Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 28, 1872, Image 4

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2 1
"it Triune ftnllat.
From the Masonic TrowtL- , "
'I lie theory of Freemasonry in that do
One ha!I bo received iota thejodge with
out due inquiry and examination into
his character. This bein done in a
proper manner, there U little danger
that the l'ratcrn'ty will be imposed upon
by unworthy per06. If it idone, the
inquiry will erubraco morn than the bi
ography of the individual fjr a few
month.-'. It t-houM go ovi-r his whole
life. A man may control his pa.wions
and cover his vices for a series of years,
and then not be thoroughly reformed.
We hou!d be extremely careful about
receiving as members who at any
time of life have been unlit subjects for
our tuys-teries. -But when this cxauiinu-'
tion has orwo been made, and bin Letu
pronounced by the ballot of the lodc
which elects nim, to I e f-ufiiieut, we
have never been able to apprehend the
justice ia bubmittin hi. character to
another, and even ' to a third scrutiny,
before he can receive the degrees of
Ancient Craft Masonry. - ,
Assuming tha M he t xaujinuaon ha been
. exhaustive as it out;ht to be in our opio
ion there should be but on? ballot, and
that no objection hhmild thereafter b
made agaiu.t him for anything which
- tran-pired previous to thi- investigation.
If this be jast then there i- no ryedrtf' a
farther ordeal fur hiui to pass through,
: because he has been received for the
. first d.ree with whatever imperfections
might have been attached to him. Th?
lodge has decided him a fit subject f'r
Masonry with the character which the
first scrutiny gives him, and that result
cannot bo reviewed. It is pretty well
established that no one can ba proceeded
; against for misdemeanor preierreJ be
fore hjs reception, unless willful conceal
ment is connected thewiih. Then what
is the need of a still further' scrutiny
into tho charater of the brother when
he petition for a higher degree? In
our way of viewing the'su'r ject, it is
wholly unnecessary. It is morn than wa
neeossary ; it is uniu-t. When a man
E. union for the degrees of Masonry
e ?xpoe's to receive them ail, if any ;
anl h-3 would never attempt to become a
Mason did ho6 not believe ho would r?ach
the concluding degree. To bo a IV! low
Craft without the Maker's decree, is to
bo uothiug. To be an Kntered Appren
tice with no power to take the cuoceed
in step ii worse than nothing. It
gives no privileges, confers no r'u5its, in
vests with no power. It abridges his
privilige in he cannot apply to an
other lo Ige.'aiid do?s not give him even
the poor satL-facUorj of pporiinj; the
.badge of -tha fovyest decree of Masonry
in pmcesnon. even at a tuneral.
"positive as for the HrE Theroia no ex
planation, no appeal. -The Entered Ap-:
prentice has no redress. He is not even
furnished with the information by w. ich
he might possibly rirht -the wroug, ot
heal the dilSeulty. -Lie cannot now
why he wa rejected, or who opposed
him. This, is not only unnecessary and
unjust, but it i tuiiraternal also. ' It is
a cardinal law of 31aoary that no mem
bcr of the Order shall be tried on charges
without having au opportunity to defend
' himself and disprove them. But in the
case under consideration, he is rejected
without trial,- condemned without hear
ing and suspended without remedy. -
It woni-f be a natural inference,1 we
think, that the conferring of the first
degree rUouI I invest him with the privi
leges and rights of Fraterniry, so far as
-to enable hiui to defend his character
when attacko.l, and to answer when ob
jeetions wern iade to his advancement.
',. Itbhouldg-ittrtberihan thisr It should
so clotha hiui with the attributes of
broth prhw4 him the priviJe
of demanding to be confronted with his
accuser, to have a copy of the charges
aainst ' him, and to he secure from all
crrargs of a private nature to which he
eould ti& be allowed to respond.
It is somewhat singular that the argu
ment for a triune ballot ii founded upon
this very invasion of fraternal right. . It
is said to be a .sifting process by which,
pas tne ursr scrutiny, he may be sus
pended by th? second. This not only
deprives him or the motto answer, but
what i almost a3 1'oundationless in jus-
ti2s, allows an ex pirte trial to take place
on points of hi character which have
been approve J by tne first ballot, lie
may be rejected by a member for acts
dona and committed before the fir?t scru
tiny, a ud which oucht then to have been
fatal to his reception, if ever; aad the
possibility of thus deciding in the s?cond
instance is tho argnmcnt used why the
Eecon i and third bjj'lot t-houlJ be had.
It may well be admitted that it is a
shorter way to suspend or expel, than
that laid down in the code of Masonry.
A court-martial nsualiy makes hort
work of a prisoner -who falls into its
hand biiug suspected of being a spy ;
but we have never heard sane men ad
vocite that the military courts thould
take tho place of the civil tribunal 5,
merely because they arrived at conclu
sions more expeditiously.
It having been tccn that the second
and third ballots are unnecessary, r-just
and uofraterna!, it remains to provide
for the suspension or delay of an Entered
Apprentice! applying for the higher de
grees. We answer most confidently that
the proper, uec s-arv, just and fraternal
method to proceed, is to prefr chirges.
If the candidate is guilty of nets which
should debar promotion, let them be
charged against him, and allow bin to
respond a iu the higher degree. If he
is guilty, let it so appear, and that is a
f-urficient reason why ha bhould go no
further; but let him have an opjotu
nity to respond and vindicate himself. Is
is a very possible thing that a silent ballot
may be given through personal spite,
and that the member who would adopt
this secret mode of thru-ting the knife
beneath the fifth rib of Lis neighbor,
would not assuaie the responsibility of
pr"eti;rring charges merely to gratify au
unlorgivmg disposition.
Tha three ballots, in our opinion,
fiives too great liberty in this regard to
members to gratify private malice.
I hat the power is bometiuiea, 11 uot fre
quently used, f )7 that purpose, no one
will deny. Those who are cognizant of
the working ot a lodge too well know
that cases of this nature often occur.
It is presumed that it will not be con
tended that the triune ballot i a land
mark of Masonry, because in many ju
risdictions it is unknown. It is rather
an innovation upon the ancient position,
and one, which, in the opinion of many
devoted Masons, ought to be immedi
ately discontiuuid. Until it is so, it
will Lo seized upon by tho passkiuate and
unforgiving to injure and
who fall uuder their displeasure. When
it is done, we shall try au Entered Ap
prentice a we do a Master Mason, on
charges preferred If he is found
cuilty, he goe3 no further until the im
pediment is removed. If hi innocence
h s'lown, no protest or private ba'.lot
-ouzht to delay his progress.
Wc regard this as an important sub
ject ; one (hat should be fully and thor
ourhlv c-invasseil, and as time and oppor
tunity !o not present 'theai'ielvtts in
Grand 'Lodge, we kno;? of nc belter way
than to diseusa it through the press of the
,.LPr",'r', This is all jtLfe . apology, we have !
ft-) oficr for thus intruding our opinions
and convictions ou the readers of tho
As held 111 'our own juritdiciou, thv;
I ol ject of the sec nd and third ballots is,
to decide . upon the proficiency of the
applicant in that part of the mysteries
already ut.fjidcd to him ; and yet, al
though this is the prime object and inte
rest of the tecoud and third ballots, the
facts do not vupport this construction;
hence it appears to us the position of
Bro. Ilcun-eville cu this point bear the
marks 0 fair reasoning. Cacs havo
Arisen under our own observation, where
it were idle to assert that the ballot wa3
upon (hp profici ncy of the candidate.
Brethren in every subordinate Lodge will
b.'arus out in the assertion that more
than cno-liair cf the unfavorable ballots
had when the advancement of a candi
date is at stake are the o"f some 1
petty spite, rather than a want of pro
ficiency, and hence a (Treat injustice 13
frequently done, not to . the candidate
aTonj, but to the fraternity by interpos
ing, ia this ray, an unworthy ofyctian.
Would it not be more consistent with
our standard cf vpri'htiis and honor'
able act'on, one toward another, for the
objector to wake, his' objection "to the
advancement cf a candidate, known to
the Lodge, through the proper officer,
so as to secure an investigation, and thus
give the candidate the privilege, the
opportunity to answer or remove the ob
jection, if in his power so to do? In cur
opinion there is a far more just method
of deciding proficiency.
Another reason may Le urged against
the triune ballot : When a profane pe
titions for mysteries cf tho order, he
does not ask for cue - degreo or two do
grees, but ho usks fjr tho mysteries
the ickole of the mysteries and when
the Lodge acts favorably upon his peti
tion, tkry, by that act, grant his Ve
.? .1 1
uuesc, or m etiier woias aevee to give
him what bo asked for. Tho Lodga
proceeds to impart to hiui a certain por
tion of the luyi-tciic?. After having re-
cciveJ them, if be should do auht thai
would fjrfVit- the coi:i;dcr.ce reposed in
him by the fraternity, he would Le sub
just to discipline as much as though he
had received the whole cf the mystcrie?,
and disciplined he shoxdd le. These are
our views upon this sutj.ctr notwith
standing wo aru Well aware of the fact
that there is strorg opposition to the
i- position -wa-Lsva4F suuied
Department fieed,
From th Prairie Farmer,
It seeuis to be an open question with
some, whether the advantages derived
from tha distribution of eewia by .tbs
Do p a r t oi e u t o f A gr icul tu re, are coru rn c n
surate with the expense. - v ' i
Some honest persons maintain that the
Ifiness of distributing 8eeds, as luan
cged by tho Department, is a swindle aad
should be abiudoned. On the other
hatid, a, wi iter in Eastern agricultural
paper, stems to be in favor of tha present
ryieui: for ho fays, on recaiving a gen
erous package of seeds from the De
p:irtiuer.t, he w: able to vary tha diet of
his fowls, a? hich was beneficial to their
hea th. - ' ": ..-,.-. ',..,..
Now 1 atjree with the poultry man,
though I arrive at the situ 3 conclusion
frout different preuiiies. j
Permit'' tee to "ri-c" and exptam.'1"
About five years Ago ou ot'uay noighbom
received Trout Washington a package cf
wheat, which, being a sensible tuan, he
proceeded to test. lib second crop was
eighteen bushels of number one whea,
raided on half au acre of land. Last year
Vila wheat yielded from twenty to thirty
bnshels to thu aore, while other kinds
gave only fira or ten. . " - - .
Arnonj other advantages, this wheat
reauires but four or five pecks of seed to
liu.ifc!, grd"3a3 narnbei'"""Cnc""ln the
tuarket, and is never injured by tho
chinch busr.
3Ioral: If you receive a package of
seeds from the Department at Washing
ton, don't feed them to your chickr-n,
but carefully plant and test them. El
bert Wheels.
Cliasel by is Saw i.O-
A Canadian "who was enagod last
week on the Ltow of a 'hill, near Pitts-
fielJ, Mips., in tttin2 tidibor anJOaHiiis
it to ths bottoro, cnavorod to manipu
late a for a safe descent, but discov-
ere l that it was grttinj tnc better of
hiru He tri cn the wnder side, and it
would not d-. to 'let it
eo ho
srtruamsd for help. But no help caroe,
His strer;stli was .-nreiy and rardtl tail
itig, and thero was noth'ng to Jo but to i
run i'cr it: and run lie uii a learlul
rac. The natural fhi!osopht:r.i saj' that
a lo? irains in rarUitv as it descends. . It
ia otherwise with human Iocs oa a run,
evon when, as in this ca-e, the descent ia
fiton aniicv. There was no tnrnin? out,
and the lo-r sained with fearful rapidity
on the friahtened Canuck, and was now
int on his hce.1 when.IacKilv he spied
a hollow in his path into which he popped
with a bound, but had barely time to
huddle himself into his hole, whftn crash!
crash 1 the lost thundred over him, and
left him cafe, but about the moit badly
scared uian that ever halloed. -
The term "Shyster" wa3 Oiade part
of ths lies Gesta ia a recent libel suit in
California. The following explains.
Tha libel suit of James I. .Newly
against the proprietors of tha Altr Cali
fornia, chiming $50,000 damages for
having called the plamtin a shyster,
was tried at San Fraacifco oa Wednes
day. Ths defonee set up was that the
appellation shy-ter everything
contemptible in the practice of a pro-
loseion, and tue plamtiu deserved tne
appellation, The jury, without leaving
their seats, returned a verdict for the de
fendant. The following note was recntly read
at a l'"ukon Btreat prsyer meeting in New
York: "I writ? becau.e I am hopelessly
wretched- Young, wealthy, the . world
says happy. I lire in ths firt circles,
but 1 am married to a man 1 di!ike. 1
have three children by a man I Jove, and
fee lives with his wife. I h?veno faith,
no hope.. I am wretched aud pjisorsble.
1 don't believe in your meetings, and ret
I frritc because I am eo unhappy." (No
Headers of the New York Trihune and
others will b pain?d to lerru of the
death of Mr. J, 15. Lyiana, agricultural
editor of that paper, which occurred ear
ly this month. Mr Lyman filled his po
sition with marked ability and accepta
bly, uot on!j to the proprietors of the
popcr, but to the thousands of it? read
er?, lie waiyei a young man, being
only about thirty-fix years of ago.
Mustang Liniment.
- Probably few articles have ever had eo
extensive a Sale, while none have bceu
more universally beneficial than the celo
MENT. Children, Adults, Horses, and
Domestic Animals, are always liable to
accident, and it is safe to say, ; that no
family can pass a tingle season without
some kind of an emollient being neces
sary." It becomes a matter of impor
tance theu to secure" the beat.
' Over thre hundred lirerjr e table ia the city
cf New York alone are csing the Mexican ilu
tanar Liniment, ia ail of which it rive unusual
CAl'TIOS. The eer.uin is wrapped la a
fine Steel fluf etgrray;risr with "Q. W -bre,.k.
Chemist," imd "Truie ihtrk, M EX WAX
toU.STAWJ LIS MEAT" engraved aoross
tho (ice of each wrapper. The whole bears the
proprietor's private L'n ted States Kerenue
;-Uinp, sad not common stamp as used fcy
Lyos Maxlpacti-rio Co ,
.-3 Hat k Place. N. T.
Jan. 9th. lir every 3rdw
Tor Pretervinj sad Beautifying the Kmcn Ksr
To PreveRt iis Falling Out 'and Turning Gray.
A well-prcserred Head of Ifair, ia a personof
TaiJ.lIe use, at bespeaks refinement, ele
gancc, health and peauty. It way truly be
called Woman's Crowning Glory, while men
are not insensible to its advantages and chancst
Fcur thing aro more -li.-gus in? than thio,
frizzly, harsh, unturned Hair, with head and
eoat csvered with Dandruff. Visit a barber
and yoa fc jj and look lik?a sew inaa. This it
what LYON'S K-VTJIAIUOX r:ll do ail the
time. The charts which lies in well placed
Ua:r, Glosfy Curls. Luxuriant Tresses, and a
Clean Head, is notieeabla and irrefutable.
Sold by all Druegistn and Cyuutry Stores.
- Jan, 21. dire lw every 3w
National Business Index.
Tho tibove is tho title of a new monthly paper
devoted to burfiness interest of a national or
peneral character, tor tho edification ano
ben fii ol iuteilUent people otall classes, it un
deriaaeato viqw and review r:tsiBj eventj
fin in a business standpoint. Facts of a bui-
ne- nature relating t caprtal. labor, ajrricnl
manainr e
er and arrancr
I'Ke wanner, btrict aecorraey lscnusoientioui
ly sought after Candid, impartial, vigTou
cTL-iiueut and criticism by able writers will be
rii import fcatujro. A business corresp ondent it
desired in every county ill the United States
wbernot already enstaed. Questions of a
busin??s character from renders receive espeoifvl
Bttentwti. ' Terms :$1 00 ayewr; lOcenU a oopy
Tha Inde-r Oo. i"Wsrfer, 4.13 W. Jm4tr St.,
Clsieuarr, a. ASm.
i" ,. Acu dealer ia all kinds of ,
main street, "(third door east oi"P O .
"C Repairing and Varnishing neatly
Fancrala ttecded at ths shortest
The Two .Viost Successfu
Popular and Perfect,
K I 3
Ara Our - Yell Kbowd
Both are of tho Sitnp'et Constructinn, and
c-; M.u) luiuiagoa mat wo guarantee them to
At no article in the honseholj has a trreater in
fluence in rron-oting the health, comfort and
happiness of th tain ily circle than th nn..L-
fctove. it id economy as well as policy to get the
very best: and in buying thedJharter Oak. vim
can rely ou getting the ttiost successful, popular
jprteti cuit&uiB stove ever ina-ie.
in lining ru Kpicure Broiler you are always
cy, Tender and Delicious Becfstakes,
Chickens, Haras, Chops, &c.
Sold By
C12 & 614 NrMain Street,
St. Louis Mo.
HAPPY P.elief for Youns Men. from ths
rfi'ects of Krrors and Abases in early life. Man
hood restored. Nervous debility crrred. Im
podixenti to Marriage reraored. New method
of trtatatnt. ftewand remarkable remedies.
Lucks aud Circulars sect free, in sealed envel
Address, HOIVAHU AhSOCITlOr. J0.
onth Ninth St. biladelnhi. Pa.
- mauuliwTwFY ttr--trtf-rti -f " .-mm ui ,) w a v h
r.era! attention, are brouirhttoeeth- 1 ' ' . . -r
i in a t8r. nr,intl ' hsin- WALKIK. Proprietor. B-U. MCDOHAUJ
' h K an ----- -. I
i nun
Oet&Ah, w 1 ye
i ITe! 'rX vc4
J. Wiu, lrfrWle. -R. H. UcOoaiM h Co., DnixgUa I
Qn. ipaVi Su raaciMO, Ckl and 34 CotsoMrc Mtmi, NJf
MILLIONS . Bear Testimony to thell
.Wonderful Cnfatlve Eflrcts.
Theyar not a vile Fancy Drink, Made of Poof
Ram, Whiskey, Proof Spirits nad Refuse
Liquors doctored, spiced and sweetened to please Uio
lastccaUed "Tonics," "Appetizer," "Restorer." Sic,
that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin.but are
atrue Medicine, made from the Kntive Knots and Herbs
of California, free from nil Alcoholic ttimu
laats. They are ttwCREAT BLOOD Pl'RI.
s perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the Bystem,
carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring theblood
to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bit
ters according to directions and remain long nnwell,
providod their bones are not destroyed by mineral
poi.Honor other moans, and the vital organs wasted
beyond tho point of repair. .
They are a Gentle Purgative ns well as a
Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting
as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or I nil am,
tnation of the Liver, and iJl the Visceral Organs.
old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood oraj
the turn of life, tlicse Tonic Bitters bave no oiuaL
For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheuma
tism aud Gent, Dyspepsia or Indigestion,
Bllioum Reiuitteut and Intermittent Fe
vers, Discnses'or llicIilood, Liver, KM
neys and Illadder, these Bitters have been moss
successfuL Huch Diseases are' caused by Vitiated
Blood, which is generally produced by derangement
of the Digestive Organs,
ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness or the
Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Btnmaeh,
tJad Taste in the Mouth. Bilious Attacks, 1'alpitatlon oi
ths Heart, Iuflammatlon of the Lungs, Pain in the re
flons of the E-idneys. and a hundred other painful symp
toms, are the ofispring cf Dyspepsia.
Tbey invlcorato the Stomach and stimulate the torpid
tiver and Bowels, which render tbera or unequalled
tfflcacy in cleansing: the blood of all impurities, and im
parting new life and visor to the whole system.
FOR SK IN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Bait
Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car
buncles. Rins-Worms. Scald Head. Sore Eyes. Erysipe
las. Itch. Scurfs, IMpcolorationH of the Skin. Hti more ami
Diseases of the 8km. of wliatcv-r name or nature, are
literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short
time by the use ot these Bitters. One bottle In such
eases will convince the most Incredulous of their eura
tire effects.
' Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you And its im
purities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Erup
tion or Sores; cleanse it when yon find it obstructed
and sluggish In the veins ; cleanse it when it is fouL
and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the Wood
pure. and the hralth of the svstetn will follow.
Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking In the
system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed
and removed. Says a distlnruished pbysiolosist,
there is scarcely an individual upon thefaeeofthe
earth whose body is ext-mpt from the presence of
worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the
t4w that wnnvw pTUt tint ltnon thp dilWAJted humorS
and slimy deposits that breed these liviiwr mousters of
Pruj-irts and Gen.) Agents. Ssn Francisco. Ualiforala,
and 3a and 14 Commeroe fetrect. New York. .
We are opening an -Unusually-
Stock of fall and
. Winter goods, pttrciiai
" Earlj largely and ;
Z X-v down. -'
We buy; from first .'
' Class houses; invariably
For cash, and have ai1 '
Propose to give our
Customers goods at
Prices we know nrv.l
And be convinced that
Our stock is complete
And the place to purchase
Dry Good Notions,
Hoots, Shoes, Groceries,
Is at Clark & P'ummer's
Main Stree. opposite
Brooki House
Office of Comptroller of tlie
. Currency.
"Wash kgtos, January, 2nd 1872.
WnEIiEAb by satisfactory evidence pre
sented to tha undersigned, it bns bi en mSdn to
Ol!,PBATi,SM0lJTil"in the City of Platts-
moulh. in the county of Cass, and State of
iSeOru.-kii. haa been duly organized under and
according to the requireTietU ot the Act of
Congress entitled "An act to provide a Nation
al Currency, secured by a pledge of United
States bond.', and to provide for the circulation
and redemption thereof," approved Jna 3rd
lt4, and has complied with all the provisions
of said Act required to be ooic plied with before
commencing the business of Banking under
said Art.
JfUW THEREFORE I, Hiland R. Hulburd
Comptroller of tha Currency, do hereby ;ertify
that "lha first National Bank of Plattsmouth,
in the City of Plattsmouth, in the county cf
Cass, and State of Nebraska, is authorized to
commence the business of Banking under the
A eTal'o repaid.
fit Tettimonv Where) witnesa ray
(T Q ' hand and seal cf office this 2nd
VJU. kj. day of January
(No 19141 Comptroller of the Currency.
' in(V!.v w"m.
i - -
'' ' L871 ' . 1871
' . Everybody, and
To buy their ,
3SJ" e w t'oeb: stoee.
The best ard most aomplete
Ar now on exhibition at the 2ow York Store, at greatly reduced pricoa. "We caU particular
' . attention to our new stylos of
of all kinds aad prices to suit our numerous customers. large stock of
Insurance Company
livideiids on tlie
Secazicg the Greatest Pecuniary Advantage' to the Policy Holder
r r" rr-tr mn, mniinietn - nt pifin.rnninxii . i
. iitiiou..o run lijauuiuu m ituo iUi.irAHY ;
1st. This is a "Western Company, managed by Western men, tvhoee known Cnasancial pharac ?j
ability end position, afford ample guarauty for its careful and aucoesful inanageiuent. , 1
d. Its Polices are all MOJi-lorreitluar.
Sd. Premium all eIi. It receives no notes and prives none:
to pay, and no outstanding notes as liens upon their policies, . .
4th. It has no restriction o?on travel. s-
5th.- Its dividends are made apon the contribution plan.
6th. Its business is excluieivly iifejusuiauce.
Are the accumulation of interest upon premiums paid, hence tho Company that loans its assets
at the highest rate of interest can give you the largest dividends. - Eastern companies invest their
money at 6 percent., while this makes its investments at twelve per cent, or more. ;
The advantage ot Western investments to tha policy holder appears in tha following startliaf
figures: The amount of fl.ts'io, invested lor Gt'tv rears at ,.
- - - 6 per cent, compound interest, ta 19. 4eo.l i --, '. r: V
-.- 8 " . . r ' .-"" 46,Mtll.t54 i
10 " ' " - 117,:5;'.8:i
12 " " ' " S13.068.00 f
It ia obvious that this oompany offers greater financial sdvantgea and inducements to the
policy-holder than any other company in existence
XI D Mackav. President, George A Moore, Secretary,
D M !wan, Vice-Prudent. J Jones. Asa't Secretary,
Br J L. Wever, Vied. i'tor. H L Kewman, Treasurer
l M. hwan, is.
HR Hammond "
H Edaerton.
Tb'is Carnev. "
S M Strickler. Junction City
Chas Robinson, Lawrance,
V i t'otnn,
Geo A Moore,
1) VV Prwers.
Geo L Davis, St.
J Merritt,
r. Mux nuts. "
MR Morgan . "
ml. B. 'COVlLT9
Gen. Agesitfor Nebraska aud Mortliera fi.a:ssa
E ilVINGSTOr-, Bled Fxamino
cix jr a"
Conitntittaljailbing, Sos. 24,
JUSTUS LAWRENCE. President. J. P. ROG ERS. Secretary.
J&nterprisinff Mconomiciil) jiJberal,
mid ufe
Numher Policies issued to Jan. 1. 1S72
Number Policies issued and revived in
ASdETTS. Jan. 1,1872
This Company is Purely Mutual if its operations, dividing its entire "urplus among its Poli
cy holders, annuallv. on the "Contribution Plan." and has a larger business and a lower ratio of
expense to income, than have ever been attained by any other Company at a Corresponding
period in its history. . . , , ,,
Its total Assets are sufficient to discharge a I liabilities, including re-insaranoa. pay back all
its stock capi' al, and leave as a balance more thin a MILLION of earned surplus.
frills Company Issued, IVlore Policies
I2ST 1871
Uny Gthc3? Oompinf in tlie iTo2?I
ianioiiwtf CJcncral Agents, for 2ebroska
-T-. -cn t r -czr tsrr cj r Tsrr
-I-J - y '
5"Opposite the Platte Valley House,
Main Street, i'lattsiuoutit, icurasiia .
xh Dr iirst-rkss
Wholesale and Ectail . Dealer in Strings, Sheet Music, and all kinds of Musical Merchandis
more too. are g-oinj to
8i CO,
Contiibuiioi& Plan.
Policy holders have na interes!
II A Calkins, General Agent,
W E Harvey, Con. e. ctuary,
T A liurd. Attorney.
- f
W E Ohemberlain.-
Louis. Mq
T A Hurd, :"
V. B Allen,
O A ''erry. VTcston. Mo,
W Veal, Topeka, Kansas,
J M Price Atehi.ion. Kan.
W RStebbins. "
1 PI1 TTSMO If Tli
26 '28gassm 5t. T
in Scblater a Jewelry Store, -3
. i
pianos atib rgns.
d Repair ed-SetiifacHon
AlJook for Hie Million
MARRIAGE I A private eounpelor to the
GUIDE. I Married or those about to Biai
iry on the phj-Fiological iulor
iea and rovelations of the auxual fystein, tha
latest c" icsoTerie in producing and preventing
olliring, how to iirtMirve the complexion &c.
This i3 an intereting work of two hundred
and tweLty-four pnges, with numerous engrav
ings, and contain vnluuble inlonnfttion for
thoso who are married, or contemplate mnr-
iStili, it is a book that ought to te Kopt
unJcr lock and key, and not laid careless
about the house.
Sent to any one (freo ofpoBtage) forSO cents.
Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary, luo. 1
Eighth street, St. Louis, Mo.
Notice to the Afflicted and Unfortunate.
Before applying to the notorious quncks who
advertise :u publio papers, or UBing any quack
remedies, peruse Dr. liutts' work no lr.atter
whnt yourdeseae is or how deplorable your
Dr. Butts can be consulted, personally or by
mail, on the dineHses mentioned iu his works.
Office. No.l2N. Eighth street, between Market
nd Ctcsnut. St. Louis, iio. deiMwly
Till' flPPlT
i house.
"V jBaltimo e Piano
Manufacturers of
Balt:mob Martlaxd.
These Inst nmenta hae been, befo he I ub
lie lor nearly thirty year. arUl pon their ex
celltnce alnne attained an unpw-haned 1 re
eiuincnce. which pronouaecs them uneciualcd
in Tone, Touch, ' , ...
rlori-mnnAp and Purahihtu.
"A11 our Square Pianos hnve our New Im
proved Overstrung Scale and the Agraffe T.e
ble. J-We wou'd call ppecial attention to our
late Patented Improvement in Grand Hano
and Square Gran'da fuund in no other Pinno.
which bring the piano nearer perfection than
has yet been attained.
Eneru PIANO Fully Warranted fir Five'var
Illnstre ted Cat lojtucs and price lisU prompt
ly furnished on application to
Wil. KKABE 1 CO., Ealtimoro. Md.
Or nny of our regular stablisked
Weeping Water, Nebraska,
General Merchandise,
M!e are Agents for
Willcox & Gibha Sewing f.?ach!rre
Tlie Good Isitcsatl
Grncerios and Provissions.
tsommissioA Rooms
.i JJAiy ST
Where you can buy almost every .ting
eatable, including
FresU Fruit ,
At the lowest Prices for cash. II ghest
price paia lor Country i'roduc
Uutter, Chicken."?, &c. &c.
Goods Delivered in th
Freo of Charge.
jyl Td&wti.
Are prepared to supidj the public with Hi. e ol
the best quality, at I
. their works, at the rate cf
(-Thirty cent per IBush
And when barrelled twenty-five ccnta
n, uo.uarsra per narrel.
Orders cau bo left with J. W. Shannon,
mouth, Ncbrasliu. or addressed to the eu
berRoiClO. Plattamovrh Neb.
J. L. L KM H, Pres't.
P5attatnouti Stone and Lime C
sep 13.- arf
.. -BY
Jeos iF'icIilci?,
Plattsmouth; - lYeforaska
Th best of Fresh Meats always oa hand ir
. their seasen.
Highest Price Paid for Pat Cattle
"Highest Cash Price paid for gTeen Hide.
Sheriff's Sale.
Conrad Ueisel vs. Auaust Wheeland. finlur
of Sale,
XJOTICE is hereby given that the undersicn
Xl ed Sheriffof Cai-s county, Nebraska will by
virtue oi anuraeroi eaie l.-sueu by nis honor
Geo. B. Lake Judge of the .District Court of
the 2d Judicial District of Nebraska and to bim
directed, offer for eale at public auetiun at ono
o'clock p. m. on theoth day of March A.I).
1872, at Conrad Head's mill in the city of
Plattsmouth. The following govds and chattels
to-wit: ...
Twenty head of Hog and Pigs and one Boar
heretofore attached in the above action as the
property of said defendant An cunt Wheeland
Given under my hand this 13th day of .March
A. D. 1S72. J. W. JOHNSON, Sheriff.
f r- ,Ca county. Neb.
Maswixi & CHA MAK, Pi ffs Attorneys. j
mchitw:. . .
T;- i " .'"-f t rT-w,;' Vi v ,?
. V-V -':--r:r ..:';v:?;.-;vl
.' : PATENTi'l tX.'TOBS .1 IT, 1871.
f'ojnnlete S:iccel Hnve i wiener
A liilO atll IH-BMCr' M ttn.i mi -uu.
frnr this WVfrnd ron l"nr a baiillD Tif. I
U th.l lwat SIa iiiuo evti' iMVrui. d. .
1 mm pn lor . U asl.n a- a wrlT,e.-r U for .
i pi Oct In poaciptlon, and I nj ""J '''''.fV vVu
I.KAHT PUSSIBLKCOM I'AhS.and Is tuiiipa. t.
will lo tne woi it who r.anr.
., '-'V":?": ;.z; : i..rhti,.-. i.tch
u hi.iiucawwtbh Marliili" worn, nnww "..i"
'.i : ..i i., it..f it witt ill tii twirl, ofeveiy
bon-U?. i.n 1 thrr I nr ert.. !a of doii.t-.tic u-
- . " . - . v ... . v. d . m -i .
a...n. ti'ii lur.. ivci.l M itua-
at? i-i. Juuui I'.t.j tlucneo, Iiliuold.
Honc Saved
Buying Your Green-house and
Bedding Plants.
at rus
JFicnic Gardens
DON'T end East for Tlants when yiu ean
get jutt as good for Ices money nea-er
home. To my numerous frivuda and patrons I
would say that I have tint largest and b-st
stock of planU ever i;llcred or nalo in tor west
and propose to sell them at reasonable priwes.
Be euro and send for my
New Descriptive ?ataloguo
whifh will be sent free to all who apply for it'
Then give nie your orders, aud I (eel cocudcut
I can satisfy you.
Ad.Jre.--H, P. J. II ESSER.
Feb. 13 diwtf Plattsmouth. Nth-
Junt l'ullinhed, ti a tcafed envelope, l'rict Cctt.
A Lecture on tho Nature, Troatinenr. and
KHdical cure of C-pcruiatorrba'a. i eti,iiihl
Vaknef!, Involuntary EuiM.iuns, Sexual jje
liilltv, and Ioipoiliuicntti to Marriiu( (f euerally
Nervourincy., C'oiiMiuiftiori, KcilepNy, aud rita'
Mnital and PhiMcul lucapaoity, renulting from
si-lf-abuse, io. By Boocrt J. Culvcrwell M.
Ur, author ol tbe '(irecn Book,' id.
Th world-rcnoiinid author, in this a lrnira
blo Boturo, clearly prove 1 rum bin own exper
ience tbnt the lit ful C')::Hcauci e of Kuif-aouH
may be p U'ectually r-movtd without iin-iicinorf,
and witlnmt d.'ingnrous surgical operations bou
gie?, iustruiaenis, rinir it ccrdialu, jciriting
out a mo le vt cure at once ccrtiiin and 'l"ftui'J
by which every sufferer, no mutter wiiut his con
dition may be, m.iy cure liiunt'lj chci-ply i,ri
yatt ly, nnd radicsilly. Thi. lecture will 1 rove a
bocn to thousands and ttiom ;irvl .
tout under teal, any a tdrex, ia a plain
sealed envelope, on the receipt of fix cent, or
two postage rtamps. AIpo lr. Culverwo I s
marriHgo guide.' price 2.r. cents. Ad.iroaa th
127 Uowery New York. P. O- Box VjOS.
lec 22 wly
Tilh Sjmptoiii'o .Ivcreom
piniiitarw uncaii;crs and pain
in the ci i. Soioctiints th
!niii ih in tne Gho'ilder, and ia
ifiititken t.r r,:-
Tho ftoniach is nQircted with Iota of nppetiu
nnd sickness, bowtlK iu general ro, tive, aonie
times alternating with lax. Tho bead ia trou
bled with pi'in; and dull, heavy senMilion mn.
"i.Jernt.le lo a of m
1 I U C p I' ompanie.1 witn pHinful ena-
emory, ac-
a a ij 1 1 1
'. navnifr icit uu.lone
"omcthina w hi. h iuM.t i.. k..
, . , "rva anno, uiten com pi iniug
ofwearfness, debility and low spirits. So-, e
times many of the above symptoms attend tha
disease, aud at other tiines very few of them t
but Ihe liver is (renernliy the organ biot inve4
ved. Cure the liver with
PErrRATioHor boots xvu rzkbm. waKiu!r
ed to bo strictly vegetable, eaj can do no in
jury to any one. v
tt.iSV.b6" u.-''d by huD'l'-t,Js. and known for
the at th,rn -tive yars as-no ot tho mKat re
liable eflicacious aud haruiJ, prop, .ationt
ever olTeied to the uli".Tir, r ... .. J. .,'u,Jn
L. 1 li "
kheitdafhe, jaundi.-e. e'tivnr
aeglUdlOIf larrbrc a lie, tion of theblHd-
'i T e,,'n.f 1 vsenlM-y, a IT.-otion
iiess.ehilla diseases ol the id in. impurity of tha
blood melaneboly. or drp.eiun ol a
hcartbarn. colic, or pain in . bowels, pain in
the head, fever and ..fc-ue; d't p y l.oiN Vain l
back an.iliinh, . s.hma.WyspnLTe .V
octions, and bilious dicea-w genetally. ZETLIN St CO.
o j r r,- . , lru '-'fists. Wacor.. Ga.
Send for a Circnlnr 1 i n ,...t. .
rrice81;bymaill. Phiiad"l
For Sale by J Jj BUTTERY,
Plattsmouth, Nab.
617 St. Charles Street.
f "?i.Tu ,".r".tJ in Pt T.on. than any Chron
iii-f viinriK-area V on. real Ii .:... . t,. l.ri
i - . ' 1 i.i
,,...cui.r i,Ui trvery outte. Uia bofirfl (,
I iprturiities, a lift time e prrienro. with i.ur-
f-ftt rtnifr. i r a .. A1 : n 1. ...Lirl .
tcaaes given up by other, no mutter who tiiil I
fed ; tell yir. r private trouble. on.suIlatifr.f
j!ree. Send two taup! r uiedicui es-avs.j
AAii'fiF, iii'MAirntiD, sent t
tin i I. 15 cents each, both for .'"wi liVi n...
.411 tbat the curious, doiil.t.inl ..r in,..!;,'
wifh fo know all a 'nut n
'ion. Marri...e. 1; .very yout. mug and w
manou?httorea.litaaawarninir Tbe n
voue d-bi itatcd.or parliuUy impotent
cientically advised. dec"d
Chattel Mortgage sale.
MIEREAS default has t-en msdo in tha
payment or a certain Chattel Mortgna
r'Z 'x11' bchttt' Jbn Koxi on tha bkh
OI Octobor -fell to SoeurelliM
sumol 80. according to tne terms of a cr
lain iToanssory note ol even iat- with said
cieemeu auu ni'iivirca by S lid
thutt to said Roi-s wilh mid mn.-i u
M. , . ' , WU1CU
orttraes is duly rer icd in li.iok of Chattel
mortgagts. p go 2SD. 'jkt il nnti fn in ,hl
recorusol I ukh enunry NVhratna which note ai d
Mort;igewiro as-igned by said K,,M on tLa
loth i day om ctobcr ln,2 to Clark Plummer of
Pi.attfmouth. Neb., that there ia now ," , ,
ana chatties, beine ti, ,,1..""V. '?u
W I IT flatnrit.n.l 1
ini,l. ..i,J'..r .-". ueaeuoca
stove and Bxturea; 1 Urge h.tinj star
iieaung siovp ; 2 rook ing stoves ; 1 oil .
olcerffi,s ?'t&f S1 Jif W J5
Sum?."'" 4 tables; 2 dminJ tale."
feather pillows: 10 mossiiiia-a- iLn;,.
ii"6' w-; 1 ,ot cutlerv; 1 three lia'hi
chandelier; 1 freezer and suodrie. ""
By Maxwell i Chapm, tueir Afya.
. mar!4w3ir
Aiatn mi'i fiuriD streets
V -" "' auu jinrigane ice sura of $41 7-,
Nowiherelore by vinu of a power of .aleconl
taiueaiu aaid .Mortgage we wU on Thurday tha
louri h day of April 17 at th hour of lu o clock
a m of said day at F. . W bile's Auction Pol m
vaau au' 1 Itm I MC luiiti
beajteads; lo bed-tead nprings ; 29 mat.
tres,sce ; 5 wash stands; 871; j i, Ca ,hu T.nVi in
chiiThT ' f SZ'i 11
chairs; J blinds; o lookina (.ai-ita- llatanda.
11 tables ; 2 card table ; T,a, - or Oo've 3 eh itt
tovta and fiitnrea! 1
m. . iu Kvy otj 10, on fnort no uo .
rhuati a th. . f 1
- - " w turn