Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, August 07, 1873, Image 1

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    SaHRUTH I. OS? OFFiCfi JEWELRY STOUS Aii goods SdH at tie iovtW prices for cask A welt sekctoi stock of Foreign and American Watches, Ladies Gold Waters and CHiauisj solid &U and Pfaitf d ik, iii, i&jj;
ifce. A large assortment of Cloek, boadqnarters for Larshes' Patent Accommodation Spectacles. Kcpairing done on short notice and all work warranted. Call and examine for yourselves.
Published every Tliursl:iy at
AO (I:.TISI4 SikiMi
One square, 00 lines or lex) ofio lMrtlrin.""Hj
Each Milisc.-,i''iit Insertion to cards, rmt exes;dlr.c lx Una. .10.00
1kCiI:;iihi per annum .20.00
'.i column t aiumm .40.00
Vicol'uiin l wi.od
One (Milium do
All ad vert l-.itm bill due quarterly.
Trim-dent advertisements luuot U rttM fat M
Offlae On Main St., Bet. J4th and Bth.
Second Story.
J. A. MACHURPHY, Editor.
TERMS ; $2.00 a Year.
TerntS, la Arfiance
Oie copy, one year $2.00
One copy, alx mouths .00
One copy, three month 50
Volume 9.
PlattsmOuth, Nebraska, Thursday, August 7, l8r3.
Number ID.
.1. St reh;ht, sn tin Posl !!!, unit O. If". Julia
son, l uriii r of Main ami Fifth Sn.
1 1 i A y m , J- m A y & a
1 t
TVT II. KEESE. Attorney at Law. orn-e
-- Main Street, over Cli;.piii:iu's Dnnr Sic
.iiui.'iii s Drill? Store.
Blclal attention given to collection of Claims.
V. k'. WHEl'LKR, J. W. STI'( HCO.Mll.
YSli:?ler & Stliiclicoml),
4D-ly Flattsniouth. Xebraska.
t'liaptnaii & Jlaxwdl.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW ami Solicitor l.i
Chancery. Oflice in Fitzgerald's Block, Flatls
niouLh, Nebraska.
--'1- iieys at Law. Iraetiee m ;ill the courts of
the State. Special attention given to collections
aiul matters of I'roliate.
Ofllce over the i'ostOfllce. Flattsmouth, Xeb.
t K. LIVINGSTON, rhysicijin ami Surgeon.
Tenders his iiroi'cssiotial fervices to the
Citizens of 'a.-is countv. ljesiilem-e southeast
comer of ak and sitli streets ; otlice m Main
street. on ihM.r west of Lyman's Lumber Yard,
J'latismouth, NebraskTv.
JV. KAVLIXS, Surgeon and rhysiclan.
. Iite Surfjeon-iTi-t'liief of Ike Aiinyof the
Fotomac, riansmmith. Nel'raska. ;lu.-e at O.
Johnson's IniK Store, street.
i xsur. AXCE.
VI,KKr'FU & ltKNNl'TT Tlenl Estate and
Tii;avi:m Ajren's. Net :.; I'atdi-, Fire
nd IJft liisoraiice Aeiis. I'lat tsmout h. Neb.
1HELi,.s !'. IXE Oeneral Iiiiilt-'ice AL-cist,
knroiiiit4 ttciTiic j if t It nil tt 141 tii i 'ulil-
p.iriiei in the United States.
JOHN FITZIEKAL1. Fniicietor.
Main .Street, between Fifth & .Sixth.
S'l.itlfiiiioulli 31J!li
HEISKL, llot-rletor.
IEISKL, I1tr:etor. .
renaired ami placed h
Have recently ben
'.'.'r,,:i:'h raiiiiini:
rinliT. 1iih.iiii lie.sbels of Wheat v.,iii:eil miliie-
ctntiHy for which the higlie n market price v. iil
1h paid.
Abstracts t:i Title.
HMIE Nl'MEUICAL SYsTEM The best in use
For tlcsi ; ip! i v.- eirci:'a:-s. eddn ss.
Alill-y, r.LACKM.VK .!.,
I'. u ii i . . -1 o; i . Iowa.
Time and money saved by orierlng of me. I
hive the largest and let collection ot Plants
jYei otrered for s.-.le i'l the Wft, Catalogues
fn-e. S'. i'i t I'nl.iiii. Ciibii (;. Toiaato, and oili
er Flatus fi rsale in their s.-aso-i.
AUiirufis W. J. HKSSEil, I'latimoutii. Xeh.
fo:: a LOdK nee;e; vx all
The b'''-t l'oek publislied on .l.e Horse ami
the Cow. I.ibersil terms. Mimey !i:aih rapidly
I y Uficntb siine the-.e books, sei d for circu FoKTEIt .'C ( OAi.-:
l'uMisher. I'lniadcipliia. l'a.
fc, rhto-:rph.s. Anibrof vpes and eepi-s
fi.r-i o"nl pteiures. phtin i r eoiored. either U: ;:ik
r.t-1 or oi". All work neatly e.ecut d and .;r
ruited to trive satisfaction.
V. V. LEON I I. AltJ-l.
10-t Main St., l'latt .mouth. Neb.
V.- VF.riX". VATKIt, SH'J.
DEALER IN" DR'r:s. M.';liif'KS. PAINT s.
statu) N :: ! : V . f i N s,
Cl'l.Vb'S AND i'O-
HAtl'O. l'Uf.
CAPS. LOOTS. sil.')"S, TKl XKS,
valises, cai'.j k r p.A;s,
Se., f.c.
One- rf tlie oldest -nd most Reliable Hue-'ei
tn I'lfvrt-iinouih. Main stre-t. betwe-'ii Fn-iith
itnd Fifth.
Is la receipt of the finest n:ul
Tn Lief, the lar:'et and nest nssoniiiciu m
V'-h ever bronchi to this city, which 1 am
tared t make up in the Ltitet styles, t ail
r.j I examim- roods. aprili".
Mrs- A. D. Whilcomb,
feora ISrce uoors west of Frocks II011.-C.
,,,,,-,-, - . r ' certain Correct ive of ail im eurit i- of i!i- body. I man wask better than his neighbor be
CT7TTIXG AXD F ITT I lib JlAPK ! Such suiml sitece has sttteiiOeU its Usit, thai it i , , ., . ,
' AT l : .1 . - . I 4-nun l.n Iv.nxF mi .owr bji-i liu no: ivT .
Piittorns or all kinds cottstantty on hand
Id!n street, n.-vttsuiouth, eb.
I am rreparc.t to acomnioilate the public
n,,rs, Carrifet.
" and a Xo. 1 Hearse.
Or. short noMce and reasonable term. A
Itvk will run tn the Steamboat Unuliu. D-.-pot
ami all parts of the city when desired.
Blacksmith. Shop.
Begs leave to inform the farmers of
Cass County that he keeps a good No. 1
ne mile north of lt. Pleasant.
All kinds of Iron Vork attended to.
Wagons repaired, Farm Implements
Carefully mended. Lowest prices, and
all work done on short notice.
Grain received in pavment. Give
?ial- Chas. N. Tiffaxv.
Official Directory.
T. W. Tipton. Prownvillc I. S. Sen a for.
I'. W. MiK lH-.ii k, Omalia I. S. Senator.
L. C'rouiise. Ft. Calhoun Ecpre.sentaiive.
K. V. Furnas. Prownvilh; Oovemor.
.1. .1. Oospcr. Lincoln See'y of State.
J. 15. Westell, liealliee Auditor.
II. A. Jociiir, Columbus Treasurer.
J. 1J. Wel.-tcr. Crete tt'y Cell.
J. M., Lincoln . ..Snp't Pub. Instrue'n.
;Po. It. Lake.' Omaha ...Chief Justi-e.
I ,.lult. ;;liut. Neb-:t.ka City , , , . r ,.
Samuel Maxwell, l'latts'th, f Associate .Just ..
K. 11. Livingston Mayer.
1'helps I'aiue t ii t'i.'-rlc.
V, in. Wiutersleui L'ifv T i r.
.1. V Haines IViiee .III-!
Miles Moiyan Marh il. I
J). X. Jolu-son Street Colun.ii.iiniaT.
I'msr V.'miii.-.I. I"it7eial.l. . S. Xe".Hi:i:;.
Ski omp V.i;i. I.; (.'. Xii-hoN.
'! "mitt V.!ti. ;:. ('. ii-iliiii', Thos. I'o'leck.
Ioljmii Waku- U. Vivian,!. t JoIium'M.
H. F. Ellison lro)rite Jud-'o.
1'tn'I .'icKiniion Countv itik.
V. L. TreiL-iurer.
I'. W. Wire t'np't l'ub. Ii stnict'n.
.l ice.;) j.Iiery, i
T. i !ai ke. V County Cou'imv-i -mm.
Lva-.m .L;i'.vs, )
J." W. Thonias Coroner.
BAITIST On the coiner of Main and Ninth,
itev. T. .T. Araol l. . rvivs every
Sabbath. Ht It a. m. ai:(i 7 t). lit. S tl' ath School
at a. a. J'raycr meetuig every Vvediiesday
ev ain.
( 'iflMSTI AX Service i:i ComTcjrririoTi Church
Vv at 11 a. iii. aiiif'S : :a p. in. t vn:iT of Ioeust
and st!i sire-is. Cordial in ita:in extended to
all cia-sses to ai!c!;d.
El'ISCOt'A I (Oner Yhie jut, I Third s'rees.
MiniMt-r. S'-i vii i every Sunday at
1! : :t. in. and 7 p. u:. Sand;:y -hool at J p. m.
fiATl lOI.IC North side of rnl.:ie Square. I'ev.
Vj I-at her i!ob;d. I-'iis.t iery S.;l..;Hi at
h-:i a. I'l., S'-eoi'iI ?dass af.ii sermon at
't";;eis and Heiieiiii tion at 7 p. In. Ma.-s at
s a. in. every week dav.
iri::sT IT.I SlUTEClAN-orth side of Main
-- "treet. we-,t of tn'l, lie.-. W. T. I'.artte ; Sc--Vh-e.s
every S.ili(;;!ii at It a. til. audi p. :).
Sa:!':-.i h Si'iii ! :.t -.i.i a. et. I'nyer n.ccliii
everv Wednesday eveuia ; at -S o'clock.
EYI'.o;IT E! IS', i ii'1 ' West side of i:th
sir- e
illll "I
Lev. C. .'( Iviev
I'-'.stor. ri'- e ,-, -ry!i. at to : a. in..
:'i:d 7 p. la. .I'riy r la-''!:" evciv Jinuilay
( vciif i C!:"e nleetis; el ' MoiiiI:i v e eainK,
and iiiii:" i-diate'v hIi. i ' ' e .,f S ibbath le.,,in
ii.s servi'-es. Su'.;t..ia Srhoel at M. 15.
;tc-e", t.;lei::.: .-n'i.u.:.
C;oNTA; tl.-ti 'J! .v.V.-.-r ha!
k Ia. Lilt". I.efje,:,.; : III .hl'ela
r fl.'U Ii 'Cln
i sc. in!:!-. us or-
ir.iTlrer e.:n 11 i i
liatii': !e; -eiUt' i-
tif. 'I.'en-Nt. I eii'i i:a!!'t
: ici;chiiaes..i!r ;:!;. It
I :..: sii.t
.i i -i ocv. L. Ila.nn nva il.
!:".! ;.; 1 p. m., I'rof. d'Aiiciiiaie!.
f ft. O. F.- i ...;:':" r.iee'in's of riatt- i'-.v
. .:. 7. I. ' . . . every I i;ur::tlay evel'.li:-; :-t
j Oih! Ki il.n. v !;.:!. 'i r tnsient I rithersa-.r cor-
c:i i:l v i.;-, i: J to
i i:. ci xn:n;iiam, x. c.
j M. M. 7I.I H. (; .
I O. O. I'. i't. ATTvor r;t !:Ni !i-.;i:-.T '.
! ... i . .t!ir C.n.c,:i:.:'s flic ;'. ; -i":.
; Fri.i;.;, " ;' ea-t i.i-i ; l Od i FeMev.s"
o: i' i . . ; ie.: .: :: r.-ets. ir;i:.:eiit 1 t.trs-
;.ii-:is i df'iialiv iiiv;;. t. t : 't. .
n. j. s i ai:u;r.r. c. r
H.Xkw.:a:,, Seri'..-. i
J .If ' . i . II. A 1 .'-' A! 'til I l.i.lX-r. . 15. A. I
-ut meelifi'js at tiii-ir it;.'!
m y. 'iiday isviiiii-.s of er.eli
'..'.''.I o 11 invi-ed o i--it.
. ii. :.ivim;si(in, w. .m.
on the l::s- ;:!; thi
ne-!il:i. Ti.iUMci!'
V Li !' -t AN f. See.
LOI.CE No. :-J. A. V. J. A. M. '.".;-
u- lf.ei :i!;us al ..;ie;;v M:'!l. Mst and ".
vs J. N. WISE, W. M.
.1. "I. Lk !:!sr.KV. See.
vK;:':.:;kv ciiapt:::: xn.r :. a.m. -it. --
i li'eir ( ff. nc 1: loi.s secoml a'i.i fo'U tii Tiies
S ii, ;y evt !nn;is .f e-i: !: mo'.tii ; f 71- o'e!:ek p. in.
I K. Ii. LlViN(:sTo.N, II. P.
H. NT WMAN. Si e.
J O. :. T. OLIVE L'J A Nf IT. No. ". H. E:'.l-
j ' s'i. (. '...(. 1., ( . -o . Kiel;, w . ;(!.. 1
; W. Sh'-yi-.-!:. Loe n- I.-, s sit I l ek i
cpii: Ten
i:-s r.-spec: m !
1 lie
r.. r " j ;i i iirner rt -c;ci v :nei -s
1 ie Cie.hmav.'s !',!o:- on t'..e
f.rt and .i:ird Se b ed:iy -f i-'i-'n jcoiiiV..
A. Vu'i S.-li'.v:o:ei e-ri." I're-M nt : ;. o-;re
Kareilt Vie- P.-- 1. i:J : li. Nev. laa:!. Tr -urer
: V. t.i-i'o.'.iie Secretary: Paid
Pr:-.hNch. " r'e pi :iei '' 1 :r' ; "'.'i!e'.:li!cr. First Tn-.i V.':..1 : John H.ins. Se.-oud
Turn Y';-it ; ;w-.!-i t:i.::e
ard' u.
Piirissima el Ontirna.
-:s ; v A jjt J -r--.3
3. E3XSTi
TTitc imrivlT.'il "T' i,l nnl tt
contain a siie ie yiaitn i - of Merciny, or any in-
jmious iniue;.4,l suh-tance. bul is
For fortv ve;trs it lets proved its irrcat value
in ail diica'se.s et the Liver. It-cvi is and Kilnt s j
l hoiisamis of tie 1:001 1 and -r.-at in:.!! parts .f i
the eoiiftr-i-vo'i'-h for its wonderful iin.i peculiar ;
power in piuifvuuf the hiooi. si iniuhii inn the j
! tort id '.ivi r and bowels, and ieipartin i:ewlite :
! an.i vi.r..rtot;ie wLoh-wstem". siiioeos' Liv-
j r i'-t..ris;.ci;iii,v.i.:,Uedioh ive no e.p::d
li e.j medicine, J
It contains four nieili-al elements, never ut, it-
ed in li.e -;:me h.-.p-.v profonh-si in anv
i,repi,riri..n. viz ; g.-mje Catiu.rtie. :. wonder-
fill 1 ulli. a I lin-c-eo-li,o:ll.l II.-TM Ive e.l :t 1
for Liver Coti;; hi'.nt and the painful offsprhui
thereof. to wit:, J -T-t ; -it. ( i.ns;if;i!i..n.
Depression of Spirits Sour Stomach, ' He.,rt
Lnrn. vc. Ac.
Herniate tb.e Liver atu! nrevt nt
Prep: red oaiy by .1. If. ZEILFt A CO.
Iinis:r:.-ts. Macon, fl.i.
Send for a ("ireitl ir i atui e. i Arch slreeT.
Price .-l,b uiai! !.'." f Pinhideij hia Pa.
For Sale by J.H. OlUtGrV,
Jant-Wty n;:tr.-lno'i!li. Neb.
Buying Your Greenlions3 an
Bedding Plants
Pi cn ic fa rrfens.
TNOX'T semi Fst for Plants when you can jret
just us mi1 for less money nearer home.
To iny niiiuerou" friends ami jiatians 1 wouhl
s.-iv that I iia-.e the hinrest and best stock of
plants ever oifered for sale in the West, iinrl
at reasonable prices.
Re sure and send for my
IVeiv WcNcriplIve Catalogue.
w hich H ill be sent free tn .ill who npplv for it.
Then pive nie your orders, and 1 led coiincicnt 1
I can satisfy you.
- Atiurew, w. J. UESSFR-
liPTr0'r&; yfv: -
Her Natural Advantages and
TIVES jlet at the same time, (lGth of June,)
ami Mr. l'oppleton moved that Mr. La
tlidiii, of Ctirfs take the chair, which he
I di l. J. V. l'ath'oL-k was aiijiointed
I ,., ' , , ' .
, L LlvlKjiro i
i'li. if)i.
wlio protluccd certiilcates of election
were :
John A. Singleton, Kichardson.
Davi J M. Johnson
Joel M. "Woik!, Forney.
Win. A. .Finney, "
Jits. II. IJecker, I'ierce.
Win. Ii. Hail,
Jas. II. Cowle.s,
Gideon Bennett,
Wilson M. M.uldox, "
John M. Latham, Cass.
Wm. Kemi'tc.i "
Jos. D. N. Thompson, "
Andrew J. Ilanscoiu, Douglas.
Alfred 1). (.oyer
Andrew J. Popple I on, "
Win. Clancy,
Wm. X. Uyers,
Thos. Davis,
Fleming Daviv'.son, "
Hoot. Ii. Win Lied, . -
J. W. liiehardsoii, Dude
Eli 11. Doyle, "
Anselin Arnohl, Wasliington.
Andrew J. Maith,
John I. lhihei tson, IJurt.
II. C. Purple,
They do say that many of the mem
bers lived in Iowa temporarily, we
suppose, and certainly stune of them
were not very familiar with the face of
th' country in the counties they ret-
resented; however, new territories
must be started, and, a .3 all the bounda
ries of counties were almost imaginary
lines. tii"y may be pardoned lor not hav
ing a surveyor hand:.', when the elec
tions were held. They represented tlie
people then hero, mil their interests
fairly and t-.jiiarely, and that is
It will Ik- obv.ri vt ! that all the coun
ties tl. n known, ec-pt Idf;, were
0:1 tin- Miss.mii jie.", e.-'id that two at
least have bet :i lost s-ht sinee, viz:
i icree, v:.:ca is now i;i-:i 01 viioe, an a
Fianey, now .Nemaha, and other coun
ties. The first m.-s-:ie of (he acting Cov-
erin-r alludes to a
It liiwav, and
advises the LeL.-isLiture to memorialize
! Congress for .- l-..s towards building
same. Thus had Nebraska
railroad on the biain.
Mr. A. J. ilanseom w;ts elected pev
inaueni spe;iker of the House, and J.
Y. l'a'Iuock, Chief Clerk. The other
o'iicers were G. S. E.tyre, Assistant
Cl-erjv: Isaac L. (Sibbs, Sergeant-at-Arm,
and B. Ii. Thompson, Doorkeeper.
The new ship of Ttrritorial govern
ment being now fairly a and proi.-
! eriv manu.-d by careers and crew, we
must taru ur aiicution in another di
rection, and give the History of Xe-
, , . ... . .. 1
O! a.-.iv.l u..,
There are namv incidents and much
information that would be both useful
and highly intercsunj; to the settlers of
an eailv dav h( re, we could give
reg;!rdingthe political history of Ne
braska during 'oi 'o-3, L-ut it wouhl
string out this article beyond all rea
sonable newspaper bounds, and the in-
; te'iti-m of the committee being, no
j doubt, to gather useful information
i rather than pleasant reminiscences, v. e
1 enter upon some dat-a as to the country
itself, and the class of pcpk- who sit- j
tied it up.
Although the proceedings of the fir.- t
Legislature looks so big in print and
the names of the actors appear in brge
"Caps," often, and their acts cover a
good many pages ami make -quite a
siable VoltlUie, the stl 111 truth Compels
. , ,
us to declare that tocre was but very
r).u 1 ... .4 . - ,1 ... 1
bBle of .Ncbiaska at mat da, but
.Tii;,t there was made ncry jolly place j
to live in. For awhile thw new terri-
,.r.,M, . ,.iv ., ,...
'"' "3 lf-'0 ila l sqil.tie O.St
an,j out Democratic communitv. No
bor, und (ftenlii;ies he w;is glad that
bis neighbor knew nothing about him.
Money math no di'.ference in social
position, for few of the early settlers
were troubled with that commodity to
any great cxteni, and if one did have a
few dollars more than his fellows it
wouldn't buy him any more respect or
j anything else valuable, except corner
j lots; even brains were at a discount,
j every one of those early cus
! turners set ::is to have had plenty of
! brains ami no one man monopolized
j more than his share. Superb physical
j health ami strength was abtusi the only
thing that gave a man any superiority
over his comrades of that day, as fine
house's, fine horses and fine clothes were
unknown. Every man that came to
the territory was welcomed as a God
send to the country ; he was accepted
as another human being, able to vote
and kelp holel a town-site, and no ques
tions as to his past record or future
prespects were asked or required. For
once men came very near being even
anel having an eqnal start in the race
for life, and the different and varying
fortunes. of, these old settlers today
will go far to prove the theory that an
equal distribution of propierty ;imong
ail mankind would not really benefit
the human nice in the end, nor enrieh
the masses of the people for even a
twelvemonth after trie distribution.
The settlements, what few there
were, confined themselves to the banks j real law, and jump the squatter's odd
of the Missouri river and the best and ! 100 acres. In such case he was warn
wisest headd maintained that but a j ed away by the ''Club" three several
narrow strip of land, perhaps the j times, and if he did not cease his claim
width of one county might sometimes Mhen, the "Club" were "turned out" un
be tolerably well settled tip, but furthr j der their Captain, and he was forcibly
west "not in your or my time, my j ejected, even if it cost life. They were
boy," would be the sage deduction j bound to do this by oath to that effect,
made -with a grave shake of the head, j and they had a "Constitution and ly
Up to the date of record, above, scarce- Laws," and Land oliices, with "records"
ly a foot of soil was tinder cultivation, j aud places and times for "filing on"
and no one seemed to think of farming j lands, all arranged Government fash
as an occupation. In 'Go it would have j ion, except the acre clause. Some
been impossible to have found a plow- j times rival "Claim Clubs" came in con
ed area in the territory worthy the i tact on some boundary lines, aud then
name of field, in '00 a few appeared, ! the "devil was to pay." The "Club"
but not until '5S did agriculture begin j was once called out to put an old man
to be practiced for a livelihood nor did : named Miller olf. lie laj- behind the
the attention of the inhabitants of the . logs with a loaded ride, the muzzle of
land seem to be fairly turned towards
the wonderful productiveness of the
soil tider their feet. It took three
years to get it through the heads of a
great many that maybe they might
have to work for a living out here, and
t ! t if 1m.s ii ".- -. i 1 fill" 111 'i 1 I 1 tl cr
else than to stake off corner lots on, j
and speculate in land claims with.
Even then the most of them picked up
the shovel and the hoe with reluctance,
because the hard times of "o7 and MS
drove them to it. and not because they
lii't i.iiv n.'il f-.itb in 1 1,, oivilirv of the-
.", " . 11-1- ,, .-
sod or any profound abiding belief in
-iii . m v;i .t ,
the magical developements of the State
ILS lill lit
licultural aud commercial cen-
tie such as it has since proved itself to j
to. Most of the settlers in '58 yet, re
rii5H-ril in f inniii't : a r,:Hf tf-llllior-
arvexnedient to citable them to nve
fevisfi until thev could rone in a new
of .,'l.nri'ii t,i v.-bom fhev vvoid.l
Linu;'s.;,;,J'.nv!t; wi.ih.
they scooted back east and spent the
proceeds in riotous living, or invested
it in a tjoodfunn ("land that was worth
something") back there.
What brought men here; ho-.v did
they expect to live, would be natural
questions to ask then, and we can bo.-.t
aibswcr them by describing the state of
society from '.) to '.":, or thereabouts.
Th- transition from an almost Iieli in
and nomadic soil of life to hom-'s,
iieltls, soei lv and civilization took
l'l.;;e at difiVrent
times in
counties beginning in the main in the
southern counties and running north.
He in some portion of the so-called
settled part of the territory, the scenes
and stages of life we shall describe
were going on daily doling those years.
The people that came out here dur-
ingtm-s umes mosin came oa spec, j th,.rie U:ul;1 :md the crazy arid exalted
these territories wen- wonderfully ad- j s,ft(e tr ininl tlult the owners exhibit
wriised as great money-making lands, j e;l iu 1Tanl to their value was more
The early California fever had died sillgul;ir mor0 intense than any of
out, the surface mining, ready money, I tu.; fo..mer Pxcitements that have
pick it up us you go claims were "piay-
c tl out" men were returning to the east
ern States daily, disgusted with min
ing. The quartz mines of Colorado
and Wyoming were not yet discovered,
the. world wanted some place to go,
s.;n)r escape from the monotony of civ
ilization, Kansas ami Nebraska oil'ei't'd
the outlet. The idea was abroad that
in some mysterious unaccountable way
money was to be ma:.' out here in- a
day, a month, or at most a year. The
grand success of Leavenworth, bioux
City, Omaha, (perhaps one or two more
points) where ignorant Frenchmen or
common woodchoppers had sold their
"claims" for thousands and woke up to
find themselves wealthy had been cir- j
cuhited far and wide, and men rushed I
to these territories from every quarter
in order to make money without labor,
the great d-st.-dr;?.i then and now of
restless, uneasy Young America, by
speculating in claims ai.d'cky lots.
Very lew seemed to think of any
steetiy business, either commercial or
agricultural ; very .similar to those of a
mining camp, indeed, were the inhub-
itants. mostly males iu early manhood ;
or life's best prime, few old, none dre- j
erepit, and all anxious, eager anel dar
ing: for fun. danger or stern high spec
ulation, yet at the same time lazy, un
methodical and wkhout any definite
ideas for the future, either as pertained
to themselves or to the country they
came to take possession of. The time
not spent in hiving o.T new towns er
buying new claims, was largely deveit
t d to playing euchre and waiting for
something to turn up that would make
each and every loot of land that they
ownu! a mine of wealth.
The hind entered upon by inest of
the settlers at this time was yet unsur- !
veyed no tate or County otlicers ex- 1
isted a::d from this resulted a curious '
slaie of facts. People cannot exist j
without some form of law, and they
soon organized themselves into a sort j
of " igilaiit c
. .
'Jiuuiiurv, I;i (.'iOLCC- t
tion ami other purposes ; but as inter
nal troubles grew almost altogether out
of disputes about land boundaries,
and rights, they were called "Claim
They chose a Captain, or Chief, Sec
retary, and some minor officers, and
being grasping of land power, they laid
down a rule, that under their law men
could hold 3.0 acres of land, and there
was a strong hope in the minds of
many that they could induce the Gen
eral Government to consent to this and
make it legal when the land came to
be surveyed. It was totally unjust,
illegal and useless but was law for the
time that had to be obeyed, and many
bitter quarrels never healed, and many
a life lost was the product of the old
"Claim Laws" of Kansas and Nebras
ka. Men would como in knowing the
which could be seen through the
chinks. As he didn't scare worth a
cent they finally compromised.
In time "Claim CTubs" were tliseon-
j tinned, along with revolvers, butcher
Knives, cards and whiskey.
I Out ot this grew tne wuoesi ana
most savage speculation the world ever
saw. Many pages of valuable books
and magazines have been covered with
accounts of the curious and often in
comprehensible vagaries that have
1 possessed the minds of human beings
1 1 A, .
' in different parts of the world 111 r
, 1
j L" ' . 11 -
certain articles lor tne time, sueu as
the collection of old coins (at fabulous
! pl'CCb),
the gathering together ot old
loks (at immense expense) ; the value
of certain old Mss.; the autograph' of
! SOlUS otl persolKigCS.
! mania of Europe engages the pen of
! magazine writers to this day, and is a
j wonderful instance of the hallucina
l tions that fashion, personal magnetism
of ideas, or universal custom can throw
around the clearest minds and most
acute intellects Kings and Princes
bought Tulips at thousands of florins
apiece (what a chance for Ilesser) and
the world went m.ul over a bulb, a
There may be just a slight shad? of
better reason for the wild speculation
in lands and lots in Nebraska during m. w. Izard. Governor of tins Terri
'od and 'oT, beea'ts" it could not be said tory has arrived and entered upon the
of them that they were mere bulbs,
roots, baton the contrary, would al
ways raise bulbs, roots, grain, ivc.,.and
it may therefore be compared to the
tulip speculation as the goose that lays
the eggs is to the eggs themselves.
Nevertheless it has always seeni"d to
! us that the enormous prices paid for
made succeeding generations laugh
with wonder or gape iu astonishment.
No pen has yet done justice to this
feature of the country at that time.
It is safe to say that not less than
four hundred town sites were laid off
between th? Kansas line and a point
opposite Sioux City on the Missouri
river, and the owners, one, vuie
as sanguine that their town would be
the Chicago of the Missouri slo-e as
that little apples were bouivil to grow.
Fabulous prices were paid for corner
lots; streets, avenues, college grounds,
central parks, grand parks, court house
squares, and seminary grounds without
stint or limit wew surveyed and resur-
vey(. ,,n(1 tlelotiS warehouses, univer
! si ties", elevators and castles de tsjuiyne
were erected on paper with a loose
ness thai beggars description by pen or
pen:::!. Money was borrowed at 40
per cent per annum to invest in new
lots, new towns and new claims. Up
the river the tide swarmed, the nrairie
was lit'-rally covered with town stakes;
they barked your shins, split your toes,
burst voiir butyirv wheels, lamed vour
j,,, aml stin lhe .Ain(; went on
Tmvns aud cUh.3 u b thl,
iiitV iv- ivAri nine online. - j ' s v.
chain, a comnass, and a long-legged
j surveyor, in every nook and cranny eif
the land. All that was necessary was
to arrange a "company" under some
tree and from one man to a elozen j I should be glad to oblige you, but I
comprised a company "chalk out" a j had thought! of seating the scholars af
niap, "write up" some certificates of j ter a new method, and I can only prom
shares, and 'the n "away," to sell our ise to grant your request, if the seat
Eastern friends a fortune and a home, j will fall to you, by the new arrange
It was thus that Woodvillc and Cen- j ment." Tom took the courteous reply
tral City, on the river, were laid out; j of Van good naturedly, and proceeded
and one fellow came on in the winter' to assist ' the young friend and tvtchtr
of '."i and froze to a piece of groun I ' in arranging blackboard, maps, ?cc., and
which he called "Hudson.". lie map- j to put the school room in order for the
ped her down in tine style, anel then
"lit out" for New York, where lie
has enough to clear .-VJO.OOO, it is said, j
All this time he had not a sh.idow of ;
title to the land. After it was survey- j
ed he did obtain a title, we believe, but
. I
ltlll.Il it I tiS K lii't. l L'J - fi-Kl :
among the people "Have you ary a j
lot in IludsonV" His town site along j
with the two others above mentioned, 1
are now in the Missouri river, or over j
in Iowa. A single, solitary, long, j
wooden warehouse, half hanging over
the bank, long marked the spot where
"Woodvillw" whs expected to sprout
and grow.
This is no exaggerateel account, and
now if any of your tulip fevers ever ex
celled this furore, this Nebraska land
fever, we should like to hear of it or
see it written up.
During the whole of 1S37-8 squatters
rflove'il ii? ami settlers (?) crow from
the East ; but the wildest speculation j but with a calmness ami demeanor
reigned, and real or very lasting im- which surpiised even himself, pleas
provements were seldom, if ever made. ; antly, told Nettie, "that he would be
Very little ground was broken up, no glad indeed if he could accommodate
fencing built, and no small grains of i all the scholars with seats of their
any account sown. Corn w;n raised j choice; but, if he allowed one scholar
in patches; but trading corner lots, j to choose a seat for himself, there
placing euchre, and "filing" on claims would be n just ice in his denying the
for speculation, were the principal oc- same privilege to all the others." This
eupa'.ions or" the inhabitants, and the little speech of Van's seemed to stir the
tine arts languished. j bad nature of Xettie, who, long accus-
Xumbers of young mon, "baches," j tome I to her own way, at limine, and
they were called, herded together in j besides, supposing that Van was more
the towns, but very few men of means, or less influenced by her wishes, pouted
or with families, came into tha conn- j a little at Van's reply, but noticing an
try during these year-. Then came the appearance of de'ierniination on his
crash of h-inl times, from '.7 to '00. j face, concluded to await the inaugura
AIl who ha I money enough left to get ' tion of the n-tn arrangement. The
home, did so; and tlu; rest, Eke "lone ; hum of more than a score of voices," straggle 1 around awiiile, and ! soon resounded on all sides, and many
then hunted up some ma t's daughter, j a mischievous glance was turned to
of the few that were here, and made wants Van, who seemed busy all the
her his wife, or else went "" and j while arranging the room.
got one somehow. When he returned
he generally settled down to legitimate
work, opened up a farm or learned ( V)
a trade, and from this time the real
improvement of the country began,
though it was very hard times and
rough work with many daring all the
years up to about '(53, when they seem
ed to make one gigantic jump to life
and vigor, and from that time to this,
first class prosperity seems to be the lot
lot of the inhabitants of the State that
would prosper under any circumstan
ces. The country was just one grand
prairie of unexplored and unknown re
gions beyond the valley of the Missouri,
and was a continual source of wonder
and strange excitement to the new
comers as they dropped in, but few
seemed to think of pushing out there
to live, or had any idea that it would
ever be settled twenty miles back from
the river except by l'anchemen.
l r : ; 1 sl a r v r e c. o v. 1 z a ed.
Having thus given some idea of the
country and people at that time, return
we to the Legislative Assembly for a
few pHics and glance at their proceed
ings. On the morning of the tMth of Feb-
l-nary, ), both Houses received the
following curt message:
K OlKTi-K. 1
N eei; ash v. y
To tJic Houornhle lions'- of 7.V-;;v.vef,f-
re.-c iU'd j'tn rcJ, A .si );.!!; of Ne-
discharge oi his duties.
T. B. Cr;iiNi
Secreta ry.
Tan lord's I-'irst Sch;xd.
That old school house and the sur
rounding hills and dells constituted a
place, of which no one had more tiieu
ough knowledge than Van Boyd.
From infancy up he had been aecus-
I. 1 4- I 41.., ..f 1,,. Oto
touicu iij jijccl iul: Oiin;4 ui nic uia-
trict there, and many a game of "bat
aud ball," of "fox & geese," had he play
ed on him, classic playground.
But a new leaf had been turned over in
Van's history; a new scene of action
r.ow opened to his view; he was just
on the eve of iufnii:j the pathway
fb:tt. 1. :i.!s fo ;i iieem-re with St Ul'lll
tin. I ot!,, r eo.hirnt
Pestdlozi, Ft
educators. Jt was oniv natural men
that when Van entered the school
room that morning, he should reilect
profoundly, upon the great respensi
bility which he had ahead' assumed,
ami the very tender line which con
nected his action now, with ultimate
success; "I will elo my best, and I elo
not think I shall fail" soliloquizeel
Van but just then his reverie was in
terrupted by tear old friend Toin Bur-
j den who was tin? first to greet the
! young teacher that morning: "Good
i morning, V-a Mr. Bovd, said Tom,
I while he carelessiv nroceeded to de-
I posit, slate, arithmetic, grammar, geog-
raphv, &c, in one of the desks: "I 1 1Kt il ns.oa- icnov . 010 not. imiiii-e
thought I would come carlv, aud tnahe j " P:iS: a Ions "code of rules," but
you would let me lnive n.y old seat in i taking the chalk wrote on the black
ib.J corner; it's not so near where the j hoard, the two words: "DO KIGIIT."
classes recite, and I thought if I should j coxcn pep next week.
make a little more noise than I ought
to, why, mabe it would 'nt'terrupt you."
To this request of Tom's so ingeniously
maek Van soon replied: "Well, Tom,
reception of others who were expected
soon. Both were verv busv when the
door suddenly opone-d, and in walked
Miss Nettie Spenser, who. after kindly
greeting our young friends, proceeded
to store away "bonnet and shawl. This
, utii cvi:i fiii.Mim.Dt;-
was again
subjected to a series of interrogatories
by the lair and willful Nettie-,
"Mr. V-n Boyd, I'm going to sit in
that seat just iu the corner Caere ; I
don't like that seat where Old Silvers
made me sit last winter, its too close
to the stove, and I nearly burnt my
face oil several times last winter; and
that seat back in that corner is away
from the young 'wis; I'm here first,
all but Tom, and you can just let me
sit there."
Van, long accustonieel to Nettie's
overbearing and fell-sh disposition, was
not in the least irritated by this
exhibition- o Nettie's nature;
On every juvenile face there lurked
an expression, which even to a casual
observer, would indicate a deeji-seated
curiosity and many a doubting look
was cast upon our puerile pedagogue.
But the hour of 0 o'clock was fast com
ing around, and Van must, become
initiated into the mysteries of school
keeping by a strict observance of the
long established custom of opening
j school at ! o'clock.
J A gentle tap of the bell, and all ne-
knowledged Van Boyd the teacher, by
I seating themselves, and otherwise
j manifesting their reverence for tin- ex
i tilted station. Encouraged by the
prompt obedience of the scholars in
seating themselves, the young teacher
proceeded to deliver his "maiden
1 speech," which we give rcrfxitim :
"My Young Friends :
"We have assembled,-this morning,
under circumstances, which are no less
peculiar to yourselves than to me.
D'hipg a number of years yes, from
our infancy, we have been accustomed
to meet in this place as scholars, hav
ing a common interest in the prosperi
ty of our school, and all I hope, with a
view to our improvement, morally, so
chilly, and intellectually. I remember
the years past, and my intercourse with
you, while in the position of fellow
scholar, with a sense of the highest
pleasure, and this morning I feel
proud in saying that there is not a sin
gle member of this scheiol for whom I
do not entertain the kindest feeling,
and for whose educational welfare I
would not willingly labor, witli the
lu st of my ability. I am, as you till
know, only a boy in point of years, but
those having the care of your school
have placed me in a position, which, in
order to succeed, would doubtless re
quire more experience than I can com
mand; yet, with your kind assistance,
I mean to do the best I can for the sue- j
cess of not my school, nor your st liool, j
but ocn school. In the school I
room I arn t'.arher, on the play ground
I am Van hyd. In the school room
you may call me teacher, master or
Mr. Boyd, and on the play ground jou
can call me Van or anything else."
This little speech, delivered in a man
ner, and v. ith an inflection which sur
prised even Van himself, seemed to
' have a dc-ided impression upon the
! scholars. Indeed, Van spoiled a very
i:7 ! l., 4., ..,.1,.
i ulL,,J ' t'l". .is- , o P';
! ( nnni iit t ho bell, t )ii: i nsist ill" d mire
1 ' "
that whatever was done in the school
room, must be by his permission. The
first day's work of the school was then
begun, and no one could observe any
radical difference between Van's ineth-
oil of eirgaiilzat-ion, and that of his
predecessors, unless it was in the man
ner of assigning seats to the scholars.
This arrangement Van insisted on
making himself, for convenience for all,
and it is here only proper to say that
uneler the litre urran-jtni' nt Van couh.l
not find it convenient t give Tom Bra
den and Nettie Spenser the seat they
j ha'1 previously desired to occupy. Van,
The robust managing editor of the
"Pitt fonr Disimtih toils with the tbin-
; (.omjniinlm. a y,.,ir ago he bought
i a full suit of white ihumel. After the
first we-shing, his son who weighs a
hunelred and two pounds less than the
father, found the suit just fitted him.
Two more washings made them juse
the size for his five year old, and at tht I
end of th" season there was not enough '
of them for a good sized dishcloth.
Where has till the flannel gone tor" He
says he wouhl willingly take his whole
family and his mother-inlaw to a lecture
which would explain it, and pay double
The best way to advertise is, first:
have something to dispose of worth j
the price you ask; keep within reason-
able bounds in vour notice to the pu!- !
lie; pay for the space you occupy, let j
! your advertisements keep pace with its
1WV) Li . btv rl lilt" a --i L.I ill I ?t I tr L. Ill
profit for tha sole purpose of keeping ?
before the public. Thousands of men
owe their fortunes to a judicious sys
tem of advertising.
At Moseow a lady, renowned for
Iter beauty, ventured to call on the j
Shah with an enormous boquet. The
"light of the World" accepted the Mo
ral present, examined the fair visitor
carefully and leisurely for a considera
ble period with his eye-glass, and then
probably overcome by admiration,
turned Ids back upon her and retreated
to his apartments, without deigning to
utter even a royal monosyllable:
It i proposed to erect a fountain in
Cincinnati to the memory of the sis
ters Cnry:
Cut this out and preserve.
O IM-.H A 1. l.AM OlO ICK. V ion, D. C, June ;'o,1h73. ) (
lietisttrs (ind llectictrs, U. S. Land
Gfntli.mev: I have received nu
merous letters leqtiesling a modifica
tion of the instructions issued by this
office April vl, lsbi, under the act of
Congress approved March it, on
titled "An act to encourage the growth
of timber on western prairies."
It is claimed that parties iiniking en
tries under the 1st section of the Jict;
are entitled, by iln terms, to three years
to complete the phintiugof the pre
scribed area with trees, and that they
should not bo limited to one year iu
the regulations. WLile it is true the
act tloes not mention any particular
time within which the planting shall
lie done by parties making entries un
der the 1st section, the -Itli section
dearly limits the time for planting, by
a homestead claimant, to one year I ron
the date of entry, as it requires him to
show at the end of the third year that
he has had the trees which he is re
quired to plant under cultivation for
two years, 'this he cannot do, unless
the trees are planted vv ithiu one year
from date of entry. Congress thus liv
ed a time for homestead claimants un
der the 4th section, and as no time was
tixe-d, in the case of parties making en
tries under the. first section, I adopted;
in entries of that class, the time which
Congress considered reasonable and
proper to allow homestead claimants,'
and limited them to one year. A dif
ferent construction might have beeii
reached by separating the 1st and 2d
sections of the act from the other por
tions thereof, but considering the
whole act, I did not feel authorized to
give parties making entries under the
1st section more time than Congress
granted to homestead setthts by tho
4th section. Admitting that the act ii
ambiguous, and that there is room for
difference of opinion on the point un
der consideration, I cannot conclude)"
that Congress intended to make, a dis
crimination against settlers undertint
homestead law, who, through poverty;
privation, and toil tire rendering an es
sential and valuable service to thb
commonwealth by making their homes
upon the wild lands, and reducing
them to cultivation, and thereby fiel
ding to the productive area and re-I
sources of the country, and la favor of
men who have tin; means to appropri"
ate hinds for speculative purposes, and
who, when they take them under thrt
1st section of the act, are Pot required,
to reside upon or improve them 'further
than may be necessary to the plantinf
and cultivation of tho requisite quan
tity of timber.
If any discrimination is to be mode,'
I think it should be in favor of the'
poor mail, w ho seeks a home for him-1
self ami family upon the publicdoniain;
and who is, by the homestead law, re
quired to build his house and make hisf"
actual residence upon his land within
six months from the date of his entry;
and who lias, then fore, alxiut all hecaii
do during the first year of liis settle
ment to provide for the comfort of Ids
family, and comply with the provisions
of the homestead law without being rr
quired to plant trees.
The law will hac to be much plain
er in its requirements than it is now,'
before I can consent to establish a rule
which would be so obviously unjust to
the houie;'.lend settler, and ho clearly in
the inteiest of sp'-cubit ioii.
It is also claimed that parties are nofc
limited to one enUy, but may make asf
many as they please. Here again tho
act is somewhat obscure, but it wouhl
be so manifestly contrary to the prinei-'
ph-s embodied in the general legislation
in re lation to the public domain, as well
as it sound public allow aii
individual to appropriate indefinite, ami
unlimited quantities of the public laud;
that I cannot conclude that it was thJ
intention of C digress to allow any per
son to take more than one quarter-section
under the provisions of the act;
and I have t here fen e decided that an
individual cannot be allowed to mako
more than one entry, and that such in-'
dividual cannot take more than 0110'
technical quarter-section.
In arriving at these conclusions I
am, I confess, not absolutely certain
that the language of the act will not
authorize, or at least admit, a different
construction, but to allow three years
for planting trees, and then permit ail
indefinite and unlimited number of en
tries by the sahiotperMin, would be to'
aid in a speculative monoioly of thef
public domain by parties having 110 in
tention of complying with the require
ments of the law as to tree culture)
I cannot think that Congress intend'
pd :mv such refills to flow from the net
referred to, and, theiefore, I sh " """"
bore to the regulations which
issued, ami limit parties to
which to completetht irplai
one entry under the act, with
by further legislation authoi
quire1? a modification of the ru
A Hoar frost is said to have n "
Butler's budding political procliv.
Spoiling men speak of the Shall .
diamond Hush.
The Kev. Plio be San ford has bce
won from her New" Haven pulpit y
the oiler of ;t L'.rg r salary in. Jersey
City. .
A married daughter of D. Appleton,"
the h'-ad of the greet publishing house
of New York city, died at Toulouse;
Laora D. Fair has struck a balance'
sheet, and found it cost tll'00 to set
tle Crittendon and the unpleasant com
plications growing out of the alhiir.
The train on the PalLimore and Ohi'
Bailwav which t arried the Washington
steam liremgine to the Baltimore liref
actually made the distance, forty miles.;
between the two stations in thirty-hve
A misfortune has lately befallen si
Chicago editor. By adverse and cruel
fate lie lias found himself far off irr
San Francisco writing up the Chinese
question, and the free passes are cut;
off. He now writes to Lis wife that af
his liver is badly out of order he liT
tends walking home; and that he ex
peers to arrive some timfl in 1 $74; In
time fcr their wooded trfiKftt'
1 i