WW I.H.. II 5 y. r i 1 7 a o f4s rrifE Tnth Volume of Wood's TTousehold 1 MagnrtuB hrgn with January 72. It is edited l y Gail MamiHon. 8. ti. Wood, and 11. V. Ovborne. and includes anions its regular r',n,ribatora Horace Hrely, Gail Hamilton, Tho!. K. KoechT; Dr. lo Lewis. Dr. W. V. 1111. JumTS Pa'ton. etc. Unmet Beerher Rowe Brick Pooieroj. John O 8axe. Mj. tjcn'l Kilpatrirk. Petroleum V. Nashy. etc., write for it occasionally. Terms, One Dollar a year. In rlnbbinir, three firFt-class periodic-Is are given for the proe of ono of them. The meet liberal Premium List ever published No f trio ical is more frequently or favorably raen tJr.n'd bv the press. . "Wood's Ilfehold 'Madeline in "rte of the mrir oruenta of bosin' enterprise which mark the ms-."AletAodu-t Uomt Journal, Philadel phia. Pa. "It baa been inrprnved ever smeo we knew it - fend criterion for the future. " Courier, Jirw Market. Canada. ,-It is a marvel of cheapness and first-e'ass quality combined." A'ato York Time; Specimen copy sect free to avy address. S. S. WOOD & CO. 3iri Kewbura?h, N. T. We are opening an Unusually attractive . Stock of fall and Winter goods, puxcha Early largely and Low down. We buy from first Class houses, invariably For cash, and have i The advantages cfa tr e, And Propose to give our Customers goods at Prices we know must Please. Como, And be convinced that Our stock is complete And the place to purchase Dry Good Notions, Foots, Shoe-?, Groceries, la at Clark & Piummer's Main Strec. opposite Brook Houss Plattsmouth. VRSASUBV "DEPABTMESt. 0&C9 of Comptroller of the Currency. Wash jtg-ov. January. 2nd 1572. s ...... .i. . taJ I .n ,ln!v nuiiiizfl un lr nn'l ci-.-.r.lVnx tu thf re.Juire-..-i)ti "t. tho Act of Ovi.ire' rntitlua "An net to proviua a Nri: oa l urn-ncv. tieuurcd by a I iolce ;t L-riitct r-t' .;nds. and ti pr"vM" f..r ir.r crreulati-n 1:1 I redemption thert-f." aprrov-el June -.rt lv4 an iln 'inl'. ed witU all tt.e provisions c! , 'i l f-r r.i .ir. 1 t' be ct . piied with ttore r.-.T-. nencinK the bus.uess of tJankinff uauc-r SOVf'TtlHRKnmrCl. IlUand U. Hu'burd ' ptr-.llrr ol th Cttrn-ncy. tin hprehy ertily ,. Iha first. Nati. niai Link o! l',avt-ni.utn. ir ti e City o Pl:!trTn-u h. in the .-onmy t Ct - aulftateof Ncbradkn. i autnorizoJ to r..if:nence the busiaess ot Uankins under tue Act af. repaid Trt:wony here-f witness roy an -v ,nd and !c.il of olHce this -'nd ( Xo 11 i) Oomptrcilcr of the Correocy. J. W. SHANNON'S FEED, SALE AND UVERY STABLE. MAIN STREET, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. r am prepared to aeconarcodate the pnblie with Ki.nw. CrriRe. Bukkips and a No. 1 Ue,"e e.. -.hort notice and reasonable terms. A wiil run to.t he stenmbo.it lidding, and to aiipxt ol :be city when desired. January 1. 171 l&wtf. M. S- MURPHY, .- Manneturer of fei.3 yAND 1)1'ALEI1 IN jgjirntss, gififtts, griblrs, Ct)IAltS. WHIPH, Blankets, Brushes, &c- Promptly Executed. All wok .Warrented. 5-F;N HARNE3S A SPECIALITY." Not. SO wtf Pit Hem oath, Nl n 2. 3 ti -i 5 a s B t S C3 o s I" 3 s 1 tz5 o -t p i 4 Xt tt t3 ! e a 2 S3 4 o I I Hi 5 H tr O 3 n -5 2 -3 J P B E rr 9- W7t"r?r7.1.S by fati.-f-ic'ory evi-icnce pro-s-nt-d u the unde-fi-ne.l. it hn- been tnad t w r. ., r tb h t " I H 1 1 K T N A l H N A L li A Mv I'LAT I'SMOUTli" u the City pt l'.atta- Xi. IF1. JOHUSOU, tSTOpposite the Platte Valley House, in Schlater's Jewelry Store.3 UXain Street, Plattsmoutli,' Nebraska ST. LOUIS. DECKER BROS., O. A. MILLER & CO'S PIANOS. pro nb 0r Jfirst-tlass pianos aub (Organs. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Strings, Sheet Music, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise SMUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Tuned and Repaired Satiefaction Guaranteed. uectkiawtf CO (Bompmm $f tav Coniraralal gniMiij. jtos. 24, 26 28Sassau Si. 2 JUIU3 LAWRENCE. President. J. P. ROGEKS, Secretary. En t cruris in Economical, jLi&eral, and aTe XuTTihcr Policies !sued to Jan. 1. 1 372 Number Poli'-ics issu'd and revived in 1871. AtiiKTTS, Jan. 1, 1S72 ........... This Company is Pure'y Mutnnl ir it operations. divMingit entire -urrlus among its Poli cy holders, annuallv. on the "i ontribution Plan." and has a larger bum: ess and a lower ratio or expense to inwme. thun have ever been attained by any otner Company at a Correspond. ug Per'ltsi total AKaots7a"re sufScient to di'chargo a'l I iaSil '. in-lu dinar re-insurinoe. pay back all its stock capi' al, and leave as a balance more A,m a MILLION of earned surplus. Tills Gompany Issued YfZovG Policl ss lUST 1871 TH A-iST iLnjfOOiei? Company in tlic Worl S. A. TAYLOR & CO., janiojAwtf General Agents, for Nebraska. ST. JOSEPH JIRB A3TD MABIKB Gsumtico Jompany. ef.TQi CITY OF ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI Tb Strongest Agenoy Company In Mo. FINANCIAL EXHIBIT ehoiinj condition of the Company Not 15, 71 Authorized Capital Stock, $400,000.00 Am't Actually paid, Ca?h, IS,4t)0.00 Stock Notts secure., 2S1.C00.00 CVh surpus, Nov 15, 1871 42.3isa.52 CASn ASSETS: Cneh in bank and ia Coiupany.s office. $tS,C53,? Amount loane.i n ieed ot'Tru.'t. real estate worth itouhle the aiu nint, Amount loan.-d on .ilaler.il .-rturities l-.li' W Koivs tii.'counted, (short lo:tns;. L4.bi J.lo Doniphan County, Kansas, Loud, mar ket value. l.i.eOO.OO Ac.-rueJ Interest on Miae, ' M-.oO t'ii.-h in the hands of Agents in coars of : ran "mission. I'ilu-e Kurntture. toi'jci Nuf.a secured. Total Available AtceU, 2S1,i.o.'jO LIACTLITIEn: Lopps reported and unadjusted Losses adjusted, but Lot )luu, Loasea routed. JS.O'ri.fX) ione Noae DIK-CT0P.5; Hilton Tattle.. Oj Tootle, Fairly i Co.. fThole- s.la lry Gouds. , Jw-pk i . Ca."hier FIr.'t National Esink. V. Al. Strtt, Prest bt Joseph A: Denver City Kiilroad. Of Btattie Jfc Co.. Bankers, O'ru. W.Sfimurl, t.'u pita' i.t. J IV i:i(.u, of liailey. Key A Co.. Wholesale Notions. Geo. tiuill. Proprietor of Buchanan Woolen Mills. Si'nt Y.,oJ'm. Attorney at Law. P L MiLauvhlin, t'n.p:itniist. OI'EICEKS. f!eo Vr Samuel... V L Mclaughlin... J no A Nicely ..... Wm K Kerr President ..Vice President Secretary ...Genoral Agent Prompt and Liberal Adjustment of Losses a speciality with this company Poliues Issued and Losses Paid By H. E. PALMER, Agent. THE I EV3 P E R A L Fire Insurance Co. of i oi;o:. EftablisLed A D. 1S03, Capital and Cash Accumulation. Ten Million Dollars In Gold Chicago ffjOsrs nil Paid DOLLAli FOR DOLLAR. party hu secured dnrin the sixtv-nne years ithastrnet d business thronghou. the world. together with the large hnd undoubted security ii offers lor all ;ts ob iraiions. claims for it a share o" the pub ie patronage. Polioiea ia-ued and losses paid by II. E PAPIER, Agent, Piattsmouth, Neb. Nor.2. dJkwira PLTTE VALLEY HOUSE. B. H. ECIIUTT, Propriotor. Ooraar Mai a and Foarth Streets, Flattamouth. aaaLidAWtf. CU?.ARD HAIL Lir ESTABLISHED - ! Passengers booVed to and f-om all parts of Europe at lowest rates. Apply to P II. lb VEr.NET, General Weataro Ac eat, 375 rtate st. Chicago to EI. WILSON'. jea4wtaaw yiateaals T4C 33UR13ETT, SMITH'S AM'N. AND B O.ST ON, ORGANS. 43.000 I'J..-:I7 ,...S7,S05,235,30 DSALEB IS ti Fl WC IYJ i." s c AND WAZala PAPER ! ! All Paper Trimmed free c-f Charge. Also Dealer in Books, Stationary. Magazines, and Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by asex perinneeit Lrutrarit. Kemepiber the place. thtedonrs west ef tha Herald ol3co: Platumouth. Nebraska. i iwiMjii i ii h Fymptomso .iver cm- p'aint re uneasiness and pain li.lTllTlGila in iho ."i ir. Sometimes the I jpriin 'n iu the shoulder, and is l,nim.i mi u a mistaken tor rbcuiuati.m The stomach is nff-efed with loi-s of appetiu mid aiek nss, bowels in Knerl costive, some times alternating with lax. The heal is trou bled with P"jn:and dull, besvy seusation. con- a"' """"sideranle lo s of memory, ho- f " r- u?c imp iiiied witn pair.fu! M-nsa-L. I V L nrt ii d b)ivimr left uu (one fi fKomethins wbieh ouiit tu have i ii n b-cn done. Olten coinpl -iniuir ofweftkress. debility and low spirits. So- o t'ltifi nitny of th ah v? symptoais attend the ili"ense. and nt other time- very tew of them ; but fhelircr is (reneraly Uie organ must in vol va. Cure tue liver uu Dlt- SIMMONS1 LIVER REGULATOR A PBKPBitATIOS OF ROOTS AND HCRBR, WARBA1TI- ed to bo strietly vegetable, and ean da no in jury to any one. it has been used by hundreds, and known for the hit t fiirt--live years as on of the mest re liable, efiicacious and harmless preparation! ever ottered to the suffering. It taken reguarly an p r' -enilr. it ir sure to enre 1d nenni . ijeauaeno, jaumliee. oosti' trtrlr. nCii3-f'CK healache. ehro ttegUlalOri liarrhte nfie. tiono tbebb i-r. camp dvsentery.aff-H t icjuaruu, j.u:illliTC, TIM1VC- ronio a.i- ot tile kidneys, fever, tiervnnn ne&s. chills Jiseupcs of the skin, impurity of tha blood, melaneholy. r iej rcsi-ion ot sriri:s. heartburn, colic, or pain in ths bowels, pniii in tie head. tVveranl true; d op-y. ( oils, pnin in back ini limbs, psthnm. ery-,pcias, temale af 'eutions. anil bilious diseases gcneially. Prepared only by J. II ZEILIN A CO. ltru-jri'ts. Macon. Ga Fend for a Circular) and Arch street. -Price $1; by mail l-'o Philadelphia Pa, ForSalebyj ft BUTTERY, Janlwly. Plattsmouth. Nab, ISXTY FIVE 1st PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED THE GREAT "altirao e Piano Spy ACT0RT, JiJ rzFl Ait t i 'jjfeF'"S- U t 3 Vtf fi-A 1. i C9 im WW. Manufacturers of GRAND, SQUAUK AND UPRIGHT Viatic. $otit$t Baltikobc Mabtlaicd. These Inst uments have been hefo be Pub lic for nearly thirty years, and noon their ex cellt nee al -ne Attained an unfu ehatrd Pre eminence, which pronounces tbeui unequalod iu lone, loxn h, Workm-ftuhip and Durability. "A11 our Souare Pianos hav our New Im proved Overstrung Scale and the agraffe T e ble. -Wewon'd call specinl attention to our late Patented Improvexeat in Grrni Pianos an. I Square br.nos funnd in no otber Jf sno. which bring the rinno nearer perfection than has yet been attained. Evrt PIANO Fully Warranted for Firevarn Illustrated Cat lognes and price lists prompt ly furni.-hedon application to WM. KI4ABE Jk CO.. Baltimore, Hi Or any of our regular established ageua aa. ilovSOwfrmov tr. : - - , .v ..',. hsS LOCAL . -ISnEWS S. Bloom, one of the proprietors of the Elephant Clothinj? store, is stopping in towc for a short time. It U eaiJ that tho Redick Light Guards were organized to prevent Coun cil RIuiTh oa, stealing the Omaha end of the U. l Bridge. Trof. Jrhnpon shipped another large organ vreft tis rjoorning. Mr. R. Morgan, of Ashland, brother of our City Marshall, raet with a severe accident a few days since, by a horse fal ling upon bim, breaking bis leg in two places, and dislocating the bone at the ank! joint. Doom Bro's & Co. at Ashland have old out rhoir entire stock of goods to Mayfield & Mvsten who will remove them to Greenwood. Iron is being shipped west as fast as possible, to complete the B. & M. to Kearney. As soon as spring opens track laying will commence and a junction with the U. P. formed. Mr. Guthman cf tha firm of Guthman & Hubcrty, laft yc-tcrdny for Germany for the purpo-e of bringing b'u father to this country. J. M. Pattee hn placed $2,000 in the Omaha Natinnnl B.tnk, to the credit of the Sisters of Mercy to enable thoin to pay off pressing debt3. The Now York nerald says that Wil liam M- Tweed takes '-his three pquare meals a day, except when be rides out to the High Bridge, and then ho takes four," and that he is "in co hurry to go further up the river." A young man by the name pf Sher wood; was killed by throe cars passing over him, at Pes Moines side track on the Burlington and Missouri River Rail road, a few days ago. lie leaves a wife and one child. The despatches publihed toay men tion tho death of Hon. James W. Grimes, of Iowa. lie was a native o New Hampshire, but ha lived in Iowa since 183o serving that State a? a mem ber of the Leeislnture, Governor and United States Senator. We see by a communication from Mr. Touz din. of tha B. & M. road, to the Ottnmwa Courier, that the publicat'on of their contemplated book of statistics of the counties along the road, has been abandoned, as many of the counties have failed to assist the enterprise. Postmaster Griffin of Omaha was se verely injured yesterday by being thrown from hi buggy. Ila was riding out in company with a friend to see some cattle when the king bolt cf the bugzy dropped out, and Mr. GriiTm was thrown violently to tho ground, dislocating bis laft shoulder. Ten part of the R. R bridgo nt Otna- , 1-. - T .1. . lia are compietei am tne eatvumu io will be finished in a short time. It is expected that the bridtre will be finished by the 22d of thi month. Died, Fobruary Sth, 1872 of Scarlet- fever, Let a May. daughter of C. J. lording, aged 4 years, 6 months and S day. The two beautiful prizes which are to be given by the Turners, at the Grand Ma'qucrade, can bo feen at the Post Office A religions Paper to be called the Co'ineil B'uiH Cnristian Advocate, is to be shorted in Council BltiTs ion. It will be publi-h?d monthly until the pat rr.nage will justify making it a weekly. The Burlineton TIawk-Eye says that the Eastern paper are getting np reputation for liberality for thnt section, by sayinjr that a wealthy man ha sent a fiftv dollar ereenback to the wifa of every Presbvterian minister west of the Mis sissippi." If any sister in Nebraska iss been overlooked, now is the time for them to make the application. The aTjnnr,t of Uncle Sam's green htek and other currency outstanding on the 1st of February, was $300,907,070. The Missouri Democrat thinks the Legislature of Illinois about s ueifs.s and expensive an ornament to that State as the Missouri Legislature is to that Slate. It says thtt the members are so bnsi'y ensaged in doinu nothing that they cannot possibly find time to vt-it St. Louis to get drunk with the Genera Asssmbly of Missouti. The Democrat does not seem to have an exalted opinion of the assembled wisdom of either State. Delegates to the Philadelphia Conven tion have been ebcted from Georgia, and are instructed to go for Grant's re-nomi nation as the "first, last and only choice of the Republicans of Georgia A few more day? like yesterday and to-day will render the ice bridge unsafe. A large quantity of farin machinery is being brought into town A contract for the manufacture of Kaolin, between J. T. A. Hoover, of Louisville, and Goodwin & Clark of Oma ha, and by tbeiu aligned to George Plaisted, and Francis A. Plai.-ted, ol Gardiner, Maine, has been filed iihe Clerk s office of the county Mr. Hoover leases the grounds, and given to the parties above mentioned the exclusive right to manufacture for the period cf twenty years, they giving a royalty of five per cent, of the profits for use of grounds &c. The parties leasing the grounds agree to commence easily in the year 1S72, the manufacture of this clay or Kaoiin, and have con traded for four hundred cords of wood which is to be delivered at their manu factory at Louisville. This i an im portant matter to this place, and to the county, and Mr. Hoover deserves great credit for securing it to us. There is nothing that builds up a country lik manufactories, and we are gld to see this step taken in the right direction. The New Oileans Times thinks Alexis r-hou!d uot be slh.wed to leave the coua try without being biiorvn the Louisiana legislature. A grand type-setting tournament, for tbe championehin cf Canada, is to take place iu Mon;res"l on the tweDtv-first of I November, SMALL I'OX . The mortality among small pox cases at )uiaha has been heavy. The disease seems to be on the increase and the pa pers are urging more efficient teps to op its progress. Thus far we have escaped, but it would be well for our city to be prepared should it male its ap pearance here. GOVERNOR IIAKCALC. I. S. Hascall has gone to Lincoln to assume the duties of Governor vice his acting Excellency left the State. It is rumored that he will undoubtedly call an extra se.-sion of tho Legislature but for what purpose we are not informed ; and it is further rumored that the call is al ready issued. Since the above was in type we have received tho Proc amation of Gov. Has- call, which will be found in another col umn. YOCTIIFl'L. In the Uta'n Legislature a bill was of fered and referred to a committee, on regulating marriage, which provides that males of fifteen and females of welve years may contract marriaoes, ith the consent of parent or guardian. 'iTo allusion ia made to the plural sys tem. COMMISSI OSEliS COl'BT. Plattsmouth, Feb. 6, 1872, Commissioners met, pursuant to ad journment. Present Benjamin Atbm, Jacob Vallery and L. H. James, Com- mi-sioaers J. W. Johnson, Sheriff and D. VS. MtKinnon County Clerk. Jacob Statler and Samuel Chambers made application for license to keep ferry n Missouri River, which appiiea- ion wts granted on condition that the applicants pay five dollars into the Co. Treasury. The following were appointed super- visors: A. linot, roaa aistrict j.o. , Rock Ltuffs ; F. J. Kendall, road dis trict No. 1, Liberty precinct ; David Mc Caig, read district No. 4, Eltuwood pre cinct; Price Cunningham, road district No. 3, Ilmwood precinct. Samuel Carter was appointed Justice of the Peape forKlmwood precinct. The petition of A. B. Taylor and many ether citizens waa presented for location of a public road described in sa;d peti tion ; aso remonstrance signed by Isaac Wiles and others against the location. Both p ties were represented by attor neys, and after hearing the statement of both pa ties, G. W . Lee was appointed a comm'tioncr to view the t-aiue the petitiomrs giving bond unto the county in the turn of one hundred uoilars, to secure tie costs of viewing and locating the propped road. G. W. Fail field was appointed Loanty Surveyor, vice Kdwin BiaJley, whore- fused to qualify. The wlerk was ordered to notify D fl. Whieler & Co. to list certain proper ty not iBret'if'jr-i assessed. ; ACCOUNTS ALLOWKD. Jauie? O'Neill, for support of pau- pcrs, SoU.UU ; J0nn Jj. javenpon, i"r wood furnished county, $5 00 ; H. L. Ei'itfn, Frobate Judge fees, $7 0 ; Val- lerya& Rnffner, provisions for poor &c. 15.45; do incidentals for county, $3.00; Marks & Phillips, publishing notices $8.0 ; D. II Wheeler & Co , Insurance on Court House, $53.00; J. W. John son, boarding prisoners. $1.00; do for ervbes in Dist. Court, $)23; . L. Wells, services in Dist. Court as bailiff. $12 00; C. i Moore. $12 00; James Tucker, 12 00 : J. W Carrolhers. $24.- 00; Alta Drew, 20.00; O. Slreight, $20.00 ; J. W. Johnson fees summon- ng juries $30.00; J. H. Buttery, sta tionery fir county, 22 CO; D. W.Mc- Kinnon, Clerk of Com. Court, ii., $20.- 23; Geo, Fickler, meat for paupers, $2.75; L. Smith, Wool, for paupers, $0.00: Stutt2l Maxwell, services as A torney fr county, tor year 1 B7 1 $100.- 00; W. L Hobb-, cash paid far wood, &c, $70 00: MickelwVit & Sharp, coal for poor. $2.25; II. E. Eliison, salary as Probate Judge, $25.00; E. W Bar num, appraiser of damages f r road, $2t0; W. W. Wiley, do, $2.00; I-aae Foilard, do $2.00; E G. Dovey, Oil &c. for coanty, $4.00; J. F. Back. damages sustained by location of road, out of funds belonging to road district, -70.00: Line & !Ioan. provision for paupers, $2. 15; W. L Hobbs, amount paid for coal, $S9 37 ; Pay of Grand Jury, 75.50; Pay of Petit Jury, $282- 50. The Executive coramittee of the State Sunday School Convention, elected the following named gentlemen as delegates to the National Sunday School Conven tion which meets at Indianapolis, In diana, April, A. D. 1S72: Col. Thouiaa Doane, Crete; General E. E. Cunningham, Plattsmouth ; Kev. F. M. Diuiuiick, Omaha; E. E. Eb bright. Eq., Urownville ; lie v. T. D. Lemon, Nebraska City, and Dr. Sa don, Liocoln. It is deigned to make tbif convention one of the grandest, and at the fame time the ido important, religious gath erit that has ever been iu this country. U NPA flKLLE LED G ENEROS1TT. The B. & M- 11. liaiiread Co., upon learning that some of the settlers in this section were unprovided for, sent to Harvard two ton.- f meal, and about 700 weight of pork, free of railnvtd charge, to their agent. Dr. 11. Bowen. who had it pmn.pt y hauled here,, and tiow is dis tributing it to those who have not the tuearis to pjrehase tilsewhere, and not to be naid lor until circumstances permit We ecrj'i !cr this a kind and timely act of benevolence. Adams Co. Gazette A resident of Kalaraaeoo, writes to a "School Board" in Oiiio that ho will take a M-bod, at he has "tooKht 1 terms Ecool, and I tended 1 collate 4 yrs at Le troit, michigan and am 26. yrs avage.' Ijeavenworth has a billiard ball fixed no for the accommodation ot married ladies, who c uie there armed with their rabies to see tueir liusDanas play mil liards. Horse thieves are hung in Kanas but murderers get two years in the peniten ! tiary. Daniel S. Luadr, who kdteo a man at C!de, was a.nt up for -hat peri- 1 od from Wasttiugton eouar impawn Aggregate Assets, Consolidated Statenrnt cf the condition of tha J5ERMAN1A, HAN OVER, NIAGARA, and REPUBLIC Fire-insurance Companies, of the City of KowYo-k, on tho 31st day of December, G7l CAPITAL. ArsrreKUte Capital ......... Surplus . Total Capital and Surplus. ASSETS. United States Pernritie .- Loans on ISond nnd Morteare Loan? on Ca'l'amolv seeuredl Cn-h in Hank asd hands of Acents Heal Kst te .- Other Securities, including Bills Receivable, Lank LIABILITIES. Losses ia process of adjustment . Uihor Claims - State of Nebraska, It i hereby certified, that there hos be? n filed mdi'innol tiie liiterwriters' Ajem y Insur:ii r e w Y "k. on the 31 st tay ot lecvm.er. . y m.i. fill.i:r Ibis t'. r.itivntu for record with the Clerk In rest mony where.f. I h .ve hereunto set my th.. 31st day ot January. 1ST2. . iL H. E. Palmer, i i . ..... w .. .tr.rir!i T(iriki 1711 . c irivvii.in. . ,n thut sui.l Company is v sses-a of the r q.nsite aioouut c:ipi-u xnu invented as rci metl y Au-hor.rv is inerJlor .iven to the aoove ,r.ue 1 ..... avt. tr-L.-n.-t th.jr 'i'l'.rfv""' bu-inet Fire ia-uranc, ia tiis Sute, in acctrd:ii-.. r.h ti. lTS.h;r t -j1 ' of J "nu rv. 1S73. I ,unhcr ccnify th t Penrj" r 'nt...r I latism u h. County p- t,oss n nu th.r;i. d t tnmsact buini ncc.r lin to law for snid C.mtany as their Agent and Attorney, by STATEMENT of the condition of the HQ&E INSUArJCE COMPANY of How York op the first day of January, 1372 made to the Auditor of the State of NeDraska, pursuant to the Statute of that State. IVame untl . The mtns of this Company, i the Jiome Insurance comrauy, jncurporaicu iu i, w in the ciiy cf iew York. Thn ffsnital of this Con The Cupital of this Compsry. actually paid up The surplus ou the 1st ol January, 1S."2, Total amount of Capital and Surplus A.SLla. Loans on Ton Is and Mortoees, baintr first lisn of record on Unencumb ered Real Lst:iie. worth at lo t fci.Ty.OUo.C'O, Tntcrert duo on suid AlorigaBc l'ns. United taus b's. of ls.Sl, tuaiket valao. United states currenry, t, I nittrd !?tates 5-iii Hon.is; of IS".!, Lni(d t:.tcs o v fjoiols. ot new stocX. i eiiiu ssee Hond.s, old stock, iaarl:ot vulue, Alal.ama Itouds. " houta Carolina Bon 's, rld stoek tout i 'ar..li a. new stock, ' w : iu., B,. I, Amint.f loin, on 'stocks and Ynli. payable on demand, the market value of -c.iti;ics p e Ue i, illi.4;'.;.o0 . . Cash be.on ns to the Com;.a ly. deposited in Banks sn I Trust Cumpanios, Interest due a..d uccnied on coila eral loans, including bauk balance. G.-OS.S premiums in oue course ot e-dlecfi-.n, ... . . liills recewah e. uot matured, taken fjr tire and inland risks. The same part due, Falvnpe property end claims, on losses already rap 15ii;s Kece.vable. other than .hoso taken lor premiaas. U.iverunien' -Siaiapj Adva: ee l Fire t e,.urttne-it. A'.vaoced uml secured accounts. ill cither property beloiigiug tf tha Company. Total Asset s, LITILITIES. . . - . f . . i i :.i illl f''e" in process of adjusiment. including los-es, ... . . Losics resLsteJ, including interest and colS, Total gros amount of claims fur Less-re n-urnce thereon, Xot amount ot una loss s. Uiviueuds dccli-red due aud unpaia, , . . a t The neatest amount insured in anyoner.sk i otai amnuni oi u iww, vm.."'. tilZrX genel chTracte? of bu..diug,. width of s.rcc . acuities for putting out firps Ac. tT TK OF Nf.V YtIRK, County of New i'ork. trt-ii HuViCrr COMPLY bei.g dul,r n! dce indy.' Via -.eh lor h.msel, ,ys. tha, they re thabov. .s ri.,ed Officer of said Cmpn.-y.and on the tbi. ty first dny ol Iwmiliw .. ') of tl.a above de-cribed s.-ets were the aosolue pro er y ot the jmd Comp.uiy. f ee i.nl clear lrt.u any lens or ciatovs tnercou. except as wm-jw-,..... - - --- ---. ,,r.ir. . fulLand oorr!t exhibit of all the Li lliii .As,e -s. aal ol tae ;geaer-l cjnJi. . ;on hui J h ol ft n according to the best ol their lu.ormation. know ee nd n JnKJent. J. u. "w tSsiUJrt.V. Secretary i,ri'.,mn,i..v on the su t t runy-iirt u ly ot tece State of Nebraska; " t"h,r hcV certify, th ,t llcury E Palmer, of Pla usintss acoor .iug to law uir sa a e onpany or forreeora iih Uieclerk 'f h Sca:. Liucln. this 3lst day ot January, i... Subscribed and worn to berime. jn --.- . a COanty of N It is hereby Certified that there has b?en filed in th.s ofT.e a vSk" tile dition of the lU.me Insurance Company, located at New o-k in incc tat-oi iNcw tk m tne Sind.y.fDcccmOer A O isrl in W Ei? 'Jr ' ny Eaia " po-sor.se.1 of tho .e.JUi-i:e ..niount of mptUi. an 1 inve-ted as . c .r 1 law. t Uu3. Autnori.y is then .ore giv.-u. to the aD-ve nmne i e o,r, :., to . . 1 '? ' !F ' Tf Jn- ines ol (ire iusaiunee.iu Uis state, in accordance with the s ho.i-.d until tbc .l.-t day MJan Henry E. Palmer, Agent, Plattsmouth, Neb. febSd-34 F U ITUR E - ,J!lL--r'n"fs -; iff; K-F' CABINET MAKE I And dealer ia all kinds of Furnliiirc & Chnirrj. Mais sraisT. (third door aan of P O Plattsmouth - - -eb. r Repairing and Varaisticg naatly VaaoaJ VMfidad thaanrtet $3,666,242,85. t.QOO.OO.OO 1.4'.242.S J3,C0C,212,S0 Mocks, etc... Si.sss.trrvr?.1; tV-'Q.rMi 00 . . RVt.'io f7.27 1 ,. si 32.0S:j.5 ! M,GG3,2-i2,S5 ,.$192.1.0 C.22j,7o "Tl90.392.23 Insurance Department. in this ofiio n s'wnr C- irtcn--, .'-'.'e-. at sworn stnment showinsr the N(r 1 ork. in tbo t:lt ol in vyi " viih the provisions of an Act ' ..ass cuuiuv, , , T - , hunu and. affixed mv sen! of ofBce . at T..ncoln. . ;.ii.ur.M-i r.. -u-m-r . Agent, Plattsmouth. fb8d6w4 Location n . i , ... nsrf 1 . - . I in cash, is .....SV'OO.OOO.OO I.54s.uJI.o3 4.013,021,93 l.SuO.R 'P.'". 7u7,St 1,897,9-17,41 W.."i7"mK) 17.i (I')-', oil 4rVi,rii ,1 0 K 0 V (jil.'jd 3.i.oo.lK) 3. .'J.' 0 Su,yj.;,t''J l,729.k. ,50 fO.5 irt.fM 4:.:;j7,ijj 2.C42.31 2.00.3 4.CGd,0i j. 4t 2U.SJ-l.ii 11. .03 2,70 ','' 5U.otJ,) 24,575 i i) 173.01 .4S $4,072,0-13,0 07.157,53 all reported and supposed 737 SV, 11 :7r.oi loss, ,fj iJ,a.3,L- e3.cn ,r.2 n.l T i ,niliie ;4. 21.5. ".." , , , il w. 1 not as a genera i tan . mmMm IT WATir.nTtV. Serelarv of the nnv I nuoi, ew York. Insurancu.Department; - sma r h. coua. v of 0 w is :Wi--d to tr -nsat uicir a'..n - "j to set my hHB., nnd afTi.ed my seal cf ouicc. at JQUS qLLISFIE, Auditor of Slate. PLATTSMOUTH MII.W. C. IIEISLL, Proprieto-. Ha virg recently bel repaired and placed in thorough running ordt 100.0UI Uusht-ls of Wheat wanted immeaiatei or which the Highest market price will t pa General Insurance agent, and Notary Tublie, Idle. 'ire nn 1 Mar;ne Insurance, at reason able rates in the most t-ubstiiuual Comp -ni-s in the United S ales. Cmoe front room over Post Office with T. M. Jlaiquett. riattsmouth, NaUra.ka, April 5Uu diw. Phcins Paine GENLFIAL jNSURNCE ACT PLATT3MOUTII. NEBRASKA. Represents some of the most reliable Compai OfPce with BaraesA l-'ollo':k ior.I-"itzseralfls PHYSICIAN ANJ EUlltJEON. lai.a Str-genn-in-Cbiel of tue Ar.ny of toe I'otoiiioe. P liii '..!.!:. ei.rft-s'i.'i. KO Ul v. r . jor.r- Phuraacr I'nvwe rta8DCBtior-s3r'ot awookatU CEDAR CREEK MILLS Xa la ranaisr order now. Wanted GOOCJO fcashels of tTheat. JSatiafaatioa f U ilrt& to customers in irrindin and sa Floor, Corn meal, and Lumber, wul ba acid Cheap forJash. Com Ana. Como all,nd flv tha Cada Creek ildl trial. CIIIII3.1IAN SCnLUXTZ I'ropritiar. Oak 12th wl y X. B. XCESB. H 010. 1. DSAPIR. ATTORNEYS AT LAV PLATISXIOTJTH NEB. 3-CGoeon Main ttrect. Opposite Erooks House- Special attention given to ooIlacUen af alatra jaB.dw CITY MbAT MARKET, -BY- MAIi STREET, Plattsiiioufki; - IVcbraska Tha best of Fresh Meats always eo fcaad h thair raasso. Highest Prico Paid for Tft Cattl 3-IIighest Caah Prloepaid for graa Hide. d.lwtf F. UOSAPP Ilouse an.i fc'ifffi Painter, Grinin?, rP'r htiiigins and oinaincntal Pjiriting. tirdera prpmc'ly UlUd. bhop narti ot i'riif'a lilaak- TUB 33TH 3TATEMET or m Plicrnix Insurance Of Hartford, Conn., M tn lit day it Jan.. 1371. The Assets of the company are M Mlow Cash on hand and in Lank $300,453 7T Caaa in hrtiiJs if Agents and iu course ol transmission Rcl Lsiate Co.UW 00 Uills receivjib e lor liu, S'jcurea by collateral seeuniy wi,vww Bill receivable lor loans, secured tiy Keid Ktte ;9.3oo m Inteteft accrued 2.41-i 04 017.115 00 1'...M .(I l") 2-H yyiM ..7.iyw 31 f.8.:i .".7 ..... Hunk nu'l (.thcr PtorUs C. rt Bonds i mi ket valine. S.vtc mni city stoca ua w uui. iluilroad bon m - Total assets ToWl liab ilities Katt assctts... SI,:'. lot V. U. W1IEKLEK. Agent. Plattsmouth, o. PTATP. OF XFI1RASKA I Iii!-uran: e LeDartment. Tt tshercbv certified, that there bns been flli in this oflice a ftvoru stJitcaient. showing th' condition ' the I'liotiix InMinn.'-o Company; located at liar. ford in the etutv ot c'oiinecticu. . n the ;ll.-t day o! leoeiubL.r A. t. 1"71. in a criiance with the provision fari Aci.of iho (ienc al Assembly ot tue .-tutect Ach -!;, lo Kcitnbite lnsurar.eo ..mp inies. aTrkived r o- ruiry 12ih IS"'.: thHl aaid Coinpniiy bavirtr hied he ucee-gery pHper.s nn'l a ti-.tnu-ni mowing hat ta:d Company is p. -rss-"i ed the i fjvijin amount ot Lnpilai, nun lnvesiea as reij'iiNe.i byl.w. Autnority is ttiere'ore e-ivn r.o me n.nn r.BIiio Cuuij any t IT'iofik i ineir iipprapriam -business ol Fire In'iirau in tl;l Miit"'. in ae- ord.mce i h th'i btw thert-oi ui.t.l tho SUI day ot .1 annsry. ll'7.. . 1 further cei-ti:y, i:nt u. u. r uecier. n Pluti.-iii .mil. i ountv of Cu.-s. is author! -.cd to tranciiot txifiness aeuor linn to law for said Coin. pHiiy as t! e r Aifenr a id Attorney, bv riling this CiTtil.caie lor Kecord with the Clerk of C'iS3 Coumy ... . In Tcsiirnony horeot, I l;tve ;i rr uiiio e.t my !iud au i a'Sied my eA LL. S. ol i.iiie. at Lineolii. thi.i -oih d-y of January i.:2 oiiN.GlU F;:pln Auditor ol Mat. FebldCw4 NATIONAL HOTEL COItNEU MAIN AND THIRD ST3 BR ELD & FALL AN - - Proprietors. furl viicncl Iu llic U'JUIIL', ItT UOU1 y HIHJ week boarders. Tables tt with the b.:3t t'ld mnrlcet ntforda. AcaMuodalions se-ond to ooca iathaaiiy, aali0wf . T- DUKE & CO. .IT FOOT OF MA1X STH EE f VTa,leib.t A P.etall Dailera ia Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves TINWARE. R0P T3. IRON, STEEL NAILS AND Blacksmith Toole, ic. Keep on hand a Large Slock of CHARTER OAK, BUCKS PATENT, CHICAGO, EMPORIA L O YA L COOK And Other First-Class Cooking STOVES, All kindt Coal or Wood kept cn nand. JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE. aiOLINE- Stiring and J3reaking Flows At Net Coa;for Casli. Onr prices are as low as any house in the' State. Uaititf. Marquett. Smith & Btarbird. Attorkeys At Law, t3Pra-;ti- in all the courts Cflhe Etstct ?ppcin! t;eriti'-n given to coilc-tl ns and n;ot tersof Probate OSce over tha Pest Ofue r3attTn-th. JTeb j.c.vax. n. ir. WKitLka. .ATTOitXElS AT LAW. -pi; v; Btt-ati?;, t D3 jr. . . .-. . y . . c .-u-.: -mii :;lf. T!llk .-...,. PMtsBxwMat &toak