Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 22, 1873, Image 4

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    iS zln,;-;:...i oS xftsO d Czw-i tclr r-' 1 s ,ji Jt K "''
f- 'n - ". 3 .-- . - - ' pJRJSAJ&iY . .-'. , -.' .
. j r, .... - :'. ; "ne'-T I. . ..... , .....-',-
V- . .. . C.J - . . ..... . . -'..IC ...... i
I .anorroK j.aio"''.
J!:;::2r0ClVTI0nAL CQLU
The taindi3 charmed With the new
tQ&&&'4& beauty and"1 harinoiiy in'
the method of creation. 1 r'
LangTtagfeli later date, andbeing
created, in a greater degree, by the
growtlv; of inan himself is more imxJ";
feet Tjiit in reasoning "uioh if 'we
take the same mode, and are charmed
with the game kind of results. Maiis
ft ft It . . .
-;t: ' JTE WET FITTED VP --!
L.-.! t-.c t iTr. '3 ... ?
if.. . f 'i 1 im i
p. ff ; vu
feprt&4l Educational Mcctlus, &c. are inspect"
New rPress 'Kew 'U Type, aim'. ...awv... .liatcrial.
r! est
iiHrfocnen lorir.e f.ancationai i ciutjin, ana
dressed to- Kduoitiotiai CooiriilUoe,
.iji,,, Editorial ConirijJttco.
, (-s.Tf iOUK, CUiiN itEAL, FKEP, " "
r. .'-I t ) : ;:.- j ' . --f 'ii , " " '".
A) )i on band,, and for wile at lowest "Otwti
price. , ; u . .
. i .-. -.'-: t,:, ... -f U.i. ,. .
t?Tlie rjigheet prices paid far Wheat and
Corn." - , I ..... .
: Tanicular attention g!ven to Cvstoiii work. -
t. wi-
Call nnd e owt new lot of LEG AC DLAX K3
"Sixth Street, one dobr'south of M:"un? Call and see4- hinrand "get Machine
field. ' -
All descriptions of work done In the printlns tiiie. ,
Chec30 Tactory It ales.
We are folly prepared to do
1 V-
i the. BoblestWork of creation,
was made Ihe pof scssor and ruler of
the earthf Tty him was given the do-t
toinitW 'fhis implies, 4 in itself, the
power of d'iinoiliu-ing command intel
ligibly.. It . includes the per oide
Z f Hgnatirig the' objects upon the faith;
hnd'itnciucJes the greater' 'power of
in(etHiht:'frrimunimtiorw between
ti mind and mind.. The means by Which
this is dot'.e easiest and best. Js lan
j7 fuage.' Accordingly, the scriid tires say,
that when God had created man, he
" X- coiivrwruTcdnaying a plifase
L, v tu bibgrVhich implies the use of lan
guage, and that it was naturally and
4iintafieouly'underetOGtrby Adam.
Bo, also, God brought the living things
tor Adanito-ree what, he .would call
i them,-&tid Vhat he called tiieni, ihat
was their name. This is all we Veally
liitoie the- or "Kir of language.- But
itsnougTiVo characli rize it as one of
the" bigfiest talents of man; at once aq.
instrument oi reason, ui msmiy, anu oi
progress. H '
...nt.,. 11 rangUare is-an 'Instrument of rea
son. It is not my intention here to en
ter into the controversy respecting!
ancient and modem languages. Jan-
guage is a. Universal element, and JtaiMiu'anrt then suits shall be publicly
great principles can be studied in any
t tongue which jU, not f .absolutely b:vrla
iiaa. ! It ina'-t be; admitted, however,
that ''.the most perfect model of Jan
guage is that in which it can be studied
to the most advantage, and which will
give the nwst-ftecurate conception of
universal (Jraniniar. It is this princi
ple which has probably retained the
classic languages in our universities
lortg aiti-fTthe ieri6d in wliich Ibey
"vVttad Vea5ect'to''Le used, exceiit i as a
jrreTths of education. Assuming that
we take the language of any civilized
nation as the model or subject for the
study of language, let us consider it as
a iVnof, by means of which the mind
is to be developed. Here thel first r
ting to be-Ttiarked is, that this study
develops an entirely netc class of rea
soning powers, j A
Heretofore we have considered phys
ical science only. In language va be
gin the metaphysical; for language is
iu fact the hruige which leads from, the
physical to the metaphysical world, so
far as reasoning goes. So true is this,
that the greatest part of the controver
feies in. metaphysics have arisen froni
the use. of different terms to express
the ttiir'.e idea," the various interpreta
tion of the same terms, and the want
tf terms to express a precise iuea4 c-a
fT The reciehce oi -language, therefore,
develops lacultics of the mind, which
would otherwise lie dormant. It eud3
to the designation aiid separation of
?da ltUeterhlrtt ef matter. It leads
to criticism. It leads to observation
upon the relations of mind with matter,
to a higher philosojhy, embracing ob
jects Of contemplation without and be
yond the material world. L,e t us con
sider for a moment the process of rea
soning which is developed in the study
of language. Language, to
one1 who
has never thought of it -as
a study,
must apjear a chaos of words.
It has
Come tif l'bn naturally his .mother
tongue tmwethrse words to designate
certain things; but he has never
dreamed that they stand in fixed scien
tific relations to one another, and the
whole hmguage itself was but a sort of
,,;,.4 i,;.. ir
I'll (. u.1 ui in.-, vn u 11111111 11V.
, .
has employed a certain Bound, or com
rf r.-i;r.l Tv-itJi if lc.'.Ta frt ! than tWO-thlltlS t ftS lUlU'll lit
4USlTlficitlon .objecUa.-.ia terms Xo -pltrou shsill f(0(1 whev to
distinct from matter. In line, it leads whose milk is sent to th,e; factory..
bination of sounds, to designate objects ;
and then, by a certain flight of. the im
agination, he has symbolized certain
other things with these. Thus, he hits
yjtCallfti-y a KciN. Wrd ragle;" its
rircohW HjlacV,-" and, observing that
this is a war-bird, he has calied the
War-chief of his nation the "Black Ea
gle." The tirst terms were the simple
designation of objects by terms applied -
to them: the last wjs an abstraction of
those terms to symbolize very different
objects. The first seems to be the re-
fsult of a simple impulse of man to
name things: the second U the exer -
cise of a higher quality imagination.
From tkcujuuiiifcXt this second step is
taken, mind has begun to acend
Ir.onn t , , n uor,. 7 ..TTT
Ihotigh it is only that of an untutored
savage. It i3 thus that language i3
constructed by the development of the
mind, the very ?oul of man itself. 'The
higher the growth, the more extensive
the elements of civilization, the more
extensive will be language. This is
the process by which it is formed;'-' a
process of observation, cf imagination,
of reasoning, and of philosophy.-
"OPwllpT rration of liigli
civilization, this process ha.-? been
carried on till its language
has become various, extensive.
classtfesl embracing all theuojectsof
of literature then the structure :md
relations of that language becomejv
ecience; a science which leads us jnto
lbtUrnaioi'netaphysics', which leads
tiagn-rAf VrocfseS trrreasoTiUrg,
and contemplates the highest objects
Of philosophy. In reasoning upon this
science, wCJTJtaie it in its perfect
state nd invert the order of its forma
tion. To the unlettered and uhin-
V sJstnKted.nein4r-tlHs vgt arav -vrds
a cEa'jsIt is like the saateiMyjrejrtiri!
of the lofty mountain; stones, roc-Ks,
minerals, earth, -tfater, trees, thrown
together, without apparent f orni or; ob
ject. But the geologist or mineralogist,
like the mathematician, gives eyery
thing a name, a place, a class. j
Then all these confused objectaas-
uine a beautiful order
defect taiiuity of eYerythir.-';
The; following 'are' the rule3 adopted
for the goveroment'-tff -the Cassadaga
CNT.T.) Cheese Factory for the year 1ST3.
"VTe copy thelii' f romthe Chatauqua
Farmer, that :tVStern. cheese makers
may see the regulations adopted in the
East; They will, also served useful
purpose to new factory, organizations:
1. The proprietor vof the Factory- is
to.make and tnKe care--of the cheese,
furnish boxes, salt, swathing, coloring
jmatter, box and weigh the cheese, mark
the-boxes, make out bills, tally out
cheese to cheese 'drawers, keep "the
book, and tally the same at the point
of delivery, receive ..the money for the
cheese, and disburse the same among
the patrons, for the sum of one and
jtliree-foiurlbs .cents per. pound this in
eladea jntruns sending-' ' milk ' five
months. Patrons sending milk four
months pi ul less than five' months, will
be 'charged one and 83-100 cents per
pound;, .patrons sending ,.milk three
rrionth3 findless than, four, months,
will be charged one 05-100 cents 'per
.per pound;, patrons sending milk less
than three months will le charged two
and 1-100. ; . -
l..JEach patron, shall .furnish ' pure
and sweet unskimmed milk, and each
one furnishing milk shall strain the
same at the time of milking,, and if any
is reserved for use it shall be of an
average quality given by hi3 cows.
5. 'The - milk of ..each patron deliv
ered at the factory, shall be properly
tested once in each month during .the
stated to those patrons requiring the
samn. ; i '
G. Any patron that knowingly skims,
waters or adulterates his or her milk,
in any way or form, or takes out the
stripping?, shall forfeit the entire
amount cf milk he or she has in the
factory .at the time of the misdemeanor
and be expelled from the factory for
the ensuing year.-- "When such facts
come to the knowledge of the proprie
tor, he shall retain the money received
for cheese and disburse the same among
the patrons in proportion to their inte
rest. 7. 16 "i ilk" shall ;. bo worked into
cheese.. Tiiich :in the judgment of the
manufacturer a 'damage to the
general interest of tho patrons. ;
'- 8. -Each patron phall bring his1 milk
as often as the ' manufacturer shall re
quire and at or-before the time he may
require; and all cans murt be washed
and scalded daily, and kept sweet anil
clean. . . ' . .
, 9. There shall Ik? a committee of two
to test the milk once in each month. ;
; 10. There shall be a committee on
sale of cheese; said committee.. to con
sist of three persons having interest in
the cheese. Said committee siiall have
power to sell the cheese once in eac h
week, if in their judgment they think
best, and shall see that tho cheese is de
livered according to contract, and each
patron 'shall be to his proportion of the
11; There " shall be a' committee of
three on , whey; that committee shall
be composed of the patrons. 1
. 12, Any patron may take his propor
tion of whey and dispose of the same
as-Jit sees tit, providing he notifies he
committee in writing of the same, on
or before he sends milk to thf factory,
providing ht draws his w hey from the
bottom of the whey-vat; otherwise he
will have to stand the loss or gain in
proportion to his milk sent to th$ -factor-.
No pntron shall take away jnore
bulk of
i ' lU.. nj ; patron who . ta&es away
whey must take it before twelve o'cbK'k
at noon: if taken after, he will forfeit
five dollars, which will be disbursed
among patrons in proportion to the
amount of milk sent to the factor-.
14. The whey committee shall have
power to dispose of the balance of the
whey to the best general interest and
advantage of the patrons, in their judg
ment. 13. That the profit or loss on whey
shall be,, divided or assessed
on the pa
tron, owning the..waui9 in prorortion to
i the amount of milk sent to the factory.
17. The proprietor agrees to make
the whey butter, and furnish sufficient
1 to oiUhe .cheese, ,ihc ...balance to be di-
i .. i x i 111
j vided; the patrons to have one-third,
and the proprietor two-thirds of the
protit."'"The' proprietor is to furnish
salt and tubs.
17. All cheese sold shall be paid for
on delivery.
TT 18. "The" propietnr shalT fake care of
,the cheese up to tho first of December;
if kept later, a-fair" compensation is to
be allowed him.
19. ,Jf there be salt. brought against
the proprietor,' the co.-i of suit on the
jiart of the proprietor shall be assessed
on patrons , irf proportion to their inter-
10. E;m1i person furnishing milk to
t,; faetoiV is' to sim: the-loregoing
Kziyn of-fmr conlemponmcs has no
f;liUi in the fanners, lie thinks their
j opposition to railroads will not amount
TO XY 1 .1 Hi IT, Ot'CiUSO mere WV OllMT
and tToater g.h vaf e s than exorbitant
rates of 'tiansiort;Uion. This is as
tute. Certainly, no one but a political
economist of the most prevtrse type
could have made such a discovery :is
this. Therocjira. many worse things in
the world than a smoky chimney, but
we never heard the bad condition of a
drain or the excruciating noises of a
hnnd-rtrgiEn nrgetl assail excuse for not
mending ft fine. There are worse ills
than a cold, but we were not aware
that people neglected a cough until it
became incurable becouse it is less pain
ful than neuralgia. The tax ou trans-
twirl atioii rn.-iv not be as bad ;is sin at
j t:ick i,v tiie M(h1ocs. or a six mouths
n.uL, were oiir..pHiuw)priirat -contempt
rary I'lanled in the mklst of a Western
prairie where it Uh. five bushels ox
grain to send tlie sixth to market, we
rara inclined oHlrftrk that it would re
gard the transportiori greivanee as re;il
and serious enough to be abated with
out regard to duties on pig iron, Bastt
at notwithstanding. Graphic.
It is generally believed now by mete4
orologicts, says the Aew York Tunes, aralaJwive?a,cytJe-of very hofc
sifniinfr'st Zn Vmlheiit sanitarian ih
the Health Department, Dr. Stephen
Sin it
The--jrt tT-iv wrch in Newark
Jref usi-d toBpr.aceed with
viccs at aTfdueiSr until the Odd Fel
lows' recralia Was
removed from thdl.
rnffin. The lodges feeling insulted.
11. has already issiie-1 a reoort h-t- &si.-.-l.MJz!t.
, which shall prevent the fatai
- i . ... 4
The reaBonttOH3Tr the legnliaqjxlJPeCTal from
church' t rj '
Manufacture the Celebrated
Jubilee , and Temple, Organs
These Organs are linstimnsseil In qualify of
tone, ft vie i. f UnUui SiitiplieUy of construction,
arnl tluiul-ihfy. . . .i
.Also MKLOJEOXS in T:irIous stvles and un-ctiuitl'-vl
lit tone. . "
Send for IliiLstratfd 'at:;l;i"ne.
- . Address .NEW HAVKS ORfiAN CO.,
, . 'cw liaven, I Conn.
J37Agents wanted. ; . - - 4-l3t :
l am now prepared to furnish the besthna
dulteiated niilli ....
To all p;irtk-3 liotifving me
Excelsior Barber Shop.
Main street, opposite Krooks Mouse.
flair Cutting, Shaving ' ' and
Especial BttenMon given to ' . 1 ! " '
Cail and see BOONE, gents and got a boon In a
Iea!-r in
General Merchandise,
Dry Goods,
". . - - JI;tts. Ca;s.
Boots, Shoes
Notions, Sc., &c.
We are Agents for
Wilh-ox tf- Gills' Sewing Machines.
beat of Fresh Meals 'dlicays on
7ta?pcl iu their season.
i i Higlicst Ciif.b Tri.-e pnhl for green hides.
main s:u:et,
PLATTSMOUTlf. - - - - NEB.
' Keef-s e(nitaivt!y on hand iill srarki Articles
Mteh as" -. - --'
Dry Goods,
Jlools, Shoes, &c.
iC usually kej.t in a A'jiriety
le Miitl in K-iiiiH ttmfi: f.,r
i r:r'Kods, and the
All' kinds of lloduce Uikeii mexehaiio !
Highest Mar7cet Prices fiiven in Cash
for Grain. 19
Machine Shop
Way man Curtis,
-1 TLATTf-MOl TJI, NEB., .
" "" -r , .' -
.1 ." . " ' - ' "
jtepairera of Steam Engine, Boilers, Saw and
Ol -l MiiN. i
la"aud fcfeanv rittin'.r. Wrought Iron ni.
Force and I.Ut Tumiw, Sifarn uuagc-a, Safety
Yiilve Uoveniora, aud all k:i:uo of
Brass . Engine Fittings
-l f .v; 4 '
: ' ' " ' ;
Furnished on short notice.
; Farming 'Machinery
E'-inirrd on short1 notice.
! ir: ", i - - . .-m t,j u --
,;Xnd,4eaer iir in Vhfidst dZ
JIais 2ftcifri2;it doof t& frJoliitmiiie.-
riATTSMocrnr:- v- ,- neb.
4jrw'Ts4i'.? ttd-Voriitnc neatly
-mfrai3 ntf-TTKiea rn snc7n notice."
; Every; Kind and T
Send in your orders for , . . -j .
Um on hand, one of
Olotliins ami 'Gents : Fu'niisliiR; Goods : for SDrini?
7 I lavite everybody in want of any thing in my line to call at my store.
South Side Main, Between Fifth; and, Sixth Streets.
And convince themselves of the fact. I hro-V n4 i ppcfiulfr In lny Retnll Toptrtiaent a select
stock of i'ine Clothing for Men and Hoys to which we invito those who v;oit coods.
ifT I alo keep on hand a large and well selected stock of Ifats, Ci'.ps, Hoots and Fhoes. S-10
Xj. J" 0"BC;2sr;S O j
ViT" Opposite the, Platte Valley House, in Bchlaters Jewelry Store.
Main Street, PlattsmouthNebraskak V'
ST LOUIS, . - tvHp
m&CO'Si U
&iix trst-tkss ; 1iiuo5 auV rgctns.
Wholesale and net ail Dealer ia Stilnat, S'ictt Mu.;ic and aiL kind o Musical Merchandise
',... McsiCAii Instkcmrxts Tuned and la-paired Satisfaction Guaranteed. '
tow fimm .SASY
r? T'"!s e n now he honght in Dulce's Addition to the City of rialtsinoath, st prices ranging
from to $M and on terms ho easy that pcrs-nis wiih . . . -
- vT -I t: ' -"J
For those who want town property either to la -Id for a speculation or to build
'upon, this is a rave chance to get it. TheseJots are in a delightful
location, and are dotted over with a
Young1 ami
YThith add materially to their value. ; -.- I ,. j
Parties wishing to perchnse or loi.ft at t'iese tot . 'will ? -hown tieMii, or feive.ii any infor
mation desir-d. l-v ca'.liinr on K. T. K E or il I.' if K.N NET.!'. Kxecm.irs of the Kdtate of S.
Dl -1-iE or IK H. & l'l.. ami it.l:S KS i I ( i.l..iL K, licai itatc Agents.
Kor eaIi l.'ie ai-ove ir.ei-s iil he tiisconnted U-n per rent.
l'latlsiaouth, Nehriwivit, October 21'i la72. f... --v -.- : f
S, BLOOM :'Sc- CO.,
m r
-;5.A cce
Blankets, Rubber Goods,
Slain Street, Scernd Door East of Court ilome,
BRANCH HOUSE i:ro;;ivay. Council BlufTs. Iowa.
Southwest Cornet J Iain .Street,1 PJattsmouth,' Nebraska.
D re s Goods, Prints.-i - ' '-; -'
;i ? ! :. .Delaines. Ginghams, '
IZ tk z , ... -Uiown
;: c llJleaeliefl Cott'Jrls,'1 ' .n ' , - ,
Clarlv's new Thread,
jn the Cli-occfjiimc wfxkt'bp tlid"FilNrET.aiid Best- --' .
TeavrCoffee, ? :r r:h S-lgar, Molasses, - - . ' ..' : . . " "
:t DneJ'T-rit.f" i. . .s - - Spices, ettw tte, : - -
u ia'i ior 1 otir; 1 .- - :':-..,- jxarawiire;
QaeertswVffrCZ'lv'' -'i1 t;'YHii.Ware.i'V; -
" dlassivave, " a j .Yankee XotKms, -j f;-
-S-H-lV'rHats and G4l.-.L:' j s and Shoes,
-,--1 -"' v -
Style of Printing.
the largest stoclis of .
Beautiful iCTrowth of Forest Trees.
A-O. i.
. .- -rur-.--
- . v 1. .
Trunks, Valises ' etc.
l'laltsaiouth, Ncbnuska.
the jPriccs ! !
Uoots and Shoes,
-Balmorals, Carpets,
C'ctton Yarns,
TO"5-'-' rriifif-'-jv
- " ' - - - -T '- "
Look to Your Children.
The Great .Soothing Hemedy.
MRS. i Cures -i,.ic :i'd :ri ii:n:; I'M Pries
Whicomb' tli'- bowcis, nnd I'.K-iiilaUs: 2
Syrup. :t!ic !nx-i-ss of tr ll,;:;. ;Cc.-:.
MRS. Sii!'.(iii-s iiVuisiitis ai-d: Price
Whiteomb't overcomoa :dl !is;'ust-s 2- .
Svrup. jdt-Dt to ilif.ilifs and riiiliiit 'i. Ct?ni.
MRS. j (.'U!'.s Ii.-.nim-i', 1);. -.:iic-; fr'ee
''hJlcomi's ry Mid .Kii:ii;ir I'lui-u-iiil ia; 2
Syrup. . jci iklrvij f ail ajres. iCenis.
It is t'.ie guar Lnf;iut .' and (1iH(Iii-ti's Sootli
in l:'t!i(riy, in a!l (iiori-irrs lii-ija,;iif . u Jv.
te-tli!iiK orjiiiy other t-ituse. - "'
I"ivo;t;i-;l by tin? (itafun Mediilne Co., 6t.
Louis. 5t i. J
Siil l l:y lrr.gsists and dc-alcrs in Moiiii-incs
evtrywi.iTe. tk-c-J-wly
Vinegar nittes-8 are not a vile Fancy
Drink, u;ftde ot I'oor Kum, Whiskey, Proof
Spirits Hind Refuse Liquors, doctoral, splceH,
anil pweotoncJ to jileiiso ti;e taste, calloj
"Tonics," " Appi-tizfrs," ' KL-.storei-s,"' Ac.
tliat lead tlie tippler on to tlrunkenue.-yj anil
ruiu, lnt tire a tree Medicine. lriu;Ie from tho
rp.tlve roots nnil tierlis of "nlifoniia, rrec from
all AiroHulio Stimulants. They ar-. t(; Great
liloo.l PtiritiiT ai:d a I.ife-pRiiiR l-r:!:f:i;i!e. a
I'erfect Renovator and laviKoraior of tlie Sys
tem, carrvijijj off ail pos.-.mou3 matter aad
restoring tlie blood to a iicaiiti.v coiuliiton, t-n-richin?
it, rcfrc-sliins end iavieoratUiir boiti
mind and body. They ar easy of administra
tion, proaipt ia their action, certain iu t!;eir
results, nafe and reii-.oilv? ia till fortns or disease.
An i'rritnn rau take ll:cso Bittcis ac
Ccrdinst to daectioiis, and rt,:i:;iia loiisriin well,
provided tlieir boms are not' destroyed ty
mineral poison or oilier us, kit-1 ti.e vital
orgruns waste;! lieyond t!te point of repnir.
lyMcsii or iudi;es3 ioi. ileadartte,
ram i;i Oie Shoulders, t oughs, TiLrn:n3 oftha
Cliest. lhzzincs. Sour Knn tii)i-.s of theS!tni
neh.nad Taste ia the Mon:ii,R';ioitK At iacKs.l'al.
pitation orttie I!oiirt.Initniiui::iiioii of tlie l.unjrs,
i'ain in the regions of the Kid:i.'..s,aiid a Imndrud
otiier painful pyniptoms-. are the oiiv-prii'.ps tf
Iv.-popi!i. Iu these cnip:jiti'.s r. li.ts noe(,,
Htid one t-ottle will prove v. l-cttcr fru trautee of
lt-s merits than a lensrtliy dt rtist.'.u at.
Kur l-malc Cmiij1i-. iu.. in youajr orold,
married or smie, at the u.iwu of v. ew unhood,
or the turn r life, the.-i- Ton;.; iliiii-is display mo
decided an influence tnat a mailed jmpro-.c-lueut
is w.on jh
For lntiautnmtory Clirotitc
RhciiuiotUiii and Oout. Dyspepsia or ludi
pestion. litimus. Kemiiteat mid l.'iienuiitent
Fevers, Diwuws of tlie Woc.d.i.iver. Kidneys and
TdkidiW r. iliese Hitlers lnirc 1m .-ii Musi suci cssiu!.
Such Diseases are caused by Vi!i:.ledHlix;d,. hl, h
is generally produced ly deratigenient of the
-. DiifesUvu OrjianR. -
ilirynro i icnle Purj5tt-e ns x-ell
st a Tonic, possessiiiR also the pe; nMar merit
, vf ac'.Hig as u powerful aent in lelicviusr 'ou-
" pcstioti or Ia:!.iniiu:iti'.n of the Liver and is
ceral urjrans and ia JiilioiLs Diseases.
Ko i-Ski ii JJiscnscs. Krnplioiis. 'letter. Salt
Rheum, n:ot lies. Spol. Dimples. I'nstnles.l'oils,
(.'nriuueles,ltiii'r-worius. Scald-1 lend. Sure Kjes
Kl-vsipcia-s, Hch. .Sciirls, Discuiorrnioiis of the
Skin, ll'Jinors und Diseases vt tll-j Skin, of
whatever nanie or nature, arc literally dujr up
and carried out of the system iu a short tinie by
the use of these Hitters. One bottle in such cases
' vfil Coti viuce the most Incredulous of their cur
ative cifecis.
Cleanse tlie Viliatnl Rlootl 'whenever
you tnl its iiupurities bursting through the
' ikin In nmplc. Drupilons. or Sores ; cleanse It
when yon find it obstructed aud &!ugirish in tho
veins ; cleanse it when it is foul : your feelings
will tell you when. Keep ihe blood pure, aud
the health of the system will follow.
. Ctrcfnl Tloumls prorhiim Yiseoar
DiTiKits tlie niott wonderful luviorai.t that
ever sustained the Plnkinar system.
Pitt, 'i'npe, nnil othrrWornn, lurVini;
' ia the vsteia of so many thousands, ore cnVc
luallf destroyed and removed. Says a litin
puished pltvsiolojrlst : There Is scarcely an tndi-
. vidua! oh tlie face of the cart Ii whose body is ex
empt from the presence of worms. It is not up
on the healthy elements of the body that worm
exist, but upoa the diseased humors arid Biimy
' deposits t!iat breed living lnonstei-s cf
dis4-Hse. No F.vstem of luedi::;ae, no venniiutrcR,
tm oiith'-liniiiiiics. will fixe the system Iroai
worms likc"the; Dluors.
SIcoliniili-iil DiarngeH. Persons cntTiised
In Taints and Minerals, such as Plumbers. Type-
. soucis, Gold-l'ealers, aud Jiiners. a: iuey" ad
vance In -lif", are mib.ieet t- paralysis of the"
Dowels, 'i'o eur.rd thi-i. tnkc a dose ol
Wai.xkii'.s ViNE-'iAi; I'tiTKiw twk j a week.
: : tiioiLS. liL-miltut, - and - Iiitci inil
tcsit i'c-veis. uiiich are so p.revulent iu the
valleysof our jrrer.t rivers throturlaait the I'nit'-d
-ftaU-s. espctiaUy those of tno, 01:i:,
Missouri, Illinois, Torinesce, ";uul eiuiml, Ar
k annus, Red, Colorado, Dr.izos, Rio i;rantle,
IVarl, Alabama, M'jbilc, Savannah. Roanoke,
James, aud many ctheM, -ish their vast tribu
taries, tliruiifrhout our entire country duriiig
the Suniuiei- aud Autumn, aud remarkably oo
during seasons of uausnul lieaiand dryness,
invariably accotupanied by extensive derange
ments of the stoiuacli and liver, and other uij-
-" domiaal viscera. In their treatment, a pnrpra
tlve, exerting a powerful uulueuco upon tlx-se
various crpaus, is eauient tally ucces;iry. There
is bo cailiartie for the piup'-se eijuai to Di:. i.
WAl.KtK'8 Vinkiiak, as they wid
speedily remove the dark-eoloiej vLcid matter
vith which the bowels are loaded, at the same
tiiiiemiHHoiiUntf the secretions of the liver, aud
peaerally restoring tha healthy functions ot the
d i yes live organs.
Smilnln, or Kind's Evil. White Swell
1ns, I lctrs, Dry;-i;R-la.-. weiied u--K. ,oi!re,
.Scrofulous Inflammation.-!, la.ioi.nt Iriilamrua
tions, Ab-rcurnd AUectioas, t)!d Sore. Lrup
tions of the Skin, fSore Kye. etc.. ete. In tneso
asm all other constitutional Diseases. Walker's
Vjnkoah HilTEits have shown their (Treat cura-
" tive powers iu the most obsunate aad miracu
' able cases.
Ir. Walter's California :
Uilters act ou all these ruses In a Minjlar
. manner. - By pnrifyinir the Dkiod they remove
the cause, and by resolving away the eilccts of
the inilammntion (the tuiM-rcnlar deposits) the
affected parts receive heaitii. aud a pcrmaueat
, ctire is effected. -
Tlie i)i opertIr of DK. Tm Krt:'S VtvrOAR
: Dittsks are Atttn'etit, 1 'iaphor-'tie,
ntlve, Nuiriiioiis. Duircnc, t-ed.i-tive,
. CoanU r-IrriUiOt, iudun&c, Alterartve.-
and Ami-LiUous.
Ihe Aperient and miid T.axaTlvft 'pmpt-r-tks
of Da.'b VjXKiiAit DirrKR4 are
the best pafe-gunr-l in ras'-s of eruptions sunt
malignant fevers, thetr balsamic, fcenltnz, and
Foot litns: proper! u s protect the humors of the .-
-lauces. Their Stdadve properties allay pain in
the nervous system, ptomai-h. and luivi is, t iiUe-r
.from iuilamniatlon. "wind, eolie. cr-.ins, et'.:
l-'ortifj- tlie body aaiast uisne Dy v
purifying all its fluids with Viskgak'Kiitehs.
J -epldeauo can take hold of a system tuua
Uirectlons. Tato cf the I'.iaer oa jre'rt?
to k.-U at niiriit frrm a ha'f to one and oiic-hblt T
wlue-prlusr.iuU. bat prol iroorl -hi'i t"o.l. "ueh 1
. aa betf-ste.ik, mutton tuDiv, v'a.-aa. r:M b' ef, r
ami rewMf,- rrt-iako ont-drioT X'",t;.-te. t
Tky ar. eorupjted rf fHireiy vegetabiv ltro- J
ie ti. PieifrlAi.jr CO..'!-.' i
Crnsists an-i ilea. Act-.. I-aa Krau- nto. Ca!.
A- corof Ws&fcliitUoa ia4C".;aBUuu 6t., K.i". "
ila3 been before tho American public
OVER THIRTY years. It haa never yet
failed to give perfect satisfaction, nn l has
Justly been styled tho panacea-for nil ex
ternal Wounds, Cuts, Turns, Swelunrs,
Sprains, Braises, c, kc, for Mm nnd
Da8t. No family thou'd be a 6Dle day
Ealladay's Patent Wind HUE
IXri'-!-.; and Si'i';!e
Feed Fh it's, etc.
Tlie !:ri::-,.i-iy "Tri '
teen j ;.'!. h tit !
rope ami Is the i.uiv
i-.t tlli
I Si:-:.-r,-.';!v
est for :I-
;i :. :A 1 -;;;.;!
ti !-v
Railroada nnd Farmsrs.
Teems J.itu r;! " ftfii.t f--r ":-f rd-i.-i'- and" i'ri.;e
List. .. L. t'!!i:-.;, Lincoln, Kc!'.
XJ-.Hj L J. A01i v..,
-.M-j-.i: in
C'lii-N. "
, , ,
Of .-.'1 tlt-serlptir-US.
rIeiallio burial Cases.
Ji v-:
or at,: r::::s.
Ready Ma-h- tmjjold Cheap f,r Cavi.
Willi many t'r'.nas for ;;::lion-;: I i.tte
aM'to ;i nil ev;itoiTie iny It::." i'ii--tiLttrc
':. I ("i-n'.ps. j.r.,."S
Only 50 Cents por'Bottlo.- j
It promote the GROWTIf, yiMWERTii
the COLOU, nnd increase tho Vifior
and BEALXVi-i the XIAiit.
Ovrn Tutbtt a-.o l.Tox'n KTWtaor
Tnn Tire Hnv m i rt trtiw-l in lio rtnrkt t'f
I'rofosBiU' K. 'llioU!:. ljtx.f uluaiew rrimetoa.
Collett. 1"li nauu. i jnaa tt w-k.
'KATHnO'WiJ'iitv esr to r, ,tr,j , I'UMlr.
wfir. Tr.fe tmT it tun rcc: ivnd. nuJ thspfl-a-1
laxity it bai i i . i- inrpri-coLkeute.l niri in i
114 It iiicrei-jje-i I !i Onorrg an i Ur.vtir"' "i-r
IlAlB. It i A dKiasluiui It mat
lau(1ru:r, It i-rewnvi iit tLur front turoin? ta'y
Jt keep tile ii-.-ld :ioi. ai. 1 ivuR the iiiir l n '
loiy atiiHamn-Trt. lci tlio in '-a7",1 1
ao-i ynAt.rrY ii, rrer a V'AKTr:: i-f 1
lunt A HO, and i- xj iv .-ill Unicxl- "I 4 M,'a"
try Stores t uu!y 1-ifty Cents I'iT rfoule.
h-m mij w.- -
-' -i J I
a ;...' " J
f'-a .-!-aB .rTB": . J:T - -4.
' , ' I
S'l-i.l"l H -H 1$ 2 J1 ft 43 !
wilhont tT.Ia Liniment. . Tlio money re
funded unless tho Liniment I na rcpro-Bente-1.
J5o pure nnd pet tJo fonuino
liy all Drnp-pists and Country Ftores.vat
2-rc., 00c. and 1.00 per Cot'tlo.
Btylo, size of bottle, ixc, , . . ,
Tt AnvKUTIsr- lts. A'! j-i-rtohft who fo'itrtn
plate tiiai. i:o; ei:d r-ieis v. it i new ip:ip,-S for Ui
ii:-,e.-tlon ot Advet:is i:n u!n .Uctild Head t'J
l?eo.3, Hcwdl O0'
or a (Ar: ii't.xr, r i:u-lo -etils f - r llo'ir "i'.o
!u:i'.r r. t p:-'.t'' l'.cr.:l;ltt. (i.i.iittii! l.'Hs of
:i,(t,ri N.-w i;: i rs iin'.l t--i i;n;i 1 e:i. -iiowme ti'"
t.-:.s vS ;.'! '-:"' i ii. ;!: i -;n n-ef :il to nd
CTi isi-is. .illd oi;i- i!i--ttm'0( tti"" eVi'i-rli ltreS
of men w ho are i:!e. e. ti ,-. s'u ((.-:':! ;nlv r'.iseM.
"i'l-i-i tin. l ll- " i"'! !:--ror- i f tint Atueiio'i
N'cw:oMjH-r Adwiriisi.t,; .Vciu-y.
A A.
Ail ! ill! p.i ! .r il!i!:leS for e
eiiiili t'o- iii-e;p-ei uf im'. ei t !--ii i nt III ail
. tv. s; - ::i;d J'.-i'i ii :m-i ut iov. - '-a rales.
Back for tho Million
MAiniAGE'! A 1 liMite rutrpsHNtr to tilt
GUIDE, j ' ;trr!' I nr ihoso iittit to niar
,I on lii f-iiyMli.;!eMi my-te.
r'rs ftnd rfn'ntiois of the s-vii-tl svstem. the
i i 'v-i-i-s in proilnciti; ;;ud -veiiting
ofispr'n-r. lifiiv n. jn e-ei ve l lie rtiini Ii vii-n. Kr.
i uis ii ;:u ir:t'-i --! inyr v otk of two hundred
and 1 v. ; y-f.-mr p n;;-.-. ". :th imuie'inis -iir;i
;.;itl' -i;itH iM .. ;ihta!iln ii.inr:;i;itiiii for
i' -i' !io ;:r-ion: i :el. "r ronu-iiiiil.-itinu mai -1
ii-. . ' M ;'!. it u ! tii,-.t oii-;Ii to li kept
.-i..t - !-; an-l Key, and i:ot laid careiessly
uK -nit !i" li'i-r.,-.
l-er.t to iiiiy i-ae ;fiee .f po-dittxe i f-r !Vt C( nt.
ddre--s I V. Ii..-.:1-' li--;iel..i..i. No. 12, S'.U
l -t, St. Louis', ilo. . ,
Xuiico i"tli'.' Aniicti-l iii!! Oiriirtunato
P- "i ir"i Il:'.;f i!:e !io:! ij' who
a'!verT:e in ju "ii' p;it-'J i. or ll-iiti any p:;o-k
r- tii.-tl : . j.i-iii )r. I' :tts' no mat ti r
wli.-S. yoer d weas is of hnv Ui-jdoraJl yotil
eouoiiio'i. .-i
1M-. li-T'enn In ron-c'led, iero:i:i!!y fr I'f
lo-iii, ( :i t iie di-e:ises He nt imied iti l.ts work,
onii e, 2 N. i:i,.'iii iieei lu-meen the Mar
M.:! t. !.e.-i:ut. S. Lnai.-.. !o. e.-2-ly
t: MTV V.-A'-f M-n. from t'.:i
; s of Krror-t n! Ah: 'i aily ilfe. Man-i-.i
:id t- tored. ilu'i-.'t.-ne:.-- to "mai il.l'-'i'
1 1 ,-----i . - .Ni VV lilr! '.';'. i' t i '-'J nielli. New ail'l
I rV.:,Inf i elii "i s. I'iU:?; s j.n ("Ireul-iiH nelit
i'i-.-e i '.enl-"! ? !i V.'J.iWJ.
d-lr ililV,' V i -f .i '-': IATION. No. 2,
-oi.tli N'v !i Ktre. :. 1 !:!! d loi.iii. I'M. an ?:ml
tut.oii hsivi- a ; hi.-jli i-ej-'iiattois f-.-r Itoaomolo
i-o.'iilucl ;ilol .-Kui.-ii .r.i!l.
- tlil . . ...
h. 'oi t r'fer ?oh il the
r, r "- writing to
t'rrt V'li mu: their A'ittr-
i ;, r
-M frTJ C. Vh H! . St. f.i.'ii. !Bi., will, on
t y5,i.;' k. n-i !- lr,r erurt
rV. r:ti-7 ef S-tt-'tea.-m-le.tal, IlluktriitM
'i-'A ( "irs-ul.-iT, Mil t-fk.f l.ihi, lih fnll linn
v-1 ( I'm; n: ;'. ., ttsl.ilr-x to f.nlrr loih
. j-j ' 1-;; j!r-i ( Vrt in t!;; lr lii.ute, nblrll will
f J ) tukilr in tilt lr-t M;l. Kbi)ii hr
ir-".. ('. !.. v i'.b tha rirl;r- of rx
!i3 . ': m-1 r !urni:.t l ti.oU tUHBfcf ,
if ( t-a'ifTiStn'-j.
"C'f IliiVsCf K--ri!iiifiBrf mrnt f at frf
Cit- I J Jr-i. r -. n-i i.-.i. tli t-uruUfl.
ut. a Vutiio' Ci 1 Must a njw-ia!tr. krn.l
C?J l: V J'T !l:;e.trut. d f-tj au
3 I' .
ntu::(jv-, i-at:t iomh!'.a-
S 1 l;iKTi;N il." Al.l'l
r. -" i -. i'.' ?l f--r i.ii fc:nf el.uw Car-Is.
.-rirx's' W ir" l-'e. i! t
,ii; ut. r,
I srde. !. -r t..i"--y n :u.-w I. JfiH waiitM Ail
1 I .VK8 i'i. M;iii-'I to-, J.I-OUIU iiet, M.
1 ""'' "' ' - i - i
rr!o'sirir s tj i--t '''" '
I fiCf iikviitElt Jl M-Jv5di ct'-s'' urr.SMjfi.f
t i-nr-rrwii. I f'f V,. l.'.-f . I . I il S Oi! l. I '.nii.yo.
I 1 rv f -.'-ii'l -t 1 .-Tr-i"i-r5t Af-ri'-tilr-irnl
0 iiJ r-m lo .:ju--i: 1 ia tr.'a -5-u:itrr m in
1 y , .,-. i.t;Li .vi,-.i.4M r.ti;:tk
1 W.
t t; x ' ' 5""' t r " . t.
!m I'.i-i, .
1 !ii it i.i-.ti Iwi . i ; foil t'i-i...
..... lift nr. i:.l I-fur E
1 i.-' 1 i; i '! ij," !!.: l.:i'-c. E'
.'.:: :.wCv.,i.iiiyuVi.K-.ct,S:W 't '"
i 1...- rl." '""-. ' - - '
.,v7r!r.? - snnr? w ?kt ?
. 6 , J .4 vi V t,s i. J i.-ii i
f (t r? Jiii.ui yittr f brxnrit 4'h
iirniMa. '
i L H I ujairfvij:!)" iiiiiei.-J, miM Terj
4t hjff wtt'-rn- ftr f.i. Sent pnp4'd cn re
i V' i- -,...i .. wl .".Il . o... . II
. VT i; Mii.1 l 1. nr .ill fr dtnr. imirti
. Jjije v ia "Wat tlTiwooEi to.-.- I
vi' '.v f'ki i 'V'3 V'A "; 1 It 1 ii'i'Ui nl t lot bie r
"..-. -i iiJ u: tin- un te.
kV,; r "v. I Ail pi .;.'. H lin-n letter i.p-ir-":
'..''."'; h:h. Vii fui" ili-Ki-rli.ino
v . '.',- 1. 1 ) ili-t. or remit oi.lj il-r tlio
. ! Ll'x ' j .r ii"' n Jwlleri heut
' .' &S Ji-.f. '1 II .:i l.ii- 1IIM-1I in A
k.;-X rnoiioi. f ""rt -"! r.n l.-i'i.iliii cur-
, I
4 H
: 1