rn rr ia -TT m f 1 a t L II J2j ill!. 11 All LI. SAIL SCADS X2T CS3 C03NT7. communicated. J' A railroad firaply parsing through a district is a damage to all near its track. MilS. A. D. WHITCOMB, o?o Dress and Cloak Maker. "Rooms Northeast corner of Platte Valley iiouse. CBTTIXG & FITTUVCJ S, B L O OM & CO., It only becomes a benefit when suitable ( nade a specialty. "depots are maintained at natural business I 9 Patterns of all kinds constantly on hand -"pointa. . I d2G w-3cn The ctvrineers of the nmnnsitlnn in ht . submitted oa the 2Sth of December are -1 VTTSSIOUTII BULLS. Well aware Ot this fact. Iheif first C. HEISlSfProprietor.HavingrVeentlybeen rropo.Uioif named only Plattsmouth ; SlhV m - . a - -.-I fn l - I- ll 1 a . .... f but ucQing this too barefacedly selfish, v .- l i tr which the highest market price will be pai. H. J.STR EIGHT, 'BOOK-SELLER. Stationery, 'Jews AND PAPER DEALER. !st Office ISuiltlifig. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. .. i - . i , , i . , .ii'cy ccucoctca anoiner ana tooK in -Greenwood a3.'an ally. Both of these '- propositions hayc been got up so quietly and quickly that but few of those inte rested will ;knfw anything of what ""is brewing until they sec the election no- V lice, and it is very probable "that some 'will not know an., thing about the matter V until it is all fixed that only two places in the county- are to ;be certainly bene -fitted by thejsadlliug the county with a 'debt of $330,000. ; It is not at ail surprising that railroad fompanies should, desire to run through " the counfy "ju.t where they please" like General Sherman in his march to the eea. T!a3 ' makes their golden od- portuuity ; some rival points will offer I FEED, SALE AND their bottom dollar for the only benefit lfVEiRV STABLE which such a road can give, and that in J " ' r addition to their sbaro of the county bond.. In fact, if suoh a company is not bound in the contract, they can make or unmake a town just as suits their in Vyi 1 r r m ..... BOVS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Hats and Caps, Boot3 and Shoes, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, E TC. Plantation Bitters. S. T. i860 X. This wonderful vegetable restorative is tne sheet-anchor of the feeble and de bilitated. As a tonic and cordial for tlu aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the ner vou3 weakness to which women ara es pecially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate or frigid, it acta as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the -bodily strength and breaks down -the animal spirits. , Dec. 33. dJcw lyr. Beautiful Women! HAGAN'S MAGNOOIA BALM gives to the Com. plexion the Freshness of Youth. 5 Miin Street. Secod Door East of the Conrt House BRANCH HOUSE Broad way.Coutncil Bluffs Iowa. riattemoath, NeLras'x i 'alnabsnd w tf.ts T. W. SHANNON'S L. P. JOHITSOU, tS?"Opposite the Platte Valley House, in Schlater's Jewelry Store','- J$Zain Street, iIlatlsiiioiitIi, (rcbraslii . MAIN STHEET, 'Platlsmoutki Nebraska ST. LOUIS, aoiuipu vuiu vi iue corpora-I 1 am prepw.l to accommodate the public with V,,trtl noTet- CAfriagca, iiuggies and a No. 1 ileart-e tots in New York or Boston. Horses, Ce-friagca, Uuggies and a No. 1 llearf e fn short rtrttip.t uml rmiiinn. Kl t.rmd . A along the river precincts below Platt3- I ".''l11.1" tfJe sfam boat landing, and to all part , Lcoutn, and in the interior of the county, I January l. i7i dJewtf BUliDE T SMITH'S AM'N A ND BOSTON, ORGANS. JIaqas 3 vagxolia Balm overcomes the flushed appearance caused by heat, fatigue and excitement. It makes tho lady of forty appear but twenty, and so natural and perfeet that no person can detect its application. Uy its use tho roughest skin is made to rival the pure radiant texture of youthful beauty. It removes redness, blotches, and pimples. It contains nothing; thai will injure the skin the least. Magnolia Balm is used by all fashionable ladies in New York, London and Paris. It costs only 75 cents per Bottle, and is sold by all Drug-gist and Perfumers. 2fi. dJtw Jyr e 3d Omaha Marble Works. M. J, FEENAN, Manufacturer and Dealer in The originators of this scheme I itamax & tMrmrAX siarblk. Maii tics & Furniture pinrble. For specimen of workmanship refer to fcuiitn s and V allery s inonu - ?: mentsinl'lattsmouth Cem-f t': 5 'etary ,p . . - The patronage of Cass County is respectfully solicited. dS5-w27-6ra are yoa certain that after giving these bonds you will have any nearer point th an you now have at which to sell or ehip your produce ? You have no such certainty, lou are required to go it blind ! are well aware of these facts, and have planned accordingly. They are wide awake to the fact, that below on the river, and westwardly from the river, there is a considerable amount of valua ble property that may possibly be mort gaged for their benefit. But they have wholly igaord the other fact that there is an intelligent population, who "know their rights and dare maintain them." Tiiere are Quite a number of rteonlfl in Rock Bluffj who have a lively recollec- vITum VV"''" in , - , J , . olumes. price $1 each in board. $o each in tion ot tae iarca that was played on cloth. The two volumes contain over Forty ltock Creek OO the daj' of VOtin? for Beautiful Waltzes, worth atleatS5 in sheet county bonds for tho B. & M. road. A FAVORITE SSe'a'iJr! surveyor wa3 seen with his aids and in- be particular to ask for Peters' Kdition of e'rutnents, professedly taking lengths Staa17ss' Waltzes, as it is the only correct and and levels and loudly proclaiming that dress, J. L. pktkrs WALTZ KS- the B. & M. must cross there, and that Masic Publisher. 99 Eroad way. N. Y. t! .t ' j isa-djw iia wool won't blind the people now-a-days, depend on it. liock BlutTs has been the lutt of many contemptuous and invidious remarks, made privstely and publicly, particularly in regard to their firm and continuous DECKER. BROS., G. A. MILLER & CO'S PIANOS. Snb 0r jfirsi-tlass- pianos . anb "rgiras. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Strings, Sheet Music and all kinds ef Musical Merehand -MUS!CAL IN?TRUMENTS W ani Repaired Satisfaction Guar an feed .tkt decodw STRAUSS' ANTEJ. We will give energetic men and women Business that will Pay From $5 to $3per day ; can be pursued in your own neighborhood, and is strict ly honorable. Particulars free, or sam- opposition to all eounty bonds which did I pies that will enable you to go to work at nut make their place a point for the oce, will te sent on receipt of two three tran.-fer nfVonds nnd nnwnffni-.cn 1 utul tla U,P ti . , I Addre? iiatimoutu not a vote tor , J. LATHAM A CO. Waehington bt.. Uoston .Maas. a vote lor county 1 97iSt-29 2 no. bonds could bo wrung from thence with out this special provision which is the selfish party ? Down here we have many verbal prom ises and durances, but what of that ! An individual corporation may make honest and candid statements, but will 2l)OTt5S, always be outvoted by the company when bis .views interfere with their inte- rests A corporalida.M notlike an in- BlanketS, BrUSllGS, &C- norsoul to be damned." Besides, be-1 vtx-nt.?! mm fore election, these assurances are too Promptly Exesuted -All work - Warranted nnnr. r V, nil f.,!fi!l.1 . i I . , ""f uiw biuai S-FINZ HARNESS A SPECIALITY." be cheated. W e believe in the old ad- 0rt T , mT nv aw uui'v lu u-7w Ut(J i - fidJler;" and in accordance, with this Abstracts of Title. Alanufacturer of AND DEALER IN O OOI.L.AliS. WHIPS. JUISS OUR I VXLLE Y L IFB Insurance Company Mustang Liniment, FOSS MtS.ASD I513AST Probably few articles have ever had so extensive a Sale, while none have been more universally beneficial than the cele brated MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI MENT. Cbildren, Adults, Horses, and Domestic Animals, are always liable to accident, and it is safe to say, that no family can pass a single season without some kind of an emollient being neces sary. It becomes a' matter of impor tance then to secure the best. Over three hundred livery stables in the rilv of New York alone are using the M(0" tang Liniment in all of which itcted i 5corJr A I'HE "Silver Tongue' V ANUFACTUREO BT E. P. STEEDIIAr & SO", 143, 145 & 147 Kast 23d Street. New York, ESTABLISHED IN 1346. Responsible parties applying for agencies in sections still nnsupplied, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties re siding at a distance from our authorized agents may order from our factory. Send for illustra ted price list. Oct 25 dXw3tn Weeping WaterNebraska. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groetries, lltrdware. Queonsware, ', Boots, and Shoes, , Hats, and Caps. Agricultural Implements of nil kin,!. Wir and "i X L" Cultivators. Union Corn Planlpra Grandetour and Princeton Plows, &c, 4c , ad in finitum all of which we offer to the public at the owesi rem ii prices. All $2oot!s Warranted As dTSepresentecl. 3"0ur constant aim will be to sell so low that it will be to the positive advantage of every far mer ia the western and central portion of Cuss county to make this their headquarters for trade REED. RR03. DOCTOR WIIITTIER, 617 St. Charles Street. T onger located in St. Louis than a ny Chron aj i i-nrsiei:ir.. so successiuuv treats himn p : and Complicated Venereal Disease as to bring! rnatienta from every State. His hosuitnl mi t . - - - - i I- . - - ... uiiriuaiuef. a liie-ume exDorienoc. witn rv.ir est drugs prepared in the establishment, cures cases given up by others, no matter who fail ed ; tell yoir private troubles. Consultation ree. fcend two stamps for medical eMsrs. MtKHMD. Womanhood, smt h mail. 15 cents each, both for 2.5 cts. 100 nntcs. All ttiat tne curious, aoubtlul or mquisit v wish to know all about Selt'-nollution Preven tion. Marriage. Every young man and wo man ought to read it U3 a warning. Iho ner vou debilitated or partially impotentent scienticaily ad vised, wn dec2d STATE AGENT SftpP HALL AD AY'S PATENT WIND MILLS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTINO FORCE AND FARM PUMPS, FEED HILLS, ETC., TERMS LIBERAL. The Halladay Mill has stood the test for fix teen years, both in the United States and Eu rope and is the only quo Generally adopted by all Principal Rail roads and Farmers. Send for catalogue end price list,-ff A. L. STRANG, aplSwtf Lincoln Nebraska. .PS w i r ti. 3 v l .. m iri 1 9 mm To the East North and Southeast. DEALER IH DRUGa MEDICINES, AND WiLL PAPER ! ! satitaetion. c.rTiis fine ttrttrt MUSTAA'tf LINIMEJST," th the tuce of each wrapper. Xho JAL'TIOSr. The genuine iurdi e Steel Plate engraying with" -j. ik: Ckemigt." at)d ' Tra-ie A prounetor s private United Stain n. at Ljon Makufa, tamp, and not a common sfj ists, No. 70 DELAWARE STREET. LEAVENWORTH. KANSAS SH1.1 Jan.&th. L&w It a ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEITING HMvitlesuls on the Contribtitiosi ?laji, Securing the Greatest Pecuniary Advantage to the Pelicy Holders REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : 1st. This is a Western Comoany. man arc d by Western men. whose lenown Cnaecia! charac. ter, ability and position, afford ample truHracty tor ils careial aud successful ln.inujemcnt. a. ais roncies nrc an .iiH-iririun,. Hd. Premiums all CAall. It receives no nofe and cives none. Policy holders have no in terest to pap. ald no oustamling notes as liens upon their pulioies. 4iti. 1 1 lias no restriction upon travel. 5th. Its divideuds are made upon the contribution plan. tilh. Its business i$ exclusively life insurance. . ' . Are the accumulation of interest upon premiums paid, hence the Company that loans its asters at the highest rate of interest can givo you the largest dividends. Eastern companies invest thoir moneys at t percent., while this makes its investments at twelve per cent, or more. The advantage of Western investments to the policy holder aDDears in the following startling figures: The amount of $1.1)00, invested for fifty years at b per cent, compound interest, is ' f lS.4-i'.io H . . " ' " 4.;,(Jl.r.4 ' ' ' 10 ' " " " " 117.S..85 12 " " " 31S.OC.S.O0 . . olicholder than any othernancial advantagas and inducements! to "the i f ft ' 1 1 a. r J thfL t-k 4 X " J . V TTT V. T A tTTrrUed TT1E TT?KA.t"e0f 'I-lie fir Agents renort ( hours or days. JrVui of J. T?-cents New York. Chiat New Orleans. front ;et. PLATTSKOU-P of thirty-nine: i wuici. ap - even PLATTSMOU Tlf, EBR 15K.f00t C0RAD HEISEL Prorrietor S3 Hlour, Corn Meal. Feed, Ac. Always on hand anu lor sale at lowest (Jasn Prices, "-The Highest pricea paid for Wheat and itorn. AVParticular attention given to cus tom work. OFFICER i . diave voted $1"9,000 of precinct bonds for. 'j the privilege asked. We are also falsely cbargud with opposition to a road run ning vrcstwardly tbroush the county. Truly this road tuisht in the end some j3E Ntr;,lERICAL SYSTEM. The best use, ror desTiptiTe circulars, a'Sdres. ACRES, KLACKMAR Jc CO Burlington, Iowa. II D Mackav, President, 1J M Swan. V ice-Prcidont. Dr. J L W'ever. Med. D"t-r. TT 1 what interfere with our interests: but I Oi l OS. E3ClllQ.ter instead of opposing it we accidentally f-tT ( , . ' . ?1 - , , I Vl-V 4r5v - ESTABLISHED IN 1861. tuund out that the Commissioners wou d t,fA meet on the 13th inslant, and we tried to dispel this accusation, and alio, when tbe first pioposition for county bon is was abandoned and anotber presented to the Hon rrl x'n rvp.-vfiura -I I' i"vtu!vi me oiguaiuits ui VIOLTN HTPT.sr(.S N1 86 VOterj tn th( fiiet. that, mn tmrn nnt I ' Fa"OV i.K'iT) " j iii-.,. i I Watcher Clocksand Jewelry repaired neatly opposed to couaty bonds for that road, tnd with dispatch. nrnv:,?P,l. (! m!l 7:., -.e'noTed ta opposite Platte Valley ITouse ' ticiiuii i aiian bcraet. tin v. in w t jras so worded that it would not inter fere with our interests in the Trunk road,' -and could ' have got nineteen iwcnueins oi an me voters in our precinct to sign the same had the Commissioners allowed more time; but they refused to allow it, and after a hur ried reading our papers were thrown on the table without any consideration whatever. The Board, of course, had their own reason for this summary pro ceeding, but we could not see it. Brags are made that COO majority can be got for the last proposition made to tax tho county $330,000 for the certain and especial beneGt of two points, both on the outermost limits of the county; but, if the rest of the county vote for I bonds and tax also, the majority will End sometime during 1873 how good a thing it is to be pushed out in the coll by a scheming Ring, and a contention will be inaugurated that will disturb the peace of the county for years to come. Bock Bluffs. November 27th, 1872. DEALER IN SILVER AND PLATED WARE. GOLD PENS SPCTACT.ES, Sent by mail for 10 cis- E. B. Foots. iU. If. 120 Lexington Ave.. New York City. la. umber! Lum'b&r The Undersigned has on hand and is . All kinds of : " V COTTONWOOD LIBBER. At his Mills at the Ferry Landing at Plattamouth Grdors Promptly Filled.! William Edgrkton. .Tun3d dAwtf, George A M.ore, Secretary. J Jones, Ass't Secretary, It L Newman, Treasurer di hectors: D Sh'ro. Lervenworth. Kan. II D Meckay. Leavenworth Kan. J F Richards, " " I M .Swan, II R Hammond ' " W ii Coffin. II Edgert-m " Geo A Moore. Taos Carrie v. " " D W Powers. " , " S M Siricklct-cpctinn City Geo L Davis, St. Losis. Mo Chas KobinsiMi. La trance, J Merritt. " W.lladley, L Hasting?. " " idi; ..lor; an (. II A Calkins, General Agent, W B Harvey. Con. Actuary,; T A Ilur 1, Attorney. IT L V wman Lea v3 vorth,, VV B Chemberlain. X A Hum. . K li Allen. C A 1'erry, Weston, Mo, G W Veal. Topeka, Kansas. J M Price Atchison, Kan. W RStebbius. " - " E. T. DUKE &, GO IT FGOT OF MA1X STREE1 WholcsaU t Retail Deilcrs in 5fIardware and Cutlery, Stoves, TINWARE. ROPE, RON, STEEL NAILS AND Blacksmith Tools, &c. Keep on hind a Large Stock of CHARTER OAK, BUCKS PATENT, CHICAGO. EMPORIA, LOYAL COO K And Other First-Class Cooking ST 0 V E S , of AN kinds 4 Coal or Wood kept on hand. J OB WOR K OF ALL K INHS DONE. CITY Mb AT MARKET. BY ST MAIN STREET, 5lalijiiotith,- - Nebraska. STATIONS. rL's0 MAIL. Leave PlatUtnouth, 3.31p. m, 5.50 a.m. Arrive Cu lington 7.00 a- in. 10.60p.jn. ifcndota 11.15 a-in. 3.23 a. m . " Chicno(C.B.AQ.) a.15 p. m. 7.00 a. in " Peoria.. " 9,00a.m. 12.60sj.ro. " Iiid'pIind.B.itW. 6;15p. m. o.as a.m. " Cincinnati " 11.(0 p.m. 4.15 p.m. " Logansp't'T.PAW 5.W p. m. 9.20 . ro " Coluiubss " 2.45 a. m. 650 p. aw -Through Curs from Mi?sonri River to Chi cro. Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Lognnsport and Columbus. . Connections st those points with lines lead in to the KHCt, Nrth and South. I his is the item. Shortest, Juicknl and Clumm. et Route. .JJT.not ho Jeceivod. Lot ohtain Tickets rta. the Jiiirlinrton and Missouri Hirer Itailroad. A-h;;JV,vJA,LlN' c k. pj- kkins. ucn 1 litket Agent. tien'lgup" F U RKITUR E CABINET H1AKER And dealer in all kinds of maim Btbkit, (thfri dsor east of P 0 Plattsmoufh - - - 1tk Repairing and Varnishing neatly none unerals attended on tbe shortest notico. All Paper Trimmed free of Charge. Also Dealer'in Books, UVJlAllilit Stationary, and Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by ancz perienced Druegist. ReiTioniher the place, tureo doors wet of the Herald oiScc: Plattsmouth. Nchraska. PURISSIMA ET 0PTI&1A. T HE BE S T IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST -:0: The best of Frefh Meats always on hand ii their season. Hen. teent for Xebraskaniifi Sorthern Ivansa: Good Traveling Solictors Wanted. R. W. MAUSHALL, Affent. u r s n ?' v i r J. E LiyiNGSTOJT, IMed Fxanine M i "rl0 i v; f.nwTtwtfWTAt.. T.ttr fivsitniute e3 w ZEST CST3 ES 13 Contintntal fmilbing, Bos. 24, 26 & 28 Hassan i?t. 3 g JITSTU LAWRENCE. President. J. P. ROGERS, Secretary. - Our attention m particularly called to the fact that t r-a-p spells part back- iu , . " 1 rr. - , , , . ,, -ii I mi" vaiiiaoie preparaiton rms own n?ea nal ; but what it spells uns:de down we with nkvkk failing success IX THOU- CCUI'ln t tell. It not onlv relieves the i hild from nnln. V-nt lnvisoraUs the stomr-ch and bowels, corrects acidity, and gins tone and enercy to the whole Mothers Mothers, Mothers. Don't fail to prorure 3tr. TTiWts' Soothing Sirup for Children Teelhinu. valuable preparaiion his bfon n?ed Tf umber Policies ksaed to Jan. 1. 1?72 Number Policies issued and revived in 1S71. ASSETTri, Jan. 1, ls72 , ...45.000 ia.5.tT ..87,503,233,30 The Chronicle man must certainly be .T.-.ing crazy. Of all the muddles ever put in print he takes t!i lead. Two iictionai ies, three rhe'orics and sixspel- Ing books, rannot keep track of him through the depths of a first class edito rial. . . . The " ' in.Iictn.ent nrnir st Wm. M. Tvv?d, covers ov.r 10r0 I aje?, system. It will'aNo i siantly relievo Griping in the Jiowel and Wind Glcc. We believe it the best and surest remedy in the worid. in all ca-es of Dysentery and Diar rhea in children, whether arriiing from teeth ing T any other cause. Depend upon it molhera. it mill give rest lo yourselves, and Relief and Ilea'th to Your Inftni. Ccs'ire and call for "Jf", VTinxhjiv'i Staining Syrup." H iving the f c-imile of "CURTIS A PER K rS" cn thi ontsi'1 wrai-per. JM hv Drnvins thr.,u.'tiout the world. 10 Thi Comrianv is Pnrelv Mutual ii? its ornirations. dividing its entire siirnlns araonir its Poli cy holders, annuallv on the "Cunt-ributivn Plan."" and has a larper business end a lower ratio of expense to income, than have ever been attained by any other Company at a Corresponding period in its history. Its total Assets are sufficient to dis'hargo a'l liahtlit ie. inriludincr rn-insurancs. pay back all its stock capi' al, and leave as a balance more than a MILLIO-t of earned surplus. This Company Issixcd. More Policies 1 1871 TH A.IST ILnf CSIiei? Company in iliti IFJozrl . S. A. TAYLOR & CO., jru.i7.uwtf Ocncral Agcfs, for IebrnsUa, J. Wuiin, ProrH.ior. R. H. MtDo.tD Co., Dmireha I f&t. A(uSaal'raiKo.CaI.aiid U Cocuucrc urtt, N.y MILLIONS Bear Trstmony to theK Wonderful CuratlT Effects. They are not a vile Fancy Driuk, Made of Por Itum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and KcTuite Lilquera doctored, spiced and sweetened to nleaao tlw i taaU, called "Tcnics," "Appetizers," "Restorers, "ic.. that lead the tippler on to dm nkenness and ruin, but are tme Medicine, made from the Native; Roots and llcrbl of California, free from nil Alcoholic Stimu lants. They are the OH EAT HI.OOU PUUI FIERand A I.IFK UIVINU l'ltlNCII'LE, perfect Renovator and IuviKorator of the- System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring theblood to a healthy condition. Mo person can take these Bit ters according to directions and remain long unwell, .provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral Poison or eLher Beans, and the vital organs wasted Lcyond tho point of repair. They ara n Gentle Purgntlve as well nam Toole, posxessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting m a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflami tnation of the Liver, and nil the Visceral Organs. FOB FEMALE COMPLAINTS, in young or old, mamod or single, at thednwn of womanhood oral uie turn of life, these Tonic Bitters fcavo no enual. For Inflammatory and Chronic Ithenmn- tism nail Goat, Dyspepsia or Iudlsestlon. ISilloiis, Remittent nnri Intermittent Fe vers, Uisenses of the Blood, I.iver. Kid. eya and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Hitch Jliaenscs are canned bv VI tint f isiooti, which is generally produced by .derangement oi tno iigeallvo Urgnns. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTIOV. nA. che. Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of th Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of me neart, Jcuainmation of the Lungs. Pain in tha rtw eions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other Dtunful irmm lomi, sre mo onsprinirs or DjKpepsls. They invlg-orato the Stomach and ntlmnl.t. . .a Liver and Bowels, which reader bem or uneQualled tfficsey in cleansing the blood of all imnnrities. nH im. . iing new me ana vigor to the whale system. FOB SKIN DISEASES.niDtion.Tfi n.i. .nsum, cioicnes, tpots. Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car- E'? SInS"wiorm"; Boa1'1 5oTO Bw2, Bi-rsiDe-1 i?loti?n'! "'the SkinrgumfLi Highest Price Paid for Pat Cattle lliehest Cash Prico paid for greon Hides. f-'.v This unrivalicd Medicine is warranted not to conta n a single particle of Mercu rf . or ttnw in jurious mineral substance, but is PURELY VEGETABLE. . For forty years it has proved its great value in ail diseases of the Liver. Bowls, and Kidneys i bousands of the good and great in nil parts of the country vouch for its wonderful ami ,nn- liar Dower In liui it'vinir tlm n;n,.,l..i;nn the t-rpid Ivor and bowels, and imparting new life and Vigor to th whole f)'rm. Sim mons Liver Regulator isncknotvledjcd to have no ccuaJ as a . LIVER MEDICINE. It contains four mcdioal clemont , never nni tcl in the name happy proportion in any other pr- partition, vir, ; a gentle I:it hart ic, a tvondcr fui lordc.nn un-rxceptionable Alterat;vn and a certain Corrective ofall imr nriiie ol tho body bueh sia:il sue'csi lias attended its ue, that it is now ree-nr'terl the GREAT UFAILK(; SPLCi'-VO. '"r Liver Com r l:uiH in.fi the painful offupring iiiwrrfii. K-vit . ityspep'ia, im stipati n Jaundice Rilions ufa ks Sick hendaehp. Colii 1epressi.n of Spirits. Sour St imach, Heart Rcgula ethe liver and prevent, CIIIhLj AND FEVER. rreparedonlybyJ.il ZEILIN A CO. Uruvgists, Macon. Oa. Fend for a Circular I and 829 Arch street. Price 1; by mail I.Jo Philadelphia Pa. lor Sale by J BUTTERY, janlwly. Tlattf mouth. Xeb. l,c.,.. ..".-"Y"- nu mors and litr.ll nn ., -Zi":r' ?r nsiure. srs time bythS Sol fhe itter' J",? II , V11U thri eflwi. UTlnC 1110 mosi 'aculous of their cura- Cleanss the Vitiated Blood whenever m. s. it. . parities bursting lK)ugh the skin in PimM t, Hons or Sores ; desj.se it when you find it obstructed snd sluggish in ,ths veins ;. cleanse it when it is foul, sod yoor feelings will teU you when. Keep tho Mood ir.c. oou ao ncaiih of the system will follow. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in tbs v. u many thousands, are effectually destroyed 1 T-iiioTeu. Ih.r. ia a- : . ' , ".""ft n inuiTuniul rnxin ti. iVTAS. ,? l,01"" ia esempt fmm tbs presence oT and sliu.r d.iU'it.'.K.;"."! ?1 burnoM di-ease, anthelm these h J. WAI.KEK, Proprietor. R. fl. McDONAI.D CO, Dnigems and tn Ants. Pan Francisco. California, . diJtw 34 Commerce Str-e. New York. IftiOLO BY ALL CRLUGJ6I8 A.D JDF.Aj.mS .1, 1.o.1t'nruiEhed ptrsiolosist. ely an indtvirluul upon the face of the ,. ',n"p', tTV" presence or not upon the healthy ffleuient- of th mini? LVn"J of ""'ciue. no vermifuires, no Bitt'rs! tho 'yle,n from werms like J. R. CLARK. ELI PLUMMER. STO R E ! o : Save money by paying Cash for your wood.. AT CLAKK & PLUMMER'S. Dbilrss IK STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Also a full trtock of GROCERIES. BOOTS and SHOES. HATS and HENRY BOECK DEALER IN PURNITUR E, LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES, BEDSTEADS Or SIX DB8CRIPTIGX3 1XD AT ALL PBICES. Metaiic Burial Cases. For Your Groceries G T Corner Third and Main Btreets, PlaUsmsnfo, -:o: FiTo keeps on hand a chota trtl well selected Stock of Fancy Groceries, Coffees. Tea, Stisttr, FTBT, As. I-Also a goed assortment of Coots Bheas.'Va :0: In Connection with the Orocery lg Bakery & Confectionery I S-A!1 kinds of Country Product bought and S'jld Take noticeof the sign "EMPIRE BAKKRY AM tllim. myl6wtf. G. W. M E R K, Main Street, Four Docn East cf Court Koase, DBALSB IS "AE?DWARE, HEATING , AX COOKING STOVES Of the latest Improvements, warranted, and soil at amal! profit above cost.. Doing my own work ia Tin and Sheet Iron Combined, with long'exporienee gtisrantees satisfaction aud Prices to tuit 2AI6B TIMES. 31 w 3m PS We buy largely for cash and sell cheap for the money. (Store opposite the Brooks House), Main street, Plaltsmouth, Nib. 24w-66d-3ra Dealer in Clothinpr, Furnishing Goods, Hats. Caps, Boots & Shoes, Trunks Vali.ses ; Carpet Bag, kc. &c. One of tho Oldest and moi-t Reliable Houses in i'laltsruoutn. 31 am Street, between 4th Si ith. jfcarlULMEMBEB TJiK IACE.a Sdtf . WOODEN COFFINS OFAIiL. SIZES. Ready Made, and Poll Cheap for Cash. With many thanks for pa-t patronage, Ii n te al! to call an I examine my large stock o aitiue and CoISdji iaa28t NEW LUMBER YARD! ITavinr opened a Lun;hcr Yard at JxiuisvilW', I will keep all kinds of TslT.TIBSKS, DOOIIS, Sic, ile., ilc, And would invite all those wishing to pureha" to pive me a call, -o i-I will slsi.v in "ill kinl-x.f finAIN". fur which 1 will pay the hinest Market price. .v o l e s. Also for CAMPAIGX GOODS. Address, GCODiPEED'S K MP III V PUHLISDIXO Chicaro, f 'incianati, St. Louis, New Orleans orNew Yofk. 22w ROCK! STONE! 1 will furnish parties with fitone for all building purposes at a reafon.iUo price, at my quarries r doUveri' 1 on the cars at Louis ri:ie ftation. The following kind cf stone can ba hi A n short notice; sills, caps, perch rock ine or rod saiid stoneauch at was used by tha B. 3c M. R, R. in tho construction of their Eton work. All responsible orders, promptly filled J. T. A. HOOVER. Louisville Station.' Nob. NEW DRUG STORE, WE IT! NO WATLB, NEB. j X. i'OTTER, DKLER in Dru-s, Med i.-ines. rain's. Oils Varuish. Perfumery, St.ilioLiry, Notiors Cigars aud TubacCo wie