; i r Tl) K HER A LP. LOCAL XEWS. LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Transient. 25 cents a line. regular adver sers 10 cent- per line. No advertisement ih-aM.-r.va lur less thau 2o cents. Legal advertisements will be charged to the panics handing tlittm m. C'OMMU NIC ATI ONS. . As our space is limited, all communications mint be brU l and to the point, with no wxstc of wurua. MUSIC AND GERMAN. Miss Ileins, a young: lady lately from ! Cleveland, will open a school for Music nnd German, next week. Inquire at the Herald office. 2t3 NEWSPAPER DECISIONS. 1. Any person who takes a paper regularly trom ttu- post office, whether directed t hi name, or whether he is a subscriber or not is responsible fur the pav. 2. If any person orders his pajicr discontin ued, he mast pay all arrearages, nrtho publisher may continue to send it until pavnient i made, ana collect the whole amount, wliether the pa per in taken from the otliee or not. 3. The court have decided that refusing to take uewspajM-i-s and periodicals from the post-!!it-e. or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is irrimu facie evidence of isicxtioxal FHAID. Ituval Japanese Troupe next Mon day and Tuesday evening's at Fitzger ald's Hall. Mr. Newlon, general Manager of the How factory, inform us that he ship ped 27 cultivators West on Friday. The institute is running 22 hands just now, a:;d the building is resonant with the life and action of a firt-class agri cultural implement manufactory. May Nebraska get many more such institu tions before long. The Royal Japanese Troupe at Fitz gerald's Hall on Monday and Tuesday evenings, April 13th. and 14th. This troupe give a wonderful and varied performance and worth the attention of our citizens. Remember the timo 13th. and 14th. Go to IX Schnasse & Co. for new goods. The Herald is the happiest man in the outfit since Election. Its all over and Were one ahead. Xew stock of Clocks, "Watches and Jewelry at the P. 0. Jewelry Store. The sun still shines, and yet the election is over. LIST 0FLET1LK8 Remaining in the Plattsmouth. P'toOiee April 1st, 1874 : , Thinning. Ed. Krechlow C. Cole, A. k Kiniston, ltosana Chandler, Harrison Ijtne, Al. IV- Darling. Si. Lueaa. Andy Flemnurig, O. E. 2 - Kobiuson, o: Fih. Cba. 2 Romans, H. Durfee. .1. II. Rogers, Anson C. Oard. Wilson S Ros, John Gardner. H. F. 2 Koderick. J. 51. Hoblis, W. S. Root, Dr. A. Haight, F. J. Shroffe. Miss ilaUie 2 Ilarrold, W. W. Sluicke. Mrs. Reinbald Hughes, Martha binning, V. Haw lev, H. Spencer. Maggie IIowe,"F.ettie Swarengin, V. It. Janson, Maria Tannar, 3. W.-3 Kear, Aune Walvertou. Reuben Kuhr, J. Young, John Persons calling for any of the above letters, will please say "Advertised." J. W. MARSHALL, P. SL 17SCTINASSE AND CO. Spriuj has Come. Sain Sharpley, and Ids popular troupe of Minstrels will give one perform ance, at Fitzgerald's Hall, next Thurs day eve., April 10. This is said to be the finest troupe now traveling. lie served seats for sale at the Post office. Head T. W. Shryock's new advertise ment; and if you want anything in his line give him a call. For a long time we have never heard of the etrange and singular Phenome non, of a sunday in the mid. He of the week. Uut it happened in PLitts uiouth just a little one side of the mid dle. V.'e allude to last Tuesday. It certa.ii.ly was Sunday, the streets were so quiet: we missed the Church bells, but then we had a bad c Id and was a little hard of hearing that day. All the boys of the HERALD office thought it w;v Sunday, and th"y had "forgot," so thf-y quit work about eleven. It was kept m a day of fa.st-ing and prey by many. Mrs. A. I). Whitcomb, late of Platts niouth. but now resident in Omaha, re turned a few days ago from a trip to Chicago where she attended the spring openings and brought away the latest styh-s in dresses and cloaks and al! the paraphernalia of a ladies' ward rube. She also brings samples of the ne west stylos in dross goods, to afford her customers an idea of what is worn. She is to be found at 212 Farnham ttn-t-t, opposite the Grand Central, and a:;y ladies desiring work done away lioin home will do well to patronize l..r. HASH HALL. The Star Base Hall Club of Rock Bluffs came up to this city on last Saturday to play the first nine of this place, and wi're badly "scooped." The Ph.ttsmouth boys say they are the Co-ks of the Walk" in this county. Goods in bulk for cash at Chicago pi ices, at 1). Schnasse & Co's. SOCIAL HOP. A Our German frien Is held a social s-b.utz vereine at Turner's Hall on Mon day evening which passed olf very pleasantly. Ye editor dropped in a moment but having some remcmbcr an''i? of a former Turner ball he dare i: -L trust himself too long in such cental and social company. Come to the shoe store for the best rid cheapest manufacturing and re p. tiring done neatlv and with dispatch. 2Lf 1. Mekoes. Shut guns, cartridges and ammuni tion at the I'ostoilice Jewelrv Store. INSURANCE. As will be noticed elsewhere, the board of adjustment for the Equitable Life Insurance Company decided the Lonsdale case the other day, and the money was forthcoming within ten days after the adjustment. R. R. Livingston is the medical ex aminer, of this company, and John W. Raines the Agent, and they area Living Life Insurance oufit for a dead sure thing, you may safely calculate. Would be pleased to have everybody call and examine my stock of Boots, Shoes, ami Gaiters, before purchasing elsewhere, for I sell cheaper than ever. No charge for showing them. 52tf Pete it Meeges. Hurrah for New Goods. Schnasse has just . returned from Chicago and the new spring goods are here. "We desire to state that our late stock was bought during the fall in pri ces east for CAsn, and we can and will duplicate any Chicago bill at cash prices, for goods in larje quantities. "We have a fine large stock of staple and fancy dry goods also of groceries and invite farmers and others desiring to purchase in largo quantities to visit us, satisfied that we can do as well by them as they can do elsewhere either abroad or at home. D. Schnasse & Co. Plattsmouth Neb. MARRIAGES. MeNhESOX-lICOHS-March 31st. at the resi dence of Dr. D. Dili !in by Rev. (I. H. Cripens. Mr. M. McNeNon to Mrs. S. A. Hughs, all of Mt. Pleasant Neb. IN II ELDER SOIIXIDElt On the 7th day of April. A. D., 1K74. at the residence of Jacob Schnider. hv II. E. Ellison, Mr. Henry Inhel der. and Miss Annie Schnider, all of Cass County. See Schnasse's new goods. HO FUR THE HUNTERS! Imported Guns, at the P. O. Jewelry Store. Il On the morning of the loth of March, 174. Luclia. only child of Jesse and Maggie Livingston, after a short, though painful ill ness. Thus are they once more left alone. By their second child going to its silent home. P.ut grieving ones, why do you mourn? Know you not, you may meet on Resurrection mora. E. S. C. HURRAH FOR REER RROS. Reed Brothers are opening the larg est stock of spring and summer goods ever brought to Weeping Water. Reed Bros, offer all kinds of cotton goods, including sheetings, shirtings, prtnts, cottonades, Sec, &c, at prices ranging from 15 to :J;SV per cent be low those at which the same goods were Fold one year ago. Reed Bros, have reduced the prices of all kinds of groceries. Reed Tiros, defy all competition which can be got up, either at home or in Chicago, Xew York or London, and will fill all orders at prices as low as any retailer who pretends to retail at ivholesale rates. Reed Bros, have a splendid stock of clothing, at juices that must astonish every one. Beed Bros, stock of boots and shoes cannot but give satisfaction. To parties who live at some distance from Weeping Water, and who wish to buy their spring supply of goods at once, Reed Bros, offer special induce ments. Any one so situated who will come and trade with them 30.00 tr 5..).0.'J dollars worth, they guarantee to save them enough not only to pay for their time in coming, but enough in addition to buy themselves each a new fur hat. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR SALE. The residence of F. W. D. IIllrook building nearly now tea rooms three lots of land. 2tf F. W.D.I I. "-CalI and examine goods at the Shoe Store, cheaper than ever. Women's nice lasting Gait ers for Si. 2.1. Men's Shoes for SI. 25. 2 -it rr.TEn Mfj-gks. KCPU1SLICAN CITY CONVENTION j met in the Court House, Friday even- I ing. April 3d, 1ST:?. John A. MacMur- ; phr in the chair, and Win. L. Wells, j Secrctarv. Ballotting for candidates t n-mmeiiced at once, and showed that the following named gentlemen were l he choice of the Convention as nomi nees: For Mayor E. G. Dovey. For Clerk C. F. Williams. For Treasurer L. P. Bennett. For Marshal J. J. Russell. For Police Judge Ferry Gass. For Snp't. Com. Sch'Is. 17. W. Wise. For City Engineer Geo. Fairfield. A Republican Central Committee of ihiee from each "Ward was then ekvt t 1 and empowered to act during th ensuing year consisting of the follow .ng gentlemen : 1st. Ward Jno. A. MacMurphy, I). Tl. Wheeler. G. II. Black. 2nd Ward G. AV. Fairfield, John Waterman, M. McElwain. 3 1 Ward II. E. mimer, R. C. dish ing, II. J. Streight. 4th Ward-M.B. Cutler, Wash. Smith, C P. Moore. The Convention adjourned to meet .t the Polls. JXO. A. MacMURPIIY, PERSONAL. Centaur Liniment. There Is no pain which the I entaur iueinciit will lnt re lieve, no swelling it will not subdue. and no lameness which it wii! not cure. This is si tony; lali-u.:ge. but it is true. Where the pans are n-t gone, its effects ate marvellous. It has produced more cures of rheumatism, neu ralgia, locU-ja-.v, palsy, sprains. sv. e'.'iings, ear-ache, caked-brcas:s, scalds, burns, salt-rheum. &e.. uo:i the human frame, and of strains, spavin, galls, &c. upon animals in one year than have al other pretended remedies since the world began. It is a comifer-irritant, an all-healing pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a scar. It Is no humbug. The recipe is spiling j;s :io article ever before sod. and it sells because it dors just what it pretends to do. Those vvlio now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if they will not use Centaur Liniment, more than MXtt certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs, chronic-rheHfliiatism, gout, running tumours, &c. have been received. We will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe, &c.. gratis to to any one requesting it. One lnitlle of the yel low wrapper Centaur Liniment Is worth one hundred dollars for foundered orsweenied hor ses and ia;i!rs. or for screw-worm In sheep. Stock-owners this liniment is worth your at tention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. J. Ii. Rosk & Co., New York. 4G-Jy DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Tht firm f Potter & Oaffney is this !UU day of March, dissolved by mutual agreement. The business ifl be carried on by T. L. TTUter, who will collect all dues and pav all debts belonging to the firm. All in-rsotis knowing themselves indebted to tint firm, are requested M call and settle immediately. T. L. I OTTER. Weeping Water Slarcb 16, "74. 62-4t FOR RENT: One house. Apply to E. G. Dovey. cotf JEWELRY, When I loffctown last fall I allowed my trade to be turned over to other Jewelers; but as 1 have now returned, In person, I respectfully iuvite all my old friends and customers to re turn to nie and and give me their custom be fore visiting elsewhere. 4Jt0 PACL BltAlTSCH. Farm for Sale. One or the REST FARMS in Cass county. I oJTer for sale my old and well known farm, of 1GO Acres, at Glendale. About loo acres of it arc under cultivation, and about 40 acres of young, thrifty timber, consisting of oak, hickory, silver maple, walnut, cottonwood, &c., &.c. Also a young orchard of fruit trees, evergreens, &e. The farm is partly inclosed by a Honey Locust hedge, is well watered for all uses. There is also six acres of Island timber four and a half miles distant. There are two railroad stations at 4 and 4'1 miles distant. The Glendale Postoflice and a school house on the farm. Price, St.noo ; one fourth down ; for the balance, any time re quired will be given by paying Interest in ad vance. Apply to the subscriber, A. L. Cim.1), or To D. II. Wii eklkk Co. or 4stf S.MiTn & Windham. FOR RENT. The large and commodious ware-room, cellar and office, on second floor of building, formerly occupied by Jacob Vallery, Jr, in Masonic P.lock. Enquire of R, R. Livingston or 4.1-tf E.T. Dckk. FOR SALE. too acres of unimproved land neat Eight Mile Grove. Can be purchased on reasonable tonus. For particulars call at the office of 42tf Smith & Windham. P,usines is business, and so are the Cigars at the P. O. Rook Store. 6-tf. HEN IIEMPLES OYSTER HAUS. If you want a good Osyter Stew, go to Ben. Ilemper.s; if you want a good plate of raw Oysters, so big as your hand, go to Ben. Hem pel's ; if you want a square meal, go to Ben. Ilemper.s : and if you must have a good glass of wine, or a cigar to top olt with, Ben. has got them. 30tf TO RENT OR SELL. The house of Dr. Rawlins, in the southwest part of town, near the residence of Mr. Eli rlummer. For terms, apply on the premises. XUt ROOM TO RENT. The left hand fnmt room on the same floor with the IIekald office, is for rent. Apply at the Herald office, for t mis 37t,f M. L. Whitk. All order for fi-ed, flour and meal, left at Streight &. Dilley's will receive prompt atten tion. 5ttf C. Hei.sel. FOR SALE. 120 acres of land, in Mt. Tleasant precinct. For terms, call at the office of 42tf Smith & Windham. LUMBER YARD. Cottonwood lumber sale at Mickelwait X Shai p scoal vard. by Win. Edgerton. A good supply of Cottonwood lumber will be found here at all times, for sale cheap. Remember. Mickelwait & Sharp's office on Main street, west of sixth. I4;tf. W. Edoekton. Wm. L. "Wells, Sec' v. Ch'n. At the Ward Conventions, held on Saturday evening, the" following per r oiis were nominated for Councilmen, :rom their respective "Wards: 1st Ward James Dick. end "Ward J. R. Dilley. ;;d Ward R. C. Gushing. -1th Ward Mr. L. T. Shirley, of Elmwood, called on us last Tuesday, and paid for the Herald .and Prairie Farmer for a year in advance. Revs. Clark "Wright, Davis and Adair, were in our town this week at tending Quaiterly Meeting at the M. E. Church. Miss Lizzie Stinchcomh came down from Omaha on Saturday, spent a day witli her friends, and returned home on Monday. Boh Doom, war horse. &c. Salt Creek man was in town election day. Had to come up old associations, &.c. &.C Come to see the Herald, too. j Azro Smith sends us some very fine i sweet potatoes. Samples of the kind he intends to to raise so largely this J spring. Mr. Smith will furnish all in- j formation needed about sweet potato culture. The Rev. Mr. Crippen of Mt. Pleas ant called on the Herald on Tuesday last. "We enjoyed the the call. Mr. Plummer, the old gentlemen, Cncle Plummer we sometimes call him, has just returned from Iowa, and j almost got made Police Judge Tuesday. Our Representative from Cass, the I Hon. John Brown, - organized 44 ' Granges in Colorado the past winter j and organized their State Grange, un- j der authority from head-quarters at Washington. Mr. Brown will soon be j an fait in the business of State Grange j Master, at this rate. Castokia is more than a substitute for Cas tor Oil. It is the only safe article in existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not ery and mothers may rest. 4iMy NOTICE TAX PA YERS. The tax for ls::i is now due amKvill be delin quent on the liiM day of May next, at which tune In crest Mill be charged according to law. Also, those knowing themselves delinquent on the lsTi duplicate, will save eosts by coming forward and paving up. March 2, "A. J. ('. CCMMIXS, r.-j-4t Treas. Cas Co. THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE OF AN OLD NURSE. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the pre sciioliou of one of the best telltale Physicians and' Nurses in the Vttited States, and has been used for ihirtv ye.it- uilh never failing safety and success bv millions of mothers and child ren, from lIh; feelne infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulao-s the bowels, and gives rest, h'-allh and comfort to mother and cliild. We believe il to be the Best and Surest Remedv in the World, in all cases of Dysentery and Diarrhea in children, whether it arises from Teething o. any other cause. Full direc tions for using will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the far ximile of CLRIIS & PKUKINS is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. U-lWly .1 RARE OPPORTUNITY. The use of a farm for 4 years ; the party rent ing to do some breaking ami pay taxes no other expense. Call at the otliee of .Mtf smith & Windham. FOR SALE. A desirable residence, in Flattsmonth, for sale. S:xo down, balance on time to suit pur chasers. A bargain. Call at oflice of 5Uf Smith & Windham. FOR SALE. 120 acres of land in Otoe count v. near ralmy ra : 4i acres cultivated ; water and timber con venient ; joins improved farms ; very desirable ; on time to suit purchaser, ('all at otliee of 5Uf smith & Windham. The Xoveltj' Washer-A new machine for saving the ladies labor is to be seen at t lie store on Main st., two doors east of the Herald office. It is made in this town by Burrows Bros., and the following named persons have bought said Washing Machines, and approve ami reccm niend them : Geo. McN'aniee. A. M. Rose. D. Jones, J. Chilcott, G. A. Rose, G. N. Larue. N. N. Iine, W. A. Folden, J. Vallery, sr.. ,1. Siein. and many others. D--"t. Whv V. iU Voti To a!! persons M.lTer ing l.'oii, l;ei:ii;ai:s!ii. Ncuraii i. tYamps in the limns or sioutach. Billion-; Coii'-, lu in back, bowois or v. would s;:v. i it k IKit sk- IIOI.D l'ANAet'. AND Family Linimi-.nt is of all others the remedv I you want for internal ami external use. It lias cured the above com plaints in thousands of eases. Tin-re is no mis take about it. Try it. old by all Draggists. A RORIHRLR AFFAIR. A singular affair happened seven LIFF INSURANCE PAIR. i nines bouth-west from V eepmg Y ater. Plattsmouth April 4, 1874. j The wife of a settler, Zimri W. Burn This is to certify that upon the or-I ham died on that stormy night, liization" of the local board of Direct- ; March 30th. Site was the man's sec- f..r C iss Countv for the Equitable ; and wife and step-mother to the child- .ife Assurance Society of the United tales organized at Plattsmouth March th 1374, composed of tire following embers: P. E. Ru finer, Alvey Drew, Stephen Wiles, M. L. "White, Thomas "Wiles Jr., E. E. Cunningham. A claim was submitted to. them for djustment which was paid in full as . M. Marquett, ac Wiles, narles Lazenby, Vallery Jr., T. L. Hobbs, Vivian, ren. Some three days after, one of the children told a neighb or their mother was dead, and as she had not been sick, suspicion was aroused at once. The nearest Justice sent for the Coroner and Sheriff, the Vody was exhumed and found to have been buried in the rudest and roughest manner, without box or semblance of coffin, the limLs awry, and only old rags wrapped about it. Dr. Thomas and Kenaston could find no satisfactory natural reason fcr HOUSEHOLD PANACEA AND FAMILY . LINIMENT. 24wiy FOR SALE. Two well bred Stallions were brought from Orange county. Nov York. Harry Clay, Jr., is right bay, sixteen hands high, and is known as one of the best stallions for colfc in the State, is the sire of Joseph Vpton's fine colts, and numerous others. He was sired by Black Har ry (a very fast horse) : he by Neave's Cassias M. Clay, Jr., son of C. M. Clay, by Henry Clay, son of Andrew Jackson, dam by imported Bell-fo-.mder, dam of Hariy Clay, Jr., wsis sired by Lexington; also Hambietonian Prince, dark boy sixteen hands high, six years old, sired by Administrator (formerly Hambietonian Prince,) who luis trotted in two minutes and twenty three seconds ; he by Rysdyk's Hambietonian, (the sire of Dexter) dam by Mambrino Chief. Said stallious are both good trotter?, and have some of the finest colts in the State. I will sell one or built cheap for cash or on long credit. If not sold simmi I shall stand them for mares on my farm, ten miles noith of Nebraska City, on Weeping Water, one mile east of Factory vi'de Mill. I also have some colts of their get for sale ; Also two thorough bred Durham Bulls for sale. For particulars inquire on the premises of Hknrv Dchois," St4 Union, CaSs Co. Keb. FARMERS. GRANGERS AND ALL OTHER MEN. Go to Frank Stadter and have a stencil plate cut to mark your movable property. That's business ! 4att Ben Hempol kees an Oyster house it is on the south side of Main Street, almost opposite i Dovey's big store. Ben. keeps first, oysters ; next more oysters ; thirdly, all kinds of oysters ; ami lastly and finally, oysters and other things to eat and drink or smoke. Call and see the 'Oyster Boy" of Plattsmouth. 30tf FoFlSaie. fio acres of land belonging to Cass County Nebraska being the South West quarter of Section No. Five (.") Township No. Eleven (11) North of Range No. Thirteen (13) East of Sixth Principal Meridian, Situated near Eight Mile Grow. For Terms of sale see L. 11. Jamks ) Timothy Clark or Co. Comr's. M. L. White. ZA FOR SALE. i improved farm, four miles from Platts-m.-ut;i, well watered, 1-H) acres under improve ment. Can be bought for part cash in hand, balance on long time. Inquire of 4itf Smith & Windham. er decision rendered by said board in i.her death, and Dr.- Kred, (Coroner) fin ally tooK me siomacn to i-ancoiii on Tuesday last, and the body will b brought to Plattsmouth to-day for full er examination by Dr3. Livingston and i Black. YTe await further develop i merits.- :-en days from date of said adjusv T.ient. . Signed, M. L. WniTE, Pres. J. Vai x-ERY Jr. V. Pres. J. W. Bap.nes, Secty. FOR SALE. Two houses one for cash and one on time For fuil i si i i. ulars apply to E. G. Dovey. 50 tf SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HERALD FOR SALE. 100 acres of unimproved land, four miles from Plattsmouth; good locality ; can be bought reasonable. Call at the ofri'-e of ,tf Smith & Windham. COAL COAL!! COAL!!! WHITE & DARRAH Keep constantly on hand Gillespie and Fort Scott Coal. Orders left at Clark & Pluminer's Store will be promptly filled at reasonable rates, and the coal delivered free to any part of the ity. 44tf DENTISTRY. Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Conie one and all and list to me. While a story Prelate, About a man that lives in town. And jn.'ls teeth for his meat. Dr. J. L. McCrea is he. Extracts without much trouble. His plate work too, is extra good. And be does not charge you double What the whole thing is really worth ; And his fillings are very fine. Give him a call, you'll ne'er regret Y'our money or your time. moral. Now if yott want your teeth' repaired. You Lad better fix them, if you can. Or patronize home Dental work. Than any quack or traveling man.- 42i:ios3 CHILDREN OFTEN LOOK PALE AND SICK From no other cruise than having worms in the stomach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury' to the child, ucing jerfectly WHITE, and free from all col oring of other injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparations, Curtis t Brown. Proprietors, No. -15 Fulton Street, New York. -.Sold by Druggists and Chemists and dealers in fc.,)ii"Tt. fi ?j i W it . ;m tt v LEGAL NOTICES. Legal Notices Henry Amison, FVtff. ) " Before H. ft: F.lHsrtn, vs. V Probate Judire of William Peck, Del'L ) Cass County, Nebraska. The above non-resident defendant is hereby notified that an order of attachment wa Issued by t lie aforesaid Judje on the 1-sih day of .Feb ruary, 1874, for the sum of forty -five dollars, and it is sought by the Plaintiff in this action to take a sufficient amount of your property in this State to satisfy Plaintiffs claim, by virtue of the order of attachment aforesaid. 1: on are hereby required to appear and defend said action on the 'oth day of Mav, A. D., 1874, at 2 o'clock p. m.. or judgment will be taken against voti lor the amount claimed. HENRY AMISON. WlIKKLElt & STINCHCOftn," 2-Cw Att'ys. Legal Notice. U. S. Land Office, ( Lincoln Neb. j To Alexander Hess : You are hereby notified that, pursuant to instructions of the Commis sioner of the General Land Otfiee to us. contain ed in his letter "G" dated February 13th A. D., 1871, a hearini; is hereby ordered to be held at this office on the ''th day of May A. D. 1ST4. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon ; the object of the hearing being to permit Geo. E. Baker, to show his lK,ntifiilt:M in the matter of his homestead entry. No. a5T3 covering the w'i s'l4 sec. 12 township 10 north range t, E:ist Neb., at which time.and place you can appear and make such showing as vou see proper. Dated at Lincoln, Neb., March 2"th, 174. SILAS GAKBKlt, Geo. T. Tuck er. Register. 2-31 Receiver. Commissioners' Notice. Notice is hereby given that the County Com missioners of Cass County, Nebraska, will meet as a Board of equalization, at t lie County Clerks otliee, on Monday, the liotlt day of April, 1S74, and hold a three days session, "for the purpose of equalizing the assessment for the year 174. Alt persons feeling themselves aggrieved on account of said assessment, should appear be fore the Board, and state their grievances. . Ity order of the Board of County Commission ers, thisTlh day of April. A. D. 4S74. D. W. McKINNON. 2-2w Clerk. Chattel Mortgage Sale. Default baring been made in the conditions of a certain ehaitel mortgage given by W. W. Connor to Ira Brown; said mortgage bearing date, December 4th. 1S7:i, and recorded in the otliee of the County Clerk of Cass county Ne braska, in Book I of Chattel mortgages, page C24 and Said mortgage was, on the 2.".th day of December, 1K7:, assigned by Ira Brown, to Phillip Ri. chert; that there is now due on said mortgage, the sum of .Sfit.Vlonths, by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, I will, on the 24th day of April. 1M74. at 10 o'clock A. M.. sell at public auction, at George Riechert's residence, in Oreapolis Pre cinct, the following property, to-wit : one corn planter, one stalk cutter, tliree stirring plows, two cultivators, two harrows. Philip Eeichert, ltJ Assignee. Probate Notice. Notice is hereby given to ail persons having accounts against the estate of Jacob Adams, de ceased, to fil. them in the olhce of the Probate Judge, Plattsmouth, diss Co., Nebraska, on or before the 2lth of .September, A. !., 174. H. E. ELLISON, 52-3t Probate Judge. Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtue of an execution issued out of the District Court, for Cass countv, Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will, on the twenty-fifth (25th) day of April. A. D. ls;4. at In o'clock A. M. of said day, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Plattsmouth. in said county, sell at public auction the following real estate, to wit : lt six (H) block seventeen (17), lot three (I) block sixty-two fij),lot fourteen tin block sixty-four lot throe co block fiftv-two ("i.M, lot seven (7) block one hundred and sixty-four (1(4. lot seven (7) block one bundled and sixtv-five (lti'O. lot twelve (121 block fiftv-iix (."(-.. lot five (") block twenty-two (22). anil lot twelve (12) in biock one hundred and seventy-one (171) situated in the city of Plattsnioutn, Cass county. Nebraska, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Mary A. Garrison against Willett Pottenger. M. 15. Cutler. Sheriff. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Feb. 11, 1874. 40t5 Legal Notice. It is hereby ordered that the March term, 1874, of the District Court for Cass Cotinty.be and the same is hereby adjourned to the third Mon day of July next, at which time Jurors, Suitors, Witnesses and all other interested persons will be in at-tendancc. By order of GEO. B. LAKE, A I test : Judge. D. W. Mckinnon. March 3d, 1871. Clerk Dist. Court. 4i)-3m New York Underwriter's A gency . Asrsvcstnti AwMe.t. K2.aa.vi ;i.. a. Statement of the condition of the Gcrm.-tnia Fire Insurance Company, of the City of New York, on the 31st day of December, 1S73. CAPITAL. Cash Capital and Surplus $1,250,101.93 ASSETS. United States Securities 4T.G.437.S0 Loans on Bond and Mortgage 4St.4no.on Cash in Hank and hands of Agents, I52,fir.l.l4 Real Estate 4".3'i5 itr, ioans on Stocks, payable on demand.. .Si.nou.oo Other Securities 4i!,so7.m4 LIABILITIES. Losses in process of adj-t.stsnent $lA'"0,10Li3 57.24S.53 Statement of the condition of the HANO VER FIRE INSURANCE ; !! , . v. ,.f n City of New York, on the ,.f :.,;er, 1S73 : CAPITAL. Cash Capital and Surplus, .1.0oj,337.C ASSETS. United States Securities 517.731.25 Loan on Bond and Mortgage 25tf.2W.on Cash in Bank and hands of Agents" l7,2ii.'i.;to Loans on Stock, payable on demand... 1n3.500.oo State and N. Y. City and County Bond:;, 42.iKi2.50 Other Securities, 7,oso.55 $1,085,337.00 LIABILITIES. Losses in process of adjustment C9.siU.97 II. E. rAl.11 Kit. Agent. OFFICE Front Room over PostOflice, Platts mouth, Nebraska. 51-13t II. A. Howe, Prest. P. Notman, V. V. & See NIAGARA FIRE Insurance Company. 201 BROADWAY, N. Y. Cash Assets Jaiiy 1st, 1874. Cash in Bank 15,021 Loans on Stocks and interest due 245,837 Loans on Bond ami Mortgage and Inter est dim 13S.172 United State Bonds, market value 723,7SO State Bonds and Stocks 25.000 New York and Brooklyn Bonds 3I,nno Real Estate (Lease) ? 14.500 Premiums due 107,!Kl 81.301,211 .'. . S4,038,o07.1! 7S.701.57 25t;.S75.(L3 314.578,00 Losses Faid in 23 vears " " Portland. ls;c... Chicago, is7'... " " Boston, 1S72 Dwelling and Farm Property Insur ance, a iqievialty tcith this Co. H. E. PALMER, Agent. 47m3 Plattsmouth. Neb. 1,000,000 Sweet Potato Sprouts, Yellow and Red Nansemonds. Brazilian White, new. and Bcnnudah Red. All the same price, 40 cents ier 100 ; 3.50 per looo ; 30.00 per 10.mf. 5o.otiO Early Jersey Wakefield, and Fottler's Improved Brunswick Cabbage Plants, twice transplanted. 15 cents per dozen, l.no per 100, ready for delivery bv the ISth of April. Also Cauliflower Plants, grown in the same manner, 25 cents per dozen, 1.50 per loo. 25.xn Tomato llants ; Canada Victor. t?Ie Earliest Tomato yet grown by ten days, 50 cents per dozen. Also TrophT and General Grant. Also, Celery, Esg. Pepper, and any amonrit of Winter Cabbage Plants in season. All orders filled with dispatch z:d delivered at Exprsss Office free o? charge oi receipt of cash orders. Vegetables in season; also 1,000,000 Osage Hedge Plant No. X. d. n. wtiKLLKii, j. w. HTiNoncown. WlH"Cirr & Mliiclicoml, ATTORNEYS AT RAW'. 49-ly PlaiWhouth". Nebraska. SAM. M. CHAPMAX. It. T. WAJCWBtU Chapman &C Maxurll. ATTORNEYS AT LAW' and Solicitor In Chancery. Ollice in Fitzgerald's Block, Hatt mouth, Nebraska. CKO. 8. SMITH, R. . W1JIDHAM, S.1IITII &. TVIXDIIAM. Successors to Marqdrtt, Smith, & Starblrd, Attorntysat Laic&Real Estate lirokeri VLATTSMOCTH, MKB. Sieeial attention given to Collections, and all matters affecting tne I rtie to Real Estate. Office on 2d floor, over the Post Office. -i iL iJVINGSlON.Phvsician and Surgeon. Tenders his professional services to the citizens of Cass countv. Residence southeast corner of Oak and Sixtl) streets ; ollice on Main street, one door west of Lyman's Lumber Yard, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. -WTHKELER fc BENNETT Real Est at nnd ' Taxpaving Agents. Not .arte Public. Fire and Life Insurance Agents, Plattsiuouth, Neb. l'lattsmoutli CHE1SEI. lronrietor. Have, recently been repaired and placed in thorough running order, loo.noo Bushels of Wheat wanted imme diately for which the highest market price will be paid. GREENHOUSE AND BEDDING PLANTS. Time and money saved by ordering or me. I have the largest and est collection of Plants ver offered tor sale In the West. Catalogue free. Sweet Potato. Cabbage. Tomato, and oth" tr Plants for sale in their season. Address W. J. HESSER. Plattsmouth. Neb. V RSOLUTE DIVORCES OBTAINED i ROM 1 OCBTS of different States for desertion Sic. No publicity required. o charge until divorce granted. Address M. HOUSE, Attorney:, y.nnO VJi Broadway, N. . BKOOKS HOUSE, JOHN FITZGERALD, l'ropfietor. Main Street, between Fifth & Sixth. Hubbard House, IIUliliARD, - - Vnor. Main Stroet, Wceping;Water. GOOD ACCOMODATIONS FOR TRAVELERS. 4lmC NEW DRUG STORE- WEEPING WATER, NBB. T. Li POTTER, STATIONERY. NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND GLASS. -Prescriptions carefully prepared. I6tf. J. B. WATTS, DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry. Agent for the sale of the celebrated UNITED STATES.ELGIN.WAL.THAM and HOWARD WATCHES, Corner 4th and Silver Sth., ASHLAND, NEB. j:r Repairing of all kinds done on Short Notice. 37-yl. J. lNllELBEll & SON, Dealers in Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and GROCERIES Of all kinds, at the lowest possible rates, Also Dealers in Grain, for which the highest cash prices are paid. Hides and produce of all kinds bought at rea sonable rates. Inhelder'M Ktal ion, (Cedar Creek.) 51tf. Cass County, Neb. 3Irs. A. II. l.NEE, WORKER I HAIR. Braids. Curls, Switches Puffs, and all kinds of Hair Work promptly and neatly made by MRS. KNEE. Orders left at MRS. KENNEDY'S Millinery Store. On Main St. 1 door east of Clark & Plummcrs. 4.',m3 To Stock Breeders. The Undersigned lias Lately Received a Thoroughbred SHO ItT-HORN BULL. Will stand at his premises, north of Weeping water Falls. Terms to suit the times. 452 S. L. GRAHAM. THb3.'tfl?f'$HRV6i(.' Funerals attended on Short Notice ALSO DEALER IN FURNITURE, CHAIRS, BEDDING, Main Street, next Uur to Trook House, riattsnionth. Nb. ., ,,. -! -. I SPRING AND SUMAtGll GOODS 4 Dotcn Go the Prices AT SCHWASSS & CO.'S Celebrated HEW YOfcK Stufc Southwest Corner Main Street, riatUmouth, Xebniskn. AND SO THE PEOPLE THINK WHO BUY S9 Efc Y GOOIS. . Dress Goods, Prints, Boots and lioe; Delaines, Ginghams, Drown Sheeting, Bleached Cottons, Balmorals, Carpets. Clark's new Thread, OottonYarni In the Grocery line wo keep the Finest and Ugst Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Dried Fruits, Spices, etc., etc. In fact for Your Groceries, 116rawari Queensware w ooden are. Glassware, 1 ankee lotions. Hats and Caps, Boots and Sboorf 00 TO 25-tf. D. SfJTlNA&iE A- CO.'S: FOR SALE BY' F. J, METTEER, Two doors south of Main street on west side of Sixth. Call andsoc hini and get a Machine. AZRO SMITH, L. GOLDING, Dealer in CLOTHINO. FiritMSItlNr; GOODS. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS. SHOES. Tlil NKS, VALISES. CAKPET BAGS, &c, &e , &e.. &c. One of the oldest and most lb-li:ible Ifnttses in Plattsmoutii. Main street, between Fourth and Fifth. ;?KEMEMBEK THE PEACE. ns-tf. CD O o j. . E. 3. o. 71 -s I CO cs CD -3 rr. c n -. 3 rr S a T be) 4k- i UthKtJMhKl I am now prepared to furnish tLo best una dulterated milk TWICE EVEEX BAY To ail partfefl notlfyixg me CT-OC. mmm-m rm t : :; j v LSftMIMliS III FARMER'S EXCHANGE. B. G. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, NEBRASKA. Keeps constantly on hand aM Staple Articles such a COFFEE, SUGAR, TOBACCO, MOLASSES Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, &c. In fact, everything usually kept in a Variety Store, which will be sold on small profits foi CASH. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for goods, and the Hiyluxt Market rriw) yic-en in Cash tor Grain. 19 Farmers Lumber Yard. Having made arrangements in Chi cago, and elsewhere, with extensive dealers, I am prepared to furnish on short notice all kinds of Lumber Doors Sash Shingles ifee., at a reasonable rate. I also keep con stantly on hand a full assortment of Xails, Hinges, Locks. Hardware, of all kinds. Those -wishing to build will please call and see my stcck. r. XOYES, FINE ART GALLERY, CSTThotographs. AmhrcMpes and eopW from old pictures, plain or colored, either In ink water or oil. All work neatly executed and war ranted to give satisfaction. V. V. LKON'AKD, Artist. 10-tf Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb: Stover's Wind Engine. Mi Pumpiiiz L'rJ LjA Central Water, flCX Jjipt Par iri Cat tins vWV Feed. j33s, The best nnd cheapest Wind Mill in use fo pumping water for sto -k. Fot sale hy T. THOMAS & SONB. Sltl3 . Plattsmouth. Cass Co., Heb: j NEW STYLES: F. L. ELSTER, Merchant Tailof Is in rerelrf of rh finest aod BEST ASSORTMENT ::AS6IMERrs. CLOTHS, VESTING 3. SCOfcif GOODi. li-IcH FititiES, S:. Ic f-3. iba lirt ind bejt aasorrmecl Cloths ever broeght to ibis city, wfcteW I Eni r.-e-.- i t-j y.i' tt UP !a tt S'-'i -: . 1 ri