EDUCATIONAL COLUMN. tct of the mind, or nuhtrwo might say, j the teacher's uiisa'oa i-s to draw the j mind out, and to strengthen it, by iueth- j ou of reasouiog. j No graver responsibility, rests upon . . ... i , ! FiBST NATIONAL BANK, I OF rLATTSMOIJTH NEBRASKA. ! SUCCS3'R tO Tcotls, Hanna & Gtark. BLOOM & CO., 1 M.n-i I II. 8 Uamset, OsKTifc Joaxsos, K. A. Kr&fcIATR!CIv Juiitori ' c 1 tori! Com. T"- , l-r.-t..t... cc, .., Of1 f! II mm f t a r, ;,, I:,-- : '. ! I .',.'! S : i ,. ( .-,f..,d-. i i V I -1 i-;t, : ... i,i .: .... . : "vs. T::.. for ! h. ir );. ,:tur f.i-',- . . iitw tug i liii.r- .) .. : Convmcaioationt on Kdueational Tnjnes. Tie port of Ki'ni : ioiil Meetings .fre., are reepect man than tins; no rroJs.j.ou aemanas better talent, and uo vocation deserve more honor, and emolument. FlEEUS. C2TC:i 0:TC2ZA?T2LGSAP2:iTC-. f-IIslgUTHNEB: lolly erlicitod for the Educational Column, and j tnuy be addrwwed to .Editorial ComrniUee, Uvx 3d. Kvok UmH: Neb. B. S. Ram tr. Ch'u Educational Committea. Johs FiTzr. KhAr.n. f'rrxi'Ud'it. John R. Cr.i:t. Ctthhier, C. II. Pa KMKLR, T. Evans. 5 .f v N 1- lESTINS C7 EBU5ATI02IAI ASSCCIA TIC2I. The first quartely tri8:tinr nf the K i ueationul Association of Casa County wiii be held at Mt I'leaant, beginning 011 Friday, March 28th, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The teachers of the county ara ex pected to be present, ami frienJs of Education are cordially inrited to attend. At the last meeting of the association, a permanent organization was effected, and it is confidently hoped, that, through the agency of this organization, and the encouragement of parents, patron., and friends of Education, an impetus may be given to the cau?e in our own county that will send it upward ou the ascend ing scale Cajs county rauit not rank among the lowest in regard to public Educatiou. The farmers of Caen will not, mist not permit this stinging disgrace to mar their fair fame. Come then to our nodal aa well as educational meeting. Ii. S. Ramsey, Ch'n Ed. Com. THS TSACHES'S PSCFZSSICIT. Perhaps no profession is fraught with so great responsibilities, as that of the teacher; and no prof'esionalist is sub ject to mora contumely, than he or she who sacrifice the pleasure of gain, and of life to the great and exalted object of educating the youth. A life devoted to gjving instruction, is eminently one of care, of toil, and of ibany and varied trial. No on but the teacher can properly appreciate the re bpoubibility of his vocation, and no pro fcssionalist receives so little sympathy as he. The young, aspiring lawyer, phyiician, clergyman, all, are stimulated to activity by the sympathy of ciating friend and by the hope of re ward the latter without doubt, the greatest incentive to assiduous labor; but not po with the teacher. The sym pathy which i properly bis, is reserved for the less deserving. If he be vain enough to hope for pecuniary independ ence, pained by his labor in the school room, tat that hope be btuished. The ?mall compensation which he receives, i-s in most case, inadequate for the nec essaries of hie, and if he accumulate at all it uiu:t be from some other source. His vocation is one that calls for self eacrifiee ; self-denial is the first great lesson which he must learn. The desire and hope to become opulent by his pro fession are vain delusions. He must look beyond the porUhab!e things of time for his rjward to higher and no bler objects to his own bosom, in which dwells the consciousness, of having dis charged cna among the most responsi bio duties of lifo. IIq must turu to the busy and active scenes of future years, aad therein review thj productions of his early, aud assiduous to;l ; from those actors ou the world's great stag-, niu:-t emauate the teacher's "meed of praise" and pecuniary reward. But we would not discourage Lira or her fiom adopting the teacher's profession. Although without adequate reward in gold and silver, yet in point of importance and responsibility, it ranks aruon the high est. It is said that, when "Jupiter offered the prize of immorality to him who was most useful to mankind, the court of Olympus was crowded with competitors. The warrior boasted of his patriotism, but Jupiter thundered; the rich man boasted of munificence, and Jupiter fthowed him a widow's mite; the 1'ontifT held up the Leys "of heaven, and Jupi ter pushed the doors wide open ; the painter boasted of hi power to give life to inanimate canvas, and Jupiter breathed aloud in derision ; the orator boasted of his power to sway a nation with Lis voice, and Jubiter breathed aloud in derision ; the orator boasted of his power to sway a nation with his voice, and Jupiter maballcd the obedient hosts of heaven with a nod ; the poet spoke of his power to move even the gods by praise, Jupiter blushed; the musician claimed to practice the only human science that had baan trans ported to heaven, Jupiter heiiated; when, seeing a venerable man looking with intense interest upon the group of competitors, but presenting no claim, .What art thou?' said the benignant monarch. 'Only a spectator,' said the gray headed sage, 'all these were once my pupils.' 1 Crown him ! crown him !' aid Jupiter; crowu the faithful Teach ' er with immortality, and make room for him at my right hand.' " Yes, gentle reader, the teacher's pro fession is a noble oae, and the teacher one of the great pillars of fo.-iety. Ii the schoolroem, surrounded by youth, he stamps his impress upon the unfolding mind an impress almost as durab'a a? those made by the father and mother, and one too, that bears its fruit, during fucceeding years. The sculptor'exhibits his handiwork the product of his brain and muscle, but the creation is inanimate it is lifeless. The painter impresses upon inanimate canvas, the life-like form of mture, but the organs of volition remain with the original the tin do w only, is portrayed. The lawyer pleads eloquently, at the bar of publie arhit ration, the causa of injured innocence and of outraged jus tice, yet his mission U that of an expo n?nt, and he labors after all, to r.c?jast principles. that have been long estab lished. But what shall we say of the faithful Teacher? Shall we acrile to him, merely the art of artificial repra tation? Shalicevy that ho i ort-!y an exporent, VrvpyUt? No, reader, his mission is tr"""Scie : lie rrsto develop, rathf ' X y ; ions, to expand th. f'.ld'me intalWt. i. ;, From tbe Globe. Mr. Orton is president of the Western Union Telmrraph company, and if any one speaks with authority on telegraph matters, he does. IJe stands on record as having stated that a reduction in the rate of telegraphing would not be fol lowed by any corresponding increase in the antoant of business done, and yet, in the report which he employed 31 r. Wells to make to him on the sulject of postal telegraphy, tho following ramarkable as sertion is published : "But with :i reduction of the rate of charges, as proposed under the govern ment system namely: twenty-five cents for every twenty-live words it is certain that the mrr.ber of dispatches olFered for transmission would largely increase, new facilities in the sl aps of additional wires woull be needed." We will take it for granted that Orton k Vo, abanlon t..tir first position that they recognize that it was the merest clap trap hastily uttered to an intrusive interviewer, and we take Mr. Wells" report u3 emb dying tho mature j udg ment of he monopolists. Wells or no Wells, the people want cheap rates of telegraphing, and it looks as if they would get it by the aid of an Iudependest Press. Counting tha7ot83 &r President. Over this particular Presidental voting a solemnity of thought falls thought of Horace Greeley's unexpected death. A GREAT SOMBRE FACT that clouds many a hcarthstona ; that ties a badge of sad remembrance on ad tho late political events ; that casts over President Grant's triumphal re-election the shadow of a grave. His name seemed to float upward with a sad echo of "goni," a-ithe discussion proceeded con cerning the three electoral votes of Geor gia that were cast after Lis death. Time being unlegislativeable, the hand of th3 clock reached 1 p. m. without interruption, and precisely at that -hour, arm in arm, the august body of Senators walked up the center aisle of the Iiouie. headed by Col. French and Til AT VENERABLE RELIC of the Revolutionary w-ir, Capt. Bassett, the door-keeper, who bore a large pack age containing the electoral votes to le counted. Solemn-faced Senator Sherman advan ced to the Clerk's desk, and with the Secretary of tho Senate, joined .Messrs. Dawes and Beck, who were delegated for the ta-k of counting. 3Ir. Colfax assured the chair, with Mr. Blain-3 on his left. Senators to right of him, ll-?prescnativos to left of him, and through the rariks thundered and rumb IjII a subdued whitpcring until Mr. Sherman advanced to the f 'rout and began ths reading. THREE CHINESE YOUTHS, neatly dressed in orthodox American costume, very stiifiu their shirt-bosom?, a sort of civilized armor for these loosely-dre-sing people, were seated in members' chairs, gazing about with a deal of inter ejt in their slanting eyes. Bright, inqu isitive, eop per-colored faces they had, quite in keeping with our yellow-faced citizens, several of whom had seats and feianding-room on the House floor. Dur ing prayers the "1 featheu Chinee" was superlatively devoted in looks. The galleries were fringed with a sable crowd making their independent comments on things c;nerally. THEIR CONUNDRUMS. "I say, you Jim, what makea so many white heads down below ?"' "I dunno." "It's brain-, Jim. The sign is. de smartest man lose his hair and turn." Ijet out, dar ! 1 liar s Sumner uiii.t no white head." A SOCIAL D2ALIA. S:3S3 from "Zzozh Ardea" and "Lip Vaa From the Chicago Tritune. New York. Jan. 22. One of the most dramatic and roman- tia scenes of "Hip Van Wisiklc" was revealed to-day, in the Brooklyn court hoin-e. .Mrs. Elizabeth ?peyer, who urines suit in the Urooklyn court to re cover $ 41000, as her dower of the es tate of tho late John i'peyer, was cross- examined to day. She i,aid : "I was born in Maine: when tifteen years old I left my parents, who were poor, and was emploveil in a millinery store in Huston : there I met Mr. iluh Miller, to whom I was married; we lircd for a "while iu my native town, and then removed to Jamaica I'laiii". It was at th;s place, over thirty years ago, that my hu-sband abandoned me. 1 souzht lor him every wheie; fi.ur years alter he abandoned me, 1 was miorrued tbat he was dead.' Shs then related the story of her mar riage with Uei!, whom the had arrested and convicted tor bigamy, and her mar riage to Mr. John Speyer. As 31 rs. fepeyer descended trom the stand, Mr. Speycr's lawyer arose, and in a load voice called the name of Hugh P. Mil ler. Mrs. Jpeyer stood auiaz3d and overwhelmed with coniu.-ion. Her coun sel was thunderstruck, and a!l the au dience arose and viewed tho old man, wuo in mi tier iu in name, iiis appearauce is that of a do farm er. He testified that instead of aban doning his wife, he abandoned him. He said : v e left Jamaica I lams and Cime to New York to live. Two weck atter, 1 returned home at noon, lay wi 'e was gone and all the furniture I found a note stating that she had left me, and would naver roturn, ai d that I need not look for her. I met her after that on the street, and she told me that she had married a man named Hull. I accepted the 5ituation, and went to sea, which I fallowed f ir ten or twelve years. I then went to Worcester, Mass., where I now r 'side. I'urintr tho examination of thi wit nes.-, Mrs. pejer never removed her eyes front him. Sha sconnd struck dumb with amizeraorst. It whm the firt time be had seen him since the day on the f-trect, when s-he told him she was living with Dell, over thiity yar The Rev. Mr. Cone, who, Mrs.i?j)ever say, marri3j her, ii ilad. His eon ex hibited thu rfcord of marriages. In it was the record of her marriage to linll, under the riame of Kiizabeth G. Kar riii.s?toa. There wa n i record of her marriage ti John tpeyer. Her vision tf a future was de.-troyed by to-day's development.". A New Hampshire paper siys that "death has niraiti turned a flip flap and come down fiat footed in our mi Jt, and snatched from amone u one of the advertisers wc ever had." On which side of a donkey would you look for tbe most hair? The outside. IIOVS AJYD CfJLJ i lats and Caps, BLANKETS, RUBBER GQOq Main Street. Second Door East of th Court H BRANCH. HOUS E Eroadway.Contncil lilue Xj . ie1. cr o: JgrOpposite the Platte Valley Uo S:ai2i street, Iisit DECKER BROS.,fegf;- G. A. MILLER k CO'S 4 9 PIANOS. ?h Gfytx Jfrrst-clas Wholesale ?ntl K-.tail Denier iaStrine, She -MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TuntdT, CHOICE TOWN 4 mm $ Its enn cow be bonpht in TkiV.e's Ad litiop to the Ci;y of Platwontb. st r-rices rangiiio po:a S'Jo to i'O and on terms no easy iiat r-wsonB wits the or tho e who want town property either to hold fir a ppecalstion rr to LaiM upon, this is a rare chance to get it. These, lots are in a delightful location, and are dotted over with a j Young and lieauiiful Grouih of Forest ireee, Which add materially to their Falue. 3- I'nrtip? wishing to purchase or look p.t these lot", will bo rh wn theni, er piven any inrr luntion ileired. by callire on i-.. T. Dl.'liK or L. !'. IJl'RN I'. 11, fxerutors of the K.tatt of Sj. bUKi or L). U. WilKKLKH & : CO.. and UAUNKS JVlI.I.OCk'. l.ekl Ktat3 Agents, for cash tha above prices will bo d:?"Ounted tea per cent. PiATrsnocia. Nebraska. Oct 2Jad 1S7. dlOO-wSOtf WILLIA M ST Has on liand, one of the largest stocks of CLOTHING AND 6EMT3' FURNISHING GQOOi, FOH SPRING AND SUMMER, t3-I ioTit erery bady in want of anything in iny line to Oiil at my stora. And convince themselves of the fact- I have a a 1. f i ... 1. : c . , , i it eiufi ui line vi'ituiut .or io;i an'i diijs; 0vIaUo keep on hand a la-ira and well solseted FALL AND WINTER GOO lol DOWN GO THE A T D. SCHNASSE & CO'S Celebrated NEW YOEK STOEE South West Corner of Main Street Plattsmoutii, Nebraska, i S TISE PEOPLE DRESS - GOODS. PRINTS, DELAINES. GINGHAMS. BROWN SHEETING, BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD. COTTON In the Grocery line we keep the Finest and Best TEA. COFFEH, SUGAR. M0LASSK2, DRIKD FRUITS, of every Deseriptirt,. All the Varieties of Spices, in fact for all Your GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QL-EENSWARE, WOODEN-WARE. GLASSWARE. YANKEE NOTIONS. HATS AND CAPS. O O TO D. SGHNASS -5tf RNISHJKGSOCDS. 1 tit etifiA TjOTS F O li S LE AT east TERMS, tot- ABEL ft3 A &R5 speui.ility in my Retail Di'Mrtuient a 6t'i tfi. ..-...( ,i . ., t'i wnicu we iciio inose tho wa:a fjoa.-i. toek ef llati an Cfvj- S T:X S; PRICE S ! I T H 5 K W5SO UVY YARNS, BOOTS AND SHOI2 GO.' i Thw TianT; is now o;eu for huine-1 vt t':e:! nT room, pornf-r ?-Iain Sixth streets, iin.l are prci-ared to tran.-act general Banking BasinesG. Stock'. Bond, Gold. Government and Local Securities Bought aai Fold. Deposits Received and Ir.tere?f allowed On tim Certificate. Drnfs drnwo. ViiilaMe in any yiirt of tho Tnitpd .Stte and in all the i.rincipal tortus Rnd Ci'ies of Europo. s ssi3 r: -zsr Fxa OR T II C C E L E H R A T E D A N D LLiii Xairjn: OF STEAM E R S. Persons wishiriir to brinp out their frinnds from Europe can r ir:-ha3e ticUet3 from us thrsugh to PInttsiniiutb. aDlSvTtf J. Wilcie, I"rj r .' T. MbH. J!fl.ll. A Co., I'r. ri- '- 09O. AgaU, Sna rr.lEcijc-y, Cut., &itd -l '.. o-nuerix i:i'fet. N. Y BULLIONS Rear Testimony to tbelf Wonderful Ciiiuti Elitrets. They are not a vile Fancy t)i ink, Iale of I'oor Ituni, WhisUcy, Iroof Spirits and Itrfnse Liquors doctored, epiced anj sn eutciioil toj)!oase t'.ia Inste.cullcd "Tonics" 'Appcti7xr:,," ltestorcrs,"ic, that lead the tippler on todrunkennctssnnu niin.liiit aro ntri;o Medicine. made from ti;e Native Hoot.' and Herb! cf California, free from nil Alcoholic Sllimi Innts. They nre the ;it i: AT I5J.() 1TKI Fl Kit and A LIFE (ilVIMi Pit I NCIPLE, h perfect Ilenovalor and liiriKr::tor of t).c -tem. carrying off oil poisonous mutter and rc;toi iin; tlieblood ! to a healthy condition. ICo iorsi!i can taUe the?e Bit ters nrcoi diiig to directions and remain long unwell, provided their Lor.ei are not destroyed by niinend poison or t".!ier Kie-.iii.-i, n:ul t;o viud crrns v. asted beyond tho point of rcpr:r. They nrc n Gentle I'nrsativcca vcll na as a powe: fr:I npont In rclievintf Conjjctlon or Inflani- la.llion Ol illt; J.l-'i. villi 'iiiiis. FOlt FEMAI.E t OMI'LA I NTS, inyonnsor dm, married orsinIe, at tiicdr.wnof woiiianiiood or. Uia turn of iife. Uickc Tonic Ciller have t:o eqii.-J. For I nQnniinatory nuil tirouic 1J nr.:l (ont, l)y icifia or I u tlicesi ion, liilions. Ueiiiitfiit nml Tntei'tiiiltciit I'c Ti'i'n, Disrnscs of the llloo.l, I,itrr, Kid neys mul iiluddrr, t!icfj Kit tera have been mosi stieceKsrnl. fncli IJsscaHes ciiiised !.y Vit inlcd Itlood, which is generally ;1 1-7 der.i!:sen:ent of tlio lip.t-Kiivc dicing, UV.SPEI'.SIA lt IMHCF.STIAN. naJ tclie, 1'aiu ia the SiiouMers, Cousli1', Tiiiljtnesj of ths Chest, Vizzlne, Sour Ilructlion of the Storuaci!, t'a l Taste in the Month, iiiiioua Attacks, ralpilatmn o! the Heart, Inflammation of the 1. Tain in the re gions of tho Riilncr. anil a humlrcil other pa-lnful srn'.p- tumn, ara the oflKprinra cf lypcpsia. They invigorate iLo ?tuinacb and stimulate tlio torj-U Liver and Borrels, which render t!ie;n of nnequalle-i ifTicacjr in elc'.usir.s the LiooJ cf all i:!ipnrities. and inn martins ncrr l.faan i viror to t!:e whole system. FOR Sli IX II IS EASES, Eruption. Tetter. Ealt Rheum, Blotch ts. Spots, riuiples. Pustules, Boiis.Car fluneles. Kins-V.'onns. See.1 1 HfS l. So- Kyos, Ervriip? Ia.. Iteh.fcrurfs, iiM-olorations of the J'kiii, Humors ari l fi.ieases of t lie kiu. cf wiiatevr name or nature, aro rtm up and enrri.l out uf the srstem in a hluirt time by the use ot tru se Hitters. On.- bottle In fi.jclj ca.ea will convino the mo.-1 loci cii ; of their cura tire eOeeta. Cleanse the TiiiateJ DlooJ whenever you finJ its im Hurilies hursting tlirou'i ths in Pimples, Erup tions or Sores ; c! it nhea you Cud it obstructed and si j;;lsh in tho veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and ypur feelings will tei you when. Keep tho Mood pure, and the health of the svstem wil; foilosr. Pill. Tape, nml oilier Vor:tiM, l irkins; id th lystem of so many thousands, are e!Tef;t"ally destroyed and removed. Says a ditinsuisheI p!ijrfoloirif, tiiere is scarcely An individual upon the faee of the earth vhoce body is exempt from the pr " i)'"o of wornis. It is not noon the healthy elements of tho body that worms exist, lint npn the dteas d humors flnd sliiiir deposits that breed These livimr monsters of disease. o r.yst.cjn of Medicine, no vermituce, no 1 a.nthelminties will free the system from worn.s like j these Hitters. I 3. WALKER, Proprietor. It. II. McDOXALD & CO., Drajrjjists and ren. A-rents. Ran Francisco. California, and 32 aud 31 Commerce Street, New York. S?60LU HOT ALL DKLUGISTS AND DEALERS. SPHIXG T12ADK. 1S73 AS r.URSERIES,. BKOWXVILLK. NED. FURNAS, SONS & FEU RAND. Farni nu.-i Snns, RrawnviiK Noltrasia, aiiT lu. Ferrantl. Pftrnif. Michigan, ii ive foii'ii.lateil llitir sio-jka an i wil: hen O-i'll'V Cu'l-iUft l.u-inesi. at liroKiiviII", Neb , whore thoy cfTer tlsf largtrM an-I aiiv-t vvt:ct pen era! Xurs-Ty 5uxk evt-r ofi'eroJ iu tiie U'i.'-t, e.'u.-it irij in part as foil jw : C0h'0 Choice 3 yetir .!J Apl le Tire", r! s).fH-i i o.U00 " 1. 2. 3 anil 1 year oM rca" Trees, 40,0:0 " 2, - ami 4 rear oil Cherry Tre- f),i!0 " 1 aud -J yMr oi l IV.T-h Tree?. 20,1 t'ti " l'lam. Apricot an 1 'eet;irine Trees 4.1HK),fifrt Xo. 1 Woncv Loeuf llel-'j I', 2.C(l i,(Hi(i ' 1 fS.-ti'jre r:im-, 5.ik;i).0!I ) Forest Tree See llic?.. 2i.d.iii l-Iverceens'. in vaiietv. liji'.'jtK) eaeh 11'acU berrie . Kj-.bcrriu? ari'l Str.tivbcrri"--. 5.').'iH1 pa eli i'loselicrrio- tin I I urrnnts, I'iloiV IVrf.etuiil anl I lirubing Ko.-es, Kl.mri i'Io-erintT Shrubs, 10,0(KU-O0 V.'iliow CatLiiif. Coolry' Karly Wliiic, asi3 Ariass&s Six tin EavJy Corn. ITAMAX SEES. Berkshire and Poland Hog5?. J. II, Pilley cf Cuss 'onnly wiil net a a?ent of tho.e nur.-eriei in this section. V. 0. tiiMrers riatUiueutL, Cass county, Nebraska. trrorrrkpondpntf KolieltMl. All I IVt . Cn I "Ti'A n'il-M IX. -5 o a. AND MEDICINES AT H. BUTTERY'S On JiJain Street, nearly opposite th." Herald Oi'FICK. V.Lo!es:ilc nr.d Kttaii Dci!it ia fi;is3i. Oil. Varsafr- rrc-eriptb-.ns rarefu'Iy crr-.i-r ui. d c fl all hourj d "y jind night. o.,:y 1 r17 St. Charles Street. I oyp-cr h itrd in ?t T.ouithan ury Chr-.n- (li i'liy.-ici u :'i:fre:';i !!y ?ro;us t-'lin'.'icj i-m.i C" n.i-iic:i!!id Vcn-rc-;l J isc-:ti-t :is to hrtnrt ii-iit ij i; r-- iVom eve: y .-'t-uc. Jits h"?dtal of.-J - I-rViniti:.-, a 11 f --lime cxj-fT: ji". with pur -f drcrrs urc' in the est.ii! :,-. t o -. i! cr ro m-itii r wh )f;i:l l ; jui r pru.i' j'rc". Sr.a 'rn rtariip-" for medical e-i.i-J I ' JlASfi'lltl, Vw,MA" .II'IOP. !; ij-:''. ." cen's each. lor 2o e!.. jwice." i 'hat the curious. -;t r t il or itjo-ii-it v ? ri-h to kn- y nil i.i-o-t I !'-1 '-i ! ;j 'ii.n'l're t en 3 i' p. ?.!.n ; ia-e I"v,-ry yoitpe man :nd v. o-l ! '.' ' I ;'. ' I 1 ' j:- h w'irtiin,'' r- -l hi l.rr ? t:at..-tei.;e!irS J -e---i 11 j - I ' !!;.- a ! vis.-, I vvn o-irii.tuy At fcot of Mnin Sircct. VVh.jlksalk and Rktait, Dkalfks is HARDWARE & CUTLERY, STOVfS, II'.tiN, TlX.WAKr, SAILS t( te, All of T i N "sY A R K l?,-tf M:inu (act tiling. Mothers, Mothers, Mothers. Don't fail to prnrirrr Mrs. l!V-i'(iic' Soothing Sirvpfnr K.'hifin-n T fhin;. Thi.s vt'mWe f.-epir.olii.n hn been r.f with N KV Kit KA iLivij ?t vCL-c IX J'JIOU- SANDS OF CASK,-. It not nly relieves tiie ehil-1 from pain, tut iti'iriir:jtr" the sto-n ieh nn i bowels, eorree.ts ni iJity, a'l.i civs? K'lie tin I energy to '.he whole osteii:. Itwi!iul.oi siiintiy relieve (jV.'p.'.-U i",l the .'of.- -ft nii'l Ytn l Ctlrr. Vc believe it the be.t aii'l surest retne'iy ia tbe wori 1. i'i nil t tiei) ot iysiitery atJ Iir r!ii.i in etiiiiiren, wlieiher arrifii-B from teetii inzoranyo'liT mii'. Jiei eit'l u;. on it. mother?, it will give ret to yourselves, tuoi i.VfV ,infl II' x- 'h to Yotr I-if Uesure tin-l ci'.l f r "Mrt, 1iiAir' Fo'ilniip Syrup." Iltivinar the lie it'it'e of "CURTIS o; PAR KIN S" cn tiie e.'itsi'ie tirm per, tol l by Iru?i:ists throngiiout tbe worl.l. 10 E33 A Heavy Stock of Goods on Hand. JVo Eentt nnd JVo Intrrrt on linrmtcd capital to I c Move Vjf Cuitjo-r 1 1 OLDEST E3TA1M" KD HOUSE IX THE CITY. 1 North JI.iin belwoen .Seeon l and Third ts. Takes pleasure in uniiounein to I'armerJ and Wechanics. he !ia- as larg.; and well eeleeted etoek of iiry (Joodi'. tiroeerim. Provisions, ss were ever brought to t e ciy of riatt.-m.u:)j. AV-It will ee?t you notbinsr to lot-k st them 1 Afcom.-v" - - . .1, I wbether bur or '" Vj I? Pv ,u wUl be j.riee at the "6Z IlLLIAhLt. jouwuire Ule to tell when other rart.w try t -wHi.ll. j - 4 JV,""1 Vvl-'--,-'-. HAL-A0AY'S PATEHT WIND MILLS. doullh a:;o siN-ai.H acttn( Foncr; AXi) 1A1:M PUMPS. FEED rLLS, ETC., TK11M.-5 LTJiKRAL. The IT.aind.-y ! ii! h:- F(ot..l the tost for .-ir-teen yeiir.i. 1:1 :he rh. a ,S.:tt,i and J.u- roi-.o and is the only ne Genera!; :rilnjtcd'r,y n'l I'rinfipal Kail roads and J'ji !iu"T. ii Send for c.'tulc-uc nd price li.-t,- rff A. L. SfKANG. apiSwtf Lincoln Xebras-ti. o. rZAT.Et! IN DRUBS, MEDICIHES, A N D WiL)? PAP3R ! ! AH Paper Fiimrjed free of i Charne. Also Dealer in Books, Stationary, Latest Pubiicailcns. Prcs.'rir.ti.,rs rcr:,;nct' i f ir,.:':i:'.- !iy ci laf'r-ucoc-d l.y res- Iier,!.'rr'.t'.r t:.-? !n.c. 1 1: rf -luir '.vr.-t A ..'. ...Tter: J-hitt-'tnotit:!. .W-or:.-: i. t!, 'TTi "K" Oy" "i TT1 Sm kJi.Z& HJ'2lfZl'i3& s T'- ""s rt rx: T'T T."? V ill le f .-tti ? n m". r.l .. n 1 on Mii'n St. vri.cre he w iii l.e ir-iscl to me bin for nit cu-tu'-:'.ers ami 'LikJ.i. n lar'0 an I socu a-5'-.rtTi ni ii.'.thititry .-uei) us tp t I rr fce. M.;: -b bsr v.' 1 er. are.i;.er !ar t la i -n : ) S can e;:t and !i'!i ' te'i :i. re p. r ijjtr w.. I Or-p p.:ni j Jrivo, suJ tho binaer- ciu rvT. the ; A riibnrn srn' St'.nV"bnker TT!i,r"i:?. b.-i-n-'l 'io Ttnprr A- Mwei ifa.iii;!ia ' bfn-h-er. it. i.'n finto Pit tl.r her. n-l .x il?i- Fcapernnd Mower Ac, F. J. J.ICTTESR, Main S'rfct. PJtt'?!b. 'b. L. S. J5t.Aia. Tnti:i? Aant. Teh. 'J wff. iiENRVHROECK pr-M.r.p. iy FUR rv I THE LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES, BEOSTKADS. OK ALL IJKSC2iPTil.J A.VIl AT ALL JBICK!. Metalic Burla! Cases. 'WOODEN COFFINS O? ALL EIZES. Rcaily y aJe, anJ S -! 1 Cbeap forCiuh. Vitb many taaTks for p i t p'l'"--''e. Tin Ate a!l t'i 1' iil unl etarnino my birifa st oel: o niture ami Co.Cins j..rii .t CITY-MiAT MARKET, MA IX STHL'fJf, PIatttssnlh; - I'cS7r.i!ia The bc.t of Freiij Jleats a In-ay .4 on bunJ i' their JM-uii. Ilighcst Frioe Paid for Fit Cattlf etf-lIiirUo-t Cash Priee paid f -r irreea Iit-J.. NEW LUMBER YARD! Iiavin-r opfiiIcl a ,ii-.:lfr Vnr-1 a Loiii.-viiio, 1 wi'i keep ail kin is of Ami woni'i imite r.U ti.o-e wibin to l uiehaf? to ive uie a eaii. O 1 Hill Bll 111 "l M""-1"! 'i'.". ' ich I will par the hi(fbe.?t .Market f rie , fj jf Q j kV. S- I will ale a! in ail kin.-ls of CPA IN. f V a r. I !' re , ' ( l III Sili 5 L" r. XKE TVilXM Sc SOX. H3. :- A U: J'sst ZT.-1 Mre.t. Yotk. i:sTAr.Lisi!i:i) l i.,,. Po-i.r.'Ii-iol" pari;. nt i-lyin? for Beni i.'H io ""-''" n"Mi:'.'.i.-i. will i.".-ivo prompt n;ter.tfi :d lihcr-ii iiidu-em. ui. Pnr.'ic! ri fidi;i;; at ? dist..:ico 'r hi our :i n t i -i i 7.-. .. M.iy .,r 'er frriiii our factory. :-od f.r il' I I'-.'. e Ji-.t. Oct 2ZAlm T II I'" IJ K 8 T IS ALWAYS TIEE CHEAPEST :0:- I'nr Your Crr.-iic fij To . Jk tr a; Ja ZtMjji 2- 2 C r.TT Tlilr.l and M.iiu ?;r(;ct,', I'i itt- ir.oufb, W t J"IIq kccp.s on hand a .hours ctwl vail sf'eclod Srock of Fa' oy ( r.icr'''t, . CofTcrc Tot. Ac, Ao. 7?-A!.n r. g.'- d.-'E'ortincnt of Fo Shoet.'V :: I;i Ct':.v.i.( tii:i vvlili tiic Gi-.eery i ft O'crry OonfcitioiKry ! ' 'I' kit.Jr, of Country Produce bni-ht scJ V.!'..? sot :.-e,. ft;.? -i::.:naK v, i;r.r.r A M' j ' . j i, i.j ii wti. G. jK A'J il K9 iiiii Siitct, Four Ccora L.tst of Court HEATING a:;d V O O Klrtfi N T V K S Of t!u !u!t 't Til: iiv l;ti-i:a. W1 n D (i. aii'i i-oi ct a .fiii.-iii fit !.? oust. O Doiitc .-. o?. a T, o: k In Tin anil Siieot Ircn Cc:abiue'I. with fuz "cxreric co ?iiRrir.tce tati-liievion ao.l i'tict to Way man Cur tin. Pr-'.-.ireru of StfcitJii l"r,,T-(f, I'.'ii' f'-, 5aW ftrid tir'i'-f. .'i.'K. i is arri - i ho. Fit tin". V'ro'ii i t Iron P:( F ire-5 initl '1 ;i! i'uii.f -. fa:l ''--fJfVe.. ulW Viiive (o. enior. .".:i.i .ill k:;"f 8ras Engine Filtiir s, nr.Ti;:i J or. ehort r.ft:e . Y Afl M H O M A CHIN F. R Y ' nr ';e.:t r.f.'iff. wr OMAHA LOTi Eltr A Nur.M: ClIAIII i V. To fre-1 'he Nebraska State Orphan A s y I U m, To be I r iv. n in PjVii' . EViareh 3tst, 1872- 1 $230,505,00. Tickct-i '.t)' Ei-h or Fix for $'.. 00. ii I. LIckit jei't ' T exr rif J C 0. J'.. il tieire.l. 1 jr. 1 .-. h P:-io tTV'O 1 i.r.,:'i ..?, i'ii.-.e '-".,"') 1 Iff!.-' t il 11 1 I' 1...KXJ I i.r -ii I ;:-h i'T-.i) I".'' i .;, i'r " 1 h':H f,i'-' c,.-h !Vji-. fV.O eaeh ".o ( :.) Prize-. )'' e ieii. S tt C.-i-M i'r .-. IM.ih eei. Vi -a;i prize-:. J J :-ii .) In ) i. h I'rvi-s. I. u h 5 ii) :mi tr.-i-h Pri :-."!'. i :a h .'" "i.'xO ' Pri.--s, " i V) M.Wrt t.I-.l C-.-h Prizes " i3 iiV s;.:i;,.Vi.-, Tbi? Kn'eriri-o i tnd'.rsed by th hic!ie-t suti.-.riJy ol trie rtaie and bu-incs ' men. , , ttv-f-r"ie-b'!'.f tbe lii kefs ttken bemr Oct. l--t. 'I be litiiite l immWi oa band will be J urni.htd ib.i-ft wr.n ai'I'iy i:rt. . .Money enn i e nut Lv I'laa. in Iteiri.-terca Letters, pi, -t UOe Alnney Older?, or by h.-re- -ti Prit-ftw'll bepttid n full. AosvTii Wis-' TED. Yot full particulars ti Ure-?. .i. Ai. I-; ttick. V