Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 16, 1874, Image 4

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If one were to judge, from the denunci
ation heaped upon Congress, of the char
acters and rjualificnt ions of the members
of that body, and of their devotion to
their public duties, he would set them
down as not only a very inferior set of
men, but wholly actuated by bad and
criminal instincts. That portion of the
press which calls itself "independent"
and "liberal," but which never fails to
demonstrate its independence and liberal
ity by exhibitions of narrow, carpinir
criticism, base personal selfishness and
sensational denunciation of all who stand
in its way ; which arrogates to itself the
possession of all the culture and brains
in the country, has taken upon itself the
work of holding up the present Congress,
individually and collectively, to public
ridicule and contempt, liy turns its
members are denounced as corrupt
and imbecile, while scarcely a measure
lias been proposed or introduced
which has not been reflected to
the public through the same jaundiced
vision. Now, what are the facta to offset
this " liberal" view of our law-makers?
Manifestly they are of a nature to justify
entirely opposite opinions and conclu
sions. Aside from those Congresses
which had to meet the issues of our
reat civil war, and the subsequent re
construction of the Southern States, few,
if any, of its predecessors have been com
pelled to grapple with as momentous and
perplexing questions. None lias ever ad
dressed itself to the work which it found
upon its hands with more real earnest
Eess, and judging from the results
achieved, aud those w hich may with con
fidence be predicted, with more of genuine
ability and statesmanship. It has taken
time and much discussion to arrive at a
settlement of these great questions of the
day, but progress has been continually
evident to every one who had a wish or
care to s e it. The statement of a few
points will afford the reader who has a
desire to judge correctly with some data
for properly estimating the Forty-third
Congress :
1. It has been freer from the manipula
tion of the lobby than any of its predeces
sors lor the past thirty years. Nothing in
the nature of special privileges to any
class has found favor with it, or is likely
to, during its continuance. This is a
great point gained an isolated fact in the
history of recent Congressional legislation.
2. It lias, by large majorities in each
branch, distinctly avowed its determina
tion to adopt measures which will give
financial ease and business security to the
country. While its action, through the
passage of a distinct measure, has not yet
crystallized into permanent form, this
emphatic indication of its probable course
in the near future has already alForded a
vast and most visible relief to every
branch of business throughout the nation.
Confidence is fiist resuming its sway, and
business will resume its accustomed
courses the present spring with more of
lite and vitality than it has felt during
the past two years.
3. The House, after a long discussion,
and the most thorough examination and
scrutiny, has passed a bill looking to an
eventual settlement of the transportation
problem, which has so vitally allected
every interest of the country, but more
especially of the West. It has taken this
action not inconsiderately, as if impelled
to "do something" by a popular and un
reasoning clamor, but in a broad, compre
hensive, and statesmanlike spirit, which
looks judicially upon every interest as
entitled to its equal measure of justice.
4. It has done noble work in reducing
the appropriations. Those reductions
promise to amount to at least $ 15,000,000
to $ 0,000,000. II vpenditures for the armv
and navy have been especially reduced,
while it is in contemplation to diminish
the military forces so that still further
reductions can be made in the future.
The pub ic expenditures have never un
dergone such thorough care and scrutiny.
This lact, viewed in connection with that
other fact that the country is growing
with such unexampled rapidity, whereby
new duties are constantly devolved upon
the public administration, show a record
in favor of governmental economy which
has never been surpassed. It is well to
consider it fully.
it. It has repealed the injudicious Salary
act of the last tession, and in obeelience
to the popular judgment refused to re
store the franking privilege in any shnpe
or form. More than this, it has rigidly
and jealously guarded its own current ex
penses, and lias largely reduced them in
many eiirections.
Other tacts might be tdd need to show
that the present Congress is doing a good
work for the country, and making a most
e xcellent record for itself", but these are
the principal topics which have enlisted
its attention thus far. They all show that
the wholesale abuse which it has re
ceived, and is constantly receiving, from
the Satanic element ot the eppositn
press is but the inspiration of disap
peared ambition in the hearts of very
bad men. If the American people ever
bad an opportunity to do justice to an ex
cellent body of men, it is afforded at the
present time in the persons of the domi
nant party in Congress. Chicago Inter-O-nan.
m m
From the Toledo Blaile.l
Tlie Womtn Qf the Cornm Make n
It a Id on Baacom-The Terrible Ie
atrnctlou of Property.
Co.NFEnRiT X Roads, )
(Wich la In the State uv Kentucky,) v
April o, lbTi. )
The cyclone, whose wrath we hoped
hed bin spent in futile endeavors, hez
finally smote us and we are sutl'erin under
the blow. The wimmin uv the Corners
riz in their mite on Friday.
The sun rose brite and smilin from the
eastern horizon the frost wuz all out uv
the ground and the day wuz warm and
balmy. Deck in IVgram came elown the
road barefoot and hilarious. " It's warm
enufJ," sed the old innocent, "to go with
out shoes ! Thank Heaven, I shel not
Lev that expense on me for seven long
The Corners alluz rejoice when its citi
zens kin leave oil shoes in the spring.
ISascom turned away and wept,
"Why do you weep?" sed Pogram.
"Ef I don't Lev to buy sheies yoo will
bev jist that much more for likker for
" Alars!" 6hreekt Bascom, "can't yoo
tee that the warm weather wich enables
yoo to come without shots also enables
the wimmin to walk these streets without
shoes? And hezen't l'ollock and Bigler
and them cusses bin incitin 'em to rage,
and hevn't they bin a bilin in agony "to
git at me, but wuz provedenshly prevented
by the weather? They'll be here to-day
Bhoor, and then "
And liascom bowed his head and wept
Wat Bascom prognosticated did reedy
occur. At ten o'clock precisely a delega
shun of wimmin headed by Lucindy
Gavitt filed around the comer and ap
proached the grocery. We stood on the
porch in an agony of fter.
" They are comin," said Deckin Pogram,
tremblin ez tho he hed ager, " ez terrible
ez a army with banisters."
' Can't we fool 'em out uv this?" sed
" Weod that we cood ! " said Issaker,
" but I doubt it. Lucindy is a runnin this
thing, and she's akoot. Yon can't play
any verm fuge on her."
"Subterfuge, yoo fool," sed I. "In
sich a time ez this, be correct, watsver
yoo are."
Slowly they approached. Bascom
turned pale, and lecvia the porch took
hi3 posishen behind the bar.
"Here," sed he, "I will endoor the
shock. Here where I hev lived and hed
my bein will I die."
The enemy come on, until the hed uv
the perceshin reeched the porch. Lucindy
bore a banner on vrich wuz written, "Liz
Bascom hez stockins we hevn't. Death
to Bascom!" and pokin it in my face ez
fche past me 6he marched with the tread
ef a grenadeer into the room and took up
her posishen in front uv the bar, where
fche looked Bascom sauare in the face.
"The regler thing," sed Lucinely, "ez I
hev hcerd, is for the wimin to pray. Kin
yoo pray, Mrs. Pogram?"
"Nary," replied Mrs. P. "Sich a thing
was never heerd in our house."
" Kin voo pray, Mrs. JlcPelter?"
' And ther can't none uv us. The fact
is that we wuznt brot op to iL I don't
bleeve there's a woman within four miles
uv Baf corn's on less it's a new comer
who kin. But it don't matter. 1 hey bin
leokin at Bascom for five niinits, and I
don't bleeve prayer wood hev any effect
onto him. Its works we want here
works with him, works!"
And that infooriatcd woman, pullin her
sleeves back, displayin an arm wich a
long course uv splittin wood and hoein
taters and whalin Issaker hed made ez
muskeler ez a blacksmith's, uttered her
war-whoop: "Remember, gentle sisters,
Liz Bascom hez stockins, and we haint
none our husbands sell corn wich we
grow, to pay Bascom for likker ! 3Iore
stockins and less likker."
With this e jackelashen 6he sprang over
the low counter and throttled Bascom,
bearin him to the floor.
"Now, sweet sisters," sed she, "while
my trail and fading strength lasts I will
hold this man uv Belial safely lie still,
yco brex)t be it yoor work to go for them
bottles and barrels! Go for em Bas
com's wife hez stockins !"
A dozen ov cm drawd axe-helves from
under their aperns and kep us otf, while
the rest went inside the bar and rolled out
the barrels-and jugs, and split em open.
The precious flooid ran out on the floor
and disappeared betwixt the cracks
thereof forever. We cood do nothin but
look on and weep.
Finally, when the last barrel was bustid
and the last bottle broken, Lucindy let
Bascom up and the pe-rcession, wild with
excitement, marched out ov the place and
dispersed. It wuz a pitiful she! Them
empty barrels wuz muic witnesses uv our
woe them broken bottles hed each a tale
of distress to tell. There wuz an aroma
of likker risin from the tioor and that wuz
all. But who cood live on an aroma!
"Thank Heaven!" sed I ," we hev that
reserve in the stable left. We kin live on
that till you git a noo stock in."
"No yoo can't," replied Bascom, his
voice broken with emotliun. "No yoo
can't. That barrel wuz in among the
rest, and is gone with the rest."
" Why, on why, did you do that?" I
" Kin yoo ask me after the nite you at
tempted to steal it?" sed he. " I'd sooner
trust it with the wimmin than with yoo.
Duplicity meets with its own reward.
Hed yoo played fair yoo wood hev hed a
barrel to go on. Ez it is there ain't a
drop in the Corners and none kin be hed
froin Looisville for six days."
At this Deckin Pogram dropped a stave
wich he hed been lickin and fell faintin
to the floor. Issaker Gavitt, Elder Pen
nibacker and Capt. .McPelter turned away
" Ain't there suthia to revive the crood
old man V" 1 shriekt in agony, feel in that
Bascom must have a privit bottle some
" Yes," Bed he, "I relent. I pervided
for this catastrophv. I bored a hole in
the floor, here, where it is the lowest.
Under that hole, in the cellar, 1 put a tub.
Go down and bring up a wash-basin full
and revive him."
Droppin the old man's head, I ran.
There wuz three inches in the tub. Fillin
two quart bottles which 1 found there and
puttin them in my pockets I hastened
up with the wash-basiniul and held it to
his nose. He drew a long breath and
fastened his lips to the edge. He swallered !
he wuz saved !
We are yet without likker. The Corners
is ez dry ez a lime-kill. I hid my two
bottles where they cant find em, and four
times a day I go and take a modrit nip.
But they cant last long, even yoosed ez
sparinly ez I do. Deekin Pogram is askin
me evry day uv my opinyuu uv the here
after, and the rest uv em would leave the
Corners ef they hed any earthly way uv
gittin out. Bascom hez ordered a new in
voice, but Hevin knows when it wiil
come. Ez I hev but a pint left, may the
day be not far distant. Cureeson Pollock
and Bigler who did this thing.
Pktkolecm V. Nashy,
(Wich wuz Postmaster.)
rastnrinjr Sheep.
Eveky flock master is anxious to get his
sheep at pasture as early in the spring as
possible. This is a laudable and wise
practice, but is sometimes done at the
expense of the pasture and not always to
the best advantage of the flock. If the
pasture is blue grass and of ample ex
tent the sheep may be turned en as soon
as the grass fairly appears. If the pas
ture be of clover the damage to the field
will, perhaps, not be severe, but if of
timothy and clover, sheep, which gnaw
very close on short pastures, often do irre
parable damage by eating away thefrfjulb
at the surface of the earth, which is aiart
of the plant and absolutely necessary, to
the existence of this grass; inde a
meadow may be mown with a scythe so
close as sometimes to kill the crop. , How
much greater, then, the necessity o$ feed
ing sheep until the grass is sufficiently
high, so that no danger may occur fn that
direction. '
31 any farmers believe that every day
gained in turning the stock to pasture is
so much feed saved; such, however, is not
the case, for every extra day the flock is
kept in the yards the grass is getting belter
and better, and. when the flock is turned
on after a week's delay, perhaps,, the
pisture is in such a condition thai t the
animals are not obliged to gnaw tV'the
very roets to get a scanty supply of Vpead
grass mixed with a few short spanft-of
soft and watery blades.
Beside this, if turned to pasture too
soon the flock is almost as much in
clined to refuse pood hay as when turned
on full pasture. The consequence is they
stop growing and lose flesh, and the wool
becomes prematurely loose, and, in any
event, is reduced in quantity and quality.
Do not be in too great a hurry, there
fore, to turn out in the spring, especially
if a few warm elays may have started the
gras3. Cold weather will surely inter
vene perhaps severe storms of rain, snow
and sleet. The grass will keep, and the
sheep will be far better off in the barn or
in good warm sheds, and you will have
the satisfaction of knowing that you can
keep them up to their feed without loss of
appetite or deterioration of the wool.
Once checked at this season, wool does
not so readily recover as earlier in the
season; and, as the animal begins to
thrive on the grass, and warmer days
come on, instead of growing, it loosens
and sometimes begins to drop off before
shearing time. Western Rural.
The. Romance of a Restaurant.
A Chicago correspondent of the Troy
Times says: "A bit of romance recently
came to ray notice which has not before
appeared in print. Some time in Decem
ber last a girl about seventeen years of
age, w ho at that time was serving as table
waiter in a large dining restaurant, was
arrested for stealing a package of money
from the pocket of a gentleman's overcoat
which was hanging in the room while he
was eating his dinner. At the prelimi
nary examination a party swore to having
seen her take the coat down and hang it
up cpiickly again ; that she soon left the
room for a short time ; and, as the money
was not to be found, she was held for trial.
In vain she protesteel that she merely
moved the coat to avoid its getting soiled;
in vain with tearful eyes she offered to be
searched. The circumstances were sus
picious, and the officers inexorable. In
the meantime the gentleman who had lost
the money became interested in her his
tory, found she was an orphan girl, and,
though comparatively friendless, bearing
an excellent character. Further than
this, he ascertained she was of English
parentage, that her name was the same as
his own, and, to make the story short,
from evidence which he could not disbe
lieve, that she was the daughter of his
own brother, whom he supposed to have
died childless in Australia several years
ago. Of course he declined prosecuting
her, and, as he is wealthy and without
near kin, he at once arranged to take her
home with him, on his return from the
West, w hither he was then en route. The
other day he, with his newly-adopted
child so strangely brought to him, started
for New York, whence they will soon
sail for England."
JIost of the shadows that cross our
path through life are cans? d by our stand
ing in our own light.
To Stop the Flow of Blood. An
exchange says there is no better use to
make of fine-cut tobacco than to bind it
upon a fresh wound, and nothing will
stop the flow of blood quicker.
Sugared Pop Corn. This delights all
children, and is within the reach of every
one. One cup sugar (white); half cup
water; boil till it taffies, then sprinkle in
the pop corn, as much as the pan will
hold. If nicely popped, this will sugar
two quarts of corn. Stir well so that it
does not stick together; the grains ought
to separate.
Floating Island. One quart of milk
sweetened; whites of six eggs; wine to
the taste; half pound of pulverized sugar
for the island ; a little currant jelly. Beat
the eggs and add the sugar by degrees,
and as mnch currant jelly as will make
it a fine pink. Pour the milk in a glass
bowl ; with a tablespoon place the island
on it In heaps tastefully arranged.
Egos Cooked Htgiesicaixy. Hard
boiled eggs have always been considered
more difficult of digestion than soft boiled
ones. The reason is this: The white of an
egg is almost pure albumen. Now albu
men coagulates with heat, and is not so
readily acted on by the gastric juice; so
that much of it passes from the
stomach undigested. Persons with
vigorous digestion mav manage a hard
boiled egg so as to extract moot of the
nourishment from it, if it be well masti
cated and mixed with other food. The
yolk of the eggs, however, is not rendered
worse by haref boiling. Eggs boiled just
four minutes have the white part in a part
ly flacculent condition, more easily di
gested, and not so soft as to' be offensive
to any one. An egg may be cooked in
water at a temperature of about 165 de
grees Fahrenheit for fifteen minutes and
leave the yolk well cooked, but the white
will not be rendered tough and hard to
digest. Though more trouhlesome, it is a
good way to cook an egg to render it easy
of digestion as well as palatable. Per
sons whose palates will not tolerate a soft
boiled egg should have them poached
and dropped on toast. Hall's Journal of
An Unrivaled Plum Pudding. Stone
and cut, but do not chop, one and a half
pounds .Muscatel raisins, and cleanse
without cutting one pound of Sultana
raisins; wash and dry two pounds of Zante
currants; cut into small, thin slices six
ounces of mixed candied peel: erate the
rinds of two lemons and one ounce of
nutmeg; add one ounce of ground cinna
mon, one-half ounce of poundeel bitter
almonds, two pounds of finely-chopped
beef suet and two pounds of bread crumbs.
Mix these ingredients well together. Beat
the yolks of sixteen etrgs and two pounds
of sugar to a froth ; beat separately the
whites of the eggs till they will cut
smoothly. "When this is done stir one
fourth pint of brandy into the dry ingre
dients; add quickly the beaten yolks and
whites, a little at a time, alternately; bew,
the whole rapidly together till well mixed.
Butter well and flour a stout new pud
eling cloth or a pudding mold; put in
the pudding, tie down very tightiy and
closely; boil eight hours. Serve with
brandy or lemon sauce. This quantity is
enough for fourteen persons. Sauce. Add
the juice of three lemons or one-fourth
pint of brandy to one-half pound of suear,
a grated nutmeg, the rind of one lemon,
and one-fourth pound of butter. Pour on
one-half pint of boiling water; stir well
and serve. Hearth and Home.
Bedding Out Verbenas.
Charles Lanman writes to the New
World writes upon bedding out verbenas
as follows, which the Western Rural in
dorses, except as to the distance apart at
which they are planted. The latter pa
per says: "We should plant a bed of
this size say about fourteen inches apart
the long way of the bed, in two rows; the
rows nine inches from the edge the other
way; the second row breaking in between
the first. In this way the bed is covered
much sooner, and more perfectly, ami the
difference in the number of plants is but
a small item." The correspondent says:
"Turn over a new bed in the grass, or,
if your lawn is a geometrically arranged
seven by nine plat, where the prass is a3
rigorously excluded as Canada thistles,
get a wagon load of earth from some
place where grass grows upon It. Make
your verbena bed of this. It need not be
rich in barnyard ingredients; quite the
reverse. As a rule early-bought plants
from the green-house do not succeed as
well as those kept through the winter on
the window sill at home. If you get your
plants of the nurseryman keep them by
you some time before setting them out.
In early spring the temptation i3 great to
adorn a little bed with a couple of dozen
verbena plants, fresh from the nursery, all
in blossom. They look lovely the day
you put them out; but ere long there
comes a cold wet rain' that drizzles
color all out of the flowers and turns the
leaves a sort of russet color which disfig
ures the bed until July. It does not pay
to crowd the season with a profusion of
hothouse bloom.
" Set the plants into a box of earth and
keep them growing in the house till the
frosts are safely passed. Tney are grow
ing and maturing all the while; nothing
is lost, ever thing gained, by the patient
waiting. Six plants are enough for a bed
six feet by three ; they will cover it by
Mingling the Milk of Different Cows.
At a recent meeting of the dairymen
one of the members gave some interesting
details in regard to experiments in ming
ling the milk and cram of cows of differ
ent breeds. He found that the mixed
milk from two breeds will not produce a3
much butter as the same milk churned
separately. The explanation is in the
variation in the sizes of the globules.
When a large globuled milk and a small
globuled milk are churned together the
larger globules separate first into butter,
and the breaking of the smaller globules
appears to be retarded. When, therefore,
a Jersey cow is kept in an Ayrshire or
Dutch herd for the purpose of influencing
the color of the butter, the large globules
of the Jersey milk are broken first in the
churn, and, while the smaller globules are
being broken, the butter which came first
is being over-churned, and theoretically,
at least the quality of the result is im
paired, if not the quantity lessened. When
a few Ayrshire or Dutch cows are kept in
a herd of Jerseys and the milk churned
together, both theoretically and prac
tically, a large portion of the butter of the
small globuled milk is left in the butter
milk in a state of globules. A like appli
cation may be made to herds of native or
grade cows. Unless there is uniformity
within certain limits in the milk globule
there is a loss of product. When uniformity
is so seldom found in the external shapes
of a grade or native herd, it is not probable
that any greater uniformity exists between
their functional productions. X. Y.
Reed's Temple ot Music, ( hleago.
Good second-band pianos, $125 to $200.
New Rosewood pianos, f 200 to $ -00.
New Square Grand pianos, fliW to f 475.
Warranted to please or money refunded.
To Pretext Motus' Ravages.
Hemp, when the blossoms are just opened,
is an infallible preservative of textile fab
rics and furs against the attacks of moths.
The stalk with leaves and flowers is cut
when blooming (about July), and dried
in the shade. It is said to" preserve its
properties for several years.
Don't Tamper with a Ujld. Perhaps In
the whole category of diseases to which hu
manity is susceptible, the cough is most neg
lected in its early stage. A Bimple cough is
generally regarded as a temporary affliction
unpleasant and nothing more; but to tbote
who have paid dearly for experience, it is the
signal for attack for the most fearful of all
diseases Consumption. A cough will lead to
consumption if not checked so sure as the
rivulet leads to the river, yet it is an easy ene
my to thwart, if met by the proper remedy.
Allen'' Lung Ealxam is the great cough rem
edy of the age, and it has earned its reputation
bv merit alone. Sold bv all good druggists.
Dr. A. Johnson, one of the most successful
practitioners of bis time, invented what i now
called Johnson' Anodyne Liniment. The
(Treat success of this article in the cure of
Bronchitis and alf diseases of throat and lunza
wiil make the name of Johnson not less favor
ably, if less widely known, than that of Iouia
Come, and Let Us Reason Together. ;
To the afflicted in douv we oner a iew
words of plain, practical reasoning. No
matter under what form of sickness you
labor there is one great truth you should
ever keep in mind, viz.: All disease origi
nates in an impure condition of the blood.
Purify that, and the disease must depart,
for it has nothing to feed on; butyou can
not purify the blood by the use of poison
ous drugs and exhaustive stimulants; the
relief which these afford is temporary and
deceptive, leaving you worse off at every
interval. The best Blood Purifier ever dis
covered is Dr. Walker's Famous Vin
eoar Bitters, compounded of simple
herbs. No matter how hopeless your case
may seem, try the Vinegar Bitters, and
a few draughts will convince you of their
virtue. Dr. Walker, the discoverer of
this priceless remedy, had been given up
to die by the physicians and is now
a sound and healthy man from their
use. 30
Dr. W ilhoft's a nti-Periodic ok Fever
and Ague Tonic! Wilhoft's Tonic has estab
lished itself as the real infallible Chill c-ure.
It is universally admitted to be the only re
liable and harmless Chill medicine now in use.
Its efficacy is confirmed by thousands of cer
tificates of the very best people from all parts
of the country. It cures malarious diseases
of every type, from the shaking airues of the
lakes and valleyi. to the raging fevers of the
torrid rone. Try it t It has never been known
to fail. WnEELOCK, Fin lay & Co., Propri
etors, New Orleans.
Where Does It Come From)
Pints and quarts of filthy catarrhal dis
charges. Where does it all come from ? The
mu'xm membrane, lining thechambers of the
nose, and its little glands, are cli.-eat-ed, so 'hut
they draw from the blood its liquid and ex
posure to the air changes it into corruption.
This life-liquid was to build up the system but
it is extracted aud the system is weakened by
the loss. To cure, gain flesh and strength by
using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
which also acts directly upon these glands,
correcting them, applying Dr. Sasre's Catarrh
Kemedy with Dr. Pierce's Nasal Douche, the
only method of reaching the upper cavities
where the discharge accumulates and comes
Monkde, Onachita Parish, La., Sept. 15, lsll.
R. V. PlEKCE, L V. :
Sometime about last June I commenced the
use of your medicines, and they have entirely
cured me of Catarrh of twenty years' ptanding.
Kespectfully, Mrs. C. E. Phillips,
Tiie Organ as a household instrument
has been rapidly growing in favor, and the
yearly sales are now enormous. A good
Organ remains in tune, is easily kept in
order, and blends naturally with the
quality of the voice. The advertisement
of the Smith American Organ Co., in an
other column, is referred to the considera
tion of our readers. This house has an
enviable reputation for good work and
fair dealing.
The Magic Inkstaxd. Millions of these
valuable articles have leen sold in Europe,
and since their introduction into this country
the demand has been equal to the supply. It
bids fair to sweep all other inks out of the
market. It is called " magic" simply because
you pour water into one end of the " little fac
tory," and ink of the best quality comes out of
the" either. For sale by R. C. Rexrr, Anthony
it Co., New York City; J. M. AY". Jones, Chi
cago, and all stationers.
Money and Experiknce Five Hundred
Thousand dollars, aud Fifteen years' experi
ence have made the National Surgical insti
tute, Indianapolis, Indiana, the largest and
most beneficent of its kind in America. It
cures annually thousands of cases of deformi
ties of the Spine, Limb and Face, Catarrh,
Chronic Diseases, Piles and Fistula. By writ
ing to the Institute a large journal giving
full particulars will be sent you free.
nANNAFORD & Tttomtrox, Publishers,
Chicago, sold the first large edition of
Periam's "History of the Farmer's Move
ment" in two wreeks. A second edition,
embracing proceedings of the St. Louis
Convention held in Feb , 187-4, is just be
ing issued. Acents are reaping a rich har
vest with it. We advertise it this week.
Every one kno-vs that a cold or cough
ought not to be neglected. Use Dr. Wishan's
Pine Tree Tar Cordial, which can be had
of any druggist. Dr. Wishart's Worm Sugar
Drops are the best remedy for worms ever dis
covered. Some Parents spend their money for Patent
Medicine to cure their children's colds. Some
stve their money and prevent the colds by
buying SILVER TIPPED Shoes, which never
wear through at the toe. -
The public ere hereby assured that Corson
Purintiie Pill contain no injurious principle,
but that they may be administered to children
and the mot weak and shattered constitu
tions in small doses with great certainty of
cloe by McVicker's Theater, in the heart of
the city, is $1.00 per day, and first-class in
every respect.
Thirty Years' Experience of an Old
Mrs. Wixstow's Soothing Strvp Is tho proncrlp
tloa of one ofthe beet Female PhjBlcians and Kursct
la tbe United States, and has been used for thirty
years with never-falling safety and success by mill
ions of mothers and children, from the feeble infant
of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity ol
the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bow
els, and Rives rest, health, and comfort to mother and
child. We believe It to be the Best and SureBt Keme
dy In the orU In all cases of DYSENTERY and
DIARRHOEA IX CHILDREN, whether it arises from
Teething or from any other cause. Full directions
for us - will accompany each bottle. None Genuine
unless me fac-shnile of CURTIS & PERKINS la on
the outside wrapper. (
Sold by all Mkdictxk Dealers.
Children Often Look. Pale and Sick
From no other cause than having worms in the stom
win destroy Worms without Injury to the chlld.hclng
perfectly whitb, and free from ' .lorlng or other
injurious Ingredients usually used in worm prepara
tions. CURTIS Sc BROWN, Proprietors,
Ko. 215 Fulton street, New York.
Sold by DruggliU and Chemist, and Dealer it
Medicines, at Twekty-fitk Cxnts a Box.
"NOTHING HETTER." said rr. John Warc.or
lioston, than Cutler Bros.' celebrated VEGETABLE
fULMOXAUX R A I.R AM tfnr:oliland Consumption.
CyAsTHM can be cured. See Hurst's advertise-mint.
Why They Should Be Kept Al
ways Near at Hand.
1. Pain-Killer Is the most certain cholera cure that
medical science lias ever produced.
2j Allen's Lung Baloam, as a cough remedy, has no
3. Pain--Ktller will core cramps or palnn In any part
of the sjstem. A siugie dose usually effects
a cure.
4. Allen's Lung Balsam contains no opium in any
5. Pain-KUler will enre dyspepsia and Indigestion
if used accordingto directions.
& Allen's Lung Balsam as au expectorant has no
7. rain-Killer has proved a soverclcn remedv for
fever and ague, and chill fever; it has cured
the most ob-tiuate cses.
8. Alli-n's Lung Balsam Is an excellent remetlv for
curing bronchitis, aathiua, aud all throat
9. Pain-Klller ns a linlm,nt Is nnefinaled for frost
bites, chilblains, burns, bruises, cuts, fepraius,
10. Allen's Lang Balaam will cure that terrible
disease, consumption, when all other rtmu
riies fail.
11. raln-KlIler has cured cases of rhenmatiiin and
neuralgia after j ears' standing.
12. Allen's Lung Balsam is largely indorsed hy phy
sicians, druggists, public speaker, milliliters,
and the press, all of whom recommend its ue
In cases of couph, cold ant roiiKiuuption, and
commend It in the highest terms.
The above reasons for the rise of these valuable
and standard medicines are founded on facts, aud
thousands will confirm what we have on id. The de
mand for them Is Increasing dally, and large aaies are
made in foreign countries.
J. N. HARRIS &. CO., Prop'rs,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
For sale by all Medicine Dealers.
With on box ARABS DEAD SHOT. Price 2Sc Ask
your storekeeper for It. JOHN F. HENRY Co,
New York. JOHNSON. HOLLO WAY & CO.. Phila.
Male or Female. a week warranted. No cap
ital required. Full particulars and a valuable aample
sent free. Address, with fr cent return s'amp, A. L.
YOUNG. gW Ftf tn street. Wllllamsburgh. N. Y.
AGENTS WASTED, Men or Women, fzi a
week or liH forfeited. Thx Secret Frre. Write
at once to CO WEN & CO., Eighth street. New Yori.
I C lr csy 1.COQ .Acenis wanted. Pend stamp
I r toA.n I'l.AIli e:.. f-t. Lonis. Mo.
Q70 EACH WEEK. Agents wanted. Particu
J I J iara tree. J. Wobth & Co-, Su Louis, Mo.
AVlijr "Will Yon Suffer J
To all persona suffering
from Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Cramps In the limbs or stom
ach. Bilious Colic, Pain in the
back, bowels or side, we would
say Tn TIorsBiioLD Panacea
akt Familt Liximixt Is of all
others the remedy you want
for internal and external use.
It has cured the above com
plaints In thousands ot cases.
There is no mistake about It.
Try It. Sold by all Draggles.
The Little Rock & Fcrt Smith
In the rich valley of the Arkansas River, ansurpassed
In tlie production of Cotton, Corn, i rmw. Vetr.-tables
tlie ViiiH. and all cereals. 1 he inexhaustible fer
tility of the soil ; the climate (average anuual temper
ature for December. January, February, an I Slarcn,
-Vut43 F.T, permitting agriuHural labc 'en
months of the year ; the unquestioned heal -a ot the
valley ; the vnrious and abundant timber, anl R-ood
water, with the rapid development of the htate in
r.mlrosds. population, and peneral Improvement
combine to reuder these 1 .nds the
yf-CPLAVDS from 2.50 to $6 00, and P.I VEr. BOT
ToMS from 1U.00 to $15.UU per acre, on long credit.
Exploring Tickets and Liberal Arrange
ment! with Colonies.
CaUroad anil Steamboat Connection
ivilh. St. IjduU and Jlemphi.
orMaps and rstnphlets, free, address,
X. S. IIOWR,L.yi Commissioner,
The most tender, sweet and dellclons variety .prown ;
free from any bitter or unpleasant t:ite ; beads large
and solid, often weighing 8 lbs. Sin&le pit pre. M5c.
r pkjs. SI. A LtnEKii. Discount to Jai.eks.
I iSeiid for .Drr' ff-trden Calendar for Is 7 4, 168
psire, illustrated, with practical directions. Mulled
t HJCK to all applicants. HEVRY A. DUEEK,
711 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
in ni f-
z 2
2 -
o c
4 u
m m - n
-II ' '
"n i 10 2. 3
r f
i-r. 5 &s
M t 1?
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ra .
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P V 3 3 ? i3n
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r-. 3 S W 5 tf "
-TS Z3 2 5-S r ?' l
n cL$. 3- ? so
3 rfS -3 3
a Si, -t - ir. '-' 3 -i T
P.'lnir full and authentic accornt of the stnnrgles
of the American Farmers airainst the extortions of
tuo liuilroad Companies, with a history of tlie rise
and profrress of the Order of Iatron8 of Husbandry,
its ol jecta and orospeets. It sellsnt sitrbt. Hend for
specimen paces and terms to Agents, and see why it
elM faster tlian any other book. AddressHATION Alt
fUBLlSHINtir CO., Chicago, I1L or St. Louis lo.
p S UTIrt H t'cscrnpuloii" publishers have taken
UriU I C J 3 s 8d vantage of the great demand for
this History of the Cranse Moren.eut, to issne unreli
able works on the subject mere rornr-'ltitiomrotn ay
r cu luriil tinchpntierx. Do not be imposed upon. See
that the book j va buy is indorsed by tho leading
Orunui s.
Diploma award
1 by tlie Ameri-
u I ii it insiKuiv
Jvear. A. W. Thomas.
tJLfJ'.- Dipl.
r?feTfeJ-li5-aW' ePatontee aid Jlaniilac
B K'al!A4t nrer, for the Lightest.
R-i;:'. riifaV'at ronpebt and moat
fIV?K I comfortable Bustle
IWVi'iS! lffi.J?'a The htandard LotU-
thnt can be worn, bizeg
to buir every eijitui ua. Wholesale Depots :
91 imiTK STIEKiTT, NKW VOltfC,
SOI It AOS ST.. l'MllAJt:irJIIA.
Increased Facilities to Club Organizers.
Send for Xew Prlce-LIst.
r. O. Box CG13. SI and33VeBey St.. X. Y.
To tell, dirt.-1 t runjtumeri, Tti Uaoi;p.sw i L ; Or, T!)
FAli3Ii:i!S' 310V E3IEXT.
Bt J. I'IKI.M. Flitnr Wcs'f'a It.inl. Chlmro. CorrpWte nd
K'rli.hl-. , ,.,. p to .-...iif-mf. V-74. 4 ,H ;
1UU K.n.-r.Lliics. CJ"TM to.1 Vmk is ( 1"'.
and icltina 6 Vr te-m. l-rru.Ti. .. "
JiANNM'iHto THOMSON, 183 K. s.-Hucfn St.. C.i. ..
CATJTIOf. Interior wnrki. uom cmpJuumt. ari
po.licl. Ho nt Le tiiiw".l on. lr. ivrmm's 'yirk t l I.
ul.orUorice. nd inaorel br Ui Gr.i Lender. Aoiu olhtr u.
Edited br Geob.ik Kipley and Cms. A. Ta?:a. To
be completed In 16 vols., profusely Illustrated. Five
vols, now rbadt. Iued bi-inoDthlv. Sold by sub
scription only. Send for Specimen 1'acres.
1). AWL ETON 4 CO., Publishers.
549 & 551 Uroadway, liew York.
WHAT ARE Pll.r.m
IJKAD! "1'LAIX 151.1 .NT
Facts," a Treatise ou the
Causes, History, Cure aud
l'revr-uuiin of 11 Lt. l'ul
lishel ty P NKI TAKI
I'KK A "., Walker Street.
Ve- York. Sent K ft K K to all
iiarts ot the Vnited States on
receipt of a lftter stamp.
I Is 51
a a
Area modern stove
polisb.far better than
any vtuer in exist
Are better, because
llit-y pive a fltiei
eloss tin
u any other
Yield a brilliant silverr sheen, with less than naif the
labor required wueu other polishes are used.
Are a neat and clean
ly article, niakini; io
nir anal wliuu
Can be tised evrn In
Him rmrlor. without
tlie trouble ot removing
f nrnltnre or enrpets.
nn' no distfr-eralile sulphurous or strong acid smell
ii"it I'.repartd tor use, but are pleasant and harmless.
Are prtt up in neat
styie, t nd in a form
liurj convenient for
iiso any otiier
polish. Tn eae bojc
are 1- RtU ; 1 sticic
Is sulhVient for any
htove.Thusall waate
is paved. Are the cheapest polish in the market, be-cau-e
one box at 1 .ei'iits will polish as much surface
as cents' orlli of tuo old polishes.
ITave Jnst taken the
lirst premium at
luitiauapolia Exp
i the 9 in competition wltn
t t!ir H 1 -4 'several of the best
o.-,l- J a 1 of the Old stove pot
Tiny Cri-mbh ok Comfort of vonr storekeeper, f he
lias llipiii, or will procure them lor you. if not, send us
one dollar, vour name, and the mime of your nearest
express station, and we will send you ten boxes, and
samples of Uartlctfs Blacking and t'earl Ulueuitf, lree
of Cf'tt
Ckcmbs of CownsT can be had of all Wholesale
Grocers and Dealers in the I'nited States, and Uetiiil
Dealers will Dud them the most prolitanlc front the
fiirt that they are tho iabtcht-stliiu article of the
kind iu the market.
113 XortU Front St., PUiladelrihU
113 Cliambers StM New York.
43 Broad St.. Boston.
FT A vfn:& y- 'FTUREI rl FiSKfONS!
TRUSS. k 3 Xptjii.1 Ivrtcct H
1 lTUKLil
mitt. Theln-
tZ'.J? i-ilv l,r Mi tliU.
fr-ff mention of The Jlastic
1 ru.8 13 wunoui douoi
th ' most iinoortnnmicd
lral discovery of tne cen
turv The le-iulthof this
new discovery for thf certain relief anatuf of Her
nla are mobt astonishing and iratnyihr. This new
Truss is worn with perlect'coiiifort night and Imj.
It yields to irery motion of the oodv. always return
ing the rupture ilurlmr the hardest cxercine or sever
est strain, and if the directions nro followed a rer
tnanent cure ill oon beetlW ted. Ko well-Informed
person will now wear any of the old-rashioned metl
sprinK trusoes tliat were f ornierly nsed. but now dis
carded. Tliis new Truss lsent ny Wall or Express to
all parts of the countrv, with full directions for fit
ting. A full descriptive circular will be sent free. If
reuuPrted, by mail. The Elastic Truss will hn sun
plied to the snrjjeon Genet si'solflee.on any
pensioners who are entitled to a Truts from the Gov
ernment. l7!orthe length of time a patient has
been ruptured ill not prevent a cure.
From the ntim-cron' testimonials In our possession
we append the following :
" After the expTlence of month, patients testify
strongly to its rticacy, as well as to the tuye and free
dom from Inconvenience with which the instrument
Is worn. P 1th superior advantages, tli? I'lu-t c 2'i n
p(gosseS in a hK'h decree re(tiisites and qualitl
catlons cl iimed for otiier inventions. I have no lies
ltmlon In recriline it as an important means for tho
relief and cure of Hernia. t
" .'.. M. CAByOCHAX.M. D.,
"Ex irfnlth rifricer of the Port of New York. Snr-
fi-o.'k-i.u-Chiuf of .Sew Voii Mate Hospital," etc.,
New Y.-iuk. jrr.rrh liHh, 1STL
Geo. V. ITorsT;, M. T . Suit. Elust ie Truss Co.:
Mir ,s.r Af UTsuiieriiiK f..r thirty years in my own
person from the tu" of e";rv mrm of Metallic Truss
procurable in this country and in Europe, I two years
ano applied your Elastic T i and Eince that time 1
have cxnenonced cojurort nhd sutisfnetion, and been
tautrhtthe truth that the Elliptic Truss is the only in
strument that should be used for the re.iet aud cure
of Hernia ; and now, alf-r More than thirty years'
continuous practice, and i:evt:i;r mljusled many hun
dreds of Truss, s (aird for tije hist twenty mouths
your exclusively), I pmrefuiiv iierl9r.? It to be mv
dell Derate opln ou that iniir JJlniic i-' is tlie only
one entitled l the confidence of ihepuhlie : that elas
ticity is the only power ht nil adapted to the require
ments of a Truss i r Supporter, and am convinced that
your Etttti 'J rus artuuTlv cures a isre proportion
of all casts to which it is applied, not only among
children, hut in numerous caees within my own
kuowledce of patients from 50 to years of ne.
XV. H. niTKNHAM. M. !..
ProfeFrir of Anatomy and Surgery, N. Y. E. Medical
GS3 Broadway, Xeiv York.
L 2?-.i--fl J -
Naturs's Great Remedy
It ts the vital principle of the Pino Tree, obtained
by a peculiar process in the distillation of the tar. by
which (is highest medicinal properties are retainea.
Tar even in its crude state has been recommended by
eminent physicians of rvery tcknol. It is confidently
offered to the afflicted for the following simple reasons:
I. It CURES, net by abruptly stopping the cough
but by dissolving the phlegm and assisting' nature to
throw oil the unhealthy matter causing the irritation.
In cases of seated consumption it both prolongs and
renders less burdensome the life.of the afflicted sufferer.
3. Its healing principle acts upon the irritated stir,
face of the lungs, Penetrating to each diseased fart,
relieving pain, and subduing inflammation.
3. It purifies and enHichbs the blood. Positive
y curing all humors, from the common pimple or
bruption to the severest cases of Scrofula. Thousands
cf affidavits could be produced from those who have
felt the beneficial effects of I'inb Trek Tar Cordial
in the various diseases arising from impurities ov
4. invigorates the d'gestive errgant and restore
the appetite.
All who have known or tried Dr. L. Q. C. Wis
hart's remedies require no references from us, but the
names of thousands cured by them can be given to
any on vho doubts our statement. Dr. L. Q- C.
Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills and
Worm Sugar Drops have never been equalled, for
tale by all Druggists and Storekeepers, and at
Ao, X33 JV'. Second St., fhUad'a,
Umtrella&Parasol Manufacturers.
216 Market St., 13, 15 & 17 SoutH Thlrtl
498 Ss 50O Broadway, XEW YOUIC.
aloguo for 1874 will
be sent free to Apents on applirntton.
IU,o. Our new Maps of INDIANA,
the best and cheapest published.
5 Barclay Street. Hew York.
AGENTS WAXTFD to sell our Justly-celebrated
Articles for Ladies" wear. Indispensable and ab
solutely necessary. 10,000 SOLI) JIOVT1I
They rive eomf.Tt and satisfaction. X
sent on receipt of S'i.UO, FKKE. bend for lllus
tratcd Circular. LIS l'LKLc. RUBBER O..
Oiamtwra street, .New Voik.
A O C It iT O 'fake more moner selling STI
X SI C l I a3 v r Ks I'atkst miOO.M than ar.
" w other article. One Apent mad'
i ar.v
Affent inailn
97.-a in ji aavs. rceeommenued or Am. Agrictillur
M and over 100.000 families usinp thm. Cirrif
lars Jree. CLKGO it CO., 20 Cortland St., Y.
Ily sending MS eenU, with age. heltrht. color of eyes
and hair, you will receive a correct picture of your
future husband or wife, with name and date of mar
riage, Vi. I'OX, P. . Drawer A i, Kultonville, X. Y.
I? i V fcv.lld 2i cts. w.l.i a. Ill
x! (3 I receive po.rrin!d Kin
.."-. audi tir;;eti i
Pt t"; r. Co., lurf Mi
C l!"i
Imrf.-ia U:v
pp A TEA AGENTS wanted in town and
I country to sell TEA, or get up club or-
dersfor the largest Tea Company In
America. Importers prices and Inducement to
e-ent. Send for rirenlar. Address
P.OBEUT LLLS. 3 Vesey St.. X. Y. P. O. Box 1287.
I iri,JM wanted for the cr-nt I:KCEI1T book.
Afci.Haira-CfGU Cf TSIit33 TTOiTH ZiTC'V.T 5,
rvMU'B l)VHiT Sfil. ndid rif Ri'M" ' f
t.X I l(A 1 fclt:. . oiiifnt mal l'ub. I'c, St. Lou j.
Owner cleared 81,200 lat senxnn. KorjiarUeulara
address A. W. PERCY X: CO., .
84 and 86 State direct, Chicago.
w TO $11) F K If. !. V -Ile nt Home
i- by it Xo Laily can do witliuut it. lsui-i-9
M lief licht ar.d pleasant. i?cud 'J5 cent and
3-c ni tnnip to It. P. CHILD, for ou'fit, at
'Wtiseca. Wusec t'oU'ity. Minnesota.
Atjiii Bcudii'K u theadareasol Leu pers.'Uo, i u it
la I !cts.. wiil receiTevTree abeautiful Chrnnio and
Cti piinstrucuoua how to get rich, City
3 fc. I nfrliv 1 0S wuih 'h Kt.. t'.-.iiA.. P-
IPI'VTv UMVTrn to send fr cl'cn'sr, and S"U
AUL.tlS iJ.1L1J i lonil'n Monopolies
nnl the Penple," r otner fast s-ldn book
Allkn BroomhaLL. PnIis e. Muratine. I.iw.
1 the ra'.nabb: boot we give to all. Full of facts, ftgr-
s and iun:4 patres:oo piciure. ihi iujc iwu luuin
I address BlacilLE & Co., 713 Broadway, Y.
aad aui
Will be sent free by mail to any one aendlne their
addreia to 714 Bhuadway, Xi Yosav.
N :t . 3
Bv nrtist.'r denlrntnff and mrf)il mannfacnrinewe
roduce better I'nihreUaaaud I'arasols tnau are made
1 Lurope or America.
If vou want Serviceable TTmbrellas and the latest
style of f-yrasola, Inquire for our Lufce.
Moot for our 2 rude Mark. ,
& m m
Dunham ti Sons, Manufacturers,
Warerooms, 18 East Ulh Street,
EstabUliedl634. KEW YQftCv.
Saul for Illustrated CimXir and Price List.
Nearly a Quarter of a Century.
50,000 ORGANS SOLD !
The Follcy of this Company Is to usfl the best ma
terials without regard to c..t. Its employe. epe
cl:illy thoe tn leading pnttt h-us, have li'ii fmni.iBr
with the iiianiifacture of reed iuairuuien from tho
Infancy of the business.
The eases are solidly constructed, and from MW
and Kleha vt IUmiinh. , .
1 he manufacturers claim tlmt they have sureeeded
In proiluciiiK the wi-wt Htiu-.fai-torit limmonv erer
hr'ird rnmi Hie.1: while at the i-nir.e time tholr Or
gaus have never ttren equal! power.
The following letter, from tho Most Eminent Or
ganist in the U. S.. refer to an Orsran caw used in
the Itev. Dr. TaluiHUgc's church. Tlie Orsan formerly
used, made by auothcr houe, had proved Insufficient :
Dr Sir I owe von personally my best thanks
for M-udinit to uh ith'e Hruoklt n T.tbernncle Conijre.
iralion) "lie of the Suiitli Aa.erican Keed Organs t.)
the Academy of Music. It is peif'-i tlv wonderf'il
that so siiihII an lristrumeiit In ii.o should have sum
clent power to lead a roncrcsation of 10 ninny thou
sund people. Thu Trustees, uh well as inym-lf. ar
much pleased Willi 1U The onaiity of Til is alxo all
that can be desired. It hpeaks for Itself: and all I
have met with, who attend the services, speak of It as
most satinfnetory. Accept my thanks, and belieio
me to reuittin iuot respectfully y.mrs.
(.K. W. i:oi:u.V?f, Organist.
Xiw YoEK.Fcb. 4, leel
Sew Instrument of a Krfinetl Quality of
Tone, for 1'rlvate Hontem
Catalogue sent to any address en application.
This Is the famous Vii;uatir" TnnESitER.
which Ims crealcil Mich a revolution in the Crude
and become so rri.i.Y estsiilimikp tn tlie
"loji'linir Thrcslier" of tliis l:iy and Um.
Mrc scoii t liniisinnl puicli.-isci suii'l ninety
tliintsiind Rniiii misers I'.n'iiouncc l liesc niac.limcs
EM ii:i.i.v im'iji ai.i.kii lor gniin saving, time
savins, aii'l tiioncv milking.
I'our sizes liiaile, viz: 21-Incli, 28
Iiiclt, 32-iiicli, uixl 3i-itt'li l!iiJer,
Willi i, 8, IOhikI 12-lloi t.e ".Homiled"
ruurrv. A !o S-:i ralors " alone " ex
iirewl)'forStraiii l'( fr,nil Improved
Steam .tlncliineo.
All j.einoii! inti'iulinfr to buy Threshintr Ma
chines, r Si'iKiratiirx '-11111110," or Horse l'mven
"nlonc," as ell a-(ill ain Kaisf.hs ami Kaum
EHH i:o vniit their itniin lliresliO'l, saved :im
rlMiul iotl.i- lK'st ailv:int.i'-re, are invite ! tosernl
for our new f'irtv pniro I ihist ntel rum phlet
and Cifctihu-s (si'iilfne) pivinjr lull r. it iculars
alxitit the.-') Iminove I M K'liines aii'l oilier infor valuable to lariucrs ami thrtoliernifii
1UU He Creel:, Mi -h
1 -
1 i. t.B ' . ,ij-5y -. .
- l3?!----.-.A---'ZSS5 -----
PrcdncM Ink of (he Dost Quality for Every-Pay Use,
by Simply AiMic? Water.
(This apparatus eou'ii ns a chemical product hith
erto unknown iu the Art )
ri'B s M.R tty
it. c. it out. A.'riiY S; CO.,
c Lir.KUTV sit:i:k.t, x. y..
Soul iorlpiiid on r ceii tof
101 fe KKi 1 it client Street, IHfAOO
Sandwich Jlanufactiirin? Co.,
10 W Kit fOH.-Sinil.K It S tpopul.irly known
n the " sandwich SheiierB"). vaiyinii In size and ca
; icily to PULt all wants. Farm iiorM-I'owrm.
HuikI t'oi-u-ieIler. .Sole tiiiinufr.cturers of
Hie celebrated IK KIVO ( I 1.T1VA l (H.
Descriptive Circuiars, fuliv illustrated, mulled free
l miy address. J. 1 A U A.M S, Secretary.
' ' , Kntircly of Jlctal, are the only
Jantpt la use wlut-Ii ran iteitner
I) re ale, Irak nnreiplodc, Arror-
41 !' f I, 1 (.awl f 1 1 . T. d1n ( k ...1
k i ? 'iF.'"' f o nil lirtniu hnld vkok: alit Iu
fctores, factories, thurctiea, etc
Selling these Lamps.
AfiFA'Ts WAXTi:D in every county In
the United Stales. Address
C9 Chambers St.. New York.
The fifth edition tvlthin three years j Jut received.
It is the mos' complete and rellahlc work iu print;
1.0o7 patres, subatantiaily bound, price 13. A mahog
any case with complete set of 101 medicines for Jli
Hook and case sent to any part of the United States
and Canada on receipt of f 17. N. H. -It saves twice
its cobtlu every family with children each year. Ad
dress HOLUK KK fc TAKKIt,
llomrropatliic Pharnmry, 11.", Oraudbt., IicW Voriv.
liupineps estahiished in l.'-Ci.
r-JCM rJU LlKaVi.Ur-llK ClBCCI.AB.iZj
the WckI lor t-nle on Ten Vfari' Credit, at t
ntr cent. I uteres, hy the UurUnglon A. Mhtaouri
l;iver liallroad Cuuipany.
pjoppt intcrrst till ffth year. iJich Soil, wsrr.i
f limate, loiifr Siinims low Tnten and fr'-e
I-:lii-nl Ion. Free Fore and Io w Krciglits
on lious hil-l iroodf to ttiose who
HTJY THIS "5r33-A.rt.
tor circulars and Maps, wiih full particulars, address
Land Commissioner, Uurllr.prton, Iowa.
LOVT..IQY"S Vkw Ptylr
Ul.', C'l'T'I'KIt 4
Cuts piaa hi tt-r tlm.i a
diani'iuil. Everybody
should have one. Any
child can uc U. Sent f'i
your address on receipt
ii f &n cents and stamp hy
il'.t Washington street,
lioston. Musi.
l.tlrnl ui'uuhi
Have been Used since Jan. 1st, 1871.
Ur. J. AValki i-'s ( alilornia VIii-
C?:ar lJitlcrs aro a purely Voctablo
preparation, mado cliietly from tho na
ti". o herbs found on tho lower ranges of Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor
nia., tho medicinal proiHjrties of which,
aro extracted therefrom without tho uao
of Alcohol. Tho question i3 almost
daily asked. What is tho causo of the
nnparalleled bucccrs of Vixeuah Ilrr
rEiisf" Our answer is, that they removo
tho cause of disease, and tho patient re
covers his health. They aro tho prea4
blood purifier and a lifo-givinu principle,
a perfect Kcuovator and Iuvigoratot
of tho system. Never before in tho
history of tho world Liw ft medicine luva
compounded possessing tho rcinurktiHa
qnalitiea of Vixkoak 15 i iters in healiiip tho
sick tf every disease uian U heir to. They
are a pentlo Furjrnlivo as well as ft Tonio,
relieving Cortfrvstion or Inflamuiution i,(
the Liver aud Visceral Organs, in ililiouw
Tho properties of Dr. Wamcek's
Vinkqar IJittkbs aro A porifii t, 1 in i ihoretic.
Carminative, Nutritious, LaxHtive, Dinretio.
Sedative, Counter-irritant, budoritic, Alteri
Uve. and Anft-Hiiious.
Grateful Thousands proclaim vn;.
egak Bitteks tho most wonderful In
vigorant that ever sustained th unking
No Person can talio these Hitters
according to directions, and remain long
unwell, provided their boue3 aro not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other
means, and vital organs wasted beyond
Eilious. Remittent and Inter
mittent Fevers, which aro so preva
lent in the valleys of our preat rivers
throughout tho United States, especially
those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan
sas, Ked, Colorado, Urazos, Kio Grando,
Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, llo
anoko, James, and many others, with
their vast tributaries, throughout our
entire country during tho Summer and
Autumn, and remarkably so during sea
sons of unusual heat and dryness, aro
invariably accompanied by extensive de
rangements of tho stomach and liver,
and other abdominal viscera. In their
treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow
erful inJuence upon theso various or
gans, is essentially necessary. There
is no cathartic for tho purpose equal to
Dr. J. Walker's Vineoau IJittei:s,
as they will speedily remove tho dark
colored viscid rnattcr with which tho
bowels aro loaded, at tho Ramo timo
stimulating tho secretions of tho liver,
and generally restoring tho healthy
functions of tho digestive organs.
Fortify tho body against disease
by purifying all its fluids with Vinecau
Bitters. No epidemic can tuko hold
of a system thu3 fore-armed.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, nead
ache, Pain in tho Shoulders, Coughs,
Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour
Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Tasto
in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita
tation ofthe Heart, Inflammation of tho
Lungs, Pain in tho region of tho Kid
neys, and a hundred other painful symp
toms, aro the offsprings of Dyspepsia.
One bottle will prove a better guarantee
of its merits than a lengthy advertise
ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White
Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled 'et k.
Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent
Inflammations, .Mercurial .Affections, Old
Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Sore Eyes, etc.
In these, an in all other constitutional Dii
eases, Walker's Vixeoar Uitteks h.uo
shown their preat curativo powers hi tho
most ohstinato and intractable cases.
Fcr Inllanimatory and Chronic
Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Kernit
tent and Intermittent I'evers, Diseases ol
the Blood, Liver, Kidneys mid Bladder,
theso Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases
are caused by Vitiated Blood.
Mechanical Diseases. Persons en
gaged ia Paints and Minerals, such as
Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and
Miners, as they advance in life, aro subject
to paralysis of tho Bowel.. To guard
against this, take a dose of Waleeu's Vin
egar Bitters ftocasionally.
ForSkin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet
ter, Salt-Khcum, Blotches, Sjijm, Pimples,
Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ping-worms,
Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erycipelas, Itch,
Scurfs, Decolorations of tha Skin, JJuinr3
and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name
or nature, are literally dog np and carried
out of the system in a bhoi t timo by the UoO
of theso Bitters.
Fin, Tape, and other Worms!,
lurking in the system of pc many thousand
aro effectually destroyed and removed. .No
system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an
tlkelniinitlcs will free tho pyateni flora wormi
Like these Bitters.
For Female Complaints, in young
or old, married or single, at thed.iwn of wo
manhood, or tho turn of life, theso Tonio
Bitters displey so decided an influenco tLat
improvement is 6oon perceptible.
Cleanse tho Vitiated Iilood when
ever you find ita impurities bursting through
the 6kia in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores;
cleanse it when you find it obstructed and
sluggish in the veins; clesnso it when it i.i
foul;' your feeling will tell you when. Keep
the blood pure, and tho healta of tho ey-stew
will fiUow.
It. II. McDOSALD fc CO.,
Vrnpzist and Oen. A ptn., Snn I rnnciaeo, Cnlifdraia,
ud tor. of Woaiiinirton and Charlton Sis., N. V.
bold by all iiruggista and Dctilt 1 1.
$40, $50, $75 and $100.
Good, Durable und C hen p.
Mnafartnrr.! br .1. VT. CUAPMAX
4 CO., IAauihos, Jm.
tygend for a Cta')ru".ji J
Per inontti to Aifrit. vrllc. 1 er!, tn.-e.
LL'DLOW & WILSON. Aul urii, ohi...
A unffirlnt (rnriint of their osefnlneM. Theyaro
warranter! to prpvenf rltalpjf and to rure anr .ortli
rry UAM.KI) KECK r. IIOItKSorMnie,
If I'rinterl Ireclons are followed. Have also a '.inc.
Cile-Saddl? Pad, tlir.t prevent chafliiff on tlie
back, and a Iad-I.inrd Collar Svet Pad,
to protect the shoulder from calls. Allgf woirti aro
for Hale by fcarnea inakera throuehoat the I'nlted
Stat.-s ni Canada. Mamifctnred bv ZINC CO!
JAlt PA1 ., nt XHA.N A.V, MlfJI.
H'Aliister's Patent Artopticon.
The most powerf nl Made Lantern ever
made; with a brilliant'Oil Lamp for
Home, Sunday HcLool and Lectnres.
Mereoptlcoii6. etc. biides at reduced
Pri-ea. A provable bimns jor a mm
wth umaii apttat. Send stamp fr tat-
131 1 Chestnut ?-triet. Philarteinhia. Pa.
Temgerams at tie Cross M&.
Ty it a c fe mo vr.3i Kr
V.F at tlie Cucfederiti Jiaoa,
17 la the Toledo Weekly
I J Iir.iDK. la Lis recu!!ar fcti le.
' Snee'men copy free.
LOCIiE & JQ.VE. Toledo. Ohio.
BEARR &HKO.,St. lnl.Manufartnrersc.f
5 pT CfLl. raved by porciiar.lEB '11-
reci irora i iriory. bena lor 't
logue and about size waited.
"liOn a weelc. r't wan'ed everywhere, flrrnlarn
JtU aad cainplea tree. Y. A. KLxe.CuarloUcMich.
! Saw Mills,
Solid Iron Frames, Friction Feed and
i Wrought Iron Head Illocks,
I with Icver Set.
Tnn asd cnr.APEST mill in Tnn
JIluHtrated Catalogue and Trices furnished on op
plication to
PER WEEK caaranteed to ArenJ
on a Kcwlv Patented Arttcle. &6.ajle
aConr. For circulars a-Jrcsj
H. LA VTYF.B. PrepT. Pitrhmrn. Pa.
Ooouita.llou ar p(mplivt (xw i or wrilv
An aeeotint of Sew Vork'B famous prison and cele
brated criminals. Full hlotory cf Ptokea and VlK,
McParlauU. Tweed, Walworth, Vra. CnuninKliaiii
Burdeli, etc. Quickeve)!ln( book ever pub!ihei.
Aeent now tnaWing 5 to H perday. AGKTS
tVAMEll la tvery lowa. i-.xciuive territory
given. OSGOOD CO.,
fcubacriptlon Books, South Ciarc fct., Chicago.
?5:V" rr.fprs? "sit tnnt
Ra's. .tiu. Itoorhe. Ants. lied-bTisra. Sloths. 4c.
J. F. UL.N U V, I t iiUlX AtO X. Y-, Sole Aat
3000 Words.
The Ironouncin? Hand-Book of Worda often ilia
pronounced. a tciven by the beat anthoritlea.
6ti-l to aay aiidiea on receipt of sixty Cecta.
IV K bliEPAio, Boa ton. '
Itatlirnl t lire for li." A J 9 Is
Immediate rell'-f puarantei i hv n mv Arlbma rein
edy. I aulfcred 12) cam, n"t lyiuir (loin f'-r vcckn at a
time, but am no w p.mi tf.LV cii' D. hci thyicuil on
receipt ct price. M per t x. Ak yc ur I)ru;"Mt f-T
CHA2. IS. 11 L ..- i . !'.: Ueter, reiver Co., I 'a.
7 A VTEIV Two AgpfitBln every conntr. somc-
F .inr l,M'a Vnvr-f-V T f ..(., M..
U&W AUU U WiirUliVUinlt-'i
Per Day puarat te d r- '
... miioa mlltrilL Cats'.nsne frflk
pEK DAY Commlralon or $.'JO a week f-al-
5,0 ary.'1'lPCD"', We oL't it and w ill y
jtnilrnonr. O. WthhcrifCn.,'1H.n
Lonrtt eorafted. an4 mo. t mrel ul PiiiciMU oi Lua aw
CjutujCaLioB or ptMnuilvl fra. Ca-i or wriUh
A. N. K-
431-Vk. P
THIS PAPKK la Prlntea witn i.-a iiauf.,cturea
by ti. B. KANE A CO.. 131 Dearborn ht-,Chtcaro
i or aale by A. ii, Ktuux-. 7 ? Jitckaoa bU, Ckica9