Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 07, 1872, Image 3

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p. ft. & St. Jon R. R. Snnth
C. H. A St. Joe R. R. NortJ.
B. A M. R. R. Kast.
B. A Xl.R.R. West.
Oroahaby Rail-
Weeping Water,
10 p m. 10.30 p w
10 p. in. 10.30 pm
10 pm. 10-30 pm
9am. 4 pm.
10 pm 10 m
12 a in. 12 am.
9 p in. 8 pm.
Deoarts Jodays, Yednesdavs and Friday.
Ottiee hours, trom 8 a ui to 7 p m. 12 to 1 p rw MARsnALU p.
WilJ geese are tuakire their appear
ance ia large numbers, journeying to the
Hickelwait & Co. have jut their ferry
is good rurminj!: order, and are prepared
la cross all the immigrant1 who seek
Itomes in Ntbraska.
Ve learn hat a little daughter of Mr.
Altheman, who resides near Greenwood,
in this couaty, was burned to death laat
The lower House of the Iowa legisla
ture has pasei a bill fixing the leal
weistht of a bushel of corn on the eob at
OS pounds instead of 70 allowed hereto
fore. Immigration kas already commenced
to Nebraska, and our ferry daily crosses
euuaberi of wagons with settlers for our
State. Never bef. re has the number
been so large this early ia the season.
On Monday the B. & M. crossed
everal car leads of cattle, to be shipped
East. This popular route will soou mo
nopolize a heavy portion of this class of
We had the pleasure of a call on Sat
urday last, from Dr. I Wayne Snowden,
General Agent of th American Sunday
8chool Union, for the State of Nebraska.
The Dr. was on his way to attend a
meeting of the Leavenworth Presbytery
cf the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
which meets near Brownville.
Farmers needing Agricultural Imple
ncnts would do well to call on F. J.
Metteer at his agricultural rooms on
Main street. 1
M. L. Thorn aa, of Red Cloud, Web
. ster county, paid the Herald panetum a
visit on Monday. He speaks of the Re
publican country ia plowing terms. He
leaves for there in a few days.
The Pittsbvtgh Commercial saya that
Senator Cameron is a candidate for Vice
President, and that hi friends intend to
give him the united rote of the Penn
sylvania delegation.
An Eastern paper Fays that Dr. Liv
ingstone traveling diy and nicht to
keep away from the New York IJtrald
correspondent, and that is the reason
why he cannot be found.
The Burlington Gazette (democratic)
favors the propo.-ition that all the
elements opposed to Grant unite on Da
vis and Parker, the- candidates of the
Labor Reformers.
Cspt. H. E. 1'almcr, who has just re
turned .from atrip to St. Louis, rays that
there was good sleighing there cq Thurs
day last.
Gen. Brown, the Republican nominee
for governor of Indiana, has promised
250 speeches during the campaign.
Maj. D. IT. Wheeler returned from
Washington, Sunday morning, where he
"be has been as a delegate to the Agri
cultural Convention.
IT. Newman, the gentlemanly mana
ger of the Elephant Clothing Huase,
goes East next week after goods. This
hou.o keeps one of the largest stocks of
goods in the west, and what is import
ant to their customers, they tell them
low down.
An inhuman being of Dubuque turned
a widow, with six children, one of them
sick, into he streets the other night, for
non-payment of rent. The family
wandered about till midnight, when they
were given shelter by some neighbors.
That man did r.ot believe in the Golden
At the religious revival exercises at
the M. E. Church, which have been in
progress for the past eight or nine weeks,
we notice, with pleasure, that the vari
ous religious denominations Lave taken
an active part. Sectarianism seems to
not be thought of only an earnest de
sire being manifested for the salvation
of souls. Lot the good work go on.
Oar genial friend, Paul Hill, has been
stopping in the city for a few days past.
He reports the water very high in the
Platte, at Kearney, compelling a tem
porary suspension of work cn the R. R.
Bridge. The contractors have made
considerable progress toward the com
pletion of this work, and it will now be
but a short time before we will be
brought into direct connection with the
reople of that section, and a junction
farmed with the U. P.
J. W. Barnes returned home from a
visit to Illinois and Indiana, on Thursday
last. Mr. Barnes went east for the pur
pose of securing emigration to Nabraska,
anl reports favorably. He states that
many in the sectioat he visited are mak
preparation to come here in the spring,
and many more will follow as soon as
they can dispose of their property there.
Money in that section of country is
scarce and times dull. He says Piatls
xnouth ii as lively as any town he visited
while gone.
The river cleared of ice on Thursday
aretiug last, and the Transfer aad Fer
ry boats have been making regular trips
siace. There was a large amount of
freight on the other side, which the R.
B Company are now bringing over at a
rapid rate. From this time on there
will be bo trouble about transferring
A woo-Jchippcr in Fremont county,
Iowa, put strychnine iustcad of quinine
in his whisky. lie was pat in his little
bed 2x6, to rest till the last truuip shall
- Iler.ry Clay Te in ia out for David Pa
vis, the Labor Reform candidate for
President. That is tough on Davi.
Hie Japanese llmb-sy gave t5.(X0
to Mayor Medillfr the benefit of Chica
go sufferers by fire.
Fmrn persons in different parts of the
county, we learn that winter wheat looks
bad. Others express the belief that it
is not injured seriously, and that the
crop will be fair. We would be glad to
hear from our farmer friends on this sub
ject. Reports received from Saline coonfy
stste that the water in pome of the
streams of that see'ion has been higher
than has been known for years. We
understand that twe dams were washed
out on Turkey creek, and much damage
TL Newman requests tho?e who are
indebted to Elephant Clothing Store to
come forward and settle, as he desires to
leave for the East next week. 1 i
The Saline County Putt says that "a
mass meeting wa held" in Crete on Wed
nesday last, at which a committee was
appointed to confer with th officers of
tho Atchison Si Nebraska Railroad in
reference to changing the proposed route
of their road and buildtog it via Crete.
A large number were present and
hopeful spirit prevailed.
Tho Lincoln Journal says "that the
people of the central and northwe tern
part of Seward county are determined
to have the Midland Pacific Railroad,
notwithstanding the late defeat of
bonds in that county. They are
talking of clubbing together in that part
of the county, where the majority are
favorable to the road, and voting pre
cinct bonds sufficient to securo the road
to Seward Center this season.
Last Sunday morning, as Mr. Saml.
Richardson, of Eight Mile Grove, one of
our well known and tuofl respected citi
zens, was mounting a horM for the pur
pose of goinjr to church, the Jjjorse
reared, end throwing Mr. R. fall upon
him, fracturing both bones of the right
leg a short distance below the knee.
This serious accident is- tuost unfortu
nate at this season, just when our far
mers are preparing for spring work, and
we assure Mr. R. that he has the sym
pathy of his numerous friends, and earn
est prayers for his speedy recovery.
A protracted meeting commenced at
the Baptist Church in this place on
Wednesday evening la-t, and will con
tinue through this week- and perhaps
longer. Rev. Mr. Arnold will be assit-t-ei
in these meetings by e'd t Webb,
General Agent of the Baptist Church in
the west, and others.
The Baptist n usa cf Worship wil
be dedicated on next Sabbath, at 11
o'clock. The Rev G. J. Johnson, of St.
Louis will preach the Dedication sermon.
Other ministers from abroad are expect
ed. The citizens of Plattfuiouth and
vicinity are cordially invited.
Hon. LI. W. Somerladd, has gone to
Washington, and his friends think he
will be reinstated in the Lincoln Land
OSce. Some sort of charge have been
preferred against him, which it is
thoueht can he explained to the tatis
faotion of all concerned.
A son. of Mrs. Cornine, living at Eight
Mile Grove, was badly hurt by being
kicked by ahorse, on Saturday last. He
was riding, and jumped off for the purpose
of stoppinsr the horse, when he turned
and kicked him in the face, breaking the
lower law, making it necessary to re
move all the front teeth. Dr. Sehild
knecht was called in aad dressed the
Capt. II. E. Palmer has been ap
pointed special agent and adjuster of the
Home Insurance Co. of New York, for
the States of Missouri, Kansas and Ne
braska. This is a deserved compliment
to Capt. Palmer, and speaks well for his
popularity among insurance men.
We, this week, set a part a column of
the Herald for the especial benefit of
the members of the Masonic craft, wh:cli
we will endeavor to keep fi led, from
week to week, with such matter as we
may think, in pur best judgment, will be
of direct interest to the Brotherhood.
We shall try, in making selections for
this column, to consult the views of the
best Masoaic authors on the subjects
treated, and it will be understood that
when we insert articles from other pa
pers, touching the laws, usages, andctis
towns governing the fraternity, without
dissenting from the positions assumed
therein, we endorse them. It will be
our earnest effort te make this column
both interesting and instructive trust
ing that our efforts in this direction may
meet, with the encouragement and ap
proval of the craft.
We paid a visit a few days since to the
Pork Packing establishments of Messrs.
Clark, Plummcr & Amuon, Mr. E. G.
Dovey, and Messrs. Guthman & Huber
ty, who have been eugaeed heavily dur
ing the past winter in the packiug busi
ness. These houses have on hand a
very large amount of meat, whih they
are prepared to furnish to customers at
low-down prices cheaper than they can
buy elsewhere 8nd transport here. We
would be glad to see a market made for
this meat here instead of shipping it
away, and we believe that these parties
can make it to the interest of the mer
chants who have meats to buy, to pur
chase of them. If we would prosper
as a city we must patronize our own
houses and encourage in every manner
possible, home industries.
We understand that a little affair not
ery oreditable te a minister of the gos
pel, is exeiting the people of the south
ern part of tho wanty, just at PJetJJt.
A fatal accident, occasioned by the
cureless une cf fire-anus, occurred near
Weeping Water a few days since, where
by a son of Z. I. Qainton was in-tantly
killed. The facts are about as follows :
Mr. Quinton was aw.-iy from home, and,
during his ab-enati, his two o;is contlu
ded to amu-e themselves with an old re
volver which wai in the house. Finally,
proposing to an uncle of theirs, by the
Dime of Biosrn, that they go out and
shoot at a mark. He acceded to their
request, aud took down a rifle which he
supposed ha l no cap on. and resting it
over his arm drew buck the hammer for
the purpose of capping it. An old, cor
roded cap was already on the tube, and
by aome means the hammer slipped
from his urasp, causing the discharge of
the gun the contents entering the head
of the younger son just above the ear.
Below is the finding of the jury at the
State of Nebraska, )
CAStf County, j
At an inquisition, held at the house of
Z I Quinton, in Cass county, on the
24th day of F-brmry, A IX 1812, be
fore me, J. W. Thorn4, Coroner of sai'J
count-, upon the body of Edward S.
Quinton, there lying dead, the jurors,
whose names are hereunto subscribed,
do, now upon their oaths, hay that said
Kdward S. Quinton came to his death
ry a t all from a gun in he hands of
Israel Brown, said gun having beeu dis
charged by accident.
In testimony whereof, the said jurors
have hereunto set their hands tL day
and year above written.
Hj.n -d : David Shopman, Geo. W.
Shopman. lienjauiin Hetts, El ward
Trouble, Isaac Moore, Harvey Metheny,
Atte.t : J. W. Thomas,
Coroner Cass Co., Nebraska.
AT ! r.
Mr. Geo. Buck will soil Groceries etc.,
at cost for the next eight days. See no
tice in another column.
KANT t'il.1.
As I intend to start east by the 12th
of this month, I again call on those in.
debted to mo to come forward and settle
their accounts, as by so doing they will
save cost. Wm. Stapelman.
FOil 1!.T.
A dwelling house, with four rooms,
cellar, stable and parden Just east of
the residence of J. W. Barnes. In
quire of J. V. Weckbacb, at E:npire
Bakery. marwrf
roiMss' wir r :. xERPitisf:.
Endorsed by the editors of the Oiuaha
papers, and the leading men of the
west. Send for circulars. 117 gifts
valued at $30,000. Grand prize, houe
and lot in the most fashionable part of
Omaha, $19,000. Two other houses,
valued at $7,300. Smallest prize, $15
Drawing to take place" April loth. Tick
ets $3 each. Send in time. Address
G H. Collins, 235 Farnham street,
Omaha. mar7w5
Nl'NIXt TMlDt'.
Our merchants are beginning to ire
pare for the spring trade, and, antici
pnting a largely increased amount of business-,
are making their preparations to
correspond. We may reasonably expect
a great increase in the territory from
which our trade is drawn, an increase in
our local population, and more money in
ci-culation. Aitf-gether, the outlook for
the coming year is decidedly encourag
ing. We publish to-day a call for a State
Republican Convention to elect delegates
to the National Republican Convention
Thf apportionment is based on the vote
for 31 r- Taflv at the lat general election
As will be seen by the call, Cass county
is entitled to tea delegates, giving a
heavier Republican vote than any ot(cr
county except Douglas and Richardson
Let tho primaries be well attended and
goon men selected to reprcscot our
The Chicago Evening Journal, refer
ring editorially to the recent aileged dis
coveriesof gold in the Black Hills, says
it has received a letter from a citizen of
Dakota Territory, who is well informed
as regards the matter in the western
Territories, pronouncing the alleged dis
coveries a humbug, lie says there
probably no gold in the Black Hills, end
even if there was, the government treaty
with the Indians of that region is of
such a character that no white man can
legally take possession of the Hills, they
being reserved territory. The Journal
aids': "We give these statements as a
warning to the popta."
The Lmo'a Jmru tt that a party
e ri ... .i . , . ,
irmn i iui'i'ini,i imong mem, tnosj
enterpris irgf in 1 wholesou'e I n en, J. W
Carrohers and J. U. Kikenbary passed
through that city a -few days since cn
their way to the Republican river coun
try, where they have taken homesteads.
They are the true metal, and will prve
valuable acquisitions to that rapidly de
veloping region.
Whitcomb's Syrup for Diarrhea, Ac; in
children, whether induced by teethinsr
or other causes, is the safest and best
Tipton is a reratrkable Senator He it
58 years old, and hasled a quiet, indefa
tigable, clerical and ministerial life, and
he presents one of the few cssesin the
history of the country where a govern
in 'nt elerk has risen to distinction in the
higher legislative body.' He was tnany
yearsago, while an Ohio boy, a depart
ment cl-rk. Twenty-seven years ago he
was in the Legislature of Ohio. Louring
the war he was a chaplain.
The Missouri Legislature is now per
feet ing an act to prevent railroads from
discriminating in their freight tariff
aga:nst local traffic.
Last Saturday night good old St. Peter
carefully left the gates of Heaven ajar
and a little angel descended on a falling
star, alighting at the residence of our
friend Plummer. Eli says its a boy !
The latest novelty in town ia the Chi
cago "Court Housa Bell," for aale at
tboP. O.
ati a jaimumns j nmm mtjuAiwx
Tii-3 loliowiog i:auicd person-!
drawn to servo ab J.iror f.;r the terfci of;
the Dttr:ct Court for Ca.s cojLty, com
untieing April 8ib, 1.S72.
.GKASD JUitoua.
S II. TTobnn
John B i-kirk
J. U. Uo-au
J WaVtue
E'veue iSsge
Wm W'eut-acaraj)
W.n. Aluffer
Joshua iStroud
E C Coleman
Wu Win'ersteeH
Fred Kioulor
C Nichols
C II Kin?
Morgan Waybright
Edwin Dkvis, John Stafford,
A G Bowman,
J W Conn,
A G Barnes
W M Davis
Harvey Carper
Win I ytich
Gi E Pmnjer
.Samuel VVa'ueh
August Stoh'maa
Chris Merzjer
C H Win-low
Henry l.hi)hjfF
Thomas Mitchell
Euos Beu'er
FS Whi-e
Wm L Wells
F 1) Linville
Santo: d Spratlen
Fred Stull
V L U ise
F J Clement
W G Woodruff
Th" best tdace in town to buy fruits i
at the P. O. Fine Urge oranges or
lemons only 50 cents per dozen. wl
A. large stock of school books, slates,
Sec, just received at the P. O. Book
Store, and sold at publishers prices. 1
lurnovs of m .tHVMDr.T.
A Grange of the above order has been
organiz-d at Mt. Pleasant, Neb., with
C. H. Window as Master, L. G. Todd,
Overseer, E. Countryman, Treasurer, J.
MeClure, Secretary. We are glad to
see twjse Granges being organized in
our county, and would suggest that
Plattsmouth take immediate steps to or
ganize one here. This is the t ird or
ganization of the kind in the State.
Remember that the State Ag'l Society
have offered a special premium of $100,
to the county that properly plant the
most trees on Arbor Day, viz: April
lOih, 1S72, al-o a premium of a. $25 00
farm library to the per.-on who plants
the greatest number cf trees on that
day. td
Judge Mason rendered a dissenting
opinion at the list term of the Supreme
Court, on the subject of whether the
civil rights bill erases the word white
from our constitutional qualifications of
jurors. He argues that it is not a
'"right" to sit on a jury, but a '"duty"
or 'burden" imposed by the State, the
ssme asni!iitary duty, and that any cla.-
may be exempt without infringement of
their "rights" under any existing Lw-.
Judges Lake and Crouoi.e boll a contra
opinion. Persons desiring st-eds of Evergreens,
Forest trees, etc.
Also, Fruit trees
ore year old torist trees. Jjircu. and
Osage hedue plants, should send at once
(Vr a catalogue to
Geo. Lk IIouohton.
Glass Box 18 Omaha, Nb.
MUXLOAV. M UK It AY On Tus.l;.v Feb.
a w
27th 18T2 in Koek lilutTs Frecinct, Ciik County, j
AraiKii. by J-,1 er w. H. I ip.Ii.hd; Liiler
Thomas Muxlow ani MiiiSiSAH K. .Mtit.uY.
Ti.CKO X-i.r RorV B'.nflV, on March 1st.
1372. Mrs. M!icmt Y'ouno, apeil 75 jfaw.
'V P' Vlll W-ir-' f i 'v;S'-i'V''Vr'lVi'g!'a r-'
Notice Ail persons indebted to tho
nnd'-o-signe-j are requested to come fot
vtard find srttle immediately. All ac
counts leit unsettled at the expiration of
ten days from date will bo placed in the
hands of an officer for collection. Here-
alter ail tales will be strictly for cash.
W. F. Mokiuson A Co.
May 2d, 1871. may2dtf
Dissolution The co partnership
heretofore existing between the under
lined, under the style of Diced A Fal
lan, is this d ny dissolved by mutual con
ent, Vui. Dreed retaining the hotel and
assuming all liabilities of the firm, and
collecting ail dets due the hotel, and J.
A, Fallan collecting all other debts due
th lirm. Wm Rreid,
J. A. Fallax.
Removed. Richard Yivhn has re
moved his stock of Groceries to the
south side of Min street. He will oc
cupy the room horetofore known as
China Hall. IIh will keep a full stock
in his line, which be is prepared to sell
to his customers at living prices.
Feb. 24, dw4w.
Hereafter I will bo in Plattsmouth at
J. W. Shannon's Livery oHice, only on
Monday and Saturday. All other days
I ran be found at. the residence of .Mr.
Nick. Holmes, five miles west of here.
Thankful f.r the patronage given to me
in the past, I hope for the same in the
future. Dit. Frkd Otz,
feb.l7d&w2m Veterinary Surgeon.
Fresh Ovsters At Sehutt's City
Re.-taurant, in any style desired. Fami
lies can be supp.ied thy first and last of
every week. sepSdtf
See advertisement of Dr. Dutts' Dis
pensary, headed P.ook for the Million
Man i.'ge Guide in another column. It
should be read by all. decldiwlv
A healthy liver secretes oar-li
about two and a half pounds of hi!...
wtucn contains a jcreat amount of wi s.te
material taiten trotu tlie UIockJ. When li.e
liver beconien torpi i or contested it fail
to Eliminate this vast amount ..f imTmm
-ii - t.iTT-- iv men. rnor,.iim rr...,...j
v. . .. i - 1 -
t n'o'n 1.1. J .. I ' t
t v Diu. itc u.j m auj ui crinvpj eu to v y
i-jii i i ne. system, n nar tnu-t r(t rh.
condition of the blood whn it is re
ceiving inl a i it mo and
a half pounds ef poison? Nature tries to
work olfthW poison through other chan
nels an I organs the kiJnovH
skin, etc.; but these oreann h
taxJ in prefirtnin? this labor, in ad
dition to their natural functions h
cannot lon withstand the pressure, but
J he train, which i the ereat elertricfil
centre of all vitaiitr. is unci
by the unhMnlthr blood wKi. h roartJ
.w .t-TU me uvnn, anu it rails to pre'orm
its oft ice healthfully. Hence the sym
toms ot bile pnisoninr, which are du!l
nesc headache, incapacity to keep the
mind on any subject, impairment of
memory, d zzy, sleepy, or nervous f.-el-ines,
gloomy forebodings and irritabilitv
of temper. The blond it he'wg dis
eased as it forms the sweat upon the sur
tvm of the nkirj. ir j3 9 irratFg Md i
Il 4 . I. . 1 . i 1 " . -,
:cs liscj'ord brown !
jin;i ui one Mtvl o: ivir orup-
tint's, fc.-re, I'O.i.-. o ii bM.rios an
'' .is tauiorr. Tbe sa ;ii ;.:, !.
d i
orh tr orjriM ;-.i!j-r of, amot e-v:rt
becoming i-ffrcttd soom-r or Isti r, j.n-1
ootiven-s, pi'e, dropsy, dyspep-ia.
diarrhea, fViaale WAs'tns r.i,,i jaany
Othr funis of chronic di-'-ae, re
a motif the ruv:es"ry re.ulti. A a
remedy for all these vurbu
tb.'i of bs-n-, !i Pi r!.s G .! !!
Mt d i a'. Pi-covfci is positively un?qiMh'd
By it the iiver and t: tuach are chined
toan active, healthy -t te, the ;;tin
regulated aiid rrforsd, the blood ai.d
secretions thorouh'y purified an 1 eii
richfd. and the whole Msfem renovafd
and built up anew. Sold by all rt--class
Calomel at a di-ri nnt. DEance to
Soith'Tn Fevers. Good dietinn h to
be secured by using Sliiuoos Liver Rrg
As it is something th will infere-t you.
I have on hand I his spring. he liiiL'f:-t
stock of Harness ever mannfsciured in
this City, and will .ell low for Cah
C tli and examine uiv stoek before you
purchase, as I warrant all my work. I
ne nothing but the bet Pti;uyb aula
Oak Tanned Leather-
Di7w3. M. B. Mcrpuy.
Ct-nstNo Out at Cisr, Fhk (ash
Mr G. Buck, Jr., will self, until the 15;h
of Mareh, his birire stock of Groeeries,
Wooden and Willow Ware, Ac. Ac, at
cost, at wh eh time be proposes to close
business in Platt-mouth, preparatory to
ranvinir West. Now is your chance to
get bargains in Groceries
G. Buck. Jr.
Plattsmouth, March 5th, '72. wl
Money to Loan ! I
Three years time given !
Heal Instate Security I
Improved farms preferred I
No terms more favorably than the
'Union Muttitl L'fo In i r-UK-e Couipatiy
of Maine.' If you want Life Insuiauce
onlj, patronize a company lhat Ie:.ves its
money in the country. If you want Loth
Insurance and a b an, apply at ouce. A
Life Policy wid protect the farm ia n tgas:
ed as security, in easj of ditth of tho
Insured, by discharging the loan, and
b'avine a targe surplus for I he family.
This wie arrangement is for thestcuiity
of the borrower.
No Prudent man will aiortgage the
home of his family without piOTidbig
for the payment of the uiurtjaire iu case
ol'fiis death.
A L'fe P.ilicy in the Company loaning
liiiu the n.oney, perfectly provides tr
this contiiigeney. In cai-e the borrower
lives" he can probably meet his loan; and
in case ho dios wifh a L fe Policy, it i ;
paid off by the money due the family
I from the policy.
Grietal Anetiis for iStt.iaska.
OfSco, 133 Main St., over Oioi county
National iiank, Nebra-ka City,
in 7 1 in
TO THE WORKING CI.AS."s. tVe are ih.w
prepared t-i tarnish nil with cun t.uit
employment at home, the wln.te ot the t imp or
forTha swiro UKiuieuts. Ilusinos-'. new. light
nuil profittiniq. IVrsins ofeithrr sex c m C:i.-ii
turn t'roiu h.ty cents to rive dollars per evenirit
nd a porpoti"rjal sum by devoting their whole
tidie t. the busiues. iIoy an-l triris enrn rif.irl
as uu.:h :is men. 1 ha tit i L-ih.' thi- notic
mav send their uddrc- Hid test th liuiitos
we iiihUo th'auparulleie 1 .li".-r. To such us art
n t TreM sutistied, we w une dfilior to pu"
tor the trouble ot writii. c Fuit o.trli.-uiarv. a
V.iluaii'c s:iiiipl vrlneb w:il o to ecmiui-nee
w rk on. and u ei'p, ii 'J'ke ';;' ' omimni;))
one 1' the larjr.-ut. amLtest lioi il peipiiper..
publlsdied all i nt tree by mail. Kradcr, O
jou want p.;rmui::tut jiro'JuiLlo -.vurli.
Auni Mwin
pm toi wrbittit:r
017 St. Chaiit's Street.
Fonsrer l-.ciitcd in St T.oui than a-y Chron f
ie I'liyiciii'-, o ufi:ess'iilly tr-nt Simt!ej
ind d ii. plicated Vemreil Diefe a. to Initio j
Ip itionf" oom ei-ery St ite. Hi! liopi l i.p-S
pmiiiit!ts. it Iif .inie e.-er!vr:i'. with par-J
es' uruvs prepare.I in Hit? e-t. In i-!im t. c ;ir Hi?
tiisei" civ.n up lv others, mi tn it:cr who t.iil I
I r i ... i . . . . -
en ; it ii ). r pnvii'e irouoies. on.-JUitaru'li j
tren. Send two i(r:iiio ;..r ineili.. .1 i--nTe
Ha.mioiid. Wo)ieHiwi. senr r
umil. 15 cp. ia . iieS. both for 2- cts. lijO pages.
All th:u the curiuua, -lonlit ul or liiqui it v
wish o knn all h 'o-h Si'lf-pollutiou I'reve
tion. Mnrria.e Kvery youta man ar.d w
tu:m ouuht to read it u a wurnin The n
vims d hi itated partially impot.-nt
seioDti 'cally udri-icd. decJl k
Melalic Burial Cases.
1 -f
"Ready Mada, and Sold Cheap for Cash.
tTith mnny thanks for past pntronajru. ilo
ife all to call and examine my l.trgo Kto.-k
niture and CoQins
,100,000 FEET !
The undersigned hag on baud n large qastity o
on 5hort notice,
and for any cize or cnetg
Rafters, Studdmgs, Joists
cac he had oa short niti?9. 0. 1I3C5BL
iito nit (.,
CARPENTER?? Jfirvrrs-j.. -
to do work in good style, on ehort- notio . ar.
a cheap aa the cheapest. 3kop. corner
.uuiti a. r- i,ii. atresia. awsdldtx
C. HKlShl- Prr,nritor. II ir; n ir ratonnttT ll
repaired and placed in thorough runnint &rd
tasa?jj of Wbjmt waul iiu:noai4ii
i p ' iio" th-it it prod
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoe,
in Street- Second Door East of the Court Urusa
liRAXCU liOL'SE Broadway, Ccccnoi! fcluCi Iowa.
grpRepairing neatly
Main Strcoi, PiatLmouth, Web.
FALL TEUft FOf? 1371.
Coaimeuces October 1 1871.
Chicago Avcoac, Cass county Net.raska-
Prof. Adolpiie d'Allcmar.d, Proprietor
and i r;ii-;ipal, As.-isted by able
'i'IIIS Academy ia now in nucces?rr.l oppcra
1 tion, and oitera at uu.-dcr.:lc term the ufual
.uvaiit.iifes of ii
First-Ciass Sclicsl. .
'he'conre of study cnjhr.ices every brunch
t of :i thoro Jifh b'.v.g' i.-'D ediicHtion. toKt-luer
crcir the lui.dorn lm nuacs. ma.-iu soid ilrumij
ir'tpnl.cuiar and reltreaoe adare.-s th I'riie:!
wh luhli.lf
rl 1TF1 TT th V..iil:i. ..t U..O.IV
I M::razine b t with Janui V
7' It ii
edite.t ' y Ijaii Hata Hon. S. . Wood, and H.
V. ihri:e. nnd iin.liid.-M nuinrifr its r. lar
erintriluitorR Home H'ci-li'v. tlail llai.iltn.-,
Tho. K tJetch-r; l)r D o lri, Or. V. W.
U.ill. Jiiim-a Pa urn. etc. Harriet L'eeoher
Stowe. J;,i-k i'..niTio. John i s.ixe. M ij.
Oen"i K lpairi. k. I' tr deion V. N bv eto ,
wri'e tor if e. a iona'ly. Te ih.-i. ne Ilo'Iar a
yeir 1 n elubhin.', three n-si-cla-5 p-ri-.dL' n
uro given 'or the p-'ce of one of th -tn. The
iii.i't lij.eral I'reu.ima Lirt ever p ll:!ied Xo
erio i.:al more tVe (ueMly or f tvera'd v inetj-tion-
d v f. e prr.-.
" Wood'. liou-rho'tl Mnjnzino i ..f the
ii'O'iumeiits ot ln- in e:itc or-jn; whi,-' I'inr'-.
tLa age." Mcti-o ii-t Home Jo-ir:t il. I'uila iul
pni ;. I "a.
"'I ha--- Keen improved ev r !,i-i- v ' V- ew i
. ii enter'. i i r lu; ire." t'rur-t-r
N. w- Ma k. t l';j'!i!:i.
"I l-a m:rv e1 ' chepte-M .nvl Crt-c as
quality eouiln' e 1." A'-"- 1 ri.- Tlmr.
S.'UuuiCt. copy sent ire- t i y a i ii .
s. a. 1 iou .v co.
.e.vtiuixii, y.
Northwe-t Corner Third and Ceafra
Avenues, Cincinnati, Ohio, '
Amount Insured, $6,G00,C00
John M. Phillips, Ptetulent.
Jno. P. P. Peek, Vice-Pendent
N. W. I J arris. ,Scere'arv.
E. P. Marshall. A it ii'tant Secretary.
Jokn Davit, M. D., AVm.B. Davw, II
lledioal xaminri.
R . S. Kut. D n. Cor. i-eo. rreodmen's Aid So
ciety, t'incinnuti.
Jomh: Lnrkin, l.arkin. Wright A Co Batikern,
X. TV. rr. See etary Union Central Life
Inrurnico iiupan'-.
Juhn ( bchnwr, Liirkin, Wright it Co., Ban
kers, Cincinnati.
H'trrty l)r ump. Larkin, Wr'g-ht A Co-, Baa
kcr. Cincinnati.
Jhn Davit, M . Xo 303 Ehn street Cin.
Mm Ii Uuti-.M D. No 31a tl:n ftreet. Cin.
John P. r- I'erlc. Vi c-Presideut of Union
'eritr::l Li.'e Insurance Co.
Phil'ipm thitihcx. llauiikon, uhio
l-r:iet Willi.ttu; Attorney nt I.siw, Hamilton O.
fetrr Mnrjihv. tii-tnilton, Ohio
.' v J I, 'h-iijtint. Ciaeinnnti. J:iio
John M I hit Tresident ot Central Life In
surance tVinpsny
Lee Y- tiidette. Gen a irent For Nebraska
J 1! PkkssoS. Local Ajrr.t
It It Livtxi;sTox, Aledioiil Examinor
r.c-77 York OSce, 27 EIESIlS ST.
l&. Trees! f,-,;-- Plants! ft
Apple and Crab, Uoulgr fit, best sort5
l'J.tltl. (V)
Penr. H 1. Ex-ra, 1 yr., Bartlett. Ac. 3 to
4 ft., doz.. itij)
y'te t-. IVji.-h.bii.. SC: Apple. Onpe new.l.n.; l! .
r.tu oi, hi'.e Pene'i ii!w. Karl v Itose ;'i,i
.w.yi ff.Soiti:ipl .l -eh. s"i; Jij,,,-. - j
I.lasir eH.alulygue.lJOpaie,Jttw ric
L nt. j(jL.
. iK.P! OENIX. B.oominston, IlUa
jan IS. wSw
rWILL furnish parties with stone for buildioir
purposes nt reasonable rate-.. u.t niy qu .rrvor
rtchTer on the cirs at Loaisville elation- The
f..ljo.Ti a- kindrfran be ha 1 on fhoit notice, sill.
ftp, perch rock, hce or rod sand utoce f ucli as
waJaSta-,-;iheB.JfcM K.R.ia th enaairae:
'oeir Ftone work. All reponaible
orders proiaptlr filled Ad.'.rcs 1
f - A- Hi-viVKIt
- '3f
JT". - - -
f i H. --M
K Ac- Ae- X s
rialtsmoutb, Nebraska
cons by P. KAXVELL,
"A Teuny Sawd is a Penny Exr4."
And if you dtgsire to
Am well as Puund e to
To Buy Yoar
M e Kvc ! rr.t H D. Fo. sr.d now .
e rr lh. new r nre room luir iionr north
tho Pintte alley Hi. i;ne, where wnhnvcjuvt
ri'.'eiv.-d .in flddiiimul urp.y of Oro.;t rie mt,
I r.M-iioiis. wiiinii e iii t '.i vry low fer eaia
At! k-n U ii country produce taken in ex iiauaa
far jf'-'ds.
m. -d- -mm m M , 1
! I
Trim mod
free of
Also Dealer In
8agazine3, and
Latest Publications.
Pi wcripticn carefully compounded by anra
peritticed iirustcist.
ltemember the plnce, threetloors west of tbt
lltrald oEce; Plaitbtaoath. Nebraska.
V rt
. .----
-i . ir ii
Ti-'si'-A- y. y i. fix:
U'Ll tie f;und at hi oi I atand on Main Pt.
II where he will he pie e 1 tones his for
mer civtoineii and lricnds.
"I e hag a lan,"! 1 -ood a'vortucLt of firm
11 ui.ichinei-y -u.-b as the
Tai:divcr, aud U-lice Cora Plautiri.
Stulleandhrcaktnjplowi. iron and wooden
'j"b Kajle acd Orchard City Cultivator,
bo Jlars'a liiding Cultirator,
Milh-irn Wjijoris.rhanipion Reaper A Mowe
-.!! j i hrauer, JiO
M.ii;i Strcat. Plntt'moath. Neb.
L. S IK At R, Traveling Aent.
Lo k to Vour Chiiilren.
rJ he Great i3. milting Ilemcdy.
MRS. Cures colic and ftrirdno- in) Pria
Wiiiocn.b'k the toa't-!, and f . iinte?" '
Syrup. -Ike T-tovesa of teet!ir.K. Xen'a
iv'Mb. ; tab 'ueu c.-bvnl.-i..ii4 and. Price
Whitembi al 1 Iise;b..Ta iuci- 2oi
Syrup. idea; t uif.inU and ehi.dr- n. CentJ.
MSS. . Curia Uiarrha-i lJeuto- fr'rice
'hitcem'o nr nnd suicrnercjinplaiut a3
Syrup. children of all ages.
It ia the rreht Infan'o and Childrcn'enSooth
ina llemedy. in ali uir.ler brougat on by
teething or any other caue.
Prepiwcd by tlie tlrafton Medicine Co:, St.
Lou in Ma.
f-old ty draesirts aad dealen ia Me
cr hi-r , tffd
evv3 '
CM . .t h -T-,--r srrr. T? f
It t n t'oinpiotA Hucrcua! Knvea Nmf
'Vlmo unil Dic'cen, uml the iaUlauia .
I" W uiilns Hay.
ihav thf Wanheraud jrou lririrei aruIlLog Wife. It
la ttiK beet Mi tiiixiovx' Inirenieil.
1 a prfe. lor Va!ier a a wrlniTr W Tor a)
wringnr. Tli onleil i-.tiniony m: " Tlila Wm-lilr.e
in pi t'ert In roncepHon, ami lm set-nred tlitKt.AT
fAT IKS-ilHI.K MIK! f Of WAsllISC St lit-At 8
in lh l.KASf IMSSIHLK (M PASS, and I Compact.
J.i vlit, S-Llly lliiu l.-, an, I I'm it in to I. now UmI IC
w.ll ilo tiin k with Ku, lcuiiotjy ar- 1 Kflirtem jr."
T'xMe who once sew Marlilue work, thro aairfe
the liimbeiiiiK, unwl. l lv, uwless luachiun vhlcli
lire S'nn!!y (:til l to ni .-r.n.tilicli ih olii- t rromiaad
lo proiiiiiieut nnd loml coiin iuia RdveniM-nM-uia.
'I ho pric- Hiiotlior iniluce.neiit to pun:liHm-n rma
ten pUre'l in low tlmt it in within tlie fucli ol eiy
lioum-keetv . un-i tlxr- in no itrtK'lc of Joiiint a- -oi"
v liili ill repiy tiis a mat I lntntmn.'. no oii.
97. 0 in a I that w nnVn fur Rreiit Ifllwr-wiver.
Ai.'tii UHii'e, every wliere. A UliarM illmomit te
Avrnts huJ tUs tricle. For taim ail. I e. llio Muu
Ltciumia .AII'.IN liiW cif '..
S9 S-. lauul Sit., I'Uicaso, 1Uiu14
m ti
OM Re'inHa and TcpulaT Tkrcafa1
l-IpiOl llcut,
JVo Change of Carj
Firm Saint Louis ts Mew YorK
xo oTsca rti.- cir.v cistsum ci7ii.
Elegant Day Coaches I
Piilinian's Calico Sleepers!
IVillero Safuty PL.tforml
Patent steam Brake!
An r'qi'iif.Miciit ur.r lua'cd by any other
Line in the Wisi.
- 'if-'
vaiujiLi Ata actiAJav
la receirinB1 and saon huad at ttM
eld stand cf WLiUA Butteryt)
?outn side Main Street, Ttntbruoot K. JUS-
Mos-t Complete
8tek of Vrar. Mcdietn. Piinf. O rmtintl
Lend. Vnrnisb. ccl i;i. Fih "d. tcMn
Cil. Oni-s'ini Ojl. r;,.'Ar Oil. rcr-tifoo
Oil. v-'hrl Oil. Ti"c l Oil La'4
Oil. Irniil Oil. Cod Liver' il.
arid n lr.rrc vriety
tioa. Perfttmery Vamrr
wl oile Artist
Enc, ri
ericc x,r
Javoe'a Uoa'f
Aye , t-eovillo'a
ITnira Chrinlie'a il.r
Lain'n. lor-e', Bak'.'r't
Vit.:ir'i, .Wrirht'a, Wake
field. tJuvr.ittV. Ptrrv Llvia'
i Itoback . l'.-titt'a. ilr- Wii!..i
Ir. U incn-Hg Jj'.-atettt-r'f, lr?kc'
Walliiee'x. V ot'a aud oi the popnlar
Patent Medieini:! in uj-e at the present dayi
Branilles Wines and Vhiskie
Of t'ae Eest tirades and qanlkied, ttriolly fer
Bed or Roe. fJreen. I51u, Black. Annlino. Ia.
digo. Madder, Kxtract Logwood, Irj
Woods. Ac. In f:ict, ever) thing
that is nenJe ) in tho drag
or Medicul hue.
Phisicians' Perscripticns
Carelully u. pounded and put np at ail bear
All DiutfS w;,. rented fre-b and pure. Call be
tors buying, ud 1 fee what I have to tail.
Plattsiusuth, Feb. 34.1i.diwif.
National Business Index.
Tba above i the title of a new monthly rtpet
devoitjd to businf-'s ;t;erer-ti ot a national or
gcnernl c'.nr-i' tcr. tor the edification and
bn fi o! intelligent people nihil vdrtn, it un
ter'ai1 c .view an l review p. sijn evanU
Ir. tu a s !it.".ndpd:it. Faat of a boi-nct:-j
nature r.-hitinir f. cnp'tV. labor. i-ricnl-ture,
coioficree uinnuf.cturei. e-iura ion. rli
Bion. literature, pi. litit-.. every .ubject com
m.indiiiK rei efal ait.-niio... are brouit togeth
er and urrHiigtd in a ters. pointed, ou.-iueje-I'ke
manner. Strict aecurrney mconeci"ntioui
ly sought after Ciindi.l. iu.partial. viarout
Comment anil criticinn by able writer will b4
an iuip;rt feature. A kl.'.nm corresp ndeDtUI
denircd in eveiy county lu the I niied htatea
where not lre.-!Oy ebyugril. Question of 9
bni ni character from reader rc--eive epeciat
attention. Tei m : t W) a year; 1 )eenfa a ooi ;
Jh- Index Cu. i'alluu?r, 4rJ W. JaW.ea
JJemm, Vxl. C-w V