THE HERALD .FLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1872. FARMERS' COLUMN. Cootribationi to this Column are requested from the practical farmers of the county. ,-. . . Things In Central. The weather has very much improved since our last. Once more the sun shines on the just and unjust ; alike on the late corn just pecpiDg through, and on the early corn plum full of weeds, and its a Tery even "tos3 up," as to which crop will be the best next falL Geo. Francis Train, prophecies that flour, corn, wheat and cotton will double in value inside of ninety days. Should that be so and there is some grouud in Train's madness outside of politic! cur farmers may consider themselves as in luck, this time, for every chance seems now in their favor for a splendid yield of wualr grains. Train alio tells us that St. Louis will be the largest cify in the United States in fity years that, maybe, will aid us no I mean our children who will Borne day ship the products of their farms to this modern centre of the Uni verse at much less rates than it now costs to get to a market. Better than this, though, our farmers may set it down for a fuct, that withiu our day, and quicker than most of us think, we shs.ll have an outlet to the Fee board by way of Galveston or some southern port in Texas, and then good bye to long transits and high rates for shipping grain from Nebraska. Com petition will lower them, and manufacto ries begin to bring in mouths to feed tt home, so that our last days shall be bet ter than our Gist; and in the fullness if old ago under our own vine and fig tree3 we shall dwell in pcaca and prosperity, and laugh at the day3 when we wondered whether Nebraska was a good farming .country or no, and even doubted the chances of making a living at it some times. Advexll.te Your County. We all want more settlers in and around us; every merchant in town feels that, every farmer a3 he rides over the long, vacant stretches of prairie, on his way to and from market, knows this. We have the soil, the advantages of shipment, and the proximity of railroads, schools and churches. All we need now is the capital and labor to develop their wonderful facilities. In order to obtain these we should ad vertise our county. Sen! your home papers East, and your pamphlets and circulars. Not every one brings a har vest, but many will in the course of time forth fruits. T.'e v . It is said, in a Washington lispatch, that Senator Carpenter is soon going on a- diplomatic vi-it to Canada, in connec tion with the Wellington treaty. Jit. Plea-ant, Iowa, June 12. Second Diy. The Iowa Press Con tention was atten lfd by over one hun dred editors, the of uiut-rcut sec tions of the State being well represented. The forenoon session was occupied by business discussion, and election and in stallation of oIFieeri The following are the new officers, all of whom were elected by acclamation : President T P. Trey nor, Council Bluff Nonpareil; Vice Presi dent, Judge Toman, Independence Bui letin ; Secretary, Al Svvalui, JeiFeron Bee; Treasurer, J. W. Rogers, West Union Gazette ; Executive Committee, Col. Leach, Cedar Rapid Republican ; Captain Rathhurn, Marion Register ; John Mahon, Muscatine Journal. Sew X,iiI IHslrlcts. The new Land District created for southwestern Nebraska will he a great accommodation to the people of the Platte "and Republican Valleys. It is not decided yet where the Land Office will be located ; but everything goes to show that Lowell, on the line of the UurliDcton & Missouri llailro;J m Ne braska, is the inoat conveni.nt and uiost accptable place for the location thereof. Lentrthy petitions have been forwarded from residents of the I'latte and Repub lican alleys in lavor of the new Land Office being located at Lowell, and there, undoubtedly, it will go. star. Items Abroad. New York, June 14. The complaint acainst Jay Gould, has ed on charges of immense frauds, has not yet been filed in tho common pleas, where the case is to be tried A rumor prevails this afterooon that Gould, fear- iul of the consequences oi these project cd 6uits, has fled. The strikers to-day threatened the new hands at work in the machine shops of . 1 XT X- X' IT 1 II I ids rtew i otk, naven, and uuason River railroad shops. The police are in readiness to quell anj' disturbances. The wife and daughter of Horace Gree ley were passengers on the steani-shij Rhein. COAL. We learn that an excellent article of coal stone coal, we understand has been discovered on Sappa Creek, He publican River, in Harlan County, Ne braska. It is reported that a sackful of the coal has been brought in, but we have not got a sight of any of it yet. We eive the report as it conies to us. and will be able to give a more 6aUfactory report as soon as we have more authority. or have seen undoubted specimens of the coal. If the report as it comes to us is confirmed, it wiil be a glorious discove ry especially it the coal-beds are of such a character as to render them profitable in niiniug. Central Nebraska will then be far iu advance of what even the most sanguine expected. We will thank the discoverers, or any of tl o e ttY.o haveVpe cimens of the coal, to tend some of the jetty brilliants to our fanclum for irener al inspection, so that we niay make a good report of this favored region a new scource ot wealth contribution to our com mpn prosperity.' Star. Modesty in woman is like color on her cheeks decidedly becoming if not put on. She who can compose a cross baby is greater than she who composes books. We are told that there is nothing made in vain. But how about a pretty young girl? dsn t she maiden vain ! f tha Treasury e iris. Gai TTatniltrm nsL-i "Is there anything especially agreeable in counting green backs till your fingers bleed ?" Few of GROCERIES. "3?2ie Coed Intent! Groceries and Provissior.s. CALL AT AUCTION AND Commission Rooms MAIN ST Where yqu can buj almost every ihing cafltbl?, including JFresIi Fruit , At the lowest Prices for ensh. IJ ghest price paid for Country l'roduc , Butter, Chickens, &c. &c. Goods Delivered in the Citv Free of Charge. S. DUKR jyl7d&wtl. hjejeip jBjR'ojsr.9 Weeping Water Nebraska. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, ilmdware, Queensware, ISoots. an-J Shoes, Hats, and Caps. -Agricultural Impliinents of all kind. Weir sr "IX L" Cultivators'. Union Corn Planter Crandetour and Princeton Plows, ic Jtc adinf. taium, all of which weofler to the public at the uweat retail prices. All Goods Warranted As Represented. 5Our constant aim will be to sell so low that it will be to the positive advantage of every far mer in the western and central portion of Cass county to make this their headquarters for trad. REED. RR08. ISTJEW STOEE Weeping Water, Nebraska. J AS. CJLSSEHS' & CO BCCCK332rS TO UORTON k JENKS. DEALERS IS General Merchandise, SUCH A3 DRY GOOTS. U ROCKIES. HARDWARE. QUEENS WARE. II ATS. CAPS BOOTS. SHOES. NOTIONS. 4c We are Agents for Wiilcox & Gib!3 Sewing Machine FURNITURE. CABINET EU1AKEE? And dealer in all kinds of Furniture CIiair. MAIS STREET, (third door east of P 0 Plattsmouth Neb -Repairing and Varnishing neatly none. Funeral attended on the shortest notice. HENRY BOECK DEALER IN FURNITUR B, LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES, ; BEDSTEADS- OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS ASD AT ALL PRICKS. Hetalic Burial Cases. WOODEN COFFINS OPAIiL SIZES. Ready Made, and Sold Cheap for Cash. With many thanks for past patronage, Ii n Ate all to call and examine my large stock o niture and Coffins jan28t NEBRASKA LAND FOR SALE BY THE Burlington & Mo. R. R. R. Co. On Ten Years Credit at C per ct. Interest No part of principal due fir twr yearr . and thence only yearly tiil paid ii full. PRODUCTS will par for land and in.r rove ujent within the limit of tl.ia geTierous cr- lit. AoT?etter termt were nevsr offered, are not now. and probably never will be. CIHCULAKS giving full particulars arc sup plie-l gratis Apply to Gko. S. IIafph. Land Coinm'r. Lincoln Nebraska, ma;9w3ui Hardware. E. T. DUKE & CO. AT FOOT OF MA IX STREET Wholesale Sc Retail Dealers in Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves TINWARE. ROPE. IRON. STEEL NAILS AND Blacksmith Tools, Ac Keep on hand a Large Stock of CHARTER OAK, BUCKS PATE XT, CHICAGO, EMPORIA L O YA L C O OK And Other First-Class Cooking STOVES, All kiniii Coul or Wood kept on hand. JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE. MOLIXE- Stiring and Urea king I'lows At Net Cos; for Casli. Lumber! XAixsi'bs:? The Undersigned has oa hand and is All kinds of COTTONWOOD LUMBER At his Mills at the Ferry Landing at Plattsmouth Orders Promptly Filled.! William Edckrton. June3d di wtf. The Two Most Successfu Popular and Perfect, o o k a n MAC II INES OF THE PERIOD Are Our Well Known oak: AND EPICURE BROILERS ! Both are of the Fitnp'est Constructinn, and so Kaiily udauaged that wc guarantee thciu to give ENTIRE SATISFACTION As no article in the household has a greater in fluence in promoting the health, comfort and happiness of th lam ily circle than the Cook fctove, it is economy as well as policy to get the very best; and in buying the Charter Oak. you can rely on getting the ino:-t successful, popular and perfect cooking stove ever ma. le. In using pn Epicure Uroilr you are always suro of having Juicy, Tender and Delicious Beefstakes, Chickens, Hams, Chojs, A:o. Sold By EXCELSIOR te'FCT CO. 612 & 614 N. Main Street, St. Louis Mo. AND ALL LIVE STOVE DEALERS. Dec2dAw6ui. MISCELLANEOUS. BEN DORKEY Wishes to announce to tho people of the Great West that the second Volume of "DORKEY'S WEEKLY" Which commenced April ISth was enl irjei to forty-eight columns. With that number the champion journalist introdu ced a number of new and . interestng dti art inents which constitute "DOKKlE'iS WKKKLY' the fi.iest literary family paper in the United States. His real Jil'e and comic sketches, us also the thrilling stories of Western life in-ike that journal tnouiost inter esting and best adapted to western readers. Tcrirs, Cash in advance. per annum, 81. three months. iSend P.O. order by mail to BKISN 1HJHKEY, apii tim St- Louis, Mo. ON MARRIAGE. HAPPY P.elief for Young Men. from the effects of fcrrors and Abuses id early life. Man hood restored. Nervous debility cured. Im pediments tc Marriage removed. New method of treatment.- Nw and remarkable remedies. Books Circulars sent free, in sealed enrel- " Address. HOWARD ASSOCITION. o. ovAb Ninth St.. hiladelphi. Pa. Oct-30th, w 1 ye DRY GOODS - AND GROCERIES. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. 1872, 1872 1872. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, and more too. are going to D. SOHNASSB & CO, To buy their DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES AT 3ST E "W YOEK STOEE. The best ai.d most complete STOCK CF DRESS GOODS- Are now on exhibition at the New York Store, at greatly reduced prices. We call particular attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS, PRINTS, DEEA1NS, GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING, RL EACH ED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YA 'i JS, BOOTS AND SHOE of all kinds and prices to euit our numerous customers. large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE. WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, ATS AND CAPS, BLOOM & CO., JXtmA GENTS' :t'C Z-mtf R!'SKI,G GOODS, fll " BOYS AA'D CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, CLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. ain Street. Second Door East of the Court House BRANCH HOUSE EroadTray.CoucncilJJlulTs Iowa. INSURANCE. MISSOURI VALLEY LIFE Insurance Company No. 70 DELAYARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS ALL POLICIES' Uivitlcmls on the Securing the Greatest Pecuniary REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY: lt This is a AVetern Companv, managed by Western men. whose known finanancial charac ter ability and positiou. aflord ample guaranty for its careful and succeslul management. '2d. Its Polices are all sirtri-lortoitinjf. . 3d. Premium all onsli. It receives no notes and irivcs none Policy holders have no interepi to pay", and no outstanding notes as liens upon their policies. 4th. It bus no restrit-tion upon travel. 5th. Its dividends are made upon the contribution plan. tith. Its business is excluscivly life insurance. DIVIDENDS Are the accumulation of interest upon premiums paid, hence the Company that loans its hj-sbu at the highest rate ot interest can give you the largest dividends. Eastern companies invest thei moneys nt 6 percent., while this makes its investments at twelve per cent, or more. The advantage ot Western investments to the policy holder appears in the following startling figures: The amount of 81.00U. invested lorniiy rt per cent, compound 8 " 10 " OFFICERS H P Mackav. President. 1) M Swan. Vice- I'rMdont. l)r J h W'ever, Med.jJ'tor, Georpo A Moore, Secretary, J Jones. Ass't Secretary, 11 L ilewmau. Treasurer DIRECTORS. D Shre, Leavenworth. Kan, J F Richards. II R Hammond i II LMgertou. ' T.-i.ia I'an.Bf. " " II D Meckay, Leavenworth Kan. Ii M Swan. W G Coffin. Geo A Moore, L W J rwers. S M Strickler. Junction City Geo L Davis. St. Chas Robinson, Lawrance, J Merritt, AV.lla.diey, " E II ant in w. . Gen. Agentfor Good Traveling J. W. MARSHALL, Ajent. 2' THS Plattsmouth. Nebraska KOK-FORFEITING Contribution Plan, Advantage to the Policy Holders interest, is 8 18.420.15 " " 4o.;l.r4 ; " " 117,;k.;& years at 12 " " 0IS.IM7S.I1O obvious that this comnancial advantages and inducements to the olicholder than any other I! A Cr.lkins. General Agent, W E Harvey. Con. r ctuary, T A ilurd. Attorney. II L N'wman Leavoowortb W E Chemberlain. TAHurd. K B Allen. C A '"erry. Weston, Mo, O W Veal, Topeka, Kansas. J M Price Atchison, Kan. W KStebbins. " Louis. Mo IS. COTlLT, Kebraskafiad Northern Uausi Solictors Wanted. ! 7j r awn3-r ciTtT I PATENT MEDICINES. J. WLK, Proprietor. R. H. HclJnau Co., OruKpi.w I O.n. iiuu, Saa Francuco, Cal., uii H Cumuurca IUMI, N MILLIONS Bear Testimony to hel Wonderful Cufattvo Effects. They are not a vile Fancy Drink, Made cf Poor Ram, Whiskey, ProoT Spirits and Ket'use Llqaors doctored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste, called "Tonics,'.' "Appetizers," "Heatorers,"ic, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin.but ara true Medicine, mado from the Native Knots and llcrbi cf California, free from all Alcoholic Stlina lants. They are the J HE A T HI.OOIJ l'l Kl FIE It mid A LIFE UIVINO PKIXCIPLE, k perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, tarrylngott all poisonous matter and restoring thublood to healthy condition. No person can take these Bit ters according to directions and remain long en well, provided their bones nra not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond tho point of repair. They are a Geutlo Pargative asvell as a Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar Cici il of acting as a powerful agcr.t in relieving Congestion or Inflam-? mation of tho Liver, and all the Visceral Organs. FOIl FEMALE COMPLAINTS, In young or old. married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at the turn of lite, these Tonic Bitters have no equal. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheuma tism and Jout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fe vers, Ilisenscs of the IJlood, Liver, Kid neys and Itiaddcr, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases ore caused by Vitiated Blood, which isecnerally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Ilead- sche. Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach. Had Taste In the Mouth. Bilious Attacks, Palpitation oi the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the ra tions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are the offsprings of Dysfcpala. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate tho torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them of unequalled tfficucv in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and im parting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter. Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car- ijuncles. Ring-Worms. Scald Head. Soro Eres, Erysipe tu. Itch. Scurfs. Dincolornt ions of the Miin. Humors and Diseases ot the tkin. cf whatcv-r name or nature, are llteralW dug up ami carried out of the system in a short time by the use ol these bitters. One bottle in such eauffl will convince the most incredulous of their cura tive effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon find its Im purities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Erup tions or Sores ; clcanso it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul. and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood dure, and the health of the system will follow. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the iystcm of so many thousands, ore effectually destroyed nnrl rpmnved S.tvn it ritstinrruiflhed nh vfliolnclst. there is scarcely an individual upon the face of the esrtn whose body is exempt rroin the presence or worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the bodv that worms exist, but unon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these livinv mousters of disease. No System of Medieine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics will free the system from worms like these Bitters. J. WALKER, Proprietor. K. H. McDONALD 6c CO., Druggists and Uen. Agents. San Francisco. California, and32anJ 34 Commerce street, iSew lorlc !9SOLD BY ALL VKUUGI3T3 AND DEALERS. Plantation Bitters. S. T. I860 X. This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and de bilitated. As a tonic and cordial lor the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachic?. As a remedy for the ner vous weakness to which women are es pecially subject,, it is superseding, every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate or frigid, it acta as a specific in every species of di.-order which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Dee. 2G. diw lyr. Beautiful Women! HAGAN'S MAGNODIA BALM gives to the Com plexion the Freshness of Youth. Hag an '3 magnolia Balm overcomes the flushed tppearance caused by heat, fatigue and excitement. It makes the lady of forty appear but twenty, and so natural and pcrfeet that no per?on can detect its application, liy its use the roughest fkin is made to rival the pure radiaflt texture of youthful beauty. It removes redness, blotches, and pimples. It contains nothing that will injure the skin the least. Magnolia Balm is used by all fashionable ladies in New York, London and Paris. It eosU only 75 cents per Bottle, and is sold by all Druggist and Perfumers. Dec, 26. dJtw lyr e 3d w. Mustang Liniment, FOR MAX ASD BEAST. Probably few articles have ever had so xteni-ivc a Sale, while none have been more universally beneficial than the cele brated MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI MENT. Children, Adults, Hordes, and Domestic Animals, are always liable to iccident, and it is safe to say, that no family can pass a single season without awe kind of an emollient being neces sary. It becomes a matter of impor tance then to secure the best. Over three hundred livery etab!es in the city of New York alone are using the Mexican Mus tang Liniment, iu all of which it gives unusual satisfaction. ,r.l"riOX. The genuine is wrnrped in a fine Steel Piute engraying with "G. V. IJV hrooK, Chewi't," mid " Tru i- Mark; MMXIVAM MUaTAAU LIMIMUJS'T," enfrraved across the luce of each wrapper. The whole bears the proprietor's private L'n-ted ttes Revenue Sump, and not a common stamp as used by druggists, LVOS MANrFATfRIG Co . .3 Park Place. X. Y. Jan. 9th. diw lw every 3rdw Lo:k to Your Children. The Great Soothing Remedy. MRS. I Cures colic and gripin? in Pric hitcomb' the bowels, and facilitates, S Syrup. the process of teething. Cents. WhitcombVovcrcomes all diseases jnci Syrup. (dent to inf.ints and ehudrt n. MRS. I Cures liarrhiea- Ly."ente- hitcomb's'ry and summercom plaint Syrup, ichildien of all ages. 2 Cents. Price a Cents. It is the great Infants' and Children'snSooth ing Remedy, in all disorders brought oa by teething or any other cause. Prepared by the Gralton Medicine Co., ct. Louis Mo. . ... . ,, Soli by drugsista ana doalers in Me everywhere- de2U HERALD COLUMN. I5EAIM 1EAI!! Nebraska Herald, THE BEST Local IPipoiT I N NEBRASKA! One Year -Six JJonths $2,00 - $1 00 IX THE "Nebraska Herald," 3If you want your Business Known"t For the HERALD is read by Farmers. Mer chants, Mechanics, Contractors, itOck Dealers, Kail road Men, llusinoss Men. Manufacturers, Consumers and .everybody. THE HERAL D Is the j-laco to get your Job Worli Bone ftTlIaving rcntly made large additions to our already extensive stock ot types rules, bordersimd othi-rmaterial We are now prepared to do nil Viinds of Vork in THE BEST MANNER AND At Reasonable Rates. WE ACK PKErAKKD TO rHINI Business Cards, Wedding Cards, Admission Tickets, Ball Tickets, Bank Checks, Deposit Tickets, Bank Drafts, Protests, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Shipping Bills, Way Bill, Dray Tickets, Circulars, Contracts, Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Catalogue, , Pamphlets. Price Lists, Dodgers Programmes, Hand Bill?, &c tc. &c., Give Us a Call. Satisfaction WAltBlNTED. DOCTOR WIIITTIEIt, 617 St. Charles Street. I onger located in St Louis than any Chron j ic Pbysiciai., io succoi-tully treats Simpl ..i r. ... t.iic' Vtirf4l Ilisi-MiiM ns to hrini; ;atienif trom every State. Ilis hoppital op- .r....n:,ia. u l;f , i utta v x riArit-rwrn. with liur est drugs preparea in the eftaon.-'nment, cure.' cases given up by others, no matter who fail iil tll voLf private troubles. i'onsu!tation irr SfiH two stamp lor medical eayi.i -Mi.Mioou, Vomashio!. sent b fmnil. 1" t -nts ach. both for 2 ets. 10) fr-tgei. All that the curious, doubtlul or inqtn-itiv ;wish to know all aont Self-pollution Prev I 'ion. Marriaiie. Kvery young man and w man ought to read it as a warning lhe n vous debilitated o.- partially impotent cicntically advised. decdA AITAXTED. A7EXTS 810 to 8250 per months everywhere: Male and tenjale. to introduce the genuine improved MAKsU U SEWING MAC11INE. 'Ibis machine will stitch, hem. fell. tuck. bind, braid, cord. omit, asd embroider in a tnoxt superior manner. Price only $15, fully licenced and warranted for five year. We will pay f llM) for any machi ne. high price or low. that will sew a stronger, more be lutiful or more elastic seam than ours It makes the Elaine mjukk - . stitch can be cut. and still the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. V e pay agent! $100 to ilf) per month, and expense, or a com . ..; i. ...t, M that amount can be 111 1 - 1 U O 1 I ' ' Hi wuivu - " . m.-ida. For Darticuiars and terms, apply to or address, vinstut T. . m o. lt'2 Nassau Street. Xew York. CAUT1U- not oe impusn up"" other parties traveling through the country palming off worthies cast-iron machines under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the : .nuilv nS:iri machiiiB manutas- tured. arltrwtf Common Sense. lhe Vati ora Aewtpapfr, The following is the experience of a mechanic concerning the benefits of a newspaper : Ten yearn ago I lived in a town in In diana, On returning home one night, ior I ara a carpenter l y trade, I taw a little girl leave my door, au,l I asked my wife who she was. She said Mrs. Har ris had sent her after their newspaper which my wife had borrowed. As wo sat down to tea my wife said to mo by name: "I wish you would subscribe for tho newspaper; it is so much comfort to mo when you are away from home " 4tI wt uld like to do so," said I. "but you know I owe a payment on the house and lot. It will bo all I can do to meet it " She replied: ."If you will tako this paper, I will sew for the tailor to pay for I subscribed for tho paper ; it came in due time to the shop. While rtstinir one noon and looking over it, I saw an advertisement of tho couDty commis sioner: to let a bridge that was to bo built. I iit in a bid for tho bridge, and the job was awarded to me, on which I cl-an-d $3(X, which enabled uio to pay for my hou and lot easily, and fur tho newspaper. If I had not subscribed for the newspaptr I would not have known anything aboit tLe contract, and could not have met my payment on my house and lot. A rjechanic never loaes any thing by taking a newspaiw-r. A man nmed Yr-i 15ro j;cj Italeii-h, North Carolina, the otlicr day, and a local paper thus sum uph.'s his tor: "When Andy Johnson lift thid city, a poor tnilor-boy at old Litcljtld's shop, Xe.'il Brown went out wilj bira for three or four miles, and carrid on his back, wrapped "up in an old pieic of carpet, nil the worldly poods that tho poor tailor boy then possessed. 'J Ley shook hands under an old tree tlneo miles from here and .-eparated. Andy became Governor, Senator and Presi dent. iVeal lived quietly and worked hard. Andy Johnson never went back on his little hatter friend, even when ha was President. It vos pooty bad dot ve ever u.lcj ay leetle pout dat gold chain. By gor ! how bad ve fueled vhen be told so many dings pout us vhat ve dont diuks no pody dont knowt any dings pout. But tlh gold chain fiods out all pout it, and den goes right otF and bublishes it in de bapcrs to all der bcbles, and ve so shamed feel as ve cant mo.-t hardly dell to you. Now ve dont bretty much like dot hosbitlo dalk, for vhen ve got out of dot place ve vant uot to come back some more. For vhy did gold chain somedings say rout der stumps digin : ve vant not folks dot disgrace pout us to know. Und dot Lawyer pism-s ve dinks no cne find him out either, but he goes and lets every dings rip lit b hl.ip out. IJcn he told pout de Land-tish-shark pisues, und dot too ve dont bretty much like. But de badest fun all vas ven h dolls all pout do Cupo .May. Now vo dinks for sure, tot no one finds any d ng pout dot out: jut dat girl she shust falls in love mit der gold chain, utd she dells to him ajl pint every dings vat she knows, and how she baid der fair. Oh 1 I dells to you dot vas bad, for ve all de. time expect bo much of us she. tinks. But ven ve say to her she vill be our?, she thufet laugh in our luce, und mit her finger to our rusty vatch chain she boints. Op it vas not the seven time ve get der maiden ve get dor muidens ve voulJ feel so pad as der feller vot vent from de Vineland to Vorce.-tcr, in de IWass. Stalt, to see his Pruline : and ven he comes there, she dont have no lings any more mit him to do as she u?cd to did, and Ire goes home back again feeling pooty bad ve deols you : for vhen he dells to us his droubles, he look so like he had pcen pulled through vou leetle knot hole. Op he had dot gold chain vhat ve der odcr day saw, he vould peen all right. We found this on our table. Cant read it, and dont know what it mcanc Does anybody else ? XV 111 ell Iu You Ir ferT "If you prefer the keg of l.-igcr or the bottle of wine to me," said Mary, "just take them to the magistrate, and get married to them." "What do you mean ?" asked John. "Just what 1 say. I don't want a young man to come here evenings chew ing cloves to cover his breath, and hide his habits of drinking. If you like lager more than you love me, juH marry it at once, and don't divide your affec tions between a woman and wine or woman and lager ; love and liquor have no affinity." "Why, Mary, how you talk I" ex claimed John. "Yes, I mean what I pay ; unless you sign the pledge, and keep it, you had better not call here again." John did sign the pledge, and hft kept it, and he Married Mary. Bro. Thos. Wolfe, an old time Go. d Templar and one of the proprietors of the Sunbeam, has recently returned from the Bast, where he made an ex tensive tour for the benefit of his health. We recommend all to read his editoriala upon the success, past, present and fu ture, of the SuuLram. This pajer should be endor.-cd and supported by every member of our Order, and we hope to see many brothers anil si-ters names added to the list of subscribers before another issue. Sunbeam. Postmaster Jones, of New York, tel! a good campaign story for Horace Gree ley : "Some time ago one Norton, of the postoff o , timed out as a defaulter, and the Government cam3 down on his securities, among whom was Horace Greeley, reponiole t the ex tent of about thirty thousand dollars.- Greeley was very restive under this ob ligation, and he is so much in fear of debt that he actually wanted to give his check for the whole amount, and get it off his hand. Finally a meeting of the indorsers was held, and Mr. Greeley put on his spectacles, took up his bond, and dolefully read over the conditions. "They say I write an infernally bad hand," said Greeley, "but they can read it plain enough when it gets on one of these things." AVu Y'rk Jlrrald. NEW GOODS! Nev Styles fl jF. ELTEK, .j.i."i. 7 i ' i. rEHCHANT 1 Is in receipt of the fines and of Ca.-fimc-(.a, Clo;U..h Vestir -. qrought to the city whic' I will -latest styles. l"eice r:l und exat.. Plattsmouth. April JS 112. ri,ATTSiouTii r C. II EIS 1'. U Proprietor.! avir r e paired and placed in thorough i 1 OO.IMW Bushels of Wheat want1 or wtich tii tigheet market jric - u will ever know.