; J" t-jj.. .-, . - " " .,. T " - ; - . mmm M j fc . .. .. . - - ' . " ... JriLiine says: por.-,r.- curt End n aliin- to do, wLilo we luvc u;.,r-. work r-.r.vairg upon us than v.e know how t . ..iito.-e cf. We woulj likrf to turn ever th execs t tho-e iu want cfc-n;i.!.j-r,;r;it : and tLo.r.. "losing leti' r which v,-j print rirlaliu seta l'.irLli uz' ot tii'j j -bj Jthat we remit to any o:j j witi i ; CiDEAU Tovrx Ga Apre! 0th 1S.72. Mr. il. (Ji.Ti.r.ir Dr.Mi Sik: I witcli y. u to Jo a Little wuk lor me I want CO o 'J j.K'ys of Lu-cns lo prt medicia jast Jiniik cs.'i and I will Sil them out luySch" i;:uivC iliLti cut iromnny coledgo in that titty I a:u a L:ccui Phi.-iuc, and have to j ay the 13vd liva Dollars iv.'iy year for the in ai.d I want llum cheeper if ycu will ct a Llank l;lciua 1 will pay you it-r your trouble and take it ks a. favor if j'liu -end u-c the Diploma yor teed r.ot Send me the Jtrer.s if yon cant do that Send me the Lk-v.$ Send mo them a? poop, as yea can aud the Hiil and I wi'd Send vo'i thj money a you direct it I witch you to Send, me yo'ir weekly pjxrr, ify'i will rue the Diploma 1 will Send you Ten Name? tor your Pupir or t av you Te:i Dollar ii money Let me hear f.om y.iu s on Direct To Ceder Town I. .Ik C .u.ity ira Dr. J. D. T. Biirhop Whitt house iceently under took t: iii'jMsat3 a poir.t in hi: sermon. ty tellim; hi:j foujuirgaiinn how he had once bc-cn tost on th prahhvs of Illinois, end had wu!: hrtd for a liua t.me. weary and almost htrndoiw At la-t lie taw li;rht, ar.d made his w.;y t-lowly towatd it fhoiifir.;; for help, "Jut as 1 1 mi.;;ht. I could go no failher," sail th-- Li.-hop, "arid wsabot riuUng dawu in d 6pair, tha door of a cabin opened before ui-' an J the long looked for Sucker cama." 1 he rmiuter.tnnul pun L ought the house do-.vn. A Ui'iliklioii itrrmii, fieu. Humphrey M:ir.L;:!!, who rent- Jy diC-J at j-.iui.-vii Ivciu.: hy, lc o-d to the fatuity v.hh Chi.f Ju.-tiee John idar.-:id. A eorresr.-nn Jent of the Lor.i.- ill 3 Cour- ier-Jsurua! j-iws the f:.il-w:n ac-"unt of a dn ;u:i o n. 3iarhMtl i i a I just a wetk before hi daih, ciid which was not ic fitizi'd : "In a room at the Caiitol Hotel, in Frarikti.it, Lt.-(ovenior Caili.-h' and 3 ether friends Wire with the (rc-ncra!, all 'h.atu"n j f-oei w'y, v.hen he rn;atkod to ( ' I had a uio-t sir-cuLr aula vivid dre.-iui !o:;' r.i;;ht. In uvy hlei-p a spirit appeared hdlro n:e at.d a-keJ tue what 1 krifw oi J r. if a J.)avis, th: r.otrr.ncn t the Lrtbor ltcf"rui Converitiori. 3Iy rc ply was that I knew lut very little id.out Litu. i ne u stuuy h.s neor.j, an.l mak youifclf thoroughly n:atcroi it,' caid the jrehcr.ee, 'or the couuiiy is on the eve of great events, with which you are to be associa'cd. Uphold I 1 lo.;:!:J, con tinued the (Jt nerah to the part of the heaveus indicated, and savr I elore me a poluicd panom, and fiom year to year I oehciii ujv own name record until IjJvj Johu I am FatLSed of it I shall live ti 1 1 " AnI in na.? week after the recital of his dream, 'life's areata was o'er, and a great man's earosr on earth was ended.' The following story is told of Col. Saui ucl Colt, who in his lifetime was pome tioie inclined to he roict-ous. When he was buildinz dweltirc tiousea for the workmen employed in his great pistol iaclory, be one day mcouutered a boy ruvkine unchir-a on his irroumle: "Weat are you doing here? ha at-.ked cru!ll r. - . "Pickiug up chip?, f-ir" replied tlie youngster, evidently unawed by the great presence. "Perhaps," exclaimed the Colonel drawing niuiseit up with oignity you don t know wh'j L niu. I in Col. baiu- uel loit, and l live la that big House up vondsr. To hoy straigiitcned up, sweelled out an.J ar.r-'B-ercd, 1 erhaps you don t know win lam. I ta Patrick Murphf, an live in that s-hruty down yonder," point ing tha direction.. "Sonny," f.aid the Colonel blandly, rattinir the hoy on the head, go and piek up all the chips you waut, and when you get out c rue lor more. A )I.iuiitt)i OfiiLiry Vl-.int. A inamnioth eer.tury plant, forty feet in heighth and weighing three and a half tons, eas ljen shipped fio.n near .Jack- ponvilie, ilonda, to parties in .Sew ork The plant is on the point of blooming a second time, and is therefore nearly two hundred years oM. It may well he doubted whether in beauty and grandeur of appearance this plant has its equal on the continent. J ts leaves oxer an area the diameter of which is not less than 18 feet, while the central shaft or column on which the blooms are to appear, thou 2 h only a few weeks oi l, has already attain ed an attitude or hiteen lect. It is still growing at the rate of about b;x inches a dav, and wili continue to do so for about three weeks longer, when all its upper portion wili become clothed with a mass of magnificent bell-shaped blossom of white Landing in dne clusters, and ex tending for a tpaee of not less than four feet from apex downward. Alanro price was paid by the puieaasor lor this mair nifleent specimen, which can hardly fail of attracting great atteution during the period of its florescence. Abstract of the 3tcbratIis Herd I,n. 1. Owners of stock f-hail be liable f or ail damages done by such stock upo cultivated lands in the State. 2. The person whose property is 50 damaged has a lien upon the trespas.-dng animal?, tor the lull amount 01 Jam ic. and costs, ana may eniorec tne same oy the proper civil authority. 3. 'He ruut notify the owners of j-ui J trespassing animals of the dammage done ana ot the amount claimed. Ihe claim ant must name an arbitrator. 4. Within forty eiht hours after no tice has been duly served, if the ownei of trespassing stock refuses to pay the damages claiaicd, andd)csnt appoii t an arbitrator to represent his interest, eaid animal or aniina's may be ;o d upon execution as required by law, when laid amount in damages have been Sled with any justice of the peaee of the county in which such damages have been sustained- . 5. Arbitrators may bo appointed in case the parlies cannot agree. C. In cae the award of the arbitra tors is not paid, it may be filed as a judg ment. -"7. Stock may he taken up as estray in eacs whore the owner is tot known, and held liable for all damages and cost. 8. Cultivated lands, according to this law, include all forest, fruit trees and hedge rows plan'ed on ssii land?. y. . Stock not all m-'d to run at hirge, except in Dakota, Cedar, aod L'ean qui Court or ltiehard-on counties. JO. The law iray be su-pi.nded in any county, by the quali'led voters of the county, notice having bo-en given that at a regular or special ekcrion fisid vcter will have a chance to vote "For the sus pension of the herd law," or "Against the suspen?ion of the herd lavr" But a majority of the qualified voters of the county muit petition the county cotcmis-tionc-rs for uch an election. J I. Nothing herein contained shall be ( to construed as to prcrcnt any owners of 1 The New York eu!ti-aU-d lends, of IVuit and forest ticea from maintaining an action fjr all dam ages c iu-e 1 ly .xoek which lias escaped or ls- n driven away f.om the premise-, ?!iu.s damn. -red ng.un-t t he owne r of the owner of ti.e. .kt;vi: cr.uing uuh damage. 12. A'i or i'jri of ai't1, ineon sisle-nt with tliis act shill biad the saiue are hereby repealed lli. 1 his act to tak cLcjI uil be in force fiom an I after April Is-f, J 871 . Immigration. From t'-e'Centrd l'rtA.' The great question is : How shall we fill up our country ? A gre-it deal has niivady been said and done, an J yet trillions of aeies in Iowa, na-1 rvebrarka remain unoccupied. .No one can travel over U'orerti f xa, Kast ern and Western NeVas' a it out deep iinpicsstons ci the v:istre.s ot unoccupi ed fields, inviting (Hverv form of agricul tural on i vmyaru I.ib'r. lhelargj and hmali fruits to be cultivated. The duiiv id s'oek fi-i!K to b in S.lf. Th'i ilC'iC liau-tihle rc.-i.un.-i's ed" nature on every hand nre invitiog patient labor acd in- du-try. Its running streams to be made use fa. in'nianufaetiires. Its terr;i cotta clay to be curetted inio fiji-m- of bt;auty io ' r ehitccf u;e. l'oiti i cluy to he molded info iwJul oriii- for household purposes TJui crownine hhifi' of il:e Mi-fouri to he cove e i with sheep Its fine uml mi tritinus grass-is to be coivei led into wool, 'i he weaver's shui'e to form it into clothing, 'i hese lie! i - of ;ab..r nor only ii.vite the poor but the rich- Men of capital can !o l etter In re than in Jlh l' ist. In fact hey are neeesarV' in h' pnrt- of low.i and Ni.bru'-ka: The bind of Wt'.-teru own an 1 Eistrin Nebraska ire in private bun !. at prices ranginy fi'.io five to fifty dohurs :;n aee. The older seders haiing the advantages ol sf.-cioty, chtoh-and chunhe, land-uiur ot iit. ee-.-i y be higher. The c!as of im mijjrants to occupy these old fields must tie j crsons of mean -. To all classes ol pe-rous, Iowa and Nebrn-kn nfler great i idocf uieiitr t the ima igi arit. We a to all. come an 1 f.ee for voursslves. EKPJRE BAKEBY. AND G-ROCE-RY, Corner fa'ain and Third Sts I 'lat tsmouth, N ebraska. keep or. hncil a full suri-'y of C 'o ufectio n erics, Fios, Caksa, and 11 r 11 Z.S n n s; wts snja ccmi-lete n-sortment of Groceries, mj uiii.- iire, uuu kal :i. war . tJSGive us a call. !l (itirilMA.V A IIU3E?vTT FARM FrJACHINEnY. ul E. Woods keens an as sortment and sells as chean as the cheapest. Give him a call. Weeping Water, Neb ApUw4 F U R t 'i I T U R E i .- r :S- V CABINETMAKER And dealer ia all kinds of 1 it'll it tire Chairs mis srjLE&T, (third door east of P 0 PI alts mo Jill -f t Itepairinjt and Varniliiner nea tly Funeraia ttendeJ at the shortest LYON'S KATIIAIRON, For Prei erv:ng and Beausifying the Human Hair Ta PreKSr.t iis Failing Ojt and Turning Gray, A we'l-prejcrred Head of Iluir, in a person of middle age, at once bcspeata reCneinent, c!o gance, health and peauty. It may truly be called Woman8 Crowninjc Glory, while men aro not insentible to its advantages and charmst Few thing are more difgus'in? than thin, frizzly, harsh, untamed Hair, with head and coat covered with Dandruff. Visit a barber and you feel and look like a new man. This is what LYON'S KATIIAIRON will do all the time. The charm which li-2 in well phiced Ila'r, GIo??y Curls, Luxuriant Tmscs, and a Clean Ileal, is noticeab'o and irre.'Ltable. Sold by all Drugi:t3 and Country Stores. Jan, 2d. divr lvr every 3w "A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned.- ill And if you desire to &av Tit at enny As well as Pounds go to 3 TISTT IRQ. To Buy Your 6fI2 O CJS&IJE8 Wc have bought out II. D. Fai. and nr.w cC.jpyrV"! r ,irc rooia f.iiir uoors north f "c i "-jio iih-t jiiiiio, vacre nave jupI re.-)iyf-i an o.!'iitioi.l fu;.ji.v of Grocerifs ar.u Pftviem, ti-. . 1 h. ; : ' r.ii 1 r ' c" itrjiow ior rjsn A II Iririil 1 U ". i,n Ti-r-B- t- - ...I 1- : 1 for gjvdd. , . . EENNEIT EROS. Ti triViVT'Si-.ss All nr'rsons who contem- p'ato ioak'Tir coatractJ with icT'8per)l'or the niccrtion l .Advertisements snoui j itnu to. OWCil or a Cir :iiMr, or inflnpi Z'j con; for tliLMt On hun lr-d I ajje pHiupiiiot. cimihiainar J.i.'ta d i.ikH cwspnjrcrs ami csii-ratcf. eficiwing the '.iwi of advertising. alFoinnny ntfal hints to ad vertisers, and come ttdeon&cof tho cxprieut:i'( )l iii-ii who aro known as successful ndvcriis "rs. This firm are firjtrietor.t ot the Auiciiean Aewspapcr AJvcrtiiicx Aacncy. and are pri-:je?!el of uneqnnlcl facilities for c-iirii.'K the insertion of advert idemouts iati. N' wpaptrs uJ PeriodiCttis at lcwet rutea. The Two Most fcsuccessl'u Popular anJ- Perfect, o K S m a c II i n s OP THE PKPJOD Are Our Weil Knovrn DAEC AND EPIGUIUI DUOILIiRS ! i Both arc of tha Simp'est Consfrueti n, and o K.ir'ily uiiu.agci that ive guarantee tliem to givo ;ntire satisfaction A no article ia the hotti'ho!d h.is a greater in Hunic iu prou otinif the health, comfort and iutjpiiuss of th family circle tlian the Co;k .-.tovc, it is economy is well as poIi?y to pet the very best; and in buying the Charter Oak, you can rc!y on citing the mn."t suei-e-si'ul, popular and r-erfcet cokiue stove ever ma ie. In ufinsipn epicure Broiler you are always sure ot harms Juicv, Tender and Deliiious Ileefatahcs, Chickens, Hams, Chops, &c. Sold liy EX'-ELSiOR fo'FG'T CO. C12 & CI 4 N. Jlain Street, St. Louis Mo. AND AI-L LIVE STOVE DEALERS. Dee2diwGoj. LCK P. GILLBT1E 2te Lraslca City. General Agent Dep't Northwest, Union Central Life Of Cincinnati Ohio, J. II. PRE3SON, julyladAwtf Local A ge a CEDAR CREEK HILLS Is in running" order now. TCnnteci 50000 uuMieis oi neai. ran.'iaoiion win do given to ru.si raers m grinaing ana cawing. Flour, Cora meal, aud Lumber, will bo sold Cheap for Cash. Corce one. Come all, and give the Ceda ereeK juii a trial. CHRISTIAN SCIILTJXTi Oct. 12th wly - 1'rOI'"tt SIXTY FIVE 1st PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED THE GREAT "Baltirao e fiano Vi- ACTOR Y. Jlanuficturers of GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT Baltimoeb Mabtlakd. These Inst-uments have been befo helub- lic tor nearly thirty years, and upon their ei ceilt nc? aliiiie attained an vnpwchaned Pre eminence, which pronounces theiu unequalud m lone, luvch, Worktii'irnhip and Durihilii. C2AI1 our Snnare Pinr.o? hnve our New Im proved uverstiung fccaie anu tne Agrulla x e- a f e wou'd call special sttention to onr late Patented I:nprove:cent in Grand Pianos ar.-l Square Grands found in no other Piano, which brinrf tho piano nearer perfection than has yet been attained. Ereri PIANO Fully Warranted for Fire'yrar Illustrated. Cat-lognes and price lists prompt ly iuriiuapa on application to WM. KN ABE Sc CO., Baltimore, Md. Or any of our regu!ar establiaked agcnc.es. NoviiOwtimo. Lo.k to Your Children. The Great Soothing Remedy. MRS. I Cures eolie and crinine inl Pric Whitcomb a tho bowels, and ficilitates 2 Syrup, ithe process of teething. (Cents. I'ifiS. uouues crm vuiions anair-rice rvnicoma i overcimes all uiseatPS inci- 2 !yrop. jdent to lnlants nnd chiidrt n MRS. Cares Uiarrhce. ln-sntn. Certi. Price "hitcomb's ry nnd .ummcrcompIaint ac I- icuiiurcu u.ii ages. cents. It is the Brent Infant' and Cbildren'snSooth- inf? Hemedy. in all" disorders brouzht on bv teel hinff or any other cause. Prepared by tho Graftoa Medicine Co., 'St. I.OUIS MO. bold by druetusts and dealers in Mo everywhere- de2d& PLATTSMOUTH FALL Itm FOR 1871. Commences October 1 1371. Chicago Avenue, Cass county Nebraska. rrof. Adolpbo d'Allcmr.nd, Proprietor ana triD'.-ipal, x.-istcu by abie Tutora. r III3 Academy is novr in sncco.fsful or.nem. tion.an-J niRTS -t moderate terms tho u..:.! First-Ciass School. i 'he'eourse of study embraces every brsn ofathoroucb rJnelish eunatini-,. topih orcir the modern l.u.nuatrM, music, r.tid druwin iFrpal.culir ajud retorence aduress the Princi lnh26t DM J. Wiuii, Proprietor. R II. McDul Co., Druniu I tia. Ayuul. &ui Sraiiciftro, Cl., ti M CnuDrc fttrMl, N. M MILLIONS Bear Teatlmiy .to thelf Woudcrful Curative Eflccts. They are notavile Fancy Drink, Made of roof Knrn, Whiskey, Proof Hplrue and Kclune I.lnnnra doctored. Kniced and sweetened to please tno tastccallcd "Tonics." "Appetizer," "Kestorcra."ic, tbat lead the tippler on to drunkennesa and ruln.but are atrneMedicIne.mudo from the Kative Hoots ana uero of California, frets from nil Alcoholic SMiniu- lanta. They ore the OR EAT KI.OtlH riUL FIEItnnd A LIFE JIVISU PU1NCIPLE, . ,.rf t Renovator and Invitforator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring theblood to a hciUtliy condition. r,o person can urne uicws mi ters according to directions and remain long unweU, provided their bonca are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital orgaua wasted beyond tho point of repair. They are a CJenllc Purgative na well na a Tonic, po.-cssinpr, also, the peculiar merit of actinf) aa a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflam? Station ot the Liver, and all the Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, in young or old, married or MiiEle, at the dawn of womanhood or at Ua turn of lire, these Tonic Bitters have no equal. For Inflammatory aail Clirouic KUennia llsiti and Coul, Dyspepsia or I udigestion, ltilioun, KeinilteiU and Iiitcrmlllent Fe tcm, Diseases or the ISIoott, I.lver, Kli aer nU ItlnUdor, these Itilters have been most success! iL Such lliaenic are caused by Vitiated Blood, which Is generally produced by derangement ot the Digestive Orgnns. DYSPEPSIA Oil IsnilJESTION, Head tche, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour ructatios of the Stomach, Bad Taste In the Mouth. Bilious Attacks, Palpitation ot Ibe Heart, Inflammation of the I.ungs, Pain in the re gions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful armp toms, are tho oflsprings of Dyspepsia. Tbcy invigorate tho Stomach and stimulate the torpid Liver and Bowels, which render thcra of unequalled tthcacy In cleansing the blood of all impurities, and im ?arting new life ana vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car anncles. Rine-Worms. Bcald Head. Sore Eyes, Erysipe las Itch. Scurf. Discoloration of the Skin. Humors and fisenso8 ol tbe kin. of wliat-vr name or nnture. are iteraliy dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by tbe use ol tht-se Bitters. One bottle in such eases will convince the most incredulous of their cura tive effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its im purities bursting throuch tbe akin In Pimples, Erup tions or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed sndsldggiatr in the veins; cleanse It when It is roul. md your feelings will toll you when. Keep the blood oure. and the health of the svstcm will follow. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking tn the iystezn of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Saya a distinguished pbysiolnsrist. , l ... .iiTiiliinl iiTvo, th f:ife of the nrth wlmse liodv is eifiTiDt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the Una ,f.o, .nmiantiut 1 in f i, mm th disesseil humors and slimv deposits that breed these livinir monsters of disease, "No System of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics wiU free the system from worms like these Bitters. J. WALKEK, Proprietor. R. H. McDON'ALD & CO. Droggists and tren. Aeents. San Francisco. California. and 32 and 34 Commerce street, tsew lork. 3-SOLD BY ALL DRCUGIST9 AND DKALKKS, ye are op cmut: an Unusually attractive Stock of fall and Winter goods,? purchas Early largely and Low down. We buy from first Class houses, invariably For cash, and have ail The advantages ota And Propose to give our Customers goods at Prices we know must Please. Come, And be convinced that Our stock is complete And the place to purchase Dry Good Notions, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Is at Clark & Plummer's Main Stree. opposite Brooks House Plattsmouth. Aliook Tor the Million ! fvl ARRIAGt!! A private counselor to the uUIOt. IjlViarried or those about to mar lirvon the rib VAirdoirin.l mr,tpr. ies and revelations of the axtial svsfpm th latest oifs.venes in producing and urevenlmg uiiiriD. uo7 n pre crre tne complexion Ac. Ti ia is an intercstins work ot' tn.i huudrpd iin-1 tweiity-fi ar i-apes. wiih numerous engrav- iMfr. aittl cfl.t:,to:4 vnlniilitA in!ftrnifi.. fV.r those wiio are miirrictl. r.r contemplate lnar ri.ipe. ttill, it is a book that ousht to be kept under lurk and key. und not laid carelessly social iu,.- nnusii. r-ent to nv oi. ifree fposfizs) for.'O cents. Address lir. Putts Di-pcnsary. No- 12 X- i.isutn street, 1st. Louis, Io. Notice to tlie Afdicied and Unfortunate. I.cfore atmh insr to tho notorinns dnar-U utin advertise iu public papcv?, or using any qnnck rerncdii-s. peruse Dr. Lutts' work no matter what your dos,ae is or how deplorable your I COIl'Jill-JIi. ir. Lutts can be consulted, personally or l y fj'.ill, VII l.i ' t.-'-j;.-, 'UVTiltlolltrtl IU WOrKS. OU'k-p. No. li. l ighlh street, between Market , "naunesnur, ou l.ouis, no. decdtwly FALL AND WINTER GOODS. L87I L871 GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS!! Everybody, and D. SCENASSE & CO, To buy their AT THE 3ST E W Y ORK STORE The best or-J STOCK OF DRESS GOODS. Are now on exhibition at the New York Store, at attention to our new DRESS-GOODS, PRINTS, DEL A INS, GINGHAMS. BROWN SHEETING, iiLEAOHED COTTONS, RALMORALS, CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON VA S, ROOTS AND SIK;. of all kinds and prices to suit our numerous customers. large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE; WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, ATS AND CAPS, MISSOURI VALLEY LIFE Insurance Company No. 70 ALL DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS POLICIES Dividends on the securing' the Greatest Pecuniary REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : lp:,.Tnis s a WeFtern Company, managed by Western men. whose known finnnnncial charac ter, ability ond position, afford ample gustrauty for its careful and succesful management. 21. Its Polices are all noii-lorfei liiitf. 3d. Preminm all casli. It receiyes no notes iu ami no uuisiauuiiii; uoius us liens upon tneir policies, 4th. It hns no restriction upon travel. 6th. Its dividends are made upon tho contribution plan, tkh. Iu business is excluseirly life insurance. DIVIDENDS Are the neeumulntinn nf intp,iit iimm Tituminma ti,M l.n..tia pnn..nn. . at the highest rate of interest can give you the largest dividends. Eastern companies invest their moneys at b percent., while this makes its investments ut twelve nr.r int nr mr The advantage ot Western investments to the figures: ihe amount of 81.000, invested for fifty 6 per pent, compound interest, in t 18,420.15 8 " " ' 4o,Wl.e;i 10 " " 117,-isM r . . . Jt . ,.12 " " 18.t It 13 OOVIOUS thftt this COmnanv ofiira irrp.ltpr finnni-Itil olrriTitrraa il. policy-holder than any other company in existanco OFFICERS II P Jfackav. President. Oeorgo A Mooro. Secretary, J Jones, Ai's't Scc-retary, 11 L jVcwuian, Treasurer D M Swan. Vice-Praident, Dr J I, Wever, . ed. i'tor, DI HECTORS. D Store. Leavenworth. Kan. IT D Meckay, Leavenworth Kan. 1 M Swan. AV O Coffin, (Jeo A Moore, I) W Powers. Geo L Davis, St. Louis. Mo J Merritt, E Hastings. J F Kichards. II 11 Hammond " II EJaerton. Thos Carnev, M JMricklor. Junction Citv Chas Robinson, Lawrance, v , liaaley, M K Morgan Oeu. Agcnlfor GOOD TRAVEL W. MARSHALL, Agent, B LIVINGSTON. Med Examine Contiitcnial Snilbing, Uos. 24, JUSTUS LAWRENCE. President. J. P. ROGERS. Secretary. Enterprising Economical, lAberal, and Number Policies issued to Jan. 1, 1872 KomWr Policies issued and revived in 1871..... ASSETTS, Jan. 1, 1872 This Comnany is Purely Mntu&l 5i its operations, dtvidineits entire pnrnlns amonir its cy holders, anniiallv. on the "Contribution Plan." expense to income, than have ever been attained period in its history. Its total Assets are sufficient to discharge a'l 11s siock capi'ai, ana leave ss a Daiance more than T'liis Company Issued IVIorc Polici I2ST 1S71 Any Oilier Company in tne Worl S. A. TAYLOR & CO., janiodiwtr Oencral -Hi. F. JOHITSOIT, l-Opposite the Platte Valley Ilouse, Jatu Street, IMattsmoutli, Nebraska ST- LOUIS, DECKER BROS 'LL ant l G. A. MILLER & GO'S PIANOS. &nb 0icr Jfirst-chss Wholesale and Retail. Dealer in Strings, Sheet "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Tuned 1871 more too. are going to aiott complete greatly reduced prices. viyies of We call partiw'ular JNW-FORFEITIKG Coiitrifisitiou 2Ian, Advantage to the Policy Holders nnd gives none. Policy holdors have no interest policy holder appears in the following startlin years at H A Calkins, General Agent, W E Harvey, Con. actuary, T.A Ilurd, Attorney. II L N' wman Lea 7 worthK w t. Chemberlain. T A II urd. E li Allen, C A 'erry. Weston. Mo, G V Veal, Topcka, Kansas. J M Price Atchison, Kan. W RStebbins, " Nebras&a autl Northern liaasc ITORS WANTED. PLATTSMOUTu (FY eg 26 28 Hassan St. It g Safe 45.000 12.537 .7,303,a:t.3,ro Poll ond has a larger business and a lower ratio of by any other Company at a Corresponding liabilities, in.d11.lin7 rn-innranne. niv hank nil a M ot earned surplus. TH A.3ST Agents, for Xebraskn. in Scblater's Jewelry Store.53 BURDETT, SMITH'S AM'N. AND BOSTON. ORGANS. ratios aub Organs. Mu;ic, and all kinda of Musical Merchandise 1 11 and EeimiredSatinaetion Guaranteed.-.; aecuaiwtf ISTICW STORE Weeping Water, Nebraska. 6UCCB39KB3 TO UOSTON & JENKS. ' DEALERS IN- General Merchandise, BCCH AS DRY onnps. - UKOCFIES. IIAhliWARR. HLKK.NSWARE, II ATS. CAPS ROOTS. SHOES, NOTIONS, in We are Agents fjr w;i;eox &. Clbti Sewing Machine rI?2io Cxood Intent I CrccsriCiS and Provissions. CALL AT AUCTION AND Commission Rooms i! A IN ST Where you can buy eatable, almo.-t cverj including bin! At the lowest Prices for cash. II price paid lor Country I'roduc Rutter, I hickens, kc. &c cbe.-t Goods Delivered in tho Citv Free cf Charge. S. DUKE jyl7d&wii. TO BUILDKRS ?- OTHERS THE PLATTSMOUTH STONE AiSD Are prepnred to suppl . the puhlio with I!l e of the best quality, at tucir workj, at the rate of 3"TllirtV Cent Der Bush "rsy j i And when barrelled twenty-live cents will be charged per barrel. Orders wif be leffrwitb J. W. Shannon, mouth, Nebraska, or addressed to the bu berUoxClU. Plattsmovh Xeb. J. L. I, MIS, Prrs t. Piiittsaioutl etoue and Limo C- :sr i:i rwz world. 3: 1 ' r.-r :j st. CITY MLAT MARKET, BY MAIX STREET, P2atti2ioutIi; - IVcbrnNka. The best of Fresh Meats always on hand i their sca.-on. Highest Price Paid for Fat Cattle IIighert Cash Price paid for green Hides. diwtf Mustang Liniment, FOIl 3I4N A.MJ HEIST. Probably few articles Lave ever had so extensive a tale, while none have been more univertally beneficial than tho cele brated MEXICAN .MUSTANG LINI MENT. Children, Adults, Hordes, and Domestic Animals, are always liable to accident, and it is safe to bay, that no family can pass a single season without some kind of an emollient beinsc neces sary. It becomes a matter of impor tance then to secure the best. Over three hundred livery stables in the city of New York aloneare usin? tho .Mexican Mus tang Liniment, in all of which it gives unusual satisfaction. C. I'TIOX. The eonliine i wmnr.cl ; fine Steel Hate enirravinir with "ti W u.. brook. L'hnnUt." and " Traae Mark, M EX C'AJV the lace ot each wrapper. Ihe whole bears the proprietor's private Un ted States Hevcnue Stamp, and not a common stuuin as ucd bv uruggists. 1.YON" aiASCPirTcnto Co . .M Park Plae. N. Y. Jab. 9th. djfcw lw every 3rdw DOCTOR WHITTIEtS. 617 St. Charie- Street. 1 I ongi-r located in h't.. Louis t' at v Chrcn. Vhysiciar.. -o (.ucc-'n;lv 'rjjisSiiniiic nd Ccinplicared Venf-real licase as to t rin: .(uticnt- Sroru ev ry !-t.,ic. Hi.- ho-pifat 011 prnii.it ti-s, a in-.- 'ii.'-.c ci -rn-r.ee. :Ui ;ir : (truss pr'-purwi :;i t!; (4ta!-li.bn:r:rt. ur fp'fivcD up y r" hers, no matter ttbotui i?:t ; tell 1 rti.r priva'e tronois. 'otui;atii.iJ ino. beod two stamp'' f-T ine-iical es-:,ys. Mancoioi. i hma- houo. sent rj ioail. 15 coul! ca.di. both for i"cts. ZOO i.aife. in lAil thnt ihe curious, ioubiul or iiK)oi ii,v fwisb to Know all a -out S-elt-pol iu. ion I rev- 1 n. M;u ri ue. . very you r c rr.un r ti w Imjn ouht tv r.-fi it as a warning 7l.c n fvoi.3 '1-oii i;iitcd o." partiaiiy iirpotint I'citntiCklly a-ivi.--cd. tinLuA- GHAPJl?J0i3 17ASIIED i Vrovu- - ?t fATESTEU OCTOBEB 17, 1871. It in a f'ompfrte Hnrcen I Knf llonr lluio una Di'iirfarrti it rid Ibe l-atlu of V HKhius lay. liny tldi Washt-r and you lrinri a Saiiliuf Wlfa. It Is as puf.-tt lor A Wanlier a wr rjjrT in for wrinpor. Tin, univonial tMtiinony In: '. 5. r.i lrt in roiicopl ion. and In h """'l the V." JT. , hi th.. LKAS f I'OS- I Hl.K lM PASS and la Coujrart. l.Ulit. tunly lt" and ! w it i lo , ''? ''' m ill do tiu work itli Enao, U i.iiomy and Ettirlrm y. TIkh who oncci ih) tl.i iliu-hiue work, thro aitde t'B lumbering. iitiwii'Mv, utwlei niacliiu tnclj iiaronign:illv failed to a complih tho o!ux:t t-romiaed in rrotninei.t and loud oiuiJiiiK advert liiiiiit. Tho pi i. . nnothr indutvnn nt ti purrliaMt-ra tiaa Won pUo .1 o low that it ia wunin tl roach ol w lici'tchKop.T. an l thfiv ia no artic le of iIoiikkI ic ocou o;r.v n lii. li vep-iy llissiiiall invMitinent aoaoiu. 7..M i 'l that i anke.l lor tbia Knot llor-aayer. Atf.-ni wanted v-i ywhoro. A lilmral tllaronul l Agi-i-.m and tiie trivlo. For trnm add-wa ttif Blauu- uoiuni CAbUivs mini, i-ii., BT Buying Ycur Grten-hcuse arid Ceduing Piants. at Till licn ic r arele it s DOX'T send East for Plants when yuu enn KCt ju.t as Kood for less money nearer homo. To my tiutxcrous friends and patrons I would my that. I have tho Inruirt and best stock of plants ever oli'erel or sule in tin- west and propose to sell tlit-iu at reasonable pricDB. lie euro uud scud for luy New Descriptive Catalogue whi' h will be sent free to all who apidy for it Th t-u (rive mc your orders, and 1 feel coulldent I can a:itir-ly you. Addre.-. V. J. II RfiSER. Feb. Vi diwtf PlutUmouth. Nob. THE GREAT OF CAUSE HUMAN MISERY! Jutt 'ublitilicJ, it a Healed mvlie. Prive G t. A Lecture on tho Nature, Treatment, and Radical euro of i-'pcriniitorrhu ii, or fSeminal VVeaknes. I nvoiuntary Kmi-'sioiis, IScxual le bditv. and Impediment ti .Mnrriaf) irenerally; N ervoiiHiie-.", t'onsuiiition, Kpilepsy, aud b its. Mental und 1'hisicul 1 ncapucity, rt cultinif from pidf-abusc, Ac. Ly llobei t J. ('ulverwoll, M Dr. author of the 'Green lhnk,' Ae. " 'I he world-rcnouned author, in this admira' ble Lecture, cleat ly prove from bis own exper ience that the awful cor-rcnut r o of self-abuse may bo ruVctuully removed without medicines, and without (laiifcerous surtfical operation, bou pics, instruments, riniM or cotdials, p'.iiifini out n mode of cure at once certaiu and i llcctual by which every sull'erer, no matt'r whathis con dition may be. nmy cure himself cheaply, pri vately, and radicully. This lecture will prove a born to thousands and thousands. ett. under seal, to any addrcs, in a plain sealed envelope, on the re ;cipt of six cenis, or two postaee stamps. Aluo lr. Culverwe I f 'marriHiie (fuide,' price 2.ri ceuw. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE 127 Bowery New York. P. V- Uox 4'RT. Dec 22 wly T. W. SHANNON'S FEED, SALE AND UVERY STABLE. M A I N STREET, (a Z.v m tiuihy Nebrn sha . I am prepared to accommodate the public with Hordes. Curriatres, Huzkk s and n io. 1 Hearse on short notice and reai-onahle terms. A Hack w ..irun lotiiesteambout.lauuijt:.and to all part oithecity when dofircd. January 1. 171 diwtf. K T. DUKE & CO. AT FOOT OF MAIX STREET Wholesale & IUtail Dctlcrg in II ardware and CulJcry, Clevis TINWAP.E. ROI'E. IRON. STEEL NAILS AND Llacksmith Tools, 'Ac. Keep on hand a Large Stock of CHART Ell OAK, BUCKS r AT EXT, CHICAGO, EMPORIA L O YA L CO OK And Other First-Class Cooking STOVES, All kind; Coal or Wood kept on hand. JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE. mol 1 en suring and .Breaking I'lows At Net C03; for Casli. Piattsmouth Mills ! ! PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA CONRAD IIEISEL - Proprietor. 1'lour. C-.rn Meal. Feci. Ac. AlTravs on hand liiid fr.S:iie ut lowest Cash Prices. . Highest prices pui.l for Wheat and Coin. C-Parricular attention ivon to cus- F- II O I A P I (louse and Men Ha:ni-r, (', rfiinine, T'Tl ha'.:.'nu anl 01 1.8 inct.tal P.tintinif. iroei? ri-r.i:- ly LiioJ. fchop norlh ot Piic.-'s Llack. mitb tibop. ecTdila. t 1- V