Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 07, 1872, Image 1

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OQce corner M&ia and Second ilreeU, seo
bttd story.
TERMS: Weekly. J2.00 per tnnaa If paid 1b
J2.50 if not paid in adTance.
CHRTdTTAW Servic. in Court House Hall -Q
S. Muilig, local preacher. Lldert, Isaao Wilw
and T. J. Todd.
KnsnorAl, Corner Vir and Thtrd streets
fcev. II. C. Shaw Sriees every Sunday
at 11:01) a. m. and 7 p. in. tSunUy School
3 p. m.. Trof. d'Allemand, Snpt.
Cowc.rmjittokai Corner Locnst and Eighth
t. Her. B. F Manwcll. residen.e Loru?t e be
treen 4ta and 5th Bts Services every pabbnth at
1 1 a. in: an i 6;HU p. iu. Sabbath School at 1:
I) p. in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday
Catuocic North 4e of PubUe Scjaare B . er
Father liyen. t irst Mass every Sabbata at 8.30
a. m., fceoond Mass and Sermon at 10:30 a. n.,
Ve-per and Benedictiim at 3:o0 p. in. Jrlaaa
t 8 a. in. every week day.
Fixst Prmbytbsiaic Iscrth sideof Main St.
st of Sixth Kev. 1. W. Cameron; Services
verycabbath at 11 a. m. and:) P- m. fcab
th School at 9:30 a- m.. Thos PoIIook fcuperin
kO'lcnt. Prayer meeting every W dnesday
reoing at C.30 o'clock.
Mbthodipt Epirwpal Wet sid- of Sixth
ttreet. touth if Main Re r. J. II. Prison.
fervices everv babbath at 130 a. m. and I p. n.
rayer meeting- every Thursday evenin. V'
Meetings every Monday evening and immediate
ly after clcwe cf Sabbath morning tervice
Sabbath School at 2:30
Son den 24 September hat die Deutsche
Ev. Lu'h. Utnein ls in ihretn Sthnlhana vor
mittaa's nm 11 Uhr ilottexJienst. Ltberhaapt
f.ndet derolbe von jrtzt an reeetmaewiir alleU
Tagesuit. Miaieter Kev. L Uannawald.
Jojt Directory
I.O. O. F. Regular meetings of Platte Lodge,
Kn.7, l.U. U. P. evi-ry evening, at
Odd Fellows tiull. Tiancieut Brothers are cor
iially invited to visit.
A-d'ALLgMAitf. Seo.
I.O. O. F. riattsmouth Encampment No. 3.
Regular Convocations tho 2nd and 4th i ri Jay
ef e-i'-h month at Odd Fellows liail cor. 31 und
Vain hi. Transient Patriarchs cordially invi:eU
tiU. 1. U- WilKUKK-Cl'.
H. J. tTBiicar. Ecrice
MtsoKio Pi tTT?xorTH Lod( No. 6 A. V
Jt A. Jl. Ker.iar meetings at their ha.l on tin
f rat and third Monday evei.mtrsof each month
Transient brethern invited to visit.
A. d'ALi.MAp. Seo.
Macot Lopok No. 22 A. F. & A. M. Kegulsj
Meetiujs at Macoy Hall, first and third Fri
J t . 13 hi t . -M..
J. M. Ebabdblbt. Sec.
KaBRAfiKA Chaj-tkr No. 3 K. A. , M . Regul
(invocations second and fourrti Tuesday eve 7SSH.P.
H. Nbwmait. Sec.
I. O. G-T.-Ul.ivK Brasch. No.2--W P Ferree
pek Bodge Deputy. Meets at Clark Fhinmcr s
hill sv.iry Tucad iy evening. Traveling iemplars
esrectfuHv invited.
professional arts.
RR. LIVINGSTON. Physician and, Pur-
peon, tenv?rs bi professional services to
the citisens of C bpscoi ntv. Residence souths ist
eornerof Oak and Sixth 'Teets: office on Man, one door wet of Lyman'i" Lumber i ard
Platumouth. Neb.
W. KAWLIN3. Sura-eon and Physicians
T.nta a hi:ree n-in Chief cf the Army of
the Potomac, Piattrar.oth. Nebraska. Office
at O. F. Johnson's Brag Store Alain 6trcet,
opposite Clark A Plumaiers.
torneys at Law. Practice in all the curts
of tha tate. Special attention given to collec
tiensand ocatfer of Probate
Office over the Peat OSce riattsmouth. Neb
f"OXIk VTHEELER Attorney's, at Law, Spe
f rial aftrntioi4 given to probate bu-iness
e-idjlmd title ca?e. fiXice in th Masonic
Btook, Main Slxocts Plrttwraouth. Nebrsaka.
fAXWEl.L CHAPMAN Attorrrvs at
j Law and Solic":tor in Chancery. Piatt
zaonth, Nebraska. Off.ojn FitsgeraJd'eBlnck,
TEHSE A DS-VVER Attorneys at Law
k Office on Main fctraet. Opposite Erook
Special attention given to clleoti efdatm
-t TT IIEELER A- BENN RTT Real Estate n,
V Tit P ivinff Agents. N t; rie PabUcFi
1 ire.
end Life Insurance AgeaUs PI.itteiaotith. NeiS
rsjk-.i. '"i.4ti
IH!LrS PAIXK Ger.pral Insurance Aent
Represents some cf the mt reliable Com
pa ies in ihe United Ststos.
Ofnee with Barnes &. Pulluck in Fitzscralds
Block - . janTdiwtt'
"M dCatbs.
Main Street, Between 5th and 6th. a
E. II. SCIIUTT. Proprietor-.
Corner Msin and Fourth Street. Plattanaoutb.
BREED & FALLAN - - Proprietors.
Just opened to the public, for both day and
week boarders, 'fables set with the beat the
market atioxds. Accomodation sc-or.d to none
ia the city. deelndawtf
Iftbelers (Saris,
JCly ISTAr.LtsaSD I 1361.
FANC ti0lD3.
Wat;' e?. Clocks and Jewelry repaired neatly
nd with dispatch.
C3-Itezuo ved to opposite Platte Valley Noma
S2';Sm- C nor. 30 tt tf.
Manucturer of " J--J1J
garness, Sabblts, riblts,
Blankets, Brushes, &c.
Promptly Executed. All work rWarrented,
Nov. Piatt? tuoutli, Nab
Wanicd Agents.
For Our Beautiful and Striking Novelty
Will sell at sight in aluiost every family. - Com
Bines an entirely caw and elejrant Family Pho
tograph Album with a complete Family His
tory, gold by subscription exolueively. Four
di&erent stileo and prices, but can not be fully
deaoribea in an advnrtixcmeat. tend for circu
lars. Addr-s. E. HANN AFRD ,k CO., Pub
lishers. 21a W. iiadicn, St. Chioaco. w4
VOL. 7,
Be. lf .tK) A. M.
Lu 10.25 A. M.
L. V.)S A. M.
Be. 11.05 A. M.
Ar. 1130 A M.
Ar. 12 00 p m
Ar. 12.12 "
Ar. 12.30
Le 2.0)
Le 2.35
Be 3,05
Le 3,30
Omaha Juno.
South Bend.
Ar. & V. M
Ar 3.2U P. M
Ar.S.IP. M
Ar. 2.4S P. M
Ar. 2.25 P. M
Ar.2.10 -Ar.1.56
Ar. 1.4.5 "
Le. 1.30 "
Ar. 10.45 -Ar.
10 15 "
Ar. 9.45 -Le.
.: "
Ar "
Water -tat ion
Water t tation
O afton
Water Station
C- S. W. R. R.
De Witt
Le 3.34
Le 4.40
Ar 5,30
Ar.l' "
Lt 7.10 "
3RAIN 0.4.
Ar. y.oo A. M
Ar. .2! A. M
A r. 7.45 A. M
Ar. 7.2-1 A. M
Le. 40 A. M
Ar. rt.10 -Ar.
5.50 "
Ar. S.30 "
Le. 5.00 "
Ln. 4 5 P. M
Omaha .lime.
South Bend.
1.9. S.-T
Le. 6.i5
Le. 6 55
P. M.
P. f .
P. M.
P. M.
W averly
II Lk Inland
Wa crStation
Water Sta ion
Water Pttion
Ar.8.1 "
Ar- 8.40 "
Ar. "
Ar. 9.-50 -Le.
S.o") a m
Le. 8.r " '
Le. 9.P5
Le J.3 '
Br. t4.45
Ar. 4.15
Ar. 3 45
Le 3.:tO
p in
Ar S-liO
Le. 2.50
L-e 2,30
Le 1.25
Ie 12.30
Le 11.35
Ar. lf.(X
Le 11.20
Fnll fsicd Cirures indicate nassinir places,
Only Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays
t Only l'u -s.lsys, Thursdays, and Sa'.urflays.
The time sriven above is that of Plattmouth
bfing 33 minutes slower than Chicago.
To lake Eject Hondnv, May.&th. 1S71.
In connection with Burlington k Missoar
River Railroal in Nebraska.
Depot at foot of Jones Street.
3maha.....!:'K) a. m
T'TM-nln l'':.T0 n.
do 3:i! p. in,
Lincoln 5:00 a. m.
de . p. in.
do 9:) P- m
Omaha 11:10 a, m
do 6:10 p. m
To tha East North anl Southeast.
Leave Platts mouth. 4 20 p.m. 5.55 a. m
Arrive Bu lington... 50 a- m. 9,15p.m.
. " vendota 115 a- m. 3.55 a. m.
. " Chieago(C.B.AQ.) 3.20 p.m. 7.45 a. m
Teoria- " 9,55 a.m. 1.30 a.m.
" Ind'plis(I.B.W. 6:20 p.m. 10.00 a.m.
" Cincinnati " 110 p. m, 4.20 p.m.
" Loganp't T.PJfcW 55 p. m. 9.20 a m.
Columbus " 2.45 a. m. 60 p. m.
CThronffh Cars from Missouri River to Chi-crp-:).
Initi,iuapolis, Cincinnati, Logacspott and
Connecliona at th"se points with lines lead
in? to the Eat North und South.
This is the J!et, Shortest, Quivl&tt and Cheap
est iiovte.
Do riot be deceived, but obtain Tickets Tia
the Buriine'on nnt iiissomi River R;!i!ro-id.
Gcu'l 'iicket AKcnt. tienlSupt.
K C. ST. JOS. i C B. R. R.
Iat pacific jrscTiox iowa.i SORTB. GOIS POTJTH.
Msil and Express,...:55 p. m. 7:!" a. m;
ii;ht Express.. .....S:15 a. m- 5:20 p. in.
This Rives passengers from Plattsmoutu close
uor.ncction ?oins South or North by leaving here
jb the 5:15 p. in. train.
The Grcut Short Line fr ;n Cincinnati or Cal-
K A S T !
Savins 89 to HO Mile3, and arriving ONE
Train in alvanoe at
Saving SO Miles, and arriving CJj hours in
advance at
Saving 77 Jfiles, and arrivirg hours in
advance at
Roa Ling
One Train the QuicVekt
Over the Ohio River, at Purker'burg and
Be.laire, are Ceinplbted.
Mornins and N:g-.t Lines of
Pullman's Pa'nco Drawin?-Eoom and Sleep
iug Cars are run on tSi Route from
Cincinnati or Colnmtus to
Baiiimore an I Wushicg
ton City.
By this Route you avoid ALL OMNIBUS
TRANSFERS and Ferrirs.
Tickets for sale at all Ticket Offices in the
South and West.
Gen'l ticket A'gt Master Transrort's
BHltimiTP. M'l. Baltimore, Md.
SIDNEY B. JONES. Gen'l Pass An't. Cin.O.
ON and after SUNDAY. December 3d. 1871.
trains will leave Burlington us follows :
6a f E? A M Mail and express, Dii'y cx
mJ J cept Sunday 'oscngers Jby the
train take supper at Losr:inniHrt ana cotine
at Bradford Junction witn Pullman Palace Day
nd sleeping car.-i. running through to Colum
buT Pituborg. Philadelphia and New York
withont ehauge. Time from Burlington fc
New York by this train, 48 hours, j
9" 5i M. Night exrre!, daily except
, mJJf i-ui-day. with Pullman Palace
Day and Sleeping cars through iroia Burlington
M Coin in tms, cucnecti g at th'i poi t with
Pullman Palace cars lor Principal Points East,
making but ona chauge between BurUuguin
Time from Burlington New York, by this
train, 45 hours.
Columbus Passengers
y purchasing tickets via
The Midland Route.
Passengers leaving New York city at 6:00 p.
m , arrive in Burlington at 4:32 p. m. of the
seoond day.
This is also the bot route for the shipment of
ThroUKU Freight, time being quicker than by
aDy otaer line.
inx-F jeit!A--a,:B I" Ticket Ag'L
xr hPuS' A'tSupt.. Warsaw.
W.H.CIiUwbK. Vice-President at tten'l iup't.
eVecl5 Lkv if
.for Salt.
The nroneaty belonging to D. Maranett will be
old or rented on reasonable terms, the house
contains tt rooms. There is alio a large cuttern
with flitter, a cellar, a stable, and other conven
ience. Apply to X. M. MARQUETT.
Is in running order now.
Wanted SOOGO
bushels of Wheat. Patisfaction will be given
to rustouiers in grindinK and sawing.
Flour, Corn nival, and Lumber, will be sold
Cheap far Cash.
Come one, Come all. and give the Ccda
Creek- Mill a trial.
Oct. 12th wl y
The Undersigned has on hand and i
offlan uractiwing
All kinds of
At his Mill at the Ferry Landing at PUttsmout
Orders Promptly Filled.!
William Edgkrtoi.
Pluttsmf tilth, Nebrusha.
r am prepared to accommodate the public with
Uorsis. Carrhigcs. Buggies and a Mo. 1 Hearse
on short notice and reasonable terms. A lines
will run to.tne steam boat landing, and to ujlpan
of the city when desired.
January 1. 1H71 1.6wtf
Let; i: n.t.i: -s v.
, Nebratlca City,
General Agont Dep't Northwest.
Union Central Life
Of Cincinnati Ohio.
J.II.PRES50N. wtf
Loeal Agen
J?ost Office 12taildti2.
eSepts't. d almbacd w tf.'
To 4pvkp.ti3KR All persons who ron'era
p'aie inakiijg contracts with newiiaiiersfor the
insertion ot AdveriUeinents should e&d to
(co. f. gowall
or a Circular, or inclose 25 con is for their One
hundred I'.ae -Pamphlet. c-n-aining l.iyts tf
3.0U0 Newspapers ami estimate. shmiugthe
ctwtof adven i.-ing. srrominr nsOfil hints toad
venisers. and -ino account f the xpi rk tice
ot iutn who are known as successful advi riis
ers. This firm are proprietors ot the American
Newspaper Advertising Agency.
and sire possessed of nncqunled facilitie for
"peuricg the insertion of ad vrrtiseuieuts in aii
Newspapers and Periodicili at lowest rates.
s 5 s
" 2
. t 5
J -I
t c
ft! t
- g'
sr -
a o
5 3
Plattem o nth.
The undersigned is run
ning a oaily tiun of hacks betweea Plattsmouth
ana Neoruka City. Passengers carried at le-
ra es than by rail. Headquarters at City U -teJ
Plattsmouth. and Backer's iioaxuing Bouse
Keoraska City.
.W. H. IIINTON, Propriefcw.
Ang 29 dtf.
IIAPPY Reliet for Young Men. ' from the
effects of Errors acd Abuse in early life. Man
hood restored. ' Nervous debility cured. Im
pediments to Marriage removed. New method
of treatment. New and remarkable remedies.
Books and Cireulars sent free, in sealed envel
opes. . - , , . .. . c .
The following scrap of information,
taken from the Chicago Times, will no
loubt Le of interest to the citizens of
Nebraska :
'IIon. Pat. Havre?, the confidential
adviser of the liovernor of NebrakH,
and funeral organizer of the Grant forces
of thin Slate, left for Washington city
to-day, having made a. conifilete succe.-s
of bin mission. Pat. now guarantees
Nebraska for Gen. Grant, without a con
test " '
After reading the ahove we doubt not
th? Ripuliisans of t o State will con
clude that our Central Couinjittee have
made a mistake in calling a Convention.
The "confidential" adviser of his Ex
cellency could no doubt be persuaded to
cast the b:x votes tu which Nebraska ia
Good Joke on Tipton.
The New York Tribune of the 20th,
.peaking of tho Woman Suffrage lobby
ists at the capital, clones with the fol
lowing paragraph, which will be keenly
relished by those of our readers who
know Senator Tipton :
"The truth U. the female lobby has
worked hard all winter an J done noth
ing. Even Mrs. Major Dr ! W alker has
boon little better than a failure; anl
when, on Friday, iuiinedi itely alter the
adjournment, t-he ru-hed upon the floor
of the Senate, pantaloon and all, to
congratulate Mr. Tipton on his arraign
ment of the Conkling and Morton tyr
ntiny, tha unfortunate Senator seemed
to be unhappily in her sympathy, and
broke away with more haste than dig
nity." IBl.VK KAILUUA D.
We give our readers to-day an extract
fioui the proportion s-ubmitted by tho
Commis-ioners of Otoe county, in order
to call attention to what iNiebra-ka City
aims at by the proportion for bonds to
the Truuk Road. The only thing that
has stood in the way of the building of
this road, has been the refusal of Otoe
county to render any assistance in its
construction, and now they only pr-po?e
to give aid from Nebraska City South
The proposition is for bonds in the sum
of five thousand dollars per mile on
completiou of the road etc., to their
"From Nebraska City, in Otoe coun
ty, State of Nebraska, in a southwest
iin or northwestern or in both such di
rections or either of them ; and to the
St. Loni & Nebraska Trunk llailroad
commencing at Nebta-ka City an4 ruti
tiitig along the west side of the Missouri
river, but not weft of a due north anl
south line parallel with Fifth (:h) street
pi s;iid Nebraska City, to connect with
the Atthinson and Nebraska 11. li. at
llulo, Neb., or where said rajlroii
crosses the State line between Kansas
and Nebraska, so as to give Nebraska
City a direct connection cn the West
sidf of ;he Missouri river, with St Louis
in Missouri "
This county has once voted aid to this
roid, and the citizens along the river
stand ready to aid the enterprise in good
faith. So of Nemaha county below.
Perhaps a railroad company can be
found who will take hold and buiid this
road even though it extends no farther
north than the center of Otoe county,
but if .would be much more likely to
succeed with the proposition, to extend
it to Omaha.
On the subject of building this road,
the Brownvilie Advertiser says :
"After repeated meetings, and a deal
of coaxing, the Commissioners of Otoe
county have decided to submit the ques
tion of 1'ailroad aid to a vote of the
people of that county. As we under
stand it, the discriminating feature
again A the Trunk lload, however, is
retained and will be included in the
proposition to be voted upon. We are
not advised as to h w the parties view
this matter who pro;ose to buiid the
road. We will indulge the hope, how
ever, that such an understanding may
be reached as will result in ti e com
mencement of work on the Trunk road
with early spring, and its vigorous prose
cution to completion."
The Nebiaka City Chronicle, on tha
subject of Manufactories, says:
"When ten thousand operatives in
manufactories, of Nebraska City must
be fed, the farmer of the county will re
ceive Chicago price" lor produce with
out deducting freight, and can buy his
goods less the freight which he now pays.
It to the interest " of everybody to
build up town and country."
ITbnt Advertlsiir.g Did..
Millaud, the banker and newspaper
speculator, who died recently in Paris,
and who founded the Pjris Petite Jour
nal, which at one time had a daily circu
lation of nearly ha'f a million copies, was
an enthusiastic believer in the advantages
of liberal advertiseing. On day he had
at hi table nearly a'l the proprietors of
the leading Paris dailies. T!iy conversed
about advertising. Millaud asserted that
the most worthless articles could be sold
in vast quantities if liberally aJvertiscd.
Emil de Gnrardin, of L'l Prcsse, who
was present, took isue with him on the
Mibj.'ct "What will you bet," exclaimed
Miiliud. "that I cannot t-eil in one we k
one hundred thousand trances, worth of
the most common cabbage seed under
the pretext thatit will produce main
moth cabbafeheads? All I have to do is
to advertise it at once in a whol page
in e:ion of the daily nnpcrsoftl is .-ity.'
Girxrdin replied that he would give him
a paee in his paper for nothing if he
should win his wager The other news
paper publishers aerecd to do the Fame"
thing. At the. exniration of the week
they inquired of "Millaud how the
Cal l age-seed fl.mrished. lie showed
them his books triumphantly, and satis
fied them th t he had sold nearly twice
as much as he promised, while orders
were Mill pouring in; but he said the
joke must stop there; and no further
orders, would be filled.
According ta Meyer's late experiments
neither man nor dog can be fed econom
iea ly upon bread alone. To say nothing
of health, a much less amount of food
will support life and tdrength when a
email percentage cfit is eomposed of
meat. Pesistenee in the bread diet Meyer
found to make the tissues watery, and
to weaken the entire constitution.
an lapoar.tAT bclixu.
The Snprrme Court Decides thiit
there can b no AppenN front the
District Court tu t"ol Stale.
From the Omaha Herald.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday last
announced an important decision effect
ing the right to appeal from the verdict
or decision of the District Courts of this
State. The question come up on several
motions to dismiss appeals, all made on
the ground that in this State the law
does not provide for an appeal, nor for
any other way of taking a case tip for
review, except by petition in error. A
good many cases in which appeals were
pending were dismissed.
It is now settltd that questions cf
fact will not be examined in the Supreme
Court. Esti brook's code was adopted
in great haste, and the Court has been
oblige I 'to hold its chapter on appeals
entirely inoperative, because, while it
provides the manner of appeals, it doe3
not define the causes which may be ap
letled. Th only case from this city which was
brought up in these motions to dismiss
appeals was that of Lowe vs. Sieblitz.
It was an appeal from a decree entered
by Judge Luke at the last term of the
District Court, in which Mrs. Lowe was
rcstr ined from continuing the lease for
the coroner, on which the Trivoli stands,
for a second term of Sve years after the
first five years had expired. Tho appeal
was disjnissed, leaving the decree as en
tered in force.
It is of great importance to the mem
bers of the Bar through! the State that
they should know that if they desire to
get their cases into the Supreme Court
they must lay the foundation by a peti
tion in error.
The folio wing from the Missouri Demo
crat, as to the manner in which elections
to the United States Senate are obtained,
is worthy of the consideration of the
pen le.
Tho long tsrm for which Senators are
chosen makes it necessary that some
method of reform be adopted to check
the growing evil of using uiouey to buy
positions :
"The United States Senate can hardly
continue to ignore allegations of bribery
in the Kansas Senatorial elections, now
that the matter ha been so public, and
that the special attention of that body
has been called to it. It is a very dis
graceful thin to bo compelled to recog
xht ; Hti I it i especially dishearten ng.
while honest eifori is being made to re
form the civil service of Use country, to
be obliged to turn aside and examine
corruptions in the highost legislative
body in the land. But the duty of all
the friends of honest government is very
clear. It is to institute and prosecute
the fullest investigation and puuUh the
guilty parties, when discovered There
must be no whitewashing and no screen
ing. If Senators have been elected by
corrupt influences, they must be com
pelled to resign, whether the election
occurred last wiutcr, as was the case
with Mr. Caldwell, or tl.rce winters ago
a was the case wiih Mr. Pomero'. It
will be interesting to know, too, whether
the great railroad corporations which
owe their existence to the jrenerosity of
tin people, expressed in Congressional
subsidies and land grant?, have been
using tbeir power, influence and wealth
to get their agents and attorneys elected
to seats in the Senate. If so, there
must be a remedy within the power of
Congress to apply to them also ; and ive
hone Congress will not be slow to apply
YTunt the Entire fflotuer of Alexis
The Erpr3s., n.Qther of the Grand
Duke Alexis, . is very grateful for the
kind and conrtceus reception lie has re
ceived at the hai'ds of the American
people, and her feelings are thus por
trayed by a correspondent of the New
York Herald :
"There was a good deal of curiosity
manifested among the members of the
diplomatic body as to what iho Emperor
would say to Mr. Curtin upon the ocea
(ion of the New Year, and whether he
would thank the Ametican Government
or the American people for the reception
of the Grand Duke. In h;s speech to
Mr. Curtin, which you will have already
received, he evaded the difficulty, how
ever, by using the word "nation,' which
may, of course, include the Government
and people,- but he did not mention the
President nor say by what intermediary
the thanks were to be conveyed to the
people. The. Empress on her part
showed herself very grateful indeed.
She said : 'I do not know, 3Ir. Curtin,
how to expres-j my thanks and uiy de
light and gratification for the cordial and
enthniastic reception that has been ten
dered Alexis by the great hearted Ameri
can people. Believe me. I shall never
forget it, and I wish you to tell them
how mui h I have been touched by these
marks of friendship and kindness shown
my dear ton.' "
An Iowa preacher is on trial upon a
charge of frighteninir a boy to death.
We-regret tin lack of details; It is not
stated how the deed was done. It is
likely that the man of God found the
boy in weak bodily condition, and pro
duced hi regular pyioreehmc hell for
the purpose of scaring him into heaven,
as tigers are driven away by fire. The
reverend gentleman probably ignited too
many fireworks at a time, ani accom
plished his purpose sooner than he had
intended. Had he been more temperate
in the expenditure of his caloric, that
boy might have lived to pay a great deal
of money in the church.
Of Fisk an J his wife, who was older
than he, a T'oston letter-writer says:
"With his notorious tics against her,
there had never been estrangement be
tween them. She excused everything,
and he held for her a sort of piatonic af
fection. He wrote to her constantly, and
vitited her often. She was his confMeut
always, and his adviser in many things
She was more like an elder sister than a
wife to this mercurial being, who appears
to have had the highest respect for her
traits of eharacter, !ind to have been com
passionately regarded by herself as an
met) rigibly wayward member of the
family, who must bo humored in almost
any eceentrieiuefc"
Anccdotea of 1'nblle SXen.
Is it not true that the public men best
abused are the best remembered ? Cer
tainly Andrew Jackson looms up through
all the mists and misrepresentations of
the past like a great statue founded as if
to last f.rever. Witness tho tribute
paid to his memory. Henry A. Wi-e,
iu bis published book a book bitter
enough, as regards Benton and others,
but abounding in compliments to the
hero President, of whom Wise, during
his early career in Cotiire, was, .per
haps, tho most violent assailant. Wit
ness, also the extraordinary memoir of
James Parton, the mot caustic and re
morseless of critics. Never shall I for
get the eulogy of George Bancroft, pro
nounced twenty-six years ago, while he
was Secretary of the Nav?, under Presi
dent Polk, after the intelligence of the
death of Jack -on had been received in
Washington. The affluence of genius
never produced a more exquisite off
spring. The rapidity wth which it was
prepared, the fervor with which it was
pronounced, and its eff'Ctupftn the pub
lic mind, excited the wonder and deiiht
of followers of old Hickory; and if you
turn to it now 3-ou will find it fu:passed
bv nothing in the interesting volume
which preserves the "Jackson Oose
quies." At the end of nearly a gene
ration, we find the ardent express
ions of a partisan Cabinet Minister
equalled by the more deliberate praise of
former nolitical adversaries. Why is
this? Simply because Andrew Jackson's
inspiration through hiri whole life was a
passionate love of the Union, a fixed
and even ferocious determination to put
down its enemies at whatever hazard or
Henry Clay and Daniel Webster live
in the affection of posterity more be
cause they were auimaie i by the. same
principle, .that because of the fame of
one as an orator and the other as a states
man and jurist. They f jrgot party when
their country was in peril, burying or
postponing animosities as agait nt even
their severest foe, Andrew. Jack-oi!,
when he s ruck the key-note and de
clared that the "Union must and fahali
be preserved."
Something like this was the scono be
tween George Wolf and TJtad Icus Ste
vens, some thirty-six years ago. when in
the midt of a memorable anti Masonic
excitement which Stevens headed against
Wolf. Dallas, Key. Mr. Sprole. -and oth
er Masonic digni aries even to the ex
tent of threatening them with impris
onment Wolf and Stevens forgot thuir
envenomed, quarrel in the aulor with
which they together pres-ed forward the
great cause of popular Education. No
name can perish from memory or hi-to-ry
that is fuly identified with civiliza
tion and liberty.
I was talking of these things the other
day with an old Ohio Whig, at present
n Republican, when he related an anec
dote of oil Hiekory whi.di I hiid never
heard before, and which I think worth
pnservinsr After Jackson's first elec
tion in 1S23, a strong effort was in;de to
remove General an old Revolu
tionary soldier, at that time postmaster
in one of the principal New York towns.
He had leen so fierce an Adams man
that the Jackson men determined to dis
L place him. H was no Mrar.jier to Jack
son, who knew nun well, ami was con
scious of his private worth and public
services'; but as the effort to gtt his
place . was a det rmined one, General
resolved to undertake a journey to
Washington for the purpose of looking
after bis case. Si
Wright had jut
left his seat as a -Representative in Con
gross from New -York. Never was the
En. pire State more ably represented
Cool, honest, profound and subtle, Mr
Wright was preei'dy the man to head a
movement against the old postmister.
His influence with Jackson was bound
less. His force in debate made him a
match for the giants themselves ; and as
Mr. Van Bu. en was then Jackson's Sec
retary of State, the combination was
powerful. The old postmaster, knowing
that these to political masters were
against him, called upon the President
immediately upon his arrival, and was
mot courteously received and requested
to call again, which he did several times,
but nothing was said about the post-of-fiee.
Initially the. . politicians ti;ii.-hed
their protest and pent it forward to Mr
Wright and requested that it shna'd be
delivered at the first opportunity. The
old postmaster heard from his friends at
home that the important document was
tin its way, so be resolved on a coup tie
main. The next day there was a Presi
dential reception, and among the early
visitors was General . After a cor
dial greeting by Jackson, he quietly took
his seat and waited until the lor:g train
of visitor had duly saluted the nation's
Chief and passed through the Grnud
East Room on their way home. The
President turned to bis venerable guest
with soma surpris? as he noticed him
still seated on one of the sofas, and en
tered into familiar conversation with hitn,
when to his amazement, the old solder
j-aid : -'"General Jackson, I have come
here to talk about my office. T!i poli
ticians want to take it from me, and they
know I have nothing else to live upon."
The President made no reply, till the
aged postmaster, began to take off his
coat in the most excited manner, when
Old Hickory broke out with the inquiry:
"What in Heaven's name are you going
to do? Why do you take off your coat
in this public place ?"' "Well, sir, I ant
going to thow you my wounds, which I
received iu fighting for my country
against the Englnh!" "Put it on at
once, sir!" was the reply; "I am sur-.
prised that a man of your arc Fhould
make fuch an exhibition of himself,"
and the eyes of the iron President were
su'fu-ed with tears, ns without another
word he bade his ancient foe good even
ing. The very next night the crafty and
able New York politician ca'led at the
White House and sent in his card. He
was immediately ushered into the pres
ence and found Jackson in loose gown
and -slippers seated before a blazing
wood fire quietly str iking his long pipe.
After the, ordinary courtesies had been
exchanged, the politician opened his
budget. He re presented the district front
which the venerable postmaster hailed ;
paid the latter had been known as vry
active advoca e of John Quincy Adams ;
that he had literally forfeited his place
by his earnest opposition to the Jackon
men, and that if he wero not. removed
the new Administration would be seri
ously injured. lie had hardly finished
the last sentence, wlien Jacn-on pprunir
to his feet, flung his pip In the fire, and
exclaimed, with great vehemence, "I
take the consequences. By the Eternal!
I will not remove the old man I cannot
remove" him. Why,' Mr. Wright, do
you know that he carries more than a
pound of British luad in his body?" He
who was stronger than conrt. courtiers,
or Cabinets, pronounced his fiat, and the
happy old postmaster next day took the
Uga and retaraod homo rejoicing.
NO- 41)
Married "Full l p."
In Virginia, where tho law fixes the
marriage fee at one dollar, there is a
reminiscence of a couple who many
years ago called on a parson and request
ed him to marry them.
"Where is my fee?" said the old
" The parties who wero to unite their
fortunes began to look fur the money,
ar.d found the joint amount to be twen-ty-s-cveu
t ents.
"I can't -marry you for that um,"
said the irate old gentleman.
"A little bit of service will go a long
way," suggested the eagur, male ap
plicant. "Ah, no," said the parson, "you don't
pay for the bize of the pill, but for the
gml you hope it will do you."
The lass, intent on ruaniago, began
ta v.cep, but the parson was inexorable,
and the couple turned sadly to depart.
Just then a happy thought seemed to
strike the forlorn maiden, and she turned
and cried through her tears :
"Please, rir, if you can't marry us
full up, wo.j'tyou m trry us twenty-seven
conts worth ? Wo can come for the rest
some other time."
This was too tauc'n for the parson.
He married them "full up," and they
went on their way rejoicing.
Murk Twain uu Woman KiifTeraee.
Mark Twain says that when womou
frame laws, the first thing they will do
will I e to enact :
1. That all men should be at home at
ten p. 111. without fail.
2i That married men should bestow
considerable attention upon their own
3. 1 hat it should bo a hanging o (Tense
to sell whiky in fuloous, and that fines
and disfranchisement should follow in
uch places.
4. That tho fmoking of cigars to ex
cessshould be forbidden, and tho smoking
of pipes utterly abolished.
5. That the wife should have the title
of her own property when she marries a
man that hasn't any.
"Such tyranny as this," says Mark,
"wc could never stand. Our free soul
could not stand such degrading thrall
don:. Women, go away ! Seek not to
beguile us of our imperial privileges.
Content yourselves with your little fem
inine trifles your babies, benevolent so
cieties, and your knitting and let your
natural bosses do the voting. Stand
back you will be wanting to go to war
next. We will let you teach school as
much a you want to, and pay you half
price too ; but beware! we don't" want
you to crowd us too much."
Tottn mid Coralf.
On last Saturday afternoon Thos. Co
va!t, a maniac came to the house of Mr.
Totien. in PlntteviUe Townh)p, and re
qnentcd something to eat. Mrs- Totten,
who was alone not knowing the man ad
mitted him into her house and supplied
his wants He afterwards wanted to
stay all night, Mrs. Totten, told him they
had no accomodation for traveler and
snid ,e would at least have to wait un
til Mr. T. should come from work. On
Mr. T's return, and after considerable
parley, Mr. Covalt was told that they
enu'd not keep him; Mr. C. then left.
but was beard at the door endeavoring
to effect an entrance about nine o'clock
Mr. Tott-n got up and admitted him, be
saving that he was cold, having no coit.
and thnt he would freeze if they did not
keen him. Mr, iotfen built up a fire
and after Mr. C. was warm he retired
In about an hour or more Covalt got up
and showed evident sign of being mad
He dec'ared his purpose at once to kill
all in the house, and soon struck at Mrs.
Totten with a knife, and run the blade
through her upper lip. Mr. Totten at
once felled him with a rolling pin and a
frightful scuffle ensued, After several
blow on the head, Mr. Totten was en
abled to hold him until Mrs. T. could
go for help. Mr. Little, a neighbor,
was -oon on the spot, and with his as
ststanoe Covalt wa bound Tha next
day Covalt was brought to Glenwood,
and Tuesday afternoon died of wo'inds
received in the conflict before mentioned.
Mr and Mrs. Tot'en were at once arrest
ed on a charge of murder, and with
their three small children were lodged in
jail. Glenwood Opinion.
Frightrni Accident.
Cba. A. Harris, freight, conductor
on the Union Pacific Railroad, was kill
ed last evening about 7 o'clock, near
Cooper Lake, by falling through between
the ears and being run over. He went
out of here about 5 o'cioek with an ex
tra train of cars, and was passing
over the train when he fell between two
cars. He caught his arm over tha link
between the draw heads and hel l a few
moment. One of his brakemen happen
ed t see him fall and ran to him. Char
ley called out, 4 For God's ske save me
Ja- k;" but bef re he could reach down
ind get bold of him he let go, and the
train passed over him, killing him in
stantly. The body was dragged along
under the train some distanc, and was
terribly mutilated.
Charley Harris was one of the olde t
conductors, and one of the most widey
knoitu and universally respected men on
the road. His sudden and terrible dath
seems to cast a gloom "over tho whole
community. He was a single man, but
wo are informed his relative live in Sa
ratoga County, New York. He ha
been for several years in the West, i.nd
lived in St. Loui- for several ytara be
fore coming out on thi road
Mr. Harris was an honored member of
the Masonic fraternity and had i'tst de
niitted from Herman Lodge. No. 123,
Missouti. Laramie Daily Sentinel Feb.
The Ilrlicics t rlnl.
After seven days of hard labor the
evidence in the- case of the State of
Iowa vs. R. H. Brings, was submitted to
the Jury, a .d after deliberating twenty
four hours and not "beinj; ab'e to agree,
they were dichanred by tha Court.
The jury sti o i 4 for conviction an i 8 for
acquittal. The case now stands as
thongh no trial had been had, except
about $1,500 of a cost bill. The evi
dence in this case was all taken down by
S. H. Moorhead short hani reporter,
who is now busily engaged in writing it
out, and as foon as completed we will
publish the testimony of some of the
most important witness on both sides
A great deal of interest was manifested
by our eitizens in th progvescf this
unit, crowding the court room from day
today to haar the teslimony. Ulen
cood Opto nion..
"Mamma," said a little five year oldj
"will papa be up in heaven with all the
rest of as by and by?"
"I hope o my child; but why do you
ak that questiou?"
"Why, I was afraid that he couldat'
leave the store;"
One ftoaie, (10 lines or loss) one insertion 9101
Each nubceqtiont insertion off
Friesiinal cnl, not exoeadinf ix linei.-.l" V
Jceluiou per annum -
Vicjluuin, per annum V) JJ
,' ir.oiuinn do ..ol.V-J
On 'olmiin Uo - ,.Juo.lJ
All adrertisiu hilli doe quarterly.
't'rau;ont wdvtrtisemonu mast o pia ra 03
The French Minister of War Iias de
cided that in future white or dapple gray
horses shall not bo employed in military
'ervica the experience of the late war
having proven that tha aniinali of tkosa
colors offer an excellent mark for tba
enemy's artillery.
White River Rottom, InJ., boasts ihi
model juror. When drawn, he stated
to the court that be had not been irj
town before for thiity yearp, and did
not know who had been President sine
Andrew Jackson- He was immediately
Should Senator Wilson fa nominal o-l
with President Grant it will be pcea thai
there is nothing like leather. Wa shall
have the tanner of Galena for President,
and the cobbler cf Natick for Vice.
Chicago Post.
An ample means f avoiding th
spread of theEtnalLpnx has been divcr
vered in Alabama. They let the patient
die by himself, hire a negro to bury him,
and shoot the negro as soon as tbo inter
ment is finished.
"Who ever fcpard of a man being dis
ciplined for covetousness?" ask Dr.
John Hall. "For other sins," he fays,
"men are cist out of the Church; bu its
this sin, which tha Bible calls idola ry,
they lire and die without oue houctt
Here is a Missouri paper's notion cf
the high calling of journalism: "We ar
compelled to make this week's isine si
most exclusively a local and adrertis
ment paper; but look out for next week'"..
It will be one f the gayest, fierce, t,
hottest pipers that ever went forth fuita
aa American news raggery."
There appears to be nothings destruc
tive to human life as empty fire-aru :.
A pi-tol or eun which every one beii "ft
to be unloaded is very likely to ro olf In
some miraculous manner and kill noun
body, and as a rule ought to be feared
more than when known to be loaded.
Atone of the recent Congregational
Union Meetings in England, it wsc
stated by the Rev. D. Thomas, of Itri"
tnl, that a legend exists somewhere in
Wales that the first man's name was
Adam Jones, but that in the course cf
time the Jones got dropped and now 1 c
wai only known as Adam.
A "joke" is credited to an American
visitor in England. "Well, stranger,"
he is reported to have said, "I guess yea
Enli-h juries ain't smart no how. If
an American jury had tried tho Tiol.
borne case, I'll tell you what they'd have,
thine. They'd just bouaht up all the
Tiehborne bonds, and then found a ver
dict for tHe plaintiff."
"Martha, my dear," paid a Invlc?
husband to his spoue who waa ever:i
years h'u junior, "what do you say to
innvins to the far West?" "Oh, I'm
delighted with the idea! You recolia t
when Mr. Morgan moved out there, ha
was as poor as we are: and in thrn
years he died, leavins his widow worih
a hundred thousand dollars.
The troubla with the girls of tl s.
present age is that they ran too much v-'.
extremes. Their chignons are too b f
and their feet are too nmall; they wer
too much silk in their trains and too
little in their corsajre; they knaw t .0
much at fifteen and too lit t la at fifty.
The "happy madium" is one of th?
lost arts."
The New York Evening Pout is wrs?t
ling with this, condrum "No Rewsrl
for on Answer if a milkmaid, fcrr
feet ten inches in bight, while sitting cr: '
a three-legged stool, took four run'.s' tC
milk from every fifteen cows, what
the size of the field in which the anir. !s
grazed, and what wa3 the girl's age ?"
In trimming bonnets this sea-vn, a
jrrosgrain r.bbon, showing two fcl. ii'.i
of a collar, is used. This evsde th j
necessity of two ribbons. Chavhr
maid't Weekly. The dire necessity of
having tw ribbons ona bonnet hai !' r
been keenly felt as an evil ioep'at:if
from humanity a heiitage of
Thank Heaven, it is overcome! h.i
isthe mcn tic telegraph, or the
riner'a (ompas-i, compared with thin In
tel -ctunl triumph? It makes one fiol
like a new man.
A lady took her son of some fiveyrir?,
to church. After the minister had br?
preaching about half an hour, the ! ."!
fellow grew sleepy and began to ro I.
The mother routed him into attr:ion
several times, by pinching, but ss t
seemed a hopeless case, the oonolil' i
to let hi n shep undisturbed. After t'-o
little fellow hfld his nap out ha awoe,
and saw the miuister still holding fvith.
"e looked np in his mother's laca, tv"
innocently asked "Mother, is this St?n
day night, or is it next Sunday h;r t.'"
A gentleman, while walking in Atlan
tic avenue, Brooklyn, on Saturda.r ct en
in!, was jostled by a stranger, atiu a,'"-';?
proceeding a few yards found tl -tt Kf?
watch was gone. He overtook th.': il ?-f.
and poi n tine his revolver, said .?:
"Give me that watch!'' The etrr irr
surrendered it without a word ami .tur
ried away. On rufiebing home tht r.
tleman wa startled iu the middle rf ha
narrative of his desperate encounter .-.h
a highwayman by an interruption fr-a
his wife: "Why, John, you left your
watcdi on tin; bureau tis morning, vl
1 have been wearii g it all day!"
Santa Barbara, California, boasts of a
"crope vin over four feet in circnrrifVr-
ence, its branches supported by fifty-two
tre!!ies, and producing yearly from live
to six tons of grapes. Tho vine ?.d
planted about seventy years ago by
na Marcelfna Felix tominguez. It 2t
given her by her lover as a riding wKij .
and after, the ride planted wh-r 'V.
stands; and has grown into the J.n
vine in the world. And this plan'.- ' ?
t e vine only lately died, at the rij . !..
age of one hundred and Jfve years, '. -.v
ing three hundred lineal docenda'r.
What is more, it is bald that, this v:
alone has been the chief support c" t:2
old lady and - her family for th-. :'
thirty years. Isn't that a strango Li
tory of a riding switch?
Mrs. Partington was in tha uoiity
ona August; and, for a whole zu.'
not a drop of rain had fallen. Oti" i
she was blowly walking along the
with her umbrella over her head, v: c...
an old man, who was mending op L i..
gap of wall, accosted her, at th. , . . c
time deposiiag a large stone up
top of th pile. "Mr. Partington, v'-.zl
do you think can help tL - ci
drought?" The old lady looked c t ;i;r:
through her spectacles, at th "i.:.r
time smelhug a fcrn leaf. "I t" i.L-,"
said she in a tone of oniou'sr ?,-'s'c;:j.
"I t't'nk a little rin would helt. ;l -.'
much as anythinir." It was a ; r- jr
thonghr. The old gentleman '"- V.
his straw hat and wiped his htiv
his cotton handkerchief, at :'. --.-
time sayiug that he thought w