !.ud 'io.t It-'.i'i'de TTii: --es hi i'i ti : -'a.iii; u. Main sfax-ft. betvv-en I'ou!'.'. and ;r:!i - ;i-i:EME.Mi4i:;. ti r k i-i. nx-tf. OF MICKELWAIT & SHARP, Agents for the justly Cehlreted. Lav, Adams & French Harvester. Carriages THIlEIi Binders when necessary, uses no r.elt. Canvi.s oi I'uliyes In eh vaiiiij; tl.v Grain. Also agents for the Omaha New Manny Keaper and Mower, Eagle Cultivator, Thomas Com Hr.r row, btudebaker Wagon, Grand Detotir or Dixon .Sterling and Breaking I'lows, IInier, Ilolings worth atid Pacific Hay Bakes, &c, rrOFFICE Soujh side Main street, west of Gth, riattsmouth, Neb. 8-3:.'l FOR SALE 1IY . J, METTE H-ii Two doors south of Main street on west side of Sixth, and get a Machine. In Call aiidsu . r.. JUIi;E ELLISON'S CARDS. Judge Ellison informs us that his j always at the High school it should j great Charter Oak Cooking Stove system of cards and cash payment is be freely and largely attended. We The very word suggests the thought nf a well cooked meal, followed by easy i digestion, vigorous healtn, with a, de- working first rate, ami his business is ; have seen the rehearsals andean assure increasing rapidly. We are glad to j our readers it wiil be worth going to bear this, for we most heartily approve i see, and the music also cannot help be- j sire to have plenty of real work to sav ol me pian, anu v.isn xue o uur .m n:g ;i ncaL u au real lovers of good nothing of the comfort of a happy, con-IT'-"..! Uu k, ! music. J tertfsl household. One of the BEST FARMS in Cass county. I offer for sale my old and well known farm, of 1GH Acre, at Glendale. About 100 acres of it are under cultivation, and about 40 acres of y .iui-r. thrifty timber, consisting of oak, hickory. :-.:ivcr maple, walnut, Cottonwood, we., o.c. Also a ' T T rt"T TIIT? Ti T TITf I TT l young orchard of fruit trees, en izu -aw. : A 1 1U lV--'llLiIt, The farm is partly inclosed bv a lluacv L... .; ,t i O- neuge, is well watered for all uses. There is also six acres of Island timber four and a half miles distant. There arc two railroad stations at 1 and I'i O- liiiles distant. The Gleudalc Pustofflee and a scnooi nouse on the rami. Price", SJ.'KiO; one- i O- fourth down ; for the balance, any t'me re quired wiil be given by paying Interest in ad. vance. Apply to the subscriber! A. L. Child, of To T. rr. "Wttpft rjt t Co, or " S5TTTlf & 'WrKTW 11. Oldest and best established Meat Market in the place. o IIatt Always to be Foe Kb There. Not changing constantly, but the Old Reliable Sixit, where you can j;ct your Steaks, ituasts. Game, P'ish and Foul in season. SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET. j One Door. West of Heraij) Office, Fi.AT'T??roTj-nr, Xjte. PLATTSMOUTH Grain Company. E. G. DOVEY, Pres't- ! E. T. DUKE, Treas. ; ITtED. COIJDEIJ, Ihiycr. This Couijiiiuy will buy grain at ILe liijjh market rates at all times. Scab's and flc; at E. Cm. Dovey, Store. lower. Main Street, i'latLsiuoutli, Neb. Y.,yl THE BEST IS ALW AYS THE CBEAPE T For your Groceries go to J. V. Weckbach, Corner Third and Main street, Plattsmouth. (Guthmann's old stand.) He keeps on hand a lare ani well taleeted stock of FANCY GROCERIES. COT FEES. TEAS. SUGAR. SYRUP, BOOTS SHOES, &.C., &C., &c. &c. til Cohhection with tlie Grocery is a Bikery and Confectionary. Highest price paid for Country Product ts?A full stock at all times, and will not be un dersold. Take notice of the sign "EMPIRE BAKERY ANT GROC2BY. u ij'l. 5'Ci;Ka u-2-?5 " s-1, - A hz- iii ' ' " "' rMm t i .a If 1 - y --: W$m lri iiti -1; -- - -V ' ; mi, wiw ' -. 'J- ... v , . v