THE HERALD. Railroad Time Table. B. 4 M. R. It IN NEBRASKA. itt TSS. err art. Mail andKx. 1:50 p. ni.' Vail end Ex. 10:00 a. m freight Ac. 9:00 a.m.' Freight it Ac. 3:30 p-in B. & XI. R. R. IX IOWA. ARBITK9 I DSATg Man Jt Ex. 5:35 p. m-t-Mail A Ex. B O a. m. Ae'tion X. Fr'ght 'i p to. Ao'tion & Fr" 12:."kp m. Pacific Kxpres i:20 a ml Atlantic Ex. 4:20 p m. The Transfer beat will leave the Depot tocon- ne"t with Ea-Heru bound trains 4. minute earli er than the tima riven above. '1 he Boat is ran by Chicago time which is minutes latter than iattamouta time. C1IAIIA Jt SOUTHWESTERN. In connection wl'h Burlington A- Missouri sliver Kailroai in Nebraka. Depot at font of Jones Street. LRAVK3. ARBITM. ptnaha.. .:) a. m. Lincoln . p. m do ... Lincoln .';ii0 p. ut, ...5;uO a. la. .1;30 p. m. do Omaha-.. do . .. ;3U p. m ...11:10 a. m 6:10 p. m K C ST. JOE. A C B. B- R Iat txixria jtsctiox low a.) on is a north. ooifo south. Mll and EiDrcin 4:4H p. m. 8 a. m. h iirkt FxireMi 8:0--) a. m- 3:15 p. m. 'lhii gives passengers from Plltnouth close I connection going bouta or A orta ly leaving nere a the U.uO m. train. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. aocri. O. B. A St. Joe R. R. South C. B. A- St. Joe R. R. NortU. B. M. K. R- Ka?t, B. A Al. R. R. West. Omaha by Rail a 117 .... kl'n'.. CLOSK3. ARRIVES 9 pm. 10.30 pb 9 p. in. 10.30 P tn 9 p in, 10.30 p m vain. pm. 9pm ID a m 12 m. 12 m. Nebraska City, by Stage, 9 p in. 7 i to, flice hour?, from 8 a in to 7 p ta. Sundays. 12:30 to 1:30 P 'MARSHALL." P. M. City Official. PLATT3M0UT17. M. L. vfhlte. "Rom Vaiatta. Jnuah Moorei, Miles Morgan. rT alter J. White. Mayor. ctj ;icit. Police Judge. Marshal. Street Commissioner. ALDERMEN. Firkt Ward. John Fitzgerald. Elbert Duke. eooa VV . Jas. Buttery. J. Weyujac. Thibd Ward. K. Cushicg. li. man. CASS COUNTY. H. F. EUI on. J'an'l McKinnon. W.L. tlobb. J. W. Johnson. rT. W. W ice. Ja-eob ValleT.J liervj. Albin, Y Jamee. J J, Thona. Probate Judge. County Cierk. Treasurer. bbtriff. Eopt. Pub. Instruction, Coonty CommLieionerf. Coroner. Churches. Haetit On the corner of Maia and Ninth. n- T. J. Arnold, pastor. Kndence on Main btwcn lOio an l Uth. brvlCes every o m fit o r m. c-abba'.n chool at a',ui.. i'rayer mte'wia every V ed- CluBisTfAS Service ia Conrcaation Church. at 4 o'clock p. in. Elder Alton preacher. Elder. lao W iles ana I, J. Todd. J7FIsCOPAt C' RevffA. R.O at 11:' a ni. vt 3 p. in.. Prof, tl .rnrnfr Vir.i urn! ThirJ streets rnves Vertices every tunu.iy . Prof. d'Alisiaand. t.tit. a ui. in'i i. I-'- i uun j CO.fOKr.HTiiTJti Corner I.nj..t and Sth bU P ,T U. F Manwcll. retidcn.e Locust tt bo- treen 4th and 5th st S-ervites every rjabbat.i at 'la c-and 6vJ i. tn. t,abbuth ischool at U. jO p. m. Fraycr meeting every edaeaday evening. CIatbolio North cilcof PnV'.wSqu.ire Rev Zither Uaye. K!r3t Mai every f?aboath at t 'M a. ui., Ma'J aD-l cniou at l',:0 Ve-apcri-auJ Kenedictinn at 2:J C ia. Mass at 8 a. in. every week day. I;R9Tp".r.aETTr.BiAS Sorlh sldeofMain at. wanofofh Re-. W. T. Rnrtlo ; tiervioes very ? i'jiath at 11 a. ci. and i. n. t-ab-fcatii Sc-uool atl:-!a- m.. Thoi Polloik Superm--t indent, l'raycr uiectits every Wednesday evening at 8:0" o'clock. fiTHooraT Iisc-rAi. We.t gi le of Sixth ItJ. irtxeot, fouth of Main Rev. J. II. Preston Pervicc everv tabbalb nt 10:30 a. r.i. and 7 p. m. Traver meeting every Thursday evening. Class taei-'tic every Monday evening and imuiediate Jy after cl.oe of Sabbatb morning services." JabtjAtU chofd at UJ Son-tag dt-n 24 September hat die Deutsche Kv, Luth. (Ji'meind.s in ihrem ;:bt!nau! TOrnittass uiall L'hr(ir)tteodienr.t. Uterh:iupt K-t derclhe von jetr.t an recelujaessia allel4 'Iagiptait. Minister Rev. L iiannawald. fabbatii acbaol at 1 s ia.. Prof. d'Allemand. upt. Lodges. IO. O. F. Regular meeting or Platte Lodge, No. 7. I. O. it.V. every Thunda evening at Odd Fellows Hall. Transient Brothers are cor aially invited to vi-it. II. NEWMAN. N. Q. E. E. Cukxixghax. Sec. IO. O. F. Plattsmouth Er jmpreent No. 3. Regular Convocations the 2 and 4 Friday's each month at Odd Fellows Rail cor. 3d and Main sU. Transient Patriarchs cr.ii:il!y invitcj to Tiit. WM. L. W ELLS. C. P. A. d'ALLCM axd, Scribe Masoxio Pi.TTSvorTn Lonos No. 6 A. F. i A. M. Regular meetings at their hall on the firt and thir-' .. ;nday evennga of each month. Transient h'etbrn invited to visit. JACOB VALLERY. W. M. A. d'ALLEMAXI), Sec. Ma cot Lono No. 22 A. F. A A, M. Rcjfula meetings at Macoy llaii. rt and third fri iayj. J. N. WiiE. W. M. J. M. EgARPSLET. Sec. XJ'isbrasea Chapter No. 3 R. A. J.f. Reprnlar convocations second and fourth Tuesday venini of eac - nmnth at o'elorlc p. m. R. K. LI VINUiTOK II. P. n Nkwmax. Sec. iO. O T. Ot.tvRltitAxct.No.2--H E El'rison W. C T. C W. King. W-See. T. W Shry ock Lodge Deputy. Mcew at Clark if PJiimmer's hall avery Tuesday evening. Traveling Templars especttully invited. TrRxvEREtv. The Turner Society meets at Tnrneri Hall in Guthmans Blocit. on the 1st and Third Wednesdays cf each Month. W eckbaugh: ''rearer Gut. Reinhaekle; Firtt Turntrirt Wm. Iiegsler; Sernnd Turnicart So. Karger; Warden John Erhart- J. W. SHANNON'S lEED, SALE AND LIVERY STABLE. MAIN STREET, 1'lallsmoutk, Nebraska. lam prepared to accommodate the public with Hornci. Carriages, Bueies and a No. 1 Hearse .on short notice and re.i-on.iule terms. A Hack willrun to he st"-rr.bcatlandiiis, and to ail part of the city when desired January 1. 1S71 uiwU. Omaha Rarble Works. M. JrTFEENAN. Manufacturer acd DeaJtrin JTALIAV-t MF.Rirjv nttir.i.r, MO.lHE. i'S, ill..llSii.ES .llanlles & Furniture pinrble. Per ppecimen of woi kniansLip refer to tsmith's arid Val'cry's monu ments in Plattsmouth Ctax e t a r y . The jmtroaar af Ca County u respectfully j!ie!t4. fe5-w?T-m LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Transient 25 c?nta aline. Reg-alar adver ser 10 ceaUpcr line. No advertisement ia- icrted than 2? cent;. Legal advertisement! will be charged to the parties banding them in. C0MMUXICATI0M3. As onr space is limited, all communications mast Le brief and to the point, with no waste of rords. AlTD ICLK STTPPS2 1 At the M. E. Church, on Tuesday evening next, being: Dec. 10th. Every body invited to conjo and umsh and be happy. CORX ! CORX 1 CORN!! "Wanted Corn on Subscript tion at this ollice lmraecu- ately. READ THIS. Q-tods not sold at less than cost. No goodtt given away, but good goods at the lowest prices for cash, at lltf. Clark & Plummers. Plattsmouth, Neb. Georga Pickler keeps a meat ehop on Main etrct and sa$-s he sells finer, fresh er fatter meat than any other man or butcher in town. aomelblng tbat Intercuts) Every One. O'Brien & Merges, at the Platts mouth Shoe Store, aev.t door to the Post office, aro filling up, for the Fall trade, viih the best and cheapest stock of Loots and shoes ever brought to Plattsmouth. 25wtf One hundred and twenty-five horses have the Zoot in Lincoln. Vivian's is the placo to buy your gro- erie3 and provisions. 20tf All the livery 6tables in Omaha arc closed. Fresh earth is eagerly eaten by the horses, and it is recommended to Jet them have free access to it. PAUL E2AITS5ZZ, The brightest jeweler in town. Pin?, Eetts, studs, ladies fine gold watches, anything and everything that a lady or cent can desire. Fine goods for the holdays. Call and examine ; no charge for looking. Zt-iv Castiea to Farriers II II Don't sell your Po-ik until you have seen me. E. a. Dovet, J5w4t Congress is in session now for the forty-third time. - Go and see Carruth, at the P.O. store, l'retty things wjtnout uumDer. Photographic stacd, old place. 3jw4t DIED In this city, on Saturday, Nov 30ih, 1S72, Alfred Johnson, aged 53 years. Mr. Johnson was born in Fairueld county, Umo. iue relatives return their thanks to the friends who so kindly agisted an l sympathised with them dur ing the sal trial. The Odd Fellows took charge of the funeral and there was a large turnout. G2i:S2AL ASZ1T07 0? EOVTZ'S CETTETS L'ACETITZS, At Plattsmouth, Nebraska : F. J. Todd, General Agent. County agents wanted. Office at Solomon & Nathan'?, Main street. 36w3m T2E C5UTAY3 AE3 COIN'S. So is Braitseh fine jewelry ; genuine setts fine studs ; ladies and gent's watch es, suitable things for Cliristmas and New Year's presets, for old andyoung. Sweethearts and bachelors, old mar ried folks and grand parents, all suited to a dot. 3G-4w Noticing, on our round for "items" the other day, that the rooms next to Shryock's Furniture store, which have been standing vacant for some time, were occupied, we looked in to learn the wherefore, and found that Mrs. Whit comb had removed from her rooms at the Platte Valley House and established headquarters for dressmaking in these rooms, where she seems to havo all the work that she can attend to. The rooms arc pleasant, commodious, and well fitted for the purpose. CA22UTS'S 17277 'jL77ZL27 ST023 In the Postuffice. Holiday presents, Site jewelry, studs, pins, watches, &c. 36w4t The Lecture of the Rct. Anson Graves, last Sunday evening, wa3 very fine indeed. Its subject was true man liness, and the Rav. gentleman made some very good points that our young men ought to have heard. ZST2A7 NOTICE. Taken up, by the subscriber, in Avoca precinct, Cas county, three last spring calvea. ; one red with line back, the other two; roao. No mark or brands perceptible. 0. Tefft. 3Gw5 Horace Greeley's remains lay in state at the City Hall, and thousands flocked to see the great philosopher and editor for the last tiue on earth. ST AD! STAEELI STASELHANIT 1 William the clothing man, well, you all know him and he begs leave to inform the public, throngh the Herald, that this is the fourth invoice of goods he has received this fall and winter. Every day they keep a going, foon this lot too, will be non est comeatable. Clothing, fine Jewelry, Hats, .Caps, Sic, &.Q., cheap. Call and see for your self. 129-dlt -35-w2t " oua FCIZS CLUS Met at Spiers' Hall, Tuesday Evening, in high feather. Geo. Smith ad that Essay on the Man in the Moon?). -IacMurphy delivered a comic lecture on the way of transgressors (?), and the balance of tie club lit out at early can dle light, nd ,?ie places that knew them Jjetore. 'wSW fUm .no rjrrtL- Married. At 1 1 oclock, on Monday, Dec 2d, ip the B. & M. It. It. Depot, by bid Honor, Judge Ellison. O. P. Ausr tin, traveling correspondent of the Chi cago Evening Mail, to Ms Ann M. Richardson, eJ1 of Cass county. The happy pair left at once for a trip through Texas and Lower Mexico, where Mr. Austin goes for ais paper. THE LSAP-YSAS BALL. . Facts and Farcies. Tfco Laiiea Take a Eeret, The Leap-Year Ball was a perfect sue- ce?a. ntztreraia a nail was comiortaoiy . a 11 r . 1 1 i , i . i uA i.-.nta.) t;n,i rF " folks vis a vis' d and do $edd to each other The Band loomed up in glorious efful gence, and the Cornet-era wore such pleasant faces, and exhibited such open countenances that the best way to have measured their mouths for size would have been from one corner to the other, (of course) around the back part of the head that is to say, if a small mouth is a mark of blood or beauty. The euDDer must have been good for there were no lragments lelt ; ana tne funny and laughable incidents were nei ther scarce nor slow. Some stranger dancing with Mrs. S. observed Mr. S., (who is large and fleshy) and fall of fun, at a dance, "slashing arouna, consiaeracic, vs i"y 1U 5 1 I 1 If .1 Nebraska and having a good time cen- erally, and sagely observed : "That big, fat man over there seems to be having a good time." Not satisfied with this re mark, he pretty shortly remarked: "That big fellow over there is haying lots of fun, ain't he ?" Mrs. S. could hardly "forward and back" for the laugh that stuck in her throat and did not dare roll out of her mouth, and could hardly keep her frout saying, "why, that " big f . husband. Somewhere about midnight, the witch ing hour, there happened A CATASTROPHE. "First lady and gent swing to the cen tresix hands round shouts the caller-anl round they go ; when the floor is cleared a little a curious acini with steel bones and wire muscles, li drooping on the floor I What can it The bustle and confusion among the fail sex almost told the tale. One fair or gave herself a hearty shake, and whi pcrered, "Thank heaven it L?n't mine A true gentleman picked the critter up, and on went tne a a nee. It seemed kind of funny to have th ladieB seat a fellow, and tote hira 'round and ask after his health, and ail thesef little niceties that 11 up the vacant time ia a ball room : and then the dear crea tures do put on such airs about it th well, we've had a good time. Eight hundred and seventy-two is almost gon and with a sigh of regret that we cannot get our expenses paid, be "tooked" out to parties and thing3, for four years, at least, we say good-bye to Leap Year. ODE TO THE B S-'L-E. By ihe Young Man "what" picked JT up.) Tako it up tenderly. Lift it with care: Fashioned so wonderfully, Something they wear. All that it left wa pure womanly, Touch it with awe ; This only vu gingerly, Bui!t on the "Yaw." WASTED t Every one to know that O'Brien & Merge.?, at the Plattsmouth Shoe Store, keep n'y first class shoemakers, and all their cuntom work is made from the best brands of French calf and kip. They only eharge"75 cents for soling boots, and make anything to order, from a stoga boot to the finest French kid, ladies' shoes. Their foreman is master of his business, and his "fitting" cannot be ex celled in the best shops in the country 25wtf THAT HAIL 20SBE2Y. The young man, Marshall, arrested in Omaha, tha other day, is a son of the postmaster at this place, Capt. Marshall, as fine a man as we have in Cass county. The poor boy lost his mother at an early day, and that may account for his falling into will ways very early, as it was im possible for his father ta attend to his business and know where the boy was all the time, or what kind of company he kept. The published accounts in the Bee and the Herald at Omaha, do the lad injustice. Capt. Marshall desires us to state that after careful inquiry he is satisfied that the boy did not leave with any fast woman, ajod no such party has been here. The boy has not lived or staid in Plattsmouth lately at all. His father told him last April that he must mend bis ways or keep away from the store and P. O. He has been at Wisner most of the sumner.. He merely stopped here a few days, had no conversation with his father scarcely, and went from here to his Grandfather's, .over at Kirkville, Iowa. The case is bad enough, and Capt- M. feels it as only a father can feel such a thing, and while he desires strict justice to take its course with the boy, justice to all parties demand that he be not charged with any more crimes than he is guilty of. Wc learn from Mr. T. L. Potter that the musical people of Weeping Water intend giving the Oratorio of Esther, on the 12th of this month. We are pleased to see such evidences of taste and en terprise among them, and wish them suc cess. Such things cannot but prove a lasting benefit to both old and young, but particularly to the young, who are thus brought up to appreciate a higher order of afntertainment than the negro minstrels or the circus. BSa- N. B. We have bought tho entire light and interest in the whole subscription list of the Weekly Herald, from H. D. Hathaway, and as fa&t as oar friends can square ud the .old accounts we shall bo leased tn Jiam them ua wa want old Ti s SPEOAIL NOTICES. 20X3 ,.... 85(90 Wheat, Barley, tyiJ Corn, ..... 14($16 Largo and well assorted stock of gen eral merchandise at Llark & I'lurumers. Try us. 28dtf. At Clark & Plummer's everything a farmer needs can be lound. Call and see oar stock. 2Sdtf. Mickelwaite & Co. desire to inform the public that they have on hand and shall continue to keep through the win ter, hard coal, which they will cell at low market rates, 10-Uf. 1 Go to Vivian's for groceries and pro I . . I visions. uULI siotis. EniDcria Red Ribbon Stove at Duke & Co.'s, Plattsmouth, Neb, 11.111 DUriiA IkCU 1UUWU kJLV J c. 44. jl. t;all and examine. 2Satt, The Senate Wm. Edgerton Pro prietor, cosy, warm and comfortable, drop in and see us. Liquors and cigars warranted pure and good. Nov. 13, d&wtf Clark & PlammerDry Goods, Grocer- i3 and a General assortment. e sell j chnat) and buv often. 28dtf See advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dis- oensarv. headed Book for the Million Juamaireliuide in anotner coiumi. it should bo read bv all. decldiwly. E. T. Duke & Co. havo just received a larcrn Int. of llpatini? Stoves of all kinds. I . " ... suitable tor parlor, olhces, stores, noteis, or any place. Call ana see tnem. - 66dtf25wtf Business room for rent one of tho best stands ia the city enquire of. D. II. Wheeler & Co. 113d32wtf. evening otar, woou purner, ana irom 50 to 75 varieties of heating stoves. Call axd see us, K T. Duke L Co. C6dtf25wtf NOTICE, C0I727 ATJ0T7S1TED. Omaha, City, Neb., Oct 16, 1872. By virtue cf the authority in me vest ed, it is ordered that the September term ot the JJistrut jjourt tor Lass Uo. be further adjourned, from the first I Monday in November to the second Mon- iioin December, 182. mv hand tha dav and vear ntten. Geo. B. Lake, Judge. II All U COAL. I UABD COAL! y' itat.- J J VUi ua L;iAlU f treets. Good Anthracite 104tf pds, call on D. havin just re- pared to tur- s. 70dtt al, of all sizes t, at JE & CO.'S New stock of Will notbeun- 70dtf Nothing tends happiness than cheer lfants and children. Mrs. 's-feyrup is the great childrens tag remedy. 30 It. Responsible advertising agencies are a great advantage to both advertiser and publisher That of Geo. P Howell & Co., No. 41 Park Row New York, is concid erd by many the most complete establish ment of the kiad in the United States. 36 It. Co me Out of the jaws of Death, Throw off the despondent spirt, crush that feeline of despair be cheerful, happy and well. Take Simmons, Liver Reglator I . t I i f 3ri hum Km n ifa uirrnna inn Ka I i ) uuujMUf, iva , u v o vou u i. provea py nunareas right pere at Dome. Examin the certificates, it has cured the worst cases of Dropsy, Dyspepsia, and prevents Chills, Fever, etc36w It. The worst Coughs yield, as if bjmacic to the wonderful curative powers ot Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. 36w It. JPESSQITAL. Henry Smith, Esq., of Omaha, ono of Grant's hirelings, was down here last Monday, looking round at things gene rally. Mr. Clements, oi Stove Creek was in troduced to the Herald this week. ' We had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of Mr. Clark, our new Co. Commissioner, oa Tuesday, He seems a very pleasant gentleman, indeed, and old "biz." all over. The Herald met Davo McCaig, for the first time, Tuesday. Dave is "agin" bonds, but that won't cure the "Zoot," and Dave's horses got scared on the road here, and so he came down afoot. Doctor Childs, a red hot Democrat, from Omaha, keeps one of the best hat stores in the town, and can talk like a race -horse, also visited Plattsmouth Monday last. If ajoy of "you fellers" at Omaha see "Doc" ask him if bis name is Smith? Now mind. Bro. A. J. Swartz, an old friend, but one we have seen but very Jittlo .of in iate years saddexjy appeared in our sanctum, this morning. V e were very glad to 6ce him, as the eight of his pleas ant face brought us many old memories. All ofHunniweH's ""bus "hosses" are on Xhe zoot, and nary a 'bus to bo had in Lincoln. At a meeting of the Plattsmouth Turnverein Society, held Nov. 20th, the following named persons were expelled from the Society, and their names ordered published for not fulfilling their duties and not paying their monthly dues, viz : L. Doose, S. Golding. By order of tho Committee. Wanted. Within the next 30 days 40,000 pounds of Rags. 50,000 pounds Cast Iron. 20,000 pounds Scrap Jxcn.. 10,000 pounds Old Papers. And any amount cf old Copper and Rrass. Cash paid for any of the above ar- tiC' F. S. WHITE, Two doors East of Court House. BOdJKP t v J 5 ' i V P a. m - h I LZr7E2 LIST, List of letters remaining iq the Platts mouth Psto5ce, December Jst, 1872. J. W. Marshall, P, 31. Allen A A Blinn Frank M Blinn J W Barnes Nancy N Brumbaph S A Bolton Marg't Ann JLjold L C Call AY Dillman S. A Foley Michael Gates M M Holbrook John Hall II O tlubbell G V Hoag G M Isael 11 II Marjow Tenny MeVeill John Mutz J C Nelson Isaac Nichols J K Nord Strom S Patrick Jack Peterson Olof Phelps II Plumb R K Rourke Jno O 2 Russell Licurgus Ring Eliza Sundell Hans P Straws Mrs E Sweezy John Smith A m Timmorman Fred Thomas J YV Taylor Hamton eit Mrs Grace Young T T QT7B 1)AIL7,T Comaissts cf ti9 Frsss, m V m ihe ISebraska litrald comes t.i ua with the announcement that thiq i-i tha last issue of the daily cause why m- suthcient patronage. He recret this. because the paper was a good one, wel edited and well managed. Plattsmouth should sustain one daily at least. It owes it to the citv and alio to tha sur rounding country. Nothing builds ud a. country so rapidly, or advertises jt as well as a lively daily Daner. Trihune ana republican. 1 t tie -a-rr -w "Tip Top." of the Plattsmnnth rrr. aid, delivers the following farewell to nis patrons udod the susnension nf thn aauy, witn the reasons therefor : lo-njorrow closes the issue of the Daily Nebraska Herald for the present; and we shall say a few words thereon in the last issue it we can gee lime to write them). We thank all our friends for tneir kind snrmnrr ati.i say not a subscriber has left us so far as we know, from political causes, or on accouatof dissatisfaction with the paper. We stop it eolely because during cold weainer tne expense ot issuin? a dailv. and delivering the same, is creatlv in- creased, and our citizens do not sem tn leel wiiaog tf bear that increased ex pense, judging by the .way they pay up their monthly bill, nor would it per- haPs e riht t0 sk t-kepi to do so. Althoutrb it croes like Dullin? teeth for the editor to give ud his bet. on thesa accounts, and because of the shortness of the purse, we feel obliged to "sop her. Lincoln Statesman. Tip topmak9shiscon7for the Platts mouth Daily Herald, and announces its suspension for the winter. We exceed ingly regret the necessity of the susnen sion, but doubtless it is a proof of sound judgment Ihe Watchman also ceases its daily issue. Daily papers cannot to nrintod far fun or glory. It takes stamps, and a pile of tnem to issue even a hve or eix column sheet. It is beeides the hardest work under the sun to edit and superintend the tinniest daily, it is often asked in our smaller cities of newspaper men: Loes your daily pay expenses ( and if answer is in the affirmative, the editor islooked unon as a hannv man ' And vet where outside of the editorial profession would an intelligent human being do the work ot an editor ot a daily paper, week in and week out, and be happy because the bare "" cf bis establish ment are paid by its earnings? If any one is entitled to profits as well as ex penses; it is the publisher of a daily newspaper. Lincoln Joxornal. Kind words are pleasant and we fully appreciate them. The Journal asks a very pertinent question as regards the profits of a daily, or in fact half our TTT a- L- T T -k nara 7 7 t nn An I - Xa vn 1 va 7ia it j nc uu it to uu? ji the mysteries. Pride, false promises on the part cf patronSi a gambling propen sity to try for luck that all Americans seem to have latent in them, may ac- count, in part, for the numberless news- j fv. t.. ti t, ay t 1 j a tat i oic uu( uia uvc iue I r - I , . , I ' - .v,m- cuniary recompense to their owners or A. . . A X 1 f editors. A Word to onr Customer. Profiting by the experience gained by mor than two years dealing with the people of Plattsmouth and vicinity, we hare selected for our fall and winter trade a class of boots and shoes, that for j cheapness and durability, we say, with out hesitation, are not equalled west of I the Missouri. We find the people want good goods, and we are prepared to fur nish them at reasonable prices. Respectfully, 26wtf O'Brien & Merges. HOWE'S SETOS MACHINES. 1 1 F. J. Todq, our enterprising young townsman, has taken the State Agency for Howe's celebrated Sewing Machines, and will in due time tell you all tho good qualities thereof and coai J'ou to buy one. As he is a very persuasive young man, in all probability you will order a Howe, especially as the herald is obliged to confess .that the machine is a No. 1 sewinz machine. Office at Solo mon & Nathan's, Main streets 36w2t NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves in debted at tho Bar in my saloon, will please settle forthwith. All debts un paid by the 10th of next month will be published. 36 It Alex. vonScwanenbercj. jfaw Store 5iew Oooda-Jiew Prices. At F. S. White's Grocery Store, two doors east of Court House. Call and buv Goods low down. I havo a well se lected Stock of Staple and Fancy Gro ceries which I offer as low as the lowest. Wanted 1000 pounds of butter. . do 1000 dozen eggs. Corn, oats, potatoes, chickens, or any kind of produce, wanted. All goods delivered free of charge, in any part of the city. F. S. WHITE, Brick Store, two doors East of Court House. BSyCash paid for hides. 80-dlt w-26tf Chattel Mortgage. To be sold by auction Saturday, De cember 14th, 1S72, at 1 o'clock P. M. at F. S. White's Auction room 1 Bu reau, 1 Lounge, 3 Stands, 2 Tables. 2 Bedsteads, 2 Stoves, 1 Clock, Chairs, Table clothes, Queensware, Carpet, etc., and other articles to numerous to men tion. F. S. WHITE, AoetioTieer. HAB27 SOSISON'S mSTTZLS. By advertirement, it will be seen that Robinson's Minstrels will appear at Fitr gerald'a ITall, Saturday evening, Dec. 7, 1872. Wo clip the following from the Minneapolis. Minnesota, Tribune, of November 18 th ; Robinson's Minstrels made a grand parade through our town yesterday, with their new and beautiful helicon instruments. We must acknowledge that it is on2 of the finest traveling bands tbat ever viiited our place. The Academy of Music was well patronized last evening 5 every one went away well satisfied that they had received the worth of thoir money. We have no hesitation in saying that it is one of the best companies of burnt cork that ever visited our place. They keep the audi- enca in a roar of laughter from the rise to the tall ot the curtain. Uuite a novel feature of the show is the six end men, which makes quite an innovation on the old established way. Billy McAllister's bone solo was very fine, while his 'TryQ lean Warbling" was beautiful. But the funny business of the show was comr pletely outdone by Harry Robinson in his sleight of hand and trapeze per formances. The latter act took the house by storm. Johnny Shay's india rubber song and dance eclipsed anything of the kind we ever saw. He is a host within himself. Messrs. Henshaw and Ginevan were very fine in their double 60n ,aDd dfnJc.c- M.r- ,.Be11 ? 6turaP ppeech was ludicrous in the extreme The orchestra is worthy of comment. being very fine, and under the leadership of Prof. D. W. Clark. This most ex ccllent troupe perform again to-night. Mr J : L c. I : .1 rvcuutfiitjjuur luu-iuviiig icaucis tuu without tail HOLIDAYS I nCLIDATSll Mr. Frank Carruth desires us to in form the public that he has not removed bis Photograph establishment at all, neither has he quit the business, but it 13 carried on at the sime old stami--over Herold's store, on Main street. Mr. Carruth has removed his Jewelry establishment to the Post office building, west side, where he will be found at all business hours ready and willing to re pair clocks, watches, jewelry &c He also has on hand a large stock cf fine jewelry for the holidays. Remember Frank Carruth's, at the Postoffice store for holiday presents. B6w3t We call attention to the President's Message, which we furnish our readers this week. It was received too late for us to comment at length in this issue. It bears evidence of being a compact, able document siting muck in 'ittle and wpl $o doubt recommend the President to the people more than any paper yet received from his hands. Owing to the illness of Rev. Mr. Graves, Rector of St. Luke's Church, the second lecture in the course, to the gentlemen of Plattsmouth. will not be delivered next Sunday evening. Sheriff Sale. Notice is hereby civen that I will of fer for sale at public auction, at the front door cf the court house, in the city of Plattsmouth, UassUounty JNebrasKa, on the ninth day of December, A. D. 1872, at 10 o clock a m. oi said day, the ioi- lowing real estate, to Wit: .Ihe south half m of the north east nuarter () of section thirteen (13), town ten (10), of range eleven. (U) east of the sixth, p. m., and lots JMos. nve ana six in oiock sixtv-si f fifi. and lets three and four in block sixty eight (68), in' the town of Weeping Water, all situated in the coun ty of Cass and 6tate of Nebraska, taken as the property of Willis J. Horton, on two executions in favor of Hibbard and Spencer, and the Saint Joseph Manufac turing Company, and against the said W illis J. Uorton. issued Dy me .uisuici Court of the said county of Cass, and to m direettd as Sheriff of said county. T , , - ... . , . j r J V. 1 V . -t l K rln rt ISlVen UQUCr HIV liall'Ja lUU tiu uav ui November. A. 1. 1872. . v rl " T J. W. Johnson, onenir. Fox & Wheeler Atty's. 32w5t AM ADVERTISEMENT TO FILI, THIS SPACE. 3 I ! S" p- B V o o -3 c 9 a 4 - c E-2. 1 a a a a- 5 - ta a'a,4 2 o 3 a o er-j b e - 13 "O w 2 2. 3l 02. r-3 a us3T : 0 S ? .-a - PJ Wm 2 B e j --" t 2-2. 2 am ij o 52. 4 o" Si" s a 3 3 0 ta o arta S 4 55 So OB"? g. ILLIAEV2 ST Has on hand, one of the largest stocks of CLOTHINC AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, M.I Invite every body in want of anything In my line to eall at my store, I South Siflc 3Xaiii, Jtctwecii 2ti&3d fitr coin. Andeonvinoe themselves of the fact- I hare as a stock of ine Clotnfng fcr Men and Boys; -Ialso keep on hand a large and well selected FALL AND WINTER GOODS, DOWN GO THE A T D. SCHNASSE & CO.'S Celebrated ISTEW YORK: STOEE South West Corner of Main Street Plattsmouth, Nebraska, AND " SO THE PEOPLE eb M ir DRESS-GOODS, PRINTS, DELAINES, GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING, BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YARNS, BOOTS AND SHOES In tho Grocery lino we keep tho Fixest and Best TEA. (COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES. DRIED FRUITS, of erery Deacrlftlon. .11 the Varieties of Spices, in fact for all Your GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QIjEENSWARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, GO TO D. SCHNASSE & CO. 'S3 n-25tf Keep it Before the Public ! THAT FRANK CARRUTH, Photographer and Jeweler, is selling Watches, Clocks & Jewelry Cheaper than any other place west of tho Mis souri River, and a call to examine goods and prices will assure you cf the same. Good goods of all kinds at bottom figures. And of the Pho tographic department. Head the following price list, it can't be beat East or West. 1 dozen Gentu 50 1 do Mad. cds 12 1 An T.rr SI 50 1 do cd. phot's 3 4 Bon Tons 1 CO 1 cab't cd phot. 6 00 4 Imperials 2 00 14-4 phot Jt fr. 4 00 6 doz calling cards 3 00 H-4 gem 2 00 A stock of Frames constantly on hand at low prices. Do not have a picture taken of any kind nor buy a dollars worth of jeweiry until you have called and examined specimens and prices. ffW Watches. Clocks aDd Jewelry, neatly re- faired. AH Goods Warranted as Represented. Mr. Carrnth desires to stata that he has re moved the ST JE TtY ELBY part of his establithment to the P. O. Store. THE , Photographing Department is nnder an able and competent assistant wit' remain at the OLD PLACE Above. Remember this ; Jewelry at the P. 0, Store, Photographs take i over Ilerold's STORE. 27w-88dtf m. A, D. WHITCOMB, ojo Dress and Cloak Maker. Rooms three doors west of Brooks House. CUTTING 8c FITTING made a specialty. r - Pattern cf all kiad constantly on hand 26dw-m Jpi"r-"'Ji'-'; o a 8 o o O S3 sc if r H H pal Q C H P3 H B H a A D E L ftl A T J speciality in mv Rfil r.,r,.,tm. . to whkh we invite those who want ood. etoefc of HaU and Cape. 810" PRICES!! TIIIIVK WHO BYU IPs, JRIuttsmoutU ACADEMY!! E"2fi. 172, Commences July 1st 872. Chioage Aveaae, PlattomenUi, Caae eeaaiy, Itebraska. Prof. AdoJpuo i'AlImand, Proprietor and Principal, 25th m Book Tor the Million ! uanniAri GUIDE. I M A private coansolor to the tv an the iJii-Biolot-ical mnter arritu or tnone rooui to mar- ies and revelations of the cental tyelmo, the latest dicoverie in producing and ireventing oC'spring, bow to preserve the complexion Ac. This u an interesting work of two hundred and twerUy-four pages, with ncuae'ui engrav ings. .nd contain valuable information for tliOoho are married, or contemplate mar riage, kail, it is a bolt that ought to bo kept uxderlock and kev. and not laid earcleritl V about the hoube. Dent to any one (tree orpostage; lor x cenis. Address Dr. lintm' Diienary. lib. I'l N Eighth street, Et. Louis. Mo. Notice to the Afflicted and Unfortunate. Before ai Dlrinsr to the notorions Quacks who advertise in public paper, or using any quack remedies, peruke Dr. Butta' work no matter what your deseaae is or how deplorable you condition. Dr. Butts can be consulted, nersonallr or bv mail, on the diseases mentioned in hia works. Office, No. 12 N. Eighth street, between Market andChetnut fit. Louis. Mo. dec2dwlr H. J. STIiEIGHT, BOOK-SSLLEK, Stationery, ewn AND PAPER DEALER. Post Ollice KuIlditiL?. PLATTSMQUTH, NEB. ty " Jla.b wtt t