THE HE-ft A ID. LOCAL KBWS. We hear it rumored that the Qermana will give a festival thoitly in Bocck's tiew etore building, for the benefit of the Lutheran Sunday School Sage, our big stock man, jnst soli 52 head of cattle to go to Crete one cnimul alone brought $500. Mr. Gere, our senior, is the fond "pa rent" of a bouncing boy. The anxiety and care of a father rests lightly upon Lis broad shoulder". Journal Unlike Greeley, William Cullcn Bry ant is sensible enough to acknowledge that his advanced age and pecu'rar rela- tions Unfit him for the Presidency, Trhich ' for these COgent reasons, he has declined.-1 The Old Muddy is jut up and hump ing. Tlicre will be a down here to night, she paseed Omaha this morn ing. Go it old fellow, our bottom is safe, can't over flow. J. C. Gillmore, ono of our big farmer?, (he weighs over two hundred,) called on the Herald yesterday and wij-hed us good luck. Prof, d' Ailemand tells us that he had a number of new pupils this week. We are glad to hear such good new?, for a good school needs encourogment cf a cubsfac tial kind, and we are euro the Prof, mer its it. May his eyes be gladdened by the sight cf many more ; and may his shadow never be less. Cornelius Schaller, agent of the B. & M. R. R. in England, has one very good habit : when he scuds a fellow a paper he marks what he wants him to look at, and thns saves trouble in hunting over long columns of matter to pee what the paper was fent for, do it again Mister S. We received a very handsome little note from Mr. Touzalin of the B, & M. yesterday, for contents of which thanks, and we only wi.-h we could make as good talk with our pen as ho can with his tongue, for he is the neatest talker in the State of Iowa. Through the kindness cf Daa. II. Wheeler, we have received the proceed ings of the "National Agricultural Con vention," held at Washington, D. C, Feb. 1 5th, 16tb and 1 7th, 1872. It was thajfirst If'ttlonal Convention of the kind ever held. Elder Alton, of the Christian Church, called on the Herald and left a very good impression of himself. We need some more such men in this country. Farmers ! when you want Boots or Shoes made to order. Repairing done, or anything in the way of leather and finding', call on O'Brien & Merges, at the riattmouth Shoe Store next door to post-office. apr-itf XEW 9ZAQAZIME IX XEBRArittl. They are about to start a monthly I the me in d and We this see ture may eno- mes ar mb and bo v. s of tes, IXa- the and my ;nd for loia is suggested ; liow to keep Well ; Ilev. Jabc-z Barns, D. D., and the lato James Gordon Bennett, with portraits. An admirable number, that should be widely read. Price, 30 cents. Forth year, $3. Vol. 55 begins with this num be. S. R. Wells, Publisher, 339 Broad way, New York. O'Brien & Merge3, at the Flattsmouth Shoe Store, make to order, at reduced prices, the very best class of Freuch Calf Boots, Shoes, &e., all styles of ladies' Bronze, Glove and White Kid Shoes and Slippers, made to order. , apr4tf See advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dis pensary, headed Book for the Million Marriage Guide in another column. It should bo read by all. dec.ldiwly. HARVEST TIME. Mr. Metteer, the great machine dealer of this town, called around for us yes terday, and took the editout in the country to see how the farmers looked on a good harvest day. We went out in Andy Taylor's district, and a pretty place . it is. Over the high, beautifu prairies, with the broad Platte plainly in sight, and the illimitable "West' spread out before one's eyes, no hand eomer sight could be imagined. Crops never looked 'finer in any country. Great fields of feathery oats, golden wheat, and shining rye, stretch rod after rod on either side of the road, and the daik, rich green of the corn eets off the picture so artistically one longs to be a farmer. With such abundance all about, any other business seems tmall potatoes, this year. At Mr. Quinn's we taw a Marsh Harvester shaving the stubble as clean, as true, and as easily as cutting through old cheese with a good knife. This machine is a new invention, and a vast improvement on the old reapers. If it always does its work as well as that yesterday, we may almost say good-bye to any other machines in Nebraska. J. C. Minor of the Tribune & Repub lican leaves for the east to-day, on a vacation. Ml J. Winn, Proprietor. R. H. UcOoniia Co., Dri.t J BULLIONS Bear Tcktnony ( thell WoDdcrTul Cut-atlvt. Effect. . They are not a vile Fancy Drluk, ilftde of Por Ram, Whisker, l'roor Hplrits and Itefusa V I.H...i1WnMrl mniA and WMfjnprl to Dlfue the Ute.callcd " Tonics,'.' "Appetizer," "Hestorers.-.fcc., thatleadthetipplcrontodrnnkenne-.ndn.ln.tat.rt b true Modidtio.Diadefroci the NatiTI?ivtflnUIert cf California, free from all Alcoholic Btlmn Iantit. They are the GREAT III.OOli I'l'ltN FIEIlnnd A LIFE CJIVINU rillXCIPLE, k perfect Renovator and Invigorntor of the System, tarrying off all powonous matter and restoring theblood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bit ters according to directions and remain long unwell, provided their bone are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. They are a Gentle Purgative aa well as a Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting, as a poweiful agent in relieving Congestion or Iuflami tnatlon of the Liver, and all the Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, inyonngo old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at the turn of life, Uicm Tonic Bitters have no equal. For Inflammatory anil Chronic Kheama tlsin and (lonl, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Jlillona, Iteniltlciit and Intermittent pe ters, Disco ses of the Mlood, Liver, Kid' aeya and II I adder, these Hitters have been most successful. Kucu Diseases aro caused by Vitiated Dlood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Dlgcstivo Orgnns. IYSlEPfIA OR INDIGESTION, Head ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour .Eructations of the Stomach. t3ad Taste In the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation oi lbs Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in tbs re gions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other paiuful symp toms, are the oSspringa of Dyspepsia. They Invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them of unequalled tfficacy in cleansing tbs blooj of all impurities, and im parting now life an l vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions. Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules. Boils, Car pnncles. Ring-Worms, Scald lire1. Son Kyes, Erysipe las, I tell. Scurf". llivolorstionH of the tkin. Humors and piseascs of tbe hkin. of whatvr name or nature, are literally dug up ami carried nut of the system in a short time bytlio use ol these Bitters. One bottle in such eases will convince the most incredulous of their eura tive effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon Bnd its Im purities bursting throuch tlio skin in I'implcs, Erup tions or Sores; clcaoso it when you CuJ it obstructed and sluggish in the veius: cleanse it when it is font, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the b- alkfi of the system will follow. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the irstem of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyed and remove!. Says a distinguished physiologist, there la scarcely au individual upon the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the prviwiice of Worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No Syst.em of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics will free the system from worms like these Bitters. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. II. McDONALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents. Pan Francisco. California, and 3i and 34 Commerce Street, New York. WfiOLD BY ALL DRCUtilSTS AND DEALERS. SIXTY FIVE 1st PRIZE MEDALS AWARD EC THE GREAT Baltimo e Piano ACTORY. Manufacturers of GRAND, SQUAUE AND UPRIGHT iSUatta Baltimore JIaktlaxd. These lest.' umcnts have been bofo he Tub lie for nearly thirty years, and upon their ex cellence alone attained an unpurrhaied Pre eminence, which pronounces the in unequaled la Tune. Toneh. 11 or!nnin'ntp and Durability. JJjAIl our Square Pianos have" our New Im proved Overstrung Scale and the Agraffo X e ble. 3Vewou'd cail special attention to our late Patonte'l Improvement in Grand P'ancs and Sq-tara Grinds found in no other Piano, which bring the iinno nearer perfection than has yet been attained. Errrtf PIANO FuHu Warranted for Five year I!Intralcd Cat lopues and price lists prompt ly furnirhedon application to XfM. KN ABE & CO,, Baltimore, Md. Or any of our regular establisked NovUJwtjmo. HENRY BOECK DEALER IN FURNITUR E. LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES, BEDSTEADS- OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS AND AT ALL PRICES. Ketalic Burial Cases. WOODEN COFFINS OFATvL EIZE3. Heady Srade,1rad Sold Cheap for Cash. TTith many thanks for past patronage, Ii n Ate all 1 9 call and examine my largo stock o niture and Coffins janCSt hmh E iHDP! JWiynian t$ Ciirtix. .riattsmoutii, LVeb., Repairers of Steam Engines, Boilers. Saw and urifet ililis. Gas and Steam Fittings, "Wrought Iron Pipe, fnree and lift rumps, bteaia (jaugea. aian Valve Governors, and ail kinds of Brass Engine Fitting furnished on short notice, FARMING MACHINERY RepaUed on short notice. auge. Ziuzxibcr. Zauzzaber The Undersigned Laa on hand and is ttanu fa during All kinds of COTTONWOOD LUMBER At lib Mill at the Ferry Landing at Plattamouth Orders Promptly Filled.! William Egzrtok. Janeod d&wtf. Xj. IF1. JOHITSOIT, fifOppoute the Tlatte Valley House, in Schkter's Jewelry Store,3 3aiu street, XMallsmonlIi, Nebraska ST- LOUIS, DECKER BROS., G. A. MILLER & CO S PIANOS. rh (Dlfjcr Jirst-thss pianos anb (Drpns. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Strings, Sheet MuHc, and ull kinds of Musical Merchandise "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Tuned and liepairrdyutUfaatlon Guaranteed.- UecodjcW GREAT SALE OF LAND. A large Additional tract, embracing more than 750,000 Acres of Choice Farming Lands Will be Placed in Market by.' the Union Pacific Pail Poad Company, 272ll227sdaif- JiaS2Q 2"7tll ?i732 These Lam tts are contamed the Third One Hundred Mile: Poad. They are Locate ! in the Counties of Kearney. to i-l west inclusive. .More than iiio.iH Acres, &tad Law aro contained tthin the same limits. i he preat alley of ihe 1 .atte here uniiulafine plain, covered tvitn a rank growth of nutritious gras.e5 and watered by many clear running streams, and forms onoot th j Most fe tile and attractive sections in Nebraska. Kearney Junction, in Buffalo County, the point of inte section of the Bui linirton and Missouri Piver Pailroad, is destined to become a larc inland City. Plum Creek, the County seat of Dawson County, on the line of the great natural route to the Gulf of Mexico, is the centre of a vast agricultural and grazing region. North Platte, at the Junction of the 1 jattes, and the terminus ct the hr.-t dm. - nii' one ct the best reoraihical positions These towus are rapidly developing into ence, Oiferin? unequniled inducements to in? the lands nov ohere(i lor sale anion;? These lands will be sold cheap for cash, wiiujuiereM at onty hx percent. Oaiaha. June 19, 1872. 13 -Ir. PLATiSfGUTH BOOT A?D SHOE MA1STUFACTORY. CUSTOM MADE. fpRepairing neatly done hy P. MAXWELL, hlain Street. Plattsmcuth, Neb. Jan 15dJtwtf In mke s Old Stand. V'J iL L I A STAOSLA rj , lias on hand, one of the largest stocks of GLOTfflHC AND GENTS' SPniNS AND SJM?ER, S3-I inrits every body in want of anything in my line to call at tcy store. & ;uHi Hide Main, 13l'.vien & 3d EStrecte. Ana convince tnetnseivex ot tne tact- 1 Hiv?aa siock. oi lino ciotLitig lor JIcu ana livys; also keep on han 1 a large and well selected BOOTS AND SHOES. BLOOM s-jf . - " irrf - v - : -1 v-. Ss? IT. . . BOYS AJVJ CHILDREN'S CLOTUIjYG Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, CLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, E ain Street. Second Door East cf the Court House Bit AN CII HOUSE Broadway.Coucncil Bluffs Iowa. LEEP. GILLETTE Nebraska Cily . General Agent Dcp't Northwest, Union Central Life Of Cincinnati Ohio. J. II. PRESSON. julylSdAwtf Looal Agen CITY MkAT MARKET, Br MAIN STREET, Plattniouth; - IVcbraska. The best of Fresh Meats always on hand ir their season. Highest Price Paid for Pat Cattle 43Uighe8t Cash Price paid for green Hides. wtfdJfc Abstracts of Title. I'lXE Jil.MKRIOAL SYSTEM" The best in 1 use. for de?cript ve eireulrs, a-'dresn, ACKKS. BL ACK.U-t K A CO. ltf Burlington, Iowa. BURUETT, SMITH'S AMN. AND BOSTON. ORGANS. in t lie Ten Mile Limits on of the Union Pacific Pail BafTal". Pawson and Lincoln, in Ttage 17 west liica Government lanUs subject to the Homo widens out into a broad, beiunful penny ereat fertile valleys of the North and South ion of the Union Pacific llauroad, occu- in the btute. business points of Importance and influ the merchant and meehamc, and render the niot de.-iranle locations m the west. or on a long credit of Five or Ten years, O. F. DAVH. Land Comuais?ioner, U. P. R. R r Co. BOOTS AND SHOES AT FURNISHING GOODS, FOR speciality in my lletail Jippartnient a se ect to wuicn we tavite thoso who want Uuods. rtock of Hats and Caps. 8 lOtf INSU11ANCK. &e. &c. GO., c. &c. r C. Piattsmouth, Nebraska FURNITUR E ov, CABINET MAKE R And dealer in all kinds of ITurxiiturc e& Chairs. mais btseet, (third duor east of P O Piattsmouth Neb Repairinif and Varnisbinsr neatly none. Funerals attended on the shortest notice. Piattsmouth Mills PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. CONRAD HEISEL - - - - - Proprietor. Flour, C'rn Meal. Feed, Ac Always on hffnd ana lor Salo at lowest latin rnces. Th Highest prices paid for Wheat and Corn. C-Particular attention given to cus tom work. mr21 OEMS' Plantation Bitters. S. T. 1860-X. This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor nf the. fcYAn nnrl Aa- Lilitated. As a tonic and cordial for th nn.l l,n,,M If LSn,l. -o - v -S '"'i stomachics. As a remedy for the ner- Tnnol-,.invl, mon o-- -J pecially f ubject. it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi- cai, temperate or irigid, it acts as a 1 A specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Bee. 26. dJkw lyr. Beautiful WomenI HACAN'S MAGNOCIA BALM gives to th. Cm- plsxion the Freshness of Youth. Hagan's magnolia Balm overcomes th flushed lppcarance caused by heat, fatigue and excitement. It makes the lady of forty appear but twenty, and so natural and perfect that no person can detect its application, iiy its use t'uc roughest skin is made to rival the pure radiant texture of youthful beauty. It removes redness, blotches, and pimples. It contains nothing that will injure tbe skin the least. Magnolia Balm is used by all fushionaU. ladies in New York, London and Paris. It costs only 75 cents per Bottle, and is sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Dec, 26. d&w lyr e 3d w. FI2I2 HISS'S" IS TIic Cheapest. Look at the men wriding in the shade The Marsh Rlarv.ster. p.j.aEBTOBBR,ALL POLICIES l7iil be found nt his oi l stand on Main St. 1 f where he will bo ile8fd to see his for mer customers aud iriends. He has a large and good assortment , of farm muchiuery buch ad tbe fl'he Marsh harvfiter. a reaper that two men X caneaUand bind ten acres Der dav with one man to drive, and the binders can work in tne tnaJe. Milburnnnd Studonbakcr Wairons. fham pion Kenper.t Mower Massillun Thrash er. nn. lintalo Fit thr.tsher. and ivxelsior Kcapcr and Mower fcc, F. J. METTEER. Main Street. Piattsmouth. Neb. L. S. Blair, Traveling Aent. Feb. 29 wtf. Mothers, Mothers, Mothers. Don't fail to promre Mr Witwlow'a Soothing -'prvp for Children leethma. This valuable prcpnrotion has been used With .Mi VIS it KAlLlMiSLU(-li-air 1UUU SAND.S Or' CASKS. It no on!v relieves the child from talu. eut inv'eorRtrs the tom ch and bowels, corrects acidity, and giv. s tone and energy to the whole system. It will also i stantly relieve (jripiag in the Iiotcclt and Yld Oilec. AVe believe it the best and surest remedy in theworid, in ail cafes of .Dysentery and liar rbcea in cliildrei. whether arrisiiig from teeth ing r nny o her cause Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and l elief and Health to Your Infants. Eesure and call for "Mr, Witmlow't Sootning Syrup." risvine the f c-io.ile of "CURTIS Jfe PiR- Ki N" on the outride wrapper. bold by Drupgisu throughout the world. 10 BEN D0HKEY Wishes to announce to the people ol the Great West that the second Volume of "DORKEY'S WEEKLY" Which commencd April 18th was enlarged to iorty-cicbt columns. v ltn tuut number the champion journalist introdu ced a number of new and intcresing del art meats which ci nstitute "DOKKIE'S WKEKLY the finest literary family paper in the United States. Hi real life and comic sketches, as also the thr ln'ntc sturies of Western li:e m 'ke that journal tie most inter- es ing and hest adapted to wstern r aders. Terms. Cash m advance. S-s. per annum, si. 75 six month. $1 three months. Send P.O. ord. r by mail to BENN DORKEY. aid bin bt- lvouis, alo. DOCTOR WHITTfiCR. 017 St. diaries Street. T oncer located in St Louis than any Chron- I j ic Khysiciav. o successl-illy treats Simple md C inpiicnted V cnereal Diseasv as to hrintr? mtientf iroin vcry state. IJis hospnai p- prruiities. a nr.- ime experience, with pur-J .st drues prepared in the establishment, currsl "ases given up bv others, no matter who fail I I . . 1 ...ii n : ... 1. 1 . . .. l . : " ree. bend two stamps tor medicnl e-nyt. Manhood. Womanhood, sen bj nail. 15 cents -acb. both for 25 eta. 100 Dnees iarish to know all aont Self-pollution Preve ; ah iiini iuc curious, nououui or inuui-iriT lion. Marriace- r.very young man and w :nan ou?ht to read it as a warn ing Tbe n vous ! biutateil or partially lniDnttnt cientiscally advised. dcc2d nil OS. Weeping Water Nebraska. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groo- lies. ilitidware. Queensware. Boots, and Shoes. Hats, and Cans. Agricultural Impliroents of all kinds. Weir "I X L" Cultivators. Union Corn Planter, Grsndetonr and Princeton Plows. Ae Ac adin tntuni. all of which we oner to the public at the west retail prices. All Ooods Warranted As presented. iOnr constant aim will be to sell so low that it will be to the positive advantage of every far mer in the western and central portion of Cast county to make this their headquarters for trad. REED. BROS. SPRING AND 1872. 1872 1872. J HI? I? A T T? TTSTT I T . I XJiiX HUUU JIXJlVKAJJJ J Xl V 1 1 U KJ Everybody, and D. SCHIST ASSE & CO, To DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. NEW YORK: STOEE. The best ar.d most complete STOCK OF DRESS GOODS- Are now on exhibition at the New York Store, at greatly reauced prices. We call partioular attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS. PKINTS, DELA1NS, GINGHAMS, 13UOWIN SHEETING, BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YA K JS, BOOTS AND SHOE of ill kinds and prices to suit our numerous customers. large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QL-EENSWARE. WOODEN-WARE, GLASS V&VRE, YANKEE NOTIONS; ATS AND CAPS, MISSOURI Insurance No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS lividc5icls on the Contribution SMaii, Securing the Greatest Pecuniary Advantage to the Policy Holders REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : 1st. This is a Western Company, managed by Western men. whose known Cnanancial charac ter, ability and position, aft'ord ample guaranty for its caretul and succesiul management. 2d. Its Polices are all iiou-lorlei tins. 3d. Premium all eali. It receives no notes and gives none. Policy holders have no interest to pay. and no outstanding notes as liens upon their policies. 4:h. It has no restriction upon travel. 5th. Its dividends are made upon tne contribution plan. 6th. Its business is ezcluseivly life insurance. DIVIDENDS Are the accumulation of interest upon premiums paid, hence the Company that loans its assets at tbe highest rate of interest can give you the largest dividends. Eastern companies invest their moneys at 6 percent., while this makes its investments at twelve per cent, or more. The advantage ot Western investments to the policy holder appears in the following startling figures: The amount of $1,000, invested for fifty years at i per cent, compound interest, is $ 13,420.15 8 " " " 4;.W1.14 10 " " " " 117..ms5 12 ' " " 318.0tW.00 obvious that this comnancial advantages and inducements to the olicholder than any other OFFICERS II D Mackav, President, D M Swan. Vice-Pra.-ident, i)r J L Wever, ii ed. jJ'tor, George A Moore, Secretary, J Jot"s, Ass't Secretary, Ii L l.'ewinan. Treasurer DIRECTORS. D ?h5re, Leavenworth. Kan, II D Meckay, Leavenworth Kan i r i ; ..V, ,i , ? f .on " " 1) M Swan. UK Hammond 11 Kdgert..a. Ti.s'Jarnev. 7 S M St rickler. Junction City Chas Robinson, Lawrance, W. lladley. W G Coffin. Geo A Moore, 1) W Powers, Geo L Davis, St. J Merritt, E Hastings. Gen, Agentfor IVebraskaand IVortliern Kaiiss Good Traveling Solicitors Wanted. J. W. MATISHALL, Affent. R R XIVINQST0N. Med Examine Conlintnlal uilbinj, los. 24, JUSTUS LAWRENCE. President J. P. K0GER3. SecreUry. Enterprising Economical, JLibcrai, ami Nan: her Policies issued to Jan. 1. 1872.. Numlpr Policies isu""! and revived in ASSETTS. Jan. 1.1872 This Comnanv is Purely Mutual ir it ciraorn, divi line its entire nrplus amine its Poli cy holders, annuallv. on the "Contrihtition Plan." expense to income, th in have ever been attained period in its bistory. Its total Assets are sufficient to discharge a'l Ii. - its stock capi'al, and leave as a balance more than Tliis Company Issued More Polici. j IIST 1871 ilXlTT CJtAeX IrOmpantT' IU tllC ltl Orl by S. A. TAYLOR & CO., . General Agents, for Nebraska, JanlOdAwtf SUMMER GOODS. A T? fiU P. 17 0 WTi S I ! more too. ara going to bay their AT THI VALLEY LIFE Company NON-FORFEITING II A Calkins, General Agent, W E Harvey. Con. r ctuary, T A Ilurd, Attorney. II L N-wman Leaaorth W E Chemberlain. t a uurd. :;; E IS Allen. " " C A 'erry. AVeston, Mo. G W Veal, Topcka. Kansas. J M Price Atchison, Kan. W K Stebbins, " ' " Louis. Mo PU1TTSMOUTH 26 $ 28 St. B g Safe - .....43.000 ... I2..137 .67,503,233,00 1871 and has a larger business and a lower ratio of by any otuer Company at a Corresponding btti:e. imlu ling re-insurance, pay back all a HILLJO. of earned surplus. TH A. 1ST TELEGRAPHIC. The Chicago Times will not Give Greeley Positive Support. Anti-Greeley Convention. Stokes Trial. The London Press on the Baltimore dominations. Chicago, July 10. The Time?, while it cannot, and will not, give to Mr. Greeley any positive support even as the leMfcr evil, while it washes its hands of all responsibility for his election, if he bhali be elected, will support with redoubled real aod vigor all reform candidates for State offices aud Congress. Haiti more, July 10. Tbe anti-Oreeley democratic conven tion met at 1 o'clock this afternoon, and elected perojaueiit ofDccre. The committee on address presented a report declaring that (Jreeley had for years been the most bitter and itnplcablo enemy of the democratic party, and that the proceedings of the democratic con vention are a virtual dissolution of the hitherto existing organization of the dem ocratic parts'. The convention, claiming to represent the democratic party, has been false to its obligation of duty to principle, to regard for consistency, and every sentiment of political honor, it can make nominations which they are hound to support only by naming candidates who aro known and recognized demo crats, therefere, the action which it has taken, so far from being binding as the action of the democratic party, should be spurned by all true democrats. The members of the National Execu tive Committee, were : Albania, Thos A Walker : Arkansas. S It Cockrcll ; California, F McCappin ; Connecticut, Wm II l'arriuin ; Delaware, Chas lieaston : Florida, ("has K Iyke : Georgia. A 11 Wright ; Illinois, Cyrus II McLormick ; Indiana, 1 houias Dowlinir ; Iowa, 31 31 Hall; Kansas, Isaac Eaton; Kentucky, II I) Mclleury ; Louisiana, IlDUgden; Minnesota, l D3lbwett; Maryland, A Leu Knott; Massachusftts, F O I'rince ; Michigan, Wm A Moore ; Minnesota, W iu Ladiren ; Mississippi J II Sharp; Missouri, John O Priest; Nebraska, (x L Miller ; Nevada, Thom as II Wililiams; New Ilatupohire, M V 1$ hidgcrly, .New Jersey, J b Kanuolph ; New York,- A Schell ; North Carolina, N W Hansom; Ohio, J G Johnson; Oregon, It J Ladd ; Pennsylvania, Jas I) Harr; Rhode Island, Gideon Brad ford ; South Carolina. '1 hos G Simmons : Tennessee, Wm It Hales ; Texas, 1? Stockdale ; Vermont, II B Smith ; Vir ginia, J no. Goode ; West Virginia, J 1$ Iloyle ; Wisconsin, Geo II Paul. London, July II . The Times says the nomination of Greeley by the Demoer icy is a fla grant instance of party demoralization. Democrats swallowed their opponwnta platform and candidates confessing that they had none of their own. Nolif dp believes Grec'ey couid Ic I Wide:. f'-.r months without making " . me tt iii'ii.; mistake. The News says hi noniina'ion at i 'a! timore on .lie first ballot, aud at Ciu in nati on the sixth, shows the Deiu iciats were more enthusiastic in hi support thin the Liberals. His election however will not change the relations of England and America. Paris, July 11. General Sherman and Lieut. Col. Audenried were presented to tho Min ister of war, General DeCissey, yester day. They were personally presented to Theirs and Count Deltemusaiit. Gen. Sherman was to-day an occupant of Thier's box in the National Assembly. Detroit, July 11. The Free Press this morning, in an editorial on the Baltimore Convention, says it has through false pretenses, falsa statements, and false promises, attempt ed to sell, and hopes to deliver, to ono branch of the Republican party the en tire voting masses and organs of the dem ocratic party, under a pretext of reform. It says the only hope for the future of the country lies in Greeley's defeat, and to that en 1 it will labor. New York, July 11. In the Stokes case, the testimony will be all in to-day, after which the lawyers will talk. ITllson vs nninnrr. Many Bt irie.s have been recently told of Senator Wiloon's public and private life; but not one of them m well illus trates his character, or does such credit to his nature, as the following, and it has additional value from the contrast it presents between him and his colleague, .Mr. Sumner. A few yeirs ago a number of Senators had determined that a mem ber of their honorable body, -who was incurably addicted to the use of liquor, should be expelled for his intemperate habits and practices. Mr. Sumner drew up the resolution and gave notice of it? intended introduction. Some friends of the disgraced man telegraphed t his wife, and she immediately left for Wash ington. Arriving there, she called upon Mr. Sumner and begged him, not for her own or her husband 8 sake, but ia the name of her young and innocent chil dren, not to fulfill his threat. She agreed to take her husband home and purruade him if posfcible, to resign his spat in the Senate. But this was not enouii for Sumner. He coldly told the p..-ailing wife and mother that her hus band's conduct had becme insufferable, a:id that an example must be mad of a nend told her to call cn Mr. nd see if he would not heln her out or her inisturtune. fcho had no sooner told her story than she was assured by this gentleman that he would save her children from diraee. "Madam," said he. 'l think vnnr hus band deserves expulsion; but I wouM ratner besr wit?; his iuiprop-;-?ti. nis term la-ts than that it tii .luld : smi of his children in after years that th ir father was expelled from the Senate tor drunkenness. Mr. Wilson worked hard to prevent the introduction of the teo- lution. Sumner refused to yiriij to his humane enreaties until he w:n cunvine- edthat by Wilson's effort the resolution would be defeated if presented. How many public men are there who woul ' tike po unci interest in a similar ease ? Missouri Democrat. Old lien. Wade' nays the nernoerats, adopting Mr. Greeley as their M3Dd ard-bearer, deliberately admit, if they are honest, that the poore.r, weakest most vac -i!ating and uncertain Repuhli can ii an improvement on anything to be found ia their own party."