uAi&;y'ivii'8 10-Sh Ui-WJIi CTtt blOUiAia Q&xte Sufi at krweat prJooa iov oasa. A wcli sctoCtod stock of ioreigu ami -&e. A large assortment of Clocks keadquarfere for 'Ireb'es''Pdtcdt AWoiEibddatioii Spectacles: '. Repairing done dn short notico and alt Attturioaii Watotietl,. Z-.:idie Gobi .Watched and Ofaa&is; ftolltLOtrid arid BJa(d ftiUngs, titks trork warranted. Call and examine for ottrselvorf: - - - " t?'-w- 7: V---- ' . ' ' - - - ; ! . a . '-:'- -- . .. , : .v.. . - " .. ' ... - .-, .. . .. v - - .:. i - - . i TO IIEilAL I) riiblishfd evry Thursday at . 3PLATTSMOI.TK, XCRIUSKA. i .- .. : j- OfficeOn, Main ., Hot. , and Bth. Socon-1 Story. THE' HIlRALD ..... Dm- jepi: re. V:-' " I " , etc: l.'.cKlon. .;e '; t iesei-M- r. W Fir. """!'-": 1 ("t - , v t i-' . .',!t'J f,!l tlTig. JO.W ;f.1i:.i. rr.- ::..- n. . ..vox ei m in ! : "n: .oi '40. 0 OFFICIAL PAPER OF CASS COUNTY. d"ta- . Perseverance conquers." terms : $2.00 a Ya-.t: :."v.:Vi.: ;;;;; r:"' J. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. Terms, In Advance ftae oopy, one year Uiyq oopy, six innntlis tna copy, three months . 1 ...txoo 1.00 50 Volume 9. Pl&ttsm6utli, Nebraska, TKursday, August 21, 1873. t ' IT T . .1. .' M . i,: i.l . .'.! ' i." J l 'i , wri l.'.V. Jwiln ' JE1L JEj Jl1l jjcl. Md H P i .'!,, ti. i.-ei mi ui-'i i jo n i. . . ATTORNEYS. M. Bv,'JEKSK Attorney at I.w. Ofllf . . Main Mrci-t. over r;aj.:n:itrs Pnif S attention Kiven to culleetiou of flii w no Store. lims. . H. WHF.EI.KR. J. W. KrlVrllCOMH. WlierltT &SHncEicoiub, ATTOltNBYS AT UWS', -y Ilnttsinoutli. Xcbrjiakiv AJf. M. CHA1MAX. R. T. MAXWKI.U Chapman &. Maxwell. ATTORXKYS AT LAW nnl Solidtors in Cl.aiK-ery. !?im in Fitzg' rul.frt JJlot k, l'latts luouth, J"elir;l;,l:i. TARQCETT. SMITH R STAIMMKl). Attor-n-ys at Iiw. Ir:i-ti-c in ;t!l the -oiirts of til 6t.tte. Spi-ciiil att.-iition riven to collec'ioiiH ac4 ruafU-rsof I'rlutt'-. ORa- over t!ie Tost )i;:'-e. l'liittsmoiuh. NrU. PHYSICIANS. K. K. LIVINt.STOV.l-livs.eiau .ind Hurireon, Ten1T Ills ll-.ifesi'iii:il mtimcS to tin' Htizetn ol ( ass comity. Ki'tileiiee sout lifnt dnif r of 0:k ait'l Sixi li Mn-et- ; e'.lii'e on Muin w.r-et. ont iloor west of l.ym:iri's Lumber Yuril, JW. . La! II.VAVLINH. Surei'oii anl Plivsinaii. Late a Sitrueon-iri-rhi.-f of l-e Army of the Fotoma". riattsiiii.iir n. nra.skri. Uineo at O. r. .TohiiSvUi's lrn Store. Main ;:!ie-. IXsrHAXCH. TtIIEICLFK r.FNNFTT Real state a hi Taxtiavinu Au nt. Notaries 1'iiMie. Fire 1 Life Insi'nanre Agents, A'lattxmouth, Neb. 1"IIFL1"S FAINK Ceneral Ii'.-,un-.nee Atrei.t, panies in the Cni'.eil Stales. juiT-vtf HOTELS. BllOOivS HOUSE, JOHN F1TZ:KUAL1. IToprh-tor. ifain Street, between I'ifth & Sixth. MISCELLANEOUS. Ma1iNitioi:l) CIinirtKL. rioTi lor. Have reeeutly been r-taiieil anil plae-il i 1 thfiroiul: running r1er. lli.tiiH J$tn!n-ls of W tn'at wi' ii!i-- -Sl!v for which the hihe-'t iii;.il:el oriee will k i .i'd. Abstracts J TiCo. PPHK N-CMFIIK'AL SYSTFM The best in use For d-scripl i ve cirer.hi!. address. AC1JE.S. HLU'J'M.ii: A. CO.. i;urhii;."toii. Iowa, GREENHOUSE AND PLANTS. BEDDING Tlm and money ivcd by r.fdcriRK of roe. I tove the largest and l-st coSeetiou oi Vlants rver offered for sab? i". the Wi-si. Cr.t aloie-a be-. Sweet I'otato. I 'a!! vxe. 'I omaio, ;.:id oLli mr l'lants for sale in their s, :.,(-.i. Address W. .1. HKSSI.i:, l iaLisiiinU;!). Xcn. FOlt A liOOIv NKKiiI l l;V ALL rr Try The lift lni,.k' ptibli-.liPd o:i the Jiors-and j the Cow. Liberal term.. Money l-;tSe ra'ddiV i 'f OKCIlt eilii) ti.ese 1 uo,;s. isetid f.-r !r'-U- ; IniJI l-'K ( ati:s, i I'ubiishei-s. i'liliadell'lii i, la. ! FINE ART GA1LERY. J Snioto.-ra:':';. A!::'-ri!?rs nr.i'. copses fcsut obi pii t: r-.'-s. plain or .:. im?, -i.her in ink riMer or oil. All iik iieatly execiiieii and wai raated to give sat'st c-i;.. i V. V. LI i)NAl'.l. Ai ti-t. 10-tX J';:;ii .'... i'lattsinoetli. Neb. NEW DRUG STORE. v7:.K:Mr'i vi'at:, r'?u. T. L. POTTER, j KAIKH IN lUi ':s. MbinNK VAlNT". stiisi. vai;mii. " :i:i:, Si'.i floNI i;V. Nil! i'N.S, CI' i A lis ASd To- Ii. GOLDIRG, Pes'.rr la OCOTTIINO, FriiNSsIIINC. f.n.'UW. I!ATS, CAl'S. ; i'S. s;: ; s. I NKS, VALISES, f U.'El UAC.s, l."., Ut., Is'". niof the o!det ntid t:iot r.''.!:bb Tfo:" rs n ilartsniotith. Mxa 5trevt, b.'i'.i .en Ii:r:i; sinl Fifth. tjc-i'.i:Mr:.Mi:::i: the vlaci- afH. ! I XEW STYLES. "S. L. ELSTEK, MERCHANT TAILOR. ta rr I;'t of tho fmcf.t tiA BEST ASSOHTJfEXT iAS"I."IEKES. CLOTHS. VKsTlNCJS. SCOTCH tiOOOS. 1KISH FlilL-sK, o- '. Ti fiet. the largest r.nd be.t assortment of i s ever broimht to this eitv. which i am ......redtomakeupintheteststjies cadi v,i .xamine coeds. .tpidis. : ! Mrs- A. D. Whitcqmb, PRESS AXD CLOAK 21 A KEll. ".ms three door west of Itrooks House. VUTTIXG AXD FITTIXG A SPECIALTY. MADE 1 I Fat terns of aii kind constantly on hand 3C-ly. J. W. SHANNON'S SEED, SALE, d- LIVE HY STABLE. Main street, Fhittsiuouth, Neb. I sin prepared to accommodate the puliia TUil Uero, Cwriases. linyles, Wilsons. and n No. 1 Hearse. Oi short notice and reasonable terms. A U ' will run to the steamboat landing, Di iK t ' -.ll parts of the city when desired. 'r.r.ttf. Blacksmith Shop. CHAS. X. TJFPAXY, MT. PLEASANT, NEB. Begs leave to inform the farmers pf w.3 County that he keeps a good Xo. 1 3? LACK SMITH SHOP ,:-o mile i,.'rth of Ml. Pleasant. AU kiniLs of Iron Work attended to. Vag .iiS repaired, Farm' Implements , ortfudy rntnded. Lowest prices, and "!1 t, ork done on short notice: Cridiii received in pavment. Give -e a-trial. CirAS. N. Tiffany, VI. 1 v Official .Directory. CONCKKSSIONAL. T. V. Tljiton. lirmvtiville I. S. S-nator. 1. V. liitclicix k. 'tiinlia U. ri. Senator. L. C' Ft. Calhoun Kepreseutative. EXIXTTIYJ!. Jr. W. Fumax. r.rowiivUle..!.' .1. .1. :s!ier, I.ili-ii!ri .1. 15. We.ston, JJeatl ief; fl. A. Kii !i. I'oliniibii" . i. .'. Covernor. .Sef'y of State, Vmlilor. Treasurer. .1. I. el" ter. i'refe -Atl'y ;en. J. M. McKenzie, Lincoln... Uup't Iub. ln.siruc'n. JL'DICIAUY,- Ceo. H. Lake, Omaha Chief Justiee. Imiiiel (iantt. Ni-Iniska City, t .ti.,, T.. Samuel .Maxwell, I'laU.Vth, Associate Jut . rLATTSMOUTH. K. K. Livingston Mayor. 1'helps raine City Clerk. Ys'n. interstt-iu : City Tre:Lsurer. J. W. Itaint-s I'o'ice Jiidjre. utiles Morgan Marshal. ' J . N..Jo!!ii.ioli Street Commissioner. ALDKItMAN. Fiitsr Wr:i. J. rilzjrerahl, H. S. Newman. Sli )M Wahi. .1. avnirui. C. Nicliols. Tinitit Viti. J:. C. Ciishin, Thos. l'(;l!oek. J-"oti;i"it tt'AitD.-li. Vivian, L. F. Jo!iu:,oii. CASS COUNTY. JL F. Fllison 1 aii'l MeKhinon. . . W. L. Mohhs I'. V. Wise :;. Probate Judga. County Clerk. . Treasurer. ...Saji't l'ub. In.struet'u. .County Commissicners. Coroner. ! .Jacob Yallery. i 1. 1 iitlhl, LytiiMii .1 utiles. S .1. W. Tlionias TAITIST On the corner of Main amt Ninth, - Kev. T. .J. Aniohl. l';Lstr. Services every Sabtalh. at II a. m. and 7 p. in. Sabbath School at !'. a. iii. l'r.iyer meeting every Wednesday evening. ' f'HKlSTTAN Service in Con.zrecation Church i i'.t 11 a. in. and : :sn p. in. t'oriu r f l-ocnst n:i sth streets. Cordial invitation extended to ml classes to attend. "tM'ISCOl'AL Corner Vine and Tliinl strwts, -L Minister. Services every Sunday lit 11 1:1. anil I. in. Sinidav school at 3 p. I'l. fi.VTlH !.!( North side of Fublie Souare, He v. yy Failier i'obal. First Mass every Sabbat u at a. la., S'-eond Iass and senium at b'-;'. Vespers and iicnnliciioii ut 7 . in. Mass ;it S a. m. every week day. . P'1'' . ; O'-'.r. " OI ".i."D iii i . h ist ii mi ii, nvt . . i - I 1 1 : : t - , .ii - vices everv Satioalh at It a. in. aiui7 p. lu.- Sahiiat h School at tl-.ju a. in. 1'raver inectint; ever' Wednesday eveninir a: S o'clock. ATFTEonisT i:risr)i'AL-West side of .-th lastor. Services every" Sabbath, at 10 :." a. in., and 7 p. m. 1'rayer meeting everv Thursday evM!:iuy. Class nieetin every Momfay 'veninjr. and immediate v sifter close of Sabtiatl moin inst serviees. Sabbatli Sciiool at 2 :'', M. 1'.. Fe st Stiperiiitelidaiit. ! S'ftTkVti i i;:tt;i-s urn n i hr t-iti.-mirt i,,t. i o!;riiat!;t ! j t'j".!vl ili'ic;l( von ji-tt an n-fiiiKirsst iillo 1-i i Tusie statt. Minister, kev. L. saoit;aii s' liixu at 1 p. ia Superintemtetit. Lij l j Lodrc ! T O. . !'. It. n'ar Jneeti!f:s of Vl.itte Lodire , N. 7. I. i. ( . I', everv Thtir-Nlav t-veiiiivj at j Odd I'e'Jov.s' Hall. Transient Hitt'he:-s av eol -. dia'iv ii.vitcd to visit. ! " l: '.. ( 'FNMNGH AM, 7. C T;ai.:-:x. :rr.. s. crctw. I. O. (. 1". S'u i r .!; tii Kxi'AMi'Mi:;TNn. 't. I'i'-riiV.r I 'on v iie-it i. .:i.: llii . ?.n ! Jrlt ' Fiid iy's oi e;:e'i na uti' a' O.i.1 Fellows' Hail i l oieei- ;;( and sti ei. 'i'rat'.siviit 1'atri- !s ell ii.. V l!iV 1 ".I 1.1 'SO is council v tiiv.i--' ! 11. Ni ivxam, S-ribe. U. J, oiKlTICIITj C. r. i "rASONIC ri.ATrsv.oi-Tii I.oiit: Ni. C. ... F. A. M. Keii'iiar meetings at their Hrdl 1 c;i the first and third .Vo:d v ev; :.,ii;'s ..f e;: h j riioM.'i. Transient br:-il:i--'n iaviied to i-!t. II. It. L1VI NCbT'JN"; W. M. i .-v. u .vr.i i.ia.ijj, .seu. Vtll'liV I Oi CP V r. -.. T r. . xr .11 -i - id thin! W. .M. i l:.r rr.oetmi'M M.hw v If .: rt.-ti i Frid. tv.s " J. .N. WISi; ! .1. M. l!Kii:r.:r.r.7. fv VKI UASJCA CHAPTKK No.?. II. A.M. Ke-- ' t o::vw: tio'is seeoc-I ;.nd tonrtii s- I d?y evenais ri e leh i.ioJit'i at 7'-, o'cioek !. in. K. U. LIVINt.STON. II. 1. II. New: 4.;.. See. -:ii.ive rr.ANcif. No. 2. ii. r::i. V'. C. T C. VV. Kin ' W. See.. T. j W. sbryek. l-'iiiue Jieimry. ii eets jtt (Talk & I i'l';:iUai-r".s rl.ii! evei-y TiieMtav eveii:)!. Xr.iv i ti':ii ic 'i'eiephirs n spec' i'avMo'F ! p'i" i'N VKitriN. The Tnnier Soeief n:eei.s at I . Tuniei-s- tb'll in Ci-th mac's l'.loek. on the i lirsi and tlJrd Wednesdays f ea-h moiiih. A. i'ii Seliwaisenhi rrr," lT-sideit ; (.win;? . Karehi-i. Yi.'O ric idud : H. Newman. iiiier; v.. l'.n ed. i.e urdiiiy Secietarv: Fail! 1 i.. , , f , r- ..M( j,i; .-.nin.itl i II lia.i:il 1 tiassi: ;, First Turn Wr.rt : .lolin lions. Second j Turn Wart ; Oswald (iuihtuaii, Warden. FurissSma et Onlima. TJ-J-s : ? M S J I. A1 U 1 This unrivailed Medii ir: is warrant Ml not to contain a shade part ic'.e ef Mercury, or any in- ! mineral substance, but is I'I'Iilia v Efj ATAitLE. ..roved v vl1.,p iAiidiseU ! Thousands of the irood ainl treat in all nans 'of the cimntry vouch ior its wonderful and peculiar power in purifying the blood, stimulatimr the lornid liver ami bowel.,, and imparling new life , and iuor to t he w hole s-. stem. S'niliious" Liv er K.'ulator is aektiow U'd'ed to have no equal as a L1VKU TklEDKTNE, 1 It contains four nieilical elemenis. never unit ed in the same happy proppi'tam in anv olher preparation, viz ; aij'iit!" Ca;!t,nie. awor;.i-r-iul j'oiiie. an iiii-i xeeptionable Alterative and a eerl :i; o I 'iin-eeti. ,if t. i 1 . i i,. .f Such -:;ti::il sueeess has at tended H use, ihat'it is now leai'". d as the C.LKAT UNFAILING SFECIFir, ! for Liv ri.iv.r Complaint and the pain r-d otispiin- en of.; Ovspepsia. t oust piaOon. ;wess;,.ii c spirits, si.ur stouui'.-h, Heait ; iiii Fan it. e-.r. f:c. ih -guiiilo the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVEK. ITcpared only by .1. H. ZEM IN CO. I 'moists. M;u'ia. 0:i. Send for a Circular ) and "J! Arch street. Price f, by laail l.jr, Fhiladeli hia Fa. For Sale by J. H. Bullery, j;m;-v.!y rinttsiaoafb. Neb. MONEY SAVED EY Buying Your Greenhouse and Bedding Plants at the Picnic harden 8. T)ON"T send Fast for Flan's when you can pet just as -".'hhI fur less money n iiK'r home. To mv numerous friend and patians 1 would say tu.M I have the larjjnst and best stock of plants ever offered for sale in the West, and ;.t rc-iLsoiiaole piiees. lie sure and send for my a?w Descriptive &x?a:ouc. w hieh vi'il be sent free io a'l who applv for It. I hen trlve ine your orders, and 1 feel coniidwit 1 I can satisfy vou. Wiilrs, ' w j IIFSFFv. . "7 T"'oidrf VftK' Churches. ' U3 s w " ITEBEASKA, , Her Natural Advantages and Resources. Continued. INDIANS. The Omahas were removed from liellevne to their present reservation in the fall of '50. The Otoes were then ln fheir reservation between the two Nemahas, and the Pawnees in tho western part of the State. Ostensibly all these tribes were safe and sound at home under the chargo of an Agent, but in reality the country was so new and the curiosity of the Indian so great to see the white men and exairine their ways that small bands were con stantly roaming the settled counties over, much to the amazement and often terror of the new settlers. Complaints were made to the agents, but the hab-.l it of moving was too strong in the In dlan to be restrained, and consequently an "Indian scare" was one of the peri odical excitements of tall the frontier towns No serious ill will nor any thing like a Avar ever occurred, but ex aggerated accounts of their appearance and the ferocity of their natures were often written back east by the settlers newly arrived, and for a long time one of the bugbears of coming to Nebraska was "the horrid Indians." These fears have long since passed away; and to day an Indian is quite a curiosity to even the native born children of the State, in towns removed from the ini mcdiate vicinitv of their reserves. WILI CAT BANKING. iuring both these sessions cf the Legislature numerous bank charters were granted, and like almost all new eount rv's we had to take our share of " the wild-cat banking system so preva- lent before the war. At everv little j town along the river thev had a bank and issued nice new crisp bills which passed current for crackers, cheese, to bacco, whifkv, etc. One day there came a crash. The Fnntenclle Bank, ilt Ifellevue, vent up first, wo believe, and then jxs a unn aad horsv river on? after another suspended. As the news spread that the banks had burst, the settlers rushed to see what the matter was and get their bills re deemed, and the scene was both ani- i mating and amusing to evervbodv that t ti t- tlIow9' tie P1""1'"'' oegan to blossom none.v on or m ta. t nan ... (.onntry t develops immense a red-haired, red-faced uian i . ,; had no mom I )e Sota roda up on a gallop, ami shouted "Where's the Cashier cf this outfit, I've got a check on him?" "Gone across thp river in :i skiff at davliirht this .,it, . be LUacfcr' "WhcuH-Ilfieezesover, tvi s. r i-r lfio t Im AlU'Cfl" "Tiiat's too long to wait," anawereil the liorse- I man and away. The writer of this article clerking for an "odd D. . u , , , , ..-.m. j , 1 :ck up countrv who had ?5l 2 t on the I , ... . i , . , ,, . . u.. u.iv vy a:v im iia-j oi miihus X'iM ITP.IC lli'.llT.--! lllli flllI I M:it ; J inK ui i , w nea ne neani me news ; .., , . , . . -.. St hool renort. The ( omnnsi-iom r was tiiat all the banks were "bursting . I,,. , ' , , ,, . ., . . ., ... , . T , i W . E. Ilarvev, and we find that the "Get on the Shanghaie lony, John, i ' 0- . , , , , , . : revenue for that vear was .0..J j'.2.k savrJ he, "and ride to 1 as fast as i , , , . , , ... . T i 1 he number of scholars, .J,.o3 males; you can and get the gold for these. ' I, x- : females, :?.2T8; total, 7,0 I. rode the Shanghaie ponv for all he was j ' , , , , . , e ; iiT-. ear bv vear we kept adding schools worth, but long before I reached T , , the "Cashier and his little box across the river and the bank -.bicr'il With many evil war brii'g? some i blessings, and one that it has brought j us, is a safe and National system of ' bardung. Tho days of such wild-cat speculation are gone forever, let us hope. CAPITAL MOVING. In the winter of '35-'7 during the Third Session of the Legislature there was a strong attempt made .to remove the Capitol from Omaha city to a point called Douglas City, situated on Salt Creek near where Lincoln now stands. Of course the Omahas resisted this to " .i sue.i but as wo have jriven surlicicnt i of ' . ' ,1;, of .,., j .Js j of tasj pioceedmgs ot oui eaily J.egia- latures to enablo our readers to ju.lge the death and some lively scenes en to jink of their calibre, we shall omit these onlv stating that Omaha retained the j 3, werP vr" uSht' the General Gov seat of rrovernment an.! out of that pr- I ernment paying m.-arly all of them. cap.vde grew, sixteen years afterward, a famous libel suit, not yet determined satisfactorily. OUK GO' EP.NORS. Nebraska seems to have been a sort cf grave-yard for Governors from its earliest davs ; anl famous - ' cies." Guv. Burt died an for "acciden- and T. B. Cum- ! inv was acting- Governor. Gov. Izard j succeeded Burt and resigned in the spring of T7, and left Cuming again feting Governor. Win. A. Richardson Was appointed and arrived here about January 1 It 1:, He resigned dur ing the same year and left J. Sterling Morton as acting Governor. He was relieved by the Hon. Samuel Black in ! "50, who served until the appointment of Hon. Alvin Saunders by President Lincoln in 1801. Governor Saunders continued in office until we became a State, in 1807. J. Sterling Morton was acting Governor again. A. S. Paddock acted as Governor during Gov. Saun ders absence, and since we' became a State we have had two acting Govern ors although one lasted but a few days. TERRITOF.IAL IELEO.TES. There seems to be foine doubt about ! our nrst delegate to Coiurress. His name was Napoleon Bonaparte G id-ding-;, and ho lived in Missouri. This gi irtleman went on to Washington at an early day and tliey say : be sa?d he represented "what ought to be Nebfas- ' k.i lls'dlr'y D. Johnson also owe-it p- resented the Territory before it was I fiiirly orsiinized. The first delegate to Congress really sent there by the people and accepted as such was Bird I?. Chapmaii in IH). Hon. Fcnner Ferguson, then represent ed the Territory for one term when ,S. O. Dailey was elected and served three terms until 1S01. Hon. P. W. Hitch cock, our present Senator, succeeded j him and served until we elected a State Ticket. Hon. T. M. Marquett was elected to succeed Hitchcock, p.nd served as member of 'Congress on the 2d. 3d, and 4th of March, 1SG7, w hen we became a State and Hon. John Taffe the elected member. THE FLOKFNCE. MOVE. In the winter of '58 a majority of both Houses skedaddled from Omalia and attempted to locate the Capital at Florence. Ai I IH V a . , , ., . , ,, It created great excitement at the time and was investigated, before a joint committee. "While at Florence a committee wait ed on acting Governor ('timings, de manding the books, papers, and jour nals of the Assembly. His reply was: Gentlemen: I have received from you a communication purporting to be a Resolution ut the Council and House ,.f i.i-no.nt.iib wnf tiu Tcrribirvof Nebraska. swaying to and fro, ail my boyish en- " The General Assembly of the Teiri- U1"181" came back, and in less time torv is now in Session at Omaha, ac- than it takes to tell it, I was inside the cording to law, Avhere the Executive enclosure, and m a few minutts more olti.-e is kept and where the public doc- thtf car ot the balloon with Profes uments and records must be kept. The. Allen, the :tc'omphshe.l aeronaut, communication furnished bv vou is not The signal was given and w-e began from that body, but was sent from the ' to rise. lien we were about a hun- town of : Florence, to which nlace a nor- tion of the members of each House have adjourned. Under these circumstances any com munication from them as a Legislative - body will not require th official at- tention of this department. liespectfully, T. B. Cfming, Acting Governor. Omaha, January 'Jth, 1838. On the 11th they tried Gov. Bichard son. who had just arrived, and Govern or Richardson replied that he could find no enactment" on the Statute books making Florence the Capital and that j Omaha was tho only legal ccat of Gov ernment. Tliis was the last of t!i3 Capital re moving troubles until we became a State and the seat of Government was finally lemoved to Lincoln. In tlrs ni'.an while the. Territory gnw and prospered. Real farmers came, in men witn tneir tammies, came, norses ana agricultural resources. ., . , , , Every one was iuunishil; whoa. turned off '" to i buihcls p-'i' aciv, sometimes, corn 100, and other grains 111 M'I"U i!rJl. Ml K'MI. il'll.kll,' -ilrfTilv Iii'i-h wrote g.d tidings back to their friends poured in. As the country increased i th;? "towns" diminished. I In 1 by census reports we had a l'.'i'lllft.l'lt KJl 1 ' , , In ol we had the .. .. .,!.. .p ow on- first common i ii ui entire es, a;ui peopic; evej v season were i i brought about some new wonder, some j thing else that the State was good for that people never thought of before. In 'd;I-l there was an immense over- j land emigration to Denver and Califor- nia which helped a great deal. The Pacific Railroad project began to as sume practical and tangible shape and in ISO'i we had grown so saucy and so big we thought we must become a Stat?. NEBRASKA AS A STATE. The election was held in the fall of ISjI! and carri'jil for State by a very small majority. Those desiring a State government argued that it would in- i crease our importance, induce to our , , , . f ..,.:,...,. nml fc,Ioreb a bcUei class of emigi aius and advertise us more thoroughly. lhtf - opponents of the measure referred to the fact that as a Territory our exivn- The contest was very close r.ud on the votes being cauuted it really turned on one precinct in Cass County, called Rock Bluffs. She cast 174 votes, a large number of votes for this precinct to cast, and it was ascertained tliat the ballot box had been taken ho.iie ;?nd ' kept for more than an hour from the j i j- r . i ,0- t-, iw.i of tne deat people. ... legal m- -. i : . . . .. ,..1...... : j . ..i ! v -oil n toi'io toi t was uimuuicu arid tiie result was the vote of Rock Bluffs was thrown out altogether. (CONTINCEO ON INSIIUi TlifS WEEK.) j. . Mr. P. B. Shillaber hr.s received a ! communication from Mrs. Partington that may be interesting to cripples gen erally: -Lame!" sighed she. "Here I I,:ivp 1l'i-'n suffering the bigamies of death for three mortal weeks. First I was siezed with a ble'dii:' phrenology in the haiiTpshire of the brain, which was exceediMl by the stoppage of the left ventilator of the heart. This gave me intlamation of the left borax, and now I am tickled with the chloroform morbus. There's no blessing like health especially when you're" ill!" A way has been discovered to bother the postal clerks. It has been discov- ! ered by trial that the jvostal cards will not copy in the ordinary way, but will receive an impression as well as need be. One has only to reverse the ordi- nary process write his message on the j letter pap-f. copy it by aid of the pres:? j on the postal card and send the copy instead of the original. The writing is reversed and needs a lu'irrcT to set it straight. Clerks and carr;ers will be terribly bothered if this cn.el discovery of somebody be largely util'Zed. UP IN A IIALL0GX. It wu;i the day of the annual fair in mv town. Evervbodv knows the occa- ! sion when monstrosities gratify the morbid taste, and fascinating s eets. allure the appetites and deplete the pockets of joungnngs. Having arrived at years of discre tion. I passed by on the other side, and was walking leislurely homeward, when my attention was arrested by a mys terious enclosure, in the centre of which swayed to and fro a magnificent balloon, which made regular half-hour trips to a point just a quarter of a mile above the so'td earth. Then I hesitat ed. To go up ii. a balloon was the one great desire of my boyhood. I had done almost everything else, and this last exK'rienee would be delightful. "When I was quite young I was kicked over a fence . by a wild colt, who re turned my caiesst.? with a very impres sive pair of heels. T have several times been almost blow n to pieces with gun powder, that never-failing fascination , 1 A ; to every one in his teens. ) vd a at a llir(1 aml 1 have Oim- missinsr him. ! sent the ball within three inches of a man's head. I have been on the water in a small sailing-boat, and then tip ped over. In a word, I have done a thousand delightful tilings, all of which gave my father and mother sleepless nights, and made them feel that I was sure to die an untimely death. Hut here was a chance to add a new experience to my" life; and as I s;nv the immense castle in the air castle in the "P. wouia nine gntn aii i ... .... , possessed to be safelv on earth again, Instinctively I clutched the ropes; but it did no good, for ropes ami. every thing else" wera nil going up together. ! Pretty soon I grew more courageous, and then tiiovnttgiiiy or.joyed myself. It was very cloudy but I got a good view of tho whole town. The tops of the houses were far below me, and the church steeples seenied slender as reeds. Just then the Professor engaged my attention with some of his exploits, and when not 1 looked 1 could see nothing. We were in the middle of a ck'ud, and the men, the houses and the town were wholly hidden from view. We were out of sight of land. "How far up are we, Professor?" "Only about a quarter of a mile," he answered. A quarter of a mile straight up! What if the, balloon should burst through its lacings! In what shape should I appear alter dropping twelve hundred fett or irore? This pleasant ; thought would intrude itself. Only j twt.lve hundred vertical feet; well, : that is not verv much, and vet if I j should fall, I think the coroner's jury would have no dirlicultv in discovering .i e . I the cause of mv ucaih. rt W:is sl vt.ry ,,ue,.r experience. I 'looked up; nothing to be st en. j ed round ; nothing to be seen. I look 1 look I seem- !"' ,WW!'i houu;il; in in; sr .i. i ed to nivself to be i:: near, nowhere as ! I ever hope to get. The mist drifted : by ni" iii a friendly 'rt of way, as if j to reassure n- and r.s though ft I ed to s:ty,My dear feliow.the Almighty I is up here just as he is down there. j We clouds roll and surge :nd dah our j fragile spray in obedience to the same j Will that governs the more solid ocean. ! The hand that holds you in its hollow i when vou walk the earth, is underneath you when yon hive the clouds for your companions." So. by degrees, I grew accustomed to my new position, and sat quietly enjoy ing, not th?? scenery, but the situation, while thrt Professor toid me of his ex perience in France in the service of the army, during the siege of Paris. Away up beyond the reach of hostile bullets, glass and note-book in hand, he used to watch the movements of the Ger mans. How provoking it must have been to see a little black specie among the clouds, nvd know that at every pa rade a pair of sharp rye? were looking through a powerful telescope, while a "chiel takin notes' would report to the enemy what not even the most daring spy or sharpshooter could discover. Well, after a while, desiring to see the faces of mortals once more, I indi cated my desire to return to the planet. Slowly we descended; and, just as on board a vessel vou find your wav ! through th-j fog until the headland, I vliirdi :if firsr Reeninrl onlv ri fliosr :is- sulnt.s tangMe ami familiar shape, so, as I watched, the steeples and tops of houses came ilo view f;.v below me "oust tame in.o vie I. 1 liciOW uu , land in live minutes more I jumped out I of the basket, and was conscious ol a j Ct,rta!n scuse Gf relief when I felt good Mother Earth under my let t. The- Professor gave me a paper, cer tifying to the fact of my exploit, and assuring my friends that for thu lasL; thirty minutes I had been far above the planet ; and 1 rushed home. I had no sooner told my story at the table, than my plucky little w ife said, "Well, if you can go up in a balloon, so i can i. "You! Up ?n balloon?" My eyes were wide open. l and up in a balloon! Why nr't After dinner I shall take u trip to Um , ? - snectable ur as I can fret. I supposed she would regard me as a ! fit subiect for the lunatic asylum when I told her what I had done; but I found zhz only envied me my exalted position, and determined to go as much higher as circumstances votdd permit. Such is life, and such is woman. 1 tried to reason with her, but who ever got the better of his wife i;i an argument? She had two re;isons for to every one against; "If . she w ill she v. iH. vou may dr pend on't ; If she won't she won't, and there's the end on't." Those two lines are the battle of j freedom with tho other sex; so I sub mitted with as good a grace as I could c-xtf mporarily master. When we reached the roa lsted where thV castle in the air was anchored, the sun broke through the clouds, and we wtr? assured by' the Professor that we should have a splendid Aiew. Alter climbing into the car and taking our seats, the signal was fr'rvcn and slowly we began to leave the earth. There weie,thc houses far below, p: ,,sentin0 the ir roofs and their chimnej s to break our fail in case of accident, The sad t! ought was that -we should have fo dtf pmore than live hundred fet in a :Tiaight lino before we could even J land .on a chimney. We did not seem i to be going away from the earth, but the earth appeared to be dropping axyay from us. The carriages lookd small enougli to hang on one'.; watch chain for charms; and 'as for the hu man beings, the effect of our elevation was very peculiar. We. saw then, of course, greatly fore-shortened. They seemed to be not more than a foot or eighteen inches long. But when they walked we could see the f,rdl length of the stride. It was a very curious sight men only a foot long, taking steps three feet in length. The seven-league boots seemed no longer a myth. Pretty soon I caught the Professor emptving a huge sand-bag. - "What i-5 that for v" I said. . "To go iip. higher," he answered. I looked at the little woman who snt beside me, and said "Higher V A nod in the aflirmativc. "There's pluck." I said in my heart; and in half a minute xve could look down on the entire town, and, indeed, upon su"h a view we could hardly speak, so impressed were we with the magnificence of the great picture that lay far, far beneath us. To say that we enjoyed it, after the trepidation was over( is to speak in feeble language. AVho would not enjoy sitting in the lap of a friendly cloud, and looking down miles on miles of green pasture and throbbing town ? But all excitements must end: so we took an affectionate farewell of the up per air and of the mists that Crushed by us, and soon stepped again upon the planet, glad to have been for once "up above the world .so high." OUR RED WILLOW BUDGET. Red Willow, Aug. 5th, 1873. Well McIIeralp, in my hist commu nication I promised another after the election; this is after an election, and after a contest, in which Red Willow is again ahead. I tvllan-o-la , the bright particular star of the D. W. Smithites, has sunk, and her brave defenders have saddled daddy Smith with about three hundred dollars contest costs. They were alittle too late with their Injunction, and Red Willow is now tho county seat; and two-thirds of the voters of Red Willow county are hap py. In plain English, we have cleaned cm out' The enemy has been met and twice vanquished, and we have shown the Republican Valley Land Associa tion that we urs true Americans, add are capable of self government. These things that I have written arc true, and Indianola does not stand a ghost of a show, notwithstanding the asertions of tho Lincoln Ghost to tho contrary. I presume, however, that Mr. Ghost was missinformed and w hat he stated was merely on belief, and not on positive evidence. Those of us who are actual settlers in this valley think it about time that corporations who expec t to live off the trade of this val ley should consult our, interest; as well as their own, and in this way we can life and do business together; other wise, it is war to the .knife. No man's money can prevail here over right; we want Rail Roads and villages, but. we want them as we can afford them. So much of the contest has been de cided in favor of Red Willow, the coun ty seat of Red willow county, find Mac we shall want you out here to edit the Red Willow Oazt-tle, yet. Crops look fine that is, all we plant ed. Good corn; the best 1 ever saw; beats Cass county rdl hollow. There was but little small grain sown and that wa3 a good average. We want a Grist Mill hero; a good site can be had on Red Willow creek, with rock bot tom, and plenty of stone to build a dam ; and plenty of water to ruiiH mill, also", plenty of grinding to keep the mill running, as soon as one can be built. Some live man can have a good thing here; there is not another mill site in twenty utiles to the east, and nonefor thirty miles to the west, though there are several on this crek, soirfe of them to give away, soitie to be bought .cheap, and some where assistance can be had to help in building a dam. We want mill-men., merchants, nw hanics, stock men, cattle and sheep growers, with their wives, and the young men will wanii their comely daughters; we in vite every body to come and see us. The timber Sufficient for present use for fuel; water pure and good, and the hills that have been passed by in silence, are our best farming lands; at least our cr-ps go to prove it this year. We wants every body to come and see tin and live in a county where there is no K. R. bonds to pay, ftf.d see a people who can successfully combat a power : f al combination cf capitalists and cor porations, who have everything their own way. Furnas county is not out of the woods yet. Harlan county is still stru-'gling with the "serpent, the old man, the devil;" ljt them shout, who are out of the woods; v,c shout, and why not V A. B. M. Since writ'ii. the above, the Pawnees have passed back' towards tTrir reser vation, from a buffalo hunt, about 4 ) miles west of here. They had very fine sport until th?: Sioux indians bunted them. When they went up, they were boasting bow 'they would hunt the Sioux; but they returned how ling lile' so many starved cayotes. The report is, that they 'dost many ponies; nearly all their squaws and papooses, and evi dently all their pluck," for I never saw but one such a down hearted set, and that waif a defeated army when It was retreating. I hope, they will learn to stay on, their reservation: "Served em right, don't id '" "'Worth' makes the man" has been changed to Worth naakes the woman'' x Al j i;la 1 iilC x V . - -'i fc. I . k Lj 1 U are i:; .- -led io .. Esq., fur ike fa lowing from It. trict Normal Ii.-.d ttv'te r-ow ii . X 'l.s .'il at As':'-.nd, .V. :.-,k.. . A?-i LAND'. JV-., t, 1 1 . ElTTU!l .EdCCATIONAL (-':.::-- 1 aC Normal I tittle -eonvi nvd al - r. jr., pursuant to call of titr. t e Su peri nte n -1-eut, who cidiv d tho in ii;i:;.to c r.'ev. On motion of Gen. T. J. Moi";:i:i, Principal of Stat Normal S-hooi at Peru, II. L. Wagncr wa elected i.o retary. A programme v.;;.; made cut to l e followed as nearly a.s practicable. The following is the programme: U : 15 A. jl, opening exercises; o'clock, Arith metic, by Prof. Thompson, of the State University; 10 a. j:., Language Les Kons, by Gen'l Morgan; 11 A. :i., N..I unil Sciences by Prof. MeKcuie; 11:40 A. .m.. Gymnastics, by Miss Krde Dickermau of the Normal School ; J r. JL, Elocution, by Prof. Thompson ; ii V. jr., School Economy, by Gen'l Morgan; Jp M f '....,. -v.Oiv t,v I'-.mC !i.K',.?,7i. On motion of Gen'l Morgan, Prof. Nichols, of Ashland scho-o!, and A. M. Gitost, Supt. of Lancaster county, were appointed a c jiiim'ttee to. lake the names and Pcstoffice addresses of t'aose present, and ascertain what;c3 they desired to enter. General Morgan organized a chips in School Economy. Subj-x t first in im portance: Tear-hor's Preparation. A class was formed by Prof. Thompson, in Arithmetic; also, one in Elocution, by the same. Superintendent McEeu zle rg-inizcd ' cl.usea in Geography and Botany. Miss Kate Bicker-man conducted a class in Calisthenics. Institute ad journed to meet at 71 cVock, v. m. EVENING Si ION. Institute convened at rli o'cioek, and wi.3 opened by Mi-s Mate Dicker man. First in crd.r, class in Arithmetic conducted by Prof. Thompson. He said: Arithmetic can b:; taught as tin art as a child enters a salesroom, and should not be teeeght a.-i a science unlil tlie pupil can cor.ipreheiid tlie subject; ho suggested that Elementary princi ples sho'ild be l.t'igkt using the text book. T'ne lVof. gave many use ful hints cn thD sul-j'-.'.-t, ?Cet. was a class in School Econmy, by Gen'l Mor gan. The g'Titioman ste.l.vl he would discuss: 1st, Tea-eu' r.s Pit pa: a tion; 2d, when that Prepe.ralion should be made; Cd, How it sliould be r.:ade; 4th, why it should be male. The General made sumo very useful and timely reme.rl-'s. The Institute ad journed to meet Tuesday "morning, no i;. session. Institute convened a: 8:bl A. rr. Opened by sing'ng, U Bowed by read ing a portion c;f scripture and I'rayt r by Stiperintcitdcnt M Ivcuzie. j'lof. Thomiison coi docted 1 -ss in Arith metic and Elu'-u'ioii, followed ;y (ien'l Morgan, who combed ed a class in Lan guage Lessons. Next follow d Gym nastics by Mi-s. K;de Da k rman. In stitute adjourned to meet at Is i . ArTEiiyoox sr.ssio::. Institute met. Minutes read rend ridojited. Naires cf teachT3 enrclied who had arrived during the day. Supt. McKenzie to conduct class in Botany, followed by class in School Economy, conducted by Gen'l Morgan. Institute adjourned to meet at S:lo A. m., Wednesday. In conclusion I would say il'at the .attendance is good and the cerciss in teresting and profitable. Those having charge of classes are diligent, faithful, and are doing a good work. If j ou do not come up I will send copy of Ash land papers containing tlie minutes, in full. Respectfully Yours, J. T. SrjrvY. OCT A H0?IE NOW. The rapidity w ith which the settle ment of our State is going on. shows that tho time is approaching and is near, when there wiii not be an acre of government land or railroad 1 n d to be obtained iu ! be State. 1 he quality .f orx soil, our favorable climate. :::;- the liberality of the homestead and limber claim laws, arc tilling up cvry nook and corner of the Stat And keeping pace w ith these iie.iu'- le.e'its, t!;. 15. v M. lands, lying alo-ig the tiiorougl.fares of the State, are tins year, ina-'e .suii ject to a draw l aclc th:rt is very ii.uc.Ji increasing their sales. The man that W'I'.ts a homo in Nebraska, has na time to fool away before getting it, for land here will come up with a bound as soon a- the gover.uMcnl and railroad lands become tin; property of individu als, and that dav is near. The terms offered by the B. & M. road are these: If tlie purchaser of a quar.t"r sect ion puis f.,rtv acres under cultivation the lirst y t tr, he is allowed a drawback of ten per cent, on the li the purchns? price of the on hunivd and .sixty; and if at th" end of the sec ond year he has fifty am-.; under culti vation lie is allowed another ten per cent, drawback. This on bind pur chased on ten vrars time at s' per cent, interest, "if at the eed r-.-z second 'M-ur he is dispo ;.-d to pay ca-'i for the li'aice. then a i ed act ioii of li f teen p.'r tut. on of ca'i being paid. Then I be f eductions, would foot up in this wanner: lcr 4 ) acres f akii.g the pr. year, ten per ee; For 49 acres of breaking the second year ten per cent. vii. Cash payment in fall the r.oeo-ad year, fifteen per- cent, off, or a reduction of 35 er cent. Thus a farm pure-hasted near a town and idong their Fine, purchased :.t :?lt. e.n acre, can be l ad for .''." an neoe Or they will throw c;f :0 u;i acre if tou will eultiVat and i.-l.-0 an acre if you pay casl' t'or yo'c.rpurcaso witahi two years. The Land I 'cpartiiH nl of fhis rad is well conducted to secutc. both the wel'sre of the company' and to pro mole the settlement and prosperity cf the State,: Xthroska I'Jr,Kr WIVi'S' COLUMN. ... 0)ie. r i.o hue; t ee.pi ices in the) v.orld ct fihi r. is dubbed the Grr-Mi-I-cp;-,' r iJ. n-.i. If ..! "f.t car rc:i lora are ar.xi.vas io la::! ii.e .,tylo n ell v.c can gi vn t f k t acl directions: Virsi, to iaivo e.'.l tl-ee requisite ac con:pntdm( ids, i'.vC- s your hair oi t1" top of yo'ir head, vvh.c'a va doubtless do already, slick yo'T h.!. en thy cx treme topni j--t poitit ? t!i0 !for"ss'.t.l hair, don a eta.. alii..; rufi about live iivhos high behind e.nd running to a poii.t iii front, wear a bc't chalc laine, vin-cgrct'". a::d fe.n about tw. feet long, and" then yoti are rt ady for the Gr:t..sht-ppei' to complete fb whule. To get it ia p( 1 1'ecijon' ine!in:i ti e. i..Uoulders back - -leek leick, nuiF t;o elbow with t h i j i until tiny aro within half an ineh of laeling. Thin will bring I ! Land.-, i i a most ..effect i ve position jiiiit o cr the bt It imt kic. 1'erk the chin, especially if it be long and sharp, at an anghi of forty-live de grees in the air, walk w ith a sailor's swagger,' lolling Troni side to Mde, rail ed iu latest fa ;ii;on:iii!o p li kutec tho Nev;ort Roll, and th r thing is did, wo-, man has tak u a stej.'fnrwe.rd and the World moves on. Gos.-iy A h j;it (ili'ls. Mrs, Van Cull pre iches live seimons a day in Wisconaiu. Tho bonij of t!;e sewjpg machine" girl "; say we ell of i.o." Fciiiale. le a-.-i '-ear couduetor.3 are on trial in Savauah. Tie! worst die. -sod women on r.ortli are Jinglidi women. T. ae'iing !;:.-en j.roliildtcj; to the) Ursuli'.ie nuns at Dudcrstadl Prof. Agassi, de-ip-a to throw open to women ail the educational institu tions and fa iiitie j under his control. , Mrr. Jo:vpiin Miller has heard of Joaquin's "projected i;iarriag" with, Miss Hardy. Siie ? preparing to do auuio projecting hcrseh. Susan B. Anthony says that among all tho old-world wisdom, so-called." which lands the minds ol t !m banian, race in slupM, narrow-min led i:nor ance. :tbere i nothing more di liisivo tbaji ttf-. often ptott:d piovcrb, -man proj-. ses." The Gr.U' is '" Idling: a,f-!"''';' entitled "1'he Wliite Bhickbin." tians laled from tlie Frencli of Alfred de Musset l.y Mis- Ida Grceluy. AN IN1EENAT10NAL ilOJtSL. I ; i i;,i,a : -.t t, t-.-, r.... .III ,,l Jl.T-J l.i.llt. UIH 3 un Cohvci n.'i- lit l? tf Justice in tlie Tun' IV dac.'s. From thy rt. P:e:l i Miiat.i Fii..-'. S'-v ral moiitlis ago a f itien of Da-' kola Territory, of unmi:-dakable Hiber nian descent, and known as Patrick Ryan, in some uediv. fal manner net speciiieelly described in tin; official coi recpoiidenve between the goverrim'-iit. of tile d Brit -mm aad l'io I'niL-d Slates, obtained por se-'-sioii oi a li.o s.; tff-r.d-'i'c.r -i'i tee cc dodv i.f a Mr. Bo.iwe'.i, an e.'.l. ;' ':e o.' j.r r c.I.i jeb! y'a B mndary Coniraission. The ualiual infeniiva to be drav n fr m tb i information oli tained in regit rd to tl.n interesting Loiae i-, Ih.-.c i'c.trb d-t Ryan stc biia. 'Mr. Bos well was n.'ii url'v rnyioiis to ic'iiu v posse sion d" hi-; coii!i seated iu.idntjv.-l, ami, dining the course of his iiucrdigalions, a. i ei tiiir.ed thut tho animal had somehow fallen into lie; 1: aid-: of the Sheriff of Clay County,' Minn. lioswt il ucidc a demand upon that oficial for the poss ssion cd' his own horse, but the Sheriff wishing to be on the safe side ol the e'puno controversy, yielded lip the Jior-e aft -v obtaining boui'.s ftomhii owner in Hie sum cf "rtUO for the return of the home vi-bri-cver Ryan or sc. me one ( :0owini.f entire n- partial ownership called for him, tins being the onlv condition upon which Bosweli could recover posses sion or use. , Criminal proceedings were instituted' against I "at rick Ryan, in the State of Minnesota, but the horse haviin Iprn shdcu or taken in DnVctrt T; rtitory,. the (hand .Jury rt 'fuses! to lind an in dictmont .agaoist Jdm so lh? thief was hajqiy. and the rightful owner of the iior.-B was the only one reiiously em barrassed. ...... .Ho.- well l.dd the e.v e befo-fl ' fiu't Idi Jdinister at Vadiiiigi;ii, and Gov ernor Austin was also informed con-, cerniug the tre-piss on BoswellV rights. The Governor applied to lot? Attorney Genual of tic briih'l S'?-f. and a c,;;-a,.ioii 1 cs j;;-t b(-en. rc' ived Iro'n lliat dislingi'ished o!h-'.i-r, giving liis f f-vt ral impression:; 'n regard I l'.i.- uni".cd hoise (;e-:e. lie. "o.ieiudi s that the horse V, :i improjiei -ly tak n, imd on stM,o,';,.t'T bv () Bi itiili Minister lo ;ei.n lary I'i?di, th" Attorney General a i vises (Jovcrnor Austin to request tin- bei ill of Clay County to return the bond cf SH'O giv en by Bosweli, or cancel it, us this is a matter in whir h the inti ruat ional ic latioici td' Great Britain and the I oiled States are interested or compromised. . Jf any orm can ptodueea hot'" whidi has passe-f thii.ueii the hands vt inoro eminent " rooms, it will afford the pub lic great pleasure- h see him trotted out. - - Tioi fiaiiiisoiiK to Lite. ., The Toledo i'.'jft ltif -refit sevs that the "little p trty bo-n ut (.'")'-' roi.iH the, :th.-r !;' i s id .;r Ja r ''-o hendsoiijc to live !..:'." Tlailit i -'ioo good for. -:l'tb," c::-l that, an "r-'iriy dentil ia tlie sure fate of :ui bo" ant of su.-b fnper kdive beauty and pTfe tion." In' ant if ipatio" of tlie arly deJit'-. of t'.i. Ivir'tMmr !;. ndght be wtdt to keep' convert itoitlv at herd th-1. f-.i'ov.'ing.' c-pitaph'. which was l-tt-'v written n the ikal'.i of a babe at ,;,itiiing'vn, Vt.' E T, l!e our '!,! ;.; iia!" ,'.i!iu ; U.- .e i; 0- - ; ; -r.s i:'-r h li'.ers. lie. lived jst . M:il d .; ,' ...I ..r.r , , I I.' .. .l..r!-HS. Mr. Speak"-: , c iain.c.' a member of tlie Arkan-n?' legislature, fo i colleague taunts me w ith a desire or fame. I. -coin th Imputation sir. Fame, sir!. What is faniv ? it is a shaved pig with a greased' tail, which slit;;; thr'-ugii, the bands of thousand -. and then K iu: cilentady caught by some lucky fe.Mow. that happens' to hold on to it. I the greased .tail tpuuiiuned go by v'jrh'V-t fi of.'.?i't K-.: clutch' it. sir