V THE 'HER A I I). LOCAL NEWS. L C A L ADVERT18 EM KNTS. Transient 25 cent aline. Kctrular advertisers 10 cents per line. No advertisement Inserted for loss than 25 cents. LckrI advertisements will be charged to the jautle handing them In. COMMUNICATION'S. At Our space Is limited, all communications ffiust be brief and to the point, with bo wast of WOrdA SUBSCRIBERS Ajc requested to notify the office It the paper Is not delivered promptly. NEWSPAPER DECISIONS. 1. Any person who take a paper regularly from the post office, whether directed to his ni'iic or whether he Is a subscriber or not Is res;onsible for the pay. 2. If any person orders his paper discontin ue 1. hi must pay all arrearages, or the publisher roiv continue to sMid It until payment is made, fend collect the whole amount, whether the pa per Is taken from the oflice or not. 3. The courts hare decided that refusing to taKe newspapers and periodical from the post oSh. or removing and leaving them uncalled fur. Is prima evidence of ixtextial fraud. Nutickto Every body. All subscribers pay ing for their paper to ns, and ordering It stopped at a certain time, will find It so stopped ; but we cannot be responsible for what has been done before our time, nor for orders supposed to be given by others to others. Our books alone uiu.it be the guide for all old subscriptions. Pie ve remember this. Call and see D. Sehnasse & Co.'s new goods. Bargains at Hank Streight's. tf. A new lot of blank deeds, summons, su'tp'jcnas. fca, &a, for sale at the Her ald cilice. Co to Vivian's tor the good things of this life, Mil happy. 5-3t Jr.Iiers for 5t.40 at r-u.d go barefooted? the Shoe Store. Who Btf. Having just received a largo lot of Envelopes, and Letter Heads, we are pse pared to till large orders in that line. Handsome dress tfoods at Clark riummer's. Remember the place. 5t2 & New Goods at the Shoo Store, cheaper than ever. B-tf. The riace," on Main street looks am bitious, but what folks get there Ave don't know, as yet. This has been a windy week, and that accounts for the wind being raised so high on the Trunk road busi ness. Everybody, including the Railroad Company and its wife, went up to the circus on Saturday evening, on a "spe cial." Our office is sharpened up to kill and if we dont have some sharp editorials now it will not be because the scissors, grinder has'nt been round. Can't we have a street sprinkler go ing pretty soon, now. The dust on Monday was ferocious, penetrating, op:ijue, obtrusive and intolerable. A Fox after a mule is a funny sight sure enough; but a Fox chasing two mules ran be seen on the streets of I'lattsuiouth any day. S;utro Justice Ilainvs tried his first case on Tuesday, and a hard case to try It was, with very little fat for either the Justice, client or attorneys. "Yiley Black has rented the office formerly occupied by I). II. Wheeler fc Co., on north side of Main street, two doors from the Herald office, and is llttipg it up for a Xo. 1, Ice Cream .saloon, Where's the man wanted to bet the Omaha Herald had a larger circula tion, in the country than the Nebraska Herald, last summer? Why, if Ro sey is to le believed, we can almost dis count the great Omaha Herald's daily and weekly circulation. "What a bag of wind some folks is?" Wixxl thinks well write the circus tip. We didn't go up to sf the circus, went to get a tooth pulled more fun in that. All the boys went to the circus though, and three of them cir-cussed down on the other side next day, hav ing stepped too long at the side show to catch the regular "special," on Sat urday night. Spring Goods at Sehnasse & Co.'s. They're goiii fast ; cull and see them ere they fllj. 6-lm. Nebraska Sondin? Fine East. Stock to the Major Bohanan, of s Lincoln, passed through our city on Thursday last with a buffalo cow four years old, and two elks, one four and the other one year old. Mr. B. has sold these ani mals to some parties east, and delivers, them in Chicago together with as fine a lot of beef cattle as we ever saw. On the same train was Mr. Tom. Palmer, taking a couple of fine horses East for delivery. The prettiest "bosses" and wagons that travel this country belong to the Nebraska Lightning Rod Company, at Plattsmouth ; and by the way, the Ne braska IIekai.d Company is another gHd institution in Plattsmouth, and .,.,;,,,.. ....iim -i ju.ti iumiutu njr nut; iinie- pamphlet for the Lightning Rod Co., which tells all about the way to knock lightning endwise, and save your "housen" and things, and we advise everybody to read the circular and then go in for a Tubular Star Copper Rod, and thus "copper" on old atmos phere himself. THE NEXT AGRICULTURAL COX- CRESS. A pamphlet- setting forth the aims ant' objects of the National Agricul tural Society was handed us at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of Wednesday, the 14th, two hours before we go to press foV our Thursday's issue. We cannot and will jiot publish any matter sent us from another office at that late date. Much as We ' resjiect and believe in the interests of the fann ing community, they must send their publications in time, or we cannot give thwn space. Book 6tr. "The American Stud Book is com pleted. The index, being copious and complex has given much trouble and slightly delayed the publication of the work. It is thought, however, that the volumes will be ready for delivery to subscribers by the 15th of May at the farthest If they are not ready at that time, it will not be the fault of Mr. Bruce, but of those who perform the mechanical part of the labor. The work has been completed at the cost of much time and labor, and it can hardly fail to give satisfaction to those who want something of standard value on the genealogy of the horse. Groceries sold canned fruit, &c, cheap ; fresh at Vivian's. vegetables and 5-3t. A Whole Library. In presenting a young friend with Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, we have given him a whole library the most remarkable and complete compen dium of human knowledge ever pub lished in a single volume. A man may purchase a Bible first, and then a hymn book, if he is inclined to psalm-singing, but the third look should lie Webster's Unabridged, as it will . prove a great fountain of intellectual light, and will 1m worth a hundred times its cost to any family that pretends to keep up with the civilization of the age. In dustrial Age. The only exclusive Boot and Shoe Store In Cass County. Nothing below cost, but cheaper than ever. Pftek Mercs. Harpers' have a good one this week. A delegation of old fogies are waiting for admission to the President, to ad vise him on the Modoc affair. Cavalry sergeant, admiringly: I say. Corporal, ef the fluv'ment is opposed to scalpin', why don't they send them fellers out to fight Injins." "Tip-Top," of the I'lattsmouth Her ald, was caught last Wednesday during the severe storm, affectionately hug ging a telegraph post. Ain't you ashamed of yourself? Ashland Re publican. What do you hug, pray ? Anything ? Don't believe you've got even a lamp post to squeeze. CHURCH BENEFIT. We are informed that the ladies of the Episcopal Church propose to give an " Old Folks Concert," before long, for the benefit of the Church Fund, and to help pay off .its indebtedness. An entertainment of a Dramatic nature is also talked of. They meet this even ing, at Mrs. Whitromb's rooms, to de cide on the particulars. The cheapest p'ace for your foot gear Is at the Shoe Store, of course. Peter Mkrc.es. few4 We take pleasure in announcing that Mr. C I. Cary has lought out Frank Carrutb, in the Photographic business, and will continue in the same line at the old stnd, corner of Main ilnd Fifth streets. Mr. Cary is a good artist and will, no dpuLt, give satisfaction to his nume rous patrons. We have leen congratulating our selves on having the worst building for an office in the State, but we now throw tip the sponge to the Platlsmouth IIek ard. Fillimre Co. Bulletin. Sponges won't do any good ; throw np something else. Mr. James Clayton has a yankee. ap paratus for grinding and sharpening shears, scissors, razors, knives &v,, &c, and he will be around to visit our folks this week and grind 'em up. Mr J. W. Atkinson, agent for the Excelsior, School Furniture Mann facturingCo, of Cincinnati, Ohio, called yesterday during our absence. This Co, does a lare business in Nebraska through their agents, and their goods are first class. irA, GRANGERS, HO! Fland made bouts at tin? Shoe Store for Four "Dollars. Any use to send to Chicago, cli? 8Y4 Peter Merges. The rooms of Mrs. Whitcomb look as neat, and as tidy, and as fashionable as ever. Dress making must be one of the fine arts, we should think, judging by its surroundings. The ladies of the Episcopal Church are alnmt to g ve an Old Folks Con cert, and an entertainment of some sort. Wanted by Dan McKinnon the man that lives tn Sec. 16, N. E. quarter. FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. St raved from Man Street. I'lattsmouth. on the iifterneon of May 6th. one red cow with a while line brick, a tros In white ear. and a piece bit out of the eft (wound still freshl. and one horn disfigured. The above reward will be given to any iwrson finding and delivering said cow at the residence of S-lt W. P. ANDERSON. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE F. T Todd & Co. are the Agents for the Howe Sewing Machine. In riattsmouth. They have opened t salesroom and office on Main street between Fourth and Fifth streets. This Machine Is so veil known that any words of pmise from us would be useless. It is a TxKk ! double threaded, machine, and ranks I anioos me grrai eewmg lacnines oi me day. St4 PAUL BRAITSIFS NEW CARD. Paul, the Jeweler, desires to let folks know, through thecolumnsof the Hkrat.d, that he sells Watches. Clocks and Jewelry cheaper than ever, or as he sajs, "so good as never was" that is to say "shorty" put that in for him. Chains Rings, Napkn Holders, and all kinds of Jewelry for sale at reduced prices ; must sell for bread and butter. Repairing well done nd warranted. Remem ber this, and call au see Taul Braitseb, the Jeweler. - 6-4t -v LOST. On Monday May 5th. between East and West Cedar Creeks, on the Mallen Ranch Road, three bed Comforts, two caliei on both sides, and Ail ed with cotton ; one euico on one side and woolen blanket on tht other, and filled with wool ; also two pieces unbleached muslin, 2!4 yards in each piece, and two t illows. Thd above articles were rolled together and a white wool en blanket wrapped around them, with a hew halter strap buckled aromd them. They were hst off a wagon while moving. A liberal re ward will be paid to ny one delivering, the above things at the Hkkald office, o" at my farm four miles west of Plattsmontb. 6-tX. , & I TfTOMASi Woe Cut Tobacco at the Port Office Store. Centaur Liniment. There Is no pain which the Centaur Liniment will not relieve, nowel ling It will not subdue, and no huneness which it will not cure. This is strong language, but It is true. Where the parts j . r' . ..ii Tr i,o I produced more cures of rheumatism, neuralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, ear-ache, caked-breasts, scalds, bums, salt-rheum, &c, upon the human frame, and of strains, spavin, galls. Sc., upon animals In one year than have all other pretended remedies since the world began. It Is a counter-irritant, an all-healing pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a scar. It Is no humbug. The recipe is selling as no article ever before sold, and it sells because It dees just what it pretends to do. Those who hnw suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer If they will not use Centaur Liniment, more than 1000 certificates of remarkable cures. Including frozen limbs, chronic-rheumatism, gout, running tumours, &c. have been received. We will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe, &c, gratis to to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yel low wrapper Centaur Liniment Is worth one hundred dollars for foundered or sweenled hor ses and mules, or for screw-worm In sheep. Stock-owners this liniment U worth your at tention. No family should bj without Centaur Llulment. J. B. Hose & Co., New York. 4-ly Castohia Is more than a substitute for Cas tor Oil. It Is the only safe article In existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. 45-ly THE MARKETS! NEW YORK, May 13. Money 45pr. ct. Gold : 117; Governments Dull and Steady CHICAGO May 13. Flour Quiet 6 008 73 Wheat Dull 1 30 Corn Active 41 Oats Easier " 33 Rye Dull 69 $ Barley Dull 74 Cattle Good 3 506 30 Hogs Live 5 20 SPECIAL NOTICES. HOME MARKETS. Wheat... 105H0 Barley C070 Corn 19(820 Oats 23(2,25 Rye 45 50 Reported by Cutler & White. Vivian's Is the place to buy jour and Provisions. Groceries 5-3t. Business Is business, and so are the Cigars at the r. O. Book Store. 5-tf. Ladles, call and examine the nice and cheap Oaiters at the Shoe Store, before you buy else where. No charge for showing them. 5-tf. Tetek MEJIOK3. FOR RENT. Office and Store rooms. Inquire of Mrs. A. D. Whitcomb, or at this office. 5-5t. Groceries, dry goods, general mer chandise, at Clark & Plumuier's. Quick sales and small prolits. 5t3 D. Sehnasse & Co. having received a complete stock of goods for the Spring trade, desire their friends and patrons to call and examine the same before purchasing elsewhere, as they are satisfied that the old house can do as well by Its customers as any in town. 5-4t. FOR R ENT. The large and commodious wareroom, cellar, and offlee on second floor of building formerly occupied by Jacob Vallery, jr., in Masonic Block. Enquire of R. R. Livisstos or 48-tf. E. T. DCKK. WHITE'S GROCERY. Frank. White, with an S. in it, keeps groceries on Main street, close by "Shorty" Newman's Clothing Store. Call and see his stock. . 5t2 KALL KWICK. We konstantl y keep a koinplete stock of kroc kery, kweensware, kutlery, kongress gaiters, koriflsh, korsets, krackers, kandy, kollars, klo thing. knotlons, kerosene, koffee, knrtants, kottonades, kassimeres, kandles, and every thing konslstently konnected with the trade, which we are soiling at lowest kah prices ; konsequently kash kustoniers kneed to kail kwick to get bargains. Reed Bros., 5-tf Weeping Water, Neb. The Howe Sew ins Machine AGENCY, FLATTSMOUTir, - - - - NEBRASKA. Canvassing Agents wanted throughout tho State. Address F. P. TODD, Grneral Agrnt. jfi?Maehine on exhibition at all times at my Oflice on Main Street. 8-i;in Notice to Tax Payers. . To those persons who hare not paid their City Taxes I would call attention to the Laws of the State, and. hereby give notice, that on and after Saturday, the 24th d:iy of May. 1873. T shall proceed .is directed bv Law In such cases inaile and provided : amf collect all unpaid taxes by levy and sale of personal property of the persons or corjorations owing the same. On taxes levied previous to 1S72. all interest and penalty will be remitted if paid within the time prescribed bv law. but the tax must be paid or levy and sale will follow. Win. WINTERSTEIN. 8-2t City Treasurer, Notice Is hereby given that all persons who have made Improvements on the School Lauds of this County since the Twenty-first day of .Tune, A. I. 1S72. can have sudti Improvements ap praised by notifying the Coutty Clt-rk of the same on or before the Fifteenth day of June, A. I. 1S7.1. By order of the Countv Commissioners, D." V.McKlNNON. 8-5 Clerk Cass Co. Legal Advertisements. Sheriff's Sale. In the District Court of Nebraska, In and for C ass 1 .nun 1 v. II. L. Ri Stiles, 1 vs. f Legal Notice. Johv Snyder & William Sn yder. ( Ty virtue of an order of sale issued to me in xi the above entitled cause out of the said Court. I will at Eleven o'clock A. m. on Monday the tilth day of June. A. D. 1S7.5. offer at public. Sale to the tiigln-st and best bidder the front door of the Court House in I'lattsmouth Neb raska the following described Real Estate to wit. Lot No. Five in ISlock No. Sixty three (it!) in the City of I'lattsmouth Cass County Nebraska. The above Real Estate will be sold on said day to satisfy the decree of the Court in favor of the Ilaiiiiiff itgainst Defendants and as the propertv and Real Estateof the D-feiidants. Given under my hand thi 14th day of May, A. D. 1S73. J. W. Johnson-, Sheriff. Cass Co., Nebraska. S:im M. Chapman Tiff's Attorney. 8-6U Sheriffs Sale. IN the District Court of Nebraska, In and for Cass County : O. L. I'ALMRr, vs. Legal Notice. Jons Ross and 1 Su hax Ross. S Ty virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me in the above entitled cause out of the said Court. I will at Obe o'clock. P.M.. on Mondav the lth day of June, A. D. 1S73, offer for sale at the front door of the Court House, in 1'latts Mouth, Nebraska, the following described Rtal Estate, to-wit : Ixts numler seven (7) and eight (K in Block number thirty-six .""), in the City f I'latts mouth, Cass county, Nebraska. The a hove real estate will be sold on said tlay to satisfy the decree of the said Court in favor of the llain tiff and against the lefendaiits, and as the prniierty -id real estate of the defendants. C 1 ven under my hand this 14th day of May, A. D. 1ST. J. w. JOHNSON. SheiilT Chms Co., Nebraska. Sam, M CnAitAK, I'lff's Att'yi $-3w Sheriff's Sale, iN the District Court tt Nebraskai in and for Cass County : - JAMKS MIXCIIELI4 ) vs. f Legal Notice. ANDItKW J. Kl.KVSEK -& A. J. KLK.rsKH. J ly virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me A the above entitled cause out of said toi in urt. I will at Two o'clock V. Mi on Monday the Jtitli day of June. A. 1). 1S7:i. offer for sale at public auction at the front doer of the Court House in i'lattsmouth, Nebraska, the following described Real Estate, to-wit : Five abres of trroend commend. irf Ht the Northwest corner of the Northwest quarter (l) w est corner oi me oriii v. est quarter 14 s Northeast quarter (V)of Section nuinler een (19), in Township number Twelve (12). of Range number Fourteen (14 East of of the Nineteen North me 01x111 xriiififJin iitri iiiiiii, iu v rt-.-i luuuij, Nebraska, thence East along the North line of said Section thirty-seven (37) rods, thence South twenty-one and sixty-three hundredths (21 63 100). rods thence West thirty-seven 137) rods. North thenee to the place of beginning. The above real estate will be sold on said day to satis fy the decree of the Court in favor of tbel'laiutltf against Defeudants and as the property and real estate of the Defendants. Given under my hand this I4th day of May, A. D. 1873. J. W. JOHNSON. Sheriff Cass Co., Nebraska. Sam. M. Chapman, ri ffs' Att'y. 8-5w Legal Notice. Mariraret E. Harbison, in the State of Ken tucky," Steams F. Cooper, of the city of Chica go and State of Illinois, John Tailoii, the First National Bank of I'lattsmouth, Neb., Lavina Duke, JohnS. Duke, Maggie E. Bennett, and Ella Cooper, of the County of Cass and State of Nebraska, Defendants in the case mentioned herein, will take notice that the District Court, Second Judicial District, hi and for Cass Coun ty and State of Nebraska, at the April term A. D. 1x73 of said Court, made the following order, to-wit : Llovd D. Bennett and Elbert T. Duke, Execu tors of the estateof Shepherd Duke, deceased. Plaintiffs, against Lavinia Duke and others, Detendalits. petition to sell lauds to pay debts of said deceased. This cause came on to be heard uihjii the petition of the said Plaintiffs and their proofs, and the Court being fully ad vised in the premises, orders that the Defend ants in this case apjiear before the Honorable Geo. B. Lake, Judge of the said District Court, at the Court room in the Court House in the city of Omaha and County of Douglasatid State of Nebraska, 011 the tab day of June, (being the second Monday thereof) A. D. 1S73, at 1 o'clock p. m., to show cause why a- license sbould not be granted to the said Lloyd D. Bennett and Elbert T. Duke, executors as afore said, to sell so much of the real estate of the .said Shepherd Duke, deceased, as shall be ne cessary to pay the debts of said Shepherd Duke, deceased. . It is further ordered by the Court that a copy of this order be published four successive weeks in the "Nebraska Herald", a newspaper Cublished and of general circulation in said ounty of Cass. Said Defeiidents are hereby notified that said Executors, Plaintiffs, as above set forth, will at the time and place mentioned in said order ap ply to said Judge for said license to sell said real estate of said deceased to pay the debts hjh aforesaid, Attust D. W. McKINNON. Clerk of the District Court of Cass County, and State of Nebraska. W'HKKLEK & STINTHrOMR, 5-4t$12.50 Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Legal Notice. John T. Craig, whose place of residence is unknown, Agnes Martin and Robert Martin, of the State of Iowa, Margaret Young and Charles Yinum. whose place of residence is unknown, William W. Craig and Alary' Ritehey and Mathew D. Bilchey, of the State of Oregon, Sarah Ann Cayton and Luther Cayton, of the State of Kansas, Jane L. Craig. Josiah Craig, and Joseph M. Craig, of tiie County of Cass and State of Nebraska, who are Defendants in the case mentioned herein. Will take notice that the District Court, Sec ond Judicial District, in and for Cass County and State of Nebraska, at the April term A. D., 1S73 of said Court made the following order, to-w it : Geo. H. Black, administrator, de bonis Tion, of the estate of Sarah Craig, deceased. Plain tiff against John T. Craig and others. Defend ants, petition to sell lauds to pay debts of said deceased. This cause came on to Ite heard on the petition of the said Administrator. Plain tiff, and his proofs, and the Court being fully adised in the premises, mders that the De fendants in this case appear before the Honor able Georxe B. Iake. Judge of the said District Court, at the Court room in the Court House iu the city of Omaha iu the County of Douglas and State of Nebraska on the th day of June (being the second Monday thereof) A. D., 1873, at one o'clock p. in:, to show cause why a li cense should not be granted to the said George H. Black, Administrator as aforesaid, to sell so much of the real estate of said Sarah Craig, de ceased, as shall be necessary to pay the debts of said Sarah Craig, deceased. It is further ordered by the Court that a cony of this order be published four successive weeks in the Nebraska Herald, a newspaper pub lished and of general circulation in said County of Cass. Said Defendants are notified that said Adminis trator, Plaintiff, as above set forth, will, at the time and place mentioned in said order, apply to said Judge for said license to sell said real estate of said deceased to pay the debts as aforesaid. Attest. D. W. McKINNON, Clerk of the District Court of Cass County and State of Nebra-ska. James W. Stinthcomb. 5-4t$!5 Attorney for Plaintiff. Probate Notice. To whom It mhv concern. Take notice, that Theodore Dodca has filed In mv office an instrument of willing purporting to' be the last will and testamen tof E. F. Koger, and made aimlicalion to have the same admit ted to Probate, and that said cause is set for hearing at my oflice in I'lattsuiouth, on Saturday 2Wt day of May, A. I). 1873, at I o'clock p. m. of said dav. at which time all lici sons interested are notified to Htiresr and contest the same and show cause, if any they have, whv said instrument suoiitd not lie allow ed as the last will and testament of E. F. Koger, deceased. Witness mv haud and official seal at riatts mouth. Nebraska, on this the 6th day of May, A. D. 1D73. 11. K. KLLISON, 6-3t. Trobate Judge. Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that under and by virtue of the articles oi incon"ratiou of the St. Ionis & Nebraska Trunk Railroad Company, tiled in the office of the Secretary of the State 11I "Whi-.iskn on Ilie 21st, 1l.1v of Aiitrust. A. 1) 1s7-. Books will be opened for subscription to the capital stock of said St. Louis & Nebraska Trunk Railroad Company, at the State Bank of .Nebraska hi me city 01 omaua on uic an uay 01 May. lsy.i. J. A. HOKBACH. V I. VI NT S I'XIKlt A. S. PADDOCK. V Incorporators. t LI 1 ON KKM.GiS. .TOllV FITZGERALD I'lattsuiouth, Cass Co., Nebraska, April 4, 1873. n:s ow Attachment Notice. JL J. O'Neil, 1 . I. n.YV'NEiL. f To r. lrTl'Nell : You are hereby notified that an attachment was issued by me In favor of the above Plaintiff ami airainst thealxive named Defendant, for the sum of sixty-three (!fB) dollars and trial set for Saturday tue 3lst Hay or May. 1X73. at. 10 o ciock a. m. of said day, at which time judgment will be reudered against you if you do not appear and show cause 10 tne contrarv. JAMES O'NEIL. 3 5w Justice of the Peace, nattsniouth, April 12th, 1S73. So Person ran take these Bitter ac cording to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mine ral poison or other means, and vlt&r organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Sto mach. Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilioas Attacks, Palpitation or the Heart, Inflammation of the Longs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a lnhldred other painful symptoms, are the off springs of Dfspepsla. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For FcmalCoDipUlii(, in yonngorold, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the tarn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is boob perceptible. For inflammatory and Chronic ntienmatlatn and Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kiduevs and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. The jr nra a gentle Purgative as well as a TsHic, possessing the merit of acting aa a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or In flammation of the Liver and Ylsoeral organs, and in Bilious lHseases. For hit in Disease, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Hheam, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles. Ring-worms, Scald-Read, Sore Eves, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolors, tions of the Sfcin, Humors and Disease of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are liter ally dug up and carried oat of the sys tem in short timd by the use of these Bitters. jirtefI Tlionnaild proclaim Vimkoar Bittkks the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking svstem. It. il. IMcDONAt.D CO. Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Csl. a cor. of Washington and Charlton Y WT'J fit ALL PHtaGISTS LCAURah Slf Public Sale of School Lands. NotlM H hereby given that pursuant to an act of the Legislature of the state of Nebraska en titled an act "to provide for the registry of School Lauds for the control and disposition thereof, and for tho safe keeping of the funds derived from Ue sale and lease of said lands" which said act was approved June 24th. A. D. 1S67. And also In accordance with a subse quent amendment to said act, approved Febru ary 15th, A. D. lii.', I will 011 Wednesday the 25th day of i3 nct( at the hour of ten o'clock A. TOi. at the front door of the Court House in l'lattsmoutli City, Cass County, eira.sKa. oner for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, all the following described School Lands in said county, to-wlt : o o" a fart of Section. All 30 16 16 16 16 36 86 16 16 16 16 16 16 86 36 16 36 16 16 16 36 16 16 16 16 16 36 86 18 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 10 10 11 11 11 11. 12 13 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 10 11 11 13 13 10 11 11 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 13 13 12 12 12 13 13 13 s. n. H 8. W. n. of s. e. all yf all of s. Yz of n. e. 11. J of s. e. s. e. Af . of s. il of n. e. X U e. X X s. w. if of 11. e. Si w. H s. H of n. w. if s.H s. w. hi all of n. H 11. Ja of s. e. J4 S. w. I4 of s. e. 4 b. Pt of n. w. 1 8t w if of n. e. 4 n. e. 4 of n. w. hi, s. j of n. w. hi n. hz of s. v. if 11. e. hi of s. e. hi , hi, s. w. hi of a. xv. hi 11. e. hi of s. e. hi all of 11. e. hi s. w. hi e. hi of s. c. X lot 3 lot 4 s. e. hi of n. e. hi s. w. hi of n. e. hi lot 4 s. e, Said sale will be continued from dav to day until all of the above described lands shall have been offered. In witness whereof I have Hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County, at I'lattsmouth, this 5th day of May, A. 1). 1S73. u. v. Munin.oai -7t. County Clerk. THE BEST W ALAVATfS THE CHEAPEST. For your Groceries go to! F. R. Guthmann Corner Third and Main street, riattsmouth. He keeps on hand a laree and well selected stock of FANCY GROCERIES. COFFEES, TEAS, SUGAR, SYRUP, BOOTS, SHOES, &e., &c, &c., &c. In connection with the Grocery la a Bakery and Confectionary. JfT'All kinds of Country rroduce bought and sold. Take notice of the sign "EMriRE BAKERY AND GROCERY." mnylBtf. DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT J. H. BUTTERY'S On Main street nearly opposite the HERALD oflice. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DUL'GS AND MEDICINES, TAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, TATENT MEDI CINES, TOILET AltTl CLES, &c, &c. CgFrescrtptions carefully compounded at all hours, day and night. 35-iy. New Lumber Yard. navins opened a Lumber Yard at Louisville I will keep on hand all kinds of Lumber, Lath, Doors, Blinds, Shinnies, Sash, &c, &c, &c, &c, &c. TT" 1 will also deal In all kinds of Grain, for which I will pay the highest market price. E. NO YES. Louisville, - Nebraska. Blacksmith Shop. CIIAS. 1ST. TIFFAKY, ilT. PLEASANT, XEB. . Beprs leave to inforni the farmers of Cass County that he keeps a good Xo. 1 BLACKSMITH SHOP one mile north of Mt. Pleasant. All kinds of Iron "Work attended td. "Wagons repaired, Farm Ifnplements carefully mended. Lowest prices, and all work done on short notice. Grain refe'eived in payment, dive me a trial. CnAS. 5. TiffXn-y. 0-ly 0 F. JOHNSON. DEALER in DRUGS. MEDICINES. AND WALL PAPER. 11... -vr-':'" Ttm-fr i mt in a. 4? rsy ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE, ALSO DEALER IX Books, Stationery, Magazines, And Latest Publications. Inscriptions carefully compounded by an ex perienced Druggist. ltememler the place. Corner fifth and Main streets, j-iansiiiouui. Mothers. Mothers. Mothers. non't fall to procure Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Thin valuable preparation has been ued with . .11 1 1 t.. r & uVd It not onlv relieves the child from pain, but . . 1 . .. ... 1. nn.l 1 1 u .iirrni't. Invigorates me tniun.:u an. acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will also instantly relieve Clfll'TVfl IV TH E Boweij) axd Wijtd Colic. We believe it the best and surest remedy in the world, iu all cases of Dysentery and Diar rii.:i in children, whether arising from teethlnst or any other cause. Depend upon it, moiners, u win sue resi, vu yourselves ana Rklikk asi Health to Yotrit Infakts. Be sure and call for "Mm. AVIXSLOW'S SOOTtltfrCl SYRCP." Itavinff the fac-slmile of "CURTIS & TER- JI! 011 the outside wrapper. ON MAHRIAGE. HARPY Relief Mr Young Men. from the ef f..t of Krrors and Abuses lu early life. Man- hoixl restored. Impediment! to marriage re moved. New method ot ireatmenr. sew auu remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free in sealed envelopes. . . Address. HOWARD ASSOCIATION ; No. 2. South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, J'a.Tan Insti tution having a high reputation for honorable conduct and professional skill. io em To Aiivkrtisf.ks. All persons who contem plate makinjr contracts with newspaers for the insertion of Advertisements should send to Geo- ft ftowell 0o- for a Circular, or inclose 23 cents for their one hundred pajte ramphlet. contaiiniiR Lists of 3(mki Newspaiers and estimateSi showing the cost of advertising, also many useful hints to ad vertisers, aud some account of the experiences of men who are known as successful advertisers. This linn are the proprietors of the American Newspaper Advertising Agency. 41 f ark &0W & Y, and are possessed of unequalled facilities for se curing the insertion of advertisements in all Newspapers and Periodicals at lowest rates. Book for the Million. MARRIAGE! I A private Counsellor to the GUIDE. Married or those alnuit to mar I ry on the physiological myste ries and revelations of the sexual system, the latest discoveries iu producing and preventing offspi'ltigj how to preserve the complexion, &c. This Is an Interesting work of two hundred and twenty-four pages, with numerous engrav ings, and contains valuable Information foi those who are married, or contemplating mar riage. Still, it is a book that ought to be kept under lock and key, and not laid carelessly about the house. Sent to any one (free of postage) for 50 cents. Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary, NO. 12, N. 8tb street, St. Louis, Mo. Notice to the Afflicted and Unfortunate Before applying to the notorious quacks wno advertise iu pll ublic papers, or using any quack remedies, in. Butts' work, no matter what vour disease Is or how deplorable youi condition. . . . . Dr. Butts can be consulted, personally or b) mall, on the diseases mentioned lit his works. Ofliee. No. l N. Kight street, between the Mar ket and Chesuut4 Bti Louis, Mo. dec2-ly Manhood; How Lost, How Restored. li.7 Dr. Cwlverweir Colbred Es say on the radh-al cure (without medicine) of Si-ermatokkhka or Seminal Weakness, involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotkncv, mental and physical Inca pacity. ImiK'dlmenjs to Marriage, etc. ; also, CoNsrMiTiox, Epilkpsy, and Fits, induced bv self indulgence or sexual extravagance. t-Price in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. mi PHlehr:it4d author, in this admirable es say, clearly demonstrates from a thrty year's successful practice, that the alarming conse oueiiees of self-abuse. maV be radically ctirea u itlu.iit tlm ime of internal medicine or the aO plication of the knife ; pointing out the mode of cure at once simple, certain iit niraiiiu, uj means of whieh every sufferer, no matter what his condition mav be. may cure himself cheaply privately and radically. .... Pfy-This Lecture should be in the hands of ev verv vnuth ahd man In the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on tne receipt 01 six cenis, or iwo ikjsi, lap ittmimM. Also Dr. Culver's "Marriage Guide," price 30 cents. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE. & CO. s. 127 Bowery, New York. 43-ly Post Office Box, 458. J. W. SHANNON'S FEED, SALE, & LIVERY STABLE, Main street, riattsmouth. Neb. I am prepared to accommodate the public witn Horses, Carriaces, Buggies, Wagons, and a No. 1 Hearse On short notice and reasonable terms. A Hack will run to the Steamboat Landing, Depot and all parts of the city wnen aesirea. janltf. Mrs- A. D. Whitcomb, DRESS AND CLOAK MAKER. Rooms three doors west of Brooks House. CUTTING AND FITTING ' iT Patterns of all kinds constantly on hand 26-ly. FINE ART GALLERY. rw-rhotoarraoh!.. Ambrotroes and Coitfes from old pictures, plain or colored, either In ink water or olL All work neatly executed ana war rantea to give sat lsiaction. , . . V. V. LEONARD, Aftisi- w - ti lt llsin St., FlsttsMowi; rv To Farmers and Horsemen. i-w w n .Thhh lxcs leave tb hall attention to the fact that he haft Just received two very fine animal ruin me easfc, viz. wbb Jacks From Fairfield. Iowa, and litb Iron Orey Soc man tftalliou called "NORMAN? Five vears old and weighs 1300 pounds. -i-.. t 1 bml will ittnil at Rock Bluffs and elsewhere in the County ilnrlnir the season. For full particulars see Bills. . 61 -Mt. THE"VICT0R"SM. CO.'S NEW SEWING MACniNK 'VICTOR" Runs very Easy. Runs very Tast. Runs very Btlll, Has a New Shuttle superior to all others. DEFIES COMFKTITION. Great Improvement In Needle, Cannot be Set W rong. t-Agents Wanted. 6 Address THE "VICTOR" S. M. CO. M loth st., 4 doors west of Broadway, K. Y. 46-t;iU . H. A. WATERMAN & SOX Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Pine Lumber, L AT llt SHINGLES, Sasli, Doors, Blinds, &c. 6-4t. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HERALD. OF ALL KINDS, AT Tirfi Herald Office, JOB OFFICE COMPLETE PRINTING Of All Kinds, neat and Cheap AT THE NEBRASKA HERALD OFFICE; FLAT TSaOUTll. 52 i Lh piAttBMOUTn, NEB; . COfRiS Ilfcls2l, - - - rroprhrt. Always on band, ktid for Vk$ X ibwlef Cmud piioea. rV-Tha Uleteat btloea Dald for WMt( aai Corn. Particular attention given to Custom work. THE NEW HAVEN ORGAN tdi Manufacture tho tftifciiM and Temple Organs These Organs are unsurpassed In qualify of tone, style of finish, simplicity of construction and durability. Also MKMDEONS In various style and un coupled In tone. send for Illustrated Catalogue. auuicm .Ci ii iuir,:i f ii m.i New Haven, Conn. e-ul CVAgents wanted. mm mtKt diLrerateTn V'kred tofuml,h b4i un TWICE EVERYDAY To all parties notifying me PETER GOOfl. ExcclBiof Barber SHop J. O. BOONE. Main street, opposite Brobkk H&uUt flair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooniflgi Especial tltChtitl ftVeh to CUTTING LntLDttfeW'S HAIR. Call and see BOON E, gouts and get a toon tn A CLEAN SHAViL ntl-ly. NEW STORE, WteETlNO WAtliB. NSBRASkJl. JASa CLISDE L CO., bealers la General Mercliaildisdj fluch aa Dry Goons. orocenes, . liardwnre, Vtueensware, Hats, Cap. Boots, ShoU Notions, &c., &o. We are Agents for WittdMe t& Gtbb$ Belbina Machtlieh cr atlsAI? market. GEO. FICKLEB, rropriatort the test of Fresh Meats altoayt Mi hand in tlitir teatom 0 HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ' FAT CATTLE. tW Hlgbeat Cash Price paid tor fTton aidefti MAIN 8REET. rTATTSMOttu, - k 8-8tI FARMER'S EXCHANGE B. Ot HOOVERt LOUISVILLE, 2EBRAKA Keeps constantly on hand all Staple AxtM4t such as COFFEEt "VdBACCO, M0LAS3E3 Dry Goods. Boots, Shoes, &C In fact everything usually kept In ft Tarletf Store, which will be sold on small proflU for CASH. All kinds of Produce taken Ufexcbang for Koods, and the Htaliest Market Prices gitert in Cal for Grain. 19 Machine Shop Wdyman &f Curtis irLATTSMOCin, NEB., Repairers of Steam Engines, Bolien, !?aw aol Grist Mills.. Gas and Steam Fittlnjrs. TTrourbt Iron Plpai Force aud Lift Pumps. Htesrn Guagea, Safet Valve Governors, and all kind of Drosd Engine Fitting Furnished on short notice: Farming Machinery Repaired on short notlcfe Thds. W. Shryocfc, CABINET ixIAfitt AND UNDERTAKEllf . And dealefli t3 klnflJ of tiiniitiirei'iiiid tliaifSi f Hlix Stkz ext door to Brook tfotM. PLATTSMOUm - , 1 ..aH iwpt'ir!is aid t9AiAi&tU& v )