1 1 1) -n n ' --tiart minfti yjnitt'' svh trnftaaam urn SOTlETI3irV NEW EDUCATIONAL C0tUW, B, 8. - RAMSEY, Cfrmnanloation on Edneatiottal Tor'.. !- irt of Edaoational Meetings. ' r ct fcjly solicited for ths Educational C1hm. and Kay b addressed to Editorial Committ--. 7"cx 3. Reek Staffs. Neb. B. S. Ramsey. Ch'n Editorial CotEmltt-c. BT CHA8. OTIS. Oral reading is the ot of readio? alotrcl. either to one's self or to an au-, dicnce. To do this well it is necessary to convey to the hearer the emotions, u e., the moving of the m-nd or bouI, or tae agitation of the mind or soul and the though ts, t. the ideas and concep tions of the author of the piece. We are taking it for granted that the reader has learned articulation, inflection, accent, and emphasis. Not what more is necessary? It Is necessary that he study the char acter of the piece. If it is emotional, he must strive to enter into the emo tions of the author. He cannot convey to an'audience the emotions of his author without he does so. He must stand in the place of the author and utter his say ings as original. The plaintive piece entitled "The Burial of Sir John Moore," will serve to illustrate. If the reader is properly imhued with the solemnity of the occa eion, and can imagine himself one of the corteee. he may raad it with great effect. Or in the piece "The Downfall of Po land," take in the full scope and mean ing of the hard in the first verse : 'cV Kiirrad Truth and to man." Do these expression apply merely to the inhabitants of that iil fated country? In the dismemberment of Poland all mankind received a shuck. In the 2d verse, allowance is made to "Onr Conntrr." Enter into the spirit of this utterance of Kosciuska. "Country" was all that was left and yet a great thing to fight for. The poet clothes it with awe by calling it that dread name. In the piece, "The Banner of Pulas W" rreat beaut v can be exhibited if three words can be uttered in the spirit of the author. Remember that the ban tier hung before the altar where incense . was burning. That it had been conse crated by prayer. The nuns were sing ing their sweet hymns when this emblem of war was given away, which was to perform the double purpose of banner and shroud if this hero should fall upon the field. They desired that it might lead the hosts to victory, yet did not wish it to be a witnsss to cruelty to a submis sive foe. 'Take thy Banner." It Is highly emotional in character. It charges the receiver not to betray the trust reposed in him. "If the vanquished warrior bow Spare him." They in effect conse crate that banner to go forth in a battle for civil and religious liberty. It may be used as a martial cloak in a certain event. - It is & beautiful gift entrusted to him as became a hero. As a preliminary step dwell long upsn the character of the piece. Study to portray. Let the teacher be able to give a history of the times in which the piece was enacted. It is said that reading martial pieces inspires soldiers, and that upon the eve of a great battle it is sometimes resorted to. I think James Murdock did read to some regiments. The poor reader says that he does not understand the author. It is a great satisfaction to him though " to hear cood reading. Many pupils taka books in advance of their culture aad understanding, and forever blast their characters as good readers Reading should be taught so as not to be a great effort. The machinery should Win easilv. there should be no clashing. Tha- ernsrieneed teacher knows where the fault is and the remedy. The reader hould be "at home", if I may use such a saying, wrapped in the thoughts of the author. "We have felt the power by whieh the dramatic speaker moves vast audiences. Studvine for years their pieces. Stand ing in the place of the original, adopt ing the costumes, the trappings and the surroundings. The mere reader cannot attain to so high a degree of imitation yet if he has the will, he can get on to the high, road to improvement. Buck's Grove, Nebraska. TEST SOOSST A text book should be an aid to the teacher in imparting instruction, acd to y learner in acauirioff knowledge. It should present the subjects of know! edge in their proper order, with the branches of each subject classified, and the rarts riehtly arranged. No text book, on a subject of general fcrrcwledge can contain all that is known oi the sub-. feci of which it treats ; and ordinarily, it can eontain but 8 very small part. Hence, the subjects to be presented, and the extent to which they are to be treat ed, are matters of nice discrimination and judgment, about which there must always be a diversity of opinion. The nbjectfl selected leading ohes, and those est calculated to unfold, explain, and illustrate the principles of the science. They should be so presented as to lead the mind fa analyze, discriminate, and classify; to such principles separately, each in its combination with others, and all, as forming an harmonious whole. Too much care care cannot be. bestowed in-forming the suggestive method of arrangement ; that is, to place the ideas and principles in such a connection, that each step shall prepare the mind of the learner for the next in order. v A text look should be constructed for the pur pose of furnishing the learner with the keys of knowledge. It should point out, explain, and illustrate by examples, the mrctSds of investigating and examining fubierta.but should leave the mind of he fffarcei free from the restraints of minute detail To fill a book with the analysis . C tfttpfcSttltoc, whih any -iid a solve in his own way. is tojeonstrain and foroe the mind at the very peint where it MnnhlA nf milf-action. To do tht for a pnpil, which he oan d for himself, is most unwiee. A text book on a tmb iect of tcience fhould not be historical. At first, the minds of children are averse tn whatever is abstract, became what is abstract demands thought, and thinking in men tal labor frcm which untrained minds turn away. If- the thread of sci ence be broken by the presentation of facts, having no connection with the ar inmont the. mind will leave the more ,;,- 1M. cfort and I " - - "I labor. The optician, in his delicate ex Tieriment.a, excludes all light except the beam which he uses ; so, the skilful teacher excludes all thoughts excepting those which he is most anxious to im press. IjOqic of Mathematics 'the education all association. During the last two or three years. efforts have been made, repeatedly, to organize in Cass county an association of teachers and friends of education, but ouite as often have those efforts ben unavailing. Perhaps one great obstacle in the way, has been the transitory life of the teacher. Generally speaking teach ers are employed for a tingle term, and when that term was ended the teacher under the the necessity of "looking up another location." Indeed, such is the case with a majority of teachers at the present time, and until school boards throughout the county remedy this evil by securing bona fide, resident teachers, it will always be a draw-back to the r.rnsnprifv rf our Public Schools. The f r J - . meeting of the Educational Association at ML Pleasant, on the 28th and 29th of March, was one of the most interest ing. which has boon held in the county. The attendance was perhaps as large 3 could be expected, during so busy a season of the year, aod the interest evinced on the part of each one present, indicates clearly that education among nnr nitizens. is becooiioz a Question of the first magnitude. One of the most prominent features of the meeting was the discussion on Friday evening, of the question of Com pulsory Education. In this discussion we were pleased to notice, that others than teachers took part, among whem were JMr. Wm. L,j'ncn and tne itovs Fnlden and Gallagher, of the M. L Church at Mt. Pleasant. The Question of Compulsory Educa tion has been belore tno public lor a one time, and it is not at all surprising that in the young Commonwealth of Nebraska its consideration should be come a chief feature of educational as sociations. The simple fact that such is already a question before the public, is of itself sufficient to prove that there is a great imperfection in our system of Publio Education, and that certain means arej necessary to remedy this im Derfection. The session on Saturday was one ot interest and pleasure, in which all pres ent semed to jtake a deep interest. Among the friends of education who rendered valuable assistance during this meetine. we vroulu mention the names of Messrs, C. IT. Winslow, S. Hobson and Wm. J. Lynch. May the patrons throughout the State do likewise In nnnn hicinn. woi will fiatr that tne . II .. v ..... - J - - - PMiiMtinnnl Association of Cass countv is no longer an experiment : it is an estab- lisned tact, and irom tne nence oecomes one oi the institutions oi the county. The Hartford horse cars in the winter nunt eiich a. riii ifnlnn annfiarannp. irirh tlipir ivinvns.3 pnvprs. thatonce were white, but now are of an indefihable col or, that a passenger, anxious to get on board, hailed the driver with the cry "Vn-iiicfnnonnr rk I" T7 wllftlTl the A river rocnnndp.) VH. rinrrtr nn! The animals are all in, long ago, except the jackass 1" One of the Ohio papers tells about a brave little bov out there who found a broken rail on the railroad track and nnrrwiviniT tVi ridril in TFriirh th train jy. ,V. ' . U . . . w " would be placed if it should come dashing past without warning, sat on the fence for five lone hours in the bitter winter cold, in order that he mifiht carry the first news of the accident to his father, t t i i i wno is local euiior oi a paper iu a ueigu t -ii oonng vniage. A Rtnrv is told of citizen of Danburv. Conn., who was broken of the wretched V m f aP flwaariniy in ft nnupl mrinripr - lie was ao inveterate curser and grum t A . 1 1 1 J Dier. Al every meai ac uetuecieu a, blessing, and swore at every thinz from irravv to teapot. His oaths discolored the nankin, soured the bread and curd led the milk. His wife, a woman who airiontitr i-ipllwpfl that. th hair of a dear Viiuvuvij - 1 would cure the bite, stood this unseemly . ..... conduct until toroearance ceasea to oe a virtue. One morning he was un- nsuailv cross and protane. and was about to take a fresh start at something else, when his wife suddenly broke out tvith a oprip4 (amns rhat made the old gentlemen get up and leave his chair as though a pin had been introduced be tween the canes. As soon a she ceased he breathlessly remarked: Well, I swear, if it has got so you can swear too, it is time I quit." And he did. The East is waking un to an interest in the transportation Question, about which the West is already eo much agi tated. The Boston Journal . of Com mprrji nninrs out that when farmers can not live bv laisinz produce they will do their own manufacturing, and adds: "If our merchants desire to retain their Western trade, they must aid the West toobtaia tacilities to reach tne seaooara. The rew York Inbune holds the same opinion, and Fays that "the railroads have been undermining their own busi ness." , The recognition at the East of the necessity for reducig the rates of transportation is an important step in tne rY-rcf n f mnvftnunt Tl Ja tn r-i hmipri that it will lead to some practical effort in tne way oi resisnng raiiroaa aggres- ainna and hrpakinir finwn rail marl mnnori- alies. A good deal was achieved by the General Railroad Law in . New Jersey, by which that State will be thrown open to a free railroad passage from the West trr the Atlantic Still more may be ac complished when Eastern capital shall make some concerted and substantial ovennt for increasing the canal facil ities. This will be done when th& East ern manufacturers and dealers fully reo ognize the prediction of the Boston Journal of Commerce, the New York Tribune, and other journals i which re warning the Eastern people of their folly in permitting the Western trade npon which thej live to turn inta another tbvaoel'Ckima Tribtmt, BLOOM & CO. lPSiF R"SHIG GOODS, 8tl HOYS AJVD CHILDREN'S CLOTWIJVU Hats and Caps, ai AUK F7.Q R!!RSR Gfinns. W V w 7 Main Street. Second Door East of the Court House. BRANCH IIOUS E Broadway.Coucncil Bluffs Hj . -F. J O jEE isns O , PWja VaIW Ilouse. j S ;pU;ilV VUW A 9mmv w Jin in Street, Plattsmoiith, Nebraska ST. LOUIS, DECKER BROS.,j G. A. MILLER & CO S PIANOS. nb thx Jirst-tlass Wholeoala and Retail Dealer in StrinK8. Sheet WMUSICAL IN.'TRUMENTS Tuned CHOICE TOWN AT Y -A. V TVA Al.lU:..n rom 25 to S50 and on terms go easy that persons .TIAtlVEST IWCOITIE -tot- For tho e who wsnt town property either upon, tal' is a rare cnance to pei location, and are Young and Beautiful Which add materially to their value. tow mess Jt f Parties wiching to purchase orlook at theselots. will bp Miwn them, or pivcn iiny m'or- mtion desired, bv callinir on r.. j . ll ivr or u. XtJ.T. Or U. II. IT 11 I ' A-i A. -m .' " ' ' - I . Or X. II. IT 111 UUlt -m I I, tk.okrtraMnnaiwill Km H I ainik Tl t Oil Plattshodth. Nkbbaska. Oct. 22nd 1872. W I L L I A fWi ST Has on hand, one oflhe largest stocks of CLOTHINC A?.D GEKT3' SPRING AND SUMMER, 3-1 invit every body in want of anything in my line to call at my stere. &outk Side Main, IXetwcen 511a & Gtli Stroeis. And convince theraselve of the fact- Ihavoaa stock. 01 x ine Clotuins lor Aien ana uoys; S-Ial30 keep on hand a lance and well selected SPUING & SUMMER GOODS. -8oi- DOWN GO THE D. SCHNASSE & C O.'S Celebrated NEW YORK STORE South West Corner of Main Street Plattsmouth, Nebraska, AND SO THE PEOPLE Til IKK WHO BUY 3D BL IT DRESS-GOODS. PRINTS, DELAINES, GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING, BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YARNS, BOOTS AND SHOES In the Grocery line we COFPEEr SUGAR. MOLASSES, TEA All the Varieties of Spices, in fact for all Your GROCERIES. HARDWARE. QLEENSWARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTION8, HATS AND CAPS, 00 Boots and Shoes, TRIKJXS. VALISES, ETC Flttamouth, NeWasV Iowa. in Schlater s Jewelry Store,.eai BDRDET SMITH'S AMN AND BOSTON ORGANS. Wihm w rgans. Music and all kmd r Musical aiorenanat and Repaired Satisfaction Gaaranie-;7r L.OTS FOR S Lfi TEH the Pitv r.f PldHotnAiith at prices ranging witu the MAY I?1EET TWETS. to hold for a ppecuktion or to build k. i ut'i-e toil are hi uciijtuuui dotted over with a Growth of Forest frets, . f u. ou i l. cjwuir m iuo - ' - -v - u m. --o------ m. ' " ' " ' tAn RIT PRnt. dl00-w30tf A D E L BUS A KB FUHM1SH2N3 GOODS, FOl upeciality in roy Retail Department alselcct 10 wnicn wo mviie iuuso run wiut wuuus, stock of Ilats and Caps. 8 lOtf PRICES!! A T keep the Finest and Best DRIED FRUITS, of every Description, to m FOR SALE BY On? door South of Main street on west i masnecn. t lissn lukfinm tiA Amprii?ftTl rrablic OVER THIRTY years. It haa never yet failed to give perfect satisfaction, ami has jrjBtly been Btyled the panacea-for all ex- . t If i - -I.. A. T CirAlilnmi Sprains, Bruises, &c, &c, for Mm nd aftt. No family 6hould be a single day THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST :0: For Your Groceries G To 15. GUTH3IATV. Corner Third and Main Streets, Flattomeath. tot fiiaylle keeps on hand a ;hoice and well selected Stock of Fancy Groceries. Coffees, Teas, Sugar, Syrup, &c, Ac. Ac Also a goed assortment of Boots AShoes."K :0: In Connection with the Grocery is Bakery & ConfeUionsry ! 3-All kinds of Country Produce bought and Take notice of the siro "EMPIRE EAKDRY AND 6 1 i HAGAN'S ' a Magnolia Balm FEW APPLICATIONS UAEZ A Pure Blooming Complexion. Ii is Purely Vegetable, and Its operation ! een and Mt once. " It does away with tha flushed Appearance caused by Beat. Fati.roo and Excitement. Healsand rezncveaaH Elotchea and Funp)ea. dlspelltrjg dark and unsightly rpota. rivee away Tan. Frecklee and 8un vurn, and by its gentle but powerful influeaew JnaoUM the iaded eheek witl TOUTHFUL BLOOM AKD BEAClT. 9eW by all Drnggisl n Focy StoMfl. Pv pot, C3 Park Time, w Vjk ; - - side of Sixth.' Call and bos him and go T -v without this Liniment. The money re funded unless the Litament ii as repre Fertted. Be prre and pet the remiine MEXICAN MUSTAKQ LTNTS'ETn. Sold by all Druggists and Country Stores, at 25c., 60c. and $1.00 'per Bottle. Notice Btyle, Eize of bottle, fcs. , 1 S MEDICINES i AT S-l. BUTTERY'S Od Main Street, nearly opfosite the Herald Office. Ill I f . Wholesale and ReUil DealE to I i Yirnz and ledicint Paints. Oils- Varnisa es and Toilet Articles. a- Pren'DtiOB cerefnlly t all hoars dy mad aigbW t i j in 3 I h o. AND , i ' T: V i i III 1 STATE AGENT HAL 6 PATENT WIND MILLS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING FORCE AND FA KM PUMPS, FEED MILLS, ETC.', . TERMS LIBERAL. The Tfalladay Mill ha stood the test for ix een yenr. both in the United Statci and Ku ; ope and i.i the only one lenerally adopted !y all Principal Ilail- roadsi arid rariners. t Send for catalogue nnd price lit,-JEr A. L. STRANG. pl8wtf Lincoln Nebraska. ADYERTiSE'MENTSL . I'fie advertisers below refer you to the :bisherj of rtw paper as regard thdr feet reliability, ami when writing to tn. please mention you saw their Adver eincnt in this poper. VJdS!licAt;un. semi free their arrurale rules or frwir-JWeaKuremeni. iiiuKiraie Cirrular, and 1'rloe Mat. with a Tull line efKamples. enablina; jroa to onler Iota lint direct fruBi their 11oum, which will be matte in the le atjle. Shipped hr es pres. C. O. IS., with the prlTllej;e ot ei Mminlii anil returuitiyat their expense, if not Katibfaetory. Hi DT Kule of aelf-measurement sent free ill I Order solicited. Fit guaranteed. rjfSySJ and Youtha'Clothlnara snerlaltj. Send uJ 9 O for Illustrated Ktjiea and Trices. TAiM'.OX'S IATK T C OWniTl Tll) hTEM'iL AI,l'tlAH.r, forr.iarkl'iK eliow Caros, l!es, B.irrela, iiaas. Trunks. 4c, 4c. All eizes, fr.un lni li letter up wards. Write for oescnpiiTe TV V K, ekS;s price list, crren:ltonlj 3f.r the Vi'-'if; popular (Inch letter) size. Kent C prOiral.l. Will pay for itself in a : -f- ci or ni.mov relurue.l. A(rc;.is wantci Ad-U.-.-SS il. C. liariiard & Co., 31 Olive sueet. bt. I. .Mils. Mo. . BERKSHIRE HCG5. f irea.'.-ranii Price l.l. K. I l KX;lt.St. I oui-..Xo. rr.i pk....,u,t .nH TTjiiiiiaomeBt Asricultural ' ud i'am-.ly JourCMl in this country is tha ST. LOtI JlfDLAIMI rAii.'u.ii. Eight papea. Foriy Columns ,ovy BO Cta. a Uiti a rairui ...... ..-j Kt.mp.for a'amp-njr Linen and 1000 oIlH-r art'eles. A silver-plated stamp of fine ti:iis!i ami perfect coii- etru. ilon, wnn Doii.t; ui utm i um.- bl Ink, 1"R rail, ami three entire AIpI-a'MJts,, fm lud iuaneat box, Willi full li-l ftruction, sent prepaid fur only 51 so Tliehest tlmip lor the price ever Invented Afrenta wanted. II. C. lUrnr.rd 4 Co., 31 Olive street, fct. I.o ils. Mo. rifiSAWAE3AS3JA5IASlEfi A beantUul pair orrrencn uruinoa. handsomely mounted, sold erery- hn fnr Kit. Kent uretiald oa re- e?ipt of f 1, or 60c for eithar. Attests wanted errrrwhore. who eaa stake 'JheTrade. Map and ChromorubUraBgC)gI8 i'tne Ktreot, St. Louis, Bo. . 45wlv Sont by mail for 10 cts- K. B. Foote. M. D. 130 Lexington Are., New York City. Lo k to Your Children. The Great Soothing Remedy. R9. ! Cures colic and griping in Price Whitcomb's the bowels, and facilitate 2-? Svrup. jthe process of teetbiog. Cens Mts. Subdues convulsions and Price Whitcomb's overcomes all diseases inci- 2- Syruo. j dent to infants and children. CU. MRS. 1 Cures Diarrhora. Dysente- Pric Whitcomb's ry andsuminercomplaiut 2- - Syrup, ichildren of all ages. JCeats. It is the great Infants' and Children'snSooth ing Remedy, in all disorders brought on by teething or any other cause. Prepared by the Grafton Medicine Co.. St Louis Mo. . Sold by druggists and dealers in Medictnse everywhere. dec2d d&w OKI' iUE BEST. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY I000O Wrdi and meanings not in other Dictionaries. 30C0 Engravings ; 1810 Pages Quarto. Price $12. Whenever I wish to obtain exact definitions. I consult it- Schuyler Colfax. fj rerv scholar lisowa it value. IW. H. Prescott. the Higtorian. T3een one of my daily companion. - John L. Motley, the Historian, ic So far as I know, bast defining Dictionary. (Ilnmce Af.nn.l Thebest guide of students of our lantruage. John a Whittier. T?icelB all others in defininglscientifio terms. J- (President Hitchcock.! Remarkable compendium of human knowl edge, f W. S. Clark, Pres't Ag. College. necessity for every intelligent family, stu dent, teacher, and professional man. What Li brary i complete without the best Ecgli&h Dic tionary T Published by O. & C. MKKRIAM. Springfield. Mass. Bold by all Booksellers. Webster's Primary School Common School " High School ' Academic Dkt'ry, 2M Bn'gs. 274 " Til 3-M " ' Counting House ith- nu merous illustrations and many valuable tables not to be found elsewhere. Published by IVISOK. BLAKE MAN, TA Y LOK. A CO.. New York. , 47hT. i sS the East North and Southeast. BTATIONS. MAIL. TPS KM Leave Plattsmonth Arrive Bu lirjfton.... - xendota 3. Op. m 7.10 a- in 11.15 a- in 3.15 p. n . ,j0 a. ci. 6:15 p. m. 5 JO a. m 10 JO p. m. 3 " a. n 7.00 a. na 12.50 a. rn 9.25 a, m. - Chicago(C.B.4Q.) " Peoria, " . Ind'plisd.B-AW. " Cincinnati, " 11.00 p. mj 4.15 B. oa " Logansp'KT.PAW 5. So p. m 2.43 a. ta. 9.20 a. nv &30 p. m. " Columbus " 3Tlrrongh Cars from Hiwonrf River to Chi eago. Indianapolis, Cincinnati. Lnansport ano Columbus. . . , ConnectiTns at th points wit a lines lea ine to the East, North and South. This is tha Best, Shortest, Qvtckeit and Chsap- Do no b deceiTed". bat obtain. Ticket Tia XJS KMfSA. Ca3 ll 15 1 S t SI R 3 renowned Merchant ",T Hpli!arl8 Tailors anil Clothier mwXcfUwlVJ1 Of the We.t. f.01 fc .-Sa t.s(Hi:l S. 4t!i M.. St. l oul!. Mo., will, on FOR WOMEX TO IX Do aod nnd Slike JAti4 AU-lrees with mump. Cdi Th New Vr..V Sfv : It 'iu.i'Ow sra ON MARRIAGE. IIAPP7 Relief frr Tonnir Moo. tmm r1 effectg of Krrcrs and Abuses in early life. Maiv knod restrcj. Impediinentti to Murriaee ro nijvj't. New me'hotfof treatment. Nw au reirarkaWo remcdiox. Hooks and CirauJa eritt'te, in fiiln-i iivplipfs. Ad if UUV.'AIII) ASSOC I A I M'N'. No. 3 HoutS Ninth Stru'l, l"fulnl-i,.(iii, i n.- n ln- ptitti 'n Kivina a turn r, ut 'i .n lor hctura bie pon l-i 't Ji'.'i iriit'-iiin.i.l citil . A :;. - i- V " FO Uof'KS L DM 1 Y Al ' The tost bookx publiihoc en tin IIorsk niifi 'he Cow. I.itral term. Slonoy rrnde rpid ly bv Agents Felling these bouk. Hend lof circular?, PORTER & COATKS. Publisher. l'hila.lolpti'a. 'a. mu tor v iiettii: u, 617 St. Charle.x Street. I onger located in St. Louh thnn any Chron li ic Phvsiciai.. fo uccof'ully treatu Siirplc mil Ccmi'licated Venereal Lisi'n.- as to brinK nalient troia every Mate, im liapnrl op- prtuniticn. a lit.- time expTimoe, with pur-i st uruifs prepared In t!io estMljii.- Iinient, t urf!" imcx (tiven up by other?, rn matter who d : tll ro; r private troublen. '.'onultatioi. ree. SeuJ two ftHinpx (or inruioiil e-i ye. Manhood, Whkhmhiod, e t .nil. 15 centH neh. both lor 25 el", KM) pnge. II mat too cunoua, ninuniui nr unui n v vith to know all aN!t Self-pollution I'rcvcn ion. Marrinae. Kvcry yout:tr man and wo tan oufriit to read it iu u warning Ihe nor iu d.-bititated o.- uartially imp tntent lientically advised. wn (!cc2d To ApvKSRTtsr.na Al! persona who eorifem plate waking contract with newpapersfor tin nsertion of Adveniceuieius should seud to geo. Lowell Qo. 'or a Circular, or inclonn 25 cent for their On hnn-ired Page Pamphlet, containing L. irtw of 'i. 0 NeWepapcr and etimatec, h"rin the cost if adrertisina;. aicotiiany tueful hints toad vertifer. and aoioe account of tho experiences il un-n who are kn.wn as sueceaaful udvrtis tk. This firm arc proprietors ot the American Newspaper Advertising Agency. ind are p eed of uneinnled facilitie ft ci'urius the i ' ertion of advert isemerits io all Mta papers nd Periodic!:) St lewoet ratK. VInefrnr -Hitters arc not A vile Kimcy Drink, nufcUi 'it I'oor Hum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits nnil.!ifuHe Liquors, dwtoreil, spicert, anrl sweeteUo-1 to pieaac tin; tame, culled "Tonics," H.Appotlzeni." ' Ki atorera." Ac, that lead the) ippler on to clrurikemirns and ruin, but are a tree Meilii'ine. rnaile from tne native roots air! herbs of ('ulifr rnia, free from all Alcoholic 8t mulants. 'llicy me the flrent Blood I'nrifliif tntl a l.ife-eivluir rrmriple, a Perfect Ren ore tor anl liivmormor of the sys tem, carrTiiiflj rr oil poisoiioua matUT and rcstonna tuo Uod to u licalihy condition, en riching it, reft-shinjr nnd invigorating both ml ml and boilt.. They are easy of oliuiiiiatra Uon, prompt itn their nctloti, certain In their reaulta. safe anil rellaMc in nil forma of tliaoHat Kol'trnoiiianlakc llie liltf era ac cording to direoiions, uul remain loniiu well, provided their i lionea are not tlcHiroyed by mineral poison! r other mrotis, and the vital organs wasted Beyond the point of repmr. Dyspepsia ir Indlevtloit, llcmlnche, Pnln in the Sliroi lers, I'oulis. 1 ighttirss of tha Cheat, I)iz7.1neCSotir Kructaiions of theSiom ach.liad Taste In lie Mouth. Ili'loua Attacks. Pal pitation of the Heart. Innainiiiiition or the I. unes, Faiti in the roRios of the Kilnuyi.an(l a humlred other painful s"f rptonin. are the oirsprliiKH of Dyspepsia. In (4osc coinphiintH It has noequal, and one bottle tfli: prove a better Kiiuruntco of its merits than a Imcrthy advert oemctit. For Female It onip.'aliit. Ill votintt or old, marrietl orsinl. at the duwu of woniiiniiood, or the tarn of lift heneloiuc J.iuith ulKpiay so decided an inflii!rcc that a maikol lmprove tnent Is soon pepji-uible. For Inflamiiiatoiy ntnl Chronic Uhrnmalliiii lud tiont, HKpcpia or I it.it- festioii. Bilious, itt'liiittent. and Intermittent evera, Dlaeape bf die lll(l.ljver. Kidneys ami Bladder, these Mtte- have leeii moat hu- eiful. Such Diseases arocnsiHd by Vitiated lilood. wl;( h Is generally prtwliiceU by derangement of the Digestive Organs. i hey are f entle Purpcutlve as well as a I onic, poSMeiuir also tho peculiitr merit of acting as a powftiful ut'i nt in rellciitig Con gestion or Iritlaimnitlon of the Liver and Vis ceral Organs and tn BiIIohh liiKenHcx. Forkin Disntues, Lrujitioin, Tetter, Snlt Rheum, Itlotcliea. Sjnts, ritupleM.I'iistuleH.lloils, CarbuncleH,Riiig-Vi"oirns, h :il(l lb ad Sire Kyes Erysipelas, Itch, $cirh, UiHeoiorutioim l th Skin, lluinors and i UiseaHon of the hkln. ot whatever name or tniure, are liternlly dug up and carried out of tit system In a short lime by the use of these Hit ten. One bottle t;i such rase will convince the nut incredulous of their cur ative effects. ' ! Cleanse tha Vfrfatetl Blood whenever yon find Its luipuntts ImrKiing tlimugh the skin In Pimples. Krop lonn, or .Sores ; cleanse it when you Dutl It obstt jctcd nnd Hlugtrixli In the veins ; cleanse It wiier It Is foul ; vour feelings will tell yon when. Rsep the blood pure, and the healt h of the syste.n will follow. Oratefnl TbonMiiiU prochtlm Vinrar Bitters the moat wonderful Itivtgoraut that ever sustained the sinking avHtem. Pin, Tape, at either Worms, lurking In the system of so ntiiiy thousand, are eirec tually destroyed and 'noted. Say a illHtln--jmjHhed pliysioloKist -.yiicre Is scarcely an Indi vidual on the faceof tbrcartb who.ie body g ex empt from the present: or worms. It is not up on the healthy elcmentHOf tho Uxly that worms exist, but upon the dBtued humors and slimy deposits that breed tin-He living mounters of disease. No system of Btrdiclno. no vermifuges, no anthelminitlcs, wiiiifrce the system from worms like theHe Bitter. Merhactical TUIseitesrersons engaged In Pat i its and Mineral, riicti as I'lumliers, Type setters, Gold-beaters, iitid Miner, at. ,acy ad vance in life, are stilijt t. to punilyHis of the Bowels. To guard against thin, take a dfae of Wai.kkk's Vineoar liiraa twice a week. Unions, ltemittetC anl Iuleruilt tent Fevers, which as if so prevalent in tha valleys of our great riverjihroughoiit the I Dltej States, especially those. $ the MiM-issippt, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tcnri&,f, Ciiiiitierluud, Ar kansas, Rd, Coiorad'ti irazos. Rio liramie, Pearl, Alabama, Mobild, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many other wlih their vaxt triliu taries, throughout our t-utire ciintry during the Summer and AutumtE and remarkably so during seasons of untisti4i neat and dryness, it re Invariably accompanied tv exU riMve"deranir. moots of the stomach and iver, and otner ab dominal viscera. In tl.cln treatment, a purga tive, exerting a powerfuiwunuencc upon these various organs, is essential y uecossary. There Is no cathartic for the purjr.'Me equal to Da. j. Walker's Vikkoak Reka, as thev will speedily remove the dars-lored viscid matter with which the bowels arf osded, at the same time stimulating the secri?us of the liver, ami generally restoring the lifnit'l functions of the digestive organs. ? t Scrofala, or KSng'M ?H, White Swell, fngs, fleers, LryBipclas, '?!led neck. Goitre, Scrofulous Innaiabiatiomi odolent Inflarnma. tlons, Mercurial Arfectlotss,' Old Kores, Krup. tions of the Skin, Sore K revet a, etc. In theso as In all other coustitutioDa) S Iseaaes, Wai.kkk's Vinegar Hitters have shj;i their great uurs tlve powers in the most cl.-.. mate and lutracu ' able caxes. t Ir. Walker's Calif xula Vinegar Bllfers act on all these nisea In a similar manner. By purifying the iod they remove the cause, and by resolving ipvay the effects of the inflammation (the tubert slar deposits) tha affected pans receive healtu, Jid a permanent cure ts effected. ! The properties of Dr. W f l i.'S Viseoak Eittkrs are Aperient, Diaioretic, Carmin ative, Nutrilioua, Laxative, Muretic, Seda tive, Counter-irritaut, budiQc, Aiterauve. and A ntl- Bilious. The Aperleat and mild . mauve proper ties or Da. Wai.kkk's Vi.s;,r Bittkks are the best safe-guard In case f eruptions and malignant fevers, their bali-f site, fci-alirig, and soothing properties protect tic humors of tha fauces. Their Sedative propt pes silay pain Irt the nervons system, stomach, ?! bowels, either from inflammation, wind, co:, j.icrau ps, etc. Fortify tbe tVoxty nr it disease by purifying all lis Cuhis wuh VttsaAK Bittbrh. So epidemic can take bold o a sjsiem thus fore-arm el. f ; Directions. Tske of the fitters on golnir to bed at night from a half to '.e aid one-half vrine-glassfuii. Eat good now 4 -tint food, such as beef-steak, mutton chop, v l ien, roast beef, and vegetables, and take oi5.joot exercise. They are composed of purely viVpettble ixigre. dieais, sad contain no spirit. K. II. McLKMAI.r . i C' ETft2?glsta SDd Oen. Agis., ban 1 tiDitsco. Cal A cor. f Washington and ChsriL.m Sia., N.Y. wCTLO.BT Mi, AtKCUUibl 4 tTut 6?) i V 4 . f -J; -- -r ;. ta r " -- -r- j