Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, August 01, 1872, Image 3

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Railroad Time Table.
Mad and Ex. 1:.V p. m. Mail and Ex. 10:00 a m
Freight Si Ac. V:00 a.m. Freight A Ac. 3:JU p- in
B. A M. R. R. IN IOWA.
Mall A Ex. 5;" p. m. Mail A Ex. - . m.
Ac'tioa A 1'r'K.if 1 p mi Ae'tion A Fr l2:.Vp iu.
Faciflo Ex pre 9.20 a icl Atlantic tx. 4:20 p m.
The Tfnnider boa will leave the Depot t'. con
nect with Ejwtern bund trains 4-i minutes earli
er than the tiurn Riven nboe. The Boat in run
br Chicago time wbish U .'J3 minutes faster than
PlatUmoutb time.
In connection with Burlington A Missouri
Rirer Railroad in Nebraska.
Depot at foot of J one Street.
LKAVE-t. 1!TM.
Omaha 8:00 a. m. I Lincoln 12:'l0 p. m
do ....t3;00 p. m, I do ... : p. in
Lincoln .5:00 a. m. Omaha..... .....11:10 , tn
do ..1;20 p. m. I do ........ 6:10 p m
K C. 8T. JOE. A 0 B. R. R.
Iat rxcirtp JUWCTIOK IOWA..1
Mail and Express 4:4S p. m. 8.1.0 a. m.
Niwut Kxpres S;M a. in- 3:1a p. in.
This gives passengers from PlatUtnouth close
connection froinz South or North by leaving here
on tho l:(yj tn. train.
C. B. A St. Joe R. R. South
C. E. A St. Joe R. R. North.
B. Jk M. K. R. Kat,
B. A M. K. U. West.
Omaha by Reil
Weeping W ater,
9 pm. 10.30 pi
V p. m. lO.OJpni
y p m. 10-30 p tn
dam. 4pui.
S p m 10 am
12 in. 12 m.
9 pm. 8 pm.
Departs JonUys. Wednesdays and Friday
una o ouun, irvin i . ix iu u v in.
Sunday.. 12 to 1 PjV. MARSHALL. P. M
Citv Official.
M. L. White,
floss Vanatta.
Joniah Moore.
Miles Morrin.
tV alter J. White.
City Oie.k.
Police Judire.
Street Commissioner.
Fi9T Ward. John Fitzger.l
Xmrtn Wako Jail. "iunerr.
. J. Weyman.
mi . T . 1
TuikO vYabd. R. Cushmg. R. Vivian.
CI' "f relics.
Uahtist On tbecorner of Main and Ninth
Rv.T. J. Arnold, pastor, residence .n
Maia between lOib ana ilea. Services every
Habath at 11 a. in . oni a- t p ra. .-abbath
school at 9' i a.m.. .Prayer meeting every " ed
sueday evening.
CIhristias Scrvict in Congregation Church.
j at 4 o'clock p. m. Elder Alton preacher.
Eiders, Isase Wiles and T. J. Todd.
IriscoPAL Corner Virs and Third streets
J Kev. A. R. Graves Services every Sunday
at 11:00 a. di. and S p. in. Sunday bchooi
vi 2 p. in.. Pnf. d'Alleinand. SutU
C"1(iKOKKCATiosAtx Corner Locust and Rth ts
j Kev. li. F .Manwell. reiuen.e Locust sf be
treen 4lh ond ;thiis Services every Sabbath at
11 a. m: and 0;:H) p. m. Sabbath School at 12:
50 P. in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday
CIatholio North ile of Public Square Rev
Father IUyei. first every Sabbath at
H:a0 a. iu.. Second Mass and Sermon at Kb.
Vespers and Ueuedk-tinn at p. m. Mas
at 8 a. in. every week day.
17lST PFr.TT:itiAN North sideofMain st.
1 west ot 6th Rev. W. T. B.trtlo : Service
every Sabbath at 11a.m. and f:M p. m. Sab
bath School ati:)a- m.. Thos Pollock Superin
tjudent. Prayer meeting every W eduesday
evening at 3:00 o'clock.
Methodist Episcopal Vest side of Sixth
street, south of Main Kev. J. II. Presson
Services every Sabbath at 10::Ju a. m. and i p. m.
Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Class
jaeatings every Monday evening and imiuediata
ly after close of Sabbath, morning services
habbath School at :M
Sohtao den 24 September hat die Deutsche
Ev. Luth. Oeineindrf in ihrem Schulhaus
vonuittaysumll L'hr Gotteodienst. Utberhaupt
findet derselbe von jetrt an reirelinaessig alle 14
Tage statt. Minister Rev. L Hannaald.
Sabbath school at 9 a in.. lrof. d'Allcmand.
IO O F. Regular mee'iincs of Platte Lodge.
No 7, 1. O. .F. every 'l"hur;da evening at
Odd Fellows Hall. Transient Brother! are cor
dially invited o visit.
E. Y. Cchnisgiia. Sec.
XO. O. F. Plattstnouth Encampment No. 3.
. Kegular Convocations tue 2 and 4 Friday's
of month at Odd Fellows Hall cor. 3d aud
Main sts. Transient Patriarchs cotili.illy invjteU
tvUit. WM. L- WELLS. CP.
A. d'ALl-KMAJJD. Scribe
Misovic Pi ATTSMorTH Lono No. 6 A. F
Ji A. M. KeS'ilar meetiufiS at their hall
on the first and tnird Monday evenings of each
-nth. Tfift$&?$rh.
Macot LotxiE No. 22 A. F. A A. M. Regula
meetings at Macoy Hall, first and third
Fn lays. J- ir W. M.
J. M. B8ABD3LET. Sec.
-V"9K Chai-ti R So. 3 R. A. M. Regular
1 convocations second and fourth Tuesday
reoings of eao month at "S o'clock p. m.
R. LlMNiiaiON H. P.
H. Newmaj. Sec.
IO C-T. olive T!RAKrHC7o.2 II E Ellison
. W. C T. C W. Kin. W S. c. T W Shry
ock Lodge Ueputy. Meets at Clark f Pluiuuier s
hall every Tuesday evening. Traveling Templais
-espectrully iovite-.l.
TravRKiH. The Turner Society meets at
Turner Hall in 5 uthm.m BIock. on the lit
and 'third Wednesday of each month.
VenWnt-lienusii Newnan; lie-V-dent
'.Villiaia St-tdlctnann : fitotidina ''e
tarir Fred. D. Lehnhott : Cor. SrcrehirvJ .
Weckbauu: lrtiuct iu. Keinh'wkle: rt
Tarntrart Wm. iless er: Sf-nud 4trwart
Geo. Kargcr; H'rfc-John Erhrtrt.
We want subscribers for our we-'kly
and dai:y all through the county. To a
person sending us a club of five names
and over a liberal discount will be made.
W. G. Leming, E-q , of three Groves
called on us this morning, and gave the
Editor some very good news ; also prom
ised us a good big watermelon in due
See advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dis
pensary, headed Book for the Million-
Marriage Guide in another column. It
ehould be read by ail. decldiwly.
A son of Cap. J. T. A. Hoover, was
bitten by a rattlesnake this morning; and
a doctor from this city telegraphed to to
come out to Louisville at once.
Platte Valley House for rent. In
quire of Maxwell & Chapman.
Jos. McClure, of Mt, Pleas-Ant, called
on the Herald this morning, and re
ports grain crops in thai region not in
jared by wet weather, so far.
A girl to do general house work. In
quire of Mrs. D. H. Wheeler, corner
Main and 4 ih street-:. 31d&wtf
wvri:i ! wasted i
All the Wool in Cass coanry, at Clark
& PI am icer's. Bring it along. lOtf.
For the beat Baking Powder in the
market Try Dr. Chapman's. 17wtf.
ntiM) iitniNE v Nr. ri.t:ST
StHKllll Kill OU I. iv in i; IE
To be held at Kight Mile Grove, on tl e
cvt-tiim: !' the -3 1. ainl t iijLr cin a 1
day of i lie 24th f AnjriW.
Sung of Wciovuitf 1J' the Grove.
I'myer-Dy II. T. Davis, I. E.
First Question for Disouspion. Is the
coaitiiete O. xica contameu in tue
Hible? Iievds. II. T. Davis ami J. II.
Mumc By Weeping Water.
2d Question What are the peculiar
demand of our country iSal bath School?
Kfcvds. 11. liurge and J. T. Cannon.
Music By Mt. Plex-aut. .
3. Systematic viitation for Sunday
School purposes'. UrolLera K. A. Kiik
patrick an 1 It. Uurge.
Music Dy i he Grove.
4. Tempera uce in Sabbath
School. lJiothera Winslow and L.
3Ius!c By Weeping Water.
5. The btntlitsof teachers meeiings.
Biothc-is A. L. To-'din and li. Au.m.
Mu-io By Ms. t'it;a?aiit. -
6. What relation does the pastor sus
tain to the S. S. itev. Uatikiu and 31 r.
Mu.-ic By the Grove.
7- On the Management of Infant
Class. Sisters E. Freu, Jenks and
Ilichaidson, John.
Music By Weeping Water.
8. How to retain old scholars. Bros.
Dav is and Jcnks.
Music By Mt. Pleasant.
9. Sunday School Siuging. Bros.
Jas. 1. Kuby, Otto Mutz and Walter
Music By the Grove.
10. How shall we secure the conver
sion of our S. S. Brothers J. II. I'res
son and S. Kichardson.
Mumo By Weeping Water.
11 Adult Bible Classes. Hot. S.
Barrows and S. B. Ilolson.
Music By Mt. Plea-ant.
12. Duties of Parents and Guardians
in relation to S. S. bister Shehou and
K A. Kirk patrick.
Music By the Grove.
13. A sermon ou Early Piety, by II.
T. Davis, on the evening of the 24th of
By order of the committee.
B. Auatin, Samuel Bichardson, and
Levi Chui chill paid bis respects to the
Herald this week. Good man, Mr.
Moses Stocking, E.-q., just arrived in
town, and reports grain crops magnifi
cent iu Salinders. and that it was all
saved in good shape. We are very glad
to hear this, as we have been afraid the
wet weather would spoil much of it id
the shock.
Elder Duncan will speak on Temper
ance in this place on Friday eveuing
O'Brien S: Merges, at the Plattmouth
Shoe Store, make to order, at reduced
prices, the very best class of French
Calf Boots, Shoes, &c, all styles of
ladies' Bronze, Glove and White Kid
Shoes and slippets, made to order.
a prill
Docs the oicner of the concern up the
street think it is"g.od policy to draz the
name of a decent, law-abidinir property
owning citizeu of this place into his col
umns, though he be a U. S. olficial ; or
to call us this man or that mm a organ,
every day ?.
We gently advise the real owner of the
"Perhaps" to call off his Editor, or
the proprietorship of both papers will be
thoroughly ventilated.
mars Mi:t:ri..
There will be a ltepublican Ma s Meet
ing at Eldred, in Sauniew county, on
the 10th day of August next. Distin
guished speakers will be there fioiu all
parts of the State, and abroad A full
attendance is requested from all those
interested iu the State.
Farmers ! when you want Boot3 cr
Shoes made to order. Repairing done,
or anything in the way of leather and
findings", call on O'Brien & Merges, at
the Plattsmouth" Shoe Store, uext dot r
to post-ofiice. - apt4tf
A laborer employed pbout the U. P.
Bridge fell from a construction train to
the rip-raps, sixty feet below, and was
carried away by the current.
Cau Conotjr 4art leu! turnl Society.
The Regular monthly meeting of the
society will be hel l at the office of D II.
Wheeler & Co., on Satuidiy, August
3d. 1872. A full attendance of the
members of the Society and friends of
Agriculture is desired.
C II. Kino, Sec'y.
Plattsmouth, July 30, '72, 31dlwl
As several gentlemen have inquired
about printing the names on the differ
ent club rolls in this town, we would sa
that we have the Grant and WTilson roll
here ia our office, and whenever both
patties desire it. and bnth send in their
roll, we will print them. The Gra it
and Wilson shows ISO fto-ia file na ue..
that cartik ii aei. senm no
vvi.:l .1-- t.--i . u
ii.uii me pernaps hay we are uu-
lishitig from spleen, is the sqnare state
ments of a respattable Republican news
paper at Binghauipton, New York,
backed up ty numerous affi l ivits of
respectable an 1 well known men living
in and about there. It could hardly be
a fraud for no man would publhh such
things in a neighborhood where all the
parties are known, unless it had the ele
ments of truth therein. Nev. rheless,
we have never commented on the article
at all, but simply publi hod the facts as
they appear from day to day in the pa
per which vouches fr them, while our
irhl eo'emporary keeps one or two eol-u-nns
of standing fdlsehooJs on Henry
WTiison. and endorses tueiu to say noth
i m rf the fa!.-e statements diily iaad
against his old neighbors in this city.
This weather is too hot for cither fun
or work
3 Letters to Answer.
A Row on Either Hand.
Communication opened with
the Chapaqua Farmer.
A Romance of the 19th
July 25th, 1S72.
Ed. IIepald: Who is that long-legged,
spectacled, half Spanish looking
lha- stays around the Brooks House', and
Says he is a N. Y. Tribune correspond
ent. Is he? Please answer.
City, July 2Cih, 1872.
Friend Tip Top: You being a news
paper man. myself and friends desire to
know if the gentleman by the name of
Morton, now stopping at the Brook
Hou-e, and caling himself a New York
7Vneconespondent "an old nt Incite of
the paper," and so on, is entitled to the
honor he claims ' We de-ire an answer.
Veiy respect lull v your?.
X. X. X. X.
Plattsmouth. Neb., July 27;h
Ed. Herald: DearSii: Is the man
Morton a bua filler or a fraud? By
answering the above you will oblige sev
eral of our r-ubsenbers. T.
OUR answer.
To the writers of the above letters,
and others who so pertinaciou ly inquiie
after our friend Morton:
Gentlemen : It is tdouj we al!ow our
selves to be intere-tcd in any man's form
er whereabouts "or bu-duess. Only a
strong pressure, or a sense f ripht could
induce us to take that liberty, but as the
curiosity of the above named citizens is
warrantable, at d we are threatened with
a los on our "sub." list unless we com
ply, and whereas : we want to know our
selves, therefore wc
In imitation of the Her, we opened
direct communication with the Sage, at
his farm at Cho-po-quo.
The telegraph operator having cleared
the line and got evjjry thing ready wo
sent the following stunning message.
Plattsmouth, Neb., July 27.
"To his high mightiness. Prospect
ive President of the U. S., Sage of Cho
pa qua and whilom editor of the Great
Tiibitne, New York City:
Sir, ami Brother Etlitor : The Edit
or of a little concern down in Plattsmouth
is in a fix. All the sub.-cribers threaten
to leave unless he clears up the following
"Has the Tribun a Special Corres
pondent in this place, named Morton,
and what is he here for ?
Respectfully. &c.
4 Tip Top."
A dead sure messenger conveyed this
telegram to H. G. in the woods at Cho-pa-qua,
where he was manufacturing
white-oak stumps to be shipped west for
t'ie Libertth to spout from. He stopped
his axe and mopped his brow, gazed
speechless at the word-; then seized a
huge white-oak chip and wrote :
Chopaqua July 2Sth 1872
"To my brother Editor of the little
concern down in Plattsmouth :
Morton who's Morton ? Don't know
him. Correspondent? No! Tell him
he lies, the villain, lie lies!
Fakmeii Gueeley.
First CIinjAer. To be continued.
C. J. Horning called at the Herald
Office to-day, and left his good wishes
and something more to help the fight
along with.
Capfain Wiles, sends us half a dozen
op the finest apples we have yet seen
raised in Nebraska. Red, ripe and
t Kithsome were they, and reminded cs
of old times back east, "ih-n "Ilarve. t
Homes" were in vogue.
The frame of "Squire Dorrington's
fine new two-story residence was totally
demolished by the storm on Sunday
i ight. The loss is quite severe ; but the
"Squire intend to rebuild it immedi
ately. Nemfihi V'lIIry Journal. m
Of Lincoln will speak here for Grant and
Wilson, either the last of this week, or
the first of next. Due notice will be
ui; mt i ii run i he ueohasn.
G tod bye. Rrnner-Gooil- Bye, Gree
ley, 'liMli f- Urant,
Yesterday in our perambulations w
perambula'ed into a beer saloon, and
nto he midst of stoit a' German", who
were diligently surrounding six glasses of
lasrer beer. Btdnjt just th?n out of bevr,
we urid a desperate guess at the poli
tics of the crowd and trenrly exclaimed
"rah for Greeley !" We were sold that
time. Our Teutonic friends unanituou
ly. and with great unanimity of action
came to their f. et. each one with a bel
ligerent speech in utteran e: "Ter hell
nut Gieeley ! We did not fight rnit
Greeley we fiehts mit Grant I 'R ih
fr Gra'it ! Ah, sir. vot you take u
for?" We immedately changed our
base of atta'-k. called for "the beer,-'
and explained that we were only jokirg
har our name wa Wa-h Fairbrotht-r,
publisher of the first and best Grant
paper in the State ! They had heard of
u-, rnd right away there was pea. rn
the Rhine. We explained that our mis
tk wns inde by Doc Renncr sayim;
that he held the German vote of the
ate in his pocket. A hie German in
dignantly remarked, "If Rtine pai l
that he is von tarn fool ! - Mr. Ediror,
take some m r peer 'rah for Grant 1"
Tectmteh Chieftain. .
Who spoke anything about the
Tribune man's (!) not pajitg his board
bills? Not the Herald.
rhol Nollee.
All persons wh intend to makeappll-
cation fr situations iu the PuV:c
Sel-ools of Platt-m nith, wid take notice
that no person will I e employed a a
ti a .iter who has not a first or second
grade certificate from the present Coun
ty Superintendent.
By order of the Board.
Jacob Vallery, Jr.,
nlS w3 Chairman.
You can buy ladies' Gaiters, very neat
for $1 50 at tho Plattsmouth Shoe
Store. aprltf
G wvls not sold at less than cost. No
goods given away, t ut good goods at the
I -west prices for cash, at
lltf. Clark & Plummers.
Platfsu-outh. Neb.
We learn that Dr. Chapman has sent
out three bills in the past week, in the
way of jobbing. 17wtf
Ve call attention to the great sale of
and in this citv, advertised to take place
on 'fWdiy, August 20th. This is very
de-irable property, and ought to be in
demand. Messrs. Hoover an Plasters,
two of the Referees, and Commissioners
visited Plattsmouth yesterday on this
business. 20dltw3t
You can buy men's shoe( good) for
$2 00 at the Plattsmouth Shoe Store.
Tenetier'tt I'erllficale.
Oppert unity will be given on the Sth,
9ih and 10th days ol Auust, at my office
in Plattsmouth, to procure Teachers'
Certificates in accordance with the pro
visions of the Public School Laws of
Nebraska. Ail applicants should be
pre.-ent at 1 o'clock v M of the 8th.
U. W. Wise.
Subt. Pub. In. Cass Co.
Dr. O. B. Chapman is now agent for
S .iut Louis Enameled Paints. The
farmer's favorite. 17wtf
Fred. Dorrington's litle boy ate too
many green cherries yesterday and was
thrown into spasms. Only the speedy
application ef prompt remedies saved his
life Boys wait a little, this sun is ripen
iug them very fust ; and the sun can
stand it to take the b bitter ta te out
their better than j-ou can.
"Pethaps" the other sheet here is an
evening paper. Perhaps not. Morning
or evening, which?
Again the " perhaps "' takes on a
"sub." Want ano-her editor? How
many "we's" of that kind would make
one good, honest opinion, on anything?
We have no "Bugle Notes," to fill up
with, and no quarrels of any kin I on hand
one peeped a little this morning, but
it is n of fully hatched fo we are obliged
to fall back on invention for matter this
afternoon. Must hunt up a bouncer.
Dr. G- B. Chipmau's flivoring ex
tracts are not. excelled. Forscle, whole
sale and retail. 17wtf
rni'Vt'IL P(t'0i ED IXC'S.
Council Chamber, July 27, 1S72
Council met pursuant to call. Pres
ent :
Mayor, White. Aldermen, Buttery,
Duke, Vivian, Cushing; Clerk and
On motion the reading of the journal
was dispensed with and rule fiispended.
The Mayor presented the following call
to-wit :, City of Plntts""nth.l
July 27th. 1H72. j
The Councilmon and Clerk of the City
of Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebiaska,
will take notice that a special meeting of
the Council of .-aid city is hereby call-d
to meet at the Council Chamber, on the
27th day of July 1872. at eight o'clock
p. m. The object of said meeting is to
rake action on the following subject : -
To provide for a Special Election to sub
mit to the voters of said city, a propo
rtion to vote bond of .-aid city iu aid of
the St. Louis and Nebra-ka Trunk Rail
Road Abo to canvass the votes of the
Special Election held on the 221 day of
July 1872, for the purpose of voting
bonds to aid in building a seminary, also
for build. nz a High School.
A notice for a Special Election was
hen presented. It was then
Moved that the said election be called
on the 31 ct day of August 1872 on
wh:ch a vote was taken resulting as fol
lows: Ayes: Cushine. Vivian, Duke
and Buttery Xo.i None.
Motion carried and Clerk instructed
to have said notice publi-hed as provid
ed by law.
'I he council then proceeded to canvass
the votes of the Special Election, held
on the 22 1 day of July 1872, to vote
bonds in aid of building a high school
and Seminary, which resulted as follows:
For Bonds for High School, 193
Against 51
Majority for Bonds.
For interest and principal on High
School Bonds
Aaaiust " " '
Majority for interest fcc.
For Bonds for college and
Majority for Bonds,
For principal and interest for
coliege and seminar.
Against " " "
Majority for interest Sic,
On motion the Bonds were declared
carried and the clerk instructed to have
the same published two weeks in the
Weekly NebAsKA H erald, a vote was
taken on the above proposit on, result
ing a follows : Ayes Buttery, Dukej
Vivian, Ca-hing. Nays None. Car
ri d-
On motion, Council adjourned.
Atiest: M. L. WHITE,
R, H. Vanatta, Mayor.
City Clerk.
I 182tdl
i The hot weather continue",
j p..itiv.j, hot; comparative, roa-t ;
superlative, fiizz'e.
The MisHouririver is leaving the Iowa
shore entirely, aud clasping hands o'er
torpid sand bars with the mossy banks of
old Nebraska.
What is 'ho size of a good pony purse
this mornini: ? .
Special eorref poudonee of the Nebraska Her-
Plattsmouth, July 23th, 1872.
Editor Herald: Having nothing
t do ou Saturday evening but stroll the
idle hours away, and while walking down
Main street, in the vicinity of that stately
structure, the Court House, I heard a
faint cry, and supposed that somebody
was in trouble. 1 hastened to the room
and found twenty-two Democrats, with
seven Liberal Republicans. The noise
came from that spacious cavity which is
located below the breast bone of our
friend VanArman, who was handling the
administration of Gen. Giant without
gloves; but what wa very strange, he
never once mentioned the State Immi
gration Society of Nebra-ka. He, Grant,
wa at the head of all rincs, except the
Nebraska Immigration Ring; and Van
being one of tiiat ring, thetc was no
show or inducement to pet in. Van
l'urtht r stated that he had known Gen.
Grant for nine years, and never saw him
drunk. Hd further stated that he was
for Gieeley from principle. (Wnat kind
of principle he didn't say ; he supposed
it to be Democratic). Then went up a
howl, aud to make the thing cord well a
ouiali dog strutted in. Some one said
'put the dog out ;' others said "no. its'
a Greeley ilorg,y which one they meant
was a query, with us, whether the four
legged or two. Exit man. And loud
calls wer- made for (Black), when he
stretched himself from the mighty popu
lace of the twenty seven, to give an ac
count of the big Unolu show at Babi
more, which he did in a very quiet way,
stating that he had traveled through
some porlious of Missouri, Mar)-land,
Ohio, &c , and that two-thirds ot the
white vote was for Greeley. He said
that the Baltimore thing was a very har
monious gathering, with the exceeption
of souie six or seven States that didn't
want no Greeley in theirs.
The next one called for was Livings
ton, when the aucient General appean d
from the throng of the Liberal seven,
and said he was ready to clasp hands
over the bloody chasm. How long lie
will cla-p is a question to be d termined
at the Greeley State convention. As it
has not been long since he toosed his
giip on the hill, be careful, Demi era ts,
how you tamper with the Liberals ! for
if you can't shoulder them aud carry
them they won't shake long over the
chasm. The Doctor said he didn't in
tend to make a speech, (after talking an
hour), but he said he was full of it.
He didn't say how long he was getting
full, but you know how it is, Doc.
The Watchman was represented, and
made several suggestion, and in every
instance he was beautifully snubbed ; and
why nt, as he ha" to go over to Coanci'
B;uffs to vote. He is small potatoes
when Schnasse is around.
The witty and talented Fox. was called
for, but said he would reserve his fire for
Rock Bluff-, with Col. May.
Mr. Vallery was then called out, and
ho made the only speech of any credit to
the (outfit) : "I move we adjourn,"
and it carried. Thus ended the very
pleasing f.iree of seven strong-minded,
Liberal Republicans, leading twenty two
of the old school Democrats around by
the nose. How do you like it, Demo
crats? how do j'ou like it, WatcJimuH f
Harper's Xew Monthly, pretty oil by
the time it gets to us, is yet "plum '
full of good things, auduu Easy Cha(i)r
t it .
try to tni m tor many years, leans usiosay
it is the best magazine for the whole
family published in the United States.
TEn ieic X'i: vox v en r ion.
Plattsmicth. July 26th, 1872
.The members of the Cass County Ceutral
Temperance Committee, met at the Office of
Reeee A Draj cr.
Meeting- called to order by electing T. J.
TodJ temporary Chairman and F. P Todd,
Secictnry. J. U. I'rrcson sta ed .bat the object
of the meeting was to acpoi t Precinct Com
uditee.'. He then moved that the p esent or
granizHtion be made permanent, which was
carried. H. E lisn was unanimously el Act
ed Treasurer. It was then moved and c .rried
that a committee of three le appointed in each
Tb9 following committeis were appointed :
Rock Bluffs. W. LaOa. It. S. llatnsey.
Mt. Pleasant. A. L. Tolden. L G. Todd.
Avocn ArUndo Tefft, two to kpp'dnt.
We. ping Water. L. F. Reed. W. C. Jenks-
Stove Creek J. A. Rewaston. two to ap
point. Tipton. T" appoint-
Elm Wood. To appoint.
Liberty. To appoint.
. Oreenwood. Rev. D. Kn .wles, Blackwell.
John Br wn.
gait Cr ek. O. W. Mayueld J. B. Arnold,
One to appoint.
South Bend. J J. Roberta, C. S. Wes'man.
M. thaw.
Louidvil'e. . Jen'tins. two to appoint,
fibight Mile Grove. li. Austin. Joun Muts
M. Draper.
Ore p'dis. T. J. Thomas, two to appoint.
Plat.moura Precinct. Thomas Wiles. W ,
W. Woodruff. Schildlkuecht.
' Plattsmouth City. 1st Ward. C. H. Parmclle:
2d Ward. Paikur Wise: 34 Ward; B. Spurlock.
The Secretary was authorized to LOtity the
committee a :d confer with them in regard to
holding meetings in each p.ecinct. Also a
Urand Rally at Weeping Water or Light mile
Moved and carried that Rev. D. R. Dnngan
of Lincoln, be invited to speak at this place on
triJay evening August 2d, at 8 o'clock p. M.a
and hev. M. Dicksou ot Umaha Friday. August
9th. lS7i The committee then adjourned to
meet et the samo place i ugust 2d, at 4 P. u.
Cass County Central Temperance Committee.
F.J.Todd. U. b Manwell.
T.J. Aruold. 11. K. Ellison.
Cyrus Alton, L. F. Reed,
Ezra Piummer. F. P. Tod I.
F. P. Todd. T. J. TODD.
Secretary. Chairman.
Hearth and Home comes to us blight,
cheerful, and packed with rods of wis
dom, lU of son.-e, nd acres of .-enib'e
home like advice and counsel, that if lol
lowed will make each hearth indeed
brighter that it to a place by
I the fireside.
Latest By Telejraph
Bank robVd at Council
Accident on the Kan'sas
Pacific Road.
Market Reports, itc.
Gov. Randolph in Trouble.
Xilsson Married.
Schurz in Xorth Carolina.
German Conference.
Council Bluff,. Iowa, July 30. The
first national bank of this city was rob
bed, ye.-terday, in a very ingenious man
tier of the sum of twenty thou-and dol
lars. Mr. Furnsworth, the cashier, can
not give any explanation in regard to
the theft. Twenty thousand dollars is
a "very severe loss to that institution, it
having but fifty thousarid dollars capi
tal. New York, July 30 A conference or
tho National Labor party was held here
to-day. ' Sixty were present.
At the evening session of the Labor
Reform party power was given the exe
cutive committee to call, it" desirable, a
national convention. The sentiment of
the tiiHjoritv was in favor of nominating
Grant and Wilson.
Denver, July 29, A terrible accident
occurre I about one o'clock this morning
on the Kansas Pacific toad, about 113
miles east of Denver. The we-tward
bound passenees train ran through a
bridge at Coon creek. Five persons wete
killed outright and a number woundid,
some probably finally. The accident
was caused by the destruction of the
bridge by a water spout.
New York, July 27.
The Times states that the attorney
general of New Jersej has proof of tne
connection of Gov. Randolph, of New
Jersey, with the former officials of the
Erie road, one alligation being that Ran
dolph received $30,000 for his services
in removing taxation from the Erie rail
road in Jer.ey City.
m m mmi
C'bristlae .MlBNun Carried.
New York, July 27.
It is stated Chistine Nilsson was mar
ried this moruing.
Charlotte, N. C, July 27.
Carl .Schuiz speaks here ou Monday
Cleveland, July 27.
There will be a trotting match tor ten
thousand dollars here August 15th, I c
tween Bowen's Atjiiie atson. of Titus
ville, and Bella Patterson, of Oil city.
Geneva, July 27.
Charles Francis Adtms preserves a
firm attitude in maii.taiug the claims ot
the United States. A conciliatory dis
position is universally oiauifectcd by the
American lepresentative which com
mands much admiration, as al.-o their
assiduous labors iu Lehalf of their caue.
Mat a moras, July 29.
Roche has issued a proclamation at
Monterey favoring peace and amnesty
lor the late insurgents.
New York, July 29.
The Herald's London fpecial says
Stanley is greatly lionize 1 in Paris. Gen.
Shermnn was greatly interested in Stan
ley's uinps. Livingston's letter was pub
lished all over Europe.
Geneva, Ju'y 29.
The Switzerland Tinvis snys the Tribu
nal of Arbitration hat docidvid in favor
of America, iu the case of the privateer
r londa
NEW YORK, July, 29, 1872.
Money E-isy at 2(5-3
Gold Active at... 14(0:15
Governments Dull
Cattle Choice, .......
Hoas Live,
Flour Steady .
W heat Excited
July 3'3, 1872.
$6 41K5 6 70
3? 3 25(j,4 25
$4 20(0,4 GO
.... $6 50.a,7 50
, $1 311 32
Corn Les active,
I Jaion unchanged
Wool Quiet;
ShenlT'3 bale
Y virtus of an Order of Sale issued
- out ot the District Court tor Ca.-.-
couuty, Nebraska, ana tome directed, 1
will ou the 12ch day ol Aut;ut A. V.
1872, atone o'clock p. m. ot said day at
the sotii li flout uoor of the Couit 11u e
in the City of PLttsuiouih, iu said county
sell at auction the following described
real estase, to-wit :
Bi gluing at a point 113 feet east aud
1780 feet south of the noith-west curuei
ot section no. twenty seven 127 iu lowu
ship no. teu (10; north, cf ranc no. (13)
thirteen, east of the 6th p. ui.; ttuiice
east loity (40) ieet, tlienee north ot.e
hundred ai.d twenty 1 120j ft et; thence
we.-t torty (40 feet, and thence south
one hundred and twenty (I20)leet to the
place ot beginning, and als the Hotel
building snuand thereon; all of said de
sctibeii real estate being situated in Fac-torjv.ll-,
Cass county, Nebraska.
Sola, to satisfy a inebanie's hen in fa
voi of John Bidlantine, William Ballan
titie and George E Biazg.
Given under my hand this 10th day of
July A. -f7
Sheriff Cas Co.
Maxwell & Chapman, Attyefor Pf
1 5w5.
Stationery, JYctvs
J?ost Office I3(iildii..
Pepti t,--d lmbBd w tf.
! Notce.
. V M- SLAUGHTER, is lie-ety no
! ?T fifb-d Orange W Ch'N has
I this day commenced a i-uit at law i:i the
District court fr Ca.-s county and State
of Nebra-ka, against him the said W.
M. Slaughter and others asking theennrt
to compel him the said W M. Slaugh
ter to perfct a deed made by hitn the
said Slaughter to the said Child dated
May 30th 1857, purporting to convey to
the said Child the north half of the south
west quarter of secti in twenty-two in
township twelve, of ransre thirteen east
of sixth principal meridiiti, of land in
said Ca-s county, which cause will be set
for hearing at t e September term of
aid oourt for the year 1S72
July 5th. 1S72
D. W. McKINNON, Clerk
of aid cou rt.
M. Gasto., Att'y. 15w6t
Commissioners Sale of Real
"VT0T1CE is hereby given that Ly virtu of
ll an order of le is-ued out of the Dis
trict Cou-t of Kerasba County, in the Sta e
of Nebraska, and to us dir ct d as referees
nnd commissioners in the cho herein i er
tnentionfti; upon an order aud dcr?o ren
dered by the sxid CVn.t in a certain aotion
therein pending. whrin Bryant t'ohb is P ain
titf. and Martha Finl-y. Nancy Allison. Clark
Cobb, iUinms-n (Jobb. Ji kney t'obb. Clay
Cobb. David Cib, CHtherit-e King, Mt
tha Connor. Francis C'bt. Seymour Cobb,
ancy A. Kin?. Willia-n u rt V. Cobb,
Newlim C. Wnrley. L.'Ujja Inman; Varba
N. McGuh", Eliza Nelson. Mmth:i C Krll
and JoLn A, Irwin are ('ef-ndants, we will
off- r fur (wlo at public uuction. at the door
ot the Co-irt House in Pluttsiuoulh. Tn-
county. Nebrsska. on Tuesday, lugut 20. 1872
nt one c'cl ck i-i tho afternoon of th t dny.
the following real estate in Cu-a County. Ne
braska, t- wit: ,
S U 14. Section 15. Town. 11, Knnr 10. Wl
acre!1: filso, N E '.i. eee'i.-n 1. Town 11.
Kangd 10, W) acres, and the Nonh Wet
quarter of Section 15 Town. 11 Itntige 10 100
so es
TEKV13 0F SALK.-One third cath; one third
in one yenr, nd one third in woyearf. Defer
red payments to be secured by mortgxge on the
premises, with interest at 10 per cent per an
num, puyablo annually, tiom date of sale.
Wm. 11. Hoova. ) Koiereei
Da v: i-a k 1'i.astkrs, and
Kich'i V. Hi'ghks. ) Commissioners.
Thomas A Ukuaoav. Attoraeys. 8 16 ft
Probate Notice.
jVOTICE is hereby given to all persons
hav -ox accounts or claims against
the estate of Robert M. Lafta deceased
are notiScd to ti'e tho same in the Office
of Probate Judge, Plattsmouth, Ciss
County Nebraska, on or before the 22d
day of January A. D 1873.
Ju'y 10th. A D. 1872,
II. li ELLISON, Probate Judge.
Dissolution Noice.
THE partnership heretofore existing
between Eli W. Line and J. 11.
Hogan, at Elmwood, Neb., ia hereby
d so!ed by mutual consent.
The business wiil be continued by
Lane it Greenslate 'who are authorized
to receive all accounts due said Lane &
Hogan; and to pay all debts owing by
Elmwood, Neb. July 1. 1872. wl63t
Legal Notice.
August Murphy non resident defendant
will take notice that on the 22ud day of
Juue 1872, William Stadehuann tiled his
petition, in the District Court of the 2d
Judii-ial District in and for Cass County
Nebraska the ot ject and prayer of which
is to recover a judgement, against you,
lor the sum of $108.90 ami interest from
April 13, 1871, at 10 per cent ou a
ix omisory note of said date and that suid
Uilaintiff has caused an order of atrach-
uient ro be issued in said cause, aim lias
caused lot 16, iu block 3, in Stadelmunn's
Addition to the City of Plattsmouth,
Plaintiff prays judgment against you
for the sum of $108 90 and interest from
the 18th dayot April 1871, and that the
ai I lot may be sold under said attach
ment and applied to the payment of said
judgment. You are required to answer
aid petition on or before the 19th day of
August. 1872.
14 5w. His Attorneys.
Shsriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale, issued
out of the District Court for Ca-s county,
Nebraska, and to me d.rected, I will, on
the 5th day of August, A. L. 1872. at
one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the
uth front door of the Court House, in
the city of Plattsmouth, in said county,
ell at auctiou, the following real estate.
fo-w;t : The northwest quarter () of
the southwest (J) and the southwest
quarter (J) of the northwest (J) and the
-outhcast quarter () ot the southwest
quarter (i) of section No. eleven, (ll)
a"d the northeast quarter (i) of the
uorthwest quarter (i) of section No.
fourteen (14). all situated in township
No. twelve (12), north of range No.
thirteen (13) east of the sixth principal
meridian, in Cass county Ncbrasku, ac
cording to the government survey. Sold
t satisfy a decree of foreclosure ren
dcred at the April term, A. D. 1871, of
the said District Court, in favor of
Thomas E. Tootle, and against A. G.
Barnes and Lucinda Barne. .
Given under my hand this 3d day of
July, A. D. 1872.
Sheriff C -m CcNebraska.
Maxwell & Chapman,
14-5tw lTff's Att'y's.
Legal Notice.
To Geortre L. Bn-kirkl You arc
hereby notified that Henrietta M. Bus
kirk did, on the 3 1st day of Julv, A. D.
1872, file her Petition in the office of ihe
M-triet Court of Cass eountyj and state
f Nebia ka, charging the said fJeore
L. Bu.-kirk with gros-ly, wantonly and
cruellv refusing to maintain aud support
.-aid Plnintiff ; and also charging the
ad George L. Buskirk, with extreme
iu by towards said Plaintiff, and a king
hat she uiav be di voiced trout the eaid
George L. Buskirk, an 1 also praying for
the care and cjttodyofthe minor chil
dren. . . f . I
The said Gcorse L. Buskirk is requir
ed to appear and answer said !'etitionon
or bef'vre Mombiy the 9th day of Sep
tember, A. D. 1872. at which time said
cause w ill stand for hearing
By J. II. Brown, Ler Atty.
Legal Notice.
Mxwcll Si Chapman, plaint:ff vs. J.
S McNieb-on and Isabella McN'ieI.s..n
d-fendants. In the District Court 2nd
Ju licial District in and for Cass county,
Ne iraska.
J. S McNielson and Isabella McNiel
son defendants will take notice that
Maxwell & Chapman, plaintiffs did on
the 30th day of J uly, 1872, file in the Dis
trict Court in and lor Cass county, Nebra-ka.
their petition against the said
J. S. McNiebon and Isabella McNiel.-nat
deft-nd mts, in which the plaintiff claim
judgment for the sum of fifty dulLrs
for Attorneys services rendered for said
defendants use
You are therefore not'fied that unless
you appear and an-wer said petition n
or before the 16th day of September, A.
D 1872, judgment wiil be rendered
against you for said sum of fifty dollars
tceihe wih interest thereon fioon
March 23d, 1371 and costs of suit.
Maxwell & Chapman,
nl3-4w Plaintiff.
Agents Wanted.
U'ELPTI'S Prsrttclil 3ni.le to Ho -i tiers l
ib best f"-l I init Iki.iW in the market. It
Is a I ook for all ci et-rned in muk'iignr phvIi-.s
motixy. Llberul emninissions l'iii. and JlO.'O
given away to sgenbi proving sd cs lul. Ad
dress for truiS an ! territory,
T. M rtl'ARR A CO.
General Wertern Agent.
17liw3w Davenport. Iwg.
BiccKSSoa 10
Tootle, Hanna & Clark
John R. Ct ok.
C. II. Pm:h. ,
l't(r I'rtriiltnl
X. W. EtaKS,
A$'t Cathifr.
This Batik is now open fur buinei at theit
new room, corner Main d Sixth streets, aud
are prepared to transact a ccueral
Banking Business.
Stocks, Bond?.
Uold, Government
and Locitt
Bought and
Hold. Depcrslts
Received and
Interest allotted
Un time
I'rafts orawn. srnilablo iu any part ot the
United Stat" and in all the principal town
and Cities of Europe.
O F S T E A M E R S.
Parsons Isbiugto Lring out f ends from
L'urope can purchaso tickets lrom US, througb
c Plattsmouth. i
A Heavy Stock of Goods
yo titnti yt Intrrft on Dorrovtd Capi'
Vil to It Mua Off CuttumT 1 1
North s'de Main between Second andThirJ its,
Takcj pleasure in announcing to
Farmers and Mechanics.
That ho has as larte and well selected stock of
Dr Goods. Groceries, Pruv'i.ions. as were
ever brought to the city of FUtumouUi
-It will cf-nt yu noth'nir to look at theta
whe'her you buy or not. By exaininms; the
prioda a' the ' OLr IIELIA HLL" nu will be
able to tell when other pa tins try to swindle
you 17-wtf 25-dit.
Pbilismulh Nebraska.
I am prepared fo accommodate th" public witl
Horses, CarriJifes, Lukkio a No. I J?7
on short notice and reafenable terus. A t fla"
will run to the steamboat lauding, and to twl part
Hbc city wb'D deirel.
January 1. 1"1 ilAwtf. -
Plattsmouth Mills ! !
COXltAD IIEISEL - - Proprietor.
Flonr, Cm Meal. Feed, L., Always cm hand
aud for Sale at loweitt Cuu i'ricts.
-Tte ITirheft prices paid for Wheat and
BfiyParticular attention v'lven to cus
tom work. mi 2 1
PIaUcmouth; - Nebraska.
The beat of Fresh Meats always oa kand Jj
their feiuoo.
Tligheat Price Paid for Pat Cattlo
-Uighe;t Cash Price paid for treen Hides.
JYIozictt Saved
Buying Your Grtcn-house and
Bedaing Plants.
JPicnic Girlei8
DON'T ecnl Ea-t for PlauU when yoa cata
get jut aJ good lr lewi money nearrr
home. To my no u.ero'J8 friends and pafrens I
would iy that I heve the largest and bt
stock .f planOJ ever .fffted forrle in tnr west
and propo.'i to sell tbem at remonable prices,
lie sure W send for tuy
t Descriptive Cataloguo
whirh will be bent fre to all who apply for it
Then give your order, and 1 feel confident
I can kiitiady you.
Ad-ire. w. j. it
Feu. 13 dxwlf
Plattsmouth. Nub.
3Eino Art Gallery.
ta-riiotorarns, Ambrr-trres. and copiee
front Id pictunv. plain -or colored, eitber ia
ink. water or oil. All work neatly caeeutci
and warrautcd to (.tve gitm-fnruon.
V- V. LbONAKD. Artul.
VMtf Maet- Plattmonth.