rar - isr THE HERA Li) PLAT I S 210 UI II , ADVERTISING BATES. THE HERALD. f f '3 7H .AO If?" A m s r-5 h & - i' orncr 'Iitfit Rtcl coj.d Xf reel Second hury. OFFICIAL -PAPER OF' THE CITY AND COUNTY. Teres, in Advance. One copy, one year... 82:00. One copy, six months 1:00. One copy, three months no. ATTORNEYS. 7VFAXWEIL A CIIAPMAX'-Attorreys aim. Law and solicitors in Chancery a P atts mouth, Nebraska. Offiee io Fitzgerald's Block 74. TARQUETr. SMITH A STAR BIRD At. 1J1 torneys at Law. Practice in all the courts oi me elate. r-pectai attention given to collec tions and matters of Probata" Office over the Tost Office riattsmouth. Neb TJ'OX A WHEELER Attorneys at Law. Spe- J cm alien iioii given to proliato business and land title cases. Office id the Masonic- iilock. Mam Street, PlatUmouth. Nebraska. "OEESE A DRAPER Attorneys at Law- utnee on Main street. GirositA .Ttrnnlri House. Special attention given to colloction of claims PHYSICIANS. T R. LIVINGSTON. Physiri m and Sur- XV seon. tenders his t-rofc5r ion.il services to the citizens of Cats county. Residence southeast corner of Oak and Sixth streets ; office on Man street, one door west of Lyman's Lumber Yard flatf month, iNcb. TW. RAWLINS. Surpeon and rhysician Late a Surgeon-in-Ohief of the Army of the-Potomac, Platturaouth. Nebraska. Office at O..F. Johnson's Drug Store Main street. opposite liars: a t'lunimers. INSURANCE. T7 HEELER A BEXN ETT Real Estate and Tax Paying Agents, Noturis Publie.Fire, and Life Insurance Ageats, Pliittsmouth, JS"eti rasaa. le.-m TJHELPS PAIXE Oeneral Insurance Agent Represents some oi the most reliable Com pat ies in ihe United States. Office with Barnes A Pollock in Fitzgeralds Julocic . UanTdiwtr HOTELS. BROOKS HOUSE. JOHN FITZGERALD Proprietor Main Street, Between 5th and Cth.St NATIONAL HOTEL- CORNER MAIN AND THIRD STS BREED & FALLAN - - Proprietors. Just, onened to the public, for both dav and week boarders. Tables set with the best the market affords. Accomodations second to none in the city, dccl(d&wtf TOWNLEY HOUSE. Lincoln, Neb. This Houso has just been re6tted and refur nished saw throughout. Everything is new and clean, and comfortable accomadation war ranted to guests. Mr. C. D. Robert?, former clerk ot this House, is still with it. Stage ot- fice fo r all pnrts of tho State, rree Buss. lOtf C. li. SOUTHWELL. Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS. To AnvitRTiSKRS. All por?ons who contem plate making contracts with newspapers far the insertion of Advertisements should s end to geo. Howell go. or a Circular, or inclose 25 cents for their One hundred Page Pumphlet. conraiairjr Lists of 3,(Xiu Newspapers and csti?!iates. showing tho cost of advertising, also many useful hin's to ad vertisers, and hiiiio account of the experiences of men who are known as successful advertis ers. This firm arc proprietors ot the American Newspaper Advertising Agency. 41 ark Eow H- Y- and are possessed of nnequaled facilities for securing the insertion of advertisements in all Ntwspapers nd Periodicals at lewcat rates. Jos. Schlatur tgjy f y' ESTABLISHED IS 1SC1. DEALER IN IVATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY SILVER AND PLATED WARE. GOLD PENS SPCT.U-LEs. VIOLIN STKTN'IS AND FANCY liliODS. Watches. Clocks and Jewelry repaired neatly lnd with dispatch. ,Removed to opposite Platte Valley LIouf Main Street. nov. lu w tf. H. J. STEEIGHT, BOOK-SELLER, Stationery oft'cirs AND PAPER DEALER. Post Office ISuiltlin PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Bepta!t,i "Imband w tf. JPlattsm o a 12 ACADEMY ! Summer Term EE. Commences July 1st. 1372. Chicago Avenue. riatUu onth Cass county Nebraska. Prof. Adolphe Td'Allemand, and Principal, Proprietor CEDAR CREEK MILLS Is in running order now. Wanted 500GO kushels of Wheat. Satisfaction will be given to customers in grinding and sawing. Flour, Corn meal, and Lumber, will be sola Cheap for Cash. Come one. Come all. and give the Ceda Creek Mill a trial. CHRISTIAN SCHLUKTz; ora J. A. MACMDRPHY, Editor. Volume 8. JSTLCW STOEE Weeping Water, Nebraska BUCCK3SKRS TO IIORTON A JENK3. ' DEALERS IN General Merchandise, such AS- DRY GOODS. UKOCEIES. 11ARKWARK QUEEXaWARE, HATS. ..CAPS BOOTS. , , . SHOES. NOTIONS. Ao e are Agents lor Willcox &. Blbbz Sewing Machine E. T- DUKE CO. AT FOOT OF JiLlIJV STREET Wholesale A Retail Deilers in Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves TINWARE, ROPE, IRON, STEEL NAILS AND Blacksmith Tools, Ao. Keep on hand a Large Stock of CHARTER OAK, BUCKS PA TEJVT, CHICAGO, EMPORIA L O YA L C O OK And Other First-Class Cooking STOVES, of All kinds Coal or Wood kept on hand. JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE. DEALER IN DRUGS, RlEDICIimS, AND All Paper Trimmed free ef Charge. Also Dealer in Books, Stationary, Magazines, and Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by ancx perienced Drue-gist. Lemeuiber the place, three doors west of the Herald office; Plattsmoutb. Nebraska. MBZICAF Mustang Liniment. ron six's am oeaht. Probably few articles have ever had fo extensive a Sale, while none have been more universally beneficial than the cele brated MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI MENT. Children, Adults Horses, and Domestic Animals, are always liable to accident, and it is safe to say, that no family can pass a single season without some kind of an cmoUcnt being neces sary. It becomes a matter of impor tance then to secure the lest. Over three hundred livery stabies in the city of New York alone are using the Mexican Mus tang Liniment, in all of which it gives unusual satisfaction. C.tlTIO. The genuine is wrapped in a fine Steel. Hnte engraving with "O. . Wet Lrt.nk. CArmiV."Htid " Tr'i if Jri-. il t.XH Af MUx TAMJ LIS IMLjS T." engraved across tho face of each wrapper. The woole bears the proprietor's private I'n ted Isti'es Pcrrnue tamp. and not a common stamp as u.-ed by druggists. LVOX MAXCFiCTTBIVJ Co . M P;irk Place. N. Y. Jan. Oth. dfcw lw every 3.dw CUfJARQ LINE. ESTABLISHED ------- ISiO. Pasengers booked to and frrm all parts of ! i-urope hi lowest rates, Api ly to n .. P- I)U VEIiNl-.T. Oenl estern A gt,37." Suite st. Chicago, ort" ED. VVlLaOX 12 6m. P. HOD A P P House and Eign Painter, Graining, paper hanging and ornamental Painting. Orders prompt ly filled, bhop north of Price's Black smith thop, oeTdea, ntnK'tf to inn iiAitY. Baby's I.eter. Dear old Untie, I dot o ir letter; My old Mammy She ditten better. She every day Little bit stronger. Don't mean to be sick Very much longer. Daddy's so fat Can't Latdly stagger, Mamma savs he jinks Too much Ift;erl Dear little Haby Had a bad colic; Had to tnke tree drops Nasey paragons! Toot a d )so o Tatnip, Frit worse than ver. Shan't take no more Tatnip never t Wind on stoinit. Felt pooty bad ; Worse fit of sitness Ever I had. Ever bad belly ate. Old Untie Bill? Tain't no fun now. Say what oo will. I used to sleep all day And cry all night : Don't do so now Cau-e tain't yigbtl But J'm growing, Ge'ting pooty fat; Gains most two pounds. Only tink o'yatll Little fanncl blankets Was too big before. Nurse can't pin me In 'em no more. ' Skirts so small. Baby so stout. Had to let the plaits In 'em all out. Got a head of hair Jess as black as night. And big boo eyes. fay look very bright. My mammy says Nevcrdid see Any ozzer baby Hall as sweet as me. Grandma comes often, Aunt S.irah too ; Baby loves zem, Bitby lores oo. Baby tends t. pretty kLs To his Unties all Aunties and Cousins, Big folks and small. Can't yite no more. So good bye. Jolly old Untie Wiz a glass eye! The Herald is now writing speeches for Democratic orators to preach from. Who went into the pill business Thurs day Dight? Did you ever hear the crow story? See Gn?t column. Gen. John A. Logan, U. S. Senator from Illinois, spoke Friday night at Redick's Hall, Omaha. The Democrats of this place getting short of powder read the Herald to the auuienco. It makes an ctucrwise uul' meeting a im Je epi-'y. We will give the Greeley men the mead to say they are as strong here zs 1 r any wnere else in tue state, in tact Plattsmouih is the only town we can hear of, where they number any forco. We can stand a good deal of abu-e. but it d'les so kii.d 'oLard ti be called ''a lirt:e d" with a big collar" by a pup of greatly infe:i-'r breed. See the opinion of the Chairman of the Bolter's Convention in our tele graphic columns; aIo the stand taken in the Chicago Times. That tells the story. Good-bye Liberals J lour c nowhere in this fight. It's old Democ racy over again. They have gobbled you neck, heels and crop. We always liked Doctor Miller of the Omaha Herald personally, but we never fully realized how much he has done to furnish brains for his party till last night. Take the Nebraska Hera'dand its OniaJ ha namesake away and what would they talk about or with. UREELEY fc DSORS. The Democrats hold a ratification last Thursday night; b ingab-ent until a late hour, we did not hear much of the ratify. Fitzgerald's Hall was filled, theyspeech- ed, read the Herald, cheered lustily for Greeley & Brown, said their prayers, like good children, and wcut Lome to bed. CHOWN DE.1 it ATS. An old line Democrat, who used to lay around a village in York State and keep bad whiskey from spoiling, once made a bet that he could eat anything. "Can you eat crows?" asked the boys. "Yes, I kin eat crow," paid the oM liucr. A bet was made, and the Xioys cooked the crow, seasoned with Scotch snuff, instead of pepper. The old man ate a bite or two, chawed, choked, swore, strangled and got bluo in the face, but, prit to the backbone, he Fpluttcred out 'B-boys, I kin eat crow, but d n me ef I hanker after it." The man tb.it talked about pills, last nizht, is in the same fix. He kin swal ler Greeley, but he don't hanker after it. The old Democrats are a gritty race, we ray that but tney will neeu ail their grit, back-bons and stomach too, in or der to swallow black-crow abolitionist this fall. After he gets down, its doubtful if the feathers won't tickle l 'am so they'll laugh themselves to death. I "Don," the Bee's correspondent puts Richardson county down at three bund red majority for Greeley.- "Bah!" "in a horn." The people of Richardson are not old fogies, neither do they go 'astra3T after Strange gods." iVcu Chronicle, it PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS." Plattsmoutb, Nebraska, Tin: iiauiuokb xumimatioxk Liberalism has received its death blow. No more can its partizans cry out 'We are Republicans, anxious for re- fortu." The regular Democratic Con. vention in formal assemblage, ignore the Cincinnati convocation and deliberately nominate Horace Greeley as their candi date. Thia is the position of affairs and we call the attention of every man profess ing a reflective mind, to the hntuiliaiing spectacle of a once proud old party, with honor and truth as its watchwords, thus ignobly eatios dut at the feet of their bittere.-t enemy and re viler for the sake of power and office. It is nothing eke. They like Horace none the better. but plunder the more. What s-halile said, however, of the old man with thirty years of republicanism behind hi? gray hairs, who now at this late day and for the fake a bauble possibly in the pift of this party sells himself out to the men he has thus reviled. Which part of his life are we to believe? I: there any truth in mankind? Was Di jger.es right ? He may have been, but who in this day possesses the lantern that can give light i-trong enough to find honest men among this party or its lead ers. We say a bnuble yes, for the Presidency in Horace Greeley's hand elected by these means and under these conditions, means simply four years of blank space a void in American politics, in American influence at home or abroa 1. Consider well the situation, ye who cry purify. GOOD KIT It VETM. Several articles have lately appeared in the Omaha Herald, finding fatrlt with the Government surveys, that are beimr mile, or have ben made under the present Surveyor General. They insinu ate, for one thing, that the present in cumbent of that office is selling con tracts, lie's the man that we have all been hunting after. We want reform, and we mean purity. It's our card for the next four years. If this Surveyor General has sold a contract against the reeulations of his department, or pocketed any money that he ought not to, put your finger on the place. Give us the name of the man who bought the contract, and the amount he paid for it. Name your man, or hold your peace. No reform was ever accomplished by namby pamby charges of corruption, never intended to be proven. INSUFFICIENT WORK Is another insinuation. The Deputies, who are the men making the. actual sur veys are responsible men. and they must give a bond for the faithful performance of their work. If this letter writer knows of an important fact, or careless survey, let him inform the District at torney and have the men prosecuted at once. That's the way. If they are dis honest, they on'y lauh nt your newspa per war. Put tho:u through in the courts, the bon 1-men are good. The Deputies are ail practi-ral surveyors, mot of them h;tve been in Government om ploy for jairs i.i this line, under dif- ierent surveyor Tenerals. it is a-ton-i-hinir they should have grown so corrupt just this suuinisr 1 Maybe the wet weather did it. Who knows? THE SURVEYOR GENERAL'S DUTY Is to examine the field notes, s?ut to his office. If they are correct and show g.io i work, he swears the deputies th-it the work has been done according to those notes, and his duty ends there. If the deputies swear to a lie, it is their look out, and they may be prosecute ) for perjury, as well as forfeiture of boad. All that the Government requires of th" Survej'or General is to approve of the field notes, on those contracts. The writer of these letters knows this. Both General Livingston and Geueral Cunningham have endeavored to get the departmental Washington to alljw an Iwpector to be appointed, who would traverse the ground and examine these surveys. The Government having this oath and the bonds to protect itself. deems this unnecessary. The Surveyor Generals, to satisfy themselves, generally have the work inspected ; but it is not requirvd by the Department. We suppose some one will now ss y you are keen to defend your party man. Gen. Cunningham. We are not ashmamed to when he needs it. In vul gar parlance, Gen. Cunningham is big enough, and old enough, and handsome enough to defend himself. Our point is: Quit foolishness, vain charges for politi cal defamation ; prove your facts, oust your men if they deserve it or cease the cry of corruption. THE Eit lOSiVKSTIOJI Was declared not to be of a political na ture, that is true, a prominent German and good friend of our3 assured us of this fact, but it did resolve not to sustain any man for office in this country, who interfered with their rights in regard to the liquor question. Horace Greeley has been a persistent advocate of the Maine Liquor Law and every other temperance doctrine in this country. How will you go that, Ger mans. . From Mr. C. .). Graves, of Medicine Creek, we learn that a man in that vicin ity has fifteen or twentv buffalo calves tamed and rucninc with his cows. He offers them for rule at reasonable prices, He catches them with dogs and inn few days they become so domesticated that they have no desire to leave the herd. Independent. Thursday, July 18. 1872. THE 1IIAKUEM Antl.XST THE AD. HIXlVrilATIOX. From Whence Came They, snd What are the Probabilities of their Trnth? The career and history of nations men is always a subject of discussion and difference of opinion. We eay his tory decides this, or history will tell us that. Let us see how history Is made, The Ii.-toiian gathers from all the sour ces -within his rcaqh the facts that seem to bear upon upon, his subject. He tlin compares notes, 'and taking intd consideration the probable means of in formation, the bias of mind, and the animus of his various authorities, he weaves a theory of facts which he deems just, and calls that History. Thcreadeis, in turn, view the author with the tame .scrutiny, and judgiug by his former writings, his mean's of knowledge, and character for veracity, they decide whether his history is true or false. History proper dwells with the past. But the methods of determining tiuth from falsehood are the same in a!l cacs, past or present, where the relator or writer cannot t-ee with his own eyes the events of which he writes ; and always the credibility of the sources of iuforma- tion determine the worth or worthless ness of all statements of lacts not trans piring before ones, own eyes. apply the rule to the history of passing events, and let us see from whence come all .these char ges of corruption, and how much truth there is likely to be therein. WHO MAKE TUE CHARGES ? The New Yoik Sun has been author of three-fourths of all the charges against Gen. Grant and his administra tion. If not the inventor, it has been the priueipal medium by which they first kaw respectable daylight, and from its columns all the lesser fry have re hashed them over and over to the coun try. AGAIN. In another line, but none the less ea ger and perMstent in defaming the Presi dent, his acts, aud in short the whole Republican party, comes Frank Leslie, with his "arious illustrated papers. These two papers, though not alone in their opposition., have yet been so promi nent and marked in their course that a review of their aims and motives as well as their ttanding in the newspaper world, compared with the cl aracter of two ot the most prominent newspapers defend ing the President, will give U3 a very good idea of the whole, business, and enable us to judge which is, likely to be right and which wrong. From the columns of one or the other I of these papers is where our good old Republican has got the notion that Grant never is at Washington, and likes buil-dogs and. horses better than attend ing to his duties at the scat of Govern ment. From these sources has the hon est Democrat received the information which leads him to believe that all Grant's relatives are in office, aud from these stories do s the Liberal hope to how that Grant and his friends ought to go out, and let Horace and his frieuda I in. TO TilE PROOF 1 It being a self-evident fact that very few of the voters of the country ever have a chance to verify these charges for themselves, and by their own obser vation, it follows that they get their in formation second " hand. It behooves both them and us to examine tho rtlia 'ility of the authors of the same, and their probable motives in telling their different ptories. This rule applies as .well to all the smaller editors iu the land, to the county politicians, and to most of our neigh bors, in fact, who are not in a position to gain information direct, aud by the evidence of their own senses. We nearly all get our ideas of thee things from tome newspaper, or from some person who ewears by some par ticular newspaper, and retails as truth all it utters. This being the fact, and it being equally well known that while these charges are mainly made by the above mentioned papers, they are as stoutly denied and refuted, charge by charge and line by line, in the New York Time and Harpers WteJdy ; let us examine the standing of these publications, the motives of each ; and thus determine the probability of the truth or falsehood of their statements. WHAT IS THE Sun f A newspaper but lately established in New York City ; a cheap daily paper, intemtttd for the masses, starting in the face of three old. long established, rich and influential Journals, viz : The Her ald, Tribune and Times. Now it must do something to acquire notoriety and pennies. It bethought itself that to abuse Grant would be the best way. Some malice and personal spite on the part of the editor because tho Adminis tration did not favor its views nor ap point its editor Collector of the Port of New York, added fuel to the fire of hate and de?ire of success, perhaps ; but tha simple fact that he must make his j paper a crack paper of the sensational s yle, ia order to have it lire, and that tho sales might be enormously increased in a great city like New York, would be sufficient to throw a doubt over its ftate- inents on suoh a subject, and to iovali- date its evidence in a fair court of law or justice. FRANK LESLIE'S NEWSPAPER Claims to be the first Illustrated news paper in America, and it tens the first in the field that lived any length of time crj and made any considerable success in this I line. - 1 It is owned and edited mostly by Eng Mhmen, biased against this country and against Grant particularly, on account of th ttlo. went of the Alabama claims. Their for eign exchange list islnrgely English, and the tone of most of it j hostile to this administration. It has always been quasi Democratic, (the paper was at one time owned or largely backed by the Woods Fernando and Ben it was said), was opposed to the war, made fun of Lincoln, and has leaned to the south ern side of the question ever since. These reasons alone would show its ani mus, but add to this the fact that Har per Bro.'s have taken to Illustrated pa pers, following Mr. Leslie up very closely and bave rather excelled him in what he claims to be his specialty in this country. First with the "Weekly" and then with a Fashion Journal, ' The Bazaar," as op posed to "Leslie's Illustrated," and "La- I die Magazine," Lave the Harper's di- rectiy and successfully appeared in the field of Illustrated papers, and both publications being edited with vigor and ability, tbey are to-day the standard pa pers of the kind in America, It is to be observed, that for some years back, whichever side of the ques tion Harpers advocated, Leslie's were 6ure to be found on the opposite. No sooner did Curtis begin to uphold the President and his acts, than Leslie's took the other chute, and violently de nounced both. What weight can opinions, formed on such a basis and for such objects, cany as against principles and facts? None. Listen to the record : TUE NEW YORK TIMES Is an old, long established, and always reliable paper. Its proprietors are weal thy, its circulation large it has no need to resort to sensation to exist, nor to in crease its readers: It has not been a violent partisan paper, but on the con trary has been considered the paper of j moderate and conservative views. From its commencement it occupied a place between the. Tribune and Herald, and its statement of facts were considered the most reliable. Neither its editors nor proprietors are aspirants for any of fice, and its writers are on the ground, and have the best chance to know and to judge the truth of what they write. Without glorifying the Republican party en masse, it has from the first espoused the Administration side in this issue, and in a manly, straightforward way exposed fraud and corruption whenever and wherever needed, avoiding wholesale de nunciation of men and parties, as bad policy, tending to creete distrust""among the people, and cripple the real power and usefulness of the press. It has giv en credit where credit was due, fastened corruption on the parties to whom it be- longed, and upheld the honest portion of our party in its eiiorcs ior reiorm. ine Hie statements of such a paper must and do carry weight. "HARPER S weekly." Everyone knows it and almost every one heads it. The firm of Harper Brothers are the proprietors of the largest pub lishing house in the land ; long estab lished in busjnes, rich in means, credit and influence. The old firm belonged to the Methodist persuasion, were never polit cians, and the whole outfit bears the stamp of reliability, honesty and truth. No better or fairer business men can be found in America than the mem bers of this firm. What temptation then, could one imagine, that would lead such men to lend their paper to a false hood, or an untruth. Tfiey do not need money, they do not need 'power. They cannot want office, for their position al ready gives them more weight and influ ence than twenty Government offices could procure for them. a. W. CURTIS, The political editor of Harper's Weekly, is a man of unblemished reputation, of I mature years, capable of juJging, and with all the facts and papers before him, he has repeatedly and unhesita tingly gone through every charge and every accusation against Gen Grant, and pronounced them false. SUMMING UP. Readers, compare the men and the I racers. On the one nand we have an ambitious and unscrupulous journalist, starting a new paper, as one may say, anxious to push his fortunes and his pa per to succesi. Finding the field closed, in a manner, against hitn, and not hav ing the key to open the gates at once, he endeavors, by burglars means, to force his way onward and upwards In short, all to gain, and naught to lose, by advo cating a change. Again, an old establishment, true, but cramped by prejudicie, biased by old as sociations, maddened by a business ri valry,.with all the irritation of a jealous nature, they are driven forward into the opposition, and blinded by these causes, may think they aro justified ; but have the people aught to do with this, and should they jeopardize a commonwealth in order to conquer a rival. In bold relief against these parties stands two of the oldest atid most relia ble of our newspapers. Neither, urged on by necessity nor bt; cool, oalm and j TERMS; $2.00 a Year. Number 16. deliberate, they choose the Bide of right and maintain it. Above suspicion, and strong enough to stand alone, 'whether their course succeeds or fails, judge you of the worth of their statements. LEAI'ED BEl'OKE HE LOOKED. The author of "Look before you leap" certainly leaped before he looked, oonse quently made a leap into a string of false- boods, strong enough to strangle any modest man Please Mr. "Look before you leap," remember the following facts : It is not only the sale of arms to the French that makes most of the Germans oppose the re-election of Grant, L.ut it is the general corruption of tho Grant administration. It is neither Carl Schurz, who, as you state, boasts that he carries us in his pocket, nor Charles Sumner, whom 3-ou title haughty aristocrat, hating and des pising the Germans and Irish, who wilj turn our vote against Grant, but it is the principle those two men fought for in the last session of Congress; the principle of personal right and liberty ; of integrity and honesty, against corruption and tyr anny. It is the same principle for which Car Schurz fought in the old country, and wherefore he was banished and driven from his native soil. It is the same prin ciple which made Charles Sumner the former pet lamb of the radical Republic an party leave that party and join the liberal side Not love of misrule and desire for power, causes them to endeav or to disrupt and thwart the plans of a wise and good administration, as you cal it; but it is their untarnished love for richt and honesty, which causes them to endeavor to break down the power of a corrupt administration as we call it. Please remember further.that the com mittee on the sale of arms to the French was composed, nearly to a man, of Mr, Grant's subjects, and that neither Schurz uor Sumner, vas allowed to occupy the place of chairman of the committee on investigation, which rightly belonged to either one or the other, because they could and would have exposed the whole shameful swindle. And please remember last, but not least, that it is not two years yet, when Carl Schurz visited his fatherland, or, as you call it, Bismarck's country, and was received with great enthusiasm by his countrman, and that Bismarck did take a great deal of stock in our great States man. How much stock we all take in him, will be explained to you, to your chagrin, in the next November election Several Germans. OME MOKE Vk'E I.OOU. We have received an article entitled, "Leap before you look," which we pub lish in auother place in this paper, with perfect willingness, for two espec al rea- sons, first, uecauscwe arepieaseu wun the tone of the paper, which is manly and to the point; viewed frow his side of the question, the writer has given his opinions clearly ia good strong English we like that: Secondly, there is no need of running after strange gods into print. The columns of the Herald are always open to the citizens of this place for fair and just criticisms on a subject of public nterest. TO THE ANSWER. It is of no consequence who the author of "Look before you leap," was, for the purpose of this argument. The sale of arms to the French was the principal, al most thoouly charge against Grant that the editT of this paper heard urged here and in our opinion, that matter was fair ly investigated, and Grant entirely exon crated The statement that Carl Schurz boasted he carried the Germans in his pocket can be found in almost any L'em ocratic paper of the day, before the late trade on Greeley, The Richmond Ex aminer, a Southern paper, and now sup porting Greeley made the statement less than a month ago. The Herald is nst the author of that statement. Charles Sumner we know from the conversation of many persons, to be just what he was described, a haughty aristo crat, and a man who, while pure in one sense, and takes no money bribes, is the mr open to be fooled and cajoled through his love of power and egotism, of any man in the U. S. Senate, conse quently not a safe man to tie to. In our humble opinion, the principle they fought for during the laat session, was bchurz ana oumner. The statement in regard to Schurz's banishment, was also public Democratic newspaper history, when they desired to put Mr. Schurz out of the way. It is no sinf no crime to be banished as a rebel,- we rather glory m in that here, but it a crime to become a political mal content, restless and dissatisfied with any and all governments that do not square with one individual's opinions. Such an one Mr. Schurz has been represented to us by many Germans. Charles Sumner has never left the Re publican party in a formal manner, nev er accepted the Cincinnati Convention, and never announced himself as a Liber al. So that clause needs no answer. We propose to go through the charges of corruption at an early day and bring the proofs of honesty. Our mere state ments on either side, that it is or ia not corrupt proves nothing. In regard tn the formation of tne com mittee of investigation, Hannibal Ham- One tquare. (10 Itnca or leu) one Insertion It .0 Each subsequent insertion 6(7 ProfeMUODaloards, not exceeding six line 10 0Q" column per aunurn 20. (XJ column, per annum..... 40.00 !4 column do CO.Otf One column do ........100.00 All adverticing bills due quarterly. Transient advertisements innst be paid in ad -vance. Extra Ctpit of the IltRALofor ssle by IT. J. btreieht. at iho Post t'fficc, and O. F. John son, North side Main Street, between Second and Third. lin, a man whom the country has seen fit to honor with high position wss the chairman, and Carl Schurz was allowed to, and did go before that committee and ask all the , questons ho desired t5. Nothing was proven. Charles Sumner, docliucd an active part in the prosecurorr because he did not wish to appear in tho light of an American accusing his coun try and his party of a crime which, if proven, might involve rn in a war with Europe. Ho knev? that Americans would not thank him for the one, and old Massachusetts would flout him on the other position as she has. As to how much stock Bismarck takes in Schurz, does not affect hiscourso hercr fior his action as regards the Republican party of this country, which has been most base, and vfe nbaM leave that fact for pome future article. Lastly, the Germans at large, through tho country are not taking STOCK in Schurz, and wo aro perfectly willing to abide by the ides of next November,' to see how much Schurz wc w&ot in ours. Wo thank "several Germans" for' their confidence in our cnse of Justice, and beg leave to remind them thnt it ia our duty to press one fide tho tide wo think is right onward to victory. They have the same privilege, and God grant that we may never live to fco the day that it is otherwise. Git A NT'S) NEPOTISn. Do you all know what that means ? ' Democratic papers harp on it wonder fully. It means in English putting his rcla" tives in office. Helping ones friends has been tho cus tom in politics from time immemorial. Democrats have invariably helped all their brothers and cousins whenever and wherever they could. This administra tion has done loss of that business than -any other on record. This is a fact and we defy proof to the contrary. Name for name and position for position, Grant's administration can show a clearer record than any Democratic administra tion since the days of Jackson. The New York Sun started this- charge, and in an elaborate article gave the names of 25 men which they eaid were Grant's relatives appointed bj him. HEAR THE TtftTir. TniRTEEN of these aro no relatives at all, somo of them, Grant , or his family, never heard of. Three were appointed by Andy Johnso'n before Grant was even thought of for President, one wss ap pointed by the Secretary of the Treasury. Grant never knew of his appointment. ' One was an army appointment not from Grant and one other a war ap pointment. SI TERSON9 Have been shown on a fair examination to have been appointed by Grant him self, during his four yeare, and every one of these were appointed by strong recom mendations of the people among whom tbey lived. Disprove th:c statements who can. We await thr proof. CIZ AIH.KEM f4l'M.lER. II 1 posdllot. In answer'to the delegation from Texas,- Sumner said, "I have a high opinion of Greeley. I sympathise with the move ment, but the time has not come for me to "peak out. It may come. At prcs- ent no one is autliorized to speak for me.'' i Greeley Iteeord on the Ro Klnx Mil. It is a common mistake that the Ku- vlux law is repealed or has expired. Neither is true. The law is still in forco A single feature of it, that authorized the suspension of the writ of Iiabeas cor pus, expired by its own limitation with the late session of Congress. But tho Ku-Klux law remains a law. Mr. Gree ley did a thousand times more than Grant to havo that law passed. . It is claimed by some democrats that Horace is converted to their faith. Has he' asked for the repeal of that statue Y Ia he opposed to its continuance? On the contrary, he occupies the same position towards it that he did when he helped to enact it. Missouri Democrat. Julia Ward Howe xml Neuator Norn ner. It is a good point Julia Ward Howo is said to have made on Senator Sumner. She wrote asking his influence in favor of some person having a private claim before Congress. He replied that his time was eo taSen up with general prin ciples, and the welfare of the human race at large, that he could not give at tention to individuals. Her rcp'y is re ported subHtantially thus : . "Tho world will doubtless be g'ad to hear from Hon. Charles Sumner own lips, that he has advanced one digree beyond Almighty God, when last heard from ; " hecdeth even a Sparrow's fall " This note is said to have opened Mr. Sumner's eyes, and he and his friends . after considerable trouble succeeded in suppressing the publication of tho cor respondence, and baring it destroyed. TUE MIKKOUIll ll;Nll('IUT(RATZ Bnon.'M oi l) iAi:ii)o l Altl. ftCfll'HZ. "What would have been throught of the Union General that should have pro posed an alliance of his division with the rebel army to cruh Grant, as the best mode of endiug the war? Yet, this is Schurz's mode of burying the party strife born in the war. He joins tho Democrats to overwhelm the Republican party. Let him explain this little mat ter in his forthcoming speech to his con stituents:" Mr. Schurz has learned something from experience if we credit his late confessions. One of these days be will have learued something more. He will have learned that in this country the' . peoplo govern; that they govern through- parties ; and that a ptrty does not honor citizen with high position that he rafy use it ia an effort to destroy the perty which has elevated him.