ra fj'Mcaagj yiiMnmaaca.i yi-aa fHE HERALD. XSZonc-vf Saved. S, BLOOM CO., X 8 TATE. AGENT " Buying Your Grten-hsuso and Bedim) P.iints. loss cr iarx. AT On the 22, as ton of Ceo. Ciu-tull ar La I'ktte, io i?arpy eoanty, teas out hurticg with aoAtiior Ltd about twelve u i . i . .i years uiu, uy auuie means Uiey m i uie "rvOfc'T eeni for Plant, when n.i rul fwa go off Lctwhea tLeu) Uur.t instant-1 tJ tJ""1 rM,!l "JT.1? '- r,rCr , .. . .... ... t - To auy uu-i.ero triawij aim ..iUruXiS I ly killing young LiuioaU. ten ul old a? t 1 ke Ut- turri a-iid Let . . , . , .. , , . j, ' ttok of piavuta cvtr t.ilrrerf or aic lit t f i - vcit Aiai'iiMU vi iqu uuie, learn iu natuoie ; and prop' to awl! them at tixb.t j.riv. Kcw Siicripllvt Catalogae. Ob, what days far pert nnd game I The very; dos enjoy the weather acd sceut the apart iu the ditauc. - Prairie fire, prairie reg, are the try agaiu Lr qui all over. Up io Bart county they Lave had another Lig oae. VV our ftroiers atver Icaro to piutect them celfiu time? - . ' The grain .intinae3 to pour into town , O'Ccnoor is Laving .the old warehoufe ' v o the kill I!eJ up. r V Importations af hordes from Qanida re fortidJcu Ly the New York authori titt. , - . I cam eeti-fy yea AdUres. frairle Tire in Eivri Coe.": During Sunday rdht and JJ.nuJ iy a & severe prairie fire was rait in Burt county, ctui'mr heavy lot: to li.e far menc From Mr. 'f. Hall, nu v yr of that aouiity, we learn that Mr. A Jl on lost hi houses and laror ; air. Wil- inn all hia avlirmt l!r l'-ut.j nil iiilv oats and feneirur, all worth over a tliou-h Gy' and dollaw. Huee are only a Vw heavy losers out of a large cunjter t at iniiit te uaaicd. JSee. wliiob vfll be aeot frt al! wbn ifAy for it Thee iv yoar vrta, acJ I fa( C4ifi ieut '. J. UfPR. Hook Tor fhc Mialiou ! The contagioue qualiile of the di- ease are very violent. Ia twenty-fou Loara '200 hor were attacked ia a Iarya ath'e. The yiuptau ar: oaf a ranuiug frout the eyu and nose graaX eLuLing, wtaLaeM aud stupidity Thay die ia Hou iwar to Uo hoar after Uttaok. Hob Doom hi coaiu to town asain. - Ilia Ua&dfard bard aad homy, and hid 1rw wrickkd with koct work. Tay kave pat ap an O'Conaor Ad an leutdrl ticket ia Miari, and the GltJtt tLuika it mill he supported ttron Jy. la the addre of tlie btraiht oata they wy, ,llr. Greeley In no tuore cbinac fcr " aa e;ctiou in Noveuit than of heicg translated to teaveu in a fiery oh anot.".i -J, . ' . Air. . Gilbert, our young telegraph operator and a very good hoy, by the way, left ihU jruiag for Alhia, Iowa. We are ai ry ij Le GiiLert. hut the tkt f frieud icBit part, and we wi.-b Lisa all eaoces in Lis new Louie. We call attention to the sew adver tlset f tie Land aai Loti fr aale la vaat ia ksowa ai"Dake' Adiition." Tki kHs are rery luely aituated will k aJd lew, aai pruedciric io invest wid da wcl t eJcru tie authorised agevts aseatiaaed ia tae dver:Leauent. 11023t We have received froa the Publish -r of Wkat Xtzt. the ehildieire Maga ie, htt'-e Geru tf a CLrutua, called ApL BtOiOMi, aai a cirari. T FliT LzOK. Thy are ofed a preatiaBra aa aubrchbra to W kt Jfeai, a :;d are wyrth uajh oiore than doy tke amcaat f tae talagriptioa for tae Alauziue.., Ptvuar reaelea 4 from a remote foarae that om of oar Merchant Louse is abewt Io withdraw from buinecj. Tinard the Photorah Uiac, aends aoua LaadrAiue Phot f- the grain arietta PkU;aTouth, and St Luke's Chun. Botii pictures are executed with artis tic taste aod practical t-kill. - - a psriir rcrur. Osceola Brown hiudg us a sweet look ing doccisrot, we are to we are. Wkat right has he got to io.u!t au lu l itor.'ta call a re.pectaL'e cititen natu.-K. We don't care if be doe wear a Greeley liaC Our name must be kept pure froia brick wd tan dust both. Here's the dockeryuient. "Osciola, Oct., 24th, 1872. Mb. Brick Top . Tour Nursery Stock, bought of me, will be delivered at Mick elwaitec coal-yard to-morrow. Be ot hand aad you'll oblige us, iic.'' "Brick-Top indeed What do we want to oblige you for we'd like to know? We'd be alliged to you to eall us by our nauici Tip Top" aai sot "brick-top." We'll irick-Wp you, yau earrot head you. EappOM Providcuce had not us out with a brick-Up. could we help it ? Ain't it as fowi as your tow head anyway? Oblige aatbieg, fetch your "utera rouai ef you want eui dug. Com ; in Billy and see us, its all right. our foraiaan aaya you've done the square thing; ) - . : All the newspaper have mentioued that Fanny Fern was the wife of JLauien Partos, but not one of them ban un- tioned that he was the uotbAf-in-law ol Q. K. Philander Doestickn, P. B. Ilesser cae to town to-day on a load of cabbages an hih as as hijrh as a church fcteep'e, if the fcteeple was built down ia - hollow pretty well. Well, Iles-ser atood it liLte a man, and to every fellow he met be shouted 'Cabbage beads, want one, f-ir, all kiuda of sam ple, sere to suit you, fir; match your own head with a cabbage, e:r." Ot course he Fold the load. " -" $75,CC0 ia Carh for $1. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement in another coluuin of the Nebraska State Orphan Asylum. HereTs a chance to win a fortune in a Public Legal Drawin:,- and at the Fame timo help a noble and worthy institution. A nivrt aumrlr t tbe HTd or thi '. I u liar- rv UD th I'Llfilii'arl.ial mi nr- aliri ru';. ii I r tcvrlhr i mi a v. aui t l-fwur ( wiir tt'iuifc uu 19 rm r ii. anj nriji luaU yi urui',! u i-r ihulo itt u.rittj. or Bt' tn:lte uir- tintt. aitlll. it ir a tiotik that oiurht to If lj t ui-ierica i;J k. k.ci Dot iiJ Ci.rili!y a'x'ut the urn. r ' Kt" t lo hjiy ujie (l"re f (jnt i f-jr V irn!i. dirj Dr. iuit Ii""nuiiry, aiu li N ELtfhth iret. ? t. Loui-. la . Notice to the AS'i- ed and TTnf irtut af. !. If I;U in t- the oni'triovi1 quaak wh. arurtiMe oj puM. r.aii. M. or yMin tjy jock rtondiix. ci iuic Or. Kut'a' w:rk wtter vhkt i"'ur4c'i u or luw uei.'rul juur eon Ji' i'u. l)r. Hu asn aoniulld. D'-rnnalljr or by tnit'l. (ji Lk ul'.a.'it' iciQ'iini"l in Li orVi'. Office. ao.J'iK.- atitlli rrrt, Svtwrrn U .rktt an ICbMaut; at. Ma - v . uuJavrlT 1 5:&&F RVtSki coin? t:-41 HOYS AAV CUILDltE.VS ChOTWUTG I. Wu. fiwrvur. a. II. MtIaio Ca.. t I fats ni SLAHKETS, f?J.533Ef? GOQO 3, TaUTiCS, VALISES, ETC Maia Street. ScroaJ Door Iwt cf the Coart Hosaa. jBKa.NCU II -! t I.rt.aday rcil tiue Iowa. PlattaaiAath. 5cbrak "Snt Ly mail for 10 c;- L ii. Fuote, Laxiaatoa Aa.. I?w Tort f ity. ' '.HI.'b ti071BrSi.'Q ti:tv ?-T5 f'V FOR w-OMEW TO I0. 'i-A I'o M-k "aloner. nV-MW -r; J To .Saw kwk Oity. -t. Ijfm The Undersigned has on hand and i- XlanufactH Ui& Ukladaaf COTTONWOOD LUMBER. At hi Mil)atthrrry Lacdinf at PUttimouti Orders Prc?n?tly Filled.! Viuuii KaMiaaTM. Piatt smoutli Boot and Shoe MANUFACTORY. CUSTOM KADE BOOTS AND SHOES A1 rg?e-' rcpsinnci neatly dene by P. KAVELL, Main Street Piattsmouih, .'Keis."" j.Bii4 In t.ukc'8 Oid Stand. . & ! f'S" J'l... L. . J" O IEEE ZLsT S O 2rT , OppMte the PLtto Va!Isy llo-i-, in 8ch!ater's Jewelry Store,-- BUUDETT, SMITH'S AM'N AND BOSTON, ORGANS. ST. I. OUTS. r--r; PUD03." 5 iT XI na Ottr first-class pianos anb Organs. '.Vhole.Rlo and Tctail Dealer in Strings, fc'he. t Muic and all k nd af Muiical Merhaadia r;,1U5H U IN i HUMLNTi luneU and JiairedSalitfaetion (;ran'ted.-t oretfiav Ahfrrfii of Titlr. THE Xl;PRI'ML eYSTKM Tba ht J via. Tor OBripi i-e ir irr. "t'r. act. KLi'tM tKI OO Dtf fcariiU-a. 1-3 w a. J. K. CL A K at. CIl cap CaDii S T O RE! Fare money by paying Cash for your Good. AT CLAHK & PLU3IMER'S. STAPLE A; FANCY DRV GOODS, Also a fall stock of GEOCEItlts. LOOTS aai SU0S3, HATS aad CAPS. We buy largely for CA?a and sell lieap for the iiONSX". (tura pj;o:ta tae Urocks Iloaia), MISSOURI VALLEY LIFE Insurance Odmpaay Ho. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KASAi ALL POLICIES NOK-FOllFEITlAG IMviIci3i!s on the Coutriutioii lliisi, Securia ths Grtst JFecaniary Aita'nUga to the Pslicy 2olderi REASONS FOR IHSUSIHG H THIS COM "A .NY IM. Iuh is a W rtrn ( nmpMT. ninrr by Wrtrn meafehofl known finse"ial charae. J a itt 1 1' mi.i ii. ii i-. ... Nniir.1 . in ii irii.r:if.tv in. i .-t.i I .. ..i - 21. I;r I'.tlicifs re nil Sun lort llnr Miin street, Phillnwutht 24w-CGd 3ui , tit l O. Y A N T K . Wa will give an.rjatiu men and w.mea If Utl. tli.tt YilI :tv In.iii f 5 tit $8 per day ; can te pursued in yuur own ueirhbjrhii)d, and ! trlCl iy bon-Tahl-. i'aiticular free, or mqi p!e that will enable you to go to work at once, will be sent ou receipt of two three cent r-tainp. , -f d . J- L T" 4 M CO.. W.aot-V2 292 Wa.-hiBgt-jn .St.. iioatoa. Aitwa. Keep it Before the Public ! THAT FRANK CjlllllUTU, Photographer and Jeweler, is selling Watches, Clocks & Jewelry Cheaper than ary other p!c wtof the oun Mn-r,uJ a cjJI to tminia H'o js aud prut's i I a.-ure u I the game. Uo. gnm ot all tii.ii at uo V-m 6gur. Ami ot the t'hu-ti.fr-phi iii i:irimeut iiea-l -be toltowiuK vriKK ii cu i ue ua it i.si or tet. tuucesiul uirtn.i(ro:iiciit. Policy holuers hare no in- 31- Hrt?mia!U at!l C H. It rwiff) no ro ' and iri nni.v. lere-t to p-ip. a i u oti-t.m note xc Ileas up.iu tiieir ioiioie. 4ih. It b;i h.) -e'tri.-ti'rt upon travel. 5tU. IU divi i tr-nds rf mode lip'iu ti:e contriliution plan. Clt. lla l-uiasd i exc anvcly li; iiaarauce. 2IVSDC.OS Are the appumulation of intereet upon premium paid, hercethe C icpiny that Ionno it noi. at the ui((h.-a rate ol interest ctiu give you the. Urtwl dividon l. Kfteru couip.mies invent theh moneys iu per cut.. wbii thin lunkK it investments at tweivo per vent, or uior. fbeadvaiit.itroi.t e-tern iiive.-taji.nu W the policy holder .ii,.eiiMiu tUe iollowini atartlii.. Sguren: lueamoubt ol sl.ixw. iiiv.-mj lor fitly ye. t per cent, compound iut jrt. is . tH.420.15 ..... W: l,7..vU 12. " " " . MlH.Ot.PO olicbolder thaa any otbdrna cial llvazi aad inianemanUl to "the E. T. DUKE &, CO. f.., , ..j. .-. ....' - A'l FOOT OF JULY ST RE El Wholerhle 1 Retail Deilere io Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves, TiKxVAnn. v.ops. . VON. STEL MAILS AND Blacksmith Tool. e. im ti 1 i f r. . ...u.. v.., erri...ci....ui m Cwu.r m. n. t ieep on ii'-ina a i .artjc oiock 01 MI I.I.I Br Tru'uiear fa laelf Waaderfal CaratlTi Kflerta. They are not a tile Faary Drink, lrteof Ie)er naaa, Wklakey. Preef Hairlta aad Kefune I.ara (lwiored, rpioed nrdr1eiinl toplmKe tlie J U4e.(mUd "Toiilca." "A pietiaer." "Uei.oreni.";c '( tttat lead W(etipiter onto c1rKiikenneraiid min. but are . a true Modirine.niarie fivm the Native and Herb i cf Cm.1iwtimi. free frem all jlleakollc Mima I lanta. Tlrev are (lie ;KEAT KI.IOI rtltl i FIEKand A 1.1 1'B ilV!NJ PR I NCI 11. E, '. a perfect HixTt)r atttf lin-wr'M-iitor of ttie Kyten. ' earryinc uT all ioiwiioae matter and rectoring- theUood ; tq a lx-altliy condition. No ieron can tnke tlieae Bit 1 tern areorrtiiiK to ilirertkina and rnimin lima unwell, provided tiieir tonc ere not destroyed by minerul poiaonor otlier mean, and the vitul ergana waated bee-Hid the point of re;nlr. ' Tbry are a tJemle I'arsnilve aa well na a Tonic, weKiii;, iJmo, the peculiar merit of artina aa a oei fill nt;etit in relieving Coticeatioii or Inllsm. biatiori of 111 I.irrr. kikI nil the VifurHl Organs. rOIt rE.rIAI.CC.tllM.AlNTS, inyoniiBf old, married or Millie, at the dawn of womanhood oral Uie turn of lire, tlieae Tonic Bitter have no equal. For laflaaimnlary aod C'hraule Ukeqina llem and (!. Hreprpaia or ladiaraiion, Itilioaa. ICrmllleut r.ad I nlcrniillr nt Fc Ytra, DUfairi of Iho Ulead, I.ivrr. Kid- eye aad Itluddrr. theae Itinera have linen mo rinrWnl. Kurk lliaraara are canned by V it Inled . Hlaod, which in generally produced by (ieranKeoient at the niseatlve Oceana. II Vi-I'EI'SI A OK IXI)lt;iTIOS, newl krbc. Pain io Uie IioulJtr. Caiurlin, TiUtuet,n of the Client. DizzineiM. Four Erudition of the rHmaeb. Bad Taatein the Month. Biliou Attacks. Palpi'atlou ol Die Heart. Inflammation of the l.uncs Pain in the re Kiona of Uie kidney". anl a hundred other aaiuful aymy toms. are ilie on.prine cf Drapepnta. , . Tber inrirte the Ftumaeh aadMimulate the torrVl Liver aud Bowel., which rentier them of uneqoaltvd tfficacr in cleanxlnr the Llood of all imptiritie. aud im-aartina- new life and vieor to the whole urttem. FOR MK IN lISI-ASr., Eruption. Tetter. Salt Rhoum, Ulotcliea. SpotR, riuiplcii. PuatulcK, Boila, Car pnnele.. Riac-Wnrm. Seald Head. 8or felve. Eryifpe ia. ltcb.l?curtH. ltoIoratioiiK the frkin. HuiiHini an.t 1iiimmi of the fkm. ol' wimt,f-r name or imture. aie liteiallv dug up end carried out of the Kfotem in a abort . time by the une ot tlitue Itittrm. One liottle iu cucli , eaaee willconriuce the uiorI iucreduloua of their cura ; tiveem-cta. - Cleanae the Vitiated BIned whenever you 6W it lm ritie buratiug tiirouch the akin in Pitnplea. Erup- tioua or Bore ; cleanne it when you Cud it obstructed : and licsb In tlie vein : clcanno it when it ia foul, and your feeliua wl'.I tell you when. ' Eeep the Idood fure, aud the h. al'.h of the iii'.ftn will follow. Pin, Tape, and other Wormn, lurkina- in the ; ijstem of ao niaur Uioutaoda. are effectually deetrored and rrruov.il. Bare a diatina-ufehed phy.iolorit, there ia acarcelv an individual npon the face of the , earth whoae body ia ea.-mpt irom the pr: nc of : worm It ia not upon the healthy element of the ! boijr that worm" exit. but upon the diseaai-d humor ' and alimv iepoit that breed iheae livfatar uiouatent of dineare. No bi.'cm of Medicine, no vermifuiree, no antbrlmiDtiea will free Uie ayatem from wenna like ' theae Bitter. ; , 1. WALKEK, Proprietor. It. H. HcDONAI.D dr CO, Drafriata and Geo. Aaenta. San Francisco. California, aad ii and 54 Commerce Street. New York. 3-SOld) BY AXL, DSUtHilSTS AM) DIALKRA. CHARTER OJiK. DUCKS rTEA'T, CHICAGO, EMVORM, L O Y.l L C O OK And Other First-Class Cooking S T 0 V E S, of All kinds . Coal or Wood kept on hand. 1 .10ft WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE. WM- II BROWN, Dealvr ia . . I ' Fruit and Ornamental Nursery Stock FLOWCKS. BULBS an 1 GUEKN HOCSB f LASTS, To .''ilia! East North ai 1 Pouthpniat. 11ml rtUHi o rAVtNT WIND MILLS. DOUBLE AXT PIXOLW ACTIXK FORCE AN1 FAitM I'UMPa, FEED SMLLS, ETC., TEP.M- LIHE1IAL. The ilnllmlny i ill h stood the tet Tor is ten yeiiry. both in the United Statts and Kn rope nnd is tbo only bo GencrMliy adopted by n:l Prineipal Hail roads and Farmers1. eVSend for catalogue r nd price li,-4sr a. L. erRAxa. aplSwtf Lincoln Xebraika. O. J?. .fOSEKSOJT DRUGS. DK..Lin I . ' " MEDICINES, AND WiLXel. PAPER ! ! rina . ""aaajaamaw ar Uwii c-et ned ITIOU- MotliorsA Motfi Don't ft if to jfofure Sir Syrnpfor Children ' This vilii'bte preparation1 witn Nt; tit lAILliusL SA '1) lie" ,:ASlv-. It n only relicvcsthe child from pain, feut in venratea tho stoin ch and boweli, corrects acidity, an 1 piv s tone itnd encifry to the whole ytei. It wi lalso i otantly reltoTe (Jripinj ia th-: B iwelt aad Wind dice. We believe u the bet an I sur t remedy in the worid in all cases of Llysetitery aad Lliar- rhie i ia children, whether arrin tt lrotu tcetn ins r iinv o h?r c:iu?e Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, und .' tVirJ n.p ij'.n'ih o Your (at 'mil. Be sure and call tor, "Mr . H'i.n' tw' Hfitnintr .rup.' flirin the f c-imile of "CU ItTIS A PtfR KI S" eu the outride wrapper. Sold by DruirKisu throughout the world. 10 LYOM'S KATHAIRON, Osceola, - - Iowa -!- SatT" Trees. warranted true to name. Any Mock ordered that cannot he furnished th mo .ey wilt e promptly refunded. Orders solicited- n20w3ut Pattsinouth Kills ! PLATTSMOUTII. NEB R t. SKA. CORAU UEISEL - - - - Proprietor. E2 Flour, Corn Meal. Feed. Ae., Always on htwii and for sale at lowest Caah 1'riee. tTh Highest prices paid for Wheat and Corn. fiParticular attention given to cus tom work. DOCTOR WUITTIEtl. C17 St. Ch:u!es Street. in fct louii"than any Chron-fc j le I hvieiin . -o Kiiecmuiiu , .,o ' 1 n .: i it i i ... . . ' ' . miii uipiiumcu enereai in.Mjare a io nrjoa patient trom every State. His ho?pi'nl .p oprtuuitics. u Iifv time experience, with pur-j ect. druKJ prepsired ia the establi.-hinent. cure- case (tiven up by other, no matter who fuil-j ed ; toll yoi r private troubles. 'onsultation Jtreo. rcnd two stauips tor medical e-.:ys. i Man hoop. WjiAHiion. se- Ii j.ufiil. 15 cen t "iieh. both for cf. 100 pnfes. ;i i mm i ne curious, uououm or inijuni v :wish knoar all aont Stdf-tiollatioii Proven j'ion. Murri we. Kvery youtR tnan and wo-j uiaii ouch t t rea l it a.1 a wsriuiifr lhc ner jvous .1 biiitatod o. nnrtiully Iscientically advifed.wn I inspotmteii For Pretenring'and Beauiifying the Human Hair Ta Prevent itt Falling Out and Turninj Cray OFFICERS . II D Mackav, Pri lent. U M Hwan. " ice fre-t loot. Ur.J L V'ever. Mad. D in. 1 docen (iems 1 do Luiaa 4 lion 'font 4 lu.peria a 6 doa cliiua card 50 1 do Md. cds $2 rj) 1 1 tit) i ao c i. phot a d () 1 l 1 lob't fd ptKit. tj If) 2 -0 14 4 phot .v Ir. 4 no i 00 H-4 a tui " " 2 uo A large etuek uf I-'raiues eontattily uit tat m . tiami at low prices. u nut i. . , . nave a pieiure taken or any Mini nor tuy a uoiiarM wot iti ot .Jewelry until you have culled and examined i-peeiuieim and price. " Watrae. Clock in l J.lr, 1 1. ... paired. All Good Wnrrnitfttf dm ICrprc'MCJttrfl. 27w-?.lif tJaorite A Moore, Secretary, J Jones, A".-'t Stwettry. II L Nevoiu. Treasurer DIRECTORS. I Sh're. Leavenworth. Ivan. II D Meokir. Leavenworth Kin. J V ilich.ir.ls, " 1 AI Swhu. 11 K ll tiiiuioud " , ttCodin, " H ii J,ert ... " (Sao A Monro, " " T i ,;irt,ev. " " 11 ,V IVwers. " " 3 M Siri'-kler. Junction City Goo L Utm, St. Louir. Mo J .W.orrii K llatin. MlUlorgao " H n A CVitia. 'Jenertl Arnnt. W K .'I.irvey. Con. .etuar, f A Hard, Attorney. l'h 11 ibiiieuu. Laorance, v. iiaaiey. II It S -w mi Lea ra'torth W iJ Cbomoerlain. " X A U:ir l. fcj B Aliea. t' A ''urry. Weston. Mo. V V Ve-il Topeka. Ivuu.ia. J M Price Atcbi5on. Kan. VV KStebbiad, " .L IS. CO JlLT Jru. Agent for Mrhrnaka ntitl .nrttieru li.anea Gaod Traveling S3.i2.t3rs Wantad. 1 n,jirrs!M)frr R. W. wTAHSTT ALL, Areat. J. U LlVIfJOSTOrr Med Pxarain WILLIAM STADELhlANr,, IIim on lnii 1, oii-i of tho l iri?PHt Mtoeks of CLOTHIHC A NO GENTS' FURNISHING G03O3, FOR :SP..INa AND Si'MMEK, Omaha Marble Works. M. J, FEBNAN, Manofac'urer and Deal, r in ITALIW A ai;illl t ntimir MbM ju. Via. IIKltlol at. 51nutlcs fc rurnitiirc i I . For Fpociinen of workman-hip refer to Smith'!" and Val!iry' uiotui nientsin PlittHnumth Cem e t a r y . The patronage of Cam County la repee.tfa:iT VWTWJ V - ',1Si lf In I al.ta 1mm m WvkI a, ' - . - . . U-mj tf I Invite every bo ly in waot of anything in my line to call at my store. Mouth Side Iniii, ..dtrccn 2;1 t :itl Slreet.s, And convince themelvn of th fait I have a a apeni ility in my Retail Trprfment a s ct aiock of Jr ine clothing fur Mon and lloya; to which we invite those who want Uooda. A well-preerTed Head of Hair, in a person of middle age, at ouce bespeaks refinement, ele gance, health and beauty. It may truly be called Woman's Crowning Glory, while men are not iuycnsihle to it." advantages and charms. Few things are more di-pm in? than thin, frizr.ly. harsh, untamed Hair, with head and cout covered with PmlrufF. Viit a barber and you feel and look like a new man. This is what LYON'S KATHAIRON will do all the time. The charm which lie in well placed HaT, Glossy Curls. Luxuriant Tresse. and a Clean Head, is noticeable and irresitable. Sold by all Druggists and Country Store. Jan. 2d. lAw lw every 3w CITY MfcAT MARKET, Br Geo, JFisIilc:?, MAIX STIIEET P!aHnifut!i; - i"Vebralaafc The best of Fresh Meats always on hand ir their season. Highest Prico Paid for T?t Cattle ar-Uie-hest Cash Price paid for creea Hides f- 1 UK "Silver Tongue' MrfS. A. D. WHITCOMB, oo Dress anil Cloak Maker. . Room Xorthcaet corner of Platte Valley House. riITTI &. FITTING made a specialty. Patterns of all kinds constantly on hand. Si d 2;-3ai Ml 12 12 & Mill (PS. Weeping Water, Nebraska. DEALERS IN Dry Good", Groetries, Ua id ware, Queensware. lioots. and Shoes. Hats, and Caps. Arri"uHural Implements of nil kind. Weir end "I X L" Cultivators. Union Corn Planter.-". G'tiridetonrand Princeton Plows. Ac. ic . in fiinitum all of which we oQer to the public at the owest retail pricea. As lie presented. ttOuT constant aim will be to sell so low that it will be to the positive advantage of every far mer in the western and central portion of Cass county to make this their headquarter for trade REED. RROS. Plantation Bitters. S. T. 1860-X. Thi? wonderful vegetable restorative is the tdioet-anchor of the feeble and de- bilitatfd. As a tonic and cordial lor th aged and languid it has no equal among stomachic. As a remedy' for the ner vous weakness to which women are es pecially subject, it is superseding everj other stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate or friirid. it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Dee. 26. dlw lyr. rVtv : ,'M Ja -" .S.aT.a .ir i p-t.--. .. . STATlOXsi , MrVItsa? MAIU Lcare riiitttinouth, 3t)p. m. 5.50 a. ai. Arrive Ru lingtou- 7.' 0 a-m. 10.50 p. taw " wendota iLlfia- tn. ZXi a. n. Chicgo(C.C.AQ.) .!" p. tii. 7.00 a. n " Peoria- ' ' "; ' ' .0ft a.'m.' 12 f0 a. m. " IniUplin'I U.f-W. C;15p.'m. nrH.tn. " Cincinnati . ll.'O p. in. 4.1'ip. m. ". Logansp't T.rjtW 5.M p. m. 9.20 a. in, " Colnmbns M '2 45 a.m. ft.30 p. m. tThrorigh Car from armour! River to Chl curo. Indi.inafirdis, t iiicinnati, Logansort aad Columbus. . . ' t'linii' ctions nt th'-sfl point with lines lead inc 'o the Knst North nl Smith. 1 bis i. tho Hot, Sh-trtft, Quick'H and Chrtrp. ft RoHfe I not be deceived, but nb'tla Tickets via the I'.'ir'irp'oii mid uirsouli Itiver Ftailrnml. A. K. TL'ZAI.I.V.. C E.PI KKIK. , tit-n'l 'J icket Vfont. - Gcn'l Sop"! FURNi TU'R E CABLET HI A.CER Aad dealer In all kinds of T. ' . i d- '"t Ift-m Aia srBBKT, (third doer tawtefF 0 Plattsmcuth - ,-, - ttth. tfRepairing and Varnishing neatly none. Funerals attended on the fchorttet notice. All Paper Trimmed free of Charye. Also Dealer in Books, Stationary, Esgazines, and Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully eompoonded by aces, perienred Draffgist. Reiriemher the place. tiredoor west of the llrrnld office: Plattsruouth. Nebraska. PURISSIR.A ET OPTIMA. T H VI BE S T IS ALWAYS . THE CHEAPEST :0:- This onrivatled Medicine is warranted not to com a n aii gle particle of Me-cury or any in jurious mineral subntHr.ce. but is PURELY VEGETABLE. For forty j ears it hns proved its great mine in all diseases of the Liver. Bowls, and Kidneys ' lio jsanls ot the good and great in all p .rts of the country vouch for its wonderful and pecu liar powe In purifying the Wood, stimula ing the t Tpid I ver and bowels, and imparting new life and Vigor t, thi whole system. Sim mons' Liver Regulator is acknowledged to have to eju:il as a LIVER MEDICINE. If cortains four medical element . never nnl ted in the samo happy proportion in any other pr p.trntion viz . h gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful To i' an nn-x.-eptimable Alterative si-d a certain C Trective of fill ira uritie of fie body Such signal ucces ha. attrnde 1 its use, that it is now r"gnrd'l fl.the GH.EAI UNFAILING SPrCIIC. for Li'-er t'omi'la'iit a-d. the pain'ul i(Tpring fhirrof. t-w;t. Dyspcp-ia. l"o s'iiati n. Jaundice Ililious at a ks Sick headache, folic I)epre:'siin of Sjiirits. So:;r Stomach, Heart Rurn. Ac Ac. Ucgula e the liver and prevent, CHIJ.LS AXD FEVER. rreparedonlybyJ.il ZEII.IX.vC0. Drucgists, Macon. n. Send for n Circular and &!9 Arch street. Price ?1: by maill. f Philadelphia Pa, For Sale by j BUTTERY, jsnlwly. riattsmouth. Xek. HENRY BOECK DEALER IN FURNITUR B, LOUNGES. SAFES, TABLES, BEDSTEADS- OF ALL DStCBirTlOXa AXD AT ALL rIS. For Tour OrocericnGa To Craer Tatrd and Main Etrt-U, riatUaanata, - :o:- t2II keeps on hand a ibo5p aad well rclfcted Stock f Fa'. ay Oreeerlea, Ceffeea, Ttxa, Bagar, Pyraa, , aVa. A. r-Alo a goedasjortmant of Baota5kaaa.-a .O: In Connection with the Grocery i a Bakery &. ConfeUioncry I ?AI1 kinds of Country Prod ect nought ta4 sold THke noticeof the sign "EMPIBK B AKKRT AMI klU (J 1 L majlwtl. G. W. M E R K, Main Street, Four Dears East of Court House, aaitaa tt HA'ROWA RE , HEATING COOKIIVG 8 T O TE H Of the latest Improvemntf, warranted, and soli at a small profit above cost. (Vletalic Burial Cases. Doing my own wark fa Tin and Sheet Iron Combined, with longlcxperienee guarantee satiriaction aud 1 'rices to suit Iff All I TIMEfi. 31 w 3m ACFiMS WAITED. Beautiful WomenI MANcraCTcasD ar . P. XEEDI1AM & SOX, 113. 115 4 117 East 23d Street. New York. ESTABLISHED IX 1846. Respini'da pi'tie anplviag for agencies in sections still unsuoplied. will receive prompt attnt:. n an 1 liberal inducements I'urti-" r"--si lin at a d:stince 'r xa our authorised ng. nts may order from our factory. 5eud for U'ustr nVLai Untfla ata. tiAGAN'S M AGN03IA BALM gives to the Cem- p'eaion the Frethnett f Youth. WOODEN COFFINS OF Alili SIZES. Ready Made, and Sold Cheap for Cash. With many thanks for past patronage. Ii a ate all to mil and examine mylarge st ock o niture and Coffins jan2t Haqas's magnolia Balm overcomes the flushed tppearance caused by heat, fatigue and excitement. It makes the lady of forty appear but twenty, and so natural and perfect that no per on can detect its application. ty its use tho roughest fkln is made to rival the pure radiant texture of youthful beauty. It removes redness, blotches, and pimples. It contains nothing that will injure the skiu the least. . Magnolia Balm is used by all fa.hioaabI. ladies in Xew York. Lo don aod Paris. It costs only 75 cents per Pottle, aad is sold by all Druggists aad Perfumers. Ike, J d-r fcr e lYl. B. MURPHY, Manufacturer of fer? AND DEALER I N Ijamcss, Sables, Yuiblrs, C'"I.1,A US. V 1 1 IIV. Blankets, Brushes, &c. Promptly Eieeuted. All work Warranted -FlNE HARNESS A SPECIALtTY.-a &isWitf Kahsvema-r jab THE MASTER SPIRITS OF THE WORLD AMD THE TREASURE HOUSE OF AMERICA. TlirUrrnt Bonk of llie Year. Aa-ents renort sales of 2T to 100 copies in a few h..urs or days. Pi.opctc.h t'tic. Ad dree J. IF. GOOD SPEED, Xew York. Chicago, Cineinnati, St. Ionia Xew Orleans. 2Hwl0t ROCK! STONE! I will furnish parties with fitone for all building purposes at a reasaaable price, at my quarries r delivered on the cart at Louis ville station The following kind of stone can be had on short notice; sills, caps, perch rock ine or rod sand stone such at was used by the RAM. R. R. ia the construction of their (ton work. All responsible orders, promptly illed J. T. A. HOOVER. Looiaviile Station. SfI Lo.k to Your Children. The Great Soothing Remedy. MRS. ( Cures colic and arriring in! Price) WMcomb'l tha bowels, and f"'ciliUt Syrap. , the process of teething. jCents. MrtS. i Suh'lucs c. evulsions and. Price Whitcomb's overcomes all liise.ise iiiei-l 2a Syrup. den1 to infants and chnur. n.iCentt. Price MRS. Cures fliMrrh'ea. Lysente- "hicomb's rv and suiniudrcomplaint 2S Syrup, .children of all ages. I Cent. It is the great Infants' and Children'snSooth ing Remedy, in ali disorders brought on by tctning or any other cause Prepared by the Grafton Madioioa Cc St. Louis Mv . - j Sld by drugisu aad dfiijvrs ia Ma eirjws- tfetttaV v.