GROCERIES. HARDWARE. DI1Y GOODS AND GUOCKKIiSS. IIEHALI) COLU3IN. "PATENT M ED I CIN E THE II E ti A L D PLATTSMOUTII, NEBKASKA. FARMERS' COLUMN. Contributions to thin Column are requested from the practical farmers of the county. Wc have just returned from a trip in the County, and beg leave to rise and explain that if Nebraska does not have a good crop this year it will not be for lack of rain. Call our State a dry State no longer, we are pa.-t that; wc have laid off our swaddling clothes and stand forth as the banner State in foil, climate and productions. We were going to Bay atmosphere, but fearing eome folks might misconstrue our tueaninge leave it out, or rather you can play that ve have said nothing about the atmnf here. It moves rapidly here sometimes, but we will conquer hat by and by. A few more ch groves as we saw scatter ed around on the farm?, and Nebraska will not be chargeable with high winds any mere justly than sho was chargca' ble with being too dry a few years ago. Take courage, then, ye of the Agri cultural persuasion, don't get the blues, and bcleive us that farming docs pay, will pay, and is the safest, turest, noblest way of earning a competence and enablc in,a man to pass down the shady tide of life unvexed aud unscathed by the wounds and the fears of aa envious world. Abstract of rbrnnkn Herd Ijiw, Owners of stock shall be liable for all damages done by stock upon cultivated lands in the State. The person whose property is so dam aged has a lien upon the trespassing ani mals, lor the full amount of damage and costs, and may enforce the same by the proper civil authority. lie must notify the owners of said trespassing animals of damages done and animal claimed. The claimant must name an arbitrator. Within forty-eight hours after notice has been duly served, if th& owner of the trespassing stock refuses to pay damages claimed, and des not appoint an arbitrator to represent his interests, said animal or animals may be sold upon exe cution as required by law when said amount in damages have been filed with any Justice of the I'eace of the county wherein said damages may have been sustained. Arbitrators may be appointed in case the parties cannot agree. In case the award of the arbitrators is not paid, it may be filed as a judgment. Stock may be taken up estray in cases where the owners are not known, and held liable for all damages and costs. Cultivated lands, according to this law, include all forest, fruit trees, and hedge rows planted on said land. Stock not allowed to run at large, ex cept in Dakota, and L'eau qui Court or Kichardson counties. The lw may be suspended in any county by the qualified voters of the county, notice having been duly given that at a regular or special election said voters will have a chance to vote for sus pension of the herd la"ft", or against the puspension of the herl law. UuLa ma jority of the qualified voters of the county must petition the County Com misMouers for such an act. Nothing herein contained f-hall be so construed as to prevent any owner of cultivated lands, or fruit, or forest trees from maintaining an action for all dama ges caused by stock which has escaped or been driven away from the premises ; thus damages against the owner of the stock causing such damages. Ail acts and parts of acts inconsistent and in conflict with this act shall be and are hereby repealed. This act to take effect and be in force from and after April the first 1872. While She Sleeps. Tired of jcFt, Kiweil to re?t. Fled like a bird to its nest 'I o my breast S ftly presced- Loto 'S a get tie guest ; Sleep and rest! Breathing low Love, ch;il 1 prow All its dear charms to know. Flowers so Hours thro' Sleep i' the bud and grow tleep aud prow, -71'irper'i Magazine for Jun. IMcU Itastceil Tell n Bad Story ou Ilmeir. The Montgomery correspondent of the Cincinnati Comnicrcialhas the fallowing: Dick Bucksteed is holding his annual court here, trying whiskey-makers and Ku-klux, more whisky than Ku Kiux, however. It is rumored that he is for Grant. The jude has no very fair name down here, being classed with the Omnibus- load of carpet-baggers, headed by the cotton peddler Spencer, who are preying upou the vitals of a stricken and protrato State, so to speak. The Judre te'Is'a -rood story on him self, and it pretty well illustrates the feeling here among a large class. An alarm of fire was given at the Exchange hotel, and the guests went out pell uiell, carrying their baggage. One fellow got out one trunk and wanted to leave it in somebody's care till be went for another. Busteed was sitting on the curbstone guarding his own carpet-Lag. ' 'blis ter," said the man with two trunks, ap proaching Busteed, "will you watch this until I go back and get another?"' "Do you know who I am?" roared the judge. "No; who are you?"' "I am Judge Busteed, of the Federal court.'' "Oh, Lord !" exclaimed the fellow, as he tug ged ofT hi3 property, "I might just as well let it burn up as leave it with you!" Eizlit Full (irown HnflTalo Caught - Allve A Barrett, the Rocky Mountain Horse Tamer, who left here several days ago on an expedition to catch live Buffalo for the grand Niagara Buffalo Hunt which is to take place at Niagara Falls on the Fourth of July next, returned last Wednesday, and he informs us that he succeeded in capturing tight full grown Buffalo alive, but that as the weather was very warm, some of them died while tied down. The field of oppcration was sitaated about eighty miles South of Fort Mcl'hersosi, aril the captures were effected by lariating, a feat we believe never before accomplished or underta ken. ,It is expected that what Buffalo there arc remaining alive will be shipped fron North Platte next Monday. Jack Omohuudro, who also participat ed in the capture of these monsters, will accompany Mr. Barrett to Niagara to take part in the grand hunt. Jiulepen dint. In response to an advertisement of a Beooktyn Church Music Committee, the following was received, "Gentlemen, 1 noticed yonr advertisement for organist and mu-'ic teacher, oither lady or gentle man. Having been "both for several years 1 offer you, my fcrviccs. Whac ! ! Tfce Gtfood Intent! Groceries and Provissions. CALL AT AUCTION AND Commission Rooms m & HAiy ST Where you can buy almost ever :hing eatable, including FrcsJi Fruit , At the lowest Prices for cash. II ghest price paid for Country l'rodue Butter, thickens, kc. Jkc. Goods Delivered in the Citv Free of Charge. S. DUKE. jyl'd&wti. Weeping Vater Nebraska. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Grootries, llmdware, Queenaware, lioots. and Shoe?, . . ,. Ilat.. and Crips, Afrricultural Tmplimcnts of all kinds, AVeir or "I X L Cultivators, Union Corn Planter Grandctour and Princeton Plows. kc &o adint tntum, all of which we oer to the public at the owe.--t retail prices. All ods Warranted As Represented. WOur constant aim will be to sell so low that it will be to the positive advantage of every far mer in the western and central portion of Cass county to make this their headquarters for trad. REED. RROS. STOEE Weeping Water, Nebraska. J AS. CSSISE o& CO 8UCCKS3ERS TO HORTON Si JENKS. DEALERS IX General Kfercliandise, SCCH A3 DRY GOOD?. G ROCKIES. HARDWARE. UUEEXSWARE. HATS, CAPS BOOTS. SHOES. NOTIONS, it We are Agents for Wl!Jc9x &, GiM-3 Sewing Machine CABINET EV2AKSR And dealer in all kinds of Furniture & Chairs. mais street, (third door east of P O Plattsrnouth Neh 5RepairiPK arid Varnishinir naatly none. Funeral attended on the shortest notice. HENRY BOECK DEALER IN FURNITURE, LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES, BEDSTEADS- OF ALL DE8CBIPTION3 AND AT ALL PEICES. Ketalic Burial Cases. WOODEN COFFINS OFAIL SIZES. Beady MaJc. an.J Sold Cheap for Cash. With many thanks for rust patronage, Ii n Ate all to call and examine my large stock o niture and Coffins jan2St NEBRASKA LAND FOR SALE BY THE Burlington & Ko. R. R. R. Co. On Ten Years' Credit at 6 per ct." Interest No part of principal due for tw vearf. and tbnce only one-ninth yearly till paid in full. PK'JMJCT.S will pay for land and improve ment within the limit of this jffnerons credit. "Bfttcr termt wwe nerr offered, are not now. nnd probably never will be. CIRCULARS giving full particulars are sup plied gratis Apply to Geo. S. IIabis, Land Comm'r. Lincoln Nebraska. FuuxiTuui-:. &ftTP . MOAEClp f AND E. T- DUKE &, CO. AT FOOT OF MA1JST STREET Wholesale k Retail Deilcra in Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves TINWARE, ROPE, IRON, STEEL NAILS AND Blacksmith Tools, Ac. Keep on hand a Large Stock of CHARTER OAK, BUCKS r A TEXT, CHICAGO, EMPORIA L O YA L C O OK And Other First-Cla"ss Cooking 8T0VE.S, All kindi Coal or Wood kept on haud. JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS DOR MOLTNE- Stiring and Breaking Plows At Net Cose for Casli, ' Lumber! Lumber The Undersigned has on hand and is alias i ufkicttunng All kinds of COTTONWOOD LUMBER At his Mills at the Ferry Landing at Tlattsmouth Orders Promptly Filled.! ... . William Edoerto.n. Junc3ddwtf. The Two Most Successful Popular and Perfect, G O K I MACHINES OF THE PERIOD Are Our Well . Kuown I BROILERS ! Both are of the Simpct Construction, and so r.usiiy managed mat we guarantee mem to give ENTIRE SATISFACTION At no article in the household has a ereater in fluence iu promoting the health, comfort and happiness of th lam ily circle than the Cook Move, it is economy os well as policy tc net the very best; and in buying the Churter Oak. you can rely on (retting the most successful, popular ami pcriect cooking stove ever In ur-injr in Epicure Uroilcr you are always sure oi naring Juicy, Tender and Delicious Beefistakes, Chicken-5, Hams, -Chops, &c Sold By EXCELSIOR rV.'FClT CO. C12 & 614 N. Main Street, St. Louis Mo. AND ALT LIVE STOVE DEALERS. Dec2diwGm. MISCELLANEOUS. - BEN DORKEY Wishes to announce to the people oi tue Urreat west that the second Volume of "DORKEY'S WEEKLY" Which cornmcncd April ISth was enlarged to lorty-eiKiit columns, witn tnat number the cti.-impinn journalist introdu ced a number of new and intercsinir del art ments which constitute 'DOKKIE'S WEEKLY' the finest literary family paper in the I'uited .States. His real lite and comin sketches, as nlso the thrilling stories of estern li!e m .ke tbat journal the most inter est ir.jr anil lest adapted to western r-a.iers. Terms, Cajb in advance. S-S. per annum. SI. 7-5 six month', CI three months, Send P.O. order by mail to UENN DOKKEY, arU.riiin St- Louis. Mo. ON MARRIAGE. HAPPY, Relief for Younir Men, from the effects of Errors and Abuses iu early life. iMau hod restored. Nervous debility eured. Im pediments to Marriage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free, in sealed envel opes. Address. HOWARD ASSOCITIOX. Xo outh 'inth M hiUdelphi. Pa. Oet-SXh. w 1 ye SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. L872, 1872; 1872. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, and more too. are goinz to D. SOHHASSE & CO, To buy their DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. AT TBI 1ST E "W YORK STORE- The test and most aomplete STOOfC QF DRESS GOODS- Are now ou exhibition at the New York Store, at frreatly reuueed prices. We call particular attention to our new styles of DKESS-GGODS, Pill NTS, LELAINS, GINGHAMS. BKOWN SHEETING, KLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YAt iS, BOOTS AND SHOE of allTiinJs and prices to suit our numerous customers. -large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QDEENSWARE WOODEN-WARE, (JUSSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, ATS AND CAPS. S, BLOOM & CO., -' 5fe-y GENTS' V'"? tF RWSH1.VG GOODS, ? BOYS AjVD CIULDREJV'S CLOTlllJYG Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ain Street. Second IoorEnst of the Court House BRANCH HOUSE Lroadway.Couencil Bluffs Iowa. INSURANCE. MISSOURI Insurance No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS ALL POLICIES viIt22ds on the Securing the Greatest Pecuniary REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : 1st. This is a Western Company, managed by ter, anility and position, utioru ample (tuuranty Id. It Polices are all iioii-f'oi-l'oitiiiif. 3d. Premium all !. It reeeives no notes to pay, ana no out-nandtut; notes as liens upon tiieir policies, 4th. It has no restriction upon travel. 5th. ItsUividcnds are made upon the contribution plan, tith. Iu business is excluseivly life insurance. DIVIDENDS Are the acenmulation of interest upon premiums paid, hence the Company that loan? its i!ser at the highest rate of interest can trive you the larjrest dividends. Eastern companies invest their mom ui u iurceiii., wime im uniKea iu m cm.iuiiiw ui iweive percent, or more. The advantage oi Western investments to the policy holder appears in the following startling ugui co A uc auiuu ii bill, in, tatcu Jin uitj 6 per cent, compound " 10 " " 12 " .is obvious that this oiicnoiuer tuanany oincr OFFICERS : II D Mackav-. President, 1 M Swan. Vice-PrO-ideiit. Oeorge A Moore. Secretary, J Jones, Ass't Secretary, 11 h Newman, Treasurer lr J Lt Wever, .Vied. xJ"tor, DIRECTORS. D Sh're. Leavenworth. Ivan. II D Meckay, Leavenworth Kan. 1) M Swan. XV O Coffin, (ieo A Moore, I W IVwers, (ieo L Davis, St. Louis. Mo J Merritt. K Haftines. J F Kichards. 11 R llammoud H EdKertoU. "j " 1 .i.v i. arnev. " S M trickier. Junction City Chas llobinsun, Lawrance, W. lladley. M R Morgan .1. Geu. Good Traveling Solicitors Wanted. W. MATISHALL. Aeent. R R LIVIXOSTON, ifed Fxamiae OLOCM &, CO., EC. riattsmouth, Nebraska t VALLEY LIFE Company K0K-F0KFEITIN6 UontriSiBtioia IMaii, Advantage to the Policy Holders Western men, whose known finanancial charac tor its carelul and succetlui management. and irives none. Policy holders hare no interest j cm? ill interest, is 8 13,420 15 " " 4ti.9ol.Ct " " UTLSo " " sis.iits(l eomnancial advantages and inducements to the II A Calkins, General Agent, XV K Harvey. Con. f ctuary, T A llurd. Attorney. II L Xwman Lea"aiorth XV E Chemberlain. T A llurd. :" K B Allen, C A ''erry. Weslon, Mo, (t XV Veal, Topeka, Kansas. J M Price Atchison, Kan. XV R Stebbins, " IS. COT2IT9 .1 sen: for IVebraskn and Xnrtlieru EianFS riTTSMOUTil MCpTTFn J. Wiuil, Proprietor. K. H. McDnnio Co., Irugl;'.t. I Asd1i San yranciico, Cftl., nd 34 Coouiicrc itrt, ti.t MILLIONS Ilenr TeBtlmony to tbelf Wonderful Curntivo Eflects. They are not a vile Fancy Drink, Made of Poor Ram, Whiskey, ProofJpirU nnd Itrfiino Liquors doctored, sjlced and sweetened to please tha taste, culled "Tonics,? "Appetizers," "Restorers, "itc., lhat lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the Kativo Itoots and llerbj of California, rreo.-from nil Alcoholic Sllmu lants. They are the Cilt EAT lll.OOl) l'l ltl FIEIlmid A LIFE tJIVINCJ PKINCIPLE, b perfect Renovator and lnvisorator of the System, carry ing off nil poisonous matter and restoring thvblood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bit ters according to directions and remain lonj; tin well, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital orcans wasted beyond the point of repair. They arc n CJcutle I'urtrn ii ve n xrcl nst a Touic, pos-sessiiiR, also, the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflamr tnation of the Liver, and all the Visceral Orcans. FOIt FEMALE COM I LA I NTS, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood orat the turn of life, Uicso Tonic Eittcrs have no equal. For Inflammatory aud Chronic Rheuma tism nud Cant, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Itilioiis, ItciniUcut and Intermittent Fe vers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kid neys auil Itladiler, these Hitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Itleod, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Orgnus. DYSPEPSIA Oil. INDIGESTION, Dead tcbe. Pain iu the Shoulders, Conhs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour rtictations of the Stomach, Cad Taste in the Mouth. Bilious Attacks, Palpitation oi Ihe Heart, Inflammation of the Luuffs, Pain In the ra tions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are the oflsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate tho torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all Impurities, and im parting new life and vicor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car buncles. Uine-Wonns. Scald Head. Sore Kyea ,' Erysipe las, Itch. Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin. Buniors aud Diseases of tho Skiu. of whatvr name or nature, are literallv dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the useol these Bitters. One bottle in such rases will convince the most incredulous of their cura tive effects. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its Im parities bursting through the skin la Pimples, Erup tions or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed nd sluggish iu tho veins; cleanso it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep tho blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Pin, Tnpe, and other Worms, lurking In the system of so many thousind.i, are effectually destroyed and removed. Says a distinsiiished physiolocist, there is scarcely an indiridual upon the face of th earth whose body is exenpt from the presence dT worms. It is not upon t.e lieahTiy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living niousters of disease. No System of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics will free the system from worms like these Bitters. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. II. McDON'ALD A- CO., Drugeistsand flen. A2nfs. San FraDciseo. California, ana it ana 34 Commerce Mreet, JNcw 1 one !3"SOLD BY ALL DULUC.IST3 A.ND DEALERS, Plantation Bitters. S. T. 1860-X. This wonJeiful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and de bilitated. As a tonic and cordial ibr the agod and languid it has r.o equal amon? stouiacdiics. As a remedy for the ner vous weakness to vhieh women are es pecially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, tcinperatii or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal tpirits. Dec. 20. diw lyr. Beautiful Women! HAGAN'S MAGNOOIA BALM gives to tho Com plexion the Freshness of Youth. II AG an g magnolia Halm overcomes tho flushed ippearance caused by heat, fatiguo and excitement. It makes the lady of forty appear but twenty, and so natural aud pcrfeet that no perron can detect its application, liy its use the roughest fkin is niRde to rival the pure radiant texture of youthful beauty. It removes redness, blotches, and pimples. It contains nothing that will icjure the skin the least. Magnolia Balm is used by all fashionable ladies in New York, London and Paris. It costs only 75 cents per Bottle, aud is suid by all Drupgist? aud Perfumers. Dec, 20. di w lyr e 3d w. MEXICAN" Mustang Liniment FOIt 31 4 X AXY BEAST. Probably few articles have ever had f-o extensive a Sale, while none have been more universally beneficial than the cele brated MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI MENT. Children, Adults, Horses, ant Dotne.-tic Animals, are always liable to accident, and it is safe to eay, that no family can pass a single reason without some kind of an cuioliieut being neces- sary. It becomes a matter ol linpor tance then to secure the best. T . t Over thrae hunlre 1 livery stables in the city of New York alone arc using the Mexican Mus tang Liniment, in all of which it gives unusual satisfaction. . . i !.-. ine jrenuine if wranre.l in a fine ,vr' flute enirray ins irith (r. It. - brook, t'k mi l " Vnm Mark. M LXiCA -V MI STA.MJ L . IM tiA T, engraved across the face of each wrapper. The whole bars the proprietors private Ln'teu r-t.fes Kevfriue Stamp, and not a common i-taiup as used by drut'KiJ-'s, iiYOX JiANCFACTl'RIf: Co . .-3 Park Place, N. Y. Jan. 9th. diw lw every 3rdw Lo.k to Your Children. The Great Soothing ltetuedy. MRS. ' Curest colic and griping in! Pric Whitcomb's the bowels, and facilitates, 2 Syrup. the process of teelhmp. ;Cents. MRS. i subdues convulsions and. Price Whitcomb's overcomes all diseases inci-! - Syrup. dent to in fin ts aud children.; Cent, MKs. I Cares Diarrlxra. Dysente-i Price ""'hitcomb's ry and suinuitfrcomplaiut Syrup. Ichildien ot all ages. jCent. It i? the grent Infants' and Children "snSooth inir Reined".-, in all disorders brought on bv teething or any other cause. Prepared by the Grafton Medicine Co., ISt. Louis Mo. Sold by druggists ani dealers in Mo everywhere- de2d Nebraska Herald, THE BEST Local Paper I N NEBR A SKA! ifa r ar 79i One Year - -Six Mo nth a - - $2.00 - $i (10 IN T II K 'Nebraska Herald" t3L.If you want your Business Known'i For the HERALD is read by Farmers. Mer chants, Mechanics, Contract ors. Mock Lloulers, Railroad Men. Business Men. Manufacturers, Co n.i u wen and Everybody, THE HERALD m anil gjoli Is the place to get your dTo"b Ut7ozIs Bene Vjrlnv.K recently made large additions to our already extensive stock ot types rule.-1, bordersand othTinaterial We are now prepared to do all kinds of Work in THE BEST GIANNI R AND At Reasonable Rates. Wit ACEPEtPiklDIO PRINT Business Cards, Wedding Cards, Admission Tickets, Ball rickets, Bank Checks, Deposit Tickets, Bank Draft-!, Protest?, Note Head-, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Shirking Bills, Way Bills, Dray Tickets, . Circulars, Contracts, Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Catalogues, Pamphlets, Price Lists, Dodgers Programmes, Hand Bills, &c. S:c. &.c, Give Us a Call. Satisfaction KOCTOIS WISITTIER. C17 St. Charles Street. ronfffr located in St Louisthan any Chron j io i'hysiciat.. successfully treats Simple iml Gt implicated enereal jjiisise as to briny pattern lrotu every Mate. Jlis hospral op prtumtiex, a Iile nrue eir erienre. ith cases given up by others, no matter who (nil I fed : teil yoi r private troubles. Onoultnri,i.l free, send two siainpx fcr me lical e-i-uyg.t ; ; JUMiuipn, Iomakuoi), sent man. io cents men. dohi tor .cts, 1Y) p;ijres All that the curious, doubtlul or iri'ini-in v wi.-h to know all a'out .elf-pollution 1'rcve tioii. Marriage. Kyery youni? man and w niitn oueh t t- read it as a warn insr 'the n vovs d--hi! itated o.- partially impotent ciinti'"caily advised. decd.v T ANTED. AffnXTS-IO to 20 per ll nioriD.-1 evcrywnere: .uate ana rtrnnio X.n introduce the ireiiu.iie improved M K KSH , I. Jsh-Wi.NU jUAJillt. this machine will t 't h. hem. fell, luck, bind, braid, cord, quiit. eintrijer in a mo.-t Eiiperior manner. l'rico.oiily Jl ", luily licensed ami warranted for five vtars. We will tav SliWU lor anv macm ... hiKh price or low, that will sew a stronger, more be.iutuul or more elastic seam than our. Jt makes the Llnitic Lh-iit li. r.verv secoml stitch can be cut. and still the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. Vie nav afrentx taw to per mootn, and expense, or a com mission Iroin wnich twice that amount can be lade, r or particulars and terms, apply to or address. S. MARSHALL & CO. .No. l'-J Nh'shu Street. New York. CAUTION. Do not be iuuxst-d ucon l.v other parries travclinir through tho counfrv hIuiiiii.' off worthlesn cutt-iron machines nmii.. the sa:ue name or otherwise. OmgiHthn i Kenuineaud really cheap machine manufac tured. oplwtf Common Sense. . A t moTuI Article. Ammonia, or, as it a generally called, sj-irits of'hartfuoro, is a powcif'ul alkali, and dissolves grease and dirt with great ease. It has lately Leen recommended very highly for tiome.Mic purposes. For washing paint, put a tablespoon f'ul in a quart of luoderatly hot water, dip in a llannel cloth and then wipe off tho woodwork ; no scrubbing will be necess ary. lir taking grensyp'ot from any fabrii! use the auimonia nearly pure, then lay white blotting pipsr over tha "spot and iron it lightly. In washing lice, put about twclvo drops in a pint of warm suds. To clean silver, mix two lea.-poodfuls of ammonia in a quart of hot hud-t. Put iu your silverware and wash, usitiir an old nail brush for tho purpo.'c. Tor cleaning hair. bru-hes, ect., simply shake tho brush up and down in u mixture of one tahlespoonful of ammonia to one,piiit of warm water ; when they are clean-ed, reuse tliem in cold water; and i-tand them in the wind or in a hot place to dry. For wa-hing finger-marks from looking glasses or windows, put a few drops of ammonia on a moist rag arid make, quick work of it. If. you wish your houc plants to flour ish put a few drop of the spirits in every pint of water used in wateiim:. A tea.-poonful will add mu h to tho re freshing effects of the bath. Nothing is better than ammonia water for cleansing the hair. Iu cury case rinse olFtbe ammonia with clear water ; to which we would add that, for rcinoviuj.' prase .-poty, a mixture of equal parts of ammonia and alcohol alone, and for taking out the red stains produced by the strotig acids in blue and black clothes, there is nothing better than cmmoiiia. U'tshrn World. fail Mr It lira Has recently ai!ed for Europe, where he proposes to inaugurate a Stirling cam paign for Horace (.Jreeley We fear It is efforts will not meet with the success an ticipated by Horace G., particularly win n it is recollected the Government organs of Prussia look with distrust on his re cent attempts to bring about a compli cation between this country and that by attempting, unmasked, to manage tho affairs uf Prussia. Bismarck and his as.-oeiates consider themselves fully able to manage their own national affairs without the persistent interference of Carl .Sehuiz, whose record as a revolu tionary adventurer, is better known than here. Wc have no words at command, to express our disapproval of Kchurz's course, by attempting to build up his own political fortunes, by turning his whole energies to plunge us into war with a friendly power. hope the Cincinnati abortion, coupled with the sound advice ho is ccr tainly receiving from the German press ol the old country, will have a salutary effect on the di-appointed Senator. Jildir Timrx. Train calls (Jreeley "The Chameleon sage of Chnpi.j'ia'-and thus lets out on his vagaries : THE CIIA.Ml-XEoN SAOE OF CHAPAQt'A. See him change his coat of many col ors. Jlc.-hni from Tribune. Why' llecause afiaiJ to sfieak. lectures at Pnu.uhkcepsiti and is silent. Why? Hecuiso he dure not trust his garru lous old tongue. (Laughter. Imagine arry patty, caucus, convention, enslaving my min i if you can? (Applause.) The people want manhood, and when (Jreeley now skulks like a dog from great public questions he makes himself a coward for public questions he makes himself a coward for public oilice. (Ap plause.) ''Unstable as water thou shalt not ex cel," was the remark that old fossil Ja cob ma le to Keuben. Laughter. A LONi; l'.YKKWELL TO ALL Till" GREAT NESS. Good bye, Horace. I told you so. They have tripped you out of the Trib une. Farewell to pastoral ease, to rural calm, Chappa'iua's frugal glebe and frafrrant airs Farewell to hooded cabbapo, winter rcar'd, The early radish and the vernal beet. Laughter. J Did he not advocate secession ? Ih'd he not egg tho South on to destruction ? Such its Farm When the poet Bry ant was in Mexico, he met a. American lady, and after the introduction she said to a friend, 'Everybody in New York knows Mr. Bryant, and they" all go to hear his minstrels sing." A young friend who evidently has not been rai. ed in a printing office inquired of the compositor "if it was not very te dious separating the typo when he took it down to make another priut on a new paper." The Western reporters continue to make a sad mess of it when they attempt "society" writing. "This is the way one of them, after reading lltrpe.r Bnzivir, described a fashionable wedding in In diana : "The bride's dress was a white mega therium fcilk, trimmed w ith prussic acid blue : pompaded front and lambreouins of the same, looped up with calla lilies, necked ty tun?atcd notssiate and imel- laced triviere, imported expressly for her. Her veil was a biased palonaise, trimmed with double fluted ruchings, surmounted with a wreath of snowy trichinalis. Some of the presents were a set of teeth and oyster freezer, from the bride's mother; a cold lined hash-receiver, and a set of chaste and elezant terra cotta jewelry from the groom; a quilt pieced by tue uonor when eleven years of qge ; and a package of cabbage need from tho bride s grandmother, atreJ ninety, who can read fine print without glasses, and who cracked all the nuts ot the banouet with her own teeth. American Jour- no I int. NEW GOODS! New Styles I ! 3F. ELf4TEK, -MERCHANT TAILOR i in receipt or tne tines nnd bet assortment ot Ca-simercs, Clothe." Vesting rfc. rer 'trr.ii.-lit tc. the filv n-lii.l T mill ... .. l. - lnt-st styles. Please cmU nnd examine. i'latts.iioutb, April IS l.'J. yc?,ia PI, 1TTSMOUTII ftl ILLS. C. HEISKfj, Propr:cto".Harint recentlvben repa.rod aod placed in thorough running ord 1)0. Ml Ii ll she a r.f U ho . . 1 : j: or which the highest market price will be pa Our Greenwood Letter. TOWNLEY HOUSE. Lincoln, Neb. Tl. Unu..i I. l.A rc..J l .r.. ni.-hed nkw throuKb"ut. Kverythinx in new and cien. ar.'i comfortablu accomadation wur- runtA:! 1 1 1 i . i i i -. f !r ' It . . V . i ....... ..... ... .... iuQii!., luruirr clerk ot tl is Iiotfe. is rtill with it. .Stage of fice for all part of the S nte. f ree Bum. It. if . u t.ii". ir,ir,T ....