xt X.. 4 THE NEBRASKA HERALD. Rail Koad Time Tabic. B. & M. IU II IN NEBRASKA. ARR TES. i DEPARTS. Mail and Ex. 3:1., p. m.'Mail and Ex. 10:00 m ireight A Ac. 3.00 a, lu.i Freight A Ac. 4:45 p m .- . 73. & M. R. R. IN IOWA. ARRIVES Mail A Ex. 7 p. ni. Ac'tion & Fr'ght 4 pm. Pacific Exprc 10 a. m. DZPABT9 Mail A Ex. 6 a. tn. Ac'tion A Fr'ght 12 m. Atlantic Ex. 4:15 p id. OMAHA ; A SOUTHWESTERN. In connection with Burlington A MhuiOur River Railroad in Nebraska. Depot at loot of J ones Street. LCAVKS. ABBITKfl. Omaha.. .......:fA a. to. do ..3;f0 p. in, Lincoln 6:tw a. m. Ao ...1J0 p. m. Lincoln .12:.',X3 p. in do ......... 9:30 p. in Omihl . .....11:10 , ui do ........... 6:10 p. m K C. ST. JOE. A C B. R. R. at pacific jtrscTios iowa. I GO I NO WORTH. UOl!Q SOUTH. Mall and Express 4:4" p. in. 7:57 a. m. Niht Express 8;lia.m- 2:00p.m. This gives passengers from Plattsmouth close Connection poing 8outhr North by leaving here On the 1:00 m. train. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTUEE OF MAILS. Honia. O. B. A fit. Joe R. R. fionth C. B. ir St. Joe R. K. .North, B. A M. R. R- East. B. A M. R. R. West. Omaha by Rail Weeping W ater, N.hMck Citv. bv Pta2e. CL0BK9. AERIVSa 10 p m. io.no pe 10 p. m. 10.30 p m 10 p m. 10.30 p m 9am. 4pm. 10 p in 10 am 12 m. 12 in. 9 p m. 8 pin, Departs Afondsys, wedneaaaya ana A-riuays. Uface hours, from 8 a ui to 7 p m. Sundays. 12 to 1 MARSHALL. P. M. LOCAL 3STBW3. IIiou The wind for the past "aw dsy3. Chief 3 ustlce Mason wa3 thrown from Lis buggy while on hia way from Paw nee City to Tecuruseh. A new Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing ma chine for sale or trade. Inquire at tho Herald office. tf Maj. Wm. Daily, of Omaha, is cperat ing in the U. S. Marshal's office, Omaha, as Depaty U. S. M. The National Convention of Colored Men, recently held at New Orleans, was very strongly Grant. Republican politics in Pennsylvania are in a muddle. Forney and Cameron, both party war-horses, being at deadly variance. Charles Suruuer h going to New York to give the deuizens of the great me tropolis a taste of his views on the po litical situation. You can buy ladies Gaiter?, very neat for SI oO at the Plattsmouth Shoe Store." apr4tf Nebraska City came very near having a first-class fire on Saturday night, by the explosion of a coal oil lamp in Char ley Gerber's butcher shop. You can buy men's shoes ( good) for $2 00 at the Plattsmouth Shoe Store. . apr4tf The latest style of "Broadway Hats" for sale at Stadeluiann's, for $4 50 and $6 00. Call soon if you want to secure one. wl We call the attention of our read ers to the advertisement of F. Elsler, Merchant Tailor. Ile'will get you up a suit that he warrants to fit. Give him a call. New goods ! neat gcods, and cheap a the Plattsmouth Shoe Store, noxt door to post-office. apr4tf Since the warm weather has set in, it ascertained that most of the fall wheat is seriously injured, and much of it will La plowed up and sowed in spring wheat. The partial failure is attributed to the fact that it was not properly put in. riatte Valley House for rent. In quire of Maxwell & Chapman. march2Swtf A large number of citizens from the Southern portion of tho county were present to listen to the arguments of counsel in the Rakes case. West Virginia has adopted the ballot in place of the viva voce method at elec tions. This is an encouraging circum stance for it is only a hundred years be hind the times. Mr. Schurz is going to speak at New ark in aid of the building of a new Ger man hospital. He is evidently looking out for a soft place to retire to after the Cincinnati Convention. Court adjourned last Saturday even ing leaving a large number of cases un disposed of. O'Brien & Merges, at the Plattsmouth Shoe Store, make to order, at reduced prices, the . very best class of French Calf Boots, Shoes, &c, all styles of tidies Bronze, Glove and White Kid Shoes and Slippers, made to order. apr4tf The House has passed a bill forbidding Receivers and Registers of Land Offies, and U. S. Surveyors, from entering or purchasing any of the publio lands of the U. S. either for themselves or others, or acting as agents for real estate trans actions of any kind, upon penalty of dismissal from office. lion. James Doom, of this county, has been spending a few days in the city this ..week. - It ia . reported that Mr. Doom will be put forward by his friends as a candidate for Governor next falL Beatrice Express. ', The bill authorizing the construction of a bridge across " the" Missouri at Ne-"-braika City has passed the Senate, and will, without doubt, pass" the House. " It is only a question of dimes, whether the - bridge bball be constructed With the examples of Omaha and Leavenworth before them, citizens of Nebraska City ran readily estimate thi fO?t of 'such an 'undertaking. WAJITEl). The undersigned wishes to purchase a lot of youcg cattle. Inquire at my resi dence in Plattsmouth, or at the Herald office. Geogbe A. Seybolt. April 18, 1872. ' " 1 ; tf EDITOBIAli CIXA7CGC Hon: 0.: W. Frost has assumed the edstorial. control of the Omaha Repub lican, in place of C. B. Thomas. Mr. Frost will act until the arrival of the permanent editor; but as to who he is, the Republican does not enlighten as. FOB BEST. A dwelling house, with four rooms, cellar, stable and garden Just east of the residence of J. W. Barnes. In quire of J. V. Wcckbacb, at Empire Bakery. n'wtf SEBIOl'S ACC1DEST. " A daughter of Hon. Isaac Wiles, liv idg near this city, was seriously burned a few days einco by coal oil, which she was using for the purpose of starting a fire. We did not learn the particulars as to how the accident was caused ; but understand that though ' very seriously burned she is doing well, and hopes are entertained that no permanent injury will grow out of it. Til E TKl'XK. The committee appointed by the county and city left Monday morning for St. Louis. This committee is in earnest, and will represent the interests of the county faithfully. St. Louis has taken a lively interest in the matter, and it is hoped that plans may be matured that will insure the building of this line of road through, this season. Delegates from Omaha and the coun ties north have also gone. If St. Louis really desires this road and is willing to aid in its construction, we may reasonably hope to see it built at an early day. PAST UK A UE. Parties desiring pasturago for stock can be accommodated by calling on the undersigned. Good water in the field. SamL L. Thomas, Four miles west of Plattsmouth. Aprl. 11 w-4 OH AHA. BEE. This energetic and outspoken advo cate of "the right," has, as we see by its issue of the 15 th inst, made a change in its editorial department, Hon. E. Rosewater being the. publisher, and C. B. Thomas, Esq., the former accom plished editor of the Tribune & Repub lican presiding over its leaders. We congratulate the friends of the "Bee," and their name is legion, on this acqui sition. We have had many bouts here tofore with Mr. T., but we cheerfully accord to him his well earned reputation as a writer at once terse and forcible. The readears of the Bee have certainly secured tho pungcntesl writer in Nebras- CIIAXGE. The Tribune & Republican of the 16th reached us with the news of there tirement of 3Ir. C. B. Thonia?, its late able editor, and its own acquisition of the services of Hon. Jeo. W. Frost, as Editor-in-Chief. Mr. Frost's long resi dence in Nebraska, and intimate ac quaintance with its wants nnd best inte rests prove that the managers of that journal were wise in selecting that gen tleman to occupy the position so ably filled by his predecessor. Farmers ! when you want Boots or Shoes made to order. Repairing done, or anything in the way of leather and finding?, call on O'Brien & Merge?, at the Plattsmouth Shoe Store, next door to post-office. apr4tf We learn from a letter received from Vt. D. Wild-nan, at Greenwood, that the prairie fires have done considerable damage in the western portico of the county recently. Mr. Charles Clapp, of Stove Creek, had his house, granaries, stables, &c, burned, together with a valuable library, $23 in money, and tools valued at $50. Mr. George Leevcr, of Greenwood precinct, also had his hay and etables burned. Other parties have suffered consider able damage, but to what extent we are not informed. The Chicago Mail is decidedly dissat isfied with tha left-handed endorsement of President Grant by Henry Ward Beecher. While he eulogized Grant as the best man in the party to occupy the White House, this man of India Rub ber, as the Mail calls Beecher, also ad ded : "I am very glad that our immi grant population have a representative, as pure as wise, as sagacious and elo quent as Schurz. When Schurz speaks I listen because I know I hear the voice of an honest man." Again, referring to Trumbull and Sumner, Beecher said: "The same is true of Judge Trumbull, and no man shall surpass me in grati tude to Mr. Sumner." ' 1 OCR CITY SCHOOLS. In a former issue, we called attention to the wants of the cit7 in the way of schools. i 1 V We have no desire to complain about what has been done, but rather to cal attention to what should be done to meet the wants of the citizens. . Within the city are three small school houses, which for practical purposes, would probably be sufficient for. scholars belonging to the primary department. To - meet a further want the city must hava nigh Schools. To accomplish this, 'a good building" is needed, and wa believe the bonds voted by- the city, if they can be negotiated, will erect one. If we cannot erect such a building, let our School Di rectors lease some - good room that a High School may be opened ? Will they do this ? The next annual meeting of the So ciety of the. Army of the Potomac will be held at Cleveland on the seventh day of May. Gen. Joe. Hooker will preside. Mr. M. B. Murphy the popular 'ITar uess" man of this City intends starting a Branch House at Lincoln. TEE TRIAL. OF OALLAXT BAKES FOB 1IUROEK. The Prisoner Convicted. The facts developed in the new trial of the above named prisoner, were sub mitted to the jury last Friday night, and a verdict of guilty rendered. The jury was out about three hours. This is a case in which the prisoner was fouud guilty at a term of the District Court held here in September, 1S70, and he was sentenced to the penitentiary for life for the murder of Sarah J. Powers. Application was made to the District Court for a new trial, which was over ruled, and the case was taken up to the Supreme Court on writ of error, where it was decided that the court below erred, and the prisoner was remanded to this court for a new hearing. The case came up for trial, and after hearing, the jury returned a' verdict of guilty, and the prisoner was re-sentenced to the penitentiary for life. Tho testimony adduced on the trial is not in the main different from that de veloped on the former trial which was published in the Herald. The case was ably argued by District Attorney Cowin and Geo. S. Smith, on the part of the prosecutien, and by Messrs. Maxwell and Marquett, on the part of the defense. Application was made by the prison er's counsel for a new trial, which mo tion was overruled by the Court. We understand that the case will be taken up to the Supreme Court on writ of error. Below are the names of the ju rymen before whom the casj was tried: Jas. Simpson, Enos French, J. II. Ho gan, P. L. Wise, J. A. Hawks, A. G. Bowman, John Clements, G. W. John son, Henry Kilmer, Wm. Dickinson, John Wolpert, E. S. Cutler. We herewith give a detailed descrip tion of a Bteamer built herejaduring the past winter. It was launched last Thursday, and now lies at the city levee, awaiting the machinery. The hull was built by Jas. O'Neill & Co., under the immediate supervision of Wayman & Curtis, who also made the boiler at their machine shop in this city, and who are part owners. The boat is C3 feet long and 1G feet beam ; depth of hold, 3 feet ; she will be provided with two engines, of 25 horse power each ; is to bo a side-wheeler.. The boiler is a tubular. Her guards will be 3 feet wide. She is in tended to run to Omaha and Nebraska City, and as she will only draw 12 or 14 inrlioa wlipn nil r riA marVhinerv is aboard it may be she will make an occasional trip on the Platte. She is intended to carry wood, grain, &c, and we hope the gentlemen who own her will he wen paid tn r Vipir vp.ntnrA in this enterDrise. The cost of the boat is about $5,000. No name has been given her yet. it is expected that she will be ready for busi ness in about two weeks. Success to her. ' We are in receipt of the Merrick county News, a lively Republican paper, published at Lone Tree, Nebraska. JLhe naDer deserves the support of the peo ple of that section of Nebraska, and will, no doubt, receive it. If you wish to buy a 6uit of clothes cheap andof the latest style, and patterns call at the Elephant Clothing Store. Newman keeps good goods and sells cheap. IE.TAL. Dr. M. H. McClusky will be in Platts mouth on Monday. 22nd inst. and will re main for two days. Persons wanting dental work done can be accommodated by leav ing their orders at the office of Dr. Liv ingston or by calling. See advertisement of Wind Mill in an other column. Persons wanting any thing of this kind can do no better than to order of Mr. Strang. We have just been shown a letter from a lady livingt Savannah Mo., to W. J Hesser, of this city, acknowledging the receipt of a large lot of Plant3 and Flow ers previously ordered from Lim, in which she says; they have always sent East for plants and flowers, but happening to see his Catalegue this spring gave him an order. The lady says they are the finest assortment ever seen in that section; set ting all the neighbors wild, and Mr. Hes ser may look for large orders, &o. &o. Hesser uses Printer's Ink, freely, and the Herald Office does his work; '"Do you se it?" Our democratic exchanges come to us with glowiug editorials on the magnitude and enthusiasm of the Cooper Institute Liberal Republican Democratic Meeting on the 12th inst., in New York. As Democracy contemplates furnishing cine hundred and ninety-nine thousandths of the votes for this causes and to control it3 administration if successful, as well as hold the offices, it is peculiarly in their line to do the blowing. ' SHARK TREES. Many of our citizens are planting shade trees along their side walks. This is a most commendable work and will contribute largely to the fine appearance of our streets. What impropriety would there be in our city council passing an ordinance remitting a certain amount of taxes on each person who planted shade trees along onr side walks ? The whole meth od might be systematized, regularity in 'size, kind, distance apart &c, be obtain ed and a slight remission of so much per tree, set out in accordance with" such ordinance, be made an inducement that would go far to improve the beauty of the towa. Let our city authorities take hold of this in time. Mr. Guthman of the firm of Guthman & Huberty arrived home from Germany last Tuesday. Mr. Guthman has been on a visit to his friends there. We are glad to welcome Frank back to Platts mouth, as he is one of our best citizens, neis perfectly satisfied with Nebraska since his return. Mr. J. H. Downing, correspondent and agent of the Council Bluffs Xbnpar eil, was in the city this week working up his paper. He met with considerable success, and will call again beforo he quits the canvass in Nebraska. Now I am ready to Bhow you the nicest assortment of jewelry ever bought in this market, and I will sell everything in my line cheaper than ever sold here before, watches and clocks carefully re raired and warranted. You will find me at Wm. Stadelmann's Clothing House. Paul Braistch. April 11 w4 Twentt-Fivk Cents. This amount will buy a bottla of Mrs. Whiteomb's Syrup, the great soothing remedy for all diseases incident to infants and children. About one hundred emigrants came in on a special train last Tuesday morning and went west on the B. & M. Every day brings large accessions to Nebraska. Reports from Seward County state that the spring wheat is all sown, and that farmers are ploughing for corn. . Arbor day was celebrated by a large number of trees being planted. Messrs. Vallery & Ruffner have now opened a branch house at Crete. Mr. Ruffner will take charge of the house. A Very Talnable Nambtr Of Hearth and Home for April 20 is be fore us. Besides several fine engravings and the usual good assortment of excel lent reading for all departments of the household, a Supplement in this number gives an account of a four years' Libel Suit brought against the Publishers for exposing Humbugs, in which the import ant rulings of Judge Brady of the N. Y. Supreme Court, and tliS testimony of leading physicians, take advanced ground in regard to the responsibility of manu facturers and dealers in patent medicines. This will be specially interesting, not on ly to Lawyers, Physicians, and Druggists but to all who buy and u.e medicines, and to thofe-whoJiave been swindled by humbuge. ' A prominent feature, howev er, of this number of Hearth and Home is the New Stort by Dr. Eggleston, author of the "Hoosier Schoolmaster." The new story is entitled "The End of the World," illustrating life and scenes in the West thirty years ago. It ia con fidently believed that thia will be one of the most attractive and nsefal . American Stories yet brought out. Get this num ber especially, either of your newsman, or send a dime and get a postpaid copy from tho Publishers, ORANGE JUDD & CO., 245 Broadway, N. Y. DIED SUDDEN EY OF EASE. HEART DI5- How common is the announcement. Thousands are suddenly swept into eter nity by this fatal malady. This disease generally has its origin in impure blood filled with irritating, poisonous materials, which, circulating through the heart, ir ritate its delicate tissues. Though the irritation may at first be only slight, pro ducing a little palpitation or irregular ac tion, yet by and by the disease becomes firmly seated, and inftamation or hypertrophy, or thickeaing of the lining membrane or of the valves, is produced. How wise to give early attention to a case of this kind, Unnatural throbbing or pain in the region of the heart should admonish one that all is not right, and if you would preserve it from further dis ease, you must help it to beat rightly by the use of such a remedy as shall remove the cause of the trouble. Use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery before the dis ease has become too seated, and it will, by its great blood purifying and wonder ful regulating properties, effect a perfect cure. It contains medicinal properties which act specifically upon the tissues of the heart, bringing about a healthy action, Sold by all first class druggists. liucal News "Amoxost the live and progressive institutions of the day is Geo. P. Rowell & Co's Advertising Agency, No. 42 Park Row, New York. The establishment is so systematized, and their fnoilitipa nra nn ample, that the public is sure of being served in the most complete manner. -Boston Post. For derangement of the Liver for Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Piles, etc., Dr. Simmons' Liver Regulator certainly has no superior. It acts like a charm, with out debilitating the system. I have tried it thoroughly, and speak what I know. Rev. S. GARDNER, Atapnlgus, Ga. For Sale at a Bargain Se i of sec. 3b, town 12, range 10 east, 100 acres broken, house, and stabling for six hor ses ; good lot, fenced, water handy, 2 mjles from railroad station. Price, $2,- iw. Jieven hundred down, balance on long time at ten per cent interest. In quire of Barnes & Pollock. marl4tf SEED POTATOES. A few bushels of genuine early ros potatoes for sale at Bennett Bros. - mar23tf. See advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dis pensary, headed Book for the Million Marriage Guide in another column. It should be read by all. decldiwly NEW GOODS ! New Styles ! ! MERCHANT . TAILOR- Is in receipt cf the finest and best assortment of Cassimeres, Cloth., Vesting o.. yer brought to tho city which I will make op in latest styles, - Please call and examine. Plattsuioutix. April 18 1S72. , w3m WANTED. AGENTS 9lOQ to" 625 per months everywhere; Male and Female, to introduce the genuine improved MARSHAL SEWING MACHINE. This machine will stitch, hem. fell, tuck, bind, braid, cord, quilt, aad embroider in a most superior manner. Price, only $15, fully licensed and warranted for live years. We will pay $1000 for any machine, high price or low, that will sew a stronger, mora beautiful or more elautioseam than oun. 1 1t makes the EUutit Ao-A-irA. Kvery second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth can not be palled apart without tearing it. We pay agents $100 to $i60 per month, and expenses, or a com mission from which twice that amount can be made. For particulars and terms, apply to or address, S. MARSHALL A CO. -No. 102 Nassau Street. .New York. CAUTION. Do not be imposed upon by other parties traveling through the country palming off worthless east-iron machines under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the oLly genuine and really cheap machine rnnnufac turedi aplSwU FIRST NATIONAL , BANK, " OF PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA. t : bucckbsos to 1 Tootle, Hanna & Clark. JOHM FlT2FBAI.B, Prendmt. Joh R. Clark, Catkur, . . C H. Pismt Viet rWwl T. W. Evaiis, - . . Att't Cithxer. This Bank is now open for business at their new room, corner Main and Sixth streets, and are prepared to transact a general . . - Banking Business. Stocks, Bonds, . . . j Gold, Government . . . and Local ' . ' . ' ' Securities Bought and ' 6old. Deposits Received and Interest allowed On time Certificates. Drafts drawn", available in any part of the United States and in all the principal towns and Cities of Europe. FOR THE CELEBRATED XErmAKT LIETE- A N D OF ST E A M E R 8. Persons wishing to bring out friends from Europe can purohase tickets from us, through to Plattsmouth. apl8wtf - STATE AGENT HALLADAY'S PATENT WIND MILLS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING FORCE AND FARM PUMPS. I. X. L. FEED HILLS, ETC., TERMS LIBERAL. The Halladay Mill has stood the test for six teen years, both in the United States and Eu rope and is the only one Generally adopted by all Principal Rail roads and a- armers. Send for catalogue and prioe list,-2r A. L. STRANG. p!8wtf Seward. Nebraska. Plantation Bitters. S. T. 1860-X. This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and de bilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the ner vous weakness to which women are es pecially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Dee. 26. d&w lyr. Beautiful Women! HAGAN'S MAGNODIA BALM gives to the Com plexioa the Freshness of Youth. Hasan's maonolia Balm overcomes the flushed Appearance caused by heat, fatigue and excitement, it makes the lady of forty appear but twenty, and so natural and perfect that no perron can detect its application. By Its use tho roughest skin is made to rival tho pure radiant texture of youthful beauty. It removes redness, blotches, and pimples. It contains nothing thai will injure the skin the least. Magnolia Balm is nsed by all fashionable ladies in New York, London and Paris. It costs only 75 cents per Bottle, and is sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Deo, 2S. d&w lyr e 3d w. ' NOTICE. XWILL furnish parties with stone for building purposes at reasonable rates, at my quarry or delivered on the cars at Louisville station- The followi g kinds can be had on short notice, sills, caps, perch rock, lice or rod sand stone such as was used by the B. A M. R. R.in the construe ti. n ct alt. their stone work. All responsible orders promptly nlled Address, J. T. A. HOOVER dAwtB Louisville Btaticra. Residence for Sale at Auction. T "WILL offer my residence, situated at the X west side of 1 latt month, to the highest bid der, on the first day of Alay, 1872 There will be no by bidding. The property consists of 3 acres of kTound. a srood house with three rooms and a basement, a Rood two-tory barn, capable of holdicg IS horses ; n good cistern and well. 100 apple trees, whk-h have been bearing tor 8 years, 8 varieties of grapes, all bearing ; pear, quince, Siberian crab apple, evergreens, tc. My reason for selling is. that my wife's health is rapidly failing, and I must took a California climate. Las Wrioht, i 8. White, Auctioneer . marCSw4 PLATTSMOUTH CDEMIYa FALL TERM FOR 1871. Commences October 1 1S71. Chicago Avenue, Cass county Nebraska. Prof- Adolphe d'Allemand, Proprietor and inncipal, Assisted by able Tutors. IHIS Acadcmv is now in successful onnera JL tion. and offers at moderate terms the usual advantages of a First-Class School. "I'he'course of study embraces every bran L of a thnrnnch Eimlish education, toaeth orcir the modern lm.Ruages. music, and dra win iFtpal.cular and reference address the Princi wh m2&r Head. Head. Kead if y o ... 9 DRUGS IKED1C1NES, Perfumery?. Toilet articles. Brushes, Paints, CUs. Varnish, Putty, Window Glass, Lamps, chimney's, 1 extra refined coal oil. non-explosive burning fluid, Ac. Ac, do. Xc. ge DIt. CHAPMAN'S F-rescripti o a-x DRUCr STORES- Next door west of the Post Office, ia the same room with O'Brien, boot and shoe dealer. ."Strictly pure wines and liquors (for medi cinal purposes), a speciality. He manufactures flavoring extracts, a fine prcparaion of chocolate ready for use. an un equaled baking powder and various other arti cles. To those addicted to the use of Opium, that poisonous and destroying drug, coiae or ad dress me and be cured as thousands of others have been and are being, by a painless, perina nnnt antidote. When once cured, which takes I ut a short time, you have no desire for drug or the antidote A4Communioations for the Opium Antidote may be addressed to Dr. (1. B. Chapiii.in platts mouth. Neb. or . J. Chapman. M. I)., Mo. V alley. Iowa. janlTdiwtf Plattsmouth Mills ! ! PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA CONRAD IIEISEL Proprietor. Flour, Corn Meal. Feed. Ac, Always on hand and lor Sale at lowest Cash Prices. tt"lThe Highest nrices tin!. for TFIn. Corn. J6Sy Particular attention given to cifs m.work. mr21 Lock to Your Children. The Great Soothing Remedy. MRS. I Cures colic and sripine inl Pric WhitcombV the bowels, and facilitates 2 &yrup. .tne process ol teetDing. jenw. MRS. Subdues convulsions andi Price Whitcomb't overcomes all diseases inci- S" Syrup. dent to infants and children. Cents. MRS. Cures Diarrhoea. Dysente- Price fhitcomb's ry andsummercomplaint 1 35 Syrup, children of all ages. nents. It is the rreat Infants' and Children'snSooth- intr Remedy, in all disorders brought on by teething or any other cause. Prepared by the Grafton Medicine Co., 'St. Louis Mo. Sold by druggists and dealers in Me everywhere- de2d Lumber! Lumber The Undersigned has on hand and is aflanurdcturinff - ah kinds of COTTONWOOD LUMBER At his Mills at the Ferry Landing at Plattsmouth Orders Promptly Filled.! William Edckbtos. June3JdJfcwtf. EMPIRE BAKERY. AND GEOOE-RY. Corner Main and Third Sts Plattsmouth, Nebraska, keep on hand a full supply of Confectioneries, Pies, Cakes, Cheese and and a complete assortment of Groceries and yueensware, and uiasswars. -tt3-Give us a call. 2J:f GUTHMAN A HUBERTY MONEY SAVED Is Money Earned GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS Below will be found a partial list of the goods offered by us at One Dollar each: Twelve yards Brown or Bleached Shirting, Three yards-double width. Table Damask. Ladies' Fine Chemise with fancy bosom, (ruffled or trimmed,) wtth a six tucked skirt to match. Ladies' fine white eighteen Tucked Skirt, Fine Germ n Violin, with ivory tip bow. One dozen all Linen Hankerehiefs, One ten-ouartcr Honey Comb Quilt. A good Waterbury Clock. Warranted Eifcht pair ladies' fine white Cotton Hose, Two eight-bladod pearl handle Knives. Eight yards Black Alpaca. One hundred picture Velvet Photograph Al bum. Two fine white six-tucked Skirts. Our J'remium Lint cannot be excAUd to club orpanizcrt. Splendid Twenty-koy German Concertina. Twelve yards of Calico; a good nrtide. Onedozen Tumblers, wit h six goblets to match, )ne dozen Linen Towel", medium size. Eighyrds Lancaster Gingham. Set of silver-plated Tablespoons, with six - Teaspoons to match. Plated on white metal. Two pair ladies' German Corsets; sold every where at $1 per pair. Send titf. The above articks are from 65 to 75 per cent. cheaper than can be purchued of tberetailrade anywhere. Giceut a triai ordr. Out out one or any number of the above items and return to us with the money, and convince yourselves that we do better tuan any Dollar House .la this country. l or fnrther information sed fnr circulars and terms to agents. Agents Wanted Everywhere Address. nORT IN. RRUNDAGE & Co., No. 61 1 Pine Street, St. Louis. Mo. ON MARRIAGE. HAPPY Relief for Young Men. from tfcte effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Man hood restored. Nervous debility cured. Im pedimenta to Marriage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free, in scale! envel opes. Address. HOWABP APSfCIIION, No. onth Ninth St., hiladelfhi. Ta. Oct JOth-i w 1 ye S, BLOOM d--cj S. BLOfjtf & CO. BOYS AJYV CHILDREN'S CLOTlllA'rf Hats - and Caps, Boots and 8rircs Blankets, rubber goods, trunks, valises, e & ain Street. Second Door East of the Court Houso BRANCH HOUSE Eroadway.CoucncU Bluffs Iowa. PLAT i S MOUTH BOOT AND SHOE m:.sttjfa.ctory. CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES AT Ill Repairing neatly Main sireex, riausmouin, ieu; jn lut HENRY BOECK DEALER IN FURNITUR E, LOUNGES, SAFES,. TABLES, BEDSTEADS- OF ALL DBSCBIPTIOVil AJtD AT ALL HR1CES. Metalic Burial Cases. WOODEN COFFINS OPALL SIZES. Ready Made, and Sold Cheap for Cash. With many thanks for past patronage," lla Ate all to call and examine my large stock 0 niture and Coffins JnazHt . RMMJ RRO9 Weeping Water Nebraska. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Boots, and Shoes. Hsts, and Cops. Agricultural Impliments of all kinds. Weir nr "f X L" Cultivators, Union Corn Planter "Srandetour and Princeton Plows, Ac e advnA tourn, all of which weofier to the public at the owest retail prices. All Goods Warranted As jScisrescnted. t"Our constant aim will be to sell so low will be to the positive advantage of every tr rin the w stern ant --: tral portion oi Casi i vV to make this their head iurters for trad- llliiiU KKOS. legal Notice. Columbus Nuckolls "ml Stephen F. Nuckolls f h 'I errltofins of Colorado and vYyomin will take notice that Emolino Rockwood of the County of Cass in the State of Nebraska. Plain iiff, did on the lMthday of January A, V. 1872 file her petition in the Second Judicial District Court in and for the county of Cass in the State of Nebraska, against Joscpu . Johnson. J, wt. A. Owen. C. E. Korgy, Columbus Nuckolls and Stephen F. Nuckolls, defendants, settrng forth that the defendant Columbus rs uckols ana one Lafayette Nuckolb on the first day of June A D 1857 sold to Marquis L. Whito and Daniel Waterman the following real estate to-wit : I,f.tfiup(Min Klnck no. tbirtv-four (.'it) in Plattsmouth. Cats count. Nebraska, Thattbe nmn wm fnllv n:i id for hut that the ono un-di- vided half was not deeded to said parties, that nn said rfnv the said White and W atcrman took possession of the game and held possession of . . . .1 . .1 i i Ki:..:ir. tne eame up 10 vuo nm iuc; m to iuiuouu ; and that the said prope ty was on or about the 29th day of January A. l l.i.z. levied upon Dy the defendant, J. W. Johnson, as Sheritr. as riv of Columbus Nuckolls : and ulaio- tiff Drays that a perpetnai induction may bo eranted asainst the defendants, or either c 3J them, prohibiting them from selling the sai( nmnartv! and thut the said Stephen F. Nuck oils, who now holds the legal title, may be de creed a trustee for. and icquired to make a deed of snid premises to the said plaintiff, Emeline Rockwood: and the said Columbus Nuckolls and Stephen F. Nuckolls are notified that tney aro required to appear and answer said petition on or before the 22nd day of Ap'il. A. D. lb2. or the petition wiU be taken as truo. Emklimr Rockwood. By Marquktt, Smith A Stahbibo, her Attorneys. Dated March 13, A. D.j72. mar!4w4 "A Penny Saved is a Penny Eamd." . And if you desire to Save Tliat Meunp As well as Pounds go to To Buy Your O-R O CJSRIJS We have bonght out H. D. Fox. and now tit-, enpy the new store room four doors north of the Platte Valley House, where we have just received an additional supply of Groceries and Provisions, which we will sell very low for raa All kinds of country produce taken in ex -hange for goods. BENNETT BROS. apSSdtf Sheriff's Sale. John Fitigerald ts II. L. R. Sti!c, M.iggie S. Stiles. Francis S. White and Augustuf Spires Defendants. Order cf Sale. "VJOTICE is hrreby given thet I will offer for 1 sale at public auction at the iront door of theCcnrt Mouoin the cii of Plrtt.uuou.th Cass county. Nebraska, on Saturday the Ch day of April A- D. 1872 at the h'nnr of one o'clock p m of said d.iy th following real est ite to-wit : Los No s:.x vB and seven (7 1 in b! -rk No one fl) in Stiles Additfen'to the city of I'latUrooutu Cass county Nebraska, ns designated upon the recorded plat of ifaid addition, to be sold ns the properly of trre -aid defendants on sn order of sftle In favor of John Fitzgerald is.ued 1)7 the District Court of the 2d Judicial Di.-trict of Ne braska witt'n and for Cuss coun'y and to iu directed ss ijhexifl'of said county, (iiven under my hand this Cth day of March 1872. J. W. JOHNSON. Sheriff. Cat county. Neb, Mx"wF.t.f. A- CaAFM as. Attorneys lor Deft. March 7 w5 P. HODAPP House and in Fa:ntr." Graicir-g, rfifer hanging and ornamental Faint;ng. UT'jr prptnr'ly tilled. Shop ntrlh of Pn-e' Flack taiih Slop. osditt. WEB- nKALKjta i. GENTS' RNISKIMGQOOOS, V Platismouih, rfebrask IsOTf PRICES- done by P. MAXWELL, DEALER. LV DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND sir i i"lsjiiin mi in ii i All Paper Trimmed free cf Charge. Also Dealer in . , Books, Stationary, Magazines, and Latest Publications. Prescr'ntiort earcfally compounded by a perienced Druggist. , Remember the plaoe, three doon west of the Herald office; Plattimouth, Nobratka. THE BEST IS -Tlie Ghcapsst. Will be fonnd at his old stand on Mala StJ where he. will t;e plessed to see his for iner uustomcrs ttbd friends. He has a large and good assort to en I of fjr-.o' machinery g jch as the Phe Marsh harvester, a reaper that two' rami. X can cut and bind ten acre per day with',. One man to drive,' and the binder can work la the thade. "yT'andJver, ! rfol'rio Corn Pita tera. Stubble ani breaking plow's. Iron and wooden' beams. "Jhe Eaglo and Orohard City Cultivators." T he Marsh Riding Cultivator, MnVurn Wagoni.'lisinfiioa: ReVfer A Mawef' Mar silica I brasher, io ' F. J. METTESIC Main StrCcW Plattsmouth. Neb. c L. S. BiAfK,' Traveling Atent. Feb. 29 wtf. brdinance No. IP. Ai:X'rJinance requiring City OfEcors to give" Bonds and iixing the amount thereof. Be it Ordained by the Maior and Cc'unj' oilmen of the CYf.y "f J'latttm&utlL Src. 1. That the Mayor. CletH, Trecrer.: Marehnl, Fo! iee J udge, Aaeor, City Engineer" and Street Commissioner of tuvl oij, bet.r en tering upon the duties of their rrii-th-e oQct-.' hall euch be requi.ed te give boadt to the city, with good and sufHcisntsecwrity, to beapprove'l by the council conditio nod f.r the fui:blul per formance of the dutfca oi thir respective of fices, ia sums following, to wit : Mayor, five thousand dollar. ; Clerk, rne thousand dollars i Treasurer,tif-n thousand dollars ; Marshal, two thousand dollars ; Police J ndfre. one thousand dollnr.; Assessor, ono thoisnnd dollar.; Cjtr. Engineer,' nve hnndre-1 d!Inrf and Street CouimL'tione fire hundred dollars', . Ssc. 2.. fl'in councilman, before entering' upoa tV.e o'iriel of hi ,rti'-o shnlj give to tlid cut u. bond in tne sum cf oi: tbounaud dollars: with gO"d and sufiicinntsecuriy. to t pornvei. by tho .Mayor, conditioned fur tL-J faithful per-l5-man c of the duties of his ojii -e. o . Sec, 3. All of said, bonds shail be ufidsr t'aJ euntody and cure of the City Clerk, 1'HovinKD, That the bond of the Msyor aaf nud Clerk shall be deposited ruth tho C if Treasurer. . , . . Sue. 4. This aet to take effect fr m and after it poAiago. An roved March 25tb, 12T2. M L. WHUE. MircN' AUel: R. R.Yaiutts, City Citik. d; -- . - - A -