THE HERALD. Railroad Time TaLlc. B. & M. R. H IS NEBRASKA. isim ! dkpaet.v. Mail Ac Kx. 1:W p. m.iMail nnd Ex. 1M5 a. m IVeu-ht & Ac. 8:10 a.iu.:l'reight A Ac. v n B. A M. R. R. IN IOWA. .RRITE9 DCPASTS Mail A Ex. li: 4f. a. in. Ms Ml Kx. S:rj p Ac'tion A Fr'irht i in' Ao'tion .V Fr' 12:p in. m Pacific Kxpre i:"3i ml Atlantic Ex. 4:1"I p ru. The Transfer bat rill leave the Pepot tocon noctwith Eiwtlti t" And trains 4 minutes earli er than tho timo piveii above. '1 he Host if run by Chicniri time which is Si minutes faster than PUtt.-'Uioutli time. " OMAHA A SOUTHWESTERN. In connection with Burlington 1c Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska. Depot nt foot o! Jonci .Street. I.K4VF.S- ARPIVFS1. Plattsmouth 1 SO p. tn. I'lntUmouth 11:"0 a. in uo 1 2:J p. in. I i " Omaha lt:lo a. m. I Omaha- MT p. in do 7:( a. m. I do - 2:00 P m li C. ST. JOTC. A C B. R. R. I AT PACIFIC jrfTI"' IOWA.l GOiStl NORTH. GOISO POUTH. Mail and E.prew 4:tS p. m. R.rfl a. in. fciirht Kxpre-a ttfio a. in- 3:1o p. m. This (rives passeriirers from lattsmontn close connection (rointf South or 2sorth by leaving here ' an the 12 IX) iu. train. A? RIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS, HOCTSl. O. B. A St. Joe R. R. Pluth C. li. A St. Joe K. It. iort. B. A M. K. K. Eau. U. A M. R. U. West, Omaha by Rnil VVecpin U'ater. N'rhricka City, by Stae. CT.OSKS. ARRIVES 9p m. lo.rso p is VA ' J! V p in 10 a id J ' l- ,. I 9pm. 7pm. Ollice hour'. trfmi s a ui to p ui. d.ndays. 12:) to l::tO p in. .1. W. MAR-MI ALL. V. M. LOCAL XEWS. Call at Mrs. Crocker's and see the latest stylos of spring hats. 50-2t. Sam. Chapman, runs the machine alone, now, and keeps the finest law shop in Plattsniouth. 1 Schnasse ,t Co. jroods.. cheap and rood, dersold. -New stork of Will not be un- Tudtf J. G. Clarke, lawyer, all tho way from Missouri, came down to see the town, and if it suits him he intend to bu it. Good boy, Clarke. Otz, the Veterinary Surgeon, has re moved to the little brick, north side of Main street, west of the Court House. Uemembcr this. 44tf. O. F. Johnson has pure snow white coal oil 120 fire test for a!e. No ex plosion pos-iblo ; only CO cents per gal lon. T. Protl-To, agent for Pr. Ji d-"s History of the Bible, has taken ever SO names in Piuttsmcuth. Who says our folks are not religious, and don't take the Bible. Kt"iiieniber Frank White, the crocer, one of the- best fulluw and the bet gro cers in the world. Call and buy your potatoes and things of White. -li'S The Grangers will hold a festival at Jl u'ht Mi! Grov. on Thursday, Manh 13 th. All the brave Grangers and the fair Grangeresses arc expected to bo out and have a good time. School Books, nt publishers prices, at 2Stf I'. O. Book Store. Prof. J. G. Mi'.Ier, of Achland, called on the Hkiiald 1st week. The Pro fes or thinks the herd times are in a measure, over for Nebraska, anJ that 1$Z wil! be ii prosperous year. Wo have received a co;y of Clinton lirj-nUicin, Ohio, with "coin; li nents f Theodore Vance to Tip-Top." All O. K., mucli obliged, good paper, good Vane. Business room for rent one of the best stands in tl.e city enquire of. D. H. Vt HELLER k Ct). 113-1 22wtf. We have before spoken of the fact that we hive a Fashion li'iznar, in Nebraska, and a very creditable? paper. Kurtz, Mohrt Co. publish it in Omaha, and the M-treh number was recently Lid on our table. I low are you Doctor Russell. We never knew that Russel! graduated in tudieine before. Why, he'd make a firxt rate Marshal; doctor, Marshal, ma chine man and gentleman. Who'd ever vote against such a combination. XX, say ? The only exclusive boot and shoe store, next door to the postoiliee. The best goods that are made, lor the lowest prices. Maxwell moved to his new Jioiue, in 1 rctnont, this week. We have lost an able lawyer ar 1 a good citi zen, and the ThirJ District has gained a Judge. Prole went to move, Prole's team went to moving. Prole's goods went the movinest kind of a way. Prole is mov ed, the team i tired of moving, the goods refuse to move again, all quiet on Wintorsteen's hill in the boas? of Prole. Richard Claiborne, the raving, curly headed first rata crazy man, takes a benefit at Fitzgerald's Hall on April Jt'th. "D:ik" has not told us what he inlands to benefit on, but it is safe to say that you'd better all turn out nnd see how it is yourselves. Wanted A live man to take the agency for the Improved Lock Stitch Grover & Baker Sewing Machine for CAi County. Apply to J. M. Nowlaad, Nebraska City. 4t',wtf ZLC?S!!2:TTZ273lcirnrA27. One Peter T. Duva!, a music teacher in Glenwod, Iowa, recently eloped with t'.ct women a Mrs. Tyucr and Miss V ietoru Lay ton, atred fourteen, and daughter f RJV. Mr. Luyton, M. E. pa-tor, at Glenwood. Detectives were immediately set upon their track, and they were discovered at Ottumwa, and arrested, arriving in Glenwood on Thurs day last. Mr. Duval has a wife and child, and Mrs. Tyner has a husband and two children. Latest styles of loillinery goods at Mr?. Crocker's. Call and see them. 60-2 1 All candidates for office will be an nounced in the Herald for one dollar each. Said notice not to exceed five lined. New goods at the shoe store, next door to the post office, cheaper than ever. At the solicitation of many voters, I have to inform the voters of the city of Plattsmouth. that I am an independent candidate for the office of City Marshal. Geo. Tickler. Plattsmocth, March 10, 1873. for your cheap and good Loots and (hoes go to the shoe store next door to the post ofilce. I will not he undersold. Mike Murphy ha been home for ev eral days. He culls it a "lav ofT." That may be, but somebody has had a "standoff to enable Mike to take hid "lay off," we bet. When lie's shaved up he" a first rate jrood looking fellow is Mike, and he won run for marshal. Win. Stadleman, the clothier, has c "V " - vv-.v, v.uic the Jirooks house, on south side Mam ! ' reet. llerr.eniber the place. ( We cull attention to the new adver- tisenietit of Chas. X. Tiffany, Black smith at Mt. Pleasant. Mr. T. seems a very pleasant man, and he has the honor to be the first Blacksmith in Coun ty wiih enterprise enough to advertise in the IIeuald since we took charge, of it at any rate. Clark Jt Plummer Dry Goods, Grocer ies and a General assortment. We sell cheap and buy often. 2Sdtf See advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dis pensary, headed Book for the Million 3Iarri:ige Guide in another column. It should be read bv ail. decldiwly. For new, cheap good.-, call on D. Schnasse & Co. Mr. S ha vinj: just re turned from the east is prepared to fur nih goods at eastern prices. 70dtf Next Monday, March 17th, is Saint Patrick's day. Our brethren, descend ants of the Green I!e the land without sn-.kes - Lave der-ided to have a good time in P.'attsmouth on the occasion. Ball and fupper at Fitzgerald's Hall, mu-ie sons-, an address .ic. Everybody invited an: sure to be there, gramme elsewhere. ee prc- ii a:: coal. HAIIO I'Otbl II1SD AI.! At Mickelwaite's yard, corner Sixth and M'lin streets. Good Anthracite Co l on Land all the tiui. K)4tf What Next? The March number received is an excellent one, as indeed, are all the numbers we have seen. In evidence of its popularity among the young folks, flic j ufJificr telfs us Le has received the poodiy number of 70.T.) sub scriptions4during the month of Fcbru ary just past. Terms 30 cents a year, with a $I.0) Chromo to every subscri ber, by firnt mail. Specimen 3 cent. John B. Aldcn, Publisher, Chicago. Mickclwaite & Co. desire to infonn the public hit they have on hand and shall continue to keep through the win ter, hard coal, which th.y will ?ell at low market rates. . 104tf. Los r. The city Grade Book with the established grades of the City of ts mbuth therein. The book is of no use to any one but the City of Plattsmouth. Any person finding the sime will confer a favor by leaving it at the Herald of fice. G. W. Fairfield, 47. St. City Engineer D. Schnasso & Co. rank No. 1 among our edverlising patrons. The men of bu-inss in this town who support a newspaper as they ought ar few and far between. It is no wonder the town is called ' old fogy"' sometimes, for her people do not and it seems wiil not rec ognize the bict that in this day and gen eration the man thnt advertises his busi ness best docs the bst business and draws business from other parts which helps all his neighbors. Among the old fgy class, however, D. Sclmatse & Co. cannot be clasied, and their enterprise and real business ability is bringing its reward. They are doing a fine business. Mr. Schnasse goes cast next week for more goods, and a successful business season will no doubt be the result. Liberal dealing brings its just reward, and we're bound to say a good word for Schnasse if we die by it. Give 'em a lift. For Rent. The largo and commodi ous warerooui, collar and office on 2d floor of building now occupied by Jacob Vallery, jr., in Masonic Block. Enquire of R. R. Livingston or 43tf. E. T. Duke. The Right Rev. R. II. Clarkson, Bish op of the Diocese of Nebraska, preached at St- Lukes Church on Sunday morning last. A la -go congregation were present, and the Bishop's remarks were most in teresting and seemed to be fully appre ciated by all present. Two infanta were bapti-ed. Owing to a telegram received from Omaha requiring his presence thepe the Bi.hop was obliged to return, and there fore we lost the pleasure and profit of his miuistiatious in the evening. He will visit the parish again ia about four weeks and administer the holy rite of confirmation. zza2e::at::i: c? tea:hs2s. A Teachers Examination will be held in the school house at Weeping Water, on Thursday, the 20th day of March, instant. And at tho Waters school house, near Greenwood, on Thursday, the 27th day of March, instant, and at Plattsmouth on Monday the 31st day of March, ir.: tant Examination will commence at 10 o'clock, a. m. U. W. Wise. 432 County Fuperinfeadent. Mra, Crocker desires to fetate to her customers, old and new, that he is ex pecting an assortmcut of r.ew spring styles of millinery goods this week, and should be happy to have all interested call and examine them. She lias also a :iw stock of patterns and the latest styles for cutting and Eiuking dresses, and will guarantee satisfaction to all who may patronize her. Country produce will be taken in exchange fur goods. The Senate Win. Edgerton Pro prietor, cosy,' warm and comfortable, drop in and sec us. Liquors and cigars warranted pure and good. Nov. 13, d&wtf FESTIVAL. 1 he (Jraoge men take a ben .fit at Eight Mile Grove on Thursday, and we have received a awiai invitation to be present. We tried to come to Grange last sum mer, and lost our way, we should be pleased to attend this festival, but it is holden in the evening and in our pres ent health and with the roads as rough as they are now we cannot take a sixteen or twenty mile ride after night, even for the great pleasure it would give us to meet the friend and readers of the Herald face to face. Please take this in consideration and excuse us if we are not there. ATTSSTI02I I ! 1 County and City orders bought at the Elephant Store at the highest figures. - 42tf ::ot::2 to srcnoLrsEs. AH persons holding shares in the Frank lin Town Company are notified that they must pay up the assessments within thirty days, or said f hares will be for feited. Also those which were forfeited at the time of changing the name of the name of the town from Waterloo to Franklin, ar allowed to come in, upon payment of all assessments up t3 this date, if attended to immediately. By order of the Board of Directors. G II.. BLACK, President. Thos. Pollock, Sec'y. Plattsmouth, March 3, 1S73. 4'J4t ST. ?AT2ICTS DAT. The Irish American citizens of Platts mouth, have decided to celebrate St. Patrick's day the votive day of the Emerald Isle, here at home, by a Ball "ltzgerahl s hall, with music by Prof. T , , , , , Johnson. s band : and Lren. r. L. Uun- . j-, v ii, mm . . , ningham, Lapt, J. A. Marshall, John FitzgtridJ, Ii. Newman, Ln Cunning ham, R. C. Cu-ihing, Wrn L. Wells, Thos L. Murphy, and Wm. Neville, floor managers. Supper fat the Brooks House under management of Wm. A. Lynch, W. Neville and T. L. Murphj Address at 8 p. ui. sharp, on "St. Patrick, and the Irishman at ii :no and Abroad." Muic by Prof. Johuson'a Brass Band. Wm. A. Lynch has kindly consented to sing a couple, of National Songs on the occasion. The admission to BVil, Supper, ad dress, etc., will be ouly J2 00 p--r couple. Every body is cordially invited to par ticipate in the celebration and to unite in making the evening 3s pleasant as any that has ever been held in the city. A cordial Irish welcome, and a good time will be guaranteed to all. C3U1TKL P3:ZSSI2T33. Council met in reg ilar iession. Ccun cilmn all present Mayor White iu the chiir. Ft Dr. Livingston presented petition of Fire Deprntment for aid. Rferrcd to M. L. White, Dr. li! R. Livingston, and the chairman of the Committ;o oa Fire and Water. The city Engineer was ordered to esti mate the cost of constructing four cis terns on Main Street, and report the next m-esting of the Council. The special committee to divide the the city into wards, reported ordinance No. ZO, dividing the city four wards Ordinance passed and approved. Ordinance No. 40, fixing salary of City Superintendent was passed. Thj Mayor and Clerk were o dared to settle with School -Board. A committee on Education con istinj, of Messrs. Cushing, Vivian and Way man were appointed. The Mayor and Clerk were ordered to issue warrant to Teachers for the amounts due. The Finance Committee was ordered to settle with the Treasurer, and report to next meeting of Council. The following claims were allowel : T. II. T. Sahui Salary as Teacher, $G0.00; A. J. Wales, Salary as Te idl er, $G0.O0 ; Estate of J. Adams, erro neous assessment $1.00; M. B.Reese, Salary as Clerk and Attorney, $52.00 ; M. L. White, expenses paid for city, $19.05, Council adjourned M. L. WHITE, Mayor. M. B. Reese, Clerk. BEAU Til I Si. G Dods not sold at less than cost. No goods given away, tut good good at the lowest prices for cash, at lltf. ClAHIC & PlU.MMF.lls3. Plattsmouth, Neb. Leg il Notice. Mathias Spohn vs. Christian Schlu-ntz. Notice is hereby given that wa will offer at public sale at the front door of the Court. House in Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, on Tuesday the 25th day of March, 1S73, at 1 o'clock p. iu. O'i said day, the following real estate to Lots cn?. two, three, ten. eleven, and twelve in Block No. (U) s:x west one south in town of Rock Blafts, Cass County, Nebraska with all the buildings and appurtenances thereunto belonging, to be sold under an order of Sale in Par tition made by the District Court of the Second Judicial District in and for Cass County, Nebraska, on the 12th day of February A D. 1S72. Terms of Sale'one third cash, one third in one year, and one third in two years with interest on de ferred payments at ten percent. Jamt. M. Patterson, ) Conrad Heisel, V Referees. George E. Draper. - ) by Sam. M. Chapman, IT-it At Corwy far P'laDti There in no rain whi-jh the Centaur Liniment will not leileve, no swelling it will not Fubdue, and no Jainenefs Thich it will not cure. This hs strong lant-age, but it is true. here the parts are not gone, its effects are marvelous. It has produce! more -uros of rheuinati-in, ntu ralgia, lock-jjw, palsy, sprain?, FwelliDgs, ear ache, caked-breasts. scalds, burns, salt-rhoum. Jtc-, vpon the human frame, and of strains, Fj avin. r113. upon 'animals in one ye:ir than have all otcr pretended remedies since the world becan." It is a counter-irritant, an all-healing paia-relicver. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame walk poisouous bites are rendered harmless and the wonnded are healed without a scar. It is no humbug. The recipe is published around each bottle. It is selling as no article ever before sold, and it tells because it does just what it prctei-ds to do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if they w ill not ui Centaur Liniment. More than 1000 certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs. chronic-rheumatism, ireut, running tumours, Ac. have been received. We will send a circu lar containing certificates, the recipe. Ac, gra tis, to any gijo rcfjue.n'ng it. One bottle of the yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for spavined or eweenied hor sesond mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owner- this liniment is worth your at tention. No family should be without Centaur Liuimenu J. li. A Cc, New York. 4'nMoriu is more than a substitute for Cas tor Oil. It is ib.3 only ne article in existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natur al sleep. It contains neither minerals, mor phine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Chil dren need not cry and mothers may rest. The office of City Marshal is much sought after in this town. It is an important office. The welfare of the city is -at stake ; the morals of the community are in his bauds. The social evil depends entirely on his energy and perseverance lor its subjugation, las sisted by the city aldermen, we are in formed, just now, for the first time); the duties are onerous, and the salary pro pcrtionably exhaustive. There are many candidates for this important gift from the hands of the people We started to "set up" the names of all the candidates ; but the sorts of that kind of type ran out, and we were forced to stop. Among our most promi nent citizens mentioned, are : First, the old Marshal, Mike McGuirc, Doctor Russell, P. D. Bates, Dave Fitzgerald, Sam. Chapman, John Barnes, M. II Hathaway, L. C. Stiles. A. W. Prole, Dick Streight, F. M. McDonagh, J. A. MacMurph, Nathan Waybright, El, Buttery, Dan McKinnon, Prof. d'AIle- mand,Jos. Connor, Frank Stadter, Paul Braitsch, II. Newman, Bill Bryant, Mickelwait, John Suhr, J, II. Stinch , t,..,, .. ,, comb, H lllctt Pottensrer, . U ells, . . T ... V, i Jacob Betts and Moses Dodge, .,, e , , , , All of the above citizen? are ready and willing to sacrifice all their public and private business in other directions, their wives' relations, and any new, fresh outsider's money that comes in, for the public weal nnd welfare. Who tays we arc not patriots? Perhaps our readers think that our article on the marshal business is a joke, but we assure them that it is a fact and in serious earnest. One of the candi dates, Mr. Stiles, had occasion to com mence his duties previous to being sworn iu, or even to being elected as one may say. A long legged, slouch-hatted Prin ter lounged into the Herald office on Tuesday, and after applying for work, aud gassing somewhat, he informed the Foreman and all others within hearing, that ''he had worked in better effices than they cou'd, or had. or ever would seel! Stiles coolly took the young St. Louis " emminent printer" by the arm und walked him to the stairs. The fel low says: "may be you'll be good enough to come down on the street with me now?" 'Ye's," says Stiles, '"just wait till I get my hat," and he started for his new tile "Never mind," says St. Louis, you're so d d big I'll get dry before I lick one side of you guess I'll go and get a drink first, and then come back, you wait here till I come!" and he sloped. Who 6ays Stiics won't make a good marshal? Leave it to the crowd ' Call aud see the new giiter3 at the shoe store, they are so beautiful, so good and cheap. 4Stf TVS' T"? ,. she goes there sho blows,' "Here 'now she mores ; no you don't ; bet you quarter nary ice to-morrow" and a thousand other variations of the same Eiedley, have been the cries from the banks of the river ever since Saturday last. I'or the benefit of the uninitiated, or those not living on the banks of old muddy's ever-changing kaleidoscopic banks, we announce that the Ice in the Missouri commenced moving on Friday last, so slowly that hardly anybody could se it. So did the steamboats, the Presi dent and Vice-President. All d;iy Sun day the anxious populace wandered in sections by divisions and platoons, squads and groups, to the levee, and watched, and waited, and betted, and lost, and never paid their bets. The ice never moved. Some sa'.d that an injunction, by the Probate Court, prevented its going out ; others thought it was pious ice and didn't like to move Sunday ; and others yet knew that Mick elwait hadn't been able to finish caulk ing the bottom of the Molly M.Gc, and the ice was gallantly waiti: g until "Molly" should be ready to shove in so as to give her a col l bath and wake her up for spring's work. At last, on Monday forenoon, undr the watchful eyes of th whole coist guard, and by the direction of Captain Peter Mann, of the V. P. B. & M. IL R the first cake swusg loose from the shore and sailed away down towards the "John Fitzgerald," securely "ankered" to a very unsafe support, if Mr. Mickel waite can be believed. Cake after cake followed, and before one could realize it the whole river was clear, and once mora the mi-hty Mis souri "ran down to the sea." The "President" steamed off in gal lant style, and tho crowd dispersed to their virtuous homes,, and the long, long winter of our icy discontent t ia made summer once again to the mind's eye by the first frightful shriek of thai terrillo Ffeataboat whistle. SPBH7G C2A1T32: As the budding peach trees ia Pottin ger'e yard begin to show signs of warm ing life and every tree aud plant opens' anew its eyes cf life to show us that welcome Spring is onca more at hand, we notice many changes other than in the vegetable world are going on around us. Our old and long time tried and true East Main street friend Wm. Stad elmann, Esq., the celebrated clothing man of Plattsmouth, has, like tho leop ard changed his spots as well as his clothes, arid the places that long have known him shall know him no more. In other . words, William has moved up town nmoegst the Philistines. Jacob Vullery, another old stand-bye, has gone the 'way of all the righteous upon the earth, and moved up higher, and now holds forth in the splendid uew store of John Fitzgerald, in the new brick block north side of Main St., j next to the bank. There, if you can't find it now, you must be blind. I). II. Wheeler & Co.. which means that A No. 1 man, Lloyd Bennett, and a long legged, ready mouthed, good na tured, prime story-telling lawyer, Dan has lately taken in and dene for, and of whose future we all have yet to find out, as I was saying, D. IJ. Wheeler & Co. have moved over on the south side in the old Express ' office, where Simpson used to was, and Simpson, he has moved into the east side of E. T. Duke & Co.'s desk in the south end of the fctore, Express Company and all what's left of it here. Joe Buttery has iiloved from the rear right flank of his spacious drug store to the front left parade ground close by the stove, because a cold south wind blew him out of his firt quarters, and as Prole was gone to dinner he might want to be handy to the front of tho store. John Boone, the Birber, has moved two doors down town and got closer to the Herald which makes a shave come oftener and handier. Doctors Biack and McCrea are going to tear down that infernal old . hen coop of an office and build a fine and substan tial brick parlor, where cholicky men and tooih-aching ladies can be fixed up in good shape as good as new, and sent on their way rejoicing. Meanwhile, Parmelo & Hathaway, those two enterprisiiig lot owners and eld residents of the city have promised to paint the Her alt office all over, spic span jailer arid blue, aud shiney as ottin' hoss" and give us another room down stairs if we want it, and so wags the world. Spring's a comin'. SPECIAL NOTICES. IIOHS HA3S3TS. Wheat, Barley, 5100 50(m;!;j 13(o15 . 14..1 Id . 40OJ45 Corn, Oats, ... Rye, .. Best Fine cut and cigars at 38tf P. O. Book Store. Vivian's is the place to buy your gro ceries and provisions. 20tf Lanre and well assorted stock of gen eral merchandise at Clark & Plummers. Try us. At Clark & Plummer's everything a farmer needs can be found. Call and see our stock. 28dtf. Go to Vivian's for groceries aud pro visions. Uti ShariflTs Sale. In the District Court of Nebraska in and for Cass count'. John Dill and the heirs of imam Dill, deceased, Sarah Dill, widow of V ilham Dill, and John Monfort, Ad niunstrator ot the estate ot U lJJiam Dill, deceased, rs George Jennings, Annie M. Jennings, William E. Sheldon. Ad lia Sheldon, lis wife, ('has. E. Bayley and Jc:;uie b Jaylcy, his wife, John H. Bayley and us wile, reward uoodeoougti and Goodenough, his wife, James Sweet, Julian Metcalf, A. Bowen, Attorneys in fact and Trustees of the Stockholders of the Farmers and Mechauics Store of Nebraska City, William Horrigan, Evander V. Barnuni, Leggett & Co., and Richard D. Simpson, as Receiver. LEGAL NOTICE. By virtue of an order of sale issued to mj in the above entitled case, out of the said court, I will, at one o'clock P. M., on the 14th day of April, A. D. 1873, offer at l'ublie Sale to the highest and best bidder, at the front door of the Court House, in Plattsmouth, Nebraska, the following described tracts of laud to-wit : The northeast quarter (i) of section No. twenty-eight (28), in towuship ten north of range thirteen east of the sixth prin cipal Meridian in Cass county, Nebraska; al-jO a part of the west half (A) of the northwest quarter ) of section twenty seven (27) adjoining (he tract first de scribed, the Ltter tract being described as commencing at the south-west cornt r of the north-west quarter of section twenty-seven, (27) in township ten north of range thirteen aforesaid, running thence north fifty one 51 J rods and six teen (10) links; the-a east eighty (80) rods; thence south fifty-one (51) rods, and sixteen (16) links; thence west eighty (80) rods to the place of begin ning. Thj above tracts of land will be sold on said day, separately, to sati-ly the decree of the court in favor of the plaintiffs against the defendants, aud as the property and real estate of the de fendants ; and at the same time and place I will separately offer at public sale, by virtue of the order of sale ia this case, the remaining portion of the west half (i) of the northwest quarter (J) of section twenty-seven (17), in township ten north of range thirteen 13eastin Cass County, Nebraska, ex cepting the Hull house and lot, the Hariman house and lot, and the McGregor house and lot, as the prop erty and real estate of tho defendants, to satisfy the amount found due in the above case to the defendants James Sweet, Julian Metcalf and A. Bowen, as trustees for the stockholders of the Farmers' and Mechanics store of Ne braska City. All of the land described is to bu sold to satisfy mcitgages upon tho Kiuie. Given under mv hand this 12th day of .March, A. D. 1873. J. Wr. Johnson, Sheriff Cass Co., Neb. Stevenson. & Uayward, . 50-5r. Artcineys for Plaintiffs. Administrator's Sals. Bv virUie of a license and order of sale entered bv the District Court of Ne brasks, in and for the second Judicial District fitting in Douglas County, in the bJ-utsf Of the estate of Lnos W U liams, late of said Douglas County, de ceased, under the seal of said court, and to me, the undersigned, directed, as ad ministratrix of said estate, I will offer for sale and st'll at public auction to the highest bidder," on the 24th day ot March, A. D. 1873, at 12 o'clock at noon (holding said sale open for ene hour thereafter; at the door cf the building in which the District Court in and for Cass County was last held in the city of Plattsmouth, the following described real estate, fo-wit.: dot seven (i) in' Block thirty five (35), Lot six (0) in Block thirtv-six (3f), and Lit one (I) in Block forty two (42), all in the city of Platt-mouth, County ot l.ass and Mate of Nebraska, to pay the debts and charges against said estate. Catharine illiams, Administratrix of said estate. i4'j-3t. ' Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court with in and for CVs County, Nebraska, and to me directed, wherein llliani A. Khoden is Plaintiff, and William Colvin and Mary Colvin are defendents. I will on Monday the 24th day of March, A; D. lSiJ. at ona o clock 1. M. ot said the front door of the Court House iu Plattsmouth in said Cass County, of fer for sale ot public auction the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: Tha cast half (i) of the northwest quarter (J.) of section No. seven (7) and the southeast quarter ( 1) of the south west quarter (i) ot section No. six (0) m township No. eleven (11) north of ranee No thirteen (13), east of the Oth P. M. Also the following described tract com mencing three (3) chains and fifty-six (50) links sout'.i of the northeast corner of the northeast quarter (J) of the southwest quaiter (1) cf section No. six (0) in township No. eleven (11) north of range No. thirteen (13) east of the Oth 1'. M., thence west ihree (3) chains and fifty-six (50) links, thence south west twenty three (23) chains aud twenty-six (20) limes on a line running to the southwest corner of said Fort, thence cast eighty (v'O) rods, and thence north to the place of beginning, containing in all one hundred and thirty-nine ami 30-100 acres, situate in Cass County, Nebraska, to be sold to satisfy a decree rendered at the January term A. D 1872. and on the first day of February 172 of said Court in favor of said l'iaintiff aud against said defend ant. Given under my hand this 19th day of February, A. D. 1 S73. J. V . Johnson, Sheriff Cass Couuty, Neb. Sam. M. Chapman, 47 5t. I'iaintiff's Attorney. Sheriffs Sale. jVOTICE is hereby given that by vir- tue of an Tder ofa!e issued by the Clerk of ho JMstrict Court within and for Cass C.-.. Neb., and to me directed wherein William Stadelmann is" l'iaintiff and August Murphy is Defendant, 1 will on Monday the 14th day of April, A. D. 1873, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the city of Plattsmouth, iri said County, offer for sale at public auction the fol lowing real estate, to-wit : Lot No. sixteen (10) in block No. three (3) in Stadclmann's addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County, N braska,her'.'oTore attached a3 tho prop erty cf said Defendant, and to be sold to satisfy a decree rendered at the Septem ber adjourned term A. D. 172. and oi the 12th day of December, A. D. 1872, against the said Auust Murphy, and iu favor of the said William Stadelmann. Given under mv hand this 12th day of March, A. D 1.873 J. W. Johnson, 50 5 Sheriff Cass Co., Neb. Chattel Mortgage Sale. Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of April. A. D. Is7l, Win. F. Morrison made and delivered to Calvin H. Parmelc a chattel morfeage which is duly recorded iu Book "E" of cha'ttl mortgages, Pa-re 187. of the Records of Cass County, Nebraska, upon the follow ing de.-cribed personal property, to-wit : All my part of the lca-e cn the east half of lot nine (1), in block thirty (30), as designated cn the recorded plat of the city of i'lattsmouth, Cass County, Ne braska, together with all my part of the interest in the building and improve ments thereon with all tools, blocks and other fixtures now in and belonging to my Meat Market sit uated on said prem ises and did at that time convey to said Calvin H. Partnele the above described personal property' for tha purpose of se curing the payment of one certain prom isor' note drawn for $005 payable on the 18th day of Sepetmber, 1S71 that there is now due and payable on said note the sum of $70'.J 45 and cost?, and that default lias been matte in the payment of said chattel mortgage, and the said Wm. F. Morrison is hereby notified that on Saturday the 29th da of March, A. D. 1S73, the undersigned will by virtue of a Power of sale the said Mortgage to ilained sell at auction to the highest 1 i Ider for cash, at the front door of the Court House in said county, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 4 p. M. the above described personal property the proceeds of said sale be applied in pay ment of said note and chattel mortgage. . Calvin II. Parmele. Sam M. CnAPMAN l'iaintiff. Plt'ff's Att'y 49w2t, John V. Farweil & Co., WIIOLFSALK NOTIONS AND WOOLENS, MONROE & FRANKLIN STS ., CHICAGO. 47-6 furni'tur e CABINET aiAICER And dealer in all kinds of Furniture Chairs. xais street, (third door eat of P O Plattsmouth Neb "Repairing and Varnishins; neatly non; Potters!- ttnttftd et rtre pfcfrtwt r-t er ! The I Jnde. signed has ois hand and is flctiiurctetu ina AH kinds of COTTONWOOL) LUMBER At hii Mill at the Ferry Landing at Plattsmouth Orders Promptly Filled.! William Edgsktox. Jtine.lddAwU NEW" DRUG STORE, WEEriNG TTATEtt, NF.& DP' ALER in Dru?s, Medicines. Paints. Oils Varnish. Perfumery, taioijary. Notions Cisars and Tobacco w 10 THE "VICTOR" S. Rl. CO.'S NEW SF.WING MACHINE Runs very Eaty. Runs very Faft. Runs very Siil!; Has a New Shut tie superior to all othors. Defies Competition. Great Improvements in Needle. Cannot bs Set Wrong. 3 Agents Wanted. Address THE "VICTOR" S. M: CO. 4 Tenth tt., 4 doors west of Rroa lway, N. Y. 40-om. , THE NEW HAVEN ORGAN CO. Manufacture the Cclebatsd ffubilec and Temple OBGAIVS, These Orgata ore tinsarpaf.'cd in-quality of tone, style of finish, simplicity of ct nstruution, and duribilicy. r"AIso. MKLODKOXS In vtrious ttles end unequalled in tone. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Address Nkw Havbs Okoas Co. New Haven. Conn. Accnts Wanted. 46-Cic. Lo:k to Your Children. The Great Soothing Remedy. MRS. I Cures colic and pripinar inlPrice Whitcomb's the bowels, and f'-tcilitat ! 7 Syrup. the process of teething. Cents. MRS. i Sublines convulsions nnd; Price Whitcomh's overcomes all diseases inei-j Syrup. dent t.infuiiis nnd children. Cents. MRS. i Cures Diarrh'ca. Hysento-I Price ?hitcomb's ry andsuiiunttrcoinplitint ! Syrup, ichliilren of ail uges. IConli. It is the trrent Infants' and Children'snSonth in;r Remedy, in all disorders brought on by tecthinsr or my other c:iuse. Prepared by the tiratioa Medicine Co,, t Louis Mo. Sold by druggists and dealers in Mrdicinso everywhere. dcelid di"v H. J. STREIGJ1T, BOOK-SELLER. 8lationc9&9 ftctvs AND PAPER DEALER. -Posl Office ISuiluiiif- PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. i lcrabacd w tf.ts T. W. SHANNON'S FEED, SALE AND UVERY STABLE. MAIN STREET, P hit tsmouth. Nebraska , lam prepared to accommodate the public with Horses, Carriages, JJug-trks nnd a No. 1 llr.'e on short notice and reasonable terms. A Hac3 "'Irun to the uli p-rti of the city when desired January 1. ls'l iljrwt' IMS. A. D. WHITC0SIB Dress and Cloak Makci. . Rooms three doors west of Brooks IIouso CUTTIXa & FITTLW; made a specialty. 3 Patterns of all kinds constantly on land 2Cdw-3ui Omaha filarble Works. M. J FEEN AN, Manufacturer and IenTrin ITALIANS A 4!rIF.Kir.9r MAKIM.i:. 3IO.V U.M K.M S, IIK.l IS I X I S illaiitle & rurniturc marble- For specimen or woncmanship refer to Smith's and allery's monu ments in I'lattsmouth Cem e t a r y The patronage of Cass County is respectfully solicited. dS5-w27-fiui . PLATTSMOUTH MILLS! ! PLATTSMOUTH. NEBR1SKA CORAD HEISEL ----- Proprietor, Flour, Corn Meal, Feed. Ac., Always on hand and for Sale at lowest Cash Prices, "-The Highest prices paid for Wheat and Corn. gsayParticular attention given to cus tom work. Blacksmith. Shop ClffAS. TIFFANY Mt. Pleasant, Neb. Bees leave to inform the farmers of Cass County that he keeps a good No. 1 BLACK&lIITIl SHOP, one mile north of Mt Pleasant All kinds of iron work attend ed to. Wagons' repaired. Farm im plements carefully mended. lowest prices and H work done on short notice. Grain received in payment. Give ine a trial. ClCAS TlFFANV. KB I H i It k t "rJ Si II il i S i I "r To tho East North tud Sciitbiust, STATIONS. fTrR kbs 1 MAIL. Leave P:-tLiuouth 3. cp. v. 6.0a.ei.' Arrhe IT lingtoa T.O 13.60p.tu." iicndota 11.15 a-tt. 4 b. " Chi-ayoC.B.AQ.) S.l'i p. n , 7.00 a. m " Peoria, " -'.jOa. id. 12.00 ft. e, " W. f;15p. ru. 0.25. m. " Ciscinnatl " 11.00 p. ni. 4.15 p. u. " Locansp't'T.PAWi c. r. Bi. .'J0a-iu. " Columbus ' j 2 i3 a. m. E30 p. m . tTU.Tl.rounh Cftr:' from Missouri lliver ! Cl.i cmro. I luiiiiiipolid, Cincinnati, I,i;ar.spoil ted Coluui bu-. Coiiiii-cii Tiis at t!io.? points with lines lc:: I in 1o the Ea.-t. North and South. This is the Jicit, ftrn.l, (Juicl.nt nr.J C7i-f est KouV. lr rot be deceived, bet obtain Tickets via the Unrlinr'on nnd nit:o:i liiver Pnilroa'l. A. K. TOL'ALIN. 0 K.1'J KK1M Gen'l lickct A.-oni. (iun'l tup'f rtlojiejjr Saved. Buying YcarGrten-houso and Bedding Plants. DON'T send Fast for Plant when yon enu get ju.-t a I cood for less money rua.-er home. To my nuu.rrmis friend mi l pn trims ' would suy that I linvo trio laiVrrt and brj. stoeK of plants ever iill'eroti for t lie in IU" weni and propose to sell them at rciisoiiubie prions lie sure a. scud fur my New Descriptive Catalogue. whvh will he sent frcto nil fr!n apply for if Then f;ivo your orders, and I feel e onfJent I can sntisfy you. AUdro-s. .' X7. J. H FsRKR. vob.l'i di-w 7'!a.i.mouth. Noa. Down Town Barber Shop.' J. C. BO. ONE, C.N'MAIN STHHET. One door from D. II. Wheeler's Office. HAiS CUTTING, SHAVING AND SHAM P00NING. Ho!! Ci-r!Ireias' Hair Cat. L'c::sl sttestion k!vcp to this Urtnsa ot tbc. I'i:s:n55. Call and sco 15 CP IV K, .GENTS, AnJ you will get a Uoon in a GLEA SHAVE. n411y GET THE I JEST. YEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY iOOOO lV'"riii ami litcftnina Hot til other nml iae'ini'n.74 "not JJv.iloiuxi'tvH. Z'XO F.oeraviiife-s ; IS 10 Partes Quarto. IVioc St2 Whenever I wWi to obtain ex:i"t definitions. 1 consult it. -.-huykr Cllax j Every scholar knows its value. IW. II. l'rc.- rott. the HisUrian.i Boon one of r.iy dairy eompanion.'. John L. Motley, the lli-toria:i. Ac S- fur as 1 know, tfc:t dcSnin? Dictiunaty. Horace M.inn. ntaeb"st ruilc of ftu lef.ts of our lanBiiaire.. i ' .John ;. V. lmticr. Excels a" others i u dePnins'scieiitiri.? t-ruis. tl'rusid'Mit liitchootk.) Reuini Jt.i'ule e,rrtpdiui:i of huma-i knowl edge. IV.". s. Clark. Pres't Ag. College ' neccs-i'y f ' r every intelligent fainiiy. stu dent, teacher, and prnlcssiouiii nrin. W hat Li brary i- complete withoirt th Let I'ngiirh Dic tionary? I'ubli'hcd ly:. A C. Mi:;tni .M. SnnngScM. Masj. Sold by i:.)oliS( llerJ. Webster's IVimary School Ii- t'fy, 2ji LVgi. " Common School " llit;!i School " -I T Academic " IU ' Counting llouo ' wilh nu merous illustrations and many valuable tables not to be found el.-cwhere. Publi.-hed by I V ISO X, ELAKEMAN. TAY I.H CO.. Nw York- 7tl". MEW ADVERTISEMENTS., The advertinrr-i) below refer yon to the , Publishers of ffiij paper as regards their 'perfect reliability, and when vrritinj to them, please mention yon sat-; their Adoer tisement in this paper. inn?' Tli'KXtM r..t Iiii renoHUi-d Mrrlmnt T.;Moi anil ( lotliier UWtUiiSHU e.-lhe W.-ht. t titt;i .4th t,t., tt. Louis. X; f-n apiiiirnlion. to-mt fri-o their arrurati ru.. -. ii? Self"-!i'.nri ment. lliust r iitcil ("irrulnr, ami Trice Lint, with a full line ot .r.i 1 s. enaMinsr )a to onr Cloth i"m ilnert from tU'iir lif.iise, ih!rh will be ini!e 111 the bi-l fclvle. Shipped lT es j re.s. C. . !., v.i,h the pritiicire of ex ar.itn'ne --it rflurain at their tp ne. ir u'jt satK-'itcter;-. OL?IDT"C! lIolesofself-iHeasnr'fijent si'nt free Onl'l I V'jOnler- rH:lcJ. I U. euarantoed. Qyrj and Votl h lotai'i.- a ij-.-iB!tj. fciaJ B J i O fur !ili.tratci! Mylc a-Jfl IVn-m. w- v. TAICJOX'.! I" fv. li-p..-'--,, f,,r iiiai k!r.r ! i.'".;ox v aT.t nitniM. .; !!. AI.l'll W.i. i , .ti)v ("arils, lIo.M'ft, Jt.-l!-ri lH. liav'H, All KiiU6, ll"l 1 r,iM. rl; U.-im In. !;.-!, IrunUs. . c . -j - BUCo, lioiu n ,1.1.11 "i .. wards. Vrlt) for 1. - ,.-r1.'i price list, or rcint: on!) f :tf'r tlu Jioimlar ( i i-.-!i l t' r j !. si-nt Ji.tpi.i 1 Will I'.iv l'-ti- t..-il ina Per.-.-ct -:iiIira vr--vt t'Z, J 1 ....! anti-el. r ni'-eey rciu uco. : "" u. - II. C. XiariairU X Co., i-ii VU U ..!. bt. BERKSHIRE HOGS. V!rXZ& irruiarnn l iTic List. K. H KK. I ouU.Mit. . 1-h Cheapest and lltmdi-r.tncst Agricultural ZexJf famiiy Jauriul in tots country 1 lUo Vj T. LtIS MIULAn FAKIi:. CJ3 minis- K3Cta. I'luWofttnty,, 414NMMrttTtil ''.j Sprint? ' . . . ,' i., M.i alli ..m,. f..r St-A 'l"e-? .. li-w .tlicr arllclc;, : t. ii.n .i (toe fv. 6tru: lioii.';l,i. ni.d mjI lllcil '' I.O'lU. vto. unted, ', ii t for' $. yv?s ru IS ..nted "T1.T aiaeonnUtO . - a fln and Chrouio A a" " ' . KS-tfst. Louis, 140. PI" Z w V2 r, if-wY