Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 29, 1872, Image 2

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s. r-
We lc-arii tiJ morning from Nebraska
City that the pro, rsuiou to call a speci
al election has be agreed to by the
Couaty Coiaui:stio5 -sof Otoe, and that
sa:J election will be tailed within thiity
days after the propos' liou i3 puL'Uhc-1.
The Chronicle says :
"All the conflicting elements and inte
rests in both city and county seem to be
fully harmonized in t! ; railroad proposi
tion now to be submitted, end wa believe
every opponent of iz in the county must
acknowledge thst it Li a.s fair, safe and
secure in it3 terms as language can male
it. Every fcafeyuird of the public iutc
rcsts are cuef .Ily thrown around our
dealings with the Railroad Companies
and there i.i no chance for the fiauds
that have Lecn s) often perpetrated on
cotnfii'r 'lies in similar cases.
L:i the friends of the proposition now
;j to woik and secure at least a to
iLirds majority vote in 'avor of it in the
county. Wefuily believe it can bo done,
and the more ucaiiiiacns it is the bt
It would seem from the above that
Otoe county is now in earnest on the
subject of railroads and wo can assure
the people living in that county that the
citizens living in the eastern portion of
Cas stand ready to assist this enterprise
to the full extent of their ability. Let
Richardson, Nemaha, Otoe and Cass
counties now take hold of this matter,
and in less than one year from to-day,
this road will be completed and a direct
connection formed with St- Louis.
We cannot afford to do without this
road, and we believe that wc have but to
act promptly in this matter to secure it
at an early day.
The reported g'dd discoveries in the
Black Hills ha3 been confirmed. The
Sioux City Journal of last Tuesday has
th3 following respecting these discover
ies from which it would appear that they
are no humbu? :
"!. J. VC Crawford returned to
this city on Sunday, after an absence of
two months on the upper Missouri. He
reports that the gold di.-coveiies in the
Black Iliils arc creating intense excite
ment in the upper country and hundreds
. are preparing to start for the new mines.
An Indian from Spotted Tail's camp
arue. into Whetstone Agenoy while Mr.
Crawford was there, with peveral excel
lent Epeciirens, among which wa3 some
very rich sold quartz.
Crawford obtained a specimen of the
latter, and now has it on exhibition a'
E. B. Crawford's store, in this city.
Those who have examined it, ainon
whom are old gold miners, pronounce it
very rich. The Indian said gold could
be found in the beds of streams, in the
side hills and in the canyons, in largo
It is the general opinion of those who
hare examined the subject the mo?t,
that the importance of the discovery has
not been exaggerated in what ha3 reach
ed u, but on the contrary that rubso
quent investigation wiil develop gdl
fields rivaling in richness any yet discov
ered in tho country. Further intelli
gence will bo looked for with impatience,
and if the reputed discoveries do not
fail of conSrmatbn, there is sure to bo a
rush of gold seekers which will make
time lively on the upper Missouri."
These discoveries open; up a new op
portunity for the miners to gst rich, and
wo havo ho doubt but that a company or
Iwo will be formed in this city to pros
pect for the "dust."
Tho following item from the Burling
ton Uncle Eye wiil givo some idea of the
amount of lumber consumed in the
West, and if the rates of freight shou'd
be increased as therein stated, it will
make lumber an expensive article to the
people of this section.
"The lumber dealers of Kansas are in
trouble. The charges far freight of lum
ber by the railroad?, they say, ia too
high. And although high already, they
affirm that thirty railroad companies en
gaged in transporting lumber between
the producing regions and Kansas and
Missouri, have entered into a combinion
to increase tha rates twenty-five per cent.
They say that 50,000 car loads of lum
ber werejbrought into ths States of Mis
60iri, Kansas and Nebraska during
1871, wcrth at least $20,000,000.
Secretary Sewsrd nt
George Francis Train, in his talk at
Auburn, related tho following interesting
facts in relation to Scctary Seward :
"lib house is a museum of
osities. Mr. Seward must have five
thousand vo'umos in his collection of
forty years. There are one hundred files
of private letters during his eight years'
secretaryship. I wish he had kept his
twelve 3'cars of the correspondence as
Senator from 1S49 to 1801. I hope I
am not encroaching on private hospitali
ty, as he is a public man, by saying that
1 found him, with his amanuensi and
his daughter, bui'y making notes of his
wonderful voyage around the wo Id, a
book that will contain some four hun
dred plates, and six hundred pages of
talk with kings,, sultans, khcJbires, ty
coons, mikalos, and emperor of China.
A Ixek that a century ago would have
teen a Munchausen, Arabian Night's
tale. It must be remeberod that Mr.
Seward, at three score years and ten,
crossed all the mountains, rivers and
oceans in the world The book will no
doubt have an immense ssle, and Apple
ton will spare no expense in making it
the grand success of the new bock
Tho Nationalist, of Manhattan, Kan
Fa?, says .
"A few days an caslc descended upon
tha head of a little Swede boy, about ten
rears old, who lives near the head of the
Wildcat, and undertook to carry him oiT.
He fastened his talons in tha boy s cap,
but the youngster, instead of rising in
raid air. caucht the cade, and alror a
long an J severe struggle uceecUcrf in
killing him. He measured eight leet
from tip to tip. When the lad reached
home he was taken to task for
insr mm nouie a ive, ; i- .
to let him eat mc up al-
'J don't goin
ready.' "
(keliin Ann. ', '
The Chicago Journal rises to explain,
and docs it i;i a very few words, thus :
"The fact of the matter is, tbat im
mediately after our war of the rebellion,
the government sold o2" at auctnn, a3
per previous aivarti t, all its fcur
plus war materia!, inciu J'ng ordnsnc;,
muskets, etc. The arms were pur
chased by piivate paitics, aad passed
out of the possession or control of the
government, an! when tho Franco Ger
man war broke out were sold by these
purchasers to the French government,
and, we presume, some of thri wcra
also sold to the (Jo: ii! .ji govt iniiirnt.
If !?J OU), U J.) of th? French pivchase
nioney have been fraudulently pocketed
it wa4 done by the puruh-umg agmts of !
the French government ; at all events, t
r a . 1 r .J n ? .
ii .1
nave oecn
do:id byorurscl our gov-
.i Mt.ii tc rii,'iire-ii' Hp.
From tiia X Y. Wort Feb. 11 j
The train which arrived from New j
York at Lawrence, on the Camden and j
Ambry railroad at 12:4 i o i Tuoday mot n-
ing, carried vi:ii it ii;o: the cowcatcher i
cf the locomotive tho body of h man
whose name and lh.3 manner f whoso j
cicala a:c as yet uiiknowu. Wiuntne
train stopped at the .station, tha station
master found the mangled ichmius lying
across the iron bars of the cowcatcher,
with arms arid legs broken and stripped
of both clothing and li.-sli. Where tho
body was picked up by the locomotive
was unknown, md inquiiies were at once
set on loot to identify tho man. The
pockets were searched, a:id a ticket
from West Philadelphia to New York
w.n found wilh ?o' in meney a lot tie
of whisky, a letterdirect: d toThonjsou's
stcd works in Jcrsc-y City, introducing
"tho bearer" as a mae'air.i.-.t. From the
conductor's punches in the ticket it was
e' ident tbat the man had kit Philadel
phia by the last train on Saturday nighr,
and Lad ridden as far as 1'iinccton or
New Urnnswick. Subsciju ut inqaiiies
eonlirmed t hi opinion, siid showed that
the man had come from 1
ipi.ia m
company with two or tnree rough., with
whom he drank whisky and indulged in
fights occasionally dm ing the two hours
consumed in going n Philadelphia
and Princeton Junction. Beyond this
point ho bail been missed by the
ruan, the conductor being first iiJ'.r.ned
of the fact that he was mi.--.'-ii:g when
the train arrived at New Brunswick.
The men who had been in his company
said they saw him jump from the' tiain
.about a mile from Princeton junction,
and that they saw him .staggor a liitle
and then waik away. It is now su-peeled
that the pass-.-ngfr was pu-iied off tho
cars by rhe rough in one of their drunk
en squabbles, ;:d he was afterwards
strncK by tho locomolivH i f the train
from New York. But nothing definite
can be known until the companions cf
the unfortunate man can be arro.-ted.
litittcr in Nncks.
The dalrymsu of Washing on
tory, for want of tubs and jrrs
adopted a m.tho 1 of putlimr r.
, haVC
keeping butter, uh:;:h though novel, pic
sents some features that are worthy tho
attention of th oso hiving butter paekeel
for family u-c r for tho retail trad.
The packing is thus described :
Allbuttfr is p telced in ujitshn sacks,
mado in such form that the- package when
completed, is a cylinder three or fun
inches in diameter and from h-j!f a foot
to a foot in length. The baiter goo
from the churn, as soon as worked over,
into tho cylindricil bags tuado of the li:i-c-t
bleached muslin. The p i:kates are
then pr.t iiito large casks containing
s(r:i!i biino tvi
a fell:
;!it aamixtnro of
s:ilti'0ti:r arn.l b- iuoan tf woi
. i
aiwr.y- fctlov? taa furta'-c. the; cot ii ;mo!i-
tirucnt ai'.rs.vs protects the bultr irons 1
" 1 1 i
the action of the air, and i? has bctii as
certained by tl'.s tiial that hatter put up
in this way c::rt keep sweet longer than in
any ether way.
Brides, it is found easier and ch-.-npe r
for tho manufacturer than ro pack e::!i
er in jars or firkins. And for tha .cind
er, there is no toiling the advantsce on
the scora of s;ifi ty .nnl convenient;.
These rclis of hut it r can lie on hi? c '
ter as safo from injury, from du.-t or n. h
cr contact, as liarof h;a.l; can ba r;ti!o
up for his customers in n sheet of p-ap-ar
with n.s much propriety s a t.uridlo o
matches. If tho consumer, v. hvn he
pets hoTuo, discovers specks of dut
upon the outside r.f ilio ack, ho can
tlirowit into a pn:I 0!' pure c.!J water
anel take it out cl an and whrc. As he
uses the butter from t!.;y to day, with a
sharp knifb he cuts it off from the en 1
of the roll in slices of thickness suited
to his want, and pec's off tho cloth from
the end of the sli.;c, leaving it in tidy
form to place upou the table. Jlitne
stcarf. Rev. John II. Croxton, the p?nt!e
tuan who ran for (iorernor on the Demo
cratic ticket (wo yetrs since, is cut in a
letter cnJorsius' a fusion ticket. D?s
pairin of success iu the election of n
Democratic ticket this fall, he proposes
to unite tho hih and holv men of both
parties, an ! thus trample down the very
appearance 01
Bliir Tinics.
poJiticai corruption.
Ttie Nayrme (onrt.
Associate Justice Lake delivered the
opinion of the Court, in which without
deciding the question of the lep-ality of
acting Governor ilacu!l's proclamation,
tho revoking proclamation of n-tinr
Governor Jame, was declared legal,
constitutional and of bin-ling effect.
Justice Crounse concurred in this decis
ion. Chief Justice Mason said:
"I regard the result of thia procee J
ifie as an unwarranted asadt upon th.'
righti, privileges s;id prerogatives of an
independent Hndeo ortiiuate department
of the ifate Government, and I caa.not
concur in the views exjircs-ed by the
majority ot thiscourt i will at an ear
ly day, prepare and foe an opinion, set
tine forth iiy reasons for dissent."
The biicf of associate Judges Lake
and Cronnse wore so:nowhat lengthy,
and we have been unahle to obtain cop
ies of them up to going to prsss. Lin.
The N. Y. Post, nf the 17th, dismis
ses what it P tly calis the" greatest crime
in history." On that eiay, j.i.t one
hundred years,!):)' tlape d since tho trea
ty wss binned at St. Petersburg between
Russia IJrus.-ia and Austria for the par
tition of Inland, anl which resulted in
the lingering death cf a great nation. At
that date 1'olan J, was a country larger
than Kncland, and its population ex
celled that of all tho British Maud-'. Not
all of Poland was then taken, but iu 17U3
another portion wa3 divided between the
three national robbers, nr-d in 170" the
remaind; r was appropriated, and Pol
and finally Mot ted frmi the map of
Europe. Other nations protested, lint
theyd:d nothing. Kxct-ration? from the
pens of nil the leading men of the ace
had r.o effect upon the monsters who
were resolve ! to destroy a nationality
that deserved to live, ft is a good thing
to remember abont these day?. There
arc some people in this country who sccsn
ansious to repeat the crime.
any impurities mat inane? to rr-iiio m j inio ui-j n.jvoii oi wnv .(juiii .-.u-a maue.
contact with tho p-.ckae. and khi n ! irjjjiOtJant discoveries th-rc. la
Ttie Llvlntfgtoue Dxpedillou.
Our rea lers ' will-remember that the
British government, some time since,
formally declined sending out an expedi
tion in search of Dr. Livingstone, thu3
leaving the matter entirely in private
hands to be disposed of ai the public
saw fit. At a subsequent meeting of the
II yal Geographical Society, the acting
president, Sir Bartle Frere, called atten
tion to tho favorable opportunity otlered
by a ve.-s.d on the point of starting for
Zaiiibar Ly way cf the Suez caual, and
proposed to dispatch a party of foity
volunteers to proceed up the country at
once, in to 'relying on the
j chance f lr. Livingston being rescued
! by the company under command of Sir
Samuel B::fctr, who' it is un-i-n-tooel, is
Mll'A. l:141-.1: 13 "lOV .-.;u'lin.i.'.. a.
..1 " It . ....... L..'f .UWV, hO
' -
propo.-iii.ou was favorably received by
. ,, , nr,rar,U in-
cr-jast d to the amor.iit required, $la.0Oi.
On Wednesday lit, tho expedition left
London, a:i.l much interest will be felt
hi a.-certainins the names of its oilicers,
th.; injteri il of whicli the rank a:ti u!e
are com-.-osed, and tho plan cf opera
lions dreided upon. Several weeks inu.-t
elapse before th?sc pra-tieulars teach us
by m-iil, ri::i meanwhile we may recall
witli pleasure and pre fit ll.e main points
in the career of the remjukable man
whoso salvation is the objeel of this des
perate and ali::o.-t hojielci? undertaking.
Rev. Davii Livingstone was born at
Blantyre. near (ilatgow, about the year
1S17. His parents were highly rospect
abls. but somewhat poor i:i this world's
goods nhich necessitated the sending of
their -r.ii at a very early age to earn his
living in the cotton mills of his native
town. Inspired with a genuine love of
learning, and possessing the proverbial
Scottish thrii'tines-s, the boy managed to
gain money rijough over and above his
daiiy wants to buy-book., and these he
studied diligently every vacant moment.
In the wintc-r lie attended school at Glas
gow, resuming work during the summer
months, and in this way he obtained a
tolerable ilnglivh education and some
knowledge of the classics. Having
strong rel'gimis sympathies, his main
object of sutl ition was to become a mis
sionary, and accordingly when he reached
tha proper ago ho spent several y?ars in
tha study of medicine and theology, and
in 1?38 was admitted licentiate tf the
faculty of physicians and surgeons. He
then offered hims?.lf to the London Mis
siona-y pneisty for occlesiastifal duty in
Afriyi, and having been ordained a min
ister of tho cospel in 1S40 ho left Eng
land for Fort'NalHl.
boon alter arriving at lus nenl ot labor,
h- ma
hi the ncqu iiiitance od Lev. Dr.
, ov.e cf the most distinguished
and enterprisingof African missionaries,
whose daughter he eventually married.
For sixteen yoars from IS-lO to 5G
ho pursued his sacred calling stea l. 'y at
Knruman, Mabods--n and otiier station
in South Afiiea, and acquired a thorough
knowledge cf the laiigurige, mariners
and cu-toms cf tiia natives. He I wive
crossed tho continent a Utile south of
the tro; ic- of Capiicorn, from the Indian
to tha Atlantic oceans and in 1S.". i
ceived the Viet-ora, rr Patron's gold uiz
cia!. from tr.e Uevai ocociypnt-ai .-oeie
ty for I;:. exploration", tie returned to
Fin,-.-land in ISoiV, and was preseui at a
moet'mg cf the society when lie was
persoual'y complimented by the venera
ble president. Sir, llo leriek Murehison,
as 'an illustrious discoverer and the pi
oneer of sound r.d useful knowledge."
Dr. Livi'-gston, while on this visit sug
uestcd the project of growing cotton on
an esti'u.sive scab in the interior of Af
rica, opening "tap a direct trade between
tii t section and Lngland, and thus aid
ing in civibzation and christianizing of
tho barbarous population.
In the spring of lSo:, he went back
to Africa accompanied by a number ed'
assistants scut out l y -toe government
1 in Si'ptciul'or, lrW. bo penetrated
- . . 1 l I . I. .. V" 1 ..
companion hi all ills expeditions, died of
malaria: lever at Jiliupana, and the fol
lowing year tho party was lvcalled. In
Dr. Livinsnton isitt-d Kiigland,
and after giving ::cou:it of his trawls
ar.el making cxten-ive picpiarations for
future travels, departed agdn iu April
ISiio. Two years later, a report was re
ceived tJ the efi.-ct that lie had been
killed in a skirmish with the natives near
Lake Nyazz.t, but though trc-ticra'Iy be
lieved it has never been satisfactorily
confirmed. An expedition in search of
him, under command of Mr. Jl. D
Vounij.' went out during the summer of
1S:',7, but accomplished nothing, nor is
there mu;di reason to think the present
effort will be more succcsfid. Had Dr.
L"'ving.-tone been alive, so bold and ex
perienced a traveler as he would have
reached the white settlements on the
coast hng before now, or at least commu
nicated authentic tidings cf his wherc-
The 2S'eT York (Atizrn has put on a
new theatrical critic, who thus hceins a
notice of the "lilnr-k Crook" : "Where
now is the erstwhile glad i'rondesceuo of
your garnish grottoes, the flamivomous
ell'u'ger.ce of your Hades, the fluviatic
motkeiy of your copror bottomed fakes,
the inipcrmcablc cottoti of your oscillat
ing foam, or the Hoeulent florescence of
your glowing ruu.-iin roc ? and where,
indeed, the horrors of your delirious,
vaty deep, tho splendor of you appo
1 ltic rainbow; tho diaphonus abunl
anre of you- tissue paper skies, tho iile
ec'orous nieitation of your willowy, pros
tratt? vestals on their mossy banks of
baize?" Thrro has been no resi)onse to interro-ratories rveu -cho is
knocked spce;h!ess. Cincinnati Com
mercial. The Omaha paper3 of Sunday morn
ing srrve up their U3ual ration of lies,
as to the stptus at Lincoln, to the r rea
ders. The indignation expressed by
parties here from all parts of th: State,
at the systematic deception and false
hood of these bheets, and their continu
al misrepresentation of men not the
tools of tho city, will fall with a cru-h-ing
weight upon the interests of that
city, before many months The people
or iNcbraSiia aie tired 01 these continual
outrag.-s upon truth, manliness and dec-new,
and thi?y will act decisively and
fou ildy in the premises. There is future
punishment for all such damnable reck
less rascality as is daily practised at the
expense of Nebraska an 1 her decent
men by those daily dirt stingers. Lin
co'n Journal.
The difficulty between Germany and
Hrazil has been settled by a concilatory
cour.-e on t he part of the latter, and the
two countries ars on a friendly footing.
Chief -Iutieo Chase is buying up
Illmde T-land He has already pur
chased five acres, and ia keeping a eharp
eje on the other nfteen.
Several lirgo coal plies in Chicago
have never been extinguished since the
great fire, and still smoulder during the
day and blaze fo:t!i at night.
Published statistics show that 00 WO
piuigrants left Germany dast year, and
that nearly all came ta the United
A celebrated author says that no letter
is ever commenced without the first page
being an apology.
Wm. Gossip, so ?ays a Halifax jour
nal, deals in newspapers in that city
Names are sometime appropriate.
HKU I l'. ! Lilt.mimiJU
'Consieier Ie Jiuilb.'
A good story is told of old Dr. Cald
well formlcy of the University of North
The docter was a small man, and lean,
but as hard and angular as tho most ir
regular of pine knots.
He looked as though he might .be
tough but ho did- not seem strong.
Nevertheless, he was among the knowing
ones, reputed to be agile "as a oat," and,
in addition; was by no mear-3 deficient in
tho knowledge of the 'm inly art."
Well in th-o fresh man class of a certain
year was a burly beef mountaineer of
18 or PJ. This gf-nius conceived a great,
contempt for old Bolus' physical dim
ensions, and his soul was honfied tint
one so deficient hi mu--c!e shou'd be so
potential in his rule.
Poor Jones that is what we'll call
him had no idea of moral f ree. At any
rate he was not inclined to knock under,
be despotically, by a man he,
imagined ho could tie or whip. At
length ho. determined to pivo tho old
gentleman a genteel, private thrashing,
some night, in the Codege Campus, pre-
tcnoing to mistake him tor soma
Shortly after, on a el irk ard rainy
night Jones met the docter crossing the
Campus. Walking up to him aruptly:
"Hello, Smith! you ra-ca! is this
you!" And with thai ha struck the old
gentleman a blew on the face that nearly
felled him.
01 1 Bolu? said nothing but squared
himself, and at it they went, Jones' youth,
weight, and muscle made him an "uly
customer," but after si round or two the
doctor's science beg in to tell, and in a
short time he had konfked his antagonist
down, and was straddle of his che.-t,
with one hand on his throat; and the
other dealing vigorousculFs on the side
cf trie head.
"Aii! stop! I beg your pardon, 'Doctor
Doctor Chidweil a mistake for heav
en's sake, Docter!" lie groaned. "I
really thought it was Smith!''
The docter replied with a word and a
blow alternately.
"It makes no diffe rence; frr all present
purposes wn.-rJcri::!
The Life of Dr. B;:fi!es, of Liverpool,
has thn. fallowing : "A young lady, the
daughter of the owner of the house, was
addressed by a man who, though ngreea
bio to her, was disliked by her father.
Of course, ha would not consent te (heir
union, and she determined to elope. The
night was fixed, tha hour came, he
placed a ladder to tho window, and in a
ibw minutes sho was in his arms. They
mounted a double hor-e, and were soon
at some distauee from the house. After
a while the body broke silence by saying,
'Well, you see what a proof I hive giv
en you of my affection; J hope you will
make me a rood husband.' lie was a
sur.y ti-iiow, ai;i giuiny answered, 1 ir
haps I mar, and perhaps not.' She
I made no reply, but alter a srenee ot
some minutes sho suddenly exclaimed,
'Oh, what sh di we do? I have left my
moiiey behind mo iu my room.' 'Then,'
srid he, "we must go back and fetch it.'
They were soon again at the h use. the
ladder was ani:i placed, the lad3" re
mounted, while the ill-natured lover
waited below. But she delayed to come,
and so he gonlly called, 'Are you com
ing?' when she looked out of t!u window
and said. 'Perh-ps I may, and perhaps
not:, and then shut down tho window,
and left him to return upon the double
horse nione. "
iVholoriile .t He tail Dcilcr; In
i larchvare arai Cutlery, tovrs
Keep on hmd a Largo Slock of
And Other First-Class Cooking
T 0 V E S ,
All kinrj
Coal cr Woo l kept on lined.
Siiring and Breaking Plows
At .Net Cc3v for G'asTi.
2TeT7 York OfSce, 27 EEEKMAN ST.
z- r-
The. W. Iarj-ockt
Asd denier in ail kind; of .
JFuriiiture & Chairs.
MAIN STREET, (tbiiddoof east Of P O
f Ite-raSritif and Varnisliinr nectly
Fuor.rflid ttr-rt'lcd at the sb'Tt
Aggregate Assets,
Consolidated Statcm:nt cf tho condition of the GEBiSAHJA
H-ifiOVER, NIAGARA, and REPUBLIC Fire Insurance
Companies', cf tha City of Hew Yo.K, on t!?3 3lct clay cf
December, 1871.
Apjrrcgato Capital
"o Capiial aul Surplus
UniteJ Staffs fceuritira
iiOiins on ind and Mort?.i.':e
Loans on Call (amply so-em(! '
t'iivli in Unnk and hands ot' Agents
Rp.-il I'stMto
OlUcr tfecui itie-s, iucludine iiiils Kcce'.-vable,
Lofecs in proeen of a-ljustment
Uihcr CiaiuiJ
State of Nebraska,
It i.- heroin- certified, that there his t: .-n filed
i ctuidi: i"!i of I lie L'n ritors' As'Oii y iiisnr.iiu -
N-:iv 1 rk. on thf :lt day of De-i-i;i:iuer. .- I is, I, ia a. -!.irdan-c wuh tuc provision ot :n Ai"t
nf tiio tJcncra! A- :;0'n -:ly. oi the S iHe of Xolr.'ska. to r Pi, u ..;'. itt.-ur:sn:o ' 'otujauios. ;i i-r-'vcl
i'Cb.-!i::iy lJt'u l-iiii;: ihat said couspanv having filed the nojtsciary ,nid a Mate:ueot s-liow-
1:1 thrii tail Como toy i- o".-e.-d ofth'i I - i iiiri lo a.'iiount .! e.;iii:tl und iiives'tttd a- ivijuired
hy la v. Au-!i.-r;:y is tiiere-tor riven t-.tiie tihoye na:noil V om.i.oiy t- transaet tli.-ir a;i;n-"i'riato
bu isifis ot l'oe iiMuranc-.', iu t'-jir St i u, mi aecordanoe iih the l.ivvs there f. until tho olt ih.y
of Junu urv. hu'.i. I luriUcr ccriiy t h ;t Peiiry i-. Palmer of i'i.iiism m h. t'ouniy of ii au
thoi izi-d to trar: irt hui:i "S awui-iliiii t 1 ia v; fur said (i.iini.any in their Agent and AUorucy, by
tiil uir Cenifieate f r record wall too Clerk f Cass eotiny
In 1 est uoiiv hereof, I h ue he-re-unto set my hand and alVixffd nv seal of ofileo, at T.-istv.ln,
this lst day oi January, ibTJ. JOHN 'ilLLh.-i'Ih, Auditor of State.
L b H. E. Paimsr, Agent, PiattfiSiiauth. fol.sjcW4
.? 5- Trr
Continent f.ail Slos 24, 20 28 Nassau i?t. 1 1)
JU.?IU.i i A'.VJiEKCK. I'ic.:ci.t. J. P. KOeiMt. is,-tr.'tre.
ji & Cs gJra if i i l is CsC SSIsXiSf Jku i. c JS i
Xniiiber Polii'tes iac 1 to .ran 1. , 87 J
Nil!!.'!-- Potieiej i-vu.-t and r-r rived ia 1S. I.
At-H'iTT.S. .;.!). l,l.-7
T'ii.' CoiMoary is P'jrcTy Sfutual xv if o--orati-ns, d'vi I ins its (-'Aro ctirpin r,:niriir its T'nli
cy hol't.-r. annua'.! v. .;n (he "( rtntrihutiun Plan." Had ban a JaUTe-r busi- ess :id 11 lovor ra'n nf
expcuso to ini-omo, than liave over bce-ii atlained by any oilier Comj.any at a Correr-t.ondlBff
pi'rio l iu its hi.-tory.
Its total Asse'ts arc sntliMcnt t'i .li-i'harso i'l liabiii' Va. in du liaot re-iasuranc . pay back a.: I
its stoi-k cajd' f !, and leave as balance more th m a MILLION 0!' earned sand us.
?Bs 02O2psLS!2r Issxefi rIox?c Police:
IN IS 71
ILriTf Oilier Osmpss I22 tlie Wcs3?2
S. A. TAYLOR & Cp.,
Xj. lb1. JOSjMSO
SrOpp.ite the Platte Valley House, in Scldater's Jewelry .Store, 3
G. A. MILLEI it CO'S (
Dr Jfirst-dass
Wholesale and Kct;:i! Dealer in Strings, Sheet Mu.-ic, ncd all kinds of Musie-al Iercliandi.-
jMU3ICa.L INSTRUMENTS Tuutd and HrptiirrdSativuetion GuaranlcnljS
- der;d4tf
Hats and Caps, Boots ami Shoes,
aia Street. Seeond Door East of the Court Ilousa
EE ASCII !ICTS-E-Pro.:37rar.ffucue-::-r.!w.T Ii- .
r limn ii i namae-wj. MU-M'-i 'jra
iiank frtucks
1 c-; .. -,
... (.-j2",73
insurancs Deparfmcnt,
in thi f Hico a sworn ft'cnent showin,? the
1 - Cuiuy, loci re I ur .Ve-w yik. i:i tha t.ita ol
;ia: czz H"C3
... :-
.?, ; ,:;;..iC
3 $ f
auV Organs.
FiatUmoalh. Xebragka
The Two .Most Suceessfu
Popular and Perfect,
Are Our Well Known
Both are of tho .ciiopfkt Consfructi'-n, and
io Ka-fily lUitagoi Uiat wo guariuloa thtia to
c . . !n tl:o l(i-icr!nlt h.aa a creator in-
; fi. t..-,- i;i r"-vtiiiK the health, comt.ut r.n l
'M'tli i'iim ily circ-Ia thin the (,'o:k
! , k -. L fiiiiiiniy as nril policy to itet th
i wi v i,r--. ::i..J in buvimthc Clmrter Oak. you
, v:i r-S e-r. r the most suTetvsful, uiulur
if.r. ' . ;V..t 'i.i;iti fto' ever ma tc.
! J:i m-iui. Kpioure l'coi'vc you aro always
j r.ri ut' iiav ing
Juicy. Tcnu'.-r ;uid rui:-ious Besi.taltcs,
CLickeas, limns. Chops, &c.
Sold Uy
612 & 6M N. 3Iain Street,
St. Louis Ifo.
w i
M 2.
; "
3 --3
Lo k to Your Ghifdrcn.
The Great o.-thin- 1J;
S, 1 C:-;rts -a'ic a; 1 pripin- inl Pria
W:-d-.-ciit'8 the inivci-, and f'i'
Sr.ij). t!;e i rr-i i.j ' t i-.-f ir-..T. : -.-. s.
MR', .iJli 2;n s e r. . nxv't rri,o
V.'hit.-.o'.-.i'i vcr.- 'm.',' difvos---- i i.-i-i a.
t: n. il-.n t . i l'-i:,..4 .!-,;! chi:di- uJOkjiU.
MSi. 1 Cj !iurr!i.T.. Ilvs-.:jo-! f.-icc
''Mean Vi' ,-y -.i.d fiiur.v.i -JK-oir. V.iiul j '!
Cy.-ap. child. pu oi'sli ::4;-r.'s.
It i.tlrrr:t lt:f.s;i:i j.n-1 Ci:":l-tren,ir..-?.-.h-iit
I-:?u!y. in nli i;.--..rd.-rs brcaght oa by
u- -i ! : r .j. c-r tiny ot!:or ..rii-.-.
t'r! r:-c ! ty the li.-itiU.rj Meelictne Co., ft.
..!,! I y i'mt'sists una ue,;leri in ?'e
fjfors wue-re- do-.'.'di
i'.'-f ::rie.-ys. Toilet nr'iaTrs, TJrr.ihB, P.i;:.1e
e -,K Vtirnisb. I'tuty. Window til.t, I.ji'h- s,
-!;ritre;!r,ed coul oil, ui&-i-xpi-;tiVe
barmus fluid, io. Jc, go tt
Prescription Drug Store
I"ext Jor.rwct of the Post OSiee, in tho
uoiii wiih (l iJrica. baot and shoo dealer.
ciiiul purpo.-es. a Fpceiuliiy.
lift thiiMjti'.r tnres fhivci ing extract?, a
lli-p.-irai..iici'ii!oi-.;ila;re-idy f.,r u.-e. an un
cqualed ba k ins pow.K-r and variour other nrti
el(a. to ihosu M.idictvd to the u.-u oi' Opium,
that poisonous and d ."troyiiia druy. cotoe cr ad-i"t-ss
me mid be cured an thousundg of others
have ei;-en and are beii'T. by a j,ain!(:::s. erina
nan. untitloto. When otu-e eure l, tt hi.-h tnkei
I ut a short, time, you have uo desire lor eiina
or the antidote
'Coinmuiiientions for the Opium Artidota
may bo addressed ft Dr. i. li. 1 hapmtu I'liir s
rtioulh. Neb. or K. J. Oiarman, 'M. D. JJo.
Valley, iowa. janlidiirtf
A Ilcck Tor Una JliUiov. !
Ma rri ag z
A privHte counselor to tha
Married or tho.-e about to inar-
j- on in.- jui) xioiognsai inyrtcr
-- . . , v, imv p.'itdi .-bLeiii, ena
laic: t a u-.ovcrtea in producing and Prevent iug
oi,;rTni'' tlOA' l-J prterve the complexion Arc.
1 IU3 U na in tere'stiujr work of two hundred
and twei.ty-four pages, with numerous engrav
ing, and contains valuable information lor
thoao who are married, or con template mar
riage,, it is a bock that ouyht to be kept
un.icrlo.-k and key. and not laid carelessly
kl.-out tl.e nouse.
Sent to any one (free of postage) for.'f ccnti.
Address Ur. tutts' 1 i-punsary. Xo. l X-Eis-tith
itrte-t. St. Loui?, ilo.
Notice to the Aiiiieied and Uufortanate.
a(Here in puMic Tapcr, or usin? any ouiic-k
iiuitiiu., tmuc ui. uiiiis worK no Trailer
what vrti: r .t.-eviiui i .i.a
, . d v- uwip u.-pioraoitt j our
Dr. ilults cm ba consulted, personally or by
mail, on tm di.eas'4 mentioned in his works
.."VW, .... ...tu.i.ciiwh ue-Lween market
- - - ...... oia liovf
rrni.rn ,i,rr..a. .. I I I .
. . ' mi i-i;iwr3 w leu cnsiant
wmplojiucnt at home, the whole of the time or
." pr" Mu.jii.3. ixisujcsH new, us-rit
and profitable. IVrsotis of cither tex can easily
earn from li.iy cei.Ls to live doiiars per evening
...... cum . ui. oiiux eiieir wuoio
uuriu.-.. uujsmu gins nirii Hear!
as much v-s men. 1 ha all who se-o thii notic
may gend their address and test tho buriner
w mak-o t '.--wiiTiin. r.i I Iota:! ..t;'; 'r.. i. ..
- , j. j rura lis are
not well satirheu, we wi semlone dollar to nv
tor ttp trouble ol writing. Full particular, a
. .v. ...... nn..i n m uo x commence
work on, and a copy of The i'rniiWm J.ij,i,..iV..
one of the largest, and bfrt fair ily newspapera
r-..,.. ....... i y man. iieauer, il
jou want p.-riuenHnt. ire!iuble work,
Auiru.-tta Main. 9
-r r-- 77:.!.; 'S-'.. J-1
1 ! .' V$Ki&tZi
V- -i 1
flTPVTi;) ()( TDLEl! 17. 1ST I.
It f a Coiizp'rtp Sn-rrn! Snvpn 3Iney
iinio Ui::t Urii.Ijtfi "' ,5i' I
f ViikIiuis K.1J.
,- ",:! V'n'i' r en-1 ynn in .: c u Suatiuff Wife. It
1: ci ro !--. t lor .1 Wk1.t h a wrinr U tor t
iM'iu rm-. Viu'.inir.-r 'il ! ! '' VA':''. .r'v'e "
bnvcMcnallv failed t-.a- c;mvl-h l!- ch-: t f ronitfed
i.i proii.i:i-.-.H-.n.l :id mi;:. advrrii.a-nwntH.
I '.M ...ic i.notl.-r ii.ii.a-ciM-i.t to
lo'-ii pi '-yet s US that il 1.4 vainm lto r.-acl. t.l -v-ty
i.aut '..-. iv -. nn-i tl.' iv is no tti ti.-lo oi doi;n-M k- 'cu
i,,v v,'i.:. ;!. v.-i.l -... r..-!l i..v.lWPi.l o-.n.
-... H r. 1 tbi'l i i-.i:' i r.r Its'. '-: t lnUrjT
aj.-:,,s v.-..!-l,-l riT) v. !;. r. A l.'.-ral j, -" Oi:nt t
t.'.'l.,.: ,.. 1 ., ii-i i- r-.- frr :.i . 1 u- Jltnu-
il'J S. t::iiiul: ., t l.ieujcu, iltiuol'3.
J. WiLNllt, rrorri.tor. li. II. Mrl'o,n,u A Co., lJr.ncy..l49
tta. Agctt, ali I raiiciwu, Chi., anj m eJlr.LMrr Urvt. fti 9
MILLIONS near TelIinony lo llirif
Vou(Ipifiil C'uiRtive r.llpe'ln.
They are not a vilo Fnn-y Ili-iiiK, of l'nor
ttnm, WiiibUcr, l'roof Sitlrlm nn.l Itrliika
I.lquor doctored, spiced nnd swci Icned to jiIhsvi tl.o
laste,c:dled "Tonics," "A pie't iiu-s," "Jlrstnrrr,"4;e.,
lhat leud the ti.plcr on to druiikcnnc and rut it. but nn
a true Slediclnc.mado from the Native Iirot-i nn.l l.l,
Cf Califorriia, free from nil Alcoholic fllniu
Ianto. TheynrotlielJIIEAT HI.1K1I) IM It!. A LIFE lilVIMJ I'll I NCI I'I.r
a perfect r.onovutor und l.ivteor.itor of tin; j-.ttui.
carry ing oltnll poisonous i.-uittor unci irnoi inu l!u-' 1.kJ
t j a healthy condition. No poi son can tiikc- tln-ui IUU
ters BcconlinK to diie-etioiii ami rimuiii lou ui. will,
(Tovided t!;eir bemea nro nut destroyed t.y
(oIboii or other means, emd tho vitul oiun wuUnd
l.cyoii.l tho point of r.-niilr.
Tliry arenllcnllf rurjjn il ve nm w ell nan
Touie, poBssin, i.Iko. Ihe pe.i:!i':ir nieiit of n. ltim
til a powci fid eei.t in ri li.ivir ('..iipf-thiii or Inllun-.t
tnntion of ti c I.ivrr, end nil the is.-on.l Or.r.i'H.
FOK I-i;.11Al.K COHI'I.AINTS r.niig cr
ol.I, niurric.l or wihk!.', t tiio di.w n of v 1 1 ni . I ...... 1 orht
Hie turn of life, these Tonic- Lii:.:! -. l.uvo no 4-mi.h!.
For Inflninmnlory inul Ch ronie It Iii-ii ini
tioin nml ;oilt, i?J M.l-p-d.l or I n ill -s ion,
ltilion4, Kemilteiit c;nd I ineriiiilK iil
Vcrit, IINen-tp vf flu- lllooit,, Kid
ncya mid, t'.' -a liii I rri h:i 1 iii'.i
ruccpKHfs.l. !"iicli Ii"teaic i;ru ran. . .1 1 y ilintod
Illao.l, whi-li isfrrnnraily prod in;. .1 I y l.trn'i;;c-:i.ent
(if. the Iir-lle iigiiim.
UVrjl'lil'SlA Oil I N III (J ESTION't P-'..-ehe.
Pain in the Shoul h r . Coughs, Ti-Ij;ih-i of tho
Cliost. Dizi-.lness, S-our Fi -tiot.-ition.-i of th! Kloniafli,
tlaa 'raate lu the Mouth. Xinj.... , Pjitnta' :n tu
tho Uetirt. Infianunntion of the l.uncs. Tain in V.ii r
tions cf the Ridntys. nnJ a hundred oilier panda I .: in; -(cms,
nru tho ofl rrinc."! of Jljr'pep.da.
Thrr iuvicoral 3 the f-loi-iaeli and .i r.iih.t.- tho ! r;''.i
Liver anj HoweU, vriuch renner lln'iu of mciuaili-1
tfOcacy in clcii..- iiii.' the Li(.').i of all Ini.i. itii h. and nu
Vartiu? liuw lifo on l vior :) lho w h' !.; j Ii-iii.
FOIl SKIN DISEASrs, Empttoi.K.Tett.T. Ha.i
r.hciim, Iiloichi-s. ivots, 1 im; it-s. I'listnlro. HnilK.Or-funrl.-s,
r.i.ijr-HVinn.. H -i I I Hi-5 I. ...r - i:-i. i:rv-i?-Ir8.
Il.-lub'-iiit's, olorr.1 f llio H'itimtk an '
IlHoa1. "t tho 1;mi. 1 v :.itt-vr naii"' r n .'lire.
litc-raliv da ni an i c-arrio.! out ol'lh
ia in a ri
lime t-y the ot ti..-?y littt.-is. Oi
'. !i- hi h i .
. r iii-.-ir era
a Ca-I i' 4 fir.
aipit-.-, I'ri:'.
.T. It 1.4 f. i:!.
fiisi j will cjuviucu tho mo .t iucrMu..i.
live tiTi-ci.--.
CIeaur;o tlia Titla'.c ! J:;.ir J v.ii. r.. v. r :
0urltiva bursting Ihiouua ihe ekin In I'
tiona or Eo;-i-s ; cU-anza it t. L.-n nu f.a 1
lud s) Jji'i-ih In tho vcinr. : cIl m IS wl
and your feclinss r id to), you w h.-a. Kora th-j
I I 4 i
pure, end the In altti of tiio FV.-'.-.m will follon-.
I'in, Tnpe-, ntid other Worni, luriilnv In t!:
lystem of so mai:y thoufi .:--i:;, aro cfic'.-tually dentroved
und rt-Tnovo.-l. Huyn o di tiani..hi-1 i-hv '.i- r:. ,
there is Brarct'ly an in-awihial u;"ni th f...-.- .( t!!
r-nrth wlof body is i-x- i-i;. f:-"in tin- pr h -u.- .f
worm', it is not niion th.- Iialihy 1-ini-n -f 1 1- .
body that wonii" .-xist. hat ih- iIik.-:;. . Iittmnr.
and slimy dfposits that h'-.'d th'.'p living in'.nTM
disf-ae. No r-r!..Mii of Mcdh iii'. no vi-mi ih'.-i ?. i
tuithclmintics wiil free the fy-i'.tui from j:m., I.ka
theae Uilt'.-rs.
J. WALKEK, Proprietor. R. It. M' TION A l.t) & CO.,
Dnjfffffsts and flcn. Atits. Pan Frnn.-.'.ro. ''..'ifornia.
and 3J aud 31 Ciiiniii.-n-e i-in-. t, N.-w Vi.rk.
Aro prepared t; fiippi- thr? pt.llij with lit. e if
tha Let t iu:ity, t.t tLeir wurk, ut tho rata f
(Jr'Thlrty csnt per Bash
At. 1 when barrelled twnl J-f.vo ecctl
wiil be ciinrscJ per barrel.
Ord-.-rs :;:n be- I'.-lt wiih J. V.'. l.::on.
mouth, Xebrssl-.ii. r nddre-.-ved to the f
btr Lux OJe). I'luttsiuoiah Neb.
J. I.. 1.A.V,!;, lVtf t., teu.ue :uid Jjisva C- r
scp i:;.!iirrf.
Veepiny Water, Mebracka,
General Merchandise,
sera as
V Aged for
t iHccx & Gibha Sewing tfaefciae
G17 St. CiKtrles Street.
J" onger located in St tnuisthan any Hiron
I J i; hvii-iui., -o f.u.-ceytully tnuiH .Simp),
md Ce ii.piic.atcd Venereal lii-ea. as to brim
atieritx lrom every .St.. te. Jin ho.-rd'al op
pr'. ur.ities, a lil'j time uxperii-nee. with pur
... . .i ,1..-, iki.-ji.iiih i.i i. c C. la Ol 1 - ! Ill .! ' . , I u . '
: ca.-cs (riven up by otue.'s1, no utuli-.-r who tail
c,i in yoi.r priva-o tiouoies. i.onu.iaeioi.
free. Send two t:l:ap4 l;-r medical es-uys.
JUximoit, V.'ntiAMioou. sent bj
mail. 13 cents e ach. bo. h for i.1 cL-i, 1 1 piifre?
4 11 4 1..,. .l. : , . .. . - ' :.
mi. me iunnui, ..ouomui or iiiq.ii-ii.
-.riull tr. trnrtrv ' I oS..... C.lf h..l,....,n I'iava
...... . - u u ' . .1 .kit n.'Ul -U1-)IL'1iUL1VU A
uou. Marriai-e. Kyery youup man and w
niiiii irani ft reia it as a warmn ine c
voiih d- bi'itated o. partialiy impotent
'eieati' eally aivied. decd K