, - ' ... D2L4JJC3 nr DRUBS, MEDICINES, A N D A!! Paper Trimmed free cf Charfje. A!uO Dealer !n Books, Stationary, riagazines, and Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by uex perienced DrupRiit. Remember the place, three doors west of the tllrmld office: Plaitstaoath, Nebraska. We are opening an Unusuallj attractive Stock of fall and VV inter goods, purchas Early largely and Low dowo. We buy from firti Class houses, invariably For cash, and have all The advantages ofa tre, And Propose to give our Customers goods at Prices we know must Please. Coma, And be convinced that Our stock is complete And the place to purchase Dry Good Notions, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Is at Clark & Plummer'a MainStree. opposite Brook House Plattsmouth. S T .A R Fv3 EAT SV2ARKET, THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED THB STAR MA RKET. At his new stand On Main Street, between 4th aud Eth .outh Fide, where he U ready to serve all bisold customers, and as many new ones as may give hiia a call. I keep an hand nothiaz bat tha rery BEST OF MEATS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR F AT CATTLE ft-Contrarta made lor furnishing- large quan tities of meat. Call an 1 see us. .. fepaidAwtf. A. O. HATT. THE GREAT OF CAUSE HUMAN MISERY ! Juit Publitked. " a lealed envelope. Price tete. A Lecture cn the Nature, Treatment, and P.adical cure of cipermatorrhaa. or Seminal eakness. Involuntary Emissions. Sexual De bility, and Impediments to Marriage generally; 3Serrea.-inei, Consump'ion, Epilepsy, and Fits, Mental and Phisical Incapacity, resulting from self-abuse. Ac By Robert J. Culvarwell, it. Dr. author of the 'Green Book,' 4c. The world-renouned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves froia his own exper ience that the awful coccquenee of self-abuse may be effectually removed without medicines, and without dangerous surgical operations, boa gies. instruments, rings or cordials, pointing ont a mode of cure at once certain and effectual by which every sufferer, no matter what bis con dition may be. may cure himself cheaply, pri rately, and radically. This lecture will prova a born to thousands and thousan la. . . Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Also Dr. Culverwe l's 'marriage guide,' price 25 cent. Address the Publishers. CIIAS. J. C KLIKE 127 Bowery New York, P. O- Box tfSfc 22 wir PLATTSMOUTH MILLS. a TXV1itrT. PiTrinfnr. Tfarin recently bel fepai red and placed in thorough running ord I ),tm BushelJ of Wheat wanted immediate! l watch toe highest market price m no pa Aggregate Assets, Consolidated Statement of the riAitUVt.il, NIAGARA, and Companies, of the City of uecsmoer, ioi. CAPITAL. Ag-Kreaale Capital... Surplus To Capital and Surplus.. ASSETS. United States Fecnritie , Loauson Bond and Mortgage.... ; Loans on Call (amply secured) -.......-.... . Caah in Bank aad hands of Agents Real Estate Other Securities, including Bills Receivable, jBa&k"StookV,"to" LIABILITIES. Losses ia process of adjustment . Other Claims.-... ... , State of Nebraska, It is boreby certified, that there has beon filed in this oSee a sworn statement showing the condition of the Underwriters' Agoncy Iasurance Company, located at New York, in the State of New York, on the 31st day of December, 1) 1871, in accordance with the provisions of nn Act of the General Assembly, of the State of Nebraska, to regulate Insurance Companies, Approved 1'ebruary 1-th lttjb; that said company having tiled the necessary papers and a statement chuw ing that said Company is possessed of the requisite amount of capital and in res ted as required by la. Authority is therelor given to the above named Company to transact their appropriate business of Fire Insurance, in this State, in accordance ith the laws there f until the 31st day of Janu ary, 1873. I further certify that Henry E. Palmer of Plattsmouth, County of Cass is au thorized to transact business according to law for said Company as their Agent and Attorney, by filling this Certificate ."or record with the Clerk of Cass eounty. In Testimony whereof, I hare hereunto set my hand and affixed my sent of office, at Lincoln, this 31st day of January. 1S72. JOHN SilLLKkPIE. Auditor of State. L Si H. E. Palmer, Agent, Plattsmouth. STATEMENT of the condition of the HOME INSURANCE COMPANY of Now York on the first day of January, 1872 made to the Auditor cf the State of Nebraska, pursuant to the Statute of that State. Same aud Location The D.-.me of this Company, is the Home Insurance Company, incorporated in 1S53, and looated in the eiiy t f N cw York. Capital The Capital of this Compary, actually paid up in cash, is $2,500,000.00 Ilia Surplus on the 1st of January, 1S.2 i.5,021.ya Total amount of Capital and Surplus 4.043,011,93 AsaEl's. Loans on Bonds and Mortgages, being first lien of record on Unencumb ered Real astute. w..rtu at let i.7J9.6W,00. l.B-T:0,?49.57. Interest due cn said Mr.rigaKe loan.', 47.0S'7,Hl United States 6's. of Istil, market value. 1S7,57.5.(I0 United r-tates currency, o's, 173 (i2,50 l.'nited Stitea 5-20 Bonds; of 154,,00 t'n;tcd Mates 5 20 Bonds, of ISO, new stock. 4vi.5tfj.LO Tonncsce Bonds, old stock, market value, 12.801.00 Alabama Bonds. " " JI.8UU.0" South Carolina Bond3, old stock " 3.QO0.00 South Jarolina, new t-tock, " " S.-OOO.OO Amounts of loans on Stocks and Bonds, payable Wisconsin ar Honds, " " ,. value of securities pledgod, elil.-2,0U . Cash belonging to the Company, deposited in Banks and Trust Companies, Interest due aud accrued on collateral loans, including bank balances. Gross premiums in duo course of collection. Bills receivable, not matured, taken for fire and inland risks, Ihe same paft due. Salvage property and claims, on losses already paid. Bills Keceivable, other than ".nose taken for premiums. Government Stamps Advanced Fire Liepartment, Advanced and secured accounts. Lease, All other property belonging to the Company. Total Assets, LIABILITIES, Gross claims for looses, adjusted and unpaid. Gross losses in process of adjustment, including all reported and supposed losses. Losses resisted, including interest and costs. Total gross amount of claims for loss, Less re.n?urance thereon. Net amount of unpaid losses, dividends declared due and unpaid. Total amount of Losses. Claims, and Liabilities. $'".24,(121 .52 The greatest aniouut insured in any one risk will not as a general rnle, exceed $10,000. The Company has no general rule as to the amount to be insured in any city, town, village or block, being governed in each case by the general character of buildings, width of streets, facilities for putting out tires, Ac. Sttb of New York, County of New York. CHAKLES J. MARTIN. President, and JOHN II. WASTIBURN. Secretary of the IIomb Ik 8URANCR Company, being duly sworn, depose and say. and each for himself says, that they are the above described otlicers of said Company, and on the thirty-first day of Bcccmber last, all of the above described assets were the absolute property of the said Company, free and clear from any liens or claims thereon, except as above stated, and that the foregoing statements are a full and correct exhibit of all the Liabilities. Assets, and of the general condition and affairs of said Company, on the said thirty-tirtt day of December, la.it, and for the year ending on said day, according to the best of their inform i: on, knowledge and bvlief respectively. signed CUAS. J. MART IN. President. J. 11. WAiUiiL'HX, Seoretary. Subscribed and Sworn to before mo, thifl 23d day of January, a. X) 1372 (Signed) " H. 1). .Umxs, Notary Public, City and county of New York. State of Nebraska; Insurance Department; It is hereby Certified that there has been filed in this ofSe a sworn statement showing the eon dition of the Uonie Insurance Company, located at New York in the State of New York on the 31st day of December A. D. 1871, in acconlanoe with the provisions of an Act of tLe General As sembly, of the State of Nebraska, to regulate insurance companies, approved February 12th, lSoti; that Sai I company filed the necessary papers and a statement showing that said company is posei-sed of the requisite amount of capital, and invented as required by law. Authority is thoretore given, to the above named company to transact their appropriate bus iness of tire insuranee, in this state, in accordance with the laws thereof until the 21st day of Jan- U iTurthcr certify, that Henry E. Palmer, of Plattsmouth, eounty of Cass is authorized to transact business according to law for said company or their agent and attorney, by filing this certificate for record with the clerk of Cass county. , In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal of office, at r. t I Lineoln. this 31st day of January, 1872. Sea1- JOHN GILLISPIE. Auditor of State, Henry E. Palmer, Agent, Plattsmouth, Neb. M. B. SV1URPHY, ! Manuoturer of il TT-v T T1 i T T"1 T" TXT Alt U U Za 1 U Zt l X 11 harness, SabMts, 5riMcs, COLLARS. WHIPS. Blankets, Brushes, &c Promptly Executed. All work .Warren ted, A-FINE HARNESS A SPECIALITY.- Nov. W.wtf PlaHwnouth, M. B. KIESS. 61J.I.DUH1 REESE & DRAPER ATTORNEYS AT LAW plattsmoutii neb. 7-OSioeon Main Ueot, Opposite Brooks House. Special attention & foUaasieo orakusst Jan6rw $3,666,242,85. condition of the GERMANIA REPUBLIC Fire Insurance MevYo. k, on the 31st day of ..J2.2O0.OOO.OO J3.606.242.S5 ,.81,W?.276,25 ... 69.)0.1W ... 322.fcVl.00 ... :SH),507.27 ... 3;),033.52 S3.666,242,85 ..$192.166.!W) . 6.225.73 190,392,23 Insurance Department. 1.897.847,41 . . 3U,ayu,l 1.729,457,30 18.500.(50 482,327,02 5.0J'J.47 28.2'J1.35 4.600,08 on demand, the market 2.042.31 2.626.37 46.(44,21 2t),8'3.35 117.U3 2.71W.OO 29.031.79 ao.twu.iio 14.575.00 173.301.4? $4,072,043,50 07,157,53 32.277.00 37.4h9,C4 213,873. U e23.Cll,r2 410.00 fb2dw4 LC P. GILLETTC Nebratlca City, Gsaeral Agont Dep't Northwest. Union C9ntral Life IKTSUHiliyCS GO Of Cincinnati Ohio, J. H. PRESSON. JtilTUCJrwtr Local Agen NATIONAL HOTEL, CORNER ilAIN AND THIRD STS BREED & FALLAN - - rroprietor. Just opened to the public for both day and week boarders. Tables set with the best the market affords AfwmtttiiM second to fcabfa LOCAL isnKirs. The amount of grain in -store in Chi cago is said to exceed nica million bash els. Hon. John I. Redkk JI. D. commu sicated an extraordinary case of tape worn to the Tribune, of OaiaLa. This if a new rele for oar friend Redick, and we would advise him to communicate his observations to the State Medical Society. The ice bridge remains firm, and in consequence large quantities of wood is being brought into town. The price of wood has been good all winter, thi ngh there has been a very large amount brought in. Some of our citizens are laboring un der the delusion that we have street crossings. S. L. Thomas brought from Iowa to day two of the finest pigs ever seon iu this country. One of them, twenty two months and, wa:ghed over TOO'.bs. They are of the Poland-China Stock. We are glad to see oar farmers getting good tock, and wa belive there is no county in the State that can produce better than we have in Cass. There is never a man so bad, says an eminent writer, but some woman lores him and has faith in him. Matilda Flotcher delivers her lecture on "Men and their Whims" in the Hall of the House of Representatives at Springfield, Illinois. The Chicago Timet, the leader of the Democracy of the northwest, is confident that "nine-tenths of all the honest, earn est men in the United States, who do not call themselves Democrats, expect to vote for a Republican President next fall" J. Newt. Hays, editor of that live paper, the Fremont Tribune called at the Herald office this morning. Newt. goes out to Lincoln to watch proceed ings there. A large number of passengers crossed the river this morning and took the train west. We also noticed a goodly number of our own citizens traveling.ia the earns direction. The difficulties existing between the English and American governments oc cupy much cf the space of the leading journals of both nations. Negotiations will probably settle the difficulty without any war. The following is a list of tho names of the party who have been engaged on the survey of the O. & S. W. R. R, up the Republican Valley since September last. The party have just returned to this place. C. C. Knowles, C. R, M. II. Lane, R J. Church, Geo. C. Brekford, J. W Jinkins, Wm. Wiley, T. S. Gore, J. n. Robertson, James Kirley. The party will probably return to the field again in about a month. The Pawnee Tri7une says the people of that county are alive on the subject cf Railroads. A large meeting was held in Pawnee City on the Stli inst , and a committee appointed to confer with the St. Joe and Denver City Railroad, also with the Leavenworth Railroad Co., to endeavor to interest these roads ia the building of one through the ciunty. lUI'OSTAST TO THE Pl'BLIC, Post Office Department Koiiee. Owing to the rapid increase in the mails and the establishment of many new Post Offices throughout the coun try, this Department finds it necessary' in order to facilitate the distribution and to secure a speedy transmission of the heavy mails co passing, particularly over the trunk lines of railroads, to re quest of the public, that in all cases the name of the County, as well as the Post OfficeandState.be superscribed upon letters, circular-, newspapers, and other matter to be forwarded by mail. J. A. J. CRE3AVELL, Postmaster Geaeral. Washington, D. C, February 1, 1872. BKIDOE! BUinGEIBRinOEU We called attention, a short time?ince, to the necessity of our citizens moving in the matter of a wagon-way in connec tion with the railway bridge about to be constructed over the Platte by"the B. & M. Co. Unless steps are taken forth with, we incline to the belief that tho bridge will be constructed without a wagoa way. Why do not our business men agitate this matter, and see that a committee is appointsd to confer with the railroad authorities? This matter i too important to be plighted. If it tails let the fault be assigned where it belongs. A MAR BUTT ESCAPE. We understand that or old friend and acquaintance, Mr. John Caughey, of Weeping Water, came naar losing his life a few days since. Mr. Caughey was engaged in walling a well which was some fifty feet deep, and those who were assisting him from above, by some cause r other lost control of the windlas and the tub containing rock was let loose into the well, and only missed crushing him by the windlass be ing jerked off the posts, thus preventing it from revolving. Uncle John desires U3 to say that from this time henceforth he is net in the well business, and that parties having wells they wish dug must cali on some body who has no fear of a tub of rock beiag let down on them from above. The following new post-offices have been established : Centre Bow, Cedar county, Henry Meyers, postmaster; Dawson (c. h. ) Dawson county, John H. C. Brown, postmaster; Kearney Junc tion, Buffalo county, Asbury Collins, postmaster ; Lowell, Kearney county, Mrs. Elizabsth Gratigay, postmaster ; Menominee, Cedar county, Peter Span nagel postmaster; Republican, Harlan county, John McPherson, poUra aster; Newton, Saunders county Bcnj. Sterns, postmaster. Poatmaster Appointed. Samuel Un capher, at Little Sandy, Jefferson county. TELEGRAPHIC New Orleans, February 15. A duel was fought this oftemoon at Bay St. Louis, Mis., between Gen. A. S. Badger, chief of police of this city. and Gee-rgo W. Carter, former speaker of the Ijouisina house of representatives. The parties exchanged shots with ritles at r?ixty -paces without effect, and the diflerences were amicably aettled. Columbus, O., February 14. The Republican State Central Com mittee met here to-day, and after trans acting the routine cf business, adopted resolutions in favor of appointing dele gate3 to the National and State Conven tions; also asking tho several counties cf the State to choose their Central Com mittees in the spring, instead of fill, as heretofore. 1 his evening the commit tee met again, with the Republican members nf the Legislature, and a num ber of editors of Republican papers. Gov. Noyes made a speech declaring in favor of the re-noniintt'on of President Grant, and in favor of the nomination of Yv hi. Dcnmson, of Ohio, for Vice Pres itient. Resolutions were adopted declar ing the hope that the entire republican party would unite on the renoruination of Grant, and also declaring Wm. Den- n:son to be the first choice of tho repub licans of Ohio for Vice Present, and commending bim to the republicans cf the nation. 1 he 2th of March was chosen as the time fur holding the State Convention. Omaha, February 14. The Union Pacific railroad company have furnished, for publication, a lengthy statement of the history and condition of the suow blockade on that road, from which it appears that the blockade had been caused by weather unprecedented in severity, withrn the knowledge of men who have known the country for 25 years, and in spite of every possible pre caution and eflort otthe company, which has spared neither men nor means to keep the track clear. The officers state there has beei no suffering among pas sengers on account of scarcity of provis ions or fuel, and there will be none, as each passenger train h is been furnished ith ample supplies. J he blockade exists only on a comparatively small por tion of the road, and every effort is be ing made in the face of all obstacles to clear that portion. At various points along the road there are about 800 wes tern bound cars of freight, and 200 cars of freight eastward bound. New York, February 14. A special London dispatch says the English Government is continuing nego: tiations in regard to the treaty of Wash ington. As the case now stands it could not hold the office twenty-four hours. This is absolutely certain, and cannot be stated too emphatically. Should the Government go out on this issue, their succ?sors. from the natnre of the case, would be equally prevented from con tinuing negotiations ; therefore, the ar bitration 13 ended. It is stated the Geneva arbitration will have only a formal meeting in April. Statements of cases submitted will re quire to be translated into French, as Count Selopis, Baron Italamba aud Stoemfeli cannot read K!!glih. Charles i rancid Adams will return, though on business of a personal nature. His return may, nevertheless, have been necessary by work yet to be done in con nection with the American case. It 13 said Mayor Hall, anticipating his discharge from indictments, has decidod to prefer criminal charp-es ariinst the Times as soon as he is acquitted. London, February 14. Lord Chief Justice Cockburn, British member of the Geneva Board, approved of the Government's refusal to admit tho claims fir indirect damages H illiam l'owier. nierabtr of i arlia- ment fur Cambridge, ad Jres-ing his con stituents last night, dwelt at some length on the Alabama care. Alluding to the claim of the United States for indirect damages, he said England should not bluster, nor should sho submit to be bul lied He believed the country to a man had made ud its mind if our American cousins wanted money they would have to come here and take it. The Times considers the situation to day more satisfactory, and denies that quarrel was sprung because Glad-tone feared to eifect the intrigues ot jJisraeu and D.Ike, for nothing coaid be more un popular in England. The Daily Telegraph does not credit the report that a reply to Lord Gran v lie's note has arrived from Washing ton. It thinks the American cabinet will w:iit until the text note is revived by mail before making a formal answer. Augusta-February 15. A republican caucus of members of the lejMsIatare last evening elected del egates to the republican national conven tion at Philadelphia, F. N. Porter is chairman, and Elaui Woobury Secretary. Resolutions adopted endorsing Grant and Colfax. New York, February 15. In the Oyer and Terminer Court this morning the evidence was continued on behalf Stokes as to the irregularities in impanneliog the grand jury. Fifteen thouand dollars worth of silks were burglarized in Washington avenue this morning. The thieves escaped bat most the booty was recaptured. On the nisht of the 13th a locomotive boiler exploded at the Susquehanna de pot of the Erie road causing a tremen dous smash up. The locomotive, which was behind when it exploded, run the train into the caboase of the train ahead and made a complete wreck of it The conductor and four others in it at the time were all badly scalded. Patrick McGay was killed and on one side of the track an old man found with two ribs broken and a large hole cut in his legs. On the ether side of the track was his son with his legs mangled. The caboose took fire, but was subsequently extin guished. O'Donovan Rossa's petition claiming the senatorial seat of Twe?d will be laid before the Legislature to-morrow. Ros ea brings testimony to show that at least six thousand votes which are registered in favor of his opponent belonged of right to him. An Annapolis dispatsh says that at a meeting of Democratic members of the Maryland Legislature last night, Senator Hamilton and Congressmen Merrick and Ritchie advised the passive policy. Three homesteaders, living ia Ply mouth county, Iowa, started with a team for the Broken Kettle for wood, when they were overtaken by the memorable storm on laat Saturday morning, when two of the men dug their way into a snow drift and remained there, while the other man proceeded on his way with the team. The men in the snow drift remained there a day and a half before they dared venture out, but suffered no material injury by their long imprison ment. The man who kept on his way, together with the horses, was found a day or two sinco frozen to death tiear Sutton's, some fifteen miles above Sioux City. As far as known positively, eight per sons were frozen to death daring this storm within a radius of 15 miles from Sioux City. Tho loss of stock within the same limits has been immense, and will probably reach 500 to 600 of horses and cattle, Ex. The JewslnEntland The Jewish Chronicle (English) refers at length to the intimate connection growing up between the JewsofEngla nd and the state. They were forrmot in their loyaltj' to the throne during the illness of prince ff Wales, taking the in itiative in offering- up pra3ers for the stricken prince, and urging a like course upon their biethcren in the Holy Laud. By recent bill in parliament the claims of the Jews have been admitted to spe cial legislation by rea-onof their religions exigencies, and a Jew, (Mr. Jessel)has been appointed to a pot in the exective government of the country. The Jews are not only in England, they are of Eng land; they ere not only English Jews they are Jewish Englishmen. Without sacrificing Judaism, or neglecting its ob servances,' or abandoning its claims priv iliges and hope., they claim a full share and interest in all national afeirs. SEWS. "Gath" says Senator Tipton shares the leadership of tha opposition in the Unitod States Senate with Senator Trum bull. To break up a settiug hen give her Vinecar Bitters. FALL AND WINTER GOODS 1871 1871 GREAT. RUSH! LARGE CROWDS!! Everybody, aad mere too. areciai ta D. gOHHASSS 8z CO, To buy their KEW YORK STORE- The best aid rcet so plete ' STOCK OF DRESS GOODS- . , Arenowanoiuonat DRESS-GOODS, PRINTS, DELA1NS, GlIN'iliAMS, BROWN iilEETING, BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YAU S, BOOTS AND SHOE of aU kinds and prie.i to suit oar numerous customers. large stock of ROC j jjS HARDWARE QUEENS WARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, ATS Aif D CAP, TiV- Two Most Successfu Popular and Perfect, MACHINES OF THE PERIOD Art Our Well Known 4? eaiv n ins ;iv epicurbTroilers ! Both are of the Simp'est Construction, and so Easily rhannged that we aarantee them -to gira ENTIRE SATISFACTION As no article in the household has a creator in- , Buence in proti'otinir the health, comfort and j hnnninRss nfth fam ilv circle than ttte Cook btove. it is economy as well as policy to tret the very best; and in buying the Charter Oak, you can rely on getting the most successful, popular and perfect cooking store ever made. In using ny Kpicnre Broiler you are always sare of having Juicy, Tender and Delicious Ceefstakes, Chickens, Hams, Chops, &c. Sold By EXCELSIOR IW'FC'T CO. 612 & 614 N. Main Street, St. Louis Mo. AND ALL LIVE STOVE DEALERS. Dec2dw8m. T. W. SHANNON'S FEED, SALE AND LSVERY STABLE MAIN STREET, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. I am prepared to accommodate the puhlle with Horxos. Carriages, Buggies and a No. 1 Hearse on short notice and reasonable terms. A Hack will run.totthesteamboat landing, and to ail pert f the city when desired. January L, 1871 d&wtf. . Tltte valley house. S. H. SCirrjTT, Proprietor, Main an4 Fwtit Strwts, PlsttEinnrt!) 7 wmm TITT! Tenth Volume of Wood' TToucho! I Jlngarine Vgins with Janun-jr ',2. It i edited r- U-il Ham linn. S, S. Wood, and 1. V. Oi'horno. nnd includes a inn tic its rcir'ilar contributors Horace ireeley, Oail Hamilton, Thoa. K. Beechrr; Dr. Xio Lewis. Ir. W. Y Hall, James Pa'ton. etc. Harriet Iicerher Siowe, Brick Pomerov. John G a.vr. Maj. Oen'l Ki'pamck. Petroleum V. N:u by. etc., write lr it occasionally. Terms, Ore Dollar a year. In clubbiny. thre Crst-cl.t- periodicals are giten for the prioo of nc of thtui. The mwt liberal Premium Lirt ever published So I erio MttU is more frejniitly orfaverahly men tioned bv the pre. " Wood's Jienfebold Magazino is nne cf tha raonntnentu of bu-iB- enterprise which mark the age"1 iietnodiM Iome Journal, 1'hiia.tcl pijia. a. , It has been improved ever since we knew it inro-t i-riterion f ,r the futuro." Vwriar, Nw Market. Canada. "It is a nifrre! of clieapnc htH firat-e'oss quality combine;!. A'ew York 7pie, Specimen copy soct froe to i"iy midn vs. S. S. V.'lKIl) A Ci). diw4 J,'ewLuryi, M. Y. BROOKS HOUSE. J0IIK FITZGERALD PropriUov Main Street, Between 5th and (Mh.St 1871 Fruit, mrDf)r,? Oarden, pio-nfc' F,lowr' Shade, Hew. Hedge. X i-U-tu Garden. Seeds! AiiaU and Crab, Rootgvftg, best sorts lo.fxxi. tw.oo Pear, Sid. Extra, 1 yr., Bartlett, ic. 3 to 4 ft., dor... J f 0 Seds, Peach, lu.. S2: Aprle. OiSfJC,nr-w,lu., 12.IKI I'otn-oo.W bite Peach lllow, Early Koe,lu. 2.00 ,sVeiiw,SoftMaplo. l.ik.m.Sl: A:-h, 8'.; Elm. 2.00 IiluKlr ited Catalogue, 10J prise, & New Price I, -st. 10c. F. K. PHOKNIX. Botmr;(fr, Illinois, jan 18. wtinr SHARKER'S? CjBSST W THE WORLD.T Hct7 York Office, 27 EEEKMAH ST. LUMBER! 100,000 FEET ! fhe'nE'JergigTjed has on hand a lares qantity COTTON WOOD LUMBER w - TSEB AT aSABOlSI.I TZCVB.TS. f 3 If rw n short nolle, and for any i'.is er ambtr. easts; Rafters, Siutidmgs, Jcists as Ve had oa h'srt act?x e. naissx. Weeping Water Nebraska. E3ALERS IS Err Goods, Orooeries, ilardware, Queenpwere. Boots, and Shoes. li.itK. and Cans, jLgrieultoral Impliments of all kinds, Weir sr "1 X L" Cultivators, Union Corn Planter 9randetocr and Princeton Plow. Jcc Ac adini atmn, ell of which we ocer to tha public at the owost retail prices. All jioocfe Warranted As Elcp res en ted. "Oar constant aiaa will be to sell so low will be to the positive advantage of every tar r ia tho w stern and - tr&l portion o Cass ra9tjr soak hia (hair headquarters for Vad- JOSEPH SCHLATCR liTAPLisaxB iv 1851. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY SILVKlt AND PLATED WARE. GOLD PEXS SPCTACLES. VIOLIN STRINGS AND FAX CI GOODS. Watche. Clocks and Jewelry repaired neatly r;d with di.ttch. i anKemoved Ut opposite Plat Valley Ilors M'Mdfr U wtt. 1'Jwrt " 1 'J! - THE IMPERIAL Fire Insurance Co OF Etabliylud A. P. ISO? Capital and Cash Accumulation. Ten Million Dollarr In GclJ OiicaffoIjOse-r'all Pniti DOLLAR FOK'DOLLAlt. Th reputation ar.d ta- tins which this com ' ?ixny ha secured duritia ho sistr-nino yr.iri tha." trinwt.-d buginsi ; hrur.jrhou. the worid ; together with the irtraf j1 caaoubted sccuri'. ii offers for all :ts obn,-a Iocs, claims for it ' tiarfi of tlie pub iu pntrdviriKa. Poliriea is uod nnd loaod paid by EI. E- PAfTSipn, Affent, Plattsmouth, Neb. To A PVFS-mEKS All persons who eontcra p'hic luiikip contractH with at"wpai rryfor tUf imtrtum oi" Advertisements should send to geo. f. Jewell Vt. ( for a Circular, or inclose 25 cents for their Cn hundred Pnce Psniphlct. containing List ft S.Ckj Newspapers and cbtimutes, h'w i .-m ti" costof advert isiiiK. ulco ninny useful hilil in ''.' Tcrtisers, and some nccouutof the txper.. ;. . of men who are known ns successful nd ! -ers. This ririu are proprietor." ol the A.us Newspaper Adrerti.'i:ig Agency. ow and nre rnic?sed of nnennnled fucilitics f. r foourir? the insertion of . . erti'cuiciit? mail Kawivpcn ird PcsiUrfl at lewest anffoa; CEDAR CREEK MILLS If In mr.aittt order new. fcnBhcls of W'hest. Putiffaction will be ftran to customers in Briridiiia nnd sawinif. Fioar. Corn niwai, and Luuibur, will bo sold Cheap for Cash. Come eir.e, Coma all, and five the Ceil 0,eck Mill a U ial. CUI06TLA.N SCTILDXTZ l'ropTi4r; 9bt.12thwl y ""lMACHIf.E SHOP! Way man $f Curtis .I'latasznontii, Nc&. Repairers of Slcara Scgines, Boilers, Esw and Griet Mills. Gas and Steam Fittings, WrouKht Iron Pipe,' Force and Tift Pumps, Steain Gauges, alunc " Valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fitting $f fornlthed on short notice. FARMING MACHINERY FpU-' a n' eh-rt nctJa. ana? HENRY BOECK PURNiTUR LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES, BEDSTEADS or all tnecHnisif a xxj, awf. f'etalic Burial Czzoz. 2siikj223ijsS5I?5i? WOODEN COFFINS O OK? AT.T. OTT-re Heady Made, and Sold Cheep for Cash. With many thenks for pact patrorsya,' fie-' te all to eall aad examica tny rire ftoclr ' niture ar.d (XtSns )nn3t FURMITUR E Th oh. W. Shryocktf CABINET EViAKEf? Ac 5 dcsJcr la all kinii f urnittiro 2: CZaair aiir aracKT, (third deer salt of P O Plattsmouth - - ASRepairic and Varrlchins' Bestir h'murm ttvnde4 atflka stnrMit ISTEW" STORE Weeping Water, Nebraska. J AS. cSs C axocRessta r mini ix General Mercian? tee, fiwnat at DRY GOOD . UARDWAnH, QUBJaNSW-ARlS. HATS. CAPS BOOTH. 6H0SS. K0TICKS. .V, We ar Aganta for milcax & Gib!; Sswlng Mschina Halicnal Business Index. The above is the title of a now monthly rapcr' devoted to businecs interests of a national or eencral cbaracter. tor the edification rnd benciii ot intelligent people otall c!asi"?5, it nn dertnkes to view and review psssiag evects fn-in a bofinf sb standpoint. Pacts of a buri ne?s nature relating to capital, labor, ari'-?.i-turo, commerce, manufactures, education, rei; Kion, literature, politics. every subject cor man'iing gcceral nttenlion, are brought toye-.h er ar.d arranged in a tcree, pointed, bus nei lke manner. Strict aecurrocy i conscientious ly sought after. Candid, impartial, visjorct s omtnent and criticiein by able writers w ill be nn import feature. A bufinos correppindcrjt is desired in every county in the Uoitrd 6??tf whore not already engaged. Question t business character froin readers receive t-fpn i.-.; pttention. Terms :1.00 ayenr: 10 cents a cory. The Index Co. Publishers. iXi W.- Jwiuw-n r i III. ai-w K- 41 lark H