r - I i vltJjA- JW - -r- v c. 't-. ",.S 1 1 A li t t fi if THE HERALD. Bailroad Time Table. B. 4 II. L R LN NEBRASKA. Aaa.Txa. I DKPABT9. Marti A Kx. 1:1(1 p.m. Mail and Ex. 11:15 a. tfseicbt A- Ac b:10 a. ni.. Freight A Ac, 2:60 p B. & M. B B. IN IOWA. kSEITBfl I DEPARTS Ma ra Ex. 5:35 p. m. Mail X Ex. 6:45 a. m. Ae'tion A FrV&t ? d m Ac'tion A Fr 12:&p m. Paoifie Expres &2D t mlAtlantie Kx. 4:2i p iq. The Transfer bnt (rill leave the Depot to con Beet with Easter to mil trains 4" minutes earli er than the tiin riven above. The Boat is run by Chicago time which is 33 minutes feeler than t'laiuaiouttj time, OMAHA A SOUTHWESTERN. In connection with Burlington k. Missouri Depot at foot of Jones btreet. LBAVES. AKKTVK3. Plattsmouth l:r0 p. m. I Plnttsmouth 11:50 a. in o .-1 Jj p. m. I do . :5 . in Omaha li:: a. in. 1 Omaha.. 4:17 p, m do .7:00 a. m. do iWO p. m K C. ST. JOE. A C B. R. R. Iat facitic J0SCTIOS IOWA. I OOISO NORTH. OOIHG SIOCTH. Xan and Express 4:18 p.m. 8;f)0 a. m. 2iht Eipress......8:l0 a. m. 3:15 D. m. This yivea passengers from Plattsmouth close ouaetion roing South or North by leading hero n tae i w m. train. ACaiVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. loni. C. B. A St. Joe R. R. Sooth C. B. k Ht. i oe R. ft. North, B. A M. R. R. East. B. A M. R. R. West. Omaha by Rr.il VVecpin? Water. , Nebra: Citv. by Stace. CLOSES. AE.RITE3 9 pm. 10.30 pa 9 p. m. !.:) put 9 pm. 10.30 pm yam. 4 pm. 9pm 10 a m 12 m. 12 in. 9 pm. 7piu. Office hour, from S a in to 7 D m Aundays. 12:30 to l::fc) p in. J. W. MARSHALL. P. M. LOCAL XKYS. LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Transient 5 cents aline. Regular adver ts 10 cents per line. No advertisement in serted less than 25 cents. Ltgal advertieemenu will be charged to the parties Landing them in. COMMUNICATIOM5. Al ear trace it limited, all communication oust be brief and to the point, with no waste of word. SUBSCRIBERS Are rqu"rte1 to notify the office if the paper is be; delivered promptly. IVcwspnper Declsiona. 1. Any person who taVe a paper regularly from the post ofSae. whether directed to hi name or whether he is a subscriber or not is Teepona-ible for the pay. 2. If anv person or lers hi papr di'ntin ed. be must pny ull arrparges.'ir the publisher taar continue to send it unt.l payment iamada. acii collect the hil rr;aM,iiuir ill paper is taken from the '-e cr not. J. The eonrls bav d'fJed that refaing to tike newspapers d! peJ droal? from the pont ;--l?ce, or removing a-id imvini them un"ullel rar. is prima ficie evideree of iiitnitiontl fraud. Notici to Evertb jdi 4" V.l subisuribers pay jdk f'.r ihiir paper L u!. fct.d ordering it stop ped fct a certain timo; ill f nd it co slopped; hat. we cannot be respoarible fjr what has been done befjre oa timo, niT fjr order fcuppesed 3 hirobesn g-ven by others to other. Our lo"k alone mnst be tHrignido fr all old sub strip'iocs. Plea!! remeaor this. We are bavin? ver ?n? weather. Th3 lawyeri are having their harve .-t. His Honor, Judge Maxwell, is in The Herald will caiae out ii a new .4 dren next weeic. Bs-t Fine cut and ci.:rs at Sstf P. I). Book Store. TE ferry across the! lLsouri ct our placs is doinx a good Lj.iinef. The wild geese fiewtiotli and eeet this uiorning. : TJie PreLytet inn chch is abcat hid ty the new bakery bui.itn?. Rci Bros. s.-.:d oa-!r:iti-?th of their tofuensa Etock on Satuiday, April lQth. Tti3 Omnha IrralJ nj-aiiss the Modoe Indians for bravery. Go to F. S. White i;d gat good win U- wheat fljur. I 2 2t 1 -a What is it that ris; whi! it coes dowr:? The Mi-.-souri rcr. Ahem! Beatrice is trying to get up a factory to make cheese at bou .i, ' . Thx great snow stoial is over, and tho weather delightful aga-o. Boats are now running up and down the Missouri; not regully, however. Go to Vivian'a for groceries and pro vision. 30tf J Wl notice several new buildinks going cp ia different par; s of uur city. Bishop E. G. Au rews, of Des Moines, Iowa, is in at ti nuance at Con ferenca. ? Messes. Marqttett, Si SiliTn are tuecessful lawyers and .gentlemen of ability. j Reed Bros, keep the ;.st groceries in rhe market, and sell then! at the lowest prices. : Call and eee the new gaiters at the ahoo store, they ara so biautiful, so eood and cheap. t 48tf It is rumored upon 4od authority that the Trunk railroad! will b put through. Hurry it up. I Our city boast3 of tld( best looking Major in the State. Hie Doctor deals out justice and pills. I The two avenues enteiiig Main street i near Sixth, will be valiible improve ments when completed. 4 D. Schnasse & Co. New stork of foods, cheap and good. .Will not be un dersold. ) 70dtf We want another railn fed and a bridge across the Missouri, ami then Platts raouth will grow and spr-ad. An engine came in pretty badly smashed, to-day. It run off the track near Bellevue. i'i Tho Jenniug3 mill property, on Weep ing Water soli on Sattrjlay last, for $10,0-. Whisky and chickens w2Je scarce last week. Court cause of fcfajier, Confer ence the latter. f x The Conference is well represented, a V large number of preache-sjbeiDg in at- lenuauce. j Pl ATTS M o uth is sendir & lumber 250 miles west to put up a large store for a arm. lney xnow wnere tiay cheaDl Tns contractor of thi fcew school nse ia bringing his brict from Omaha, veral car loads arrived t'day. Jam'l Chapman's law.Wrd appears . TT 1 ' ' (Where. He is a lawyer of abilif'c.'f We notice iMr. l'nelps, ot lJuriington, I Last Tuesday two through Iowa, was admitted to practice io the I Steamers passed through our place, Nebraka Loui ts on i !u!diy hvt. II. D. Fox lost a fiue horse worth on Friday last. Mr. V. ..niti,;;.r on.i. - nt,.' i. '. m m SStf P. O. Book Store A Good EXAMPLE. We notice Win HerroU laying a new pavement in frout of his establishment this morning. The Denver Timet says a Mr. Morgan shot a white buffalo the other dav. and has been offered $200 for the hide. 1 awaee City will have a Musical Con . . veniiou to last Iroui the Cth to the 9th . . May next. Extensive preparations are being made all ovor the country to commemorate decoration day, May 30th. The Lincoln Leader says the western part ct Nebraska is about 4,000 feet higher than the eastern. Lincoln and Ft. Calhoun are compet ing tor the Semina-. We eay to our citizens, look to your interests. Nebraska City is mourning the loss of a distillery. Many people will, however be profited by the loss. County and City orders bought at the j-epnanc core at tue highest liure. 4-'tf Improvements to the amount of $500 V r , r . . .ng. 100 yCar 0n 1110 V. L 1 , I -'l r. tnurcn in this city. Some years since, when the M. E. Conference met in Plattsmouth, there were 13 mefliters; now it numbers over SO. It is currently reported that the price of whisky has riz within the list twenty- four hours. Court and Conference did it. The Grand Jury was in session four days, anJ returned three indictments, one for murder, and three for felonious assault. Some saloon keepers were fined ?50 and cost3in Lincoln, for keeping open on Sunday. Put 'cm through; they can af ford to stop one day in seven. United States soldiers ate ordered to aid in executing any Uuited States pro cess. Don't know wha.is ta LLmi. ooujecody, ccrtiir.iy; . Wbi.sky killed a young man in Lincoln the other night, and Thomas Collins is in jail charged with the murder. Pro hibition would help Lineo In. If you want a fat horse and good lugzy to take a drire, call on Shannon on Main street. He always keeps 'sich.' Prices low. A case was tried on Thursday, of Wi ley r Todd, fur letting Cro escape; in which the j jry returnrd a rerdiet of $5G for plaint i3. It was an accidental fire. Capt. Iljovcr, ci Louisville, this State, f.irtuerly of the 53th Ohio, and a brave sol Jier, crv'led on us this morning. Uo is looking well and doing well. Th"?y are talking of making a canal through the western part of Lincoln, to accommodate the citizens who can not swim, and are too poor to own a skiff Several wagon loads of emigrants parsed through this placo to-doyv with a'i the necssrary implements for a farm, besides etctk, etc. Mr. Johnsoa, of Ashland, sold eight valuable horses to a livery firm in our place, on Saturday, for us ia their bus- 1D23.?. Coal his b-ea discovered ia Richard -sot county in veins that wiil pay to work. rsow is the time for our citizens to work for the Grand Trccx Railroad. BCSIXE83: We stood in our place to day about five tuinut?? and counted, in sight, atthit tiaia, 73 teaois io the city oa business. There is a show of coal 15 inch vein in the south western part of this counry. Zar.c?vil!j, Ohio, was made rich on a two feet and eight inch rein. The Lincoln Slnfesrnan says it is going to see that coal in Richardson county, ard will report the facts "coal or no coal." - That's the wey to find cut. We notice Mr. Eaton has a loafers' box in front of his store, and yesterday some feiiows leaded ha -k too far, and went through cae of those large window lishts. Who failad, during the past week to notice how gentlemanly and with what promptness Sheriff Johnson discharged his duties daring the present term of Court? Capt. Batt, of the Transfer Boat, the "Vice President,'! is kept busy as a "nailor," but see him when you will, he is as cheerful a3 old "cheer" himself. Long may he wave! If all the citizens of this county would buy of Reed Bros, tho hard times would soon be over, and the farmer, free of tTebt, could once more live in con tentment and ease. The lxt we saw of Sam'l Waugh, he was leaving town with a breech loader for tho Pla'te, humtuing: " A wild goore's notion Is a very pretty motion." A gentleman mounted a horse this morning in front of the Court House; He stayed on about half a minute, then he lay on the ground, while the horse stood looking on. Rev. Maxfield, in his report from the Beatrice district, claims it in point of fu tility as to soil, as the Garden of Ne braska. It embraces the Blue and Re publican valleys. One of the ministers wanted to know, yesterday "What in the world they cut that way through tho hill for in south part of the city." We suppose it was to save going over the hit. S. A. Taylor, the greit Insurance man, is in town, and has insured the whole Conference, at $5 per head to have a good time and be pleased with Platts moth. He offered to insure the law yers at double this rate, because they are so cantankerous a set that they are sel dom pleased unless thev r linn it in,! then thev ar ant to :.u route for the mountains. They hailed $100 ruUi St. Louis Fred. Stadelmann and Frank Sl'ALTER are putting up a fino bailing for a bakery on the corner of .Main and Gth streets; it will soon be completed. j Conductor Moore, on the other aide j tbo river on yesterday morning got to the nver Jut 1T time to see the "Transfer" 'team out aod fail to transfer him. lie tnougnt it might go - Call at F. S. White's and trv Lin Si ol tea 2 2i I " An odd-looking craft weut up the Mis souri yesterday ruornine; it was driven by bteam and called the "Peninsu'a." It looked as though it misbehave been the running gear of Noah's ark. a- The Court room has been vastly im proved by putting in windows, but the room is yet poorly ventilated, and wq, hear lawyers complaining about the bad atmosphera. Frank E. White deported himself ho pluckily and gallantly last evening, that if Miller's face had not fairly bhone with glory, a stranger would have sup posed that he was the principal in the performance. Rev. M. pritciiarii. is the oldest mem- er of the Nebraka Conference, and has been on constant duty ever tinco its or gamzation- He was present at the or ganization of the M. E. Church at this place, next June will be sixteen years. Major, Stinchcomb formerly of Ohio our father has located in Plattsmcuth, antl formed a partnen-hip io liw prac t'co with Danifcl II. Wheeler Esq. lie is a good lawyer and can "lie with any of em. Matiried. In the Methodist Church, at l'lattsruouth, on ihursday, April 17th, by the Rer. J. H. Piesson, Mr David Mi!!cr; to Mrs. Mittie T. Irih, in tho presence of the whole Conference. Peace and jiy be tleir lot. Amen. iJRKV T UCn 1 J. J. AN JIORN, OI the Sth U. S. Infantry, was married to Mjs Wtt.son, of Omaha, on the lTtft inst. "TheXjeneral's home is in Mt. Gilcad. OhH our birth place. The happy couple hit e cur best. The steamboat, train on the Stunning ton and Prcvidfrace r lilma 1 for Boston, fell through tlio bri-lge at Richmond, Cn:i. Six cars srere burned, and it is supposed Cfteerf person9 were killed, and 27, wounded. When will railroads h.-arn to bo mere careful? j Some viil.tin. in a etr.aii way, cto!p (wo flower vases from lhr stand of Fred, Stad.'imann, down nt the Depot. This is a poor recotcpefi-n for the att atpt Mr. S. makes to.heftutify his surr..-und-ing? and give strangers a plea-ant idea of things in Nebraska. Hon. Geo B, Lakf, Ju'o of this District, has bt en; holding Court in Piatfsmoutli dnrtfg; the week, &'.nl l.as disposed of a large number of cases with promptness, and we hear the mem bers of the Bar Speak of his decisions as those cf marked. aijilitv. " I ? I I T""T" T t f 4wJ I iC-w ! I ivL i ! 2 1 wiil deliver k"3 during the season in small quantity one half cent per pound 40 centa (per 100, if 100 a day in taken. Call and tuakc your contract. 2 2t F. S. White. McKinnon, the aenrlerjan'y Ch?rk of the Couit, says h is f lad Leap Year is gone. He proposes to well, we came near saving to keep up the records; Dan is a good clerk; it is a won der some woman las not stolen "him be fore now. i j Application was ciale this morning to the Court, by theorpruissiorierd of Cass Co., Neb., toenjom the B. 5c M. R. II., in Neb., from transferring the bond.- of Cass Co. The bill alleges that the bonds were illegally issued y tb-2 then Cvj;:i rnissionepi. . The b:naint r,f bonds in volved is $2000r0. Messrs Jtvlge Wakely and S. Chaprnan for Petition. T. M. Marquatte Tr he rail road. caaiiiTAi caszsH cotst rc-rT. State of Nebraska ts Ilarvcj'- S::e : continued until next regular term ; two counts ia indictment murder and man slaughter. j . ! State of Ntbraska'; James Wood son; indictment fuf aatault with dead!-.- weapon; continued i State of Nebraska is Dyer; continued. J A 1TI3S7 EI ; aiTISlICTTZ. Onr town is becoming Metropolitan. Last evening we vftdtd three places of. we were going to Eiy,;amusemeiit ; but whether it is an amusement for a fellow to get married or not depends oa the after claps Any way, firstly, we stepped into the Methodist Church, and saw David Miller made doable for life ; then up in Fitzgerald's dial to see Old Nick on the boards, and . .than on down to the Court House to hear f he lawyers argue that black is white'anirictt versa. That will do for one nwzht iqf Plattsmouth. The undersigned : begs loavc to an nounce to the cititini of Cass county, that from and after; this date he has put down all .Watch, Cloclt and Jewelry re pairing to' about ono half the .customary rates. Watches and clocks cleaned for $1.00, main springs putni .r $1.00, and all other work in projwrtion. Warranty given. Please give me a call, and have your work done by a firft-clas;? workmen. American watches lima clocks sold factory rates. Jewelry sold for at less than Chicago prices."- Please remember the place1 corner" Fdith and y site' thi p; iain btreets, opposite Platte Valley House. RespectfuIIi, JoEtH ScnLATER. Plattsmouth, March, a7, 1S73. ' line en Thcra is no pain which the Ccntanr Liniment will not telievc, co swelling it will not subdue, and no 'amencFabich it will not cure. This i.stro::g language, bnt it is true. Where the parts are not guue. its i-3'eoU are marvelous. has produce! uioru cures of rhtninati m, nea- riKiu, iocu-Jhw, palsy, ep.uinj, kh. ar. ache. cuked-brea?ts. fc't i. buiuc. tJc-rueutu. Ac, upon the human frame, and of strains. Fpavin, palls. Ac. upon caimala in one ycrr of th an have ail other pretended remedies since the world began. It is a counter-irritant, all-heahng pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bitea are rendered harmless and the wounded are healed without a soar. It ie no humaug. The recipe is published armed each bottle. It id selling as no article ever before sold, and it sells bieau.'o it docs just what it pretends to do. Tlioce who now sufft r from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if they will not use Ct-ntaur Liniment. More thau 1X0 certificates of remarkable cure?, including frozen limbs. chronic-rheumatinm. gout, running tumours. Ac. have been received. M'e will send a circu lar containing certificates, the re:ipe. Ae.. gra tis, to any one rciue.-t;ng it. One buttle of the yellow wrapper t-'entaur Linimmt is worth one hundred dollars for ppavinr d or eweenied hor ses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheop. Mock-owners this liniment is worth your at tention. No family fchould be without Centaur Liniment. J. K Rost A Cc. New York. Cantori.-s is reore than a substitute for Cas- toril. Itishsonly e article in existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind eolic and produce natur al sleep. It contains neither miner!t!. mor phine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Chil dren need not cry and mothers nny rest, iwnuiwrf "i i-1 m . ,i i.u ttaEZtt'iAjassautjuasat We noticed Van Arman, of theLia cln Joitrnnl, in the city, with his pock ets full of exchanges, editor like. He is looking cheerful and happy, ' Shu-t so well as never vas,'' and asks the boys, "Mein Gott! iih data diamond? Datih a sphlendet ethone, don't it?" The case of Harvey Sage was argued before the Judge last evening, and he was admitted to bail iu the snru of 53.000. By our statutes, any offense is bailable that is not clearly, and on the face of if, a crime calling fbr capital punishment. As it is exceedingly doubtful what the verdict of a jury would be in this case, and the relations and eurroundiugs of Mr. Sage being such thit he will hardly be accused of wishing to leave rliv coun try, we think tha deci-ion of the court eminently just, wise and proper. IJob't W. Furnas, the present Gov ernor of Nebraska, has tho best and largest nursery we-t of the M-sissip-i river, furnishing everything that can be desired, or that is grown in a nursery. We take great pleasure in r.oticiug the enterprise, the Governor ha- ever man:- Tested in all njrriivr rnr ' and horticultur al matters of interest to Nebraska. He is the President of the Nebra-ka Sfat Board of Agriculture, and Secretory of Cii.ie llurtlC'.l.tUta Sncirlv. Wo r?,:..'- 'twould d.i'rny one good, even though they cuie from the "Eastern Sfst.-s' to look thronph his 120 acres of Apple, t jys ar, l each, Ann.-oft, Everemen ! V V . . . I Chestnut, Hard Miplr, ei;u' Potest Tree I Nurserv. c::r: 1 1 New store, new pLu e, now gO"l-, new everything, but the man, and Wm. tudelm&nn is the same old William en C7C-. Buriner-s is business, nnd Stadilmnn has the lare-d and best stock of boots and shoes made to ord-r and marked wall his nam-, ever brought to I'latts m.'iith. Hats, c.ps, trunks and valises; a large dock of new clothing. The new Broadway hat. Call and see the new Clothing stor-, opposite the Brooka II OUS2. 9 1 4w L7i;:n law in platts-th. Cass A :r:l2r.c2 Las .3 Ertrart-sa cz tho Streets, c, L Last evening about dark, just before early candle light, and just before the c;i:A-w bell on the Methodist CLu:ch tolled Miller in to be spliced for life, the editor of this p iper, while standing qui etly and elegantly on foot in front of the Brooks House, wkh both hands in his trcu-i-rs pockets, was Ar-iciou-Iy and fe- lonioa.s.'y Jsjnchrd collared and drag ge.l, by force of anus, into ihe dieirig room of the Brooks iiouse. and ibr, an-l t.:cre UaRoe to swallow a No. t w l li- J cr in spite oi the tears atjd protesta tions of all his friends who mournfully s'ood around and envied his good luuk. Lynch us soma more. Lat winter a protracted meeting was in progress over oa the Nemaha, under the charge of Rev. II , mho is now in attendance at Confcrtnc.i. and as it Ual been in progress some tin e, a local preacner came in to help. A short time before closing tho meeting, Rev,. II sai j to his aid brother: "If you desire to say sr-nivthing, you may now have aa opportunity. " He arose, and as the meeting was one at which a large number had joined the church, and many were at the mourners' bench, (the congregation being in a seri ous mood), the aid brother made some very appropriate remarks, and wound up by saying: "Brethren and sisters, I do not wish to detract any from the religious influ ences in the contfrsatioo, but I would hko to say that I havo a good little pony that. I will sell cheap for cash!" Bro. II looked a moment to satisfy himself that his ears had not deceived him, wh?n he sprang to his feet, auaouc ing in rapid succession: "Services to-morrow night," "Sing the Long Meter DoxoIogy,"(and immedi ately struck up the tune. We had heard this before, but did not give it full credence until we sought Rev. II 1 and asked him, and the above is as he says actually took place. A U. S. detective was in our city the other day, huunting up persons selling hquor without a license. The detective found out where they were selling, and carried off rather too much of it with out a jug. and had to bo put to bed wheu he got tip a moot C0Urt was called' and sa,d detective wa9 tried for being el evated and fjunj gai!ty; h(J UR for some other parts after being dishonored "irsTirTrwwm m CLAX3031I3'3 BSXEFI? Last evening at Fitzgerald' Hall, was success, it bringing down the Houe considered succe-s. We think Dick fls pr:r.t an actor as Booth, or Macready or Forrest. We It have seen trie old Bovrery packed from pit to dome, and all thu l ?s-t of them could dj was to briuguown tho applsm-c of the ooyn, aod Dick accomplished that, an I certainly. That's why wo say he is as good as Booth or any of them. McDonagh did pretty well with "Chi cago the Que n of the North and the West," but he forgot Mrs. O'Leary's cow. lou know, Mac, she was there, at the burning, and you ought to have brought her in, like this now : Twas night, in the cow-kiekinj city. The Queen of the North and the West; And the name of O'I.eary comes bidding. Old cow kick your biggett and best. Twas time for the milking in that butter- starved city. The Queen of the North and the West; Bat the cow of O'Leary gigged ba -k on her friend?. And they've sold her clear out in Nebraska the land of the west. The last word Snow. Corn or wood taken for subscription. The B. & M. Railroad is doing a most flourishing business at the present time. The Winter-Garden in Lincoln has played out. So mote it bo. - The early planted garden vegetables arc bhowing themselves. Look out foryourhogs. will go At them. Tho marshal Remember court Fridiy morning. convenes again on Farmers enn pay their subscriptions iu com at this office, until further notice. . A fine lot of steers were shipped last Thursdajmorr;ing, by Cal. Parmele. The brick for the new school house are being hauled on the ground on "educa tion hill." Th? collections in the Beatrice District ranged as high as $42 in place of $13, on on missions. Shirtiugs worth 30 cts at Reed Bros, fur 25, and ( many other goods in the same proportion. We notice Ju Haynes posting him self on the !.. w. He is determined that our city shall continue to be one of quiet and Older. Emigrants still continue to pour intr tiiis part of the country by the wholesale and stiil there is room i'or more. We had no idea Nebraska was so "roomey." j Tho farmers of Ohio organized a Suite i Mr,in4-C " ijci:a;nn, tjino, last week. jcre are tliirtJ--Sve Granges in that The cold weather, Tuesday, induced tho farmers to bring in several loads of corn r.t 15 cents per bushel. More cold weather and corn will tu'e another rise. We will take corn on subscription at market Kites, at all times. Why is tho Mayor's oihc-3 in Lincoln liable to be burglarized? Because the people there keep their Silver in that of fice. Walter Bray's entertainment last night is spoken of as the best performance, and the best troupe we have had in Platts mouth latlye. Tho Lincoln &fite Journal says it will soou give employment to 50 persons This r.trico does all kinds of printing and lithographing, beside it issues a good drily ai;d weeklv. The wild gtfese seem to have made a sad mist:ikc in tho weather; at least we think they have, and si, do some of the geese, for they have turned their tails north ari l are flying to keep warm. Tho lute stnrni did a largo amount of damage; "at Sutton, and other points west; houses were blown down and oth er, unroofed ; a great deal of stock was killed in the storm The snow plow has returned, ar.d the road is open. Dr. John Kitto's Illustrated History of the Bible will bo delivered to sub scribers, during the coming week. Rcspectfuily, &c. , Thomas Prothkro, Agent. Judge Lake decided in District Court, in Oicaha the other day that the Probate Judge could tax his costs either under his own or tho Justices' act; and that the act of 1S70 giving $1 trial foe, has been repealed. Justices of Peace and Probate Judges take notice. After a severe contest between Orleans and Melrose, which should be the county seat of Harlan county, (this State,) the latter named place gained the victory, and the Commissioner have ordered public buildings to be erected. We pro diet a prosperous future for Melrose. A witness was net forthcoming on Fri day lat, on the murder case, and there upon tho Judge ordered a writ of at tachment to be issued for 1W return at next term of Court, fixing her bail at $300. When will witnesses learn to obey the process of Court. The snowstorm around Kearny Junct ion, and Lowell is equally as bad as the one preceding it about a week ago. The engines have started out with snow plows to clear the railroad track, several passenger were detained in our city to day by the information that tho cars could not at once proceed. The Methodist Seminary at Haekctts town, N. J., is completed, and will prob ably bo opened the coming summer. The cost of building has been $148,000; of this amount $115,000 have b.-en collect ed and $20,000 pledged, leaving a bal ance of Icss'than 12,000 to be provided tVr- f nanraTf Ti'ai-aiWifc'-fr i Gen. Canby ws a nephew by njartiage a 0f Bi&hop Ames. is Plant your .-hruMry nt once. Na tive trees make lovely fh.tdes and orna ments to house. Henry Ward Bet cher is praying for tho Modocs. You surely don't mean the Cdl.fumi i Mn !oes, Bio IJeocher 1 Bind Bros., of Weeping Water, re ceived six loads of their gomU on Sat urday. They expect tho balance this week. Eli Plummer, Esq., returned to his domicile and mercantile palac3 on Mon day last. One of the largest stocks of gocds you ever saw is beiug set up in that store too.' The Anniversary of tho Cass County, Biblo society wiil bo held in the Presby terian Church next Sunday (April. 27th. 1 at J 1. M. All denominations aro invited and expected to attend. J. W. Rawlins. Pres't. Captain Jack and his Modoc braves escaped from the lava beds on the 17th, and our caavalry, with three dsys' ra tions, are in pursuit. Eight Indians were killed in the fi-ht. liced Bros store is more than fu'l of the finest goods ever brought to Weep ing. Water. Clark 5c Piurnmcr's store looks like a section of the levee used to do in id freighting days. Dry goods, wet goods, boxes, bundles and band-boxes: little trunks and big trunks, nil being stowed away in the hold, around the cabin, and over the deck. The new goods fill the eye as well as the shelves, and at the rate they ore disappearing, Mr. Pluni- tucr wiil soon have to to'ddle back for a another invoice. Our spring stock has been selected with unsual caro. It has been pur chased at such low rates that we feel real pleasure in arranging our store for our customers' examination, and in nam ing the cntic'iLg prices for which we can sell our goods. We want oar good citizens from far and near to give us a call. W e are confi lent that we can sell you from 5 to twenty per cent, under Plattsmouth prices. Rf.ed Brtos. Georgo H. Peudleton of Ohio, is in Italy. Mathews, Hardware Cutlery and Aercultur-il depot, on 4th street, north of the Piatre Vally House is the place to buy your stoves, tin ware. Iron, nails, glans. Farm machinery t'vc, &., Big ad next week, in now type. W M.l - . Office atid Store rooms. Inquire of Mrs. A. D. Whitcomb, or at this office. 4 or. Our readers will please excuse us for any typographical errors or for any changes in the make up of the paper this week, as we are laying our new type and necessarily had to get things up the shortest way for one week. Next week we hope to come out in new clothes. SPECIAL NOTICES Wheat, .... Barley, ..... Corn Oats, Rye .. 90(7tUOO ... 5t(r C5 ... 1 Sci 1 9 20 21 .... 4 Ci4.j For Bent. The large and commodi ous warercoui, cellar and office on 2J floor of building now occupied by Jacob Vallery, jr., in Masonic Block. Enquire of R. R. Livingston or 4Stf. E. T. Di:ke. Vivian's is the place to buy your gro ceries and provisions. 20tf Large and well assorted stock of gen eral merchandise at Clark & Plummers. Trv us. 28itf. At Clark 5c Hummer's everything a farmer needs can be found. Call and see our stock. 2Sdtf. Clark & Plummer Dry Goods, Grocer ies and a General assortment. We sell cheap and buy often. 2Sdtf - - See advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dis pensary, headed Book for the Million Marriage Guide in another column. It The Senate Wm. EJgcrton Pro prietor, cosy, warm and comfortable, drop in and sec us. Liquors and cigars warranted pure and good. Nov. 13, d&wtf tfSSAT ! 7H2A7 ! T72SAT ! Conrad Ileisel wants all the wheat he can get, at bis mill, in Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Farmers, bring it aioDg, highest mar ket price pail. STATE LASD SALE. There will be a public sale of State Penitentiary lands, at the office of the State Prison Inspectors, Lincoln, eb.. May 7th, at 2 o'clock P. M. Tho lands are located in Lancaster, Seward, end Saunders counties, and comprise some very good farming land-. For description, terms of sale, &c. addre.s State Prison Inspectors, Lincoln, Nebraska. S2wG TAZEN UP, By the nnder-igned, on the the 4ih or 5th of April. 173, one brown pony tuare, about six years old, with right hind foot white and white stripe on right side of nose, eyes not good. Tho owner can havo the same by calling at my place and paying charges. R. E Co nx TRV MAX. Mt. Tleasant, April 12, 1S73. Notice is hereby given, that assess ments have been made on each share of the Arrapahoe Town Company, to make in tne aggregate suiou. All snare holders of said Town Company, whoso share do not show that amount endorsed on each, will, within sixty days, pay in to the Assistant Secreta-y the balance due ; or their shares will be forfeited to the company. L. D. Bennett, Asst. Secretary. Hytrin 'ntTi, Apti! 9 l'STS. 3-$t To Farmers and Horsemen. Dr. MT. T). Jones begs lcav tJ call attantfoa t-- th fact that be has ju-it received two very Cue auiuials from the ea-t, vis.: "THE WEBB JACK" From Fairfield. Iowa, aud the Iron Orry Nor man eta lion called "NORMAy, Fi". e years o d and we'ghs 1300 pounds. Tluy nro both sure foal getters, utid will stand at Rock P.lun's and elscwhero in (hs C-ur.t during the season For full particular, toe Biiirl. f"l-l-t. NEW DRUG STORE, WaEPIfa WATER, MEB. T. J. 1 T T E , DELF.R in Drugs. Me liftincs. Taints. Oils VarnUh. Perfumery, Stauonary, Notion" Ciirars and Tobseco wlG THE "VICTOH" S. f.1. C0S NF.W SEWING MACHINE Rues very Easy. Runs very Fart. Runs very Still. Has a Nctt Shuttle superior to all others. D&f.es Competition. Great Improvements in Need'.c. Cannot be Set Vrorg. -Agents Wanted. A.l.lrrs TMK VICTOR" S. M: TO. 54 Tenth St.. 4 doorj west ol Broadway. N. Y. 4fi-iiiu. THE HAVEN ORGAN CO. urti Manufacture the Celebrated Publico and riTcBiii.lc These Crgans re unsurpassed in q'Hilt'yof tone. Ftrle of fnii.b, simplicity of construi ',:i, and duribiHiy. ... , rAlo. MlLODEONS in various styles and unequalled in tone. Send for Illustrated Catalosu1?. Address New Haves Ct.ga.v Co. New Haven. Conn. Agents Wanted. 4;;-3tn. NEW LUMBER YARD! Having opened a Lumber Yard at Louisville, I will keep all kinds of lu.tihek, no ems. 5ze., Sec, &c, And would invite all those wishing to purchap to itive mea call. o I will !t iI in 11 kind of GRAIN, for which I wiil pay the highest Murkot prlco. IT. J. STREIGUT, BOOK-SELLER, AiSlD PAPER DEALER. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. t.4 lermJinnd w tf.r I. W. SHANNON'S FEED, SALE AND LIVERY STABLE. MAIN STREET, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. I am prepared to accommodate the public with liorcs. Carriages, liutories and a No. 1 He Arse oti short notice and r!iifonable terms. A Hack willrun to the steamboat landing, and all parts ot the city wnen desired January 1. 1S71 ilwtf MAS. A. D. WHITCOMB ofo Dress and Cloak Maker. .Rooms three doors west of Brooks House CCTTIXft Si FZTT1X made a specialty. - Patterns of all kinds constantly oa land 36dw-2oi Omaha Marble Vcrks. M. JFEENAN, ?Ianufaetnrer and Dealer in IT I.I I V TfT,l('A mitnt.r. HI.M .MK. rs, IIK.VI.M r.N ffZatalies & Furniture IVlarble- For specimen or workmanship refer to Smith's and V alicry's monu ments in Plattsmouth Ccm e t a r y The patrcmaee of Cass County is re?pee'fuily solicited. d(v-w27-6m. PLATTSMOUTH MILLS! ! PLATTSMOUTH, NEDRISKA CORAD HEI5EL - - - - Proprietor, 1 Flour, C"rn Meal. Feed. Ac, Always on hand and f'-T;S.i!e at lowest Ca.su Prices, "-Tho Hi-rhcst prices paid for Wheat and Corn. tSfParticular attention given to cus tom work. IBIacIiGiniili S2iop Mt. Pleasant, Neb. Bees leave to inform the farmers of Cas County that he keeps a good No. 1 ttLACKSUITil SHOP, otie mile north of Mr. Pleasant. All kinds of iron work attend ed to. Wagon repaired, Farm im plements carefully mended. Lowest prices and aM work done on short notice. Grain received in payment. Give me a trial. Chas. Titfant. Biiping Your Grecn-haaso anrf Beduing Plants. AT T'f A ddrw,' rV. J. li BHSiCK. DONT nd East for Pl.ir.f when ron eii pet jw-t at o J for lesi money nearer horn. To ::iy i.nu.erous (rinnils an.l jiatrons I would my tnt I h"va th.; inrzrst nnd hot' tek f piants ever oLered fur mlo in the wost and rroj.os" t. unll thnin at I'aAouablo pricon I lie sure ui't eu 1 for my New Descriptive Catsicfiur:. ' wfcich will be sent frt! to all who ftpplv f.ir !ti Ihca civc t.ie your ordr?. end I Lcl i- mt Jen I I Ciin K.iU'Jy you. Feb. 13 dAw PlatL-mnuth. Net). DKALER in A N D w1 . .. ... ... ,. ., ; All Paper Trimmed free of Charge. Also Dealer'in Books, Stationary, and F'arjazine Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by ane perieriood LrucgiKt. Remember the place, thrcedoors west of thV Herald ofiicc; Pl.ttU-jnoutii. Nebraska. HENRY BOECK IifeALER IN FUR N I TUR E LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES BEDSTEADS- Or ALL DISCBtPtlCMS ASD AT ALL PK1CK8. Mctalic Burial Cases. A?ti: r" " '' . . J m i WOODEN COFFINS OFALI. SIZES. Beady Made, and Sold Cheap fcr Ci-h. With many tbanl-s for put pitronage. II ti Ate all to call and examine my laro stock ' niture and Coffins jan28t THE "Silver Tongue.' KAHCrACTCBED CT E. P. XEEDI1AM & SON, liS. 1C 147 East 23d Street. New York. ESTABLISHED IN 1840. Responsible parties appljinir for ngencics it sections still uisuriIicd. will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties re- sidini; at a ui.-tuin'o from our authorized agents' may order front our factory, fiend for il'utra-" led price list. Oct a5dlw3nf FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 0J PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA. 8CCCES80 TO Tootle, Hanna & Clarfc Jonw FiTior.SAt.o, JOH.f K. CLAkK. C. n. PrtMicr.t. . Ytrr PrciiJani T. W. Ltak, Ati't Caihitr t'athier. This Bank is now open for businei at tkel new room, corner Main and Sixth streets, and are preparod to transact a general Banking Business, Stocks, Bonds, Jold. Government and Local .4 Securities' , , Bonsht and Sold. Dennsits Received and Interest allowed On time CcrtiCcfiW; Draft drawn, available In any part of th United State and in ail the principal townrf and C.t.cs of Europe. u- c i-staj rare OR THE CELEBRATED AND ilIPJ IaITJ3 OF STEAMERS. Persons wishin; to bring cut their friends lis? Europe can pmehsssj tickets frrni ulhrfS PA ".. a il Tl 1 !. r r 5 - L Y i .-: V M 'A:rT 0 o n ? o . .pi