THE IT Ell A J, I). pi .VTTksMu utii, ne nn ask a. TiriTi:si)AYTAPIIIL 2 1S74. J. A. MACMURPIIY,. . . .Editor. We have to thank Cul. Noteware, of the State Immigration for n handsome collection of Italian flower seeds, re ceived last wcrk. 9 MjAMMM SCHOOL EXHIBITION' AT PLEASANT On Saturday evenins, March CSth, Mr. J. L. Mereness, the teacher of the ahove pc1joo, closed his winter. term with a very fine exhibition, showing what the scholars could do. and what their progress had been in the past six months, dialogues, ar! declamations, followed the regular examination; inter spersed with music by Mr. Ilusted and Mr. Adams' folks. Two Hull boys act- Our Honorable County Commission- ed a piece in which two colored parties ers hare been in session since j ester- j appeared and brought down the house Academy of Music, and Mr. Nast. Tou ought to have seen the gaze of as tonishment tho3e Ornah-ogs bestowed I day morning and their mills are grind ing slowly. The Union thinks Omaha is bound to have a Savage :r a Chase Mayor. Xo matter which is elected, either cue will have to acknowledge he was Sav-age-ly ChasftWl once. Sam. Taylor, of the Continental Life Insurance Company, and a Mr. A Men, of the Equitable Life Insurance Co., had a little life-like entertainment last week, not favorable to longevity if carried to any great extent. It hrtp pened in Ashland, and Sam. came out '. on top. The route agent on the li. & M. rail way informed the postmaster yesterday that he failed to get the C. H. & Q. mail yesterday morning, consequently no Chicago mail arrived here yesterday. The passengers crossed at I'lattsmouth, but the mail was not sent that way. Lincoln JourmL Better send your mail across at riattsmouth, and not around ly Oma ha. Then you'll ct a mail regular. A very comical and witty letter ap pears in the Lincoln Journal of the 2d, from the pen of Mr. Sarben, in answer to some queries of a Michigander, who contemplates moving to Nebraska. Every editor wftl comprehend the humor of the thinjf, because we have all been asked the same questions, and received the same kind of letters. LAN DS II LT L KM: I) 1 0 It IT. E-Etf P-TIO-V. A letter from th- United States L'and Commissioner to Senator Hitch cock, informs us that the lands with drawn from the market to allow the $. M. & 11. K. Co., to make their selec tions are now returned and open for pre-emption by settlers. A correspondent of the Nebraska City Press has been doing us up for his paper. lie thinks I'lattsmouth has grown since he was here before. Speaks very highly of B. & M. im provements here; informs us that C. E. Perkins is a No. 1 1L It. manager and that Col. Morse and Mr. Irving are very gentlemanly sort of folks; like wise that Paul Morton honors our place as a residence, and that Paul is a good boy. That's bully for Paul, be cause good boys are scarce in I'latts mouth. Then he calls on Dan. "Wheeler (he leaves the Company off ) and tells us all about Agricultural matters, goes into eetacies over Fitzgerald's new palace, and last, but not least, informs the world that "Tip-Top" is editing a 'first class" paier here, and making it lively, for all of which we feel grateful. Come again, Charles, in the pleasant spring-time, when the trees are out in bloom and the ferry boat is running. Sr.MMABY OF THE LATE CITY ELEC TION. Majorities. 11. 11. Livingston, Mavor, Lib. 85 C. F. Williams. Clerk, Hep. as AVm. "Win t erst in, Treas.. Dm. 86 P. 1,. Murphr, Marshal, Pern. 116 1. P. Cass, Police Judge, Hep. 61 U. "W. Wise, Sup't Com. Schools, ltep. (no opposition,) i0.! F. W. P. Holbrook, Engineer, L. 65 Cor NCI LM EN. 1st Ward J. Pick, Pep. (no op.) 107 2.1 Ward "Way man, Pern. 12 :td W. dishing. Hep. (no op.) 97 4th W. Canutli, Pep. 18 We will gie a table of the vote in each ward next week, and a correct and official record of the total number of votes polled. HE LI C V ES N A ST. Mr. Mereness is deservedly popular at Pleasant Ridge, and has been a very successful teacher. John C. Fremont passed through Omaha, on Saturday last, on his way to California, andstrangeto say, although he was the pioneer of the Platte Val ley route to the mountains, and the "pathfinder"' of the overland journey to California, this is his first trip over the U. P. Pailroad. How the scene frcm east to west. District No. 1 shall comprise the precincts of I'lattsmouth, ! Hock Muffs and Liberty ; No.-2 shall i romnrian IOir-lit fi! (Jnivv. ft TM .' i l . II . m . A i . : - r- . T ... , on our pe.q.n.-; uie mea or iweiuy-six j ant. Aycm?. Weeping Water, Centre 'stalwart" Plaltsnionthi ins, with as ' Louisville; No. 3 shall comprrse many fair partners, jifct marching in ! Stove Creek, Elmwood, South Bend i salt ureeK, oreenwoou anu lipion. j The following precincts, viz : (Jreen i wood, Tipton, Elmwood, Stove Creek. THS MARKETS. IIOMK MARKETS. and monopolizing tho "nigh" side of the building, took them by storm, and if we had only said the word we could have had three cheers in a min ute. As it was wo were a little over three ch'Ccra f chairs) short, and the Usher had to bring some up from the billiard hall for the temperance people to sit on. Xast Is a little round, roley-poley dutch looking chap, with a laugh in every wrinkle of his face, and a joke in each twinkle of the eye. His voice is very even, rather low, exceedingly well modulated and under perfect con trol. He attempts no flights of oratory, however, nor doss the least semblance of any stage tricks or ac- has changed, since he and Kit Carson ! quired arts appear in his manner or and Lambert, and other toyagtnrs left the o!d trading Post of Peter A. Sarpy, for the unknown and illimitable west. JIILLEH. Our social and genial County Clerk went up to see Nast, last week, and - Nast told him that if he tried next morning he could draw those pictures just as well as anybody.' It inspired lsui., and so the next day as he looked at the clear, ltoautiful expanse of whitewashed wall on the off side of the county office he thought that would be a good place to experiment on Nast had told him he could do it and having implicit confidence in the word of the great artist he seized a piece of charcoal and went to work. lie first tried his hand on Butler; he got the feet and the aMominal regions all right, but whenever he tried to put a .head in between the shirt collar it looked just like Mlckelwait, and he couldn't get it no other way. He chalked it out and charcoaled it in again, but "Whit" would come back :.gain, till Pan. was about to give it up and' think Nast lied. Just then Mr. Not long since, in the spacious bil liard hall of the Grand Central, we had the satisfaction of shaking hands with the handsome, portly and two eyed editor of the Omaha Herald, we .shook very cordially, but how he could shake hands with a wall-eyed S (well we spare the Doctor and the types ami won't print the word) who fiddles for Bob Furnas. Dan Wheeler and Co., is a mystery. Still fiddling is one of the fine arts, and Nast may have im pressed the Doctor with a love of high art. Ole Bull drew crowded houses by playing on one string, and Miller, him self, can draw crowds of curses, and disgust more than a house full of sub scribers by playing on his one string. We had not our fiddle along that night, but the thought struck us that perhaps we had mistaken our vocation and as a fiddler might have risen to fame and eminence and we fancied a scene that might have taken place had w seriously taken to fiddling for a liv ing. Imagine the Doctor and ourselves under the lofty ceilings and polished chandeliers of the Grand Central Sa loon; before us moves a motley host, the "scratching" and "kissing" and rat tle of the billiard balls is interspersed with the thud, thud of a disappointed player's cue as he rams it down on the floor and viciously wastes an ounce of chalk and a volley of soft shell oaths on the the "infernal, cue by which he lias just missed one of the "finest shots." (?) The Doctor, in perfect physical health, with a ruddy glow in his cheeks, a curious smile on his face, and two good eyes in his head, stands firmly braced against the polished black wal nut bar, with an elbow spread lovingly on either side. Behind him the chink and the click of glasses and spoons keeps time to the music as Harry sets up one beautiful drink after another for his guests. Straight whiskey for Democrats, Cock-tails and mixed drinks for Liberals and "People's Move" men, and "Kelly Island" for weak-kneed and and tender footed Republicans. Lin ing against the south pillar stanSs'iJie wall-eyed little editor, fiddle inhaifd, and high above the whir of the faills, " li the clinking of the glasses, ,aniAlhfc gruff voices of the men swells oirtfth'fe music of the fiddle. i y;; Like David before Saul, tle mrt,ic almost charms the devil ou'of the doughty Doctor, hand and fobt leSn to keep time to the music, thef h rhty :iet- address. His lecture is just a quiet statement of the difficulties and sur roundings of caricature and the artist who attempted that role in this coun try. Every now and then he appar ently came to a dead-wall in his speech and the proper words slipped from his memory, when, with tho most comical little grin of the mouth, and a very laughable, half Fienchy shrug of the shoulders, he says: "Well, I'll draw it for you." That settles it; in less than five minutes you see before you on an easel, the mind's picture he wants you to understand, and his art in making that picture realistic, and yet char act('ue)ristic is most womlevriVh liis pictures are drawn orr sheets of large white or tinted paper, stretched on a frame, and supported likfe an easel, on the stage. When the audience have sufficiently admired one drawing, or he has illustrated it to his satisfaction, an attendant rapidly runs a knife around the borders of the frame, underneath the first sheet, and strips it off, throw ing it to the rear of the stage, and so on for each successive picture; there is no rubbing out, or changing of boards, as many suppose. Different colored crayons, mixed with bruins, form the drawing and coloring materi als, and the lecture is worth almost any amount of trouble and expense to see and hear. To a person with any artistic leaning at all, it gives an idea of the possibilities of "high lights" ami "finishing touches" that would never le fully comprehended other wise than by seeing sticks, and stones, and earth, and trees, and legs, and arms, and boots, and gaiters, sprout and bud, and blossom, and grow, into trees, and houses-, and iimlscapes and human beings. No illustration by proverbs can ever make the step between the sublime and the ridiculous appear so short, as one caricature of "Fulton on the Hudson," or "Do Soto discovering the Missis sippi," from the hand of the Master. We shall always look at carricatures with different eyes after seeing Tn. Nast. and Avoca, shall each be divided into four road districts. The northeast quarter of each of said precincts shall be called and known as road district No. 1 ; the N W qr of said precincts shall be called and known as road district No. 2; the SW qr of said precincts shall be called and known as road dis trict No. 3; and the S E qr of said pre cincts shall be called and known as road districts No. 4. Salt Creek precinct shall be divided into two road districts; district No. 1 shall be composed of sections 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,34, 35 and 36 T 12 11 9; district No. 2 shall be com pose I of sections, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 2, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33; T 12 119; j South Bend precinct shall he divided into three road districts. Hoad dis trict No. 1 shall comprise sections 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 22. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35 and 36 T 12 II 10; district No. 2 shall comprise sections 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18 T 12 It 10; districts No. three compris es 19,20,21,28, 29,30,31, 32 and 33, T 12 II 10. Louisville shall be divided into two road districts. Hoad district No 1 shall be all sections lying east of sec tions 21, 28 and 33; district No. 2 shall be all sections lying west of sections 15, 22, 27 and 34. Eight Mile Grove precinct shall be composed of four road districts; dis tricts No. 1 shall be the N E qr of T 12 li 12, and the fractional town ad joining on the north; district No. 2 shall be the N W qr of T 12 H 12, and the fractional township adjoining on the north; district No. 3 shall be of the S W qr of T 12 li 12; district No 4 shall be the S E qr of T 12 11 12. I'lattsmouth shall be divided into five road districts; district No. 1 shall be the N E qr of T 12 It 13 and the fractional townships lying in the north and east. District No. 2 shall be the end of the qr of T 12 H 13, and frac tional township adjoining on the north ; district No. 3 shall be the S W qj: T 12 It 13 and district No. 4 shall be the S E qr of T 12 H 12; district No. 5 shall be sections 19, 20, 23, 29, 30. 31, 32 and' 33 in T 12 K 13; Hock Bluffs shall be divided into six districts. District No. 1 shall be sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17 and 18 T 11 It 14 ; district No. 2 shall be the N. E. qr T 11 H 13; dis trict No. 3 shall be N W qr T 11 It 13; district No. 4 shall Ik? the S W qr of T 11 It 13; district No. 5, shall be S E qr of T 11 It 13 and No. 6 shall be sec tions 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29 30, 31, 32 and 33, T 11 It 14. Liberty precinct shall be in six dis tricts. District No. 1 shall be sections 4,5,6.7, 8,9 17, 18. T 10 11 14; dis trict No. 2, shall be N E qr T 10 It 13; district No. 3 shall beN WqrT 10 It 13; district No. 4 shall be S W qr T 10 li 13; district No. 5 shall be S E qr of T 10 It 13; and district No. 6 shall be sections 19. 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 33 and 81, in T 10 11 14. Hoad Supervisors shall remain Su pervisoro of their respective road dis tricts for which they were elected, un til the next general election. Assessors shall do and perform their duties as assessors in the precincts for which they were elected. L. H. James, ) T. ('la uk. y Co. Comr's. M. L. White, i Attest: D. W. McKinnon, Clerk. Heportcd by White. & Partiaii. Wheat Corn Shelld.. Oats Rye Barley ... fry?10D : 4;-.'. 45 . . . 3S-?t 4 :.. ' 4 ...100(51,10 Iteported by Clauk & Plummku. Trrs Hatter :.: I ..-m I 'tiickons S;in per Joz I'tttatoe. 20 10 loO "' J ' ' ' ? P V i t t Wholesale and" Iletail Dealers in Pine Lumber, LATH, SHIXQLES, Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c Reported by Wi. Stadlemax. Entiles Fnr? Moots & Shoes H;its-X Caps 5O&7.O0 EATEST XEAV YOHK MARKETS'; Xew York. April i Money... 3M4pr cent Hold.. 1 13 EATEST CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago. April 1 four Wheat... Corn Oats Hye JUrley Ho;rs Cattle .... 5,CiK'l',75 ... 1 l'JM . . . . 43r,a 90 1,52 ?,f;- 75 6.15faf,25 WILLIAM HEK0L1) Keeps one of the Largest Grocery Stocks IN TOWN. GO TO GUS. IIER0L1) S FOR CLOTHING. , HOUSES! ! HOUSES ! ! DR. "V. P. JONES, will stand two of the finest HORSES Ever brought to this Stale, during the season of 1S74. 'NORMAN,1 On Main Street coner 5th PLATTSMOCTH ... NER. MONEY SAVED BY Buying Your Greenhouse and Bedding Plants AT THE Picnic (wardens. Good fresh milk , delivered dnily fit every body's home in rialtemoutli, if they want H. ty J. F. Bcaumcistcr. Seaidin your orders and I will try and give you and serve you regularly. i-iy. CEDAR CREEK MILLS, a it rv Good Running .Order and keep on hand the best assortment of Flour, Corn Meal, &c. E.;eeial attention Is t'Hen to cusiom work. Satisfaction guaranteed. In i-xc hanging Elour for Wheat. T)ON"T send East for Plants '.Vhert you ran (tet XJ just as good for less inoevy nearer home. To my numerous friends and iiaiians 1 would say that 1 have th5 largest ahd best stock of plants ever orereit for safe in the West, and ht reasonable prices. Ee sure' and send for my Xcw Uescrlitivc Catalogue. which will be sent free to all who applv for it. Then jrire me your orders, and I feel confident I I can satisfy you a ,1.1 ;..?( ft4U V, .T. HESSJ'Tt. riauameuift, Nb. an iron grey Stallion. C years old. sired by a full blooded Nnrinan Horse, and raised by Thus, ratten, of Mercer Co., 111. "T ALAR AN," sired by Eiberty find running back to MEDOO". the Kentucky Horse, is a dapnled bay, IG'J hands high, and is given up by liorscineh to be the finest Horse ever brought"to Cass County. TEEMS : To Insure, $10. At riattstnoulh, Thursdays. Fridays, and Sat urdays of each week, and at lock IMiiffs. Mon tlavs. Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, during the season. i-3m Wines, Liquors and Cigars. A. Lazenby & Co. Corner Main and Sixth Sts. FLATTSMOUTIi, N EB. Good pure Wines, Liquors and Cigars wnolc sale and retail. Pure liquors for armers use. All goods sold for cash and at low down price. Give us a call. 19yl. PHIADEPHIA STORE, SOLOMON & NATHAN DEALERS IN Fancy, Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies Furnishing Goods, C. SCHLUXTZ, Prop. Also keeps a Flour Depot, at PLATTS MOUTH, and Dealer in Eacon. Eard, Groceries, and Provision of ull kinds. Cheap for Cash. All orders accompanied by the Cash will r.K Promptly Delivered TO All Parts Of The City. Highest prices paid for Farmer's Produce. Fi.ATTSiioi th, Cass Coi ntv, Mai. J. PEPPER HERO, II;w re-ojiened his Cigar Manufactory in Plattsniouth once more, and now offer to our citizens, and the trade, CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c., at the lowest wholesale and retail prices. Call and sec them before purchasing else- I w here. J FLU'S PEITKKI'.EUG, j 2yl Proprietor. , nie special attention of all person having Lands or Town Lots for Sale, in Cilss CoUiVty, Is called to the fact that SMITH & WINDHAM will give prompt attention to the disposition of nil property placed in their hand for tluit pur pose. If you hxve Unimproved Lands j for sale they will seirit for you. If you want in puicnase uiey will give you a bargain. If you have an . Improved Farm you desire to dispose 0f they will find you a customer. If you wish to buy on thy supply you. If you have Property to Rent they will rent It for you. And will Pay Taxes for Non-Residents and furnish. any and.alt information as to Value, Locality, and Prices of Real Estate. Thte w ho w ish to Buy, Sell, or Rent, or dispose of their property In any way wiUU well to kIvc them a call. I'LATTSMOUTH, nsi-yl. NEK. 0. P. JOHNSON. DEALER IX Largest, Cheapest, finest. Stock in the City. and Rest Assorted sneer of the untU'r lip velaxes.jtli ful curl of the line cut nostvji pears, the satanic yleam creep? the eyes, a humanizing locki f'Vr es w over the face, ami once more. : ' a J moments, the Doctor appears 5 T py' '.re really intended he should ; a h: . i j . ne, genial gentleman, enjoying f r foil things of life without bittf t- f a. Higher swells the music .and J j;lier moves the Doctor, the elbows le? re the counter, the overcoat is shed a "I the Doctor breaks forth in song: (The Music is ours, but the words arel Eler's. It is called the ''Bob. Furnas Song." i Hob. Furnas, Eb. Furnas, the Friend of my youth, I've libelled yon uselessly, that is the truth ; I dug up a scandal of long years ago. But you beat us WH), and deep is my woe ; I'm sick and I'm sorry. I'm raw and I'm sore. My wounds are all open, I bleed at each poro. "Call" off your Fiddler, Iear Bob. Ill cry quits, I don't want to die, now, of chagrin, nor fits ; If you'll stop this d d music and give us a rest, I'll never say "Swamp-Land" as I hope to be L''.et. Here the Doctor got excited and threw a somersault, which brought him up against the north post stand ing ou his head. Harry ran around the bar and emptied a full brandy cock tail (mixed for an army officer,) into ELECTION. The dance is over, th carpets laid down and nothing is left but to brush our clothes, pay for the fiddler and the whiskey and commence anew. Ve guess no one is better satisfied than the Hekali. "We Rave gained all and more than we expected, and we have demonstrated some facts very necessa ry for our people to know. For in stance, we have shown just how strong the Republican party is in this town. If, in Ppite of the most egregious blunders and without a man at the polls in some wards, with our best -. jf i and our ranks nearly severed in twain by internal disorders, we can hoe the opposition so close a row as this, with united ranks, common sense for Cap tain and our whole host ready and ac tive in the battle we can sweep I'latts mouth. Thank Heaven for it! Citi zens we feel proud of you! Republi cans we glory in you, badly handled and with only half a chance you have done well. Li t us try it again when the time comes. The good men will Avin in Republican ranks, and may it ever be so; and we find that principles are yet of some account in determin ing an election, with us at all events. "We have also learned that we need a better orgonization. The Republican Central Committee must do its duty and get together and decide on the campaign. Two or three irresponsible men must not be allowed to run the party and then throw all their follies on its shoulders. STATE ITEMS. Supt. Nightingale, of the Omaha Public Schools, has resigned. It is reported tluvt Judge Tullis, late of Lincoln, was shot at Fort Gibson a few days since. The Artesian well at Beatrice, is rapidly deepening. A fire in Kearny Junction destroyed property to the amount of .-$3,000. Two Germans near Palmyra were at tacked by two robbers, but the Ger mans succeed in overpowering them and wounding both of them with a shot gun. The robbers escaped. The editor of the Tecumseh Chief tain eats breakf;ist with his hat on as an occasional variation." No other editors ever do! A wagon-maker is advertised for, at Juniata. New Store ! New Stock ! . Mil. "William G. "Woodruff having taken the Store formerly occupied by Mr. Eaton, wiil keep a full and com plete stock of FAMILY GROCERIES. All kinds of country produce taken in EXCHANGE FOR GOODS I propose tt) :,.! 1 low, and keep a STOCK OF XUJlliEIl OXE GOODS, and hereby invite my friends to call and exam ine the. new outfit. Grangers especially invited to call and get prices.bcfore ordering go''ay lrom honie. I propose to SELL TO GRANGERS, BARNUM'S HOTEL, Cor Broadway and Tuniii icth (Street, NEW YORK. ON BOTH AMERICAN & EUROPEAN ELANS. Complete with all modern improvements ; rooms : suite and single ; private parlors, baths, elevators, &e. Location unsurpassed, being in the very centre of fashion ami brilliant New York life, "in proximity to Churches and places of Amusement, and" Lord & Taylor's, Arnold Constable's ami .1. fc: C Johnston's J)ry Oootis p ilaces. The hotel is under the Management of A. S. I'anuim, formerly of I',ar nuin's lintel. Baltimore ; I.N. : reen," of Day ton, Ohio, ami recently of New York, ;iud Free man liaruum, of llal iiuiu'd Hole!, St. Louis. 21-tf. DRUGS. MEDICINES, AXD WALL PAPER. Vh!-h we are prepared to sell cheaper than they c::n be purchased elsewhere Give us a call aud examine our goods. t?Store on Main street, between 4th and streets, riattsmouth Nebraska. ltuf. PLATTSMOUTH Grain Company.) E. G. DOVEY, Pres't. E. T. DUKE, Treas. FRED. 0 ORDER, ISuycr. This Company will buy grain at Hie hiyh cs market rales at all times. Scales and office at E. O. Dovcy, Store, lower, Miiiu Street, I'lattsmouth, Neb. 2!iyl Fertliii :i n (1 K I wzh'A I , BOOT & SHOE MAKER,! Main St., opposite 1Ierai.i Ofllce, I'latUmoiith, Neb. Good Work Warranted AT KA1U rilKTS. All my Old Customers are respectfully Invited to call on me and examine my w ork, ant! XEW CUSTOM-IBS SOLICITED! 44-it F. Klingbeil. "VYm. At Chicago IJates. AVM. G. WOODI'.CFF. F. Dennett, Clerk. l-3ui I'LATTSMOUTH MILLS FLATTS MOUTH, XKn. COXKAD IIEISEL, Proprlete Vebrnska Statp Ilearistor. A 40 column paper, published at the State Capital ; full of Stat news ; iudcK'iident in everything, neu tral in nothing ; tfl.riO a year. Correspondents and Agents wanted in every town. Wm. C. Ci-OYi), Lincoln, Neb. 51tf Officers and men, elect and non-elect let ns put our shoulders to the wheel the Doctors ujturned face, before he J U1(1 liavo sound, economical and just could shut his teeth against the intrud er. His friends shortly righted him 1TViifa f'nmdt rim'niiiniifr c:inu in. ''..' , ... . . . . , i and we, tucking our Cddle under our and standing aghast with horror, asked ' a a , , Dan. if he had gone crazy. Dan said no. he ayh imitating Xast. Yes, ami spoiling the Court House wall shouted AVhite; Oh, no, says Dan., let me draw you. Xast said I could and I'm lund to do it. 80 he chalked out the most of Miekel wait's stomach in a twink ling, moved the feet down, set the hand behind hid hack, and then tried a face,. but he forgot the side whiskers. Instead of "VThite it looked like Van atta. Dan. flung the charcoal, aud - White commenced to draw up an in dictment, when Dan. sahl he could - draw historical pictures any way, and he knew it. AVhite said if he would draw the great historical picture of . Xast discovering De Soto on the banks of the Missouri, he would give him clear, and pay for the whitewash to ; put the walls back again into shape. Dan." went at it, and rea'ly made a splendid picture of the bluffs, and the .Loree, and dl that, but when he came to De Soto exploring the lttom of the Mississippi, he got one leg and the spurs all right, but lie vtas so long sTr.wing-the other leg that the fellow -Tiit down entirely, and was drowned. Ban. pays for tlue white wash. arm, made tracks for the late excurs ion train to Plattsniouth. Say, Doctor, how do you like our fid dling? Come down to Platsmouth and see u. THE NAST EXCURSION. As jolly and good looking a crowd as ever left riattsmouth, went up to the Xast Entertainment last Thursday. The Omaha Republican has uncle such a splendid hit in giving the names of the party that we shall not venture to improve on their narrative by repeat ing them; suffice it to say that, when the cars left the depot, the best part of the yotfth. beauty, wit, brains and wis dom, of riattsmouth was on the road to Omaha. 11 ug hat were in the as cendency, and the car looked like an "Opera" night. Mirth, fun, and frolic abounded, as we had one Conductor, six ex-railroad men and two Superin tendents on board sorrrewhere, anyaecr dent was impossible, except to vest buttons, ami such like interferences with a full burst of human happiness. Arrived at Omaha the whole party aJ- Cozad City. Such is the name of a new aspirant for metropolitan fame away up in Dawson Co. The name itself ought to make a second Chicago of it, without any further effort. Cozad! Eucky city! Happy people I In Dawson county lies Cozad. A city of wonderful promise, bedad ; Its people c:;n never go to the bad, Its name will save 'era from a fate so sad ; So ye who are weary of Fortune's gad (Jo up and die at Cozad. Er. There's where liussell has been rus ticating, before he was nominated for Marshal. Nebraska Intelligence Agency IJersons in anv part of Nebraska desirous of advertising in the East, fhkr okchauok, the inducements offered by their locality for unit business, enterprise, profession, trade or calling whatever, or for good cheap homes for people coming to our State, will1, apply to us promptly, enclosing staiiip, for b' reports. State hi what paper von saw this advertisement. M. r.JWDroKD & Co., Lincoln, Neb. 51 tQ BUSINESS NOT AFFECTED. cu. government tins ensuing year. EaelL.should help the other, give up your petty fights, and jealousies, and let j your rancours cease. Let bygones be bygones and all st;rt together on a new career of honor and snfetv. KE-DISTIilCTINTi OF CASS COUNTY. It .is ordered that the Precincts in Cass County shall be re-organized so I thnt each full congressional township sua;i represent a precinct. . 1 lie pre cincts shall be known and described as follows: Town 10 Kanga 9 shall be called Tipton precinct; T 11 K 9 shall be called Greenwood precinct; T 12 U 9 shall be called Salt Crewk precinct ; T 12 II 10 shall be called South Dend pre cinct; T 11 II 10 shall be called Elm wood; T 10 K 10 shall be called Stove Creek: T10 It 11 shall be called Weep ing Water precinct; Til li 11 shall be called Centre precinct; T 12 E 11 shall be called Louisville precinct; T 13 R 12 and T 12 11 12 shall be called Eight Mile drove precinct; T 11 R 12 shall be called Mt. Pleasant; T 10 II 12 shall be called Avoca precinct; T 10 It 13 and fractional T 10 11 14 shall be called Liberty; T 11 It 13 and fractional T 11 II 14 shall be called Hock Eluffs; T 12 It 13 and fractional T 12 R 14 and fractional T 13 11 13 Fhall be called I'lattsmouth. Commissioners districts shall rim journed to the Grand Central, for sup per, and then a short cut across to the J from north to south and be numbered The recent depression in business has not affected the passenger traffic of the St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern Short Line, as they continue to run six fast express trains, two more than any vther line between the Missouri and Mississippi Kivers. This road enjoys great immunity from accidents, by reason of immense expenditures, in the last two years, of over two million dol lars, besides earnings in wonderful im provements, in relaying their line with new steel and iron rails, on broad, new ties, in new rolling stock supplied with all modern appliances for comfort and safet)", and as another safeguard, em ploy night and day watchmen to in spect the road before and after the passage of each train, to see that every thing is in order. Conspicuous among nev; improvements is the substitution for ordinary cars, of new reclining chair coaches, elegantly carpeted and fitted with dressing rooms for ladies, gentlemen and families, without any extra charge. The St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern and the Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council llluffs llailroad, form the only line running through Pullman Palace Sleepers between Omaha and St. Louis. The shortest line between the West and the East is over the St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern Short Line, either through St. Louis, the great metropolis of over 4o0,000 inhabitants, or through Chica go, via the Chicago & Alton Short Line, over the Louisiana liridge now open for passage of through trains. Ticket Agents of connecting roads sel ling through tickets to- the East, North or South, will furnish tickets by this excellent line. For map, circulars, time cards and information relative to rates, &c apply to or address Lv rnan McCartv, Kansas City, Mo., or I' ll. Groat, St. Louis, Mo. 44tf FLOUR. CORN MEAL, FEED, Always on hand, and for sale at lowest Cash prices. vTThe Highest prices paid for Wheat and Corn. Particular attention given to Custom work. E. T. DUKE & CO. At the foot of Main Street. "Wholesale and Ket&il Ier.lers in Hardware and Cutlery, STOVES, TIN WALE, IRON, NAILS, HOES, RAKES. SHOVELS, AXES, KNIVES AND FORKS. &c. &e. ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. ALSO DICALLU IN Books, Stationery, Magazines, And Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by an pcrienced Iruj.' Eememher tho place, t'oniar Fifth and Main Street, i'lattsinouth. Neb. All kinds of T i inv a r e 21 a n u fa c t u red . 4.1rf New Outfit, New Place. wmim LOW RESERVOIR George Karcher. 3Iaehinc Shop. WW i-J W2. U V - A'l . j (Formerly Karcher & Klinhell.) I Ha removed his Root and Shoe cstaMislmiertt 1 up tow ii. on the south side of Main street. il' ! I'OSITH the Postolhce. and next door to ll. nvv I liccek's Furniture Store, inl' lattsiuouth. Neb. w-m-,9 ! lO0I WORK Yv'AHltANTED. AND FAIR ! il atman tv (jurtis, prices. i j Call and see the new place, gentlemen. All ! I old customers respi-etfulv invited to leave their ' t work as before, and new trade solicited. 1 shall ! IS.MOL ril, NI:I5., try to K've you a good work at as low prices j sis any one in town. ii:o. KAKCHKU. F. .1. METTEEIt, has a lame and good assort -Sent of Farm Machinery, and will be found at his old stand on Sivth street, two doors south of Main, where he will be pleased to see his for mer customers and friends. Repnfrers of Steam Engines, Toilers, Saw and Crist Mills. fias and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron Pi'ie, Force and Lift Pumps, steam Ouaes, Safety Valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittincrs Furnished on short notice. Farming Machinery A CORDIAL INVITATION. Messrs. Hurst C;:fre extend their compli ments to the public, and invite every one lo use Dr. L. Hurst's Anti-Dyspeptic and Liver Pills. For the cure of Dyspepsia and Liver ("omnlalnf . J.OUJI experience has proved them to be the ..f... I. . .: ; i . ;.. .. ... r .1 1 mri. ,tii(4 i'ci i in, hi i;.c, iir ine va rious billions diseases that prevail so extensive ly. Headache, indigestion, loss of appetite, tridiiitiess. dimness of siht, sleepiness' and the wnote train oi disorders usually termed mmotis. t will be cured by these pills if "taken according to directions Price 25 cents. t Arc Suited fa all CUat AND FAZIOC3 FOB EEINO BEST 70 USE! CHEAPEST TO BUY II EASIEST TO SELL Hi yvN- '-' i' fatrtorm f t doioc mere ni OflirBETTCn COOKING, oin ankkcrcndOieiiper Than tJ7 Ft-rrerrtb ct9 rtf FAMOUS FOB GIVIIta OAK 2 ND kino a?iV,v? Especially Adapted TO Til Ben. Ilcmucl's Oyster House. Lower Main Street, FLATTSMOUTII, - NEI5. l.en Ilemple keeps Fresh Oysters all the season. Ren. Ileir.pel furnishes meals at all hours. Ben. llempel has the best Wines, Cigars, and Liquors in theto,vn. Go to Ilemple's when you want any of the above hlrssings of life. n3lyl Repaired on sbrJ Atlee. Mf. PERSONAL. rais o? mn household, ! EXCKLSIOU MANY; COMPANY, ST. I.oi is, AND MO, Meat Market! THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHE APE T For your Groceries fro to J. V. Weckbach, Comer Third ami Mrn s-reet. I'lattsmouth. ' old stand.) He kfepsonhanda lare and well selected stock of FANCY GROCERIES. COFFEES. TEAS, SL'GAU. SVHUP, liOOTS, SHOES, &c, &c, &e., &e. In connection with tlie Grocery is a Bakery and Confectionary. Highest price paid for Country rioduce ISA full stock at all times, and will it he un dersold. Take notice of the sian "JiMFIRE BAKERY AND GROCERY.' W' is? f-J''' "xjrx E.T.Duke&Co. rLATTSMOUTH, NEB. 19-ly II ATT, THE BUTCHER, -o- Oldest and best established Meat Market in the place. -- i I Dr. Hurst's Vinegar Convh Cure has been j i us.-d in private, and hosmtal practice for many i j years, and is pronounced 'bv ail who have tried i I it the best remedy ever offered to the public for 1 me cure oi Conyh, Colds, Browliitis, Asthma, Whoopiny Cough, Croup, and all diseases of the pulmonarv organs, hein.s j composed of well-known medie;il herbs, it wiil I strengthen the system, purify the blood, and arrest disease. " j "WANTED ! WANTED! "WANTED! j A ease of Rheumatism. 1'ain in the Park or j SwuI-cm .lomts. Flesh 'u!.s, rsr.'ius ainl r.rnises. Sore Mioulrtcrs. Sciatehes aiel Fis- ! tula in Horses that cannot be cured by Hi rtfs i l ar iiiiiiiiH tii. Hurst's Family Tedicines for srile bv Dr. G. H. Chapman, ria'ttsmouth. NVn. : .-n. Hoover, Louisville, Ntb., and by dealers generally. 9-jymu. " OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. xU'UJ;:. : The Favorite Home Remedy. hood restored. i inl -ediieelits to in:in i:io r.-- I i uiirivaneo .tieuicine is warranteii not lo : contain a sinule p;iitielc of Mercurv, or any in ' Jurious mineral substance, hut is IIatt Always to be Found There. -o- Not changing constantly, hut tjie Old Relhilde Spot, where you can jret your Steaks, Coasts, Game, Fish aud Foul m season. socth side of main street, One Door West of IIkrald Office, 35-1 y. Plattsmofth, Neb. (.-iff z -. . 'J?.f. V. V moved. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. liooks and I irculars sent free in sealed envelopes. Address. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. No. 2 South Ninth Street, l'hiladelj.hia, I'a. Insti tution having a hili reputation for hunoiahlt conduct and professional skill. M 6m Manhood: How Lot, How Restored .Ii:t published, a new edit inn "f DEALERS IN Agricultural Iinplemeuts, Hardware. Tinware. Fifnips. lion. or Seiniti: losses, i M i-jtks; , i j pacitv. I miH'dimeias I Co.NHI'JIITIn.V, ElMl.l Dr. Culvcrwel1.' Cetebraled Es a-on t lie railir.d cure (without mediiiiiei of Sl-Mt'IA tokjmika Weakness, involiuitarv Seminal mental and physical mea- io .unmade, etc. ; aiso. rrsv. and Frrs. induced by self indulgence or sexual extravaean'-e. Jirriee in a sealed envc Ioim, wilv ; ceiiii. I he celebrated author, In this admirable es Purely Vegctablo. Containing thove Southern Roots nnd HerM. liich n nllwise J'rovidenee h;is placed In coun tries where Lier Diseases m-t prevail. It will enre all Diseases caused by Derangement of tho Liver and KoivcM. -t7n man's Lin r Regulator, or Mfflisitv, ' Is i n.inentiy a Family Medicine ; and bv bein ' kej-t ready for rmmedinte revolt will ave manv an hour of suifi-ting arrd many a dollar In time ! and doctors' bills. I After over Fortv Lenrs' trial it Is still receiv : inthe most unqualified testimonials to Its vir- tnes from iH-rsons of fhe highest character and ; respousimiity. say. clearlv demonstrates from a thirty year's "'sponsii.inij. fenunm physician ommend it successful practice, tliat the alarming cone- I HH,"t mosi qiiences oi seu-anuse. may re raoieaiiy cureu EFFFTCvf rrrTFIC Ifllll.' I "'l. .'1 MllVlllfll without the Nails. fatoves, etc. Repairing oone to Order and Satisfaction Guaranteed. WE DEFY COMPETITION. VMy medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out the mode ol cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, bv mean of which evcrv suilerer. no matter what i his condition may ha. may cure himself cheaply ; (,f water privatelv and radically. ' As a Kerne t."This Ixctnresliould be In the hands of t-T- ! P';:!uts, Re veiv youtn ana man in ine inna. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, post-paid to any aoVlress. on the receipt of six cents or two iiape stamp. ' Also Dr. Culver's "Marrlaee Guide." Addfessthe Furnishers, . CHAS. .1. C. KLINF. & CO. 12T Bowrv. New Wr-4J-Jy r-tf)in-to. For Dyspepsia or Indigestion. With this Antidote, all climates and chang es of water and food mav be fa'-ed without fear. Ml v in Malarious I ever. Bowel Com stlessness. Jaundice. Nausea, IT HAS NO EQUAL. It Is the Ch.itcst. Purest, und Best Family Medicine in the orld. Mauuia,-tured only bv J. IT. ZEILIS & CO., MACON. OA., ami PHILADELPHIA-u-7 PMoe, ft-M ty a'J Trr ?'rr:.