Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 11, 1872, Image 3

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    Xj. jF1. JOHUSOIT,
ly-Opposite the Flattc Valley House, ia Schlater's Jewelry Store, 3
HXniu Street, llnttsmoutii, jScbraslca
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Strings, Sheet. Music, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise
'MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Turied and Repaired Satitfuution Guaranteed.
Al! Paper Trimmed free of
Also Dealer In
Macazines, and
Latest Publications.
Prescriptions carefully compounded by ases
rcricncrii rrurg:st.
Remember the place, threedoors west of the
Jlrral J office; Plattsniouth. Nebraska.
h.G Crood Intent !
(JommiHsitm IZoums
"Where you can buy almost everj ihing
eatable, including
Frcsli Fruit,
At the lowest Prices for caL. II gbest
rice paid for Country l'roduc ,
Uutter, I Lickens, kc. &c.
Goods Delivered in the Citv
Free of Charge.
rrnn nm . rr
CtJ'f Piano
Manufacturers of
Baltimore Maryland.
T'r.cfe Inst- omenta hare been before the T ub
!I" ' ." nearly thirty years, and upon their ex
' -m e alone attained an vnpurchaxed Fre
i .co. which pronounces tnem unequaled
:ii ..c, 7ouo.
1 Vor knaneX ij and lJurahility.
'i"An cur Square Pianos bare our NewTm-
rowd Overstrung Scale and the Agraffe I.e-
-Ve would call special attention to our
Into Patented Improvement in Grand Piano
aui -Square Grand found in no other Piano,
which bring the piano nearer perfection than
hag yet been attained.
Leerg PIANO Fully Warranted for Five year a
Illnstraied Catilorcues and price luts prompt
ly furnished on application to
WM. KNABE CO., Baltimore, Md.
Or any of our regular established agencies.
If in running order now.
(JST Wanted 50000
bushels of Wheat Satisfaction will be given
to customers in grinding and sawing.
flour. Corn meal, and Lumber, will be told
Cheap for Cash.
Come ene. Come all, and give the Ceda
Creek Mill a trial.
, Proprietor.
Oet. 12th wl y
1WILL famish parties with stone for building
purposes at reasonable rates, at my quarry or
ucuverea on ine cars ac ixmisvnie station Th
followi g kinds can be had on short notice, sills
..o, jjcn--u iuih, nue or rou sanu stone sucii as
was used by the B. i M. R. R. in the construc
tion rt an tbeir stone work. All responsible
vrucrs promptly nuea AaJrc'.
dawtfr LflnlsvU I e Station.
Eways for Young Men, on great social evils
.... wuicu lu.rnerfl witn marriage
witn sure means of relief for the Erring and Cn
I rtnnite, diseased and debiliated. Sent frco
iu tcaled en r elopes. Add rcss.
JV'o. 2 NtniA Street, PhitadeipM t
OoW 38th. ioT& wly.
13 U II L) ETT.
aub rgims.
PlaStsmonUi; - IVtraska.
The best of Tre.h Meats always on bud iv
their season.
Highest Price Paid for Fat CattU
3liiehest CaiU Price paid tor green Hides.
Oct. 4 djfcwtf
For 1872.
The First Edition of Two Hi sdrkd Thocs
akd copies just published. It is elegaptly print
ed on hue tinted paper, in Two Colors, ttud U
lii."tra(ed with over Three Hundred Engravin;s
of i'lowers and Vegetables, and
The most beautiful and instructive Catalogue
and Floral Uuido in the world 112 page, giv
ing thorough directions for the culture of Flow
ers and Vegetables, ornamenting grounds
making walk-, Ac.
A CLri.-tin;is present for mv customcs, but
forwarded to any who apply by mail, for Tk
Cksts. only one-quarter the co?t.
Addrefs, JAMES V1CK.
Koehertwr, N. Y.
Dec. 23. d4w2uos
Is receiving and bnson hand fat the
old stand of White & Butterys)
Soutn fclde Main Street, Plattsmouth, Teb-
MoH Complete
Stock of Drue. Me;licine, 'Paints. Chemicals
Lead. Vftrni.h. Coal Oil, Fish Oil, Machine
Oil, Oarjrlinz Oil. Castor Oil. Neatsfoot
Oil. Whalo Oil. Linscol Oil Larrl
Oil. Essential Oil. Cod Idverl'il.
and a l:irpn V'irit'ty J o
tions. Perfumery Fancy
and oi!et Articles
Efeenccs, Fla
rcfing extracts
and all
Fuch as
Jayne's Coe's
Ayers', Soovillc's
nail's Christie's Mc
Lain's. Mom's, linker's
Wi.'tar's, Wrieht's, Wake
field, Ouysott's. Perry Davis'
Boback's. Petitt's, Mrs. Winslow's
Dr. Winchell'a lloptetter's, Drake's
Wallace's, West's and of the most popular
Pateat Medicines ia use at the present day.
Brandies Wines and Whiskie
Of the Best Grades and qualities, strictly fer
Medical purposes.
Red or Rose. Orecn, Blue, Black, Analine, In
digo, Madder, Extract Logwood, Dry
Woo ls, ic. In fact everything
that ti needed in the drug
or Medicad line.
Phisicians' Perscriptiont
Carefully Cv trpounded and put up at all hour
All Drugs wi, rented fresh and pure. Call be
fore buying, and see what I have to sell.
Plattsineath, Feb.
"Luxuries of Modern Travel."
In these days the taste of the Traveling Pub
lic has become exceedingly fastidious. In order
to obtain their pctronago, a Railroad line must
be able to insure Safety, Speed and comfortable
transportation, by po&scaing the necessary qualf
Scationscf alhrrt-clnfs equipment of coaches and
locomotives, a Bolid roud-bed and heavy iron
Pullman's Pallace Sleeping cars, Pullman',
dining cars, a direct route, good connections and
eareful management.
The Darlington route is making every effort to
posse? all these qalitications to a high degree,
and offers a route to ail points east, ;wcst. north
oath, by means of its connections as follows:
1. At Omaha with the Pacific
t. At Plattsmouth with the B. & M. R. R., ra
3. At Hamburg, with the St Joseph Railroad
for all points in Kansas. Ac.
4. Atottnmwa, with the Dcs Moines Valley
and north Missouri railroads.
5. At Burlington with the B.. C. R. &. M, R.
R., for Davenport, Muscatine, tec.
6. At Monmouth, with the K. R. I. ,t St. D.
and Western Union Railroads, for St. Paul, and
points in the north, and for St. Louis and points
in the south.
7. At Peoria, with the short line Eloomir.g
ton route to IuJianapoiis. Cincinnati, Louisville
and all points south nnd onst.
3. At Peoria, w ith the T.. P. A- W. R. P, for
Logan-port. Columbus, Ae
S. At Me:iflot, with all the Illinois Central.
10. At CillCAGO. with all Trunk lines lor the
No better advice can bo given then, than to
Ta1 the Burlington Route." cltf.
The Undersigned ha3 on hand and is
All kinds of
At his Mills at the Ferry Landing at Plattsmouth
Orders Promptly Filled.!
Willlau EdoektoX
Dr. Pressoa i3 in the city.
The State fair has been located at
The trains on the U. P. R K. are
still saow-Lound.
Two infant daugtersof R. H. Shannon
died of croup, in Nebraska City, a few
days since. They were buried together.
The Mobile Register and Omaha Her
ald defend tho Tammany ring of New
The Nebraska City Chronicle thinks
Senator Tipton's ideas of civil service
reform are not the thing required ' by
the country.
The Committee appointed to procure
the right of way for the conteraj.lated
Avenues are at work. The people are
anxious that they hurry it up.
The Baptist Festival at Eight Mile
Grove last Monday evening was a suc-
iit i . i j t
cess, ne nave not ueara paiuuuiara.
Henry Boeck, Esq., has purchased a
half lot adjoining Spire's store on the
east, and is preparing to erect a two sto
ry brick business house, eighty feet deep.
Royal Buck, Esq , accompanied by
several other gentlemen from Nebraska
city, are in town to-day. We understand
their object to be to file on a section of
land in the western part of our State
for a town site.
O'Connor has refused to accept j-ouag
Tweed as bail for his father, on the
round that his title to the real estate
deeded from the "boss is insecure.
Messrs. Ray & Flor have erected an
excellent flouring mill on Wahoo creek,
in Saunders county, near the farm of
Mose3 Stocking, E-q. Saunders is one
of the finest counties in the State, and
is improving very rapidly.
Our friend John Tutt is the dad of a
bran new daughter, whose age dates
from Jan. 4th, 1872. Bo careful how
you speak to John until he gets used to
The Johnson Bros.' band, cf this city,
plaved in Lincoln last night. This ex-
celjent hand are becoming so well known
throughout our own State and western
Iowa that they are generally sent for
upon all important occasions.
We stated, a day or two since, that
Mr. "Miller father m-law or A. W.
Prole was in the city. It should have
been Mr. Brown Mr. James Jrown
Mr. Prole not having married into the
Miller family yet.
We advise all lovers of a nice musical
instrument to cau at L. i. Johnsons
music store, and look at those beautiful
pianos he has. They are real beautie?,
and oh ! what splendid music they send
An application has been made before
Judge Lake for a writ of haleas corpus
in the case of Dr. Marvin, at Omaha,
with a view to the reduction of bail, the
present sum fixed being $8,000, which
Marvin has been unable to give. J udge
Lake has refused to reduce the bail, and
with much justice and good senso claims
that Marvin's bail should bo higher
than in on ordinary case of manslaughter
with deadly weapons, because he, an in
telligent man and physician, proceeded
with deliberate purpose to violate the
aw and take the life of a human being
as a means oi gain, lie tninKs it out
just to discriminate in favor of the crimi
nal who kilb a fellow being in the heat of
passion. Marvin remains in jail.
It is amusing to stand in the post-
office while the mail is being distributed
and watch the business men as the come
for their letters and papers. One comes
in a terrible hurry, sees a half dozen
letters in his box, but cannot get them
until that great pile of papers is distribu
ted probably a half hour. The next
one you see deliberately opens his brass
Yale lock-box, takes out his letters, goes
back to his store and draws a balance
sheet from his ledger or sells a bill of
goods before his more important neigh
bor has received hij mail. Everybody
should have Yale lock-boxes if they ox
pect to succeed in business.
John Sherman has been nominated
for U. S. Senator by a caucus of Re
publican members of the Ohio Legisla
ture. At a called meeting of Nebraska Chap
ter No. 3. R. A. Mason3, held at their
hall last Tuesday evening, the " following
offices were installed for the ensuing
year :
It. R. Livingston -M. E. II. P.
J. N. Wise E. K.
E. T. Duke E. S.
11. D. Hathaway C. II.
F. E. White P. S.
E. Bradley R. A. C.
Sam. M. Chapman G. M. 3d V.
P. E. Ruffner G. M. 2d V.
B. A. Howe G. M. 1st. V.
J. Vallery, Jr. Treas.
II. Newman Sec.
John Ansty Guard.
Mr. Gilchrist, of Saunders county,
was in the city to-day, and informs us
that he will soon proceed to Salt Lake
to take an active part in tho working of
the principal silver mine cf that region.
He is a miner of large experience, and a
shrewd business man. He will continue
his home in Nebraska, but will pass
moit ef his time in Utah for a fewyoar3.
Two twin sisters mere children in
stature and but 14 years old were re
cently brought faom Ft. Calhoun to
Omaha by a couple of inhuman beings
calling themselves men, and there taken
to a house of ill farce and abandoned to
a life of prostitution. The brute3 are
named Jack Davis and Noble, and
they , should be left hanging to some
friendly lamp post. A brother of the
girls followed and rescued them.
We desire to call tho attention of pa
rents to the fact that a largo number of
boys are in the habit of "riding down
hill" on Third street, north of Main,
where they very often have narrow
escapes from colliding with passing
teams. Unless parents put a stop to it
a call for a surgeon, if not for an under
taker, will Boon be in order.
1UL St A. k tans locate:.
Lincoln Comes Out Victorious.
At a late hour last night, after full and
fair discussion of thj claims of different
locations for the next annual State Fair,
a ballot was taken by the BtwirJ of Ag
riculture which resulted, Lincoln 9,
Omaha G. On motion, the vote was
made unanimous for Lincoln, and soon
after the Board adjourned.
There was no hard feeling perceptible
on the part of those necessarily disap
pointc-d iu the ikcision of this matter,
and we congratulate the State upon this
action tf the Board. Wc assure the
Board and the State at large that the
capital city will aim to deserve the honor
thus confencd upon it. Lincoln Jour
nal, ith.
The B. & M. in Nebraska do not al
low anything to check their progress or
to interfere with their regular runs.
"Oil rA lliOTH
VSAVA nilllWl Ll i U-l V 1 4. UtJ a,IW --
pull, and the company, under the
management of Col. Doaoe, came out
victorious. Four locomotives came in
for repairs Wednesday night, but they
had forced a way through to the end of
the track. Three locomotives were
hitched together, and a t ox car with a
snow-plow calculated to go through six
feet of snow was placed ahead,
the whole force charged the d: ifts west
of Dorchester. The locomotives look as
f they had passed through the Rocky
Mountains without grading ; but, as we
said before, there was no let up until the
track was cleared. Two locomotives
were entirely disabled, aui two others
were only able to remain.
Tho "Blaisdell Brothers' Combina
tion" (we suppose that means a combi
nation of cheek and meanness) "jumped
the town" at 5 a. m. to day, leaving va
rious little bills unsettled, one of the
principal ones being $25 hall rent. The
business manager of the concern hired a
team and driver at Shaunou's livery to
take him to Glenwood and return, and
forgot (?) to pay for the same, and he
also forgot (?) to return a pair of fur
gauntlet buck gloves which Mr. Shannon
had generously loaned him. They made
a lively effort to "dead beat" us out of a
small bill, but iu consequence of the
Herald office "having the papers" (al
so the type) on them they failed in that
little scheme. They are advertised to
perform at Glenwood to-uight, and Mr.
Barnes (agent for Fitzgerald) and Mr.
Shannon have gone there with a view to
acting as door-keepers for the concern to
the extent of some $35 or $40.
By reference to the advertising col
umns of the UeuaU) it will be seen
that Mr. M. B. Reese and Mr. Geo. E.
Draper have opened a law office opposite
the Brooks House. Mr. Draper has been
in our city for the past nine months, and
is tolerably well known ia the communi
ty, lie is a young man of more than
ordinary ability, is a thorough lawyer,
and a man who, to use a purely wstern
phrase, "will wear well." We make
thesj remarks not as an advertisement of
the new firm, but as the personal views
of the editors of the Herald, which we
believe time will prove the correctness
of. Of Mr .M. B. Reese wc know but
little. He has been in our city about
two months, and came from Osceola,
Iowa. He is a lawyer of some eight years
practice, and wc learn from a reliable
source that he has been very successful.
Such legal taleut as Judge Medill of
Iowa, speaks of him in terms of great
praise, and pronounce him a profound
thinker and a successful practitioner.
We bespeak for the new firm a good de
gree of success in tnis community.
The Omaha Bee, of the 3d, contains
the following item :
"It is no longer to be disguised that
our city will, unless precautionary steps
are immediately taken, suffer very mate
rially from the small-pox, which is lately
prevalent in this city in au epidemic
The Herald is receiving the polite at
tention of the subordinate portion of
the Nebraska Press as "the organ of the
Union Pacific Railroad." Omaha Her
ald. If any of the "subordinates" (if there
are any papers entitled to the position
of subordinates to the Omaha Herald)
are doing this they are certainly laboring
under a very grave mistake. Perhaps
the Herald is endeavoring to claim a
distinction which has not yet been thrust
upon it, and is not likely to be. It is
of Dr. Miller only.
J. W. Barnes, Esq., returned from
Glenwood this morning. He succeeded
in getting about $7 from the Blaisdell
troupe all that was taken in at the
door. The troupe left Glenwood with
out a dollar, and left their baggage as
security for debts contracted there.
The outfit is "basted."
W. H. Broadas, who is confined in
the penitentiary at Lincoln for shooting
and killing the seducer of his little daugh
ter in Omaha some two years since,
writes a letter, which is published in the
Chronicle in which he complains of the
unjustuess of his imprisonment. He
thinks any father should do as he did
under the sama circumstances, and that
he h as now been confined a sufficient
length of time to satisfy the require
ments of the law.
Lincoln corespondence of the Omaha
paper3 announce that Dr. Larsh, late su
perintendent of the Insane Asylum, has
beea arrested on a charge of embezzle
ment of asylum funds. The writ was
issued by Chief Justice Mason, on ap
plication of Attorney General Roberts.
Now let us have tha facts, and less of
nawspaper sensationals.
A standing question Why don't
Catacazeygo home? Omaha Herald.
Probably the reason is 'cazey don't
want to.
Lincoln Correspondence.
A f VICE Jfcc
Lincoln Neb., January 21 1ST2.
' - Dear Herald : According to prom
ise I give you tho few items of interest
that have transpired in this, the capital,
city, during the past few days, that may
prove interesting to 3"our readers.
New Year's day in this city was gen
erally observed. Open houses were the
order of the day for the Lon ton r.f the
town. His cx-Exceileney Gov. iut!er,
made the rounds at an early hour in the
morning and ending at S oclurk in the
evening, lie was accompanied uy a lioat
r -,11.
of tho leading and distinguished gentle
men of the place.
Gov. Jaiae.-. seems to be very unpopu
lar here, arrived at home yesterday from
Nebraska city where he has been assist
ing ia fixing up Otoe county legislative
ticket. He siui:e3 sardonically when he
meets any of Butler's frimds, as much
as to say, "how do you like the 'smell of
the mustard from Otoe?' " But a geu
tliiman here from Otoe, says, politics in
that county will assume different shape
before nest Saturday. In the intati time
Mr. Editors, you m'jst watch and ob-
serve p:ising events, ms ixcei.ency is
just finishing a palatial residence south
f the capital. When completed it will
not cost less than $4,000. Many of the
citizens are of the opinion that a commit
tee to 'nvt'stijrate tho affairs of the Gov
ernor would not be out of place, since
investigating committees arc the order
of the day. The hotels and private board-
ng housss of tho city are preparing for
the members of the Lei?Ia'.ure and the
hosts of lobbyists that are expected.
I find that our old friend Dr. Larsh
has as many friends here as elscwherc'in
the State, and they propose to present a
strong petition to the next Legislature
for his re-appointment. However, I am
cf the opinion that the appointing or
'ousting" power will be taken from the
Governor and placed in the bauds cf a
committee, similar to the Board of Reg
ents fr the State University. If such
should prove true, there is no doubt but
yarsh will be re instated.
The convening of the next Legislature
and the differant changes that are ex
pected to be made, are the topics of con-
crsation among politicians of high and
ow degree.
Lincoln is, without a doubt, the second
city of importance in the State, and may
fairly be considered a rival of the New
Chicago Omaha. I counted yesterday
in the southern portion of the city aloae,
sixty-three houses just completed or in
the course of construction. It is wond
erful with what rapidity this town has
grown four years ago a "howling n ild
erncrs," to-day it "blossoms as the rose."
The prairie grass that the noble (?) red
man trod five years ago, may yet be seen
protruding above the snow. I regret ex
ceedingly that the same enterprise is not
manifested by the citizens of Plattsmouth.
Whilst our people are asleep this people
is alive and at work. Their principal ob-
cct is, the building up of Lincoln.
I have just been informed that Miss
S., who resigned her position as teacher
n one of tho public schools of the city,
is to be appointed Private Secretary to
his Excellency Gov. James. This is pre
sumed to be a dodge to secure the votes
and the women's rights men in this pro
pinquity and elsewhere in the State.
Mr. Sipple, a former merchant of Iowa
is improving a section of land a few miles
rom the city.
The staple article of fuel in this city at
present, h corn, which sells readily at
twenty one cents per bushel. Owing to
the deep snows the M. P. road has not
been able to make regular trip?, which
accounts for the scarcity of wood. That
article sells for $8 per cord.
My next will be from Omaha.
WL-hing you a "Happy New Year."
I remain
A. Wanderer.
Colonel James Fisk, jr., is giving gold
medals to the engineers and silver ones
to the firemen who mauenvred his light
ning Chicago relief train two months
ago. One engineer said that tl-c people
along the line called the train "God's
express" and Colonel Jim "God's ex
pressman." The remark was, perhaps,
intended to liken him to Mercury, the
expressman of the ancient gods who,
everybody knows, was a great thief.
St. Louis Democrat.
To sell the most popular work ever be
fore introduced to the Ameri
can Public.
G H I G il S
The Origin, Progress and Results of the
Great Chicago Conflagration.
With graphic scenes, incidents end details of
tho disaster, lirfof the principal bankers, man
ufacturers, and Merchants who are loosers. A
complete picture of Chicago before and after
the fire. The Trade and commerce of Chicago,
details of its Municipal affairs, and the great
fires of the World.
The statistics of the Fire Department, with a
description of the wonderful water works: dis
cription of the sewerage, paving and building
materials. The great marvel of the River run
ning up stream. The Kumber. location and
mode of operating the Orain Elevatars. His
tory and description of the famous stock yards.
The number of Railroads, the Lake Trade and
From personal observations by
(Peregrin Tickel)
Litterary Editor Chicago Tribune,
Editor of Chicago Tribune.
A Book of350 pages, illustrated by the best
artists, and will be worthy of the confidence of
Price in extra cloth and gilt, S2.50. Will be
sent by mail on receipt of price. This work can
only be obtained from the publishers or lrom
their regularly authorized apents. as it is sol
exclusively by subscription, and can not be ob
tained from any bookstores in the United S t
tes. Address
. . Twenty-sacon J st.. Chicago
HAPPY Relief for Young Men. from the
effects of trrors and Abuses in early life. Man
hood restored. Nervous debility cured. Im
pediments to Marriage removed. New method
of treatment. New and remarkable remedies.
Rooks and Circular sent free, in scaled envel
opes. Addres . HOWARD APSOCITION, No. 2
o nth Ninth bt.. h iiadelphii Pa.
OwJMt, w 1 re
Legal Notice;
District Court Chss Countv. Nebraska,
lluraue Monroe, PlainiiiT,
Richard II. Miller and Marietta Miller, his
wii'o: l'aakara Miller. J. J. Monn.e. Job a
11 Mason and Ober Morris fc Co., Defend
ants. To tho above named defendants. non-r-si-deuts
of the Slate of Nebr-'ska Packard .t Mil
ler. J J. Moi.iue, John 11. Maxou and Ober
Moms & Co. :
Take notice that you have been sued ia this
court lor the purpose of sc'ting ai.ic certain
deeds, executed by tlie Xrcitsui er of Cf-s eoun
ly to Psu karl A- Milicr. and a deed by them
made to .1. J. Monroe, and also to pel fcMde thi
trust dcd!u:iaet John II. M axon. us trustee for
Ooer Mori is .v Co. lrom R. 1'. Milicr and wife,
and for : uth further relief a may be equitable.
Thn land nnd premises ie.?eribed in all of said
need? is aa follows: The souihc of section
No. five in township eleven, rar.b- No. twelve,
east of tlth P. M.
Vou are required to appear and defend, on
or before the 15th iiay of Jauuar.v, 1S72. or the
petition will be taken an true, and judgment
rendered aceor.linslv.
ti. D. isc-oFiELn, Plaintiff's Att'y.
Dec. 4lh.lS 1.
Ordered the above notice to bo published in
the Ncbriu-ka IIksaLO four confccutivc weeks,
according to
Uoc. 13, 1S71.
Clerk of District Court Cass couuty, Nebraska.
Dec. 14 w5
Shcriirs Sate.
John Finisher, against J'din riecs, Einellne
Hess, and .Eugene Amour, Delcn .hints.
Notice is herebv given that I will offer for
sale at public auction at, tha front door of the
Court liouso in l'lattsuii u'.h. Cass County, NeD
ratki. on . ondav th:; VJilt day of Jnuuury A.
1). 1S7I at the hour of 10 o'sljvk A. M. of said
d:iy the following Real Estate to wit:
The undiviiua one half . j) oi the north half
of lot No. six (.' iu block No lhirty-lw'.:':!j
in the city of Plattsmouth, C.u3 founty Neb
raska. to be sold as the property of John Mess,
and Emetine lle.-s, on au or lur of s:do in faver
of John finisher, issued by the District C r.rt
of the nd Judicial Distric t within nnd for Cjss
County Nebraska, and to me directed as jsheritf
of caid County.
Uivcn umier my nana tins Ji tn nay ot j H'cens
ber A. D. 1S71 J. W. JOMNSO.V.
sheril Cass County N'o!irk.
Maxwell & Chapman Att'Vii fji PUff.
Dec vf5
esentmc American
'PHIS splenlid weekly, greatly enlarged and
L improved, is one of the most useful and in
ercsting jonrnfls ever published. Every num
ber is beautifully printed on fine puper. and
elegantlv illustrated with original cngrp.viiigs,
rcprsentics New Inventions; Novelties iu
Mechanics, Manufactures. Photogr.iphy. Ar-t-hitecturc.
Agriculture, Engineering, .Seiencc
and Art.
Parmer,' Mechanics. Inventors. Encmeers,
Chemist.'. .Manufacturers, r.nd pjopla of all pro
fessions or trades will hud the
scientific American
Its practical Fujrgesiions will save hundreds
d dcllars to every Household. Wtik.-.l:op. and
Factory iu the land, besides affording a Con
tinual Source of Valuable Iustruc-tiou. The
Editors are jissistcd bv t.inv of the ablest
American and Eurertean Writers, nnd having
aeccsi to all the leading Svjientiho and Me
chanical Journa's cf the world, the ,'olumns of
the S'i'entitic American are constantly tnriea
cd wuh the choicest information,
An OFFICIAL LIST of ail the Patents
Issued is Published Weekly.
The yearly numbers of the Fcientiiic Ameri
can make Two Splendid Volumes of Nearly
Une laousan'l Faaes; .iivolent in sizo to r our
Thousand Ordinary Hook IVges.
TERMS. 83 a Year; f 1.50 Half Year; Clubs of
ten Copies for One Year, 2.50
each, $J5.00,
With a ?plndid Premium to the person who
forms tho Club, consisting of a copy of the cele
brated bteel-i'lato fiEgraving, Jicn oi Pro
In connection with the publication of the
Scientifiic American, the undersigned conduct
the most extensive Agency in P A TF1 NfTSl
the wrld for procuring J.-'
Ah best way to ootain an answer to tac
question 1 obtain a 1'attDt'.' is to write to
ML -iN .V CO., 7 rark How, JNew lork. wuo
have had over Twenty-five Years' Experience
in the business. No charge is made for opinion
and advice. A pen-and-ink sketch, or full
writ'en description ot tho mveation snov.Id oe
ror instructions concerning American and
European Paten s Caveats Re issues Inter
ferences Rejected Cases Hints on Selling Pat
ents Kules mid Proceedings of tho Patent Office
The New Patent Laws Examinations. In
tension: Infringements, etc.. etc., send for
Instruction Book, which will be mailed free. on
application. All business strictly confidential.
Address MUNN & CO.,
Publishers if the Scientific American,
Dec. t Zil Park Row, New York.
Macucturer of
arntss, Sabblts " Driblrs,
Blankets, Brushes, &c.
Promptly Eiecuted. All work Warrcnted,
Nov. Plattsmouth, Neb
Way man Curtis.
Repairers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and
Grist Mills.
Gas and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron Pipe,
Force and Tilt Pumps, Steam Gauge, alance
Valve Governors, and all kinds of
Brass Engine Fittirr s,
furnished on short notice,
R cpaLrji cn short cciieo. eu6
Weeping Water, Nebraska.
General Merchandise,
. , , SHOES, NOTIONS. Jtc.
Wo we Agents for
WiL'cox & Gifcra Sewing Machine
-Visiting Plattsmouth,
Will Find Good Accommodations at the
Farmer's Feed Stable
Corner cf Sixth and Vine Street, One block
Noth of the Presberiac Church, PlatUinouth
House and Sign Painter, Graining, paper
hanging nud ornamental Painting, Orders
prpmptiy lilied. fcfaop north of Price's l.'laek
ahh Shop. ocTdSin.
3. Wuiii, Pri.pri.lor. K. H. r.1cDut.D A Co., iTucr-1"
i,M. Agcuu, u rmtcucff, tai., Ud 4 loiuurerc. .trccl, .
JWILLIONS Hear Testimony to Ibelr
Wonileiliil Cist-stive Ef'ccta.
They are not a Uo Fr.ncy Drink, Jlntleof Poor
Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits ami Itefuso
Liquor doctored, spiced and sweetened to please tl:a
lastccallcd "Tonics," "Appetizers," "lU'ttorerV&c. ,
that lead the tippler on to cUuttkennossaiid r.iin.btit art,
a true Medicine, made from the Native Itoot.i m:i Herb
ef California, freo from nil Alcoholic riiinn
Inula. They are the OU EAT JII.OOII PI KI,
t perfect Renovator and Invigorutor vi the System,
tarry ingoff all oisoiious matter and restoring tticblccd
to a healthy condition. Ko person can take theao Bit
ters according to directions uud remain long unwell,
provlucd their bones are not destroyed ly inincrid
I'Oiiion or other means, and tho vital organ wasted
beyond tho point cf repair.
They nrs n C.cnilc I'urcnlivenan ell nun
Toulc, possessing, iilfio, the iccuiiar merit of uclinx
bS a po'.vcif;.l agent in relieving Congestion cr IiiUuniT
Uialion of tlio I.ivcr, and nil tho Visceral Organs.
old, married or single, at thcihiwn of womanhood orut
Uie turn of life, these Tonic BilLc-rs havo no equul.
For Iuditimnntory nnd Chronic Khcinr.n
tlsiti nud lottt, i)yspc:hi:i or Indigctiuu,
Uilioiin, Itciiiitteut nud Intermittent Vc
Vcrs, Discnscs cf the Iiiood,. Liver, Kid
neys nud liladdcr, thesa Hitters have been most
successful. Such liistnc aio caused by Vitiated
UIoocI, which is generally produced by der:uu:eiuent
cf tho DievHtlvo Ot's:in.
tche. Pain in the ShcuMeis, Coujjhs, Tightness of tho
Chest, Dizxine-3, Sour Rmctatious of the Stomach,
Had Taste iu the Mouth, liilious Attacks, Palpitation oi
the Heart, Inflammation of the l.uiij;&, I'aiu in the re
gions of the Sidneys, end a hundred other painful symp
toms, are tho oHsprinss cf Dyspepsia.
They invigorate tho I'tuinucLi and stimulate the torpid
Liver anl llonrels, which reuuer ther.i of unequalled
tfEcucy inckansing the Mood cf all impurities, and im
parting new Ufeaul v:;or to the whole system.
FOIt SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt
Uhoum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Uoils, Car
buncles, Kimr-Wnrms. Scald lleai. Sorf Eyes, Ery.sijie
ms. I tell. Scurfs, Discoloration-, of the fckin, llumois anl
flisc&tes of the tjkm. of viiatv?r name or UHture. lire
iternllv dug up and carried out of the system in n short
time bythu use ot llnna llui-is. One Uoitlu in s.iH,
eases will convince the most incredulous of their cura
live cflccts.
Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever you find its Im
purities bursting through tho tkin Iu Pimples, Krup
tious or Sores; cleanso it when you Dnd it obstructed
nd-bl Jsgish iu tha veins; cleanso it when it is foul,
tud your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood
pure, and the health of tho Bvstem will follow.
Pin, Tit pc, nnd other Worms, lurking in the
System of eo n;ai:y thousands, aro effectually destroyed
and removed. Says a d'stinxuishc-1 physiologist,
there is ecarci-lr an individual upon the fscc of tlio
earth whoso body is exempt from the pri-seno of
worms, it is not upon the healthy elements of the
body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors
and slimy deposits that l.rewl these livinc mounters of
disease. No Syst.--ni of Medicine, -no vermifuges, no
anthelmintics will free the system from worms lilio
these Hitters.
J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. U. BIcDONALD J: CO.,
Druggists and Uen. Agents. S?n 1'raneiseo. California,
and 32 and 31 Commerce Street, New York.
TIios. W. Slaryoelc,
And dealer in all bin Jj of
Furniture cS: Chaira.
maix STREET, (third door west cfp 0
&t Repairing and Varnhdiing neatly dua
Funerals ttended at the shortest no
A Booli for the bullion I
! A ptivote counselor to the
Married or those about to mar
Irv on the i.h vsioloei(ii.l lnvsli-r-
les and revelations of the sexual system, the
latest dic.-overics in pcoducing and ureventing
ollspring, how to irtcrve the complexion Ac.
This is an interesting work of two hundred
find twei.ty-four pages, with nu!iie',u3 engrav
ings, und contains valuable information for
thoso who are married, or contemplate mar
riage. Still, it is a book that ought to be. kept
under lock and key. and not htid carelci.Iy
about the house.
Sent to any one (free of postage) for cents.
Address lr. Putts' Dispensary, No. 1 N
Eighth street, St. Louis, ilo.
Notice to the Afflicted and Unfortunate.
Refore apph in to the notorious quacks w ho
advertise m putilie papers, or using any au.ick
remedies, peruse Jr. Putts' work no n-utter
what your descale is or ho'.v deplorable your
Dr. Euttscnn be consulted, personally or by
mail, on the disease mentioned in his works.
'Jilice. No. 12 N. Eighth street, between Market
anl Chesnut, St, Louis, Mo. dtc-dfcwly
S T.A. JEl
At his new stand On Main Street, between -1th
and 5ih south side, where he is ready
to serve a!l his old eut-.toinerj, and
ue many new ones as may give
him a cull.
I keep cn hand nothius hut the vry
iContraits made lor furainhiag liige quaa
tities ot meat.
Cull and see u.
fel20'dA:tf. A. G. II ATT.
Jutt Published, 'n o icaled euce!uj,e. PrUe i',: t.
A Lcturo on the Nature, Trc-Lnicr.t, and
P.adical cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal
Weakness, Involuntary Emissions. Sexual I 'o
billt, and liupediiueuts to Marriage gcuerally;
Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Kits,
Mental and Phisicai lucapaciry, rcruiiiug fioui
self-abuse, Ac By Roocrt J. Cuivtrivell, M.
Dr. author of the 'tircen Rook,' Xo.
The wjrld-rcnouned author, in this admira
ble Lecture, cleai ly proves from his -wn exper
ience that the awful consequence of sclf-abuso
may be eiiectunlly removed without medicines,
and without dangerous surgical operations, toa
gies, instruments, rings or coidials, pointing
out a mode ot cure at once certain and ellectual
by which every sufferer, no matter w hat his con
dition may bo, may cure himself cheaply, pri
vately, and radically. This lecture will prove a
born to thousands and thousands.
Seat under seal, to any address, in a plain
sealed envelope, on there :cipt of six cents, or
two postage stamps. Also Dr. Culverwe I s
mamage guide.', rrice 23 nenu. Adurefs the
127 Dowery New York. P. 0- Lox 4555.
Dec 12 wly
V c nc cpe'n:
Un u s n n 1 ! v ;. 1 1 r a c 1 1 v c
Stock of Ud and
WLittr gooJs, ji;icl'
Early largely ainl
L'j'.v tlo. n '
We buy fri).n first
Class houses, lViVr.ri. L'! v
For cash, and have a! i
The advantages of ir:Ai,
A p.J
Propose to give our'
Customers goods at
Price we Knov must
And be convinced that
Our stock is complete;
And the place to purc!iace
Dry tjood, Motions,
Hoots, Shoes, (iroccr.'cs,
Ac ,
Is at Clark & PlurnnicrV
Main Street opposite
Brooks House
"A Cumsilitc P,r1oritl Ilittury c the Tliii .,
" The lat, civ'fiof, fnd vij't wcem.'il h:r.i '.lJ
I'nyt r in i hi. Viiiun."
Kottri i, the I'n
Tlio model New; i nj'cr of ottr country. Coni
p'cte ill ull tho (U'parlmi-uts id' nn
Family I'upcr. Harper's V,"eMv has taiti-'d tor
it.-elf a rilit to i't ini'-, "A dour mil 'ol Civili
atiou." A. i" 1'or.t Lo.i'nxa wt.
The best public'!!;. n of it j i:l.i.-s ill AuicrV,
and so Pir nhc-idof all otiier weekly jouii.ais
as noITo" p-i itiit cf any coinpai i 'on between it
ar.d any of ihrirnumlicr. Itscolumi s cniaiu
the finest cotlec ions f reading-iiiutter ttiattro
printed, t 1 Is ill u.-tr.ii oios arc numerous
ami bcitltiful, b;i:;g Ini-uUhe-l by tLi-ehiel
nrii.-ls of th cjunt'.y. lltmtun Tinccllrr .
Harper's is the bet nii linost interest
ing illustrated newspaper. Nord ics ils v. due
depend on its illustration.-, alom-. It reading
mutter is of a high order of lilr-rnry ir.eri-
varied, instructive, er.tertaiuini, and uutJkoivl-'
ionublu. X. 1. Lun.
Ilari'cr's 'Weekly, one .... SI CO
An extra copy of either the Magazine, Week
ly cr LV.ur will be supplied for every club f
1-ivk fcubseribu-a at ;1 (ki ouch, iu one rem it
tunce ; or Six copies for jJO uu without extra coiijv
SuVisetiptions t3 Harper's Mjig,!ii::c, Vreokl .
ur.d, to one uddi er f ir one jear, 5,0 t.;i;
or. two of liarjicr's pcrio.!ie.;l.!, to olio a.iii-t.s
for one year, ti UJ.
15.:ek numbers can be supplied :u any time.
The Annual volumes of Harper's IVecHy. in
neat cloth binding, w ill be sent by frco
ol expense. f,r s"i each. A eou pjotff ?-ct.
eoinprisng Eiftccn Volumes, rent on lcct it.l ot
cash t the rare of ;5 l'j per IVcisht al ii-
IM.HPC ol 1 'Utchaser.
The pcstiige on ifarper's V.'ecktr is L'i cents a
year, wincli mutt be pail at tho subsci iberV
po-t-vtliee .
Now Voik.
lillPERBAL- .
Fire Insurance Co;
. E?tab!iLed A. D. I $03,
Capital and Cash Accumulatiurt,
Ten Million Dollars In Gold.
Chicago E.osesi at J I?a id
Th reputation cn l Jtnn-lirig whic'i this enm
Pny has secured du'riz.g the sixt.) -nine J"eur
it has transact -d business throutrbou. t!:evori.l,
togetlier with ti:e iaro und uuuoutiied sceui Uy
ii offers for ail its ob ications, claims lor it a
share of the pub ic pttronage.
Policies iirued itJ l'jr.-ts pail Ly ,
El. E- PARSER, Asrent,
r'attsaicutb, Neb.
Ifov. 29. tliwSm
Sheriff's Sals.
J. Q.A.Owen.
Ufa i list
Nuckolls, Uarrison and JoncS. . Execution,
Notice is hereby iriven that I will otier fir
sale at public auction, at the front door of tto
court bouse, iu Piatt, mouth, Cass county, Ne
brnsUs, ou Monday, trie th d -y of January,
A. I). 1V72, ut the hour ef 11 o'clock a. iu. of iaid
day. thij following real estate, to-wiL-
Ibe uiidiviciC'l one-half (ii) of lot No. five cr ,
in block No. tbiriy-lour iM'. in the ciy of
Plattsbiuuth, Cass county. Nebraska, us dvsi
Da ted upon the recorded plat cl said city.
Levied upon as tho property of Columbu
Nuckolls, on an execution in favor of J. (I A.
Owca, issued by the iL-rk of t!;o Li.-trict court
of the county of C; 8 , and tj me directed .
Sheriff of said conuty.
Given unUcr lay uaud this 27th di of Dm.
Sheriff Cess County, Nebraska.
3'axwell k Chaj.uisn, Att'ys lor Pl'lT.
lcc. ZS. Vij
Sheriff's Sale.
W. II, Schildknucht vs. John Snider.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned
Sheridof Cass countv. Nebraska, will l.v
virtue of au order of ; i.le i-sued by the Probato
Judge of s:;id cirunty. and to him directed, at
one o'elock p. m. on Situnhiy Jauuary 1.1 A 1
1 oT2, at the court hou.-o iu Plattsmouth. in said
county, cll'er lor si!t at public auction llie fol
lowing goods a.nd cbiltlf-s to-wit :
One Johnson i! en per. heretofore attache 1 us
tho property of John on an order of
attachment in favor of W. II. S -hibikneeht i
tued by the Probate J udge of i'Htji county Neb.
Given under my hctd ili'u .'10 1 a day of ieo.
A L 1S7I.
J. V.'. JOHNSON. Sheri.T
Cass county Neb.
MuwtLt & Caxrxxs. Att'ys for Plaitil.
A LL persons indebt d to us. either by notd
i V or book iiecount. uro mtiiied that settle
ment must be imido by the tir:U day ol January
next, or we will be co npeiiitd to place the fame
iu the hands f the proper otlicer lor eoile .-t on
nemuit httOe tuox'ii. "ml our liiei.ds vi;
please tuake a note of this, and t-'ivciu li.cid
telves accordingly. V.i.trBVh A lit I km; :f
Vlatteuioutn, l'io: 11, X-m. dte'lis