bV .w. i T TFTE ITER A LI). Try Dr. Chapman s Sure Cure for Rheumatism. I Grocery sens goods po cheap? LOCAL -XEWS. local advertisements. . Transient 2.1 cents a lino. Regular advertisers 13 cents per line. No advertisement inserted for los than Si cents. Lesal advertUomenta will be charged to the purties handing them in. i i i COMMUNICATIONS. As our space U limited, all communications j must be brief and to the point, with no waste cf I words. ' I sursscitinnus Am roouetel to notify the office If t'.ie paper Is not delivered promptly. N E T S P A P E R DECISIONS. 1. Any person who takes a panor realarty from the post oftice. whether directed to hW inline, r whether he is a subscriber or not Is responsible for the pay. 2. If any person orders his paper discontin ued, he mu pay it'.! arrearages, or the publisher mav continue to send St until pavment Is made, and collect the whole amount, whether the pa ver is taken from the oflice or not. s. The courts have decided that refusing to taki newspapers and periodicals from the post oflice, or iemoing :uid leaving thorn uncalled fo;-, is prima evidence of iste.vti.vl Fit.vrn. Notice to Kvehyisody. All subscribers pay ir for their paper to us. and ordering It stopped at a certain time, will find it so stopped; hut we cannot he responsible for what has been Ione before our time, nor for orders supposed to bo given by others to others. Our books alone must be the guide for all old subscriptions. Please remember this. 3 i 1 E I I! s 3 3 t i s s O I C i 5 r IF YOU WANT STRICTL Y PURE Drills and Med icines, Perfumery, Toilet Selts and Articles, Soaps, Ilru3lie3, Paints, Oils, "Varnish, Window Glass and Putty, Choice Wines, and Liquors, Fine Cigars and Tobacco, Lamps, COAL OIL, Lanterns, Shoulder Braces, Trusses and Supporters, Imported Knives, Razors, and Violin Strings, Writing Taper, Envelopes, Inks, Pens, Lead Pencils, &c, &e., go to Dr. G. B. CHAPMAN'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE, Platts mouth, Nebraska. S.mos3. Acute or Chronic Rheumatism permanently cured. n s Co" 3 Tlie Howe Sewing Machine is the Ptst. 32m3. riattmiouth r.i'.iiard Hall, opposite the ItrooXs Hou'.e. Win. Neville, proprietor. Three good tables, good bar and bowling alley. 2!m3 llemcmher the Concert of the Musi cal Convention this ereniny. at Fitz oit.ald's 1 1 all. Use Imperial Leaking Powder. 41 w3 Doctor Eutlcr, Weeping, Water,. has removed his oflice to the residence of K. L. Reed, and invites ail his friends to call and take a cigar. One litre Florence Bowing Machine for sale at this oflice, also one Finkle A Lvon second hand Machine. 88 tf Euy the Howe Sewing Machine, J. W. Martins sell them. S2m3. Remember the new butcher fdiop by the Court House when you want meat. 33rn3. Tor your good and cheap foot gear ing go to an exclusive Shoe Store, a&tf. Peter Mkroas. Good woolen over shirts SI 00 and heavy shirts and draowers for 75 cents at Hank, Strciglits. 33ml IMPERIAL Baking Powder is the best in the world. Sold by F. R. Guthman and J. Herold. 41w3 For your Clothing go to an exclusive Clothing Store, for Roots and Shoes, go to an exclusive Shoe Store, a 29tf. Peter Mergis. Call on J. W. Martins and get your wife a first class Sewing Machine. 32m3. II ATT! II ATT! ! II ATT ! ! ! Look here, gentlemen ? If you want the best kind of meat come to A. G. Hatt, at the old, permanent stand. 3Stf ERRATA. In the marriage notice of W. II. Pool, last week, it should have read W. IL Pool, to Miss Louisa Burrows; instead of Miss Lanisa lln:r.oron. A runaway. Tuesday; little boy up ROOM TO RENT. . The left hand front room on the same floor with the Herald oflice, is for rent. Apply at the Herald office, for terms. M. L. White. 87tf What is the reason the. Nebraska Because, Luke btly'a for greenbacks, thats what's tho matter. ' : 41w2 .u; . Ask your grocer for IMPERIAL Baking Powder.. . If: lie does not keep it send direct to the Imperial Baking Powder. Co., of .-Omaha Neb., and get it at ichoPsale prices. 41w3 ; , GOT IT, .- "Little Mac" has bad. It3 a girl weighs ninety Dr. Chapman's scales Sings Sham us O'Brien already1 and instead of being a. Watchman, it requires a pretty good, watch woman to keep it out of mischief. .Well, it takes after its Daddy. ; ' ' ' - . DEATH. . ' is ofteii caused by-getting., cold and wet feet. It:is therefore evejy bodys duty to provide themselves wUli the best quality cf. boots and shoes which can be bought for;the lowest -cash prices at tho Shoe Store. Man u factor ing and Repairing doiie neatly, and with dispatch. : , 29tf Peter Mergis. Tony for sale, office. Inquire of Herald 24 tf. A man named Metzger, at Louisville, str:iirht as a t:ne-stern. hauliiur away ... ...... 1 ,. , , ... ana fractured his skuil. on me lines; no stop, uotses tun up liill and some men got hold of them. The Good Templars at Greenwood organized a Lodge last month, and have now over fifty members. Bully for Greenwood. CARD OF THANKS. The High School "Entertainment Club desire to thank the Amateur Dramatic Club of Platl-mouth, for ten do'lars, kindlj- contributed toward.-; the Organ Fund. Laura W. Morse. COAL! COAL.'.' COAL!.'! Rusty Fort Scott and National Coal f-n- nale cheap by 4i tr We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of tho Hubbard House, at Weeping Water, in another column. Mr. Hubbard opened his house to the public on Jbnday last, and will be prepared to entertain all at reasonable rates. We prophecy that he will have plenty of business. The 1. S. Land Oflice will open for business on January 2d, 1874. Parties having business with the office will subservw their interests by writing to, or calling on W. E. Sheldon, near the LandoSSee. 41t2 SUBSCRIBE NOW For The Christian at Work, a large, II. K. Bcricet i handsome, independent, unsectarian ..- paper of twenty pages, devoted to The Pork is coming in rapidly now ! Heligiou, Morals, Reform, News, Lit at'.ays. For grain, pork, produce and i ,.ratuie, etc. Edited by DeWitt Tal things Plattsmonth can beat any town j mage, and it offers the handsomest of her size on the Mosouri River. Bet Chromos we liave yet seen as premiums it- j with the pap-r. Thos. W. Shryock is ) . .-.-. f lvirri nr1 li'J ilif I ,1 1 rfkTTlit I i(;dvbuvs the Howe Macmne. 4 ' .. , to show you. t an en una ana sub scribe and get a picture. Tmjterial Baking Powders, at Tutt's. Call and get some. INSTALLATION AT JIACOY LODGE. .mJ. T!i best Shos at th! undersold. and cheapest Boots and Shoo store, will never be f. Petxr Merges. O I' SAVE MONEY. nef.? nanl tinuM iv getting vour pipers at low club ratsw. Address with jtamp, James Wtiiam, JUin3 Glcndalc Cas.i Co. Neb. The hours of l.i'i r liave been re duced from ten liours to tijhf, in the w.ichlne S!i.';is. Wages have been re 'n.'e 1 :i '; or li:igly is in irefer-n'-e to discharging one-flfth of their t. For a doll-a in cash you can get its value in Groceries at the Nebraska Grocery, you will always find Luke there to attend you. 41v2 Go to Morrison & Ellison's next door to the Court House for your meat. 33m3. The Howe Sewing Machino took the Prize Medal at the St. Joseph Exposi tion for 1873. 32m3. Ben Ileinpcl keep.-; an oyster house it is on the south side of Main street, almost opposite Dovey's big store. Ben. keeps tirst, oysters; next, more The Mtisirnl Con -Art this evening , oysters; thirdly, all kinds of oysters; ,vlll ho a fine display of home talent, j aad lastly ancl.linaliy, oysters and other e.n l should he well attended. Us? Imperinl Baking Powder. Every l-x warranted. 41 w3 Tlie Nebraska Grocery under the Herald Oflice is now selling Teas at cost, from f.Octs., up. Now is your time to buy. 41v2 The County Treasurer's Office has been papered and fixed over and changed about, and the new Treasur er's department is fast Cummin' to be a first rate looking place. p. r hTinsta llatlTn. The Patrons of Husbandry at the Eight Mile Grove ('range hadaliti:: 'Mow out" .over their installation at tho school house, there. Music by Mr. and Mrs. Ilusted and the Mutz boys. Big supper, number of guests, some speeches. Sec. things to eat and drink or smoke. Call and see the "Oyster Boy" of Plaits mouth. 20tf W. 11. Pool, wants to see his numerous friends from the country in Peter Mergis Shoe Store. Strangers will also find him polite and accomo dating. 29tf. One Piano for sale cheap, at the Herald office. Inquire 24tf . If you want a good, wsrm pair of gloves or mittens that will 1 i-c as long :is Cap. Kuhl's "Pimp holds out to burn," just dror in at Schnasse & Co.'s, and ask Cap. to show 'em up lie's just the chap that know how. 4ItlT Hatt is still selling meat, and if you want your nice steak, good roast, or any other kind of meat, come to Hatt. He's got it. S0t3 "mttiisciiooi- MONTHLY ROLL OF HONOR. Sadie E. Vanatta, Principal Moni tor of School Hester says lie is in la;!:. He wrote to a green house man east to send him ::ve gold fish and the man sent a box containing five bunches of Gulden Fus sia. Hesscr then wrote back and says he did his best writing when making tha words Gold Fish, and then expla ined to the green house man that it was 2'jVi he wanted not Fussia. The - SECOND GRAMMAR. Carrie Porter, First Monitor. . .. Louisa Shryock. Second riRST GRAMMAR. Olive Horning, First Monitor. . . Edith Lazenby, Second , SECOND INTERMEDIATE. Alice Pollock, First Monitor Allie Gass, Second FIRST INTERMEDIATE. Willie Erhart, First Monitor. . . P. Kennedy, Second Ollie Winterstein Olga Kuhl FOURTH PRIMARY. Frank Moraran. First Monitor. green house man sent him a large box , Nettie j$row-n Second tilled with Golden I uchsa commonly called cloth of rold and wrote' to Hes- THIRD PRIMARY. e?r and regretted that he had made the mistake but was happy to 1)0 able so soon to rectify his mistake an 1 that on inspection of his first letter he had dis covered that it was not written very plainly. Hesser wants, to know how ho can make that fellow understand that it is fish he wants. Talk about a Lawyer's or an Editor's writing now, will yon! We are very much obliged to " Orange Peel" for his compliments. J Ora Conn. First Monitor. Henry Cutler, Second HIGH SCHOOL SOCIABLE. The second of this pleasant se ries of entertainments will take place to-morrow (Friday) evening in the High School Building. The students of the school deserve encouragement for the plucky manner in which thes' are pushing the organ business. Give '.hem your patronage and spondoolicks, to-morrow evening. They charge noth iu2 for admission ; they onlv vou 7.121 S3 .07 07 07 . 9S.4 .. 98.3 .-. 98.3 .. 88.2 . 98.75 98.75 93.53 MEAT FOR THE HOLIDAYS. At Ilatt's. Game, turkey?, geese and chickens. Buffalo and beef by the acre. 3013 NEW BARBER SHOP, Adjoining the Palace Billiard Hall, Mr. Herman Kloningcr, presiding. A very pleasant little semi-social (that means half business and half pleasure) entertainment was given at Macoy Lodge, Plattsmouth, on tho evening of Saturday, Dec. 27th, being the tima of installing their ofllcers for the ensuing year. The officers installed were as follows: W. M. J. N. Wise. S. W. Jos. M. Beardsiey, J. W. V. V. Leonrd. Treasurer A. White. Secretary II. II. B 'dwell. Chaplain J. W. Barnes. Tyler Wm. Wintersteen. After appropriate ceremonies, in-, ducting the new officers to their duties, music, speeches and gay chat followed for an hour. The W. M., Mr. Wise moro than outshone himself in his ac count of Mrs. Bird's mishaps, and Dr. Livingston told a mule no a fence story. All's well that ends well, and this party ended well. Tref. d'Allemand's school is in a highly flourishing condition, we under stand. His son, Charles, becomes the first assistant, right hand man, this week, and the rooms are rapidl filling up. TIIE COUNTY FAIR BUSINESS. Plattsmouth Jan. 3, 1873. Cass Co. Agricultural and Mechanic al Association held their monthly meeting at the Court House on tho date above. E. Sage Vice-President in the chair, moved and carried that W. B. Porter attend as a delegate, the meeting of the State Board of Agriculture held at Omaha. Moved and carried that an order for 8150,00 be drawn on the Treasury in favor of Jacob Adams, in payment of rent on Fair ground. - Moved and carried that a Committee of threo, consisting of E. Sage, Jacob Vallery and Perry Walker make ar rangements for the rent of Fairgrounds the coming year. J. F. Doud Sec. BEN HEMPL'S OYSTER ITAUS. If you want .a good oyster stew go to Ben. Hempel's; if you want a good plate of raw oysters, so big as your hand, go to Ben. Hempel's; if you want a square meal, go to Ben. Hem pel's.; and if 3'ou must have a good glass of wine, or a cigar to top off with, Ben. has get them. SOtf Business is-busiaeFS, and so are the Cigars at the P. O. Rook Store.. 5-tf. Slerilfs Sale. ;.. : " Ry virtue of a"i order of sale, issued out-of.the t iJiHinrt court, t.ass Countv Nebraska, Mia to mo directed. I wul, on the 2nd day f .eiru ary. A. D.. ls"4. at lo o clock a. m.. of said day. nt the south door of the Court House, m -tho City of I'lattsnmuth, ta said County. sn tit IiiDl!e Auctioii the property deserihed hi 'aid order, to-wlt : The south half (a H. of tij south-west quarter (s w ) of section eight OO. Township twelve (12), rar.ire twelve (12 in Cass County Nebraska, to satisfy Judgment Of ..ld Court, recovered by Chapman & Max well, against Washington M. Dickens. Plattsmouth, Cass County Nebraska. Decem ber 30th, A. D., 1873. M. li. CUTLER. 40w5 Sheriff. BbrineF-v-Stabfegi A. G. Hatt, always and forever, sure to be there; Call and nee; fresh -meat, fish, flesh, game and fowls. 38tf NEBRASKA GRAIN CO. TO the farmers 0f cass saunders; counties. AND TAKE NOTICE. J. W. Marthis takes fat cattle or hogs in, full, or part payments on Sew ing Machines. 33m3 Remember the Depot for the How Sewing Machine is in Ilatt's oflice on the South side of Main St. 82m3. The transfer at this place has been open since first of last week, and they are doing a smashing business. GEE WHAT YOU GET FOR 3.33. Our Fireside Friend, for one year (52 numbers of a large sized, eight page Family Weekly of great value and interest in every household.) and your choice of either, "Sunbeam" or '"Cute," finely framed in a two-inch polished walnut anil gilt frame, ready to hang up for only 3,50. Now is the time to Subscribe with tlie Agent J. Pn. Young. GREAT STEAM WASHER. . Mr. Peter T. Beaver & Son hare se cured the agency of the famous, "Tilton Steam Washer," and intend to sell the same in the counties of Cass, Douglas and Lancas ter. This Washer is a new invention and washes the clothes by steam, without any turning of cranks, patent paddle wheels, or any oilier appliance, but the thorough and perfect passage of steam through tho clothes, agitating and washing them, purer and whiter than by any other process. It is manufactured in Pittsburgh, Penn., and Beaver & Son will fill all orders nt tho Pittsburgh retail price, 810.00. They are prepared to let every person try -these machines to their heart's content, before purchasing. Orders can be left, and machines seen, at the store of J. II. Buttery, in Plattsmouth. 3Smos3 Beaver & Son are also agents fcr the sale of Territory in tho States of Kan sas and Nebraska. 38mos3 WOOD FOR SALF. One hundred cords of dry wood for sale by 3Dw8 W. II. SlIAFEK. For Sale. ISO acres of land belonging to Cass County Nebraska bem the South West quarter of Section No. Five (.!) Township No. Eleven (11) North of Kaniie No. Thirteen (13) East of Sixth principal Meridian, Situated near Eight Mile Grove. For Terms cf sale see I,.1I..Iamh ) Timothy Ci-AKKor ;-Co. Comr'i. M. L. White. ) ZSlt Ttic Elousciiold Panacea, and ramly Liniment is the best remedy in the world for the following complaints, viz.: Cramps in the Limbs and Stomach. Pain in the him, and will warrant them satisfac tion. 3Dt3 llie little cnampion barber invites stomach, Bowels, cr Side, Rheumatism all who want a clean shave, hair cut, j in all its forms, Bilkms Colic, Ncu or anything in that line, to call upon ! Cholera. Dysentery, Colds, Fresh ,,-ni -.WoT,t c.f:,fJoumls Darns, Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains and Bruises, Chills and Fever. For Internal aml External FLOUR DEPOT. i js r,peration is not only to relieve Mr. C. Schluntz will open, with the the patient, but entirely removes the new year, a new business, in Platts- cau,se of tle complaint. It penetrates .... ' ... and pervades the whole system, restor- mouth, being a Flour Depot, with inJ linhy aeti0n to all its parte, and which he will combine Provisions and quickening tlie blood. The Household Groceries. It will be opened about tho Panacea is purely Vegetable aD;.l all first of February;, at the old R. R. Ba-' HeaUng. Prermed by kery-Fred Sladelmanns old store-re- X(X 21 , Vst54 SSTork. - - FETCII'EM IN. Eggs, Butter, vegetables, chickens, game, fish, wanted at this office in exchange for Herald Subscriptions. TO RENT OR SELL. The house of Dr. Rawlins, in the south-west part of town, near the resi dence of Mr. Eli Plummer. For terms, apply on the premises." 33tf. "obituary. "Leaves have their time to fall. And flowers to wither at the north winds breath. And stars to set. Rut all. Thou h:'.st all seasons, for thine own, O, death." Death has not only all seasons for his own, but all ranks and conditions of society are alike ruthlessly invaded by his presence. Not alone docs he welcome to his cold embrace the aged and infirm, but he touches with his poisoned wand the bloom of infancy and childhood, and it fades forever away. No; not forever. Christ has triumphed over death, and the dead shall rise again to bloom in youth and beauty immortal, beyond the skies. Mary, youngest daughter of George and Mary Prongcr, who but a few days ago, with her parents and school-mates, a bright, beautiful, innocent child of but ten years of age, has gono from them now. On the afternoon of the Cth Inst., she was taken (we believe) with con gestive chills. No fears were enter tained for her safety until about C o'clock p. M., of the following Tuesday, when all at once, she complained of her head; asking her father to put his hand upon it and try to relieve her pain. Saying at the same time: "Papa I am going to die." And with child-like simplicity and faith in God, rose up and putting her hands together, fervently prayed for God to bless her father and mother, brothers, sister and friends, her pastor, teachers and class-mates, both in her Sabbath and day school, and calmly and peacefully laid down to die. And at a few minutrs past 9 o'clock, fell asleep in Jesus. Peaceful sleep, that knows no wak ing to sorrow. The sudden death of one so young, so amiable, so interesting and beauti ful, has brought a dark cloud of sorrow upon the home of which she was the light and hope, and cast a shade of sad ness over both the Sabath . Schools, of which she was a member and in which she was much very much beloved. Her remains were followed to the Cemetery by a large number of her school-mates and friends of the family, on Thursday the llth; and on the fol lowing Sunday afternoon a deeply in teresting and impressive memorial ser vice was held at the M. E. Church, of which both parents are members. Addresses were delivered by Mr. R. B. Windham, J. O. Phillippi, Mr. Pollock. Rev. Mr. Rankin, of Iowa, and the pas tor of the church, interspersed with appropriate songs by the school. But while parents and friends were mourning the loss of a lovely child and an endeared school-mate, she was spending her first Sabbath with Christ and His Angels." We sang the funeral dirge, but beautiful Mary sings now the anthems of triumph in the man sions above. May the great father in love and pity, bind more firmly, our hearts to the invisible and eternal where beyond the river, we hope to meet again. 'Time is a river deep nnd wide, And while along its banks we stray. We see our loved ones o'er its tide, , Sail from our side, away, away. Where are they sped, they who return No more to glad our longing eyes? They've pass'd from life's contracted bourne To clinics more bl ight, more fair, that lies Rcyond the river. Then are our loved ones. In their rest. They've cross'd time's river ; now no more They heed the bubbles on its breast. Nor feel the storms that sweep its shore. . Rut there pure love can live and last ; They look for us, their home to share. When we in turn, away have pass'd What Joyful meetings meet us there. Beyond the rlrer. I'lattsmouth. Deo. 2C-4, 73. Plattsmouth, Oct. 8, 1873.- . The' undersigned, representing the Nebraska Grain Company, takes pleas ure in informing hi3 friends end those who have produce to sell, that they have increased their facilities for hand ling grain by erecting Warehouses at Louisville, Ashland, Greenwood, and other points on the B. & M. Road, where competent men will be found in charge, having an interest in the busi ness, who.will pay more for Wheat, Corn, Oats, and Barley than any other firm in Nebraska. Refers, by permission, to John Fitz gerald, Calvin Parmele, and John R. Clark. Office opposite Bank in Jno. D. Tutt's Storo. JOS. A. CONNOR, 2Sm3. Gerroral Manager. FOR RENT. The large and commodious wareroom, cellar, and oflice on second tloorof building formerly occupied by Jacob Vallery, jr., in Masonic Block. Enquire of It. K. Livi.vuston or . 4S-tf.- K. T. Duke. Sheriff's Sale. ' Ry virtue of an order of pale. Issued out of the District Court, for Cass County Nebraska, and to me-directed, I will, on the st'rnml (2nd) day of Ft-Niary, A. D..1874. at ten (10) o'clock a. in., of saM tint, at the south door of the Court House in tlie City of I'lattsmouth. In said Coun ty, sell at Public auction, the property describ ed in said order to-. Kit : The north-west quar ter m w ) of the north-west quarter (n w H) of section number. - fourteen (14) Township twelvj (12) range thirteen tl3) and the south west quarter (s w" liti of the south west (s w i) of section .No. eleven (11) Township twelve (Ui, ranjie thirteen (13) east of the sixth (;th Principal Meridian all in LUiss t. onnty Nebraska. o salw'y a jutljr- menr ot snia uourr, recovered nv i Harbison, against I-avina Duke, fell and Lloyd D. Bennett, Executors of S. Duke. ueceasea. Plattsmouth, Cass County Nebraska. Decern ber 29th, A. D., 1873. M. B. CUTLER. 40w5 Sheriff. EL Hubbard House, FINE LIVERY. i- - G. HUBBARD, - - Vnor Main Street. Weeplnjr Water. GOOfr- ACCOMODATIONS FOR TRA VEL ERS. A 1 m6. Margaret A. li-rt T. Duke Sheriff's Sale.. P.y virtue of an order of sale, issued out of the District Court for Cass County Nebraska, and to me directed. I will, on the 2nd day of Febru ary, A. D.. 1874, at ten (lo o'clock a. m.. of said ria'v, at the south door of the Court House in the City of Plattsmouth in said County, sell at Iuhlie Auction, the property described in said ordvr to-wit ; The south half (s H of the south half (s -0 t-f the south east quarter (s e ?) of section number four4) and the north-east quar ter (u e H of section number nine () all In Township uumber twHtr (VJ) ranse thirteen (13). east of the sith (tub) Principal Meridian, in Cass County Nebraska, fry. smlsfy a judg ment of-sa'd Cinirt, recovered by Robert Cl. Doom, against Htnry 11. Pettit, Eliza L. Peltit and John Fitzgerald. Plattsmouth, Cuss Cuuuty Nebraska. Decem ber 3ith 1S73. M. B. CUTLER. 4mv5 Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale! PLATTSMOUTH Grain Company. E. G. D0VEY, Pres't. E. T. DUKE, Treas. Fit ElK (JOIiDKH, Buyer. ThU Company will buy grain at the hihct j market rates all tlm-. ! : c BIITTKRY & 1 AZ ENBt ' Horses &('iirriaires to Let Stock Hoarded hy thcDaj Week or Month 1 or Tiilrty Years' Experience an Old Ji'urse. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the prescription of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never failing safety and success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble infant of one week old to the. ttdult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. We believe it to be the Best and Surest Remedy in the World, in" all cases of Dysentery and Diarrhoea in Children, whether it arises from Teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will accomp any each bottle. None Genuine unless the face-smile of CURTIS - & PER KINS is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers, 24wly. NEW BUTCHER SHOP. Bv virtue of an order of Sale Issued out of the District Court, for Cass Comity. Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 will, on the 2nd day of Febru ary, A. D.. 1874. at 10 o'clock a. in., of said day, at the south door of the Court House, in tlie City of I'lattsmouth, in said County, Sell at Public auction the property described in said Order to-wlt : Commencing one thousand seventy-five and two-thirds (1.0T5S) feet north, ami one thousand three hundred and twenty-six (1,326) feet east of the south-west corner of .tec tum seven (7) township twelve (12) north of range fouileeen (ID east of tlie sixth (t;th) principle meridiiiu. more particularly described as being the nortli-eiist corner of Townsend's addition to the Citv of Plattsmouth, thence west paral lel with the south line of said section two hun dred (200) feet, thence north four hundred and thirty (430) feet, thence east parallel with the south line of this tract two hundred (200) feet, thence south parallel with the west line of this tract four hundred and thirty (430) feet to the place of beginning, containing two (2) acres sit uated in Cass Count v Nebraska, to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by Anselmo B. Smith, against Conrad Kipple. Mary Kipolo, Joseph Lceslev. C. Lyman, Thuma Hollo well, Conrad Hciscl & Co. and John dross. I'lattsmouth. Cass Count v. Nebraska. De cember 2t)th, 1S73. 51. B. CUTLER. 40vv5 Sheriff. Estray Notice. Taken up by the Subscriber on the 2oth. day of Nov. 1M73, at his residence in Plattsmouth Precinct Cass County Neb., One Red Cow, with some white spots. Mnall Uorns tunimnin. No marks perceptible. Supposed, to be five or six years old. Signed Isaac Wilt's. Nov. 2?th 1873. 3SW5 Scales and office at V.. C. p-rey's ft--., lower Main street, Pluttsmouth. Neb. 29yl J. R. WATTS, DRAl.RR IN Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry. Agent for the sale of the celebrated UNITED STATES,ELGIN,WALTHAM and HOWARD WATCHES, Cons ku 4th and SiLVKit Sts., ASHLAND, NEB. CRepa i ri n g Short Notle. of all kiad 4on on 3T-yl. Good Stock, Good Vehicles' Cail and Oivo hi a Trial! Stable on Vine Street. PLATTSMOUTH, i:Stf. . . .,. NKB MUGS FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OIf PLATTSMOUTH, NKDKASUA, SCCCKBSOIt TO Tootle, Hanna & Clark. John Fitzgerald. President. Johx Ii. Clark, Cashier. C. H. Vice President. T. W. Evans, Ass't Cashier. Sheriff's Sale. Meat! Neat! Meat!! FranTc Morrison has re-opened the Butcher Shop next door to the Court House formerly known as Morrison & Shannon's. The firm is Morrison & Ellison and Frank hereby cordially invites allj his old friends to call and see him again and get some of those juicy stales, 33m3. surloins, and roasts. Children ollen look I'alc and from no other cause than having worms in the stomach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child, being perfectly WHITE, and free from all coloring or other injur ious ingredients usually used in worm preparations, " CURTIS & BROWN, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. Sold by Druggists and Chemists and dealers in Medicines at Twenty-Five CX'Tits a Box. 24wly. Legal Notices. Ty virtue of an order rf sale issued out of the District Court lor Cass County. Nebraska, and to me directed. I-wi.l on the2ith day of Jan uary, A. D.. 1874, at 10 o'clock A. ?r.. of said day at tlie south door of the Court House, in the City ot Plattsmouth. in said Count v, sell at Pub lic Auction, the property described in said order To-wit : lots five i5) and six (6) in block no. eight (8) In Young and Hays' addition to the city of Plattssmouth. Cass County Nebraska, to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered bv Thomas 11. (Jordon, against James E. Dooni, Kmily C. Doom, pnd T. H. Robertson. M. B. Ct'TLER. Sheriff. riatUmoulh, Dec. 24, A. D., 1373. 3!w4 This Bank Ls no'.y open for btislnofi at thl'.r new room, corner Main and Sixth streets, and are prepared to transact a genen-1 Banking Business. Stocks, Bonds. Gold, Government Mid Local SeBritles Bought and Sold, Deposits Received and Interest allowed On time Certificates. Drafts drawn, available In any part of the Vnltert States and in all tlie principal towns and Cities of Europe. rsrsi'scaH AND AT J. H. BUTTERY'S : On Main street nearly opposite tho HERALD oflice. Sheriff's Sale. By virtu of an order of Sale issued out of the District Court for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the ath day of Febru ary. A. 1).. 1S71, at 10 o'clock a. si., of said day. at the south door of the Court House, in the City of I'lattsmouth, in s:iid County. Sell at Public Auction, the property described in said order, to-wit : Lot one (1) two () three (3) four (4) five (5) and six ;. in block No. three (3) in Young and Hays' addition to the city of I'latts mouth in Cass County Nebraska ; To satisfy a Judgement, of said Court, recovered by O. M. Tyler against Lucinda Barnes, A. O. Bariics and John Fitzgerald. M. B. Cutler, Sheriff. riattsmoi:th. Dee. 24, A. D., 1S73. . 3tw5 Estray Notice. Taken up bv the undersigned at his residence In the town of Rock Bluffs Cass County Neb raska on the 10 day of November 1h73, one Red Steer about one year and a half old. with some white on the Belly: no other marks or brands perceivable. V. R. Ellixcjtox. 37W.1. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of Sale. Issued out of the District Court, for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed: I will, on the znd day Feb ruary, A. D., 1874, at 10 o'clock a. m.. ol said day. at the south door of the Court House, in the City of Plattsriioutlu in said County, sell at Public Auction, the property described in said order, to-wit : Tlie south half (s'-,)of south west quarter (sw V) and north-west quarter (n w ?) of the south-west quarter (s w M) of section eighteen (is). Township twelve (12), north of range twelve l ), situated in Cass Countv, Nebraska, to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered bv A brant Nave, James McCord and Francis Brown, against Theodore F. Bethel. Plattsmouth. Cass County Nebraska. Decem ber 2H. A. D-, 1S73, . SI. B. CUTLER. 40W5 Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtns ni an order of sale issued out of the'HisBict Court, for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 will, on the 20th day of January. A. D.'lsi74, at l' o'clock A. M.. of said day. at the south door of the Court House in the Cii'y of I'lattsmouth, in said county, sell at Iub lic Auction, the property described in said or der, to-wit : Commencing at the southwest corner of section eighteen (18), township num ber twelve (12) north of range number fourteen (14) east of sixth (f.) principal meridian and run ning east forty (40 rods; thence north twenty four (4) rods to the place of commencements thence east sixteen and two-thirds (IKi) rods ; thence north twenty-four (2l rods ; 'thence west sixteen and two-thirds (la,) rods : thence south twenty-four i't) rod to place of begin ning, except a strip sixty Co) feet wide .by tweniy-four (24) roils long oil the west sida-of the above described tract ; and also excepting a lot described as follows: commencing r.t a point sixty (oo) feet east of the .'outhwe:-t cor ner of the above described tract, and rnnning thence east one hundred and forty (1 10) feet ; thence north forty-four (14) feet ; thenre west one hundred and'forty (140) feet ; thence south forty-four (44) feet to the place of beginning, in Cass county, Nebraska, to satisfv a judgment of court recovered bv Isaac W iles against Deluiont Johnson and Susie S. Johnson. M. B. Ci'TLKK, Sheriff. riattsmouth. Dee. 2J. A. D. 1S73. 3?-.v5 COLD WINTER, r is coming and every Man, Woman and Child, ought to be provided with goot foot gearing, which" can be obtained of, Peter Merges tho. only exclusive Boot and Shoe dealer in Cass Co., who m excited much interest, I larger hmti well liked, and having a- solemn, earj est way of making very witty remark Guardian Sale. Notice is herebv given that In pursuance of a decretal order of fcale rendered by Hon. (ieo. B. Lake. Judge of the District Court, of the 2nd. Judicial District, within and for Cass County. Nebraska, made at the Court House on the 2nd dav of December. 173. I will on the loih day of January 1871. at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Plattsmouth. Cass County Nebraska, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., of said day. oiler for sale to the highest bidder the following described Lands to-wit : The north half (!4)of the north west quarter (') of tin; south east quarter () of section number four (4). in town ten (10) north of range thirteen (13) east, containing twenty acres, and sixty acres being the east part of the north west quarter (t) of section number ten (10) town ten (10) north, range thirteen (13) east, be ing in all eighty acres, excepting and reserving one-fourth of an aero of ground occupied and used as a burial place. Said sale will remain open for bids from one o'clock p. in. until two o'clock p. m. of said day. Terms of sale, one-third cash, one-third in six months and the balance in one vear with inter est. CATHARINE UUT, Guardian. By Cuat-max 6i Maxwell, 37w4 her Attorneys. Bids For Forasje. Headquarters Dkpaktmext of the ) Platte, ChikfQuarteumastek's Oflice v OMAHA, N eb., Dec. 30, 1873. SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate, will be received at this oflice until eleven o'clock A. m., Thursday. Jan., isth, 1S74. for the deliv ery at Omaha l)epot, in quantities ar rein' red of - ' One million (l.OOO OOO) lbs. of Oats. Two million (2,000,000) lbs of Corn Each proposal must be guaranteed by two re sponsible parties, not bidders. that they will be come bondsmen on award of tlie contracts. No bid will be entertained, under any circum stances, unless the bidder is present in person, or by duly authorized sigent or attorney at the opening of the bids, and is then and there pre pared to show that he is fully able to carry out the contract in all respects if awarded to him. Bids must be endorsed on envelopes,"Bids for Forage." Tlie right to reject any or all bids is reserved. Blank bids furnished and full conditions made known on application at this oflice. By order ot the Department Commander. ALEX. J. PERRY. Chief Quartermaster, Dept. Platte, Bvt. Bris. General, V. S. A. 41 -A. Centaur Liniment. There is no pain which the t cntaur Liniment will not re lieve, no swelling it will not subdue, an Jno lameness which It will not cure. This is strong language, but It is true. Where the parts are not gone, its effects are marvellous. I t has produced more cures of rheumatism, neu- ihTVrpcE ralgia. lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, rweliings, ear-ache, eaked-brcasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, &c, upon the human frame, and of strains, spavin, galls, &e., upon animals in one year than have al other pretended remedies since the world began. It ls a counter-irritant, an all-healinc pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a scar. It is no humbug. The recipe Is selling as no article ever before sold, and it sell3 because it does just what it pretends to do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if they will not use more than 1000 certificates . Including frozen limbs. frmit mnnin" tumours. ins home. 1 av would prevail on htrv0.. v xv ,m nrforior to Ftay, and after dinner the followim containing certificates, the recipe. &e., gratis to colloquy: "Everything in thcie a! ta any one requesting it. One bottle of the yel Tight, Ilarger?" "Every thing excel i0 wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one lent." "Dessert all r relit?" "Excellent! hundred dollars for foundered or sweeaied hor- "Ice-cream all right V" '"Delicious, M) ses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Fay." "Very well; remember this ij Piock-owners this liniment is worth your at J our paper next week." In return id tension. No family should be without Centaur dinners and cigars. Harger says that U Lii-irccnt. J. B. Ross & Co., New York. a-ly told a great many lies editorially- : worth more than a thousand dollars.-j castobia is more than a substitute for Cas Ile never would have presented a bilt"or0iL it is the only safe article la existence for 1163 had not Fay fallen out wiijj which is certain to assimilate the food, regulat Mm and wanted pay for dinners. Ilaji the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural ger pleaded his own case, and the jui sleep. It contaias neither minerals. irarpbiEe FOH TIIE CELEBRATED Inman Line AND ALLEN LINE OF STEAMERS Tersons wishing to bring out their friends from Europe can purchase tickets from us through to Plattsmouth Blacksmith Shop. CIIAS. N. TIFFANY, MT. PLEASAXT, NEB. Begs leave to inform tho farmers of Cass County that he keeps a good No. 1 BLACKSMITH SHOP 3ne mile north of Mt. Pleasant. All kinds of Iron "Work attended to. Wagons repaired, Farm . Implements carefully mended. Lowest prices, and all work done on short notice. Grain received in payment. Give me a trial. CnAs. N. Tiffany. SOly Woolco Ue and Retail Dealer In DRL'OS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS. VARNISHES, PATENT MEDI CINES, TOILET ARTI CLES, &c, &c. I Nebraska Grocery. under Herald oflice. Luke Miskella, Proprietor FINE TEAS a speciality. Try them and be satisfied. nlS-ly. 4 Ben. Hem pel's Oyster House. Lower Main Street, PLATTSMOUTH, - NEB. Ben Iljmple keeps season. Fresh Oyster3 all the I 1 u rni-nfi rrt t h-if x- iiiiilil t-ot t r htm ivowoi wi- j. cjrw.-.j u. ..y Cent:lur Lihiment. Harger, I ve got a nice dinner to-da of rcraarkaMe cure9 found a verdict for him, vrhich thro the costs upon the hotel keeper. or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry nnd mothers may rest. " 46-ly Ben. Ilempel furnishes meals a all hours. Ben. Hempcl has th? beet Wines. Cigars, and Liquors in the town. Go to Ben Hemple's when you want any of the above bUssings of life. n3lyl NO YOU DONT ! ! Get any Goods cheaper, or a btter article than is kept at the Store of jas, Olisheo & Co. Dealers in General Merchandise. "We ar in receipt of Fresh Geo-s .every week from the East, whlchare bought for Cafh, aad vTil be sold in any amount. . -' ; Grangersjkeep youi cf e on your friend; We will Hot be undersold tiy any one. , JAS. CLHB2 & CO. "vTeep'Tng "VTatcrJuTv 1st, 1873. i-4L CJTTrescrlptions can-fully compouicd at all hours, flay and night. 33-ly. 1HE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST: I or your Groceries go to F. R. Guthmanii I) Bakery and Confectionary. t"CrAll kinds of Country Produce bought ahc". soM. T'il: notice of the sixn: "EMPIRE BAKERY AND CROC EUY." mayiotf. McGuire & Co. hoiesale and Retail Dealers in Foreigri AND Wi A lare and well sclecte'! stock of Bourbon, Rye & Monon- .-'. gahela Whiskeys Constantly on hand. Our connection vdth th firm of JUndskoff Bros., Distillers, enables us to sell at the lowest market rates .- Sole Jlgints t For the Celebrated Hungarian Win liit&z?& FLArrSMOVTH. ri-bV. - ,-v, - ''ElBASIi' Comer Third and Main street, Plattsmouth. j He keeps on hand a large and well fle'ebiet'. p?'.k cf FANCA- GROCERIES. COFFEES. TEAS, HUG Alt, SYRUP, ROOTS, SHOES. &c, &c., &c , Ac. In connection with the Grocery is a - J Domestic t A f