V i. -. . ! il Educational column. k & BAAISEY Editor. Coromuntcattona on Kdocatlonnl Touics. Re fcarU of Kiluttttonai ttbetlitm, &e., are respect fully solicited for the Educational Column, and tnaytx addressed to Educational Conuiiittee fcox 80, "Bock Bluffa; c bradka. B. 8. KAMSEY, Chn Editorial Committee, A TEACHEB'S WANDERING?. BT HORATIO S. GRRIFFjLES. Hearing of a certain celebrated insti tution in a certain city of celebrity and wishing to learri something, we re solved on payinjr the aforesaid institu tion a flyiDg Tisit. Arriving at the place we were duly Introduced to the Principal. Mr. who very politely invited U3 to be seat- fed. We remained serera! h'oilrs list ening to' recitations, and noticed that while the matter was generally stated correctly, and in language adapted to the cla53, ' the work on the board was lacking in arrangement and neatness. The manner of questioning was pocr, f rabodying the mCver in the question, -. thus leaving the question unexhausted find receiving an answer not to the point, and allowing tbe'student to give morfOSyllabic answers. ' The answers were not clear, nor to the point, thus showing that the stu dent did not understand or had neg lected to prepare his or her lessons properly. Teaclier 'was x-rrriest, yet impatient, irascible, and lacking dignity and forc of character. The school was respect ful, earnest, attentive and enthusiastic. Thd voice of the teacher was high and harsh, while the voices of students were pleasant iliil low, almost ap- TtroaCEDnV timidity; language of teach er and school generally grammatical, yet the choice of words was poor. Ideas not well developed, school poorly drilled, and unable toapply the princi ples readily or Correctly; the" only fac ulty much improved was the retentive. "We commend the earnestness of the teacher and the respectful, attentive, earnest and orderly conduct of the stu dtit.'while we disapprove and censure most severely the governnient and the impatient conduct of the teacher toward the students; the calling of nicknames" such as "Father Goose," uOd Hides? Jtc., striking students on the side of the head with books, &c. We suppose it is needless for us to speak of the disgrace to the teacher guilty of the former and the danger and brutality of the latter. "We would censure both teacher and Student on the condition of their school room, it being so littered up withflow t?rs and bits of paper. The Frimary department was so near out we had but a very poor opportunity to take observation. Languago of teacher and children was poor; voice of the teacher was" high and' harsh. The school did not seem interested in work; the teacher dignified, not self-possessed, but very patient and evidently embarrassed. The children in both departments are bright, docile and eager to learn. So we say to the teachers,- find out your faults and then correct thern'i you have every element necessary for es tablishing a first-class school. We next visited an institution that is fctln'g slowly yet surely reared from the remains of a once noted find far famed educational institute in a pleas ant little village not a thousand miles away. We received a very pressing invitation to make a "little sieGch," but as we had not learned "our little Speech," and knowing full well that "You would scarce expect one of our age,"" &c, &a, we respectfully declined and began observing, that while both teacher and class stated things correct ly and in good language, there was a lack of arrangement of capitals and a lack of neatness in the work on the boards-. Questioning was good, but not what it ought to have been ; teach er wai .dignified, earnest, and sympa thetic, but not enthusiastic. Students were attentive, earuest, and respectful; teacher's" voice, as also the voices of the students. - The classes' were well drilled and were at;?e to ftpply the principles which they had learned. Faculties improved were perceptive, conceptive, compara tive and retentive. We commend the patience and zeal of the teacher, and the quiet and orderly conduct of the students ; we disapprove of the paper ' on the floor and the bad apearance of the blackboard. As tha teacher cf the primary de partment was just recovering from a Severe illness wo will not criticise him, other fturn to say that we observed the Same faults in his school as in the oth ers. We will leave this subject with the teachers, and if it should attract the eye of any one to whom we have ref erence, we trust that all may be taken in the same kind of spirit with which it is written, nd that our public schools may be benefited by the kind criticisms ' of those engaged in the cause. A Cur for Snake Bites. 7. H. K. writes from Louisville, Ky., to the 2s ew York Ledger: Home time ago I - saw in your patter a request to your readers to furnish, if any of them tfjulda certain cure for snake bites I was born and raised in a very snaky portion of Kentucky, and on several occasions knew of cures being effected Of persons when bitten by the most posjoinrtis snakes-rattlesnakes and copperheads by a very simple applica tion, and never heard of it failing as a feroedy in a single Iiifetyhce: This rem edy 1 will now give yoiii- Take an egg and beat it well, then mix it With a tablespoonful of gunpowder ami a like quantity of salt ; spread it on a linen or?" cotton rag and apply it to the wounds Shortfy after it is applied the back of the rag will show evidence of the poison by turning green Apply a second plaster,- and continue to change the application until the discoloration .of the Cloth ceases to be apparent. Thrs tfaa the Sole" rSaiedf used ItS the" ftortictfo the Stale to which I refer", u I hsrve no doubt that the free ose A young clerk in a Dubuque fancy storewho had been requested by a Jady customer .to send hoirie a spool of thread which she had purchased, hired an express wagon in which he placed the spool, and td drove to the lady's residence, where he deposited the spool in the hall, endwise, like a barrel. Those who knew Gen. Canby will not be surprised to learn that he died poor. IliS private charities, they tell us, were absolutely without stint, and his wMbw was left with nothing but a pension of thirty dollars a month. An Oregon newspaper states that Mr. J. R Mont gomery, a contractor on the Northern Pacific Kail way, learning this fact, col lected from the leading citizens of Port-1 larid in three hours a purse of gold, and presented it to Mrs. Canby. Such illustrations of the nobler bide, of the American character are refreshing to read of. Where Meerschaum is Foind. Most of the meerschaum of which the famous pipes are made comes from Asia Minor and is mined principally in the peninsula of Xatrolia, near the town of Coniah. Meerschaum is also found in Spain and (Jreece, but in such small quantities and of such Inferior quality, that mining it is not remunerative. Meer scnaum is export (Hi in irregularly shaped bloccks, with obtuse angles and edges, and much care is required in removing irregularities and fuulty proportions. It may also contain various defects, bv the diffusion of different minerals through out; and there are also hard spots in some meerehaum, which will appear on the surface when piies are cut and waxed. Such pipes are classed as second and thirds, as the market value is there- y.diminished from fifteen to twenty per cent A Clendy Scene. The congregation of the African Methodist Episcopal Church at Dean attl Schenectady avenues, Brooklyn, had their May festival in the church last evening. About midnight, while the congregation was singing psalms. one of the sisters felt herself aggrieved at some remarks of one of the breth ren, a male friend. . The woman sought the aggressor, anil from words, they came to blows, and in a short time a general fight ensued. Chairs and table were overturned, and soon the floor was covered with a rolling and strug gling mass of men and women, inter mingled with capsized ice cream, cakes, and jellies of all kinds. The police were called, but " before they succeeded in separating the combatants two of the force were knocked down. Xearly all the brethren .and sisters were marched to the station house. The First Printer Ere? Hanged. In an interview with a reporter of the San Francisco Call, Chtirles Ilus sell, the condemned murderer of Crotty, makes the following statement : "My brother and I were printers at Ilolman & Gray's in Xew York, working at the case; my brother w:is afterwards a newspaper reporter. At length I had to give up working on account of my health. I had always enjoyed good health until that time. A peculiar feeling of drowsiness and nausea used to come over me. I was advised by a doctor to give it up, to get out door employment. My brother was here in San Francisco, but at the time I came I found lie bad left. His name is Phil, llussell. I made inquiries for him of the Typographical Union, I could get no tidings of him. My relatives are living in Xew York, but I have re ceived no information from them. If they knew anything about .it they would be here. My parents live there also. They aro both very aged, and I don't wish them to know anything about it." A traveler from Pekin to Siberia, acros the great desert of. Gobi, tells U3 thet .whenever a camel's feet have become very tender and sore from long marches, the poor creature lies down. Ilia driver kiwrVs at crr-ee that his feet hurt him, and looks to fJrid if the thick skin of t lie feet are blistered. When ever a blister is found, two or three strong men, usually Mongols, keep watch of the carnel until it is not no ticing them. At just the right moment they make a rush rdl together upon the camel, throw it over upon the side and make it fast. Then, with a needle made for that use, they sew a piece of leather large enough to the hurt place over the camel's foot, the skin of which is thick enough to sew through, without hurting the ani mal. "With his new shoes on, the camel is quite ready to get up and march on. The pieces of leather are carefully pre pared for this use. It sometimes hap pens that a camel lies down in the midst of his long march across the wide desert and dies. The natives take the thickest part of the skin to make shoes of. These bits of skin they take out, da after day, when oa the march, and pull until they become so soft and yielding th.it a camel with blistered feet seems grateful to have shoes made of it, although he would resist the shoeing to the last if -he wer not held so that he could not move. Rural New Yorker. Postal Cards. Postmaster Jones, of New York, has issued the following rules and regula tions as to the treatment of postal cards: The superintendents, clerks and car riers of this office and its stations are hereby instructed that postal cards, in their treatment as mail matter, are to be regarded as sealed letters, and not as printed matter with this exception, viz: That when undeliverable, unre claimed or unmailable, they are not to be returned to writers or sent to the Dead Letter office. Xo "return re quest" written or printed on a postal r:ird tn tif rptrardi-if. Postal cards on which are printed, drawn or written any obscene, vulgar or iudecent words or pictures, or any Scurrilous epithets or disloyal devices, cannot be delivered by carriers or con veyed in the mails; and all which may be discovered bearing, such objectionable pictures of devices will be sent enctf each day, in a package or envelope, addressed to "Searcher's De partment. Postotfice, and marked X. P . (" Although unprotected by a seal, pos tal cards are nevertheless mail mat ter entrusted to the Postoffice for trans mission and delivery only, and as such should be exempt from all idle curiosi ity and comment on the part of Post office employees. Clerks and letter carriers are therefore instructed not to roTike the messages, &c on postal cards tho subject of conversation among themselves or with persons not em ployed in the Postoffice, ami (except as may be required by the preceding para graph) not to give special attention to any part of the postal card except the adcrresa. In " Case will any clerk or carrier be allowed to exhibit an ad dressed postal card, Or communicate any rne3sage which may bewritten upon it, to" ahy one" rot employed in the" PostofBce,? except to a person authorized- toy receive it V THE BEST its AiWATS THU HEAPEST. For your Groceries gt td F. R. Guthmann Corner Third and Slain street, riattsmouth. lie keeps on hand a larga and well selected stock of FANCY GROCERIES. COFFEES. TEAS. SUGAR, SVRUr, ROOTS, SHOES, &c, &c, &c, &c. In connection 'rith the Grocery is a Bakery and Confectionary. r?"AH kind of Country Produce bougtit and soli. Take notice of the sign "EMPIRE BAKERY AND GROCERY:' mayictt. 0. 1 JOHNSON. DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, AND WAJ.L PAPER. ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. ALSO DEALER IN Books, Stationery, Magazines, And Latest Publications. PrescrintioTTs carefully compounded by an ex perienced Druggist. liememtier the place. Corner Fifth srid Main Streets, J'lattsiuouth, Neb. Bonner Stables FINE LIVERY. BUTTERY & IiAZENBY Horses & Carriages to Let. '- - " Ii I mill l-'-'i4 SlStocfc Boarded hy IheDay lVcck at Month. Good Stock, Good Vehicles Call and Give ti3 a Trial. Stable on Vine Street. rLVTTSMOUTH, .... XEB. nstf. AND MEDICINES AT J. H. BUTTERY'S On Main street nearly opposite the IIEKALI) ofiice "ttholesale and Retail Ueaier in DKCGS AND MEDICINES, TAINTS, OILS, 1TARNISUES, TATENT MEDI CINES, TOILET ARTI CLES, c, &C- SfeerraserlptioTiS e'ar'efuliy compounded at if NEBRASKA. HERALD JOB OfflC NEWLY FITTED UPi New Press, New . Tjrpe, and New itaferial; Call and see our new All descriptions of work done In the printing We are fully pfpared to do Every EiHd and Stylo of Printing.. Send In your orders for LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, FOSTERS, DODGERS, x-c. lias on liaritl, one Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods for Spring and Summer. I invite everybody in want of anything in hiy line to call at my store. South Side Main, Between Fifth and Sixth Streets. And convince themselves of the faet. I have as a specialty hi mv Kefail Department a select stock of Fine C lotbing for Men atid Buys to winch wc'liiviie'timsu wlio want goods. I also keep on hand a large and well selected stock of IJats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. 8-10 55F Opposite the Platte Valley House, in Schlater's Jewelry Store. Main Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ST. LOUIS, 2 v-.i- . DECKER BROS. G. A. MILLER & CO S PIaNOS. 'itb ttt J'irst-thss pmaos anb rgn;ns. Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in Strings, Sheet Music and all kinds of Musical Merchandise Musical Ixstkvmkn-ts Tuned and Repaired Satisfaction Guaranteed. , S-6tf. CHOICE TOWN LOTS FOR SALE tow $mt$ & T-ots can now he bought in Duke's Addition to the City of I'lattsmouth, at prices ranging from $20 to $M and on terms so easy that persons with THE SMALLEST INCOME MA Y MEET THEM. For those who want town property either to hold for a speculation or to build upon, this is a rare chance to get location, and are Young' and Beautiful Which add materially to their value. Parties wishing to purchase or look al these lols, w:!i ; shown thin, or given any iiifor itiaiion desired. lv railing on K. T. lil'K K or I- I. !KNNKTT. Kxeeutors of the KstaieoIS. I)1'KK or 1. It. WflKKl.Kt: & CO., and HA UN KS & It)I.I.oCK, Keal LState Agents. For fiisli the ahove priees will he discounted ten per edit. riuUsniouth, Nebraska, October 'ld S, BLOOM k CO.. H-Ml -A C BOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, AND SHOES, Blankets, Rubber Gcods, Trunks, Valises elc. ?Tain Street, Second Door East of Court House, 15KAXCH IIOUSF- Hroadway, Council BIulTs, Iowa. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Down Go AY mm Celebrated Southwest Corner Main Street, Plattsmouth, Xebraska. And so the people think who buy Dress Goods, Irints, Delaines, Ginghams, Brown theeting. BJeaehed Cottons, Balmorals, Carpets', ' - Clark's new Thread Cotton Yarns, In the Grocery line we keep the Finest ami Bet Tea, Coffee Dried Fruits, agar, In fact for Your Queens Wiiie, "Wooden Glassware, Hats and Caps, GO TO &46 lot of LEGAL BLANKS; liiie. of the largest 6tocks of B3iwrBC s-xj ja.i BURDET SMITH'S AM'N AND BOST ON. ' ORG AN 3. Z4s?-zzf AT S&SY T it. These lots are in a delightful dotted over with a Growth of Forest Trees. BLOOM & Cq Vk RMISKLVfifinrtnc &&& Ac. A riattsmouth, Nebraska. the Prices ! ! Tons Boots and Shoes, Molasses, fcjpices, etCi, etc. Groceries,- IJardware, Ware', Yanfeee Notion- Boot? and Siioes, E"i 2f Sixth1 Street, one door south of No Person tan take these Rltters ac cording to directions, and remain lonjr unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mine ral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dytprpla or Indigestion, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coutrha, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Sto mach, Bad Taste In the Month Hilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lnnps. Pain in the reprlons of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off epnnirs of Pvspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of Its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For FcuialeComplainta, in von rip or oM, married or singl-;, at the dawn of wou:anhood. or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an inOueuce that improvement is boob perceptible. For Inflammatory nnd Chronic Rheninntiani and Gout, liilior.s. UemirttMit and Imemutteut Fevers. Diseases of the. IJlood. Liver, Kidneys and bladder, theae Hitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Mood. They mjre a gentle Purirntlve as well 8 Tanlr, possessing the merit of acting as a powerful agent In relieving Congestion or In Uauimarion of the IJver aud Visceral Organs, and in Hilious Diseases. - For Ski n DitenaM. Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheuin, blotches. Spots, - Pimples.-Pustules, Polls, Carbuncles. Rins-worms, ticald-iiead. Sore Eves. Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolora tious of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Pkia of whatever name or nature, are liter ally dug up and carried out of the bvs tem la a short Uihe by the use of these Bitters. Orateful Thousands proclaim Vineijak Bitters the most wonderful lnvigorant that ever sustained the sinking svstem. It. II. IIcI0AI.I A CO. Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco. CaL, cor. of Washington and Charlton Sm., K.Y. SOLD BY ALL PdtL'GGISTS & DEALER. Manhcod: Kow Lost, How Rssiored. .fust puMished. a new edition o Dr. Culvarwetl's Celebrstcsl E u on tin i;;iicid cure (without medicine of Sl'KI!MAT itHIt K A or Seminal Vosikniv-s. involuntary Seunual Jxi.sses. I.MiMiTKxrv. im-!:t:il and jdiyrieal iix-a-paeitv, liiii!i'di!t:enjs to M;:iri:t;'i', rte. ; ;dso, t'DVsi sii-riox. Ki'ii.r.PSY, n t 1'its, inducid by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. jjw-rr'-e hi a sealed envelope, only U cents. Tlit-1 celebrated author, in this admirable es say, clearly demonstrates from a thirty year's successful" practice, that the alarming eonse quenees of self-abuse, may b radically cured M il limit the use of internal medicine or the ap plication of the knife ; pointing out the mode of cure at once simple, certain and etlectu il. by means of which every sulterer. no matter wiiat Ins condition may be. may cure himself cheaply privately and radically. f-y-Tfiis Lecture should be !n the hands of er very youth and man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on the receipt of six cents, or two p;st ae stamps. AIsm tr. Culver's "Marriage Guide,' price 50 cents. Address the Publishers. CTIAS. J. V. KI.lXE. & CO. 127 Pncrv. New York. 49-ly Post Oltice Pox, 45'';. Wool's HoassMd itmm w o o D s H o u 8 1 n nrigliml. firt-cla s, Pullrr Monthly. It is freh anil scrirhtiv. nnd w.li irterr.-! the n:lri" H O P J o Y H O K & ,i o Y 11 O P E & J O household, includms; loven mul n:iiili ii, liu hundaiirid wives, pp.mit-4 and cliil in-ii. tu peM tho important w-rurinv' o uniiii of henrU and (mrpoM in ill". Ix'iort? t!r re hall hci union of huti-.K It bei'eves ll.jii. vihilo it Ij woiiian privil'(:e t purity and comtdri and adorn, ii nhon'rt In; mttu's i-i-u.-iir to proj1o fr, clierioh, and pmtrct. II would tiovc clul dren treated as fe(-i:nr, tliinkiii- p.wl izriHtrK crvature perfectly ckmik d.Mit lull sr:iw u. Vl in advocafinjf rhe.- dtKriran-?, tlt ina ine doe not OTnp:y dtotriiial wrmon l"iig and dreary rlhM; uisirioii.4 w hii::i do iiit io:ei-".-l and tlK-rrforo do not protlt tlie reader. in li e contrary It "oftM rather pre .n-h a though It preaelied not sf? iut rastinp iitiry,ior s'Hiir, Lei'.iKmade to yr tl? puiro-e h lone dis cuiiM lij Hiving the reader jmc:iiiti,' real, iu U reiting and proritatile lo think ahont. Tite worst an well as the best feature if the Mnenzine Ls Its priee. T"ie idea of ei-nma a really flirt-claa Majraxine at one dollar a year, seeuifl al.urd to most people. Vet it i mp!- souie of the best contrihuiont in the couiiirv Including Gn. Hinunx, ita leadinit editor, who receives a salary of three thousand o!ol Inr. equivalent to alout ten dollars per day. Karh numl'cr contains nearlv eiht htindr.-d dollars' worth of matter, nhieh costs tlietuU srritier aliout eight centM. Hope and Joy two teatitiful?y t'nted cmyon portraits worth Four I.ilars wi'i te mailed free lo every sutiscriher to the Mairazine at 1 1 M Sperimens "free. Agents warned. Addicts. 8. WOOD A CO., Newburcli, N. V. E H o L D M A c A z I N E Y Hop M Joy-Hops and Joy H I'nltFd Voice of tke l'i-e Wood' Vf O P IS & J o Y H O P E & J O Y H O & J O tn..iu,iii.u.n.iLl' tnjiiiutiioiil-.if liiiuttiM " enterprise whscli mark the tote. MrthndiM Hw Journal, l'hila . I'a As lt title proml.-e. It Is iU'Vot-d to the itwtntction riiiI tntertstiiiiient nf tlie family clrcle.i!l. In ortit-r t place it w 1 It ill the nieaiis of rea1era In nnxli-rat circum tances.il la furnihed at a reniarkahlv lowraiB In -riKirlion to the iiiiercst oi' it rmiirnta. A'. y.Tribtme. . .It lewnttally a home niat-awiie, and l iust the thine thai one would most den to ploee in the handiof his wife aiid little ones, or that a man of husineea would liini?lf take up lor the cinplovment of a leisure hutir. '! Wilmiwtrton. N. : Were we ont of utir chnir ediiortal, aa a "jirlvaie cltiw n," cut pit fmm our exchange lit and all that, one of the t1ri maeazlnea to wtiich we idiotild anbnbe wHild be Wood'a Household. Uyiitrr, IlarV ford, Cx. ... It ia an initllerMial and morul edtic atftr, Mir'ily prtiBd by aU who become ac quauited with U.-C'AW4irm Adtrtra, ....If o o D S H O u s E H O L D jxipuiar wntera are, tueretore. pood writer. and If biteh prieea prove the merit of literary wares, Uien Mr. Wood s meaziue u a good m A C A Z one. re Indrumlrmt. New York Ita art clen breathe a pirit of cconomv, morality an Tirr wrich Is ourli'T r-rreliintr In tbia ape of PiM.tionabla loiij and extravagance. irmumn. Kdina, Mix. It ia Dndoub'.edlr one of tho frenueaL livelieat iournala we have examined. Rtmrd, Sprinfleld. Tcnn The articlea areahort, piquant, and of aoch nnqoetionet excellence, that thiaperiodlcslotjrht to I both famllar and welcome in very nianr houe- noituv noou in a nunrri m .inn'' ' flrHt-claaa quality oombincd. " l'ork Timet. E MS Look to Your Children. iTC 2 N " The Great joshing Remedy. MR. I Cures colic and pripin in i Prico yjA yS!Pifjj Whilcomb the bowels, noil facilitates; 2 ? y V'-. 3 S . Syrup. th-process of teething. Cen'. AS' TSSfK;- XaA 'Vf Vv V MRS. I Suhdues convulsions and: Price f:-:Z--iS -' "ij-'Z'- 'rf4':f5.-.---. ." . Syrup. dent to Infants and children. ; Cents. .cssss-66'vZ, &ttS-ST&&-$:$ZZi?i;; v ; '.r?-' ;. . rVt?5St. MRS. ! Cures DiaiTlitee, Dvsente-! Price x-rt'Vi ilT'Sfrfi .''ivr"i StentT:. Wr:&?2Sbx?Si. fhitcomb's'n' and summer complaiul iiii .k-j;t(r-.;v'!-VV"i ;V ':ijv'i!i' ' Syrup, ichildren of all ages. ! Cents. MmMi iC ? ' ' It is the great Infant's and Children's Sooth- ' IrtZSTX 1ftx&, ' 1 ing Kei.te.ly, in nil disorders brought on ly . pTtea? :?"' teelliing or any other cause. . l'f; 1-n.pared by the Grafton Medicine Co.. St. Y"&2 Louis. Mo. X'iif7 '& -" C Z$ l?SL.'?G2-i'' -MW K-X'3-i ' tv.ld j.y druggists and dealers In Medicines 5lJC.--r;--; i"?5V5,iL' 4 Yrw?.,Xv::i:, -X tOTl SALE BY Main. Call and see him and (,-et a iiachine'. -3 Has been before the American public OVER THIRTY years. It ha never yet failed to give perfect satisfaction, an 1 lias justly been ftyled th panacea-fcr fill ex ternal Wounds, Cuts, Isurr.s. S.velilntrs, Sprains, T.ruises, &c, &c, fT Mm end Ccast. No fatui!7 tLoulJ lo a single day STATE AHEM a Halladay's latent Wind Mills. r-oublff and Single acting Force andFarm Pumps, Feed Mills, etc. The IlailadaV Mill i a- sro.-i,i teen years, t; 1 Ii in the I'yited !fbe 1 St -It. est fr "ix s and l'.it iJoptcJ by Tope ;ui( all rrineheil Railroads and Farmers Terms Liberal. : List. A. id f.-r Cat:: 1KAM-, '.oirtio and Prir 1 ii'.coin, Neb. HENKY BCECK, IiKALTIt IN Furniture, Luunces. Tables, Safes, t'h-tin.. BedstcaJs, ce. Of all descriptions. Metallic burial Cases. W00RKX C0ITJXS. OF ALL SIZTS. Ready Made aud sold Cheep for Ca. .With many tl-.asiks for p.".t patro:u,' all'to call and eaminc my larg? stot k niture ami Collins. I invite of Fur-jat.2-1 Only 50 Conts per Bottle ' ; It pramatn the CROWTII.PttESEKTESl the COLOQ) and icrrrrurs tb Vicor 4 and BAL'TT of tbo UA1SL. i On TTTTBTT TfiAJ. aOO I.TOH'8 KaTHiWOI ioR th II&IR wna rtr-t placed tn the market bf Jrofeor V. Tbomaa Ion. a irrnduataof Pnncetort College. The nmne ia derived irom tha Cirsek " ILaTHBO,"airnitltl(f to .';, Turfu,Tritvnaf, grrwii. Toe favor it baa received, and the popu larity it baa obtiuned , i unprecedented and incref fhleT It increaaes the Growth and IJEAUTY of tha LtR. It n delnrhtfol dressing. It eradicates laiidnifT. It preventa the Hair from tamm jrrav. It keep the bead cool, and eivea tbe hair a rich. wf a-loaay appearance. It ia the amk ia livnjcmx and Qualiti aa it wa over a Qo.htf.r of a Crs TUBT Aoo. and aold hy ail Drneajiota and Conq 27 tore t Filly CcoM per UoUle. Woman's Glory Is Her fluff. V LYOfil'S ri n fiipi? UfcV - without thus Liniment. Tic rnoncy I ftiTj Jeil rjnlcfJ tho Liuirnont u 03 rppre pented. lc sr.re r.nd p.'t t! o r:ani:ln klxican mustang i.iNi? :i.:rr. Foil ly nil Drufgisls nnl Cottr.t-v Bt-rs, at 2'c., 60o. nnl tl.f-0 f r Vo.Uo. Kotioe B'.jle, tiso of bottle, frc TO ArVF.t:Tisnns. All persons who eontem tl:ile makim; eoiiir.icts with newspapers for tb insertion of Advettisemcnls bliuaid send to geo. t 0ovveII $ 0o- for a fin htitiilred :lar. or liiel-e 25 cents fur their on eont.illi'lllf Lists of 3.(K:. Neusjr'.jiers and eslimales. showing th cost .f ad e"is!nx. aNo i. riny useful hints lo ad vi'itisers, atrl s'Uiie nefoiml of the experience's .f men who are known :s sm eessful Advertisers, 'this Ii nil are the proprietors of the American Newspaper Adverti&iiijj Agency. pae 1 anil'iuei. 41 Park How H anl are poss.-ssed of unequalled facililles for se emiier tne it!-eilioii of rolvertiseinents in all No spapcrs and ivrioiiicals ;it lowest rates. Book far the Million MAFtHIAGE GUIDE. l A ; iiv.-i:e tuni: el lor to the i ito or i :o e i'lioi.t to mr iolojL'ie:i myste ;ual "system, I h and preventing unliloxioii. Ac. ! ry on l lie pliy r!es and revelations of the sc latest diseovrries in proiluein oiisprm, llow to pic-el ve liir I his is an interest ihk worK of tv.o hundred and twenty-foiir ptifjes. with numerous eiirav iaus, and .ii.t.iiiis valuable information fol those who are inarrieil. or contemiilatimr mar ii:tL'e. still. ;t is a l onli 1 hat ottuht to be kept under loi-k and key, aud nd laid carelessly nhout the hoi se. Sent to attv ote i frei n( jxistfire for SO cents. Addr'.'-s l'r. Hulls' Misj-ensary, o. 1-, "lb slreot, St. Louis, Mo. Xutiee to tlie Alliictei! nnd Unfortunate liefore ;iij.!im; Hie notorious quacks who re'.vettise in imIiIic pajwr. or iisjim any rpi.-iclc .remedies, jieruse Dr. Uiills' v.ork. no matler v. hat yeiii- disease is or how deplorable youl Oolldit'oll. ir. Imtt-s cau be consulted, personally orb mail, on the diseases menlioi!d in his works. (Mice. No. l. N. Kiirht street, between the Mar kei a!:d Chesnut. t. Louis, Mo. dec2-lf ON MARRIAGE. HAT f'Y Ttelb f fr Yo:tn? Men, from thV ef fects of 1!: t ors and Abuses in early life. Man- hootl restored. Impediiiienis to marriage re' moved. New moCind. of tp-iilment. New and i e,n,irka!ie n :.n ili. s. Hooks atid Circulars sent five PI se iled ellVeloes. Addle-,. IIOW.VI.I ASSOCIATION, No. t, So::Mi Ninth Mreet. I'liihKU-lphi.t, I'a. an Instl t ;:t inn ha r. ;t liiv'.i rcpulatiou for honorable coini net iiiidVro'essiouul skill. L-- (in i ADVERTISEMENTS.! The adrerVxrra below refer you to tht f'ubH.df.rH of this paper as regard their1 j.fifcct rfliafjillh', arid irhen periling to i 'a m, y-leis", mention yu a:o their Adcer ti.fmrnl in 1hi.3 pvp.tr. "JniiiillralUia, aeHd free their arrarate i-jr ruliK of N lf-Hrnarpinent, Illavtrated ir.-tt'or, anil I'rlre 1. 1st. with a fall lln (ifaiunplca. enalilinir joa to order loth inir dirert from Ihi ir Htiaue, which will l made In the beat utile, hhipped by ex I.-e. f. O. with the prlvlle-e or e aminlntr and returning al their eapeftae. ir nut haiisiactory. CUf QT'f Ka'ofaelf-meaaBfenieBt aeat free OlltSI I UlUrdera aolicited. tit (ruaraatei-d. QtlVO "nd ' ontlia' ( lothlnif a aperlalty. & fJJ 1 O for Iilunlrated M) lea aa J frlce. T A KNOX'S PATKST OSIllMA I MIX T;4 lt Al.f IIABDI, for nmi kliiif allow t arda, Uoxea, Hum la, linKS, Trunka, Ac . Ae. All from lmrli littler up- wardh. Vrtte for de.-ritlve-f.rlro iiat, or ri nilt only a.! for the popnt.ir (1-n-li l. tterl aire, heut !.. i,:.l, 1 Will Dav forllM-irina in.. ii l!i. IVrlL-irtaailafactiunKiiaea. i.:. ti i d, nr nii.ni v ri-.u:lii i. cry il. ('. It;iard Co l.oin. i"r- - ai :i: witnieu ah. 31 UUT atreet, bl. e,-r'ifrMinP ItflAf C C V. f 0 11 1 il tf l U U C3 1 ex !t ear?, j; or irci'rand Trice l.lit. t:. fit KMIK.Kt. Ixmli.no. The 'heapt and Handaoineet Acrtcaitnral 2 M.nA I'lnu'i Jaurnul in this conn try la Uw ST. MiUS 1IIJL4 TARMEP. KiFhtpacea. Fort Coliiama, oolr M - yenr.BiX montha Uli Ota. fuba of ten for . AUrf hNlllTtlll''.lilkm, 414N. Third Strert Bt Ixma. 1WO, 4i P.toef Improved Spnair Kii.mii. for amiupina- uneu au A allver-plaiett a ji otlnT artli'ii a erfect con beat I ndea v. .V- i.!.. Ink. Ink Pail, and tru- i.oa, with Dome oi Vii-.' thrr.-Tii1lre AlpliHte.ls. f iiclowd in a neat box. wlili full In ni in tio'is, acut prepaid for fitly $1 M. The heat thin for Ilia iirh-c ever Invented A'-'1' Wiiiilc'l. If. C. itiV '-r't 'JO; it Olive street, fct. I." it-, 'i-1:.. . AWAKE AK3 PAST ASLEE1 A iH-antiful pair rrreot'h t liromoa, 'endaomely monntrd. Mold every, frlii re fr 1. S t iirepalt" oa re- aji a '4L, -TS V i jftc for either. Arer.U . wfanoaa BaakeJ v. . . . . .-1 J UU- H . A StlP.nnTft I -Tit X.IOU CO..tb -ii W,lnU y.4th M.. Kt. l oiiv. Ho., will, on w t ft t , J. s V I i ' 1 1 j in. 4y