. t XI si 1 Si t 1 . 1 , W f 1 ( i t EDUCATIONAL COLUMN. li. S. ILamskt. .v. 1 ra: i::ck ) Gestif. Johns-ox lori.il Ce-ai. li-'A. KlKWPATI Ccnmunkutinus ou IMueafioiial Topi.!?. Ite urU cf Kii'-a'ioii.d Meeting, ic, nrercpect fai'y lolieited for the I'ducutional Column, and Xa.iybc addpe-ed t3 Luitori il Committee, Iter 1J. Ituck L'luCi. Xeh. L'. .-. Ham EY. Cb'n T-dueatioaul Committee. TLe first qaartoly meeting of the Ed ipjationsl A..-oeiation of Cast County vill be Leld rt Mt Pleasant, Lepinninr cn Friday, March 2;-tb, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The teachers cf tha comity are ex I ecte-d to bo j-re-ent, and frienda of Education are ordiady invited to attend. At the last meeting of the as?oeiat'on, c rcriQaocnt organisation was efTe etc J. and it iscor.fi Jendy hoped, that,' through the agency of this organization, and the caccaraprcmer.t of parent?, patrons, sn 1 friends of Education, an impetus may be given to the cnu'e in our own county that rviil ten ' it upward on tho ajcenJ- C-.-3 county icust not rank aaionr the Ijsveht in regard to puVh Edueaibu. The farnc;s cf Ca.-.- will not, mt at not pera.it tLia stingLitj ilisjract to nnr their fair fame. Come then to our tjclil as wail as educational uireting. II. P. IIam.ev, Ch'n Ed. Cou. Th3 tuLj-vt of popular education claims, and tdioiM receive, the ynpa thy and active support of every philan thropist and CLii-tun, without reejtrd to country or e'inie. We c nine now to coa.-idtr a topic in which" every patriot, and c!ecia!!y every true Ainorioui, a-s tue'i, rau.st foel a lively interest. Every c-Uizc-ti of our wide-spread country sdiou'd he fully periiid-d thnt the education cf tho people h tho on'y permanent basis cf national pro-p" rity not only, but of tatioria! suf'ry. This, in theory, is now -cuueeded, and the importance of educa tion ii very gonvrally admitted anionu men, epeeia'.iy in our own country. It is evident, however, that the conviction of its importance is lv.t so deep! in wrought into the mind cf sur.iety a-; it ouah to be, for h doas not i-ianife-t it Felt' with a!l the p s .ver of eaine.-t fed iu.g in tjena.t o c:ucat; in wnt-n tut' eubjeet, in view of iu aeknowe'edtd Teti?htiuss, justly demands. Thtf object and a ivaiitaes of e loca tion heretofore conilired apply epia!'y to ui?n of evi-ry nation and clime, under whatever form of pvertnj;cnt t'.ujy may chm;o to dwei!. It 'n otiitrwi-e ia re gard to tha political necosity of popular fdaoation. II ore a parlic-ular traiidn. is required to fit :n mi lb the givtru tne'it un l?r vrhi !i they are to live. In jC-).otic goveinm'.oita, tho obj-:etof pop ular education is to mi.kc good S'l'j'd, ivhilo up';n us devolves tha higher ic-T-jion-ibility of so cdue:!i:!g the people that they may n t or.-ly hecutne go'.-d tS-j'cfs but good ncn'erri-fHS all power originating i l and icturninj to the nv trrijn ft'jJr.. Ooly seventy-four y? ars fixO, our fi'.thers t.f the ever memorable Revolution piedg -l "fortune, life, and fvr,-! hnn.V't,!,,' !; ,1: ;,!,;,! crtee cd' these United States. L"n ler th.e Ibat-Tins; care of rcpub:ieaii io-ii:u- ti n., the tide of po ulation rLliv! 1 r a ; illy inland, c-.-o--:r the Alb ithat.ie", i ETieej'Uig over ti.e va-t vnihy of li.e li5 'i.'"ppi, nor resting in its onward O'r.-e until it setti:! :! the waters ot th? C.liiy.tia and chores of the Tacidc. J'revious to tlte Ucvi tathmnry we.r, the 3ir:-'Ii-h sctth'tucLi.- Wi re confined to the Atlantic coast ; now the tide e f it.otat ration se-cuis to be. to the shores if the J-ci;i -t - re sta'i-s are multiplying .1 CUl : S; tllli a little rvTi stu'es of th: n no it' Ly t.i txie In thai b.:'.r a century, the Uidori bav m number frr-tn thir;ee;i to t!;ir!y. popul ition in a rtio hithc-rto un; i Hi :n tr.n diions to twrii'v Vt'e stan 1 in tT.-c . sarjc rei.'.t: 01 10 p-:it.:'i :ry tuat our castors do tois. Each get.tration has duties of ks own to p; ;-f.jrm ; ate! our duties, thouch widely utlferert from fh?of our f iref.therj, are t;or l-s ky portant in their character or le-s bitidiiitr in their obligation. It was their duty toT.'U:id or cstabli-h our i!;.-t'tu:io::s,arel nobly dil they pei lbrfu it-. It is our e-1 pseial and appropriate duty to px ii. -et i and perpatn-ito tlic institutions wu have i reeci.el at their Lands. The boon they would bequeath to the I it.-st posterity can nver rc tch and bless theca c.wpt through our instrumentality. Upon each present generation rest the duty and trie obiigation of educating and qnlifidng for Usefulness that which iiu fciOcliaUly succeeds upon which, in turf, will devolve a liko respooIhi y. MAYIiltTT. V. WA Facility in putting our thouch's, idea and opinions in writing, an J thus mak ing cur knowledge common properly, and ofitt) getting our own errors corrct fed, is assuredly a mo-t de-irablo attain ment. But this desirable faculty can be on'y attained by gradual steps, and mcra or less continuous practice. M ny, fluent in pp.eech, cut a sorry figure in print. This ariCf irOCJ W itt i cf ear'v tralmnz, or from great nog e. of npeskina: through tho pen. Any enc vho practices writing out hi- tnuj- I na' I wrvor. 1 abia to e xr-rcs tiito on per 1 etvr than orally, and just in ao-; 5r.'r!ca the Ftock and character of j "I1, s5 will h'w writing be. . , . , ! .j ... j - '.h good of his st meth ds of i' Ia r lirat:eh WO j ... i I I -vi. 1 V 1 T(J rJM.".ILWMIllll I brings ca-"P, and evcctaally becotues a pleasure. As far as the writer's observation poes the u-uil practice is to give a scholar as youti as ten or twelve years of r.ge a sulj et. or pcthaps a.:lo.T him to chose one, on which ho is expected to wihe a short original cs.-ay if such an es-.ay is really original, and the teacher is faith ful to point out its numerous error?, the young and inexperienced author may be discouraged from future efforts of this kind. Now, is this a natural method? Is this the way the infant learns to taik? h ok at tho iufunt on it." mother's lap tee it looking steadily into her eye?, and gazing with happy wonder at the ever chansin features and moving lips, all expressing the sincere affection of her inmost soul. By and by the child be gins to see a conneefion between the fond cares.-es !:nd the rounds uttered, and before Ions that endearing and uni ver.val wo;d "Mamma," greets the er.r of the happy mother. Ar.on tho child begins to observe its surroundings, and to connect the sounds it hears with the acta of thos9 who utter them, an 1 final ly ui.-co'rs that there a better way of making its wi.-hes known than by ves tures aol outcries. Ih-t-weeii this an 1 j plain talk thoie-is yet an th?r step the prattd:1.? stage of infancy ib.e -im.-t deeply i::t"re-ting to every one who J'jtls ar-y intere-t in th? deveiopeir.eut of tho ;ni:.d. Imitation is the groundwork of all this progress cf the infant in learn ing to talk, a::d when we want to teach the more matured youth another and a Gcd 5c-:it way cf communicating our thought to others, we should begin at the beginning. Solomon says "He that rule t a hi spirit i better than he that takcth a city.'" In accordance with this great truth -he first rule to he learned is concentration of tli-iught. I'crhaps 'the s.imple.-t way to initiate a pupil into that mo.-t diffn ult of ta.-ks to govern his own mind is to rcqufre him to copy fioin a book a given cnter.ee or sen tences, with capital letter, punctuation and all, preci.-cly as they are in hi cory. When this can bo aceom bed with cae and without a single error, the Gr-t st-jp is taken, and uu important iti'P it i, a.' the teacher will find on trial. Sim ple a this pi n appears so littlo have our yourh accuto:ued themselves to clout uientai attention to the icatter in hind, that m-.itiy will fail on the first trial. The i;cxt may be to ch-inge cer tain words in the c py to others of the sa:ne mcatiln tli.'nt ndtanirt iho phra- 8 lohv.'V Without d: Vl.iicri :o io tilt author's ui--iuim; and when some pro tr.-s has been made in the ftT-g'UHg initial steps an original p'roluetion may be tri'.'d. If th? opinion is correct t hit a reform is needed in the u-ual method of teaching so essential an art as compo sition, liieu the subject m ght . e am i;!iiied to any le-ira!,le (Stent but. if l.i.,.,! .1. . ;......( teachers, aril fads to enli-t a more able a dvoeate cf such a nform, there has bs-f-n tnousrli s id alreadv. A. Ace- rdir.g to the statement- i:i:.u-. the pu'. ii-h'. is vl' the new citydiicet of l'"e:ivi-r, 'h :i city c- )ijai:is 7j S'.'l iiahit:i:it.-. lenvr miff boasts f Siop 1k oi.I oil' br -werie-. ItU carpenrr shops. 13 drv o.iii- rtcre-, o'l troeery stores. K hard I ware dealer-, lib hotel 4s iawvr-. ol pliVr i mm f), ii3 meat .iaikets .'- laun- ! .' t.-.! ( t ' I - "T-, an t o-i -a-.; e stati-tlo :t ."iC? .:n to v.iiu 1 M.'om tliat every .iher man you eh ;:ec to u.e-. t io Jv'iv, r, i.-eitb r a p;.i pve-e! attorney, out;: he ti keep ,n o! I (ieneon io D.m'iuty, C 'nncti- cu, in order to ctve a r:uMiJir oi to !'U '"f;, ";'" l"'' " vth n-p(!:oll i:r.;:;o. I 1 :: e I text. '; iie w.-rd? vi .-re. "Waik io i.iv--." dhi- picture tho (Jracon bun u; it! Ids re.i.io io a wry .-o t!i:.t .- y.-- mibt Ttt Up. ri it .1- lie- l: -t thing -A'jf to iiitr ti; fl-n ;in j ti. f;r-t tldnj- c.'i w.isittg : I;: too l'.erroer- Th- fex dV the d -h ' f or, wpio to : pictur lie so uoicii hiif.g j jst w!;er'- ! t admir ! f I tie ha i 1 ut foi'II 0;e-.iVt rsit to ...... rt- 4. , that tt r n:an b,t 1 ! m ,r : 1 .1.... I J iit u ilii llir :ijt: ui Will t I t ' l l.tv. a coo' 1 between th i 'i 1 ! uae-'-n was ('ari'uHv indiL'r.ae.t, i y h'st a'l faitii in chroiuos as a ni'.oii-i ,i iaee. Ain't that conif it.a'icah lie Th mas Ma.dCellar. I'hiladclphhi : d. Ik LippincoltCo., 1 73. 12mo. pp. I sat me down to build a loat And et it ou th. o i af! eit : I wrought it with a loving will. Tutting to tad; my u: mo.-t skill : I g-sve its firm tho highe-t i.'raco ?dy li::n 1 an 1 eye knew how to trace. And be-autkied it.- every part According to my native art. I v.t the most. :o:d -..p.-ad tb.e sail Ti ctteh tho Md':iet-brt--ithin j gale, And then I set: it fbrth to bieiif-ver w iy tho wind micht bio?.-. Vho k'lows? It may be lost at sea, Or co'uo wi'h treasure ,:ek to uie. ex The C.irri -r of the L-g il Intelltsretiper ( Phi a dolphin) ban 1- us a versified report ,,f a ease heo'ore tho Flon. Felix Novan- j nam and his a-socials, in which the car- rters ot tiffs wl the lii'r.fi'iff'iicer figure a- plain ;i!c it so- seribcrs are put upon tie ir defense. fhe phuntifT-claim a gur don s-iia!!,"' .A nl v'.tff a city custom, l.nowa to all V.'ho p.'jHTS tii.e. The dcfendet.ts fdotly urce that this is not good and sufficient reason why the Court sboull jn.'irmont pivo upon a cu torn. iian?e, ..lure !e: .rJ in tha i.Tea-U thaa the obs'.-rv- 1 bo judcmeiir, fi:owiiig numerous precedents, is novel only for its fratik- . TI.,. I ,....., . ! tnf! .a - - ' ' . consider Ion T,;e w.H;fe,r1.J. Ql, ., i.ns in this case j.ropou lod. hptbenh-' I custott's ri?ht r-r wreu. It Jots xisi tju't'.y on thm is foun lo i Ti, rtUintor clni'.n. i:ut taon. i canr.oi fso How ju Igiut ut wi.l a, ail him anfflit. for hs l!a proe.l no contract, nor nj ilimag-e shotrn. Anl . AhSCH ibfqvs ixjUi;l..M ir.aiia wet! knorn PIirt'uM rute tb: msc Uut. as was curtly sai 1 In Haatltoa anJ s-miih, I y one Ion? 0i. Although his words ."till live: ' Oa principle. lis clear . . ... - . . i The ca-o l ita ustcnJT.l : cut noi i;.ro, Jale licnt's or (.l iintiff." Ejc v'twih; fr the liyrAXVO. S. BLOOE JJSrnQjjTii r "" I , : y ':r' nstJCRB jjj X". i- y . . .-. ' - ; -". Ci T. fi HOYS AJVV CflL I) II EN ' S C LOTH J.Y I lata and Caps, Boots an J Shoes, SLAETS, HUBMEF? GOODS, TRUNXS, VAL'SS, E iC Min Strep. Sa-oid Doori:?-?t cf the Cuurt Itoute DitANCii iJOL - E IrouJway.CcuiTitil it'.ufTa Jt.wa. Tj . tp . joii";soir, ta-Opposit-3 the I'latta W.I-:? House, in b'ehlater's Jewelry Store, jpc. 2:alsi street, isitlMitioMlh, lbriiNliti ST. LOUIS, DECKER BROS.,ggv G . A. M I LLEIt k CD'S P 1 K 0 S. nb &hx trst-chss "Yh.le?ftle ar:l Hetai: Dc.-tcr in.c:rinss. Fh-.-t j-MUS!CAL I N ' T Ft U VI EM T 5 Tnt CHOSCI2 TOWN LOTS FOU S iLK At T.! r-m 1 riT ! lioucht in I'tiVi V Atlait if n to the Ci:y cf Fiat':?Etb. mi rrios riogiria rciu 51 to sj'j anil c.n term? .-o fcasy that imoik wit t'.o i?fIALn-T I IS O E 1 A 'S HSiET TCSK'S. tnj l"V.r tho wlio -.int town property ri'brr to hnhi f..r a' sprcwlction rr to build u;.;;j, thii is a rar-'1' chance fo get it. These lot" are in a dfliyhtftl location, an I are dotted owr with a Yuunz arid IZeuuiiful Gioicth of Forest frets, Which wdl materially to thtdr valnt. r;.r-i.'o wi-Vr.r to T.urr-hn" orPi'k rit thsr -.'.' . . .. f :.. I T' T I 1UH- or u. il. u :u.:-,l.i.K - ::-.J H.VK.Ni i-. i. ... li. . l-.. .t ... ir:il i ili.i. 'ixl.i I'lai raMouT.:. NtaaitKA. ek-t l-ui ITC. lias on hand, oni of ths Iirgt-st stocks f a:jd ge;u3' FafiisKiMs goods, fch SPniliG AfiD SVLir-fiEFI, CLQTM!;iC CS-I iuTito tTery bi ly in want of Hltl Tilnln, Slvivs At.'l convir i -cl '.- .f tj f ts. I h iv.s a- SLoci o! j: in. I'Jtuint tyr .uii ana jioys: CI:i'sri keep ca Ltnl 2. x-g and we!! iciecUd FALL AND WINTER GOO S. lol- DOWN GO THE II iT A D. 1ST E "W South West Corner of Main Street AtVD SO THE PEOPLE i'ESS-G(iOl)S. PKIKTS, 1 j K L A I Mi S , t i I N UiiAMS. BltUWiJ SilEFnKU. H Lid ACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS. CLARK'S NKW THREAD, COTTOIi YARNS. BOOTS AND SHOPS Iii the Grocery line we keep the Finest and Best TEA. COFFltK. PUUAK. MOLASiF.S. DRIED FRUITS. of every Description. All t!ic ruridhs of Spices, ia fact for all Your GROCERIES, HARDWARE, (JuEENSWARE, WOODEN-WARE. ihSSWARK, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAFS. GO GO. "a, - v' rn tt t t V 'if ". PlattMioJlh. KeLrufrlt T3IJlil3Ei SMITH'S AM' Is AND BOSTON. 0 H G A. li S . Ma.-Ic attl '.1 k.nds of Mi: ii.'al McrS:..ati. and Kepiir-.dSatUfaction Ouran-:cd. '.;', wiil flu.wr, ;hfn. r K;rr n nv.y inrjr- i 'I-I..."r"l' !" ... ! I. .. - .. V r .'Ll-MCiv, i.cI l-.-luto Agunts. T..I1 ...T fri ' 1LB '.tii anything in ray l:n to ta'l at njy gtor. - vvn 5ili s& Gt2i Hired. a ? -."'! itirr in mv It.e-iil D.paTt',nt a so'ccl ia wi-icii vm icvim 1:1051; vu-j aai nwui, t-jck f Hats and Cmrt. t lCIf P it I C E S ! ! AT S S E & C O'S Celebrated YOEK S T O R .E l'j. atts.moi.tii, Nesraska, T SI 5 . K. WHO TO THE 'Silver Tongue." MAKCFACTUESa BT E. P. XEED11AM & SOXf 113. K S: U7 Enft 2SJ Street. New York. . ESTABLISHED IN ?do. Kc.rti"it'ie parties appjyipff for agencies ii Kectims sti!) un.'uppii'.-i, wilt receive prompt nitentii.n anl liberal ucem.-nts l;irtitf ro- iin r.t n (l:'t:mce 'r. ui our authorized iifrnnta may or Itr from our factory Send for il'u.-a ra ted l rioe lit. C'ct "JOd iw3ui THE B K 8 T IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST -r :0:- Tor Your Groceries O To Ct.raf r Third atnl Main Streets, riaUsiuoulii. jC-IIe keeps cn hand a choice and well selected Stock cf Faacy flroccrice. CofTceg. Tea, Suar, Syrup. &o., tie. &o. 2T-Alo a goti .-wortinent of Boot? ic. Shoo."a :(): In Connection with the Grocery I. a Caknry t Ccnfeiticnsry'I Ci-All kinds of Country Produce Vought and Fold Take n-Uic?of the fin "EMPIRE B-KFRY AM) ii o i ' ii a.vlt",wtt. Vineirar Hitters are not a vile Funcy Prink, niuite ol Poor Rum, Whiskey, I foo'f Spirits Hti'l ttclusa Lir.iors, rfoctcrtM, Kpi.-r.l. and sweetened to ple.tse the fa.-te, culled "Tonics." "Appetizers," " Restorers.'' Ac. tliat le:id the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin. but. arc a true Medicine, made from I he native roots and herbs cf t'iilif. rniii. free from nil Aleolioiic Mitn:i!:ints. '1'ticy are the Crcat Ulooii pvr'.tier nuil a Liro-piving rriiiciplc a l'crft-ct Renovaior and Iiivijrorator of the Sys tem, oair.vtnjr err :.ll voi".uous matter aud re.-iaine t lie b'.oo.l ta a.itiiv cchdi:!:n. en rlelunsr It, rerr..-lni:r and inv -ir".::aon beta Hiiad and body. Tliey are wsy !' adiuinisira tion, prompt i: their u tii it. ceruiin in th. ir results, sure and relt ib'e 1:1 nil forms r olseaott.-. A Eeroil an t n !.e tl:eic l:tteriac Corditts? to dnveu.ts.s. uud U'iita::: l-.tiistiu well, provided their bo.nvs :a-,: ti.-t I'.siroyed by mineral JpOim.ii r o'.i;. r iiieaas. i.ii i the vilid oriratis wasled beyond ' oil.; '.f repair. Ij'ie.si;v c?i 1 :its 14: vfcl sen. l?Hi.r!Ch, Paili ill I ae Si'.oidders. ou-i-.s. '! . :.: t.f nfihe C'lit--:, ;;:2iiiess, Soi:r I : !:: t .t.-. of theMoi-.:-acii.lilhtvo in tti Nt it h.l;i:ioi:s Attacks. I':il pnaiio:! of the Heart. Iii::.:i:iiiuO !.:i ci the 1. lines, lam in fie regions oft lie Ki ire.;, s i.n.l a o:iuilid other p::m."iu ;".v::i;;i ::.-;. frt : .f t:i.spniijrs of iHspcpsia. In. i:n - t ni:ir.:.:i:irs it La.-no equal, mid one K.ltle v.-i'l prove a belter Kiiinu:.e of Sim merits than a ! -biO'iy siOverti--iuctii. I.'or I' isnie e oii.-,.hir il h. i:t cm 11 ; crt.hl, married r .r.irl, :.t t::e tiawii w (n;an!iood. or tiw turn of til'.-'.. I 'eme liilleis i!iiay r.o decided an itehie:;. tha: u rtarkud iiarovc l..". iit is S'.on p( r- yu'.. I'ur In li:" hi ittn t or j- n::I CI11011I0 llhruni:ilUiu i.tid (.oi.t, lvspi'p-:a or Imli pe?'.ioti, IhU m.s. lu-a.litcSit. r.i.vl li.tt riniiteut Kevers. ):.-cawes-.r the Mood. I.r er. Kidneys and bladder, these Hitters h;u e been niot successful. Such Piseaws are cius: d i..v iii.u e.i l!lood,vhieb Is trt-n-raliy produced 1 y ticruusomeui of the ldirestive l'irj.rar.s. Tliey nro 11 e.eiiltc Iiii-ntlx-r n well nn a 't's:, pat s.-P-::;;i !.-o ttic pvcuitir meri; if .X'-! 1 r.s a pi-'Veial : 1 1. I'i ViiiexinK e'ou re?.:ioi: or lMianmrati 11 01 l iio Liver niiU Vi ere! Oii'aas :::. in :,:.oi:s Pista". Kor S-Kiti Ui.K.t K. Kr.ipiioiw. 'l eOer. Sr.H Ilhetliu. I 1'iielies, --j)..' -i. l'iii'.)!es.PtiKiue.s.l!oil.s, . (.'arhiiii' '.es. !:;n:;-;vo: itis, t --ehl-llca.l. Sore t'ya Ihysip. l.is. itch, Senrfs, PiMtoior.itions (f tlie Sicin. lliiuiors :.nd ii;is s X Hie skin, of r. luitcvcr naeae or l.e.tr.ie. i:;e i.ieraiiy Uitf up an.l carried of the s .s;e:ii in a short time by Hie Use of these 1 litters. One ho - Oe in sucli cases will convince, the loos;. ineredi.io'.L; of their cur ative ei'ects. t leanse XIic A'itialei'; I!otl V.hencvar you lit;. I its impuriiies I ai-!:i:.i' ihronirti the tikiu in I"i;ii.!'-s. Eruptions, or s.res : cleanse It when you liinl .t ns! r'a". d uud Kiii'tsit in the veins cleanse ir v. hen it !- foul : joar f. elinpi will ted you when. Ile. p the b!nl ure, et.ii the li- all 11 ! t he system V. ill ioliow. iiinieful 'i luMfu.!; p.r ..claim Viveoak Hirritns Hie hum v.-ornb-rful l:n ijoraut, that ever susi:;iaed the shiuirtyt s--;'f-i:i. I'iii. T;i;tr, siinl t !n-i- IVni iim, lurk inpt In tne system 01 so man v 1 lit iisaads. are cite tuaily de.sli(ied r.n.l reaio'. o.l. savs a tiistin rnisaed pin seeiopis: : There is H'l t-.-ely an indi vidual cn the hue oft lie ear-tii whose body Is ex empt from the prosi nee of v. onus, it is hot np ou Hie healthy t leui"!!!- f tho body that worms exist, but upon Hie (h-eased Ii.imors antl siimy Uepor-Ps that brcid these livmy 111. .osiers of disease. No system ef tiie.liclm. no vi riiii.uucs, no anthelmintics, will lie'" the t-Tstcm Xroui worms lilte the-.e P tiers. ?Ieehaiiii al I)isea-.ei. Personq erfrnsed In l'aiuts and aiim t.ils. sued us I Ma at tiers. Type setters, OoM-be.ilers. aiitl l!mes. as tliev' ad vance iu life, arc subject to paralvsi-) of tlic Rowels. To jruaid e.amst this, take a dosu ot V.I.KHl:'S VlNtlUVU lilTTKitt" iwieo a week. IJilioi'x, Kriu'.lleiil, e. il Intermit tent Ke--rs, w n.cit are wi prevalent in ihe . valleys of our real ri era I hruuihout the I'mtcd Slates, espeejally tho-e of ihc Mississippi. Ohio, Missouri, tiiitlois, Teiine.'s. e. t'umlu liand, Ar kausas. Red, e'oiorad... Pr.ios, Ri, e.'rutnle, l'eari. Alabama. -Vlothle. Savannaii. Roaix.kc, James, and niativ o lars, Willi their vast tnhu-tane-, tiuoiifriiout our entire country during tne Saiuincr au.l A-utuuur. and remarkably no duriiii f ea-sons of uniiMtal la-at an i dry nessl aro invariatiiy aei'ompani'.il by c.teu ve der.-insje-ni" nts of the stom.o ii and liver, and oilier ab doniiaal vis:via. 1,1 their treatment, a pr.r-ra-nve, excrilii a pot er;al inrlueitce upon iiiie various organs, is .-Miiia'av necessary. TlieM is no caiharue it r tiie je'iji.'.se Kjtul io Pit. J. Walk tit's Visi::..k l i rntits, as ttiey will speedily remove itee dai k-coiore.l viseiil matter with wmeh Hie bev.e s are loaded, at the same timestit.iu.e.ii'r.r tne secretions of tlie liver, and generally resiom; Use he-u!:hy functions oi Hie Uiesiive ( iv.'.n-. Scrofi.l.i, r.r Ivijivj's Tlvil. White Swell lnps. I 'leers. I r .-:iel i.--. Swelled neck. Ooitre, Scroi'ulouH liulammations, liidnienf Inilamma flwns. Mcrettt ;:d All us, (id Sores, Krup tions of the Skin. Sore I.yes, eic.. elc. In these as m all other const initio ii.il Disease, Walk nit's Vinkcab Hi ttkks have .saowu'tlieir ureat oura tivc powe rs iu the most obsiiaate aud intract able cases. Itr. Walker' C'nlifornlit Vinegar Biiters act 0:1 t.li t.icsc i-.ise in a similar manner, l'.y ptirifvinjr the Llood they remove the cause, uud by ics.uv ma away the "etleets of the iutlJiamatloii (the tubercular deposits) the affected pares receive heaitli, uud a permanent cur is ettecled. Tlic ropertieft of Pa. Walker's Vinegar Bittek.s are Aperient, Diaphoretic. Carmin ative, Nutritious. Laxative. Diuretic. Seda tive. Counier-liTiutti!, iiudoriac, Alterative, and Anti-liilious- Tlie Aperient anil mild Laxative proper ties of Pu. Wai.keh's Vinegar Rittkhs are the best safe-ruard iu cases of eruptions and rualisfiiant fevers tiieir balsamic, healinir, aud ' soot lung properties protect the humors of tlie fauces. '1 heir Sedative properties allay pain ia the nervous .system, stomach, aud bow els, either Irom inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc. Kortify tlie ImmI- ni(niiiBt dlaeae by punfyiiiK all its tluids wtiti Vineuak Kittlks. So epidemic can take hold of a system thaa fore-armed. Direction. Take of the Hitters on froing to lied at nirht from a half to one and one-half wine-jrlassfull. Eat pood nourishing food, such as beef-steak, muttnu chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-loor exercise. They are composed of purely vegetable ingre dients, and contain no spirit. It. II. MclMI.VALD A. CO., Drturgisis and Geji. Aula.. San Francisca CaU, -cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., N.Y.. SOLD BT ALL DKi;uleT MALM Pi ly. fx s e. 2 o 3 o - M s, " r3 1 a AND MEDICINES AT J. H. BUTTERY'S On Main Street, neaily opposite the ' Hex ald Okfjce. Wholesale aud Retail Peilerin SJrs?js aij3 .fled icings. Pniials, OU. Va: saiIi c?s aiatt Toilet Articles. Prescriptions carefully corr.routded all hours day and night. -,. ? CdT St. Charles Street. f or.rer loentcd in Pt Louis than any Ohr,.n-l J i j ie I hysieiat , .t j.iiecvsstiili y treats Simpi, ..ad Oi uipiieated Venereal Disease as to briny P iiienis trom every state. Jli.-t hospital op i.jprtoiiities. a life t imc experience, with pur ''est drugs prepared in the establi-bmenr. rnr. f-ases itiven up bv others, no matter who la'd-3 ....l-. it : it . .. ... 'I , icit jot r i'i i a 'k i.niiou-s. oesuuanorif rroe. Send two stumps for niedieal es-.; j. I Maniiiiod. Womanii'ioii. sot' l; Jr. ail. T) cents each, both f-.ir " cfs. JeO p :r.- I Mi that the er.' ioits. deiibt'ul or imjuisit v .vish o l:no,v nil a '"out Sell'-pi41uti.ii I'rcven j S -an. Marriage. Kerry yoit'ii; isian arnl v.o-3 j nan milil I read it as a warniiisr 1 lie ner-J V-.ien:i':f.iily advise. I. wn tic-l'd f 3S. 'iT. IUXJS e& c.9 At font cf Main Street. Wiuo.ESALB ass Retail Dkalehs is HARDWARE &. CUTLERY, TI5-WAKE, SAI I.N, Ar.. A e , All kinds of T 1 N V A ii K -13-tf ?danuf'acturinp. Mothers, Mothers, Mothers. Dnn't't'l to procure Mr Wiwtloic' Soothing Si'rupf'jr Children 'i'cr'himj. This valuable preparation h been used with M5VKK. b AiLiNGsUCCK-S IN TUOL S.N1S Of CASKS. , It not i-uly relieves the child from palu. but, inv;(-'.r:ttcs the stoiuaeh and boweis, corrects aei : it and tc'wrs tone aiel cnercv to the whoie .ystetf. It will also i s-Untly relieve Oriiiing in th Jt'tfef 'tnd Vt'i'id Oiler. We believe i' the best an 1 purest remedy iu thewo'id. in all cases 01 Uy-enlery and Ltiar rh.ea ia children, whether arrisiiiij fr 1111 teeth ing -rsny o.her cau.-e. Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and ICelitf ind Ilcz 'th to Your fnf.tni. Kesuro and call for "J.'r. tr';oic' Fontixing Survij." lTavimr the fc-!Pii;e of "CL'KTIS A. rP. KiNS"cn the ontsid-J vrai per. Sol i by DrtiKifisif. throughout the world. 10 tt" M t ha A Heavy Stock of Goods on Hand. Ho Ent$ and -Vo fn'rrft nn Borrowed eupital to Le ilnde Vjf Vuttouitr4 1 1 OLDEST ESTABLISHED HOUSE IN THE CITY, North side Main between Second and Third ets. Takes pleasure in announcing to Farmers and Mechanics. That he has as large and well selected ftock of lr' (ioo ls. Groceries. Provisions, as were ever brought to t e city of Plattsinoutu. -a-Tf -;il oetl vnn nothing to I00V at thera whether vn buy or not. Hy examinirr the . .-.L.i...i it i ci I a itr " -run will be tricesatine uuis j -- a bla to tU wh r" ,IT . Xj Btrang STATE AGENT HAL-MUAir o PATENT wind Mills. DOUBLE AXO PIXOLK ACTIXU FORCE AND FA li M TUMPS, FEED fILLS, ETC., . TEII3IS LIBERAL. Thp II:ili.'id;iy M iil h- ?tond tlie test f.r pijt teen years, both iti th-. L'uitcd iStaUs and Lu rooe und 'a the only cno Generally adopted by till Principal Rail roads and banners. j"Scnd for catalogue end price Iiit,- A. L. S1RAXO. aplSwtf Lincoln NebraAa. DEALER IN AND WJlXsIa PilPSK ! ! All Paper Trimmed free of Charge. Also Dealer in Books, Stationary, Magazines, and Latest Publications. Pi e?erif"tton? carefully compounded by anex pener.etd Prusri?isf. Itomeirtiier the place, thrcedoors west of the If raid otliee: I'lattstnouth. Nebraska. AY 'ill he found ftt his old stand cn Main St. where he will be pV,sed to eee his for n:t cattoicers and friends. 11 e ban larce and good aosor'uient of farm n.ae'.u&ery such us the ff'he Marsh harvFfer. u reaper that twom:-. 1 can Kit and bind ten neres per day wr. -one man to driru, and the biuderd can ""ork. u tUo ih-ue. MilbnrnBTid ?tuder.haker TVoirn.. ''ham pion ltepper.V Mowe Massilloti Tb.rn"b er. n. f'n'. nlo Pit threi-her. and Kielir Kcaperand iJower Ac, F. 3. METTEER. Main ftreet. Plat twioitb. Xeb. L. fs. Blair, Traveling Ajent. Feb. 29 wtf. tlENRBQECK DEALER IN FUR N ITUR E, LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES, BEDSTEADS- OF ALL DMCBIPTtOSS AD AT ALL riltll. Metalic Barial Cases. - --"S 53 t t WOODEN COFFIN.- OP ALL SIZES. Ready Made, and PoM Cheap for Canh. Vilh many thanks for past patronage. Ii n Ate all tf call and examine tny large etock o niture and CoCn? jan2St CITY MfcAT MARKET, BY HA IX STREET, Slnttsi.outh; - rVcbranka. The best f Fresh Tdeats always n hand Ir their season. TTighost Prise Paid for Fat Cattle -Hihest Caih Price paid for ereen Hides. ' MEW LUMBER YARD! Having opened a Lumber Yard at Louisville', I wi." keep all kinds of LCUCRli, DOORS, Ac, &c, &c, And would invito nil those wishing to purchaf to jrive me a calL I will al-M-v l in 11 kind, of GRAIN, for whieU I will py the highest Market price. Vii.'t ' i ... '-e ..'.' ' ' '.' : i. f MACHINE t-HOP! Repairers cfStenm ai;:ne, Rollers, aw and litis and Steam Fi;tir.r, 'rouirht Iron l')p F.iri'e nttd Tilt Pui'Jp.'. Strain (jiiu.:.. ul:.u Valve eiovernoM, and cil kin js ol Bra s Eiipjino Fitti: s, urniahed on short notice, ARMING VACNiNE.RV l.aU or rl uctice. M.4 Mniiliotxl; lltitv f.of. How Iteiorei. 7; rfTT ' lust pu'di'lied. 11 mh e.liti .11 r.f lr. ulvernell h Clebrnl. - . .-If- hj' on the ,'t iifi rurc(itb- ut 111 e.iiei in. 1 il si, 11 ti . th i 1. 1. . 1 or Seminal eakue s. involumarv .-.emirial Lesses 1potkcv. Mental and Physical in capacity, luiptalin entx to -Marriaire. etc.- Hlof C'si tils, Ke11.KP.sv.no.lT1 s. induced by lodl lndulk'eliee or sexual exIriiMUanee. t I nee in a Hailed eiivel. pe. only ii rents. 1 he celebrated author, in this admirable e say. clear. y dem..i:slraies Irom a thirty yearn' fu.ce.'slnl practice, that the iilarminir cot.se queuces of soll-buse may be radically cured without the use ot in'ernal inedlein" or the ap p'.i. atii.n ,.l' th,, knite; paiminc out a mode of cur- 1.1 ..,.- sii,it,l... ..r-aiu, t tlectua!. by means of which every nulVrrer. n,. mutter what bis e..nditi..ii may be. may euru l.u.lt' , l.Hn. Iy. privately, an.l radically. ' " ,utaP C 'Ulhis leeture sh.oil I bo in the hanOs vt every youth aud man in the land. Sent, under sel. iu a plain envelope, to any addrcs. postpaid, on receipt ei'eix rent, or two po.-iaxe stamps. Also Dr. Culver's "Maniat'o GuiJo," prlct fjO cents. AddrcsB the Pub'i.-her, CUAS. .i.e. KI.IXK, A CO. , Itotvery, New York. i'ost Oilieo Jlox, ESook for 1lic Million ! MARR!Gc GUIDE. ' A private counselor te fb Married or thof c about to mr rv on the oh vsinlotrieii 1 mvwier- ies and revelations of the fexunl system, th latest uicsoveries in produeiii(r and nreventinf olisprinir, how to preserve the complexion Ae. J l.ia is an ititere.-tit.K work of two hundredt and trventy-lour ioikcs, with numerous enprae int'S. and contains valuable information for those who are Married, or contemplate niar-rias-e. Still, it is a book that ounht lo he kept under lock and key. aud not laid carelelr about the house. Sent to any one ffree of pe-tape) for.p') eents. Atldrers Dr. Lutts' Disi.eiisary, No. 1- S L'i(thlh ctreel. St. Louis. Mo. .Vctif-c to the AiHie-cd and Unfortunate. Defore npplvini to rhe notoriot rjuackn whe inivi rti.e 111 public papers, or uriiur any quacr M tnelief". peruse Dr. I'.iitts work no n-.altiu' itat y.iir deseMse is or how deploraldo ywur condit ion. Dr. JluitKcnn he Cotipulted. p-rHonelly er by :i a I. on the d'xeases mentioned in his worki. Ml'.-e. No. l'-'N. Kitrhth ptreet. between Market an iL'hesiiut eft. Louis. Mo. decdtwlr To A PVEVRTISEUH. All personn who enntnra paie makinp centracts with ier-niieri for tit nsertion ol Adieriiseiuema hoiild tend I geo. J. gowell & 0o. for a Circnlnr. or iiicl.e 25 centn fir their Ona bundred Patre Ptnphlet. containinir Lists of 3,Um Newspapers and eslimale', chowinit th cost of advert isins. also many useful hintH toad-ver:i.-ers. and -ome account of tne ctperine of u.en who are known as siieci -('ul ndvifrtif ers. This linn ure pr..pi ictors ot tbs America Newspaper Advertising Aiteaey. U park govv y. and are p esed of nnoiiil d facilit ; for securinjt the 1 erl ion of ml vert i.-etiicnt" id ail Ntwspi.ftf rs nd Periotlicls at )i mvl rat. FIRST NATIONAL BAfiKr OF PLATTSMOUTU ' K bit ASK A. fH'CCBHHOB i Tootle, Hanna & Clark JtiilX TlTZU FKA f. D, President. John It. Ci.akk. t'aAT, C, II. PRVKf., I'i' r J'rrfilrmt T. W. Kvans-, A'i tht Kt0r Thi Hank is now open fr husinex at tlietr new room, corner Main and Sixth streeti, and. are prepared to transact a ceuertvt Banking Business. Stocks, Bond. Gold. Government and Local So-nrltUi Boovht and Pold. Pepoiiits Iteee'.red and Iotcrciit allowed On time Certifleatrw. Drafts drawn, arnilatdn In any part of tha (enitod States and in all the principal lownr end Cities of i. a rope. 0 II T II V. C K LEI? II A T E D AND OF S T E A M E R S. Persons wi.-hitiff to bring cut their friend from Europe can purchase tickets fr.tu us through to Pl.vtfsmouth. aid'wtf G. JV. HI E II K Main Street, Four Doors East of Court House, H A R D W A'R E , HEATING COOKING STOVES' Of the latest Improvement!", warranted, ana nou at asrukll prout abovo cot. Doing my own wrk la Tin and Sheet Ires Combined, with lonit'eipericnen (anratitay" aatislaution ana i'rieet to uit ftw J' i i i s i: 1 t v . r ill i