X, Volume 0. i fx Plattsmoutb, Nebraska, Thursday, April 25th 1872. Number 4. Hi ffM I it., A N a , 1 io r M U i-J i '-! f if i1 I i uniif yiii'iiiiup THE NEBRASKA HERALD.! 13 PUBLISHED VF.KILT BT SEYBOLT c BROWN'LEE, GEO. L. SKYBOLT J. Q. KRUWXLEE - OfBee owner Main an J Second utreewi. got- og i .ry. TtKMS: Wckly. 'JJX per annum if paid In 3 tV.UU'W. cr i2.JO if pot pall in advance. . id ADVE.T.SI.MG RATES. One qTe. 1 ) !in" or tr") one insertion Kl ll sllwr-,:i-nt il.x rl '.ll 1 r "-ion ilcir l. not ( x ."Cedir.s six lint-...! 1 I") , 1 ' l-imrj per Miuvi ;oi 1 t m! i irin, p-?r i ni.uia -10 rn ' :, r.ii-;-rni tl- IiO tut O.l" eolu in lo 1'J.).IW All :i lvirrii.-in:r I i ! ,'ne- o'l'Tter'.y, Tr.in-:icut advert! c :ue:ili tuu-t le jj;iid in ad vancc. AUortirys .rv''CTP. SMITH X- STAP.niR"-At- t..:wysa' La. IV ;i : i in all the cour:. .fthe Mai". '1 .:iti-:!i i.jij pivon to cu.lcc ten- an I in nt f i - . t i'r.-'.ite 0;c outiIiu Putft USi :c riatUiuuutU, Xtb 1 "X .V WIIEtXKR AMnrmy V. . Law. Ste ' i i.il in i :it : ., (MV-'i t rrob.ite tel.-i.'o-f- c-"l .:: land ti'l- k , M j i n Siroet O.l.ci! in the Masonic li.tltstnouth. Nebraska. AN. W I.LI, .v til A e'.M ' N Ato.rrev nt - j an I s-'dleitors jn ( anrrrv. Piatt inulli, Nct.ra.-ka. OCice in Fiuger.dd'vllluck. T KKE .1- DR vrER Att.irm j s at bn lli.-t) m Maui street, Orporite llrook JK.IIX-. j j i ;i 1 nt'omion piven to collection of claim Jail .IsW n. 12; y -iciaciM, I'J.T-i'-i I'.. LIVINC-TON tenn, t. . 'r.- hi- : rtnr nt )::': an! -i v h n nnn Sur- P C S! pT.'C CoUth re rn l'i : r -i.i'. hi d r --1 of Lyman'.-- Luinbe- Yard v . 1 I.I , , itr?'i:i nn I I tiyr-irin L'l'.e . .-:'J'i:l-i!l-t :,i.'''"t I t'l" Ar!''i' if the !.... r'.'i.'iti..iith. iiKm lit . t. .1. h-is- n'. Driia ,"rure M:tinr street. : i-'-it tI::iK d FiTir:i:mr. Jti'iarntic;. -tt'IIKKI.KV Tit I':'.-;n.c A.- sr. i Lite Insurance r:t. ka. ; n I'l'ilivhr", ,;ti,ts, t' t5 unii'Q. c' pUri.' PA I N f. ( if-r.f r: 1 iifi.ri'vei.t - ...f,e ..f the j . iri i'i i':ie Cn.td f '--, !'.:. e Willi Lariiiv A l'uiii 1 In iiran ili -t rtl a'' c A !"nt le Co:u- I.Hi'.'-'Ti.iN -i rv ii-t ir '-'irt 11 I'.. M i!;i-. I''-il prcuiher. Llicr;. and i. J. 'toil' I. I'irruprjli m-e 1! lit 5 i.at ilos tp:.-5'"'iiA!. 0 irner Vir and T'iir) strfot? Hi;v. il. t. Siiaw rcr ii't'f n'ery Miii4ay r 11:' a in. r.' d 7 .. in. untiay Mriiuul t. .'. i . m., Prc.f. d'AUe!u-uvl, r'upt. Civr.aiT.m-ivii. CVrrni-r Lftit and ITich'h : j il-T. iJ. y in'.vi !!. r ' u-ri e Ln- ur tjv-f-i' ii 4:li n l " li.'j ,-trvii iM cii-ri S-ltah it 11 ;i. u.ruu i r; iii j. ii,. .io;.itJ at 'U: r. rn. Pr.itr niL-eii:i every W cdair.d:ty e. n;:ff. (' Ti:it.if .irth ?i rtUcr il.ij e.. tir ! :ii., fA-'-v. I ia -lit r ati t 1 n.' li ' it ft a. hi. every week 1 of Pn!i' t 'i.i re Her ''i:.-- eii'r." i.-.th fit . i eiIll at l :i' a. in. i a at : .0 i. m. Mn--s day. Fik-it l'i:np.Ttrsnx TCorth :. leof Mnin 't. c-t nt Sittli Kev. I. V. C-iT'Titi : Svrvi-.'-!" v,t' .:. :h at II a. tu. an I :' p. in. . it t. iiii.il ,.t i': ! a- :n.. i"h.-- I'.'S;.X; ."iipor i-.i-;:t. rnt.i! r :i:'iitni every eaavAtlay c c:i;i ut C.'.j . c'.'M-i. TIic('lI.ttiroti ESTAPLISUHD IS IVjI. IJKAIKH IN JEWELRY 6ILVKR AM) PLATKl) WARE. J'U IM.V' SPCTACLLi. VIOLIN srKl.(;s AN1 I'AXCY i".'lS. tVatehe''. Clocks and Jewelry repaired neatly u. I irnh iii t.-h. -kviii-vf.i to opposite Platte Vailcy Ilonff ilaiu Mrcet. nor. lnwt'. V: hr i4 H -t P 3 o o 1 ff rr- 2 V5 I a Z2 n 4 tt "Ibafs Wlknt It ! P litriar I.ea A corroeprirnl.Mit of tlic Om ilia Sit!- Ii'piih'Ji'ciih, tltn-i li.-c;iu-es a to th ca'i-e f.f t rinti-r i'lptou's Ui.-aHcC-tion tvih I'rerid.-tit (J rant : A in mujf'iif Nib: a kian in ennrersa tion with I'l-i-K-iit (Ir:itit the oilier i1iy a-kt il that dititic'ii.-fn .! in ii vi-iiiitl wliat his vrt-i(iti w.i-' of r;i difference betweea hiai-tlt'(the I'hicf M-tistrnte) ;m l the senior Senator IVotn NuLrakti. Grunt re plied" that '1'ii'tnn's M-n appointed Secretary t't a on; tnit.n that went, t i IviuJmd. Whil'j then; llie Cn-u!hip at ait important point "rj.ui va-'ant and Sen itf-r T. Wanted hU i-nn ;iiip-int d r. J he place, which eon'. riot he done-.at that tini." He prew sore at this aid has continue. to pet wo-stj; he can do good cominout of (J rant's NaZireth. BCt'ovciu" or -i-Ksanrs iti;.ti ains. Ttte Xew OrIf Siory 1 Noiacnbat l?1 Pi H e ? L. BROul l CO. Plattsmonlh Ci-jar Factory on llain street, pposito Court Ilou-ie. Plattsmouth, - - Iebraka. V.'o have on band a large a5.or.ment cf CIGAKS&TOHACCO. ConpL-tics of the best ouiiitie? of CIGAHS, FINK-CUT, PLUG AT SMOKING TOBACCO. As we deal exo'a?ive!y in Tobacco we can sell a ; e ji. it not ir.t4-ir than otaer rtore iu lo i . iiveus n call l; fre yoa pun hao elcwLeit. v we know ycu wiil go away ha;i--ac Froai the Chic iK.i Tribune According to the New (Jt lean-t Hrnttft Hot n, the veritable remain of Hernando de Soto, tite di'coveier o; ihe 3Ii.-i'ippi and tno-t intrepid and hernia of ail the. SpanUti expimers, now lie in fate in the mayor's parivc in the Citj hall at New Orleans, encased in the leaden wrapping in which they were lowered into tlie 31. s-M-f-ippi river three hundred and forty years asro. Tie identity of the remains se uis to b- provt.n by the insferipthm, iti Spani-h, rmiely lur plainly wrr.nght up on a broad copper f-ai.d, which was found Lrru:y wehJe-i aroun 1 1 lie leaden covering the body is iiieIo.-ed. It is as m w ii!eii loiion's: b cb ruary 11, L iiron 15:ly.dtf. 1c Co. s H 00 FLY MEAT MARKET Aquiyacerj log resti.g do iiei n,'iii-;a im Mi.), Cn-- ial.eci el ci i 1 ie ...nye. dc L".42. A. D. ; de cia I de eu eeiiuy cu iUu a.i j- y .-ietc me??cs. A Capt iiiank tl-ptetous nam ) lia. for otiie tiase hail a mania for J iri up i-unker veseU fnnu the depth- of the 31 i-i-iippi and of the bayous in whieh that rier forim rly li.iwed. In theoout-e of tliis pur-nit t!ie a-ed captain, now iu his t-evc ntieth year, ha- dur ui several vef-eis latlen with the Hiie-t Doideatix wirie.s. eliai.!pas2(its, cordial-, etc., which ma- have ia.d there fifty y ar-, and may h-iVrf !a,ieu that ru-e to ;et into New O.lean- wi; ii.'ur paving dmi-s. flov.ev er ('apt. II has thrived in his uib-r f ikinir-. ii u 1 ai rpiiie-1 a -ort ot topogi dh- ;eal Mil l in lei. inf. t.c the t tv .! t :. ti.u J. ! tt L.-t ?-(-r -1 v :.,:. !:,. i.i- li OUlie 1 i - ' tuy-KVe leet U-i -Ci ILie -tiiiace -r nut. In i-r.u T his tour- cf .b-iva-tion he ct!i;e u;n a i.-iu 1 i.-'aii-I which his peculiar s-kid d-.t.-cted a-having lw n l' 11. I 1 i- iorii!ei oy a Min&en vcs-t i, itoohV'Iv i; cm Ijoitleanx. the island Ail Aiierlof ;en, Hubert Tiwnibfl. From the Kentucky Yeoman. Toombs of Georgia, i.s one of the most jrifted of all the erratic frtuiue? that America La yet jiroducevl. Like Tom Marshall and Viiliam lla-kell, s i. . a natural born orator. 3Ir. C! ty heard him make vim of h" first political speeches at a utHss meetin? in Georgia, in 1S10, atid pjcdicted 1't him then a brill ant future: It is related of Toombs that, on one oe casion, in the f rial of a very important e -e before a Georgia jury, he, by some st ran ee licence of mind, pot up and made a powerful speech aiaui-t Ids client who was the pliintifFin the ea-e. Afcr he had spoken nearly an hour, and was aoout to clo.-o, one of his a-ocute conn el whi-pere-lin hisearthat hehadmade a mi-take that lie had spoken on the wrong side. For a moment on'v Toomhs was perfectly duuih-foun led, an i'ieeov, erim.' imm -diately, hf turned to ti e court and jury and -a!i "Now, may it please the court, and you perplemen of the jury, I have in my remarks hitherto, attempt ed to give 3'ou nil, and tie- very best, too that can be sail on that side f the ca-e, and thoii 'h it may appear at fi.--t b!u-h a very strong case, 3-et aui confi lent, if you will gir me your att'-ntion a little while longer, I will be able to convince you that after all, my client, the ptain'ilT i entitled to a verdict at your hands." He then proceeded to overturn every posii n previously tak- n y hiiu, exert ing liim-elf to the utfermo-t of his wounded ability to repair hi. mistake, and wound up with an appeal to the onrt and jury so thirling, that he ear ned them by storm and tiiumphantly gained the cas for his client. iinrnl Krnitt'n Wenllb Thi following fro;n the Washington correspondent ol the Liuisvnle Lmrr Juifitnl, )ein.cratie to the backlKMtc, gives a correct estimate of the President's wealih: ''The Pre ddent ba been and i- poke's ed of this property, viz; $liKMK)0 dontt cd hiui by the merchantx of New York ; a uou nvw at near St. Jjoui-. puretisfo;. wiiti all im provements, at less than $50,;MJ ; one fourth of 120 acre of .md situa ed n-ar Chicago, $,VIK.; 5. 0 X stock in a 3I:ch ic.in iron , com pnv : hi.- Long Branch re-id-nce, $:J().t)(A), and a ftnall amount essary in the dry time to keep the culti vator rrv,nir, m that the surface ol the ground will not bake. limber n .somewhat foarce, fctill there is enough for preset use, and it is ea-i!y an I rapt lly grown. Soft wood -llutrtmonj- on tlio Vlii(f. The Marshall .ii!y Timtx, of April 2J, pubii-hes the following. Inasmuch as it concern.- the matrimonial affair of Linn county, we pub!ih it iti full : One day last week a nicely dressed ioe lact that t iio .-u.lace or was coveie l by tree " V Ti!i' ir'T !!?!' str. tt. pemii et .Mas:'. s:-r i-sci. ry --:i:iiat t nt i'r r iiie ;..i-' t .'eiT Tin XL W't't .si-le f-f Si.T i-:;.-y. J. 11. P--S- Ji ii. 111. I'tei 1 p. IV , iv cr.r,i;:. t.i.t- si-- r ha. Lv I : t!i :-.:'iool at : -i :.; y 0 out: sr i. ii l niiiaf-i! 1 it i iiata uoruin scrvieoi I.ica. iiiiieiii lill-M t;;"i.-1 d.-r.-tp i't 11 Li t"in'"or hat die Ic-!it?',bo U ia l ii'O'n S.-ht)ib:ms v . life I't-ti -". Iiei-a ill pt ljc'. t ;-u re i aiac.-? z ali 14 I, II inni I. . O. F. tft r-u;ar n:..-r r of PSatte Lod-e, N ....I.".''. 1. tury satur !a. evemrc. at V t 1 r'il.'H i:ail. Tra'atici.t Lro;hcri arc c.r 1; lily iuviiv-1 .'-i vl.-::. J. W. JO'.INiON N. GJ A. i'Ai.t-vM ix , ?cc. I. ft i'.ti'"i Vi.ii-, vi-if. L. l. K. 1! .t-nin;h V.v.'- 01; r ir"r-t N-i. 3 ir Conv"c:iJi-'- t'i -u 1 a-.-l 4(!i P.-i day 1 i.:--n: a .-U ' J : 1 .-.:c.. ,l;t:l rr. it ami ;-'. Trar.-ietit I'n'-iiMi -r--.-i!y ir.vi:l V. .M. L. W LLLS, C P. P.-re J-Iveis'ic !"t TTin.irTH l-'v-.K No. A. A. .' V:.ii ir r.ic-fir?! at taIr h.;!I m !' - t and ' :r 1 M n i.:y pvr-r.ins.it' eai h iuwbth Trans;-ct fcrcrhe '"vi'-l f. v--t. J COli VALLKitV, VT. M. A. d'ALLFMAXD. HtC. M uniT Lnn K No. mseias a.t Mac ij a iv. C2 A ilaii. J. M. Eeif.d.slet, Sec. . F. A- A. M. r.ejrulji third rn J. N. V. L?E. V.'. M. r ( si; a .H CTFR n..i n. A. .11. l.eiruiai e .:iv-ic'it:or:s ecr--i an 1 f-.tiri-ri Ta'fiby ev Cii.5 of eae tuouth e , ' i n -'..t: 1.. tn. i;. It. LlVINGilt. N II. r II. Nettwax. See. l. M.ii-i, v-i 1 . K I tt 4 i h. .s o. i;-- 1? i I .-rrre V 0. f.; E. Ura-lity. W. S.: T. W. Miry- rrk Lv! -e '-r!:ty. Me;"i at fljsk .r P!:im:i:er'. bail ffi-r T.i.-.s Iy evcuir.!;. 1 raveiiug Teuiplag -esp.--frillT IPTia-'l. Hole?. JOHN FITZtJERALD Proprietor Main S:rert, Ilctwoen ."th and f-th.Pt FLATTE VALLEY HOUSE E. II. SCIICTT. Proprietor. Comer Mai.i and Fourth Street. Plattsmouth. tieclj.i.wtf. NATIONAL HOTEL. CORXEIl MAIN AND THIRD ST3 Dr.Ki I & FALL AN - - Proprietors. Just opened to the pu'i.Iic. fr hrt'a d iv and week b-ardr. Taoic-ye: with the licit the niarn (-t aii.-r-is. AocoiaodatioriS ce ' n 1 to none nthec:;y. dc-i.lawtf ilauuc- urtr of nii'CCilai-irm'iS. garn:ss, gj&Us, griHrs, c.)hb.-.i:s, whip-;. Dliinkcts, lira lies, The tinacr-Mimc I ha ini? rf-n'cl the Shto I'lu iMeai arii.-t. i rra y to s rvc all custojm-rs v 1 n:ay favor hiui .ta a Call. wi;b tue X CjL ii-i OC SMOKED SATS AGE etc. at the LOW. -1ST PRICE POSSI- Z Cor.fnet wiI also t.e rn.t-Ic fr.rfarni-h'n trfai ;n laritt Qunnii.ie.-, aba Uciivciii.tf it in .my nart ut l':e i-i'jr. H HhrT PR!PP riMforFat Ca-tle invhi ir--"n Ili e Ac Ii. D. ARNuLD. Fehwtf. thru i.ut:dr d years ()!d and upwards, did r. t itsturt fits fairh in the theory that this mud-shoal w.j f etued by a sunken ves sel. Homing farther, he actually found the Low or th trait cominc ur to the sutta?:-, w hiie the ui' a-ew its -tern. At'i Tesaid tre r thr. e iiKi s over ths ex- cavatinn, Jutit!L which it was discover- d tha' the boat was u,n', veiy old, an! of Spa'dh build, eot.t;(ini!ig '..'y .nmc rust f'i swor-1-', c-i l-baros. p:cce of ru-ty ar mor and a lacksu.ith's anvil, th -v at last cin e upon the 1 a h tt, tvattr-ti"ht cas". fitiiriir tii a;r-htiv i'ght an i t a hu- II. J. STJJEIGJIT, LOOK-SELL Eli, -t at i on ci'ij, Messrs AND PAPER DEALER. p: atts::outh, ncc. eSepts t. d JJlmbiicJ w if. LATMHCP R. EACCN U CO. V"holesaIe Dealers in t'uilding Materials, Lumber, Lath, Ssing!33, Sash, Dco:s, Blinds &.c &c &.C Bills cf Lumber Cc!iv;rcd at Whclesnle; i i liatss at all Pcints cn the? B & H. R. R. b.R. in Ua Bu-ildings Ereced by Con trast. Siian fo tii. and bearin.' the ab ve in--i ip tion. It is ktowii that the : .. of the jreat Sp-i'ii -rd wa buri o in his bo.it, ni. i sc.-ik by weights 3t midri;g!it in the Jli-.-is-ippi, to coyceHl the kriOw!..dge hisd rr. i ilie h ri posed to e. As which that atii frotn the Indians. vii and the ru-ty armor are su rave r.'n ue l lor that pu:p- Cat t. Ih'.ink ex miiied the t-odv. re imniediatelv felt convinced was Oi th great Spaniard, each man uncov ered his bead n-J rtmaiued standing in sriaonn awe- D Soto failed to End in his wander ings t h-t fountam of perpefua! youth for which Poc.ee de Leon nod of nor heroes of the period sod ravely .s-arehed. It i- Near KIgin, U!., about two o'clock on the luotning of the lth inst., the fire luati nt a freight train going ta-t, discov ered the l.Hidy of a man lying cn the tr-ick. lie pulled it away, un 1 the uf-xt mom'tsg the Cor n' r's Jwrv ha-ti'y c tne to the e -neiusion that the pvrsi.n htol 1-ii'etj fr.m t!,; liiiiht train and be n kiS'ed. C!o-er tX Jiiiittatioii dbcovered two bu!;et holes in his head. It wrs ascertained to I e : he lody of Collin Hoot, cf Ithiei. N. Y , atred 21 ycais, who vn on his way to vi-it l.Ini ami buy alarm anion:- hi- cstern relatives. lie b id d- oosit i hecks to the amount of I on his person The theory is ihat t e has hceii fo'iiowcd atid killed t'.jr his money, the roi.bcrs," perliap-, knowitjir hiso! -ct and thinking to make a haul. Two rill-; -hots were beard a!ut mi lnioht by vari'ojs re.si.L nt.s, i.tit no special attention wa paid to them. nient? can le pureha)edr lesa than im provements cost. The I.n VTn Itrnnf to llonntlc. The law in regard to bouuties dors not, a- lias been stated in some of our censed autocrat of the Ills Career nn n School Toaelier aixi .ei,j,r ti-turler. tpproacntng. pertia ps. as near as r.J,t.a- ry mortals ci. me to tko obju-t of their d-eams, that le Soto should be buried, 24i ye;rs after ft- (atli, in one of the populous ciriesi ,,f the co-jtinent he t-o grandly aided to discover. I. Ii. .Johnson, Corning, Iowa, Latbrop TI. TJaer.n, Liccoin, Neb. 1IC C O E . -fl P'OEr-:; Eiecutri All work AVarren':.-1. F!NZ HARNI33 A SPEC? ALIT Y."Wi N'ot. 30.rtf PLauouth, Neb J Til Milan Ss fur fist J s.-. Ur.-t '. F-i'-'O ;.f 1 -'t t na efStesm Engine?, s'-s.;m Fiti-.s. V." r.oi!cr!, Sar asd rorrht Iron P:r, t: ajar- Impnive lour It-nl I'KtRtc. The fowowing Artivle, taken from the Syracuse Ileal Folate Jvuut'il, is appli cable to Plattsiiio'ith. and we therefore copy it for the benefit of those to whom it may apply. "People do not realize the valia of tlo-e attention to the internal an -vara nee of their hou-es. On nur.v streets of this city cm he -ajen dwt hm-s in a diiapidit- ed condition, lots covered with ratbish. and flnces hr(ken or about ready to f.i l down. ;m:c a pioperty is detenorateii in value fully twenty-live percent: live per cent i t' this vrould be quite fculSciciit to muh.c it snow its real w. rtn. U.Ocr is heaven's fir-t law,' and " e!e auiin jss i next to Godliness," aie maiims real es tate owners should have by lit art. hey ate n-)t only good for the health of cu.ti mui.ity. bur are a!-o yo.,d i'. r the pock ets of the pi i. ) j lj. Dilapi-iatcJ l.ou-es are a shame at:d a di-graee; poverty can by un means be urg.- i t, an eieu-e. It is im-re often the c iie'e-snc-s of proprie tors who have contracted su dt h nuts nf ltintrcnMon an 1 fctid it thlli -uit to ovcr co:ue them. Neat houses and lots give an apju-aranee of ihrdt and t-ntci prise and intelligence? that ctim.it fui to iui- !'ies ,':rarjt,r" as Wc-' as citizen- most lavor.:o:y. e have a good many vi-it-ors to our city; many come liir the pur pose of -eekingahomebf rear.d we woubl attract them by all the considerations in our power. We do not widi them to be repelled by dirt and ignorance which un doubtedly have f-uch a tedency. Let it be und rsfooj that Syracu.-e people love and practice the above stated cardinal virtu aud they will coiiie tmong us to retiiain. 1 here is n great dea! in the i lea c f in suring a e.x-d reputation ; -f-mdifig well amopor fiie citi-s ot th r Lut- ii; b. ... . . i. v 1 , 1 .V . .. ' I I : : I . l t" Pf ;.s,.. 'l uaji in e-;a! :t-!c;;j ids itp- u.a.i-.iu tt uej ;otv o: ii From Gath's letter to the Chicijo Tribune. Foilowitig the course of rtie ruiinin- sUeam-, he made hi.- way to the state ol iv- ni:ic-y, ami t cauie an iii.-true.r as . t. : i : . i . me; iiii.i.aty aeaa -;uj i lieorgetow :i. in .u:t toiUity: Here lie remained three eais, and was so great a favuire that, to tiii- oay, wtnie si- axcr i.f the h'u i' .1 I - 1 r . oi repic-eiiiru'ves, imj iveinucKV I...K.- i-ome to see lioo itii :t pplicatieti- 1' r re li t disci. a i:ei.f U:sat...itie.s. and all .th- r iu itter- p ttaiiiiug to l- oc:al lejl-'a . i - . iioii, ani noma: tn tne .-rtii las mole coii-i tetatiofi in Kentui kv than U'.aOie i i : i . . . f i i . .i o:.e in iventttcKv, ne maoe tne sc- taoiiance oi ins wii", a f looi t. aotier final .Maine, wlsch afei ward resulted in lis removal tothat siate, mairiaLe there ami ae-.-eptfitiee ol a newsuaoer 1-0.-1:1 m 111 the tar ea.-t. At the s'ate capital, Mr. Blaine rar iiiy ro-e to uisiiuctioTi, aiinougii, prior to this tine-, he had been br ti ail one year a si! nt, rb-cuic, and vijtl.mt ne' paper ictiorter in thecity of Phi ad lph:a. writing, Ibtlieve, for he old L,nitr cd tla-per il inPtii. Ihi was a 1 v jears tcfore the war. Arming uioie speedily to h.. 11 r in :i new country, be was locked upon with lavor in 31:iii:e. soon developed power and inihierie" in puoac airtirs. atid wh n lie quitted jo lr- na. i-m, nts paper iiai iit-cn so lunch cti- bau(e ! and improved th.it it sold for about i-Go -J. This moiR.-v was rein . . !.. ! l 11 1 cs.!.-u in 1 enu-A ivania c oai ian.js, mar the sj'caker 1 oirthplace, and th 'c.tei'm stance slliitiest.s an aie-e-i.ite as to liiaiue' intretd li y and publie t juiiy; 1 "ii nave ma le a tree-trade commit tee, 3Ir.- UJaine," sai l one of the i.eoi.h- r.1,0 aresupjioi te l by their fliluw-cjuu- trvmen "I don't know whether I have made a ir-e-trade committee or not," said l.am?; 'I tried to make a free-coal com mittee, and I think I have done it." five. The State is generously enoourag ing the growth of timber and the far se in Philadelphia, 4'),0-.K, rented mors are showing acommcDdable energy t $2,4m per year, G40aeies of land in providing for the future. 1 here is hut very little if any govern ment land to be pre-empted or home steaded within one hundred miles of the Missouri Beyond, .there is yet a good suprly. Railroad lands are abundant. on ten years' credit, rancing lrom five 1 111 A lane Express and raiiroaa snares, to hteen cJoliars per acre. Some hotoe lit.' bu.ii ol lui- property was ootatiie-l t :ro'i'i!i the gilts made to bun br the New York meichatitu before he was elect e-d President, tin; r'ale-ta:e pre-ented to him in i'hilade phri and in Wa-hinton, ai d h-is purchase of the St Louis estate from his brother in-law. It is not im proper to state more speciSe l!y that th-i l'le-ident ltieooie, out-ide 01 lus salary as Pre-ident, is about JG.OlXJ a year." hat has Gen. Giant done with all those millions- acquired by his connection with the military ring. Seneca sandstone ring, invy ring, whisky ring, etc? Chi ca jo luit. Ilie IVouli.v of ovemork. The British Mnlicnl Juiirnnl. a stand ard authority on the subjects of which it treats, has recently called attention to the facts brought forward by Dr. Oca in in his lectures before the College of Phy sicians upon di-eitse.s o! the walls of trie' heart. From these facts it appears that J tiring the" last twenty years in Gitat Britain the total deaths of males of all jiaes from heart disease has increased from 5,74'j in 18-'), to 12A-S in 1870; an! that the percentage ot deaths from this di-ca.-e for each thoii-atid of popula tion living lias risen from Too between and ls.i"). to I,0So between l!-oo and 170. This increase, it uin-t be borne in mind, is noticeable only in what art; t i uo d t iie working years of man hood. Under the au'e of twenty-five no chat g iu t he Cieen age is found, but between the age- of twentydive toid forty- fi ve the rate has gone fiiTiii o-VJ to 70'J Among the other sex the average now is no larg r than it has been since rtliable rcooul- wore kept. The-o figures tell the r own story in very few and veiy sitri.tfi.-ant words. The men of this gemo- iti-m are iivittg too fa-t; tfi! do not mean io th way of tlissipati-in and exe-- hut in mental worry and wo: k 1 he in 1'Kt.e s of a steam and lightji'ng ae seem to ii u -timu-ateii liitei tctua a:M - ii.o'iotiai ex: rtion to a point v h.j e !'' p'e ale Cotiipc-lled to burn life's can u eatPoili eini-. and u;g tht ir own .raves with their own bauds We be lieve that t iio sanitary pncauuoti- on-ntit aootu i. v advancing civiiiza;i.-n sells for lour dollars per cord, hard for youth appeared at the Wil'urd Ho-psc and unnouneed his intention of stopping with the good deacon a day or so. The next afternoon he took the courteous cleik, Belding, a-idc, and after home stammering and much liesitt-t on, stated that, ho expected a lady by the mail train from the west, and would like an nparltm nt for her. The affable Bi Mi g immediately showed him one of the best rooms in th, house, and was more than astonuhetl when Lis guest announced teads on which are partial improve- that he would give up his present room, as one would b" enough for both "Are you and the lady married, tir?" inqu'-ed B. "No, but" "No buts about it," replied the in- ofiiee. "What exchanges, inclu-le soldiers who enlisted for three months. Under the law the accounting tli-ars have decided as folio. ts: ' 1. Ad soldiers who cn-itcd for throe years, between May 1 and July 'JJ, JnII, were tnu t ti-d for three year- prior to August G, J SG 1 . and were houoia'.iy dis charged, are 1 tuitkd, if they have not received the same ilr sujli terviee, to ilOO bounty. 2. boldiers who were discharged for promotion are not entitled to this boun ty, as such a mu.-ter-out was not such as was eontemp ated ly general order No. 1-3. 1&G1, under which the contract was made. 3 Wh.re scldiers were enlisted and nti'st rol as above, an J died or w i re k lied in the scrviie, their heir-h iving rtceie.j, or Lmn entitled to receive, the bo in 1 3 under the act of July 2-, J SGI , arc not entitled to this bounty. 4. here soldiers were end-ted and mustered as atioye, and have died su!--cquent to discharge, their heirs are riot entitled to this bounty, for the reason that tiotinty is a gra'uify, and is only payable to the parties named in the law or under wh:cli the contract was ma le. 5 Sul liers entitled to this bounty are not 1'iitith'd to bounty under act of July IS, 1SGG, and lire rent The bounty there 2 ran ted is under the roudititn-n:im-'-d in the act. which ci.mditions are not changed by subou-nit laws. A law of the wine date extended the time lor h im.- c.aiins under the net ol July IS. 1Si:G, whi-h was limited to January I 171, by the act of July 13. 1S70; tojaisu-.iy 3', 1-73. Ail claims whi h may have ben fi cd in the proper D pattment. since the date of limitation, will be considered without refiling. ?o tt.it c oint t bal itici; the waste in. from the cause-mentioned; Kpidern icsare (ewer and iii'ivo eaily managed tiian tlc-y were a ra-f century ao, but the mortality li-ts -Jiow a fearful d- of-nii-nf or disorder- cotopara'ively rare auiotig-our anee-tors. BiM a-es of the iie oi, brain an ! nervous sv-teni t.r.; ter ii and ; dit in 1 probably three- f .tirtlis of ihe are directly avi il.a' Je to a Lund.-! nt ii"itvv k of "no kind or another. In -h -if, we are traveling at much too rap- Pi a jc.ee, and are htetal.y ''killing our- - iver Im the sake ol livi ig. It 1- ti'ue the brakes were put on, and tn;; intellectual ela-scs who sutler most from the rushing ten b i.eies of the era, -hou'd tinder.-tand the inevitable penalty which nature ex lets lor a vio'afion of Ii-t laws. Any same which requires that the ti'aycr snail dieiu order to wia it does u ot pay. I-lfe in Acbrntm. A correspon b i:t of the SpringSd l, 1 . 1 11 IJ" r .ua-saciiUs' its jujiii.jiictit, writing itoin that State, tives the following faithful ketch of life hero, and of the advanta es to b: fr joyed : 4 I t . AT . . 1 "I i , , u.'i me ursc sav, tne son 01 b'-a-ka is very lieh ovei abuo-t its ntrc area. 1 remember your em respondent who a-- 1 e-.-mp.'.ii'.ed ti.o cxcui-ion party ne:;r.v ive years riiro at the opettiiig of ti e Lu ion riM-m.r raaiT-ad, riMn-gentfd tlitt atte 'a y as v. fery rich, whi! Speeeh of I'rctl Itt In ihe fo lowing is a brief sccount and synopsis of Mr. Dcuglass' New Orleans speech : "When the war bgan we beard this wis a whitj man s government and a white man's war ; no n- cro should have a t.aii-l in it. J.ven Abraham Lo.co.ti did not at fir.-t bc!i"re in us. but it la-t was wuh us. Hm Ot lief par.'s ol t e crate were very p ; r. 1 bi is a mi-take. Ttc land lt I miles It. m the Platte, cither north or south, and -00 miles west from its mouth, i- the saue iu if genera cojnpns-it jo a 1 in the icy or th .Missouri a dev. The soil is a sar d loam, deep, poroys. and CHcjrde rf 3 i.d ling fr :n ?.:) to 50 b i.hels of com to the acre for ten suc cessive yt ?.rs without a us? c 01 1 1 f manure Th-j stitlaee is niore rollii: than Illinois and eastern Iorti. iu-:: enou;!), ind-nb to obviate the necessity of dic.ittnge. Tli'ne are no swaaips and no ro--ky, t.artf tj height" ti'l yon rcch the 1 A lldot-Il. Tlie earthquake w hich seems to have leaped from 1 lalilornia tdSyria, has found in the latter province an illustrious vie tim illustrious not on account of its pres ent rank, but thiouh the long catalogue of pu-t 1. lories. Anti'M. !i was one of the Mx'een cities erected by SeiV-uctis Nicator, and by far the mo.-t. magnificent ol' them. The lo cation is simply perfect, being in the midst of a large? and fertile p! ;m on the left bank of the river Oroiite-, about twenty miles from the sea. Originally it stood upon an island in the stream, but that lias Jung since been unite 1 with the imdn shore, and now the remains of tins once iioui isiniig emporium ie-t part ly tin level "round, and oartlv on the rug ged ascent of Mount Ca-i'n. Ihe slopes tif the mountain w-re in form r days cov ered with luxuriant vin. yards, and even now the banks oft he river are fringed with plantations of oriental fruit trees, which tne a most picturesque appear ance to the land.-cape. Through its har- oor, bclouccia, Aniiof:h had itniiitune commuiiicatioi: with all the western ports and across the va.-t Svi ian de-crt which 1 iv in its rear cam? caravans fiom 3!esot o i 1 lamtaani rai;a, pnngmg the rarc.-t ptouu.tiof.s of the remote East. Famou- for its wealth, its luxury, atid cla-s.c re frierneiit, the ancients called the citv The Beautiful." the "Crown of the Ivi-t."' and it became the favorite resi dence of iiom.ni aristocracy whet; Borne gave laws to the world. The Tcdaee. the .senate house, the 'i em t.lo of Jupiter, ths theatre, the CiO-arium. and u.anv other noble building- were hardly surtcis-ed in splendor I13- the choicest architectural m liiutuonts id the metrope-lH. At tin- era of its greate.- t prosi.eiit v. An:i n !i in tl e h 1 do you take us for at this house V" "Well," replied the gentleman, "I was going to tell you that we were tjoimj to lie livirrifil as soon she comes, but you wouldn't let me." The virtuous indignation of ourfiiend Belling was appeased by this und he immediately set himself at work to make ai rangeinents for the happy event. (He always helps along a marriage, docs that clerk, "(xot to go through it my- sed one of these days, he says). li e bride groom elect as the time f r the 'bus to go to the Northwestern J pnt, drew near, became nervous and fidgety, and fitia'ly, fearing that he would not be at the platfoim in time for the arrival of the train, walked down ahead. He hub hardly hit the hotis-i when the lady came in, having come from the south by the afternoon train, and nearly worn out by the long journey from Kan-as, w here she resided, trave ng all the way alone, like the brave gul she was, to meet her fate hero. By some mistake she was shown a room without the knowle Ige of the clerk who happened to be out, and there she sat wotidcring what had be come cf her lover until supper time. In the meantime the thoruoghly di-cu-lc and disappointed groom had returned, the Rev. Swearing-n, who was on hand to tie the knot, and sally informed tin cl-.ok that "she did red come." In tin. ill . y cnatiiticr anove was tne maiden crying le r pretty eyes out over the negligence d her botrothed, atd in the clh'ee be low was the di-eon-ol'ite groom moodily pacing the floor wWh ring if h's girl had run away with someloly else, and other iii'iicstoo numerous to mention. But fitne, who they say makes all tilings even, helped our lain is out of their uiih-o ty thuslv : At tea the tad eyed groom wa wan dering slowly to his seat at the table. when a soft voice in accents he loved and knew, gently rxeiaimo I, "Dear John !' "Why, 3! a ttio !" cried the happy feliow and it is said by the lookers on that double geared lightning net er chased 1 , , .... ground spurn 1 around a stump halt a- qui k as the hoy 'from the valley of tie clas-ic Cedar got around that table. liiit we win spare our readers the d -Lails ot the re-uniting of these loving hearts, oruy reiii.u king in tne language ol a young lady acquaintance who witnessed if, that it was 'imost dcliVous'y affect ing. ' Afc r t.-a a swift-footed runner was -cnt out for the clergyman, und iu the Dea- tm 1:1.1 rrtr. ii:opm;. A baby uirl knelt down to pray Ore morn. 1 he mot htr rid, "My love, why l ire ever smy, nive Uii our ditily bread ? Why not at k for a week or bioro? " The bulty I etit her lieiid n thoughtful mood toward the flor: "We waut it freili I " rho iAid. If ymrr pond but 1 nrume. inrome is five dollars a day four. If it is one dollar. fpend eighty cents. H it is but ten cents, spend nine. If it is three pota toes, pave h'lU'a pn'atop for n'.l 'i'hun you will gradually acquire something; while, if you t-pend as you go, you will nefcr get h?vd cn; inch iu life, but every Minst t will look upon you poorer than st fmnitsp, l;cMifl yort will have used unprofitab.iy one day more of your' strength and your allotted term of lib. cn;i s panor, in presetiC:; of a lar;-e and fa-hion ib'e assemblage, the stdemri vow wer; exchanged that made J. B. Hall, of 3Iarion, and Mattie II. Conipton, of Kansas one, for better or wor-e, utitil death or the divorce court doth them part. The I c aeon was the fir-t one to kiss the bride. Should this article ever meet their yes we beg the happy couple to accept our heartiest congratul ition.s over their jiuion. and our warmest thanks for tbii ium. An Anecdote of Rich Of Rich, the manager and famous ' harlequin, a tory is told which is probably the orini nal of several almost similar ones, with the ah ar-tage of being true. One night, returning from the Portugal Street 4 hea tre in a hackney coach, he ordered th--man to drive to the Sun Tavern, (.'1 ire Market. Pas.-ing one of the parlor win dows that was invitingly open, Rich -prang cut of the coach into the room. The coachman ju-t then ha'tinc, and find ing lie: vehicle empty slammed th ; steps, curs-d the cheat who ha 1 bilked hint, and mounted the box to diive oT. At this m o-;c-rit Rich jumped La :k, a:,d pui ftsgout his head told the mi:i to turn rnllnrcM In rnnnlnjc. As a general thing, when ordinary in dustry and juJg.ne.,t are exercised in the business of farming, success, to a greater or le.s cxfint, is certain. In other occupations, success is not alono dependent on these qualities, but in snite of the greatest efforts ami tho closet nttcntioti failures often occur. The fickle goddess haunts the merchant and the speculator, but the fanner se cure on his well tilled fields, is not afraid of her frowns, nor courts her smile fortune lor him has no favors to grant, and can noturiou-iy assail his position. With neither poverty nor riches to in terfere, he h in the best position for ex--ercising all the virtues. Jkarth anil Home. TttlU up Your Tawix Talk up arid work up your town, an J your ott n townsman and hu-itie. Cive encouragement to every Useful and cred itable enterprise in your midst, for as certain as tliccts follow cau-a, so certain will ct ery enterprise of met it repay every citizen. We cannot livo unto ourselves, and w.; cannot di-couraire any movement in behalf of a p!"e without lu.hjtititr upon onr-elvcs a personal in jury If you see a needed improvement for the town, demand it and talk it ur vigorously until the w hole community is impregnated with the idea until a storm of public sentiment compela the work. Don't stop becit?-c feme poor mummy, out of whom has withered all ptibiie spirit and hive of advancement, moans out bis sepulchral whine, "it won't pay." Show to your live fellow that it will pay, atid leave the mummy to hi" t oib.iiroo. and swaddled du-t anil stupidity, and by mi l by you wiil mj s the result of your courage and talk, in uni-' ve-sal improvement, increased facilities nn l bu-iness, and a broad, liberal, gen erotis publie spirit that pervades and vivifies and makes pleasant and beauti ful, every place where it enters. Cow nic'.icut iicnl JJstufe Ilryirter. ic v.'c.-tcrii l-r:rlio!i. t doubt it any equa 3 ft a in any Il ls : o U' t't d e i miles Ilie State. s to the climate, this coantry may be other part of the country wssty laud as the two bun qtiare on the eastern end of was equal in siz.; to the Paris of to-dav. and so continued until the decline ard lad of the empire. When the eapi'-al wa transferred to Constantinople, tin city lost some of its politic 1! importance, but gained a certain theo'ogk-n! notoriety no le-s th in ten council- of the c!:in-h an 1 said stoutly his tn i-t -jr had ordered being he! 1 there ' According to tradi- I him not tn t: If snr ?-nnev r M tt..,, tion, the Antiochones were . ic mark able night. Richrcoiiel "your tnasr i-a tne c- u h and set him down. After got re:t Rich swor at the stupid I -lhw and offered him hi- fare. Jaivev d ;c !in-- ..l . I'l . l-l .1 1 .T... : i;e i.i-i rioi i;we tne ioo. or tlon:8 ItaUliiK I'otnlorn ( ntfer Nlraw, f)ne of the most convenient and sa? cessful methods of lai-mg potatoes, cs pccia.iy m cottage gardens 'T on small lots fur private u-v, is by planting under a heavy covering of straw or old litter. as practiced at the south, where the po tatoes cannot be well grown without fi'me such protection from the extreme heat ol the sun. Ibis methol I havo practiced fir years, and I know that it practiced to a larg-; extent both in- New Yotk and Ohio, with grcut natis tact ion and profit. 1 he prtn is this; dig trenches or onm deep furrows with the plow, four feet apart, u-ing a h avy .two hor-e plow twice, iu the same furrow, so as to open it least six or oiht inches dn pi Drop- your st c l at the u-nal distance nt. thtf bottom of l his deep furrow.. Then throw upon the teed such manure as you intend to 11-e : wt ii rotted stable manure, oowdung and rotted ko4 l inir. best, with lime and a-he ipli( d to the" pc;:t in compo.-t before mixing with tho ra mure. If you drill the m iti-ire and e-omno-t wit It a cart, the wheel will cover the peed sufficiently ; if not. cover fin; seed with cb'JUt one inch of soil Now fill the e ntire furrow or trench with long str;,w, old litter. refu.- hay, rircr wa-h, etc., covering the seed fix oreii'ht in-l.es deep with surh lunfcriaf. 7" 1 10 vim s will fin 1 their way through afoot- As soon m the vines are well op, anT 111- wee-is n hoe tl to hp-ti.-.n !...,. ir i .........1 un 1 11 .1. j. ti jrou crKV'P lf inn the through s .soon v.i ii:e vines are well trp, and weeds h ive begun to start, plow or th-; earth to the ine- a Iitti, so a.s :1 the weeds, and this i. all the cu!- .011- learne i w.-re wiseiom wi jit away, Not rot utitii ttr:i! severe lie the armies th.y saw the star sj.artaltd trampled i 1 du-t and b coi by ietorious rebels, did they call on us. Thus the preserva tion of th-j Union was through u-in part. I do not -ay we saved the Re-mb- in it, an i so de- iie but we ha 1 a hand , - : - 1 i.i -1 , r i .11 ' 1 . . . r . . .. . . . . . .... . ,1 it , , - --------- I -- ji.i.- l iiioil: N.-HTB Illi 1 CXi Oil!! tne Union, and when ihe fight b. eime ,.1, tU..a .. ; M-,...r tiut the avi-ra-r-'; t'Trner-ttir.- i-' -ever-.l carecs h'rher here. O.tr winters n-u- ti:y la-t lrom Mm .j!i 1 Defc-m ber to the i t-t of February, followed fy a torfiiig.it ot re'ruiry weathr in 3Iirch. with a fofniaiit fieqnentlv of April weather in February. Thisepring weatht-r in February, f .bovve-l a-above i i March, has hirhcrto proved a gieal obstacle to successful fruit cu'ttne. St li our people are le-rsiing to suc cessfully overcome this di.'Iicuhy, and there is no doubt that this is "to te a gnat fruit-growing State. Onr summers are two months loeg-r between frosts than in 31 i-s-achu-ett- July and August nr.; very warm by day, with eo-4. rere-iii:ig bree-2.; at night." People do nut work as bud here as jn Ma- ar-ha- f; cc:o; J. He ufafc : i ibt he hotel aceomrordatien- serve our h i,l 1..., ,5 v. ti vi- 1 1 1 r ' i Mttee he iett Washington, and.advi-cd th- u-e of moral and political power to bring about a speedy change in this re K.cet, We are more iidd-ted to the K-deral Government, than to the State tor what rights we have, and so we shotud support it. He said thit the party led by Trtimbu 1 and Schurz f vored '3fe ritht.s. . I that i, ior tr.cir kee and somewhat scur wit, and this dangerous proclivity wa t he me:.ns of accomplishing their ruin. When the Per-iaris un h rChusroos inva de l Sytii in 53. the citizens in-t ad- f making terms wbh thccorioneror. or nr - paring fir a de.-p-rr.te defence, contented .1 1 1 1 ' iiii-iii-tnt's witii crni'king tire ivory joki s at hi- -xj n-e. Cho-roi s took swilt and a::. p'e revenge by r-ompleUdy de-trovin the city. It was rebuilt by the Rmp' r ir Justinian, and maintained much ef its firmer reputation until the seventh cen tury when it f !l into the hands of tV.-. s fool; here is a shilling fjr voursf.!f" But the man wis rc.-olute, regained hi box, and as hu drove olTshouted, "N, no, 31 r. Devil; I know yoa in spite of your shoes; and so you're toad;; a fed of for oucV' This story is u-u illy told of an ac-or who on being set down at bis destination in the dark, kept getting oat at one door of the vehicle and going iti at thof t'ri-. r. ti'l the coachman, nsron-i-hed at such an end!e.-s proce--ion, fled for terror. AH the l'ftr l ound. 1 - . naj no coi-n det.ce party pnbiican ve vjoi cruon, and aii tiii-is ci 1 id.d.vcl 1 e -:o ;:i i : r c.uz.-u. ca .e l at a . x e-ex. tie !a!J ... .t. , 1 i i- i i.t- u . 1 1 Ve Li t a I ,.- S h) pj.ni:-h.l oa is-.rt cotice. -" A Ge-n-.an txpr b "i-e in Ibooki, ;i t r .eg, -. ij-i : et va: . .', ... '. . 1 ! ro-iH ii !o. t. 11 vita i s : v, i: ttti -tai.-.-." 'iLei-j,-; Jv, v,..i f-r c:ii !, tn rn-t it-!;-!.!;:; the i ' a a ttriri wi--'i th" sn,- 1 . nd t.-ltel ti; '.3fe nthts. 1 11 th but the Re coo iLiu-i iiitiip rii'n. r t t ' j (4ei! r d 4rfirr ; sid...;..,-,' !,. ,-. '7. f otie for !,i,!!i I ex I -ct to mt'.', c' e r-. t 'he R poi-Peati parly b.l.s otKi r 1 1 i eis b -ii s Coeval G:v.t.. T.iii.usi-:!pi-. iu ... ) 4h-rf--s t-nvr ft ,;., a- :i who re! r- s-"n th- "tts. Rvery thing is done with uacbine- A man cf St!;-.11 jgratn. v-; -i'j-y. tn f,r-y r f 1 ? I" - 1 tl.i n b ii ve-t eg. vt' ry- a 'H b I :ere takes car.; of trittv : oat-s ti id !, w;h n ii -s totv-rli' 1- "1 T id-U ,,.,-y - u ti r j S :itun;e 1 1 toid. bed i r in 1L0 rry rcr of 2 exp iHI iC:. Three Jlicjiig:,, sir:s"u'wc CnJ $5 for cutting up la cliuroh. I ki:e..Vtb bui S-jf:;-, I.-g!:t.' l,r forked i'xv t Le.pij I may ce?. giv.' ii hmor to Cb-irle "On moti :,a. th br.-i tl I 1 hii'.i --it; a: lis w: 1. :-r. (Ar a 01 r.b.u- rjfi a 'U-'l 'I ft t' :s dro't 1 ttie t'- n crtb th is e irene country g:-. 1 1. 1 li i t ' iif j.i tu it-:.-. Tt. . tret t" 1 1 . , o - '-in. j n n-- gr.-f rri-'-n. J a r ' c!l Iy. He is lj,, fTfkU : Tl -t. ien-viiTe y.-srs , la-Id lief 'tt iean n-ry, and 1 1 .-.f the f..w... - :c 1 -. - , r- - I ,1 I CIS-G III I Ml - :- t.. . - Sumner. th I K o- a'i ai -is ro.se :;n 1 gvo I 1 Ci.ar.es amner, and f m;tuio : ucked u from n nl lAir.l)ougIa8coaciBJedaidspj.lat13e."l!aer by the cori hli It ;i in at the V-tH tbat huiiie to -'fe. r frm tbia'i the.-;; nee 1 0 vv.rv !o;!-'a ;.. ., tli.se.iuse. Oarra'.n3 t so abun i. at a th?v are .-it th r- t .v-i.:. not n ed th. m. li e p'-t-ou-! n.a'nra of the soiii:! roits ed' p.'tjis to run very a's- moi.-itiie fnrn a erit inl.it?td tie roots (A' t-o'-n iraens who held it abou two brtr.dm.l years. The Greeks under Nicoph;-ni-Pbceas then recaptured it, but in Ms, 4 the 3Iohamiuedans regain" possession, and were in turn cnrupelk-d to give way to the Crusaders, woo be-d-ed and took the city in PKj.S. In the thirteenth cen tuty it was seized by the Sultan of Kevpt ami has ever sine? owned allegiance to the followers of the prophet. Nothing i . it ol its ancient grand-ur but a mas of crumbling rubbish. does nctnumber more than 7,Ut)0. A young ir.an from tho country cn"-I at -a drug store the ot.h r d;y, arid in a vt-ry co;,:; J,-i, ti.d marn-. r t.il to the dntgg-t : " th r- such a tu::. s.btflr, - .- N ' . ; "i j tn- t:ru 1 o b-.e to g;t a' out ill ,v in a K:tttb;, for a f.-.'.'.i-.v who wants to give it to hi girl, to sea if be caut litve s tj.e fu:i wi h her." A Paris'an m'lbona're once wrote to the c 1 rat-d e-ou.ie- author, Scribe: "Ib r.ort 1 Sir I wish very much to ally my name with yours in the creation cf a dramatic work. Will you be so kind as to write a c omedy of which I shall com pose one or two lines, so that I tuny be mentioned in the title: I will bear the entire pecuniary expense, ro that I may divide t::o glory." Scribe, who v. vaiti evert to cr r.eeit, replied: "Sir I and th population "-gret that 1 cannot comp.y with yr-ur re than 7 otsd I lno !r t rc'4'ift- It i- not in accord inc; . ..111.ua cr inrte hj:; the rows. 0r 11S2 the hoe frc. V it wiil cf course do some good ; or il you have an abuu lance of bt tr and choose to cover the spice between the rows witii ft raw. so as to smother the v-.l-, such mulching v. id be of great wrrvico. especially 111 a diy season. In the sou'U the.rarc cnqi. II..-, to cover the whole surface with straw, bnt. I have not fourvl it necessary to lo so in Penn-ylvarra. 'I he re.-ult of this method of growing potatoes is this: You always get r abundar.t crop of large, sound, ha ful some potatoes, no matte r how dy the seas ci may be, with very little labor im the cavitation, and have your soil in ad mirable condition for any crop requiting a good, caroona.-eous loam. Few or no potatoes grow outside of the d;ll ,r trench, nnd nearly all r.re ef th? largest siz;; this is an excellent method" of . planting as it insures a cr 00. think isatkot gardi;ers will find it to pay, tn the cost of the maw is connterb:danc"d by tho saving of labor i.n cultivation, the valutj of tho straw cn the land.'ani the certainty of a heavy, salable crop. I have a large patch of potatoes ihU tcaou planted in this Laanner, and a pitch of equal size along si le, planted in the usual manner, and wii'b perhaps re tort the result in another riumbcr cf your p-iper. At present I will only sav. wi'di mv id-a- of religion or pro'Tittv ! tl?3t t-'-.f'-z'2 a" I fhowof product on lb ... , , . ,.r. '.'.I. . .sin i.. r... ;i-t. or that a h ir r q'd-rkly re.pcmd? 1 : ed yoar i-i,r- rf In: tit yoa call me horse I". n 1 an n-s To v. h. h diou'J 1 e 3'okc the md.tonairt i.r i have ref'f-iv- 1 Liter. How d;.rej Compartl tvr The esc: --'Hi ore its ; t" Afe, I w ho oil piec-; ..auieo in straw, a with the oilier is truly remarkable Jn relet i.r; o to the capacity of the po tato to gro'.v in straw without loam or sod, it i s;ij. t:at , C1, t ;;)&r XTji;,j. icg ves'-f is rc.it of New Bedford, 3JasC . l.-rqu'-t:!! PJ"'Winr them in crates ai.V.i m- in the South Sca. after ab.-cnt from horov 'Ph.-. belli. a year straw is of c rar X?e,U -a ipt wet, t lies an Ih.ive found tho ly as many la SEiy nec- !ern orator tins win U rn n uvui-ioriofcternify; "Why, tr.v friend u..; r m...'ioris and i;iiili,n of years had i'o.-l away in tttniitv, it wou'. I 1 e a ..i!0'..ea iiioa-and years to break time. A Mlnnescta f .r,T print old piaid and wiiowd w caang? tbtir state. last who vriih to lioOii, Cjj ir:c Lti'i'if-t 1 ve ioe Ir'M.i a i 0 i W.v I, e.ld like to da if. lov, but the thing is imj o-s.-itle. Louis-! partially rotted ft.a. Jobn ?IcC-..thy ha a farm of4-o Jol.n Bright, in reply fo an a 1 !rs- acres in ru-adoyr- and patu e 1 from s-jpio B.-nnblicans il-fTr;n .f 1... and bala t:e; ral-e 1 rti cz and t!.:rt"cri ciii: acre Was ii si Hie. J to te the -t President cf .-: f ct'y pound corn. His ps gc;i Witn care and weal i fid a -1 ry. Ci ran ie'e .... I : ' ir ..a.. eu lit grain. ne in .sl.l .nAl..,,,- .1!K. t . .. I-. .erf. . i. . ... . : ,ia.;a.t'i I,-.- ii.-p 1 .r fiy i. rn.'i r i.rnm t Otic - balf btl h.ls. ef th tt be horfs it will I. n I..,.-, l.. .is p.aco nian- j f i-c the Rnclish , people are called upoir th is fallowing to d?ci Je between a Reyabiic and a Mo' ' ftrehy.