Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 21, 1872, Image 3

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    ' - . : -...
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Kail tload Time TlIc.
se vr. i depautfi "
Kail and Kx. 3:45 p. m. Mail ani Ex. 10:00 a m
1 reiglit X. Ac. J.(W a.m. Freight A. Ac, 4:o p- ta
E. Jt II, K. R. IN IOWA.
Mail A Kjt. ' 7 p. 13.
Ac'iiim & Fr'ght 4 p in.
l'acilic Lxpren l'J a. ui.
Mfcil Kx. 6 a. tn.
Ac'tion ic Fr'ght 12 m.
Ali-uiic i.x. 4:15 p ui.
In connection with Burlington It Missour
River in Nebraska..
.Depot at t.x.t ol Junes street.
Oitaba ..U:W a. m.
- do Wt p. la,
Lincoln 5:Ui) a. iu.
do ......l;vJ p. lu.
Lincoln ....-2:''A p. m
do l': 50 p. m
Omaha tl:l , m
. do 6:1 J p. in
K C. ST. JOE. &. C B. R. R.
Ut pacific jrrrte: iova.I
Mail ami Kxprcs 4:4o p. in. 7:"7 a. m.
ISight Expre.! ...H;1.t 2:M)p. u.
T bin givei f.:!S."Ti!ft;ri irom Ptnttsraoutu close
connection .v..jiub or Noitn by leaving here
on tha 12:00 iu. train.
C. B. A :;t. Joe R. R. South 10 p in. IO.:' i r
C. 11. Jr Sr. Joo tl. it. North. 10 p. m. ibVi !'
l!. ,V M. K. it. Ivit, lupiu. lu.3Jpui
L i .M. P.. It. .Vest, ,4 P,a-
Omaha by F.;:il Vjpw lO niD
Weeping Cater. 1- m. 1- ru.
Nebraska City, by Mitsre. 9 p m. 8pm.
Depart .-.:i'iy-s V'edaesdav and I' nday.
Oh'ce, from 8 a iu to 7 p m.
ua,u. U to 1 & MARSHALL. P. M.
It is claimed that the Hon. Chailes
Sumner wi'ljLe present atnd preside
over the Cincinnati convention. -
The estimated yield of wheat th's sea
son ,n an Joai'iuin, Stanistaes ntd
1 Merced counties is fourteen million bush
els. E. IT. Sehutt has opened a restaurant
and eating house on .Main street, oppo
site the National Hotel. Schutt will
keep a good Louse and is deserving of
Sir. YT. II. Somerladd has been re
tained as Iicgister of the Land Oilier- at
Lincoln. 3Ir. Goodell will probably Le
retained north tf the Platte.
Our coltunni are op-n to candidate
who de.sire to icll "what tnoy know about
office holding." Terms ten cents per
line. No restrictions on length of article
making the announcement.
We are pit -used to learn that Rev. Mr.
Hetts, f.iriueriy Rector of St. Luke's in
this city, ha ben re-cal!cd :o Omaha
and preached list SunJiy in hij old
church at that pia?c?.
The Agrictiltural Soioty of thii cun
"t7 have decided to hj!d, hereafter,
monthly meeting which will be on the
first Saturday of each month.
Frem the St. .To-eph G ' iztfe we lean:
that the track cf the t. Joseph & Den
ver road has r ached Fail bury, Nebras
ka, one hundred ar; l nfty-Uvo laiJcs froui
St. Joseph-
Since "School lioy" hasdu.g or.t "the
old ditch, ' will he please t ell u
Lovr it is that the sun shines in r.t a
north window here, 4:) decrees north
latitude, while the f-uu i.-t never more
than 23 decrees n nth and ohiiuo
KHiliT 31 ILK GttOVE.
If the Uoad proportion in Otos coun
ty is carried, the Trunk Railroad mc:.
are ready to u.ake thi-city a proposition
which if accepted will insure the early
completion of much needed line.
TheTiunk road wii! prohLIy terminate
at this city ?nd run their trains to 0uah:i
oa ths U. & 11. a:iJ S. W. Ililroad.
On Friday eveniy a little stranper call
cd at the residence of the Senior Editor
of the IIkkaU). expres-in;: a d.-sire, in
very decided terms to remain. Being oi
a chiitian turn of mir.d, we concluded to
take the little gentleman iu. Of course
it was a boy !
Mr. Wm. Aitaffer called at the IIes
ALI) olac on Saturday last, and From
Lieu we learn that the winter wheat
sown early August and the first part ol
September is uninjured by the winter.
Mr."Altafft.r prows more winter wheat
than any other man in this section, and
as he has made this grain a speciality
fir the past four or five years, is pood
authority on the subject. He thinks,
however, that late sowing is badly
injured. Of one hundred and seventy
. acres sowing, he thinks only ten will fad
to make a good crop.
Mr. J. Q. Adams called Saturday to see
the new firm and feet his paper. Mr.
Adams has been wrestling with some of
the leading Agricultural works cf the
day, and is of the opinion that in n few
things they are correct, but in the mat
ter of thete fancy fertilizers they err,
for experience has clearly demonstrated
.to hiui that the proper "pot'iMinm &c."
Jto apply to land is found near the elbow,
and not liut every drug store," as the
books say.
T:clerH I riticnl,.
Opportunity will be given on Thursday
and Friday, theSSth and 2yth of March,
instant, at the Mt. Pleasant School
Ilou-e, Cass count3t to procure Teach
ers Certificates in accordance with the
provisions of the Public School Law of
Nebraska. U. W. Wise,
12 . Supt. Pub. Induction, Cass Co.
HattsuMHitb, Neb., Mar. 20th, '72.
Rev Mr. Parker (Uni verbalist) of
Lincoln, will preach in Clark & Plum
mcr's Hall, on Sunday next at 3 o'clock
p. m. The public are invited to attend
Subject of di.-42ourse Justice and Mercy
Remember that the State Ag'l Society
have offered a special premium of $100,
to the county that properly plants th
most trees on Arbor Lay, viz : Apri
10th, 1872, also a premium of a $25.00
farm library to ths person who plants
the greatest number of trees oa that
47: t4
ro:t rest,
A dwelling ioue, with four rconip,
cellar, stable and garden Just cast of
the reside: ce of J. W. Barnes. Iu
quire of J. V. Wetkbach, at Emj iie
Bakery. inar7wtf
Our City Warrmts are worth to-day
ninety cents on the dollar.- This speaks
well for the managemsnt of our city af
fairs, and the faithfulness of our oiiicers.
The prompt collection of tases and the
faithful application of tha money, u
what the people want, j , ' ? i j
We wi.-h to ca;l the attention of ocr
readers to this", the oldest and most wi i
ly circulated Journal of itschiss, devoted
to the Lie Stock intercuts of the whole
country. Each number is handsomely
illustrated with Engravings, ar. 3 contains
many articles of interest to every Farmer
and Stock Raiser, only $1.00 a year.
Specimen copies free. Address N. P.
Bayer & Co., Parkcrburj, Chester Co.,
On Saturday wo saw several gentle
men from the country, from whom wj
learned many facts in regard to tha con
dition of the winter wheat.
Mr. Fiemming, re-iding near Mt.
Pleasant stated that none of his was left,
and had decided to plow it up and put in
com. He thinks it has suffered more
from the cold weather cf the last month
than from any of the previous bud weath-.
er, and expressed the opinion that the
very best in the county would net make
u half crop.
Should his prediction prove true, thi
county will suffer a heavy loss, as our
farmers invested heavily last fall in seed
wheut, arid the area sown is large.
The members of the Nebraska Annual
Conference, in coming to the city, wii!
'ind the committee of arrangements at
the M: E. Church, who will assign them
to their homes during the session.
Arrangements have been in add with
all the railroads, including the Kansas
City, St Jo. Sc Council Bluffs, (except
the Burlington.) to reduce the flue one
half to the members of the Conference
and visitors, they paying full fare to the
Conference and receiving return certifi
Fremont and
T. B. Lemon.
Plattsmouth papers
please copy, and oblige T. l. Lemon.
The above was received too late for
insertion last week. EuiToa.
The people in tho southern and west
ern portion of tha county are almost
unanimously in "fUvor of a railroad up
the Vccping Wnter Valley.
This road wou'd run through a fine
portion of Cass county and would be di
recthy bent Gctl to a large number of
farmers, and if budt would give the whole
county the be t railroad facilities in the
west. The B & M. on thj north, t tie
Trunk line on the ea;-t, and a line up the
valley would afford accommodation to all
and would be the meai:3 of settling up
the whole county at an early day.
r.iss rcrsrr AftsurtTiaAi. axis
51KC11 AMI' .11, A.SfcOClA I JOS.
An adjourned meeting of the society
met at the office of D. H. WhceL-r & Co.,
in Plattsmouth, on Saturday, March
IGih, fjr the purpose of receiving the
report of tho c.'mmittoo r.ppointed to
examine the Trearurer's report, and f jr
the transaction of such other business
might come be tare the sociuty. B. II.
Wheeler. Pros' r.f in the chair.
The coitiuiittee submitted the follow
ing report :
To thf (J"Si County Agricultural a:iJ
Mi'.vh'intcil Association : Your commit
tee, appointed to fettle w:;h the Tiea
urcr cf said society, would rcjort that
they have examined the-vouchers and
report of said J'rea-urer, and Sti 1 vcuch
ers"to the amount of $770.85;
paid'Mr. Woo ls f.r piemiustn. $50 00;
cash on hand $3-1.00; amount due for
lumber sold $36.5:5 ; total, $000.38, cor
responding with the amount leceived by
the Treasurer. Signed,
C. II. King.
The Secretary was ordered to draw an
order in favor of Jacob Adams for th.-
mm of $75 00, fir rent of fair ground?.
Ou. uiotioii, the 'Society agreed to
mid meetings on the first Saturday of
each mouth.
On motion a committee of three wa
ppointed to revise the premium list.
The chair appointed as smdi committee.
Messrs. John Mutz, Jacob Vailery, Sr ,
ind Peny Walker.
On motion the President of the So
city was added to said committer, as its
On in. uion the Society adjourned, to
meet the 1st S iturd iy iu April.
1. II. WHEELER, Pres't.
C. II. Kino, See'y.
Fanners of Cass county ! when you
want to buy your -spring boots and shoes.
go to the PiHtt-mouth Shoe Store, next
door to Post ofSce. O'Brien & Merges
keep a good assortment of everything iu
that Hue and seli good goods, attJ cheap.
Havana tobacco is being successfully
cultivated on tha bottoms of the Illinois
river, above Peoria.
Two new sewing machines for sale or
trade. Inquire at the Herald oIEee.
Winter has been lingering in the lap
of spving "right smait" for the last few
days. The old chap ought to be
ashamed of Lims"lf.
O'Brien & Merges are beginning to
get in their spring stock of Boots aud
shoes, and wiil shortly have the most
complete stock ever biought to Platts-
mouth. They know the times are hard
and have bought with great care, direct
from the manufacturers, and they knoio
they can sell cheaper than ever before
Don't buy until you call and sea them,
next door to Post-orBce; they can sel
you a better article for the tame money
than you can. get in any neighboring
Aitut:r r kii.ico.i ih i i.
: Four ticket agents and two conductors
of the Burlington and Mis'sou i River
Raiiroad, in Iowa, weie arrested during
yesterday on charges of embezzlement.
The ticket agent at Burlington, two
ticket agents along the road and two con
ductors, were arrested on charges of a
similar nature. - '
Charles L- Suydam is the name of the
agent who was arrested in this city. He
was taken into cusUdy at the river, be
tween six anl seven o'clock last night,
by officer Jackson, upon a warrant from
Justice Wiiliams. There are four si; pa
rate informations filed against him.
The effuses are claimed to have been
committed wilhiri the'lidt three month.'.
The prisouer was brought before t e of
8c-r at a late hour last night, when his
bail was- fixed at $800 fur each offense,
or a total recognizance of $3,20u. He
waived an examination, and was cited to
appear at the next term of the District
Court of this county. Failing to pro
cure the necessary bail, Jackson accom
panied him to the Court liou.o and left
him iu one of tha cells in tha baserneut.
The prisoner manifested a total indiffer
ence under these trying circumstances in
his career.
A special train started from Barling
ton yesterday morning, in charge of W.
B. Strong and other high officials of the
road. Telegraphic communication along
th-3 iine was severed, sj that the advatuo
of the party would uot be observed' :
The agent at Burlington wa- first arrest
ed. , Each suspected party was first ar
rested in the county where he was found,
upon information sworu out in the same
couutj, which of course made plenty of
work and caused numerous delays. But
the task was managed with entire suc
cess. No alarm was dashed along the
wires or signalled by baud among the
guilty officials.
We believe the name of one of the
conductors who was arrested is Goodale.
1 lo id '.he ouo who nerved ollicer Jackson
such a mean trick several weeks ago, by,
decliuiug to allow him to go on board
and arrest the colored man who was sup
posed to have couiuiittcd u murder with
a spade at the bridge.
This' embezzlement of the : funds of
the company is supposed to have been
going on during the last eight mouths,
ii is estimated that enormous tu us have
been thus wrongfully apprjpiiaced dur
ing that period.
The alleged embezzlements are chirg ed
tj hive been committed mainly by the
collusion 'of all the parties arrested.
For itistanc?, a ticket ag.-nt would omit
to staamp a ticket for a person whose
destination was in the interior of the
State. That omission would be a signal
to th? conductor who should take ii up.
The latter would sond it back to the
ticket agent by mail, when it would be
agaiu sill to another traveler.
A Chicago detective has been acting
as a conductor on the road during the
past few weeks. He has probably
woiked up the casos. Council Bluffs
Baxteh Springs, Nor. 8, 1S72.
Editous IfEitALO: I left Piatts
uiouth some tbrej weeks ago, and am
located here for tha present. Tl-is is a
border town, being but one mile from
the Indian line, and is composed mostly
of saloons au 1 gaaiMhi? huusis.
Times are very dull as tha country has
nothing to support it. but theeattie trade.
Great numbers of c.ittlj have tii-jJ dur
ing thi bird winter 'from want of i'.od.
Out of some herds, fuliy one-third have
already died, and the balance are in a
vcy i."ir condition. Cattle can be
bought here at prices ranging from ten
to fifteen dollars. There are plenty for
-ale, but few buyers.
This is a poor country, an 1 thinly set
tled, being rock ani swamp half and
half.' Tlu town of Baxter contains
prob ably fifteen hundred inhabitants and
only lour welis, whieh are from 100 to
liO fj;t depth. Water is hauled two
miles and sells at from 25 cents to $1 50
per bbl. To those- who intend etuigrat
iog to this section from C tss and adjoin
ing counties, 1 would say, emphatically,
look before you Lap. .1 would not give
SO acres of land in Cas county for any
b I have seen south of Ft. Scott. In
the suit between the settlers and Jas. F
Joy, he has c mie off winner and has
raised the price of lands recovered
about three counties) $2.50 per acre.
Iho majority of settlers arc unable to
pay this, and will be " obliged to leave
their improvements. '
Respectfully Your?,'
If. C. Moore.
We publish to-day the call for a meet
ing of the Republican Central Commit
tee fr the con nt j'. It is earnestly
loped that a full turn out may ho had,
is business of importance will come be
fore them. Remember the time, Satur-
day, March 30th.
We clip the folic wing article from the
Monmouth (Ills.) Jiecino:
Forty families of Cincinnati township.
THZ Me!l county, last Thursday, starred
for Piattsn:outh, Nebraska, where they
h iv purchased a town-hip of land, and
wdl engage iu farming and other pur
suits. A word to country , shoemakers, Far
mers and others: When you want any
thing in the way of leather and findings
remember that you can purchase actually
cheaper from O'Brien i: Mergej, Piatts-
mouth, th m from leather dealers in
Council Bluffs or Omaha. 1
We sfcrped at the store of Clark &
Plummer a fow days since, and found
them engaged in filling some" large or
ders for goods to parties that were going
west to commenco work on the Lincoln
Branch of the Atchison Raihoad. We
believe that a house doing an exclusive
wholesale business here would pay well.
A large trade could be built up with the
west, and this place could supply goods
that are now bought in Omaha, Council
Bluffs, &c., if some person would but
make the proper effort and establish a
wholesale house. Who U the lucky
I ; tsn; it i io5T-
" Notice is hereby.-given, that an elec
tion will be held at St. Lake's Church,
in the city of Piatt.-riuiuth, on Ea-tt-r
Monday, April 1st., 1S72. for the elec
tion of Wardens and Vestry of said
By order of the Vestry. -1
Attest: ' . Wl L. Wells,
Senator Tiption has gone to Cincinnati
to consult with the callers of the- liberal
movement in regard to tha May Conven
tion. He claims Garfield of Oh'o, ai d
Dawes of Massachusetts in sympathy
with the anti-Grant movement in the
Republican part'. Trumbuil is his iir.-t
clio:ci but thinks that. the Convention
will nominate Davis.
. - 1
All citizens of Plattsmouth who fed
interested in the early construction of
the St Lonis Trunk Rail Road are re
quested to meet at the Court House on
Saturday evening the ,23rd dust at 7
o'clock, let all attend aj it is earnestly
desired that a free discussion be had,'
and some action taken to promote the
interests of Plattsmouth iu this direc
tion, wl
A Word of Advice. Mothers know
the importance attached to the care of
teething children. Read the advertise
merit of Mrs. Whiteomb's Syrup in an
other column.
We do not wih to inform you, reader,
that Dr. Wonderful, or any other man,
has discov red a remedy that cures all.
diseases of tuiri 1, body or estate, and is
designed to make our sublunary sphere
a blissful Paradise, to which Heaven it-,
self shall ( e but a side show, but wo do
wish to inform you that Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy has cured thousands of
cases of Catarrh in its worst forms and
stages, and the proprietor will pay $50)
for a case of this loathsome disease that
he cannot curfe. Sold by all druggists.
Fifty families belonging to the Penn
sylvnnia colony are expected in Nebraska
in April.
THE Ii It. NKCriSfl.
We hope no citizen will fail to attend
the Trunk Rulroad me. -ting Saturday
night. That line of road can now be
had, if we will goto work and work with
our friends of Omaha and Nebraska
City, who are alive on the subject, and
ask us to join them. Come out, anl let
us consider thi matter. The question
of a High School buddiug can also bo
talked over at this moating, and some
stps taken to secure that much needed
improvement. - .
The Convention, called for the pur
pose of nominating city officers, met ct
the Court House, Tuesday evening, and
o.g.inizj'l by tlu election of D. II.
Wheeler, as Chairman, and J. Q.
Brownlee as Secretary.
The number present, being too large
for the room, the Convention adjourned
to Fitzgerald's Hall. E. S. Phillip.?
was elected as additional Secretary.
TIk; Chair appointed Wm. L. Wells
F. S. White and II. 31. VanArmaa as
tillers, and
On motion, J. J. Ru?scl! and J. T.
Holland were afterward added to as. -t
iu collet ting the votes.
Nominations b.ung iu order, M. L.
White and L. D Bennett were named as
c iridi dates for Mayor. The balbt being
taken, sh.iwel 153 votes for M. L.
White ail 1 107 for L. D. Bmnett M.
L White was declared the nominee.
The Convention then proceeded to
ball-at for Marshal. After the ballot wus
tak- n it was charged that person had
voted a lumber of times, and more thau
one ticket ; but a motion was made and
carried to count tha vote irrespective of
any irregulaiity. 3Ir. Fitzgerald and
others protested agtinst tl.i-, but the
vote was counted, showing 141 fo ' M:
W. Morgan, 72 f,.r M, B. Murphy, 45
for P. B. Murphy, and "lO for H. F.
Price. ,
At the clo-e of the count a motion
was made and declare ! carried to adjourn
the Convention. The number present
at this Convention was larg'
The number of votes for Mayor wis
200, being a large proportion of the
registered voters of tiio city. It is ru
mored that other conventions will be
called, but up to time of goiug to pres
no call has been issued.
The campaign iu Connecticut, i get
ting red hot. Gen. Williams, cd' Indian-,
J. R. Havvley, and a hot of other
prominent men of other States are in
the field, to assist the Republican cause.
The celebrated Daniel Vorhees, of In
diana, and Mrs. Isabel Hoolier, are doing
the State in the interest of tho unterri
fied, who are very much disheartened,
since the election has resulted adversely
to t'nciu iu 2vx Hampshire. Mrs.
Hooker is endeavoring to cheer them up,
and says that Providence will save the
cause, because it is just : but Hon. Dan.
says he won't consent to that, that to
import votes from Providence is fraud,
base fraud, because the citizens of that
city are citizens of Rhode Island, and
not of Connecticut.
Everybody kuow.s or have heard of
tho eloquent and irallant Samuel Cal
loway, of Ohio, and they wid regret to
learn that he is hopelessly ill of con
sumption, at bis honie iu Columbus.
His physician informed him last Tucs
da, that there wns no chance for re
cover', and ha immediately mad bis
will, and set about preparing for the
change. ' ' ' ''
Mr. Galloway, is said to be tie best
orator in America. ' ' ' .
Rev. W. T. Bartlc, of Decatur Mich,
will preach at the Presbyterian C'jurch,
Sabbath next at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M.
The offuial papers of Japan anaounce
that the Mikado of Japan will visit the
United States on the return of the Em
bassy, now in this country. His Majesty,
the Mikado, is twenty-one years old.
I Ktl iniHS' I I I'TE.
A Teachers' Institue for Cass county
appointed to meet at Plattsaieuth,
cohifuetieing at 11 o'clock, A. M.t on
Tuesday the Qth day of April. An ur
gent request is extended to all the teach
ers iu the county to attend aud to par
tiftipate in, the exercises. The State
Superintendent and oilier educators of
experience will be present to aid and en
co,:rnu j ' us in our work, by lectures; or
addresses," on .subject a connected,' with
our e. inttuest.s.
" U.'W. Wise, Supt, Pub. In.
' Plattsmouth, March. 18, 1S72. td
;Rev..D. W. Cameron, pastor of the
'Pr -sbyterian Church in this city has rc
signed his charge, and will probably re
turn Jast some time during the first of
April. The last Sabbath of this mouth
will tnd his pastorate in Plattsmouth.
' John R. Clark, Esq., has purchased
Lis late residence.' for a permanent home.
" .. , Sloeiinr.
To the Citizens of the "2d Butf, irre
tptcticc of I'ii tj:
Then will be a Convention cf the vo
ters of the 2 J ward, at the School House
in said ward, on Saturday evening,
March 23rd, at half-past 7o'clock p. m..
for toe purpose of tiomiuatiag one Coun
oilman for said ward. : . :
-1'. V. ...... ' : ' Mast Citizen's. '
A Si'.lit; t'OSVESTIOX.
Wm.REAS. The Legislature of the
Slate td' Iowa has iecenty passed laws
and taken action w hi re by it is proposed
to-couuol,' for the benefit of a few per
souss and in tho iutueat of a small sec
tion, the management of all .railroads
approaching the western boundary of
t tie State of Iowa ; to compel! all rail
road crossing that State, with termini
at Missouri river, to deliver their pas
sengers ,.nd freight. to count-cling luuds
on the east side of the river, and all
railroads' coming eastward through Ne
braska to make tfieir transfer to all con
necting roads on the toilof Iowa : and
. S UtilKAS, Said Legislature has sought
by enactment of laws to deprive existing
corporations of rights vested in them by
'virtue of their charters, by .unwarrant
able and unusual - legal proceedings and
process to hara-s) and emoanass them,
hy unju.-stiii.i6io and unconstitutional dic
tation to, and coiitroling .f. judic ai, ex
ecutive and muiisteiial ofiiceis, prevent
at! remedy for the wrongs sought to b
inrl cfed upon them, au t s-ek. to com
pel the c nuts of Town, by the improper
use of the writs of injunction ninl maii
uauius, to enforce th odious piovisions
of 1j w in direct conflict with the-Constitution
of the Uiuted States, although
such action wiil result in closing gri.-at
lines of travel and commerce, or at le,.-t
in suspending their operation, to await
the action ot courts cotitrolod, through
the strong bias of State interest, to obe
dience to unconstitutional laws ; and
WllKitEAS, Said enactments are de
signed to abridge and destroy the com
merce and thretteii serious injury to
every interest of every section of out
State and stand upon the statute books
ol Iowa as a ineuaee and insult lo Ne
bra-ka, therefore,
We, tho . citizens of Nebi.lska, cali
upon the pftple of the State, by repie
seutative men, to meet in convention at
the capital at Lin-join, on Wcdmsday,
Miivh 27th, Al J. Ib72 at 1 o'cIucn
p. m.,tota-e such action a they may
deviii n.'ce.vsary to prevent the ct use
q tciiecs of this iiii-.v.ii ra itable at.ack
upon tho soverfguty of this State, ward
i. If tho blow directed at our d ar. st
riirhts, and show a united, ai d dejer
mined Front- in repel. ing the eiiorts ot
the Legislative body ol a m.U r Slate,
which, misrepresenting as we Lcbevu the.
mass ot her people, thus seeks to insult,
d-.-jrade and ii ju.-e us.
The above call is taken from the
Omaha papers, and is numerously signed
by itiz ens from ail parts of the State.
As a matter of State pride, the people
of this section cannot but be interested
iu favor cf Oauhi, and we presume wii;
send representatives to the Convention.
Remember that O'Brien Merges
inauufu ;ture to ordor any styles of boots
or shoos at very low prices. They pur
chase their leather in large quantities,
at headquarters, and when you give
them your order for a pair of boots you
are sure to get the best mateiial an; a
good fit, for they keep none but the best
workmen, and do not expec; a customei
to take any goods that are not made ex
actly as diuctrd. 1
The people of Nemaha county con
template an extension of time to the
Trunk Raihoad Company, in order to
uive that company, the benefit of th i
bonds alreadv voted in that county.
It cannot hurt you. It is purely veg
etable. . "Try Simmon's Liver Regulator
if you wish to bo well. It acts like a
charm without debilitating the system and
without any of the evil effects of Mercu
ry. Simmons' Liver Regulator is the
safe remedy.
The Philadelphia .S''x.".V School Times
says ut Geo. P. Rowed & Co., of New
York: "They are the most entet pi -i.-in-z,
prompt, systematic au 1 reliable Adver
tising Aaeuts with whom we are acquaint
ed. Wo have hud some'most satisfacto
ry deabntis with them in some extensive
advertising plans in our business."
I Jr Vr
Money to Loan ! !
Three vears time given !
Heal P'state Security !
Improved farms preferred!
NV terms more favoiably than the
"Unoii Mutual Life Insurance Company
uf Elaine." If you want Life Insurance
ouy, patronize a company that leaves its
nomy in the country, if you want l olh
Insurance and a It an, apply at once. A
Lil'j Policy will protect th i farm mortgag
ed as security, in ease of death td' tin;
Insured, by discharging tho loan, and
leaving a large surplus for the family.
This wi-e arraugement is for the security
of the borrower.
' No Prudent man wiil mortgage the
home of bis family without; pr.j. :utn
for the payment of the mortgage in case
of his death. .
A Life Policy in the Company loaning
him the moneVi irtectly provides for
this coutiug ney. In case the borrower
!;-o" i,a i.r.' meet his loan: and
in cose he dies with a Lite 1 oltey, it n
paid off by the money duo the family
,rmthe KINNEY & SON, V
General 'Acents for Nebraska.
Office, 133 Main St., over Otoe county
' National Bank, Nebraska City.
m7 lm.
RunisntAu's Notice The" voters of
the 3rd Want of I'i.itiMiiouth City will
take notice that, the Rooks of Registra
tion will b(! opene i on Thur-day the 2Sth
day ol March, lb72, for i ho puipo-e of
r-isti-iing voters lor thy tnsuing' t lec
tion to beheld April 2nd. next. Books
will bo opened at the office of Reese &
Draper in Clark & Piummer's Hall,
1. P. Gass
m23vl Registrar.
Registkau's N"tice The voters of
W;:rJ No 1 of the City of Platismouth,
will take notice that the Books of R. g
i-tiatiou w ill be opened on Thursday, the
23th day of Match, 1872. for the pur
pose of registering voters for the ensuing
election, to be held April 2nd next.
i ii i i . -i
inoKs w m ie opencu r.t. my oinec iu
VitT.rer"'.!'- n;,rt-. A
Registrar's Notice. The voters of
the Second (2) Ward of Piatt-mouth.
City, wiil take notice that the Books of
Ib'trisfi ati.m w'l'l be opened on Thursd v
the 28th day of March. 1S72, for the
ensuing election, to be held April the 2 d
next. Books will bo opened at C.
lleisel's mill. Ross II. Yanaita,
, Ui23wl Registrar.
See advertisement of Dr. Butts' D:s
jieiisary; hea led Btok Ft the Million
Marii 'go Guide iu another column. It
should be read by all. deeldlwly
readIthTs far:.' ersT
As it is somethin' that will interest you.
I have on hand this spring, the largest
stock of Harness ever manufa. tured in
this City, and will sell low for Cash.
Call and examine my stock before you
purchase, as I warrant all my work. 1
use nothing but the best Pennsylvania
Oak Tanned Leather-
m7w3. M- B. MfRrilV.
Lena! Notice.
Matthias Spolin vs. Ciinian Seh!untz.
N'OTICH i- h rt-by given, th:t we will ofler
Ht publio sale, at trtf front ilt.or lit the
Court il. u- in Pi.nt-inouth. Cifs cotin'y. No-bras-ka.
on Monthly, the l .th day o April. 1S72.
at lt o'; ot-k a. m. f sni i Uav. the b 'lowing
real c.-tatv, ni-wit: L"l.s t uc. two, three, t'-u.
rleven in i tvrt-lre, in block . s x Wtst, ne
s-iih, in the nW!i of K'-k L!u&. Cam canntv,
XvbrasitM. wi'h all the b-.iil-liu. and .n puriu-n.irici-s
tiiL-n u:i o bebmci t bo (-obi mi 'er
an ower oi' sr. I in pnr.ition inmii oj t'le li
iiit-t Coart. t.t' tho "d Jceii iai Ji.-i ric. ii anl
' r Cass c. nn-y, Ncbr.!cfi. on tiie lih oav f
Ftbnutr.v, IbTj, Terms ol ;t'e : one tl.iid ca-h.
i h rd in -ne ni.d one-tl:ir.l in ftvo
yia'X, i ill iiilsrCit on il.-lerre.i na'.'ii.en;ii ut Id
Percent. Jam sM Patikrs.ox.
Conk r. II K sk ... a d
Gt.ORCF. E Dlt -1"K ,
Py Maxwell .V Cnpr;.
mariltva Attorneys or PlaintifT.
Conrad Ilei-ul va. August V.'heeland. Order
Nti'l ICE is hereby pWcn Ihftt thr underi'ie-n-el
;sh'.-riF"t't."a-ls eoiinty, Nebraska w ill by
virtues an i.'nlcr -l Sal-f i.-sued by bis hontir
(io'j. II. L:ke Judo ol iho li.-i rict C'oait of
tne -.1 Jud--ial L:siric-t t f Nei-r t-st a anl to bim
dirtt-teJ, oiler to ait! at public aa.-ti..ii at i. in. oa thei'ii1! d:iy of M.-irch A. 1.
Is?-, at Conrad lieisel'B ludl in tho city of
Plait-iuouih. Tt c lolIoiviEg goals un l cliatttls
Twenty hend tf Flogs nnd Pips and one Boar
heretofore utt -ifhed in tho above action a the
properly t f p.ii-l ueiemlant Aujiust. hce'.aiid
G;vc!i under uiy hand this 1 -s : h day of March.
A. 1). IsTJ. J. W. JOilNcaJA. s;hcritf.
t-'ass county, Iseb.
Maxwlll Cnx ma:,", ITili A'tono-ys
Chattel fcicrtcaga Sh!d.
0T1CI3 is hereby friven that on the t'th Oay
ijf Aocust. a. L). iS.ti. .1 C lloncurd J. A.
A'a'.hew.-; made, c edit au I .ieiit ei-cd to l. G.
t'i . t ' i and CO. CI a i pa eh.ot ji mortir.icc U.
na tne jtl-wliir dt-setijod ii-rutnai iiopei-y.
t i wit: Vtm lli.usatl '1 hr-i-hiu,r l.!i h:n! .u.
'.ii. and t-,ii s i:m t.f bor?-s, unl uid at thai
tinits tout iy to the said 1. 1.. t'l it.p nd C 1
Cl viip tiie above disc-ri'.ed I preeriy t r
the part r..-o i tttu. nil," the j ayiiient d two
e. r-aiu prmui-.-.iiy ii'.tcs: t" r.- t n- to iinn -r
s-KJ p.i; iibio on the "'h 'ay f ilcceuilr 18.0.
I he pccui.d drawn lur cteu t'o.lar- 1 uj it'-jie on
t'ae S'i ii lay a i!t temt t r 1 ST 1 . Th:-.' tiier j n
now d-jos'id i njabb: on mikI notes the mm of ::t.d, ml tiie .-:iid J. C. lluiie slid
.I.A JilMthivs are Le'iby uuli.'ied teat cn
i'n.i day the -'sta day t.l'M.tcit A.I'. Js72. ihc
under.-isnvtl v;ill.-til nts"ct on to tie hiLes:-
litl.ler lorcuiiii t:e tviittnins portion t: tact.n t
peril-net proi eriy. at f o-it-.-iidi-tien of .-amuel
Ki. kiiiriei'.. in town 10 ratnre 'J. Cas couuty
Ncb., Detween the hours oi l'l a. in. and 4 p. m.
to-wii : Due l;ini.-ail . I lirashinjr Mahiiie; and
one CLestnut hurst-, eijjht yea: s tdd.
I). I.. CT..AP1V
mhTwS C. I). Oh A IV.
To the ton r-"itleut ow evs rf lots and lands
in the -iiy of Piatt.-moutu. Aeb.. rh outi and
over which iiihir.tstvii .ivt uiia hai iit-tu lo-.-aled
io wit
2. V;ri.-?-". lot S in block 9.
Ji.lui l'.ittrrs-iii, bit 11 in blo-k 9.
Td. Kennel y. It.t 1 in Lie k R
P. Xuciols, h t ii . b uck 9.
Ss lXu' kols. ot 7 iu b! )ck
S. K. Muer. lot ti in i.
S. it Mo-r. lots - and 1 in block 8.
V. 15. Marshal. 1 -t i in block S.
J..S yh Tt;r-n-k morion, lot 5 m -l' k CI.
V. .V. iJiiT.terwii-ta, lot 12 i-i blovk Ii').
J.Q.Owens, un.iividi-l tot 3 iu Lhck 110.
V. it. Jiur.-y. ioi'Jiulio.
Von ;iid t-.-.cli of yju art; hereby n' tiii-'d that
rtie ei ut ii ot haiu ci'y Uave i rUt-red nn iipiir..
r.riaii.n f you. sa:-l I )" a-id l.n t-s. or so maeli
lliert r f as be in et.-iry in t pcuii g t lm .-aid
0 uct(n; ton .V t otitic, aid tl:i;t lli Cuoniuer.
Geo. Lt Seybolt. '- i-h is, G. V. t.'oivin Bid
1 M'inir Ssh-irp. e-iitiui.ssi'nt-.s ht-rctob rei-l:etel
fo arses the tJa:n.s:-s ac-i i:i:s t you i y reason
o- t:ic-openis) of. s. id live uu aud th itppro-i-i:t:io
ot y.nir saiii lo s and i-nd.-. wiil on the
-S:h ii y oi jt:ii-f.-!i. 1S72. pr.a-eed to view said
.r.-iiii-ts mid niuko tin ir a.- Minenti. i.t whicii
tit ie y.m iuy ikitend ir y ,u thiuit rcper.
ily order of ihts Conn -il.
M. I. WHITE. Mayor.
Aitc-t. R II. Yanatta, '..'iiy Cierk.
Idar.h 1U1S72. w3.
Plantation Bitters.
S. T. 13G0-X.
This wonderful vegetable restorative
is the sheet-anchor cf the feeble and de
bilitated. As a tnnit; at:d cordial for the
aged and languid it has no equal among
stomachics. A a reuse.! for the ner
vous weakness to which women are es
pecially subject, it is superseding every
.other ftiirei'anf. In all climates, tropi
cal, temperate or frigid, it acts as ft
specific in every species of disorder
which iKidjnmnes the bodily strength
and breaks down the animal spirits.
Deo. 23. diw lyr. '
Beauliful Yomen!
plexion t'no rreshncsi of Youth.
IIagan'3 magxoli.v Ealm overcomes tho
CusLeJ irpcaiaaca caused by heat, fatigue an l
excitement, lt make? the laiy of forty appear
but twenty, and eo natural and rroet th:U no
per cn caji d-iteet iti nppllc ition. tiy its u?e
the roubt1 rl-- - .Lv.i , -
r.wUnt texture ofyouthful beauty. Itretnoves
rcdnes"?, blotches, and pimples. It contains
tothiag that will injure the skin tho least.
Magnolia Balm U used by all fashionable
ladies in Xe" York. Loi.don nd Paris. It
costs only To cents per Cottle, and is sold by all
Urupgist aud Perfumer?.
Dee. 6. d Jfew lyr e 3d w.
" TTouise and Pitrn Painter. Gratnine, paper
hancinc ond ornameutaJ Paintinir. tracr
prpm ptly tided, thop uurth of Pnee s lilac-
Is rereivic and br.t on hand ("r.t tha
old Etand of Vi'hito.t Sutler; S) aide Main Street. PJMtemoutn.
flfost Complete
Stoek of Trntr(i. Medicine, Pnipt. Clieraicntj
Leat.'. Conl OH. "il, M i.-bine
Oil, C'TO-r'i'njr Oji. Pi.i-tor Oil. V .. :,.t
Oi!. """Jin'" Oil. lintel Oil l.ii d
Oil. Pssentin! Oil. Cod Liver il
And n bt:if vti. ty o
, tions. Perfii 'tir-ry rurv
ana ot'el r,"''l-.-E-enss.
voiit.; exiinc'i1
nod Ail
Buch e
Jayne's Coe'
Ayers'. S'oovil'e's
IlnM's Cnri-die's Mt
LainV. Morse'n, i'nVt-r'
ATi.-tar, Wripht's, V uke
ftrl.i, ( iuy.itt's. Ptrry lavis'
Robuck s. Pktitt'tt, Aliv. U'insitiw's
Dr. Wineueil's ilostetit-rV, Jjruhe'ii
Wallace'. t-st's ond oi the ii;o?t p-puar
Patent Medicines in use at the present day.
Brandies Wines an? VVIiiskio
Of the Uett tirades and gualiiics, strictly lor
Medical j-urptiFe.
Red or Rofc, Orecn. Elite. Bhirk. Anntinc. In
digo, Madder, l.xtratt Louwoi'd, Dry
Vonls. iVe. In la-1 everything
that is iiocie ! ir. the drus
or iVledical hue.
Pliisiciar.s' PcrscripticPi
Carefiillr u pcuaded nnd put np tit all hour
All Druss w.. rented freh nnd pare. Call be
tore buying, nntl ece what I have to sell.
Plattsmouth. F eb. li."dh.Uiwt.f,
, i4..t
Joseph Shera vs 21uiUol!aud i That.-her.
NO'l'H'K io hereby Riven that thn nn-lersigq-ed
?LrilT of Oasit couuiy. Xebritka. i;l
by iriuo (d an esci-u: iin is-u d fay t!'e iutric-t
Coin t 1. 1' r s - I .Ivdioiul DiFtriut of Xcbrusk-i
with in nnd lor Cas? ouutv in laor of
SUira HM-I afrahist V-uiiio.iund ,.V T hat l or and
t lii i n.ret tl at on-ii'idoi-k p. in. n the Is
d iy of M.-.r. h. A. 1. 1 S7g at the iI Ciia-o A
J hi'iuas tir.iii: Wine I. m- on hi- ttist .v hub
in tb-C'ilvo1'.-iiiouih. in ? ii l V.j-x nitv.
I'tler for -:ii-at public miction ihe !ol"vii!;H.
St-o is nd clpt-tel tc wit: About - hi:na-r-'.l
bu.- bcis o' con in t iio t ar airi u bun t lort.
five bushels ol siit-I't d corn. lso nt 2 ' lo -k
p., at in fr nt iloor of iho
court house in the i itv of I'l.ntsiuoui h and said
i-ounif of Oiis,c. Ntb.. ihe j.-r.iu war--house
known :i the AlulIioMaud .-md I'haH h r's (iron
XV are-house, sitinlt-d on ih-- V.. A- M. K. It. Pc
pot i-'rtiur.'t i'c:ir tr-.i- poath end t ile: tr ick iu
!Se Ciry .l risttsnH urb. i ask f-ounty Tsrl ras
kk. tukt-n on s id execution us thj pioperty of
faid Alu!ho!lai. ,v J
Oivci unlcr lay hnnd t!ii-iih dav of March
A. I), 1S72. J. W JnUX-'O.S. Jhejiti'
':t--s oo.i .tv, Nfbraska.
Maxwell i Ciivi-man, Attys lor I'l.T,
ISe.uI. Iia:I, HScis!.
Perfumery". Toilet nrti-ile. Prnsh, Paints.
Oil. Varnisli, Put'y. W indow
Olrifss, Lamps, hiumt-y V,
extraretined eo: l oil. n n-eplo-eive
burning liaid. Ac. tSrc, 4o. Ua. g-3
Next door west of the Po:t Office, in the same
room mm u iifien. boot and choc uealer.
11 n ' I '-! , -1 ! ' V 11 rA n- .nAtt n n.1 X - . ( ? ,
c.nui purtiote, a (--peciuliiy.
Ho mnnnfu'-rnres fiavorinij extracts, a f-ne
1 rep'i rit'iou o' eh oi-iilai e 1 c.dy I. r un nn uu-'tUib-iI
baking powder aulvtri.u- other iTii
e.n. To those .ldi'tHd o the list; nf Opium,
that poiitonoiM nnd tl'-stroyiiiir drut;. come or iii
irc! tne and l.e 1 uu-1 a ofoiht ri
hnve bern hi1 are t-ei-ig. by a j.ainlcss. pi-rma
nan aritidote. W hen once cured, whic'i ri.kcs
luiufoo t time, you uave u:i desiru lor dni
or the iin:id..te
-r Communication for the Opium Ari'-dote
may be .iiidrrsfc-i to Or. 15 li.- im- tu i'lat-s-piou
ti. Neb. or U. J. C:n.onn. M. D., Mo.
tiicy. iowa. j.i!ii7d,tKtf
Sheriff's Safe.
E. O. Dovey. v?. Caleb rbi'li'is
V'OlI'JK is hereby given thu-i theundrrsiirued
Al i-hirlu'id' tt.eetiuie y ol l.'a.-s. wii; t,y vinueof
an or-ler ni':il ir-i d by tht ri"ijin- J nd:.- i
s;ti 1 1 C:isei-unty. isi f eur ol K. ti. Divey aul
.-gainst i.'ico 1'-i 111 I to hiui oiiet-id nt
l i o'.-l.ick a. 1:1. on the Wii uay of M ir h A. I'
i2 :it the door of ti c Cut llnie,- in
Plhllsni.titii in C.'.i-s c luiiiy, e.J -r lor f ile m
Public aaetion he to'iow it g g an I bai'le-.'-.iil:
11.. r bi-i sc r. iron. r.-.. cT!i u i 1 i
c it. ir par 11. w. Iho ni-.l 1 iiii I'lie halt it-
tcrff! n cum Mniit'-r. fine i'ay ln.r?e tii.1i I
blrfZ- face. Al! hei-et'.fi : o tubcn .n u ord..r i f 1
ara u-ttna- fn-U -1 -.-i-.cft -j-t I . .i ;-i i
iTivcn uicicr Ujj- tiiis nn u ' 11 .1
A. D. 1S7-'. j yr Joj,N S0N Ft,er5.
i'y.?. Coiitiiy, Nebiiiska.
vIatw'b l A Chapman, Atii s tor i'ili.
1 uiHiv2
WILL farnldi pavies with ftona for luiehns
purposes at reasonable raio.-. at my qu-nry or
deliver "J c: the cars at die st-rtion- i be
tiili.iwi g kinds can be had on snort notice, mis,
cat.. peruh rock, line orrod nmd sione u h n
wL used o " tho D. X M. K. K. in the
a. their stone work. AH respoa.sible
order promptly filled' d-
dusfa Jjoolsville Sttio.
m$ r
2 L .JyMMi'i
' i.s . ; -; '.. y i ; ;;. vi 5
; ;'"?- : !' :.- " '.,.. ",''---":' l '
r.TF.Nir.u cn coitEr; 17, larj
It it t'oir.pietn Siiicce t Mhwh ?;..i."
'Aiiuo una O I'li'Ufn. nil ttie-'"alia
ct" uhiae lr.
J r! W'siirr ami yon inftn" a SuiilB Wiu , ,
lit u-l p,,.-. I fr A Wither al A Htlp I" i
wi-irt.-r. Tlu-uuf-riul ii tiroony la: ,7, "..' '.
i.t r i lo ooi-i.1 :ion, and I - -ored ujr (l iv..
J- ST ITSIiim.: vu!,. M W A-iU s ML IU V
in Urn I '..Asl' i'.iS-HbKOnUl'ASst.aud i .'t.ii.p
l.bint. :ii'l v l -tu I iicd 1 1 vi! it i to know tua
wll i'o to:- nui k w.t.'i l'usa, ft imt)Uij and MbfiHK .
J.ii-ii vt'iiiioit'.'Oii'.-o t!i. Mm Iduo work, tliro v h
the'..-. !:.:r. unv.icMv. s-le lanrbijM v
l.ava l,Ti.dly fHlcd to arcofPpliNli llmobjtrt troUJi a
i.i 1 n.i.i.i. n.1 hiI lood ..iiii.ini HtlvertiKf rn-nia.
lh-i pric .1:0 tht-r injur!fini--nt to piircliu-i
leil ebi'--. so low lit"! il it wiioin tlif rtmi Ii o
hous. I.t" p- . I til T--M no 111 ticlH of riomwii- n
0'iiv v. tit, !i ui'l ren.iv Ibo tum I inTwtmert Oi ri
k7. in a I that is atkft.l lm- tbi Kreat luboi
A11 lit wniitf .1 every vii-re. A lltM'ial rtlHCo'in
Atri-ritH and tuo trail". Kor lariiiM add f ilia Mn-ei
Uciuitia l .tl.KIV-. HUO it C1. ,
3!) H. Canal ft., Chicugo, 1-
i ? i At. p f rifii'tv --ssrs
.--'---ii7rr,? .'s?t 1 '
G 17 t. (diaries tr'trcct. ;
Si" oniter 1'ic.iltd in ?t T.otiit Item a'y Clm-n
1 i ic V b.vsiciiii., - o sin-t-.--,iilv tr-ats Siinii' '
1 tv 1 1 1 11 pi 1 ;!!( 11 etiei-rai ih-p ifi- 11 10 nun;)
patient trutn i-rv Slle. h t -1 i n 1 o 1
oprtimiti' s, 11 iif limp i-xprrbTK-n. with pu '
es' unfits pcp u-e I i.i tin- -t e 1 .1 : l.'iif t, -ti r.
c-asi'. t'i'.'t tl up br no liiiil'cr ho' lai f
cd ; fi-il yo. r I rivato troublt . or. Aieia-i-M -'
trt e. t-'tu l iwo hlanips I.t inntiied ct-aii,.
tu:iiif. 15 com ouch, both for "a eta. lull p"pi-s.
(All that 1 he curious, nui u' or moiii 1' v
j .vi- b l:nmv all :l .i'i. Si'lf-poll'l ttei I'rev
I ti.ei. M.iri ia l'very yotinir niiin it ml w
f man on.-hi to read it in 11 wiiriiin r 'i ho n
i'i - ii'.im', .....i, ii.i..i'. rr-n . f
fvi.os 1 bi itjtcil partially imp 1 nt E
i-ienti 'c.iily a lvi-cL dt2d t J
ilEN il Y HO'ECK
Metalic Curie! Cases.
r OFAIil, SIZ25.
Eer.dy I'ade, and Sold Cheap for Cash.
With wiuoy thanks for past p.-itronac,' ilu
&la all to c'l mid examine uiy large id ork o
niture and CoOna jun2St
rzmissp mil gj&
Weeping Water Nebraska.
Dry 0-iod.i,
Clro; ri'".
d ware.
iiootii, and Shoe.
Ilats. nnd Caps,
ApricuHnral Irniliments of nil kiiiiU, Weir ar
"I -Vk J.'' Cultiviit ir, L'ni":i Corn l'l.inicrr
Tritcdetour arvd l'riir-eton Plows. A"C A"e tnltn'.'
tu'um, all ct which wcoSer to the public at tho
owes! retail prices.
All Ci3io;Js WsirrasalccI
Ah IIeprttKe2ile(l.
S-Our t-onptant rim will be to ell so low
wiil be to the positive advantage !' every -pi-in
the w m rn iin 1 irnl i-.rliim o ('asf
ui'.v to make thin their head-Hinrter for triui-
ili.i.D. 1ULOS,
Chattel Morigage sale.
y 11 KR HAS default h.i b en nvidtf in the
it p lyinciii t' a certain Chanel .'oitgnge
given by iv. tl. M-bti: 1 1 bos-on tiie p.-u
lay ot 1 i.-f. b r sTl to M-cun-th- payment , Jlu
ciiiil ol i; r SI accordi.iK 1.0 U:e leinii of n i cr-t-1111
i HimisMiry noli- ol v .-n out. iih said
iii'T'.u.iiCK, i xi'iul-ii nn I li- Jif. ltd if f iid
Si hutt lo p-iid lto- whli rwid tn-i Ttiii.-ri
Al.T.Va-.T is)iu;y re-c.-r .rt in I; (,k of 1 r I
100, Unt."...s, p 1 2'1 r-.J ai.ii :l in thi
I. coins. I I I-. tin 1st h us 11 v. In !
Mo-.'atcw f a-s'triii d ! M-d I'o-s on ti,
lOli, tint - cl't tr 1-il'. t : i;i;if It .V l'lUOHu.r tt'
'lait(-:jj(nth. N .. Ill .5 ile-r l- t,ow .l-in ori
nil ri'ite iitid M .ik l-i" 'uin i.f $il2T-'.
Iow 1 here a re by vir u 11 poero m
laii.tM 1:1 s.ii i Si ot .'' we wo oa I bur-lav t!.e
I iiir h i..y 01 A . Is; j t tj, (: ol I'm. . Ij.-k
n nu t ra d .In -t J'. ,s. 1. J it - ,1 ,1. tj., I: , m
int.ieciyof Pi;v iso oiub. -r..hkii. i.,;il at
puo.p- u-j --I..H ihe f 1! o.via d --enbed ifoodn
arm cli -t k-s. bi-ii, tile property i.t-ic ibtcl
in 'aid mot it-'ii.c tu wit:
'41 .i-- l.-U-.i.j-: lo bo i f "11 I a. .ring ; 2J tmt-lr.-
s, g :,ji r 1 .- n.i -; S7; j y.i- ca iwif. ho i '0
extrn pieces t.f c-irpci ; lb t f -tu .x arpt I ; M
ili.iiis; Ii r, iudv; ." Ii.kiiia SC; m t;
II laO t-s; 2 car I t.ibi ; i);.i ..1 .-1 .v. . Uvfu-t
tivi nn I 1'i.ftircs ; 1 n ce !o,r; 1 im.a 1
ftoe and limuri M; 1 1-rjre he iu.4 ; i
tieatiPa- stoves; :c.n,ki'..l'H j 1 ,,j v ,,;t, ;
1 wardrobe: 4 side la ijij .- 1 lot b u -e i-elicc t;
2 c.'j.-v Inuipy: lcit,.n: 1 water 1 iik : I pit-to
r-t -ir multii.g : 4 louiel tbl.- ,.itt tauirh ;
OiU'ops- I, ti) t.r ; 14 r 1. 1 's ; . ni:r ; 12 pibow-: Id ii,o. )ii,(, 1 ,n,. t.m,
ElarS ware, e" e-: 1 ;oi . U1 ,-r . 1 tlrrv lijit
cn n tl.:r; 1 f e u, and ui.d : .
. n l LaU'4 .V Pl.rjfMKK.
It J MaXWKLL St CllAPM ., im.-ir At yV.
egai r.oticc.
Columim ?ut:ktJUan.: F.-'Xii.-(t.j;
ol tne 1 .-rritori e' of l o or.teo mid V-in;ing
w;.t 1 tike lioiice tleit I In e.ilie ! !.-l wood to tho
t'o-it'ty o! ';es m thu sialo id Ncbi-ii-KJ i'i"'n
ii !. tlil on iho !ihla 'if Jnuuarv . I Is. 2
liie her oli, i-.u in 1 lie M-coiid .J u lo-iiil liistrh.t
v ourl in nnd for li.e county 1 I Cus hi the Mate
of .ii-isk, ng'Hti-t Ji,--i h U'. John-wii. J. y,
A. OiTt'ti C. . torirv, CoiU'Oini .urlo 1 i" ai d
SK'j hrnF M 'Jt-KiiilF, iicici-ibl kci 1 ill,- f Tlh
t'l. it 1 he de'endr. 1 tutu 11 Ihim v ucko a i 111 one
halii; . -i t .NucWoils on ihe lir-t ttnyot J 11 ir. A
is-.; Mold ' Mietjui- 1- V'i..te and Omitd
hiii-i lion I';-' n 1 1 v 1 1 ;. I -:. i- it - wii :
Lot li ve i.i l:iot k no, tbirt..-toatr Z-) in
l'la iMiioutii. t-H coui t . . Ncim A. Tt.iit iho
faint-w i" luliy paid I r 1 ut tii liie-one un ili
vi. n t ban wa 11. ,t .-c-tied to mi5-I p-rtnr, thct
on day ihe ! tV tii e 11 o l Wa t-rul 111 took
in Mc-siim oi the ..m.c atul hi-1 t M' f
-...ib day ie Jaauir A ii Ii levii ! upon ty
t-.c tlclcndant, J. V. Jo'a;- n, a hhtiiil. ft
the jirnpi riy tf Co!uc.."oiis Ni -Wol siud p;ain
t iff i,i.-it. thiir a m-iTietuit ir.iut-lioii mt-V bo
f.r..iit: against I h fi liieci.d.. iit.s. m ei:htrof
lii ai. prorubiid them I row i-e'lil.B 'lie faid
l-royerly; Pioi that thi St 1 I P .Nuck
olls, win. now boldj liio li title, 11 -ay be de
creed a trustee for, un I .; ti r -1 it. 110. bra d-d
of aaid it- iiiiscj to the plaintiff, h'tnelir.e
HockwO'id: :ii.d the mid oiuiolu' iu in ii
an I M- plien I'. Mm kolid aro notiSei thai tney
nte rciiuired to appear and .niv. er said p' -tun n
on r oetore the L'-'n l tty i t Ap il, A. ii. is72,.
or the peUtivin will be tak-n as true.
By Maeqcktt, Smith A" ti-ihiuaa,
her Attorn ys.
Dated March 13. A. D. 1372. airl iwt.
-V'-i '-" .-''-"- v-& 'A
M , 'I,