Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 31, 1873, Image 4

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K I L M'li lk.1, MH J Mill
& 8. IVAiioEY Koi ro it, '
- - ' 1
OoiMrmiiUn on.educithKtal Tocu. Ke- .
TaXLT -J" r"!'rH'rl-
! dry solicited tor the Edueutkmal Column, ;.nd ;
feKiyt ddrwed to Educational Committee,.
hvx m. Bock Bluff-, Xebtwdia.
Chn Editorial Committee.
Normal Institute.
I will bold .1 Teacher's Normal Tn-
statute at Ashland, commencing Mow-
clay, August 11th, 17;, iit 2 . rn., to
continue in session for two veffcs.
The vfork of the Institute will con
sist of repular class drills in the va
rious branches taught in our common
schools, al) daily instruction in the
advanced Normal Methods.
accoinm.Hlate all who indv attend at
very, reasonable rates. H.ard at the
liotels, 81.00 per il.iy; or 3.5'J er week; .
at private houses, SS.O); I
I 'Will give persons the in-
stitute daring the whole time, ami '
ehowinff themselves competent, a ree- '
emmendation to their County Supt'riu
temlent, requesting him to grant the
holder a certificate without further cx-t-mination.
I ahull receive assistance in the work !
of instruction from several prominent
fducators, among whom are Professor.
Thompson, C B. I'aliner a:i 1 others. j
This Institute is especially for the '
Counties of Saunders-, Cass, Lancaster,
Sarpy arid Douglas; but teachers from
other Counties will 1h gladly received. '
Teachers should bring what text
books they can for reference.
J. M. McKkxzie,
State Sup't Public Instruction.
Taa BjjJ's Tirst School.
"Gooil morning, V;n; 1 ve heard
that you are going to t? i? i s -h 1 t'd.s
winter, ia our district. I h 4 it is s ,
lor then we boys and girls can have a
good time; whv, of course, we can do '
tetMWM.! You Icno-.v 'OM Sil-
vers tauglit last winter, and lie made
us toe the mark;' but you. Van why irse occasional!., turns tai. to th
you have always been one of us, and .manger; and vv.-.i Ma-Ming in .-.-.n
vou know you like a little fun just as Si,hs u.
" . . . . ., , lioxes tor ia.-t hoist s g:e ii-a ..1. l.ii-
well as any boy or gnl . m the . v u,an twos.- ma le f ., the . .a..., ..
district. Van I5oyd a school teacher! uatiou oi vt.ier to:s. s. r.d.-i.- -a.a-
ii-i i. - i lii... ......
V liV, who wouin uae siir-iniM u
of V;
the wildest hovs m t?e district in
, i ,in i ... rr .
sliort, Old Silvers, as lorn :-:fT--et ion-
ately called him. had governed the .lis-
trlct schoid through th influence of a .
plentiful supplv of hickorv. and Torn,
cspecwllv. had been brought to a tear-
ful realization of the fact that Ins
body was susceptible to very acute sen-
sat ions of pain.
Van Iioyd. the party addressed, had
always lived in the district where h
had lieen soliciteil to teach sch-'ol. lie
was one of those fun-loving, good h.i
tured, rolicksome sort of fellows, that
everyliody likes, and was a favorite
with all. especially n ith the boys an I
girls cf the district school. Van h.:..i
at an early age manifested a l-.-i i d
inclination for Inioks, an ! li.i-; -tance.1
all of Ids ela.ts-iii.!es in t'.-e dis
trict school. XaMire h;wl pr.eal!y
diiiiiaore for Van than s!ie !i 1 1 don-
for many others, and united with dili
gent application to biioks h; hid
reached that point iu scholastic attain
ments at whir1!! the Examiner pro
nounced him fully competent to teach
in any public school in the county for
"one vear." It was this as. u - nice i'iv-
en by hid very creditable ex unin ition.
.. ..
to rurther prosecute ms studies, that
Our hero resolved to enter the field for
pedagogical honors. Nor were Van's
attainments the o ,iv .nnt he could
justly claim. From infan-y u;. his
good and pious parents bad thoroughly
imbued his young mini with im;er- '
i3h.iMe truth. Van hid v, r been
.,, ,
taught to detest a i.tlsf-hood, a-id d-
Ception un ler whatever guise, if..
was known among his school :n itcs iis
the "soul of 1 .'nor.' and this onridn.?e ;
....... , .. .
in b:s integrity ab.t.e. gave him an in-
fluence over his school m it' s, waiea.
had it been otherwise, he would not
have wielde-1. :
-r, . , , , , ,.,;,: .
But an h.-.I revived to n: ike the
tffort to teich school, and to begin in
the same district w't.-r 'h'i il ceeei -. 1
his education, and am n ' tli.i-o bo-.s
and girls with whoai h" h id grtw-i ;p,
Mm" of whom were even u! l-r tii in he.
He wa:i encourag'vl in this resolution
by many sympathising friends. In
fact. Van's school m ites all wished
him to teach the school. 'I bey ail
seemeil to think that with Vai as
could ever teach o?.'r sc:iuu liut "'" ... t. Z-x&7&&s&zZ-Z- '.rtx;$'?t ff
. I'm for Jr. Van Iioyd for tea. h- r ' , "
So spcechhW Tom Iiradeu. one ,iet:re.-o. exe.v,.,.. oy ivaLUg. trotiiti..
ms "chums," and who wis one of or. as l:a-y so.i: uni. wi'u a.. a t,i ... i"-
- teacher , they could have a ''jelly good
time," Only a fe of the-old :i;i .l staid
peopte of tlie district serm-d skeptical
with regard to Van's success. "Why."
e aid an old m itron, "there's my Itob;
bfo's bigger and older'n Van. an I how
in the world could he uuuage him;
why, I fob's so big aad stout b.i cvmld
well le coLiif haw Visit tip."
- Deacon M thaffey smihsl skeptically
and ominously shook ids head. -I act-
nally thmii, says the ie icon, mat tne . Vvhalever cheers the spirits mui be
thought of Van Doyd teacldng ottr beiie.ieiar to uorse and man, mid rice
school is monstrously su;; whv v fix. I fuses feed belter from
there's Nettie Si-cnccr; he's U-en f 'u i .M !"' ;l ,l"rs"
, , , ., , Wolll I not t;lle;j ;l lt-eil .,; c ,i i; ;;le,i
il-gom with her for a good, and t 1U s .,, -y ,.. :!.;;;. ;.; ,v;ii
you kpow iseitie is a spiiitfi jos.u ;
ladv; sister irpeircer can't do anvthing
: with her at home, and brother Spencer j .
, . . .. i
?s most awful head aroi.fc-. it
pinion that Nettie aiid Van will ;
says she
is my opinion
Court.all the time, or or else sli iv,:i'l
- tuind hira in school; and thej Vaa
is young: why, if I'm not mistaken
nes younger nour ivate;. yes, ne is oniy ,
-seventeen seventeen last August'. :
Think of it; the Llca of ;i se nteVn
year old boy teaching or school i:r! ;
Lim end of the scholars why why its
Absurdly absurd."
But these unpleasant reflect ions t-pon
Our hero's prospects' of success, were
hot to stop with Deacon Mahaffey's
liberal prognostications. Sister Sihui
: cer, tire mother of our fair", o.ud luu t-
stroriy Nettie, catching the idea of fail
ure Iraia the evil current already cir- j
tfulating, earnestly enjoined V an not
. to1 ttndertake the school. "Nettie,"
j Says the worthy sister, -won't nrind me,
. 6r p$nor anybody; and how" do you ex-
- JSW-n" to rfc ber' tnisfi r tou kaow Mr.' 1,
grt deal trouoie.witi.
hor last winter, a. id onet he had to
scare her with the rod. I tell you, you are too small an 1 tdo youug
t- get up gj bigh; vou'd hotter let
te.ic.iiu .il.m fur awhile.'-
,, ,,,, , ,
1'-'lt V an 1 dvteiiii-ucd' in lus ov;n
nihil tint he would, at least,' ! to
"teach the you-g id
l' ho".' tj .d-.
ami he was i-"t o
f t!l..t Sort It
1 sciral by Deac t'i M.-.hailv,
' S'p'K;.;! 1
:i' council i
re.leetions. nor bv lh- t av
of Mrs. S,pencer. He could do no woise.
; th.ui fail, and if lt culy ui-su..d the
i had, svtrv reason to f
- - j
hope for i-.u'jccts. Others, older than
he, In I fiiiud in the same vocation, i
but odiL-rs as young as it-, bad succeed
ed in the school io.:n is tf.ielit rs. lie '
h.iJ ro:ie to to, ;ui i ;hi J
next M u lay he .w to on n:s Si,-St ;
school. Mosiday uiornni came a u.;e ,
bright November itiontinr, and at an
early hour our yoniiir iieio mi;:j. ii.ive '
bjeii seen weii-linj; i'.is way lowurd a j
little school house that slol !
the hills of U estfrn IVoasyi amu.
LOXi Vtiit iioSiiS.
Thei can be no doubt that every
building for the stabling of hoist s o
the better class, or oi hoist s k pc most
of tneir time m idlenss iur trotting.
aacing or breeding purposes sh iiid i
liave boxes attacin-d to it, the number, j
of course, varying in accordance with
the miniiitr oi stalls. Xo such su'.bie i
is, in iact complete without them. i
The rack and manger should be on
the same side as the entrance door, ior
horses will le found almost invariably,
when f ceuing, to stand obii.piely in
tiieir Imx, thai is, with their heads to
rack and m uiger. their bind quarters
pointing towards the opposite side.
Thus, If we place the- in-k and in (nger
on the opoMte side to by which
we enter, unless the box is large, we
get tne full beiielit of their heels as we
enter; a circumstance by no means de
sirable with some horsvs, more especial-
Jy when feeding.
Co. ner raeiis an 1 m angers are great-
1 . . 1 . . ... 1 it
3 oepn ieiieo 10 iuoBtf ,iuai r.ia
toe eiiiii'e .vuhh hi ue loi ; -'-'." t ike
tin less room: and Wilii t;it; ..lh.-.-s : n
a.: -j t- .o .i.u- a i i t.ic- 1.1
- ..iv ... . .... t.i.-
w a r.K'e ,i.rsi- w.ieii '.-..le are: exli-joi-
.... .... ,. , , x , ,.
ai.i.tiv. ni.ide lor ulher ..oist s,
iUv Uoili,i sat Mtilicienily large if
made is.-iyj seveiueea leet by eighl or
Tiiis size, u pr..perly veiuilaied.
;',U,nIs ah f t-u.nlrt a healthy
horse it-quires,
A U)X 1S u .. s,mn.e ot comfort
to a a s . lie can iie in any
that he in..y .hid gives gialest j
ease to In.-.
v. e
liili-S ; 1
e a -1 c. s i".
il put
1 -jlliSig
in o.u- t .
! Ul.lvl'
Tht-i oj1;. :;i '1
liiij.-s is
by ii ii'.-iei, ; !
hard use, a
fotl'ld iVll! (
i.V !' -iln ivlii.: oat :.!
c :?iii-e.i in a tr- ir-r .1 way
i.'.oiig.!, al J vl' a d.t j
i'.t ! li'it:-, l-e
!t:i his h 'S
ig' .-, ii'J t'.i ' 1 S l
1 li.i ve l c-
L ti -i
SllVtc!e:i ,:t
j..- v-ry tired, ..;
e-n i'i o lr..' p . i... .-..i. ii jLoaioa ;
:r-'..- :.;)! ., . . .1 a nol .-' . are
siir : .. l. i i j ii;.;u: be i n
i..s .or a:iy ic.'.L.: t li.i.-. vo-.-.ti-t
r. .v ie.iii. :;i iiK ;)-.. i..., ii.M'ler ni
di. i try eirciai-i v . i i . : . i t'l.. . wer.
Oe delected in sucn ;siuon, a.ia i r
his ordinary ino .e ot ivatiu, a good
wide si ill is anisic space.
Every person at all eon verdant svilu
tie habic.s and (lisp. ions ot i.ois.'j is
quite aware ta il they are s. .ci u e.i.i
ni ils; tiicrei'niv. tiioah in ing aiooe
and ;.n i ua lis;.i; oed ismI ta in
at times, it i-econtes ifi:s. due, auu, in
laci, a puiii..iiu. -in. u eoai.oa: u .or a
k'imtu ot ttaie. 1 ae'.:
ut - igaiug. Winen a m.i.ves. .n 1 !
the uneasiness he s.iows on h;s coin- !
paid. leaving him. td the saiisiac-
ton ne manilesis on tlu-ir return prove
tJll, k.,rehl. coutiiied to a box
with an upper portion made of iron
grating, so titat tie can watch parsing
''jc ts. or be oU the lookout for tiiem.
oil Will li lid h 1111, ill li.oit llillC-s, when
. .,0iU lIlv uauig, uim ius
cl )Si. l() t!u. l.;us tJi ir- un 0j.llinfr js
lei't, siuVi.jh ttily l.irxf, ho will be found
lUi- ,,l' wila .us ;ieid and i.eck
thrust out oi ir. watcaiiig wiiat is ro-
ilUfclorw.H.a. T;1lt do tu.s .s
quite ciear, and are aunised by u; and
m,;llt u'n,'s lo their well-ix-iug.
it m tv be alleged tiiat race horses
;m l , urSk uuIv iu ,hx.
t.s :mi tlo la ittvliK lllit jL
(juile f u.'ik c.nip inug tiiciii with oilier s. Tuey ate I. red. Heated and
used in a w iy peculiar to their caste.
A race h-jise, unless it is a gliding or
inarc, must ..e k -pi ia a l y.. iie is
used lo it man a coil, and nis ve: na
ture is changed iy ut. iiistc;id
of missing his i. lic'v. . or t;.;d:;i ino
sigiit of them wiln ph-iusur-, ih cry
lll.lnv l!ltilllC. S he c.iii.ii'l UC .llloutd
t0 aiiproaen them: he is, in lact,
in ;
such ease a domestic. iU i vxi.d, '
kepi for the purKse of runmng ior
i!!o!iy: We do not mean, ue is
a jluailyy': nc imh.ti a- he is i.u nioie so
by nature than aiivoibfr hoist tut.
he is rendered so by the v.ty lie is j
brought up, and consequently the iie- ;
sire lor companiohship is lu.-d lo idiu, i
and lie docs not feel deprivation.
We are ipiite clear thai horses (,ili
te"hnical p..rase -do better" in stalls
than boxes, unless these boxes .tie
made with lads only between tlie in
habitants of them and the other hotses.
in .u,i i.jin.s.di hvann.r oih-.-is gt ;r.
1 )"I i ; t -
Kecp;:s; V...:i c ;e .. i i:i r..'(s;
v ,.niU. .,a ,it th u.. ;: ,.t.,:;Ui..', .
t(l iyi;:.; !.. -,. .;u iie-ic ,s i
I.O l!.i!i
h-.rse :
hi U -, i
r ol tii- ir g. w.g ..i (
i '. - " ; ;.i w i'i t. e:i.-. t
, ;: vv b i.- S tid. . 1
iii . r :; n ihii i !. 1 1 . .
ut jlt .,
IOl -I- i
fi" .1 ioos:- j )(' i;- ,:: ly
st t''!e ia'.o 'jou ui ;;i,
'.il t s i'ae dirt st. e:t. ; ! o
Us collect to- i'-r il .1J1
iar.e.r.s v
a;: I oltt n i'
pues. im;
plied. We have us d of b-ixs; i
bet L r to say. v.iere stails art not u -d, j
'outhi ri 1. 1' uts for horses. Thc!e s:.o:il 1
le made in. :rued itji at least seven feet
near the racks and mangers, for, say
three feet from the wall, and five fe t
higir the leniaining part nfexi sid ,
wrtb tins precaution, that the rails are
too close lo admit a horse's nose Ikv
tween tiuni; and they should be made
of iron.- ,
The 'it. Louis Olo'jfi celebrated its
first anniversary u.i F:iday last. It
cl: nTs as the result of its year's -ffort,-
n suhscnplion list of 10,04 d..iues.
33,'JOd weeklies, uud about 1,500 tseui- !
wetsfclK;ir .-
i or joi:r i"I;-i";-iivS J'j to
F R. Guthm inn !
Crt:T liihi! r.:.i! itahi .s'.r -t, ri i'fi'auuiii.
He -:-fis on hand :i Inrtri' and v.t !i sIooiet? !
stock of j
I'AN' Y u'U' :-'ii:s. ''iT' -v : 'V. n. rs. :
Iu fonnectioa ith tli? Grocery ia a
B keiy and C-infrctioKry
iAU kiiuls of Country Ird;:c t.-ij5it ai.d
'lake notice of tbe S'.fii
0. F. J01LVS0X.
3 RUGS 8r7BDI?'IKE.c.
.47.2, PAPER TlililMED PP.EE
OF ClAlltiE.
Mks, Sf rtt ionorv, j
Am! Latest l!:ihlIt;:Uf?ns. j
el :.! s co:!;.r.',it'.r
bv an e i-
d ii'Tist
i.end'1 r '.he .d'ee. Ci rner F'fiH :i..d y.
s:reet.s. I'i-Usiiii.eali. Net..
Bon ncr
. J L d i .' K
FlNF- filVHV.
Horses & Carriages lo Lei.
SJuel.. Ktiaril- d by the lhy
Week or 31 oh tk.
ood Stock,
Go d Vehicles
a v ,
i? 4v J b o
T" '
is yj
"I d i :
:h :!e liKUAI.iv j an J iiet.dl i".-,
m.t';s and .VKnirrNE paint, oils,
fcc.i Str
' tp'tescrlptio?.? Cirefnlly oompoaaded at all
m C- - ,
Tress, New Type, and New Material
:: aad ve tvirnew lot of LEGAL BLANKS:
I AH dcso'lioru of done hi t'.ie printing
..We ui: tu.iy ,rojiared to dd
Eve y Kiiii vA
p.d !d yc T otiI-t for
JT' 1
v r
t 51 v
"i W - -
01 ii
l.i-nd, oi.t- of il.t- I.m -j;fbt sloci.s of
f'to("fU; r 1 T?!r?s'si"is Ooods fov fpriir
t&" i invite everybody In wad i't inylliiii in my line to . ail :.t rpy fore.
ofj'h Side Main, Saiw n F.fth and Six;h -Ircet
And c-oivinp t'MimeTvei f l'n f;et. M . v -'s 'it"d ii.'y 5:i lay " a;" ''"fi '.rraiiit a w'.f
stock of Fiiif Clothiiii' for .'Jen and l'iv Ut w.'.iid: we"iiiviie"t'i.s wlio want . :d.t.
t i? I alio Urei 1.1 Jand a lurc and well selected f &A: ,t II ;t.5, tY.j.s. laoi Mid Kh; es. 8-10 !
L . F . JOHHSOIT,- -
fJ Opposite the-l'i itte Valley House, in Schlater's' Jewelry Storpi
Main Street, Plattsm mth, Nebraska.
-nr i.ouis.
K Li'
,1- t '! )"S
1 - V o s
!. .1
?iu?r irsi-nx53
i .
f 'J? t 5
if" L(if r:.?i now ' bin:!:f in rake's . " i : i - jt
fioia j.'j io c' :;iid im 1 1-ii ? - e,i.y tliat perjoas
i M :i'i' I
ins is a
: y.;-ii -.-rry ri
-ii 1'i-r to g"'
and ;fn-
tiieir a.:
I ? .
"l.te'.i add i'.u.t. r..;.ly io il.t ii" .ii i.'
" ; art:, s :s
.1 .Ii. ... I t
i. : i . i : . V. i
i . . . I ' twi. t1
,i :
If ATS, t'J'.N, EO(
"-hrf-te Rubber 'Crcds.
i ' '
M. t. SH"( !, Si'i'.ni l i'oor i'a- t "f Coict e.
IR VNS'.I :-" - I!riad
ittf.U AM)
Uficn (ma
-rJ 11. A 7 C. f
t It !r;if tI
V ft t it
Suthv.t.-d '( Main Street. Ii dlmout.h, Nc!.r:k:i.
Divs5 floods, ihii'ts.
Dei.iiuca, ( lingh itiis.
liloWU :
15le Coltoas,
(.'lark's new Thread,
In the (iroccry line' we keep tlie Finest ami Heist
Tea. Coffee. . . ngar, Madasse?,
Jb red rruits, ' . Spictt, etc, etc;
In f;ict for Your ' Groceries; Hardware,
liueenswtfre, - Wooden
Hats iuid Caps,
' . - , '
' -
Stylo ;f Print's
1 . .
' H O
S1? t fV fS
5 VT I Z lj VI:
to the C'i.y f I'lattsir.oaih, at erV-e. racgan
- .vv. Cotmcil I'.hif.s. Iowa.
C't t W
I 1 I
t D Hi
ts and Shoes.
H.;lm.ids, (.'aipt ts,
Cotton Yarns,
V U.o V.if imu
i. at.KCC lMHIUIW,
I30,,tS ftlld i5tl0e$,
-.jpr, '.Just published, anew edition oi feC&Jk-?&Z
Or Seminal e;,ers. invminlary s-e!ii;::al Vf r i jQ -,, X-vTeJ lr rjl'- TrA.
. . i Losses. iMioTi.N. v. menial and pliNsi-al inea- Jf,-'-?
4ji f v . ft m C ! Cost eri..N. Ki-si.i.i-v. a!id I I rs. indneed lt Vtiiw.
S V tii NAI4 I. i byn'.i.M...lKv,,er.;-s,.Vid extrav,.,a,,-e.
! The eeiebi :.ted :.i.t !:,.r. in this a.h.ilr.ibie ex- , f&&&jg??:5 Y5'iy-V'''-V V--V
say.ele.invdemonsi.-a.e from a tlihiy year's ;
: 1 - - . ...n-ii;.iu:!!. .elraska.
EST' Sixtii Street, oo door ecuth of
Loak to Y',ur GbUdren.
The Great Soothing Itemed'.
MS? Cur.-s folic and jrrining in Price
Witc4mb'4 tlie, and f.'i-i'.ila;i-s 2
Syrup l lie proi'tv-M if l.-i liiiiii;. JChh-s
HHS. ! S'.ilidut'S onvuisions and: Price
Whit-ma' .iVi'ii-oria'S all dise.ises ii:-i j 2"
Svrup di'iil lo infants and cialtirt'ii. ; C. nls.
MRS t'ur.-s JiaiTlnei'. Iiyscnti'
'"hicomb'- 'rv and snmia.T eoiiielnitti i
Syrup. ..children of all aire.
. It IS the great Infant's and Children's SimhIi
iii.Z "eni'-i'iy. in a!i disorders hroiilit on by
tee. h'ii;i or "any "!i'r caic.
I'lep. ied by' til tirafloii Mei.ieaie ('.., J-t.
l.( nls. Mo.
s I . by dnii.sts and dealers in -Meiaeines
e v r v ; .ere. ilre2- 1 y
alariaia eons.
:;.ile:iiiv enit-M
without t!ie use of internal medicine or "the hji- '.
Jilic.ilio!) of lite knife ; :jiT itir old tuc 1:101b' of ;
care ai o:;
e.f wJdei. every MiliVrcr. i. m.-.tter what !
!.w e.ei.lii.... neiv ;,e n.iv ....... hi,... If ,.i(.:n,!v !
I 1 1? i 'i's heet:.iie siioeld tn the hands (.f ev-
very -"Titi Mt'il llian n; tlie httl.t. I
S t '". -nler ve-tt. in a p'ai'i eiivelofc. to nny j
ad.. (3s. : ;i,e rciviit of -i.x. ecnls, or two jhis:'- j
at- .-iii's. i
Also Lr. C aiver s "Marriage G tilde, ' pnee 50
Address t!.1 rnblWlirs.
CilAS. .1. C. K I.I Si:, fi CO.
1U7 1-e.verv. New York.
liee l.'ox.
2 Person mil lake lree Hitter ao
errlftiK to ilireetuiiis. uti'l roinain lomr unwell.
pnn-Med tli"ir lollies are not lM!riT.Hi l. mine
ral p'liwm (sr other nr'iiii. ana vital oriiiii
wasie.l bevoa t tlie t.iiit of repair.
I)yl'.sla or l.ille(li. Ile!lnrh(,
rin ii) ill ' lionld'T. Coutftis. Tiirliuiss oi the
Chest, l'lziness. Soar Krae'atiiniK of the Mo
macli. liad 'i';i-t;! i.'i tlie Month. Unions Alia. I,
ralpuauiiii f :ie llcMrr. hiriannn.itloii ol the
Lutisri. Cam ia the rcisioiw of the Kiihievs, anl
ft hmiilfejl ot'.ier pani'iil Kvintioms. are the otT
npntnm of lvsp.-iii. One Imttlc mil prove ft
tiettcr irii.irantee of Cs mcriis than a h ngtlijr
FiirFriiiiilr('niiiplinti, hi toiimi; or old,
marrietl or Htnitle, nttneituwn of woniitnlnioil.
or the tarn of life, Tonic liiuers disnlav so an innuciicij that improvement Is kooh
For Iiiflauiiitwtory mid Chronic
It lie ii ut ism unl (lout. Unions. Itctiiiuetit,
an-l hiteruaitent levers. I nseaes (f the
Ijver. Ki'lneys mii.I Hla'Mer. t.iese lhtters have
no equal, siich Jijaoascsarc caused by Vitiated
Thry mi triHl' n.licxl I ve n til
nil n 'riinh-, .i-es!iii!i tiie merit of m-liinr as
powerml aetit In relieviint l oiitfe.stioii or In
flaiiiinati'iii oi the i.ivcr and isecr.i' Organs,
and in Ihliom luseases.
For skin DiiciKM, r,nntions. Tetter. Salt'Uin, lllotclnn. Siwiis, I'niiplcs. Pustules.
Boi:s. Carlmncle", Ihn-wor us. scaUI-Uend,
Sure Kws. Krvijiel.'is, ;cli. Scurfs. Insoolojii
tious oi" the Skin. Humors end l!i.sease of 1110
Skin of watcver name or uamre, are liter
ft!lv du tip and arriel out of the m-s-te.'u
I 1 a short time by the ue of these hitlers.
Clrttleful I'ho.itf ikI iiroclaitii Vins.k
KirrKiis the bmst wntnterrnl hiviorant tliat
ever 8Ustaimvl the sinking vtetn.
II. II. .lclM AI.I A. CO.
Pnieeists and (ien. .irt.s., San hranetse'). Ca!.,
A cor. of Wusliinirton and Clmrltnii St.s., S.V.
: Ws HousoiioM M3PI3
i re-u .iii-i it!:--. mi tv i ii 1 11 r f
J Lou lit jii. iiic utl in. r him! iurtit)i y 1
LatH- riti,I vit v.-( -tr ii:jAMtl i h.Mi. 11. )
tii r K' i.r :i a unU ii ot r
r lieart aui pun ' ' I '" (in n j
H uiU'-n or Itni i! . 1; I )" v- '.:it, Itil it j
n iitf, riicriMt. ami iirtti'ft. 1: wcum iiaf -ici-
tlrfii irrut1! as t -fljiiw. thinklnjr Rtu LToninp
rr titr'. irfm;iiv iii at d.but lUH Itti! tfrt 11.
Yet m ui1vm i1'ii' Slit- ir.n ihe IrKrt
!iif not ciii ! !io!riTiaI miui-ii ;
atiil (ireHry 41-U m. Mti- u hi.-u il.t m; iir-rt
ati l lliiri(r' do no nrnrti di r-li'r m -tie
conrrarv, i; would ia:hf-r pr-ticli n tlioituli tt
Ere 1 IuI n.: an iiiifrotuci srory,tr iiiii:
1'imrinHi!' t M-rve thp t'urpow iii a Unjr i'fi-
lrpMinu ali.l ir--ft!at.. M think bI.iiu:.
Tiie ,.r-t w. il as lli tnf im ure ef the
Mmriizine is i:n pi iee. Tl.o oi r-!i .ria a II r.!..-!. li'Miiio Hi m:c i!.,lli.r 11 v.:r.
IJ eell inr.l ti lllii-l C-pie. in u t'i.i,u.3.
A.mif l.i i.ii" .mti ct.ii r. ... ." ."
inrlu. litis (nit II.hiliiiS, Is !i il.l.k' .ilner, Q
Gwtiurtc. ivp salary .X ihree Uiiiimiii1 tlol- Jj
l.irs.'iit ,.) itloiut ten di.rari. er lny.
A K.x h imiiilier ren'Mitis in nr e.tlit linn.lrij r?
iLiii irs' wnrili rr mailer, k hu ll Cvu iLe bub-
Jm fcril.t-r aliiit rlulii . nns. CL
fll.ii e Mini J., w.i iHHii'iriit'y tin''il rriiyen
Vir r uin or:li '... r U: ii .i...l
Mfn-f ....ieri.'trs-r;ts-r i Hie Miniu'ri-i SI Kl fj
,. . .. ..- .. -... . v
si w . .t ( ., .w.iinr;. i.
Df.P G
in gh
I nlted A H-e nt the l'i-e..-V .-a'- V
u..Ttri-i'. which inal H lie L'e. t tl-mi
J i 'ms', I'liiitt . 1'a. . .. As in. line .r.ii)iM, II
i.-.!..tleil if!lie iiisrriieliell Kliil ri.' I t
ei i tie fau.lly ctr;lf.Mi1..ii ei'il.r l.i piai ii 1 h-
u. in ttir iiii-hiis .r n in i-r. in uMrfirnr.' eir.-iiin-
O.. mii-vv,il i rurnihe.l m. A rei.irkl'I l.w rn:e
-S 111 .r..ierilon lo .lie ui.rr.t trf u- coii'.'iit. .V.
I- T i-'wn. ..I. l,.IIIIH!tV hell..' ItllltnlZMle.
U n il l In u tlie ilniiif Hint eno w.mlil inii lci:e
Yin i I nee in Hie liniuL. l tin whp ami lUl
M ie. i,.r ilie emtilnvincnt of n l.-iMirc lieiir
V:liintn.'i.n. N. C ... Were e el ei.r
m c.ii.ii ii.'. .ii. - I' i..,-
r lr..m ..ur .'XrliaiiNU li-I il 1 Iml. ei"" el '"S
rr flrM Hii.i?iiin io i lil.-li He fIikiCi iuli-.-rl'e
- H....l.l l U. . .1- I1....U..W...I 3....., Ii.,1.
& l .r.l. Ci Il in an lieeliecioiU ami meraJ
n itu.'fiior. Iil-hl v i rizi'd hv ail Im Lfconie m -
-. UuitllfiI Willi it. (V'f S.t. Adifnl. ... If
i'.l'lar writ. ni are, ItK-reinre. Bisnl wri er-,
v itna I. I.l. r.rif. pnivn ltii ii.rr:t Ii.rri.rv
WMrt-n, Him Mr. WikmI's uiatfaziiie U a ii.nil ffl
H one. Th ImUjmii.t. .New Vi.rk. ... Its arM j.
Ortv. brrath a ("nl of ecenemv, morality ami A
.rt. whit U is hifli'T rvfrr slinin in ilia a ef
t (H-bHinaliia lol! ant rxtraiat-anee
mm KiIima. Mn .. If h timloliblefli V one ol UiC A
K. ir.-lic:: lirlift jourualnwo liave cxam.wil.
M K'-ri 4, Spr iimtelU. Tki.ii The arnoles i
, are liort. Mum,:, and oi iirli uii;iirnii.nea
' Cl raii.ilta. and wplceine In very many pu.
.V? i,i,(. WtKl'n I a iiiar'rl of cliearne" and
tlrsllaanttanliiy .unliined. inr Jfmm. ,
Ws HoassMil MaOTM
alr-n'PK, "i' A''S - ...v-:
iiienees of se!i-ab!ise. tnay b- r:ai ieally eury'I r3.i.' ' & iThT- " ' 'tl.?j'-if r'lJ Ssh
Main. Coil arid boo bim and j?ct a Machino.
cent.. JtJt-.'5 ?A ? tt ''!W.. '. f' e'-.:c. ' .: .A;-JW?e'?ol--
lias bem before the American public
OVER TIHrt'T years. It l.?a nevt y t
f iled to give perfe-t eatisfief --(. r I 1 a;
justly ben ntyled the) pnneeA f r r'! ex
ternal Wounda, C"t-, burrs, i- :n-:.
FprainB, Bnr'B, ftc ftc, f-r ! rd
Dcftfct. Ko family LLou'.d bu a c:t.! d.-.y
Halliiday's Patent Wind Mills,
l.'Ulde :ind Single in j
Force and Farm Pumps,
Feed frl ills etc
1 lie !I:i!lad 'V Mi'l !::e stood tie test for.K
teeii VCiU's. b.t':I in the t lnled Sfdes lid lol-
ro:e iind is the only one geuerrilly adojited by
ail J'l ilieipjil
Railroads anc! Farmers.
T ra:s IJbtr.d. Send for r-it-iberue and t'tice
I.isl. A. 1.. biUAMi, Liucohi. Neb.
Furnituic, Ltunje,
Safes. Tablrs,
t'h iirs, liti' leads,
&.c, i.e., 4c, Sit:
Of all descriptions.
Kola !ic bu ia' Cases.
llf.Trtfy Mil. If: and "' Cheap fur Cash.
With i!i;-.ny tteei!ri for imst n.-itroti'ine I iuitr
ill to call :aid cxainiiie my l.ue .sloek of l'ui -jifireand
CoPihs. jati2S
3 K
Only 50 Cents per Botilo.
It prn.irathe.nOVTII,PKE!SEKYE;
(lie t'OI.Oi:, i.wrl iiie en- thn Vitfvr
aod UEACTY tfue 11.1111 '
Ottw TtrmTT Vr.nrs -r I .viVi KTnrio
Too the HajH w tr-i j-iae.- I i i ih" n.arit( vt
)r..fAr ! 'lhoni.. kr.riua'Aof Vrim.-to
.'oli. T'i u n m r..n tiia (ire.
'Ka'.HII'V pii'l.u(r " T ' .f , ' ' .--'-
err- -. To hut it t!nP"I"l-J-itT
it h n:..iainol. i" unrrpiieat1 n.t ini-rp-l-11
It iuciin tt.e Ukjwtii an I KfACi v ill
Hih K i rteLalitial drnnei. It era iiral a
lian-lmff. f ' rireTentn (h. 1 1 air from turning aT.,v
JtkTi'hih'l cool, ami r'Tfctbli r a rii-h.n i .
a-toMy i eru- It in ILe dame in Jf aS'.'I C
and or A1.1TK it w orer a. Vl na or a ( 'I'.v
TCKT Aoo. anil m w.l.i hj ill Uruaorta ao l Cin
try buiraa at .iljr i'if.y lino ltr l)'
V-mail's Glory is Her Ear.
n 7
without this LinimcnT. T noner re
funded inde s tLe Lihixnnt is r.; t
fctc J Pe r -'i rnd r't t' im
! Li" town y e rA.'.i'j r.i.r r.u
ly it'.l l'ru",ria s r-.J t'j- t v MS erf, at
2 c . fje rnl 1 a .-r I.-'.-.!c. y.uiicm
B'ylc, (f bott'e, L.
I To Aivi:nTffcriis. All person who eontrm-.
' phiie niiiUiiiL: eoiitr.ii is ni.i. m w.-e;ttieis for litft
I usei'iion of Ad-iiii Miciui itiiiiuid at-nU lo
geo f$ gowel! & go-
for :i ''is-M' ir. or iii";o ci-rH their ot;
l e.ii' ! jii-,'. i';iiii,i.ii 't. enM;.i:iiiiir l.l.stn ol
: 11 -i N-.s .. is ;;tid i'siiin:,te. o . .v i . tbi
( ... ! ;tdi:isiii :. ::So 1:1 I !: v use! ul 1. it.ts t o :id -V
er. IS ts. r'.'ld .-'i- ;o ''im.l el tlo- i-l pi-rteliee I
of i.i'-n v. 'n ire'. Ii :in .ui ee-il hil'.erdsers.
i.iis li.j.i ivtii" proj.'-ie. if tlie Amel bn
News it r Ai'vi i i; A.,":c..
ail ;
N't A
: ;- i;. i i.-s it. nil
.s. r.lii.
M. 11 ion
4 .liii'UG r-.
c, - ut.
ties -iiid r.-v-'hej
I... st ihseov-i Ti-
1,IT--e in . e.iv !
Tills an ''
ie.a 1 .,;. he;:
: .el " e.- .;
; ' , '.tit :. r'' I.'
em.i'e ei'i !ise"or to tf.
h.rH.-l 1 those iinoiiTjio (i'ir
rv o'l iiie jni s:..;..::;. siysle-
:! of il;e S. XV d "vs'ein. t lie
ci 01 i l le'lii..' . nil I f-veiailig
preserve the e:;i:.h-ill!l. c.
leslin." ! io l.iiii'hed
ii.ii. ."-, v iih i.-.'i eoif etiuiftt.
. .!i. 1 ! i. .r..i iii-n ion fo
i :1. ! e....'en,j.i-i,i!it ni:tr-
i S . : '. : t r ii lo lie kept
i.iid.-r : 'i i key. ; :ul t. '. .iid ejrek-wij
;.: 1 1 1 site lo .
Sent to :i"V n;,.- . fi. . f f j ai.) for .Vi eents.
Address Ji.' ! Nji. est? : , No. i, K. (Hfc
-.iie.-t, st. i..i'.is. :.;.
ot i. C t'
tie- ..;.ieted atid rnfortuniU
.ihji yi . iv I-1 ;'
i:...s n. rl.-s who
i; iV ::ny dii..ek
v, 1 . . ii'.' matte!
v 1. 1 ule yom
Ve.-! II. !.!.-.. "11;. !
.'i ed i- S. Ii." iM I '
A !'. ! .r i; i-. .1
( el..!l-..el
!r. het-s f'.U: eoii't." d. ;. is.t .i'!y or h
mm :l . et; 1 ! ' : Se-i hi .! !.; ei ''is w.-rkt.
i:v. No. vi '-'. I-i "'i' st'.,. 1 i ; ,een be Mar
ket and Oa-vi!.:. r'l. I.ouis. V'.. tXci-f '
' f. c;, ut Urn.; - .
in..,.! r.-
. fnim fr K
'.y dfe. M.. li
.i nctrri.'i'e t-
r : .::..- i i
! .-! 1 l;ii.i-ei s
. Il:.. l el :; . 'I.
lil. ..ev n!il
r'-ieii: ! .i'.h' . !;oo:s .:iel ( iici.iats sein
flee ;:. s : iei' i i vej ie.-s.
A.l h'. 1 1 I v I : I ASSOCIATION. No. !
So. tii Nheli Mreei. I i: i i 1 I' i-1 . I'.i. mi InMl
luflofi !,;ivi::i: a Mii reinit.iii.Mi for iiolioihU
1 :md Jirolesiienal sniii.
.!c:r'. !- '.rr; r"'.r y.i 'o f
'...'. t'lii j Hj-.T c.' r.- j-ird tKnf
:-ct r- 'in hi :' .17. '. ir" ts,Wfii7 f
irt, ;;.'V;f. Vf.ud-itt Ve" t ' .'.'nor AJvtr
til' 17 f tt fv'. p7fr
l .-t 1T t n -Illk.OH.t IO..tfc
. . VI 1, . rtlHW.lell MP.
i e:, r . ' t f V . ' 7!l:..-au.l( lo
i '?r' i, ...-1I..- ..!.
rs r. n . w .il H.i.N.II
I Hiera
'l-.i :i . i'U ttl.. M. I.ttuik. .. will, oat
" r .i - ' ."lien. : ! fi thnr arrrala
w( n. a arcniynf, i:ilralJ
i ( .. ,! ar. an.l I ri.-t mill a fail
..'.J ; ii:(.:e.. rM!..!nir h order
; .j. t.r.-i 1 f. :n IUi ir lh.imp. whir
: i . inn i.l !! " 'T'': vli.pi.e.l
;. . -.. . ( I'., "ii I" "i.''1'"
iiii .i'i.Ib r- leru.bij al lut .r .
r ii. : i.'.i.a. 'lory. jf
ff'T'' J H.i.m ofi"-:f-mnar-.iial
t'?,ij J" n.iir.i.-l. ht Kuara.
e-' J V..u!,:s'( ;rit;diiirm;e-!:jJ
jv , yN f-.r lhif-trah il S! i iTir.H,
rfo; !.XN IM Jl vr OIVI
I I l l n I IAI II. ll.l'.lti
i. Per., i I" lf l.-lloll ,
Ttr ni-'i' v r. : ii ii' I Avu w.-.icl A
f! . h- .:i'l Co., 3.1 H.1 air-cl. t
Mo . '
.. r. .'-.fitr; i" I ier Tii h-si h s
ChA'j.l.i'ii. ltoLil( -ten.e.sHaf.
p.. ..r .- r. I'rVe l..s . I . ' a M I .imk.IV
Th C-.eArt aid I' a-rn-uliun
r. if in,u.y Jou i .1 .a ti:i country la I
,f sr. mtlis M::r..n i'AR.mkk.1
i I ri-' r.i" KorrC i.n:.-ina. on'y 60 r
.V Sr . ...-T Cm. c ,.nornfori
ii.,. s . .. n"i" '",'7? wt
1 1 N I nrl fr.
rfnt I-i-ti! Sprln
Mm. iir wiitiui' ii
ti ttln r n rt t'l eH
tt'. r nrt ll'S A fcimT-innir.
r ni f. ii rt : ii and iwrfci-t eon-j
-r. ? ' u i n t i -1 . o im oi ot-.i iii.itii-
-J-'- ),,. 1 ,k. Cel. an l r:rr1'
'.i.'y4-'.V?'" I its utile A'til-.,wi,(.7Bij;;
-h Kii-. 1 .1 a Ji r.. n. . .i ma .-i
t : ; I- .' i ! T ir null 1
v i j .;-! ii . !. .rl .-..
,! h'M i . '" '' "'i
. . IUr:.r i-.i cl C j., i.i Oar s ki.'cvt, ii I.
I .
l.r i r, l.- I'Vnl Clxouut ta
rre T .-j-.i;e.' sJ (bremol'wklakUactrVaiSJ
-. for i.iarll'iit nil"" i !.
J!rr. I. h.u', 'Irunka. .e.-.
J -.,'C -I All O. lt, from S h.rll iefl
. ' n.;-V- J ea' . Win" f-r t. ' ti
, , 7 pi l.-i- tint, or rem! I onl) t"J
- J.r. , ,.:! M iil laT f..rll. It
TTIii. AWL1 .'Jd fA'-I A3SE11
ii I A io-ate'ifui pir ofKrcBrli i k rum oh, Df
lirin;J-iiiie! motintrd, aoM aTery. r1
' -J wlier.. f-r Sent rrei-nj OB re- I 1
M r, :y. f a. oi ,':!t for tltlier. AranU W
J j v.::ii'J rurrnl rni, kUcm niktak I
S i
",-T" - ' n