v 1? n- i -" ,7 THE HE It A LI). Kiulroad Time Table. b. si. u. R in nlbp.aska. ABU TZi. i Mail Ac V.x. 1.3) r- m.'Mail phI h.t. Jliiaa i ceijht d: Ao. 8:1 a. i. l'ret?ut A Ac. il.iiJ V Mail Pil l Ex. 11:15 a i B. i. &I. U. It. IX IOVi'A. 'Ui i fix. 5;-- P. m.MiU & Ex. ''; - ' Ao'iin A PrVit i P io Ac ujii .V i r J.: '- l in. Ptieirie Exprei l.:.i'i n in. AtUn: io i:x. 4. at pel. The Trn-f.-r Ix.iit will leave tin. leno t t" n mct uith La-tern Imiin l ir:i;i" " miiotu-iM rii cthan the liuieciven above ibe 1h. ii I-run r r Cl.iiMxo time wai.:h ia A3 luiii.toa la.-tei u.an Pi Usiiiouta lime. - OMAHA i SoUiinVKiTEUS. !a c-.nr.-t!.n vr-'rt liur'.'Dgton i MUaoau feivtr Kuiln.a I in Nebraska. Depot at 1'iot of Join's direct. I.K(VI". Aai-ITfJ. r.atUuuiutU l:-.:-a. in. I P'iiitfai'mlh p. m j t p. I ! 4:-') p. , tmaUa. -:! . m. I 0:a:iha '' -. tn U j U.i:. p. u. (io -:tHi m E C. T. JOB. A C U. Ii- B- tT fi-:?;r jrxrriox uvvO CV.V-. SOIUU. OLINii ?()ITH. Mall nl Exprcs? Mi t. v.. :.,-M Kxprc- K:(Ma. ! 1t p. in. 'I hi giv rs!rr,i.M frn I'lattsmonta ilose Kini.w'.ti'tTi s,iT onth cr by ieavintt bore in tha 1'X ui. tri:n. A I' RIVAL AND P K!'. U'f L'P.U Off HAILS. kout: C TJ. V Srr.Tne T. H. S4:n.a C H.'A" '-'t. Joo It. P.. Nortb. li x M. P.. K. o. .v SI. K. iv. V.'eot, h.il y Pift'.l 'eeiii!? Wxtev, Ni-tra-k:i v. by St.njn. i! I u y 111. P-' p i j "V. Va l 'h I'J j i. m. JJ !-t. ; y i ui. T pin. Oiicfc bnrr-. tnm a in to m ""W.'-iAR.IIALL. P. .v LOCAL XEWS. J . . -- i LO 0 . V L A D V K PTI.SEM E X I . Tr.iiiioa? '-" ecu's a li.ie. li' i;.i).ir a '.vr U -.'rh 1') cci's per lia-!. No alvertisement iu rled less t'ouu ccr:t'. I.' Kil a lvirti-eiacit wiil be charged to tte jcirtiehandinc them in. e Oi.MMENICATIOM-?. A cur ci..i'.'C is r.il c.iii:iiur..frt. i.in u.j5t be brief n'l to th? punt, vrith no waste of words. j f-rr.cJuBJIEBS I Are rT-j tei tonotify ''., e office if t':5 rl" r is ! fi.jl delivered proL'ii tly. . enl)!"r Zteleluna. 1. Any ier--oti v hi 1 k a p per r.r.lnrlr f'.cn t.c I t cfii'"". nliciher li-rcelel to iO' n.ii'i; t vi iietin r urt if Mtbtcriber cr not id ripon-;o.c f r tu l-ui". j X y a-,- per'.va .rii!ui : ;i-7.'V'n 0 ! ti 1, he i.mr pay nll.Hrrsyrrf-f.'.r M:i- j ii!.Pli-r : v c in i. .; s.. .1 i: inn.: p.;a,( :.l iM".i-h-, i 1.1.1 co.li-t ;ii-- i.h) iMii"!, v. ittiber t.ie : i ipcr is i.iktii fr.ou t'.ie t.iii.-e cr t. 1 :i. Thri:-th..ve .-.-ci Vd t'-. rf fiajr to . i,r reic.,vi.;:i'id Ic.ivi .- v - I rd ; fvT. is prima f.ici evi icr.ee cf iu'cr.t.i.n tii 'ut l. ' . . , 1 ... 1 IV. ! JVOTIfR TO fcvz tVK.iOi. A. 1 . U V.i'U'.e.S !' - : i'ltf f.ir the pate- to an t .-vi:.:r it yt-ip- t cd ;:t-a ccri-iin time, vi'.l f.': i it so t,i.i-ped; ! bat. wee:int..-.t.b-jrt"P-ia.-;Uii..r what In b; rn , ,, . -l.ne before our lira-;, aor f.r rdcr .ppercd ;uyv.alcl, aid the uay.- 01 o.u Wil -t h;,ve beer K Ten by t.th'r-1 o-.h-is. Coir I tr and the rtion of ice aiyi snow will Ic Looks i-.h.ac icn.-t i e the fc-.:ido tV.r ail oi.'. cuh- j :io i;iore. r -.-ii'-'.i n-.. ! ien. c rfini'ir'...r !b;. j --v ----' Pl.vt:tra-uth fe 'is a Utile .'ore over Subscribers fin Fng ona ma.-k , ton. X, j being h-i't out in the country by the I. will Knew that tho time their paper is k M. Ciood enouv'h f he put on to . , r, , . j , .. -v- niinr ttir l.r i- m-tli a riH.-ic-r-, arid now j.atl for has run out. and t o .v.v --..p , , di.ui.. t ) , , liuu 07ffr that it is over due more loan a yea..n l T.Jldf w IS A,;d ui 1 Ti.-aai. t -vht to b t -.id. . j What mi.-erab'e lit tie pug nosed totr- A'n.At. fell iu the Uiv-r on Saturday j : .v ; ,f- l...b-.--j tti.i v ii--1 r..t 1. .tent, jit - ... - . l .., .h rhidvv rut it d.dn t ui,ii .,n 1 o r.-.r , ut :::t!i. ! iTnVvt!,A Wc had a:i al um oi firo oa .--ar-d-.y I - rver.'pg An - house hedging to j j .'. 'Dod?e wai t'y.nd on lire, but was j f '! prom; il j ut out. . v . . ,.j . .. ,.t.,.. r.r fi.-,-, .-.-i ..if..i b.-l.ool Hooks, at pub-il-dt.'rs piie.-.--, at P. O. li "ik Stole'. j lb ii: -:;:b;r Fiaok Whlto, ff.e ttroeer, j one of t!te bet i Ikjws and the co-t gri-c-ers. in the we. id. Call and buy your oot toes arid ihi..gs,,f Whhe 44tf A speei i! train took a numb.- r of the ! Platt-'mo ith people up to Oma'au on J M.... V.f ..vcrdn l l-', t3 attell 1 the eon- ! cert given by Olo Ha l and troupe. We I aro r.nt : able to testify iy pei-onal c j'c- i lenee. out uive no n P.., ubt th-y wre ; ' an ply repaid for the tri; mi 1 ii'if.n ttio li'iuilJ Ol iiiiO!) ot .UCI merits which uwarde-1 them. , m a .--i -rt At Piatt.-mouth. Nebraska: F. P. Toll, Ge:r ra! Aeent. Cauva-s:nj .-.gents want- ! e i. ujix" a; oeiiumou cv .u..u -, .'iiu street. eC-3:il Vfa ted A live man to t-ke toe enency fer the Improved Lock Stit di Grovcr 'k Baker Sewing Machine for Ca-s '.mr.ty. Apply to J. M. Nowland, Nebraska City. -lCwtt' . -...-. - -- ,j"-r ;.'i 'Ihe annual meeting of thi tbi- Co. Agricultural and Meehnm-eal A--o?ia-tion will be held em Sa-urday, March 1st, 1-.70, at one ..'clock P. M , at the Court Ifou-e, ia Piatl-m Mith, for the rurtosa of cleeting the ollieoM for the oc-uing year, an 1 such ether bu-ine-s as j , ?.r.. i i.t.. co'i.e i.tu..e in- ,i,u. Ir..;. ir li-'!ip. tv r ri tint ariti lUicre-t i.r...n.r ii.oie.., turn ou. a., ,..,.ir.,. c,.s in our Asso'iatlon. luat it may be a success. 45 wS C. U. Kino, Secy. Wehav? seen no mere able cr exhau- tive dicu-siou of this question than j presented in the last number of the A i.uk.an Jot'P.NAL oi EpitcatioN. Noru .al SchoN, School Librarie-, Physical Science, find other important t ini.-s are treated of editorially, and among the premium offered, we notice "Webster's and Worcester's Dictionaries upon very liberal terms- Ia fact, there is not a page but what i- interesting and profitable. Cal! an 1 examine our copy, or send for speeimeu number to A. II. Andrews & Co., Publishers, 16G, 16S &. 170 State St., Care-Leo, Iri. ... , ,;, . ,n ,f. . i . starting. .Anma c rjat oa? of th-tu j ilK '0',ll-u'1 , , , ' i i .,...,..:,- r T't I the bitsbut was unable to hold til -in oa i ,.. ,, .vn ..t f,A Ctih- e-cmentury ca iieatou. 1 ram mar, lii:- ... uig bear.rni nr.d cm.. i.n at tue uatn '. , , runnmg up Sksh Street they came m 1 ! e. t . t1 t i nr. tory. C:a-es;e-", ci.ithcuiatic-, Gt-ocra;a.v, . , , OOC fetiva! l.l-t rtt-Oa. to to? ino.-v. opt. i i .1 - , . . , , i ..! -,-. .'.,., .,, ,e,.r M .s tr-u-. Astronomy, ?nl m tact nothing is want- eonra.. w.ta t a- i,n a.r.. , in . o. a, ari .oy a-td ventieioan, a. - i . . .tr.u. ...... ,., n Mr. Annon wis thrown in the ditch, the 1 - t i ,-. i. ,Tr t'.iMn ing to niake n a pertect l.ncycropcu a ol . .... and Mr, I ok. We cot,, a. a. ate t..,m 3 1 f ., fooat w he? rum rig o.-et1 hi right arm i .i ,. ,. , v, ;, n ,,c ,rt L.i,-. lnforuiatmn. A boo that every family " J - bith up -a too po-se,ion o. ta.-rtic.e., f iut above the ol'ow, fortunately no bones .SI raj cd. From t!ij Mib.-cribc-r, one uik roan cow, two years u!J, white on tho beliy, loth cais clipped. Any inhumation concerning her wiil bs liberally reward, J. 40v2 T- W Suhyock. Coal Moves, f.r soft coal, ol' sd! &iz-3.s and kinds ami riecs tosuit, at GGJtf-tfwtf E. T. Dike i co.'s Otz, t!ie Veterinary burgeon, has re moved to the little brick, north side of Main street, west cf the Court IIou.se. Remember this. 44:f. Tha OIJ K-llowa ie.viyal an-I con ceit, Friday eve, wid be a very Icasaut I arty, and bi-J fair to draw a larc cam- I any together. MAlUwtl.n .it ti.rua.u, in .S.Trirl Co., Neb. en Wedm-.-d iy, Feb. l'-h by Ej.-ii.e JIKay, Mr. M. II. Hathaway orriatttitiouth, to Mrs. lto..atina lit a d Sewaid. Next Sun lay evening, ia the Hjiico li. Church, at 7 o'clock. Sul j-ct: Ki;i."CAliON. icxt : llip is the ui'iii th iti.i htJi. winlom, ami tlie man tit it gettitlt vn.irrsltindinff. I'llOVilUDS III. J 3. Th following is the n-port of the degrees of teti:t.-era:tire en Court House hili. at dayliKht, as rc;n.'itei for the Hall, by Mr. W . Wet : February G, 4 degree. above zero; 7, 21 ; y, 'J; U, -4 ; lu, So; 11,17; ,., r. . i I - . II , . . . - -J I . , , . '-i i i i '-i i 17, 4 ; 18, L'l ; i J, 'J. Micuilvvaiie ct- Co. desire to inform th-- tublic that they have on hand and hail continue to ke-' throi:h the win- ter, hard coal, shL-h they wiil .'ell at low market rates. ' 1 04tf. The () Id FcL'ow.-j Festival which is to conic off Fiid-iy ccning will be a grand andtidl afiair, a:T3 we advice all our citizjiis who aliiiire o Idity in cny form , 1 IT- .1 0 ... . . sentcd. Special train? vcill bring brother Odd Follows, with their lidies, uhethci odd or even, from Lincoln and Omaha, :lr,l O 11 Fellows and FtlloWS not odd ... . , , . . . Wid wi c av.ay the hours with ?cng and I nii.iry mu-.ic.thc f?tive dmee and fea. st ive batiiU.-t, and all will go tueiry as a tearriag-j bell. a The warm sun shins .cf tho last to u:iy, l.::V. I.'aved fcaV03 With the h'.-3 " . , , . , ori'.f-'e acros the ISsSoUri, and UithOUga it ktaTi 'us a weak and fcebL- ttand it Iuaki1.-, UT,d wliO Vl;U2S m fi'.Va , . . . l.b? or iiis horse vetitaros not uidis its su.'.tce. lat a i-w uav more ami we ' . i i i ii .,.:.!,. a . of a thre-year old booty is this, iii it tails ubo ii "airs" end "what was" i-11 tJ) oa-mes, iniai you 'V t . I , -y cs on tb.e e:uny ccal tiuo-tioii ond a P. II ;ad or two ihrojh Siun lcrs for cnou:, fr0:u Ashl.uil or yoti will fil j uat ..wh.lt Aih'aal will be a L-w:ia:. w;M-mesj. , ; , . . ., Dealer ia Stap'e and Fancy Groceries1, Grain, Fruit and Pro luce. Fre-h Fish r .. i 0... ..,., . i.,.:,. fjls ,a;j j;,,. Ji;,!,.. ; ii u i i.- .ni; i i . i--. u i.ct .v I Ui O i:i;ij ft: :.-. Glo ls r.nt n.I.l at less iJ.nn ensr Ni. ! ut g .od goods at the fowes. prices for ea-li, :t Utf. Cl.ABK L Pi-VMMUIH. Pl-Jf tsti.OUtll, Ne'b. Poop. Man's Sen oi.-uoom. Wcb- ! i-ttr's Ftn.bri !g-d i'iciionaty, (conlain- . " . . . , i.g oi.oO iau.-tiaf:oin, ) t as e-eeii sai to b; the Mini AVW-AV;n." It definitions, thui appealiug to the under tan ling -through that swift ut.dium the 7CM-,rj.j,i Mrcury. i. l .- .ee adverttimeat in anithar c-jlumn of this i aper. , A""" Y7". t County and City orders bought at the Elephant Store at the highest ligcred. 42tf Vfc inadvertently left out the name of j oetor Kawiings, f'tom our report of the Doet s'.rrgeetis who attended ia the Uttcrbach j ea-e, iast wee. ' It was a j-ure oversight, occurring from the fact that wo bad just rcturnfcd f.-iju Lincoln thj tamo day, at:d our ar ticle was made tip from tho reports on the streets, none of which happened to mention Doctor Itanllngs, to the editor, as be ins present. It isjast to Ur. to sa taat he was . I . I-. i- , . I i-1,. ..t. .... ill.. ..... .....1 r ai.ei in- "ii .visuuii, mi 'a,, is i.i es.eLiL . . ' at a.i me- euusiuiaiioiis mei ei n i Sorne ton days sine? tho foreman oif the Htnthl. Mr. M. If. Hathaway took hi departure, as he said, for a run ap to Lineo'a to stay over Sunday. Sunday j pas. id and Monday and stiil became ! not, Tuesday and Wednesday flow by, I Th :rsday and Fiiday f ilowtd in their turn, and his vote was not heard j among us, but whn on Saturday we Watched the arrivals by (he western tram we nen.-ii tue missing one iu a rapidly pa--i: g carriage, rm 1 by his side a lady ! He, who lo'd spcift many hours ; of each day by our sjdc for months, fot j gone an! gut married and toll us not a word of it. t Well, we forgive him, and wi-h hiaa beside all happiness, and may the star of matrimonial felicity never disa in Li; grrajraa? ct. I goods, cheap and good. Wl i Uui Lei..,. i".-.old. 7 ' '.it' l'.r J our chert n and goi boots fcnJ hocs-t'O 0 the shoe store iiCTt d..o, to Postofdce. i will not be undersold. All l -er..ni indebted to tlli'llirJct- , , , , , Signed aro h ireby notiaed to c u:e K r- .ward and pay up before the Crrt day 0 hhail be COIaJ j ey we want ai.w tnu.st have. 47wo Floyd Duos'. We are inforn.c J that tix car loads cf people are" cuiiiiii fioni Oinah-i, ei;:ht from Line-obi and three frota Ntdraka Oity, to attenJ'th- I.- U. O. F. Fe..tlval , . , .. ; ;, ,i " nn l Ceneort, at v ht.jlth:X s Halt, to- ' - mon-ow (Ft: Jay) eveninsr. L t ail our citizens attend, a:sl a:ii.st in making thia an o wasioa Iji!? to la r c tue to lore J with pleasure. T S- The taeuibers of the above brijar.ids will pioae reinember that SarurFty evening is the night appointed for eiecf ing their oiaccrs. Immediate action i- absolutely r:o.e?sary. Don't delay. Onejof the Fire and Vater Ccmmi tee firoTiiiscd th it I100U3, etc , etc., would be in Fitltsiuouih in a few day.-, ar.d that the wells would bo dug as tooa as the frort left the ground. Th i fun-ral of Fine'ia Hannawaid, daughter ofthe Keverend Ilaunawald, tool, place last Suo lay, and was attend cd by a large concourse of perp!e. The funeral .eerviea was conducted by l'rof. A. d' Alleujun 1, botli iu Fiir'::i ar.i (jenuan. The uu ler-igned brg to refurti their thanks to tin citizens of Fiat tsuioiith and neighborhood lor their kin 1 sympa thy iu this their hour of afdictioo. L IIaxxawai.d, T. Uaxxawalp. The combined Ca'a'ogu'.-s cf Seeds and Flants for lS73,of I'KTi:it Hkndi.h- j son & Co., 2.i Cop.tlanit St , New j YoitK, is just received numbers 175 pages ; is beautifully iiluitrat.-d, and in j addition , contains a colored pi ite of tl e j new '"Fountain Plant," an 1 a! .o a h ind- some lithograph of a group of new Fuchsias- Tke.sj dialogues are milled to fill applicants by Peter Henderson ft Co. on rvc. I;.t of 25 cents. To their cu-ioaiers j of Iar year tl.ey are sent without charge; ! and to id! pur d.a-o: of their books, " Oardening for Profit" and "Practical Floriculture" (price J 1 ,50 each, prepaid by Mai!,) they aKo fsnd them annually, fice cf charg .'. At Merges' now store next door to ' I .i.-tonice. Call in d examine my stock of boots and shoos, before ycu buy else where. I charge nothing for showing them. " 23wlf 1.1 . . ... . fck- T'lail and Exprcs train leave PlaUs moiitk daily, f'ieept Sunday, for Lin coln, Beatrice, Kearney, ajii all points w:.t, at 11:15 a. ji. Mired train for Lincoln at -1:05, P- M. j O.'lAh'A TUAlXs r.cr-ro Piattstnonih 0:10 A. arrive at Omaha at 12:00 cion. ' Leave Plalf? mouth at. 1:20 P. M.; crrlve r.t OiLa'os at 2 .:') V. si. L .'ave Oa:al a at lo: CO A. M. , arrive at Phirtsmonth 11:50 A. M Jeave Omab.i at 2: -15 P. :.I , arrive at Piatts mouth at-5:00 P. M. C. I'. MOUSE, Sup't. Geo. O. MANCUKsTLr., 4otf Gcu'l Ticket g't. Ilenaember Otz's, Veterinary office is now on north side Main strcot, in the little brick building wct of the Court i House. 12ici A 'runaway oceirol tit tin h.'al of Main ?t. which came very near tc-rmitint ing fatally, -tcani belonging to Mr. An non becani'3 frightened at the driver attempting to throw a blanket on oaa of them, they m id? a very nic-j circle in ,v::s broken, ahhough the arm was lrui!e"1' Mr' A' h" beev?ryn- fortunate lately, having bal his cx.ar b me broken a short tlmsaco bv a sitii".- , - , lar aeeiient. The t ?am run a ba'f a mile upsetting tho wago;i and finally was brought to as-tirid by runing into a drove of cattle which threw them iu a ;.romLlcu pile: no damage was d "ne to the waaon or team. The valiant Sta lt -r started in pursuit but on account of the shortness of his horse tss unable to get there until jt was all ovir Tit r fViTT W- l- I .rri-r.- Pi-.- 1 llli a ... . -i . V A o-j 4 j e' 4. e priet or, i-osy, warm and comfortable, drop ia and see u-. Lbpiors aud cigars warranto 1 fare and good. Nov. 13, d.l-wtr ll.Vr.U (OVI.. 21 A list CO.'. Ia ! IIAitO At Mitkclwalte's yard, corner Sixth and Main streets. Good Antliraeito Coal on hand ail the tims. 10 Itf If vou want to get a Sue and pool i z- p. . , ., , fitting pur of not ts or shoes made, cal .wr .1... i tzu l Us CUUt- riviv, Ul ai l Ul"l 11 III J ft K'- office. I warrant satisfaction, Bepair- ing done neatly aad with dispatch. Cgwtf PtTKR MiiltCSi When you come to town don't foil to call and visit the h lriics simp of JnJm Scienter, on Fourth street, north of the Piatte Valley house, adjoining flathews hardware store. lie always keeps on hand the very b'c-sf of Hara -ss. Collars, Sad ilia. Brid le.-, Halter:-, &e, aui sells as cheap as i the cheapest. Benairing done oa .-hort notice. 43-.r4 Business room for rent one of the best stands in the city enquire of. D. II. Wheeler &, Co. -1131 32 tf. There is no fain vhi :h the ("or-Uur Initm-at j aot i!eve. uo w 4U.. it Hill not luodue, I a.nl u-' 'aucaw which it m. t cur. This : is -tro- K lauci-cc, but ii. Ls true. Vic-iu the I i T.r'.)! arc i;o: J;ne. l'-i ii.'.tsnre luirvt ( Ui. ' It iruuaco.. U-om cun t of riuuui'tti ri. mr -tn?he. cuke.l-Lrei-t-(. toaUs, Lurn. : alt-iucut.i. Ae- u'Kn iU Luman frame, an.i cf rtraics. ."ptivia, c Ac upon a.niinals in one ye.:r than have all c-thcr i-retendci xcuieUcs tiaco ' th wor!J bcj?an. It is a counier-ir.-itant. an I Bli-hnalinr paia-rt-licve:-. Cripr'" itrovr uy j their crutches. -the laiut? wulf;. p:ionC bilti , 8re reI)JertfJ hanu'ea Rud t':.e wouaici ro bea'cd without a far. It i no huzai-u. The r-ipis lubii.hcJ arouinl cai-h bottle. It i bo'iinB n.s no article over bifjic soi.l.iiml it lv:lis because it dots jut what it prMci.Jj to U. '1 hee it ho ii'ivr biilf-.'r fiwia jhftuuaiir piin ir saeUir. Jos :rva t suS'oitlivy trill nut use Cnt:iur I.i;i:iuent. Mure than l'i 0 ccrtif: -atcs of rc:u.irk..ble care, inclu.liag frozen H?al s chrouie-rheu.i atlsw. K.ut, ruunins toaiours. L A-e. h-ivo Ijte'i received. Vi'e will c::d a t:rea- f. . . J ,, , , , lar contanm:? ceriiSloa-ea. tue recipe, A ., irra- tt. to ui:y i.ne rc.jite Vug iU One bollio cf the yeipw wrapper Ccctaur Liuiia iit is v. onh ena Lu:.drcd doll irs f.r f: aviiu-d ;r gweeaitd Lor Bii :nl in ulc !. tr fr e6rcw-wo: m ia libecp. ttnek-ovvr er ibis liuimcs't is wt.rtb 5 our ut Iciitior.. No f iu.ii ti.o.iii be vitbuut C'catuur Liijiiiitr.t. J. B. BoaK k tc, Ne York. 'il.l.rtfl iri ifti.ri. iinn ft M.ih! i u : e f-r CllS- , tirOil. It L -he only A ariiel ia oIstcuce which is certain to assiuiil.ite tli3 foo l. rc-ui.Ue t'i8 bbVvc-1. cure wind co!ic:tnd I rdacc iiiitur al f'.t-Cp. It couUiins n it'uer uaiuerils. iner Ihiiie or uleih.l- and is plea.ant to take. C'tii drcn need t ot cry an 1 withers tuiy rcA. The Catholic fair and festival, ra.-td oTvery pleasant y ia.t week, tucDratuat- is cntf rtaiiiinent was a decided suees Mr. Diak Claibom looked Hi'id cr:oi:h t - p ease anybody, Mr. Linch has a fi .e figure fir the stage aud walked the boards 1 Le an old hand, J. F. Maclionah a'oo aho- decided ability in this direc tion and ui idea capital jeal .us husband. Mr. Hail y played her part very we 1 also the three young la Ins whose mums we did not learn. The negro scrm n and ''doing to the poor housj' ' were both good in their way. Tu idort we have seen wor-e acting on the regular boards many a ti:ne an 1 for an Amatuor porfmmr.n. e last.Wed.'iesdaj-'s "Jiinr" were a credit to thj town ani the pyrfonu tnee. Som3 of the youngsters 1 aughed in "the wrong pla??3 and evidently took what vrris inteudsJ to be ths mo-t so'em secr.e in the piece for a good joke, but thea older folks have made a like tnUt.-.kc and they icalize tha tragic part of life iorn enough. On Thursday evening some thir'y persons came down from Omaha; we are iuformed the Ui.acal entertainment was vcrr good cud that taken as a whole the fair was a tucccss both plasurably and finxneialy. "Dat is goot." E3- N. H.."ui5 V,e have bcuirbt the entire ri-ht and iiiterrst in tin; whole subscription list ol" rhe WliEKLY 11 Kit ALU, front 41. P. llathuway, and as fa.-t as our fi iends can, si-juare up the old accounts we shall be pleased to have them as we want old books settled. tf Appleton's Journal of Liu rat ere, Scicuea and Ait, for February 1-t, i bs-f-ro us. It is an illustrated weekly, printed on gaud paper and ia most con venient shape and size for reading and bin Fing The iHuitratleDs ara net so Urgtj or LumcTCUj r.s those of llarpcr'e H'tfr.'.-'y. but arc cf a higher order, as ia ako the reading matter. This number opens with an article en titled "PropoM I Steamers for the Strait? of Dover." Tin di.He-ihy to be r-ver-eomeis ti e roiling of tho ship and con eCfp'.ent et.-sickne;s oceasioiie 1 by the chop' ing sea of the strait. The en- 1 graving-! iveu of the two newly invetit- ftesuit-ra iliustratoi clearly th-j remedy to be ap !:ed and the ingt nuity of the inveutois. Then follows a story cr.titlod "The Cross-eyed Augu?." "A Terrible Superstition" is an account of the old superstitious belief in were wolves. There- are well written articles entitled "In the Coal ltegionsof the Schuylkill," "iTvro ia the Sun." "The Passab Fails,"(vvith an engraving that is really j find), "A hkctch of the Early History of Geology," and several short pieces. Among these n would especially notice "The storv of Catharine Cor;:mo,"'s it shows us by a single example what one needs to appreciate the paintings cf th; gteat masters. The Scientific aud L:teiary Notes are equal to ihore in the best magazines. The Apple ton's, ia tlmir Journal, fully sustain reputation as the "AI line Publishers" of America, and it is better worth preserving and binding than any weekly periodical in the country. SPECIAL NOTICES. .VM Vl,..,t eV--;-J I Ileal. ..- C'iv1,'1 ; it.,,.'.. ,i:c.i - tir 14 ,l if, I com, 14vUO i -.-S 7TS- TTTC1 Be.-t Fine cut and cigars at 0S:f P. O. Book Stoce. Vivian's t the place to buy your gro ceries aua provisions. 20tf Large and weli assorted stock of gen- ral iiierchaudise at Clark ii i'iumiucrs. Try us. 2 d if. At Claik A: Pluiumer's everything a farmer needs can be found. Call and see our stock. 2.sdtf. Go to Vivian's for groceries and pro vision. E upori.i Be 1 Bibbo-a Stove at E. T. Duke k Co. Piattsmouth, Neb. Call ana .examine. Clark & Pla.umcr Dry Goods, Grocer ies au i a General assortment. Wo .-ell cheap and buy often. 2sdtf See advertisement of Dr. Butts' Di rensarv. headed Bo:-k for the Million ; Marri-ore Guide iti another cointu.i. It should be read bv ail. decldf-.wly. E. T. Duke cc Co. have j.ist received a lare lot of llentitig Stores of all kind-, suitable for parlor, offices, stores, hotels, or any p ace. bail ant see tct oni:f'23.vtf Evening Star, wood burner, and from ."i to 7o varieties of hearing stoves. Call a. I see n--, E. T. Db'XE Co CodtfJoWtf For new, cheap good--, call on D. Sch.M-.-e & Co. Mr. S having just re turned from the east is prepared to fur nish goods at eastern prices. 70dtf i Leg .1 notice. MathlaJri-.ihn v.. C!:rl,ti .n Fchlants. Notice i hereby jriven that. ' e will ofLr s.t public ta'o at tli front door ! Court 1 1 cu in Ffutt-nioot!i, t 'a Coun'y. Ntb.'aska, : Tuesday ihe l-'oih day tif Match. J.s73. :it 1 o'c! tek . la. o.t said Uy, the ibiio.ting teal e-tate ti -wit: LotM on-1, two, three, l n. tievc;;, aiid twelve in I. lock No. C?) s's vt one .-outh in town of Ilock liititTs, (.'a-? Coi.ut.v, Nebijska with id! the buildings and appurtenances thereunto beliing'.n, to te .-old under an order of Sale in IV tilion tnado by thu District Court of the Second .Judicial Di.-triet i:i and fir Ca t 1 ?. - I .1 ... C 1 . I ounty, et-rasiia. . ori tne ii;i u;iy 01 February A D. lsTJ. Terms of Sale one third eu.h, one third in one year, :;i:d c.r.ethiid in t wo years with iuu rest cr de ferred pin:f iits at ton percent. ..ami.. '!. Fa iti:ii.;lin, I fV,.si!Ai llr.isr.L, IL-fcrees. WlionuE 11. j'i:APK!t. ) by Sam. HI. Vhapman, 47 4: Attorney for 1 LintilT. Pre bats Notice. To whom it liny roncern : Take i:. nice th it John F. Folk and lierthy Shopp, ha e filed tu my oJliee n iuctru.nf nt e;fwritir;j purporting to be the !at will and testiuifttt of Jonathan Ad-m-v r.no male application to have the san;e adttsitted to l'roate. And that said euu.-e is set for i; taring at it y ohice ia l'l att-mouth on Saturday, the J2st day id'Iebruary, A. 1). 1-.7L, at IV o'clock a. M. , of said th-vv, at w'nicli time all persLns interested are i.ottficd to appear and eo:;test the same, and show if ...... i . i ; ., ... s.i.,,-,1 j 11;le :A-,WJ as ,: l..-t wiii and testamet-t cf Jonathan Adams, .i urOeusCU. Witr.t.-s my hand cnl ( meial seal t Piatt.-mcuth, C.s- CeU'-ty, ltbia-l;a, oa this the 27th day ;f January, J 87. li. E. Ellison, Pi nbate Judge. uilwl ill v Wai Fy virtue of an order of sale issued by the Clerk of the 1) ftrict Court with in and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me; directed, wherein Wihiam A. ithoden is Plaintiff, and William Col v in and Mary (,'o!vin arc defendents. 1 will oa Monday the 2-i:h day of March. A. D. lSTli, at cne o'c.'oei P. M. d' said day. a? ihe front door of the Court llou.-e in PhtU.-m juth in said Cu.-s CourOy, of fer lor sale "at pubhe au'-ti.jo the iodoiv- l!.'g tle.vjt-ihed real c.-fate, to-wu: The ca.-t half (i) of the Lorthwett (juarter ( ) of section .s. s-iveti 7) and j be attached iu .-aid cau;e, to-wit : i'om tho southeast quarter ( j) d' tiie souiii ' mi iicino at a point 1n27 ti-li)('eer, North west quat ti r (1) of section No. :ix (6) in town-iiip Aj.iiev.n (.11; norlaol rao':.; No thirteen (13), ca of the 0th P. M. Also the following descrio.'-l tract com mencing three (d) chains and liftv-ssX (50) links soutis of the northea-t corner ofthe northfast tjuarter ) it tie souihwe.-t (pinrter (j) of section No. sis (0) in tov.':d.i; No. eleven (11) north of range No. thirteen ( 13) east f the f ah P. M., the:?? v.cst three (o) chains and fifty-six (ot'i) link-, tof nee south wc.-t twenty tbrca (23) chains and twenty-six (20) links orj a line rnnning to ths sottthwest corner t.f said Fotty, fheu-e cat eighty (h0) rod, and thence north to tho place of beehu.imr, contaiiiie.- in all une hurvtred and thirty-niiio an t 00 100 acres, sifnate in Ca-s County, Nebra-ka, to be -old to satisfy a decree retnlered at. the January 0 rm A. D 1S72. and on the first day of Ftbruary 1S72 of said Court in favor of said Plaintiff and against said Defend ant. Given under my hand this 10th day cf February, A. 1). 1.70. J. W. Johnson, - Tl.r-iiS' Ca-s Voasity.'Neb. Sam. M. Cliai-:.;a.v, -17 Of, Praintiirs Attorney. Sheriff Sai2. Ily virtue of an ordr of Sale, is: tfa. by the Clerk of the Di'trier Court with in and for Ca-s county. Neb., and to r.:e directed, wherein James lleibiart i-5 i'iaiutlff. and Henry JlcShane and" Eilc-n McShatte, are Defend ants.' I will on Monday the 24fh day of February, A. 1 1S73. at 11 o'clock A. M . (d'.-aid day at. tin? front door ofthe Court House, ia the City of I'iatts'ii .nit ii, in s.ii i eouat, sell at auc tion the fulio'.Ting rc.d e.-tate as the pro perty of thv- I Wen la. its, tn-wit: Lor No. "One (1). ia Hioek No. Ore llu: dn d and Thirty-four (134), in tho City of 1 lattsinouth, Cass county, Nebraskaand as designated upon the published and recorded plat of sai l city, to satisfy a de cree rendered at the Adjourned Septem ber term. A. D. Is72, of said Court and on the l j tu cay oi vceemoer, i. a. 1872. Given under my hand this 22nd dt-y of January, A. D. 1"7.'I. J. W. Joiiniso:;. ShcvbT. Cass Co., Neb. Sam. SI. Chapman, i'f tfs Att'y. 43-5 """""SheriiT's 6a!e. By virtue of an Order of Sale, i-i-ue l by the Chirk of the District Court within and for Cavs County. Nebraska, and to me directed, wlinrein Mai well an-1 Chap nian are PltiintilTs and J. S. MeNd!son and Isabella MeNVi'son are defendants. 1 wiil on Monday th. 24th day of Febru ary. A. D. 1073, at One o'clock P. si. . of said day at the front door of jhe Court House, iu the city of Piattsmmuh in said county, sell at auction the follow ing real c-oiaie as the propeYty ofthe sr-id Defendants, to-wit: Tho Noithwe-t Quarter (), of tha W - Northwc-t Quarter (i), of section No. ... , - i - 1 wenty-fccven (2., tovynsiiin No. 1 wt vp (12). North cMhiiige No. Iwelve iv. a-.i,. i " M .:-. IS, iiCl et em . out I . a. nuuia i in Cass County, Nebraska, to s.atisly a jude'etneut rendered ct tho Adjourned Sej-.remoer lerm cf said Court, A. . IS72, and on the 13th day of December, A. D. 172. ('riven under my hand this 22nd day of January, A. D. 1S75 J. W. Johnson. Slu-riff. r..ss Co., Neb. SamM. Chapman. Fl'ffs Att'y. 425t Lcrja! Naiics. Calvin II. Parmfl?, va J. M. Ilineh man an 1 Alice B. Hincltman-. In District Cotnt, Second Judicial District, ia and for Oa-:s Count v, Ne braska. To Alice B. IFn. hman : You are hereby tiotificd that, on the 2St!i day of January, A. D. 1ST 3, Calviu 11. Parmele. ia the ofdc: of the Clerk of the District Court in and for Cass county, Nebra-ka, the object and prayer cf which is to forec'ov: a eeftrun tiiortiragi? doe ond givea by ytmrself an;! J. M. Iliuc'nma;!, to plaintiff, on the 4th day of October, A. D. 172. tosccutethe payment of the sum of three hundred dollar- (?500) with' interest from Janu ary 4:1;, A. D 1S73, at the rate oi i twelve (12) per cent. pof annum, and j praying that lot No. five (5). in block No. thirty-seven (27) and lot No. six (ol in block No' eight (si both a tlesiirnat -d . ii .. . . oil the re-.'i'r lel iat o! rlatt.-miuth City. Cass c-oimtv. Nebtaska. in sails lae-.ion oi sata c; aim an i mo: ag il'o o j plaintiff", and that the proceeds ol sail' sib' be applied ia sati-,f'ie:i 'ii (if plain- i lid's sai l claim. You are u quired to j an-'.:t r said peti'fon ro or before" the j 2!thd.ayof Ma:eli. A. D 1S73. ! CALVIN IE PABMEEE, i'l'fl by Sam. M. Ch APiiAN" j h;.3 Att'y. -loTO COitN I CORN "I COUN!! Ysranted Corn on Sub -erip-t'.on ai tliid oliico iminedi alclv: Leral Nctics. '3 V. J. Cutter and Margaret E. Cutter, 'iifn-residel!t, I)ff(.-ndaiit.s wiil tike liotieo hat cn the 2,-ith day of Januaiy, A. D. 1S73, Ke:haw Wauiih, FiaintiC's, tiled their penicii in thy Di-itict Court Judicial Di.-tiiet iu and 1'i.r Ca.s County, Nebra-ka, the o!j ct and pray er of which petition is to obmin a judg ment against you on an iie voiul tor cer tain KiuiLer and buildintr tiititeria! purcha.ied i"reni the il piaintill's Ker shaw cc W'auah by veur.Jelve.-) J'or the sum of f- 'o.-li 10:1 Dollars with intciest t theteon fiem ''ill d iy of Fcbiuary, A. D. 167Q. And tb.-it taid plaiiitiil h.ive caused the toilowing de-ciihed real estate a the property oi vv. J. Cu.t.r to be attaclicd in sa: J cau-e to wit : (jointaciteuig at a point IS27 0-10 fe- t, Non h of the S II corner ol W hf oi"ihe S Vv" rp- oi See. 7, down 1, li;iii!!t; 14 lost, which point by s:ctua! survey i- toLt east of tins S Vf corner of said So 7, thenea e :u Mctit-ing itnl tentdf: West 40u lee!, thence north 1110 2 10 feet, thence ta-t 4ti;; Jcet, theinre Miulh lilO '2 h to the place oi' beginning containing two (2) acres more or le.s-. ou aro roo.ue.-ted to answer s:iid pet.I- tion on or hel'ore I he i.'-!ih u iy o' March, A. 1. orjuujmetit wiil be t sketi against yr.u for said sum oi $2uO.-l-i-lrJ dollars with interest thereon. KiiUiiiAW i Wait. :i, l'l.iin'iifs. Sam M. CiiAi-irA.N, A try iVili. 413 wot Legal Holies. Vv J. Cutter and Margaret E. Carter, non-re.-ident defendant.-, v.iil take notice that on the 2Xih day f' January, A. D. 1S73, Calvin 11. i'arin:i!.e, i i ? 1 Ir", Clod his petition herein in the District Court, 2nd Judicial District in and for Ca-s County, Nebraska, 'i he obj-c: an 1 prayer of whit h Said Petition is to obtain a judgment again.-t you on a ee; tain promissory note lor theum iJ'Tho Hundred and Fi.'ty Dollars v.irh ititvrct on tho same at tho rate of 10 per tent per annum liout the o'.h day of January, A. D. ls.0, and that said plai-.iliiT lias j Caused the fol5ov,"in ieseril d real ts- tate a. the pronely of Y. J. Cutter to of i ho Southeast cruer of W hf of thj s w iir of section 7, Town 12, lian.g 14, un.-t, which point by a tual survey i- i 132ti f.'ct tast of lb-.; S W ci rncr of said ! Sec 7, thence c-.-xtueneing an 1 iiiunii g west 4 j3 fotf, ihonee nori h 23 0 2-1 0 fo.-t, llum-c ta.-t 403 feeT, thence south 210 2-10 to the place of beginning containing two (2) acres, more or b -s You ere repaired to an over said pei tion on or before the 2fh cay cf March, A. D. 1S73, or judgment wiii bs tasea against you for said sum of $250 with in terett thc:e n. (bVLYiN II. IbvitM.'.LFF.. isvc M. CiiAPMAN, PiaiutifF. l'fri", AttV. 45 5t jOTlCM is hereby eiveu that by vir- tue of an ordf-v of -ale is-ocd by the Clerk id' tin; District Court within and f.r Cnss Co., N'eh , and to me directed wherein John ikdl.tr.ri:: , William Hal- laotine and George E. Hfagg ro Pbin- tiil's and '.orve .irnniecs William E Si.cldcn and Charles E. Baiky aro De- JVii.h.;it. I aid on i!.ad.:y the 10,h day of March, A. 1. 1S73, at i o'eloek P. M. of said (Jay at tho ftont door ul' .i ,-i r: if i. .! - -i the Court llOUS.?, Ill Pint. smooth in sal 1 (e.ir.fv. n il at t.!il::e auction the fob 1 ..;-, -" rue.: .f.... '.;. 5., t 1, .,. I iv.ing reai ostat-; siiuateo :o t a-s Ci.coa ty, Neb; a -La, t. i p-int 113 foot eat and 170 fi-t south --int 113 b-et eat and 170 h-t so'.ith f northwe-t ( ovner of Section No. ! wenty-seven (27), in towu.-hip No. ten j tw (It)), north of Bane No." t Line n (13), cart of the sixth principal un ridi.au, thence cast -Id, f. et. th. ne.: mo th 12;i feet, thioiee west i'J feet fr-d tbvitce .south 120 feet to the pbjci? of beginning. And also the Hotel Building situated thereon on which the said phiintiiTs have 'a mechanic- lien, to be --old to sati.-'y a decree rendered at the NovepJur term. A. D. 1S70 and on the 12th dvc of No vein her, A. I). 1S70, of the said District Court in favor of said Plain till-. Given under mv band this Gta day tf February, A. P. 1S72. J. W. Johnson, 45 ot Sheriff. Ca?s County, Neb. S Ail M. Chapman, ITtfls Att'vs 1!?S. A. D. WHiTCOS Dress and Cloak Makei. P.oeni3 three doors west of Brooks rioa?o made a specialty. iS Patterns of all kinds constantly on naul 2-:dw-3m Tf-.c advertisers bctota reftr yAi to the Publisher of this f.apcr as regards their perfect reliability, and t!tcr writing to thrm, plerse ?.-ie you av thc.r A.lcer iisewent in i?Ji zrer. rarrrov 1 fi r ; f ,v . It ..tite C; - vi L'i'i Si.?-3 t-.--.tfn -Jul ..icrclmnt fc'-'l Ef i-i ii.'- "''- l-ttit.w r-niKiiChii r Lif .--:.-: a.- J c. ti v..-st. (;! t..:l f-.oC. S.4i.i SC.. St. l ot:... 55.1., r.iil. on f ' . spiii.-s';'-!!. r--.d 1 t-.-s-.r accurate --y rul-s of S -:i'-.ii ;!- ur.-.:u i.t. I.lti-tmleil t-Jj in ::i.-.r. rei.i lT.r.. Lit..-. "Oa a 1'hiI life l .'tl ol'sar.pie". t mo.;:'-,;- ,-, ro crl'T floll: p1 ia I,rn v'-im tlit-.r i..:;iN. wtiic'i will S" I ! in.;.:- ia :i: ; .:y.e. Mi':; ;)-d liy t i r ;.: V. O. v. ::ii the i:ti.ivf of cx fjlitl 5: mi :li! a: nn-l r-a-:rui::.T at their ei;e-a-.e, if not s.-Oi-ctcr; . n 11 f r "7 !"s r Ii.:!.-: os m-I f-inmsis r,.:n. :,t seal free Ci i.!-i-s b-.iiicU.-a. i'it fctwratit.l. w J l r I i ec' rati-ii Sity.fj aa - .acts. rr-1 '.-:; x -s PVTKxr fO.-siBi.VA- -V C 1 I. . S- . I . I tj ll.fll llll'.l , -jr ii.r i.:ai 1 iv i-:.!-.- ( t;.i.. p'-.Tr-"..- '- S Ml .!.e. i-on :. i .eit it-lii r up f".'r , f'': - J sa-'O-- V.'-U" r.t- ies.-ii,-av V '7 i.5- ,- ,,,,... ;st. rreii!l tad ;. J .nur ttie fr-!, . .... ii.nit, l i"f. i ' ir.-, : . vc. - . '. y ,-.iT'.e ::: r - .i i. . i ; r . ..... n . ( iC. Jr V. !.! :-..;. l..r: i.. if iit a ! ' E.J u Per..-,-i-a..-!a'-U.,ii:iiar- nut. ..1 ..r i-.r-.y.f : 1 ,; i: r.S !. ' - I e" I A ! Utvs It. (. . l,a: :.ara U. Cj., .t W:o &t. l.o.lli, . n r -, f .s 1 1 1 7t "j ;.- 1,. st lh-z ia i irriii.-.mtfi I'rie- f i.'i .i-.-o.-At. li-st ile. ia i Ttio ' a I .ricuimral 4- ff and i.T.-.i.v .'air - i 'i-i- ' x -Vi, SI . XalLIS JiailAMl I '.U'.-Vtii, ii rirrht twrsa. -Ortv t--. ar;:.-. 63 (' 4 J y ,.,oTIi - t ... a of t.'a tor -. Jj. Airi. I." He. 8 -O '"'.' " . i -.ill-.-. A : - i' 'i ' ir-j s - i "-" i, -'.. Tj:.:-s r.:ACt t:.-.-.tH Sprini i .-!,?. r.-r s'atap .:... Luieii a t 1 .A p. --plated t-icb'J''''-ui Fr--;-. p':- i; i--',- I TfTu-. ', v o:i'''ii!!''. ilf :. I .trucii"...i. .a r" ' ,(- ,' V1' ' t''-'x i 51 W I ill- !- t.e :.' r !.i - I i ! t' . V i ,-vcr invecte.i jxs-i .-:-: .-1. it.t -.p ...- ,.':. to''--'---- irv;n tni;!-i .'1 ?t! lTMlii&Jiilii f::.ltitf 3 0 A laauiifui piir (.ri-'ri ucii dir.. me. 3 5 ifll Iinuttssiiiti)- laoar.-.cd. inM tiery. Ely niirre lor $.L S.-nt pr; pi-.i J on re- h bp t-fiiit ofc. or iiOc for e!.ii.r. Azents t g Tar.led evrrjvsiiere, vle.ntuR ,iM'se l.irefi nrolits. l iUiil C.rrour.;s (O ItisT-iii. M -.( (triini.'i l..t.llchil-'.t 15wly 1M V.'.B riis IJodtjrs.igiieJ ha Cn ban 1 end : Cif t ft Vrf fj" tsjf At his I'llle at the I'erry Lauding at B.attjnioutb Orders Promptly Filled.! William Epgskto. J enr.'d wt NSW DRUG STORE, W Tr. T3 ryt rz -., -- jija. Jt. 1' jj. X. J "Vl' M.ER in rrues- .Mo licinej. Paints. -;; ; Varnih. P'rfn:nery, Mi; io: ary, N oti C'a.'is and 'fob iceo yfVi THE "VICTOR" G. H. CO.'S NEW Sli.VISM MACUIXE Hues very Pii-ty. I:uiis very I't:d. IluiiB very Si:!!. lies a New Shut tie fupir-or t.i ul! oif.e s. Bsfi23 CoHipetitlcn. Gr-rut Iinprovcicenta in Nc-i'.Ia. Caunc-t b Set V.'rot i. JAgeuts Vjiuted. Addrei i Hi: VICTOR- S. JI: CO. i i Sai. SC.i Broadway. X. Y. HEVJ IfAVEW OBGAN CO. Manufacture tho Celehrntcd v kj: . 2.. These Oij.an.s are un.-urpa.'scd in q iiJilyof tor.o. etyle cf E.-:kli. biaiiitieity of eousttuctioa. ui.-'. f.ur in i:y. ''Al. ;oi:LODl-:0.' ia various etylcs and unfUua'Iod in tone. Scud for Illustrate.! Cu!Vo;-jo. Aile.rc-s .'c- Uavkn Orqak Co. New Haven. Conn. A.er.ts Vi'aata,!. 4'3-3ia. n-fi-ha i.Tf.Mp V!nr)' rd. ' J, FEENAN, MAuUi'icturer arid Dealer ia JPJSf,'!!:.! It;, IIi:As.0.H 32:ssSSc A: Uiir it t:rc For specimen or workmanship refer to Smith's and allcry's monu meutsiii Piattsmouth Cem etary The patronage of Cues County U respectfully a.diaitc4. 1 JwCrs: . To A nrt- rtrtSK? s. Ai! r crsonswbo ccntem p'ii'.fi :.iahiir contraets with itewiianer-for tit. i t :cr.:ou oi auvoraieiacits eaouia ecca to , -v. a if.Q t tJ LW'&ll A f XO 4- iV. r;.,.,., ,,,...,.,.,..-,-,,. n,. bi..e"ir ri'n -e Pai'i:;,b'.et. eoniair.in- I.L-t.cI 3.f,-i- Newspapers ami csi imiit -s. sic-wiiw t!i. eer-iui uui cr. t.ii.. p.ii-'t many nscmi nin: ti tie- ,tTu;,ls. !U1,1 .f,.n- ;io.-untm- ti.e exneri.: v. -e. ot m-n who arc kn.tv.-a n nuecvstul advir,i.- This arm rc t"-ot rietors ol tha Aiaeiisatt .'ev.!p::pcr Advcrtisa-.i Agency. -A va , & i rZTii K 0W i . ' V. "A v9 V e-I r.rep ssed of i;neon:i!ed facilities fo f""arinc the i erticn nt' !nivei-ti-ei.:en:i in alj NfcT Spapers iad Periodicals at lcvrcvt rates. vdokslllhj:, AND PAPER CZr LIR. . GSit'c Untitling. PLATTC:.!0'JTK, ML2. t, iercib&nd w tf. U Dovn Town Barber Shop. J. C BO ONE, CN M MN STUMET, One door from D. II. WLeeler's Office. HAi CUTTING. SHAVING AU0 SHAM POa.ilXG. CEiiliU'cns' Eaair Cut, Lsntcial attention given to tklf Brunch of the Businc.ra. . Call and see HZ G x 2-:,. GENTS, And you wiil get a Boon ia a Q im xi t Lta U V . ndlly , r-.-p.:-- '$?-iZZT' ;--' -.1: k-0:-.--;. - .' f- .' Cr Jo t,10 j.l-t Ottn a lid . OU Lf-nst. STATIONS. r, j MAIL. Lcarf Piattsmouth 3. Op. m. j 5.o0 l. ia Arrive T.u lington 7.P0 a- mJ l).i.0r. a. " veaiota Yi.laa. iaJ 3 -i a. re " Chic:iSo,C.B.4-Q,ji 3.:0p..,. T.aa.aa re;.r-.n.. ' j ,xt..n. 12.1) T. ic, " Ind idKI.B.rf- V.- C:1.5 i. in: 9 2..m. Cincinnati j 110 p. m,! 4.15 . te. j " T.:--r:-r .T.rt.j 5.55p.j' W'nu. ' " C-..:aa. .'.a " j '2.15 a.m.-! V. sa I " ' l , p. i - T:u C.V from. Mi.UrJ Tiivcr to Oil 9 i.,::... i- .;..: - 1, "r-s"'- 1 i.tuapol.s. Cmi intiau, LblTi Cieukibas. Coanp.:tir. lit tc prL,U with in.? to tbe M.i0 North ;-nl s-ioh. j 'i ri is is the a.., A ji-I. .rt, (JuicLet - . i. j :!: : 1.1 u n ittn. viu: luniiU! i-...i.i.;('vi.'u.. Pncs lead li. I'., no-bo deceived. Lnt f-btain Tupcets viaj. bp littr'ti-c'Tm an 1 itissuuii Itivrr P. iti .ro.td. ,1 A.K. Tia.ZAHX. C li. 1'. itKIVH. f . I Oe:" dloket is:ct. C-i.n'1 tvjV Hon:: TeG- tt: n' I MAftfVAG'Tr A pTi.- to coniis.'li.r t. sJiUiUs.. rAiarriNi uf ib. iOnii i ryon li -pbyMoio cm in iU'' is ivi' l r ivcint i..ui of iHn it -SusU nT't- n. "" l.i.-. t Ic'oreriei in praduclng f d : i-rv-f.o.i ; ou-urioif, how to )r-hcrv t li trtipl loi: '. ' This i an ntrrflifi Work u4 (r.o I- j ictc . onii ttrei.ty-fosr ;egn. erirh uuiocouji it., nv inicii. mid coutjtir raluabta infwntit'c-ii I t those who are tnikrriwt. ceiit-"rtitn v ( t-.i-k. Mill, it is Abouk thatoneht to h I ffi nuder I ck and ktf'. end BCt ltd cri cbout tho hnasn. ' S)nt to any oni (frie of uHgt) fo fiO c-ns Addibiis lir. lintts' li 'pfDSr2. Kj. IX Eiibth hticcl, t. Lcuii. Mo. Notice to the AfJie'od end Uurortunivfe.' Eefore applvirr t the tiot-'rious quad: wbe a !vc. ti-e in pu'dic p.ip. -s. or iismih nry rnoiu'J rcini d:.'., pcrc; e lr. Put!' w:ol. no o.utif'- bus t oui ufjft.b u or Low ilt rsolo you; c.ir-doion. J'r. Buuscnn be c'in'uitpd. i.-i-uil!y "r lj nn 1. cn tlie .I '.-cmi erniione'l in bin v.-m k ':"'. No.lJN. Kihtii -'rel, bc'.T'f ll.'uH aniiCbcM.iut fct. l.oais. j. ilnii.' ..lv Tin-; "Silver Tijnmio; Ma.-rc-ACT-CEHU to K. V. .XKEDIIAM & SON, 113. 113 117 r.dstd Street. N'uw Y-.tk. ESTAHLlSnill) IN I SMC. li'-spunsiblc farticj nrp'ihix for avneiee ie yecti-iiis still uiisnpplie 1. iil itccive prompt ntti'iitien and Iibcr.il in iueein -nts. P.I; tie re siding at a di.--t:iiiee lr.au our aulhnrit 'v? iipiiH inayei lcr IVoni our fae'.uiy Jse;.d for ill u-tra-tod f i-iio li... t.'i-t J i iAw.'iin .Vcciiing Vator, Nebraska; d:;ali-::: i Pry Ooii i-. oroc :iof. a..lui-.lirr. " VJueensvi r:i, JhjolS. n ml S.hm. 1 Oits. urid Cm; t, Arrieuttitral 1 niplcmtiit" cf I'll kinds. Weir wmf '"I X L" Cuitiviitois, I M. it oru Plni.trs. llr::Tiil'tniir!in:i I'rtni'.coti i'lr-w?. e., iSc, .(() tliuitittn all ;!' w hich wo oilor to the pubiie attba o.Tcsi retnil prices. All Cki!m iy:irrara!cd rj0ur consttmt aim will bo (o sell no low that it vi'.l bo to tiiepvitivc ad Viin'ao of every lnr mer iii tho wcs'.ern anl centni! jiort'on of Cas c uely to make thU tlieir 1 intmfti tort. ULiiU. ItittiS. FARMER'S EXCHANGE. - louisyille, yi:u. o 3 Keep!! eoo-jtautiy oa hand till etapt.; artJole Cofi'ja Sugar, Tobaoeo, Mo!as?ftt, Dry Good; Boots an 1 Shoe, ic. , In fact evcr7 thine nuinlly kept 1 a Vml tr S'ore, wi.ieii v.-iU be 'il-l on -nei'l prolitj fur t'A.-n. A !! hinds of Produce taken iu exehnuso for Koo.if iiad Highest Market Price given in ca.'h PJ-W for Grain. PLATTSf.lOUTH MILLS! ! PLA ITsMGU i NE2ii 4- SIC A CO HAD 11EISEL ----- Troptletor. Plar. Cum Meal. F.-ed. Ao.. A.lwuvs ou Land und fjraalj at lowest Cash Prices:, t?-Thc II;;hest r;ce3 fail for Wheat and Corn. Particular ette-Aion fciven to cui tom work. Honsjr Saved Buying Your Grten-house antJ Bedding Plants. DON'T send Ea-it for Plants when you can get jut in Kood for less nitiin-y retirr' h inie. To inv iiu't.ero'M fricndii and pifron.i I would s;y tjit 1 b:ive liin liircel und bet stnea id' p!i. :. .;. cut t.'.it red for n:i le in lti went find propose to est! tbeia (it icasonablu price'. L'i.uro -nJ cctd f.r vy . New Doscripllvo Catalogue. whih will be nent. fre to nil whi B iIy for it Then (rivo mh your orders, ftnd I feel conn lent 1 can na'.l-fy yea. Ad ircs. . Y. J. IIKSsJRU. reb. Ll Uiw I'lattaiouth. 'cb . '-..ji i ,-.r. ' r"- -';i--i ,: -av v c fc. . urj- '3-g CASIifiSSTKlAKBR And dealer in ail kiada of -(J.IX riatiST, (thlrddoor coat of P O Piattsmouth - - - llzl "'Repairinif and Vriraisiiin- neHtl.r urn. Funeral attended oa the rhorteat cotie-i. NEW STOEE Weeping Vaicr, Ksbrackc:. sttctastu-; to IIOUTON i- JXKS. LKA1.FR3 15 -erca m fTiY r.oor?. r ur.ooLrr.r. iiAHtvrAni. V7 a axe Agents for WilfcOX flrftl'3 Swi VirwH"' r e