Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 11, 1872, Image 1

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- - - ....... . - .- . . .--- - - - - ' jLiniLiLiu.u mi ! -
ii i ii ii Him -t- jt.jLjJvJjJjajv,f r,1.-. J.f n i i bjw..v wmuasamaiaiii' mui,u.,i t,UL.abt " " ' ""-"lU .
13 rrcias-EO wr.jt.T st-
Kit 03ee corner Main and Seeded ati-ec. e:
nu story.
TERMS: Wc-K! tl.'f: rcr n- If r.V. la
fi.10 if not in advane
Asort, r.w RnPiKTi'ii nro-.
II 1 t ?:r;l tien. ;rn:;t nu r.un
us r trsiccrat.
Thos.e who watch the f?37'ioni of
rnodejn Deoc-rr.oj must sor-tiiiiies be
esior.fshed, an J all the while amused, at
i:s fian-ie thirst fur iolit leil spoil.', tud
st it3 awkward tricks to secure tlc plun
der. Several months ago, tha Lie Vc'lan-dijha-i,
despairing ct ' success, under the
Democratic banner, proposed that rebels,
'Sympathisers'' and Ka-K'u.r, ehou'i
for a easo;i eileaee their disloyal 1 irn n
and t3c the opposite tact. His pbsn
was to Lava them wrapped, find h ookd,
and masked in union ag, and with
fljouts r.f demotion to their country seize
on the citadel of power, ar.d c-.t-l!ioh
the roi,?u ef t its -on.
Blair Las i'uca proposed another
-l:e.. the very opr , ;;: of Yab'aridig
Lam'.". 1113 ukk i-i to have no Demo
crat noni;.it;Li, bat to suppcrt some
K..ra h.-KLl Uc-ulIi'UR fur lis Prs-i-
Ui" p -;-e t:;u j--o;!v-j po.'sy is crdy to
b- a lc-i:pora;y c.'pcai-.i.l a ticre pos
tiui trick, 'il.2 DjiLOcraey is to ftign
dsath, postum like, and Lo caniad by
the t-il during the contest, but 13 to rc
R juie its foot after victory, e:id a j:a.--iiiie
of 1 lundcr.
These aro tl-.c fopy 1 r- jeets cf the Dc
uiocrary cf.foijy State.1. Of course arjy
ftliCino that would to proposed ty Ne
braska would have no fogy Lai i:i it, I ut
would hare the daring and i!as!s pec:t
iiar to a n?T7 coin Dion wealth. Iu this
spirit a !rading Deiflcerat of our State
brhis great str&tegetw iuovo
molt of tho carj;-aig, aod it is sa us
Jilc Hhis's paiivo pclicy r.3 a N-.7 Ycrk
ii:t diiti!ar to a Qaaker roti;jA.
5"h?re it no ps.-juui, diath lite ncu
hltijC2 ;a the Nf-hraska p'.'.r. ; cm
coatraryIt prfikc.s more cf rh i I.vcly,
RuJa-,uj a.i'iicUivei'.es.'i cf tl.o cayoto
It re.-ccil'ip.i Va!!adshais c!icejo iu
its j-iratical epiiit, only it cat-IIctodV.
II;r-j.l i:; ths Ciileni to r.hich it is to be
tarrlo.!. lie prc;:Oa-d to sic-J. only t'3
JI;:;:t;b:ioan r!..tfjr,;;, end bat-t!!-ory
; but tba Nebrt:a bL.heiO h Lo
nr--iaats Graat ard endorse hi prirjcl
yh, au.l thus si?il end s7IIo7 the II.
publicnu f.;tilri, casdidats ani aii,
and dic-t the rucal at ki:-':.-e aficr cJcc
li.n. Thli mil tr;!s3 every cua as tho
grtat I:n-- j "b hyb.iiizj l on politic.
You ec-3 iu it tfco sai-3 dare-Jovil rec-le:-invu,
s:;d the sauia almost ultuihty
r.ius?h cf grab so -r.Tninnty dovoloped
i-i the Sa'ir.j r.rA burino.. Nebraska
JJtor8y i yet ever:' j 3 ahead,
Mil Vi? 7r.t fr I-T(.t TVsoii's rror.nn
iuni.nto vviih ;i-:-ty, but '.fith
us vAi of .;.", for if 'fa nuiauy car't
best ir, aad '.73 '! thit-k it can,
bia:v!i will rcT'-tia ah:-a l iu desaesa of
the r.vt cf tiio world.
1Z f.-l.i-i-- A.C.jr.
It sec on t':at Dr. Larsh its.1 not r
TCttcJ, aswcbefvrs staled, Lut t!t hoar
iujj of tho isu-i:ia of the tvasrant he
procoed.'d t) Lincoln nnd presented hiui
o'f voiualarily to tho ccirt an 1 gave
bail, wldh tbe Sheriff vrai hunting him
in Otoe county. The charge made
against hiui ii erbezs.lcmont of fund?,
and tha ppciudeatioa h that he Lai rc-f-jed
to pay over money due the matron
of the i:i; tituUor:. Tho warrant was L-uc-d
on corap!j:jt cf the matro-, ad wo
understand it. In reference to this mat
t;r th. Joxifn d says :
"It i we L'.'ieve, a m.ttar of record
I'nat in the case of tha matron cf the
A-lum, there can be no default, for tii
rcason that no appropriation h;3 ever
born made, to pay the matron, and Mrs.
Fiau, the matron under Dr. Larsh did
never, n we are informed, receive a dol
lar of p sy that was not advanced to her
by tho Superintendent, out cf his pri
vate purse, m anticipation 01 an appro-
pr-'itiou ui 'iuo t.
If this be trup.
and we think the ofl-ial records will
chow it, th jn that part of the charges
amounts to nothicz."
We like to see ail evil doers punished
and especially tho man or men who
would ttcal money from the State ; bat
it Is imp'-rlant f) f.rt establish tho fucrt
as Fuggested by !. hi Saline county T.',
that a fraud ha3 been committed. Tho
inero feet that somebody charges thit
another has committed a crime or done a
wron is r.ot suiTioient reason orevidscee
for an arraignment cn a charge of em
bezzlement. Dr. Larsh may be guilty,
ami may. .brvrve punhhmont, but -we person! nr.! ;p:itby and political
jea!uy has h i I aou h t do with the
accusations ;do a.-.iust him, also with
bis roeuiiS arr-?t. I.t moderate coun
cils prevail, r.n I let jiloe be meted out
to al:.
ilomi! : io ( I till Wsrk.
Mr. M. of Oxford, d':.-'iit object to
hvin a hiicd i:in to d' a lull day's
Jab- r at least, so vc judge from the fol
lowing story :
A short time ao a man went to his
jdaee for work. Mr. M. set him plow
ing rrrmd a forty-nere Ueld. After be
hr.d plowed lUithfuIly all day until, the
sun was about half an hour high, he ex
pressed the opinion that it was about
time to quit.
"Oh, no,' replied Mr. M., "you c-.n
go around six or eight times more just
as will ns not."
So tho hired roan plowed around six
or cisht times, then '.vent to the house,
took care of his team, milked nine cows,
ato his pijppjir, and found ten o'clock
staring him in the face- from the old time
Said the hired man to Mrs. M.,
"where is Mr. M. ?"
Tho good woman nuswered, "Ho has
retired. Do you wish to see him?"
He replied tbat he did. SAfte bcin?
conducted to the bedroom he said :
"Mr. 31., where is the axe?"
"Why," said Mr. M., "What do you
want with the axe?"
"Well," said the hired mnn, "I
th-vi!ht vou murht want ma to split some
wood, tUIbrokfait is rcadv."
VOL. 7,
Arrest of I.jxr!i I-elicn Xlnliera
l.crt: a Ciit!P for ttin Senate
Gcv.ieK ' Limbfr Jim' J.
A. VFnr. .
T:.iAiKA City, Jan. 5., 1 872.
D-a:i lIi..!ALr : The usual tranquili
ty of our olr has been disturbed to-day
1 7 the apperiri.;j oa our streets of the
fch-rifr of Lanca'rtir county, Tilth a war
rant for the arrest cf Dr. Larsh, on
charrre cf et3Lczs!e:eDt, whili Su.crin
t.vdent cf the Inrano Ay!ura. Tha
Doctor h sbret:!, nt present, en an clce-tionseri-ff
(cur in the southern part of
th s county, but will rcrurn this after
noon, tfhon ha '.vii!, no doubt, ;eoipa
ny thi She:i to Linc-w'n.
The fcl.ction to 11 tho vacancies caused
by the reainatioa of Iiibt. IlavTkc, and
the "proc-'-rnating" out of Jaa. E.
Doom, takes place to morrow. The
candidate for Senate, 0:1 the Democratic!
ticket, has withdrawn, and the Central
Committee refuse to mako a new nomi
nation. Dr. Larsh 13 running as an inde
pendent cialid..t, and will, no doubt,
receive th rapport of the Democracy.
The friends of Larih openly prowlauacd
rta the tiffi-Yi'lbat the charges preferred
sgainst him aro "trun p?d up" to keep
him out of the canvass tbat is now going
cn. Tickets w:t his nae on ae a can
didate for Senator have been placed in
the hand. cf Lis Trar, personal friend?,
iu every rural precinct in the county, and I
presume the city will be Hooded with them
to-morrow. His lukewarm friends have
beconvi staunch and aro rallying to his sup
pert with wonderful alacrity. If he u
not the next Senator from Otoe you may
say your correspondent is no prophet.
Mr. K'vin, an old cl:i;n and an honest
r::an U i car. !.!'. 3 cu tho Republican
ticki-t for the Iloua-.?, aa.i v.Ill be elected,
uuie.-3 tbe vote iu the country :o mueii
tmr.b'cr than tve-r be'Lre.
ov. Jacs S; -;t .ow iuir s tiay in
this -iry av.d trcs glonousl "!:.';
"lie didn't go home 'tid morninj?."
Otoa politic- sec-r3 to trouble his Lvxcel-
very muc :
;r what reason,
c.iiiv.;c conjccurc
In conv:;rjatio:i bh iT sti. Js. Doom,
or ("Limber Jim," as you fsmidarly call
h:ci),adycr two bine?, he remarked
that Got. Jstwes !ud prcclaimcd him
out of c21c?, tut be vvoId 1:1-3! si upon
taking bia :ret. Mr. Decm's course in
the but L3:s'a::re v.i-s very satirfictory
to his constituents, and many rgretthat
he has ehar.ged his "abiding place."
?dr. iJtari'ing, one of our wealthiest
farmers and sto.k growers 1.3 hero to' see
that Dr. Larsh icceives fair play.
The afTiirs of J. A. Wars, defunct
Banker, are no nearer to a tatisfactory
settlement for his creditor.' tban two
weeks since. Among tbe prlucip tl lo.vcrs
by hh fail 'ire, ara :
1. N. Shamlausrh, $5,S0O ; S. Rector,
?-4,oOJ; O:oo county, $-(.():.); Uaster
Mollrir..-, iZ,00'J ; John McCarthy,
; Oioo county National Dank,
$2,000; J. Kellog, 01,00-t; eastern
bnks, EOT o 57,00 ); besides a large
number of smaller R-nonnt placed ia the
cMbiihment by fra:er?, who can illy
tear tho lo:.3. Tho.o -.vbo have over
drawn ihoir cccinnts, aro Judge Kinney,
fl,CK, and yi. M. Sra?.3, ::9 $3,000.
iho former is father-in-law to Mr. Waro
ani the latter a brother.
A T7.
a s.s. roso :.?si rAt5j:'
HKST TRAP, t.V ritfiiiA.KA.
The following letter has been sent to
tha Peterborough Times, a radical Eng
lish paper, by an American correspond
ent cf that Journal :
Lixcolx, Neb., Jan. 4, 1872.
Er noil PETEP-noaoxroii TiiiEs :
Edward Jones, an Eolishman by birth,
but lately returned from California,
bought dmd cf the Burlington & Mis
souri River Railroad Company er.i!y in
1S71. His purchase lies about thirty
miles south-west cf this capital, near
Dorchester station, on the trans-conti-nentl
routo to the Pacific ocean. Mr.
Jones broke thirty acres of the
prairie, with his own team, and hired
cne hundred and ten acres broken for
him at three dollars an acre. Tbe first
crop raised on cuch broken prairie is al
wayn sod-corn tact is maize raised on
the sod turned upside down. Tho seed
is usually dropped in holes broken with
an axe. Rut. Mr. Jones bought a "corn
planter" for $00, and by that machine,
drawn by his horses, planted his crop
much moro expeditiously, ne has also
paid $190 for farm hands to help har
vest his crop, as well 03 to cut and stack
tha j ruiib hay which is freo on wild
land to any one who will take it. Tho
cash piice of his ! 10 acres was $10.40
per aer.?. Itis outlay, tben, h33 been,
for land, ?!,45; corn-planter $00.,
hired labor, $100; breaking $320. To
tal, two thousand ftnci tli irty-six dollars.
Rut .Mr. J01103 estimates tbat ha has al
ready harvested 5,000 bush-Ls of corn,
and has 1)00 more still on the stalk.
lie hs.s also, in stack?: 150 tons of hay.
Corn sella at 23 cents a bushel, and hay
at 5 a ton. At these rates Ids corn is
worth $1,500, a::d his hay $750 a tot.l
of $2,250, or more th.:n two hundred
dol'ars more than his whole outlay for cud improvements. But, Mr.
Jones ii not eonlcnt to sell either corn
or hay 3t ths rate- rd.ove mentioned.
Accordingly he has bought a drove of
cattle &zd a herd of swine. These he
will fatten with his coi n, and thus ho will
make as n.ueii proSt during the winter
as he has made during the summer.
He knows well th-1 the bect Lags to send
grain to Chicago in are mado of cow
hide or of hog-skin. They hold ten
times as much as those of canvas.
It is not every pioneer who has the
pluck, strength and tact yes, I will
add good luclc, of Mr. Jones but at
least half of his success may be expected
by every settler of ordinary capacity,
and who can buy land in Nebraska wit
one or two hundred pounds, and I write
his fchort and simple annals to encourage
the olhat. .J. D. B.
'Ann Akor, Mich., Jan. 1, '72.
Editors IIf.iiald Gentlemen :
, .
iVa w:d pardon my presumption, I
bope, on assuming tho respon.iOinty ox
placing before your intelligent readers, a
placing oexore your iruemgen, reauer,, a
communication, of there may be
eooi'3 doubts as to
cs the press is
the medium through
which to obtain and convey knowledge,
I desire to reciprocate in return for the
valuable information which I daily re
ceive from tho perusal or ths "Piatts
mouth Daily Herald." The truth is
M.ssr?. Editors, I have Eec-n Duke
Alexis ; you probably have not, unless
he went from Chicago by telegraph, and
I don't think that probable though he
appears like a yaf young man. And then
again, ho h to have, as I understand, a
"reception" at St. Louis before going to
Plattsmouth. Tho Grand Duke Al-.xis
and suite arrived at Ann Arbor on Sat
urday forenoon. lie was received, not
by tho "civii and military" authorities
of the city of Ann Arbor, but by the
"uncivil and unmilitary" personal au
thorities of a vast number of the citizens
of the city, composed of a conglomerate
mass of men, Womcu and children, sroall
boys and students, congregated around
the depot of the Michigan Central It. It.,
all alive with cnthusiam, with eager eyes
and high anticipation;!, awaiting the ar
rival of the train which was to remain
only onbj ten minutes!, that we might
have the privilege of seeing a syht wc
had never before seen and probably
would never sec again. At length, after
having waited around the depot for the
space of one hour, the alarm was given,
rome on had heard tho whistle of the
locomotive, and sure enough, in a few
minutes the engine appeared in sight,
and my 1 what a cheer w.:s &eut up by
that anxious crowd. Hera uhe comes !
stand back ! get off the track ! don't
crowd! and various other vehement vo
ciferations, were prevalent on every side.
Indeed, she did eorao, bf'.t there ap-
perue-j no cars a!tai:t:eu. vv net a u:s-
appoi:;iment-I murmuring .on every
hand. Various remarks current ;
such as I guess ho has played gone
over the Michigan Southern sold again
what will you take for yourself hur
rah, for Americans! one follow t-houtod.
Finally a bright idea struck the mind of
an me one, viz : that it was the Duke
who had charge cf tbe engine, and tbut
he was trying his hand t AmericanMu
ch'nery. This took a rousing cheer
was sent up for the Duke, whoso coun
try Tvaj so favcraLI. to our own loved
America. Th. engu.-eer did not have
time to a:-k the meaning of such an en
thusiastic reception, before tho real
train which bore Duke Aioxis muds its
appearance, coming at 2: 10 the former
er.gine having been sent ahead to cleat
the track, that no one might be under
necessity cf regretting t.ifjt Lu-.-.m
was on such favorable terms with Ameri-
. Ononnin thr. a,,.Sipr..'i.dv
proclaimed that if he could only get a
glimpse of the engine that propelled cha
native Rus.-ian he would go to his homo
contented. The train Anally came to a
V... . -..WtW.. W J
tand st
and th
cn yuei
a so
crowumr, DuotnnT, liauimg. pu-l:ng, an l
in fact s:y02zing lor I hj.ird several
ladies ejaculate: ''don't crowd so,"
"don't so neeza ;" an 1 I havo no doubt
but their requests were genuine, an I
founded on a reality. Everybody were
putting in their best licks to get a glimpse
of the Duke, as lie did not designate
himself or make his appearance. The
crowd surrounded tho train, peeked
through tho windows, and almost pene
trated the sides of the ears with their
keen eight, in their zeal to see the Duke.
To make the scene more interesting and
varied, occasionally a new personage
would make his appearance at the win
dows; which would create intense ex
citement, everybody positively asserting,
that lie was the Duke. As soon as one
would leave, another would appear.
This lasted for some time, till tinally it
becavne old ; couldn't play Americans
that way they would know the Duke
wbn they saw him. The time was now
about consumed for which ths train was
to stop. The Dakc stepped out on tho
platform of tho hindmost car, and was
designated as the object fur which we
sought. It was himself this time, Mire,
no mistake and such varied excla
mations of surprise and satisfaction !
Finally the monotony was broken, and
speech, was heard from every
quarter, jronticai economy, civil ser
vice reform, ona term poliev, Grant, Ku
Klux, c,, but "nary" speech. The
train moved off, and the only words we
had from the Duke, was a simplu "nod"
of the head, in respect to the audience,
whohnd congregated at the depot, to
satisfy tho burning desire of their hearts.
In conclusion, Mr. Editors, I will ask
your paid jii again, for having burdeued
the columns of your paper with so long
an article. It would have been useless
to have attempted to describe this event
iu any less syace.
Very Respectfully, W.
T4 r..s.
K. 51. OPIt; AOAIX
A Soulier Frozen to Ceasb.
Fort D. A. Russell, W. T., )
January Gth, lt72.
D.vrt Herald .The snow blockade
has at last been raised. Four trains
eame in last night close together, rtven
tccn Jays behind time. With a gang of
two hundred men, with shovels, besides
volunteers from among the passenger?,
the trains could only make tu:o miles a
day, some cf the time. The R. R. Co.
furnished tho passengers with soda
crackers and co.Teo and did everything
possible for their comfort. The snow is
much deeper on the other side of the
mountains than on this side. The
weather for one week here has been
charming, and the snow is gradually
wasting away, and the ground is bare in
many places ; but it wi'd be a long time
before those huge drifts along the line of
tho railroiid, made more formidable by
the vast amount thrown from the track,
will disappear from the eye of the weary
traveler. The sncw came sd"edrly in the
season that our detachment that was
cutting lumber in the black hills could
not return with the engine to the Post j
where it i employed in the winter to
pump water frcn the creek into a large
tank, for i be .use of tbe garrisou. The
men, about forty hi number, have been
thut up in their camp all winter, only
going out occasionally to obtain their ra
; tions at arauiie Lity,
j ,,..,-,-,
fj . k t
tions at Laramie City, a distance of
a number oi tn
M .o f 6ppSeSi
a thwif return alo;it ten 0'clock 8t
j t, , . .,-,
ten or fifteen feet deep. All the men
but the teamster, who was riding one of
the wheel mules, went on aheal and
opened the road and shouted through
the darkness and the terrible gale that
the way was elea-. Tbe teams came
through, but tho driver was missim.
They searched for two hours for him in
the terrible
but could not find
him, and his body hr.3 not been recovered
yet. He had been drinking, and while
the men were breaking tho road he fell
off tho mule, and the wind was blowing
at such a fearful rate that he was soon
lost to the sight of his companions
As we enjoy the delicious weather of
to-day, it is diScult to realize what a
fearful embaigo has been upon us.
Probably it will be years before we have
another" such a sight
The mortality among cattle has not
been as great a3 many feared, and gra
ziers do not seem to be at all discouraged.
We shall all appreciate our daily mail,
for in this active ago to be without news
from the center of activity, is a great
calamity, and yet I cau well remember
that at one of the county seats of an
Eastern State, in 1S3G, we only had a
mail once a week ; and if by any mi-bap,
stch as the mule, on whoso back it was
cani.d, being sick, or if he bucked, and
threw , tbe by who rodf him, we were
without mail for two weeks. Now they
have several mails each d;iy
Yours trnlv, A- Wright,
Pot Chaplain, U. S. A.
Greenwood, Jan. 8, 1S72.
Epixoas Hr.F.Ar.D : When I received
your excellent paper I was so much
pleased on seeing one of my productions
in print, that I will make another of my
very best elTorts, to be pleased again.
I was not only pleased at that, but de
rive a great deal of satisfaction from the
perusal of items from ether parts of
the county.
I am surprised that I did not have
your paper some time since. I think it
would be to tho interest of every farmt-r
in Cass county to send in his two dollars,
;tIt ,;s un711u an1 j. q. address
' . - .' , ..
' h'.rmmg inenus. try it
,-. , , , . . I
n e nave oeen r.avmg some cry tionu
sleighing this winter and a great deal of
old weather, and I begin to think that
the shell of tbe earth has grown per
ceptibly thicker, or the north pole isdis
gusted with our searches after it, and is
coming south to find u. The cold and
snow has caught nearly every farmer iu
this end of the county with more or less
corn in the field, and most likely it will
remain there until spring, which will
make things lively for the farmers, and
cause labor to command a good price.
I wb'h to give i3' nrt experience in
raising pork in Nebraska, on a small
scale. In September last I put seven
March pigs in a close peu, with a floor in
ir, and fed them dry corn in the ear.
January Gth I killed them. They dressed
on an average, 20G pounds each, and
from the time they were six weeks old
they consumed about 105 bushels corn,
or 15 bushels to the head. Here are tho
figures: Seven hogs. 200 pounds each,
make 1403 pounds; at 3. cents, $51.10.
One hundred and five bushels of com,
15 cent., $15 75, leaving a proSt for
feeding and watering, of $35.35. They
were only a common stock of hogs. I
would as soon feed, water and butcher
my hogs, as market my corn in the car.
I do not claim tbis to bo an exact esti
mate, but as near as rossiblo, for tho
appliances I had. It gives nearly 14
pounds of pork to the bushel, thus
rcali-iog nearly 40 cents per bushel for
corn. It is the greatest folly for a farm
er to sell his grain at present prices. A
greater profit can ba made by keeping
the meat, for if it is sold it will most
likely be shippnd away and part of it
shipped back, and the consumers will
have the transportation to pay both
ways, while those who keep their pork
will be the gainers, and not only so, but
the money will ho left in our own country.
The above facts can be proven by calling
on A P.asiutl Man.
An Iowa couple obtained a handsome
sum to begin lite with by charging twen-ty-flve
cents admission to their wedding.
The St. Louis Democrat says : "They
tell of an interesting scene iu the Legis
lature when tho Governor's mesac in
formed the members that "we arc all
Democrats we are all Republicans."
A rur-d member sligt'y toddilied jumped
frnm his scat, and exclaimed to bis
neighbor, "That's a jrood ides: wrt'r. nil
drunk and we're all sober. Lot us ail go
out and fake a drink " They adjourned
to an adjacent benzinery, and,
language of Uret Iiarte. "the snbso
qucnt proceedings interested them no
A Terr.3 paper iays : "We have been
asked why we stopped publi hing the
list of marriage licenses issued by the
clerk. Recau--3 a great big stand-up-in-the
mud out there in the sand hills said
we published his daughter as married
when she weren't, and that he would
hit us on the head bard enough to knock
our ankle out of joint. Is the explana
tion satisfactory?"
Edward Powers, a civil engineer of
Chicago, has petitioned Congress for aid
to enable him to test his method for the
artificial production of rain. He wants
to be furnUhed with 300 cannon of not
less than 24 pound colibar each, and 30
000 pounds of powder, with an cleric
battery and ocher appliances, to enable
him to discharge all the pieces simulta
neously It will be seen that the ex
periment would be a very expensive one.
arv wracTa r i
Loudon, Jan G.
Ex-Emperor Napoleon on New Year's
day, is reported to have said. ,-I will
give Thiers ?ix months of Presidency of
the French Republic, and at the end of
that ttroe Gambt-tta will be in bis place,
and tbe change would be favorable to
the Impeiial cause."
Th Ohio X.eelslainre.
Columbus, January 9.
At twelve o'clock to-day tho Senate
and House met in their respective cham
bers and cast the vote for United States
Senator. In the Senate the vote stood
George W. Morgan 18, Sohn Sherman 17
Robert C. ' Schenk 1. In the House
Sherman 57, Morgan -17, J. D. Cox 1.
One Republican in the Senato voted for
Schecck, and one in the House for Cox.
St. Louis, January 9.
The Lower House of the Missouri
Legislature passed resolutions endorsing
tho one term lor President of the United
States by a vote of Sfi to 21.
The Legislature has invited tho Grand
Duke Alexis to visit .Jefferson City.
New Orleans 1 a. m., January 9.
The city is quiet. No personal vio
lence is reported from any quarter. The
mechanics institute is heavily guarded
by the police and militia, both w hite and
Speaker Carter has published a card
contradicting the report that he had sur
rendered to tho Sheriff, in obedience to
a process from tbe Eight District
Ccuit, but s-iys he will obey a proper
writ served by a proper officer, lie de
clares Warruouth's course -revolutionary
ami unconstitutional, and declares he
will resi.-t him to tbe utmost of his power.
Rnih parties claim the support of Gene
ral Emery ; and the Carterites assort,
he fays, martici law ought to be de
clared. An immense ruasa meeting was held
to-night. Warmoulh was denounced in
unmeasured terms by tho speaker.
Salt Lake, January 5.
There is great excitement manifested
here in regard to the new mines recently
onp nd in the south-west corner of Idaho,
cno hundred miles from the C. P. R R.
It is reported there nre mines of sol d
mineral from ten to sixty feet wide,
ranging from one hundred to two hund
red t nd fifty dollars per ton.
It is said tint Raker, tbe principal
witness asraint the parties charged with
the murder of Robinson, . has been spir
ited away.
Robbers, garroters and desperadoes of
all kinds abound. Persons and property
are not safe in the street at night. A
man was strung up last night by the
Deck, nearly strangled, and robbed.
Rrigham Young refuses to bo inter
viewed. No trains from tho cast for four days.
Weather fiveziivr cold.
Keel SI t Times Ih the YraaeU .lsc:ob-
Paris, January 7.
There was an uproarious scene in the
assembly yesterday, tho occasion being
tho reading of a large number of pcti
tioni praying for restoration of monar
chy. Some of the petitions wanted Count
de Chambo and others count do Paris
for King. The presentation of their riv
al claims excited the partisans of both
Princes to frequent demonstrations, while
the republicans iud radicals made a noi
ey opposition throughout, the reading,
which was frequently interrupted. Tho
election of Victor Hugo is considered al
most certain. It is said that his return
to the assembly will defot the pending
motion for a transfer of the government
to Paris, and tbat monarchists and ene
mies of Thiers secretly favor his election.
3w xrM;
Col. FJsii's Will.
New York, Januarys.
The following aro the provisisns of
Col. Fisk's will : Mrs. Ilocker, his sister,
receives $100,000 in the Narragan.-ett
Steam ship company's shares ; bis fath
er and mother receive $3000 a year each;
to each of the two Misses Morse hs be
que ithed ?2,000 a year ; to the Ninth
Regiment $ 1 1.000. This gift was made
a week ao but was legalized last nixht.
To his wife be bequeathed tho balance
of his property of all kinds: to Jay
Gould, for whom he entertained the
warmest and most disinterested friend
ship, he left his oersonal effects, ,and cn
trusted to him the labor of love as it is
caneu m tne wi:i ot carrying out uil his
(Mr. Risk's) projects in regard to publio
improvements- Mrs. Fisk inherits all
her deceased husband's shares in the
Erie railroad. Col. Fisk was in the thir
ty seventh year of bis age.
Jim Ms .iiHcc!.
New York, Jan 6.
James Fisk, Jr., was shot iu the
breast twice by Edward Stokes, at the
..111 . t ii ii
Orand Central Hotel, at twenty minutes
past four this afternoon. The affair took
place in the vestibule. Fisk was assisted
Co a chair. It is thought he cannot sur
vive. Stokes was arrestedand conveyed
to the One Hundreih Precinct Station
House. Fhk had just alighted from his
carriage and entered the hotel, when ho
was shot.
Later. Many friends and acquaint
ances of Fisk are at the hotel ; Wm. M.
Tweed and J. Gould ae among the
number. Fisk is calm and collected, and
able to convers". About G o'clock the
coroner heard his statement. About
half past nine he was engaged with his
Lawyer, P. D. Field, in making-his will.
The doctors arc unable to state whether
the bullet has penetrated an intestine,
consequently there seems to bo hope
that the wound may not prove fatal.
Mr. Fi-k's ftat?meat to the coroner is
Y 11
lOI w
to the effect that he had come to the be
tel, made inquiries a.s to whether Mi.-s
Moore was in, and being answered in
tho amrmative proceeded up stairs, lie
had no suspicion that any one intended
to barm him; when about on tbe first
landing be tr.w a flash end felt some
thing strike him on the abdomen. Re
fore fabitig he recognized Stokes as his
KC-i!.)iit llofliil Tinf. nir:i:n Ma Htok(3
until he was broneht before him to iden
......... - -
tify him.
cf the boys in !
rumored that Stokes has engaged John
I Graham as counsel. The bullet pene
trated about two inches aLove the naval
nd pa-ised dawn towards tbe right. The
doctors are of opinion that the intestines
are uninjured, xhreats of lynching were
freely expressed agr.icst Stokes.
2 P. M. Fisk is sleeping soundly. Tbe
ball has beon found, but not etr.v:.'ed.
The surgeons fed confident he will live
through the eight, and think favorably
of his ultimate recovery.
The Assassination of Jim ria. Jr.
The IrtKt ISo:;rn of t XotcU Sinn
'Cite SZnrtlerer Claims to glare
Bone I lie Reed TT!!e la a I'rcailfiS
New York, January 7.
A few minutes before eleven o'clock
this mcrniug, James Fisk, Jr. expired.
All that unremitting medical ski'l and
attention could do had been done, but to
no avail.
Jay Gould was ia attendance from an
early honr this morning. His face vora,
while there yet was hope that his friend
might recover, its usual calm expression.
No sooner had Fisk expired, however,
than Gould's fortitude gavo wsy, and
bis grief found vent in tear?.
At half-past six Colonel Fisk said
something in a brckcji tone, mid
closed his eyes. The change in hi, face
had become more apparent, and the pal
or was more deathlike, and moisture ap
peared on the forehead; the pulse was
over one hundred, and the doctors stood
by the bedside watchiog the patient t
tcntively. At a quarter past seven Mrs. Fisk r r
rived. She was admitted firt into tho
ante-room, and soon afterwards into the
bedroom. Mrs. Fisk was terribly a rota
ted at the bedside of her husband.
Tbis scene was tho most heartrending
that bad yet taken place, and these pres
ent could not suppress their emotion.
The doctors were appealed to by the
wife to give some little hope, but they
gently indicated that they dare not ssy
there was any chance of life. Fisk was
not much moved at moments when ho
was cognizant cf his surroundings, but
seemed never deserted by the coolness
and fortitude which he displayed when
first shot. At eight o'clock there was
little change. At half-past eight llie
doctors consulted, and at nine o'clock
tho suppressed excitement about his bed
was almost too intense to hear. At half
past nine bis friends were permitted to
go to his bedside, and he thanked them
for coming. After this the rapidity of
.decline showed itself more strong'y than
ever before. At ten o clock tnera was
enger, suppressed whispering, as it was
t.-Id ia every ear that tbe end was surely
drawing nigh. At half past ten belay
scarcely knowing that there were aoy
minLtcring to him. lie turned bis face
to the wail, noticed no one, and ceosed
to breathe at a quarter of eleven. The
body will be conveyed from bis late resi
dence, No. 313 west 23d street, to tbe
New Haven depot, at two o'clock, on
Monday afternoon. The funeral will
take place at Brattleboro, Vermont, on
Tuesday, at one o'clock p. m. Tho
brigade to which the Ninth regiment is
attached, has been ordered cut to escort
the remains to the depot to morrow, 'ho
Niuth acting as special funeral escort.
Tbe officers of the brigade will wear the
usual badge of mourning for thirty day.
New York, January 9.
Stokes continues at the Toombs, ap
parently cool and collected.
The Congressional committee contin
ues in session to day iu tha hotel. n
illustrated paper took sketches of the
members. In-day they received a tele
gram from Washington notifying them
of a resolution passing the Senate au
thorizing them to sit .during the session.
The steamer Weser, from Bremen,
has been quarantined, small-pox being
aboard. j
In tho Senate Custom House Investi- i
gating Committee to-day, Senator Cas
soily requested that Col. Arthur forward
a list of appointments d removals
promised last week and not sent. Seve
rn I employees of tho United S-.tes
weighers testified to the practice of the
hltcr taktH'' Er.!:.-' weights instead cf
re weighing carcoes as it was their duiv
to do. One witness explained that Eng
lish wsights cn paeka
;s were always
, wchrhed it, ere.
much ie?s than puc
Mi-: Callahan testilied that cno cf tho
weighers always fivcred morcbanta with
sixteen pounds out of every feisty-four,
thus defrauding tho government one
quarter. Tho witness also testified to
various other irregularities, ti the fact
that employees were ail regularly assessed
eo much a week Ly certain ofSciah
r.nd to a number of since
sta alw
lying around the office.
The Fisk inquest wao resumed this af
ternoon. Tho porter cf tho Grand Central Ho
tel testified to picking cp the bullet,
which Capt. Byrne, of the police, iden
tied, as he did also the pistol found on
the sofa near tho staircase. Two barrels
were discharged.
Dr. trioler testified to the character of
the wounds of Fisk, that the one in tho
abdomen was neeessaiily fatal.
Dr. Marsh read the iesu!t of the r,ost
mortem examination and produced the
ball. lie also thought tho wound nec
essarily fatal.
Counsellor Graham protested that it
was a burlesque of jusiico to give tbe
case to the jury, without allowing it to
be proved that Fisk was armed and was
as well prepared to take Ufa a3 Stokes,
but the coroner declined lo taka any ex
ception and left the case to the jury.
Tbe jury wSs relieved at five o'clock, and
at 7:50 submitted their verdict, which
rdl signed, "That Fisk came to his death
in consequence of a wound or wounds,
infiicted by a ball or balls from a pistol
in the hands cf Edward S. Stokes, dis
charged by him in a deliberate manner
at the person of said -is at the Grand j
Central Hotel.
Mis3 MansSeld's house is clo3oly
guarded by officeis, under orders of tho
Coroner, to prevent her leaving it with
out his special permission.
Mayor Hall publicly announced to-day
that private affairs will p: event him at
tending to the duties of the oiiiee cf
Mayor during at leafc a week. Gen.
dohn Cochrane, he says, will act as
Mayor until his notification can be re
voked. This step is regarded as pre
i minary to Hall's sotaal resigns tioa.
Tho evidence'
lilts !i:uiwuv diiiujijiisivu ti.e i ,-. u. .
I n . ' t 1 . 1 . - ? 1 1 ' '-." u
or tue wounaea ma i, ana u.a j-.itj n-mi- '0!k (uic t; l?,o. w.h ; seller April,
ered a veroict that bisi hau conie to Ius Hogs Receij-ts 4 000 ; market quiet at t tic hands oi toward b. -,Tc-kcr at 4 00.4 m
toes. lielien nis torroor partner. as j Cattle Active at 2 O0,5 00.
tnotte wno visuei ni:n. it is i .,... . - , ..,.,.
NO- 41
31. Lntiim Produce ZXarlcrt.
St. Louis. January 0.
Fio"r Firm; f dl super, 85 50(5 60;
X, i'5 75C 6 10; XX 25 0 GO.
Wheat Stn-ng and higher; . No. 2
spring $1 o2; No. o red fall, 6 1 52.
Corn Slow; mixed, tr-e'e, 4I(f.4lC;
prim? wbife, sacked, 50'"f)7c.
Oo;its Dull; No. 2 elevator," SOc.;
mixed, sacked, -'-to.
Rariey Steady: Iowa ?nrinr. 65.
Rye Higher and wanteJ ; No. 2 ele-
t'Dlcno Jrc.cee Ssnrfcef.
Chi:;.'0, January 9.
Flour Quiet, steady and unchanged.
Whaut Moderately r.c!ira, but unset
tled end irregular; No, 2 sold early be
fore tbe regular meeting of the Hoard;
opened on 'Change at $1 241 ; declined
tol 23 j ; closed $ 1 24 cash or Janua
ry; seller last half January closed nt
$1 2Si; February sold Si 24 1 26..
closed $1 25; No. 1 nomit.a'; No. 31irm
at 1 13(i; 1 13 ; rejected, sold $1 04J.
Corn Act've, firm and higher; No. 2
fold, 41J(.4l2 cash, closing at outride;
seller February closed at 41 0j.42e ; May
4i;V'4Cl: rejected, steady at 3K 3S5.
Oats Quiet and Kteady: No. 2 32(
closing, 32f bid.
Rve Quiet and firm : sale?, 6 cirs ;
there is no difference in the price of No.
i urt
Rariey Dull and lower, with frca
sellers and no buyers at a decline ;,No. 2
told Cf.vly f t C5, but declined to C4,
closed dull. Hogs Acfivo and firm ; $5 00
for odd lots ur;d lijtht weights; $5 95
tor he:vy.
I-'roLu civ: Froiaont Tribune.
Kcnnlcr 'f ipfori.
This Senator has been doing again
that which he has so often done before
making himself ridiculous- Puffed up by
the honors that bol ter men conferred on
him, his v.nity is iunnin;! away with
him. 'i he Senator is not content with
exposing his own weakness ami corrup
tion, but must needs try to make the
Republican pnrty carry the load. In a
recent discu-sion in the Senate tbis gen
tlemm cn the adaption cf a -resolution
for un investigating comuiittce, this
Senator bitterly assailed the administra
tion and spoke as follows :
(Here follows tbe same extract thai
appeared in the Herald last week.)
Mark, thit the Senator says the whole
sale tut nm? out 'irtJ to be done, no mat
ter whether the olucidls were hone-t or
dirhoneit, or whether tbe appointees
were competent cr incompetent, Senator
Tipton's friends must be provided for.
To :u:vi it up, he sdits that i o lent
biai.-fdf as a tool to de igning men, who
by placing himself in a Senator's seat
secured soft fcoats for themselves. The
height cf impudence is reached when he
says "it was necessary under the system
of part' caucuses and party appliances."
That a few men of more ability than
honesty succeeded in hoodwinking our
parson-politician into the belief that it
was "necessary" the facts prove, but wo
deny that the Hrpuli'cun part! ever de
manded such foolish conduct at his
bands. If Senator Tipton bought his re
election by promises of appointments it
is to bis discredit, and the regret of Re
publicans that his character was not bet
ter known to them, that they might have
defeated so unworthy and unscrupulous
a politician as be admits himself to be.
Because tho Senator fails to make the
distinction bctw cn a few oiiiee seek era
and a great party, we fail to see where
the partj' must bear tbe odium of bia That the party made
a mistake in bis elevation is proven by
I".'- own statf mcnt but we can assure
tha gentleman the mistake- is bitterly ro
per.tnd of and k.0'.v tbat the like will
never occur ags in.
The Republican paityaks that honest
men be appointed to o&c-e, tbat dishon
est men bo kept out this :-a'.l. The
Senator changed the order thus: Tip
ten's friends runft ba kept in ol.e no j
matter their character aud the
Republican party must vouch for them.
We are glad to pee the Senator is re
penting the error of his way, and al
though his potty hatred will not allow
him to make an honest open statement,
still the admission he has done wronj
will be gratifying evidence tbat a change
can be hoped for. We congratulate Re
publicans that the Senator stiil has the
judgment to approve if he has not the
manhood to practice true Republican
("B;;5tni Z.caned f.t Sjjiu'I Z (crest.
1'p. Post : Tf A. T. Stewart, or II.
B. Ciahliu the princo merchants of
.New York were to tay to young men o
well known integrity and fair business
capacity, just commencing in life, "I
will furnish you a business out-fit, a
stock-in-trade, on ten years credit, at
oiJysijcper c'nt. interest the interest
only to ho paid the first two years, and
then only one-ninth of the principal
yearly thereafter tid ail was paid," it
would bo trumpeted through tbe press
tho wide, world over, as a most benevo
lent and generous proposition. But
when the Burlington and Missouri River
Railroad Company iu Nebraska; virtu
ally pnt the price of a good funri 'mu
every man's hand, who will pledge him
eelf to occupy and cultivate ir, charging
only six per cent, interest for the capi
tal thus loaned, and aki!Jg the interest
tidy for tbe first two years and then only
one-ninth cf the principal annually till
all is paid, the jourrais of the country
want-from ten to fifty cents a line for
giving publicity to tho fact !
The truth is, Mr. Editor, tbe terms on
which the B. & M. Co. are selbng their
very rerasrkaole. iney v;r-
tually loan capital at tbis small into est
to every man wno wes to go into su
agricultural business, or who wishes to go
into stock raiding, of who would secure
bind for establishing himself ia the nur
sery business. To tha latter class they
say' "Wo will give the use of the land
for Gvo yeara (br tho annual interest on
its value ; then you may begiu to pay
the principal at the rate of twenty per
cent, per year."
It is oa-yj of demonstration, that a
uiaa of moderate mean.?, who can not
raise more than one thouiand dollars to
biart with, bad hotter pay the B. fc 31.
l I-,, A. - . .. 1 1
yeara c,cj;t at only .,x per cent, interest
i. cc- co an acie lor lauu on ten
than purchase government land at $2.50
per acre ; and that ho had far Letter
purchase railroad lands at $10 per acre
oa ten years credit at six per cent, inte
rest, than buy school !and3 at 7 per
acri, paying one-fourth cash down, and
tea prr cent, interest annually on the bal
ance for ten years. Let any one make
tho ncures for himself and he will see
that tho showing is decidedly in favor of
the railroad lands. Yours ti-uVy,
1. E. J.
SVt.T Co. JUt.
-C-.- corner -loin and FfoO(tcrl
ICrtMS : VxUyHQ.V). per annaii. or Jl.
jit !ionfk.
Jfcr Salt
The r.rnnpriv hloiir:nif in I). Mr.lllrtt will Irli
told oi rented on rrrtynntiMa trimi. llio luu4
contains 0 romns. There is also n l:ir;;o :itrtr
wi'.h ilittcr, a tl!ar. BtaMe. nu J other cmivt u
kme. Appiy to X. M. MAlKt'E'lT.
jroftssicnal Carts.
M"ofo3iural gcrTioes to tho cilUen oft iou'
tr. KesiileufCfouthe jftcorutrof Oak alix.ib
ireetji; ofiir'S on Mroet, on rfu'-r wtl
of Lymau Lumber Y urJ i'lultsmoutti. Neb.
llnrquett. Smith & Starbirtl.
ATTonyers Ar Law,
J-Pra.-tica iu all tho courts of tha ;ie"
Cicoiii) nt toniion fc'ivec to collcvticm -ui nst
. trrsol 1'robutn
0;e over the Post OS.'o Platt-uoutti. XeV
mS.VFEI.1. U?I A ft'.
Chancery, l'luilvinoutli, Nebrnttkn. V0sc
i'iWernlJ'a Biock, aprl. "
D. H. WEKKLER. L. I. BKMI h tt
I. II. Vi'ISKFI.n, .,
Re&l -vtate ori'l Tux raying ApenM, Noti r!
Public, Fire and Lite Iuiturauce ge, I'jutU
couth. Xttbraska. leUtl
i. c. vox. d. h.
.ATTORNEYS AT LA W. Ppecinl attentic.
given to probate hufinegg nnl luti'l title tmh.;.i
titlico in the "iisumt lilock, Maia Street.
Ptf.ttsmocth. Xebiit'i.
IliTOX iiuns.,
to Jo work in Rood tlyle, on Mwrt notie .nr.d
ui cheap as the cheapen. " Shop, corner of
Miiiu mi.! r'onrU; ttreeU. uaiititf
j. n v,e.s, iw.
rilYSrciAN AND SUKOEON. Lite a Sur-
feon-in-Cliicr of the A nay of tho l'ot juian.
'lattsmouth, Nchr:ifka. OtTivo nt O. V. John
son's Oriictoro Main flrect, opponit.i Clink Si
PluaimerM. Private resiih i.eecoi acrol'ttouk ar;4
C. II EISU Impropriator, ff.-ivtnj: reeT,tly !
repoircl an.l UHi ij thorouah 1 Ktin ui or.l r
loy.tiOfl l!J stills n( want - l imiii:iiUO-.t t
r which tbo oixtie.t m.-irkct iri-e vriil le pn a
v rk :n hi- I'no cn vhrt notice nid in ths !,
.'i. 0'itr jets for Imil Jinj mu le in r'.j,on4
I J'.er Shop nue block south o.rP:ite YiU-
General I:inrnnee n?etit. on-I Notary T-M to,
I.;fo, Eiro nn.J .Marine I ii.-iii:im-. nt reion
able r ites in the inoi euo.-'.iiolir.i C'nriip.-'.ni-? in
!' I i)itl .-listen. ii:i'-e front room over fo
Of:co Hith T. M. Miiriiit!l.
iM:iltjiiiuih, XebruMlt.i. Apr'il 5i.h. dlw.
Main Street, Between 5lh and 6th. St
BREED & FALL AN - - Proprieton?.'
Just op3DPd to th? publi-, for botri day anrt
week bounlers. Table!) set Willi Iho beat toe
market atibriis. AcuouioiiuMurirf second to no
intliocLtyj l,nltd4wtf
K. II. KC!IL'TT. Proprietor.
Corner Main and Fourth Streets, PlatUmontb.
U. B. REtSK. (,co. K. DKAPrR.-
50mieon Main fc treat. Opposite Erook
Sff nioA (tUention given to collcclisn ofelaims
jaiii daw
Phelns Paine
Represents some of the moit roliabla Cotupsi
. ie in ihe United Suice.
Oflice witu Earnes Pollock in!dfi,
Watehe. CioeksanJ Jewelry rcrairod neat!
Dd with diaputeh.
.,,-?omolred to PPf''t Platta Valley Uona
M"'Str t. - ,(( m f,
WouM reppcotrti!!7 inform the citixens &
Pl.-.ttsmoolh anil vicinity that liohad opened
DicptDsary. ot Omaha. Ncbru.'ka, where pi;
t:oijt.i cin pet rePal io trealiuentl'ur atl doa
Particular attention pi-i to
All Disrate of the Lung.
As 'lima, Erotci'itiR, Cunsnmption, Frapttoi
Oravel. i.-aly.-is. Lofs of oiee, Wni:eiu;
Fever, fcor?3. Kheuintisrn, C'oi're,
Neuralgia, 'fu-Bwrj. Ii-rrho-:a,
Drof.y. C
tarrh. '.'ol
f ct
Hand. JJit
li'jn:iins, Diseftned
Kidni!", Lrjviiitl;i, Ner
TfiUS Dei're.iion. Dj f ;iepi.. 0
tivenc, .Liver ZftuiUnut. '"nir.ii
YTecknut ut-, ail l'riv.-ito Ui.-ea.-?r., i'iiiliii(r oi is.
"tVotob i-ii I all i'''-iii:ilo coiiirjln'mt-. I'oarf Jl
esse. Swollen Joint. Couch, Gout, WbUo
SwciliM-s, St.. itus DaneoAe.
The Doctor ii penn.iTiectly located and will
pay particular attention.
Oli'tlriml Surgery,
and atl oppression jind Ii'rrguUiitie.f. and ali
other deaMs p'-:u! to vuik!'u. i'wior. wLn
have been undo: trtntu'eiit ol other pr.y$iria:i
and have no; ooon imicJ, are invited to a!l .J
I cure all privato discaffas n; mat. or of ho r
long standi. ;b, and cure s
Guvrnntetd or AO PA Y.-
Cill cntl sea the Doctor vrrlioot dctny. I7i5
ehir:eit arc modcrstte mid con u!lnt;om Ir.!.
AM i-!iiiniui!icaii(n strictly Contidef in I. V.r,
PCiiMiy nuii eou-uitati'.ii ro"in Un. u-i'i Ftrasd
street, rorner F;ir?eeTitii. OCi-c hour.t Ii ru i
m.. to 9 p tn. 1. O. No. urra Viaw.
Plutismoiilh, Nebraska.
I am prepared to acromraodnte tne puidi w
Ilnr4' ( nrri.M l'.n.t..d V.. I
. V. Udlt., .IIU i, ...v. a v .
on Fiioi t uoticc atid rf;asonati!e lerin. A li.i' S
will run tolt he. -team boat lauding, and to aJlptr
ottheeily when le:re'J.
Janoary 1. li'l .iwtf.
VLL per.'oni indebfd to ns. cither b'r.cfe
or book ncctiunt. nra notil.wj that 8"'
inent must be made by tSc first dav of Jam- i"V
next, or we wrl b eo-npclla I to place tbe tuie
iu the hands of the rrorcr trTicer t..r eollei i ,t
OewnW Aare kiur. and our friends wii
please make a note of this, ntm Knvr tbetn
ft vca aceordiBtriy. V i.r.MlT Si Ilcr-.!;