Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 11, 1872, Image 1

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. a v.
- 1 -- .,'
corner Ili'm and Second strewn.
'r. f2.CT per stEBaia if peid I
j. ii r' ali la advanoe
:;.:'-'.-'.:tic:::3 rates.
r.7 l aes or 1ps) one insertion $1.00
. J i - r L
" Emu k
PrfeiioD3.1 cards, not exooedine fix lines...lO 00
-jacrot inaeruun.. ....... .....m..... o'
colu- i per annum.. ..0.PO
Kcolu- per usnnun...;. - 40 .CO
W eolu o . fa 60.00
y ie eo "o oo J.00.)a9
till t ' 'n bill due quarterly.
m i STALrmtD At
, , r&etice in all the courts
ftac -I .terruon given to colleo-
on- . ..... -r" i j - "to -
OB.- TC? . j iUitsinouin, e
-' " ! " ' ' , - ;
0X3 TriirLSIl Attorccs WVLfwrs Epe
1 oirJ " u eiven to probata bnsinoM
adllaul t. fit ses OSico ia the Masonic
, 1 - Tit i . . 1. T 1 1
r ' . , 1 ' '" 11 " ' -
TTrLT. A XHATMAN-Attoratys fct
wnnd t olioifort in Chanoery, Jlatw-
outi, feor&tia. OHice in litasenud AUoolc
b ETSS DRAPER Attorneys at Law
v 0 jes Da iliia ttreet, Oppoelte Brooks
t TiA 7INGST0S. Phygiciaa and Snr
4Vw exv. hi professional services to
tlecitiwi t . C4eot,Bty. Rc8idneeeoathe.t
trneroC f li-ixtJi ireeU; office on.iUin
ret,"rii- .trett f Lyman' Lumber Yard
" IT"?, Surreon and PbyEiciacs
-co a-in-Chief cf the Army of
. .... ,Tsouti.Nebr!'5a. OSlce
n'n DruK Store Main street,
; U 1 i7T.mers
TI " . ';rT:TNKTT Real Eftete and
t . T-t-s, Motj-rie PublieFire,
Midi ,1, A- -.3, Plflttsmottth, BeU
fMka. -, v . ie2itf
PI' T", I." I.. nral Insornnee Acnt
V . ' so -je cf the moat reliable Com-
afLaj United Stoics. .
0L i wi i nee & Pollock in Fitr iterald
-JBot-i ;. r Uaa7dwtl ;
Ilonae HaH O
1 preacker.
iilders, Idae iles
-erVi.r o and Third stTeets-r
r P"--ice3 every bunday
1 -7 p. rs. Sunday
. c. A.'.j:aanci, SupU
, --Corner Loeuat and Eishwh
. "H; reiJencoLocnpt st .be
e-ji tervifies every Sabbath at
"-bbath Shool atiy:.
,r ideUctf every Vi t-dno-vW
j are Rev
Father IlayV i irst ils--s every baoon ai
Vesperj and 1 ene-iictioa a
at S a.m,evj s wce 4m.
at o.m p.
Tt.w r.iiiii NTtiTh aideoi wain su
i. . r.'n'. W. Cameron; Services
w.,. 1.11 . m .rwl 6:31 T). tn
iMi't Pollock Supenn-
un i r -meetinz every Wednesday
v, a tt i.. j o'clock.
TTrsit. -ir!c Of Sixth J.-II. Pressoa,
- i ii. irt.'iil a. in. and I r.Vt
cry Thursday evening. ,Vlas8 evening and lmmediate-
ahbath morning serr-.
. 2:30 - ' :' ' '
'ftpterober bat die Deutsche
in i'-remSsfeulhaus --.d'
i fcb-r-"
1 Iv, L
' ive
m - m
ixne wi
rosf . 1
ASTI )i :
4t. V .
. -
- f
' Vented.
r V y.-c
v V f
. I3TABLH3ID. I 161. ;
m m FASCY GOODS.- ' -
WateV.e, CiJcksaad Je-retry repaired neatly
xnd with L:"tatoh. . '
r,Keiao edto opposita Platte valley Hotuw
K'.'iba1 t ' - . noy.lOwtf.
3 -v?
r -3. P.
. ' . - . - . - - -
-; - i.. -. '-
. -'
, en Main ttreet, opposite Court House,
Platts mouth, - -pfebrasia.
We have on hand & largo ftSWtaent
' Consisting of the beat Qualities of
Smoking tobacco,
Aa wexleal exclusively in Tobacco we caa seU f
3heac. if not cheaper than other store m tn
ty. - .. . . . . .
Uive ns a call oetore you pnrcnMnxuwwuas
u weinow yoa will bo away satisfied.
L. Brom x Co.
Febraary 11. 1869.dtf.
II 0 0 FLY
Meat inatnei, j : " .
customers wi y iavok. .im .
". wua 8 ail, Wivu van
" SMOKED SAUSAGE etc.-at tb 'U
-Contraet w5M v"
meat in large . ; '
any pajt of th,
Pldisxiouth, Nclraz!:z.
w- 0
" " sr
? a
W . w
p O J"
to .
I am rf-rd to accommodate the pol V- wi'.i
iOT 4, t rriages, lmfeits and a i'e. 1 il' -c
en g j . notfee and renaonable ten s.- A l-os
lit- (.begtambotlantmg,aad to i-lpart
e. it -rl "n de-;ir4. .
M- ml M. W . M-A. A
C n.""2Ti,Proprietor.tlavi---; rec - .''ybn
s x piacf i 1 1 iorop- 1 rn- 'or. r
tns BEST
i n. " .i
Une kear
13 tX
i kth c
td-Xi you want your Easiness Ilnowntl
For the HER tjD is. read T ?Ter
. ch.- ta, lihanio, f .ncto. , i
Dealers, Railroad j-ien. '
-: Ixen, Ilanufaeturers,
Consumers and Everybody, -! r.
xTtli plftco tor
tTiij kjkott,".
:.'""''' ..' v Mortgages, ;: .. r,
,- 7'- " ' -' 4 .' - -
;. .. . .,' .'. Leases, , : ...
Catalogue,' 1
V Pamphlets. . ; ;
Price Lists, , ;
'.''' ' "" "'" -- -i '' 'i . -.
'-.',: Dodgers
Prcgrammei, ; ; -. . .
nand E21a, :;V ' .-. '.. ':
"' "-'.'' : ' " - v
V W W- . -
j- r :
,. t :i.. .
' . CLa A: "
f It
v .
. j now e:::.Lt c
cat ti.6ir r;t-
ii ctrsral t:rr:, 1st ender strZ:L:::J:
now rf "uire every i :rsoa to nate a r
t-rn-c. aoo d") tad erenza xa J " .
Ve a:aex th" fcri of retcra rLl.:
rorr to ta r:- "3 sci Icd, f.r 1' t c
czca t5 f 1-
1 !
therein, wLcrever czrrisi ca.
IY6m . tlio Fayme-fc of -3
fonaer 5"t fasiZ-rei J::!, t3
. ytkb lave juot raid a fr3tl;rs
iscorae tax. :
From rents. . ;." ,
IVcn ferclrt cperatiocs.
T:!3 pric3 cf live ctock izll. '
Ur's prlcacf trh-Jtaril prcl- 3
r !i. ' . ' ,
tzzl cctiia r " i
Ttczi ir-r:ct or cruras piil on
Rry t -is cr ctL:r eviceaof
i;.::' ' cf c7 . Uii;. trest
c - r tivk-s K'-'itr'm, in
t ;"- -3 c J:ary, irJ.-i-, ctral,
t trr; ".ir, cril caviaticn, or
i .-ci-ri . ;r con pary ; er diri
dend3 ca ttock, capital, "or dap03-
; itg i t-j- fcankytrcst company,
BTirl institution, irxarance,
railrc 3, can&l, tarapike, canal,
car al . rivigation, or slw-water
conjrT."' " ' "J---
Prc:i v..U8d promts cf compa
res tvove centionew
Frcn civiien3a of anyirTporated
: cczipany c'.ler tbaa t. J men
tioned in rrt rrf h 6. ; "
r 9. I rom nndiviJavl gams ana t. : ,u oi
part:ersli or mcorporatsd
"company ether than tbc3e csen
- tioncd in arrjraph 6. "
laT.Pronr itttrtst ca cctes, tc-.s, or
other ' escurities of t 3 United
Statci ' ' - :' ":, ' ' ,
11. From interest ca notes, tonda,
- mortie8, of"secarities other than
" those enumerated above, whether
' paid or not, if good and.X-l!:,':-.
. ' ; able. .-. -'-' ::--.''"
From salary, pay or waes."
vm prontB on saws otf" .j. n
,v..k. whenever purchase." " '
14: From tai'itary or naval pensions.
15. , Wages of minor children, receive- (
16. From aH sonrces not abye enun..-
(irosa income. ' . . - , 1
1. Exempt by law, $2000.'
National, State county and mu
nicipal taxea paid within the year.
Tvbsas aplnallv sustained during th"
year from fires, floodaT-fihipwrc;!,
or incurred in trade.v.'-a not al- j
ready' deducted ia vGrtnicsj
profits. Y'"'''"r'"-M'"'v' " '.
LosaeB on sales of real t .;.ta r-
chased einc..: mpe-itfir 1
Lmount feai'y-w .-tOTX,.! I
Amount paw
to cultxvsu 'r
any othcrA
come if
i '
v :,
tn caitivsi ir ta, or u . ?c -
- ': Mtv'-inf iear
.- r- .rhen
( v ." P-3vioua
jidicj1 all cstima-
coca a.'
jNnL.mos &otwfJxceeI
lHjdx t'1 JJbear in
' -jV8 -t,t tnat fact
, JVjJbemi liAEi certifying to
Ji'or the past year.' . They
compelled to testify to the
ie? caidance of the Assessors in
' ,agh performance of the duties of
trust. ;t '
t. ... : : J -
... Senator n tbeCItaation.
abVeoeinaatVlrtW of 'March. IS
--ivea the following poount of f n inter
iaw. Senatcr 2..;tra,.wl : - st
thatt city for the .-jpr-pos. of cc "err.
witli tho liberal JeacLrs there c-:.rr.Lj
the May"cronvention: ";".;
- Eepprter -Well, - Senator, what ara
the prospects of the convrition?
- tlr. Tipton There ia no doubt it will
ba a grand success. I wnt to say to our
friends here that we at Washington are
not at all discourar-i d Live no idea
of backing down inza tha f;hfc-;-7e
are getting letters by (le xr'ra fxora t!l
aections that go to.icI!:ata t-"t .tha 92a
vention will ba an irztr-a f '. ' :r.; -'
IL Is it trca, aa Etat that -Mr.
Sumner will prcslie? u t
Mr. T. I am not t In A certainly
about that, but I - hz'-
riih The
3 to come
i to . draw a
people here puht to
by all means. It wou , i .
big crowd. . ' - .
II. What do you thr x
result of the convention . i
La the
.MrT. 1 think the indijrjoas are
that Judge Davis will be th:?Eominee,
And he. ia a etrors man every, ay an
honest, famer-like maa, : v. a coraaa
nearer to Licctla ia bia 't-tr' taristics
thsa ary caa I know. . :
. IL Yoa ecc3 to fzxct tiri b prefer
enoo to othes. '-V . . ; .
Mr. T If it v.3 kfttar- thra ia
only c-a c-a I wc 1 r m
rtorTrc-'-l Cftll tla T IL:-tr
to n tha czaf-rtha pb--, t- !, It1!:":,
rcIlrra tr-t f'rer :. tla t'
Lzzz.3 c.Lrri t'lili Li.. J!l rtt H o
tTtr Li I Lira rz.h a Lw x c -cl
J.l-crl-r-i 1'-'' 'T-yf-j
Cr. 3 to 1 ; Ci: X V-yx! J errs L j
Lr-tofr". - - ,
! 1 t? -t, . ."-..
. "- k 4 . k - v,
j:c:x:r;-:":J ; ,: ; :' ,--,
c 3
r 3r :t)r:;::
3 C.
3I2ct: :1
ri e;
: i
" 3
, L313 iifj:'
3 crr-3 .
Io, L. -.3
3 l
re-' 1 1 :
bei c.
rsoncf our friz:
I. 4 O
7hat u your strerlh ia thg
. Thera are about "trrenty-five
sd crominentl-eritlicaD caen
-t boiy that are ia eyepathy
'"h they eeem tt a lozs
. ' cJc-ct wi'l tla ITevr IIap-
Xa .
t!ijr3 rr
-t? " Will it not ercouress
the Din:
bc r
r llr. V.-
era t3 I. :r
ana, ll'S U , ,
line ar 1 r-r1
na.ti,r y
pcc:t:T3 f"
mit eryx"
pwy- -;i
their r-ris
Mr. T. . v.
it. -;-iv-1. V
Ilr. T.-Il
13 . ciaxa a corzi-iaca,
, it f"rc3 the re-.::-tt
J'-t.w Ae have the
irancos from sach lead
1 Voorhecs, of Indi-;raey-will
whesl into
1 va r""imee8 at-Uncia-7
rT.' to. The Dem
- :.virj us the aost
j that they won't per
. j movement " by : that
re is fall ability on
' .l !r promises?
.73 Lor. 3 their word for
czzrr3 attend the coa-
t know yet Coma of
us wi... "Te ty C7 t
wateh tViliVU
do so if Cum; t i Trtr
7 t- Washington to
I may hare to
rtxlhall both ceme
West. I czr:. tell about that until the
time c: :xl - " ' ' '
; ; IL Hot Vi the Soutlr te represent
e d --v J" , " - .-r-
- Hr."T. V have assunzcea that the
colored dele :cs rill ba very large,
and when t! !-r:I fscpla hear that
Hassa Cr" -i here, they'll corae
in the- . : z if thy can't do any
tetter '
-- . r' f ,r e!ti or Haate
m -- j i rHrtcen
t ne mile from thia place, is, and
r'jjen for weeks, visit.-i by very many
7 -,1a.'-; The attractioa ia the huge and
' otxmt "ro tVeletor of a Mastodon,
V 3 leei ios:i iy piecemeal ia a
, . - i Eznce Jane y last, TifJd
'h'st ; " tosetheHjilYofess-
( 1 1 1: j, ViThe farm which
-!y become famous waa pur
, 7 I-f Mitchell some time einee,
Jiiuarj he hired a man to dig
.-on a swamp to place on the up
La Li ;slf being engaged in New
f Tha nza had excavated to the
' : ? rrx fest when he came upon an
3 tciie, shaped like a rib. Ha
. rrcrk aai informed Mr. Mitchell
. ;;covtry-i who,- thinking it must
ilotr. - - tasotjo-nionstroua animal,
that deeper crid more extended
.r 7 ba done.. At a depth of fif
v.. i Let,' the pj'vu, head and other
tr. a bc-nea were fund. Search haa
i con'Jqued until almost the entire
f" '- a hao tta -xhumed, and the
r "a gentleman from Boston Bays it
Lirer than the famous remains
3 iSzioa cluseum, which was also
.5C . in thi3 county, and which wa the
Ufit known specimen of these extinct
m;j Wi'v ,Tb,e skeleton is in a barn on
Ht. Siitche.! artrtn,' and no tram stops
s station but brings numbers of cu-
j or scientifically-inclined persons, on
r way to'view the monster. . The up
iiw and main portion' of' the head
' h about 500 pounds, and measures
' .a feet "seven inches across the t6p.
. ;re are four teeth in tho upper jaw,
t 3 on each side.' The back teeth extend
f :a inches alon the jawbone, and are
r inches across: The openings where
1 r itssks have been are three feet and
l'5;"chee daep, and eighteen inches
i ' ;-mferec-. The vertebrae was
1 ia forty pieces, but lying all togeih
. hila tho pelvis was taken out whole
"ninjurex - - The ebannel where the
J cords I j when the .monster waa
j is Cv- inches in circumference.'
jdng the cissing bones aro the tusks,
tcvd.lower jawbeno, and those of the hind
hgs. Oae I -"ae of a leg that haa been
found .weighs "alone over-. 350 ; pounds.
When tha skeleton ia reconstructed it
will measure fourteen -f-t from the bot
tom of its fast to tho top of its head, and
oyer twenty-five fist from head to tail.
Work ia steadily prosecuted in the ex
cavating in search f the missing bones.
Great difficulty is met in .the filling in of
water, a pump cf considerable capaeity
being steaiily vrtrked by horse power to
fkeep the pit clear.
A'swguiar incident connected wita the
skeleton wlhat ia i stomach was
found a quantity cf t digested matter.
Among it were fresh-looking and very
large leaves, cf odd form, tad blades of
strange itss, of extreca lcrgth, varying
from an inch to three inches in width,
and lookinj s if freshly cropped from
the earth.' ' ha fpot.r:! -ra the remains
were found b tewrrp-rtly ground.
Parties ia 2Jew Ycri'-bave' already
opened n? tlitions wilh Ilr. . Mitchell
fortSe purcLasa of the skeleton, and he
has refused C1.5C0 for it -
-t -.-
1 1 "
Tns Local l'Arru. A bcal newspa-
cr otherwir2, rjot-"-r3 nan can afTrd
to tile dam L.3 t. 'u, xor withdraw the
plat;:; iz-2- cf a chit with th cca
tsraera thrcr ;a the csxrpspera, I cr a
briaea v 1 3 etc? tdv-rticirj rrcr.! 1
ta czivi!-it t9 Ezyir-, 'I Lave strp; :d
bsinSit-lt !;r.aiivcr8of tha pso-
per u toe travt -r ar?n t. ..iog 1
It rzz? la ta th a lmili: j t.V '1 its cust
ers. No tziit.r xrhtC - Cada b
r'--:j ia tba . e:t, with e;i c-;:r- 3
c I r 3 ct ta l7.rer p.'icci, t-;vo
I j czrrzzz: :.on t:rt :z;a t a, i ra
L -IC'ytl ptl: !1; r ' 12
c' t3 rrrort3 tttJ;- -3 lit:
c-Ju-?. r.Ci-::-o. Cvt' ;i
'-11 .i'w:-'-.3hil cct - ra repcr'-i ia
. J, ti xa n-y tl V'.Io; tut' th
r -re c-oa ca to t.h ocr report
I "i tc:a rrsit; ead aa r a hav cbtaipsd
I' ir' rs cuiattha t!"-3r..crr?3 to,
tz; :' vith a fiir c :'v" its of tho aver-t--;3,
v:a Live conc!-Zii ta publish the
r:ritr reported racked iar each Stata
t. "3 rrcik. rhich shoTa the tr' Ja as 3-
c- -' 7 ca i J necccr irr, Trhsi Tt 9 been
( a r:--;IV The avert -0 net weight
1 1.3 I - "1 be four to ve poends be
ll .7 1 t cflzi season, and cf bird about
; : 1 per b-. We' ertimata
, vr ' 1
i Lj,C';J. " ( L'i3 the exact
runbers at Milwaukee, Lit. Lonia - and
Detroit - Tho footings, by States, are as
follows: ;
. . 1870-71
Ohio 764,119
Illinoia . " ,1,234,523
425,454 ,
Kansas .
Total "
2SS,S70 34252
. 251,400 e33V800
" 41,270 4., 680
183,014 - 28i, r )
-14,000 21' ;0
459,155 0$,03
. . 30,641 ,43,004
2,700 200
3,69251 4,820,555
Increase in number 1,125
v We will add that our reports contain
no hoirs cut since the first of tha month.
although many have been cut since then
at Chicago and at Indianapolis. iv. 2 .
Time " . . ' - :
" . ' Fralt Ora
As the tima will toon be here when
grafting is in order, we repeat our for
mer advice that everv farmer should do
hiS own grafting. It ia a very easy ope
ration, when once understood, and this ia
readily done by seeiDsj it cerformed. A
sharp pen kcife and a good saw are in
dispensable. Splitting the stalk so that
the bark shall not ba bruised, and shap
ing the 6caoa wedge Jashion both ways,
S a&lJJh "Si
stock and scion exactly together, so that
the sap can intermingle there is "no
danger or laiiure it properly waxed.
We make a ghoulder tp the : grattand
think it adds to the certainty of success,
thouch probably it weakens it. We
prefer also two eyes or buda to a graft,"
and would rather have only one than
more than two. One" year's wood should
alwrys be used when it can be obtained,
aa it is mere certain to take and grows
We -wish to remind those precaring
grafting wax, that we have found four
parts of resin, one part of beeswax, and
one part 01 beer tallow, to ba the best
nrooortions. melt them together m a
skillet (which is the best) or a tin cup,
and mix well, fit should remain in the
vessel and be use! as needed. Twenty
orthirty scions can be waxed with one
heating up. When much grafting is to
be done, a little fire for heating the wax
should be made on the spot between
two brick or stones.
We have seen various preparations for
making gratting wax, and beliefs wo
have tried them all.- but prefer our OTn.
Applying it warm or hot does no injury
to the graft. The object to attain pro
portion ia that the wax will not crack in
cool, dry weather, or run in warm weath
er. If. however, unon trial." difl?ent
proportJ b-equiredthe foregoing
can be arrei ; ; though affr using
them seveiaLwiir9 have co. bick to
these. Germantown telearavfL
...... -
or the consolatian .et the youag
hearts greived by parential mterlerenoe
in matter 01 mrtnaiony, we revive a
scrape of history. "Amassachusetts Fa
ritan, the Rev. Mr. Smith, had two
daughters, Mary and Abby -The elder
married: . and her Utaer preached a
wedding sermon from the text she chose.-
Mary hath chosen the better part, which
shall not be taken from her.' The
youngest daughter wished to marry, but
her father objected lor a year ors more,
dislikeing ber lover, young J ohn Adams.
YTheB he finally yielded, and asked bis
dangler to choose a text for the inevit
able sermon, she suggested-' John came.
neither eating bread nor drinking wine.
and yesay, "He hatha devib" The
jest caused -her father's consent to be
retracted, but she married nevertheless,
and becama thh wile of one president
of ther United States, and the mother of
another. It is by no mcan3 probable
that the young hearts greivee as afore
said will make their lovers presidents by
marrying them, but they can see that
even parental opposition may be mis
judged. ; - J ,
The ealeof Drrlinsrton & Missouri
River Railroad lands in Nebraska during
the month of Maroh, 1872, were 7,537-18-100
acres, at an average price of $7
.88 4-10is per acre, Amounting to 59,
425.33. - -
The total sales to April lst"1872, are
197,7' . 70-100ths acres at an average
price of $.54i per nore, amounting to
lhe company has yet about 1.444,500
acres choice farm lands for sale at low
prices on ten years credit, with six per
eentcnterest twenty per cent less for
cash or bends of the company, or one
third down with balance psyablo . in one
and two years with interest at 10 per
cent ' . "
' - . '
For nearly eighty cailes out from Duf
faletheicein the lake measnrwl three
feet 6ix inches thick. Teamos are cross
ing at points novor tefora known. It
ia feared that navi:ztioa' will not be
epea until late in May. -
Two ITethodist clrrymen at Flytaouth
Ohio, had a regubr prha mill over a
reL! ?;iou3 dispute. TLtlr cliret was tip
pad, pr;pera tad shutrrs put up, titer
tr-s rrrra mu.i, t -I rjrr-ral demcr
tllitLa waa cr. r'rd.
A re:arkal'.a c:?-:"':rxi3 pre5:;r-t-ed
ia cdnc?'-ti;a ' ' -r-th cf Jczrs
Pciher, f t Gorl r . " ca tha 15ih
iz ac:: 1 c. ta ( :r:-3i, r
t -T im : k .17, r I . t.: J -1 1
rrow to ruje a cu.
Ti.a following story cfj ha Etaith
aod his son Virgil is said to be a 'trc3
bill." Smith tad a very pnnzisirg you
hsrse, now for tte xrst tiae in trainee
for the track. Tt a other day Virgil. xi
bright little phap scio ten years ct aa,
was ependinsr the colt arouncJ the track
and Vas making the run in callant rtyle,
wtien the co't sadden. sLiea and ti.rew
cis-, cr tras waa n
youna: rcker that had showed hiaself
of! away ia some bush by the trach, a quiet
spectator 01 tha colt 3 Tperlonaance, un-
t.l tee latter got almost opps7e to him,
when, bog like, he nade a violent msb,
n!, tv-3 re?-r.:t . r-'- J. . Ly t
Uaa Lia ansiou3 reihed the
greund tho boy waa on his feet unhurt.
Said the father: ''Virgil, you don't
know how to rida a colt, to lat a littla
pig ak that make him throw you o j.-
I don't want the colt spoiled, I Traxt him
to go f - "d the track, and I'll shovyou
thatr 'can't' prevent t::V "I'll
bets . .-aii-Virrihe'll.t. -you
too, if a"pig makes him jaro ha
did with me. ' ,4itO. he won't. . I:
fou can get in the busn ther?, r.l .
ride him around yea rrant hke a r
I'li show vcu how it's dona," sail tha
elder Smith. Accordingly the colt waa
caurht and mounted ly Laith the elder.
tho boy in the meantime bavin taken
hi3 position in ti bruBh to clay -the ro'a
of pig, in which ,v- -n'" "ded to perfcO
tionbcvlien"f: "ler a rattling reo .ed tj v.-ef riace, he
f-vii Ksa Lie Cyoung gntzly, and teanrg
6ui - of the brush, caused the panio-
etruok cit to iikr his rider inglonously
ba the dust- Gathering hinoeelf up, he
said savagely : . "Why. I told you to
grunt like a little pig. not like a d d
old hog." - ' ; .
A Michigan paper prints the f: Hair
ing remarkable -commur..-.ion, wtera
one 01 our thousand ct sc'erHuous
women can btain an. enterpriiiD'- hua
band: Mr. Wm. A. Howar : Cn you In
form ma about the pri:c; IL 11. Lxsda L
tha Governments unds & 13 there any
Good Governments lands & flocested
Lands to entrv 6 veara to cit tov title
rSerfecta for it (and what kind of A
-ds I git for a lUesteds as I am In-
titled for one 160 acre for a Ben a Sold-
irs 19 months and got a discbarge paper
1 wanted to know what we res ia tor a
ShiDgla boting or any kinds of work and
Eord myself 1 have No wifa and I v?puld
like to ask you. if you Can Inform rae cf
any Ladies that I might git for a com
panion and if thar is any good youage
widows that has got a farm ct a cpan'of
Horses to Help me with for particulars
address fc Erktol Ind.
I Respects &nxildxJLbiJr:IljrritflXQ
A New York farmer lauthed w"b
his prudent wife advised him not .0
smoke on a load of bay. He footed it
home that night, with singed,
most of his garments a prey to tho de
vouring elements, and the iron-workof
the wagon in a potato eack ; end then
his wife laughed.
. A New Haven landlord on lately pre
senting his bill for rent to his tenant, as
M. i., waii taken into his private oCice
and shown a skeleton, with the remark
that that nan came la tere-just two
weeks ago -with a bill." He was sonao
what startled, but quieted down when
told that "be could be excused for fAii
time." But in futuro '
An editor in Victoria, Australia, says.
The people of this region have become
so virtuous and well-behaved that it u
impossible for us to make an inter65C:
daily paper. We hear that a ship-b-J
of convicta ia on the way to bur virtue;;
I rrvr opH dp a Inn'r far tratii Btiwiffl m
our local news department, as soon as
Us passengers shall get fairly ashore
"jtoung man. ao you ever-'' nnK
ones. "Well, yes, thack you, aa it's a
told raornin
mind," replied
Jen 35
et tobacco.
tDon t do it any jnore," rejoined the
r-.i!d man, or you-will eventually be
Good mcr Liz: God bless you. " .
As a wife wri 'holdinfir- her husband's
aching head ia her hands one morning,
she asked : "Are a man and his wifa
ona?" "I suppose eo," said the bn.v
bandr fheri," rejoined the wife, 4,I
came home drunk last night, and ought
to be ashamed of myself."
J3as Ioa-ratitade.
A Datroit man, who had contributed a
bundle of his cast-o2 clothing fixh s re
lief of tho victims of the Minnesota re,
received from one of the - sufTcrers tha
following note: ';
lhe committy man giv me, amongst
other things, wat he - called a pare ov
pants, and 'twod make me pant sura to
ware 'em. I fouad your name an' where
you live on one ov the pockits. My wife
lafied so when 1 siode em to ter that i
thot she would have aconipsha fit She
wants to ro if there lives a-I breaths a
man who basbgs no bigger thaa that
She eed if there was he orter be taken up
fur vagrinsy fur havia' p.o visible means
ov support. I cot' i'ent get em oa my
c1 last boy. so I crcJ em tar gun. cases.
If you hav another par to spar, my wifa
I wood like to get em to nan,
g up by the
ide ov the re-plee to
keep the toegs
ArttficiaIi IfiCTJBATlOJf Hatching
chickens by artificial means, and poultry
on a large scale; are the stapla problems
of poultry keeping. The former has not
been successful enough yet to be practi
caL A few handfulls cf corn, fed aa fael
for setting fever, wid keep ; e.g3 warm
better than a lamp that requires trim-
v . r
miEg an watcmrg. mcuuators are ex
ceiUnt laythir-rs, and rank withao'7-ria,
house plants and cr ged songsters. Chick
ens can ba batched arti'ciaily ar.J reand
wiihrrt a bea. Uat va L-ve to
learn cf a f-'-'ia isstanca whera appara
tz3 f r axi'...d hatching haa been suc
c:?:ril!y -?-;l-yed in raisirj fawla for
carket livery yer afacrt ccrta ;ra-
provenentis nnounccd whica trij ca
t;t justify. CMo Fcrrzer. ! ,
A G AT2 Cmr 1 irrycr ir-' : . '
ia Lis
7 t?"
r czra,
,Jt" t -'-it.. J j.0 . . .
r.iA c.
cf a f..
c ...
1 3
I i
.a r:. . .ti:
j f : " f ". C i'.. '.
-T'fto'fLl tli r:-
t :z.
Ktar;j . i;m'--- :c xc .
ro:t t: z iierf loik, t::;;
little czzz - ycf weepir- x
frier. I. a r! ;t c!1 tzzi i. 1;
1 L
No izz 1 t. ill cithtr ii tha
bec-":j L ? ha9 gone; r.a h'zi r.
artll:ry r "I vex tberrlrrtia b" 1 L;
no facer, i irments xill c" o I ' 3 ;
fcr bis ii'. ---but'cc-tr:-i r..:r ( a
per' tt 1 1 a' auecn trs iorctts- :
vortex cf 1 jvoiaticr;.'?, tha r;.a i
old nan will Ehirs ia ktrrs c. V.
light, iid Lis raemcry, rr i!xr.t
hues cf eternal youth, 1 1';-, -,
Locl.;j at 1 via tc a, v a v
of mean; r;j end of truth tl:"aij ia I
ton 8 e' .ar.iid andu il.irl.-ia "l
hath her victories no l:z3 rrSTrriJ
war!" What victories rcn ca our b;
stained planet, frta thir.-:i--t it hu:
ed isto cpaca until tfca preiut heri
coraptira with that unsullied trfcr'
1 np T t it -
r woys a:tr.or 1
! ti ¬
er circled L:
un.-.aic.'- i.i3)e3 tn fir;- a , ...z.n
glory which t-stlos uriurr tlia g xy 1
cf hira who r ill so aaca rcrt
prr:3 and owcrcf
7kat hero of the c;r:p, x;l -t ti ir.:
ofkir3, what mnsicr cf fj:U, t hat
vorita cf rcetinrjrtur, trs vz: ft 1
heritra cf vast imccri-Ii;r titlia r:
est. unprctending citizen r.' ri izrir.
peiiua has harnessed the i 1. -
tho car cf thought, and s".t it t'
tho world to swoop award in end.' ..i
cult fbrevcr and forever? -Uvea Hit
fame, the most destL!33"cf all,, ij c
shadjrei by his; fcr tsci.3 are V.ztz
eS hcited ta the c;nr.ncscfa 6...:a
guaa and their voi-a reaches ouly
mtsi.icnt ear but the x::raculon3
bora froa h:i
every language, and for- :a knawl-'
to luo cutest mic -.. L.evzr vz ..3 c
romaira tho habif : x c f t' 3 Lzra :
caa tha Echicvcaects ci LI.i viL a
hctricity a soul a.z.1 ca xiter; -FtTredtolapsainto
ur.--r.rr:-. ri cllii
He needs no shaft cf e: Alrt-j:rr I t::
no monunent of nrtir'Ij rr:s. La"
ried bust or aniaated crz." to tc
him frora the clutch cf c-vcTrirt tii.
these telegraf hicco!-.;r:r.3 t. '-kh tha
!y pre;? builds each czv'-.tzi crt
will secure for hira r ntu. I r-""- '
hen tha arch of 'liTUifl i.tra
back to dunCand tho etor ;j eft 3
ar- 's aro dissolte J bta tha 1 : .j c .
.t ' -
Itj eems, to, es i? Provi!:- 3
made Uonrz tho reci-iezt cf 13 -
ess iavors. uuer l-vcrt:
chilled at.1 dlicourncd
the ignorant - end -pre.' -' I
l . f - C . -...-it ta l .......
led cf tha credit which b&K;
by unscrupulous rivals, and)
erty and despair bnt.Lia
filled to the brim with tbe
gods. lie has lived to 83a thevi'
wire whi.h fir&t throbbed to hil
stretching acrosa continents andt
oceans, and binding all pec' In t v
in a common brotherhood oft.-'.--,
telligence; ha has received tha rcc
tion and reward of every civilised t:
and in the fullness of hi3 years and
consummation cf bi3 bono..?, be haa ;
down to the grave loaviog no spot t j
nish the lustre of a noble rcputa
Death to him is siaiplj au apcthso
l?i$souri Republish
fc'oer fr-seUwtfn' Vi-ilou far I
' A peasant, who hears of fields v:
market, will xive aa much as a" ti:
pounds an acre for the f" fhcli cf 1
soil put of which it tr" ' e tci! ol'
Cules to make a KviDg. .a vriil j
persistentlj', stubbornly, almost I-"
to wring every sack of potatoes ttt
rcl of coarse wine out cf his eh:.!? .
and stony vineyard. To gst crra c
fliA lartri Yi ciivi ' 1 i-ei Yr -j.' 1 -j
tself. His willing wife fclav-j ar I
like a London cah-horsa. tr. 1
with hideon3 rapidity fron a y;
old woman, over tho daily t: ;
weathers. . His children toil i
is pood for the straicbtenirg i . ;
bacha and the shapeliness of ter..';
in the service of that Moloch of a i
Up at ftarly dawn, bnay till darh x.
scraping and bfling, pinch: j
saviDg, the whola family Etrur-i;
spending as little a;;heycaE, aakin
most possible to tisra. Dut,'V'j r
vodi$:" might be tlie notiaof lal',
peasantry. These por folks practiv
sevarcet self-denial, tad display aa t!
keraic courage as worker., for the ec
ment, less of themselves than of tk
tiry. : - Of the notary or of ' hit fri
the city," w"ho lound the cxoTbitat
ch."a irioney for the mea'owa besii
brock, who lent wherasiLh to tu;
cows, and the horse to repht
2aatreblanoa when he fell lame, aa.
advanced the portion cf tha r
daughtsr, established ia tha r
town aa a pretty shop-Lr-cr.
terest ia high: but then II Dc '
gently deplores that bia invi:ih!
exacts a large return frr tha cz h
and money, aa tha rr.:- rt v -?
knows, is scarce. So i j
and works farieusly, ani i4, 1
he "works, under tho trcrf .
lad-hunger and bves tha bk
which he sould sell, ozd w l, t:i
only that ha prefers ta toil ca, s
r?cch the better for cr--,, , "c:-r
M. Dealunattas. All l a Yerr L
A. Xle
D-rbg - tha war a ma cartel 1
hal a tr le taken from L'ra by th
ted States military asthcr:t:2s far
the army. Smith e-bs: ,u?ntly
and hia : window tzz 1$ ar'' -ti
payment. Pending tha ar-r'i:at:
the r;iow,'thc guardian cf Czzh'
fant children intervened, chiiizi
payment ahouM riot be trala to th
oWj'bnt should bo paid ta Lira ts r
an. The guardian'a a'i3r.t::a i
after Smith's wifa d'rl (-'a vr
mother of these r'-' t' ),
carried tfzjn ; t'.V.t .11.I. .
leavir' thJ v' l,.r (tla tr " t
derritedj. 1'it it ia tllr-ed
f :t
-r.1 t.
tr..:':a-,i. t
a tailr.i:h -
i :
' i tla r--.:
i ti".
3 ia .r-h
Khalf cf tha r;-cr
Te rrrlicati:-, t
C'rr U ia t' a tl t-3 rrJ
- - -;9t:uTr
. jr;:t3.
1 ,l.Ji ( of . taat w t, 111 T
v wUiui.: 1 j i i . 1
rra f .
ir:-Vzr-, C ' -xit
tirrat t,-t tla
Lrrr, t .1 f ci ia a Li, :, .-
i i c...; a t: 3
t... .3 over tla c: ...