THE HERALD. Bailroad Time Table. . A AL E 15 NEBRASKA. ITU. 1 DIPABT. Prmight A Ac. 8:00 a.m. I Freight A Ac. 3:3) p-m BXPAKT Mat! Kx. 5:35 p. in. Mail A Ex. fl:4a.m. An'tiou Jt rV 12:35p in. Vacitto Expre9:20 a ml Atlantic Ex. 4:1V p tu The Trnjfer boat will leave the Depoi tion- . :,k i-" i.rorn hi. n ml f ruins 45 minntes esrli- ...... it,, t.rr... r,Mn .Knit. The IS fUO by Chicago time hich is 3S minutes fartarthaa nattsiaoutn time. OMAHA Jfc SOUTlIWETERIf. In annnwtinn with Burlington A Mlesean CJver Railroad in Nebraska. Depot at foot of J one street. ...w.a AE1V. Plattsniouth 1 20 . tn. 1 TUttsmouth 10:33 p. m a " i n m I do 4. JO p. in OmaSaL". D 00 a. m. I Omaha If':' . m 2:40 p. m. I do JC C. IT. JOE. A 0 B. X. t inrm JTHCTIOS IOWA.I OOIXO KOITl. OOIWOSOVTH, u.n J p.n,au 4-4S B. m. 8.'0 a. U J.fht Expre .m .in- - w k; .nf.n.iiii mint South or North by leaving here th. 12 W T train. A RIVAL AND DEPARTURE OT KAILS. aotrn. Jt. k St. Joe R. It. Bontli B. A ct. Joe R. R- North. CLOSCS. Aamrvas o d m. 10. p p. m. 1030 p at Spm. 10.30 pm A M. K. K. i- ast. B. A M. K. R- WeaU Vain. 4 pm. Omaha Spm 10 a m ... - U7... 12 in. 12 m. xi..k CAtv. b Stare. p in. 7 p in. OB" ee nnra. irm itnni p n.,. U:3a to - ARsnALL. p. City Official. PLATTSMOUTfl. If. L. White. Koaa Vanatt. Joiiiah Motrea, Mile4 MorfDn. Mayor. City Ole.k. Police Jude. Manhal. treet Coa-mianiocer. rt alter J. White. ALDERMEN. PtaiT Wab. John Fitiierl. E'HertDnke. Paoosn Wa U. Baery. J. weyman. Tiuo Vil.-B. Cnain, inan. CAES COU5TT. JL. T. E1H on. In'l McKinaoa. W. L. llobbs. J W. Johnaon. tr. W. Wiee. Jaeob ValUT.l Benj. ibin. Y Jam. J J. W- Thumaa. Probate Jndr. County Clerk, Treasurer. Sheriff. 0nnt. Pub. Inatruction. I ianty uo-mu.ioner.. Coroner. Cliurches. on thmenmrr of Main and Ninth Hat-. T. J. Arnold. pa-Hor. K.tidrnce -n Main between 10th ana ilia. Ser".ced c-w..k 11 m an.i ar t U Dl. Safc bb"h achool at ae.m.. I'lajcr meeting ererr V cd Cbrhthw Serrit in ronirreiration CTiurcb. at 4 o'clock p. in. Elder Alton preacier. tldara. Iac U'ilea and f. J.Todd. I 7ficopi. Corner Vir and ThirJ atreets J Hsr. A. R. Grav- r'orxicea every uniajr at ll-H) a. m. snd 7 p. m. uady bciool t S p. m.. Prof. d'AUeinaa 1. Sent. C1owiaitOTiO!AiC'oTnerLico?t and Rth 8U j Rtr. li. F Manwell. rtMtiden. eLsoat " -treen 4th and 5th ata Senrioef fl"b;t .- Ua.m:an i 6::ai p. pi. Sabbhfh h-Hnol at 1. 0 p. m. irajer meetiii ecry WtanesUay eveuinf. liTHcuie-North aide of P ibUeSqnare "Rev j i aihcr Hayea. Fir t M i every haobai :h at I 90 a. m.. Sy.nd Ma- a bennon t l fc) Vet pera and UacJicti.n at 3:Ju p. in. Hvt at a. m. every week day. T?iT PnTTTSi-North aideof Main t. V wertofoth-Rv. W. T. Bartle: eervir every .Sabbath at 11 a. m.and h::v p. m. b-ab-katu .-.'hoo! !tl:30a- ru.. xho Polloek Mipenn ta lent. 1'raycr mcetioa every edaeaaay evenina: at :J0 o'clock. MiTJooiT tisrAl. Weat aide of Sitb Ureet. aouth ot Kv. J. li. Presaon Pervice every Snbhath at llr tO a. m. and 7 p. m. Prayer meetinir every Thursday evnin. It-M fcertines every Monday evtntna and immediate ly alter eloae of ?nobaih morning aervicoa -tiaubath S.choui at 'Jt'M SofTAO den 24 September hat die De-jMcbe Ev. Lath, tlemeiod in ihrem Svnttlhau. yorinittaaantn II L'brOotte.ilicnHt. L bcrhupt f odet derh von jelxt an reolraaesaiiir alle U Tareat.vt. Miniater Rev. L Hannawald. pabbath acbool at 1 p m.. frvt. d'AUemand. f apt. Lodges. IO. O. P. Regniar oeetmca tr Piatte Lodce. f?o. 7. I. O. -.!. every Thnra-U evening at Old Pellowa Hail. Tranaient Brothera are eor Aially invited o vuit. . II. NEWMAN. N. O E. E. Cr5jT5jHi. Seo. J" O. O. P. Ptattsroouth Er mpmer.t No. 3 1. Regular '""invocetiorn the 2 and 4 Friday's of e-h rr -nth at Odd Fe'Iows liall cor. 3d and Main ta. Transient Patriarchs eonlia'Iy invitoO visit. WM. L. W LL6. C. P. A. d'ALttvtvn, pd'oe f 48010 Pi.4TTsaocTS Lono No. 6 A. P iI A A.M. Reiiilar meetinia at their hall n the Drat and thir " nday evemnn of each an 0 nth. Trnaie hrthfrD inv:tl to visit. JACOB VALLEKY. W. M. A. d'ALLKMASw. Sec f cot LoDea No. 22 A. P. A A. M. Regnta- I1 met'inga at Mcoy Hall, first and third Pri iaya. J. N WISE. W. M. J. M. iitARDRLtT. See. XTsasca Chaktib No. 3 R. A. M. ReaTir J .nvocations eocond and fo-irih Tuexday eveaina 01 eac inoptn nt 7'S o'elocK p. m. R. R. LIVISUSTI.N li. r. T NcwMAir. Sec i O. G-T. t'r.TTR PA!CCT. No.2--TI P Eliison I . VT. C. T. C W. Kin. W Sec T. W Sh-y-ek Lodge lefmy. Mecta at Clark f PlummerV hall every Tuesday evening. Traveling lemplair e-pactrolly invited. TrasvURKlT. Tb Turner Society meeta at Tn'nnt Mall in Gnthnan R!o-;. on the 1st and Third WedneM its of each Month Weckbaoeb: V rerre? Ou Beinha"kle: Firmt I'HrHTart Wm Hw"? er: Stmd Tvrnicnrt ea. Karger; Wirf John Erhart. J. . SHANNON'S FEPD, SALE AND LIVERY STABLE. MAIN STREET, Plattsmouthi Nebraska. I am prepared to a-jeommodate the public with Horaea. Carriage. Boggiea and a No. 1 Heme "1 abort notice and ,!e terms. A Hack willrun to tUe ateamboat landing. and to all prt 1 the eiry when desired January 1. 1871 d.twt MEW LUM B ER YARD! ITaving opened a Lumber Yard at Louisville, I will keep all kinds of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, IllMXDS. , &c, &c, &c, Acd would invite all those wishing to purcha to give me a culL . "lw"lale.i ,at la -11 kin-1" of GRAIN, for wbiat I will pay the highest Market price. LOCAL ADVERTISSiifi.tfTS. Transient Scents aline. Regular adver isers 13 oe at per line. No advertisement in serted Ivu than 25 cents. , Lgal advertisement will be charged to the parties Landing them ia. CCMMUXICATIOMS. Aa our apace is limited, all communication I mast be brief and to the point, with no waste of rords. We call attention to our Educational column this week, on the fourth page of onr paper. These articles will be a fea ture of the Herald, after this. CORX ! CORX ! CORX ! Wanted Corn on Subscrip tion at this office immedi ately. This is a much delayed spell of court ing we are having now in Cass county. 'Pot." has the "Zoot," so he aj all the pymptowns any way bad cough, running at the nose and sore throat, and if that aiu t it what is? nr. uium. Gods not sold at less than coat. No , . . . , I . r t. WHmwiwM, 11 if. CLABK & PLUMJIERS. .1 1'iattsn.ouin, eo. A Reporter on the Globe. (St. Loui), waa nniii off the nf h.-r ilav vot trn dul- kr: e.-.ui..r hack ahortlv after, he an- nounc;d that he hd (hie) sienteiebl nounccd tuat he t-a th e) pent eignt " yy wasted (hie) two on a pair of boots. Vivian's U the place to buy your gro- rise and provisions. 20tf 2I5IISZ. All persons iudebted to me, by note or account, arc requested to call aud settle before the first of January, 1873, or I hall put them in the hands of a proper olficer for collot-tion. 37tf Wm. Stapelmanx. Union Post office, m Cass county, is again re-opened aud mails ordered to ttop there. N. B. good folk a. Ed. Buttery sends us a roll of "sas- sengers, to ket p off the bpizoot. That gayest, most enterprising and .iie.t or out firizeu. I) II WheoW I : ..1 i x., ,ga,u to oe seen piomenauing on ae munjaiao 01 4'iaiii arreei, alter a snort tup to tide-water, tu New York I city. He came back free from any symp toms of Epizoot. ttSU N. B. -b We have bought the entire light and intcrt!i.t in t,lC Wh,e "cripiioo lit of tne c.c.ivL.1 n LivALii, irom 11. p. llathavav, tii as last as our menus eati aquare up the old accounts we bluill be pleased to have them as want old books settled. tf Prof. d'Ailemand has a large increase of pa pi is t'tr bis Fall term, and has en gaged a reliable and efficient asittarjt to aid him in his labors. All tlio bi? guna in the county are up 'tending court this week. Owing to the Lincoln Statesman we were lod into an error, thereby stating that Mr. Pottinger had the zoot. Pot says the zuut is all ia the Statesman? $ eye' . patjl e2ait::h. The brightest jeweler in town. Pins, serts, studs," ladies fine gold waielu'H, anything and everything thai a la ly or gent can 'esire. Fine goods for the holda. Call an 1 examine; no charge fur looking. 36-4 w Senator Btrnum was up last week and chatted to ye editor on bonds a little. The County CousmisMoners propose to meet next Tuesday special meeting to try again cu the Weeping Water Branch. Some parties are not wholly aati-ficd with the present proposition, and another ii talked cf being submit ted. CC7ST The District Court of the State of Nrbpila mt-et thi week, Judife Lake presiding. The docket was very full and many important caea are about being tried. Judge Wakely, of Omaha, one of oar best lawyer and oldest citizens, has ben in town this wek attending court. The Platte Bridge is a fact. The tr:in crossed VVedrie-.dy morning, and brautht the first Satpy county man across to our town. It was T. H Rob ertson, E-q. Mayor Brown, of Lincoln, showed his partly form aud smiling countenance in the IIfrald ofiictj a ftw moments on Wednesday mornin?. Assistant Superintendent Holbrook. of the B. Jt M., tells us that before another week rolls around the Platte Bridge will be bridge de f.tcto and right merrily will we roam from here to Omaha and back the hame day in the good times that are coming. The Rev. J. C. N. Wtbb. Missionary of Ameiiuan Baptist Home Misionary Society, will preach at the Baptist Church, on next Sabbath, at 11 o'cloek A. if., and at 7 p. m. We acknowledge, with thanks, the re ceipt of an invitation to attend the mu sical cntertainiiet given by the people of Weeping Water, and regret very much that stress of business will pre vent our attending. We wUh them all success, however, in their undertaking. Our friend Noyes, of the Louisville Lumber Yard, is doing a staving busi ness we understand. An invaluable remedy for emigrants and persons traveling or temporarily visi ting malarious di-trits, i to be found in Mmons. Ltvcr Regulator. If taken 00 casiobaliy it will prevent Chill. Fever and injurious efieota frem obao$) of SPECAIL NOTICES E0H3 2&AEZE7S. Vheat, ....... ........ J. ;.r.. 8590 '-J I '.........'........,......... lUIHifJ Corn, . ........J. U 14C16 Large and well assorted etock of gen- 3ise at Clark & Plunomers. eral merchandise Try ue. 28dtf. At Clark & Hummer's everything a farmer needs can be found. " aud ee our stock. 2Sdtf. Mickelwaite & Co. desire to inform the public that they have on hand and hhall continue to keep through the win ter, hard coal, which they will sell at ! low market rate.. 104tf. Go to Vivian's for groceries and pro- visions. , o Emnoria Red Ribbon Stove at E. T. D.ikek Co.'s. Plattsmouth. Neb. Call and examine. 28utt. r0 Me, Toe Senate Wm.' Edgerton 1 prietor, cosy, warm and cojufortable jrop in aod see us. Liquors and cigars I warranted pure and good. Nor. 13. diwtf rn-rk piummer Drv Goods. Grocer ;e and a General assortment. We Mill . , . .ff.n 2Sitf R,tllfT)r. RnV Dia- MnB, k.t,l lik rflP th Million I r . ' . . . . , t. I Marri-ttreUaide in anotner comma. should be read bv ail. decldawly. V T nlr IV f.n i.,sf rmtvoA a Mgo. lot. of Ileatinjr Stoves of all kinds. suitable for parlor. "offices, store, hotels, K V , r li ' ' or 1Dy place CfclI ,nJ thorn. ; -'-" best Business room for rent one of the Mands in the city enquire of. D. II. Wueeler & Co. 113d 32 if. ""Evenjng Star, wood burner, and from 50 to 75 varieties of heating Ktoves. Call a 1 see us, E. T. Duke k Co. 66Jtf25wtf II A II D CO AM 14RI COtL! HARD (OIL! At Mickclwaite's yard, corner Sixth I and Main 6treets. Good Anthracite I Co I on hand all the tim. 1 Go and see Carrutb, at the store. Pretty things without n Photographic stai.d, old place. 36 For new, cheap goods, ca 5cfcnaai:e & ( jQ Mf S havingju5tnV turned from the east is prepared to tu ni.h goods at eastern prices. tOItt Coal Moves. fr soft coal, of all sizi and kinds and price to puit, at 66dtf25wtf E. T. Icke & co.'s D. Shr,.a6 & Co. NTew storkl R00ja che,p ,n( gooim WK1 nor flo , (tM at4aaeibla: tbatt lntreai Every o! O'Brien 5c Merges, at the Piatt mouth Shoe Store, e?t door to the Post office, are Glling up, for the Fall trade, with the best and cheapest etock I of boots and ehoes ever broueht to,X PlaftKmouth. 25wtfy E0'72'3 SET7273 At Plattmouih, Nebraska : F. P. Todd, General Ageut Cauva-s;nr Hg-nts wanv- cd. Office at Solomon & Nathan's, Main street. 36w3m TSS ECUPAYS ASS CC122TC1. So is Braitsch' fine jewelry ; genuine setts fine studs ; ladies and gent'.- watch es Miitable things for Chritmas and New Year's present, for old aod young. Swr-cthear:a and bachelors, old mar ried folks and graod parents, all suited to a dot. 36-4w CALSUTH'S US7T JS"r7SLS7 ST0S3 In the Postoffice. Holiday presents, fine jewelry, studs, pins, watches, ic 3Cw4t nous's ssras iulzzxxs. i i F. P. Todd, our enterprising younr townsman, has taken the State Agency for Howe's celebrated Sewing Machines, and will in due time tell you all the good qualities thereof and coax you to buy one. A he is a very persua-ive -oung man, in all probability you will order a Howe, especially a the JIt:RALl is to confess that the machine is a No. 1 sewinir machine. O.'fije at Solo mon & Nathan's, Min street. 3Gw2t ZS72A7 TOXICS. Taken up, by the sub.-criber, in Avoca precinct, Ca-s county, three last spring calve?. ; one red with line back, the other two roan. No mark or brands perceptible. O. TEFFT. 365 STAD1 S7ASZL! STA2ZLUA17U ! William the clothing man, Wfell, you all know hint and he beg leave to infirm the public through tho IlERALfT, tht this is the fomth invoice of goods he ha received thMall nd winter. Every day they keep a going, soon this lot too, will be nan est comeatable Clothing, fine Jewelry, Hats, Caps, Ac. &c, cheap. Call and see for your self. 120-dlt -35-w3t Cautisa to Fanners 1 ! 1 1 Don't sell your PoJk until you have n-e. E. G. Do vet, 35w4t SCLITAYS 1 HOLIDAYS ! 1 t vf Mr. Frank Carruth desires us to in form the public that he has not removed his Photograph establishment at all, neither has he quit the business, but it is carried on at the Rame old Hand over Herold's store, on Main street. Mr. has remoraf his Jewelry establishment to the Postoffice building, west side, where he will be found at all business hours ready and willing to re pair clocks, watches, jewelry Ac. He also has on hand a large stock f fioe jewelry for the holidays. Reus ember Frank Carruth's. at the Pontoffioe store for holiday presents. I0 Wilt Jtsb hsosst epizootic yet sesas Closing cutSailing out at Staielaaa'e. I desire to close out mv stock of Jew- e'Ti and do not intend to sell any ujore ; therefore, I will sell the balance f my stock AT COST. Eighteen carat rings will sell at $1.25 per pennyweight, which ia wholes le nricc. Chain, i-in uAm - - " r' I rV.-a a.. will Le M d at near v h f rI.I t, " This is dead earned. I mean to sell out all my Jewelry stock and price is objecc Call aud examine btffor pur chaeing elsewhere, your Christmas pres Pnt, v v C li I T? . I II .1 i,. 1'orty dollar watches selling for $25. All this stock was selected with care and with the expectation of remaining in the ,r,j Mr Furs, for the Ladies, have also got the Epiioot, and are bound to go off. I Wiil 8ell the entire stock at cost. Now js your time tj,e Ja.t chanct, and all owing to tne late epizootic display in Plattamouth. Very respectfully, 37-3 1 Wm. SlADIlUMANX. A TTard to U7 Cld Customers. In closing out the Boot and Shoe bu siness to Mr. Merges, I do to with the It sincere belief that no effort will be spared on l.:., Dart to merit the liberal patron- L I - 1 ' A J T a8e ,noJy oestoeu upun uie. rtnu 1 earnestly ask my friends and the citizens of Plattamouth, and vicinity in general . , 7 t0 colitillUe their patronage to a business ttat j worked hard to build op, a task mtde comparatively easy by the re dy 1 ,,- appreciation of a generous public. Mr. Merges is determined to profit ly the experience I have gained, and to keep only good goods and aell them at reason .. . " it. t, ajle prices He has arranged with rue to visit some of the best manufacturers in the country and select for him even a better line of goods than we had been keepiug. Very Respectfullj, u372t J as. s. t liaiE.v. Lost. opal) Sleeve Button, with re, for which the finder will be arded by leaving it at this lowers of Mrs. Whit- children are as positive vxii heaven, and g.ntlc ajitei a whisper. from the yroy je Dr. R. V. commencid article called 'etuedy. We one ot the swiu- ie: y. but d'iririg ecotue convu. I now of sCVt ral I ave suffered 1 case V. at an 11 Sag-s's liemcdy I jral instances have , re desire to cive JI ht ot the same. ? J I . iiOWKLL it Co . ADVERTIS- -nOEw. N( 41 Park Row. New rTORK. rmm 'I piarters we Lear this linn w.:l spoken ot for pniuprrie-, fa:r ea'iiur and soumi fiti ui'-ial standing. Matiuhesftr (Vt) Jnurnul. Probate Notice. V OTICE is hereby given to all persons 11 having c.-ounts or claims against the estate of Henry Robertson deceased, are notified to fib the -siue in the office of Probate Judge, Plitt-mouth, Cs countv. Nebraska, on or before the 7th day of June, A. D. 1873 II. E EI.LISON. n.373t Probate Judge. Probate Notice. OTICE is hereby given to all per- SOUS having aCOOUntS Or ClaitUH againbt the estate of S. Iuke decea- ed are notified to fi the same in the ot- See f Probate Judg, Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska on or before the 10th day of Juue. A. D. 1873. II. E. ELLISON, n373t Probate Judge " Probata Notice. JV OTICE is heraby given to all per- " tton having accounts against the es tate of Man-tield 0lortie deceased are notified to tile the same in the office of Prot-ate Ju igi, Plattsmouth, Cass eoun ty. Nebraska, on or before the 2J day of June, A 1). 1873. H. H ELLISON n373t Probate Judge. Ordinance No. 37. An Ordinance levying taxes on certain lots to pay for tho construction ot hi lewalks. Sec. 1 Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Platts mouth, . : . Thai there be and is hereby levied and asesed on the lots and parts of lots in the city of PUmmou:h the several sums and amounts hereinafter annexed thereto the aiuc being the cots and ex-p-use of the construction of spiewalks along and abutt nc the uaid lots as pro vided ty the Ordinances requiring the same. Sec. 2. That said taxes bo levied shall be u- follows : On Lot No. 1 2 10 i 8 1 U 11 10 s 6 li 3 Elock No, 42 ri so .ts 11 j - 42 42 4i bi 6j 56 N" SS 5S 57 164 3i 61 3! oO H 40 i? l ! 21 00 i 31 f.0 l 60 31 5i 21 00 Sec. 3. The assessmenrsiiereby shall be known as speetI assessments for improvements and the city clerk is here by required to certify the same as Mich on the tax li-t for 1x72. and they shall be collected at provided by law for the collection of taxes. Sec 4. Ordinance shall take ef fect from aud after "its pas-age Attesr: i'J. U. nintci, M. B- Reese. City Ctrfc. Mayor w3C2t Estray Notice Taken up by thi subscriber on Octo ber21st, 1872, Oae Sorrel Mar, sup nosed tn be seven years old, has one white hind foot, is ehod in front, bad on a halter's head, shows collar marks, but no other marks or brands. ANo Una bnv horse spring co.t, white hint! r et, white strip in face, mane has ben clip S o other marks K It Smith. Reidenoe five milea West of Weep-JniWa-tar. l2Sdlt34wfl c w 1 1 A h a A Chattel Mortgage. Y To be sold by auction Saturday, Do ceinber I4th, 18(2, at 1 J o clock P. u at F. S. White's Auction room I liu reau, 1 Lounge, 3 Stand., 2 Tables, 2 IJedsteads, 2 fctoves, 1 Clock, Chairs, la wo clothes Ljueensware, Carpet, etc., and other articled to numerous to men tion. F. S. WHITE. Auctioneer. Sheriff Sale. Notice is horebv" iriren rhat T will nf. I fer for sale at imblio auction, r th fmt.r 1 I . . nr" '""o. in ne cuy 01 , 'lafini,..h rlVnnh. I... ,h, nith d: 'v Y 'xu,: no at 10 o'cKm Ij u m. of M-d'dav. lh.; l.X - J'JW'" real estate, to wit: The juth - n'1.1' 0'u,e nor'h t quarter (1) of section thirteen (13), town ten (10j, of I flit . .a ,,m"r;c cincil east or tnuHxtn, p. m., and lots Nos. five and ix i:. b! A ?xt? 8'5 (f,C), a"d lots three and four in v .wxt" e,ht (68), in t he town of "rt-Mii t arer, an t-mrueu in tne t-oun- as the property of Willis J. Norton, on 'wo executions in favor of Hibhard and ;.ncei,a',,i lheSain, Jowph Manufae- vn.-vi ttuu oiam m ieorKa, tasen tl-lr. C0,"PaDJ "d aguinst the paid tuiihj. Morton, issued hvtha n;cf.; iourt ot the Paid county of Cass, and to me directed as Sheriff of sail! nniinfi Given under my hand, this 4th day o November, A. IX 1872. J- W. Johnsox, Sheriff, rox Wheeler Atty's. 32w5t. Probata Notice I hereby irive notice to all nnKm,l that an application hao bpen RIpH in th otnee ot the I'rnbate Court ot the county of Ca and State of Nebraka for the appointing of an administrator on the c,v-al ' worg inonion deceased; that a hoarin? will be had on said appli- canon at my otnee in the city or 1'latt 7jj; S!iid4coMn7a." he 24th da v of Pecember, A. D. J82, at one dc!ock P M ' Given under my hand and seal at mv office this 30th day of Novemher, A. I). ' - Ellison. 36w3t Probate ,'udge. r, A ON. udg T U R Science of Health. .0 !. Seeoaid, Corotnenelajax Jmn. 1973. The Nlne atrtTeailth having been I taiued beyond our most i.nijgnine ci pec tat one. we are prepv el with additional facilities for making the enauing volumo respond still more fully to the popular demand for an honest an independent exponent of the Hygienic System We shall publish - Popular tt)lallry. fully illustrated, a complete explanation of the atructu;es and functions of the human system. AITetlma of the ye aad Eair, with hundreds of illustrations, embracing the whole range of medical and surgical disea.e of these organs. All Medical Ay at era, giving a history of all the medical theories that have prevailed in 11 ages of the world. ItWMceMttr? I.ranamr TTnu.uTi'.l ifr.i Hygienic Cookery, the Heleitioa aud Prescrva tion of Food. ete. The rrmiomy r llrnlltl. On'v those who have invetig.itd the subject can bo awre of tbe enonaoui wiste caused by sickness and unhygenio living. By adopting the Uygenio system the people of the Luited States would save annually more than one thousand millions of dollars. Does this stat- inent aeeut extrava gant ? Statimics more than justify it, as we shall prove. The Labor ProbleJI. Correct habits of living will encuru laborer Hea th and ttrengtb. enable him to save from b;s earning:, and be come i-cu..i irily in lepeaJetil. Ilenl4i Above all mone tary coniJe.niioui. however, is that of aaounl body. IK-aith relbrm is the bare of ali tetorm. TKK.H S'J a year in advunc: ; single cum bers', 20 cents; ten copies, 115. and an eatra evy wr- A Janoa-r number. A New volume begins with .he rMiliiiu. Beai les Club Rates, we are o flu ring liber tl premiums, a list of which will be sent o application. Local Aoc.xts waated everywhere, aud cash commissions given. Rend P. O. Orders ; or. Registered Letter. Address all letters to S. It. W-LLd. Publisher, 380 Broadway, New 101 k. A MAGNIFICENT PRIZE. SURPASSING AuLpreviou offers. Kaoh eub criber to nvttiin i-utv un'T iit.v Min7ivv . Three VlXlM yw m be pregeBled with a ,; nrT.n KlntChr.mni. eomnanian p cturesof the two most dcairable and popular subje.ts in Ameriea the Falls of Ningara aud y0emite Falls. 6ixe of pUtures, 105 by 2 inches. These elegant Chr.mos, copied iroin beau'ifuj pictures painted from nature l y one of the first art-fU in America give the inoft popular views of those interesting and sublime objects, and are faith' nl reproductions of the origi als. ihe Grand Old Niagara, with iH immense body of water filling one hundrei an J sixty feeu aend iog up dense clouds of apray to reflect ia bril liancy and beauty the vivid colors of the rain bow, is socle rly depicted that in imagination, you hear its mighty roar. The Yosimne. wilb it lofty tnoutaiiig towering to the silvery clouds, and its stupendous falls of sixteen bun dred feet, iinpteaeing woh ita twtul grai deur. and filling tbe mind aith d light and wonder. These two cbromos are the beet pictures ever published for Ten Dollars, and will be sent, mounted and varnished, by mail, as a premium to kach ye irly . hree Dollar subscriber to oar Monthly Magaiine. Reader, just think, TWO beautiful Chrouios of Niagara and Yosemite. These pictures are veritab e gems, and wor thy of boiug enshrine 1 in an honored place in our homes. They w.ll be presented to yeduly subscrioeta on receipt of Three Dollars, aud EirflitceoM tor psij3. will y u." fusl ntJie and address. Kveiy home in America should possess these invaluable illustrations uf art and beauty, and ni pen n ot tate and enterprise c n afford to be without the Model Magazine, which has been greatly eolarged and now contains the r aontiu.s of all others, including tue Useful, the 13 t r naming and the lleautiiul with Original Storic, l'otnis and Popular Music by tbe best aathiN. the only Reliable Fashions (including fu. i siie patterns. Home Matters in all tueir details, Gardeuing. Architecture, and all the utilities, beau'io and novelties of Literature e .icu'att-d to make our I' vines usefu', attractive and h ippy profusely illustrated, aod a aplen- did ro-uine for biuuiug lor tne center touie at he end of the i ear, single Copies. Zi eenu. Sp e.idid inducements for agonts ana premiums for clubs. Add ret a. W. JUNNINOS DEM0REST. 838 Broadway, New York. IHK MOST SUCCKSSfUL iiOVS' AND Girls' Monthly M gazine. Daaoakd 'a Youo Amkk:ca. Brilliant with iuairuct;Te an 1 interesting Storiea. Poems, Puasles. Trav els. Games. K.litoriaJs. Correspon ience. etc., etc. etc.. fully illustrated in all its depart ment', iaan ever welcome gue. t to tbe family ttble ef instruction aud amusement. .Single copiea. 10 eta. poat free. Yewrly, fl, or with a choice ol the following beautiful and valuable piemiums to etch subscriber, for 50 cents extra ; a choie irom Cve One Parlor thromo worth tv eaih. or two interesting Juvenile B oka bound in cloth and gilt, worth tl.7o. pot tree, or a Hue paarl-handied two-blide Pocket Koiie aud a paMet ot be it Paints, post free ; or a verp powerful brass mounted, double cylin der i-ory-tipped adjustable Microscope, worth ii. po.'Uge 6 ct; or a Stereoscope with a series ol viewa. postage 5 cts. ; or an nlegant Pbotogrnph Album for holding 50 pictures, postage 16 cts.; and valuable premiums for club. Address. W. JENNINGS DEFOREST. o8 Broad way.iiew York. : o LL OOO BBBB EEtEE. GLOBE t THE! ST. LOUIS GLOBE. PUBLISHED Daily, Semi-weekly, AND BY McKcccHouscr. PRICE Jr SCnSCKIPTIA.ti Daily, (seven papers per week) per year $12 00 Semi-Weekly, per year. 4 00 Semi Weekly (in clubs of five)... 15 00 Weekly, per year 1 00 The proprietors of the Globe, having the experience of a quarter of a century in newspaper publishing in tha city of St. Louis, feel that they know what a newspaper should be in order to mit the varied tastes of the people of the Mis 8isippi and Missouri Valleys. They will labor night and day to produce a hr.-.t Ciass journal, containing the news of each day from every part of the habita ble world, and such other information from every quarter, at home or abroad, as will interest the whole populatiou of the Western States. They will tndea vor tomato the Globe a welcome vis itor in the banking-huse, the counting room, the merchants' tstore, the work shop, and manufactory, and a fire side companion for the farmer, mechanic, la borer, Hock-raiser, fruit-grower, miner. in fact for every body that can read. The Globe, wiil continue to advocate the doctrines of the Great Republican Party, which has just achieved to great a triumph over tho conglomerate odds- and ends party in the Nation. In com mercial, financial, agricultural, mineral, and all other interests, the Globe will constantly be found taking a leading po sition on each question as it comes up. THE WEEKLY GIOBE FOR OJl9JE jD OJL ZmllZ We will send the Weekly Globe to any adJress for one year on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. This will make tbe GLOBE the LARGEST and CHEAPEST at well as the BEST paper in the Yrest br the price. We will barely get the co;t of :he white paper at this rate, but we hope to run up a large circula- ion by putting tr e price so low. Send long your ubctiptious, singly or in lubs of any number. One Dollar for each name. ccniJiissioAS. All persons acting as agents or getting up clubs for the Globe will be allowed ten per cent, on aft Dailies or Semi- Weeklies they may get, and twenty per cent, on all the Weeklies they obtain. Deduct the commissions from the mount before mailing. Address McKEE, H0USER & CO., Globe Office, St. Louis. SenJ f ir S nnple Copies. AN ADVERTISEMENT TO FILL THIS SPACE. 9 c: a, i-1 wr.ej " Bfi a tt 2 r S 23 MS? n -t 3 3 a IS H 5. 5 S t o .- t A a tn t H if si I 2 " G- B o V a B j a "7 -9 S-2.a 2-5 55" 5 m2 rs o 5 -3 no Hi a " fe.'wSt-'J re" tc?a B s. v-.a 52.. m. c at ar 5 8 a a 0 s: WILLIAM ST Has on hand, one of the largest stocks of CL0TH1NC AND GEKTS' FU3NI3H1N3 GOODS, FORT SPRING AND SUMMER, S.I Invite every body ia want of anything in my line to call at my store, 1 South Side Main, I-ct,vocii 2il cV3d treetnV And eonvlnce themael ven or the fat- I have a a apeci tlity in my Retail Depnra-n'nt a 'ae'erl stock of t ine clothing for Men and Boya; to which we invite those who want Hoods. i' arsrlalso keep en band a large and well selected atDeh ef Rata and Caps. 8 10t FALL AND WINTER GOODS. -oj- DOWN GO THE A T D. SCIINASSE & CO.'S Celebrated iS'EW YORK STORE South West Corner of Main Street PlattsmoutH, Nebraska, XD SO THE PEOPLE T II I IV K WHO DTV DRESS-GOODS. PRINTS. DELAINES. GINGHAMS. BROWN SHEETING, BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YARNS, BOOTS AND SH0F8" In the Grocery line wo keep the Finest anil Best TEA. C0FFEEr SUGAR. MOLASSES. DRIED FRUITS, of every Deaerlptica," All the Varieties of Spices, in fact for all Your GROCERIES," HARDWARE, QLEENSWAREe' WOO DEN-W A REV GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, GO TO X. SCHHTilSSE cS CO.'S n-25tf Keep it Before the Public ! THAT FRANK CAR RUI 'II, Photographer and Jeweler, is felling Watches, Clocks & Jewelry Cheaper than any other plac wst of the Mi9 aouri Kivr. and a call to examine goods an I prices wi l a.-sure you tt the same. Good goods of all luds at ho t-m figures. ud of the I'bo- tocrtphic department ueawl me '.uiiowmg tiriee iiist. it cau't be Ej,t r "VV est. 1 doxen Gen;a 53 1 doa Md. eds $2 50 1 do Large SI 50 1 do cl. phot's 3 00 4 Bon Tini 1 1 cab't rd phou 6 00 4 luipcr'.a a 2 0 U-4 phot . fr. 4 00 6 dox culling cards 3 0J 11-4 gem " " 'i 00 A laree stock f Frames constantly on hand at low prices. Di not have a picture taken ot any kind nor buy a dollars worth of Jewelry until you have called and examined specimens and prices. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, neatly re paired. All Good Warranfccl a Kc-preocnfcd. Mr. Carruth d sires to state that he has re moved tbe pait of his establishment to tbe P. O. Store. THE Photographing Department ia under an ab'e and competent atisUUut wil1 rcmaiu at tne OLD PLACE Above. Remember thu : Jewelry at tae I. O, Store, Photograph 4 take over Herold's STORE. 27w-8SJtf NEW DRUG STORE, WEEriNO W.1TER, NEB. X. iL. I? O T X Et y T"ET.E!t in rrngs, Xfedrcinss. Paiiis: ' i'a -L-S Varniriti. t'erlui m.ery, iUiwuary, Nwti n CioaxS aod loboooo wis 'a Q 3 Hi o o . . .. O. in r. A D E L ill A fd TJ PRICES! Ilattsmoutli AC A D E M Y II Summer Term1 FOR ie72,r Commences July 1st. 872. Chicago Avenue. TTatfrmoath, Cau county,' Nebraska. Prof. Adolpho d'AUemand, Pr?)rietor and Principal, 2ftthiai Honk for I lie iTZillion ! MA RUI AGS! GUIDE. A private connalor to the Married i.r tlio-e about to mar ry on the Dbvaiolosical mratcr- ies and revelations of the svxual system, the la ret nicaoveries in producing and irerenting ofTi.ring. bow to pr-rerve the complexion Ae. Thi; is an iutertMting work of two hnrclred. and twei.ty-lour p igea. Wifh nnmenu eD2rar-- it)gs. and contain valuable information for those who are married, or contniplte tnar riaae. Frill, it ia a book that ought to be kapr under lock nd key. and not laid earelesaiy about the house. fent to any one 'free ofpoafage) for V) cents. . A..lre.s Dr. Uatta' lM-penaary, No. 12 2T Eighth street. St. Louis. Mo. Notice to the Afflicted and Unfortunate. Before apptvinatt the notorious quacks whi advertise in public npr. or mine any quack remedies, perune Dr. Butts' work no fatter what yur Ue.ita-e is or how deplorable your condition. Dr. Butts can b consulted, personally or by miil. n the i!iei(w men'ioned in his-- works. j ifiice. No.l2N. Fihth f rreet, belwceo Market an IChesnut St. Louis. Mo. dcc2Jwlv MHS. A. D. WHITCOMB oo Dress ah il Cloak Maker. Rooms three door west of Crooks ilouM 3c riTTlxVj' made a specialty." Patterns of all kinds constantly" ej '