S!C T II K H E R, A It 1). PLAtTS&OUTjfo NEBRASKA. THURSDAY. JUI.T 24. 1873: A. MACHURPITT, . .Editoh. "We call attention to the article stat- circus nren tncte than human beings, ing the fact that Nebraska, hs? a State I tho envy and adrnuation or his liiila Fair in September. The time Is fast approaching, cmr farmers ought to be preparing Udw for tho proper eihibi- eoul. Really, th6 horsea tverfc Arte, and looked grand m they galloped about CORRE-SrOXDEXCE ftvm ail jTHrts of the State and country respect -faUy solicit.! for the Hkr.li. AKilcuItdral nbtes and short articles 8etal!lng nieT experience particularly requested. We do not read nn njrtrt6us letters and cm- tiori of their produce and stock at that j the ring, their muscles swelling Avith time. It will be one of the most inter1 i pi ide, and their eyes glistening With Hting and important Fair? this State ! emukUioii; for the horses, loyi, have lias ever held. The prize Essay on Ne- J as much pride in this thing as the meil, braska will be read, itiss Matilda Fletcher deliver an address oh Tarrii ers "Wives arid Daughters, and, as will ttunicatlons. The nam r.nd address of the De Been VJ the letter Of a correspondent Writer are tn a'l cases ii-d.srensat'le as it giiar- in another column, she ought to know uteeot good faith. hers(.If The railroad rates oh passenger irav- and even more: A dog is more sus ceptible to envy and jealousy than any of our domesticated animate; but to the horse is given pride-, the desire to excel, rivalry with his compeers for fa vors, to a greater extent than any oth er known animal; and they are the I grtnizod in iSSX. vith the following ! to couit. in cn f?.-ino f-'oiing that would boundaries, as given by the act of Con- i be acceptable to both parties, finally Her Natural Advantages and Resources. ; ei'and 6n stock or goods designed for ; most beautiful of all the animals the great Creator has given us. The ele- A Splendid Chance. tr. ...jh . tt . . j ; . .i.r.. ' exhibition have been greatly reduced; ou who pays us $3.80. and the Conveniences for reaching the . In addition to Iwltn Tcriodlrals at the price J fairgrounds multiplied so that there ' I , ' , , V V , .OItf.t?,,,nsry ' can hardly be an excuse for our people ! beaut v and intelligence rest's Monthly. Among these are a flm; pair of not visiting our fair this Season Chromo Pictures (Fans of Niagara. Yimem- i from all parts of the State. "f r sii lsi. worm r w : or poou ou'wic , i i .'-.. .a.. -' i.... l.... ... AND ! . ., aiiu ii iTi ui ti ei imiiuiii a lit; luna cies of the shoulders and arms risg arid T6 the UonoTulIe Exerittiie Committee 6f the State Board of Agriculture, arid the Honorable Examining Com rAittee on Prize Essays, thi'6 paper is nost respectfully dedicated: Gentlemen You have pet your competitors a hard task, you ask lis to Write up Nebraska and her resources, n volume in itself, and then stipulate that we shall also treat of her history from her organization as a Territory ; her water courses ; water power; man- proposed the amendment substantially as given in the Act, tliat the actual set tlers in tho 'Territories should decide whether they wanted to life in a free i or slave territory and the bill in thi4 The Ilove pliant is wonderful, the lion, king of j ufacturing advantages; navigable wa strength, but the horse is empCror df iters; Railroads, present and prospect ive; character and variety of soil and Then the riders and athletes, what a ciiniate; rain fall ; adaptation of soil wonderful control of the in useless ay hat GREAT RAILROAD ACL' ID EXT ROBBERY. fcith si scries of views ; besides numerous other TdlurtDle premiums Vorttl frdiri twb to ten dol lars each. ... ... The best boys' and girls' magizlne. and the Nkubask. Herald at greatly reduced rates. We will send the Nebraska Herald and PEMOREST'S VOO'O AMERIfA. which ll 1.0O tor one year, to any person w ho pays u ?2.P0. t)einorest's Young America Is always sparkling V.lth entertaining Stories, roen-.s. Malc, Inz zles, Games. TraTeis, and other plea.ant fi-aturcs is profnse'y UltiStratc'd, and cannot fall toainae instruct, elevate, an.l assist to make the iir3 of youthfiil Americans uSeful, truthftil r.hd nappy. The Ntbraska llriiALD and the Omaha RFPri'.LicAX. to one ad.lrfss n.oa or ycr.r. We call attenUoii to the meeting of the Normal Institute for this i?tate, at -Ashland, Aug 11th, of which full no tice id given on the first page. As yet no postal cards have been received at the department Avhirh In ! j-is Avcre bruised. Tuesday, July 22. A gang of fobberi placed a heavy timber across the tra'ck of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R. R., at a curve in the road four miles west of Adair. The engineer saw the obstruction in time to apply the air brakes ami re A'erse the engine but the robbers seeing this, from their ambush, fired at him and shot him dead. The engine Struck the timber and was thrown, with one of the baggage carS, from tile track, the passenger tars standing on the ; should they not the soul track. The robbers, who were masked. ! not ? If men can teach the mimite swell and play from side to slide, and seem for the time being endowed with life and reason, aiid to control the great inert pias- of bones and llesh as they list; That small cord that bends our little fmgir supports and draws up and climate to raising crops; Coal and eiilt deposits; timler and fruit grow ing; stock raising; wealth find inunda tion, approximate; and ratio of in crease since admitted as a State. "In short, all information desirable and es sential to those looking for new homes in the West." Why did'iit you say "in long," for we cannot Coinoress all this information gress creating said Territory. TERRITORIAL BOUNDARIES. Beginning at a point in the Missouri where the 40th parallel of North lati tude crosses the same; thence Avest on . 1 1.1 A A 1 T 1 . . X 1 . . . . . . W the Territory of Utah, on the summit I 3 ,:lle passtnl the Senate. of the Rocky Mountains; thence on j after 2 months delay took up the matter said summit northward to the 4f)th j and presented a bill of their own, but parallel; thence east on said parallel to j utior lu.mv tri;ls .iml an exliilition of . rtf-i..i iw.Mn.i .rv ! hoi ne cr tfie Worst filibustering Con gress has ever witiuad, at last prac tically passed the original Senate bill and sent it back to the Senate, where it Avas finally disposed of without amendment by a A'ote rjf 3j yeas to ltf nays. The Act Avas approved by President Fierce, and the new Territory of Ne braska, Avith its twin sister, Kansas was born, with the Slavery clause at the outset of this chapter, ss a cowl. ITS LIFE. Having given its conception and birth, we will now try and give its history WIL22T 2) LACK, Dealer In fTJIlE IdiVrECTIONERY, NUTS; BABY CARRIAGES, ICE CREAM, Cornr ?Iain an I Sef oiul SM., j FLATTSMOl.'TH, - EB. T3ic IlovoSewiJii; ilucliinc AGENCY, n.ATTsMocTii, .... Nj;r.;;AsiA. r:niK.ivi'i Agents wanted thrsvhoul the Stati-. Aildrt-s.i j 17 r Trri n-, ., , j ... . i I .A.Aii'i. ir rMri.tiyr. r.i.. fTMacMiu-s on fiiiiiiiioti at au i hues -at my Ollice on Main Street. 8-Cia 'THS. RMS V. J- Anderson ICE CREAM PARLOR, ilaiu StffkM. bet. 4th and 5th, rLATTSMOUTir. .... m:b., Where can be foiuid a Kt-ncral assoriiaeut of Fiiie CohAictionery. or doAVrt theAvhole frame, and those within a small compass; nevertheless; iuiiiil'e lines under the skin, by which here' for a dash at it, and, Messrs. Ex iiti Aviggle our toes, becomes capable aminers.altliough you may h;iv before of supporting the weight of two large i yon many an abler essay on our young men t State, A'oti certainly will not have oiie If men can so educ; -ite the bodv 'written with anv niorc earnest desire !!'"ee " "'I'e. i ' ci 'ace "tw'.'ti .... - A ashington; thence North, along the i , and can they j to tell the truth or to show forth to j s:ii,i 2:t,, ,je(;nH. f West longitude, to j 11 i the mimMp ' man kirid. with fttrce arid earnc-stnts:;, ( a point formed bv its interse.'tion with ! f p;ijer or execution contract culS f'"r: Avere ruca as tl:e j hurt. . - - j everv Goav Ftiiii;i3 has offered two j lorB hundred dollars reAvard for the arrest j of Geo. W. Waldo, charged with be ing one of the murderers' of Geo. G. Randall of Johnson Co. .They" do" say that the Hon. T. M. Marquett, of our tovVn, made the most Eloquent Fourth of July Oration at Lincoln, this year, that the citizens there ever listened to. Read frof. Sueariugen'a letter from Pennsylvania; - We rettirn thanks to Professor Suear ingert, of iVlinsylvania, for his contri bution to the Educational Column, and trust that he will continue the favors. An Impostor A telegram from Mills & Co of Des Moines Iowa, says James B. Hamilton, Xiow traversing the State of Nebraska, and claiming to be ngent for that house, is man. P; broke open and emptied the express ! chords of the body to obey the sl'ght-1 the real ;ul vantages or iseiaasKa. messt'nger ?afe of some 2.000. and i est wave of will power from the mighty J lfc hu yesterday since first Ave rode off 0:1 horseback. Several passen- brain at option, should they not be j S;nv this land in all its virgin purity. able to tea'-h the mind, the immortal: ot Ul traeK t a v.iigon Avuoei ae pait to obev the lx liests of a higher ' f:iml 11,0 smooth surface of the prai- power iii something the same proiior- j n ,t 51 corn-field obstructed the free but not severely The country is being scoured in direction in search of the rub- "THE SAUE-CUSJ. tion. There is much truth joke, that its although one the Missotiri river, and thence down the said river to the place of beginning, be, and the same is hereby created into a temporary government by the name bf the Territory of Nebraska. Some time in o$ Dacotah was carved from out this vast' region to the north, and later still the Territories of Colora do and Wyoming were lopped from The great Flat Water, so that in 1867, Avhen Ave were admitted as a State, our boun daries Avere as follows: her mrsf.xf iiorxiwRiK. Commence at it point, formed by the intersection of the Western loundarv of the state of Missouri, Avith the for- j through the days of swaddling clothes tieth degree of North latitude; extend- n-.id puling infancy until having pass ing thence due West, along said forti- j eil the st;l ,e ot- babvhoo.l and tutelage, eth degree of North latitude, to a point j , . , , ... " . ' - formed bv its intersection with twenty- xt sti"1(ls forth lT1 the fll!1 'Sl'ti.e of fifth degree of longitude Avest froiii j manhood, armed and equipped for the Washington, thence north; along said 1 battle of Governments as the. Great e.lth degree of longitude; to a point j Western AVy-.So State of thy trans formed by its intersection with the j M- . . spi countrv forty-ltrst degree, of North latitude; I .... . thence Avest along said. forty-Mrst de- . " p h:lve hi'en "r particular in giv gree of Ndrth latitiide. to a point j ing the inception of Nebraska for rca formed by its iiltersoclioii Avith the j f0ns which will now appear. It is a .in :eciee 01 uuigjiuue, a et ! ,., f.1(,f ,nf iii.ii tu r.t- tice eA'er published bf the intention to point loniKMl nv us mterse.'tion wun ; ioiui h new eerriiory spoice 01 reira3- the 4:5(1 deiren of North latitude : . fc:i th-if -ili U thence East, along said 11 degree of j t;01'13 an(, .v.t3 of Con?mss In(.ntioi, ojiiv ThO Omaha RODUbliOan North latitude, to the Ivcya-l'aha Itn- , , ir " ; r er; thence down the middle of the j w'mt.t wcna yi.ik- channel of said river, Avith its mean-j ter on tin's subject as the " Nebr'askrv derings to its junction Avith the Nio- i Kansas struggle," and ends it by speak brara river; thence down the middle ! 1(f f 1... Atrn,, f ah,v,x.hi,w ..1 i i :.i v :....-...... I " .... ITllftilllVl III llll Sdl'i i' ' 'I (II l 11 M A, 1 Mcala at all Ilotlrs. ICE CREAM. SODA WATER, FlllTTS, &c, ia lUcir boasoii. WOODS & FIjEMIKO, buAxxa. in II irthWare, 'Ivt-vntT. ARilcaMoral luHilcmenM, .e., &c. Xuw Tin-SIiop, jil:t Ojiencili All hrders for inaklnir tir r-;i'ritt"j prouiit ly e.-ctitti. Gooiw CaAl' I'or CAsnl! IC-'.f. vVcein VVati-r, Neiiraska. rLATTSMOUTli 3ULLS; rhATr.sjiouTii. ki. CONUAI) IIKISP-L, rfoprieti rUil' P.. CORN M KA L, FEED, uid tt.r a: at Igwpt Cahh AUvnys on hand jui.-es. rT-T!.6 lt!thest pilccn pulh fur Wheat ahil Com. Particular utff'iil Ion given to Custmu vrork. 1 1 1 i ; NEW IT AY EX OHO A IT CO. Manufacture the Celebrated 'Jubileo and Templo Organs. Charges lotlcratc; IT-ly. First in the Field, Established 1858. Daily $10. Wkkkly I passage of man or beast for roues m , followil iLs meanderings, to its junc- i to "-nqur "Nebraska, yet until very in the cloAvn's i 1111 v direction desirable to travel, nor ries as indefinite, as unknown :i$ the j country, and many a mother, with a ; lesson of endurance, patience, the pow- j as unbouiidetl and as troop of boys, will devoutly wish that j er of thorough training, the immense dian's own ideas of tli il:ii-ic it nii'rlit li lirnnpr to tuitife !t The ! wimoiw sources or me .Aiie, ner limits curious fact JU)OUt the fjr;st intentions. this The circus has come and gdne. The big show has been to l'lattsmouth, and j old and young haA'e seen it. Once nioie ! "Old John Robinson has become a visit the circus Avith tAvo religious feet household word" in another section of I and receive there a great lesson. vague a3 the In- of the country he fan- i 01U .John Robinson and his circus too, iower of the aviII which overcomes ! cies e OWI". wlien n magnincentiy Ai'ere in toplitstj during the next three ! t A'ery i)hysical dilSculty, and should Avet-ks: i overcome all mental ones, if applied Early in the morning the folks began j Avith the same persistence, to gather from all parts of the known i THE CLmv. world, ( Ave guess so. there was so m my;, A K:,-e prop jrt ion of the interest of f and about ten o'clock the grand pro- i any circus centers about the clown. ; cession passed up Main street on one To the young he is a magic person, and ! side and down our principal thorough- even we older ones laugh at his Stale , fare on the other. I jokes and blush at his practical tricks j The side walk attendance Aras large j on lis. Tin- fellow wim a born v:iga-' i t i . . t :.., i . . i t . i i . i i . . . : it . . i l i i... : I aiui t sialic, l ne ciiai iois snoiie jii iee ! hunii, e iviiov ii. lit: Mimim i:i niorning sun like biirnished gold, and ' dieted, along With the bridge he talked 'a great moral show, and j the l'lovv mutilated the pure Sward of his feet was religious. bf the prairie. Rut yesterday in the and only came to see the animals, j llf wf States, and Nebraska aa.-.s caUed gilinilljr. teiwhers, preadhirs arid learners may the Indian Territory, and her bound.i- jf" leaving tio.u r ith the Missouri liver; thence down the middle channel of the Mis sotiri river, and folloAting the mean ilerings thereof, to the jtlace of the be- g the question of boun tells aou his fathers owned all The day before yesterday it wa3 an unknown country, the Oreat Ameri can Desert. Yesterday it was only lately, every one has heard altogether the most about Kansas. We were stir prised ourselves on looking over the early documents to see how persistent- I ly the name of Nebraska occurs, whiie- that of Kansas is not mentioned until the introduction of the bill for the regarding the tract of land westward, I "nuw, u and Nebraska, i i Aei raHKii is nri in ine act creating the two territories and first on all Gov- divided into Kansas The first bill introduced into Congress; Inokiinr t'T;irds the foriiiatitm cf a i tentorial government, out of the vast j w'tal documents of that period, region lying west-ward, and north- j -vet our s5ster Kai13:iS hsw enjoyed for westward of the .state of Missouri, ! a TUMl ot 'e:irs L" f:ir the greatest UTEAJI BOOK AXD JOB PlilXT IXa AND BLANK' BOOK MAN UFA CTURINU rlfter many years' tixiicrieiii."?, with sujicior fa cilities; and the IJcst Workmen to be found in the West, will flit any ord--r, ilizh or s:iia;t, in tl;e u l style at saoii uolice, nd at lac lovii-sl juici-s. I TIichc Oran arr i:riurpn.od In quality ot ! tore. ! vtt of ti'ilMh, .iii!i:il:c!'i- of conHtnu llon. ; I'll ! .I:!r:,!.i'i-v. . Ml-:i.oiFOs in vari.ms stlr? and un- I c-ii'iu'ed 1:5 t'.;i". Srud f'ir Ill.Kfritrd f 'ft-ihviip. Addrt.'s NKAV HAVEN UlNIAATO., Nev llavi'ii, Conn. BAri-iiIs wanted. 4i-Ut E. T. DUKE & CO. At the foot of Main Street. AVholc-sale and Uctau Dealt! in Hanhvnrc and Cutlery sTttvhs, TIN W A u n, iuox. xails. hoes, tiakva, shovels; axes. knives and I cr.KS.ftt:. . Our Blank Bcok Work ami ninding of ovory dosrijition cannot he sur passed ty any linn in the btale, and we chal A!' klnd tf Tinware ranufacturcd. kiiown as "the Ffatte Country,' w;is i notorietw County Work a Speciality, Indian Teritory, to day you a4k us for j d ri u 33J c or ,n The slavery clause i an impostor and confidence j the brass fixings looked indeed like j so much about, for a ass him around. Journal. ' chariots of fire. Tito stately elephant I thinks he's sniait, but ! carried his own trunk and two other ' He undertook to its history, its resources, population; raiiroads, schools and wealth. Verily, must Ave have rubbed Alad din's lamp to have built up in this "wilderne.-ii" a state that calls for such a history as this in eighteen years from nuisance. lie i irs tormation as a .territory ana out he Hint a bit. utile over live years as a Mate. show us up a." a I the i'-ocndarIeS of xkkraska. u2. ami it nronosed to organize nil this above mentioned countrv, into a Terri- j liave becn sotn' c'u,sod ut ce :l 9lr"g- - I 1 .. ....... ... tory to be called NtbrasKa. There Avas no mention o aiiy K aiis.13 at that time, nor for two succeeding winters. j and Cotinty OTleers will find onr forms the lat in tlie nrTniin i ''st ll,ost '"pfved. Stationery. Seal for in nit, oi.mii j (';i(y. District and l'robate Courts. Jiistiees act creating both territories, as must j r t!le 1't':u?e ic- On the night of the lifieenth int 1 fellows, bag and baggage, in solemn j wholesale depot for bad Avhisky: but! "In tile first Geography that my fat li the joke failed entirely every one er studied, printed in I.iostom ltt!3, by best in town, and always have; all the doctors sample it first, to see if it 11 astounding information: "Michigan Louisville, Ky. was aroused by the ; grandeur, and the patient camels alarm cf fre and within three hours ; ground their many corns on the slip- ; could see it failed, and that's Avhy they Jedi Jiah Moore, under the head of fA-e alarms w'efc given in different tery cobble stones of the OuWi Citn. ! laughed. Every one knows we get the North America Ave find the following parts of the city: f while two magnificent native Arabs in A large amount of projK-rty was j Zouave pants, iiWe red mal bags) and destroyed but the fires Avere finally got i Tuikisli Fez. grandilmiuently marched kill or not, before we drink it; and tinder control. tin front of them, one of AThoin softly j then to have a miserable circus clown The fires Avere the work of mcendi- j whispered to his camel a Ave passed; j expose us in that way. Well our rcpu- : fourth magnitude," and "when feries. r t j "Ye on Id fool ye, af ye tread on me ! tation Is fire proof 'and 1 la! Cock proof' j the population of North America shall Tlt'fe filLii' VviLsON'S SICKNESS. ! '10e agin, I'll pit a rale county cork j and we don't think he hurt Fox's feel-1 have diffused itself toward the West, Knmpwh"t rmr-p rell i.le informitlon ! head oh yez, ye ould vagal onc ye." i ings any; but to include one our best : the banks' of thesw lakus may become gle for supremacy In tiling up this j T errat arut Comilinrc'I 111. inks ncAV land, aiid Kansas King directly i i TA T- i west and northwest of Missouri, a I-edgers, Day Books, Slave State, became t!te theatre of ae ! JlccOPtls, lion net ween Ilia Atioillionists and ' In ready male stoelr. furnished at the lowest j the lro-S.!atery men. It was this fact ; ''Vftie iw ,,i: for :,h kind, of .ion avok- m. that brought her so prominently be- "o'JtiV1" tlie utl"i,;t f,"-L;i. aad di-j.aicaed tf during Avhich, modifications of the same bill Avere reported aiid je-st, but all for the purpose of organizing a Teritory to oe called .Nebraska wnose f " i- ."".' , vimui.tiv. boundaries would have been from the i ,oro t,,e I"1'". an'1 w,,l, J ! ST. A. D. BALCOMBE, M!m.ri lino to tho British T.ss.,;nn ! -st;lt ft without some share i ; . Jlanar RepnWyan. North ; and Westward to the Mounta- i of the l?on,,'r st'5fM n,1 slavery agita ins. Not until the winter of 1334. i tions, we have thus far moACd onto after three defeats, did the Territory j mir m:thoods estate riiid to our present OMAHA, NKUitASKA. Excelsior Barber Shop. J. O. BOONE. Main street, opposite Droohs I.'oim. flair Catting, Shaving and Shampooning. Especial ctteiaioa iven to CI TTING CHILDREN'S nAIIt. Ca:i and see IJOON E, fc'Pnts and get toB In t CLEAN SHAVE i:fi -ly. Lake is wiadly within the boundaries t of tlie territory of tlie United States." r of Nebr.Vika struggle into existence. and concerning Tice President Wilsrrn's , oxtiie ceouxds sickness seems to le vouchsafed us ! An immense tent was cast. than has been obtainable ht'rftiffie: evryt'ifng bore token that the great 1 lie has had a slight attack of paralysis, lawyers, a pious man, leader in the ! the seats of flourishing cities.' school; pillar In the h j They have diffwtrd themselves. I viilrt XWiti-htrtrrn 1 i st vilf TvIlSilrv i Tim piling Invn nrriv' . . ..u.''f....u.r. ... ..... - - - . . .... - - - . . V. . V . ( -J J....V. t. . . . . depriving him of th? control of the muscles of one side of his face. Avhich hia aonie AVhat disfigured him. I lis physicians hold o it hojH's of h'u entire recovery if he Avill abstain entirely from' Avork of any kinl. It is d.mbtful If they will :JIow him to preside in tlie senate at the next session. .ti''m nrtiih.W. Mn-l m'1 Imj i,.i,!,in' lirns ! inline Avtw too Dad; aiid 11 ever lli.u ii.itl com-- to town. ! fhiwn comes to l'lattsmouth agaih Under tlie canvav the lions roared, we'll fix him. We'll just -smash" him ; miles from the mouth of that rier. the tigers growled (these are fats, j till he can't stand any jokes on whi.sky. Jt is said to be navigable fur i:!00 miies." readers) the h;gs barked, trained to! i We'n tumble-r him. we'll take him j - The Ohio is a most they Avas), the monkey s-weli, the real over to Billy Neville's and giveJerry j beautiful river, separating Ohio state reporter Avould say t-h.tttct:ed it tvaJ i a dollar lit Punch him until instead of ami Indiania tu:d Illinois Territories too hot to chatter these nionkevs ; daiicing a tight rope he'll think a lijht 1 from Virginia and Kentoekj;" ami then it Avas curtailed of its first Erie Lake is of the I fair proportions, by so much as now forms tlie State of Kansas. The bill by Avhieh the Territoral boundaries Ave re settled, Avas intro duced by Mr. Stephan A. Douglas in January 111 and provisled for twn Teritories one to consist of all the land directly West of the State of Missouri, and to be called Kansas, and the residue to comprise all tlie great North j West, and to be named NkkUasica. j History from Oryanizatlon of Ttrrito- ry to Organization as a State. Oe'r tin billows of a dnrk jrret-n r. Out sight as lioiindlei.. and our feet a free The act to organize the Territory of croif rri-krvoltiiiu i-nilfK irtfli Iz.ba i warn and bloodshed and Avith fewer j departures ' from the usual quiet ait-( thoritive tvdministration of civil laAv j and order than perhaps anv State ever j organized so completely oh the bordrs ; 7 he best brioTt . in thv- marl;t Bat I -iniv ii r ( m ... ri,,n term ever fjferrtt-Alt ntion agvuls j vl I 1 JJ jL.A 1 JlAiiliLi St ml for circulars of o?tr n a' i trork. IXtfVnsOLS LIFE AND TIMES OF Next, Tl:e Missouri ries in Louisi ana, arid falls into the Mississi;pi 1160 of civilization as Nebraska Avas in 1834. ! Horade Greeley! STATE ITEMS. C.r.O. FICK.LES, Tn rteir. Spealving of the resolutions adopteil by the iowa It?p'ib!ica:i Convention m iking it a duty to oppose the election THE DOUG SHOW. j turned up their noses at rialtsmuuih i people, and showed their teeth at their ' young f.-onfercs about town in the most j hospitable manner possible. One old felluv; that Avas loose, hooked his tail of bad and incompetent men. even if i rr:iij (f the three horns of tho iiomirated by altcpuhlican conA-ention, , xexas steer, and uhimi'ered in the ears How the curly dog bit the old man's the Bloomington (111.) Leader says: j admirim' "rou; of A'Oiinz "utter : tail, and ran through tlie drum inste.wi They do not say that every llejul- : pru,Sj "You-utis-come-from-DarVin- j of jumping oA'er the hoop, and went lican f'WV opiOse tlie election of a bad j :., ..r ,.,..,. i. i slovr o-.i iho Pidder when he sbouM man on the", ticket of ins own party i without bislmr tolitical caste in his is. Antelope and buffalo abound near J Kearney Junction. A dry-g.ods & grocery store in Fairmont assure the public that they will not be un-i- rnltd by aiy firm in The most jjnpttlar Lio'ircrihy extant I The most graj th ic p'Aiti al history i j Candor, 1 iilfiu-.s.t, 1 ruth. Impart nut ty A book for the Laboring Man t book for Stutvsnttv; Scholars ami Thin fill's 1 look for ixcry Ameri can famihf. The le?t of Frah Mats alicayt r hand in their tcuon. No li!o;fnuhlc;d Tvork W siti-h interest to the whole K-oj.e has In fore ?:jM!'cti id Amer'iiiii iitenuiire. D Is a Iiill. coinlih-te. honoM :ii'coiuit : tlie countrj". Where do thev iret their i ti" ii:'L- "f til.' ht!. -io,;-. .eui int!i!,ii;,i i I - " of our country s it-forioer.-.. ll.e lnt joiirnaiist SliOeS, AVe WOIlder. of hi :;ce. iiiul the lni!.i.-n i.iiki v.lio everhx-.t. j '1 here iiic also extoinletl notici-s of very masy j j It is reported that Dr. tenner of the , l t Nebraska was approved May 30th. lttf-t : ! Staat Z'Uit tK heir to $43, ! Mr. Greeloy's CotempomnCS lira ii est price paid for FAT CATTLE. 12 Highest Cr.h IVico i .dd for green hide. during the first session of the 33d Con- j 000. And he an Editor! rbpe is dancing him a pretty jig, and I It tli vides the U: S. into four districts we don't care how much Claret Jerry j which it terms, "the Northern, South- draws during tile operation nor Avho ; ern, Middle and Western.or houisiana. j grcss : and immediately after describing j A section house on the he draAvs it from. and says: "This division of the V. S. j the boundaries as before given, then ; Brady Island av.is struck main .;:ki;t, n.ATTSM.lL'TH. K--Uf NEB. U. bv is already divided into Louisi.tiui, and : rolio-s ths clause: 1. at light- ntng. thk littm: rONIES IVere perhaps tlie pieasantest and most j Wtis'nt they pretty, Av:is'nt they cute? j several territorial governments, is near- j And AMien admitted as a State or j ly equal in extent to all the rest of the ! States, the said Territory or any iortion i r, S and will, at no very distant peri- I lie s received into the J , , , .1 nton Avith or A-ithnitlaviTA-, :is their od be divided into several independent ; Constit!ll;on ln:iy llrt.-ScriL at the time States.' I of their admission. We should say so. Again we quote: ' Thereliy hangs a talc, and perhaps "Agriculture flourishes most in New ! England, N. Y., and Penna.. but is iuak- j ()f Nebraska Territory by goiitg back a rapid strides westward." little, and seeing how that clause came What a Fatuous oiiiaii Isruiitig. Knows aX-o'ut have gone fi3t, and was never oh Us chair (like soirie Children) when ho ought to have been, and how the "little oavii party; Avhich Avould be a bold : rtnnonncement of ieional lilerty, but . av, they say it is; Yjylt health fill sight there, among the ani- :" white dog" stood up as straight as a ig !iTHUn'' ujkiri hrrn, ' i-i a gdiT iVepiiV ' nrtiN; at !ea?t. Such little dears, only j boy. and the monkeys till walked a rope ; - The boundaries of IiuUiana are not j to be inserted there, lican. "What other political p Irty has tnn-e fet?t hgh, some of them, and as I and stood on their head on a forty foot ; settled and its extent cannot of course j In 1820 an act was passed by the Na frver made a similar declaration? I doeMe' as kittens. One little round-! IMde. Will it not all be chronicled in j be estimated : it is supposed to contain tional Congress, since called the Mis-. What other political party has ever i btlje,j iniid-eved, innocent looking ' the hearts of our children for many a : nearly a million of square miles; Loil j souri Compromise, Avhich said: hertr'compiele i" wswsion of the little mother-pony bad the tinniest, j day to eon;,? And this ends our day tdiblie confidence that it could dare sweetest (sliall we say it) little collie j 'l lhC to make sticTl announcement of politi- j you eA-er saw. Fron the Elkida (,tov;i Journal. July 2. j Matilda Fletcher, Iowa's favorite i platform orator, has leen selected to j we mav as well commence our history deliver the annual address at the Ne- : braska State Fair, at Lineoln, the firit week in September. She has accepted al liberty, faith, ami doctrine? It was not bigger" than ! a half 18 The Editor Of the Hebron Journal tonics to" Flaltsmouth. AN ABSURD KUMOll The report in circulation that the President ha drawn two years' back Jay under the lavr increasing" Salaries j " is absurd, since the Cdnstitutiort for ; ,;lT . F t lit ! bids the increase or diminishing Of a President's compensation during the period for which he shall be chosen ; hnd also prohibits him from receiving Tithin that period any other emolum- , , i in animal shoA-, as all the croid aTumals rate of pay under the late salary bill i , . 4 au , alwavs seem restless and discontented, cegan ATiin ins new inuiuii mc n.n of March, and the clause in the law increasing his pay is as folloAvs: "That ftand aftrrr the. -ith day of March. 1873, the President of tire Uulted States Shall receive, In full for his service tlu: groAvn setter dog about inches high, and Avould Aveigh 20 lbs., ! - mavlie. It did look so cute Ave know J We took the B. & M. train 1 hursday ,. . . .. ,;4f. - , 4t, i ..,i i morning, and at 2 o clock r. M. found that half the little folks there longed , . ; . . . t-r.ttsmbutli. Avith ItiiliO' riri1 L-ivj it rtn,l UP ttlifklllil nnf. ! i . .., e ii . i .4?. iu ...... .... ......... " a nr k iv (i lour or 11 v r noti; s nfioi is nearly a million of square miles; Loti isiana is divided into Iavo governments. the State of Louisiana, and the T In all that Territory cedd by Prance irrito- ; to th" Tinted Slates under the naue- of ! of uoI;irs to their treasury; The fceorn- ! which lies north of 3 deg. ,UW1 of ourttuintrV are as much i the invitation, nnd has selected for her subject, "Panders Wives and Daugh ttrs." This is a happy selection for the success of oTir Western neighbors' Fair. It will bring thousands of vis itors to their exhibition, and thousands vro- lnter- ested in the success of otir fairs as the ! the south, ;md Mississippi Territory on i the north; ire objected cm-selves. SfA-eral of j m, all of which Ave were aide to devote J The Territory df I.Otii-iana com pre- the little ponies had colts, and all were j to visiting, sight seeing, &c. ; j,rn,is the country west of the Miss ni! nr.r, ..l.ir.'f c.. in viou- l,n! I ( 1 le f teH for tlie llrooks iiousr. Avh'Ch i . ..? : i .,.(i,.,f lotihuinniuif" 'lT.J.., 1 1, plitmut ui'jli.,o lu i,i,i,uvj I n - . : ,Tl.i.lil llV'iyilx lllll(Uv WM . ... 1 and 30 minutes north latitude, not m nrwiw Tito i tit rv iiiu ui 'n i tii. 11111 1 11 i - t t ' : ' . ";ciuueu Awinnine limits or tne Mate, other sex, and it is right they should! on me ivasi, me .uis.M.ippi 11 ei on , eontempiateu t.y tuts Act, Missouri) i,e pt in prominent positrons to carry i ,-n Av,.st Fltl.rti; Wr.Z, i 1 nei, . ii'o Jr X the Avest, the Ibei ville and the Oulf on j Slavery and involuntary servitude, oth- ; forw;ird sueh enterprises, especially York t i:. !!i, hevr may he nean-st 'to y. i whether in joiiniiiliMH or peneral polities, o ! j Itiat I ne v. lion- is a ratlier l'liii. just, and J: 1 1 - ' ; l-il rej.res! ntai ir.ii ot Ai:. iit;;:i jioluies lor a i J period oi ion y yeai . j ; Mere vim ui.l'irrn i-f tie r:s- and fa'l of iiar- tie. : of the iruim;-'.! : lei dtlt at of policies uf ttiL- i'ves and eha'ct'.-i A j MANY EMINENT MEN. This work in. m hort. the irreat hioL'raohieo hiMorieul Merit of the liint v. Jt i.s ilu- jreat iit 1 rary sueee! of tlie liiiies. l-.veiy inu-liii'iit laan and woiiiaii iil Have it. ()i'.;cr are it I -ready eoaiinf? in in mi h a way as to si. ow thev wi.I soon i ii 1 1 topour. .MeelianuM:! v it ;stlic li::i!so!tiest hook Tuili lished. U-: ' 1 rofuM-ly ami Kl.tUA.N li. f l'SI ItA'i'Kl with about. 40 eniaviti is. iue!,;il iiiK im! traits, also a steel enravin .( Air. .j"e ley, v.hieli is tiie imiHt le,sin; and ualiir.'rt of aiiy yet ptiMislied niakiiii; a volume of over royal oeOtvO 'ai,'e.H. Agents Wanted, To whom the rr'-it teriii are offered. Apenti , , . y.Tf l i.-e!lii.r v.ilh i.i,i.:.i-;,l!.,..,l . "i,... 1 in .in. eve ?;re;'.l lo;niIai;ty ofllieliowk Iiumvs tdlin neiu sii ees5. i't seenre iloi;,c,ii;,te len iloiy Mend ?!.".' for the iialjitsomest iro.SMeTits re'eiit ever ha !, or iSt for salotle eopy. litoaiy i le. Highest Market PrtVCS gic 11 ill Cash prepaid. AddresH. ! UNION I'inir.TSlHXil CO.: XUi AV'aliash Avenee. Chii-ago fa iLiii:irs nx in a e. B. G. HOOVSE, LOUISVILLE, NEBRASKA. Krrp con-t.tiitly ou hand oil Staple Articles : Slie.'i ;n COFFEE, i SU'JAR, j TOBACCO, MOLASSES, Dry don ds, iSoots, Shoes, Ac. n-tl,iiz ns!i ,!lv k!it In i A'.-,cl,.ti fioje. i, ii !, will l.e soM s,,,-,j prof.t for ( AMI. An kiiid.iof Ti o!uee taken In exeiinw for .ooils. and lie; ' fa- Orain. lit erwise than in punishlderit Of Climes, wlien the iliicetor :wt mi wiselv in se- : I'laee of residence. shall be, and art- hereby pro- j iectinff ;LS our neighbor of Nebraska i Ilioueu. i hai-Milniin Stirt, lttnitttf i Matilda Avill have a good many points nr I l'.'-lt. none others Avere so saail a: Ibis one avC have deiscrilw-d. They all iofced .. ...,.. '...f.,! .,..,1 .I, ,! r,i . '.. 1 UJI CI. II 1. l clll'l lill.riiLii, iiit 1 them thi most agrcrabhi feature of the th Ave omtt.j "VVe foil Cr-T!lt!f' c ''IT o ie;ir tip." with an e:r!v rceovt t In 1850, another series of Compronli.se . inotunriu Ai'i rti f.tJU.iil 1-if- ll' ! i ? r i f n i ' 1 111 Ill tVI.V WllK K. L'UV ( lll. II. VV A i t f 1 . . , ' . , . i in sympathy with an audience of farm- li.V II'.IJWIILJ IUJI 4.JI' I II lllllll.l, CHI , p..l IIi.HAT.n o;lie just "t. Louis i:t a village cf 200Iiotis ioi't the act of 1820 binding and in force ' Avives and daughters. Having oviug "tri' iii; tion " ! known her from early enough to have been callc'd to go for the doctor at her e.re I I piM:ort:H of .....1 ... ...; ,1 .ti.ii ,11 . r Mrs. M-ieMur- ' first appearance up to bit girlhood, we es, -beautifully situated on the Missis-i .u.,i consecrated all the new territory siii 14 miles Kdow the n'.outh cf the I north of 3i: 30 to freedom for ever and i . " 1 1 -1I 1 1 I tt V. lit! 1 4-1. til tJUMlIlU i r.T. - r!H,m. iS,e ia.--p.i;vr.er-r.s. .aWc Aiur- ; i.videnuy tne?e ioihi couki not oouna , our southern brethren thought oth- j f;irwier pi,f lrorli Tery I!e;ir Ujf? ,,ack I phyin t h absenceof the racy editor. -,'t.iraska, but avc h:ve found some- erwise. as neoj.le irei?erailv do over a I -i, ti;. ...-...-iwa ,n ,.!r' ' compromise, and when iri the first sess- jt Mow,i in (nc barrens' a palpable ! Shatni'ttotcn, ion of the .J.'d Congress a teti tion for 1 rri!i,iiier f,.r l,f.r d,,,..-.b1i f:itler ! J-ramriue, St. Louis & Southeastern Railway. t'0'30LIATLT. "NASHVILLE SHOUT EST LINE." Aud Direct Ko'ite to if pininn for ..IhiT eliinM Uwh, j i-..!onl h. over ,.xorti.i ail ill i , , , , wl w ! ,-nt ltlur libtTty lien1, wiiicii ! itiXgZ i tare M. .kI our ; never be grants!. 1 or one it is too j t(,Htv of Jin f.,p).rt! ,;9 i,wn en-! once in I.ouisian;i, and within the lift- j hot, for another too cold, and they ; paired in the office for tiie past year or sometimes show such evident pain in i eighteen liioriths; and ha doubtless i V . i - i 1 i ,u l: their cramjetl positions that Ave feel ,u" m" w eie ,:ue toe -uiI;o..ia oi iring the terra for Avhich he sliall be ; . ,: and build up a reputation for the IIei:- elected, the sum of 459.000 per annum. 3 Vl ' 1 ". j AI.. j8t as avc Aere making odr . . ' ... then, it always seemed to us, ast many I ! 1 -r r,oil Tv , ,r, f 111 v 1 . of tltem kne-.r and felt they were set f Jh'e proceedings of tile Nebraska ctafe' Horticultural Society for 1872 up there a3 a show, at so much a head, and really were mortided at being lie l-ef-re Tr3,'thnrfks to tho' Wndness I gazetl at hour after hour by an rguorant t D. U. Wheeler; Secretary'. It W a d often itusa mpathising crowd. r?rv n;itlv nouna -volume, anu cives i i- iar. i.. much valuible information in the Hor- time of men not yet past active duty. Does'nt it make you feel ju :er? Think of Xew Orleans, and Kellog, and War tnonth. ami let us thank Heaven that the population of these United btates has been "diffused" and those "Cities have flourished," and those " independ ent States" have been made, and Ne- o-rganizing the region westward of the . XAX ;i f;imiIy of thirU.en and xXA Ct.., A Hf Ijj.oifi tfiivo n (Trivial 4 ryy ... . . .... a i , oi.iit-i .Mi-w.i.i i-miKi, 1 - j nothing to orag of OAer ins neigliborsi Motitaomtry, were quietly laid aside, and in the next session when the Cbnimitteee on Terri If she lets "oratory" alone, and simply tells the girls and Avives of Nebraska ticultural litiet The appendix contains V ..... . - . - r. ; r. , t i;.f T..,.-....... I... an r.ssay on i-iauunx LU'ijicua, iy . l'enand ; Essay on Timber growing. i;)? i'i 11. i-nvinsoii ; ritv iimi i, oy Morris, and an Essay on Trc?" ' t ulture, by" C S. Harrison, all of which Vil! ripay reading,-t"d should lie read h'tiy our practical fafme'ra throughout the btete. The order " of the Tioardsays 5000 'St thes reports should be printed. Dr. j IfiHef Cll'ys they were not. Mr. Wheel- j ?1r5atf?they are,-4nd we satr .t pretty f.iSii' eTafe' ll.f&iS ai bSS tffice,-any ! Avas packed; the tall benches rising one lK-hind the other from the green swaril, almost to the roof of the tent. There must have been 2.500 peojile present! and Avherethey all came from Ut l'lattsmouth is a mystery. The little lady on the' tight rop. v;is r$. graceful, and the white ones, Avere beautiful uOav Avere'nt they? Who' says they rer nothing but old circus horses' X bodv, but some miserable old puffed f . . tones reported a mil ior ine organ i za- what she Ao of farming, in a new tion of Nebraska it suddenly met with j country, in a family where to born j a formidable and angry Southern oppo- atrir ii.rolvel severe pim-hingof priv- i sition, and Tas rejetrted in the .enu.c, j .jn,i a corresponditig mnltiplieity j although passed in the House. ,)f burdens, she will be sure to intense- t Mohih, i Ni r Orleans. UatV'.xtou. Nashiille; Chattanooga; Atlanta, , Maiftn, Charh-st-iL:7; Savannah; Knoxrile, Iirist-J, Lgiiffiburg. Ri-htnond, NorfAk, 3Iacliine bliop. Way man &f Curtis rLATTSMOl TII, .NEE., Kepairrrs of Steam foiIue, .i!ler. Saw and Grit Milis. i.it ar.d Steain Fiitiiiv's. AVioiiu'lit Iron Pipe; Force and I. ill Tumps, Meant ; u;-. , bafety Valve t.overnois, and all kind., ol Brass Engine Fitting i riimlsheu on short notice. Farming Macliiccrv Ki'j a;i- ii on .'--hort notiee. inditest bow, before retiring from tlie olhce, Mae himself dropped in', and al though AA-e are sorry to larn. in general bail health, which at this time w:t3 ag gravated bv the extra la!or conseciueut upon the removal of the olMce, opened braska is one of them. " 1 - .; !.-. C. i ... ;. ; ihv, to sustain. AVe tHk a or ef view I puousnea it u. -j'juetn x i o, hi A e went into the circus tent and it flv9CimM m Ken. ! stj,, Ure Terrltttry pf Xe eral subjects fur the few minutes wlien j braska bounded ou the North bv Urit- vm.4, iMiivtlotil'Ui n.lllil 'IT t ho !) Tir- ( - I inr"T n d 'Vo eft. was iV A.lieric.i, on the Ea. by Hacotah, ;w ifore. At once tho question of mily a year's sn'..sciiilim in "advanee," ! Iowa and a sirfall portion of Missouri, holding Slaves in the proposed neAv knowing this to 1 the editor's para- on the south by Kansas, and on tlfe Cost ! territory cam'? up. and was argued with disc, ami Avishiiig' to' leave Mac in his j bv the Hoc! y 5lountains. The" whole ! une acrimony as such questions tetaf!Sa ZZSi i "' "1' n"' !.1klT w,ro in . ,l,y,. H, l.oises, those j . . . . . , .x...;. , i - . j ,.. .... n ,..., ! . ? ,,- .. . , t.. . i. ieiore ii uvini; inw t.-ii. ii"v-vi.-i; n c ui io u.i e ;i ui i- io uco, uu ni-inv-; ieriitories, ana iuiikui iui ms bill with all the tact and energy that ho was niasteTcf. Every one knows Of rninsfl th Kiirrpvl far these mat) ! the stru'rrle that rolloweil. The South- Dec. 14th. 15.5:3, during the first seS- j ly interest if she f;?i!s to greatly in; sion of the 33d Congress, Jlr. Augustus ! struct. j C. Dodge, of Iowa, submitted a bill or- Xo Western so?,::" ,viil l!:feii Co her ; ganizing the Territory of Nebraska, i v-i0 fought a' braver iigl.'t th:r embracing about the same territory a? tKlt u,roiIg!i Avhieli she has won th'j ; rich tronhies of scliularship ! must sav that av.is she situated ut Uie I r:lte ,Klgt.f an tL'tf blates up to these "high old canyons" of the Sierra Ne- j .. . vadas, or the illustrious hills of tlrf ! " more illustrious Switzerland, Ate could hp curmudgeoii, bioateti with beer and j probably admire her river view, craggy j rp taken before 'off. but schcbl maps 1 . . , r , , i , . . . , , , ' . . vanity, Avno n is jorgyi en ine cays omits, m gorgeous ravines; out, io- f linft1 tft 5v snWantiallv these i.a H- i. l-irv iin,I ln i.ir.H,. ..!. ' .i . n.l ;,. ia Knonti ful T-i.llif.T ..r.iiTif I - r .l. I ....,- r ir.fl tlm lii-- Unl.V,.I..,.. .... nvi.o,tr.,t tr. o..- t- lllllllS Unlll OJ Ol UJ, w next em meniljers endeatOreil to legislate ShiA-ery into tho Territories; th Abo litionists trying to legislatS it out, and I certainly have the bull by tho norns in ! ...i. ...... i '.v, ..r .1.1.-1 OilV . 'JIKT U.l 11. v. ....'I.'. il,t.- hood. No farmer's girl, howeve r hard her lot, Avill be thpre ith ham's more familiar with rough toil than the ppiuikt 13 ov::. Nv; fa:i.st's Vfife, whose burden is three-fold greater than rlie ought to bear, will command the sympathy of a more faithful and I-elpfuI daughter than this nome Ma trkla. Wt. lrave seldom met her since she became famous, but if she is an orator, as they say she is, she should Ami all Point : $Mi tli and Southeast, j CO U KEASONS AA'IIY this Is 'the i-n -f erred j Keute. IT I Til K nXI.Y MX': r::nnii.g Piilliaan ! I'ahi'-,' ln'.wini; liooni Sleeiiintr t-'att throiigli j frin ?1. Ixniis to Nash i iile i itl'ieat ehalie. 1 11 l.s THK ONLY LINK under one manage- ! liri iTt i t tween tliese t'ities. J it IS TIIK (M.Y I.I X I. hy wUUh .:.ssen- j .r ran :u. inmi nun ii iu;,-h travel, anu iro'ii m- ii tveeiy-four hoitri ti.ne. IT I ClIKArKU from Sr. l..tti.s to XarTivillc than the cirenitoiis ro'ute via. Lonis vilie. on: motto i Tiios, W. S3:r;ocii, CABINET MAKES AXD UNDERTAKE! next UOUi WJ lieiticw, nu iu hvibcs oidii' ui .ii.iiM, wc ciiittwiu iu ovu i . .. .l.l..rr. SSi Ml wild froni tartify, .nd the hi ?jread over smoother surface Tixe Territory of Nebraska was or- MrrDotfglaar anxioiw for his territories an rtgnenitrtral aklrewr QUICK TniEf GOOD CARE! CLOSE L'ONNELTI ONS ! New and elegant dav riciehes wfiilpjied with the WestiimhoiiM Air nrake urnl toe Miiler t'oeele.r and ri.Ufonii hip rim i! ail trains. Tli'.'iijrh Tiekets on s-ile HJTd t'llSaue clie.: ed a 'ill the iirineipal Tit:kct O'het iu the West aiidX'Tth. Ask. fr tickets Ala tlie Sertlieustern rail way. " ' s. E. F. WIXSI.OAV, . Oeh'l MAnager, St. LouK V?.J5. DWENrOKT. rfti Tir Afexxtr &r Lrrirfs'. And dealer In a kinds ot Furniture and Cliairs; Mait STUEj.f; Xtxt door to Rrookn House. ILATrSMOLTlf. - . . . jcEB.' Tf Reprdrlnpr and VamhihlHg tca" ? a".'