Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 20, 1872, Image 2

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Official Directory.
T. AV. Tipton. Brownville.
P. W. Hitchcock, Omaha.
John Taffo. Omaha,
17. S. Senator.
U. S Senator.
Will in ci If. Jame, Lincoln, . Act. Governor.
Wiilism H. James, Lincoln, bee. of St Ate.
John Gillespie, Lincoln, Auditor.
11. A. Kocnig. Columbus, Treaeurtr.
ft. H. Roberta. Omaha, Attorney (ienerul.
J. M. McKenzio, Line In, Sup:. Pub. Insiruc'n
O. P. Ma&on, Nebraska City,
Chief Justice.
ueorge i. x.nke, uroana.
j- Associate Justices.
L. irounze. tt. caiiiuun
II. PC. EIM on.
Dnn'l McKinnon,
W.L. Uobns,
J. W. Johnson,
Probate Judge.
County Clerk,
U. w. vie,
Jacob Vallo-y,)
Benj. Albin,
' 1 Jainen, )
Supt. Pb. Instruction.
County Commissioners.
J. ) I nonius.
For President.
For Vice-President.
VM.Vil Rills ior THE IMNPAIVS.
We will mail the Weekly Herald to
new subscribers and clubs, during the
Presidential Campaign, beginning June
20lh and closing November 15th the
week after the Presidential election
twenty-two numbers in all at the fol
lowing rates :
One copy
. 70
... C 00
.... 12 50
Club often copies....
Club of twenty-five copies
Daily At fair Club rates.
We want subscribers for our we?kly
and dai'y all through the county. To a
person sending us a club of five rame
and over a liberal discount will be made
Will be out on Monday. Our paper
and fixings have come, and we could pet
an issue out to-morrow, but deem it best
to wait until Monday and start with the
week. A few more subscribers for the
same will be kind I; received.
The nomin itions in Maine indicate that
the State will go for Grant and Willsoc.
Carl Schurz has been in secret confer
ence wiih the leading Democrats lately.
Mrs. Schurz sailed for Europe on last
Wednesday. Carl don't sczm to go.
The Orangemen of New York parade
on the 12th of July. Six thousand men
armed with revolvers, in case ofan attck,
will parade.
The article on Cass County promised
our readers is ready, but owing to the
Jarge amount ot local doings, must lay
over until next issue.
Now that the nominations are made,
Mr. Colfax states that his letter declining
to be a candidate was a private letter to
a friend, and not intended for publica
tion. -
The Nemaha Journal comes to us with
a new firm at the head. Weaver & Ful
ton, are the new proprietors. May they
wcave(h)er columns thick with the warp
of good sense, Fullfd)to(n) the woof
with bright thoughts and happy fancies.
The Sarpy County Sentinel, Geo.' Hat
field, Editor, published at Papiilion, has
made its appearance on our table this J
week. Tt is a 7 column paper ; hoists I
Grant and Wilson colors and looks lively
all through.
The Knights of Pythias. Lincoln, have
our thanks for a very handsome card of
invitation to their festivities cn the 4th
J uly next. We We ehall try and come,
lady and all.
They are making eome fuss over what I
Stanton told this man and that about
Grant. A dead man's etory is a poor
sham. Perhaps if Stanton were alive
he would deny all this, and if he did say
it, a live man's opinion of facts before
his eyes is far better than a dead ones
guesses of what might happen.
From tho report of tho Superintend
ent of Public Instruction, we learn that
there is $100,770.80 in his hands to be
appointed. The whole number of "chil
dren is yl.liS". Amount apportioned
Rate per scholar $1,971. Cas county
gets $0,403.39, and has 3,297 scholars.
We have received a document from
the State Teachers' Institute, which we
shall publish next week. The Institute
will meet at Lincoln, July 0th, and close
August-1st. They want all the teachers
in the State to attend. Railroad fares
half rates and rooms free at Lincoln. It
should be well attended.
What has become tf the corruption
cry amQBi,' -the" ''Liberals ? They do not
"tant to purify the Augean sUbles so
much lately, as to convince people, and
themselves, that the South-was all right
during the war, that Democracy can
alone save the country, and that Greeley
never harmed rebels or southern pro
slavery men in any way, shape or fix.
Civil reform, revenue reform, .have died
out in their hearts and speeches. They
enly want to "bridge the bloody gulf with
loving arms," let a Democratic hand
and arm through the treasury bars, and
then die happy. The last they are
sure to do, happy or no happy, nest November.
(till OUTT.
The Republican party by its platform
having shown a desiro for greater
reforms than even the go-called liberals
have demanded, there is no excuse for
honest men to leave its ranks, aud it be
comes the duty of every true blue to
step to the front and eugport the grand
olJ party that has in days gone by made
property valuable,- life safe, and govern
ment itself Becure. Especially to the
laboring man of the Ncrth has the Re
publican party been a safe-guard and
bulwark : for bv its means labor has
Kfr. Am-?.. annt..i.i c,,;..,,.
debased and prostrated as in the south
under Democratic rule.
Al) lATEliliS N.A1 J'EUS'KTCfJI.
This is the way brother Frost of the
Tribune, and Republican sails into Doc
tor Miller of the Heiald at Omaha.
"The ad perpetuum editor over the
way displays his Iearniug and acuteness
cn the calf question to an astonishing
degree. He thinks with Greeley, that j
all calves who do not have horns are
shorthorns, at least until the horns grow,
and then they become Devons, Dorhams,
J Ayeshires, Jerseys, Herdtfords, or Tex
ans, in accordance with the size shape or
quality of their horns. This may be his
view of tho bovines from a vice vena an-
alogy, because liberals, soreheads growl-
ers, ana traitors, become uemocrats
when their horus are grown. But Mr.
Housel's calf has too much weight (565
pounds vide Herald) to engage in such
nonsense. lie is Ayeslure, and uon 1
propose to sail under borrowed collors.
Old fashioned manners are, in the
main, very pleasant to behold, and pref-
erawc-on many points to inoseoi loung
. II ". .. .1 IT
America at tho present day, but there
are a few marks of the old time regime
that were grounded in the local necessi
ties of the time which might as well be
dispensed with now. One is the fash-
ion of giving a lady, or ladies, the seat
next the wall in our churches. The
custom arose, it is said, in troublous
time3 during the early settlement of the
country, when the wale portion of the
congregation were liable to be called on
for protection and defense, either from
Indians or soldiers or civil officers of
other sects for sad to say they used to
persecute in those days at the point of
the bayonet such sects and religions as
did not accord with the dominant par
ties' views of what constituted religion
and might have to ruah out suddenly to
help in a melee with one or the other of
these enemies. Those time3 having
passed by there is no good reason f jr
the occupants of a pew to 13 out in tho
aisle and swarm up it and down it, and
fall'in and march back again every time
a lady wants a seat in that pew. An
honest, kindly heart, and a sincere de
sire to help others, and make them com.
fortable, will lead to real politeness and
bonafide good manners with better suc
cess than all the elaborate treatise's that
ever Chesterfield wrote or a lieau Bruui-
mel practiced. The real secret of good
manners is to make your guest your
friend, or your audience at home, com
fortable and easy, cool and sereDC. Any
course that best accomplishes this is
good manners, if not laid down in the
rules, and any system that doe3 not do
tfiis is not pleasant manners, no matter
what great name gives authority to its
The campaign can scarcely be said to
have onened. vet it is hirh time we be-
gan to organize if we meaa that victory
shall perch on our banner.?. Our ene
mies are alert; no stone will be left un
turned on their part, you may rest as
sured of that.
While it is to be hoped that personal
feuds and purely personal dislikes may
be left out of the field as much as po-
sible, it is the duty and tho privilege of
every American citizen to exercise his
pohKcal rights after his own manner and
best judgment. It is especially the duty
of Republicans, at this juncture, to be
up and doing, for their foes are largely of
their own household, and should be met ,
fairly and squarely on the issues they
themselves have set forth. Ihe pnnci at the Convention, residing in these rc
paloneof thee is that they want to puri- I gpective precincts, and be empowered to
fy the government. W as ever a sect, a
fraternity or a party punned by its mem-
bers leaving the fold and bushwhacking
around the outside, widening the gaps
and breaking down the safeguards, thus
throwing open the field for outsiders
and cuemies the more easily to rush in,
and mayhap conquer the legitimate oc
cupants. If ever any party was purified
by these means it was before cur time,
and not having the precedent we preter
to do our purifying inside the pasture,
To do this successfully, needs system and
forethought. Organize your clubs, then
send out your documents and be pre
pared with weapons of defense and of
fense, for by thorough -Tork and careful
organization alono can we be sure of
complete success.
Soldiers' Re-union. 1872.
T. Transportation will be furnished to
Federal Soldiers and bailors of the
late war, now residents of Nebras
ka," to the re-uoioo at Plattsmouth,
NeK by the various Railroads, at re
duced rates. All persons entitled to this
favor are requested to comply v. ith the
requirements of Railway Agents and
avoid confusion.
II. Committees will wait cpon parties
arriving at Plattsmouth and furnish them
with information.
III. Committeemen will be designated
by Mae sulIics.
IV. Oration will bo delivered at 2 o'
clock, r. m.
V. Marshals will be designated by red
Sashes. By Order.
Chairman .State Executive Com.
State Papers please copy.
The Plattsmouth Herald is Tip-Top in
every respect, full of newg and spicy as
MacMurphy well knows how to make a
paper. It ought to have a good circula
tion: Omaha Tribune.
That's so brother Frost, it ought to
bave a good circulation, aid it shall if
we live and have our health.
Tipton nnl Kclinrx In ehrnskn.
Senator Tipton addresses a large and
enthusiastic meeting at lirowDTiIle bat
urday evening. Oarl Schurs will epea
there and elsewhere in Nebraska as soon
as tho battle gets hot
ed to do so." Omaht
He has promts
'ia Herald.
The Omaha Tribune & Repvblican
says this of the Herald :
The Greeley organ will never be hung
tor consistenc', decaptated for pnnci
p pie, nor Durned at the stake tor sincerity
la ..'a'.
ii juriit c n u'jiuiuisiri nuuiu lug
bounds of Nebraska. If justice hou!d
be lame as well as blind it might sutler
tor ail three
Progress ef the Geneva Arbitration
Geneva, June 15.
. The Geneva tribunal for the arbitra
tion of the Alabama claims met at noon
to-day, at the Hotel de Ville, 'all mem
bers being present, as follows : Count
Schiops, representing the King of Italy
I presdent of the Court; Charles Franci
Adams, arbitrator on the part of the U.
S.; Alezander Cockburn, representing
Great Britain Jacob Staempfli, repre
senting the Swiss government ; and liar
o:i D'ltujubi, representative of the Em
peror of Brazil. Summaries of proofs
and arguments in sucvort oi the case o
England and the United States were
transmitted to the arbitrators by the re-
spective agents of the two countries
1 J.,ord ieruen ai.d J. U. Ii. Lavis. Ihe
court of arbitration soon after adjourned
to Monday nest at 2 p. m. Further than
is above stated the proceedings of the
tribunal are kept absolutely secret.
Statc Items.
Mr. Firth, Superintendent of the A.
& N. road, who was so badly injured by
falling through a bridge while standing
on the cowcatcher of tho locomotive, is
j not expected to live.
The Iowa editorial excursionists ar
rived in Omaha on the late train Thurs
day night. They were passed free over
the bridge by Mr. G. W. Uoman, Jr.
The Grand Jury are busy investigat
ing the case of Robert Anderson, the
supposed incendiary of the Bee office.
Several witnesses have been examined.
Hon. 'B. Bates was chosea delegate
from Dakota at the late county conven-
tion and u strong tor Greeley and lirown.
Sorry for friend Barnaby we a;e.
.Waters, cx-editor of the Chronicle,
J has gone into the real estate business in
Nebraska City,
W. S. Stretch, of the Nemaha Valley
Jounral, has sold out his interest in that
paper to Messrs. Weaver & Fulton who
will succeed him as editors and proprie
tors. Master John Doane, and his mother,
Mrs. Doace, left on Tuas-iay for Boston.
We wih them a pleasant visit and a
safe return. Post.
The father-in-law of Judge Crounse,
Win. Griffith, from Fort Plain, New Y.
accompanied by his daughter and son are
spending a few days with the Judge s
lamily at rort Calhoun. JJlatr limes.
-A 1.:( "Puff" lffoninlll1 a
raPQ ui,on a ,itt,e 6Ir, ncar Covington,
so says t,ie CICS-
The widow of Admiral Faragut was in
Omaha on Mouday. '
Delegates from the various Precincts,
of Cass county, to the German Co. Cou-
vention assembled at the Court House
at o o'clock on Tuesday.
F. LehnhofF was called to the chairi
and A. Yon Swanenbcr was elected Sec
A eomuiittee was appointed to inspect
and report on credentials. Moved that
precincts not represented by d. legates
gaouhl be represented by parties present
cast the fuu yote 0f eaitl precinct
fhe Resolutions of the German State
Convention held 26th of September, 1871
at Nebraska City were read by Capt. J.
T. A. Hoover, and adopted.
meeting. A. V on Swanenberg made a
short speech asking for German unity,
and representation, &c.
The roll of delegates was then called,
oach member answering to his name : 36
delegates were present.
The election of delegates to the State
Convention was then carried as follows:
Wm. Stadelmann John Inhelder
Alex. Schlegel
J. T. A. Hoover,
Wm. Snyder
F. Stoll
F. R. Guthman
P. Braitch
A. Rams
F- Goerder
Jacob Vallery, Sen.
Phillip Horn
Jloved that a Reception committee be
. . , .,
appointed to receive delegates- to the
State Convention; carried.
Alox. Schlegel, Wm. Stadelmann and
F. R. Guthman were appointed as said
Moved that a ball be given for the
benefit of the Delegates to the State
Covention, and a Committe appointed
to procure 3Iusic, Hall, &c.
Wm. Stadelmann, F. Lehnhoff, P.
Braiatch, L. Golding, F. R. Guthman,
were appointed said committee.
The Convention adjourned sine die.
A. Von SenwANENBERGE, Secy.
Mrs. John A. MacMurphy spent a
day or two in town ths week among her
many friends. She reports "Tip Ton's"
nea:tu unproved, anu "c soie proprietor
of the Platt-mouth Herald, one of the
i ii" . v ii t - - . I
most promising papers in the the State.
Blair Times.
Yes ; they took the wife up there and
treated her splendidly. In Omaha they
sold her a Greeley hat (bonnet she calls
it) and even the Platte river rose to meet
her as the came don.
Correspondence. -
Whereas, The great Master above
has conferred the last and highest de
grca upon our esteemed and beloved
brother, Robert Latta, by removing him
from the harvest fields of the earth to
the great garner home above, therefore
Resolved, By Mt. Pleasant Grange
No. 4, Patrons of Husbandry, that in
the removal of brother Latta we have
lost a faithful laborer, a diligent cultiva
tor, a cheerful harvester and a good flus
Resolved, That thj.-mcmber, of this
Grange wear the prescribed mourning
badge at all cur meetings, for thirty
Resolved, That the pympathy of this
Grange be extended and a copy of these
resolutions be presented to the family o
Resolved, That these preambles and
resolutions be signed by the Master an
Secretary, and a copy of the same be
furnished the two papers of the county
and the Iowa Homestead.
C. H. WINSLOW, Master.
JosEPn McClurk, Secretay., Mt.
Pleasant Grange No. 4. Patrons of IIus
bandry, Cass Co., Neb.
Mt. Pleasant, Juno 14, 1872.
Weeping Water, Neb. June 12.
Ed. Herald: Last evening the
good people of this part of the country
held a mass meeting in the First Con
gr?gational Church, to ruaVe prepara
tions for celebrating the Fourth of July.
After a free interchange of views, it was
Resolved, That the people of
county could in no way celebrate our
National birth day so appropriately, as
by meeting in one Grand Celebration at
Weeping Water.
In view of this the following officers
and commitiees were appointed :
President of the Day Wm. B. Ash-
Ass't. Marshall Henry Hubbard,
Hon. David McCaig, Orlando TefTt, E. A.
Kirkpatrick, John Hogan.
Committe of Arrangements M. E
Woods, D. C. Flemming James Clizbe,
J. R. Stucker, R. N. Ingersoll.
Committee on Toasts Prof. L. W.
Peet, Rev. Simon Barrows, L. F. Reed
Committee on Music Prof. T. L
Potter, W. II.- Ashmun, W. C. Jenks
Hon. E. L. Reed was appointed a
committee to secure the best orators in
the State, for the occasion. Mindful of
the inconvenience and grumbling that
usually attends a "Table Dinner," it
was unanimously voted to have a basket
By order of the meeting, a cordial in
vitation is extended to all the inhabi
tants of the county.
The minutes of this meeting ordered
published in the Nebraska Herald at.d
Cass County Democrat.
Wm. B. ASHMUN, Ch'n.
R. N. Ixqersoll, Sec'y.
Pursuant to previous arrangements,
a committee of conference met at the
M. E Church, in the above named
place, June 15th, 1S72, to confer upon
the best place and mauncr of celebrating
the coming Fourth of July. Several
neighborhoods and Sabbath Schools
were represented, and after mature do-
beration, it was unanimously resolved
to hold a Sabbath School Celebration
and Picnic at Eight Mile Grove. The
necessary committees were chosen, and
it was resolved to extcud the invitation
to everybody, and to all Sabbath Schools
in particular. Children, parents and
friends, come along, that we may have
good time. The Secretary was in
structed to furnish to each of our county
papers a suitable notice of proceedings
for publication. Remember the hour,
9 a. m. S. RICHARDSON, Prcst.
B.'Avstiv, Sec''.
Xcw Advertisements.
The best booki published on the Horsr nnd
theCnw. liberal terms. Money D'ade rapid
ly by Agents selling these books. Send lor
l'OHTJSii uuAii.s. ruDiisner:
12 tf Philadelphia, Pa,
Ablracts of Titled
X use. For descript.-ve cireulTs, a'tdress.
Burlington. Iowa.
First National Bank of Platts
mouth Nebraska.
At Plattsmouth in the State of Nebraska
At close of Business Ju e 10th 1S72.
Loans and Discounts
U. S. is-md-t to secure Circulation
S.tiSi fit
Vi.lM 25
11.0-9.20 j
Other Stocks, lionds. and Mortgage
Due from liedeemingand Keserve
. A iron!
Due from other National Banks
Due from other Banks and Bankers
Other lteal Kstxte
Furniture and rixturea
2.203 36
4.):").2J j
Current Expenses
Premiums .
Ciisii Items (in- lulling stamps)
Kills -f othT -National iS.mks
Fractional Currency (including Nickels) 144.52
Legal Tender Notes
IO.oU'J.W) i
Capital Stock paid in
3.4S9 41
National Bank Circulation out
Individual Deposits
Duett National Buuks
Due to other Banks and Bankers
sttkof Ncbbaska.
County of t'u i
I.I no K. Clark. Cashier of the First National
Bank cf flutttmouth Neb. do solemnly swear
that the above (statement is true, to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
JNU. tt. CL.AKK.(-iAier.
Subscribed and sw'oro to before me this 17th
day of Jon IS. 2.
T. W. Evans. Notary Tablie
Correct Attest :
rjsmuel ilaxwell)
K. C. Coshirg Dirnr.
B.G. DoveyJ
Commissioners Sale of Real
Estate. '"
V"OTlCE in hereby riven, that by virtue of
XI an oruer 01 Bie inueu oat 01 me dis
trict Court of Nemaha County, in the State
of Nebraska, and to us directed aa referees
and commissioners in the case herein if er
mentioned; upon an order and decree ren
dered by the said Con rt in a certain action
thereiu pending, wherein Bryant Cobb is plain
tiff, and Martha Finley, Nancy Allion, Clark
Cobb. Williainssn Cobb, Pinkney Cobb, Clay
Cobb. David Cobb, Catherine- Kins, Mr
tha Conner. Francis Cobb, Seymour Cobb,
Nancy A. Kin?, Williamson R. iV. Cobb,
Newton C. Worley, Louisa Inman; Martha
N. McOaha. Eliza Nelson. Martha C. Kell
and John A, Irwin are pcfendanta, we will
offer for sale at public auction, at the door
of the Court House in Plattsmouth. Cass
county, Nebraska, on Monday, May 27th, 1872
at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day.
the following real estate in Cass County, Ne
braska, to -wit:
S E M. Section 15, Town. 11, Range 10. 100
acres; also, N E i. Section 15, Town 11,
Range 10, 160 acres, and the North West
quarter of Section 15 Town. 11 Range 10 ICO
TERMS OF SALE. One third cash; one third
in one year, and one third in two ycare. Defer
red payments to be secured by mortgage on the
premises, with interest at 10 per cent per an
num, payable annually, from date of sale.
Wm. II. IlnoYK. )
Dv:i'S n Plasters, Y
Ricu'd V. Hue MRS. J
Thomas & Broadway, Attorneys. 8.915
This sle was adjouroed to tho 16th, day of
July 1372.
Legal Notice.
Stanley L. Noble, nonresident defen
dant, will take notice that on the 27th
day of May 1872, Lydia Noble filed her
petition in the District Court of the 2d.
Judicial District, in and for Cass county
Nebraska, the object and prayer of said
petition is to obtain a divorce of the
bonds of matrimony existing between
yourself and said nlaintiff.
1 ou are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 15th day of July
By Maxwell & Chapman, her Attys
y 5t
Sheriffs Sale.
Electa G. nasty vs Emerson II. Eaton. Order
of sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the
District Court for Cass county Nebraska, and to
me dire, ted, I will, on tho 13th day of July. A
D. 1372, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said
day, at the (south) front door of the Cour
House in the city of Plattsmouth in said coun
ty, sell at public auction the fallowing real
estate, to-wit: Lots 7. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, in
b'ock No. six (6) in the. city of Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, and the southeast quarter (j 4) section
No, twenty-four (24) in township No. twelve (12)
nerth range No. twelve (12) east of the 6th P.
M.. and part of the northeast quarter Ci) of
section No. twenty-five (25) township No.
twelve (12) north range No. twelve (12) east of
the 6th P. M., containing about one hundred
acres ; the southwest quarter Ci) of section
fourteen (14) township twelvo (12) north r-npe
No. twelve (12) east of the Gth P.M.: the west
half 0) of the south-east quarter 05 and the
southeast quarter (14) of the southeast quarter
C--i) of section No. nineteen (19) township No.
twelve (12) north range No. thirteen (13) east 6th
M. ; the southwest quarter (!) of the south
west quarter (J-) of section No. twenty (20)
township No. twelvo (12) north rango No. thir
teen (13) eiwt of the Cth P. M.; and the south
west quarter (1-4) of section No. thirteen 13' in
township No. twelve (12) north range No.
wclve (12) east of the Clh P. M-, to satisfy a
udgtnent recovered at the April term, A. J).
1S72, of the said District Court by Electa G
Hasty, Administratrix of Charles Hasty, de-
ea:cj, against E morion II. Eaton.
Sheriff Ca?s County Nebraska.
Fox A Wheeler, Pl'ffs Atty's. 8 9 5t
Sheriff's Sate-.
Notice is hereby given th it the under
signed Sheriff of the County of Cass,
wnl, by virtue ot an executiou, issued by
the Clerk of the District court of the
2d Judicial District of Nebraska, within
and for Cass county, hi favor of the Ca-
uca Chief 31anuiactunnr Co. and
against James Crabtrce and to him di-
oeteu, at oneo clock p. m., on Monday
June the 24th A. D. 1872. At the front
door of the Court House in said Ca;-s
county, offer for sale at public auction
the following goods and chattels, to-wit
One pair of mules, medium size, taken
1 i . .1 . i. ,
.-ii ..ui-j i a.unuu. iw viuuviii ui emu
James uiabtree
Given under my hand this 12lh day !
of June, A. I. 1872. i
J. W. JOHNSON, Sheriff,
Cass Co, Neb.
JlAxWELL & Chapman, ITfls Att ys.
11 2t
Estray Notice.
'Tlaken up by the undersigned at
- residence in .Liberty t recinct, on
I or about the first of April 1872, one red
COW and Calf, the COW is SUPPOSed tO be
about three year- old, and has a crop off jury to any one.
flip riirbt fir iml an lindprpiir nnr nf'thf It has been used by hundreds, and known for
111 r,Sal ea,ranJ an undercut out or tne te-last thirty-five years asone of tho mcst re
let t ear. Ihe owner Can have the above liable. clSeacjous and harmless prepaations
by proving property and paying charges- evtjr "fored to the suffering, it taken reguarly
J o. , nn-i nrs-ilpntlv. if. mmirp fo n r Tl ......d .
John Cuilcott.
10 5t
Probate Notice.
Notice is hereby civen to all concern
ed that Calesta J. JMiner, George A.
Lnttaand William E. Latta, filed in the
cfSce of the Probate Court, Court, Cass
County, Nebraska, an application ior
the appointment of an administrator for
the estate or nobert 31. Lititta, deceased.
Said at'Diication to be heard on the
22 day of June, A. D. 1S72, at my office
in Plattsmouth.
June 5th 1872.
10 Ct Probate Judge.
For Your Groceries Go To
Corner Third and Alain Streets, Plattsmouth.
&5IIe keeps on hand a choice and
well selected Stock of
Fancy Groceries,
Coffees, Teas,
Sugar, Syrup.
Ac, Ac. c.
In Connection with the Grocery is a
Bakery & Confectionery !
SA11 kinds of Country Produce bought and
Take notice of th sign "EMPIRE BAKERY
AND GKOCEKY. myl6wtf. .
lEead. Kt'ad. Kead.
Perfamerrs. Toilet artielcs. Prushe.i. Paints
CiK Varnish. Putty, Window
Glass. Lamps, chimney's,
extra refined coal oil. nun-explosive
burning fluid. Ac. Ac, Ac. ic. go
t door west of the Post Office, in tho same
a with oBneu. boot and shoe doaler.
AS'Strictlv pure wines and linnoprfn o,Ji
cinal purposes), a speciality.
He manufactures flavoring extracts, a fine
nani antidote. When once cured, which takes
orthe.ntid.Vte uff
iCommumcations for the Opium Antidote
,nf,.h x-k . e- x r u- l'"a''?'"'T 1'iatfs-
mouth. .Neb. or E. J. ChaDinan. M. TV- fn
Valley. Iowa.
All Paper Trimmed free of
Also Dealer in
Magazines, and
Latest Publications.
Prescriptions carefully compounded by an ex
perienced Druggist.
Kemeiuber tne place, threedoors rcest of tho
Ilerald ofiico; Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
THE Symptoms o "iiver com-
i O : n .iplaint are uneasiness and pain
IOilSilIIUIld in the sii. Sometimes the
Fpnin is in the shoulder, and is
. -. . .... i . i i .
mistaken for rhciiinatisni.
lh6 stomaca is atlecttd with loss of appetite
i aim sii-Kocfs. dowcis in gentry cuptive. some-
i-i l i- , ..
i iiniu ill tfirilil I llitr with In.
The head is trim.
Med witn pain: ami dull, heavy sensation, con-
i.-iiueraoie loss i oi memory, ac-
Li t; p o S'-ompanieu witn painlui sensa
I V t ntion -of having left undone
1 .-ometliing which ought to have
' boon uoue. Olten complnining
of weakness, debility and low spirits. Souie-
times many ot tne above symptoms attend the
rtiqr.nK n.Tlfl lit. ftfhfr Hmpu l-prw fw gif tlw.m .
but the liver is generally the organ most.invol- !
veil, cure tne liver witn
ed to bo strietlv veehibln. nnd run An.
i i i" ry i
- luciiuaoiic, .lauimiri. cosuve-TJniiln-rJn?ss'.?ick
headache, chronic
XVCt; UiatUl I liarmoe . aflectiono the blad
der. camp dysentery, affection
ol the kidneys, fever, nervous
ncss. chills diseasesof the skin, impurity ofthe
mood, melancholy, or depression ol spirits,
heartburn, colic, cr pain in the bowels, pain in
the head, fever and ague; drop y.' boils, pain in
back and limb?, asthma, erysipelas, icinale af
'ections, and bilious diseases generally.
Prer arcd only by J. II ZEILIN & CO.
Drurgi?ts. Macon. Ga.
Send for a Circular 1 and :t'9 Arch street.
Price SI; by mail l.op Philadelphia Pa,
For Sale by j H BUTTERY,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
8 M j.
Juvt Pullixhed, in a teahd envelope. Price 6ct.
A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment, and
P.adical cure of Spernmtorrkoea, or Seminal
Weakness, Invoiunlary Emissions, Sexual De
bility, and Impediments to Marriage generally;
mental and 1 tiiMcal incapacity, resultinir from
s-lf-abuse. A-e. By Boocrt J. Culverwell, M
Dr. author of the '(ireen Book,' c.
ble Locture, clearly proves from his own exper
ience that the awful cocseoupnee of clf-hnsp
Itie world-renounca author, in tais admira-
may be effectually removed without medicines.
and without dangerous surgical operations, bou
tries, instruments, rinej or coidinls. nointin?
out a mode ot cure ot once certain and effectual
bv which every sufferer, no matter whaf hi.s con
dition may be. may cure him.-eif cheaply, pri
vately, and rudicully. This lecture wiit prove a
born to thousands and thousands.
Sent u ndcr seal, to any address, in a nlain
sealed envelope, on the re:eipt of six cents, oi
two postage stamps. Also Dr. Culverwe Vt
'niarriare truide. price 25 cenU. Address the
- 127 Bowery New York. P. O- Box 4585.
Dec 22 wly
Our Greenwood Letter.
Lincoln, Neb.
This Houso has just been refitted and refur
nished KKW tlirougnoni. jiverymjun "
and clean, and comiortaoio accomaunLiou -
ranfprf to iruets. Air. U L. KOOerts, iormer ,
clerk ot tfcis House, is still with it. fcUHT ot- j
c for all Prfs of the Siate tree Buss.
lift V. B. BVt in n tiifi t ivi-i ivi-.-i.
equated KkiMDowde; '.ndV ZU Which said taxes
cics. To those addicted 10 the use of opium, he certified by the city clerk on the
that poisonous and destroying drug, cowe or ad- list, for the year 187 to the chv t
dress rue and be cured as thousands of others ' 1.1. .111 . ..' . V . Cl.y 1
nave been and are bcina-. lv a n.-iinloaa "uici auu Mian ou collected tiv tho
Ordinance No. 27.
An Ordiaancc levying certain taxes fo
the purpose of providing revenue.
Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Conn-
cilrnen of the City of Plattsmouth :
Sec 1. 1 hat there shall be ana is
here i j' levied on all tho real, personal
and mixed property within thesai J city,
not exempt from taxation by the laws of
the State ot Nebraska, a tax ot live St)
mills on the do Iar for general revenue
purposes lor the year 1872, on the valu
ation of said property as shown by the
assessment books ol said city ior eaiJ
rear. Said tax to be certified to tho
city treasurer by the city clerk on the
tax list for said yar and to be collected
by the proper ollieers as provided by law
Sec. 2. That there shall be and is
hereby levied on all the taxable real es
tate within the said city of Plattsmouth
a tax ot five (5) mills on the dollar, for
the year 1S72, for the purpose of raising
the necessary revenue to defray the ex
penses of opening and improving Aven
ues and streets and for building bridges,
culverts, sewers and foot-walks across
the same which said tax shall be certified
by he city Clerk on the tax list for tho
year 18 1 2 as Avenue taxes, and shall be
collected by the proper olHcers in the
tne taxable property within the said city
a tax of ten ( 1 0) mills on the dollar for
tne purpose ot paying tho interest and
- I Coupons as thov hrnmrt fJun nn T! 1
tO the Burlington fr. MiV-ennrS Ii,V- If :!
J- Koad Com patij', heretofore issued by
per officers, in the SatUC Way and Under
ltJe saJue 'iws as other taxes are collcct-
ed. Provided, that said tax ehall be
payable only in money.
I . . .V ...
K.0 " x "ls KJi umance snail take el-
iect Irom and alter its passage.
Passed and approved June) 17th, T872.
ii. 1j. Willi Ji, Mayor.
Attest, R. II. Vanatta, City Clerk.
Ordinance No. 25.
An Ordinance providing for the nav-
mcnt of interest on City warrants.
Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Court'
cilrnen of the City of Plattsmouth.
Sic. 1. That all city orders or war
rants heretofore issued or hereafter to
be issued by the proper authorities of
said city, after having been presented
to the City Treasurer tor payment and
hjr him endorsed "not paid for want of
funds in the treasury," (giving the date
or eaia presentation) siiall draw interest
at the rate often nprcpnf. npp nnnmn
Provided that this Ordinance fhall not
apply to any orders or warrant in which
the rate ot interest to be-drawn is speci
fied. 1
Sec. 2. This Ordinance to take effect
Irom end after its passage.
Passed and approved June 17th 1S72.
M. L. WHITE, Mayor.
Attest, R. II. Vanatta, City Clerk
U. S. Land Office, Lincoln, Neb 1
June 5. 1S72. J
Complaint having been entered at tKis
office by A. S. Smith, against Francis A
Jackson for abandoning his Homestead
Entry, No 28(3 dated May 10th 1869
upon the nejofswj Section 22, town
Hhip 11 n, range 12e, in said Cass county
Nebraska with a view to the cauctlla-
uoti oi sain earry: nie said parties are
hereby summoned to appear at this office
on the 8 day of July. 1.S72, at 10 o'cJock
a. m., to respond and furnish to.tinionv
concerning the said alleged abandon
ment. II. YV. Sommerlad, Register.
Geo. 1. TccKKit, Receiver.
11 4t
The Ilalladny M ill has stood the test for six
teen years, both in the United Slates and Eu
rope and is the only one
Generally adopted by all Principal Rail
roads and Farmers.
SScnd for catalogue and price Iist,-
aplSwtf Lincoln Nebraska.
Y' be found at his old stand on Main St.
TI where he will be pleased to see his for
mer customers and friends.
He has a large and good assortment of farm
machinery such as the
rrhe Marsh harvester, a reaper that two men
JL can cut and bind ten acres pir diy with
one man to drive, and the binders can work in
the thade.
" rilburn and Studenbaker Wagons, fham
ITX pion Keaper 3c ilowe Massillon 1 brash
er, and Bufalo Pit thrasher, and Excelsior
Keaper ana Mower Ac,
same way and subject to the tame laws 2 ETRI J2 W tilVIB 8 S"l$r-W3 S3,
" nd penalties as other taxes. Provided I jN & fl g U gf fife? M j H
that said tax shall bo payable only in 5 ?l ? fOst'L Ji
hereby levied 1S72 .n .1. 33
Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb.
L. S. Bi-itR, Truclin? Ajcn.
Feb. 29 wtf.
Mothers, Mothers,
Don't fail to Jirorurt Mrt Wihutvie't Southing
Syrup for Children Icethintf.
This valuable preparation has been Hfd
It no only relieves the child from pain, but
inv'Korates tho stoin ch aud bowels, corrortf
acidity, and givts tone nmi eneriry to the whole
system. Itwillalsoi suutly it-ucre
Grijiinj in th DowvU and Wind OjU.
We believe it the best and tmi est romeJy In
the worid. in all coars of Dysentery and Diar
rhoea in children, whether urn-nog from teeth
ing r any oiber cause
Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to
yoursolves, and
litlirj and HeuHh to Your Infani.
Be sure and call for
''Mr; 'Yinlov' Sootning tyxit-"
llnvinir the fc-iiuiile of "CURTIS Jc PKn-
KINS"ou the outride wriif'per.
told by Druggixts throughout the world. 10
tho East North
To tho East North snd
Leave Plattsmouth, 3.40p. in. 8.00 a. in.
Arrive Bu lington 5.00 a- in. 8.40p.m.
Mendota 31.15 a-m. 13.22 a. m.
" Chicago(C.B.JtQ.) 3.15 p.m. 7.00 a. in
" Peoria.. " 9,00 a. in. 12.00 ft. in.
" Ind'plis(I.I..t W. 5;4'p. in. 10 30 a.m.
" Cincinnati " 9.50 p.m. 4.00 p.m.
" Logansp'tCT.PAW 6..r5 p. 111. 9.20 a.m.
" Columbu " 2.4.'i a. in. C.20 p. m.
-Through Cars from Missouri Iliver to Chi
cago. Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Logansport and
Connections at those points with lines lead
in? to the Eajt. North and houth.
This is the Heat, Xlvrtel, and Chwp
et ICoute.
Do not be deceived, but obtain Tickets via
the Burlington and uifsouii River Railroad.
A. E. ToLiZALIN, C E. Vt UK 1 S.
jeii'l ticket Agent. Ucn'l Sup")
""fhngton & Mo. Iliver II. R. Co.
Un renlcar3 Credit at C per ct. Interest
.No part orprincipMl due for two yearn, and
thence only one-ninth yeariy till paid in l'u'l.
PKOLll'CTS will pay for land and improve
ments within the limit of this generous credit.
-Better terms were nover ottered, are'not
now. ard probably never will be.
CI kCL'IjAIIS giving Till purticulnrs are sup.
plied grutis; iiny wirhing to induce othen to cm.
Derate wi h thum. or to t.irm a rolony, re iuvil
eU to ask for ull they want to di.-tribute.
Apply to GEO. S. HARRIS, Land Comm'r,
For Iowa Lamis, at Burlington. Iowa.
Ami for Ntbratkd Luudii, at Lincoln Neb.
A Rook for Hie Million !
A private counselor to tb
Married or thouc about to mar-
I i rv on fhff vuw.lfuri.,. I iii.iUi1.
ics and revelations of the sexual system, th
latest oicsovcricd in producing and nreventing
oi.Vj'i-ing, how to prfherve tlie couiplexion Ac.
I lia is an interesting work of two hundred
anu iwei.iy-iour pages, with numerous engrav
ings, and contuius valuable information for
those who are marricir. or cont'-mplate mar
riage. SHI, it in a book that ought to be kept
urnler lock and key. and not laid carttleMly
about the house.
Sent to tiny one (free ofpoMngei fur SO cents.
Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary, No. i N
Eighth street, St. Louis, Mo.
Notice to the Afllicted and Unfortunate. .
Before applying to the notorious quark who
advertise in public papers, or using any quack
remedies, peruse Dr. Butts' work no matter
what your destuse id or bow deplorable your
Dr. Butts can be consulted, personally or by
mil. cn the diseases mentioned in his works.'
'fli'e. No. 12 N. Eighth street, between Market
"nlChesnut. St. Louis, Mo. detdwly
the miw
Come aud See Us
Having taken this paper Tin charge wa
propose to refit and renew the entire office m
fast as pc ssi hie, so that no better office can be
found in the State. Send ;n your work.
Especial attention given to
Job Work.
Work done in Colors.
Justice's Blankt, Probate and Court
Blanks always on baud.
6F"Blank work carefully attended to.
Blanks of all kinds on hand, for salo.
Call at the WEW
Herald Office
V .