Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 19, 1873, Image 3

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Railroad Time Table,
.a.r.-, -' 11 . - ,:- , , , -,.
JJ. 6 2f.JJ.7i: IlT NEBRASKA.
Westward Eastward
Ho. 5 No. 3 No.l STATIONS. No. 2 No. 4 No.
.00 6.35 11.10 llattsmouta 2.00 7.45 3.10
6.58 11. as
ft.10 10.30
0.50 11-00
7.10 11.15
7.13 11.25
M8 7.41 11.3S
9.XS 8.11 12.00
M 8.27 12.12
Orea polls
La Platte
Oroapolls .
South Rend
1.47 7.25 2.43
2.40 8.10
2.10 7.30
1.59 7. t0
1.47 6.53 '
1.31 6.38 2.1
l.ftl .ll 1.33
12.50 5.5S 1.10
( 12.35
12.35 B.32 11.66
12.20 6.1 11.25
12.5 1.50 10.53
11.52 4.41 10.30
11.35 4.20 10.00
11.17 9.30
10.52 s.y
lo.:g So. 8 8.22
10.23 2.52 8.10
10.08 2.20
9.23 1.0&
9.C6 12.35 I
12.15 J
3.39 1120
6.29 11 "0
7.5f JO.OO
10.30 f
)8.53 12.35
11.28 9.2 12.F0
12.03 9.31 1.09
12.25 9.17 1.17
12.53 10.10 1.33
1.25 2.00
3.(i 2.29
X1J NO. 7 2.43
3.04 8.50 3.U0
10.0S 3.2-1
11.20 4.m
11.55 I 4.3d
12.15 ?
1.O0 5.01
1.25 6.IJ
2.37 5..'i
3.17 C
7.32 9.10
1.47 6. ni Hastings
7.20 I
f 7.00
I 8.50
t " 30
7."T (
4.30 7.25 Juniata
4.02 7.4S Kcnesavv
0.02 S.l IaiwHI
2.1, l'rt Kearny
6.43 7.55
C.23 7.15
6.00 0.35
5.41 5.M
7 Jii 4i.c5 Kearny June. 5.15 6.'J0
L FlAttsraoutli, 6.33 pm ArOmnba, 8.10 pm
115pm " -.4npm
AT 11 50 a la L 10 30 am
f 7.45 p in " 8.W0U1
23. d- M. R. It.
3.45 a rn Le PacW? June., f .TO a m
Le l'l
l-.rt 2.1.1am I Piu-iflfl .1 im . 4.3urItl
Platts., y.4oatn Ar Pacific June, SJWamj
The time given above Is that of Chicago,
nliicli is 33 minutes fasier than that of Flails
xaouth. LOCAL NEWS.
Transient 25 cents a lino. Regular advertisers
M cents per lino. No advertisement Licrted
fcir lass tbau 25 cents.
Legal advertisements will La charged to lh
parties baxidlng them 1c.
As cur space 1? limited, all communications
tast hr'.tl and to tUc point, with no waste of
Jk7 requested to ndtify th office It th paper I
ittt delivered promptly.
SEvsiAri:i: decisions.
1. Any i-rOii who take h p:i:er regularly
from liie -i oHice. wliether d icctod to liij
iianio, or whtN'her he is a sul sc-riber or no! is
responsible for the pay.
2. If anv person order his pnper discor.tin
Ufd. h roust p-ty a'.! .vneareios. or the publisher
ev.iv continue to" send it tmtii p:iv!ii-nt is made,
xnd C'lle.-t the whole amount. Mou ther the pa-
tur i f -L "f n tn tilt o !!-. tir o .1
t. The locrts have d.-eMcd that refusing to
take re:.-p Mior and peruwii.'als Ironi il.e i.e.:
V'Ulce, or re::i'viii-; and leaviti'r t hem uncalled
lor, ii prima c idence id ixtknti.m. Ki:ie:.
Koi KEToEvfein HOTj .A!! u'.s.rribers pay
lag for their paper t. us, and ordering it stopped
. . . T . . Ill t . .1 :i . 1..., f
w cannot Le re! oi.sihlc far wliat lias U-n
lone before our tiiiie, nor for olvr sui'ese-.l t y
given l-y oihers to others. Our books alone
aiut be the gui le for all o'u Bubscnplior.s.
(Fletvie reineui'ier this.
Chapman's Soda Fountain opened on
Knock-down between a lawyer and
the Police Judge, on Tuesday.
Stiles' baby on Wednesday morning.
TarNrcnASKA Herald on Thurs
day morning, and Madame Anna Bishop
in the evening.
Remember tho Catholic Festival en
Thursday a wecir.
Episcopal Festival to-morrow even
ing, at Spiers'- ILilL
Firo Company meeting at B-jeeks
brick building on 5th street, on FriJay
Washing f.ietys, clean shirt?, and pay
lag bills on Saturday.
Out oT paper for Sunday.
CfcU aad se Sctinasso S. Co.'s new g.oJs.
We call attention ! the Exerutcrs'
S ilo of tho Duke Estat'. advertised in ! evening, J une 20th, The finest of Lor
our legal c.luains. A larg. numb.- r of ! ri-s. ami the richest of cream, and the
valuable lots will be sold, and the sale j coolest of Lemonade.
ou"ht to briar a lararo number of buv- I A dance willl take place after the
t-ri together.
Bars J33 at llink Strclght'a.
The till of Mr. Anderson's Restaurant
was roMed of a little over four dollars
'on Sunday afternoon, while he was busy
waiting on customers.
Jt-.v Goods at the Shoe Store. cheajiT than
rer. 5-tf.
The old City Hotel lias been over
hauled and fixed up by Mr. Tutt, and
will look ami feel like a new buihling
whtu thoroughly renovated.
Mrs. Roberts, wife of Rev. J. J. Rob-
to spend a few days visitingold frienl.
wood wood:
The Ferry C.unpany have rive Hun
cords of good dry coiioiivuxid for sale.
i-tf '
Born To the House of Stiles, in the
stick in one hand, and a miniature
space-box in the other. At present his
Uear mother thinks his type is of the j
I earl persuasion at lt-a,l she calls him j
her Pearl but by and by she will j
think he is a little on the Minion order, j
ana i.eiorc lie is grown up, if lie taRes
alter li-s aaddy, lie 11 be wanting a lat- !
face double-pica head, and will proba- j
1.1,. . , i ... . in '
urui hi ue .-v--L uisouu, iriory man
once, by a good workman.
Doubtful morsel IVinter's Imp,
Solid matter, soft and limp ;
Mother's Angel. Printer's Cab,
Sister's darling baby bub.
Printer, ne ver : Mother cries.
Printer always. Dad replies ;
Perish flrsr. my darling child.
PocU, my dear, you're getting wild I
Go to the Ferry Company for your summer's
wood. 5jocon!s dry cotton wood for sale, and
djuvjred a'joat tb x i2tf
There will be a meeting of the young
ladies and gentlemen ef Plattsmouth,
at Mr. Leonard's Art Gallery, on next
Monday evening, for the nuroose of
-""r; wuusiui'iiiiiva tuu propriety
of getting up a -1th of July pic nic
A cordial invitation is extended to j
J ust 6C otir new street sprinkler. It
squirts water beautifully.'
Cool and wet she keeps the street,
Ana up and down yhe wetB our fcgtr
solemn silliness of midiiiyht, amid tli; , . , .. - , , . .
,. ... ,! Roberts a donation of what each and
brilliant luoouoLine. on the morning of , , ... 1
,. 1V,, . t , , , . - j every one may feel disposed to give,
tae 1Mb insta:it, a son :tnd heir. 1 he .
, Every person is cordiallv inv,teLt-H
young stranger came with a snooting .. , . A.
it Fitraid's Ilall, on Thursday ETea
fn&, Jane 26th.
There will be a Strawberry and Ice
Creara Festival, under the auspices of
the Catholic Church, held at the above
llajl; on Thursday evening a -week.
A dance will form part of the pleas
ores of the occasion, and every one is
invited to attend, be merry, in a rea
sonable and wholesome way, and make
themselves generally useful. 12t2
Our friend and geniu3 in tho Gun
making line, , iir. Kinser, lately,
stocked a gun for A. B. Smith, which
shows such neat workmanship and
cartful attention td details that we
nlu-jt notice th'3 r;tme. This stock is
from a natural black walnut crook
that Mr. Smith has been saving for
twenty-three years. It is handsomely
polished, the scroll on the carving icr
feet, beautifully inlaid, and -checked"
as regular and fine us fro.n any shop in
in the land.
The whole cost to Mr. Smith was
much less than was paid for a similar
job not long since in Omaha. So boys
when you waiit any work done in this
line, look in on Mr. Kinser, and give
him a chance.
We are credibly informed that we
have one of the best wagon makers in
the whole country in riatlsmouth, yet
our people often, in fact almost always,
buy fuK-ign wairons in preference.,
These things should not be, and yet we
! have a few words of advice to say to
I our gun smith and wagon maker.
They do not advertise what they Can
do ; no one knows we have thein here.
If the IlEr.ALi had needed a new
gun stork probably it would have gone
to Omaha too, or for a wagon, because
only accidental conversation made U3
acquainted with the fact that either
brunch of work could be exceptionably
well done in this city. Xo one looking
over our paiers would ever imagine we
h;ui any mechanics hc-re. They don't
show the fact.
Tlrie Cut Tobac.TO l tho Tost OTjhi Dook
Siorw. f
T'.iis galiant and umbrageous young
phalanx of keen villVtho;s of
Plattsmouth, met in Stadelmann's new
store on Tuesday evening. Three new
membyra were elected, viz: D. W Mj-
Kmncn, A. CuiUiini;iiam, and A .V, ecL
The Secretary announced the arrival
of tho new uniforms, and that the En
gine would positively be hero by the
first of the month.
Henry Boeck, our glorious German
friend ollered to let the company have
the use of his brick building on fifth
street, north of Main, free of charge,
until further orders; the lower part for
an Engine room, and the uper for
meetings. This is just the thing. Mr.
Boeek alsa generously offered to furnish
cc.'fins fi:r all members killed in the line
of duty.on the ?ame philanthropic prin
ciple, proid.d they did not collapse of
tpviniatioous benzine combustion.
A re.rul :r meeting in the above
rooms, will be held on Friday evening
Ja:;e 20th, and all members of the
company are particularly requested to
Odtcrs for JJ.iO at tho Shoe Store,
vrcald j,-o burclcttod?
e:iscoi'al festival.
The ladies of t'te church
will iiold a Strawberry and lee Cream
Festival in Spiers' Hail, on Friday
Ice Cream and tilings are disposed ci.
Gttd music and happy hearts to keep
time to it, we hope will be the order
of the evening.
The ouly exclusive Boot and Shoe Store 111
C.tks County. Nothing below cost, but cheaper
than ever. Fetek Mekoes.
The members of the M. E. Church
Society design having a social gather
ing at their Church on next Tuesday
Th o'oject in view is to show their
preeialiuu and respect for sister J. J.
Roberts oT Lincoln, widow of Rev. J.
J. Roberts former Pastor of this
j Church. Mrs. Roberts is making a
j visit in Plattsmouth among her
I 1 friends, and all those desiring to see
her mid spend a plesant evening are
invited to Ik.' present.
It is also designed to make sister
various exercises,
I Music, addresses &e.
Ar.KEsT.-Shrrift Johnson arrested
a pa,lv of t!liKr;mts ou TucsdaVf for
lri.,As on lhc )f Jolm Fitz.
q. iiiey broke the fence and
swore so loud it scand Robinson
(Fitz's rnnn'l Jtrwl li cmn in
for a
" "
i2 bet Hod the hash and the
goeth t n iiii way regoisiug.
- E. Noyes, Lumber and Hardware
dealer, Louisville, Nebraska; sells lum
ber as cheap as any other man, woman
or child in the biz. Call and see him.
Chicago does blow over her Jubilee.
The Evening Mail says: "Put a flag
staff .by the side of the dome of St. Pe
ter's and it seems short, but plant it
aiong side a mullen stalk and it seems
tall. Pot Gilmore in Cincinnati or St
Louis and it would turn people's heads.
Old men xvoitld v.-tr-p, and women
"would have to be carried out upon
! stretchers. It would seem immense.
But in tins city people only listened
, awnue, and then said: "O, it is noth-
ling. Let us go aa.1 view Chicago.
j We arc very fff Tumounce twl
! M. B. Murphy i? vdltc sk-k. Xailwn.
matory rhtrrriJ ??
i .
such as
A farmer in lhi3 Conntyby tbe namo
of Hunt is reported to have forged a
note on X. Jeans on Monday. Tuesday
ho sold said note to John Shannon and
on Wednesday tho Sheriff and fifty
dollars reward is Hunting for Hunt.
J. W. Martlsls & Co. are the agi-nts for the
Howti Sewing Machine In riuttsinouth. Tbcy
have opened a salesroom and o3ce on Main
stre et, between Fourth and Fifth.
Tho Tlonie Machine U a Losk Stilcli, double
threaded machine, and ranks Xo. 1 among the
great sewing machines of the day.
8-Cia J. W. MABTUI3.
. F. Touu.
Two thousand head of cattle, belong
ing to immigrants, crossed the Missouri
at this point, last week; so say the
ferrymen, and all these cattle are going
west in Nebraska. Some of them were
very line cattle, showing a good deal of
blood. The Durham prevails, and
! many good grade animals were to be
1, , 4 .
At E. Xoyes' Lumber y.-rd in Louis
ville farmers can fmd lumber As cheap
as at Plattsmouth or elsewhere, and
save hauling a long distance. 12t2
Remember Johnson's Soda Water.
Xew Fount, just in trim.
Mr. O. F. Johnson has procured a
very handsome Sxla Fount of an en
tirely new and much improved pattern.
All the syrups are kept in the marble
fount and are drawn out the same as
the soda itself. It is a very handsome
affair and deserves patronage from our
Fickler, surnamod George, Keeps a
meat shop on Main street, opposite
Dovev's Store, Call and st(e)ake him.
For Lumber and Hardware go to E.
Xoyes at Louisville all that dwell in
that neighborhood. 12t2
H. J. Streight advertised in the II Lr.
ALD for a girl on Thursday, and got
one on Sat urday. Who says advertis
ing does no good.
S'o runaways to speak of this week.
One dump, two weaves and a kick, that's
I-'or 1:70, 171 Mid 1S72, show thai tho
Conlintiital Ufa' Insurance Co.,
of New York insured more lives than any other
Com pas: y la the world.
Also a lower pereeulage of losses. And for
ls72 4 per cent, lower r:;tio of expenses than the
average of 51 lea.Ii.ig Life Insurance Coni'iaiiici
of the Ciiited Mates.
OJii.lal Statement 0 Total Number of
New rolife'ts issued luring 1T2
hy Companies represented
in Nelratika.
Continental Lif' Insurance Co. of N. Y. 12010
Mutual Life Insurance Co. of N. Y. 10052
New Yor'.t Lil Insurance Co., of N. V. 8;H0
North AVej.;s Life Ir.i. Co., of Milwaukee 5572
Cui.ui Mutual Life ins. Co., of Maine .4.0
Union Centra! Life Ins. Co., of Ohio Ii5tC
Tcutoida Life Ins. Co., uf Chicago L'lhiO
Cernu'.uia Life lus. Co., of New York 2573
Mutual Lire Ins. Co., of Chicago 2317
Julm Hancock's L:fe las. Co., of Boston 1873
Mis:kjuii Valley Life Ins. Co., of Kansas 11&
You may labor and toil for years yet fail to
savt! anything for old age. But through tb.o
boon of Life Insurance you can accumulate
thousands by paying a small pittance, iliat fs
never missed from your yearly earnings. Be
wise and insure In some sound Company. We
recommend the Co:.'ti'5'TAi., whose record
has been or.e conti:i:i"d success, such as 1:.)
other Coaipar.y has ever attained la Eanpc or
Ai?.-i-.-a. 12-W2
Lincoln Leader. Lay up nothing,
mistakes will happen in tho. best of
families printing oilices.
"We'll have to Mortgage the Farm."
is the title of a beautiful piece to be
sung at the Baptist festival to-night.
Linroln Journal.
So you've got it too, have you.
A citizen of a town not more than a
hundred miles from Plattsmouth, was
waited on in his store one forenoon by a
preacher, who wanted something for
his church, probably. Anyway, after
talking in the store awhile, they walked
off up the street, preacher and merchant
side by side. Now, it was near dinner
time, and the merchant wanted his din
ner, at the same time, as vas his cus
tom, he wanted a glass of lager, as he
went aiong home to dine, and the sa
loon was on the same side of the street
that he and tne preacher must pass.
Here was a dilemma. Our man was
equal to the occasion. At tiie first cor
ner lie left the preacher ostensibly to
go to dinner: Some gay boys were
watching on the other side, and our
merchant Jriend .stepped around the
COTierand leaked out. The preacher
marched along stately, and slow, look
ing neither to the right nor the left;
when he had gone half a block, the
man on the corner dodged out, up the
street three doors, and after his lager,
George Francis Train has gone to
Europe. He finally was declared sane
by thecour's and discharged. His wife
and children are in Stuttgardt.
Thy do say he has gone to Europe
to get rid of impertinent iuquiries
about the Credit Mobil ier.
Farmers should not buy their stock
of Groceries for harvest until they
have called on Reed Bros. !St2
Parties from a distance intending to
celebrate at Weeping Water, will do
well to make out a list of what Groce
ries they w ill need for harvest and
have Reed Bros, put them up for them.
Harness and Saddles at Reed Bros.
Reed Bros, offer special inducements
to all parties wishing to buy goods in
unbroken packages' utj
The new uniforms for the Fire Com
pany hive "arriv," and we may ex
pect a jrrMKl jrM'atTc one of these days.
Cciitaur Liniment.
Then ts no patri 7iilch the Centaur Llntairnt
will not relieve, nO swelling It will not subdue,
and no lameness which It will not cure. This Is
strong language, but it Is true. Where the parts
are not gone. Its effects arc marvellous. It has
produced more cures of rheumatism, neuralgia,
lock-Jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, ear-ache,
caked-breasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, &c,
upon the human frame, and of strains, spavin,
galls, &c, upon animals In one year than have
all other pretended remedies since the world
began. It is a counter-irritant, an all-healing
pain-reliever. Cripples throw nway their
crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites arc ren
dered harmless, arid the wounded are healed
without a scar. It is no humbug. The recipe Is
selling as no article ever before sold, and it sells
because it does Just what it -pretends to do.
Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or
swelling deserve to suffer if they w ill not use
Ceirtaur Liniment, more than 1000 certificates
of fenfarkable cures. Including frozen limbs,
chronic-rheumatism, gout, running tumours, &e.
have been received. "We will send a circular
containing certificates, the recipe, &c, gratis to
to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yel
low wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one
hundred dollars for foundered or sweenied hor
ses and mules, or for screw-worm In sheep.
Stock-owners this liniment is worth your at
tention. No family should be without Centaur
Liniment. J. 1). Kosk & Co., New York. 48-ly
Castohi v is more than a substitute for Cas-
J tor Oil. It is the only safe article In existence
vlh'uh Is Certain to assimilale the TimhI, regulate
the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural
sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine
or alcohol, and is j'ieasant to take. CUi'rru
need not cry and mothers may rt s. 4-ly
Rudolph Heisel, a former residetit of !
Plattsmouth, has lately returned, with
his better half to take "pot luck" with
Nebraska once more,
Johnson, the Drug Store man halloed
to us the other day, and when we went
in, there was the prettiest new Soda
Fount you ever saw. Try it, boys!
Bill Edgerton lost a raft on Friday,
and found it on Sunday, 'most down to j
Nebraska City, lie turned it in there ;
and give it to them fellers to saw up. j
Ezra Millard, Esq., of Omaha, visited
our city last week.
1). II. Wheeler has gone traveling off
again, to Lincoln, Nebraska City, Sec.
Grand Lodge, and other things.
L. I"). Lemmon, formerly of Rock
Bluffs, and now of Ulysses, called on
the Herald, last week.
M. II. Hathaway, arrived home from
Seward, on Saturday, after an absence
of a week. The Herald boys con
cluded he had gone off to get married
Captain Silas Gather, of Red Cloud,
Webster county, ;.sited Plattsmouth,
last Friday. Cap. G. is one of the sul-
stantial men of the Republiean valley, j
a Legislator, and a fellow with good
horse sense, and no foolishness about
John R. Clark, our Banker, left for
Crete, on Monday.
Win. Tewksbury, of this place, leaves
for Weeping Water this week. He
goes there to put up a mill, and run
things generally.
Omaha sidewalks, so say the local
papers, are made dangerous by holes
about the size of a lady's foot. The
Lincoln Journal descanting upon the
fact that a little boy fell through one
gf them, suggests that Omaha ladies
walk hereafter in the middle of the
street, that little boys will not be in
danger of life and limb by reason of
orifices made by feminine feet. Platts
mouth pavements are afflicted some
what in the, same way, but the ladies
scorn the imputation that they have
been made in like manner, or would
correspond in size to those made by
their fair sisters in Omaha, if such
were the case.
An American who visited the Paris
exposition in 1S07, was asked wh:ijt
sort of show the American section was
making. He replied: "Well, there
wasn't much t look at there in the
way of goods, but they had a portrait
of Emerson on the walis, and if a prize
wen? given for exhibiting the best
head, 1 think the Americans would get
President Grant had a col l reception
at Long Branch. The thermometer
had not been notified of his coming,
and did not rise at his coming. It
ought to be cashiered. It is said that
the President brought six horses and
one cow, but no ass. There was no
need of bringing an ass with him. The
species will follow of their own accord.
Mr. L. II. Putnam, an able and per
suasive colored gentleman, has elabo
rated a complicated scheme for settling
tlie freednien on homesteads and .giving
the planters capital to work with, and
binding the two races together in good
will, and giving a pension to every.
Confederate widow and orphan, and
fixing things all up in a truly beautiful
way. But, like other patent ready
made millenniums, the plan is too
lovely bv half, and so is likely to fail
i cntireh'. Untphir.
Wheat 10010 3
Barley 5"G0
Corn." ' 18ca20
i Oats 20e',21
Rye 45&50
Reported by Cutler & White.
A good girl to do house work for a sm;ul
family. Inquire at PostolIIce. 10-3
Business is business, and so are the Cigars at
the P. O. Book Store. s-lf.
Ladies, call and examine the nice and cheap
Gaiters at the Shoe Store, before you buy else
w here. No charge for showing them.
&-tf. Peteii Meeges.
The large and commodious wareroom, cellar,
and office ou second fioorof building formerly
occupied by Jacob Yallery, Jr.. In Masonic
Block. Enquire of R. It. Livi.vo.sto' or
ts-tr. E. T. Duke.
Notice to Bridge Builders.
N-otiee is hereby given that bids will be re
ceived at the County Clerk's office in Platts
mouth. Cass County. Nebraska, for building
bridges In said County. One to l? built across
San. Ureek near the town of Greenwood, span
70 feet ; one to be built across Weeping Water
at Gruber's Crossing, span 80 feet ? stone or
wood abutments, (scale for each to be seen at
the Clerk's office) also ten or more smaiirr brid
ges (with plliug), span from 2T, to 40 feet. Bids
received for both Iron or wood. Approved se
curities required of contractor In tioublo the
amount of contract price, and all bids received,
subject to be rejected bv the Board of County
Commissioners at their j?asnre.
Kids will be received up to July 1st, A. D.
lei $ . '
,.fJ-v,r,,f"r "f tu County Commissioners this
fitu day of Ju.19 1573.
S: WMcKrvxojr, CWrk.'
Legal Advertisements.
Estray Notice.
ffrmyed from the subscriber, living wifTjl:ht
"Mi!eirove. Cass Countv, Neb., on Saturday.
May 31st, two mules ; ouo brown with n sore Cti
the left shoulder, the other of a black color,
1 ranged with a "C" on the left shoulder. A
liberal reward w1U be given for the return of tho
Faid mules, or any Information that will enable
me to flud them. B. I). Ausuld.
l0-2t. I
Burlington & Missouri Rirer Railroad
Company in Nebraska.
Boston', Mass., May 13. 1873.
The annual mfeting of the Stockholders of
the Burlington A Missouri Klver Kailroad Com
pany in Nebraslia. will be held at the oitlce of
the'Contpanv in the citv of 1'lattsmouth. Ne
bniska. Friflav the 20th day of June, proximo,
for the election of Directors, and other business
which mav legalTv cnTYie before the meeting.
It Is proioed to change the time of the annual
meeting. By oruer of the Hoard.
J. N. DKSisny,
8-3t .secretary.
Sheriff's Sale.
U. D. Hathaway, 1
s. Exe'cutlo-.t.
E. H. Eaton. . - .
Notice is hereby given that I Will orr forsSiC
at public auction at the front door of She Court
H oust- In l-lalt-iniouth.Ca.-s County, Nebraska,
on Monday the 2!st tlav of July, A. D. 1S7J, at
one o'clock p. m. of said day, the following real
estate to-wit :
sixty (so) feet off of the east end of the sou:n
half t'i)of lot number two2) in block number
thirl v-t wo (32 ) in the ci!v of Plattsimmth, Cass
Countv. Nebraska, levied mion as the property
of the said Defendant, E. If. Eaion, by virtue of
an execution in favor f the sfUvl l'faliiiiJT. II.
D. Hat haw a v. issued by the Clerk of the Dis
trict Court, within and lorCass Count v. Nebras
ka, and to me directed a Sheriff of said county.
Given under my hand thisisilt day of June,
A. 1 . 173. W. JOHN S )N.
Slier! tf Cuss Co.. Nebraska.
G. S. Smith. Attorney for Plaintiff. 12-5t
Administrator's Sale of Real
Bv virtue of ail order ef sale Issued out of
the'Clerk's office. ami under l tie seal therein
in and for the District Court Second Judicial
District In the County of Cass and Mate of Ne
braska, mid directed to the undersigned, in an
action wherem Geo. H. Bine!;, Administrator de
bonis lion of the estate of Sarah CraiK.deceaert,
is Plaintiff, and .John T. Craig and others are
Defendants. I petition to sell lands to pay debtsj,
I will at loo'cloek a. in. on the
5it day of July, 1873,
in front of the Court House in the City of
Plutlsiiiouth anil state of Nebraska, offer for
sale at public auction to t:ie highest bidder the
lands and tenement herein alter described ou
the terms following to-wit : one-fourth cash in
hand, and the residue in three equal annual
payment-1, with Interest at ten percent, and se
cured by mortgage on the premises, said lands
bchunr to the estate of Sarah Craig, deceased,
and are described as follow to-wit: the north
east quarter U lot the northwest quarter '
of section six lo town twelve range thir
teen 13! t also the southeast quarter of the
northwest quarter of the same section, town
and range ; also the southwest quarter L'-j of
northeast quarter of the same section, rown
ar.d range ; all of said 'lands and tenements
being In Cass County and ihe Slxte of Nebras
ka. GEO. H. BLACK.
Adrnini; trrdor de bonis uon of Sarah Craig, de
ceased. Whkki.eb & Stischcomb,
12-3'. Attortievs for said Administrator.
SlieriiTs Sale.
la the District Court of Nebraska. Ia and for
Cass Countv.
II. L. ll'. Stiles, I
vs. f Legal Notice.
.IdkxSnvmkS I
I?y virtue of an order of sale issued to me In
the above entitled cause out of the said
Court. 1 will at Kh-veii o'ciocK a. m. on Mnnd-iy
the li;;h dav of June, A. D. is-::, oiler at public
Sale to l lie "highest and best bidder at t he f ont
door ef the Court House in PlaOsiiiotu ;i Neb
raska the following described Meal Estate to
wit. Ixt No. Five t-r in Block No. Sixty three
0kS in the City of Plait smooth C:iss Counly
Nebraska. The above lieal Estate will be soid
on said day to satisfy the decree of the Conrt in
fivorof ihe Plain I iif against Defend'iuts and as
the property and Real Estate of the Defendants:
Given underlay hand this ttthday of May,
A. 1) ls73. J- W". Johnson.
Sheriff, Cass Co., Nebraska.
Sam M. Chapman Tiff's Attorney.
Sheriffs Sale.
IN the District Ccurt cf Nebraska, la and for
Cuss County :
James, I
vs. f Legal Notice.
mi;kw J. Ki.KivF.n
A. J. KLEl'SKS. f
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me in
tin above emitlcd cause out of said Court,
1 will at Two o'clock P. M. on Monday the icth
dav of Jane. A. D. 1873. offer for sale at public,
auction at the front door of the Court House in
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, the lolluwhig described
Real Estate, to-wit :
!! vi! abres of ground commencing at the
Northwest curner'i.f ihe Northwest quarter (M
ef the Northeast quarter iv4wd Section number
Nineteen tl:i), in Township number Twelve tl2.
North of Range uiimht-r I'ourteeii (Hi E;ust ef
the sixth Principal Meridian, in Cass i-ouidy,
Nebraska, thence East along the North line of
said Section thirtv-scvein:i7 r;ds. thence South
twenly-oiieand .s'ixty-thri e hundi-edths (21 v3
Ko), rods tltencc West thirty-seven (37) rods.
North thence to the phtee of tictdnniug. Tbe
aUivc real estate will be sol J on saiil day to satis
fy the decree of the Court in favor of the Plaintiff
against Defendants and as the property and
real estate of the i efendants.
Given under my hand this nth day of May,
A. D. 173. ' Johnson.
Sheriff Cass Co., Nebraska. M. Chapman, Pi lls' Att'y. fe-0w
Legal Notice.
In the name of the people of the State of Ne
braska. John M. Hinchnian and Alice Ilineh
Maii. whose place of icsidcnee is uuk'towu, and
Joseph V. Jlineliaian of the State of Iowa, will
take notice 4 hat William E. incl,tn of the.
Countv of Cass and State of Nebraska, did on
tbe 201I1 day of May. ts7:i, tile his I'-tilion in the
Dislrict Court of the Second Judicial Dw:iicl of
the Stale of Nebraska, in and tor Cass County,
airainst the said John M. Hinchmuit. Alice
ll!, his wife, and Joseph V. Hinchmaii,
defendants, settinr forth that John M. liitich
inan and Alice flinchman. his wife, gave a
mortgage to the said William E. Doueiau on
tlie foliowinu" lands to-wit : Lots one and two
(1 and 2) In Block No. eleven OH, in the cily of
Plattsmouth. and also on the undivided hail' of
the following described land to-w it : cominenc
iiiyr twenty-two rods south of the northwest
corner of the .southwest qu.irter 04) if section
eighteen (ls, town twelve t.12) range fourteen
(in, east ot the. (iiii principal nieridau, run
ning thence east forty iof rods, thence south
twenty-four (2t rods, thence west forty (W)
puis, thence north twenty-four (24) rods to the
place of beginning, all ihe above lands in t ass
County. Nebraska, to si-cure ihe payment of
S22M) and interest, according to a cei tain prom
issory note ro 1 erred to in said iiiorigauc, and
tnat "since the uiving of the said inorigai-e the
said.losph '. Iluu-hiiian, the other Deiendant,
claims some Interest in : part or said lanils un
der the said John M. liiiiciinian. and praying
that said John M. Uinchiuuu may pay said sum
now claimed to be due, wilu Interest, amount
ing to tiie sum of -SI no, jmi ii-ii-reston tile same
from the 13ih day ot Sepliinber 1S72. at tlie
rate of 12 percent per annum, that being the
balance due a.'ter deducting all payments, or
that said premi-cs may In to pay the same,
and tiie said John M. Hinchnian. Alice Hi n-h-man
and .losejii . ilinctiiiian are notified that
thev :u-e required to appear and answersaid pe
tition on or before Monday the 7th day of July,
A. D. Is73, or judgment wid be rendered ticctird
ing t' tiie era ver of tlies.dd petition.
Dated this 2lh day of May IS73.
W.M. E. DON ELAN, Plaintiff,
His Attoniey. 8-5t.
Is hr?eby given that all persons who harp tpfido"
Improve ments on the Schorl Lands of this
Count? siuce the Twcnly-llrst d:iy of June,
A.l'i!"72, can have sudh Improvements ap
praised bv uotifyiutr the i 'nutty Clerk of the
s;iRfe on or befot'e tho EUteeuUi day of Juno,
A. D. Isv3.
By order of the County Commissioners,
&-$ Clerk Casa Co.
SherifTs. Sala .
IN the District Court of Nebraska, h auk tor
Cass County :
O. L. Paijwkt, t
vs. t Legal ?iot;co.
Joitx Boss and I
Sls.vS lioss. )
By virtue . an Order of Sale Issued to mo In
the above entitled cause ivit of the said
Court. I will at Ohe o'clock, P. M.. on Monday
the dav of June, A. D. 1S73, offer f.irsale at
the front door of the Court House, in Platts
mouth, Nebraska, the following described Ileal
Estate, to-wil :
Ltds uuialer seven G) and eight () In Block
number thirty-six W.). in the City of Piatls
moutli." countv, Ntbraska. The above
r';d estate will be sold on said day tosaiLd H'.
decree i f the sa'd Court in fuvor of tins Plat!!
till' and against the Defendants, and r-s the
propcrtv and real estate of the defendants.
tiiveii midcrniy hand this n;h d; y of May,
A. D. 1873. .1. w. JOHN'SON.
Sheriff Cass Co., Nebraska.
Sam. M. Chai-mak, Pill's Att'y. 8-5vr
SlieriiTs Sale.
Isaac ".Veil and Isaac Calm ")
V.'ilils j, Hort'on. AVilliam sccutlon.
C. Jenks r.iid James CliIe. j
Notice is hereby ;:iven tiiar I will offer frrsale
at pu'o'ic auction at the front door of the Court
llo!i.;i; in Plattsmouth. Cass County, Nebraska,
on Aiondav, the 3'!h dMy of June. A. D. 1S73, at
one o'clock in. of said day, the f allow ing real
estate, to-wit :
The south half ;'- of tho northeast quarter
U of section numl er thirteen il.D in tow nship
number ten i no north of range number eleven
ill) cast of the sii!i lritn ipal Meridian, in
Cass County. Nebraska. uml lot nuixiber live (5)
In block number .ite-si dWii. lot number six
oil In biock number r.ixtv-six (iki) and lot innii
ber three CO in block number sixty-eight (OS)
and lot numl'er four t4 in block number "ixly-
ight eVs), ail in the town of Weeping Water.
Cass County. Nebraska, levied upon as the
property of the said Defendant. Willis J. Hor
ton bv irtne of an execution in favor of the
Plaintiff. Wei and Calm, issued by the Clerk
of the District Court, within and for Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, and to me directed as Sheriff of
said County. ' . .
Oiven uudcrmy hand this jMlf-ihiV of May,
A. d. is73. j. w. Johnson.
Sheriff Cass County, Neb.
G. S. SMTTH, Attorney for Plaintiff. 9-CU
Public Sale of School Lands.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an act
of the legislature of the Stale of Nehr.iska en
titled an act "to provide for the registry of
School Lauds for ihe control and ilisjHisition
thereof, and for the safe keeping of tiie funds
derived from the sale and lease of said hums"
which said act was approved June 24ih, A. D.
1o7. Ami also in accordance with a subse
quent amendment to siiid act, approved i-'ebru-a:y
IjUi, A. D. lso:i, 1 w id 04
Wednesday the 2oth d:ry of June
next, at the hour of ten o'clock A. m.,
at the front door of the Court House ia
Pluttsiuoulli city, Cass County, Nebraskit. offer
for sale at public auction to tlie highest bidder,
all tho follow iug described School Lauds in satu
county, to-wit ,
o S
-- 3
O 5 "
a v a
38 10 9
10 10 0
16 11 0
10 11 0
IC 11 9
30 11 9
2) 13 9
IC 12 10
1G 12 10
10 12 10
10 11 10
10 11 10
10 11 10
30 11 10
SO 11 10
10 10 10
30 10 10
10 10 11
10 10 11
10 10 11
30 10 11
10 11 11
10 11 11
10 11 11
10 11 11
10 11 11
30 11 11
30 12 11
10 10 12
30 11 12
30 11 12
30 13 12
30 13 12
30 10 13
30 11 13
S'3 11 13
Part of Section.
s. H
s. w. -i
n. b of s. 0. if
all ef
s. )i of n. e. ;
11. 3 2 of s. e. .'i
s. e. ,14 . of s. e.
n. of n. e. .i
s. w. j4r of n. e.
w. Ji
s. i of n. w. 4
c 1
s. w. H
ail of
n. H
n. i of s. e. r
s. w. J of s. e. 4
s. e. )X of n. Wi
s. w. . of n. e. i
n. e. 34 of n. w.
s. of n. w. X
n. J.? of s. w. .
11. e. ,J4 of s. e. 14
s. c. 4 s. w. i of s. w.
n. e. 24 of s. e. J
all of
n. e. 4 s. w. (
e. of s. e. 4
lot 3
lot 4
s. e. ?4 of n. e.
s. w. ,'4 of n. c. J4
lot 4
Said sale will be continued from day to day
until all of the above described lauds shall have
been offered.
In witness whereof 1 h.ive hereunto set my
hand and affixed the seal of said County, at
Plattsmouth, thii Mil dav of Mav, A. i). 1"3.
D. W. McKikkon.
C-Tl. County Clerk.
Executors . Sale of Real Estate
By v irtue of sin order of sale issued out of the
Clerk's office land under the seal of the ;:ine)
In and for the District Court Second Judicial
District in the Countv ef Cass and State of Ne
braska, and directed "to the undersigned, in hu
action wherein Lloyd I). Bennett :uil Elbert T.
Duke. Executors ef the last will and testament
of Siiepm-rd Duke, deceased, are l'iaintiits, and
Lavina Duke and others aro Defendants, we
will at ID o'clock a. 111. 0:1 tho
' HI ft day of July, 1873,
In front of the Court House in the City of Platts
laouth and State of Nebraska, otter for sale at
public aul ion to the highest bidder the lands
and tenemetits hen in alter described. 011 terms
following,' to-wit : one-fourth cash in hand, and
the resmue in three equal annual payments,
with interest at ten per cent and secured by
mortgage on the premises. Said lands belong
to the estate of Shepherd Duke deceased, and
are described as foiiow-i. : tae soutnwest
qr.utert'.i) of tne southwest quarter O4)of sec
tion eleven (11) timn twelve and range thir
teen (Vi) coi.iaiidug f'.u-iV il:; acres more or less,
also ihe north ,vet quarter (U) ol Ihe north
vvt quarter C) o scciiou fouiieea (it) i'wn
twelve (12)tuct ra:tgi tiiiiteen tiJ). coiitaiiiiug
lony acres. 11:01c 01 less ; alno eight acres, tar
ing sioxlivisiou lot eleven HI; laseenoii iwonty-
I. 1110 (;t)) town twelve (12 and range iouriceii
O l), d laieo of said tr.tets of land iviiig and be
liiK. in C.uss Coiur.y i-.iiti State 01 Neiui..;i.t ; aiso
the following lots in ihe i-ity 01 I'lutibino'.tn
in said Cas.-, 1 ouiity. lois tour. live. six. nine
and eleven v4, 5. i. u.'and 11, in block live (5, hit
nine (;) biocK iv.eniy-idne 2:i ;'lt four t. ia
block lorty-tour (44.) ; also tlie loilovving lots ly
ing and lieing in Duke's Addition to the City
of Plattsuioutb aforesaid, is to say. lots
one. two, three and six (!, 2. 3 and tl) in block
three CO; lols one, two. three, lour, live, nine,
ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, tifteeo,
sixteen, seventeen and eighteen tl, 2, 3, 4. 3, u,
H), 11. 12, 13, 14, 15, lri,-17 and Is) in block four (4) :
lots six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve,
thirteen, fourteen, tifieeii. sixteen, seventeen,
eighteen, twenty, twenty-one and twenty-two
Oi, 7, S, U, U, 11, 12. 13, 14, IS. 16, 17, IS, 20, 21, and
22) in block live, 5); lots two, three, four, live,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten and twelve (2, 3, 4, 5,
t. 7, 8. !. 10 and 12) in block six it.) ; lots one,
two, three, four, live, six, seven and eight (I, 2,
3, 4, 5. ;, 7 and fc.i in block seven (7) ; lois one,
two, three and four (l, 2, 3 and 4) in block tune
(!) ; lots two, three, lour, live, seven, eigSit,
nine, ten. eleven and twelve (2,3,4.5. 7. s, t,
in. II ail'.' 12) in biock clever. (11 1 ; all id Mock
twelve (12) being lots one to tvvtnl v-two il toL2)
inclusive; ail of b!tck thirteen ("l.ti except lot
nineteen (l:i) being lots one to twenty-two i t to
iJ), inclusive, except said lot nineteen (ID) ; lots
one and two (l undo in block fourteen Ut ; all
of block fifteen (o being lots one to twelve
(1 to 12), inclusive ; lots six, four and live (, 4,
and 5 in block eighteen (Is; ; bus one, two.
throe, four, live, seven, eight, nine, eleven anil
twelve (1, 2, 3, 4. C, 7, '.), 11 and 12) in biock nine
teen ; all ot block twenty (20). except lots
eight and twelve (S and 12), being lols one to
twenty-two (1 to 221, inclusive, except lots eight
and twelve (S and 12) ; lots one, five, six, sevcu,
eight, ten. eleven, twelve, fifteen, seventeen,
eighteen, nineteen and twenty (1. 5, c, 7, 8. 10,
II, 12, 15, 17, is, VJ ami 201 in block tvveiity-ou3
(21); lots one, two, three, foiu .live, six, seven
ami eight 0. 2, 3, 4. 5. ;, 7 and si in block twenty-three
(23i; lots one, two, titroe and four
(1, 2,3 mid 4) in block twentyrfour (24;; lots
one, two. three and four (1. 2, 3 and 4) in block
twenty-live i2.") ; lots one, two, thrw. seven,
eight, nine and Jen i i,e, 3, 7. s, 9 and lyiu Mock
twenty-six (20) : lots one. two, three, four, six,
eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve tl, 2, 3. 4. 6,
8. 0, 10, 11 and 121 in Mock twenty-seven (27);
all of block twenty-eight (2s, except lots live
and seventeen- (5 and 17), being lots one to
twenty (1 4o ld), inclusive, except lots five and
seventeen (5 and 17) ; lots nine, ten, eleven and
twelve to, lit, 11 and 12) in Mock twenty-nine
(2jm: lots one, two. five, six. seven and fight
II. 2, 5. 6, 7 and 81 in block thirty m) : lots live,
mx, seven aud eight 5, 6, 7 and SJ hi Mock thirty-one
31 ; lots one, two, three, four, five, sev
eu, tune, ten, eleven ami twelve 1 1. 2, 3, 4, s, 7,
10, 11 and 12) In Mock ten 110J : lots one, two.
four, live, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven ami
twelve 11.2. 4.5, 7, s, a, 10, 11 aud 12J la block
twenty-two 22J. i
Said sale w ill continue from 10 o'clock- a. !"V
until sundown of said dav, if nei tssarv: and it
will be adjourned from dav to day until all are
Plattsmouth, June 1!ih 1S73.
Lloyd I. BrxNKit,
Ei.kkutT. Dckk, ;
Executors of the h-st will and trsti'.ffient of the
of Shepherd Duke, deceased.
Whkhlick 61 BrnxmcoMB. . .
123. Attorneys for Vvrulorm.
'v'o would respectfully nniurmtoo to tT-o poo
pie of Ctkss County that we Ixtva pimd a
at Weeping Water wherf? fe will keep a god
assortment of everythifig .r-ftuiiilng t thrt
branch of business, also a full stock id famil.lsr
Imiiieinents.among others the Marsh Harvester;
w hich needs 110 comment. Wc put In tlie cele
brated Metallc Cylinder Jones Pump, the best
puinp in the market especially for deep wells.
Tin ware made and repaired on short notice.
AM goods warranted to give satisfaction. Come
anil see for yourselves.
To Farmers and Horsemen.
' nr. VT. D. .T.ffw-ii beys leare tt OnH fjCteTrf(,
to the fact that he ha Jut riM-dvod two vry
fco uumals frtm tho east, viz. :
From Fairfield. Iowa, suidiho Lrvu Qrrvj Ncc-
&& St-tkUiva tailed , . ,.,
FD years old nd weighs Vtto pofchdi.
Thev are both sum foal goiters, and witl stand
at Hock Blurts and elsewhere Hi the County
during tho season. For full particulars so
Bills. 61-131.
Vrholal0 &1 Retail Dealers In
IP i n c Ij u in b c r ,
Sash, Boors, Uliml$,
New Boot and Shoe Firm.
Karclier & Klingljel,
Boot & Shoe Makers,
- ' i '
Iala Street, opposite Ilatta Val'ey Ilou --a-,
In good style.
All kinds of men's boots and shoes made and
Prices low and work warranted to give satis
faction, o. KAltClIEK,
For Salo at
Hazel dell cottage gardens.
In Rock Bluffs at J2.3D per buaheL Or-lcrS so
licited. Celery Plants,
Eyg Plant,
2'obacco Plants,
Cauliflower Plants,
dr., d-C, d'tf., dec.
In their season.
Orders from a distance promptly filled, ard
delivered at the Express Odice 111 l'lattsmouth.
Cartage free.
These Plants were all raised at mv Gardens In
Rock Bluffs. AlUO SMITH, Proprietor.
Frank White Is my authorized Agent In
riattsmouth. S-fct.
The lest book in the market Best
terms ever offered Attention agents
Send for cinralars of our nerv
Horace Greeley!
The most poprilat biography extant
The most graphic political history
Candor, Fullness, Truth, Impartiali
ty -l book J'ur the Laboring 2Ian
A book for Stattsmtn, Scholars and
Thinkers .1 book for e eery Ameri
can family.
No biographical work of such Interest to the
whole people has before appeared in Ameik-an
literal lire. It is a fuil. complete, holiest account
of the life of tlie niiwt laborious and intlucutial
of our country's reformers, tlie first journalist
of bis age, and tiie busiest man who ever lived.
There are abo extended notices of very many
Mr. Greeley's . Cotemporaries
whether in journalism or general polities so
that the whole is a rather lull, just, and faith
ful representation of American politics foi- a
period of lortv years.
Here you w id'lcaru of the rise and fall of par
tics ; id the triumph and defeat of policies ; of
the lives and cnaiacters of
This work is. in short, the great bingraphieo
hislorical work of the times. It is the rcut lit
erary success of the times. Every intelligent
man and woman will have it. Orders are al
ready coming in hi such a way as to show they
w ili soon begin to pour.
Mechauicaiiy it is the handsomest book pub
lished, being profusely ami ELEGANTIA II,
Ll'STiiA'i El) with about 40 engravings, includ
ing portraits, also a steel etigrav ing id Mr. Gree
ley, which is the most pleasing and natural ef
any yet published making a volume of over
too royal octavo pages.
Agents Wanted,
To whom the best terms are offered. Agr-nls
are meeting with uiiparaliellcd success. Yhe
great popularity of the book insures tola-Tin-ners
mic.-cs. lo secure inline diate territory
send M.2.TI'or the handsomest Prospect us agenis
over had, or for sample copy, library style,
r.nd Prospectus, cither of wliieli will bo sent
(iepaid. A duress.
335 WalKU-Ii Avenue, Chicago,
173 WV-t Fourth Street, Cincinnati, O.. or New
York Cily, whichever may be nearest to vour
place "of residence. 12-l2t.
St. Louis & Southeaslern
And Direct Route to
Memphis, .
Ne w Orleans,
And all Points
South and Southeast.
GOOD REASONS WHY this is the preferred
IT IS THE ONLY LINE niimhij? Pulfni.'r
Palace Drawing Room Sleeping Cars through
from St. Louis to Nashville without change. .
IT IS THE ONLY LINE under one manage
ment between these Cltier.
IT IS THE ONLY LINE by which passen
ger can save frifct) rsi to 2w miles travel, aud
frohi six Ut tweirV, -four hours time.
IT IS ?.V, CHEAPER from St. Louis to
Nashville than the circuitous route via. Louis
ville. OCR MOTTO :
New and elegant dav coaches equipped with
the Westinghoiise- Air Brake and ihe Miller
Coupler and Platform are run In all trains.
llu-ough Tickts on sale and Uagvage check
ed at all the principal Ticket unices in the West
and North. -
Ask for tickets via the "Southeastern Rail
way." F. Ft WJNSLOW,
T ' ' Genl Manager, st. Lou.9.
fien'l TJcVct Ajrr.. J1 Lor.'.
X'LiViTS.HOUTU hills:
floce, cjuss mu ax, mro,
Alwayi on hxiid, aetd for asio i Vownt Cuafr
- . I
CTh ULihcat piVe pniil ft 'WTteat M4
Particular attention Riven UrOuwWnn srort. f
new Haven org ait ctX
Manufacture the CclebTstrd
Jubilee and Temple Organi.'
These Orgm ir n.,'urrir.'ed !n unlltr ot
tone, style of litiislj. simplicity of curiMrUctloa,
and diiiHhflity. ' ' '
Alo .MELo;EONS in varlt'us styles end ua.
quaic-d ia Umio. . ' . .
Send for Illustrated CataWtie. ,
fit'W Haven, Conn.
rtAgeiits wanted. 4C-12I
I am row prepared to furnish th teet una
dulterated ndik
To all parties r.otifviug me
rrrrEit coo.
Excelsior Barber Shop.'
Mais -tree t, opposite Erotks ITou.
Hair Cutting, Shaving aacf
Especial attention given to
Cidl nd see BOON E,Gei.U and jret a boon la
Jas. Clisboo Co.
Dcalcrj la
General Merchandise
Dry Coorts,
llau. Caps,
. Boots, SSioa
Motions, io., &c.
Wo arc Agents for '
Willcox tt Gibbs Sewing itaehinx't
The lest of Fresh, Meats alvxrjt tnt
fvind in their season.
rsr II!hei Cash Price paid for (rwa UlCaa.
. p
. Jleeps constantly on hand ail StapU Artloita
such as
Dry Goods,
ISools, Shoes, &c.
In fact, evrrylhlng umally kept In a Variety'
Store, wh: n will be sold on small profits l..f
AMI. All kinds of Produce taken in exchau,.
for goods, and 1 113
Highest Market Prices given in Cash
for Grain. j
Machine Shop.
Wayman 5 Curtis;
r .ii,,!or, ct stra,n Engines, Rollers. Saw and
1 - Tl v r 1 1 1 j
Gas and Sfeim Fittines, Wrought Iron Plp,"
Force and J. ft Puu ps, Steam Ouagcs, Saf.lf
aivo Govcruois, aLd all kiuds of
Brass Engino Fitting
rv.-Rlsted on short notice. .
Farming Kachinery
Ipalrcl on short notice.
TIios. W. Shryock,
-V j i
And dcaief In ail kinds ot
Fttraitiiro and Chairs:
Mais Strfttt, Noxt door to E: oo&s ifins, ,
PIV.riSMOUTH. t xi-f